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Home  /  Success stories/ School quiz on local history. Local history quiz “Corner of Russia” The purpose of the quiz game: To develop a feeling of love for your small homeland, the village in which you grew up and live

School quiz on local history. Local history quiz “Corner of Russia” The purpose of the quiz game: To develop a feeling of love for your small homeland, the village in which you grew up and live

Game – quiz on local history “Corner of Russia”

Purpose of the quiz game: Forming a feeling of love for your small homeland, the village in which you grew up living.


    Forming students’ interest in the history and nature of their village, its traditions and customs;

    Uniting the children's student team;

    Fostering a respectful attitude towards each other, developing communication skills for students to collaborate when working in groups.

    Formation of aesthetic qualities of students - admiration for the beauty of their native village, its nature, monuments, people and their deeds.


    Exhibition of photographs of his native village;

    Exhibition of books and newspaper clippings dedicated to the village;

Technical support for the quiz: multimedia presentation “My village”

Game participants: students of 6-8th grades (the game can be played among students from each educational parallel or national teams, 6th, 7th, 8th grades).

Quiz game jury: members of the school administration, counselor, school librarian, high school students (3-5 people).

Progress of the game.

1 presenter.

There are cities in the world

Where they probably haven’t even heard,

About a village called Orda

In the gray snow-covered Urals...

2 presenter.

Orda village, Ordinka river,

Not wide, not deep,

For whom, but for Ordinans

There is no sweeter and more beautiful region yet...

1 presenter.

Our game is dedicated to the most beloved corner of Russia, the village in which we live.

2 presenter

Horda is an ancient village. The date of its foundation is 1601. For comparison: the city of Kungur was founded in 1663, and Perm - in 1723.

1 presenter.

There are several versions (at least 10) explaining the origin of the name of the village. Various researchers believe that the village got its name

In honor of the Sun deity, who bore the name Arda.

2 presenter

Or in honor of the totem animal of one of the tribes that lived in this territory - the chipmunk.

1 presenter.

One of the popular versions is connected with our rivers. It is believed that Ord-din can be translated as valley, river mouth or unfrozen river.

2 presenter.

Unfortunately, none of these versions has precise evidence. But this does not in the least prevent us from loving our native village.

1 presenter

The more I love, the more I know

The more I know, the more I love!

2 presenter

1 presenter

So the game begins! Introducing our participants (introducing participants or teams)

2 presenter

Introducing our jury (jury presentation)

Competition "Erudite"

Exercise: from the word “Local history” make up as much as possible in 3 minutes more words.

Competition "Nature of the Native Land"

There are cards mixed up on the table with the names of animals, birds, and plants.

The guys need to choose only those cards that depict animals and birds that are found and grow in the Orda region.

Competition “Where is this street, where is this house”


Which street is the longest?

Describe the location: school, bus station, cheese factory

Which streets are named after famous people?

Do we have streets with names of parts of the world? Which?

Name what enterprises, institutions, organizations there are in the village.

2)Task for spectators

How many streets are there in our village? Who can name a more accurate figure?

Write the names of the village streets on a piece of paper. Who is bigger? (2 minutes)

Competition “Recognize the object”.

      This building was built in 1876 at the expense of the Orda rural society, with proceeds from market and fair collections. The builder was a peasant, a resident of the village of Kirgishan - Kharlampiy Pavlovich Samoilovskikh. The lower floor was occupied by the departments of the zemstvo government, and the second floor was built as a two-year school with a six-year period of study.

(now the building of a museum and art school)

      This building was one of the most beautiful in the area. In 1932, they tried to destroy this building due to the closure of the organization, but they could not. There was a cultural center, a cinema, a library, and shops. In 1988, the building was handed over again (to believers, the Church of the Prophet Elijah)

3) The building is one of the tallest and largest in the village, built in 1987, the largest number of people gather here every day (school)

4) On Sovetskaya Street there is an estate of the richest merchants of the village, merchants of the 2nd guild - the Rudakovs. One of the brothers, Mikhail, lived with his family in the building on the left, the second brother, Philip, lived in the building on the right. The houses are connected by an arch. What is in these buildings now? (museum, store, education department).

5) In this building there was a convent and a hospital inpatient unit. The building is now abandoned. What street is it located on? (Soviet).

6) Now in this building, located on May 1st Street, there is a school of artistic crafts and a children's creativity center. What is the purpose of the building according to the project? (boarding school)

7) In 1997, in the center of the village, the Pravda collective farm opened a store to sell its products. What is it called? (“Energetik”)

Competition "Compliance"

1) Match the ancient name to the modern name

Kirgishan, Ostrozhka, Kosoturovka, Kazakovo, Zapovarnya, Belyaevo

Verkh-Belyaevo, st. Truda, st. Pugacheva, st. Kolkhoznaya, st. Gagarin,

st. Zarechnaya

    Match the name and object

The right way


Golden Horde


Agricultural enterprise

Folklore ensemble

School children's organization


Competition “Symbols of our village”

What do you consider the distinctive sign of our village, without which it cannot be imagined? (this task can be offered as homework).

Competition – “Pages of Horde History”.

Teams that receive a sheet of questions on the history of the Horde, in the proposed 5 minutes, participants must give as many correct answers as possible. (Application)

Summing up.

1 presenter

Let it start with a good song

This day, this year, this life.

Let it sound like a wonderful hymn

The place where we, friends, were born.

2 presenter

Let it begin with winged hope

The path that leads through the years.

From the first line and from the first date,

When destiny is written.

The melody of a song about the Horde performed by O. Krokhin sounds, presentation slides are shown

Announcement of results

Appendix 1

Questions for the competition “Pages of Horde History”

    In what year was the village of Orda founded (1601)

    On the banks of which rivers is the village located? (Ordinka, Kungur)

    How many three-story buildings are there in the village? List them (school, hospital, residential building on Proletarskaya Street)

    Which hero of the civil war stayed in the Horde during his campaign (V.K. Blucher)

    What is the name of the village temple (Proroko-Ilyinsky)

    During the Great Patriotic War, a hospital operated in Orda. What building was it located in? (old school)

    The highest place in the vicinity of the Horde (Kazakovskaya Mountain)

    What fuel do village boiler houses use to heat public buildings and residential buildings? (gas)

    There is a memorial plaque on the school building. Whose memory did she perpetuate? (Kobelev A.A.)

    What is the population of the Horde? (about 5 thousand people)

    On which street is the village park located (Sovetskaya)

    How many kindergartens are there in Orda (5)

Appendix 2

Cards for the competition “Nature of the Native Land”

Bird cherry


Reindeer moss



Mouse peas

camel thorn


Rose hip


Jerboa Russia, 1978. – 92...

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    Shchegolev A. N. About the seminar By local history“Know your land” October IT... department of culture of the city of Kaluga Educational quiz for schoolchildren “In the world... p. Berezichsky glass factory Rudkovskaya T.N. " Corner Russia" - literary hour 25.10 ...

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    Methodical recommendations

    Illustrative exhibition; hour local history; history hour; ... technologies. Museum corner- this is creative... quizzes-trips. The circles contain the points that the children will receive By... relations between neighbors. Russia- a multinational country...

  • Guseva Natalya Nikolaevna

    MBOU "Baklushinskaya" secondary school»

    Teacher of the first qualification category.

    Lesson - local history quiz on the topic “My beloved Perm Region”

    Objectives: To consolidate children’s knowledge:

    1. About symbolism, cities, minerals, famous people and places, about plants and animals, about the history of the Perm region.

    2. Foster patriotism and a sense of pride in one’s land.

    3. The ability to work collectively, a tolerant attitude towards comrades, a sense of responsibility for one’s actions.

    Progress of the lesson.

    Hello children! We are conducting a lesson - a quiz among experts of the Perm region. I wish everyone a great mood and joy from victories today. The participants of the game gathered around the round table - these are experts in the Perm region. They must show erudition, wit, intelligence and ingenuity, as well as be very attentive and friendly in order to achieve victory.

    Icontest. Team presentation.

    I greet all team members and wish them victory. So, are the players ready? Listen carefully to the rules of the game.

    The game consists of 9 rounds. Each round corresponds to the name of the sector on the playing field indicated by the arrow.

    In each sector there are envelopes with assignments on the topics: history, symbols and cities, minerals, reservoirs, natural monuments, famous people, flora and fauna, museums of the Perm region.

    The team is given time to think about and discuss the task, when the players can communicate with each other.

    After discussing the questions, either the captain or the player who is confident in the correctness of his answer has the right to answer.

    A competent jury will sum up the final results of the game and analyze your answers.

    The captains rotate the drum one by one.

    The envelope contains questions. A team takes 1 question, is given 2 minutes to prepare (according to the hourglass), all teams have a discussion, the team that spins the drum has the right to answer first. (a top with an arrow)

    Round 1. Attention, dear players! You have chosen sector No. 1 “History of the Perm Region”

    1. “The highest persons” also passed along the Siberian Highway, in

    With. B. Sosnova there is a chapel built in honor of the passage of this king. (Alexandra I)

    2. The name of the city of Perm in 1940-1957. (Molotov)

    3. In the middle of the 16th century (1558), these eminent people were granted a charter by the Sovereign of Moscow and All Rus', Ivan IV, and received control of the lands of Perm the Great - most of the Western Urals. (Stroganovs)

    4. This city is called the mother of the cities of the Kama region. It was founded in 1535, when the first wooden Kremlin-fortress in the Urals was erected on the high right bank of the Kolva River. (Cherdyn)

    5. In 1580, the Sosnovsky fort appeared, built to protect the trades of the merchant-industrialist Stroganov. Explain its name. Why is it called that?

    Attention, dear players! You got sector number 2

    "Cities of the Perm Territory"

    1. With what Russian city in the 19th century they compared Usolye? (Usolye - city - brother of St. Petersburg)

    2. In the world, only three cities stand on seven hills: Rome, Moscow and this ancient capital of Perm the Great. (Cherdyn)

    3. Which city in the Perm Territory was called the “Ural Stoker”? (Kiesel)

    4. This city in 1737 became the capital of the Perm region. (Kungur)

    5. A city whose name comes from the name of a special fishing net with large meshes. (Ohansk, ohan-set)

    Attention, dear players! You got sector number 3

    "Mineral resources of the Perm region"

    1. The name of this stone comes from the Greek word “selena” - moon, as it casts moonlight. (selenite)

    2. What was the name of table salt mined in our region? (Permian)

    3. What mineral was the reason for the construction of the Yegoshikha plant? (copper)

    4. What mineral is called “black gold?” (oil)

    5. From this salt mined in the Verkhnekamye region, valuable fertilizers for agriculture can be obtained; it is also called “fertility salt.” (potassium salt)

    Attention, dear players! You got sector number 4

    "Water Land"

    1. Why is Perm called the port of five seas? Which ones? (Caspian, Azov, Black, Baltic, White)

    2. Which city is named after the river on which it stands, and the name of the river is translated as “bear’s corner”? (Essay)

    4. Where does the Kama River begin (source)? (In Udmurtia, Karpushata village)

    5. On which river is the Plakun waterfall located? (on the Sylva river in the Suksun region)

    Attention, dear players! You got sector number 5

    « Famous people Prikamye"

    1. Companion of Peter I, scientist, founder of the city of Perm. (V.N. Tatishchev)

    2. In 1558, Ivan IV granted him huge possessions along the Kama and Chusovaya rivers. In their possessions, this man, and later his descendants, developed: agriculture, salt making, fishing, hunting and mining, built cities and fortresses. Who are we talking about? (A.F. Stroganov)

    3. What is the name of the Permian? children's writer, author of the fairy tale “Captain Coco and the Green Glass” (Lev Kuzmin)

    4. Our fellow countryman is the inventor of the wireless telegraph. (A.S.Popov)

    5. This man conquered the Siberian Khanate and annexed Siberia to Rus'; there is a monument to him in Orel-town. (Ermak)

    Attention, dear players! You got sector number 6

    "Plant world"

    1. Whose shoe can be found in the forests of the Perm region? (Orchid - Lady's slipper)

    2. In one fairy tale, an evil stepmother sends a girl into the forest in winter to pick berries, but in winter you can get fresh berries from under the snow not only in the fairy tale, but also in reality. What kind of berries are these? (Cranberry)

    3. What kind of wood is a piano made of? (from spruce)

    4. Why does a hare eat aspen in winter, because it is bitter? (aspen bark contains 10% fat)

    5. In Latin this tree is called pinus, which means “rock”. What is this plant called in Russian?

    Attention, dear players! You got sector number 7

    « Animal world»

    1. There is a bird in the Perm region that loves ice baths, the “walrus bird.” (Common dipper)

    2. Black guest from Africa, a very rare bird, listed in the Red Book. (Black stork)

    3. This rare amazing animal, scientists call a “living fossil”, is listed in the Red Book, lives in reservoirs, builds burrows in the banks. (Muskrat)

    4. This animal is a typical inhabitant of our forests. It is also called “prongs”. (Elk)

    5. By the presence of this fish, you can determine the purity of the river, which is listed in the Red Book of Russia. (sculpin)

    Attention, dear players! You got sector number 8

    « Natural monuments"

    1. In 1982, to protect undisturbed areas of the indigenous mountain taiga of the Cis-Urals and Urals, a nature reserve was founded in the Middle Urals, in the highest part of its western slope, a picturesque mountain range is located. The very name of which in the Ural dialect means “beautiful, wonderful.” (Basegi Nature Reserve)

    2. In this reserve of the Perm region you can study three natural areas: mountains, forest, steppe. (pre-Ural reserve, in the Kungur region)

    3. This picturesque waterfall of 4-5 steps, each 10-15m high, is located on the Uls River, a tributary of the Vishera. (Zhigalan waterfall)

    4. This is a very ancient geological natural monument. The cave was formed more than 10 thousand years ago. In 1709, by decree of Peter I, the first plan of the cave was drawn up. (Kungur Ice Cave)

    5. On the Vishera River there is a miracle of nature - a stone that responds to any sound with multiple echoes. (talkative stone)

    Attention, dear players! You got sector number 9

    Museums, festivals of the Perm region.

    1. What is one of the most popular museums in Solikamsk dedicated to? (salt)

    2. What subject is the only Russian museum dedicated to in Nytva? (spoon)

    3. Which hero of Russian history is the museum dedicated to on the territory of the ethnographic park of the history of the Chusovaya River? (Ermak)

    4. Architectural and ethnographic museum under open air. (Khokhlovka)

    5. What is the name of the aeronautics festival in Kungur? (Heavenly Fair)

    6. In which city of the Perm Territory is the helmet museum located? (Lysva, because during the Second World War there was a factory that produced soldiers’ helmets)

    Summing up.


    Literature used:

    Chernykh A.V., T.V. Pokhozhaeva Your Prikamye. Take care of your home - Perm: “Cannon”, 2002.

    Gorbatsevich N.P., Shatrova N.V. Prikamye: pages of distant and near times. - Perm: “Book World”, 2003.

    Knyazeva. Little Perm. (1,2,3,4 grades) - Perm: “Book World”, 2007

    Agafonova N.N., Belavin A.M., Krylasova N.B. Pages from the history of the Perm land: the Kama region from ancient times to the beginning of the 18th century. - Perm: “Book World”, 1996.

    L.A. Borovskaya, N.S. Zhestkova, O.D. Tsvetova Our Perm region-Perm State Pedagogical University, 2012.

    A. Gin, I. Andrzhevskaya. 150 creative tasks about what surrounds us. Moscow: Vita Press 2012.

    Specially protected natural areas of the Perm region. - “Book World” Perm. 2002

    Andrey Zelenin. Perm and the Perm region: entertaining local history. - PKOO "Perm Writer", 2013.

    The area we live in. Set of postcards. T. Luzina, L. Istomina. -

    B-Sosnova, 2011.

    Bolshesosnovsky district - continuation of the story. MBUK "Bolshesnovskaya inter-settlement central library": comp. T.V. Luzina - B-Sosnova, 2014.

    Local history quiz game

    « Native land- heaven for the heart." /Scenario class hour/

    Epigraph: Lay down left and right

    My poetry of the land,

    I have my own power

    Even if it’s small, it’s one of its own.

    (Ivan Alexandrov)

    Application:DVD -disk (script, presentation, multimedia files).

    Logistics support : To play the game, the following technical equipment is required: laptop (or computer), multimedia projector, speakers, microphones, screen.

    Target:intensifying interest in studying their native land among students, instilling in them a sense of pride in their involvement in history.


      consolidation of knowledge on the history of the native land;

      stimulating interest in studying the history of one’s homeland;

      instilling patriotic feelings in students;

      development of thinking, expansion of horizons.

    Form: game.


    The national educational initiative “Our New School” states that “The main objectives modern school– revealing the abilities of each student, raising a decent and patriotic person, an individual ready for life in a high-tech, competitive world.”

    Patriotic education begins with knowing the value of one’s Fatherland. In order for patriotism to become the norm of our society, it is necessary to build the education of a modern schoolchild on the examples of the history of the native land, and through it - of the entire vast Motherland, to familiarize the child with the experience of previous generations.

    Carrying out excursion trips for students around their native land, social hours, museum lessons, scholarly tournaments, educational games develops their thinking, increases their intelligence, broadens their horizons, and contributes to the development of such personality traits as: responsibility, decency, kindness, collectivism and many others.

    for preparing and conducting educational activities.

    The local history quiz game “Native land is a paradise for the heart” is one of the forms of conducting a class hour for middle and high school students. In order for the game to be interesting, both students and game organizers must carefully prepare for it. Students need to get acquainted with local history literature and, if possible, visit the sights of the city (this can be done virtually, using Internet resources). The organizers of the game - teachers - should compose questions taking into account the age of the students and the local history material studied in lessons and during excursions.

    During educational activities, stimulation methods (competition and rewards), methods of play, educational situations, improvisation, etc. are used.

    The following are used when playing the game: educational technologies: interactive, game, problem-based learning.

    Big role In the quality of the game, the choice of presenters is given. The presenters themselves must know well all the local history objects being presented, dates, famous Oryol and Amchan residents, etc. The presenters must lead the game, encouraging its participants, and also be able to hold the attention of all participants in the game, so rehearsals are held with the presenters in advance. As a leader it can be like class teacher, as well as high school students or parents of students.

    The game should become an interesting and educational event for students, and not an event for show.

    Preliminary preparation.

    It is necessary to complete a presentation in advance containing the questions of the game. Presenters are selected from among the high school students, musical moments are selected, and the room is decorated according to the theme of the game.

    Students in the class are divided (optional) into players and spectators. Each participant has 4 tablets with numbers: 1,2,3,4, which they raise when choosing one of the proposed answers.

    A table for the jury members has been prepared in advance; there are signs on the table with the names of the jury members, evaluation sheets and pens on the tables.

    Seats for spectators must be provided.

    A week in advance, a colorful announcement about a quiz game must be posted in the classroom (school).

    Class hour script:

    Fanfare sounds.

    Presenter 1:Good afternoon, experts in the history of the Oryol region. The history of the Oryol region is rich historical events, heroic personalities. Wonderful craftsmen, talented musicians, artists and writers lived and live here. In two years, Orel will turn 450 years old, and Mtsensk will be 870, in honor of these upcoming anniversary dates Today we are holding a local history quiz game “Native land is a paradise for the heart.” The topics of the questions concern both the native village, the Mtsensk region, and the Oryol region as a whole.

    Presenter 2:Let me introduce you to the rules of the game:
    1. 8 students participate in the game.
    2. Participants must answer questions in five rounds.
    3. In each round, participants are offered several tasks (questions).
    4. For each correct answer the player receives one point.
    5. You are given 10 seconds to think about each question.
    6. After each round, one player with the fewest points is eliminated (if the points are equal, the jury decides to leave the game or continue the fight for these players).
    7. Three players advance to the finals, and the winner of the game is determined among them.

    Presenter 1:Our game will be judged by members of the jury consisting of... (names given by full name)

    Presenter 2:On your tables there are signs with the numbers 1,2,3,4. When choosing an answer to a question, you will raise the sign that corresponds, in your opinion, to the correct answer. So, all the rules of the game are communicated, we begin the game.
    Fanfare announces the start of each round.

    I round “Historical”.

    Task No. 1.

    1. In what year was the city of Mtsensk founded? (№ 2)

    2. What year is the year of foundation of the city of Orel? (№ 4)

    Task No. 2.

      Which of these coats of arms is the coat of arms of the Mtsensk region? (№ 2)

      What number is the coat of arms of the city of Oryol? (№ 3)




    Task No. 3.

      What is the year the school was founded in the village of Spasskoye-Lutovinovo? (№ 2)

      In what year was the modern school building built? (№ 4)

    2nd round “Photogeographical”.

    Task No. 1.

      Which city is not located in the Oryol region? (№ 4)

      1. Novosil

    Task No. 2.

    1. Which of the squares shown in the pictures is Vokzalnaya? (№ 4)

    2. Which postcard shows Oryol Square? (№ 3)





    Task No. 3.

      Which picture shows Orlovsky? state university? (№ 4)

      Which of the pictures shows the building of the local history museum in Oryol? (№ 2)





    Task No. 4.

      Which picture shows the Oryol trotter? (№ 3)

      Which picture shows the smallest pony horse? (№ 1)





    Task No. 5.

      Which of these churches is located in the village. Spasskoye-Lutovinovo? (№ 3)

      Which of these pictures shows the church in the monastery of the holy martyr Kuksha near the village of Frolovka, Mtsensk region? (№ 1)





    Task No. 6

      Which of these monuments to I.S. Turgenev is located in Mtsensk? (№ 1)





    III round “And here was the war...”.

    Task No. 1.

    1. What is the date of the liberation of Mtsensk from the Nazi invaders? (№ 1)

    2. When Orel was liberated from German troops? (№ 4)

    Task No. 2.

    1. Which of these Heroes Soviet Union, Patriotic War of 1812, born in the village of Spasskoye-Lutovinovo in 1913? (No. 2, Dankov Fedor Trofimovich)

    2. Which of these people, who fought in the Oryol region, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union three times? (No. 1, Kozhedub Ivan Nikitovich)





    3 – Kochergin Egor Petrovich, native of the village of Podberyozovo, Mtsensk region, 4 – Ermolov Alexey Petrovich, native of the village. Lukyanchikovo, Mtsensk district.

    Task No. 3.

    1. Which of these monuments is not located in the Mtsensk region? (No. 2, Krivtsovsky memorial, Bolkhovsky district)

    2. Which of these monuments was installed at Mtsensk station in 2003 on the initiative of searchers from school No. 8 in the city of Mtsensk? (№ 4)





    IV round “Literary”.

    Task No. 1.

    The poem sounds:

    I came to you with greetings,
    Tell me what
    Sun - central body solar system, a hot plasma ball, a typical dwarf star, namely a yellow dwarf, spectral class G2; mass M ¤ ~2.10 30 kg, radius R ¤ =696 t. km, average density 1,416.10 3 kg/m 3 , luminosity L ¤ =3,86.10 23 kW, effective surface temperature (photosphere) approx. 6000 K. The rotation period (synodic) varies from 27 days at the equator to 32 days at the poles, gravitational acceleration 274 m/s 2 .

    Chemical composition, determined from analysis of the solar spectrum: hydrogen - approx. 90%, helium - 10%, other elements - less than 0.1% (by number of atoms). The source of solar energy is the nuclear transformation of hydrogen into helium in the central region of the Sun, where the temperature is 15 million K. Energy from the interior is transferred by radiation, and then in the outer layer with a thickness of approx. 0.2R ¤ - convection. got up
    What is it with hot light
    The sheets began to flutter;

    Tell me that the forest has woken up,
    All woke up, every branch,
    Every bird was startled
    And full of thirst in spring;

    Tell me that with the same ,
    Like yesterday, I came again,
    Soul is a concept that expresses historically changing views on the mental life of humans and animals. Goes back to ancient ideas about a special force that lives in the body of humans and animals (sometimes plants) and leaves it during sleep or in the event of death (akin to the doctrine of the transmigration of souls - metempsychosis). still the same
    And I’m ready to serve you;

    Tell me that from everywhere
    Fun is blowing over me
    That I don’t know myself that I will

    Sing - but only the song is ripening.

    1. Which of these Orlov writers is the author of this poem? (No. 4, A. Fet)

    2. Which of these writers was born in 1870? (No. 2, I. Bunin)

    3. Which of these people wrote the words: “You can’t understand Russia with your mind, you can’t measure it with a common yardstick: it has become something special - you can only believe in Russia.” (No. 3, F. Tyutchev)





    Task No. 2.

    1. Which of these buildings is the estate house of I.S. Turgenev? (No. 2, Spasskoye-Lutovinovo)

    2. Which of these houses is located in the village of Ovstug, Bryansk region? (No. 3, F. Tyutchev’s estate)





    Task No. 3.

    1. 15.02.32 – 18.09.10 . The years of life of which American writer are indicated here? (№ 1)

    2. Which writer is named after the Mtsensk City Library? (№ 2)

    1) I.V. Alexandrov

    2) I.A. Novikov

    3) E.A. Blaginina

    4) N.S. Leskov

    Task No. 4.

    1. Which of the Orlov writers was born in the village of Novoselki, Mtsensk district? (№ 2)

    2. Which writer is the Oryol Regional Public Library named after? (№ 3)

    1) I.S. Turgenev

    2) A.A. Fet

    3) I.A. Bunin

    4) L.N. Andreev

    V round "Musical".

    Task No. 1.

    Music sounds (V.S. Kalinnikov, serenade for string orchestra).

    1. Which composer does this work belong to? (№ 3)





    1 – Evgeny Petrovich Derbenko (famous Oryol composer-harmonist, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation), 4 – Irina Kirillovna Khrisanidi (famous Oryol composer, teacher, performer).

    Task No. 2.

    The romance “Foggy Morning” sounds based on the verses of I.S. Turgenev performed by Alexander Malinin.

    1. Who wrote the words to the romance “Foggy Morning”? (№ 4)

    2. Who performed the romance? (№ 1)





    Task No. 3.

    1. Which picture shows the Oryol College of Music? (№ 2)





    Game finale


    From the letters included in the word “attraction” you need to make as many words as possible. Each letter can be used as many times as it appears in the word. The one who says the last word will win. You have 3 minutes to complete the task.


    One hundred, flax, laziness, cost, prima, mother, naled, chest, lad, gift, spruce, vat, dran, dal, ar, Om, table, crowbar, omen, hour, cleanliness, dream, elephant, syrup, mouth, stop, axe, dream, saw, song, chalk, body, reader, nose, moan, steam, bed, pier, depravity, sword, summer, autumn, peace, mate, honor, cane, Rome, blizzard, bridge.

    At the end of the game, the jury members sum up the results and award the winners and participants.

    In conclusion, the song “I look into the blue lakes” sounds.

    Getting ready for the Olympiad in Local History
    “Interesting questions on tourism and local history”


    Which Kuzbass river has seven-story rapids?

    Which Kuzbass mountain can you throw over with a pitchfork?

    Which village in Kuzbass is located on three rivers?

    Which Kuzbass mountain do we take with us on the road?

    Where are there rivers without water, cities without people?
    On the map

    Can you tell me if they ask what tourists wear to carry water?
    In a flask

    How to save your overnight stay from snakes?
    Stretch a wool thread around the tent

    Hangs on the wall and falls at the same time

    What does a tourist need to know if he sleeps in a tent in the rain?
    Do not touch the roof of the tent

    Wrack your brain, what is a burnet?
    Medicinal herb

    How to find the direction north using stones?
    On the north side the stone is covered with moss and lichen

    Is it possible to bring water in a sieve?
    It's possible if it freezes

    How is the name of the village Temir-Tau translated?
    Iron Mountain

    Where is the linden grove?
    Near the village of Kuzedeevo

    Which of the progressives American writers is the author of the story "Ernita"?
    T. Dreiser. Construction of a coke plant in Kemerovo, America. Specialists

    Which writer wrote the books “The Second Day” and “People, Years, Life,” which tell about the people of the Kuznetsk land?
    Ilya Erenburg

    “I know the city will bloom, I know the garden will bloom, when there are such people in the Soviet country!” Who wrote these lines? Was the author in Kuzbass?
    V. Mayakovsky
    “The story about Kuznetskstroy and the people of Kuznetsk”,
    I haven’t been to Kuzbass

    Who wrote the ballad “About Three Communists”? Who is it dedicated to?
    N. Tikhonov. To the immortal feat of three Novokuznesk residents Gerasimenko I.S., Cheremnov L.A., Krasilov A.S. Each of them covered the embrasure of the enemy pillbox with their chest

    Who is the author of the novel “Kuznetsk Land”? What do you know about its author?
    Alexander Voloshin. He began his working life in Osinnikuakh; his novel about the heroic work of Kuznetsk miners was awarded the State Prize

    When was the first issue of the regional newspaper “Komsomolets Kuzbassa” published?

    Which literary figure is called the oldest poet of Kuzbass?

    In 1977, a book publishing house released a collection, which was the result of the work of Kuzbass journalists. The book is dedicated to the working class of Kuzbass. What is it called?
    Working shoulders of Kuzbass

    Which tree is the most common in our city, and is the champion among trees in purifying the air from dust, soot and gas?

    What tree in our region lives up to 800 years? It is called the "tree of eternity"

    What kind of wood in our region are pencils made from?

    What is the largest river in Kuzbass?

    What river flows in our city?

    Which river do we drink water from?

    Which river in Kuzbass is named after the last letter of the alphabet?

    Which bird has the longest tongue?
    The woodpecker has up to 15 cm

    Spinning, chirping, fussing all day?

    The name of which city in the region indicates its location?

    In the name of which city in the region must one letter be changed in order to get house shoes?

    What is the “sweet” city in Kuzbass?

    Which city in Kuzbass is dangerous to enter without a compass?

    Name two coal basins in Kuzbass.
    Kuznetsk coal and Kansko-Achinsk

    Name the manganese deposit, by whom and when was it discovered?
    Usinskoye, Raduzhny in 1939

    Name largest deposit talc?

    Which mountains of Kuzbass are named after plants?
    Raspberry, Cedar, Lingonberry, Flask

    Which geologists studied coal deposits in Kuzbass?
    Lutugin, Yavorsky, Ganeev, Baerzhinov, Chikhachev, Derzhavin, Snetkov

    The largest lake in Kuzbass?
    Big Berchikul

    What is the largest animal in the forests of Kuzbass?

    In 1938, valuable commercial animals from North America were brought to Kuzbass. Name them?

    Name the oldest city in our region?

    When was the Great Siberian Railway built?
    From 1881-90

    In what year was the AIK (Autonomous Industrial Colony "Kuzbass") created?

    In what year did KMK produce the first cast iron?

    In what year did the construction of KMC begin?

    In 1942, the Ziminka mine was awarded the title “Best Coal Mine of the USSR”. Who was the mine manager at this time?

    Which of the Kuzbass residents repeated the feat of N. Gastello?
    Kolyado, Chernykh, Zemtsov

    Which of our fellow countrymen defended the Brest Fortress?
    Semenyuk, Vidolov

    What is the area of ​​the Kemerovo region?
    95.9 thousand sq. km

    Which foreign countries can they be accommodated in the square of the Kemerovo region?
    Hungary, Portugal, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg

    At what latitude are the northernmost and southernmost points of the Kemerovo region located? Name geographic longitude extreme eastern and western points?
    56:54 and 52:08 north latitude and 84:33 and 89:28 east longitude

    How many kilometers does the Kemerovo region extend from north to south and from west to east?
    530 km and 300 km

    What edges and regions does the Kemerovo region border with?
    Novosibirsk and Tomsk regions, Altai and Krasnoyarsk region, Khakass and Gorno-Altai Autonomous Regions


    Which area (edge) do we have the longest border with?
    Krasnoyarsk region

    What natural boundaries do the administrative border of the Kemerovo region follow?
    The watershed of the Salair Ridge, the watershed of the Biysk Griva, the watershed of the Abakan Range, the Kuznetsk Alatau and the Uryup River

    How many cities and districts are there in the Kemerovo region?
    20 cities and 19 districts

    List the cities of the Kemerovo region?
    Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Belovo, Berezovsky, Guryevsk, Kiselevsk, Kemerovo, Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Mezhdurechensk, Myski, Novokuznetsk, Osinniki, Prokopyevsk, Taiga, Tashtagol, Furnace, Yurga, Kaltan, Salair, Polysayevo,

    On the banks of which rivers are the cities of the Kemerovo region located?
    Belovo - r. Bachat; Kemerovo, Yurga, Novokuznetsk, Myski, Mezhdurechensk - r. Tom; Prokopyevsk - Aba; Tashtagol, Kaltan, Osinniki - r. Condom; Mariinsk - Kiya river


    Which city is the center of the metallurgical industry?
    Novokuznetsk, Belovo, Guryevsk

    Which city is called the city of chemists?

    Which city is called the transport “gate” of Kuzbass?

    What was it like administrative division our region before the Great October Socialist Revolution?
    It was part of the Tomsk province and was divided into counties: Tomsk, Mariinsky, Kuznetsk

    What do the names of the cities of Mezhdurechensk, Guryevsk, Mariinsk, Tashtagol mean?
    Mezhdurechensk - between the two rivers Tom and Usa, Guryevsk after the name of the head of the Cabinet, Count Guryev, Mariinsk was renamed from the city of Kiysk in 1867 after the wife of Tsar Alexander 2, Tashtagol translated from Shor as “stone ravine”

    What surface forms are most typical for the Kemerovo region?
    Hills and mountains

    Name the main ridges of the Kuznetsk Alatau and Mountain Shoria?
    Kuznetsk Alatau: Tegri-Tishi, Sargaya, Tydyn, Alataga, Saltymakovsky; Mountain Shoria: Shorsky, Biyskaya Griva, Abakansky, Salansky


    Where are the highest point and lowest point of the Kemerovo region?
    Char Amzas-Taskyl (Upper Tooth) 2178 m and the floodplain of the Tom River near the mouth of the Sosnovka River

    How are the names of the ridges and mountains of the Kemerovo region translated into Russian: Tegri-Tishi, Sargaya, Mustag, Patyn, Alataga?
    Celestial Teeth, Yellow Rock, Marsh Place, Speckled Mountain

    What are the most delicious mountains in the Kemerovo region?
    Mountains Raspberry and Kedrovye (Belovsky and Tisulsky districts), Mount Brusnichnaya (Yaisky district), Kolba (Mountain Shoria), in other places the peaks Chernichnaya, Medovaya, Sugar

    Who was the first to use the term “Kuznetsk Basin”?
    P.A. Chikhachev - geographer and geologist, explorer of Altai, who traveled through the Kuznetsk region in 1842.

    What age rocks are found on the territory of the Kuznetsk Basin?
    Rocks of Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous ages

    Where in the Kemerovo region are the most ancient deposits found?

    In Mountain Shoria and Kuznetsk Alatau - Proterozoic - about 1000 ml.years

    Which of the geologists has done a lot of work on studying geological structure Kuznetsk basin?
    L.I.Lutugin explored the Kuznetsk basin in 1955 with a group of students (Yavorsiy V.I., Gapeev A.A., Butov P.I., etc.)

    What was the territory of the Kuznetsk Basin like in the geological past?
    Sea bay between the Kuznetsky Alatau and Salair ridges

    What are the minerals found in sedimentary rocks?
    Hard and brown coal, refractory clays, foundry sands, limestones, phosphorites, mineral waters

    Who discovered coal in Kuzbass and where?
    Tobolsk Cossack ore explorer Mikhailo Volkov in 1721 in the Kemerovo region

    What types of ore minerals are found in our region?
    Iron, polymetallic, manganese ores, nephelines, bauxite (ore for aluminum), cinnabar (ore for mercury), gold

    What nonmetallic raw materials are used in ferrous metallurgy?
    Dolomites, quartzites, foundry sands, refractory clays, limestones, coals

    Where are the limestone deposits in the Kemerovo region?
    Salair Ridge (Malo-Salairskoye, Buskuskanskoye, Karachinskoye), near the town of Topki (Solominskoye), Yashkinskoye

    What is dolomite and where is it used in the Kemerovo region?
    A common mineral in the iron and steel industry for the manufacture of refractory bricks and fluxes

    What mineral found in our region is used by confectioners, doctors, and chemists?
    Talc, medical powder, marshmallow filler, marshmallows

    Which district of the region is called the “gold workshop” of Western Siberia?
    In the Tisulsky district, the Berchikul gold mining district

    Where in the Kemerovo region are there deposits of minerals from which the “winged metal” - aluminum is made?
    Kiya-Shaltyrskoye nepheline deposit, Barzas bauxite deposit

    What mineral springs are located in the Kemerovo region?
    “Tersinka” - carbon dioxide mineral waters near the village of Makarikha, soda-free sulfate waters near the village of Borisovo, Krapivinsky district

    What types of sand are found in the Kemerovo region?
    Molding, glass, gravel for ferrous metallurgy, construction and glass production

    Which month is considered the warmest and coldest in the Kemerovo region?
    Warm July and cold January

    What explains the sharp cold snaps that characterize the region in winter and spring?
    In winter and spring, the arrival of cold air masses from the Arctic Ocean

    What winds prevail in the Kemerovo region, at what time?
    Western and southwestern directions in summer

    What weather do cyclones and anticyclones bring to our region?
    Cyclones - rainy and unstable weather, anticyclones - frosty clear weather

    What is the wettest region of the Kemerovo region?
    Western slope of Kuznetsk Alatau, up to 1200 mm of precipitation per year

    What is the average depth of snow cover in the Kemerovo region?
    In steppe areas - 30-40 cm, in the mountains - 1-1.5 meters

    When does the first frost occur in the region?
    Late August, early September

    To what depth does the soil freeze in winter in the Kemerovo region?
    2 meters

    When does ice cover appear on the rivers of the Kemerovo region?
    In the second ten days of November

    What major river system do the rivers of the Kemerovo region belong to?
    To the Ob River basin

    Where does the largest river in the Kemerovo region begin and where does it flow?
    The source is at the junction of the Kuznetsk Alatau and Abakan ridges, the mouth is in the Tomsk region at the confluence with the Ob

    On which river in the region are the rapids located and what are they called?
    On the Mras-su River - Khomutovskie rapids

    At what time is the water level in the region's rivers highest?
    In May

    How do the region's rivers feed in winter?
    Due to groundwater

    On which river of Kuzbass was an artificial sea created?
    "Belovskoye Sea" on the Ina River

    What lakes are called tarns and where are they found?
    On the slopes of mountains in place of snowfields and glaciers in Kuznetsk Alatau

    Which rivers translated into Russian are called “taimenya”, “otter”, “goose”, “grayling”, “bear”, “cedar”?
    Belsu, Ters, Amzas, Kundat, Sayapzas, Mayzas

    Where is Bull's Throat and how to get there?
    When the Tomyu River crosses the Saltymakovsky ridge and the Taradonovsky ridge. Narrow place, squeezed by rocks, fast current

    On what river is “White Stone Reach” located and why is it remarkable?
    On the Ina River near the village of Makarak there are rocks made of limestone and marble, many caves and grottoes

    Which river in the Kemerovo region is called Sukhoi?
    The Sukhoi Berchikul River in the Tisulsky district

    What soils are used in agriculture Kuzbass?
    Chernozem, gray forest soils

    What soils formed under coniferous and deciduous forests in Kuzbass?
    Podzolic and gray forest

    What type of vegetation predominates in Kuzbass?

    What plant zones can you visit in the Kemerovo region?
    Steppe, forest-steppe, taiga zones and mountain tundra

    Name the most common tree in our forests, the most valuable?
    Fir, cedar

    What fur-bearing animals are found in the region?
    Sable, mink, ermine, weasel, polecat, squirrel, muskrat, white hare, brown hare, chipmunk, mole, beaver, otter

    What nature reserves are located in the Kemerovo region?
    Beaver reserves: Antibessky, Bungarapo-Azhendarovsky, Kitatsky; general reserves: Nizhnetomsky, Novogutovsky, Ust-Sosnovsky, Chumaysko-Irkutyanovsky, Tersino-Naryksky, Pisany

    What nationalities lived in our region before the arrival of the Russians?
    Kets, Shors, Teleuts

    Which geographical names bear the name of the peoples living in the Kemerovo region?
    Teleuts, Chuvashka, Belarus (Novokuznetsky district)

    What industries have developed in Kuzbass?
    Coal, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemistry, mechanical engineering, wood processing, production of building materials, light and food

    Which industry is the leading?

    What are the largest construction projects in Kuzbass during the first five-year plans?
    Kuznetskstroy, Belovsky Zinc Plant, Prokopyevsky and Leninsky mines, Kemerovo State District Power Plant

    When was the first cast iron produced, the first steel, the first rails rolled at KMK?

    When and where was the first mine in Kuzbass founded?
    In 1851, near the village of Bachati - Bachat coal mine

    Where is the world's first hydraulic mine located and when was it commissioned?
    Mine "Polysaevskaya-Severnaya" in Leninsk-Kuznetsky, 1953.

    When and where was the first ironworks built in our region?
    In 1771, on the Tom-Chumysh River, the Tomsk ironworks (now the village of Tomskoye, Prokopyevsky district)

    When did the construction of the West Siberian Metallurgical Plant begin?

    The largest and deepest mine in Kuzbass?
    Large – “Tom-Usinskaya 1-2” now the Lenin mine in Mezhdurechensk, deep – mine No. 5-7 in Anzhero-Sudzhensk

    The oldest mine and the oldest plant currently operating in the Kemerovo region?
    Mine 5-7 in Anzhero-Sudzhensk since 1897, Guryev Metallurgical Plant named after M.K. Kurako since 1816.

    What cars are produced at Kuzbass factories?
    Mining equipment, electric motors, household appliances

    Which city in Kuzbass is called the city of power engineers?
    Kaltan, Yuzhno-Kuzbasskaya GRES is operating

    Where was the first local history museum opened in the Kemerovo region? First art gallery? First theater?
    Local history museum in Kuznetsk, art gallery in Novokuznetsk, theater in Kemerovo

    A device for measuring distances on a map?

    Lines connecting points with the same absolute height?

    A number showing how many times the distances on the ground are reduced when depicted on a map

    Angle between the direction north and the direction towards the object?

    Device for determining cardinal directions

    What plants are found in the taiga of the Kemerovo region?
    Fir, cedar, birch, aspen, linden, shrub

    The largest mountain system in Kuzbass?
    Kuznetsky Alatau

    What are the major rivers in the region?
    Tom, Mrassu, Condoma, Kiya, Yaya, Uryup, Chumysh, Inya

    What animals live in the taiga zone of Kuzbass?
    Elk, deer, roe deer, brown bear, lynx, otter, sable

    The largest bird in our region?

    What is the first sign of black taiga?
    Fir and aspen

    Name the most valuable ancient monument in our region?
    Written rocks

    Name the three sister rivers of the same name?
    Ters: Upper, Lower, Middle - tributaries of the Tom River

    What bird breeds chicks in winter?

    What kind of predatory Kuzbass feeds on river fish?
    River eagle - osprey

    (On the board there is an enlarged map on which the children will travel during the quiz. The points they receive as they move from station to station are written in the circles)

    (Two teams travel.)

    Opening remarks:

    Guys, are you familiar with the concept of “patriot”? What does this mean?

    This is a man who loves his homeland. But just loving is not enough, you need to know the history of your small Motherland, that is Murman. And you and I have already begun studying it.

    Quiz rules:

    Each team has special traffic lights, whoever raises them faster is responsible;

    For each correct answer - 1 point.

    Objectives: repeat, generalize and expand previously acquired knowledge on local history of the Murmansk region.

    Educational: formation in schoolchildren of a system of knowledge about the history of the development of the region, the material and spiritual culture of the northerners.

    Developmental: development of skills and abilities necessary for active, creative life in modern conditions for the successful socialization of youth.

    Educational: fostering a sense of involvement in events and processes occurring in the region, country.

    Lesson equipment: map of the Murmansk region; map of the city of Murmansk.

    Handout: tests.

    Questions and tasks

    1 station. Geographical, schematic location of Murman.

    (Working with a historical map of the city of Murmansk.)

    Show on the map of the Kola Peninsula the Murmansk coast, the Kola Bay, the city of Murmansk, other cities of the Kola Peninsula that you know;<Рисунок 1>

    Try, with your eyes closed, to schematically depict the Kola Bay, the Murmansk coast => designate the districts of the city of Murmansk (how many there are) - Leninsky, Oktyabrsky, Pervomaisky.<Рисунок 2>

    2nd station. City streets.

    (Work with cards on which the names of city streets are written.)

    Arrange the city streets into the areas where they are located

    Leninsky: Lobov, Khlobystov, Gagarin, Bredov, Sverdlov, Askoldovtsev;

    Oktyabrsky: Lenin Avenue, Captain Egorov, Gvardeiskaya, Privokzalnaya Square, Polyarnye Zori, Chelyuskintsev;

    Pervomaisky: Orlikova, Kolsky Avenue, Beringa, Kopytova, Krupskaya, Morskaya.

    3rd station. Memorable places.

    (Working with photographs of memorable places and architectural structures of the city)

    Relate the place or monument to the area where it is located (place the picture in the area where it is located):

    Leninsky: monument to the unknown soldier, palace of creativity “Lapland”;

    Oktyabrsky: Bredova, Kirova, Kirov, Arctic, Pool, Station; Pervomaisky: nature conservation, Valley of Comfort, Atlantic cinema.

    Station 4 is historical. “Blitz survey” (question-answer)

    2. How old is our city? - 89 years old;

    3. What is a Varnitsa? - A device for extracting (cooking) salt from sea water;

    4. What is gukor? - Fishing and cargo two-masted vessel of Russian Pomors;

    5. Who are Pomors? - Russian population living off the coast of the White and Barents Seas;

    6. Who is a scribe? - A person who was engaged in the correspondence or compilation of manuscripts and handwritten books in Ancient Rus';

    7. What is a scribal book? - It contains detailed information about settlements, the number of inhabitants of the Kola Peninsula at the beginning of the 17th century;

    8. In what area is school No. 50 located? - Pervomaisky;

    9. Where is the Murmansk region located? - On the Kola Peninsula beyond the Arctic Circle.

    10. What mountains are there on the Kola Peninsula? - Khibiny, Lovozero;

    11. What are the names of the indigenous people of Lovozero? - Sami;

    12. What are the hills covered with? - lichen, moss;

    13. How is Monche-tundra translated? - Beautiful tundra;

    14. What seas is our region washed by? - White, Barents.

    5 station. Informational.

    The children prepared a message about Murman in advance. Each performance brings a point to its team.

    Sample message options:

    About the birth of the city of Murmansk;

    About the seaport;

    About the fauna of the Kola Peninsula;

    Sister cities of Murmansk;

    Heraldry of sister cities of Murmansk.

    6 station. Working with tests: “Development of education in Murman in the 30-40s of the twentieth century.”

    Working with workers sheets by command<Приложение 1 >

    Each correct answer = 1 point.

    7 station. “Build a monument.”

    Teams are given envelopes with an image of a cultural monument cut into small pieces (monument to the Unknown Soldier, monument to A. Bredov). It is necessary, as quickly as possible, to assemble a cut-up picture depicting the monument. The quality and speed of completing the task are taken into account.

    While the jury is summing up the results, it's a fan competition.

    2. What is the name of the glow in the winter sky of Murmansk? – (Northern lights)

    3. Murmansk is located on the shore - (Kola Bay)

    4. Continue the phrase: In winter, the polar night, and in summer? – (Polar day)

    5. Northern winds bring in winter time- thaw, and the southern ones -? – (Cold cold)

    The jury's word, results

    The best knowledge was shown by the “……” team, it is ordained as a local historian and receives an excellent badge, and the “” team receives incentive prizes.

    Final word

    Today we are once again convinced of how rich in interesting events the history of our region is, what cultural heritage has been left to us from our ancestors. And 2 teams “…..” and “…..” helped to travel around Murman. Thank you very much for your participation, see you again!