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Working on reading accuracy in elementary school. Complete reading skills: accuracy, fluency, awareness, expressiveness

Under correctness reading is understood reading without distortions and errors: the syllable-letter composition of the word is correctly conveyed, grammatical forms words, omissions and rearrangements of words in a sentence are not allowed. Examples of errors that violate the correctness of reading: omission of syllables, replacement of words (a third grade student read: “And once again I shook his hand firmly and with surprise (probably: with pleasure”).

Cause of students' reading errors primary classes(like readers with undeveloped reading skills) is that they do not have a flexible “synthesis between perception, pronunciation and comprehension of the content of what they are reading.” In an experienced reader (according to research by psychologists), the synthesis of the three indicated components is flexible and agile; therefore, the semantic guesses that accompany their reading rarely lead to mistakes (although adults who read well also make mistakes). For a beginning reader, a semantic guess can much more often be the cause of incorrect perception and then pronunciation of a word, since the process of perception and the process of comprehension do not yet interact so easily and quickly.

As school practice and special research show, students more often distort (replace) those words whose meaning they do not understand, that is, words between the perception and comprehension of which there is minimal interaction.

In order to prevent such errors, it is advisable to:

· finding out before reading the lexical meaning of words, without understanding the meaning of which the perception of the text is difficult;

· preliminary syllable-by-syllable reading of words with complex syllabic or morphemic composition;

· creating an environment in the classroom for attentive reading of the text (in particular, the clarity of assignments;

Pre-reading the text to yourself;

· systematic teacher monitoring of students’ reading, taking into account their individual characteristics;

· methodically correct correction of an error depending on its nature (for example, a teacher can correct an error in the endings of words without interrupting the student’s reading; an error, as a result of which the meaning of a sentence is distorted, the teacher corrects, using repeated reading, questions on the content of what was read, answering which the student reads the sentence again more carefully).

Fluency Reading is characterized by a certain number of words spoken per minute. According to the current program, reading pace students by the end of 2nd grade is 40-50 words per minute, by the end of 3rd grade - 60-75 words, by the end of 4th - 85-90 words. The pace of reading increases gradually throughout all years of study and is in a certain relationship with correct and conscious reading. Reading speed without connection with understanding what is being read is not vitally justified. When checking reading fluency, the teacher takes into account the complexity of the text (meaning ideological and thematic complexity, the structure of words and sentences, the prevalence of words in children’s speech, etc.), as well as the correctness and awareness of reading.

According to special studies, it is necessary to work systematically to develop reading fluency in students.

Helps develop fluency First of all, students’ interest in reading, desire and need to read books. Children who love to read, as a rule, read fluently already in the third grade.

The development of reading speed is positively influenced by the nature of the tasks that students perform while working on the text. Tasks should encourage re-reading the text in order to more consciously perceive it (for example, selecting material to confirm the correctness of your judgment, preparing for a retelling, etc.). The teacher needs to plan the work in the lesson in advance so that, while doing various types assignments, almost all students read aloud during the lesson.

24. Methods of working on dramatic works in reading lessons.

Etc. articles by O. V. Kubasova “Technique of dramatization in reading lessons in 1st grade.”

The main forms of dramatization in order of increasing complexity:

· Analysis of illustrations from the point of view of the expressiveness of facial expressions and pantomimes of the characters depicted on them;

· Staging individual and group “living pictures”

· Preparation and delivery of a separate line from the hero of the work with a focus on using not only intonation, but also plastic expressiveness (facial expressions, expressions, movements)

· Reading by roles

Dramatization of expanded form

1. Analysis of illustrations

ü Perception of illustrative material

ü Identification of “emotional signs” (“What is the hero doing?”, “What is his facial expression?”)

ü Interpretation of the “emotional sign” (“In what cases do people have such a facial expression?”)

You can complicate the work with a task: Try to do the same as in the picture, how do you feel?

2. Staging live paintings

"Living Picture" is a moment from work of art, captured not on canvas, and not in words, but in poses, facial expressions, the style of clothing of the characters, and props.

It is advisable to use “living pictures” as a fairly simple form of dramatization in the first lessons of school, then move on to more complex types of dramatization.

3. Work on pronouncing a separate line from the hero of the work with an emphasis on using not only intonation, but also plasticity.

· Reproduction of the text of the work to be dramatized, checking the quality of reproduction

· Characteristics of the heroes of the work using text (selective reading or partial retelling)

· Analysis of the actions and words of one of the characters in the title of the situation.

· Demonstration of hero behavior (with words)

· Analysis of the correspondence of the show to the meaning of an excerpt from a literary source

· Establishing and eliminating the reasons for the discrepancy between the sketch and the read work

4. Reading by role

ü Familiarization with the text, general comprehension check

ü Determination of the number of actors

ü Reading the text silently and marking the characters’ remarks and the author’s words

ü Analysis of the emotional state or character traits of the characters in order to expressively read the words for them.

ü Determining with what intonation the words of the characters should be read

ü Selection of readers and sung reading by role

ü Analysis of advantages and disadvantages

ü Selecting new performers and repeating readings by role

ü Summing up and evaluating work

Role-based reading is possible when working with any work that contains dialogue. At first, you need to teach children to determine the number of characters, find the boundaries of their lines, and indicate whether the lines belong to one or another character.

5. Dramatization of the expanded form

The most complex, includes all means of dramatic expression, is introduced gradually.

Depending on the goals of the lesson, the stage of training, the preparedness of the class, one episode, several interconnected episodes, or a small work as a whole can be dramatized.

25. Methodology for working on the story of N.N. Nosov "Living Hat".

It makes sense to talk about accuracy and fluency as qualities of reading skill only if the reader understands the text that is spoken to him. However, the teacher must know special techniques aimed at improving accuracy and fluency. There are two directions here:

1) use of special training exercises, improving visual perception, development of the articulatory apparatus, breathing regulation;

2) application of the principle of multiple reading, proposed by M.I., when reading works of art. Omorokova and described by V.G. Goretsky, L.F. Klimanova.

This principle is to constantly direct the child, when analyzing the text, to reread passages that are important in terms of meaning, and thereby not only ensure insight into the idea of ​​the work, but also achieve correct and fluent reading.

Correct reading is reading without distortion, i.e. without errors that affect the meaning of what is being read. Long-term observations of the development of reading skills in children allow us to identify several groups of typical mistakes made by students learning to read.

1. Distortion of sound-letter composition:

Omissions of letters, syllables, words and even lines;

Rearrangement of reading units (letters, syllables, words);

Inserting arbitrary elements into reading units;

Replacing some reading units with others.

The reasons for such errors are imperfection of visual perception or underdevelopment of the articulatory apparatus. However, the cause of distortion may be shares. and the so-called “reading by guess”. This phenomenon is based on such a human property as anticipation, the ability to predict the meaning of a text that has not yet been read by the meaning and style that is already known from the previous passage read. A guess appears in the reader with the acquisition of reading experience and is, thus, a sign of his progress in mastering the skill of reading. At the same time, the teacher must remember that the textual guess of an experienced reader rarely leads to errors that distort the meaning of what is being read, and the subjective guess of an inexperienced child often entails errors that prevent him from understanding what is being read.

2. The presence of repetitions.

Such errors involve repeating reading units: letters, syllables, words, sentences. The less perfect the reading skill, the smaller the reading unit is repeated. These errors are very close to the previous type, but their causes are different. Repetitions, as a rule, are associated with the child’s desire to retain the component he has just read in his working memory. This is necessary for the little reader to comprehend what he read. Therefore, at the analytical stage of developing a skill, repetitions are inevitable and should be perceived by the teacher as a natural and even positive phenomenon. Excessive haste by the teacher and early suppression of “repetitions” in students’ reading can prevent the child from moving freely and naturally to the synthetic stage of reading.

3. Violation of the norms of literary pronunciation.

Among errors of this type, several groups can be distinguished:

1) errors are actually spelling errors; Among them, incorrect stress is the most common type. Such errors are associated with ignorance of pronunciation norms or ignorance of the lexical meaning of the words that are being read;

2) errors associated with the so-called “spelling reading”: reading units are pronounced in strict accordance with spelling, and not with pronunciation. The teacher must keep in mind that “spelling reading” is a mandatory period for developing a skill. The sooner a student learns to synthesize all the actions of the reading process (perception, pronunciation, comprehension), the sooner he will abandon “orthographic reading.” Therefore, work that helps the child comprehend what he reads will also help eliminate “orthographic reading”;

3) intonation errors, which are incorrect logical stresses, semantically inappropriate pauses. It is easy to see that such mistakes are made by the reader if he does not understand what he is reading. However, for a small child, the reading process requires not only intellectual, but also physical effort, so the cause of intonation errors in a small reader may be lack of training in breathing and the speech apparatus.

A teacher can work correctly on correcting and preventing errors in reading only if he understands the reasons for erroneous reading and knows the methodology for working on errors. So, factors such as:

1) imperfection of visual perception;

2) underdevelopment (insufficient flexibility) of the articulatory apparatus;

3) shortness of breath;

4) ignorance spelling standards;

5) ignorance of the lexical meaning of the word;

6) “guess” caused by the subjective type of reading.
The exercise system should be aimed at overcoming

the listed difficulties.

To improve visual perception, preliminary reading of words with graphic marks can be used:

according to d s not f nor k -

or reading words in which the minimum reading units are printed in different fonts:


An interesting system of exercises that train visual perception was proposed by L.F. Klimanova. Here are some of them:

1) pairs of words differ by one letter: goats- braids, wind- evening, grass - grass, ran in - ran up;

2) chains of words similar in graphic appearance: aloud- deaf-hearing; vyut - vyun - blizzard;

3) words in which phonemes paired in hardness and softness perform a semantic distinguishing function: There is- eating, corner-coal, jackdaw- pebbles, shelf - polka;

4)reading chains related words: labor worked- worker; running run - escape.

(See: Klimanova L.F. Reading skills of junior schoolchildren and ways to improve them // Ways and means of achieving the strength of knowledge in primary school/ Mod ed. M.P. Kashina. -M., 1978.)

To train the articulatory apparatus, you can use tongue twisters and tongue twisters, and ask children to first pronounce them at a very slow pace, then at a conversational pace, then at a tongue twister. The following tasks can help with breathing training:

on one exhalation, say a quatrain;

counted in one breath as long as possible: 1,2,3,4,5...

Such exercises can be carried out in the classroom in the form of physical exercises, but they must be compiled and selected by the teacher taking into account the text that the children will read.

Let’s say that in a lesson in the first grade the story by B. Zhitkov “How an elephant saved its owner from a tiger” should be read (see: Golovanova M.G., Goretsky V.T., Klimanova L.F. Native speech. - Book 1. - M ., 1992). It contains such long words with a consonant cluster: trampled, wary, trampled, turned, prepared. In these words, the stop plosives [p], [t] are adjacent to the fricative [s] and the stop trembling [r]. To prepare children’s articulatory apparatus for reading such words, the teacher can offer them a tongue twister in advance: I met a black grouse under a tree, under a poplar. Using this you can also work on your breathing.

Exercises in reading words should also be designed with a focus on the text being read. In this case, these could be chains of words: watchman - guarded - guarded; ready - prepared - prepared; trample - trampled - trampled - trampled.

Considering that the cause of errors can be ignorance of pronunciation norms or ignorance of the lexical meaning of words, before reading the text, children should be introduced to the meaning and correct pronunciation of words: Indian, trunk, lifted, onto his back, gave.

Thus, in the preliminary work on preparing children to read a text, the teacher includes exercises to prevent erroneous reading. But a flexible error correction system is also important.

In this case, the leading teacher’s rule should be minimal interference in the student’s reading process.

To correct errors, the teacher can interrupt the student’s reading only in two cases: to eliminate a spelling error (a sample of correct reading is immediately given) and to correct an error leading to distortion general meaning readable (the teacher involves the child in rereading the word by asking a question or directly pointing out an error). All other errors are corrected after the reading is completed. The following techniques can be used for this:

Posing a question, the answer to which requires re-reading;

Composing an erroneously read word from a split alphabet;

Reading a chain of words from the board, among which there are some that were read incorrectly;

Printing an erroneously read word by a student on the board;

Re-reading a passage to oneself in order to answer the teacher’s question posed to a word that was read by mistake, etc.

The younger and more inexperienced the reader, the more detailed the method of correcting the error can be proposed by the teacher. It is useful to involve students in the class to correct errors, but the teacher must remember the friendly and businesslike atmosphere that is necessary in the lesson during this work.

Fluency is a reading speed that presupposes and ensures conscious perception of what is being read. Thus, fluency cannot be an end in itself, but it is fluency that becomes the determining factor for other reading qualities. Fluency standards are indicated in the reading program by year of study, but the main guideline for the teacher should be the individual’s oral speech. An objective guide to fluency is the speech speed of a TV or radio announcer reading the news, which is approximately 120-130 words per minute.

Fluency depends on the so-called reading field and the duration of stops that the reader allows during the reading process. The reading field (or reading angle) is a segment of text that the reader’s gaze grasps in one go, followed by a stop (fixation). During this stop, awareness of what is captured by the gaze occurs, i.e. the perception is consolidated and comprehended. An experienced reader makes 3 to 5 stops on a line of unfamiliar text, and the sections of text that his gaze grasps at one time are uniform. The reading field of an inexperienced reader is very small, sometimes equal to one letter, so he makes many stops on the line and the segments of the perceived text are not the same. They depend on whether the words and phrases being read are familiar. Repetitions in the reading of an inexperienced reader are also associated with the comprehension of what has been grasped at one time: if he has not been able to retain the perceived segment in memory, he has to return once again to the already spoken text in order to comprehend what he has read. Now it becomes clear that by training visual perception, the teacher works not only on accuracy, but also on reading fluency.

In general, all exercises aimed at improving reading accuracy at the same time improve fluency. IN last years The methodology also began to describe special exercises for developing reading fluency. Let us turn to the exercises proposed by M.I. Omorokova, I.L. Rapoport, I.Z. Postolovsky in the book for teachers “Overcoming Difficulties” (Moscow, 1990):

Joint group readings of small sections of text, when the pace is set by the teacher or a well-read student; reading small passages of text at different paces: slowly, with smooth, drawn-out pronunciation of vowels (with such reading, the reading angle increases, since the gaze runs ahead of the reading unit that is being voiced);

At an average, conversational pace (working on the way of reading “as we speak”);

At a “patter” pace (the fastest synthesis of all reading actions is achieved; carried out only after slow reading);

Reading passages “for time” (the student observes how long it took him to read the given text);

Reading passages for a certain time, known in advance to the children (the student observes how much text he read in a certain period of time).

After reading passages “for a while”, understanding of what is being read must be checked. Exercises that involve reading text at different paces involve checking comprehension after slow reading.

In the manual M.I. Omorokova “Improving reading for younger schoolchildren” (M., 1997), the teacher is recommended to conduct daily practical warm-ups during reading lessons:

1) vowel letters are hung on the board, and children, alphabetically adding consonants to them, read the resulting syllables;

2) training in reading various combinations of vowels: a, o, y, and, uh; a, i, y, o, e;

3) reading combinations of consonants and vowels in syllables: same, che, sha, re, tra, three;

4) after this - reading words and sentences: electrification,

briefcase; In January there is a lot of snow in the yard.

5) reading the dialogue:

- Dog, what are you doing? - I scare the wolves.

- Why did you have your tail between your legs?

- I'm afraid of wolves.

Exercises in reading chains of words with common root, with different roots: water - watery - watery; purity - frequency; girl - grandfather; bun - squirrel, as well as exercises that develop the “operational field of reading,” for example, reading “pyramids”:




play around

to freeze

cooling down.

IN Lately Speed ​​reading techniques began to penetrate into the methodology of working on reading fluency. Indeed, some of them can be used, however, when resorting to them, the teacher must realize that such techniques can only be offered to a reader who has accumulated a certain reading experience. Some of the techniques that can be carried over to primary school include:

- “reading with interference” (the student reads to the sound of a metronome or while counting);

- “quickly find the word” (the student must find the word or phrase given by the teacher in the text);

Reading “through a grid” (a “grid” is superimposed on the text so that part of it is closed, reading proceeds taking into account anticipation).

Teachers also successfully use tables compiled by Professor F.I. Fedorenko (Kharkov laboratory). They represent 18 sets of 6 sentences each, in which the number of letter characters gradually increases. The tables are presented to the child for a few seconds, and then it is checked what and how he was able to read.

The well-known writing exercise, when children must insert missing letters or words into a text, also develops their ability to anticipate, and therefore trains reading accuracy and fluency.

When working in one way or another to improve reading skills, and in particular on accuracy and fluency, the teacher must remember that the little reader should experience maximum comfort when reading. Therefore, you should pay attention to the use of a pointer and a bookmark to track the stitching, to ensure correct fit; if the text is read not from a textbook, but from a children's book, when selecting it, you need to take into account the type of paper (it is better that the text is printed on white paper No. 1), the size of the zeros, the length of the line (at the analytical stage of reading, do not offer books to children, where the line is more than 126 mm), the ratio of text and illustrations (60%: 40%).





Working on reading fluency

Correct reading

Distortion of sound and letter composition:

Omissions of letters, syllables, words and even lines;

Rearrangement of reading units (letters, syllables, words);

Inserting arbitrary elements into reading units; - replacement of some reading units with others.

The reasons for such errors are imperfection of visual perception or underdevelopment of the articulatory apparatus. However, the so-called “reading by guess” can also cause distortions.

The presence of repetitions.

Such errors involve repeating reading units: letters, syllables, words, sentences. Repetitions, as a rule, are associated with the child’s desire to retain the component he has just read in his working memory. This is necessary for the little reader to comprehend what he read.

Qualities of a complete reading skill. Work on developing reading consciousness.

Consciousness- the most important feature children's reading. It consists of understanding what is being read, revealing the meaning of words, individual sentences, and the entire text. Almost all techniques for working on a work of art contribute to the development of this quality:

Lexical work,

Rereading out loud, to yourself,

Selective reading


Illustration of text,


Coming up with a name, etc.

At the first stages of the lesson, the level of consciousness is minimal; by the end of the lesson, a deeper conscious level is formed.

Qualities of a complete reading skill. Work on developing reading fluency.

A complete reading skill is the basis for further learning of all others. school subjects, the main source of information and even a method of communication. Successful acquisition of reading skills is one of the indicators general development cognitive activity child. There are four qualities of reading skill: accuracy, fluency, consciousness, expressiveness.

Right is defined as smooth reading without distortion affecting the meaning of what is being read.

Fluency is the speed of reading, which determines the understanding of what is read. This speed is measured by the number of printed characters read per unit of time (usually the number of words per minute).

Consciousness Reading in recent methodological literature is interpreted as an understanding of the author’s intention, awareness of the artistic means that help to realize this idea, and comprehension of one’s own attitude to what has been read.

Expressiveness- is the ability to convey to listeners through oral speech main idea works and their own attitude towards it.

You can manage the process of developing reading skills by following following conditions:

  • When developing this skill, it is necessary to rely on the development of such important mental processes as perception, memory, and thinking.
  • It is necessary to structure the learning process in such a way that the child develops an interest in classes, in reading and books in general.
  • Fluency is the reading speed that determines reading comprehension. This speed is measured by the number of printed characters read per unit of time (usually the number of words per minute).

Working on reading fluency

It makes sense to talk about accuracy and fluency as qualities of reading skill only if the reader understands the text that is spoken to him. However, the teacher must know special techniques aimed at improving accuracy and fluency. There are two directions here:

1) the use of special training exercises that improve visual perception, development of the articulatory apparatus, and regulation of breathing;

2) application of the principle of multiple reading, proposed by M.I., when reading works of art. Omorokova and described by V.G. Goretsky, L.F. Klimanova.

This principle is to constantly direct the child, when analyzing the text, to reread passages that are important in terms of meaning, and thereby not only ensure insight into the idea of ​​the work, but also achieve correct and fluent reading.

Correct reading- this is reading without distortion, i.e. without errors that affect the meaning of what is being read. Long-term observations of the development of reading skills in children allow us to identify several groups of typical mistakes made by students learning to read.

Correct reading means reading without distortion: the syllable-sound composition of the word, the grammatical forms of the word are correctly conveyed, omission and rearrangement of words in a sentence are not allowed. The reason for erroneous reading is the inconsistency of the reading processes: perception, pronunciation and comprehension. As practice shows, most often children make mistakes when reading in those words whose meaning they do not understand. The reason for the distortions, according to M.R. Lvov, the so-called “reading by guess” may become, which is based on such a human property as ANTICIPATION - the ability to predict the meaning of a previous passage that has not yet been read. The presence of repetitions at the analytical stage is a natural and even positive phenomenon - it is necessary for the little reader to comprehend what he has read. Excessive haste by the teacher and early suppression of “repetitions” in students’ reading will complicate the transition to the synthetic stage of reading.

Violations of literary pronunciation norms are expressed in incorrect stress (the most common type) or ignorance of the lexical meaning of words, ignorance of pronunciation norms - these are spelling errors.

There are errors associated with the so-called “spelling reading” (this is a mandatory period for developing a skill).

Intonation errors (incorrect logical stress, semantically unjustified pauses) arise due to a lack of understanding of what is being read.

The following factors lead to errors;

– imperfection of visual perception

– underdevelopment of the articulatory apparatus

– shortness of breath

– ignorance of spelling norms

– ignorance of the lexical meaning of the word

- “a semantic guess.

There are special techniques aimed at practicing correct reading: special training exercises that improve visual perception ( lexical meaning words before reading, preliminary syllable-by-syllable reading of difficult words, preliminary reading to oneself, methodically correct error correction depending on the nature of the error (minimal interference in the student’s reading process).

For example, a mistake in the endings of words - the teacher corrects without interrupting the student’s reading;

An error that entails a distortion of the meaning of the sentence - the teacher corrects it by interrupting the reading, using the technique of re-reading, poses a question on the content of what was read, answering which the student re-reads the sentence more carefully or directly points out the error.

If there is a spelling error, the teacher interrupts the student’s reading and gives an example of the correct reading. All other errors are corrected after the reading is completed.

When reading works of art, the principle of multiple reading proposed by M.I. is applied. Omorokova and described by V.G. Goretsky, L.F. Klimanova. This principle consists in constantly drawing the child’s attention to re-reading passages that are semantically important when analyzing the text, achieving correct reading (exercises for training visual perception, tongue twisters and tongue twisters - three tempos, breathing training, preliminary work before reading sol words in prevention of erroneous reading.

Fluency – This is a reading speed that presupposes and ensures conscious perception of what is being read. Characterized by a certain number of words spoken per minute. (SEE Program). The pace of reading increases gradually during training and is in a certain relationship with reading correctly and consciously. An objective benchmark for reading fluency is the speech speed of a TV announcer (120-130 words per minute).

Fluency depends on the so-called reading field and the duration of the reading pause. The reading field (or reading angle) is a segment of text that the reader’s gaze grasps in one go, followed by a stop (fixation). During this stop, awareness of what is captured by the gaze occurs, i.e. consolidation of what is perceived and its comprehension is carried out. An experienced reader makes 3-5 stops on a line of unfamiliar text. The field of an inexperienced reader (a first-grader) is sometimes equal to one letter; repetitions in reading are associated with comprehension: if he was unable to retain the perceived segment in his memory, he has to return once again to the already spoken text in order to comprehend what he has read. By training visual perception, the teacher works not only on accuracy, but also on reading fluency. In general, all exercises aimed at improving reading accuracy also improve fluency.

In the methodology we find exercises aimed at practicing correct reading, while at the same time improving fluency. At the same time there are modern technologies that ensure reading fluency (M.I. Omorokova, I.A. Rapoport, I.Z. Postolovsky. Book for teachers “Overcoming Difficulties” M. 1990):

– joint group readings of small sections of text, when the pace is set by the teacher

– reading short passages at different paces (slowly, smoothly, drawn out, at a conversational pace, at a rapid pace)

– reading passages “for a while”

– reading for a certain time, followed by checking comprehension of what was read.

M.I. Omorokova in the manual “Improving Reading for Juniors.” school." (M., 1997) daily practical warm-ups are offered during reading lessons:

– reading SG combinations in syllables, vowel combinations, reading words and sentences, dialogues, chains of words with the same root, with different roots. Recently, speed reading techniques have begun to penetrate into the methodology of working on reading fluency (Quick Reading Technique Kuznetsov and Khromov ). However, we must remember that they should be used by a reader who has accumulated some reading experience. MM. Bezrukikh believes that this focus on speed reading in the elementary grades can lead to overload and decreased motivation to learn. Some of the techniques carried over to elementary school may include:

– reading with interference (metronome or counting)

- find the word quickly

– reading through a grid (ruler).

Teachers also successfully use tables compiled by Professor F.I. Fedorenko (Kharkov laboratory). These are 18 sets of 6 sentences each, in which the number of letter signs increases (such as visual dictation in writing and orally). There are known exercises in which words and letters are inserted into the text, which develops the ability to anticipate and trains reading accuracy and fluency.

In the theory and practice of primary school, the approach of V.N. Zaitsev, promoting the formation of an optimal reading pace. The author believes that it is not the duration of training exercises that is important, but their frequency. Buzz reading (V.A. Sukhomlinsky also used it), daily five-minute reading (this reserve was borrowed from MPR schools), in history family reading reading was used before bed, for those who did not want to read - a gentle reading mode (1-2 lines - and a short rest), an exercise known by the name of the authors Fedorenko - Palchenko (repeated reading, reading at the pace of a tongue twister, expressive reading with a transition to an unfamiliar part of the text) .

There are text rules for preparing reading fluency and correctness: if the text is read not according to an anthology, but according to a children's book, then the text should be printed on white paper No. 1, the size of the margins, the length of the line (at the analytical stage of reading, do not offer children books where the line more than 126 mm), ratio of text and illustration (60%: 40%).

Reading Consciousness– in other words – reading comprehension.

However, in the methodology this term is used in two meanings: 1) in relation to mastering the reading process itself (reading technique), i.e. how consciously the child performs the necessary operations that make up the production of printed characters; 2) in relation to reading in a broader sense (T.G. Ramzaeva), this term in the methodology operates at different levels of the reading process itself. The first level, which often coincides with the analytical stage of developing reading skills, involves understanding most of the words, individual sentences, individual parts of the text and understanding the general meaning of the entire text.

The second level of conscious perception of the text is based on the first and involves understanding the subtext of the work, i.e. understanding its ideological orientation, artistic means, as well as the position of the author and his own attitude to what he is reading.

We can also talk about the third level of conscious reading, when the reader consciously determines the range of reading, focusing on his capabilities (M.R. Lvov). Thus, in modern methodology, the point of view has been established that reading consciousness presupposes:

- understanding the meaning of each linguistic unit text;

– understanding of the ideological orientation of the work, its figurative system, visual and expressive means, i.e. the author’s position and his own attitude to what he read;

– awareness of oneself as a reader (We will consider the requirements for analyzing a work of art later.).

Since the 30s of the 19th century, expressive reading began to be taught in educational institutions Russia. Reading expressiveness– the ability to convey to listeners one’s attitude to the idea of ​​a work through oral speech. T.G. Ramzaeva notes expressiveness as a quality that is formed in the process of analyzing a work. As can be seen from the definition, expressiveness is related to reading awareness.

EXPRESSIVE READING is one of the aspects of reading skill. Signs of 1) good diction, clear, precise pronunciation of sounds, their combinations, words, sufficient volume, tempo, ability to regulate them; 2) the ability to observe pauses and logical stresses that convey the author’s intent; 3) the ability to observe the intonation of a question, affirmation, denial, and also give the voice the desired emotional coloring.

In school practice, expressiveness is an indicator of consciousness. However, it should be remembered that primary school students are characterized by the so-called “imitative expressiveness,” when children with good phonemic awareness accurately copy the intonation pattern used by adults. And vice versa, a child who has understood the text well reads monotonously, quietly, without using intonation as a means of expression. This happens either due to excessive timidity, shyness of the child, or simply because of his lack of training.

The means of oral speech - intonation, facial expressions, gestures, mezzanine - need to be taught to use. Intonation is a set of jointly acting elements of spoken speech, the most important of which are stress, tempo and rhythm of speech, pause, raising and lowering the voice are interconnected and are all together determined by the content of the work. Most of the work on expressive reading is work on intonation as its main means.

The main goal Teaching children to read expressively is to develop the ability to determine the task of reading aloud: to convey to listeners their understanding of the work using correctly chosen means of oral speech. Such a complex skill arises as a result of the teacher’s painstaking work to develop skills that help to penetrate the meaning of the work, the ability to use one’s voice appropriately. Preparation for expressive reading is conventionally divided into three stages:

1) clarification of the specific content of the work, analysis of the motives of behavior of the characters, in other words: understanding the ideological and thematic basis of the work, its images in unity with artistic means

2) marking the text: putting pauses, logical stresses, determining the pace of reading

3) reading exercise.

Teaching expressive reading is present at all stages of the lesson. Mastering expressive reading skills is the professional task of every teacher. Expressive reading is built on the same principles as the professional art of artistic expression (reading), which is based on the system of K.S. Stanislavsky (E.D. Dmitrieva). The difference between expressive and professional artistic reading consists in the degree of mastery, in the depth, completeness and brightness of the presentation of the work. For school expressive reading, it is necessary to fulfill such requirements as compliance with punctuation marks (an elementary skill that begins to form during the period of literacy), compliance with logical and psychological pauses, and logical stress. ability to change the pace and rhythm of reading. In the institute’s expressive reading course, students are given two tasks: to learn to independently prepare for reading a work of fiction in order to read it expressively to children, and to master the methodology of teaching children expressive reading.

So, working on expressiveness is a combination of several directions:

– technical – including breathing training, improving the articulatory apparatus;

– intonation – involving special work on the components of intonation;

– semantic – implementing the entire system of work to comprehend the idea of ​​a work;

– training – aimed at training children in expressive reading of the work after analysis. The combination of these directions in a particular lesson depends on many factors: on the level of training of students, on the volume of the work, on its form, on the objectives of the lesson, etc.

The importance of reading in life modern man. The concept of "reading skill". Qualities of a full-fledged reading skill: consciousness, accuracy, fluency, expressiveness. general characteristics qualities

The book is playing big role in children's lives,

but only when the child can read well.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Reading occupies an important place in the life of every cultured person. The modern child, under the dominance of television, radio and cinema, has lost interest in reading books. But if we talk about a talented reader, that opinion may be the opposite, which you and I need to prove. It is important not to forget that books can enrich the inner world of an individual, provide knowledge about life and the world around us, develop independent thinking and provide the reader with artistic pleasure.

All children master the reading process in different ways and at different times, but purposeful nature learning to read acquires in primary school, where a first-grader learns to read syllables during literacy lessons. However, this does not mean that from the first stages of training only the technical side of reading is formed, i.e. reading, as D.B. Elkonin, as “recreating the sound appearance of a word based on its letter model.”

During the alphabet period, it is enough for a child to learn at least this, but teacher's task much wider: necessary form in children conscious, rather than “sounding out” reading. We are talking not only about primary reading skills, but about functional literacy: reading - this is not only an independent process, but how necessary condition of life which provides free orientation in various life situations. Therefore, it is very important for us to remember the words of Sh.A. Amonashvili: “Teaching a child to read is a matter of honor for a teacher.” A professional teacher is one who quickly and joyfully opens up the world to a child. writing– makes him a reader.

Concept reading skill covers a whole range of skills and abilities.

Skill- this is the ability to consciously perform a certain action with the controlling participation of consciousness.

Skill- a skill that has reached the level of automatism and is performed without much mental-control tension.

When developing the skill of reading (RL), the teacher must know its essence, its nature. In school parlance, for convenience, a set of skills is called reading skill, which has two sides: technical and semantic.

Technical side includes way of reading, correctness, fluency, expressiveness.

Semantic– this is students’ understanding of such provisions as:

The meanings of most words (literal and figurative);

The main meaning of the entire content of the text, expressing your attitude to what you read.

When a teacher prepares children for expressive reading of the text of a work of art, he pays great attention to comprehending it.

Based on this, we can come to the conclusion that reading skill - this is, first of all, the ability to understand the meaning of the text, read words correctly, and also master expressive reading.

But, focusing on punctuation marks and content, one should not forget about the pace of reading. Reading is a complex skill that takes a long time to develop. Therefore, the methodology (T.G. Egorov) distinguishes 3 stages of the process of formation of NPs: analytical, synthetic (the stage of the emergence and formation of an integral structure of action) and the automation stage.

Analytical is a period of literacy learning, which is characterized by sound-letter analysis and reading words syllable by syllable.

Synthetic – This is reading a text in whole words. The visual perception of a word and its pronunciation almost coincide with the awareness of the meaning. Automation of this type of reading occurs in subsequent years - throughout life.

Regarding the method of reading, the teacher needs to know that there are productive and unproductive types of reading. TO unproductive applies letter-by-letter reading and abrupt syllabic reading. TO productive - smooth syllabic, smooth syllabic with holistic reading of individual words, reading of whole words and groups of words.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky, exploring the reasons mental retardation schoolchildren, correctly noted: “If children read little in elementary school, they developed the structure of an inactive brain.” Therefore, one of the current topics in elementary school is the formation of reading techniques. Experiments conducted in recent years have shown that reading quickly activates thinking processes and promotes improvement. educational process. V.N. Zaitsev came to the conclusion that only a reading technique of at least 120 words per minute allows a child to learn successfully. Writing literacy and a conscious understanding of all the processes necessary to solve mathematical problems depend on reading technique.

IN educational materials For elementary school, in all teaching materials we will meet a requirement related to a reading pace of 1 minute: the child must read at least 100 words per minute. The distribution of the load by class is as follows: 1st grade – 25 – 30 words; 2nd grade - end of the first half of the year - 30 - 40 words, second half of the year - 40 - 50 words; 3rd grade – I half of the year – 50 – 60 words, II – 65 – 75 words; 4th grade - I half of the year - 75 - 80 words, II - 85 - 90 words.

By 2010, primary schools in Russia will have to switch to Generation II Standards, where 6-year education is compulsory. elementary education: 1st year - work with older preschoolers, and in 5th grade the primary school teacher is conventionally called a “class nanny” (who helps the child get dressed for a walk).

In elementary school, a student must master 3 types of activities:

1) cognitive (to be able to distinguish educational texts, artistic and scientific);

2) speech (the child must enter a monologue and be able to conduct a dialogue;

3) organization of one’s own activities (mastery of reading techniques - out loud and silently).

In the new Standards, reading technique means correct and conscious reading without measuring reading speed - taking into account the psychotype (M. Bezrukikh). All speed indicators have been removed. There is no need to turn reading speed into an assessment criterion. Reading technique can be checked, but without criticism.

Methods of working on reading accuracy; typical mistakes in students' reading; techniques for developing reading fluency taking into account program requirements and age characteristics

Correct reading– this is reading without errors: omissions, substitutions, distortions. The pedagogical problem is that teaching reading should be a functionally oriented activity from the very beginning. The solution to this problem is complicated by many factors, including the psychophysiological maturity of students, the variety of didactic means, and the peculiarities of the methodology. High-quality teaching of reading is possible if the teacher has a good understanding of this psychophysiological phenomenon. Reading – complex look activity, which is accomplished through the interaction of various aspects of the psyche: memory, thinking, emotions. The importance is especially great attention: no ability to concentrate correct reading impossible. Therefore, learning to read should include as a mandatory element the development of mental concentration skills concentration.

It is not yet clear how the special experience of reading and voicing is accumulated, which ensures rapid grasp of the meanings of words and meanings. It is assumed that this grasping occurs as a result of the titanic work of sorting through possible options for comprehending what has been read. By psychic mechanism understanding is the law of guessing, anticipation. It is known that in a phrase the first two words determine not only the meaning, but also the grammatical aspect. Having realized the word and its form, the student discovers for himself the secret of the birth of meaning. It is important to remember that the act of reading was initially set precisely as an act of consciousness.

It is known that the capacity of RAM in an adult is 7+ (-) 2 storage units. U junior school student 2 units less. This unit can be a letter, a syllable, a word, a phrase, an idea. Therefore, in order to improve reading efficiency, it is necessary to combine the information being read into large information and semantic blocks (phrases, sentences, ideas).

The basis for the inclusion of mental processes is physiology, sensory, i.e. a complex of sensory data: - visual, speech-auditory and speech-motor analyzers. They supply information that is processed by consciousness. The solution to this problem depends on many factors. It has now been established that the physiological side of reading, based on good memorization of letters and the rapid establishment of their sound meaning, is ensured by the following phenomena:

a) teaching reading should be based on developed phonemic awareness, which is expressed in the ability to analyze and synthesize oral speech;

b) according to the syllabic principle of writing, learning to read should use a syllable as a reading unit: a consonant can only be read in a syllable, that is, in combination with other letters;

c) smooth reading is ensured by a special quality of vision called reading field. This concept means "the area of ​​a simultaneously visible line with clearly recognizable letters." First graders have a limited field of vision. When looking fixedly at a line, the student perceives a combination of 2–3 letters, so it is important to take into account this physiological feature of reading;

d) reading involves auditory and speech motor analyzers, which “find” meanings for the words being read. For this purpose, orthographic reading must be translated into orthoepic reading: sparrow - warabey. Therefore, at first it is necessary to ask loud reading with joint pronunciation, but gradually switch to silent reading. The attitude of methodologists towards buzzing reading is ambiguous: in the middle level of school, children turn into “whisperers”;

e) due to the undeveloped ability to hold a line visually, it is necessary to use physical support for a line that moves horizontally.

All these conditions are important to take into account not only during the initial learning to read during the alphabetic period, but also subsequently.

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