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Take a Russian spelling test. Russian language test on the topic “Spelling

Russian language test on the topic “Spelling” B-1

A) unwind D) l..middle

B) D) constantly..foam

B) accusation

A) spread out D) press down

B) lock up D) separate

B) grow..grow

A) bend over D) turn up

B) exchange..kick D) match..rit

B) release..take E) river..drain

A) irritated D) pl..sneezing

B) sunken D) floated

B) touch..dream E)

A) shine.. shine D) verbal..

B) whip..whip D) furious..furious

B) dangerous E) well-known

6. In what words is Ъ written?

A) Pen..Soire D) premiere

B) mailman..he D) time..ride

B) s..sarcastically E) hug..hug

B) useless..harmful D) worthless..

B) pr..dual election D) pr..measure

A) ..greet D)

B) D)

B) ..burn E) .here

A) stew D) peeling

B) canvas D) melodious..

B) squirrel

11. In what words is b written?

A) brick.. D) supine..

B) good... D) past the dachas...

B) luxury.. E) kalach..

General spelling test. V-2

1. In which words is the vowel I written at the root?

A) unwind D) l..middle

B) D) constantly..foam

B) accusation

2. In which words is the vowel E written in the root?

A) spread out D) press down

B) lock up D) separate

B) grow..grow

3. In which words is the vowel O written at the root?

A) bend over D) turn up

B) exchange..kick D) match..rit

B) release..take E) river..drain

4. In which words is the vowel O written at the root?

A) irritated D) pl..sneezing

B) sunken D) floated

B) touch..dream E)

5. Which words have an unpronounceable consonant T at the root?

A) shine.. shine D) verbal..

B) whip..whip D) furious..furious

B) dangerous E) well-known

6. In what words is Ъ written?

A) Pen..Soire D) premiere

B) mailman..he D) time..ride

B) s..sarcastically E) hug..hug

7. In what words is the prefix WITHOUT- written?

A) brutality

B) useless..harmful D) worthless..

B) un..conscientious E) breathless

8. In what words is the prefix PRE- written?

A) cr..criminal D) pr..rotation

B) pr..dual election D) pr..measure

B) adventure E) stay in the city

9. In what words is the prefix C- written?

A) ..greet D)

B) D)

B) ..burn E) .here

10. In which words is the letter O written after sibilants?

A) stew D) peeling

B) canvas D) melodious..

B) squirrel

11. In what words is b written?

A) brick.. D) supine..

B) good... D) past the dachas...

B) luxury.. E) kalach..

12. Find the misspelled sentence.

A) A spring day floods the awakened city with bright sunshine.

B) On the river bank the reed thickets rustle sadly.

C) At early dawn, fishermen begin to bite.

D) Silence reigned on the land, sea and sky.

Test section No. 1

Option 1.

    In which row is the same letter written in place of the gap in all words?

    z..dryanka, touch..dream, presentation

    wash out in the rain, fill up the hole, swimmer

    composition, spread..lay, bl..become

    touch, for nothing, bend over

    subtraction, r..right, initiative

    d..ficit, l..gion,

    bl..sweep, natv..rit, float..wok

    pl..sneeze,, assume

    In which row is I written in place of the gap in all words?

    count on leniency.. daughter..

    to be in turmoil.., in classical painting..

    live in Russia.., at the mouth of the.. river

    upon returning.. home, travel through the desert..

4. In which row is b written in place of the gap in all words?

1) many tasks.., dugout.., save..

2) bake.., jam.., cut..

3) ivy.., shiny.., smiling.. smiling

4) clumsy.., a lot of dachas.., supine..

      In which words is O written at the place of the blank?

    kryzh..vnik, liver..nka


    sh..k, night..vka

    sh..nay, baked..ny

      Which answer option correctly indicates all the examples in which is the pass written NN?

A. Mowed meadow, unmown grass

B. information program, green forest

B. wooden house, broken branch

D) wasp.. forest, pickled.. mushrooms

1. A, D 2) A, B, D 3) A, B 4) C, D

7. In which row in both words is the letter I written in place of the gap?, spent..,

      Smell..suffered, bitten..


        In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word?

    This is an (un)interesting and boring movie.

    The student is (not) able to remember this rule.

    During the war, many (did not) eat enough.

    The solution was very (un)standard.

        In place of what numbers is NI written?

N (1) none of the guests, n (2) who knew Bulgakov, n (3) had any doubts that a young German was sitting in front of them.

1)1, 2)2, 3) 1,2, c) 1,2,3

        In which sentence is the underlined word written separately?

    I want, to) you gave me advice.

    I came to see you for a minute to) invite you to your birthday.

        Which version contains all the words where the letter E is missing?

A) brocade

B) condensed milk

B) bear..knock

D) disengage

1) B, D 2) A, C 3) B, C 4) A, B, D

        In which row is the same letter missing?, pr..tendent, pr..fastidious

    not..tasty, drink, too..too much

    p..edestal, in..south, before..anniversary

    pos..yesterday, p..interpret, great..grandfather

        In which row are all words written with a hyphen?

    dot (to) dot, (semi) dark, all (same)

    (sex) of the institute, (unexpectedly) unexpectedly, after all

    (friends) comrades, (ancient) Russian, (like) wolves

    (after all) no way, (dark) blue, in (an embrace)



    glue..glue (sheets)

    isn't it (suspicion)

1) A, B, D 2) A, C 3) A, D 4) B, D

Control test on the topic "SPELLING"

Option 2.

1. In which row in all words is the same letter written in place of the gap?

1) wet the boots, dip the pancakes in sour cream, mix them with the ground

2) retailer, industrial paper, retailer

3) location, touch, warm

4) r..vnina, level..inference, create

      In which row in all words is the vowel of the root, unchecked by stress, missing?

    r..luxurious, minimal..option

    computer, pr..procedure, s..mmmetry

    ps..chology, d..diagnosis, amnesty

    professional,, to..l

      In which row in all words is the letter E written in place of the gap?

    in your..presence..oh coming autumn..

    about a long journey... in flickering flames...

    on blue..m velvet.., about universal..m recognition..

    about unconfirmed hypotheses..., in extreme cases...

      In which row is b written in place of the gap in all words?

1) weaver.., burning.., printer..

2) drawing.., etc.., hiding..

3) crackling..., they began to gather..., it was getting dark...

4) bake.., thing.., gouache..

      In which series of words is E written in place of the gap?

    bee..lka, burn..g hand

    slap, got burnt

    w..ra, courtship..r

    w..ngler, b..mouth

      In which word is NN written in place of the gap?

1) silver spoon

2) forged iron

3) cut clearing

4) the window is curtained..o

      In which row in both words is the letter I written in place of the gap?

    upset...dry, dried out..., unstuck.., heard..,

8. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word?

1) The sparrows and magpies were chattering almost (not) silently.

2) Vasiliev was forced to disappear for reasons that were (un)established by the investigation.

3) Claims have not yet been (un)expressed.

4) The film turned out to be (un)interesting, boring.

9 .In place of what number(s) is NI written?

Whatever Kuprin (1) wrote about, from the very first words he captivated the reader with the complete authenticity of his prose.

Life seemed to have closed a circle, and Greene had no more (2) joy in it, no (4) reasonable occupation.

1) 1 2) 1,2 3) 1,2 ,3, 4 4) 1,3,4

10. In what case is the highlighted word written together?

1) I didn't know what he had (in) mind.

2) (In) sight With the approaching storm, they were worried about the fishermen who were at sea.

3) He had a habit of talking, (despite at the interlocutor.

4) He was on a business trip (c)continuation months.

11. Which answer option correctly indicates all the words in which O is written in the blank?

A) boy

B) overnight

B) hat

D) party

1) B 2) A, B, D 3) A, C 4) A, B, C

12. In which series of words is the same letter missing?

1) with..go, without..nuclear, battle..on

2) pr..yut, pr..yatel, pr..bring

3) ra..grind, in..move, and..grind

4) climb..scan, summarize,

      In which row are all the words written together?

1) (half) boots, (ninety) year old, (in) oblivion

2) (common) Slavic, (for) forever, (so) that

3) (five) o’clock, (agri) firm, (at) the signal

4) (literary) artistic, (more) stronger, (for) interruption

      Which answer option contains all the words where the letter I is missing?



  1. loosen... loosen

1) A, B, D 2) A, B 3) C, D 4) A, C, D

15. In which word is the prefix pre- written?

1) Pr_brezhny;

2) stop;

3) pr_hide;

4) pr_enlarge.

16. In which word is the prefix written?

1) Succeed;

2) rotate;

3) pr…reap;

4) to see off.

17. Find the option with the spelling error.

1) President

2) despise

3) priority

4) presidium

18. In which word is the prefix pre- written?

1) Pr...sea

2) pr…ground

3) obstruction

4) pr...sit down

19. In which word is the prefix written?

1) Pr... fell silent

2) pr...vomited

3) nice...flattering

4) pr…kneel

20. In which word is the prefix pre- written?

1) Choose

2) grow away

3) attractive...attractive

4) pr...big

21. In which word is the prefix written?

1) pr...raise

2) pr...turn

3) pr...sit down

4) pr...reduce

22. In which word does the prefix mean “incomplete action”?

1) Pr...pretty

2) pr…coastal

3) pr...quilt


23. In which word does the prefix mean “approximation”?

1) They’ll gush

2) lay down

3) oh dear

4) obstruction

24. In which word does the spelling of pre-/pri- depend on the context?

1) Listen

2) pr...frowned

3) give

4) pr...flew

Option 1

Option 2

Number of points

Examination paper

in Russian

for the 11th grade course

teaching_____ 12-___ groups


Early morning.

The heavy, thick hands on the huge clock face, left-handed (at) an oblique angle from the blacksmith's sign, indicated thirty-six minutes past six. In the light of the sky, still (not) warmer after the night, one thin cloud was calling and there was something unearthly graceful in its elongated outline. The footsteps of (in)frequent passers-by (nn,n) sounded clear in the empty (n,nn) air and (in) gave a bodily tint that stung on the tram rails. The rein... loaded (n, nn) ​​with huge bunches of... violets and covered (half) with striped coarse cloth quietly rolled (in) along the floor the merchant could... help drag it to a large red dog who stuck it out the whole tongue .. fell (in) front .. pulled all its dry muscles to the person.

From the black branches of the slightly greener trees, sparrows fluttered up with an airy rustle and sat on the narrow ledge of a high brick(?) wall. . 4

The ladies were still sleeping behind the bars. The houses were lit only (from) the top, but it was impossible to imagine that it was sunset and not early morning. Due to the fact that the shadows were lying in the other direction, strange combinations were created that were unexpected for the eye, well... accustomed to black shadows. ..

Everything seemed to be put (n, nn) ​​wrong (not) firmly (?) upside down, like in a mirror...

He looked around and at the end of the street he saw the illuminated corner of the house where he had just lived in the past and where he would (not) return again..ever. And in this departure of an entire house from his life there was a wonderful mystery.

Grammar task.

    Execute phonetic analysis adjective ELEGANT.

    Execute morpheme parsing the following words: SERVED, UPVERTED.

    Perform a word-formation analysis of the verb FLAPED.

    Execute parsing highlighted offer.

    Make a graphic diagram of the first sentence of the fifth paragraph.

Test No. 1 on the topic “Spelling” 10th grade.

Early morning

Heavy, thick hands on a huge dial, white at an angle from the watchmaker's sign, showed thirty-six minutes to six. In the light blue of the sky, which had not yet warmed up after the night, one thin cloud turned pink, and there was something unearthly graceful in its elongated outline. The footsteps of infrequent passers-by sounded especially clear in the deserted air, and in the distance the bodily ebb trembled on the tram rails. A cart, loaded with huge bunches of violets, half covered with striped coarse cloth, quietly rolled along the panel; the merchant helped drag it to a large red dog, who, sticking out his tongue, leaned forward and strained all his dry, devoted muscles.

Sparrows flew up from the black branches of slightly green trees with an airy rustle and landed on a narrow ledge of a high brick wall.

The shops were still asleep behind bars, the houses were only lit from above, but it was impossible to imagine that it was sunset and not early morning. Due to the fact that the shadows lay in the opposite direction, strange combinations were created, unexpected for an eye well accustomed to evening shadows...

Everything seemed out of place, fragile, upside down, like in a mirror...

He looked around and at the end of the street he saw the illuminated corner of the house where he had just lived in the past and where he would never return again. And there was a wonderful mystery in this departure of an entire house from his life.

(197 words.) (According to V. Nabokov.)

Grammar task.

1. Perform a phonetic analysis of the adjective GREAT.

2. Perform a morphemic analysis of the following words: SERVED, TURNED UP.

3. Perform word-formation analysis of the verb FLAPED.

4. Parse the highlighted sentence.

5. Make a graphic diagram of the first sentence of the fifth paragraph.

Reviewed on MO “I Approve”

L.R.Kirova Director of Municipal Educational Institution VSOSH No. 2 ________

Protocol No.___ from “__” _______ 20___. I.I.Vinnik

Order No.___ from "___" ____________ 20___

Examination paper

for the 11th grade course

1. In which version was there a spelling error?

a) honest professor

b) flighty girl

c) prevent a terrorist attack +

d) the contract is signed

2. In which version is there a spelling error?

a) filigree dishes

b) tin soldier

c) silver chain +

d) calm weather

3. In which version is there a spelling error?

a) virtuoso game +

b) jewelry

c) filigree glass

d) private clinic

4. In which version is there a spelling error?

a) sleepless night

b) a carefree person

c) file an appeal +

d) eat vinaigrette

5. In which version is one letter L written at the place of the gap?

a) ka..oria +

c) co..egy

d) co..ega

6. Which word is written separately?

a) separate (c) apart

b) attack (one by one)

c) (c) throughout life +

d) (c) due to danger

7. In what variant is C written at the place of the gap?

a) story +


d) settle down

8. In which variant is the word not written with a hyphen?

a) (onion) shallot

b) (in) autumn

c) exactly (c) exactly

d) (sex) country +

9. In which word is the letter A written?

a) m...bilization

b) improvisation...visualization

c) cold...sweating

d) perfume

10. In which word is the letter O written?

a) app…disments +

b) k..seta

c) b..ricada

d) l...byrinth

11. In which word is the letter E written?

a) im…tation

b) trusting

c) to...bernetics

d) k…ramic +

12. In which word is I written?

a) pr...increase

b) unpretentious +

c) pr…hail


13. Which word has a consonant missing:

a) danger

b) agency +

c) vile... disgusting

d) dangerous

14. Which word has a consonant missing:

a) crazy... crazy +

b) participate

c) phil...played

d) skillful

15. Which word contains one -N-:

a) bewitched

b) pickled

c) pottery +

d) spoiled….children

16. In which variant is the particle NOT written separately:

a) (not) friend

b) (not) (with) whom +

c) (dis)love

d) (un)tired worker

17. In which version is there a grammatical error?

a) contracts

b) accountant +

c) most honest

d) more beautiful

18. In which version was there a punctuation error?

a) The Dnieper is wonderful in calm weather, when everything falls asleep: man, beast, and bird.

b) Lively horses, livelier! +

c) The dawn had long gone out, and its last trace was barely visible in the sky.

d) Not every mistake is a step towards the truth.

19. In which version was there a punctuation error?

a) At the beginning summer holidays, my friend and I decided to take a short trip on a rubber boat along our river. +

b) Burn, fireplace, in my deserted house!

c) To prevent the prisoner from falling, they tied him with a belt to the rider and took him to the mountains.

d) The guest shivered chillily and muttered: “It’s cold here.”

20. In which version was there a punctuation error?

a) Moss is everywhere: underfoot, on stones, and on tree branches.

b) Deafened by the heavy roar, Tyorkin bows his head.

c) Ditches filled with water made the road impassable. +

d) Tale of the year - winter time of the forest.

21. Which sentence contains a punctuation error:

a) However, one should caution against making what has been said absolute.

b) Hello, Marina Petrovna!

c) It would be, for example, unwise and in some ways even shameless to assert that the West never lays claim to genuine, genuine art.

d) And it is completely incomprehensible why our Goskino, ossified in intrigues and empty rigmarole, remains silent without acquiring such brilliant, polished things. +

22. In which variant is the emphasis incorrectly highlighted?

a) calls

b) more beautiful

c) sorrel +

d) contract

23. Which word is stressed incorrectly:

a) dispensary

b) document

d) blinds +

24. In which phrase the norms of word compatibility are violated:

a) criticize mistakes

b) rely on facts +

c) visible in the distance

d) touch on problems

25. Find the error:

a) the strongest +

b) the kindest

c) more beautiful

d) more intelligent

26. Error in pronunciation of words - ...

a) spelling

b) orthoepic +

c) grammatical

d) punctuation

27. Misspelled word -...

a) grammatical

b) orthoepic

c) spelling +

d) punctuation

28. The branch of linguistics that studies the sounds of a language, the properties of sounds - ...

a) graphics

b) spelling

c) phonetics +

d) punctuation

29. The branch of linguistics that studies the origin of words is ...

a) phraseology

b) punctuation

c) phonetics

d) etymology +

30. Section of linguistics that studies the words of a language, vocabulary language -...

a) lexicology +

b) grammar

c) syntax

1. In which row do all words have verifiable unstressed vowels in the root?

1) Decoration, darkness, spilled, proof.

2) T...yellow, look...out, out...out, out...out.

3) Met..chal, highlight, th...oria,

4) Hide...sing, pour...over, opt...mist, chew...over.

2. In which row is the same letter missing?

1) Renewal, in…lined, hut…to grow, to rise….

2) Sp...satel, m...loit, is...pnik, pog..sti.

3) P..street, t...dry, st..sweary, see...thread.

4), h...confluent, creation, poured out.

3. In which row is the letter A missing from all words?

1), r..luxurious.

2) Preliminary, say... military campaign.

3) Blessing...vital, urgent, di...gonal.

4) Presumably, prophecy...become, p..noram.

4. Oh?

1) Express, guess, sleep, cry.

2) Creation, jump up, sun... mature, z... rnitsa.

3) Illuminated, inclination, level...ven, r...sla.

4) Wash...whip, moneylender, sm...sniff, pl...sneeze.

5. In which row should the letter E be written in all words?

1), freeze, pour,, lock...up.

2) remove, unlock, subtract, shut up.

3) damn... choose, choose, just... lost, decide.

4) get lost, get tired, resist, die... r.

6. In which row (or rows) should the letter I be written in all words?

1) subtract...t,, ot....rat,

2) lean...on, warm up...on, damn...steady, stop...on.

3) collector, s... paradise, die out, locked up.

4) accept...mother, start...start, sn...mother, squeeze...mother.

7. In which row should the letter be written in all words? ABOUT:

1) Ponch..., calculate, f..g, solve...tka

2) Pech...nka,,,


4) Sh...kolad, obzh..ra, sh...ry,

8. In which row should the letter be written in all words? Yo:

1) Sh...tland, hood...n, count...t, major...

2) Sh...mouths, slap...chin, burn...ra, Pech...ra

3) Kryzh..vnik. sh...k, sh...sweat, sh...fer

4) Ozh...g (hand), ever...rka, f...lud, hard..hard.

9. Mark the row where all the words are written with the letter E?

1) Sh...mpol, izzh...ha, h...ln, experience...r

2) F...rt, f...lty, f...rnov, chech...tka

3) Conductor...r, sh...sse, cat...lka, uch...ny

4) Psh...naya (porridge), Mesch...ra, sh...vinism, j...nka.

10. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

1) ts…coward, ts….tata, ts…..tra, ts….kory

2) c…vilization, father…, priest…., position…..i

3) singer...m, priest...m,, impudent...m

4),,, arctic fox...m

11. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

1) r..grow, r..establishment, r..explosion, r..story

2) call, lead, d..late, pr..mother

3) pr..title, pr..suitable, pr..suitable, pr…giver

4) pr…knowledge, pr..educate, pr..ludia, pr…personal

12. In what row is Ъ written in all words?

1) volumetric, presenter, p..esa, clarification

2) ad..decamp, furious..furious, dis..ride, two...tier

3) in..southern, before...dinner, kan...on, with...sarcastically

4) bur..yan, withdrawal, white...floor, subjective

13. In which row in both cases at the place of the gap is b?

1) red brick..., loose sand...

2) get married..., leave etc...

3) gray mouse..., make a breach...

4) solve five problems..., the carp is fresh...

14. In what example is b written in place of a blank in a verb?

1) The story of the destruction of Ryazan by Batu ends with praise for the defenders of Russia.

2) Skotinins cannot learn anything and are proud of it.

3) It’s not without reason that they say that the master’s work is afraid.

4) I want to go to heaven, but my sins don’t let me in.

15. Mark the row where the letter O is written in each word.

1) newlywed...n, stew...nka, extinguish, fresh...

2) knife...ka, friend...k, bag...check, enthusiastic

3) old man..k, sach...k, canvas..vy, baked..

4) cherry plum...vy, brocade...vy, kumach...vy, tolch...k

16. Which answer option contains all the words where the letter O is missing?

A) B) night...wkaC) pepper...ny D) wolf...knock

1) A, B, D2) A, B3) A, D4) B, D

17. In which word is NN written in place of the gap?

1) furious

2) decree

3) asphalted

4) the road is asphalt

18. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers, in the place of which one letter N is written?

By order of the division (1) commander, the troops were concentrated (2) on the left flank and skillfully camouflaged (3).

1) 1, 22) 1, 3 3) 2, 3 4) 1, 2, 3

19. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in whose place two letters N are written?

There is a good guest (1) here, a person (2) famous for her chickens, carcasses (3) in spices (4).

1) 1, 2, 32) 23) 2, 34) 1, 4

20. In which phrase is the letter E missing in both words?

1) about long...m travel...

2) in a raging expanse...

3) invigoratingly fresh...

4) to the early thaw...

21. Indicate the participle ending –IM (YM)

1) with a visiting friend

2) neglected garden

3) in a deserted village

4) about the spreading plant

22. In which row in both words is the letter A (Z) written in place of the gap?

1) the leaves are fluttering, the grass is spreading

3) the waves are splashing, the dogs are splashing...

4) the bushes are quivering, the grasshoppers are chirping...t

23. In which row is the letter I missing in all words?

1) cost...cheaper), (they) sleep, grow...l

2) melting (snow), (they) will meet...t, la...t

3) stricken, (they) drove...t, repented

4) ver….shy, (they) grow…t (harvest), measured

24. In which row in both words is the letter U (Yu) written in place of the gap?

1. teachers correct... mistakes, chasing fame

2. air currents sway the grass, melting snow

3. chopping wood, friends accidentally offend...t

4. tailors hide figure flaws that endure adversity

25. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word?

1) I was holding a blue, not at all large format envelope in my hands.

2) The theater crowd, obedient to the ringing of (in)visible bells, began to fill the auditorium again.

3) The cold light of the moon poured into the (un)curtained windows.

4) The fate of these manuscripts is (un)known.

26. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word?

1) A (in)human scream burst from her chest.

2) There was talk in the City Duma about the metro, but somehow (not) confidently.

3) He dreamed of a huge meadow, overgrown with flowers he had never (never) seen before.

4) He will find his own way, but there is no reason for someone else to come here.

27. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in whose place NOT is written?

The Baron (1) regretted (2) time, (3) money to search for the culprit of his disgrace, and (4) he (5) could think of nothing but revenge.

1) 1, 42) 2, 3, 43) 1, 54) 4

28. In which row are all words written with a hyphen?

1) (in) French, (as) as if, (half) a sheet

2) (counter) beat, (in) sixth notes, (string) wind

3) (some) something, (birdlike), (south) eastern

4) (more) simpler, (ex) champion, (light) hair

29. In which row are all words written with a hyphen?

1) (rocket) carrier, (evenly) colored, (city) hero

2) (bitter) sweet, (play) fairy tale, (half) spoons

3) (lead) copper, (coal) metallurgical, (semi) stripped

4) (coach) instructor, (tiring) long, (counter) attack

30. In which row are all the words written together?

1) (anti)burning, hardly (hardly), (forest) park

2) (floor) of the road, as (would be), electrical (goods)

3) (over) empty, (in) the rain, dive (into) the depths

4) (light) brown, mean (in) two.

31. In which sentence are both highlighted words written together?

1) Ranevskaya comes from Paris to repent of her sins, and ALSO to find peace in her native estate.

2) The first few years he lived in Vienna became for Beethoven (TRULY) the happiest time of his life, BECAUSE (BECAUSE) it was here that he gained real fame.

3) Bashkirtseva’s passion for reading was insatiable, her ability to work was enormous, (WHERE) all subjects were food for her mind.

4) APPEARANTLY, Botticelli was a student of the famous painter Filippe Lippi, and ALSO of the Florentine painter and sculptor Andrea Verrocchio.

32. Indicate the correct spelling of the highlighted word and its explanation.

The tautology SO(SAME) is one of the logical tricks.

1) ALSO – always written together.

2) ALSO – always written separately.

3) ALSO – there is a coordinating conjunction here, so it is written together.

4) ALSO – here this adverb SO with the particle SAME, therefore it is written separately.

33. Please indicate the correct spelling of the highlighted word and its explanation.

That night, in preparation for tomorrow's campaign, the soldiers rearranged their things so that their boots were at the very top.

1) TO – always written together

2) SO – here it is subordinating conjunction

3) WHATEVER – always written separately

4) WHAT – here this is a pronoun with the particle WOULD

34. Indicate the correct option:

1) seventy words

2) in two thousand and three

3) six hundred and fifty second student

4) ninety-fifth composition

35. Indicate the correct option:

1) in one thousand twenty-one

2) one and a half meters are missing

3) five hundred paces

4) to seventy two pages

36. Mark the row where the preposition is written separately

1) (c) due to lack of time

2) went out (to) meet the squad

3) didn’t sleep (c) all night

4) the boat got caught in the current

37. In which sentence are both highlighted words written together?

1) (DUE to the lack of funding, repairs are carried out (FOR) AT THE EXPENSE of the enterprise's funds.

2) Lightning flashed, and (IN) FOLLOW (AFTER) THEN thunder struck.

3) Keep in mind that you will be reprimanded for being late.

4) (NOT) LOOKING at the rain, the ball rose (UP) UP.

38. In which sentence are both highlighted words written together?

1) We walked (NOT) LOOKING at the map and (THUS) got lost.

2) Go (TO) RIGHT, (BEYOND) straight.

3) (B) FOR an hour, the rescuers worked (B) BLIND.

4) (NOT) TIMES they had to start everything (FROM) THE BEGINNING.