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Speech card for a 4-5 year old preschooler. Speech cards

Memo for speech therapist

by filling out speech cards

Anamnestic data

Past illnesses– pneumonia, colds, flu, measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough, dysentery, head injuries, infectious and somatic, long-term and causing depletion of the nervous system.

Hearing– normal, hearing loss.

Formed, corresponds to the age norm, in the stage of formation, not formed


    Correct independent completion of all tasks; Single errors can be corrected independently or with the help of a clarifying question; Most tasks are completed with help (stimulation, extensions of instructions, clarification of the question, hint); Most tasks are not completed; Not fulfilling.

Connected speech

Corresponds to the age norm, in the formative stage, requires further development, not formed.


There was a puddle near the house. Geese sat on a puddle. The geese were gray. ()

The nanny made some porridge and gave it to Natasha. Natasha ate, collected the crumbs and poured them out the window. The birds flew in and started pecking at the porridge. Natasha is full and the birds are full (Po)

They abandoned the cat near the barn. The cat meowed: “Meow! Meow!" Tanya and Kolya walked past the barn and found a cat. They fed the cat milk and meat. And the cat became fat, just like Sharik. ()

The bunny said to the hedgehog: “What an ugly, prickly dress you have, brother!” “True,” answered the hedgehog, “but my thorns save me from the teeth of the dog and the wolf. Does your pretty skin serve you the same way?”

Instead of answering, the bunny just sighed. ()

Varya had Chizh in a cage and never sang. Varya came to the siskin

It's time for you, little siskin, to sing.

Let me go free, in freedom I will sing all day long. ()

The red sun floated into the sky. It began to send out its rays - to awaken the earth. The first ray fell on the lark. The lark rose high, high. There he sang his song. The second beam hit the bunny. A hare jumped across the meadow. I ran to look for some juicy grass for breakfast. (By)


    The retelling was compiled independently without violating lexical and grammatical norms; the content of the test is fully conveyed, coherence and consistency of presentation are observed; a variety of linguistic means are used in accordance with the text of the work; The retelling was compiled with little help (motivation, stimulating questions); grammatical norms are generally observed; there are isolated violations of coherent reproduction of the text, isolated cases of searching for words, the absence of artistic and stylistic elements, insufficient development of the statement; The retelling is compiled with the help of (focusing on plot elements, tips, leading questions); omission of parts of the text without distortion of the meaning, poverty and monotony of the language used, and violations of the structure of sentences are noted; The retelling is based on leading questions; the coherence of the presentation is broken; there are significant abbreviations of the text or distortions of meaning, repetitions, agrammatisms, and inadequate use of words; Retelling is not even available for questions.

A story based on a series of paintings


    The pictures are laid out independently and the story is compiled: it has all the semantic links, temporary and cause-and-effect relationships between events are determined, it is grammatically correct with adequate use of lexical means; The pictures are laid out with stimulating help, the story is composed independently without agrammatism; mild violations of the coherence and smoothness of the story, insufficient development, and isolated cases of searching for words are allowed; Laying out pictures and composing a story with stimulating help, there are agrammatisms, distant verbal substitutions, loss of semantic links, distortion of the sense of the coherence of the story; Laying out pictures and composing a story based on leading questions, hints, there is inadequate use of lexical means, a significant distortion of the meaning, or the story is not completed, or is a listing of objects, actions. Story unavailable.

I. 1. Last name, first name of the child Katya Petrova

2. Age 5 years 7 months

3. Home address u. Voskhod, 83, building 2, apt. 54

4. History: Child from the third pregnancy (second birth). The mother is registered with a urologist. In the second half of the pregnancy there was a threat of miscarriage. The birth went well. Disease of the first year of life - measles rubella (at 3 months), otitis media (at 10 months), acute respiratory infections (at 1 year 7 months), ARVI (at 10 months).

Started walking at 1 year 1 month. Babbling appeared at 8-9 months, she uttered her first words at 10 months, and phrases at 1 year 7 months.

5. State of general and fine motor skills. There are no disturbances in the development and condition of the musculoskeletal system and general motor skills. Mobile, coordination is satisfactory, but some basic movements according to the program age group does not own enough fine motor skills the hands are poorly developed: it is difficult to do shading, he is not confident in using scissors, his movements are imprecise.

6. Hearing - without pathology.

7. Vision - without pathology.

8. General development child. The stock of knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality is within the age norm.

Memory: visual - out of 6 pictures, remembers 4.

Auditory - out of 6 words, remembers 4.

Associative - out of 6 pictures - 5.

Verbal-logical memory - remembers the listened text and retells it quite completely and accurately.

Attention, efficiency. Concentration is not bad, but volumetric stability is insufficient (easily distracted); performance is low: he takes on work with interest, but is not diligent enough and gets tired quickly.


Constructive activity - + (composes a pyramid, a cut picture, puzzles using the method of visual correlation)

Direct and reverse counting - + (within 10)

Counting operations and simple tasks - + (within 10)

Classification, generalization - + (sometimes with explanations)

Cause-and-effect relationships - + (lays out a series of plot pictures in a logical sequence).

The structure is normal (minor prognathia).

Articulatory motor skills - lip movements are normal; there is a sluggish tongue, there is no “groove”.


13. Sound analysis:

at weave, O wax, A ist)-+

P, to T, That To)-+

d oh, R from, P from)-+

14. Pronunciation of words with complex sounds syllable structure- slightly damaged (rhythmic contour, stress, number of syllables are preserved)

Strawberry -+ coma n assignment - “business trip”

Frying pan -+ poem T stealing - “poem”

Medicine -+ led O With And pedist - “bicycle pedist”

Understands antonyms and synonyms.

Knows and names baby animals, common professions.

Knows general (specific, generic) concepts (clothing, shoes, furniture, dishes).

16. Grammatical structure. Makes up simple sentences according to the picture (with this sound according to reference words). Makes mistakes in agreeing cardinal numerals of nouns - “five apples”. Understands the meaning simple prepositions and uses them correctly in speech. Can form: adjective words from nouns stone (stone), nouns from adjectives - wooden (house), nouns from verbs - glue (glue), nouns with a diminutive meaning - hand (handle).

17. Coherent speech. Logical, consistent, but not expressive, schematic. Free communication is difficult

II. 1. Last name, first name of the child Dmitry Shelokhov

2. Age 5 years 9 months

3. Home address u. Pirogova, 19, apt. 70_

4. History: Child from the first pregnancy. In the second half of the pregnancy there was a threat of miscarriage. The birth went well. Disease of the first year of life - ARVI (at 9 months).

Started walking at the age of 1 year 3 months. Babbling appeared at 8-9 months, uttered the first words at 11 months, phrases at 3 years 1 month.

5. State of general and fine motor skills. There are no disturbances in the development and condition of the musculoskeletal system and general motor skills. Coordination is satisfactory, fine motor skills of the hands are poorly developed: it is difficult to trace small objects, he is not confident in using scissors, his movements are imprecise.

6. Hearing - without pathology.

7. Vision - without pathology.

8. General development of the child. The stock of knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality is not sufficient.

Memory: visual - out of 6 pictures, remembers 3

Auditory - out of 6 words, remembers 4

Associative - from 6 pictures -4

Verbal-logical memory - the text he has heard is remembered and retold uncertainly, confusing events and sequence.

Attention, efficiency. The concentration of attention is not formed, the volume is insufficient (it is quickly distracted); performance is low: he takes on work with interest, but is not diligent enough and gets tired quickly.


Constructive activity + (composes a pyramid, a cut picture, puzzles using the method of visual correlation)

Direct and reverse counting - (within 10)

Counting operations and simple tasks - (within 10)

Classification, generalization +

Cause-and-effect relationships - (arranges a series of plot pictures not in a logical sequence).

10. State of the articulatory apparatus.

The structure is normal.

Articulatory motor skills - lip movements are normal, there is no “fungus” or “spoon”.

11. Features of sound pronunciation.

Whistling S, S, Z, C - interdental

Hissing Ш Ж, Ш, Ш - interdental.

12. Phonemic hearing- fine. Identifies a given sound from the sound range (p - t - k - x)

Syllable series (pa - ta - ka - ha)

A series of words (port - cake - court - choir)

Distinguishes similar sounds by ear in:

Pairs of sounds (p - b), (s - z), (w - z)

Pairs of syllables (pa - ba), (sa - za), (sha - zha)

A couple of words (kidney - dot), (juice - clatter), (ball - heat).


Sound series (b - p - b); syllable series (ba - ba - pa)

A series of words (kidney - dot - barrel), (som - com - house).

13. Sound analysis:

Isolation of the first stressed vowel ( at weave, O wax, A ist)-

Isolation of the last voiceless consonant (su P, to T, That To)+

Isolation of the first consonant ( d oh, R from, P from)-

14. Pronunciation of words with a complex sound-syllable structure is significantly impaired (rhythmic contour, stress, number of syllables are preserved)

Strawberry -+ coma nd irovanie - “komarika”

Frying pan -+ poem T stealing - “poem”

Medicine -+ led O With And P e dist - “velesopodist”

15. Vocabulary. Makes mistakes in interpreting the lexical meanings of words: cup - mug, key - lock, cap - hat, jacket - sweater;

The meaningfulness of words abstract concepts- does not own.

Understands antonyms and synonyms.

Knows and names baby animals, less names professions.

Poor knowledge of general (specific, generic) concepts (clothing, shoes, furniture, dishes).

16. Grammatical structure. Makes simple sentences based on a picture (with a given sound using reference words). Makes mistakes in agreeing cardinal numerals of nouns - “five apples”. Can form: adjective words from nouns stone (stone), nouns from adjectives - wooden (house), nouns from verbs - glue (glue), cannot form nouns with a diminutive meaning - hand (handle).

17. Coherent speech. Inconsistent, not expressive, schematic. Free communication is difficult

18. Conclusion on the state of speech development: OHP level III.

As you know, speech cards usually contain all the tasks and a place to record the results of the examination - on several pages. At our workplace, the flow of people examined is several times greater than in educational institutions, and funding for stationery is not important. Therefore, a directive was received from management: reduce paper consumption. The search began. However, the speech therapy sheets that came into view did not fully meet the functionality and content of the speech cards. I was faced with a task: to contain all the necessary information on the speech examination on one sheet. I succeeded! When using this speech card form, you need a clear knowledge of all the tasks in a particular block, or better yet, the presence of well-selected visual materials for all tasks by age and your impeccable orientation in them. Based on the speech map of Nishcheva N.V. With the addition of tasks from cards of other authors, I made materials and schemes for examining children’s speech separately by age. Within the framework of my work, this is much more convenient than the materials presented in the literature, where, in order to find pictures for the next task, you need to constantly flip through pictures in the album for other ages. The results of the examination of the speech of children from 4 to 15 years old are entered in the appropriate columns. If, by age, the skill should not yet be formed, the column is not filled in. Based on the results of the examination, a descriptive speech therapy report form is filled out, which indicates the same sequence of components of the speech examination as in the speech card.

Within educational institution In addition to the card form, you will need a medical history sheet.

I assure you that in this form it is more convenient to store documentation and more convenient to use it!

Speech card

Last name, first name of the child ______________________age _______group/class__________


Articulatory______________________________________________________________ apparatus__________________________________________________________________________

Oral praxis______________________________________________________________

Breathing (outside speech and speech)__________________________________________________________

Rhythm, tempo, intonation__________________________________________________________


Sound pronunciation ___________________speech intelligibility___________________________



Sound-syllable structure of words and phrases : simple _____multi-link ____complex______

Phonemic representations: _______________________________________________

Phonemic awareness : auditory-visual differentiation of words________________

auditory-pronounces. differentiation of oppositional sounds in syllables ____in words______

Sound-syllable analysis and synthesis : _________________________________________________

Impressive speech :

Passive dictionary: volume, quality_______________________________________________


Discrimination: surrounding objects____________ parts of objects____________

actions ______________ characteristics____________ generalizations________________________

Understanding the meanings of grammar. changes: verbs committed. type__________________

units – pl. numbers of nouns ______________ singular–plural. number of verbs__________________

reduce-caress form of noun_____________ prefixed verbs____________

Understanding logical-grammatical structures: addressed speech ___________________

instructions: simple social and everyday ________ multi-link ________ complex _________

prepositional case constructions: simple_______________ complex________________

simple comparison________ complex comparison ___________inversion_______________

constructions expressing the relationship of persons and objects with each other (in TV.p.)_______

simple questions_____________________ complex questions___________________________

similar in structure of sentences_______________________________________________

text___________understanding hidden meaning ________ figurative sense________

Expressive speech :

Active Dictionary: volume, quality_______________________________________________


Grammatical processes :

Education: adj-x from noun-x_________________ verbs perfect. type______________

noun-x Im. p.m. part __________________________ prefix. verbs _______________

noun-x plural in space n. or R.p._________________ refers. attached ________________

noun in diminutive form. form _______________ possessive. attached _______________

baby animals have _______________________ qualities. attached-x_________________

agreement (in gender, number and case):

adjectives with nouns _________________________verbs with nouns___________________

nouns with numbers___________________________ nouns with prepositions_________________

Connected speech:

Phrase _______________________________________________________________________

Spontaneous speech_______________________________________________________________

Dialogue speech______________________________________________________________

Automated speech: poetry_______count_______days of the week_______months_______

Disautomated speech: counting_______ days of the week_______ months_______

Conjugate speech_______________________________________________________________

Reflected speech_______________________________________________________________

Nominative speech______________________________________________________________

Compiling a phrase: a) based on the picture________________________________________________

b) with the given word ________________________________________________________________

Monologue speech:

Identification of cause-and-effect relationships:

Types of monologue statements


Compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures

Compiling a story based on a plot picture

Writing a story on a given topic (from experience)

Text structure (parts)

Sequence of micro-topics disclosure

Completeness of opening

Semantic accuracy

Phrase type, word agreement

Using expressive means

State of general and fine motor skills ____________________________________________

Optical-spatial gnosis and praxis ______________________________________

Letter: type of lateralization, pace, copying, independent writing, dictation _______________________________________________________________________________




Reading : words, sentences, text; pace; silent reading; understanding the meaning; retelling ______________________________________________________________________________




Conclusion :__________________________________________________________________




Speech therapist:_____________________________________________Date:____________________

Below you can download a sample speech card form

(font 12, 2 pages, A4 size).

Speech therapy conclusion.

During the speech therapy examination________________________________________(____________birthday)

the following was revealed:

According to experts:

In the structure of the articulatory apparatus:

In a state of oral praxis:

In the state of prosody and dynamic aspects of speech:

In the state of sound pronunciation:

In the state of sound-syllable structure of words and phrases:

Able phonemic awareness:

In the state of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis:

In a state of impressive speech:

* passive dictionary

* understanding of changes grammatical meanings words

* understanding of logical-grammatical structures

In a state of expressive speech:

* active dictionary:

* grammatical processes:

Word formation:


* phrase

*monologue speech:

In general and fine motor skills:

In a state of optical-spatial gnosis and praxis:

In writing condition:

Reading state:

Conclusion :

Speech therapist:

Date of:

Below you can download the speech therapy report form in A4 format (font 12).


1. Last name, first name of the child_________________________________________________________________

2. Date of birth__________________________________________Age______________________

3. Institution visited, group, class__________________________________________________________

4. Mother’s full name, age, place of work, position_____________________________________________

5. Father’s full name, age, place of work, position__________________________________________

6. Nationality, native language, what language is spoken in the family______________________


7. Data on the presence of neuropsychic, somatic disorders in parents and relatives

diseases, speech disorders, especially dyslexia and dysgraphia_____________________


8. Progress of pregnancy. (Detect whether there were any injuries, Rh conflict, exposure to

chemical, physical - especially radiation - factors, infectious diseases -

especially rubella, influenza, etc., - toxoplasmosis, cardiovascular diseases,

liver disease, kidney disease, toxicosis in the 1st and 2nd half of pregnancy, symptoms

threatening miscarriage.) 1st half_____________________________________________

2nd half__________________________________________________________________________

9. Progress of labor (on time, early: at 8, 7 months; normal, protracted,

rapid, dehydrated, etc.; the use of stimulation during childbirth, its nature;

duration of labor)______________________________________________________________


10. The condition of the child at the time of birth. Presence of trauma during childbirth: fractures,

hemorrhages, tumors, asphyxia (blue, white)___________________________

when he screamed (immediately, after a few seconds, after a few minutes)__________________________________________________________________________


presence of congenital defects______________________________________________________________

Weight and height of the child at birth__________________________________________________________

When they brought it in to feed, how it sucked (well, sluggishly) ________________________________________________________________________________

11. Data on the somatic, neuropsychic and psychomotor development of the child

(extract from the medical record). Holds head with ________________

sits with ________________ walks with __________________

Previous illnesses up to one year ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________


Previous illnesses from one year to 3 years_________________________________________________


Previous illnesses after 3 years ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

12. Data on the development of a child’s speech: time of appearance of humming__________ babbling__________

nature of babble______________ time of appearance of words_______ phrasal speech__________________

did the child have any violations of the syllabic structure of words_______________________________________ agrammatisms_____________________________________ what sounds were pronounced incorrectly for a long time______________________________________________________________________

nature of incorrect pronunciation of sounds (distortion, replacement, absence of sounds)

up to 4 years _______________________________after 4 years ________________________________

whether correction of sound pronunciation disorders and other speech disorders was carried out,

during what period, its result________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________


characteristic features of understanding the speech of others _________________________________________________________________________________


13. Data from examinations of specialist doctors ________________________________________________________________________________ Share with a colleague!

Last name, first name:


Date of birth, age:

Home address, telephone:

Date of enrollment:

Date of Birth:

    Complaints from teachers and parents: cannot pronounce the sound [r], unclear speech, does not want to learn to read, and does not learn poetry well.

    Have you previously contacted a speech therapist, the effectiveness of the session?tiy: visited speech therapy sessions in the clinic (sounds [s], [z], [ts], in speech therapy group didn’t hit, I was sick).

    Real performance in the Russian language (by the timeexaminations): unsatisfactory (2nd grade).

    Anamnesis: child from the 2nd pregnancy, at term (40 weeks), toxicosis of the first half, the mother was preserved, cesarean section, asphyxia, cried after 2 minutes, Apgar 8-9 points, gr. healthy

School logging station: organization and content of work

5. Data on the progress of speech development: delayed speech development:

babble - in 6 months; first words - to 2 years; phrasal speech - after 3 years; speech environment - satisfactory.

    Hearing status: fine.

    State of vision: fine.

    Psychiatrist's opinion: delayed speech development.

    State of general motor skills: motor awkwardness, slowness, impaired coordination of movement, sense of rhythm.

State of fine motor skills: hand movements are inaccurate, Heda almost does not perform tests, the tone of the hands is reduced, the lines in the drawings are uneven and intermittent.

    Leading hand: right.

    State of the articulatory apparatus (structure and mobility):

lips - large size, does not fully perform lip movements;

teeth - large, uneven, replaceable, large upper incisors that overlap the lower ones;

bite - prognathia;

language - massive, unclear movements, incomplete range of movements (limited upward movement), impaired switchability of movements. In a static position, there is a slight tremor of the tip of the tongue, deviation of the tongue to the left, hypersalivation;

hypoglossal ligament - shortened;

solid sky - tall, gothic in shape;

soft sky - movable.

12. Characteristics of speech.

    Speech understanding: understands spoken speech and performs tasks according to verbal instructions.

    General characteristics of speech (recording of conversation): names the names of his mother and father, does not know his patronymic and the patronymic of his parents. Home address: “102 - 7” (doesn’t know the name of the street or city). Finds it difficult to talk about home and his home activities. He talks with interest about types of transport and car brands. The answers are monosyllabic and the topic is not developed independently. Shows no interest in conversation.

    Vocabulary (quantitative and qualitative haCharacteristics): volume vocabulary does not match

Library of the magazine "Speech therapist"

age level (reduced). Names simple generalizing concepts, does not know the concepts of “wild and domestic animals, birds, tools, insects, shoes, hats, furniture, professions.” Lists seasons and days of the week mechanically. Does not answer questions about the calendar structure of the year. Insufficiently uses adjectives, verbs, adverbs in speech, and uses pronouns inadequately. He doesn’t compose a story based on a plot picture; he laid out a series of plot pictures correctly; he composes a story only with the help of a speech therapist.

    Grammatical structure of speech: insufficiently formed.

    Type of sentences used: simple, uncommon.

    Number of words in a sentence: 2-3.

    Presence of agrammatisms: errors in the use of plural nouns (“windows” - windows, "soma" - catfish, "ears", "ears" - ears, ears, “belts, belts” - belts, etc.). Violation of agreement between numerals and nouns; errors in the case endings of singular and plural nouns and adjectives, and in the use of prepositions.

    Characteristics of sound pronunciation: violation of sound pronunciation of a polymorphic nature - rhotacism (velar [r], [r"], hissing sigmatism [w], [zh] with a lower position of the tongue), unclear pronunciation of affricates ([h], [h]), confusion [ s] - [w], [h] - [g].

12.9. Phonemic hearing: insufficiently formed. Mixture of whistlers - sizzling, hard - soft sounds. Errors in repeating a series of syllables: sa-sa-za - “sa-sa-sa”, sa-sa-sha - “ussha-sha-sha”, pa-ba-pa - “pa-pa-pa”, da-da-ta-ta - “ta-ta-da " etc. Errors in the use of catch-paronyms.

    Level of development of sound-letter skillsth analysis and synthesis: short. Selects only the first vowel sound in words, the first consonant - names the entire first syllable; does not analyze the sound-letter composition of simple words like SGS, SG-SG.

    Reproduction of words of a complex sound-syllable withstava: with mistakes. When repeating words that are complex in structurere, reduces the number of sounds, syllables, rearranges syllables;a similarity is noted:“akvurum”, “skovoda”, “peel” - aquarium, frying pan, propeller.

School logging station: organization andThe content of the work

    Speech rate: delayed.

    Speech intelligibility: illegible, pronounces sounds unclearly.

    Breathing characteristics: breathing is chest type, shallow. When increasing speech tempo, there is a discordination of speech and breathing.

    Manifestation of stuttering: doesn't stutter. Sometimes repeats the first syllable in words that are complex in structure or semantics.

    Letter (presence and nature of specific errorsside) - 2nd grade: omission, rearrangement and assimilation of letters andsyllables: t(r)ava, d(e)vochka, from the box, m(a)tire, went out, spelling two words together above, at the edge of the forest, smemaking labialized vowels: air(y)x, Le(yu)sia, on the pu-(o)lu, spring(e)vy, mixing of voiced-voiceless consonants: usad(t)y, but(d)et, t(d)ctor, in gazed(t)e, on shkav(f), skav(f)andr, mixing sounds (letters) according to articulatory-acousticstical similarity:"birds" - - birds, "zvet" - - color, optically and kinetically similar letters: d(b)olyioy, grit(p), hedge(s), sto(l), bathe(s). Grammatical errors: at the dacha(s), at the factory(s), at the mountain ash(s) etc.

    Reading (level of development of reading skills):1 class - does not read; Grade 2 - reading method letter-syllabic, emphasis - with mistakes.

    Reading pace - short; reading comprehension - incomplete.

    Presence of specific errors: reading is mechanical. Doesn't answer questions in the text, can't find it in the text the right word. When reading, omissions of letters and syllables, truncation of words, guessing of endings, mixing of optically similar letters, and agrammatisms are noted.

13. Brief psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the teacherrunning: available to contact.

Emotions adequate to the situation, critical; visual perception not broken; auditory perception not in full; attention unstable; auditory memory capacity reduced. Level of development of mental operations average; fresh stockideas about the surrounding reality below age level; performance low.

14. Speech therapist's report.

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    class: dysarthria (minimal manifestations), general notadvanced speech development (IIIur.).

    class: reading and writing impairment caused bysignificant underdevelopment of speech (IIIur.) in a child with dysarthria(minimal manifestations).

Date of examination Signature

Appendix 4

The number of students in groups of students with disabilities in the development of oral and writing

Groups of students

Maximum occupancy (persons)

General educational institution located in the city

General educational institution located in a rural area

WITH general underdevelopment speech (ONR)

With mild general underdevelopment of speech (GONSD)

With phonetic-phonemic (FFN) and phonemic speech underdevelopment (PS)

With deficiencies in reading and writing due to general underdevelopment of speech

With deficiencies in reading and writing, due to not clearly expressed general underdevelopment of speech

With deficiencies in reading and writing caused by phonetic-phonemic (phonemic) speech underdevelopment

People who stutter

With deficiencies in the pronunciation of individual sounds

Note: The minimum group size is 3 students.

Appendix 5

Approximate thematic planning of speech therapy classes

Continuation of the table.

Continuation of the table.

Continuation of the table.

End of table.

Appendix 6

Consultations and methodological work

Lyudmila Utyanova
Speech card for examination of a child of senior preschool age


examination of a child of senior preschool age

Last name, first name___

Date of Birth___

Home address___

Home phone ___

Where did___ come from?

Parents information:

Mother (Full Name, age at birth) ___

Father (last name, first name, patronymic, age at the time of birth of the child) ___

National language ___ Bilingualism___

By decision of___ protocol No.___ he was admitted to the speech therapy group for a period of___

Conclusion PMPC___

Date of completion speech card___

General anamnesis

Adverse development factors ___

Past illnesses:

Before a year___ After a year___

Bruises, head injuries___

Convulsions at high temperatures___

Early development

holds his head with (fine : from 1.5 months)___ __Sits with (V normal: from 6 months) ___

crawls with (fine : from 6 -7 months)___Worth from (V normal: from 10 - 11 months) ___

Walks with (fine : from 11 - 12 months) ___Recognizes loved ones from (V normal: from 2.5 - 3 months) ___

The first teeth appeared in (V normal: 6 - 8 months) ___

Number of teeth per year (V normal: 8 teeth) ___

Data on neuropsychic and somatic state (based on medical cards)


Speech anamnesis

Revelry in (fine : from 2 months)___ Babbling in (V normal: from 4-6 months) ___ ___

First words (fine : about a year)___

First phrases (fine : from 1.5 to 2 years)___

Was there any interruption? speech development and for what reason___

Using Gestures (replacement of speech, addition of speech) ___

Family members' attitude towards speech impediment___

Have you worked with a speech therapist ___

Study of behavior and emotional sphere

1. Features of the communication sphere (immediately makes contact, selectively, shows negativism) ___

Study non-speech mental functions

1. Study of auditory perception.

Differentiation of contrasting sounds of several toys (pipes, bells, tambourines, maracas) ___

Determining the direction of sound___

Perception and reproduction of rhythm___

2. Study of visual perception

Discrimination of colors, ability to correlate colors (show, at the request of the speech therapist, objects of a given color, match cups with saucers that match the color, and caps with matching colors scarves: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, white, pink, black)___

Perception of form (show at the request of the speech therapist the given geometric figures And forms: circle, square, oval, triangle, rectangle, ball, cube) ___

Study of the perception of spatial representations, visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking.

Orientation in space (show objects that are above, below, in front, behind, left, right) ___

Orientation in your own body diagram (show right eye, left eye, right ear, left ear) ___ ___

Folding pictures of parts(4 - 6 parts, vertical, horizontal and diagonal cuts) ___

Folding stick figures according to the pattern ( "house" And herringbone from six sticks, "ladder" of seven sticks)___

Anatomical structure of the articulatory apparatus

Lips (thick, thin, cleft, scars) ___

Teeth (sparse, crooked, small, outside the jaw arch, missing teeth, double row of teeth)___

Bite (prognathia, progenia, open lateral, open anterior, cross)

Hard palate (high narrow, gothic, flat, cleft, shortened, submucosal cleft)___

Soft sky (absent, shortened, forked, missing small tongue)

Tongue (massive, small, short, long, "geographical", hypertrophy of the root of the tongue)___

Sublingual ligament (short, shortened, normal, presence of adhesion to the tissues of the sublingual area)___

Study of the state of the motor sphere

1. State of general motor skills (volume of movements, tempo, activity, coordination of movements - filled in after test exercises).

Doing exercises:

Jump on two legs, on the left leg, on the right leg; standing long jump; stomp your feet and clap your hands at the same time; throw the ball from the chest, from behind the head; catch the ball; jump over a small soft toy ___

2. State of manual motor skills (range of movements, tempo, ability to switch, presence of left-handedness or ambidexterity - filled in after test exercises).

Kinesthetic basis movements:

Simultaneously extend the index and middle fingers of the right hand, then the left hand, then both hands___

Kinetic basis movements:

Exercise "Playing the piano" leading hand, test "fist - edge - palm" ___

Pencil skills:

Ability to draw straight, broken, closed lines, people___

Object manipulation:

Ability to fasten and unfasten buttons, tie and untie shoelaces

3. State of facial muscles (presence or absence of movements, accuracy of execution, activity, muscle tone, pace, presence of synkinesis, slowness of eyeball movements - filled in after test exercises)

Doing exercises:

Close your right eye, left eye; raise your eyebrows, frown your eyebrows, puff out your cheeks, suck in your cheeks, wrinkle your nose___

Presence or absence of smoothness of nasolabial folds___

4. State of articulatory motor skills (presence or absence of movements, tone, volume, ability to switch, substitutions, synkinesis, tremor, abundant salivation, deviation of the tip of the tongue - filled in after test exercises) ___

Movements of the lower jaw:

Open and close your mouth; open and close your mouth, overcoming the resistance of your fists

Lip movements:

Stretch your lips in "smile", stretch your lips forward "tube", alternate performing the indicated exercises___

Tongue movements:

"scapula", "needle", "spatula-needle", "swing", "watch" ___

Movements of the soft palate (open your mouth wide and yawn) ___

Study of the state of impressive speech

1. Passive dictionary.

Understanding nouns (show on pictures at the request of the speech therapist, individual objects, objects, parts of objects and objects) ___

Ability to generalize (show, at the request of a speech therapist, several items or objects related to one concept: toys, clothes, shoes, dishes, furniture, vegetables, fruits, birds)___

Understanding of actions (show by suggested pictures: a bird flies, a fish swims, the elephant is walking, the frog is jumping, the snake is crawling)

Understanding the signs (show by suggested pictures: round cookies, square cookies, triangular cookies, oval cookies; cold ice cream, hot tea; bitter medicine, sweet jam)

2. Understanding various forms inflections.

Differentiation of singular and plural nouns (show by pictures: eye - eyes, chair - chairs, leaf - leaves, window - windows)

Understanding prepositional case constructions with prepositions in, on, at, under, for, by

Understanding diminutive suffixes nouns:

sock - sock, cup - cup, window - window

Differentiation of singular and plural forms of verbs (show by suggested pictures: a bird flies - birds fly, a car drives - cars drive)

Differentiation of verbs with different prefixes

(show by suggested pictures: a bird flies out of a cage, a bird flies into a cage) ___

3. Understanding individual sentences and coherent speech.

Understanding sentences (according to the proposed pictures)

Understanding the text, fairy tale "Kolobok" ___

4. State of phonemic awareness.

Differentiation of oppositional sounds that are not mixed in pronunciation (show by pictures) :

mouse - bear ___ kidney - barrel ___

reel - reel ___ crust - slide___

Differentiation of oppositional sounds mixed in pronunciation (show by pictures) :

river - radish ___ goat - braid ___ onion - hatch___ ___ lath - watering can ___

Study of the state of expressive speech

The nature of the expressive speeches:

1. Active dictionary.


Name 4-5 nouns on the topics suggested by the speech therapist.

Furniture: ___

Vegetables: ___


Birds: ___

Name parts of the body and parts of objects (By pictures)

Nose ___ sleeve___

mouth___ collar___

neck___ button___

belly___ car cabin___

chest___ steering wheel___

Name it in one word (to summarize) items and objects depicted on picture.

Chair, table, cabinet___

Cucumber, tomato, carrot ___ Apple, banana, orange ___ Sparrow, dove, owl ___

Answer the questions:

How do birds move? (fly) ___

How do fish move? (swim) ___

How does a snake move? (crawls) ___

How does a frog move? (jumps) ___

How does a person move? (walks) ___

The cat meows. What is the dog doing? (barks) ___


Name the colors presented.

Red ___ ___ Blue

Orange ___ ___ Blue ___

Yellow ___ ___ White ___ ___

Green ___ Black ___

Name the form (answer questions based on Pictures) .

What kind of sun is it? (round) ___

What kind of cookies (square) ___ ___ What kind of scarf? (triangular) ___

What cucumber? (oval) ___

2. The state of the grammatical structure of speech.

Use of nouns in singular and plural nominative cases (form by analogy).

Mouth - mouths___ Lion - lions ___

River - rivers___ Ear - ears ___

Ring - rings___

Formation of plural nouns in genitive case(answer the question "Many things?" By pictures)

Sharov ___ Berez ___

Keys ___ Windows ___

Agreement of adjectives with nouns singular (name by pictures) .

Orange orange ___ Blue butterfly ___ White saucer ___ ___

Use of prepositional case constructions (answer questions on pictures) .

Where does the bullfinch sit? (on the tree) ___

Where is the car? (in the garage) ___

Who has the doll? (from a girl) ___

Where is the car going? (on the way to) ___

Using the numerals 2 and 5 with nouns.

Two balls ___ Five balls ___ Two roses ___ Five roses ___ Two windows ___ Five windows ___

Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes (By pictures) .

Fence - small fence ___ Sock - sock ___ Ribbon - ribbon ___ Window - little window ___

Formation of names of baby animals.

A hare ___ A squirrel ___ A wolf ___ A goat ___

3. The state of coherent speech.

Retelling a text from several sentences.

Ilyusha is getting ready to go fishing. He dug up worms, took a fishing rod and went to the river. Ilyusha sat down on the shore and cast his fishing rod. Soon he caught a bream, and then a perch. Mom cooked Ilyusha a delicious fish soup.

4. Study of the phonetic side of speech.

Study of the sound-syllable structure of words (repeat after the speech therapist based on clarity).

Airplane ___Potion ___

Starling Parachutist ___

Photographer Rattle ___

Little sister is hanging up the sheets. ___

The supermarket sells groceries. _

Paratroopers are preparing to jump. ___

Pronunciation state

Vowels [a], [u], [o], [i], [e] ___

pronunciation and discrimination sounds: pronounces (P, replacement (Z, distortion (I, omission (Pr, confusion) (WITH).

s s" z z" c w w h sh l l" r r" n n" m m" j


t t" d d" k k" g g" x x" c c" f f" p p’


Type of physiological breathing (supraclavicular, diaphragmatic, abdominal, mixed) ___

Breath volume (sufficient, insufficient) ___

Duration speech exhalation ___

6. Features of the dynamic side of speech.

Pace (normal, fast, slow) ___

Rhythm (normal, dysrhythmia) ___

Pause (correct placement of pauses in speech stream) ___

Use of basic types of intonation ___

7. State of phonemic perception, phonemic analysis and synthesis skills.

Repetition of syllables with oppositional sounds.

ba-pa-ba pa-ba-pa ___

da-ta-da ___ ta-da-ta ___

ga-ka-ha ka-ha-ka ___

for-sa-for sa-for-sa ___ _

ta-ta-ta ___ ta-ta-ta ___

Selecting the initial percussion sound from words.

Astra arch_ ___

Autumn ___ lake __

Beehive ___ ears___

Spark needles ___

Speech therapy conclusion

Date___ Speech therapist ___L. V. Utyanova___