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Translation of "agreement based on mutual concessions" into French. Agreement on mutual concessions How much of a conflict person are you?

Often compromise is the only way to resolve disagreements. Such an intermediate solution reconciles the warring parties, with each participant in the dispute receiving something valuable in exchange for concessions on their part. Mutual concessions become a tool in resolving not only personal disputes, but also disagreements in business, civil and industrial relations.

The agreements reached are sealed by a special agreement - an agreement on mutual concessions. The form of such an agreement is arbitrary, but the text must contain:

  • Information about the parties to the agreement.
  • Benefits for each side.
  • Concessions that the parties to the dispute are willing to make.

If necessary, confirmation of the parties' intentions to comply with the obligations is attached to the agreement. Evidence may include documents confirming the fact of the action specified in the agreement as a concession.

In essence, an agreement on mutual concessions is a transaction, the most common version of which is a settlement agreement.

Settlement agreement as an agreement on mutual concessions

By entering into a settlement agreement, the parties agree to terminate the litigation. Those disputing on the basis of mutual concessions can resolve differences peacefully and achieve certainty in relations.

When preparing a case for trial, the arbitration court invites the parties to reach a mutually beneficial solution on terms acceptable to the parties. Settlement agreements are practiced only in claims proceedings.

The agreement must be drawn up in writing, signed by the parties and approved by the arbitration court. The task of the court is to verify that the agreements comply with the requirements of the law. If mutual concessions of the parties violate the rights of other persons, the court is obliged to refuse the settlement agreement.

2. Tactics. in which former rivals, as a result of certain efforts, begin to achieve their goals together (14 letters)3. Agreement based

mutual concessions (5 letters)4. A third party that helps resolve the conflict (9 letters)5. Tactics of behavior. in which one of the parties tries in every possible way to escape, not to notice the conflict (9 letters)6. Application physical strength or psychological pressure to achieve one’s goals (7 letters)7. Communication between parties to achieve their goals, in which each party has equal opportunities to control the situation and make decisions (10 letters)8. A state of mental discomfort caused by conflict (6 letters)9. Confrontation, opposition, clash social systems, different interests, beliefs (12 letters)11. Experience caused by misunderstanding or injustice (5 letters)14. Continuation of conflict confrontation, its transition to a new level (9 letters)15. Damage incurred, losses, loss of money or property, unexpected expenses or lost profits (5 letters)16. A document in which the parties to the conflict record their relations (7 letters)17. A difficult situation that seems insoluble at first glance (6 letters) 18. One of the phases of the conflict, its final stage (9 letters).

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Vertical: 1. Verbal clash of different opinions. 2. Tactics in which former rivals, as a result of certain efforts, begin to achieve their goals together. 3. Agreement based on mutual concessions. 4. A third party who helps resolve the conflict. 5. Behavioral tactics in which one of the parties tries in every possible way to escape and not notice the conflict. 6. The use of physical force or psychological pressure to achieve one's goals in a conflict. 7. Communication between the parties to achieve their goals, in which each party has equal opportunities to control the situation and make decisions. 8. A state of mental discomfort caused by conflict.
Horizontally: 9. Confrontation, opposition, clash of social systems, different interests, beliefs. 10. Synonym for conflict. 11. Experience caused by misunderstanding or injustice.
12. A person’s primary focus is on satisfying his own interests and needs without taking into account the consequences this will have for other people.
13. Passion for something. 14. Continuation of the conflict confrontation, its transition to a new level.
15. Damage, losses, loss of money or property, unexpected expenses or lost profits.
16. A document in which the parties to the conflict record their relations. 17. A difficult situation that seems insoluble at first glance. 18. One of the phases of the conflict, its final stage.

2. Tactics. in which former rivals, as a result of certain efforts, begin to achieve their goals together (14 letters)

3. Agreement based on mutual concessions (5 letters)
4. A third party that helps resolve the conflict (9 letters)
5. Behavioral tactics. in which one of the parties tries in every possible way to leave, not to notice the conflict (9 letters)
6. Using physical force or psychological pressure to achieve your goals (7 letters)
7. Communication between the parties to achieve their goals, in which each party has equal opportunities to control the situation and make decisions (10 letters)
8. State of mental discomfort caused by conflict (6 letters)
9. Confrontation, opposition, clash of social systems, different interests, beliefs (12 letters)
11. Experience caused by misunderstanding or injustice (5 letters)
14. Continuation of the conflict confrontation, its transition to a new level (9 letters)
15. Damage incurred, losses, loss of money or property, unexpected expenses or lost profits (5 letters)
16. A document in which the parties to the conflict record their relations (7 letters)
17. A difficult situation that seems insoluble at first glance (6 letters)
18. One of the phases of the conflict, its final stage (9 letters).



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Translation of "agreement based on mutual concessions" in French

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It was noted that creating effective partnerships takes time and clear agreements based on mutual trust, as well as jointly agreed goals, objectives, roles and responsibilities, the partnership must also reflect the interests of the relevant population groups.

Il a été noté que, pour être efficaces, les partenariats requéraient du temps et des accords clairs fondés sur une confiance reciproque et des buts, objectifs, rôles et responsabilités définis conjointement, outre qu"ils devaient refléter la volonté de leurs membres respectifs.

Accords clairs fondés sur une confiance reciproque et des buts, objectifs, rôles et responsabilités définis conjointement, outre qu"ils devaient refléter la volonté de leurs membres respectifs.">

The parties undertake to make all necessary efforts to resolve any dispute arising in connection with this Agreement, based on mutual consent.

Accord portant creation du Fonds d"affectation speciale par accord mutuel.">

In accordance with the domestic legislation of the Republic of Slovenia, the execution of a sentence passed by a foreign court is possible only if it is provided for by the relevant international agreement, or on a reciprocal basis.

Un accord international le prévoit, ou s"il y a réciprocité.">

Moreover, in constructively considering the proposal, the Council could not miss the opportunity that presented itself to the parties in relation to the acceptance of a commitment .

En approuvant cette proposition, le Conseil de sécurité n"a pas laissé passer l"occasion ainsi offerte aux parties de parvenir enfin à un engagement fondé sur un accord mutuel .

Fondé sur un accord mutuel.">

For these purposes, Malaysia and Indonesia based mutual agreement between two states decided to submit a territorial dispute to the Court for a judicial decision.

À cette fin, la Malaisie, en accord mutuel avec l"Indonésie, a décidé de soumettre le différend territorial qui les oppose à l"arbitrage de la Cour.

En accord mutuel avec l"Indonésie, a décidé de soumettre le différend territorial qui les against à l"arbitrage de la Cour.">

Consequently, the relevant states will agree on the practical implementation of measures arising from these principles , and given the residual nature of the principles in question, specific compensation arrangements will take precedence over them.

C"est aux États concernés qu"il appartient donc d"adopter par accord mutuel les mesures pratiques de mise en œuvre découlant de ces principes, les accords spécifiques d"indemnisation conclus entre eux ayant la priorité sur les principes, conformément au caractère supplétif de ces derniers.

Par accord mutuel les mesures pratiques de mise en œuvre découlant de ces principes, les accords spécifiques d "indemnisation conclus entre eux ayant la priorité sur les principes, conformément au caractère supplétif de ces derniers.">

The General Assembly can decide on the need for technology transfer, but technology can only be transferred based on mutual agreements, establishing the conditions for such transfer.

Les transferts de technologies ne peuvent être prescrits par l "Assemblée générale, mais doivent s"effectuer dans le cadre d"accords mutuels définissant les termes de ces transferts.

Dans le cadre d"accords mutuels définissant les termes de ces transferts.">

3.2.1 If two or more administrations or two or more competent authorities are jointly interested in establishing a VTS in a particular area, they should develop based on mutual agreement a vessel traffic service operating in a coordinated manner.

3.2.1 Lorsque deux administrations ou autorités compétentes ou davantage ont un intérêt commun à créer un VTS dans une zone particulière, elles devraient mettre en place un service de trafic fluvial coordonné sur la base d"un accord entre elles .

Sur la base d"un accord entre elles.">

Only based on mutual and full recognition of these conflicting legitimate factors in the region, as well as strengthening existing agreements we can stop the indiscriminate destructive violence and move forward.

Ce n"est qu" en reconnaissant de façon mutuelle et globale les légitimités en conflit dans la région et en consolidant les accords existants que nous pourrons mettre fin à la violence destructrice et aveugle, et trouver une solution.

En reconnaissant de façon mutuelle et globale les légitimités en conflit dans la région et en consolidant les accords existants que nous pourrons mettre fin à la violence destructrice et aveugle, et trouver une solution.">

Expected that agreements about assistance between states or competent international organizations and interested states will be built mutually based agreed terms and conditions.

Dispositifs d "assistance entre les États ou organizations internationales compétentes et les États concernés devraient en principe reposer sur des conditions conclues d"un commun accord.">

In that agreement also contained a statement by the two countries of their determination to strengthen and consolidate their relations based on mutual respect for each other's sovereignty and independence.

Accord a également annoncé que les deux pays étaient déterminés à renforcer et consolidator leurs relations sur la base due respect mutuel de leur souveraineté et de leur indépendance.">

IN agreements about cultural ties are consolidated general principles cooperation, and their implementation takes place within the framework of cultural exchange programs that are developed based on mutual agreements.

Accords fixent les grands principes de la coopération et sont mis en œuvre par le biais de programs d"échanges culturels, conçus sur la base du consentement mutuel.">

The third area involves developing a comprehensive operational response based on mutual consultations.

Grace à des consultations mutuelles.">

We agree that the Comprehensive agreement the ceasefire is basis to find a lasting solution until the parties can overcome the suspicions that have arisen between them and begin dialogue based on mutual trust and compliance with their obligations.

L "accord de cessez-le-feu constitue la base d"une solution durable, pourvu que les parties arrivent à surmonter leur suspicion et établissent un dialogue fondé sur la confiance mutuelle et le respect des engagements pris.">

Ensuring the implementation of the country's international relations policy based on mutual interests and equality of countries, as well as compliance with international agreements interests of Ethiopia.

Fondées sur des interiors mutuels et l"égalité des Etats, et que les accords internationaux promeuvent les intérêts de l"Ethiopie.">