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Useful skills in the modern world. The most useful skills in the life of every person What skills are needed in life

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Founder and Director of "Youth Consulting", who has worked with Coca-Cola, Pepsico and Microsoft, and Chief Editor blog about personal growth "Zero To Skill" Zdravko Cvijetic wrote an article where he highlighted key skills that each of us should acquire the sooner, the better. We translated the material and selected key points, maintaining the unusual author's style.

Super Mario. A little mustachioed plumber, without whom my childhood would not have been so happy. I was ready to spend hours helping this kind fellow save the princess from a group of bad guys. If you also played Mario, then, of course, you couldn’t help but notice how difficult it was to move from level to level without a sufficient number of mushrooms - those that helped you grow bigger and endowed the hero with useful skills like throwing fireballs. So, our life is like a game. Playing Mario the Plumber. In life you are Mario. And you need to find your “mushrooms” that will help you grow, improve, move from level to level, develop as a person and as a professional. When I ask my readers to name the reason that prevents them from learning new skills, I get many different answers. One of them especially shows well what perhaps each of us goes through: “There is too much to study around. There is too much choice... And time is limited.” This thought prompted me to create this article. Communicating with people and analyzing own experience, I did some research and this is what came up. 15 valuable skills that will help you step up to the next level personal development. You need to start developing these skills as early as possible.

1. Finding your own philosophy

The internal compass tells us whether everything is going according to plan or whether something has gone wrong. But it’s not enough to feel it - you need to soberly assess the situation in accordance with your own value system. To define this value system, ask yourself: “What do I value in _______ (work, relationships, friendships, life, etc.)?” The listed set will be your system of value coordinates. Then ask yourself, “What good and bad do I see in this world?” Once you focus on the positive, “Oh crap, it’s Monday again...” will miraculously turn into “Oh yeah, it’s Monday!” Shall we begin? Do you feel the difference?

2. Finding your calling

No, I don’t think that we all came to this earth with some great purpose. But I am sure that life gives us the opportunity to find out what we are strong at and what we like to do. Your calling is your talents (what are you particularly good at?), your passion (what do you really love to do?), and the opportunities around you. Look around - and you will definitely find what you are looking for.

3. Setting goals

In 1979, at a lecture in the Harvard MBA program, students were asked the question: “Do you have clearly defined goals for the future and plans to achieve them?” Only 3% of students responded that they had written goals and plans. Another 13% admitted that they have goals, but not in written form. The vast majority, 84%, had no clear goals at all. Ten years later, the graduates were brought together again. They were asked how much they earned, and the incredible thing was revealed. The 13% of graduates who had goals earned, on average, twice as much as the 84% who did not have goals. And the 3% whose goals were clearly stated ten years ago earned ten times more than the other 97% combined! Targets work like a camera lens. If you focus correctly, you will get a clear picture. If the focus is not achieved, the image will be blurry.

4. Visualization

Setting goals is something you can do consciously. Your brain is great at generating ideas and thinking about them, but it is powerless when it comes to putting them into action because it is constantly distracted by various external events. The subconscious mind works differently: it is able to see the full picture. When the conscious and unconscious go hand in hand, they help you achieve your goals. Visualization works best immediately after waking up and a few minutes before sleep. By imagining the smallest details, sensations and emotions as if you had already achieved your goal, you force yourself to believe that achieving the goal is, in principle, possible. But be careful! This is not the law of attraction, which says that all you have to do is imagine a Ferrari, and the next day a brand new car will be waiting for you outside your window. It doesn't work that way. Visualization is only one side of the coin. Hard work and dedication are the other side of it.

5. Formation of habits

By habits we often mean something negative, so I prefer to call good habits personal rituals. When I think about how I HAVE to go to the gym, it's hard for me. But when I think about the fact that I am a healthy person, and going to the gym is an important part of anyone’s life healthy person, it gets easier. Try it!

6. Healthy lifestyle

Everyone wants to be healthy. Right? For me, for example, the goal is not just to be healthy, but also to have enough energy. Plus look good.

Example. I played football for 11 years and then gave it up. My weight went from 65 to 86 kilograms in less than 9 months. I became fat. For anyone who once boasted great abs, this is frustrating. So I decided to do two things:

  • find a suitable diet that would help me return to a normal weight, and stick to it;
  • In addition to nutrition, exercise regularly.

It took me about a couple of years to find a suitable diet and sports activities to my liking. But now I am happy with my body, healthy and energetic during the day.

7. The art of learning

I'm sure this is one of the key skills on the list. Everything we are and everything we have achieved is made possible by our ability to learn. People who have reached heights are just people who can quickly and effectively learn new skills and apply them where needed.

8. Search and filter information

We are all overloaded with information. Wherever you go, you will encounter streams of information that will constantly distract you from your goals. Spend your time online wisely.

9. Time management and productivity

I constantly think about time, because it is the only resource that we will never renew. Where can I get more time? Optimize your sleep time. Perhaps to feel healthy, instead of the standard nine hours, seven or eight are enough for you. Check it out! How to use time more efficiently?

  • Make good use of your so-called “dead” time (at the computer or in front of the TV).
  • Focus on high-impact activities (remember the 80/20 rule: 20% of tasks produce 80% of results).
  • Focus on what will help you grow (reading, talking to inspiring people, working on goals).​

10. The art of meditation

We constantly work, interact with people, and spend a fair amount of time on the Internet. Sometimes you need to stop, relax and enjoy time spent alone with yourself. There are no rules here. Meditate in a way that suits you. Two minutes, fifteen minutes, sitting, lying down, thinking or, conversely, getting away from thoughts... Find what suits you and constantly practice it.

11. Postings with pleasure

You don't have to become a writer. Just start a tradition of writing down your thoughts on paper. Many incredible ideas are just waiting to be brought to life through ink.

12. Public speaking

This is perhaps one of the most useful skills that I have been able to acquire and develop. Again, you don't need to be a professional speaker. But it’s worth learning to express your ideas. There are a lot of techniques and tips, but there is Golden Rule: “People don’t know what you’re going to talk about.” So go ahead! Tell a story or share an idea. Both can change someone's life.

13. The ability to say NO

Sometimes we need to say NO. Look at this situation from an unusual angle: “You don't say NO to others. You say YES to yourself and what is important to you.” Of the two options, always try to choose what you love.

14. How to create your own brand

Personal growth is one of the main goals in my life. It’s curious: everything I did was somehow related to this topic. My degree in Adult Education, my work at Mindvalley Academy as a Director of Learning, and starting a blog (Zero to Skill) are all about helping people learn faster and gain useful skills. People often talk about me like I'm obsessed with learning. This once again shows how values ​​(in this case, personal growth) can influence your life and show the way. To create your brand, you will need very little: just develop your strengths and set them free to swim.

15. How to manage personal finances

Everything is simple here. Rule #1: Spend less than you earn.
Rule #2: Find an additional source of income (passive if possible).
Rule #3: Invest in assets (things that generate income).

And finally

It turned out a lot. And if you're still reading this, congratulations! Growth is not empty words for you.
You might be wondering: where to start?
Select one of the items and get started. Some things will take a few hours, some things will take much longer. But remember that mastering at least one of these skills will help you step up to a new level and bring impressive results in every area of ​​your life.

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In every second resume, applicants write how creative and ambitious they are and how much they want to work only for the benefit of the company. Half of these skills are added for ballast, but among the standard skills there are some that are useful to everyone.

We already have a lot of copywriters, journalists and writers, so why do you need one if your work with texts has nothing to do with it? Hint: 36% of employers, according to the portal, refuse an interview and do not even consider a resume if the cover letter was written with errors. That is, they won’t even invite you if they see that you described your “functionality.”

The inability to connect two words can become a wall on the path to promotion. A novice engineer can work only with hardware for several years. But the job of a manager, for example, is not so much in development as in management. This means you need to write letters, memos, assignments, reports... and devote all your energy to studying native language to keep a new position and salary.

Expressing thoughts verbally goes hand in hand with the previous rating point. Moreover, speaking skills help not only in work. If your job requires you to make presentations or conduct meetings, then - required condition work. And if you sit in silence in an office or laboratory, the ability to talk allows you to adapt to the workplace faster. Gloomy silent people are loved only by other gloomy silent people, and even then not very much.

To show that you can talk, you don't need to speak in poetry or constantly chat. The rules for good oral communication are different:

  • Smile.
  • The ability to listen to the interlocutor and not interrupt.
  • Calling by name.
  • Simple and succinct answers to the questions asked.
  • Ability to present facts consistently and logically.

Actually, that's all. And don't try to make jokes if you've never tried yourself as a comedian before.

It seems that this is an innate character trait. It either exists or it doesn’t. But in fact, it can be pumped up.

You need it more than the employer, because without a healthy dose of confidence you can’t build a career. Agreeing with everyone and listening to other people's instructions is convenient for anyone except you. The truism that you need to believe in yourself to achieve something will always be true. However, there is a line between confidence and arrogance, so don't try to show off how cool you are right in the interview. Learn gradually, and in line for an interview, try to at least straighten your back.

7. Ability to manage time

This is one of the cornerstones of productivity. Even if you are not interested in this topic, you will still have to work - that is, produce a product of labor - so you need to allocate your time wisely.

According to statistics, only social media It takes an average of two and a half (!) hours a day. On Lifehacker you can find so much material on this topic that reading the articles can be equated to a university course.

Of course, your performance and your bonus do not depend solely on how well you schedule. But you know better where to spend the time freed up as a result of competent planning.

In fact, this skill is almost impossible to find in the list of requirements for a job applicant, because few people see a direct relationship between communication in the professional community and work. But this may affect performance. For example, if you are involved in a field that is rapidly developing and want to keep up with progress, you need to constantly learn from others' experiences. And if you visit industry events, then you have a chance to find customers and partners there. In addition, knowledge of the community makes it possible to find and consult with experts.

Jokes about the confrontation between accountants and administrators are still popular, oddly enough. It is assumed that today everyone without exception has experience communicating with technology.

And if you come to the office, then on the very first day you need to figure out where the company stores electronic documents and in what messenger the departments communicate with each other. Yes, and contacting technical support with the wording “I didn’t do anything, it was all he himself,” pointing a finger at a frozen computer, is no longer respectable.

And the better your skills, the more opportunities you have for career growth. You don't have to become a geek, but you need the basics like air.

Many people can work strictly according to instructions, but truly tasty and profitable projects and positions go to those who can look at things from an unusual angle and quickly solve complex problems. This skill alone can be done, and if the ability to quickly find a way out is accompanied by other qualities, then there is no price for you.

No, no, no, not in the sense that everyone should look for clients and be masters of cold calling. You just need to know how to bargain. For example, when you are talking about a salary increase or determining the size of your future salary. Learn to sell your time and receive comfort as a reward. You need to be a good trader to reschedule a deadline, negotiate project changes proposed by the team, or negotiate remote work.

In the last few years, all recruiters seem to be obsessed with the ability to work in a team. They want to see team players even in professions where individual work is important.

However, teamwork, like other items on this list, is a chance to achieve career growth. Even if you don't aspire to a leadership position, understanding the shared goals of your team inspires you to work hard.

Still from the film “Guest from the Future”

This is the main non-core skill that helps you live and work. Intelligence is your knowledge and your ability to work with information, emotional intellect- ability to apply your knowledge in real situations. Empathy helps to interact with others, and most importantly, it can also be developed.

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This article will not talk about soft skills, the topics of which our resource is globally dedicated to, but about several specific skills. Having mastered them, you will acquire valuable skills that can be useful in life and work, become a hobby, and allow you not only to learn something new, but also to improve your professional skills. Along with a short description of each of them, we have compiled a small list of resources where you can start mastering these skills. Use it!

Graphic editors (Photoshop, etc.)

We live in digital world. And the ability to use graphic editors can serve you well. It doesn’t matter for what purpose you can use this knowledge - to eliminate defects in your own photographs, drawing or web design needs. Moreover, it can become both a hobby and a profession.

For example, using Photoshop, one of the most popular graphic editors, you can create collages, layouts, infographics, animation, retouch portraits, and draw pictures. And this is only a small part. You can start mastering such programs with simpler and free editors offered by the market.


Most users of the Microsoft Office suite are not even familiar with the basic functionality of Excel (spreadsheet program). And this, by the way, is one of the most popular applications in the world. Excel provides economic-statistical capabilities, graphical tools, and the VBA macro programming language. In its simplest sense, it is a tool for creating and working with tables, making calculations and displaying them graphically. A kind of must know.

Links that may be useful

In addition to a large number of different tutorials available on the Internet, the following are suitable for training:

Fundamentals of financial literacy and financial management

It is not entirely correct to classify financial literacy as a skill. Rather, it is a set of knowledge, by applying which a person can learn to manage their money wisely. For what? Each of us deals with finances every day. And often how we spend, what guides us when making purchases and assessing the profitability of a particular offer remains with us. As a result, it becomes difficult to control your expenses. Some people fail to start saving, saving, or gaining financial independence. Why does this happen, how can you learn to manage your funds and manage them wisely? Almost every modern person needs to know the answers to these and other related questions.

Links that may be useful


Today it is difficult to find a person who does not take photographs - using a smartphone camera, an amateur or professional camera, or an action camera. Nowadays, everyone can be considered an amateur photographer to one degree or another. And learning the basics of photography, shooting for yourself, and eventually to sell photographs, is a completely feasible task for anyone. All you need to do is study the theory (working with the technique used, light, composition, etc.) and practice, improving your skills.

Links that may be useful

Due to the popularity of the topic, a lot of materials are devoted to teaching photography: from how to properly take pictures on your phone, including selfies, to tips on professional photography. Here are just some resources:

When writing this article, materials from the site were partially

Each of us strives to become better at something, to develop some useful skills that will make us better as a professional, better as a person. Skills that, in essence, are just good habits.

But how do you understand what exactly you need to improve yourself in in order to move more confidently in your career, relationships and personal development?

3 practical steps that will allow you:

1. Decide in which area of ​​life you need to develop useful skills first

2. How to choose the right skills and habits that will truly help you achieve your goals?

3. How to actually develop these skills?

If you do all the exercises in this article, you will get a clear picture of how to develop any useful skill (or skills) that will move you towards your desired goals. Be it personal, professional or even financial goals.

Step 1.

First, we’ll do the classic “Circle of Balance” exercise to determine our current situation in life. You may be familiar with it, but do it anyway. In addition to the fact that it is useful for diagnosing your life, for us it will become a starting point in our self-improvement.

I really like this technique, at first glance it is simple, but at the same time, an effective technique.
Our life and what we build in it with the help of various good habits, has various facets.

As we develop, it is important to see a holistic picture of our life. This makes it possible to understand where we have weak points and strengthen them!
The “Wheel of Life Balance” allows you to expand your vision and structure, and then focus the direction of development.

1. The usage scheme is as follows:
Draw a diagram.
Divide it into several sectors, so that, if necessary, the sectors can be divided further.

Write down 2-3 skills that you really lack. Which will allow you to really move in the desired direction.

Even if you're not entirely sure, write down your options.

Now, for each skill that you wrote, determine what exactly this skill will give you if you master it?

For example:

Financial literacy.

It will allow you to save and properly increase money, provide stability, and provide the opportunity to have passive income.

Go in for sports (gym, yoga, etc.)

I will feel strong in my body, fit, confident, and in a great mood.

I will finish what I started, stop putting things off until tomorrow, learn to manage my own time, plan my life and act without regard to my changing moods.

In this spirit, write down what your chosen skill or skill will do for you if you develop it.

Step 3.

Choose what sources you will use to develop the desired skill.

Find books on Ozone on your topic.

Find trainings on the Internet on your topic.

Find paid and free materials on your topic

The main thing in selecting material is to immediately apply it in practice.

For example, you want to learn effective communication. Buy a book with exercises, go to a training, find materials that contain practice.

Take 2-3 exercises per skill and practice every day.

If you want to learn financial literacy. Start with something simple - open an account where you will constantly save part of your funds, make a down payment, etc.

The key to developing any skill is CONSTANTLY USING IT EVERY DAY!

And for this there is a wonderful tool - Advirtus. Watch a video on my website on how to use it. The tool is simple and very effective.


1. Determine the area of ​​life that requires pumping.

2. Determine the skill (or 2-3 skills) that you will upgrade.

3. Find material on this topic (preferably one for which you will pay money)

Each time presents a person with its own requirements, which he must meet in order to feel comfortable and confident in this time. Our century, the century of modern technology and rapid transfer of information, is no exception. The modern world is a very complex mechanism to which a person has to adapt. The skills presented in the article modern world can not only help you get a job or always stay on top of the latest global trends, but also save you money and time. All of these skills are quite simple and do not require you to enroll in special courses or hire a tutor to learn them. Learning the necessary knowledge and skills in the information society is so accessible to everyone as never before in the history of mankind. To master them, you only need desire and access to the Internet. And since you are reading this article, then most likely you have both the first and second, so let’s finally get down to business...

What are skills? A skill is a skill that, when repeated over and over again, leads to improved performance of that skill. In other words, with each new time, repeating an action or work, you bring this skill to perfection. Now, let's see what skills can be useful to a person in modern world.

Skills necessary for anyone who wants to simplify their life.

1.The ability to constantly learn something new.

If we start listing the list of programs, applications and innovations that have appeared in our lives over the past 10 years, we will waste a lot of time. Now we can communicate with our relatives via Skype, we can see where the bus is going via an Internet application and know in how many minutes we need to get to the stop. We can register for an appointment with a doctor while sitting at home in front of the computer, we can do it remotely. We can convene meetings using Internet conferencing. We don't need to buy a map of Moscow in order to find a specific house, because everyone has this map in their smartphone. We can carry a whole library with us in our reader and read books anywhere - on the subway, at work, while traveling. We can order delivery of clothes and groceries in a couple of clicks and have everything you need in the house without even leaving it. We can completely organize our trip, rent an apartment in another country, buy a ticket, arrange a transfer for ourselves, without even knowing the language of the country we are going to. We can communicate with people from other countries without knowing their language using Google translator, as was the case during the World Cup. Modern technologies make our life very simple. All these skills are already a common part of life for many people in the modern world.

But there is one small problem - all these people can quickly figure out how to use all these applications and programs. There are still very conservative people in society who either do not want to interact with the Internet in any way, or do so partially, using only the most necessary things, for example, search engines and email. They often think that these programs and applications are incredibly difficult to understand, but in fact, most of these programs and applications are built in such a way that people can understand everything on an intuitive level. Well, if it’s really not very easy for you to understand all sorts of Internet things, then believe me, once you understand one application, it will be much easier for you to understand the next one.

2. Self-presentation and communication skills (networking).

Self-presentation is needed absolutely everywhere today. When you get a job, when you start a YouTube channel, when you meet new people and want to create a certain impression of yourself. Self-presentation is an eternal skill that would also be useful to you if you were transported back 200 years.
For some people, the ability to present themselves is an innate character trait; other people have to learn it. But learning this is not too difficult - there are certain rules of psychology and communication, so if you feel that you have problems with self-presentation and communication with strangers, then be sure to work on it. Read books about the ability to correctly convey your thoughts and establish the necessary connections.

3.Financial planning.

This is such a cool name for what is called saving and being able to save money for long-term goals. A lot of people don't know how to save at all. Many people don't know how to handle money. Any amount that falls into the hands of such people will be spent immediately, every penny. Money seems to burn their hands and these people tend to make many small, not particularly necessary, impulsive purchases, instead of one necessary and useful one.
If you recognize yourself in this description, then you definitely need to learn financial planning. There are many sites on the Internet that teach you how to save money correctly, how to calculate the percentage of your income that you are guaranteed to save and how, in principle, to motivate yourself to save this money. Financial planning and the ability to deny yourself small pleasures for the sake of more important and useful ones are skills that everyone needs.

4. Knowledge of programming basics.

I don't believe that every person should be a programmer. If you are not interested in programming, then you definitely don't need to do it. But knowing the basics of HTML can be very useful if you generally use the Internet, because most people who use the Internet have at least once thought about becoming a blogger. And for bloggers, basic knowledge of HTML, as we have said more than once, is simply necessary.

5. Knowledge of a foreign language.

Globalization is taking huge strides across the world. We often have to encounter and communicate with people from other countries, from different cultures, and every year more and more such people appear in our environment. Although, I think that there is no need to explain anything here, and the need for knowledge foreign languages no one doubts it anymore.

6. The ability to focus on one task and perform one thing for a long time.

In modern business literature for last years Many books have been written about the ability to focus on one task. Very often, when a person comes for an interview, he is asked whether he can multitask. And for all the latest scientific research It has long been established that this approach is absolutely wrong. That a person who does not multitask, who performs one task and knows how to focus on it for a long time, is more effective. And even if it is still difficult for our employers to explain this. Then, at a minimum, you can use this skill for your own self-improvement and development in a business that is interesting to you personally. Now know that if someone tells you that multitasking and being proactive are skills everyone needs, then that is absolutely not the case.

7. Ability to relax.

The ability to relax is also an incredibly important skill. If you feel relaxed only after drinking alcohol or cigarettes, or if you have any other bad habits aimed at relieving stress, then this indicates that you do not know how to relax. The right way to relax is relaxation through physical exercise, through a change of activity during the day, the ability not to get hung up on problems and trifles, thanks to a positive outlook on the world and correct life attitudes.

8. Ability to understand legal documents.

All transactions and economic relations in our society are legally regulated. And knowledge of laws and the ability to understand documents would be very useful for any person. The most basic situation, for example, you bought a low-quality item or you received some service poorly. Any person living in the modern world should know what to do in this case.

9. Ability to cook and understand the composition of products.

I think cooking your own food is also a very important skill in today's world. If you know how to cook, it will help you be healthier and bring significant savings to your family's budget.


Learning the necessary knowledge and skills that we have outlined in this article will not take much of your time. Mastering them can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. The most important thing that I would like to advise is not to learn it just like that, but to associate each skill with a specific task. If you want to become more flexible, start doing yoga, and at the same time learn to relax, if you are going to travel, start learning the language of the country you are going to. Then the skills will come by themselves, and life will become fuller and more interesting, and at the same time easier.