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Robert Kiyosaki smart thoughts. Essay on the book Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

  • Your brain can do anything. Everything. The main thing is to convince yourself of this. The arms don’t know that they can’t do push-ups, the legs don’t know that they are weak, the stomach doesn’t know that it’s just fat. Your brain knows this. Convince yourself that you can do anything, you can really do anything.
  • A true investor has very little devotion to his investments.
  • It's not about how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how effectively it works for you, and how many generations after you can use it.
  • In today's understanding, risk is primarily inaction.
  • The main thing is not shine, but cash flow.
  • The bottom line is that saving money is good advice for the poor and average person. This is bad advice for building wealth.
  • Every person has arms, legs, a head and 168 hours a week to do everything that he truly wants.
  • Life is a game of money and time.
  • If you want to change your reality, then you must change your thinking.
  • Seeing what others don't see is the universal key to success.
  • We are slaves to our habits. Change your habits and your life will change...
  • The reason people lose is because they are afraid of losing too much.
  • Poor, unsuccessful, unhappy and unhealthy is the one who often uses the word “tomorrow”.
  • Don't be afraid to lose. Winners are not afraid to lose. Failure is part of the road to success. People who avoid failure also avoid success.
  • Financial intelligence comes from investing time in the real world. It cannot be the result of investing in a mutual fund. Investing in your financial education will not pay off immediately, but it will definitely pay off.
  • Investing is a never-ending process of prospecting, negotiating, investing, and managing people and money. A strong investor always tries to ensure that his money will bring him income today.
  • When you invest with the hope that something will happen in the future, you are playing a game of chance.
  • Good cash flow at a good price is hard to find. Therefore, few people invest in cash flow.
  • The investment objectives are cash flow, capital appreciation, depreciation and tax-free income.
  • Professional investors want to know how quickly they can take their money out of one asset to buy the next. Their goal is to constantly keep money moving and increase investment returns.
  • Rich Dad often said: Give a fool money and he'll throw a party.
  • Business is the most powerful asset of all. Smart investors combine 2 or 3 types of assets, then increase and protect the cash flow coming from those assets. It is very difficult to achieve extremely high profits from only one type of asset.
  • The most valuable asset is time. Most people cannot use it properly. They work hard to make the rich richer, but they don't work hard to make themselves rich.
  • The main mistake people make is investing in assets that are the most popular. You can't succeed by buying what everyone else is buying. You need to be able to find great investments that other people miss.
  • Chuck used to measure his wealth by the number of trinkets he owned. Now, before buying a trinket, he buys an asset that will pay for this trinket. Once its value is paid, the asset generates cash flow for life.
  • Many middle-class people believe that saving money, a retirement plan, and owning a home are smart financial decisions. Despite their importance for financial well-being, they will not provide wealth. You need to buy or create assets that generate passive income.
  • Investing in real estate through a business provides 4 incomes at once: rental income, depreciation, appreciation and tax advantages.
  • The real world is very different from the world of education or government. What he invested in will not pay off in the real world.
  • When business slows down, people too often cut back on growth expenses instead of increasing them. And after the business gets into a rut, they begin to increase expenses instead of cutting them.
  • The most important words in business are cash flow. Rich people are rich because they control the flow of money, and poor people are poor because they don't. Most financial problems are caused by a lack of personal control over cash flow.
  • A professional gambler or professional investor ultimately wants to play with other people's money.
  • How many times do I have to remind you that work won't make you rich? What do people become rich in their free time?
  • Today, millions of people around the world are working dead-end jobs and making investments that are eating up their money.
  • Every investment must make sense both today and tomorrow.
  • Diversification is a defense against the ignorant. It makes virtually no sense to those who know what they are doing.
  • A no deal is better than a bad deal.
  • If the investment is profitable, then the more I borrow, the higher the rate of return.
  • Your academic or professional success has virtually nothing to do with financial success.
  • Buy land where people want to buy plots and sell it to them.
  • Kim and I bought almost 12 small properties, then sold them and bought 2 apartment buildings and were able to retire.
  • Own nothing, but control everything.
  • Focus on what you want, not what you need.
  • You need to create or buy those assets that will provide you with cash flow today.
  • The worst investments go to impatient investors.
  • Excuses are lies you tell yourself. Stop whining, complaining and acting like children. Excuses make a person poor.
  • The first thing to look at is value, not price.
  • If you can't see yourself being rich, you'll never be able to achieve it.
  • A professional investor needs to know 3 things: when to enter the market, when to exit the market and how to withdraw your money from the gambling table.

An American investor with Asian appearance is of interest to many entrepreneurs. It was his book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” that many people read one of the first when they became interested in business and investments. In it he talks about a lot of things and gives a lot of advice, but you can read some of Robert Kiyosaki’s statements (not only from the above-mentioned book) on this page.

About investments, money and business

Kiyosaki built a career and made millions in financial consulting and investing education. Therefore, many are interested in quotes from Robert Kiyosaki about investments and business. Here are the most striking of them:

The reason people lose is because they are too afraid to lose.

If you can't see yourself being rich, you'll never be able to achieve it.

Excuses are lies you tell yourself. Stop whining, complaining and acting like children. Excuses make a person poor.

About life

If Robert Kiyosaki had approached life the way most people do, he would hardly have become so famous and popular. It was the right attitude towards life that helped him achieve success and become rich. Here are his quotes about life.

Poor, unsuccessful, unhappy and unhealthy is the one who often uses the word “tomorrow”.

Be attentive to those who take over your mind. It's not for nothing that we put locks on our doors. For the same reason, you should put a lock on your brain. Your greatest asset is your brain, and you need to keep the doors to it locked.

Seeing what others don't see is the universal key to success.

About work

In order to achieve success, Robert had to work hard. He was at the peak of success and in complete ruin, but he never gave up, because he believed in himself. This belief is reflected in his statements about work.

Every person has arms, legs, a head and 168 hours a week to do everything that he truly wants.

Your academic or professional success has virtually nothing to do with financial success.

The most valuable asset is time. Most people cannot use it properly. They work hard to make the rich richer, but they don't work hard to make themselves rich.

    Poor, unsuccessful, unhappy and unhealthy is the one who often uses the word “tomorrow”. @Robert Kiyosaki

    The only difference between rich and poor is how they use their time. @Robert Kiyosaki

    First question experienced investor "How soon will I get my money back?"@Robert Kiyosaki

    If you think learning is expensive, try to find out how much ignorance costs@Robert Kiyosaki

    There are 2 types of money problems: one - when there is not enough of it, and the other - when there is too much of it. Which problem do you choose?@Robert Kiyosaki

    Excuses are lies you tell yourself. Stop whining, complaining and acting like children. Excuses make a person poor@Robert Kiyosaki

    Start with small transactions. Only education and experience make a person richer and richer@Robert Kiyosaki

    Investors know how to reduce losses. They are not afraid to admit their mistakes. They care not about saving face, but about how to save money. If the investment is unsuccessful, they cut the ends and run away@Robert Kiyosaki

    Rule number one for anyone who wants to become an entrepreneur: never take a job for the money.@Robert Kiyosaki

    Goals should be clear, simple and written down on paper. If they are not written down on paper and you review them every day, they are not goals. These are wishes@Robert Kiyosaki

    Poor people and quitters use the word “impossible” in their speech much more often than those who succeed. Rich dad started from scratch, but he had a dream, a plan to achieve it, and a vision for the future.@Robert Kiyosaki

    Business is the most powerful asset of all. Smart investors combine 2 or 3 types of assets, then increase and protect the cash flow coming from those assets. It is very difficult to get extremely high profits from only one type of asset@Robert Kiyosaki

    Rich dad taught me how to start businesses and invest profits in real estate. I follow this formula all the time@Robert Kiyosaki

    Rich Dad often said: Give a fool money and he'll throw a party.@Robert Kiyosaki

    Most of all in my life I was lucky in that. that I encountered the real world at 13 years old@Robert Kiyosaki

    In a money game, the main thing is not the money, but the game itself@Robert Kiyosaki

    During a recession, many people sell their business and all their equipment for pennies. You need to look for investments that are not doing well, but will soon be on top again. The best investments are sold at the best price between people you know@Robert Kiyosaki

    In quadrant B (business), it is much more profitable to borrow money than to save it@Robert Kiyosaki

    Rich dad often asked Mike and me the question, “If you had nothing—no money, no job, no food, no place to live—what would you do?” Most people are programmed from birth to go look for work. In fact, they go to school in order to confirm their purpose. But if you want to get the right to become a businessman or investor, then you need a different form of training. He called this form of learning learning to live in the real world@Robert Kiyosaki

    In today's understanding, risk is primarily inaction@Robert Kiyosaki

    Your task is to build a pipeline and constantly expand its diameter@Robert Kiyosaki

    A business owner can sell a loss-making company to another profitable business and through this transaction recoup the loss. Depreciation looks like a loss, but it isn't@Robert Kiyosaki

    By getting to the bottom of your real financial statement, you'll discover a world of real financial opportunity.@Robert Kiyosaki

    Be attentive to those who take over your mind. It's not for nothing that we put locks on our doors. For the same reason, you should put a lock on your brain. Your greatest asset is your brain, and you need to keep the doors locked.@Robert Kiyosaki

    You may have noticed that those who fall behind financially are often people who are ossified in their worldview and way of acting.@Robert Kiyosaki

    Always remember that you are an entrepreneur, a visionary and a leader all rolled into one. Don't let your advisors run your business. When a business begins to lose money, spend as much money as possible on development. After the business recovers, you will be able to cut costs and recoup some of the funds spent on development@Robert Kiyosaki

    The main thing is to find a method that is effective for you personally. Both rich dad and I built businesses and invested in real estate. But these were completely different types of businesses and different real estate@Robert Kiyosaki

    Money game: 1st period - 25-35 years, 2nd - 35-45 years, 3rd - 45-55 years, 4th - 55-65 years. Additional time. Game over. Any game consists of periods@Robert Kiyosaki

    Tens of thousands of students have graduated from business schools where they were taught that there is no point in thinking@Robert Kiyosaki

    Fools turn money into trash. Alchemists, on the contrary, turn garbage into money@Robert Kiyosaki

    If you own a business and it becomes part of a legitimate economy, nothing threatens its business activity even in a downturn in the stock market@Robert Kiyosaki

    If you don't know what to do with your money, put it in the bank and don't tell anyone that you have money to invest. If you don't know what to do with your money, there are millions of people who know what to do with it. On this matter, everyone has their own opinion and ready advice on how to manage your money@Robert Kiyosaki

For most people, fear and greed work against them. Hence the ignorance. Almost all of them chase wages, raises and benefits, driven by fear and desire, and without asking themselves where such thoughts lead. They look like a donkey pulling a cart because the owner holds a carrot on a stick in front of his nose. Perhaps the owner is going where he needs to go, but the donkey is chasing an illusion! And tomorrow the donkey will have a new carrot.

Sources(books, films, about-from-ve-de-ni-ya, etc.) with quotes from Robert Kiyosaki
  • book

about the author

Robert Toru Kiyosaki (born April 8, 1947) is an American entrepreneur, investor, writer and teacher. He is best known for his book Rich Dad Poor Dad. He is the author of 15 books that have sold more than 26 million copies. Developed an educational board game “Cash Flow 101”, designed for mastering financial strategies.

Robert Kiyosaki comes from a family of educators. His father was the Secretary of Education in the State of Hawaii (USA). Kiyosaki is a representative of the fourth generation of Japanese who moved to America. After high school, Robert was educated in New York. Upon graduation, he joined the US Marine Corps and served in the US Navy in Vietnam as an officer and combat helicopter pilot.

After returning from the war, Kiyosaki began working as a sales agent for the Xerox Corporation, and in 1977 he began his business career and launched a company that was the first to sell small leather and nylon products, including “surfer wallets.”

We present to your attention the best quotes from successful entrepreneur, investor and writer Robert Kiyosaki:

  • Don't be afraid to lose. Winners are not afraid to lose. Failure is part of the road to success. People who avoid failure also avoid success.
  • Your academic or professional success has virtually nothing to do with financial success.
  • I know the world outside the coop seems scary. It’s difficult with work, difficult with money and very bad with opportunities. But, I assure you, life outside the chicken coop is in full swing, full of optimism and energy, and there are a lot of opportunities there. It's all a matter of where you look - from the chicken coop or outside.
  • What your generation lacks is the financial education needed to be financially secure.
  • The reason people lose is because they are too afraid to lose.
  • We are slaves to our habits. Change your habits and your life will change...
  • Poor, unsuccessful, unhappy and unhealthy is the one who often uses the word “tomorrow”.
  • The first lesson we must learn is that money itself is not evil. It's just a tool, like a pencil. The pencil can be used to write a beautiful love letter or a complaint that will get you fired. When the pencil was designed, it was made in such a way that it became convenient both for writing and for getting the sharp end into the eye. It's not about the object itself, but about the motivation of the person holding a pencil or money in his hands.
  • Your brain can do anything. Everything. The main thing is to convince yourself of this. The arms don’t know that they can’t do push-ups, the legs don’t know that they are weak, the stomach doesn’t know that it’s just fat. Your brain knows this. Once you convince yourself that you can do anything, you can truly do anything.
  • Every person has arms, legs, a head and 168 hours a week to do everything that he truly wants.
  • Be attentive to those who take over your mind. It's not for nothing that we put locks on our doors. For the same reason, you should put a lock on your brain. Your greatest asset is your brain, and you need to keep the doors to it locked.
  • If you can't see yourself being rich, you'll never be able to achieve it.
  • The most valuable asset is time. Most people cannot use it properly. They work hard to make the rich richer, but they don't work hard to make themselves rich.
  • Our emotions are a powerful force. If left unchecked, they become self-fulfilling prophecies.
  • Only education and experience make a person richer and richer.
  • Excuses are lies you tell yourself. Stop whining, complaining and acting like children. Excuses make a person poor.
  • Seeing what others don't see is the universal key to success.
  • If you want to change your reality, then you must change your thinking.