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The secrets of our language are Trinity. The mystery of the Russian language: elementary truths and sensational discoveries

“Do Russians know that June 6 is Russian Language Day? They don’t even know what the Russian language is!”

On May 24, the “Day of Slavic Literature and Culture” was solemnly celebrated in all Slavic countries. – this year the 1150th anniversary of the creation of Slavic writing was celebrated. In most other cities it started on Friday, May 24, the Day of Remembrance of Saints Cyril and Methodius. They are generally recognized as the creators Slavic alphabet. In total, more than 500 programs and events were planned, in which more than 350 thousand people would take part - school students, visitors to cultural and recreation parks.
However, "Russian spirit" lives not in magnificent spectacular crowds, not in man-made scriptures, not in the strange borders of divided Slavic powers that periodically arise due to the ambitions of temporary rulers, he lives in the very heart of each of us who bears the glorious name Rusich.
Modern literary Russian, due to the intensification of the Byzantine religion in Muscovy (since the reign of the Romanovs in the 17th century), has partially “moved away” from the figurative language that existed back in the 15th-16th centuries. and which was spoken by all of Europe(!). However, it (in general, this happens with the state standardization of any existing dialect or the introduction of a distorted language, which was Church Slavonic in Moscow Rus'), still retained the foundations for the completeness of the beneficial life of its speakers. What happened.., When and Why, you ask? Let's figure it out together.

...In an era of mass movements, there is a confusion of languages. “Illiterate”, “natural”, “topic” speech poured en masse into the press, on television, into clerical circulation, etc. and simply overwhelmed the existing literary norm. The language itself is changing, and we are witnessing the fact that “deterioration becomes the norm.”
We were taught that language evolves. In relation to literary language, this means that one becomes more sensitive to distinguishing semantic and stylistic nuances. For example, “beautiful” has one meaning, “elegantly” another, and “gracefully” a third. Suppose that in the 19th century, instead of these words, they would have said the word “super”. Or instead of evaluative words and even statements - the interjection “wow!” The plot of one film is retold by one boy to another: “And he’s just peum-peum, and this one is jukh!”

Now, in the age of the Internet, many new words have appeared - “neologisms” - “glamorous-chic, luxurious, “anti-Barbie” - about a plump girl who does not correspond to the type of girls who are called “Barbie” due to her resemblance to the doll (since 2004 .), “Gothic” – excellent (since 2005). This is nothing yet. How do you like these “expressions” (they were first used in the language of sms on mobile phones and inter-comments on the Internet for brevity and speed, and now many people simply “speak” in this language - “Albanian”.
“Albany” slang is the language of “bastards”, in which young people (and not only others) often communicate lately. “Bastards – glamorous and pretentious, positive and not so positive.
The appearance of this “Albanian” language is not accidental. This is probably a peculiar reaction of the body to gray, illiterate speech. Fortunately, we have a reliable shield - the unforgettable Ellochka (from “The Twelve Chairs” by I. Ilf and E. Petrov), who was funny, because knew only 30 words.
Let us remember that until now Russian language remains the most figurative and poetic among all linguistic diversity.

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Over the fields of growing grain,
Burned up like a dawn fire
Horizon. From Earth to Heaven
Rus' is filled with the Living Word.

There are many wonderful words in the Russian language,
Our speech flows like silver.
People Live Here, Knowing God,
And they say Good with love.

After all, Love is the basis of our Life,
Rus' is full of unprecedented miracles.
Glory to the Prophetic Russian Word -
To the Life-Giving Word of Heaven!

At Lukomorye– from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by A.S. Pushkin:

...Even now the Russian language truly possesses cosmic possibilities - we would only like to preserve this wealth from alien interference in the sacred treasures of literature.

At one of the symposia, four linguists met: an Englishman, a German, an Italian and a Russian. The conversation turned to languages. They began to argue, whose language is more beautiful, better, richer, and to which language does the future belong?

The Englishman said: “England is a country of great conquerors, sailors and travelers who spread the glory of its language to all corners of the world. English language- the language of Shakespeare, Dickens, Byron - undoubtedly best language in the world".

“Nothing like that,” said the German, “Our language is the language of science and physics, medicine and technology. The language of Kant and Hegel, the language in which the best work of world poetry is written – Goethe’s Faust.”

“You are both wrong,” the Italian entered into the argument, “Think, the whole world, all of humanity loves music, songs, romances, operas! What language are the best love romances and brilliant operas in? In the language of sunny Italy!

The Russian was silent for a long time, listened modestly and finally said: “Of course, I could also say, like each of you, that the Russian language - the language of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Chekhov - is superior to all the languages ​​of the world. But I won't follow your path. Tell me, could you compose a short story in your languages ​​with a plot, with a consistent development of the plot, so that all the words in the story begin with the same letter?”

This greatly puzzled the interlocutors and all three said: “No, this is impossible in our languages.” Then the Russian replies: “But in our language this is quite possible, and I will now prove it to you. Name any letter." The German replied: “It doesn’t matter. The letter "P", for example."

“Great, here’s a story for you with this letter,” answered the Russian.

Pyotr Petrovich Petukhov, lieutenant of the fifty-fifth Podolsk Infantry Regiment, received a letter by mail full of pleasant wishes. “Come,” wrote the lovely Polina Pavlovna Perepelkina, “let’s talk, dream, dance, take a walk, visit a half-forgotten, half-overgrown pond, go fishing. Come, Pyotr Petrovich, to stay as soon as possible.”
Petukhov liked the proposal. I figured: I’ll come. I grabbed a half-worn field cloak and thought: this will come in handy.
The train arrived after noon. Pyotr Petrovich was received by Polina Pavlovna’s most respected father, Pavel Panteleimonovich. “Please, Pyotr Petrovich, sit down more comfortably,” said dad. A bald nephew came up and introduced himself: “Porfiry Platonovich Polikarpov. Please, please."
The lovely Polina appeared. A transparent Persian scarf covered her full shoulders. We talked, joked, and invited us to lunch. They served dumplings, pilaf, pickles, liver, pate, pies, and cake. We had a hearty lunch. Pyotr Petrovich felt pleasantly satiated.
After eating, after a hearty snack, Polina Pavlovna invited Pyotr Petrovich to take a walk in the park. In front of the park stretched a half-forgotten, half-overgrown pond. We went sailing. After swimming in the pond we went for a walk in the park.
“Let’s sit down,” suggested Polina Pavlovna. Sit down. Polina Pavlovna moved closer. We sat and were silent. The first kiss sounded. Pyotr Petrovich got tired, offered to lie down, laid out his half-worn field raincoat, and thought: it would come in handy. We lay down, rolled around, fell in love. “Pyotr Petrovich is a prankster, a scoundrel,” Polina Pavlovna said habitually.
“Let’s get married, let’s get married!” whispered the bald nephew. “Let’s get married, let’s get married,” the father approached in a deep voice. Pyotr Petrovich turned pale, staggered, then ran away. As I ran, I thought: “Polina Petrovna is a wonderful match, I’m really excited.”
The prospect of receiving a beautiful estate flashed before Pyotr Petrovich. I hastened to send an offer. Polina Pavlovna accepted the proposal and later got married. Friends came to congratulate us and brought gifts. Handing over the package, they said: “Wonderful couple.”

The linguist interlocutors, having heard the story, were forced to admit that Russian language is the best and richest language in the world!

...Each reader is free to determine for himself, according to his Conscience, what is closer to Truth-Truth: the official historical myth about the Russian People (which is now bursting at the seams, living out its last years), or what other sources testify to. At different times there were always people, be they foreigners (Fadey Wolanski, burned at the stake by Polish clergymen from his own books “Monuments of Slavic Literature before the Nativity of Christ”; Mavro Orbini - Italian historian, who in 1601 wrote a study entitled “The Book of Historiography of the Beginning of the Name, glory and expansion of the Slavic people and their Kings and Rulers under many names and with many Kingdoms, Kingdoms and Provinces..."), or Russian researchers (V.N. Tatishchev, M.V. Lomonosov, E.I. Klassen P P. Oreshkin, M. L. Seryakov, G. S. Grinevich, V. M. Kandyba, O. M. Gusev, K. K. Bystrushkin), convincingly and strictly scientifically showing in their works that the true past of the Russian People goes back thousands of years.
It is precisely this view of the history of the Russian People, (and therefore the history of all humanity), that allows us to consider the history of mankind not as a movement from savagery to civilization, as official history teaches, but quite the opposite: from Unity with the World and God to complete savagery and self-destruction, from the Unified Language of the feelings of the Soul, to the unified language of mind-logic, from Conscience and Justice to legalized domination, from will to captivity.

Let’s start with an excerpt from O. Gusev’s work “The Magic of the Russian Name”:

"...To declare that the Russian people before the adoption of Christianity were “unliterate and uncultured” means recognizing them as incapable of developing their own philosophical and worldview concept in their views on the world, on the processes occurring in Space. How then did it survive on Earth? Orthodox philosophers teach: ancient Slavic language(and after it the Russian language) is “an artificial language created thanks to the genius of two peoples: the Greeks and the Jews.” Isn’t Christianity taking on too much? The peoples of the yellow race, for example, did without Christianity and have their own view of the world. Maybe a thousand years ago we Russians were at least on an equal footing with them in terms of our intellectual development? Is the idea of ​​the Arabs, Chinese, and Indians about the universe contained in Arabic, Chinese, and Indian languages? Yes, it's included. Any linguist will tell you this. Why don’t we hear anything, that the same thing is inherent in Russian language? Just as Arabic, Chinese and all other languages ​​of the world have nothing to do with the “genius of two peoples: the Greeks and the Jews,” the great Russian language also has nothing to do with this “genius”...

As for Rus', then, V.N. Tatishchev claims, we “had letters for a very long time, because before Rurik there was a written law... Oleg mentions in the agreement with the Greeks about letters and letters for travelers...” ... we are surprised We read that world Slavic studies have long established the fact that the Russians had their own written language before they adopted Christianity. The debate is about whether we had literary language and literature. Some researchers are convinced that our pre-Christian books were written in a simple and in clear language, not much different from modern colloquial... . But why is “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” also written incomprehensibly? Maybe the author of “The Lay...” used not a colloquial, but a literary “language” that had already been finally established by the time of his life, imposed by the reformers of the “enlightenment of the Slavs”? Then V.N. Tatishchev, M.V. Lomonosov, V. Trediakovsky, V. Zhukovsky, K. Batyushkov, and most importantly, A.S. Pushkin and V.I. Dal saved our literary language from the “gift” of Cyril and Methodius !?".

Here it is important for us to show that it was not the Greeks, Jews and Romans who brought us enlightenment, thereby leading us out of a state of savagery. Quite the opposite. The Russian People have always brought a beacon of knowledge to other peoples, after the once united human community broke up into many peoples, tribes and nationalities, which at the same time forgot the common language and writing, and to varying degrees fell into the state of the so-called “primitive communal system.” Another thing is that the Russian People themselves failed to fully resist the forces destroying humanity and there was a constant splitting off from the Russian Tree of certain families and clans, which, as they moved away from it, distorted both their language and worldview. The last such split was the splitting of the Rus into the steppe, Polabian, Pomeranian, Gorodets and Siversk. The Steppe people are now known as Ukrainians, the Polabs as Yugoslavs, the Pomeranians were destroyed during crusades, the Gorodets partially formed the Belarusians, and partially, together with the Sivertsy, formed the current Russian people. There were earlier divisions, but this is in a separate work. But the example of the Slavic division of the Rus shows how this happened earlier. For us, it is important to show that it was the Russian People who enlightened the Greeks and Romans, since then it becomes clear why they subsequently needed to distort history (the genuine earthly ones were), to the point of “the opposite.”

...Unique archaeological finds in the Kemerovo region lead to the idea that there once existed a developed civilization that gave rise to Slavic tribes and the Russian language.

Program "Live Topic" – ABC of Ancestors (2013):

I want to be a god today
To speak in a high style,
And speak like Lomonosov,
About the antiquity of the Great Russians.

How many times have we been buried?
In the hope that they have finally finished off,
How the vile gloated,
But no! Holy Rus' stands!

And you can't break us that easily,
You'll deceive, yes, but you won't crush.
And let troubles befall us,
We will still experience the taste of Victory!


My dad and mom are the same age. This year they would have turned 100 years old each! It's a pity that they won't see this book. When my sister and older brother and I were very young, they took us to different cities to introduce you to distant and not very distant relatives. I was the smallest. And I was very surprised, where do we have so many uncles, aunts, cousins, second cousins, brothers, daughters-in-law, nieces, brothers-in-law and brothers-in-law? And in general, which of these words means what? Mom and Dad were very happy when we all found common interests among ourselves, corresponded, consulted... Dad often told us that the most important thing for the state is family. Without an economy, the people will somehow survive. But without a family - no. Almost all of our relatives were poor. Dad helped them all. His books were printed in fairly large editions and sold well. Mom corresponded with many relatives and even sent clothes to those who could not afford to buy them. She often altered her elegant dresses for one of her relatives.

I'm sad that many words associated with relatives are now considered outdated. Although, if you try to look deeper into any of them, it opens up like a flower in the morning sun. Sometimes it amazes with its accuracy and wisdom, and sometimes it causes surprise at how affectionate and gentle it is. It seems to me that many people today would like to know where even such simple words How's mom, dad, aunt, grandma? Not to mention the real mysteries for today's younger generation: sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law... And so on... I decided to write this book in memory of my parents in the year of their common centenary. More than anything else, they honored their family, remembered their ancestors and tried to teach this to their children.


ROD was considered one of the most important Slavic gods. It was he who pointed out to people that their main task on earth was procreation. It’s nice that in our language such a number are derived from the word “GENERAL” Related words: MOTHERLAND, NATURE, PEOPLE, RELATIVES, RELATIVES, PORTABLE, FREAK, GENERATE (miscarriage of the race)... Once upon a time, “FREAK” was a word of praise. To this day, in Polish, “UGLY” means “BEAUTY.” That is, a person who was at his KIND. NATURE is what was created on earth by ROD. THE PEOPLE are what were born in NATURE. And finally, one of the warmest words in the Russian language - PARENTS - KIND OF THE BODY! BODIES CONTINUING BIRTH!

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The word "FAMILY" comes from the word "SEED". Strong and large families– SEEDS of the Motherland!


One of the first words most often spoken by a child.

How cleverly everything is paralleled in this world! According to the ancient Vedic legend, the Almighty created the world with the sound “A”. He let out a scream, the scream began to thicken and turned into matter. It would seem like a literary image. Nevertheless, it is consistent even with the laws of physics. What is matter? Condensed energy. Energy is transmitted not only by light, but also by thoughts and sound. Try opening your mouth wide and saying “A-ah-ah” on one note, slightly vibrating your voice? Then slowly close your lips, just like closing the diaphragm of a camera. You will hear that the sound “A” will gradually turn into “O”, then into “U”, and when your lips close, you will hear your own mooing - “M-M-M”. This is how “Mmmm” matter was formed from the primordial sound-energy - “A-a-a”! The feeling that the authors of the legend were quantum physicists. By the way, “A-O-U-M” is the beginning of the ancient mantra: “OM-MANI-PADME-HUM”. True, some today perceive it in a flat and primitive way as “OM”. It is interesting that the source of one of the most popular Christian words “AMEN” also lies in this first mantra. But no one knows about this today. The West considers it humiliating for itself the very idea that it, the “civilian,” inherited something from the non-civilian East. Nevertheless, the most sincere and sensitive believers, even in the West, when they pray, thanks to their ancestral memory, say “AMEN” with a slightly vibrating voice, as the Creator once did, according to legend.

If you make the same sounds in reverse order, start with closed lips “M-M-M” and gradually open your mouth, you will get the most pleasant syllable for a child’s ear, “MA”. The syllable is so pleasant and affectionate that you want to say it twice: “MA-MA”! So if we try to explain this word, sacred to all mankind, using the formulas of wave mechanics, it turns out that it means matter “M”, giving energy “A”! Indeed, who else but mothers, when taking care of their children, try to transfer to them as much of their energy as possible for their future life.

I think that no language has such a number of diminutive words in relation to mothers as in Russian: matushka, mamushka, mamenka, mummy, mamulya, mamusya... As an ancestress, they revered and native land- Mother Earth! The heroes gained strength from the Mother of the damp earth! The call “The Motherland is calling!” I was only in Russia. Well, back in Ukraine, until the Ukrainians decided that they were a different people. The largest and most impressive Russian monument in Volgograd is called “Motherland”!

It all started with the creation of the world with the syllable “AM”. Then mother matter gave energy to a new life - “MA”! Everyone knows how the Old Testament reads: “In the beginning was the word. And that word was God!” I would continue these lines: “And the second word was “MA-MA.”

From the syllable “AM” the ancient verb “AMATE” was formed. The same thing as eating. I eat - I enjoy. The famous English “I am” comes from the same Indo-European root. Mysticism, of course, but even the name of an entire country begins with the same syllable “AMERICA”. Very accurate! There is no better name for a state in which everyone eats all the time!


There are assumptions, and I believe in them, that the word “PAPA” is the syllable “PA” pronounced twice, which meant half of something. Figuratively speaking, “DAD” is only HALF of the family. When humanity developed into great civilizations of religions, in which men began to “rule” with all their peasant agility, it became offensive for them to consider themselves halves. At their suggestion, they began to call leaders, high priests, spiritual leaders and, in the end... Roman POPES "POPES"! In English "PAPA" is pronounced "POUP". And so their “remake” “POP” returned to us, to Rus', from “our DAD”. This ironic “stump” stuck by itself to those who profited from religion. No wonder - the word came back to us from the West, where trading religion was considered the order of the day even among the Popes.

And those who remained faithful to God in their souls continued to be addressed as “FATHER.” From the word "BATYA". What is the difference between “DADDY” and “PAPA”? “PAPA” is the other half: that is, the one who is always with mom. And “FATHER” means “GOD”! More precisely, “the one who is Almighty in the family!” And he will protect, and feed, and teach, and whom you must obey in everything, because if you don’t obey, he will punish you!” If "BATYA" was angry, he was called "BATYAVKA", and if he smiled - "BATYAVKA".


In addition to “PAPA” and “BATI” there is also the word “FATHER”. From him the divine “FATHER” was formed. WHAT did it all come from! FATHER is the Creator! Until now, thanks to the ancestral memory that has not completely faded, many in prayer turn to the Almighty - Father! And I'm sure He likes it! After all, the Father, unlike the Pope, consisted of two halves. God has no gender. But this has long been forgotten. Common people generally imagine the Creator as a kind of old man who walks barefoot on the clouds and from there, from above, sometimes angry, and sometimes giggling, spies on us. So “DAD”, “FATHER” and “FATHER” are three different words... Once upon a time there were...

Although two of them - “BATYA” and “FATHER” - were formed from one proto-root - “ATYA”. Many words were thrown into humanity by children. Have you noticed how babies who cannot speak babble in their “cosmic” language? One of their favorite words is “TYATYA” or “ATYA”.

Compare: dad, dad, dad, dad and father? The last one is the most unkind. This suggests that, most likely, the father was called the father when he was especially angry and punished the children, for example, did not allow them to pull the tusks of mammoths after sunset. Or shoot pebbles from slingshots at a running neighbor. When a formidable parent appeared, the children probably warned each other by shouting: “Father! Father! Run away, whoever can! Look, he’s with a club!” These screams were full of horror, so not all sounds in the words were pronounced clearly. So... out of fright, instead of “FATHER”, another new word “ATAS!” appeared. This is the evolution that took place from the affectionate “ATYA” through the strict “FATHER” to the panicky “ATAS!”, and in the near future to the formidable “ATAMAN”!

* * *

But the nicest thing is that the most affectionate word is still “DADDY.” Nowadays, children don’t even call their dads when they want to get something from them: “DADDY,” “DADDY,” “FOLDER”... Even prisoners in the zones, when they want to suck up to the main local authority, call him “ DADDY." Because he, as befits a “PAPE,” judges not according to laws, but according to justice! When “PAPA” is angry with his “sixes”, he is no longer “PAPA”, but “DOF” - “PAPA-KHAN”. That is, “PAPA”, from whom everyone “HANA”!

It’s interesting that in the 90s the first president of Russia was called “PAPA” in the Kremlin! That is, “in reality” they considered him a real authority in the Kremlin zone!


Many who are engaged in the “archeology” of the Russian language believe that the word “LOVE” means “PEOPLE KNOW GOD”! “LU” – “PEOPLE”, “BO” – “GOD”, “V” – “KNOW”. It’s funny, but if you remove the syllable “BO” from the word “LOVE”, meaning “GOD”, you get “LOVE” - almost the English “LOVE”. It seems like their love is almost ours, but without God. Maybe that’s why they approach love in a more business-like manner than we do: for example, before getting married, they sign marriage contracts, work out the terms of marriage, the rights and obligations of each other, and notarize them: “I undertake to love you until the grave.” ! If I leave this world, having stopped loving you, it’s a penalty from me!”

* * *

Lately, a brilliant expression has become fashionable in the West: “LET’S GO MAKE LOVE!” Love has been equated to business! And all because God was thrown out of the most holy word “LOVE”, which... must save the world!


The words “LOYALTY” and “JEALOUSY” in Russian consist of the same letters. And the root “VER” is the opposite of the root “ROAR”. “BELIEV – BELIEVE”, “ROAR – ROAR”! That is, LOYALTY is when you believe each other, and JEALOUSY is ROAR. Living in nature, people roared with anger, like animals, who sometimes even started battles over females, JEALOUS!

Very wise Russian language! Every word contains an indication of how to live: in order not to be JEALOUS and not to CROAR, you must... BELIEVE!


Many words in ancient times were formed from the abbreviation of some very precise expressions. For example, the ancient expression “I EAT, THEREFORE I AM!” collapsed into the later “I AM.” From the long “WHAT KIND” came the short and specific “WHEN?”, from “THAT YEAR” - “THEN”. “NO YEAR” – “NEVER”. And “THIS DAY” - it’s not hard to guess - “TODAY”.

This process has occurred at all times and not only in the Russian language. Many examples can be given: “PIG” was once “POG”. The sound “X” disappeared on its own because it was unnecessary and unpronounceable. And it’s clear who we’re talking about. The word lightened up, like a balloon, from the basket of which the excess load was thrown out, and flew into the future!

“OBSERVE” comes from the common expression: “TO GIVE ON A DISH.”


“AS AS IF I’M NOT” was packed into the “OFFICE”.

“IT’S DIFFICULT” – “IT’S FALSE.” That is, if you lie, life will be difficult.

And “PEOPLE” are nothing more than “ Best Junior beatable DE you of God! After all, without “PEOPLE” there is no “LOVE”!

* * *

Of course, not everyone will believe that most of today’s words are “abbreviations” of ancient wisdom. But the fact is that biorhythms change over time. Time is speeding up. The world is filled with information and new technologies. The number of friends and acquaintances is growing, the volume of knowledge is swelling by leaps and bounds. Modern means of communication seem to speed up life, make it move faster. Especially mobile phone, radio, television, Internet... You can get to anywhere in the world in a day; traffic jams on the roads force people to think about only one thing: how to get somewhere in time. They no longer sit, but sit down, lie on the move, sleep while running, and keep promising on the phone: “I’ll be there soon!”... Not people, but some kind of “soon-to-be.” There is no time to say “I EAT, THEREFORE I AM”! Even “I AM” is already slowing down: “I AM”! But I am sure that it will soon shrink to “I – ​​E”. Already now young people speak in abbreviations: not “COMPUTER”, but “COMP”, not “AIR CONDITIONER”, but “COND”... “TEACHER” - “TEACHER”. "STUDENT" - "STUDENT". "GRANDMOTHER" - "BUSHKA". “AZERBAIJANIAN” - “AZER”... AND “CHAMPION OF THE MOSCOW OLYMPIAD” - “CHMO”.

What about text messages? Why type for a long time “I LOVE YOU” when you can “I LOVE YOU!”, and again everything is clear. “HOW DO YOU FEEL?” "NOT PLO"! “ARE YOU EMO?” No, “I’m a schmuck!” I’m afraid that if this process continues to proceed at the same accelerated pace, then in the schools of the future Pushkin will be read something like this: “I WILL LOSE A MIRACLE INSTANTLY!”


Even proverbs have reached us in distorted, edited and shortened versions!

For example, everyone knows the proverb: “WHO REMEMBERS THE OLD, LET HIM EYE OUT!” But no one knows that this proverb had a continuation: “AND WHOEVER FORGETS, HAVE BOTH EYES OUT!” I understand that for those who carry out revolutions, coups and who cross out all the best that happened in the past, such an original version of the proverb is not suitable. But the chopped off one is very “suitable for the court” of any ruler.

There was also the ancient Slavic wisdom of pre-Christian times, the beginning of which, thanks to various religions, everyone knows: “WHEN THEY ARE HITTING ON THE RIGHT CHEEK, SUPPLY YOUR LEFT....” But our ancestors, it turns out, had a continuation: “BUT DON’T LET YOU HIT!” Such a “commandment” does not suit the authorities. What does “don't let me hit you” mean? No, dears! You must humble yourself! We will beat you, and you turn different cheeks.

How often do we still hear the expression: “THE FUCK THE GOAT BAYAN”? Some of the most inquisitive minds wonder, what kind of nonsense is this? What is it about? Yes, because no one knows the continuation: “SHE IS SO FUN!”

“NEW BROOM SWEEPS IN A NEW WAY!” Everyone knows this supposed wisdom. For rulers, it is not a proverb at all, but an excuse. How I would like them to know the ending: “AND WHEN IT BREAKS, IT LAYS UNDER THE BENCH!” How many “broken brooms” have I seen among politicians, businessmen and officials in my life!

And finally, one of the most philosophical proverbs “A HOLY PLACE IS NEVER EMPTY.” And she turned out to be half-hearted, because further she sounded too threatening: “AND AN EMPTY PLACE IS NOT HOLY!”


In the Slavic pantheon there was a goddess called Sva. She sat at the spindle and weaved the thread of life. The syllable "VA", when the first speech arose, meant "SEED". Most likely, because, excuse the documentary details, when ejaculating semen, the male shouted “VA” in ecstasy! The memory of this exclamation is still preserved in many Western languages. WOW! And now it expresses admiration, only not for the seed or the number of children, but in general... Whatever... In a word, the name of the goddess SVA seemed to indicate that she helps sow the seeds of new lives. Later, on behalf of the goddess herself, such a word, pleasant for the Russian ear, came into being - “WEDDING!”

* * *

Probably in some Russian provinces weddings were celebrated so flamboyantly that the word was pronounced “SWARBA,” as if from the word “SWARA.” And even the guests were called “WEDDING GUESTS”. That is, they came in advance in order to start a fight.

But personally, I much prefer such old-time words that caress the ear, such as “GET WEDDING”, “GET WEDDING”... They immediately create an appetite.

And although everyone has forgotten about the goddess Swa, her name lives on in our speeches. Not to mention the songs: “OH, THIS WEDDING, WEDDING, WEDDING SINGED AND DANCED...” Thus, to this day, we unconsciously honor the forgotten goddess who sows the seeds for the continuation of the Family!


In ancient times, a BRIDE was a name given to a girl who had not yet received the news that they wanted to marry her. VESTA – the one to whom the offer was received. When VESTA got married, she was already considered a WITCH, since she already knew what to do and what the meaning of her life was. And when, according to witchcraft, she gave birth to her first child, she turned from a WITCH into a WITCH! The word “WITCH” in those distant times of the Golden Age of mankind was formed from the abbreviation of two words: “KNOWING MOTHER”.

Nowadays, I don’t recommend calling mothers “WITCHES.” After what happened in history, this word changed its meaning to the opposite. This happened with other words as well. “SUFFER” meant “REMOVE SUFFERING.” But when what was removed had to be given to the owner, to work “for the uncle,” the word “SUFFER” began to mean “TO TORMENT.” How else? After all, working in order to give is even more painful!

* * *

When the world submitted to the men, in their desire to deprive women of spiritual power, the latter tried very hard to turn many words from being friendly towards the female sex into offensive ones. Apparently, fearing that power might return to the women again, men were engaged in this business for several thousand years. And they were very successful! For example, the most insulting curse word addressed to a mother today in the very distant times of female rule meant a wish for continuation of the FAMILY!

* * *

And the well-known legend that a woman was created from a man’s rib began to be interpreted in a very humiliating way for women. I'm sure it wasn't without intent. The fact is that the word “RIB” had a second meaning – “ESSENCE”. “QUESTION FROM THE EDGE” is a question in essence! So, dear women, don’t have a complex - you were not created from the scraps of a man’s body, but in essence, just like men. Moreover... it is no coincidence that a part of the body is called a rib. It is the ribs that protect the very delicate organs on which life depends. This means that women are created as a protection for men who are more tender and injured, but provide life.


The Ukrainian language still retains many more ancient words than in Russian. Suffice it to remind you that “WIFE” is “DRUZHINA” in Ukrainian. That is, a wife, first of all, should be a friend! And spiritual protection. In Russian it was shortened to the word “WIFE”. How would it be simplified to - “LIFE ON!” At some stage in the development of mankind, it became humiliating for men to consider their wife as protection. Moreover, their main task now was to fight. And the word “Squad” naturally “crept” onto the army. And the wife’s responsibilities have been reduced. She didn't have to remain a friend anymore.

* * *

The word “WOMAN” is also interesting. Dear women, don’t be offended, it was formed a long time ago, and has nothing to do with you today. “WOMAN” is a “PUPPY WIFE”! Maybe that's why we call women only those who have lost their virginity. Otherwise, not a woman, but a girl. And there is no vulgarity in this. They were simply deprived of virginity for procreation! The word “SEX” did not exist in ancient times. Believe it or not, it appeared on Earth... - along with DEMOCRACY! Our parents never used it. Therefore, when “cool democrats” laugh at the fact that there was no sex in the USSR, they are right. There was no SEX. There was LOVE!


The first thing that comes to mind is a man over whom his wife constantly “ha-ha-ha”. It seemed like he was joking. However, there is a considerable amount of truth in every joke. No one among the people laughed at them as much as at the grooms. In all vaudevilles, in all buffoon scenes, there was always a klutz or undersized groom. The very shades of words related to “groom” speak for themselves: “groom” - it seems like such a groom can cause a shock! And also: “groom”, “groom” and even... “groom”! That is, you will only get yourself in trouble if you contact him. And what verbs sprang from “GROOM”? “GET MARRIED”, “MARRIED”, “MARRIED” and “MISTICY”. It meant grooms who send matchmakers to all the brides and then don’t get married.

There were probably others, but we won’t be able to dig them all up now.

Why did they laugh at the suitors? Because they always pretended to be cool: they sent matchmakers to the brides, instead of going to their beloved and boldly, in a heroic way, directly to her face: “I LOVE YOU!” After which it is even more courageous to ask: “DO YOU LOVE ME?” Nope! Is not cool. It’s cool to send a matchmaker, dress her more expensively, so that it’s immediately obvious that the groom is not an easy one! Cool!!!

* * *

One of my very rich friends fell in love with a girl who lived in a simple Khrushchev apartment. Her entire entrance was covered with both obscenities and declarations of love to various girls who lived on other floors. A wealthy friend of mine remembered his romantic, poor youth and also decided to confess his love to his new “dream” on the wall of the staircase in front of her apartment. But I didn’t write it myself. He was a shame - he was almost an oligarch! I hired a painter who came with a bucket of paint, indelible, modern, expensive, and carefully, professionally, stenciled across the entire wall: “I LOVE YOU, LENA!” I put three exclamation marks and... the signature of my customer! Also using a stencil.

Well, the people always knew the truth and expressed it without hesitation: “A bad groom always sends a matchmaker, but a good groom will find his love himself!”


The word "BROTHER" most likely consists of syllables denoting "GOD" and the light "RA". Of course, there is no scientific evidence for such a fantasy. But the word itself is so bright that even semi-criminal sidekicks raised by radio chanson often call each other “BROTHER”, “BRO”, “BROTHER”, “BROTHER”... And this is not by chance. The united squads of princes, which are not much different from the modern lads, were called “MORTHY”, and when they went to fight for a holy cause, “GOD’S MORTHY”. The soldiers of GOD'S MARCH are BROTHERS!

Of course, today's bandits cannot be called God's army. But among them at least there are those who value friendship and brotherhood. But you can’t filter out such people among businessmen and officials. Therefore, calling a boy “BROTHER” is normal in our time. But no one would think of turning to an official: “HELP ME, BROTHER!” And the official himself will be offended. He thinks, he doesn’t want to pay, it’s like he decided to go for free with a relative. In general, the word "BROTHER" in a broad sense means "NOT A TRAITOR." After all, you must admit, you cannot say: “THE BROTHERHOOD OF TRAITORS.”

But to guess what the essence of the word “SISTER” is, I had to delve a lot into our distant, deep times. It turned out that “SISTER” means “SIT AT THE FIREHART OF RA.” That is, the sister must keep the fire and hearth in the family, add wood to the stove, and keep the house warm. Or, as they began to say later, the comfort of HOME.


From the word "EYES". "Do-eyes." EYES - CHARMING! “CHARM” – from “CHARY”. CHARA – feeling “Ra” (sunlight). A charming person is one whose eyes radiate light. No wonder they say: “HAPPY, IT IS GLOWING!” Happy people always enchant, enchant!

Of course, one can find fault with the fact that I consider words to be the same, in which there are different vowels: ochi-ocha, charo-chara, instead of “cha” - “chu”... Those who have studied the etymology of words know that information carriers in words are, first of all, consonants. This is why books in some ancient languages ​​are written without vowels. The Jewish sacred Torah, for example, consists of only consonants. I’ll give the simplest example of how you can guess an entire word from just a few main letters: on the radial highways that lead from the center of Moscow, you can find signs: “ShRM” and “DMD”. It is immediately clear to everyone that these are Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo. Vowels, it seems, are not needed - why waste paint, lengthen the pointer.

However, let's return to our CHARMING DAUGHTERS. As old people said back in the last century, daughters come to their parents “to charm.”

It’s not for nothing that in the Russian language there are only affectionate words in relation to daughters: “DAUCHER”, “DAUCHER”, “DAUCHKA”, “DAUGHTER”, “DONYUSHKA”, “DOTKA”... And not a single derogatory word, such as “DAUGHTER” or "DAUGHTER"...

Just, gentlemen, humorists, there is no need to derive the word “DAUGHTERS” from “CHURKI”. And joke that these are children from Central Asia.

* * *

Sometimes I am surprised by the salesman's intuition. When they come up with the names of their companies, they sometimes hit the mark! They give names from words that, thanks to ancestral memory, still “CHARM” Slavic clients-suckers. So, in the 90s, one of the banks that set up a money pyramid was called “CHARA”. Everyone was CHARMED and scammed! So in this day and age, words must be handled with care!

As a child I wrote poetry. Very bad. I haven’t “created” a single quatrain to boast about now. The rhymes were the most banal, for example: “daughter - night”! It turns out that these words rhyme for a reason.


The syllable “RA” appears in many Russian words. Today, many already know that, as a rule, it means sunlight: RAINBOW - a bright arc, JOY - get "RA", WORK - that is the JOY of God, TEMPLE - a repository of "RA"... and many other words: DAWN, RACE , EARLY - there is no “RA” yet... Until now, children in their counting rhymes say not “one, two, three”, but “one, two, three”! “ONE” is a word older than “one”. It seemed to indicate that the first of any act should be dedicated to the sun and light. More important than the sun there is nothing in the world! Without sunlight, life on Earth is impossible. Whoever worships “LIGHT” is a “HOLY”.

It is strange that most philologists consider such reasoning to be amateurish fiction. Like, why did the sun have to be called “RA”? But it's simple! With dawn, all living things on Earth wake up: birds, animals in forests, jungles, prairies, savannas begin to warm up their voices. I have spent the night in the jungles of Brazil and in tents at the foot of Kilimanjaro. Every morning I woke up with the sunrise. There is no better alarm clock than an animal growl at dawn. Once upon a time, our “first humans” ancestors awakened in the same way. They didn’t hang around nightclubs and discos with karaoke. We went to bed with the onset of darkness, and woke up with the first roosters, flies and surrounding animals, just like I did in a tent near Kilimanjaro. Together with everyone else, they also roared joyfully, half-yawning, when they saw the first rays of the sun. I'm sure the word SPEECH comes from the word ROAR. Try a rolling, drawn-out “R-R-R”, then, imagining yourself as an ancestor of humanity, open your mouth to extend the sun salutation. You will succeed... "RA"! That's the whole secret. For many, many millennia, living in caves, forests, the banks of rivers and lakes, our ancestors made the sound “RA”, waking up, yawning and rejoicing at the first rays of the sun. With the development of consciousness, these processes began to be perceived inextricably as the Russian government and Gazprom. So “RA” is one of the main first words of human ancestral speech, which began to form from a simple growl.

Disputes about what origin: Turkic or Aryan - the battle cry “HURRAY!” meaningless. This is a universal morning greeting to the sun! And from whom it first sounded as a call to battle does not matter. The main thing is that if in the morning you raise your hands, palms facing the rising sun, and say several times in a drawn-out and rolling voice: “HURRAY! HOORAY! HURRAY!”, you will feel how your whole body will start up, and you will be charged with joyful solar energy for the whole day!


Where did this seemingly mysterious word come from? What does it look like? What does it oblige you to? If a daughter is for charm, then what is a son for? Surely there is some secret meaning hidden in this short word. After all, words didn’t just appear out of nowhere, they didn’t fall from the sky.

“SON” is the basis of the family! "OH-SON-OVA"! Say “BASE” clearly, without lingering on the lisping “S,” and listen. Between “S” and “N” a certain semi-vowel, similar to “Y”, will definitely creep in. Before several language reforms, semivowels were the name in Rus' for vague sounds connecting difficult-to-pronounce fused consonants. There were even special letter icons for them. This made the speech more melodious than modern speech. When the “extra” letters were eliminated, the song’s smoothness was disrupted, and a specific hard “Y” appeared in some words.

All this means is that SONS are becoming sons. new life. And so, AGAIN and AGAIN for the glory of the ROD! It is very possible that both “AGAIN” and “NEW” branched off from this “twig” and went into independent life!

It is no coincidence that the expression “SONS OF GOD” is also true. This does not mean that only men came from God. Vice versa! The oldest phrase seems to emphasize that both women and men who believe in God are the SON of the Creator on Earth. It is not for nothing that the entire younger generation is often called “SONS”.


But the most interesting thing was to get to the bottom of the origins of “THE FOUNDATION SON”. I had to turn to the children for help again. To their children's language. Why to them? Because at all times, among all peoples, babies always “burbled” in the same way. Peoples changed, languages ​​branched, but the children’s language remained the same. Natural! THE PANDEAL OF BABYLON HAPPENED ONLY TO ADULTS! Therefore, the spring sources of the first language must be sought in children's babbling and muttering.

Children generally come to us from the invisible world, like God’s prompts. Firstly, by raising them, we ourselves become smarter. True, not very good. And instead of listening to our “little gods,” we re-educate them into people! Although they are the ones who can sometimes give us the keys to many clues. First of all, to what concerns our language. After all, if babies at all times “babbled” the same way, then at the dawn of human speech their “primary sounds” were the same. Since there was no speech yet, adults tried to talk to children, imitating their “muttering.” CHILDREN BECAME THE “LIGHTERS” OF THE FUTURE LANGUAGES OF HUMANITY! It was in communicating with children, feeding them, caring for them, that adults began to develop their vocal abilities. The connections became stronger, the “nuclei” of the first words were glued together into “atoms”, and in the future into complex “molecules”. But the first children's “parcels” were still preserved in them.

Now let’s get back to “SON” and other words.

When a child wants something, he still says “NA” or “NYA”. If you really want it - “NYA-NYA.” To this day, women who care for children are called “Nanny.” Literally, “Nanny” means someone who gives children everything they want.

The word has become especially popular lately. Many wealthy families proliferated. Cool kids especially want a lot of things. Therefore, nanny is one of the most common professions today. Former high school teachers, university teachers, trade union and party workers, employees of research institutes, professors and doctors went to work as nannies... That is, the level of development of nannies is many times higher than the intelligence of those for whom they work. Quite a positive process! Maybe someday a more intelligent generation will grow up.

* * *

However, let's return to the main thing - to one of the key springs - “NYA”. In that distant universal human language “NYA” meant “ME”. Confirmation of this can be found in ancient Russian manuscripts, where instead of “ME” they also wrote “NYA”. Apparently, “M” stuck to “NYA” when a person began to believe more in MATERIAL happiness than in spiritual happiness. “M” joined “NYA” on both sides: “M-NYA” began to mean the uncompromising “ME,” and “YUM-NYAM!” - "I want to eat".

The word "IT" is recent. In those ancient times it was difficult to pronounce it. They said either “SE” or “TO”. The expression “THAT – THAT” has even reached our days! “SE” – “HERE”. “TO” – “THERE”. Years, centuries, millennia passed. Monosyllabic primordial sounds, like atoms, had many free valences, and they began to bind into the simplest “molecules.” “SE” was combined with “NYA”, resulting in “SNYA”. Let me remind you that between “S” and “N” for easier pronunciation there was a semi-vowel, similar to today’s sound “Y” - “SON”. That is, the root of the future words “BASIS” and “SON” meant “THIS IS TO ME”! A “SON” is born to be the foundation of the family when the parents grow old: “THE FIRST SON IS FOR THE TsAR, THE SECOND IS FOR WAR, THE THIRD IS FOR OUR OLD AGE!”


One of the most affectionate words in the universal human dictionary, “GRANDMOTHER,” also appeared thanks to children. When they are in pain, they mutter something between "BO-BO" and "BA-BA." So gradually “BABA” became assigned to the eldest women in the family, since they were the ones who primarily treated the children. The children especially appreciated them and treated them kindly and tenderly. Therefore, the most affectionate suffix “-SHK” was naturally added to the children’s word “BABA”. The result was “GRANDMOTHER”.

Of course, foreigners are far from such thoughts. But “GRANDMOTHER” sounds fascinating for them too. After all, their languages ​​also originated from the children's proto-language. But over the centuries, on the way to business civilization, they lost their natural foundation. Therefore, those foreigners who come to Russia really like the word “GRANDMOTHER”. They don’t translate it into their native languages, but pronounce it in Russian, only they put the emphasis in the wrong place – “BABUSHKA”.

* * *

Few people know what is in English Russian word"babushka" means "scarf". Russian grandmothers always wore scarves and tied their heads with them, not only in church. In stylistics, the technique when a word is transferred to another object or phenomenon by contiguity (for example, part - whole) is called metonymy.
Something similar happened with the Russian word “FAST”, which was transferred to the French snack bars and eateries - “BISTRO”.
This story is well known. When, after the victory over Napoleon, Russian troops entered Paris, Cossacks, soldiers, and officers fell in love with Parisian cafes.
They often ran into them - Russians are always in a hurry - they hastily placed an order and told the waiter: “Come on, quickly, quickly!” At the same time, they gave tea much more generously than the British or Italians. To attract more Russian “clients”, the word “FAST” appeared above the entrance to many Parisian eateries, written, of course, in Latin letters.


If you carefully read Russian folk tales, you will notice that Baba Yaga, although evil and scary, has never eaten anyone in any fairy tale. Although it scared everyone. And she didn’t burn a single child in the stove, as she promised. So only... she scatters the bones around the hut so that everyone is afraid of her, but in fact she is almost a good-natured person.

Again, all this is not accidental. In fairy tales, echoes of those ancient times are felt, when many words had different meanings. In addition to the elders in the family, all healers and even male doctors began to be called “BABAI”! In short, “BABA” in the language of the Stone Age means a doctor. And the short word “YAGA” is short for “FIRE”. Sick children were placed closer to the fire so that the “UNCLEAN” would burn out. So “BABA YAGA” is “BABA FIRE”! In our opinion, he is a local doctor.

Healers, like priestesses and rulers, were worshiped. In their honor, idols were carved from stones and boulders. These ancient monuments were called “BABAS”. By the way, archaeologists still call them that. For example, the famous “SKYTHIAN WOMEN”, with which the entire south of Russia and Ukraine is strewn.


Father's father or mother's father. "D" and "T" often alternate in words. If you pronounce “UNCLE” firmly, without unnecessary tenderness, you will get either “UNCLE” or “GRANDFATHER”. That is, they are sort of like relatives who descended from “TYATYA”, but not as close as “TYATYA” itself.

Later, two more words appeared: “GREAT-GRANDFATHERS” and “GREAT-GRANDFATHERS”. "PRASCHUR" from the word "SHCHUR". Same thing as “CHUR”. Both of these half-words, half-exclamations were uttered in ancient spells and amulets: “Forget me! Screw him!” We still sometimes say: “SHUN”. “GRANDPRESSERS” were the names given to the elders in the family who protected their community from evil forces. Today “FUCK ME!” Only children exclaim when they play hide and seek. And “PRASCHUR” became antique.

“GREAT-GRANDFATHERS” is a simpler word. It does not contain any second meaning. Just the ancestors from whom we descend - descendants. “THE ANCESTORS” was used more often until the tribal structure of society among the Slavs was replaced by a rigid state. There was no Constitution or Criminal Code. We lived according to the laws of the family - according to the rules! The ancestors watched this. For example, under what moon should a child be conceived so that he grows up to be a good young man? Which medicine should you take at sunrise and which at sunset? How to choose a bride according to “CON”? “KONOM” was called “the traditions of the clan.” But gradually the unwritten laws of nature began to be replaced by written laws. The ancestors with their natural “backward” knowledge turned into a universal laughing stock. After all, it is already clear that a good fellow will not be the one who is conceived at dawn, but who will live happily according to the Constitution, and choose a bride according to the dowry. The state no longer needed the amulets of frail old people. Armies, police and all kinds of “administrations” began to work as amulets. This is how the ancestor wizards turned into ordinary great-grandfathers.

What we today call the prefix “PRA” was a full-fledged word in those ancient times. It pointed to those who live “PO – RA” That is, they worship the light. So GREAT-GRANDFATHERS is not such a simple word. It emphasizes that they lived in bright times. Honoring the CONS of nature.

Children still feel the nature of words better than adults. That's why they have a special love for grandfathers. It is they who caressed the harsh-sounding “GRANDFATHER,” as in the case of “GRANDMOTHER,” with the suffix “SHKA.” "GRANDFATHER"!

* * *

This is how time has changed, and with it, native words in just a couple of thousand years. Nowadays, grandfather is the one who needs to be taken care of, because he can’t do anything, doesn’t know how, and no one except his own relatives, and even then not always, takes into account. And only children idolize their grandfathers! And grandfathers feel like real ancestors when they read Russian folk tales to them, so that they don’t forget where they came from. So, despite any changes and reforms, grandparents continue to be amulets for our children. And once they protected the whole family! A Veche even gathered from the ancestors. Later it will become known as the People's Assembly. Even later - by the Supreme Council. And finally... - The Duma! And now there are no ancestors or even grandfathers there. Judging by their manners, they are generally teenagers. In their desire to shoot from “slingshots” and show off whose house is cooler, they have so forgotten about the CONS of nature that they do not even suspect how to honor their elders. And therefore, veterans are the poorest in our country. And in one of the laws on pensions, the retirement age is indicated by the phrase “ survival time" This is how you have to hate your ancestors in order to name the wisest age for a person “ survival time"?! And they don’t even have the gumption to guess that they themselves will soon be the same age.” survival».

* * *

From the root KON many words were formed: iKONA, na KONu, ispoKON, BOOK, Prince.

KON is always true!

KON is given by nature, from God.

The law is written by people, so it often does not coincide with “LAW” and is called “LAW” accordingly. That is, outside of “KONA”. People who make laws sometimes mistakenly believe that they are omnipotent and stronger than nature. This is one of the most serious misconceptions of humanity. Man is part of nature. The part cannot defeat the whole! Or rather, it can, but only if this part is a cancerous tumor.

* * *

Another of the main words, in addition to “KONA”, which was used in “ROD”, was the word “ROCK”. It meant "DESTINY".

At "ROCK" - at "DESTINY".

“FOR FUTURE” - that which is for the benefit of “DESTINY”.

“FATAL” - predetermined by “FATE”.

Even in modern foreign languages this root word has retained its power: “CASTLING” - exchange of “FATES”!

What am I getting at? You need to be more careful with today's fashionable music. “HARD ROCK” is a hard fate! Music that makes life difficult. I don’t know a single happy metalhead who has a “ROCK DESTINY”!


Brilliant is always simple. "CHILDREN" from the word "CHILDREN". Yes, yes, and no need to smile! What do all babies do as soon as they are born? They reach up to the titi. “DO TITI” is “CHILDREN”!


There was such a common word, which is still found in literature, “INOC”. It meant not just a young man, but a young man who strives to acquire knowledge. Most of all, of course, it was the grandparents who dreamed of teaching the monks intelligence. Give them what they didn’t give their own children. “FINKS”, in whom they BELIEVE, are “GRANDCHILDREN”. So, in the old-fashioned way, “GRANDCHILDREN” are the young generation that strives to become educated. But in modern terms, it’s just the younger generation, which has nothing to do with education.

Grandparents in Rus' especially loved their “growing hopes.” Therefore, in relation to them in the Russian language there were also no rude words: “GRANCHENKA”, “GRANCHOK”, “GRANCHECHKA”, “GRANCHECHK”, “GRANCHENOCHEK”...


Sister of mother or father. From the same childish first word “YATYA”. The kids pronounced it vaguely: “TYATE”, “TATA”, “AUNT”... When adults’ speech became more articulate, according to some incomprehensible laws of physics associated with natural resonant phenomena, the word “TYATE” tried on and for some reason fit fathers, and “AUNT” to their sisters. Most likely, because “TYYA” is more affectionate. This means it is more suitable for those who are closer. “AUNT” sounds a little harsher, but also quite gentle. It’s clear... the aunts loved to play with the children of their sisters and brothers, they brought them gifts, lollipops, toys, strums, scratchers, amusements... The children liked the lisps and hootings of their aunts. Therefore, having seen in advance a guest who would not bring up, they joyfully exclaimed something between “YATYA” and “AUNT”. When the “atoms” of words began to sinter into “molecules”, even more affectionate derivatives appeared: “AUNTY”, “AUNTY”, “AUNTY”, “AUNTY”, “AUNTY”, “AUNTY”... Not in any language There is no such amount of affectionate treatment towards the closest relatives.

However, as time passed, humanity was increasingly divided into rich and poor. Most of the "AUNTS" have become poor. Trinkets and jingles were given less and less often. The children no longer felt the same tenderness towards them. Babysitting without gifts was not impressive. A new and even slightly mocking “AUNT” appeared. Many of their aunts turned into hangers-on. They came to the house of wealthy brothers and sisters not to play with the children, but simply to have dinner and drink tea for free. The greeting “Hello, I’m your aunt” did not evoke the same joy among relatives. More like a nervous tic. There was even a proverb: “ Vodka - blame aunt!»

This is how, gradually, from century to century, the former “AUNTS” and “AUNTS” became almost strangers “AUNTS”. However, a holy word is never empty! And “AUNTY” spread to all middle-aged women - from 30 to 70. Or even older. Aliens and native aunts seemed to be equal. New expressions have appeared: “Baby, give it to that poor aunt over there!”, “Auntie, where are you going with your bags?”

The words “AUNT” and “AUNT” have gained a foothold, and I would even say, by our time they have gained strength. "AUNT" and "AUNT" have different meanings. “AUNTS” are practically no different from each other. This is a faceless mass of women living their aunt’s interests. They are peaceful, go shopping, feed pigeons, ride trams, trolleybuses, read newspapers, watch television series, manage to live on a pension and do not interfere in anything. One of the former nurses, to whom I went for injections in my youth, having already turned into an aunt at the age of forty, loved the TV series so much that when she was told about a serious illness, she was genuinely upset and asked the doctor: “Could you be more precise?” How long do I have left to live? Will I have time to finish watching my favorite series?”

Another thing is “AUNTS”! They are the same age as the AUNTS, but they have much more underused energy. Therefore, in addition to TV series, they have another favorite pastime - going to demonstrations! In a word, “AUNTS” are those who pretend to care about people, but in fact would gladly be rude to all of humanity! Most of all, “AUNTS” are interested in politics! They always, even in public gardens, walk with newspapers under their arms. A brick is wrapped in newspaper just in case. I think it is no coincidence that the “Women of Russia” party, known in the 90s, was popularly called “AUNTS OF RUSSIA”.

In general, now you rarely hear: "Auntie, come visit us" or: “Tetusya, give me money for a disco”.

But the issue with aunts was resolved most radically by the Western peoples.
In general, they only recognize rich aunts as relatives. And they only care about them - what if something falls from the inheritance? They are trying to surround them with as many doctors and medicines as possible, since no one brings the moment of dividing the inheritance closer as reliably as modern doctors and medicines.

There was also a proverb that seemed ridiculous to me since childhood: “HUNGER IS NOT AN AUNTY.” All my aunts had nothing to do with the word “hunger.” They expanded downward, like tea women. It turns out that this proverb also had a continuation: “HUNGER IS NOT AN AUNTY - BUT A DEAR MOTHER!” As I now understand, from the “height” of a person who has lived, it was just advice - “DO NOT OBES.” Moreover, sincere - from the mother, and not false - from the lisping aunt.


Brother of father or mother. Even harsher than “AUNTY” is the pronunciation of the same children’s “AUNTY”. Compared to “AUNT”, “UNCLE” is tough! Uncle simply won’t shed a tear at the sight of a hooting baby. You can't beg him for a lollipop. Although, due to the soft sound of “I”, something from “YATYA”, quite caring, was preserved in “UNCLE”. With the change from the tribal structure of society to the state one, like “AUNTS”, “UNCLES” also, for the most part, became poorer. Today, the word "UNCLE" rarely refers to any rich person. It is difficult to imagine that an oligarch would be called "UNCLE". As a last resort they will add: “This is a rich uncle!”.

"UNCLES" don't drive Bentleys, Mercedes, or Lamborghinis... They don't have their own planes. “UNCLES” walk the streets, “ride” trams, trolleybuses... They, like “AUNTS,” are faceless. Therefore, the word “UNCLE” has acquired a somewhat ironic connotation in our time. You can still often hear: “ Why, uncle, have you gone crazy?" or: " Uncle, you weren't standing here!" Finally: " Tell me, uncle, it’s not for nothing that Moscow was burned by fire..." Not to mention: " My uncle, the most honest rules..." In general, the word “UNCLE” has lost all respect. And the fact that they, too, were once caring, remains only memories in literature. Thanks to Gogol, Turgenev, Chekhov, we know that once upon a time teachers in rich families were called “UNCLES”. In Pushkin's " The captain's daughter“One of the main characters is Uncle Savelich. And the popular proverb confirms that “UNCLES” were not always faceless: “GOD IS AN UNCLE! GOVERNOR – UNCLE!”

There was another proverb that answers the eternal Russian question: why do we live so “cloudy”? " Like the guy, like the kid!" Apparently, “UNCLE” in this case means any ruler, from the Tsar-President-Prime Minister to the head of the house management.

* * *

It is interesting that quite a long time ago the mother’s or father’s brother was called not “UNCLE”, but “WUI”. Or just “YAY.” Why? Hard to say. We have to include a satirist. Most likely, those first-timers in the first crowd looked so that when you saw them you wanted to exclaim: “Ouch!”

* * *

But what’s even more interesting is that the ironic attitude towards the word “UNCLE” in Soviet time resulted in a mocking name for the symbolic ruler of America. "Uncle Sam". He was depicted in Crocodile magazine, usually with a large belly shaped like a bag with the words "$1,000,000" written on it. The hooked nose is a nod to the Semitic origins of American bankers. He wears a top hat on his head: he wants to appear like an aristocrat! Disgusting short little hands, “raking”, smoking a cigar, lounging in a chair and throwing his feet on the table, saying: “Put the pig at the table, he and his feet on the table!”

Such a creature could only be born from the sinful relationship of the old man Hottabych with the great-grandmother of the old woman Izergil!

P.S. Of course, from the point of view of science, business thinking, and the ability to organize one’s life, humanity has developed extraordinary in history. But many kindnesses and tenderness were lost along the way to this development. True, our native language preserves memories of them: “UNCLE”, “UNCLE”, “UNCLE”. How wonderful it is that theaters still stage productions based on Dostoevsky’s story “Uncle’s Dream”! Somewhat, but still a reminder that not all uncles should turn into Uncle Sam!

Affectionate SUFFIX “-SHK-”

Grandma, grandpa, auntie, uncle, mommy... finally, the sun! I will repeat it specifically to emphasize once again that no language has such a number of affectionate words towards relatives. And also a sister-in-law, a brother, a mother-in-law... and many others - you can’t list them all. How much sunny joy would be added to our lives if we used these words more often!

Everyone knows from school that the suffix “-ШК” is called a diminutive. Like “-CHK”. But “-Cheka” still doesn’t sound so gentle, since “CHEKA” is the first name of the KGB. Therefore, for me, a former Soviet citizen, the phrase “affectionate suffix “-chk”” sounds as ridiculous as “gentle guillotine.”

However, let’s return to the suffix “-shk”. Why does he really caress our ears so much? The fact is that the syllable “KA” in our proto-language meant “SOUL”. The modern word “repent” is translated from the ancient “cleanse the soul”! Many other words come from “SOUL-KA”. “KAPISHCHE” – “food for KA”. For those who do not know or have forgotten what a temple is, I remind you that it is a clearing or hill with holy stones, as well as idols and idols. People came there to repent. After which they calmed down.

The word “STONE” also begins with “soul” - “KA”. Apparently, stones in the Stone Age were treated like we treat all kinds of recording devices in our time. People believed that the stones absorbed, as it is now fashionable to say, “information”: the feelings and thoughts of the one who sat on them, grieved about his life. No wonder everyone likes the painting “Alyonushka on a Pebble” so much. Old-timers and “eyewitnesses” say that even not so long ago, in some forgotten village one could meet a wonderful old man who could put his ear to a boulder and joyfully exclaim: “I hear our people winning the Battle of Kulikovo!” So it is quite possible that in the Stone Age, boulders scattered throughout the earth by a glacier, as well as megaliths, were the first spacecraft Internet on our planet! In general, I think that in the title “ stone Age"There is a second, more subtle meaning: "spiritual age." Why? Yes, because people then did not fight, did not trade, obeyed their ancestors, valued their Family... And, knowing the CONS of nature, they were a joyful part of this nature, like birds, butterflies, bees... It’s not for nothing that even in historical science There is such a figurative concept as the “golden age of humanity.”

Another one of the most popular words today - “BYE” - is also ancient. It admonishes: “WALK AFTER YOUR SOUL!” That’s why we still, after saying goodbye ten to twenty times, cannot leave the guests until we say “BYE.”

It would seem that the word “Adam’s apple” has nothing to do with the soul. It has! What do they say about friends? "Bosom Friend." That is, soulful! Moreover, the Adam's apple itself is located in the place where it is easiest to strangle a person. That is, take for “SOUL” - “KA”.

That is why we still, thanks to our ancestral memory, “caress” the names of children with the suffix “-K”: Mishka, Lenka, daughter, even... son! And many other words: dad, mom... And, don’t be surprised... vodka! Yes, yes, I wasn't joking. Even in the times of Yaroslav the Wise, non-alcoholic healing water infusions based on medicinal herbs were called vodka. Before drinking them to your health, you had to clink glasses according to “CON” in order to recharge the drug by clinking the glasses. And say hello! Kind words are especially energizing. Of course, our ancestors were not quantum physicists. But they felt nature much better than today's scientists, many of whom last time never saw the dawn.

* * *

The word “VODKA” changed its meaning when foreign traders poured into Rus'. The word “marketing” did not exist at that time, but marketing itself already existed. Traders and marketing, like Lenin and the party, are twin brothers. It was with their marketing sense that medieval traders identified the word “brand”. After which they called the most expensive and strong alcoholic drinks “VODKA”. The “brand” worked! The trusting Slavic ear began to turn whole people in alcoholics. We still sometimes hear that vodka heals! Like, if you drink every day, there will be no plaques in your blood vessels, you will die healthy. And everyone forgets that the liver will shrink and become the size of a button. That is, in relation to Russian drunkenness, the first phrase from the Bible is quite suitable: “In the beginning was the word”! I just want to continue: “And that word was vodka!” But this is already blasphemy.

In general, the drinks changed, but the desire to clink glasses, say words of praise and greetings to each other and recharge remains to this day. Only the toasts turned into toasts, and so that, God forbid, people do not remember the past truth and start clinking Valocordin and dissolved aspirin “Oops”, they launched a pseudo-sign among the people that clinking glasses are only allowed with glasses containing expensive alcoholic drinks. Clink glasses with water or lemonade, not to mention mineral water, - trouble is inevitable!

In general, the fight against the “soul-KA” continues. Names treated with the suffix “-K” are now considered rude. Certainly! In the West, after all, John is not called “Jonka”, and Tom is called “Tomka”, and Bush is called “Bushka”, and Obama is called “Obama”...

P.S. Don’t believe the politicians, hucksters and other bosses who are misleading us: clink glasses with valerian, and motherwort infusion, and a decoction of flax seed, and a solution of potassium permanganate... and chamomile! Unless, of course, it is poured into a glass and not into a flushing bulb. And, of course, charge each other with kind words! And then our “KA” will come to life, and Sashki will not call themselves Alex, Vanka – John, Lenka – Helen, Yurka – George, Petka – Peter...


Husband's mother. Derived from the verb “COMFORT.” I can’t even believe that there were times when mothers-in-law consoled and consoled. True, I once heard myself how in one Altai Old Believer community one of the men said not “mother-in-law”, but “mother-in-law”!

At the same time of nationwide Russian impoverishment, mothers-in-law, apparently, not only became poorer, but also became angry. And, naturally, on the sons-in-law. And who else? It was necessary to find a switchman in the family. The son-in-law is not a real relative, but a collateral one. Looks like I got lost. This means he will be suitable for the role of a switchman. The sons-in-law also did not remain in debt and responded with proverbs: “THE MOTHER-IN-LAY HAS A SKINNY POCKET!” and “WAS AT YOUR MOTHER-IN-LAW’S AND HAPPY THAT I LEAVED!”

The “wisdom” worked. Buffoons always portrayed the mother-in-law as skinny. Allegedly from constant anger at the young. In Soviet times, the word “MOTHER-IN-LAW” generally became a favorite among pop comedians and was included in a special set of humorous topics along with a crush on a bus, a bribe-taking cop, a queue for sausage and a Georgian airfield cap...

In another Old Believer village, one sweet aunt in a headscarf unexpectedly praised me: “Among humorists, we respect you because you never joked about your mother-in-law! It will be rewarded! You can’t joke about a saint!”

Wow! There are still entire villages on earth in which the mother-in-law is revered as a saint! This means that everything is not so bad - not all mothers-in-law have skinny pockets! And even if your pocket is thin, your soul is rich. After all, as the popular proverb says: “It’s not bad when your pocket is empty, but when your soul is sad!”

* * *

One of the comedians convinced me that the word “Mother-in-law” comes from two words: “AUNT” and “SHA”, they say: “Auntie, sha! Shut up! I'm tired of it." Well, both versions can be combined. Judging by classical literature, mothers-in-law were indeed talkative. And there was no greater comfort than when they fell silent!


Husband's father. It’s as if two words embraced: “FUN” and “HONOR”. It was the father-in-law in the family who had to monitor compliance with the laws of honor. This is especially clearly seen from the popular saying: “A SON-IN-SON LOVES TO TAKE, BUT A FATHER-IN-Father LOVES HONOR!”

Like mothers-in-law, fathers-in-law gradually lost their original strength. And although they did not laugh at them as at their wives, still a slight irony crept even into folk wisdom: “WHY SHOULD I HAVE A FATHER-IN-FATHER WHEN THERE IS NOTHING TO EAT!” Although among the people there were quite kind sayings addressed to them: “THE FATHER-IN-IN-LA DOESN’T LIKE REVENGE, BUT LOVES TO EAT!” Subtly noted! Fat man rarely vindictive. He's too lazy to move at all. Especially for the sake of such a little thing as revenge.

Much changed with the advent of serfdom in Rus'. A people of workers turned into a people of slaves. He was divided not by wisdom and seniority, but by the amount of acquired, conquered and stolen. One thing he didn’t lose was his sense of humor: “RESPECT THE HONOR OF YOUR YOUTH, AND YOUR FATHER-IN-FATHER-IN-FASHION!”

Mother-in-law - Father-in-law

Wife's parents. It stands for very simply – “OWN BLOOD”. That is... they became related! They became their own. In some provinces Ancient Rus' the mothers of their husbands were so caring that today's “MOTHER-IN-LAW” was pronounced with “I” - “SWI-KROV” - “HOLY BLOOD”. Now they write “MOTHER-IN-LAW.” Apparently, from “BLOOD CLOTTED.”

The example of all relatives shows how attitudes towards relatives have changed throughout history. If earlier “SVEKROVISHKA” was used along with “Mother-in-law”, then more and more often they began to say “SVEKROVISHCHE”. Even the horror word “MOTHER-IN-LAW” appeared. Looks like a mother-in-law ready to get wet. However, our friendly people justified all the mothers-in-law’s antics against the young: “WHY DOESN’T THE MOTHER-IN-LAW BELIEVE THE DAUGHTER-IN-LAW? BECAUSE HE REMEMBERS HIS YOUTH! WHY DOES YOU HIT YOUNG GIRL? BECAUSE WHAT HAPPENED WILL NOT COME BACK!”

I think life in Russia will begin to improve not when economic indicators for oil production and liquefied gas production per capita increase, but when families start saying “SVEKROVUSHKA” and “SVEKRUSHEK” again in families!


Daughter's husband. From the word "TAKE". Let me clarify - take your daughter as your wife, not money from your mother-in-law. Although any mother-in-law believes it’s the other way around. Of the folk wisdom in relation to sons-in-law, I will mention only two: “A SON-IN-SON IS FOR TAKENING”, “NEITHER GIVE NOR TAKE - A REAL SON-IN-SON!”

And the modern one: “A BANKER’S SON CAN BE A DECENT PERSON, BUT A SON-IN-LAW NEVER!” Although I came up with the last proverb myself back in the 90s. At that time, young men were hunting for the daughters of bankers. And the bandits were hunting for bankers. Since then, I have heard my “observation” repeated several times among the people, thinking that it was an ancient proverb. Our people are gullible after all. They believe that bankers were in Rus' even in those times when proverbs were born. That is, bankers are the eternal evil of Russia!


Son's wife. She's the daughter-in-law. Naturally, from the word “SON”. Sons wife. One can only guess where the syllable “HA” came from. Either the relatives laughed at their son’s wife all the time, or they criticized her. Or maybe both. It was the young women brought into the house that were considered especially incompetent: they cleaned the apartment incorrectly, boiled the kettle incorrectly, fried eggs incorrectly... In general, you don’t feel much love in the word “DAUGHTER-IN-LAW.” More like mild mockery and hostility. It’s not for nothing that in the outbacks a daughter-in-law was often called “DREAM”. In one of the dictionaries it is specified: from the word “to have intercourse.” Rough, of course. True, in another dictionary this rudeness is explained: “WOODS” are girls living with unmarried sons. And those who, despite not being married, were liked by their father and mother, regularly helped with the housework, boiled the kettle correctly and knew how to fry three eggs, were called more attractive: “MOTHER-IN-LAW!”

The unsuccessful groom, who never managed to get married, was popularly dubbed the savory “SMOKER”.

In general, if you follow popular concepts, our youth today consists entirely of sleepers and sleepwomen. And only sometimes you come across... - BITCHES!


Brother-in-law. Oh, and I had to sweat to get to the bottom of the origins of this mysterious word. What kind of points of view do not exist among the people? One is from the word “CHILL”. It seems like they were being scolded all the time. Another completely incredible one is from the root “SHCHUR”. “THE FATHER-IN-Father LOVES HONOR, BUT THE Brother-in-law Squints His Eyes!” Here it is necessary to explain that in the old days people squinted not only from the sun, but also from the evil eye. That is, the cunning Leninist squint is not just the leader of the proletariat plotting a cunning revolution, but also afraid of damage!

In fact, everything is much simpler. “SHURA” was the name given to viscous liquids. The verb “RUSH” was used when knitting brooms, wicker fences and, apparently, some other objects unknown to us today from dry branches. Most likely, "SHURIT" is related to "RUSH". After all, when they knit something, especially from dry branches or reeds, they rustle. That is, “BROTHER-IN-LAW” is simply “RELATED” - “RUSHER”! It’s as if we’ve brought you into our fold, and we’re all together now in one “family broom.”


Husband's sister. From the word "EVIL". It's a shame, but you can't hide from the truth. In some nooks and crannies of vast Russia it was pronounced “ZLOVKA”. Oh, how the young wives hated their husbands’ sisters! It’s clear that it was the sister who was always jealous of her brother and believed that her brother’s wife did everything at random, not the way it was customary in their family: she didn’t carefully weed the garden, held the beam crookedly, slurped loudly at the table - louder than her own husband! I've completely lost my conscience!

The expression that speaks most eloquently about the attitude towards sisters-in-law is: “A SISTER-IN-LAY IS A VIPPING HEAD.” And also “SISTER-IN-LAW – KOLOTOVKA”. Naturally, the young wife liked it better when her husband had a brother than a sister. Or better yet, two brothers or three. And so that they were all handsome, they coveted and stared at her. These secret dreams of young wives shine through the popular proverb: “BETTER SEVEN BROWNS-IN-LAW THAN ONE SISTER-IN-LAW!” But we were just dreaming!


In Rus', at first, everyone with whom it was pleasant to spend time was called in-laws. That is, have a drink, have a snack, say: “ I respect you!"If they answer: " And I you!“, which means it’s definitely yours. By the way, the proverb that we now know about fishermen applied at that time to brothers-in-law: “ Brother-in-law sees brother-in-law from afar».

Why did they start calling distant relatives that way, not by blood? Most likely, because they were invited into the house when they wanted to have a drink with someone. But not with strangers and not with relatives. Brothers-in-law were especially suitable for this task. They seem to be neither strangers nor relatives. So, something between something new and familiar. Even with my brother I sometimes didn’t have the same “friendship” as I did with my brother-in-law. After all, the brother could by nature turn out to be an uninteresting, boring person - that is, a non-drinker! And there were so many brothers-in-law among the Russian relatives that, according to the theory of probability, at least someone would respond at the right moment: “BROTHERS FOR A BEAR - BROTHERS-IN-LAW FOR HONEY!”


Brother husband. From the word “TRUST”. Who else but him could the young wife of her brother trust with all her most intimate secrets? Sometimes even herself.

There is another point of view. The husband's brother was called "BROW-IN" not because he was trusted, but because he was shown the door more often than others. Like, get out of here with your advice, there’s no point in pretending to be a senior pioneer leader. Personally, I don’t like this attitude towards my brother-in-law. I think that if he was shown the door, it was only after he was trusted with too much.


From the word "TRIBE". Like, don’t worry, we consider you ours too. You, like us, are branches of our tribal tree.

The suffixes “-NIK” and “-NITSA” in Russian, as a rule, meant belonging to something.


Due to numerous language reforms that were carried out before, two words were mixed up: “KNEE” and “CLAN”. Initially, the word “GENERATION” indicated the continuation of the family line “according to the clan.” Semi-literate descendants singled out “KNEE” from it and began to use it completely inappropriately. To put it bluntly, illiterate. Although figuratively. The expression “IN THE THIRD OR FOURTH KNEE” is impressive! It seems like Rod has already bent over several times, like the arm of a transformer.


It is believed that from the Greek word. Although the Russian decoding is guessed: “BY NAME!” Or even more tenderly: “PO – SWEET!”

By the way, quite often in the Greek language instead of the Russian letter “P” there is “F”: “pir - fir”, “finger - fold”.


Conjugate. In one team. A husband and wife should not only move, but also think in the same direction!


Father of someone else's name.


ANOTHER'S MOTHER, who always HATS! I never tire of being amazed at the wisdom of the Russian language. Every word is a top ten!


No one asked anyone, no one could answer what the meaning of this word was. Although in Rus' it was very popular, since there was almost no time in the history of Russia when it did not fight. In general, by the end of the 19th century there were more widows than broiler chickens in the American incubator. Russia was the world's most successful producer of widows per capita of the male population.

One of the wits answered my question: “The word “WIDOW” means “IN PLEASURE.” Almost guessed! When officers and other noble men died in battle, their ex-wives were “ENROLLED IN ALLOWANCE”! (At the same time they said that they were placed “in allowance”). Abbreviated as “WIDOW”. “CONTENT” and “PLEASURE” are indeed words with the same root. It turns out that the widows really lived for pleasure. And why should we grieve? There was “CONTENT”, there were no husbands - what else is needed for happiness? No wonder they said: “MERRY WIDOW” and “RICH WIDOW”. And I have never heard: “MERRY WIDOWER.” In general, the word “WIDOWER” is rarer. This once again proves that women in Rus' lived much longer, managing to wear out their husbands even in those rare years when there was no war. In general, be that as it may, the word “WIDOW” was once very popular, because it was especially loved by men and comedians.


"BLOOD RELATIONSHIP" - descent from the same parents. Kinship within the same family. There are two words in the Russian language, very similar friend to a friend: “BLOOD” and “BLOOD.” In fact, the words are different. They matched their spelling and pronunciation recently.

The word "BLOOD" comes from the verb "COVER". From it “POKROV” was formed and shortened to “KROV”. Sometimes they say not “BOOK”, but “ROOF”.

The word is everyday, without any hidden meaning. Related to it are “BED”, “BEDDREAK” and others...

But the word “BLOOD” goes back to deeper knowledge. Suffice it to say that it was pronounced not “BLOOD”, but “BLOOD.” “K – RA!” To the light! That is, if we use today’s terms, then “BLOOD” is the substance in the human body that absorbs “light”. K-RA-YAV. REALITY absorbing light - “RA”.

The word “RED” once also did not mean the name of a color. “RED” was something very good and bright, beautiful... RED SQUARE is a square with a lot of light, and not a place where everything is painted red. True, in Soviet times, when demonstrations were going on across Red Square, it really turned red with flags, banners, balloons and the joyful red faces of the demonstrators in honor of the bright holiday. On Soviet significant dates, “holy places” opened from six in the morning, which means that the dates were considered holy!

So... The current red color was originally called “SCARLET”. The syllable "AL" was added to words to give them grandeur. “AL” is “mighty”, “main”... ALtar, ALatyr, ALtyn, ALMAZ... I know what many are thinking about now - ALCOHOL! Not our word, but this arrogant “AL” crept into it too. Like, I’m the main drink in the world!

Why was one of the flowers called that? Because it is “SCARLET” that gives energy to all other colors. It's root. SCARLET-colored energy of the lower chakra. Along the energy core of the body, like a flame, it rushes upward, and, changing all the colors of the rainbow, at the fontanel it turns into creative, purple.

AND THE BLOOD was called SCARLET. That is, the main component of a person. In many folk songs, “SCARLET BLOOD” is shed. Gradually, with the development of business thinking, the meanings of words shifted, moving away from the natural essence, and acquired new, more everyday colors. "SCARLET" was replaced with "RED". Sunlight was no longer revered as before. This is a non-profit business for today's merchant civilizations. Which means there’s no point in hanging out in the sun. The primal sound “A” was replaced by the “O” that unites people. “KRAVA” turned into “COW”, “KRANA” into “CROWN”, “KRAL” into “QUEEN”, and “KRAV” into “BLOOD”!

The word “BLOODMAN”, that is, of the same blood as us, has ceased to be used as unnecessary. If you ask one of the young people today what it means, they will probably answer, a guest worker who gives the new Russian a roof-BOOK. At worst, a Chechen thirsty for BLOOD vengeance.


It seems that the word “HOME” is an ancient abbreviation of three words: “SPIRIT – FATHER-MOTHER”. Moreover, father and mother meant heavenly. That is, the HOUSE is a cathedral. A place where you feel what your heavenly parents want to tell you. Across Europe, the largest cathedrals were originally called "DOM". And until now: in Milan - the HOUSE, in Cologne - the DOM Cathedral, and even in Riga - the DOM Cathedral!

And the dwelling in which the family lived was called not a house, but “HATA”. The modern syllable “HA” was once a full-fledged word in ancient times, meaning something like “peace.” Indeed, when a person exhales with the sound “HA”, he relaxes. Yogis know this well: to relieve tension, you need to repeat exhalation exercises several times. It was from the last word that such words as “BREATH”, “LONG” were formed... It’s true. When a person laughs, he calms down and comes into balance. Spectators have written to me more than once in notes that they came to the concert with a headache, laughed, and... it resolved - they left healthy!

Oddly enough, “HA-TA” is also the oldest word! Translated into modern “TO” - “calmness”. That is, people need housing in order to return after a “working day”, say, an unexpected meeting with a mammoth or wild boar, and in their “HUT” to come into balance, to calm down... And not to invite guests and boast about what what a fancy HOME we have!

* * *

Those who considered themselves smarter than others (as they would say today - the elite), were constantly fussing, who were always missing something, who could not find their balance, to live in harmony with nature, who “disturbed” the peace of the KIND, were expelled from tribe and were called “GENERATES” (those who dropped out of the KIND).

In the suburban settlements, the outcasts also built huts, but their huts were already fancy, for showing off, like today’s new Russians. Show off! By the way, the word “sophisticated” is also very accurate - it has the root “THIEF”! Cool houses did not calm down, did not relax, did not give balance to those who all the time thought about only one thing - what other cool things could be added to the ceilings, walls, platbands? Such a dwelling was no longer called “HA-TA”, but “HA-ZA”. That is, “FOR-calm!”

Time passed, humanity multiplied, turning from the first crowd into the first people. The number of neighbors multiplied. Envy appeared: his place is cooler! The number of KHAZ has increased. “Farmings” were formed, “farming” appeared... I know very well that these words are written with an “O”. But we still pronounce them with the sound “A”.

Many millennia will pass, and the word “KHAZA” will unexpectedly emerge in the ancestral memory of today’s outcast criminals. The same steep and troubled dwellings will again be called “KHAZAS”. And although outwardly they will look like cottages, villas, and in some places castles, in essence they will still remain thieves’ “raspberries” - “KHAZAS”!


Why is birch considered the favorite Russian tree? Because birches rarely grow alone. Most often, three, five, nine... - as a family! And the Slavs have always especially valued family. Even mushrooms loved those that emerge from the ground in a family. I remember my grandmother, when she taught me to pick mushrooms, often exclaimed: “Look, what a family of boletus mushrooms!” And indeed, I look, and there is dad, and mom, and kids, and brothers-in-law, and brothers-in-law...

And our people probably fell in love with the birch because its color is very reminiscent of human life: sometimes a black stripe, sometimes a white one... No wonder in the shade of birches you want to think and sing... about the eternal! And after singing, he embraced her “like someone else’s wife.”

There is a suspicion that when the first Aryan settlers came to the southern regions and saw a striped African animal, they named it after their native northern trees. But their descendants mixed up the letters, and it turned out “ZEBRA”.

* * *

The bear and the wolf are favorite animals in Russian folk tales. Moreover, the ancient storytellers treated both of them not just with respect, with reverence. The bear was generally called General Toptygin. It is he, the bear, who is the intercessor for all the other, weaker animals in the forest. In the ancient parable, which the famous writer Korney Chukovsky translated into children's poems, it is directly predicted: the bear will defeat the crocodile, which took away the sun-joy from people! Maybe it’s good that the current president’s last name is Medvedev.

Of course, foreigners laugh at us and blame us for having such respect for predators. Like, that means you are also aggressive. But only those who know nature from cartoons can consider a bear and a wolf simply “aggressors.” Both the wolf and the bear are great family men! The main task for a wolf is to feed its cubs and raise them. If he dies, then the she-wolf does not go to another, she remains faithful to him.

Bears also love their family. It is no coincidence that everyone likes Shishkin’s painting “Morning in a Pine Forest” so much. The “family” is happy and having fun, as if they were in Disneyland.

* * *

And the Slavs have always valued spruce. The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year came from the north. I have often asked myself the question, why did one continent split into two parts of the world? Moreover, the line did not go along the most high mountains this continent. This means that some different energies feed earthly life on both sides of the Urals. Indeed, if you look closely at nature, you will notice that in Asia there are more spruce trees, and in the European part there are more pine trees. Moreover, the closer to the Atlantic, the more noticeable it is. The difference between spruce and pine is internal energy. The spruce is stronger at the root, its branches spread out, heavier and more powerful at the ground. Pines are the opposite - their crowns at the top reach towards the sun, and the pine tree expands with its branches towards the sky. And spruce is a pyramid! A storm or hurricane is more likely to break a pine tree than a Christmas tree. In the taiga you will more often see pine eversion, not cedar, and spruce not lying upside down. Yes, it is darker in a spruce forest than in a pine forest. But spruces can withstand blows better! Since the Slavs revere spruce more than pine, it means that they most value the ability to survive in life. They are more down to earth! In addition, the pyramidal nature of the spruce reminds us that the state should also be structured like a pyramid. All this multifaceted, multifaceted love for spruce manifests itself before the New Year. They dress her up and dance around her so that she is happy and gives her strength to withstand all the “hurricanes” in the new year.

And among the birds, the Slavs have always revered storks and cranes most of all. Storks - of course - the replenishment of the family depended on them. Even the word “stork” speaks for itself: it has the same root as “ORIGINS” and “TRUTH”! Therefore, the sign was born that if storks fly and settle next to the hut, a child will be born! Children are the “basics of truth”, the appearance of which is predicted by STORKS.

Nowadays, storks are no longer the same. They don’t fly into poisoned cities at all, maybe that’s why the birth rate in cities drops. The memory of clairvoyant birds now lives only in jokes:
- Where do children come from, grandmother?
- The stork brings it!
- So dad has his own stork?

* * *

And cranes were admired by the people for their famous crane wedge. How cleverly it is designed! If only the Power could be organized in a similar way: in front is the strongest, the most powerful, the most all-seeing... Behind him are the same powerful, but not so vigilant, and at the end are the weak, those who cannot cut through the dense air for a long time, and can fly only in a stream thinned by the waves of the leaders!


When I looked in Dictionary Dahl and wrote down the words denoting relatives from there, it turned out that neither I nor most of my very educated acquaintances knew the meaning of even half of these words. And the West in general catapulted such “sentiments” from its languages ​​as unnecessary back in the Middle Ages. This “tree” of relatives is a burden to Western people. It is irrational and very stressful to have relatives. The West needs to do business and make a profit. Relatives usually interfere with this process. Especially the rich. In one of the most rational languages ​​of the world - English - in general, all distant relatives were brought to a common denominator, and a legal one, designating them as “relatives in law”: sister in law, brother in law, father in law, mother in law... Criminal thinking! Sorry, I was politically incorrect - legal! At the same time, patronymic names were abolished for the same uselessness. In this world of consumption, who cares where you come from? The result of such “reforms” was not long in coming. Very soon, in wealthy aristocratic families, dogs began to be buried with greater honor than their own aunts, and cats were treated with more care than their own children... By the way, until quite recently, the fine for killing a horse in England was greater than for attempting to kill a person !

But in our language all these words have been preserved. And we can be proud that they were not “executed.” Only we have such a number of branches on our family tree: in addition to those listed, there is also a great aunt, a great uncle... great-nephews, great-aunt, great-uncle, first cousin, great-great-great-great-nephew, seventh great-great-uncle on the line of the great-nephew of the great-nephew of the great-nephew of the great-great-uncle... daughter named, godfather, milk mother, imprisoned mother, godfather, goddaughter, brother of the cross, father in conversation, imprisoned, mummer, step-son... I can imagine how the intelligence of our ancestors developed when they tried to figure out who was related to whom. For example, guests are sitting at a table. A relative arrives. The owner introduces him: “ This is my seventh cousin! Meet me" Maybe that’s why our people are especially smart. After all, you can’t figure it out without ingenuity. There were no computers. It’s easier now, I’ve included all my relatives in the program, and there’s no stress. The same relative came to visit, took out his laptop, compared it with the photograph, and introduced it to the others: “ Godson of Yatrovka's cousin-in-law from the younger cousin of my intercourse's foster brother!»

* * *

And to develop the understanding of the young people, they gave them the following riddle: “WALKED A HUSBAND AND WIFE, A BROTHER AND SISTER AND A BROTHER-IN-LAW WITH A SON-IN-LAW. HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE THERE? Answer: THREE. Nowadays, this riddle cannot be solved even by a team of experts.

* * *

And nowhere else does one take such care of one’s children as in Russia. It is impossible to imagine an English grandmother nursing her grandchildren, walking with a stroller to the park, telling bedtime stories, baking pies and spoon-feeding her own “handmade” semolina porridge! And parents reprimanded their son or daughter for their wrong actions even when they were over fifty and after they retired: “What are you, son, coming home late? Did he completely get out of hand? Were you hanging out in the park with your retired friends again? When will you finally wise up?! Don't you see that many of them are former prisoners!? Oh, such a life will not bring you any good!”

* * *

I respect my people for the fact that we have preserved patronymics. Only in Russian the words “FATHERLAND” and “FATHERLAND” sound the same. It is the PATERNICAL names that indicate from whom you came. And your family is the FATHERLAND!


And now the most important thing! Only in Russia there is a battle cry: “FOR THE MOTHERLAND!” This means that our Family is attacked all the time, and we defend it. After all, it’s stupid, you see, to conquer other countries with such a cry. It is impossible to imagine the British shooting sepoys in India shouting: “For the Motherland!” And the Americans in Iraq: “For America! For our native Californian oil in Iraq! Even the Germans did not think of attacking Stalingrad under the slogan: “For Berlin!” The solution is simple. The West has always strived for conquest, and we defended our Family, Relatives, Motherland!

I have said more than once on stage that only in Russia the concepts of the Motherland and the state have different meanings. This is the main reason why enemies cannot defeat us. The fact is that every time they attack our state, they get hit on the forehead by our Motherland. The Germans still cannot understand how they managed not to conquer Russia? It seems that Germany had more tanks, planes too, the economy is more powerful, the state is stronger, the uniforms of the soldiers are more beautiful, the boots of the officers are shiny... You enter all the data into the computer - the display gives the answer: “Victory is for Germany!” Right! Their state was stronger. And the Motherland is with us! Moreover, they had no idea about its existence. The state is easy to identify, but the Motherland is impossible. It is in human feelings, and not in the multiplication table and not in securities. The computer does not read the Motherland. Unable to scan it. Not his level!

Unlike the state, the Motherland will never covet someone else’s property. She is the Motherland! She only needs her family. That is why our state was invincible for many centuries, that our Motherland always forgave our state all its sins and every time, as soon as trouble befell Rus', it stood up for the Russian state. Then, however, when trouble struck, the state once again betrayed our Motherland. But the Russian soldier always fought for the Motherland, and not for the state. And the battle cry with which they fled towards the enemy was not for the state. In a nightmare, an alcoholic, after mixing whiskey with Moldavian wine, Georgian beer and American Fanta, will not dream of a Red Army soldier running out of a trench with the call: “FOR THE STATE!” Or even more ridiculous: “FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE PRESIDENT!”

And the fact that Russians are aggressive is a myth invented in the West. If the Slavs were aggressive, they would not have so many words associated with relatives, and not with war or profitability on deposits. And there would still be no call: “THE MOTHERLAND IS CALLING!” Only with us “MOTHERLAND IS OUR MOTHER!”, and the state is “YOUR MOTHER!” And this victorious cry “FOR THE MOTHERLAND!” sounded even during the Battle of Kulikovo, and maybe even earlier, who knows, and over the past centuries it has helped out our great-grandfathers, and great-grandmothers, and aunts, and uncles, and nephews, and stepfathers, and widows, and brothers-in-law, and in 612, and 812th, and 914th, and 941st...


I've always wondered where the expression "THREE OF LIFE" came from. It turned out that everything is very simple. The tree symbolizes antiquity. Wooden age of history. He is “ANTIQUENESS”. The tree sprouting from it is a symbol of the human race. It is branched, with many leaves and is still growing and growing... And while there are still strong FAMILIES on Earth, while the seed of the KIND is sprouting, while FATHERNAMES exist, while the call “THE MOTHERLAND CALLS!” makes our MOTHERLAND invincible, as long as SISTERS keep the warmth of the house, and BROTHERS keep their SISTERS, as long as the word “PARENTS” means “THE CARE OF THE BODY”... - this tree cannot be strangled by any serpent! May the Russian language be eternal, thanks to which we are still very good, no matter what... - Glory to the Family!

Secrets of the RUSSIAN language Brew porridge, slurp porridge In the old days, when potatoes were not yet known in Rus', porridge was the main everyday dish in peasant families. Therefore, it is clear why many phraseological phrases are associated with porridge: “you can’t cook porridge with them” - they said about a person with whom it was impossible to do common business; “he ate little porridge” - young and inexperienced. The porridge was prepared quickly, it did not require much skill. If the porridge turned out to be tasteless, you still had to eat it (slurp it up). “He made a mess,” they said about a person who, without thinking and calculating the consequences, created a difficult situation for himself and those around him. In order to unravel this situation, it was necessary to “unravel the mess” - that is, make great efforts to correct the situation. ("Big phrasebook for children", Rose T.V., M., 2009) How to look into water According to our ancestors, a clairvoyant, looking into the water, could find out the fate of a person, foresee the future, warn about upcoming dangers. Girls, dreaming of marriage, tried to see the image of your betrothed in a ladle of water. To do this, a vessel with water was placed under the bed at night, and to appease unknown forces, nut shells, wax candles, pieces of food were thrown into the water. Thanks to these fortune-telling, the expression “as in looked at the water." ("Big phraseological dictionary for children", Rose T.V., M., 2009). Like behind a stone wall In the old days, walls were built around cities to protect against enemies. Walls made of stone or brick were especially reliable: they protected from enemy arrows and allowed them to withstand a long siege. Over time, the expression acquired a broader meaning: guardianship, patronage high person or a document that eliminates unnecessary hassle could serve as protection. ("Big phraseological dictionary for children", Rose T.V., M., 2009) How an arshin was swallowed An arshin, as a measure of length, is equal to 16 vershok or 71 centimeters. Russian merchants and craftsmen widely used arshins in their business - metal or wooden rulers of the same length. No one tried to swallow such a ruler, but if you imagine it, then a person would stand in front of you unnaturally straight with stiff arms and legs and a head that would not turn. This is exactly what is meant in the expression “I swallowed it like a yard.” The expressions “to stand toe” and “to stretch out to full height” are also synonymous. ("Big phraseological dictionary for children", Rose T.V., M., 2009) Far away This expression is often found in Russian folk tales and means "very far away". The origin of the expression dates back to the time when in Rus', in addition to the decimal number system, there was also a nine-digit number system, which was based on the number nine. In fairy tales, to strengthen the described fact, everything was taken in three times the amount: in distant lands, in a distant kingdom, in a distant state. From folklore these expressions passed into ordinary colloquial and retained their imagery in literature. (“Large Phraseological Dictionary for Children”, Rose T.V., M., 2009) Tuck in the Belt The expression is associated with the habit of craftsmen to tuck a temporarily unnecessary tool into their belt. In the old days, this expression also applied to relationships between people. In case of physical superiority, the opponent boastfully promised the other to treat him as an unnecessary thing: hide him in his belt or put him in his pocket. ("Large Phraseological Dictionary for Children", Rose T.V., M., 2009) The Enchanted Circle There is a popular belief that in the forest a goblin leads a person in a circle, so the lost one returns to the place where he has already been. This really happens to people in the forest and it happens because the step taken with the right foot is wider than the step with the left. In the absence of an exact landmark, a person walks in circles. IN Everyday life Sometimes there are situations when circumstances depend on each other and a closed chain turns out that is difficult to break, then they say that the person is in a vicious circle or in a hopeless situation. ("Large Phraseological Dictionary for Children", Rose T.V., M., 2009) Sip jelly for seven miles The ancient measure of distances - verst - comes from the verb "twirl". It characterized the distance or length of the furrow from one turn of the plow to another during plowing. A verst was equal to a thousand fathoms or - in modern system measures - almost a kilometer. Kissel was one of the most common dishes in Rus'; one could “sip” it at home, and not go “seven miles away”, spending a lot of time and effort on it. Therefore, the expression “to slurp jelly seven miles away” began to mean “to travel far and in vain” (“Big phraseological dictionary for children”, T.V. Rose, M., 2009) Notch on the nose The word “nose” as a protruding part of the body or what - the object has another meaning: this is what a memorial tablet or note tag was called in very ancient times. Illiterate people carried such tablets with them everywhere and made all kinds of notes (notches) on them for memory. This is how the expression “hack on the nose” appeared. If they borrowed money, such tablets were sometimes given as promissory notes. If the debt was not repaid, then, as the people aptly put it, the creditor was “left with his nose,” that is, with a tablet instead of money. ("Large Phraseological Dictionary for Children", Rose T.V., M., 2009) Spell the teeth All people have had teeth pain at all times. Some went to doctors, others to healers, who had their own methods of treatment using herbs, incantations and spells. It happened that after such a visit, the pain in the tooth subsided and the person was satisfied. Over time, the expression “to charm one’s teeth” began to mean to mislead, to deceive. Other phraseological phrases are also associated with teeth: “put your teeth on a shelf” - that is, starve, “keep your mouth shut” - remain silent, “force your teeth on the shelf” - get bored. ("Big phraseological dictionary for children", T.V. Rose, M., 2009) Start a barrel organ In the old days in Rus' there were wandering musicians with a barrel organ. A barrel organ is a portable mechanical organ in the form of a large box with a strap worn on the shoulder. Inside the box was a small disc, like a modern gramophone record, on which a popular melody was recorded. The musician turned the handle, which rotated this disk, and the same melody flowed out of the box, repeating. The sound of this simple instrument was hoarse and mournful, so the people soon adopted the expression “starting a barrel organ” - that is, annoyingly talking about the same thing. (“Big phraseological dictionary for children”, T.V. Rose, M., 2009) Keep your pocket wider In the old days, a pocket was any bag or bag attached to the outside of a person’s clothing or tied to a saddle. They put things needed on a journey or a hike. When it was necessary to place something large, they asked to open the pocket wider. Most often it was kept closed to prevent intruders or thieves from picking their pockets. Over time, the expression acquired a mocking, ironic tone and began to mean vain expectations and calculations. ("Big phraseological dictionary for children", Rose T.V., M., 2009)

Website of Sergei Trofimovich Alekseev and his 40 Russian Lessons

Sergei Alekseev’s website, where you can read his Russian Lessons, which Alekseev writes today, now, or copy the text on the site, paste it into a text document and then read it on Book Reader


The only joy in our life that is given freely, that is, practically without any labor or stress, is the Gift of Speech. For all other knowledge, great and small, you have to pay or get it through sweat, sometimes making incredible efforts of your mind, feelings and sometimes muscles. And our native speech, natural language comes to us in infancy as a true Gift, as if by itself, causing joy and admiration for learning about the world.

Think about it: by the age of two years of existence in this world, still physically helpless, with a clear, unclouded consciousness, and most importantly, unable to read or write, the child absorbs a huge amount of knowledge. He gets a complete picture of the world, including even subtle matter - the psychology of interpersonal relationships.

If we had not slammed our faces on the bench and had just as successfully continued to develop, to master the sciences at least until adolescence, then we would indeed have become the image and likeness of God... And the main source of information for a baby is vision and hearing. This means not believing in astrology, mysticism, metaphysics and other “pseudosciences”, not taking into account genetic predisposition, fatal predestination and following the strict rules of the reinforced concrete laws of evolution.

After all, we are taught from school: the world develops from small to large, from simple to complex. He, this world, has the opposite structure and reverse nature, at least unique abilities this is irrefutably proven to children, causing us to be amazed and indignant when our offspring, having mastered his native speech in two years, then spends eleven school years cramming English or French and cannot memorize them at all.

And so, thanks to vision and hearing, first of all, interconnected with them, smell, touch and an obscure sense of intuition, the baby easily transforms from a biological being into a human being, into a personality, that is, it acquires a face, an image. When this miracle happens, we begin to worry about its formation, completely ignoring the fact that it has already happened against our will and through the Gift of Speech, words, language, which is the main educational tool.

Here for the first time our child loses this Gift in the literal sense. If before adult intervention a word had a sound, taste, smell, color and a whole range of associative ideas for him, now we are trying to convince the child (and ourselves, by definition) that it, the word, has a root, a suffix and an ending. Well, another pretext or prefix. The concept of “root” somehow still fits into the inexperienced consciousness, because it is close to the triune nature of things in the world, but suffixes, prefixes, affixes once and for all knock a child out of the divine bosom of understanding and sound of Speech. The word completely loses not only its meaning, but above all its magical essence, discovered by a child’s consciousness and comprehended by feelings.

In the word “rainbow,” for example, he saw the solar arc, decomposed into seven colors, and intuitively ascended to the idea of ​​the spectrum of white light, its hidden, mysterious colorfulness. He was on a direct path to understanding the most complex laws of environmental management, physics, chemistry, optics of the atmosphere, but we “educated” it, instilling in it that “rad” is just an unknown meaning of the root of this word, “ug” is a suffix, something like a building structure-support, well, and “a” is the ending, so named because the word ends with this sound. And if you remember all linguistic terminology, then the word will be crushed, smeared beyond recognition. But now our child has something to do - study at school, and then another five years at the university in order to gain an understanding of the nature of the rainbow and the dispersion of light... And you can sleep almost peacefully - until adulthood, the child is busy, settled, easily controlled and morally completely from we are dependent. But what to do with him until the overgrown kid learns and comes to his senses, becomes like our morals and views?

Our, at least European education, as well as science, fulfill a hidden but main goal - to suppress the divine nature in man. M.V. Lomonosov must have understood this very well in his time, when advanced German linguists plastered the living flesh of the Russian language, turning it into a faceless, gelatinous gray mass in which true, natural concepts, meanings and meanings could easily be drowned. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to inculcate the technological effectiveness of European thinking. Reliably, cheaply and cheerfully suppressing the divine essence of nature is possible only in one way - to take away the self-sufficient educational tool, Speech given by the gods, turn it into a signal information system of sounds, dissolving the magical essence native language like mercury dissolves gold. The resulting amalgam becomes amorphous, liquid, shapeless and rootless, and seems to also contain gold, at least we are convinced of this, but its vapors are poisonous and even lethal in handling. It is dangerous to use as money, especially as jewelry...

After scrofulous gold miners (please do not confuse them with scrofula allergy sufferers and gold diggers, cesspool cleaners) collect the polished dusty gold with mercury, the amalgam is poured into an iron jar and evaporated over a fire, standing on the leeward side so as not to be poisoned. The mercury evaporates without a trace, and golden star-shaped grains appear at the bottom. To restore the magical essence of language, and more importantly to awaken common sense and reason, approximately the same should be done with speech amalgam. Common Slavic Gift of Speech and Language Eastern Slavs in particular (the dialects of Great, Little and White Rus') have not only unique educational capabilities, but also the ability to collect and store historical and cultural information that cannot be obtained in any other way than from the linguistic treasury. History is written by historians, in fact, what Herodotus and his followers did, and legend accumulates in the language, just as radioactive particles accumulate in a natural gravel filter.

Therefore, the word will certainly take you back to unknown bygone times, guide you along the untrodden paths of the distant past, or, on the contrary, like a magic crystal, will focus a completely different view of the present and even the future. The language was revealed to me about forty years ago, when I plunged into the unknown depths of my native speech, memorized “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” and began reading chronicles and ancient Russian works in the original. After this, the idea arose to create an etymological dictionary. The imbalance of the modern lexicon and the way we think seemed glaring to me, the blindness of linguistic science was frightening, the level of Russian teaching in schools seemed agonizing.

In my youthful ardor, I blamed everything on the internationalism of the Bolsheviks, who put barriers to the great and mighty, so that we would not become too proud, so everyone, anyone except the Russians, studied the etymology of Russian. But ten years later, the democrats came, and because everything got worse, it became clear that the suppression of the divine nature in man is being done deliberately and regardless of the regime. Moreover, at a time of accumulation of primary capital, when newly introduced terminology and fashionable slang are directly intended to hide the true meaning of the ongoing reforms or to retouch undesirable phenomena. For example, the word “corruption” is persistently introduced into circulation, and we no longer react to it as a criminal act. One term covered several ominous vices that are corroding society and state foundations: embezzlement, bribery, extortion. And corrupt officials turn out to be not so dangerous...

Substitution of concepts is a favorite tool of reformers. We still perceive the world through the word and like children, we still believe in it, and the old man Schumacher and his son-in-law Taubert, who were still under Lomonosov, are still alive, run the Academy of Sciences and are well aware of our national passions and faith in the word. They are eternal and immortal, like the Mikhalkovs, who write the right anthems for all regimes and make the right movies. And yet, at the same time, I will leave the creation of an etymological dictionary to professional linguists. In the end, this is their bread, headache and glory, especially, judging by the letters of readers, interest in language, in its original essence, is growing as rapidly as they are rapidly trying to fool us by replacing concepts. And naturally, more and more linguistic scholars are appearing, young, tenacious, zealous, who are already tired of the stupidity of German linguistics, and who, having opened their eyes, have seen the naked academic king. With my “Forty Lessons” I will try to lay a conceptual foundation for future compilers of the dictionary, and for a wide range of readers - to magnetize the compass needle pointing to the Earth’s magnetic pole...
Sergey Alekseev.

Slavic ABC before the language reform of 1918

The Slavic alphabet differs from other alphabets not only in its embodiment of the principle of unambiguous graphic display: one sound - one letter. This alphabet contains the following content:


To begin with, let us remember the phrase: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.” It is known to everyone since childhood and makes it easy to remember the sequence of colors of the rainbow. This is the so-called acrophonic method of memorization.
Each word of the phrase begins with the same letter as the name of the color: everyone is red, the hunter is orange...

Before the language reform of 1918, each letter of the alphabet also had its own name.
|||Each letter stood in its place.

The Russian alphabet is not only a set of letters corresponding to sounds, it is also a whole message to the Slavs.

Let us read the message of our ancestors to us living today. Let's look at the first three letters of the alphabet - Az, Buki, Vedi.
Az – I.
Beeches - letters, writing.
Vedi - knew, perfect past tense from “vedeti” - to know, to know.

Combining the acrophonic names of the first three letters of the alphabet, we get the following phrase: Az buki vede - I know the letters.

Please note: Az – I is the first letter in the alphabet (and not the last, as in the modern alphabet). Because it is with me that my World, my Universe begins.

Az is the basis, the beginning. The basis for everything is knowledge of God and one’s ancestors. That is, your parents, your roots.

Verb Good - speak, do good. Remember, as in Pushkin: “To burn the hearts of people with a verb.” A verb is both a word and a deed at the same time. Verb - speak. Verb - I say. I say it means I do it. What should you do? Good.

Good Is Live - to do good means to live in work, and not to vegetate.

Zelo - diligently, with zeal.

Earth – planet Earth, its inhabitants, earthlings. Live Zelo Earth. Live well by the land and on the earth. For she is our nurse-mother. The earth gives life.

And How People Think - He is Our Peace. That is, what you people think is your world. Here's the law of reflection. What goes around comes around.

Rtsy The Word is Firm. Speak the word firmly. Your word must be firm. Said - done.

Oak Firth Her. Uk is the basis of knowledge. Compare: science, teach, skill, custom.

Fert - fertilizes.

Her - divine, given from above. Compare: German Herr - lord, God, Greek - hiero - divine. English – hero – hero, as well as Russian name god - Horse. Knowledge is the fruit of God, the gift of God.

Tsy - sharpen, penetrate, delve into, dare.
Tsy is a vital energy, a higher structure. Hence the meaning of the word “fathers” - from “Tsy” coming - coming from God.

The worm is the one who sharpens, penetrates.

Shta – which means “to.”

Ъ, ь (еръ, ерь) are variants of one letter; it meant an indefinite short vowel, close to “e”.
The word “ur” meant existing, eternal, hidden. Space-time, inaccessible to the human mind, a light, the Sun. “Ъръ” is, in all likelihood, one of the most ancient words of modern civilization. Compare the Egyptian Ra - Sun, God.
The word time itself contains the same root, since the initial “v” developed precisely from the aspiration with which “ъ” must be pronounced at the beginning of a word. Many native Russian words contain the same root, for example: morning - from the Sun (the root “ut” - from there, there), evening - vek Rъ - vek Ra, the expiring time of the Sun.

In the sense of “space, Universe,” the Russian “frame” comes from the same root.

The word “paradise” means: many Suns, i.e. abode of the god Ra. The self-name of the gypsies “Rum, Roma” - free, free, God is in me, I am the Universe. Hence the Indian Rama. In the sense of “light, luminary, source of light”: the cry “Hurray!” means "To the Sun!" Bright means like sunlight, rainbow, etc.

Yus small - light, old Russian jar. In modern Russian, the root “yas” is preserved, for example, in the word “clear”.

Yat (yati) – to comprehend, to have. Compare: withdraw, take, etc.

Tsy, cherve, shta ЪRA yus yati! Which means: dare, sharpen, worm, in order to comprehend the light of God!

The combination of the above phrases constitutes an elementary message:
Az beeches vede.
The verb is good.
Live well, earth,
And what about people?
Think about our peace.
Rtsy's word is firm.
Uk fert dick.
Tsy, worm, shta ra yus yati!
In modern translation it sounds like this:
I know the letters.
Writing is an asset.
Work hard, earthlings!
As befits reasonable people.
Comprehend the universe.
Carry your word with conviction!
Knowledge is a gift from God.
Go ahead, delve into it...
To comprehend the Light of Being!

Until recently, it was believed that the ABC was simply the letters of a language arranged in a certain order. That is, just icons. That's all! Perhaps that is why it was so easy and simple to remove letters from the Russian ABC. Why do we need so many? The English make do with 26 letters, and that’s enough for them. Why do we need 33? And even more so 49, as it was originally.

Scientists who seek to cut down the ABC do not understand much (or understand, but deliberately do evil).

Even in ancient times, our ancestors considered the ABC as a code for creation. Many peoples deified the ABCs. The word has always been perceived as the beginning of creation, and the letter was a unit, an atom of creation. Each letter had its own meaning, its own image, its own meaning.

Recently, a group of Russian scientists (G.S. Grinevich, L.I. Sotnikova, A.D. Pleshanov and others) have proven that our ABC contains knowledge about the laws of the universe in encrypted form.

What is a letter? A letter is a unit, an atom of meaning. Letters have a certain shape and graphics. Each letter has its own number, its own number. Pythagoras also argued that letters and numbers have the same vibrations.

With the discovery of torsion fields, another component of the letter became known. Since each letter has its own shape, and the shape creates a torsion field, the letter contains certain information from the field of Consciousness.

That is, by cutting down the ABC, we disconnect from one or another area of ​​the general information field of the Universe, from the general field of Consciousness. And this leads to human degradation.

Each letter of the Russian alphabet is a symbol of something.

For example, the letter “Zh” is a symbol of life. It means the union of masculine and feminine principles. And it had a corresponding name - “You Live.”

That is, our ancestors had certain images behind each letter. And through images they created. After all, we already know that in order to create something, it is necessary to form an image.

What is the current ABC? What are the images behind the letters now?
A - watermelon.
B - drum.
B – crow.

And so on. The alphabet ceased to be alive, and the language became without images, i.e. ugly.

Why did Turgenev write about the great and mighty Russian Language? Yes, because even at that time he was like that, until on December 23, 1917, the Russian ABC was given another “circumcision.” And there were several such “reforms”. The first reform of the Russian ABC was made by Cyril and Methodius in the 10th-11th centuries. Then in 1709 during the time of Peter the Great, then in 1735.

There is another interesting point. Before 1700, each letter in the ABC had its own numeric value. For example: A – 1, D – 4, C – 200, etc. Arabic numerals were introduced by Peter the Great. Before this, all numbers were designated by letters with a special icon on top - “titlo”.

The connection between letters and numbers is not accidental. Scientists are trying to figure it out. This is another facet of the ABC that our ancestors knew. It turns out that the ABC is a system of numerical codes. And by uttering words, we communicate with the Cosmos, with the Universe. And the Universe responds to our vibrations. Language is given to man not only for communication with each other, but also for communication with the Cosmos.

It has long been proven that everything living and even inanimate in this world reacts to sounds. Sounds can improve or inhibit plant growth and influence the growth of microorganisms. With the help of sound you can change a person's consciousness.

Our ancestors used the ABC, given by God, and therefore could create objects with the help of words and sounds. They accurately conveyed the vibrations of this object with their voices. The Indian Vedas say that in ancient times there was a special language “Devagari” - the Language of the Gods. Remember the famous oriental tale about Ali Baba and the 40 thieves. In it, a magical cave was opened by a special spell. With the reforms of language, we have lost great power, the ability to directly influence Nature.

There is also a physical explanation for the influence of sounds on a person and the surrounding space. Sound is high frequency vibrations. In the brain these vibrations are converted into electromagnetic vibrations. Besides, sound wave causes space curvature, thereby generating torsion fields.

All sounds are divided into noises and tones. Sounds with periodic vibrations are tones, and those with non-periodic vibrations are noises. In speech, only vowel sounds are tones, all consonants are mixed with noise.

If you look at the spectrogram, you can see that vowel sounds have greater amplitude and energy.

It turns out that the more vowels there are in the ABC, the greater the energy of the language, and therefore the energy of the people.

For comparison: in the Old Russian language there were 19 vowels. And now it’s 10. The energy of the language and people has almost halved. Who needed it? And they are trying to remove another vowel letter from the ABC - the letter E. It is simply omitted when writing. As if this is how it should be.

And further. Each vowel sound has its own color. Because color is also vibrations, waves. For example, “A” is red, “E” is light green, “I” is blue, “O” is yellow. “U” is green, “Y” is brown, “E” is orange, “Y” is turquoise, “I” is pink-red.

Together with color, vowel sounds affect our internal organs, since each organ operates at a certain frequency. It is not for nothing that Indian mantras contain almost all vowel sounds. And chanting them is beneficial for the body.

It is important to know your language, your history, the images behind the letters. And how important it is not just to say words. And put bright positive images into them. It will make your life immeasurably richer.People use words very carelessly, throw them in the wind, break them and remake them without thinking. Some Words are lost and simply forgotten. Many Words are aimed at the destruction of man, his soul.

"Tales of Bygone Years" is the oldest officially recognized chronicle.
Disputes about the chronicle and its author are still going on.

Reading Nestor

So, we will talk about the year 6406.

When the Slavs were already baptized, their princes Rostislav, Svyatopolk and Kotsel sent to Tsar Michael, saying: “Our land is baptized, but we do not have a teacher who would instruct us and teach us and explain the holy books. After all, we do not know either Greek or Latin; some teach us this way, and others teach us differently, so we don’t know.” We have neither the outline of the letters nor their meaning, and send us teachers who can interpret for us the words of the books and their meaning. .

Hearing this, Tsar Michael summoned all the philosophers and conveyed to them everything that had been said. Slavic princes. And the philosophers said: " There is a husband in Seluni named Leo.He has sons who know the Slavic language; his two sons are skilled philosophers". Hearing about this, the king sent for them to Leo in Selun, with the words: "Send your sons to us without delay Methodius and Constantine".

Hearing about this, Leo soon sent them, and they came to the king, and he said to them: “Behold, the Slavic land sent ambassadors to me, asking for a teacher who could interpret the sacred books for them, for this is what they want.” And the king persuaded them and sent them to the Slavic land to Rostislav, Svyatopolk and Kotsel. When (these brothers) came, - they began to compile the Slavic alphabet and translated the Apostle and the Gospel. And the Slavs were glad that they heard about the greatness of God in your own language. Then they translated the Psalter and Octoechos and other books. Some people began to blaspheme Slavic books, saying that "no people should have their own alphabet, except the Jews, Greeks and Latins, according to the inscription of Pilate, who wrote on the cross of the Lord only in these languages."

Nestor writes that there were two people from Seluni who knew the Slavic language and were sent to compile the Slavic alphabet in order to translate the Apostle and the Gospel to the locals, since no one knows Greek and Latin and " from this we do not know either the outline of the letters or their meaning".

On Wikipedia:

"The First Bible Translations into Russian published in early XIX century. Previously, only Church Slavonic translations Bibles dating back to the translation works of Cyril and Methodius. By decree of Empress Elizabeth in 1751, it was published carefully revised Church Slavonic Bible, the so-called “Elizabethan” (work on this publication began back in 1712 by decree of Peter I)... In 1815, after returning from abroad, Emperor Alexander I ordered to “deliver to the Russians a way to read the Word of God in natural in your Russian language..."

Only in 1876, already under Alexander II, the complete Russian Bible came out of print for the first time.

The clergy itself prevented the release of the sacred texts to the people. It was believed that the Bible should be in the hands of the clergy and that the people should not be given the opportunity to read and study it on their own.

This is understandable for those who have read the Bible.

From at least 1712 to 1876, sabotage work was carried out to prevent translation. 164 years from the decree of Peter, allegedly fearing another church schism, or, if anyone likes, then 61 years from the decree of Alexander the First to translate everything into Russian, allegedly wanting to keep everything thoroughly and as accurately as possible in the translation.

But, from the beginning, Methodius and Constantine were sent to the Slavs to translate the texts. Moreover, the Slavs already live baptized, that is, they believed in Christ and perform church rites, but, due to ignorance of other languages, they did not read the Bible, and not only did they not read, but it turns out to be nonsense - they did not really know anything about Christ, since they asked Tsar Michael send at least someone" interpret book words and their meaning".

One might assume that someone who knew the Bible could preach it to the Slavs, but then what does it mean " ...Our land is baptized, but we have no teacher..." ?
If no one had preached the Word before, then how could Rus' be baptized? And who are these "... some teach us this way, others teach us differently..."

Official version

It's interesting to note that " ..even before baptism (988) there were churches in Rus' and the Bible was read in the translation of the apostolic brothers..."What language was it translated into and read from what alphabet" even before baptism" ?

The complete chronology is as follows:

1. Bible of Cyril and Methodius- Translations of Cyril and Methodius became widespread among Slavic tribes , V including in Rus'.

2. Gennady Bible- Some books of the Gennadian Bible were borrowed from the Bible translated by Cyril and Methodius, and from translations into Russian made in the 15th century , others from a Bulgarian translation, and several books were translated from Latin for the first time. The Gennadian Bible is considered the first complete Slavic Bible.

3. Maxim the Greek (Explanatory Psalter)- A large number of errors have accumulated in the handwritten books of the Bible. Therefore, in the first half of the 16th century, an attempt was made in Moscow to correct church books.

4. The first printed “Apostle” and the Ostroh Bible by Ivan Fedorov.- Ivan Fedorov together with Pyotr Mstislavets began creating the first printed book"Apostle" (Acts of the Apostles and Epistles)

5. Moscow early printed Bible- Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich ordered to send several educated monks to correct the Russian Bible according to the Greek copies, which, together with Nikon’s innovations, leads to a church schism, by the way.

6. Petrine-Elizabeth Bible

7. New Testament of the Russian Bible Society- It was decided to begin translating the Bible into modern Russian, but in 1825 Alexander I died, and work on the translation was suspended until 1856.

8. And finally, the Synodal translation of the Bible- The Holy Synod adopted a resolution to begin translating the Bible into Russian.

Read more about the history of Bible translation.

Inconsistencies in the official version

Cyril/Constantine and Methodius "they began to compile the Slavic alphabet and translated the Apostle and the Gospel“But they translated and compiled them in such a way that the Slavs still could not read this, this is understandable. And it is ridiculous to talk about wide distribution among tribes here, because it is precisely in the idea that only the chosen ones, in this case, the clergy, can carry the Word of the Lord and this was diligently observed all the time until 1876. And even after that, and in our days, since the church stubbornly mumbles services in the Old Church language, supposedly Cyril and Methodius, but in fact it turns out in a language derived, as it were, from Greek.

By the way, churchmen believe that the Russian language was formed by the Church Slavonic language!

So, if Cyril and Methodius had created a truly understandable alphabet, then there would simply have been no need to translate into Russian and to diligently postpone the translation into the normal language of the Bible.

And here there is an obvious substitution. Not the Russian language from Old Church Slavonic, but the alphabet of Constantine and Methodius from Russian. Moreover, the task, if these guys really existed once in history, could not have been inventing the alphabet for stupid Rus, but introducing a language understandable only to a minority, making it difficult for the majority to become familiar with the Bible.
And according to Nestor, even this caused a lot of discontent, because " no people should have their own alphabet except the Jews, Greeks and Latins".

Life of Konstantin Kirill

"...For Rostislav, the Moravian prince, instructed by God, having consulted with the princes and Moravans, sent to Caesar Michael to say: “Our people rejected paganism and followed Christian teaching, but we do not have such a teacher who would explain to us in our language Christian faith so that other countries, seeing this, become like us. Send us, Vladyka, such a bishop and teacher. After all, good law always comes from you to all countries..."

"...The Tsar gathered a council, called Constantine the Philosopher and let him listen to these words. And he said: “Philosopher, I know that you are tired, but it is fitting for you to go there. After all, no one else can perform this task as you do.” The Philosopher answered: “And tired in body and sick, I will go there with joy, if they have scripts for their language" The Tsar said to him: “. So how can I find it? And the Philosopher said: “Who can record a conversation on the water or wants to acquire the nickname of a heretic?” The Tsar answered him again, and with Varda, his uncle: “If you want, then God can give you what he gives to everyone who asks. without a doubt, and opens to everyone who knocks.” The Philosopher went and, according to his previous custom, turned to prayer together with other helpers. And soon God appeared to him, listening to the prayers of his servants. And then he composed letters and began to write the gospel words: “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and God was the word” and so on..."

Delving deeper into the topic, it turns out that there is not even a firm opinion who these guys Cyril and Methodius were. Either Slavs, or Greeks, or Bulgarians. Yes, and Cyril is not Cyril but Constantine, but Methodius (Methodius - in Greek “following the trail”, “searching”) - Michael.

Here's what's important: " My grandfather and my father and many others tried to find them, but they did not find them" says Tsar Michael about the Slavic alphabet. Is this true? Let's go back to the encyclopedia and look for the "Glagolitic alphabet."


“The Glagolitic alphabet is one of the first Slavic alphabets. It is assumed that it was the Glagolitic alphabet that was created by the Slavic enlightener St. Constantine (Cyril) the Philosopher for recording church texts in the Old Church Slavonic language.”

This means that the Glagolitic alphabet was created for recording church texts. This is what it looked like:

Correct me if the Glagolitic alphabet is at least somehow similar to Greek or at least something famous language. Except that the letters “Yat” and “Shta” are the same as in the Slavic alphabet. And if the Glagolitic alphabet was created by Cyril and Methodius, then why doesn’t our church adhere to the Glagolitic alphabet? And how, tell me, did the Glagolitic alphabet transform into the letters we know, for example, the way Nestor wrote?

This whole version, the appropriation of someone else's, which is found everywhere by these comrades, who like to derive everything from Adam, is bursting at the seams.

Even Wikipedia is not able to support this version and continues to write

"A number of facts indicate that the Glagolitic alphabet was created before the Cyrillic alphabet, which in turn was created on the basis of the Glagolitic alphabet and the Greek alphabet."

It's like this" My grandfather and my father and many others tried to find them, but they did not find them“says Tsar Mikhail, but at the same time, Cyril and Methodius are creating a Slavic alphabet based on the Glagolitic alphabet? What if they found it?

One could assume that the Glagolitic alphabet has nothing to do with the Slavs, and just like the Greek alphabet, for some reason it was taken as the basis for writing the Slavic alphabet. But this version doesn’t work, since the Glagolitic alphabet is actually the modern Russian language! Having learned the symbols, you can read these texts quite well, since the words there are Russian/Slavic. Anyone who understands and writes Russian, having tried to translate the Zograf Gospel above, will see with the help of this table that no translation is needed. This is Russian text simply written in different characters. That's all!

I really have one more assumption that the Glagolitic alphabet is based on the Slavic language as, say, a church crypto-language and was widespread among a certain group of Slavs, for example the Bulgarians, but was never widely used.

Features and cuts

In the Ryazan museum, I saw with my own eyes a sinker from a spindle on which it was written with these features that the sinker belonged to such and such.

That is, a spinner, in ancient times in old Ryazan, signed her things, which means that other spinners had to also be able to read! The spinners sat down to spin yarn in one of the huts, worked, sang songs, and so that the next day no one would steal their goods, or so as not to simply look for them, they would sign where theirs was. If the spinning wheels themselves have different patterns and are noticeable to the eye, then it wouldn’t be stupid to sign the little things.

If Cyril and Methodius did not invent the Slavic language, then Nestor either made a slight mistake or concocted in advance not a chronicle but a dummy, and maybe it wasn’t even him.

Why such a stubborn rejection of even the acceptance of the possibility of the existence of writing in Rus' and a passionate desire to derive the Russian alphabet from Greek? Didn’t Nestor accidentally let it slip here by pointing out that “ No people should have their own alphabet except the Jews, Greeks and Latins."?

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