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Measurement systems and converter (pounds, feet, inches, miles). When was the metric system introduced in Russia? Metric system where

On the facade of the Ministry of Justice in Paris, under one of the windows, a horizontal line and the inscription “meter” are carved in marble. Such a tiny detail is barely noticeable against the backdrop of the majestic Ministry building and Place Vendôme, but this line is the only one remaining in the city of “meter standards”, which were placed throughout the city more than 200 years ago in an attempt to introduce the people to a new universal system of measures - metric.

We often take a system of measures for granted and don’t even think about what story lies behind its creation. Metric system, which was invented in France, is official throughout the world, with the exception of three countries: the USA, Liberia and Myanmar, although in these countries it is used in some areas such as international trade.

Can you imagine what our world would be like if the system of measures was different everywhere, like the situation with currencies that we are familiar with? But everything was like that before french revolution, which flared up at the end of the 18th century: then the units of weights and measures were different not only between individual states, but even within the same country. Almost every French province had its own units of measures and weights, incomparable with the units used by their neighbors.

The revolution brought a wind of change to this area: in the period from 1789 to 1799, activists sought to overturn not only the government regime, but also to fundamentally change society, changing traditional foundations and habits. For example, in order to limit the influence of the church on social life, the revolutionaries introduced a new Republican calendar in 1793: it consisted of ten-hour days, one hour was equal to 100 minutes, one minute was equal to 100 seconds. This calendar was fully consistent with the new government's desire to introduce a decimal system in France. This approach to calculating time never caught on, but people came to like the decimal system of measures, which was based on meters and kilograms.

The first scientific minds of the Republic worked on the development of a new system of measures. Scientists set out to invent a system that would obey logic, and not local traditions or the wishes of authorities. Then they decided to rely on what nature had given us - the standard meter should be equal to one ten-millionth of the distance from North Pole to the equator. This distance was measured along the Paris meridian, which passed through the building of the Paris Observatory and divided it into two equal parts.

In 1792, scientists Jean-Baptiste Joseph Delambre and Pierre Méchain set out along the meridian: the former's destination was the city of Dunkirk in northern France, the latter followed south to Barcelona. Using the latest equipment and the mathematical process of triangulation (a method of constructing a geodetic network in the form of triangles in which their angles and some of their sides are measured), they hoped to measure the meridian arc between two cities at sea level. Then, using the extrapolation method (method scientific research, which consists in extending the conclusions obtained from the observation of one part of a phenomenon to another part of it), they intended to calculate the distance between the pole and the equator. According to the initial plan, scientists planned to spend a year on all measurements and the creation of a new universal system of measures, but in the end the process lasted for seven years.

Astronomers were faced with the fact that in those turbulent times people often perceived them with great caution and even hostility. Moreover, without the support of the local population, scientists were often not allowed to work; There were cases when they were injured while climbing the highest points in the area, such as church domes.

From the top of the dome of the Pantheon, Delambre took measurements of the territory of Paris. Initially, King Louis XV erected the Pantheon building for the church, but the Republicans equipped it as the central geodetic station of the city. Today the Pantheon serves as a mausoleum for the heroes of the Revolution: Voltaire, René Descartes, Victor Hugo, etc. In those days, the building also served as a museum - all the old standards of weights and measures were stored there, which were sent by residents of all of France in anticipation of a new perfect system.

Unfortunately, despite all the efforts of scientists spent on developing a worthy replacement for the old units of measurement, no one wanted to use new system. People refused to forget the usual methods of measurement, which were often closely related to local traditions, rituals and way of life. For example, the el, a unit of measurement for cloth, was usually equal to the size of the looms, and the size of arable land was calculated solely in the days that had to be spent on cultivating it.

Parisian authorities were so outraged by residents' refusal to use the new system that they often sent police to local markets to force it into use. Napoleon eventually abandoned the policy of introducing the metric system in 1812 - it was still taught in schools, but people were allowed to use the usual units of measurement until 1840, when the policy was renewed.

It took France almost a hundred years to fully adopt the metric system. This finally succeeded, but not thanks to the persistence of the government: France was rapidly moving towards the industrial revolution. In addition, it was necessary to improve terrain maps for military purposes - this process required accuracy, which was not possible without a universal system of measures. France confidently entered the international market: in 1851, the first International Fair was held in Paris, where participants in the event shared their achievements in the field of science and industry. The metric system was simply necessary to avoid confusion. The construction of the Eiffel Tower, 324 meters high, was timed to coincide with the International Fair in Paris in 1889 - then it became the tallest man-made structure in the world.

In 1875, the International Bureau of Weights and Measures was established, with its headquarters located in a quiet suburb of Paris - in the city of Sèvres. The Bureau maintains international standards and the unity of the seven measures: meter, kilogram, second, ampere, Kelvin, Mole and Candela. A platinum meter standard is kept there, from which standard copies were previously carefully made and sent to other countries as a sample. In 1960, the General Conference of Weights and Measures adopted a definition of the meter based on the wavelength of light—thus bringing the standard even closer to nature.

The Bureau's headquarters also houses the kilogram standard: it is housed in an underground storage facility under three glass bells. The standard is made in the form of a cylinder made of an alloy of platinum and iridium; in November 2018, the standard will be revised and redefined using the quantum Planck constant. The resolution on the revision of the International System of Units was adopted back in 2011, however, due to some technical features of the procedure, its implementation was not possible until recently.

Determining units of weights and measures is a very labor-intensive process, which is accompanied by various difficulties: from the nuances of conducting experiments to financing. The metric system underlies progress in many fields: science, economics, medicine, etc., and is vital for further research, globalization and improving our understanding of the universe.

Metric system is the general name for the international decimal system of units based on the use of the meter and kilogram. Over the past two centuries, there have been various versions of the metric system, differing in the choice of base units.

The metric system grew out of regulations adopted by the French National Assembly in 1791 and 1795 defining the meter as one ten-millionth of one quarter of the earth's meridian from the North Pole to the equator (Paris meridian).

The metric system of measures was approved for use in Russia (optional) by the law of June 4, 1899, the draft of which was developed by D. I. Mendeleev, and introduced as mandatory by decree of the Provisional Government of April 30, 1917, and for the USSR - by decree Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated July 21, 1925. Until this moment, the so-called Russian system of measures existed in the country.

Russian system of measures - a system of measures traditionally used in Rus' and in Russian Empire. The Russian system was replaced by the metric system of measures, which was approved for use in Russia (optional) according to the law of June 4, 1899. Below are the measures and their meanings according to the “Regulations on Weights and Measures” (1899), unless indicated other. Earlier values ​​of these units may have differed from those given; so, for example, the code of 1649 established a verst of 1 thousand fathoms, while in the 19th century the verst was 500 fathoms; versts of 656 and 875 fathoms were also used.

Sa?zhen, or sazhen (sazhen, sazhenka, straight sazhen) - old Russian unit of distance measurement. In the 17th century the main measure was the official fathom (approved in 1649 by the “Cathedral Code”), equal to 2.16 m and containing three arshins (72 cm) of 16 vershok each. Even in the time of Peter I, Russian measures of length were equalized with English ones. One arshin took the value of 28 English inches, and a fathom - 213.36 cm. Later, on October 11, 1835, according to the instructions of Nicholas I “On the system of Russian weights and measures”, the length of a fathom was confirmed: 1 government fathom was equal to the length of 7 English feet , that is, to the same 2.1336 meters.

Machaya fathom- an old Russian unit of measurement equal to the distance in the span of both hands, at the ends of the middle fingers. 1 fly fathom = 2.5 arshins = 10 spans = 1.76 meters.

Oblique fathom- in different regions it ranged from 213 to 248 cm and was determined by the distance from the toes to the end of the fingers of the hand extended diagonally upward. This is where the popular hyperbole “oblique fathoms in the shoulders” comes from, which emphasizes heroic strength and stature. For convenience, we equated Sazhen and Oblique Sazhen when used in construction and land work.

Span- Old Russian unit of measurement of length. Since 1835 it has been equal to 7 English inches (17.78 cm). Initially, the span (or small span) was equal to the distance between the ends of the outstretched fingers of the hand - the thumb and index. The “big span” is also known - the distance between the tip of the thumb and middle finger. In addition, the so-called “span with a somersault” (“span with a somersault”) was used - a span with the addition of two or three joints of the index finger, i.e. 5-6 vershoks. At the end of the 19th century it was excluded from the official system of measures, but continued to be used as a folk measure.

Arshin- was legalized in Russia as the main measure of length on June 4, 1899 by the “Regulations on Weights and Measures.”

The height of humans and large animals was indicated in vershok over two arshins, for small animals - over one arshin. For example, the expression “a man is 12 inches tall” meant that his height is 2 arshins 12 inches, that is, approximately 196 cm.

Bottle- there were two types of bottles - wine and vodka. Wine bottle (measuring bottle) = 1/2 t. octagonal damask. 1 vodka bottle (beer bottle, commercial bottle, half bottle) = 1/2 t. ten damask.

Shtof, half-shtof, shtof - used, among other things, when measuring the amount of alcoholic beverages in taverns and taverns. In addition, any bottle with a volume of ½ damask could be called a half-damask. A shkalik was also a vessel of the appropriate volume in which vodka was served in taverns.

Russian measures of length

1 mile= 7 versts = 7.468 km.
1 mile= 500 fathoms = 1066.8 m.
1 fathom= 3 arshins = 7 feet = 100 acres = 2.133 600 m.
1 arshin= 4 quarters = 28 inches = 16 vershok = 0.711 200 m.
1 quarter (span)= 1/12 fathoms = ¼ arshin = 4 vershok = 7 inches = 177.8 mm.
1 foot= 12 inches = 304.8 mm.
1 inch= 1.75 inches = 44.38 mm.
1 inch= 10 lines = 25.4 mm.
1 weave= 1/100 fathoms = 21.336 mm.
1 line= 10 points = 2.54 mm.
1 point= 1/100 inch = 1/10 line = 0.254 mm.

Russian measures of area

1 sq. verst= 250,000 sq. fathoms = 1.1381 km².
1 tithe= 2400 sq. fathoms = 10,925.4 m² = 1.0925 hectares.
1 year= ½ tithe = 1200 sq. fathoms = 5462.7 m² = 0.54627 hectares.
1 octopus= 1/8 tithe = 300 sq. fathoms = 1365.675 m² ≈ 0.137 hectares.
1 sq. fathom= 9 sq. arshins = 49 sq. feet = 4.5522 m².
1 sq. arshin= 256 sq. vershoks = 784 sq. inches = 0.5058 m².
1 sq. foot= 144 sq. inches = 0.0929 m².
1 sq. inch= 19.6958 cm².
1 sq. inch= 100 sq. lines = 6.4516 cm².
1 sq. line= 1/100 sq. inches = 6.4516 mm².

Russian measures of volume

1 cu. fathom= 27 cu. arshins = 343 cubic meters feet = 9.7127 m³
1 cu. arshin= 4096 cu. vershoks = 21,952 cubic meters. inches = 359.7278 dm³
1 cu. inch= 5.3594 cu. inches = 87.8244 cm³
1 cu. foot= 1728 cu. inches = 2.3168 dm³
1 cu. inch= 1000 cubic meters lines = 16.3871 cm³
1 cu. line= 1/1000 cc inches = 16.3871 mm³

Russian measures of bulk solids (“grain measures”)

1 cebr= 26-30 quarters.
1 tub (tub, fetters) = 2 ladles = 4 quarters = 8 octopuses = 839.69 l (= 14 pounds of rye = 229.32 kg).
1 sack (rye= 9 pounds + 10 pounds = 151.52 kg) (oats = 6 pounds + 5 pounds = 100.33 kg)
1 polokova, ladle = 419.84 l (= 7 pounds of rye = 114.66 kg).
1 quarter, quarter (for bulk solids) = 2 octagons (half-quarters) = 4 half-octagons = 8 quadrangles = 64 garnets. (= 209.912 l (dm³) 1902). (= 209.66 l 1835).
1 octopus= 4 fours = 104.95 liters (= 1¾ pounds of rye = 28.665 kg).
1 half-half= 52.48 l.
1 quadruple= 1 measure = 1⁄8 quarters = 8 garnets = 26.2387 l. (= 26.239 dm³ (l) (1902)). (= 64 lbs of water = 26.208 L (1835 g)).
1 semi-quadruple= 13.12 l.
1 four= 6.56 l.
1 garnets, small quadrangle = ¼ bucket = 1⁄8 quadrangle = 12 glasses = 3.2798 l. (= 3.28 dm³ (l) (1902)). (=3.276 l (1835)).
1 half-garnets (half-small quadrangle) = 1 shtof = 6 glasses = 1.64 l. (Half-half-small quadrangle = 0.82 l, Half-half-half-small quadrangle = 0.41 l).
1 glass= 0.273 l.

Russian measures of liquid bodies (“wine measures”)

1 barrel= 40 buckets = 491.976 l (491.96 l).
1 pot= 1 ½ - 1 ¾ buckets (holding 30 pounds of clean water).
1 bucket= 4 quarters of a bucket = 10 damasks = 1/40 of a barrel = 12.29941 liters (as of 1902).
1 quarter (buckets) = 1 garnets = 2.5 shtofas ​​= 4 wine bottles = 5 vodka bottles = 3.0748 l.
1 garnets= ¼ bucket = 12 glasses.
1 shtof (mug)= 3 pounds of clean water = 1/10 of a bucket = 2 vodka bottles = 10 glasses = 20 scales = 1.2299 l (1.2285 l).
1 wine bottle (Bottle (volume unit)) = 1/16 bucket = ¼ garnet = 3 glasses = 0.68; 0.77 l; 0.7687 l.
1 vodka or beer bottle = 1/20 bucket = 5 cups = 0.615; 0.60 l.
1 bottle= 3/40 of a bucket (Decree of September 16, 1744).
1 braid= 1/40 bucket = ¼ mug = ¼ damask = ½ half-damask = ½ vodka bottle = 5 scales = 0.307475 l.
1 quarter= 0.25 l (currently).
1 glass= 0.273 l.
1 glass= 1/100 bucket = 2 scales = 122.99 ml.
1 scale= 1/200 bucket = 61.5 ml.

Russian weight measures

1 fin= 6 quarters = 72 pounds = 1179.36 kg.
1 quarter waxed = 12 pounds = 196.56 kg.
1 Berkovets= 10 pudam = 400 hryvnia (large hryvnia, pounds) = 800 hryvnia = 163.8 kg.
1 congar= 40.95 kg.
1 pood= 40 large hryvnias or 40 pounds = 80 small hryvnias = 16 steelyards = 1280 lots = 16.380496 kg.
1 half pood= 8.19 kg.
1 Batman= 10 pounds = 4.095 kg.
1 steelyard= 5 small hryvnias = 1/16 pood = 1.022 kg.
1 half-money= 0.511 kg.
1 large hryvnia, hryvnia, (later - pound) = 1/40 pood = 2 small hryvnias = 4 half-hryvnias = 32 lots = 96 spools = 9216 shares = 409.5 g (11th-15th centuries).
1 pound= 0.4095124 kg (exactly, since 1899).
1 hryvnia small= 2 half-kopecks = 48 zolotniks = 1200 kidneys = 4800 pirogues = 204.8 g.
1 half hryvnia= 102.4 g.
Also used:1 libra = ¾ lb = 307.1 g; 1 ansyr = 546 g, was not widely used.
1 lot= 3 spools = 288 shares = 12.79726 g.
1 spool= 96 shares = 4.265754 g.
1 spool= 25 buds (until the 18th century).
1 share= 1/96 spools = 44.43494 mg.
From the 13th to the 18th centuries, such weight measures were used asbud And pie:
1 kidney= 1/25 spool = 171 mg.
1 pie= ¼ kidney = 43 mg.

Russian measures of weight (mass) are apothecary and troy.
Pharmacist's weight is a system of mass measures used when weighing medicines until 1927.

1 pound= 12 ounces = 358.323 g.
1 ounce= 8 drachmas = 29.860 g.
1 drachma= 1/8 ounce = 3 scruples = 3.732 g.
1 scruple= 1/3 drachm = 20 grains = 1.244 g.
1 grain= 62.209 mg.

Other Russian measures

Quire- units of counting, equal to 24 sheets of paper.

The newest book of facts. Volume 3 [Physics, chemistry and technology. History and archaeology. Miscellaneous] Kondrashov Anatoly Pavlovich

When was the metric system introduced in Russia?

The metric, or decimal, system of measures is a collection of units physical quantities, which is based on the unit of length – meter. This system was developed in France during the revolution of 1789–1794. At the proposal of a commission of leading French scientists, one ten-millionth of a quarter of the length of the Paris meridian was adopted as a unit of length - a meter. This decision was determined by the desire to base the metric system of measures on an easily reproducible “natural” unit of length associated with a practically unchanging object of nature. The decree introducing the metric system of measures in France was adopted on April 7, 1795. In 1799, a platinum prototype of the meter was made and approved. The sizes, names and definitions of other metric units were chosen so that it does not carry national character and could be applied in all countries. The metric system of measures acquired a truly international character in 1875, when 17 countries, including Russia, signed the Metric Convention to ensure international unity and improve the metric system. The metric system of measures was approved for use in Russia (optional) by the law of June 4, 1899, the draft of which was developed by D. I. Mendeleev. It was introduced as mandatory by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR dated September 14, 1918, and for the USSR by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated July 21, 1925.

This text is an introductory fragment.

Metric system, decimal system of measures, a set of units of physical quantities, which is based on the unit of length - meter. Initially, the Metric system of measures, in addition to the meter, included units: area - square meter, volume - cubic meter and mass - kilogram (mass of 1 dm 3 water at 4 ° C), as well as liter(for capacity), ar(for land area) and ton(1000 kg). An important distinctive feature of the Metric system of measures was the method of formation multiples of units And submultiple units , which are in decimal ratios; To form the names of derived units, prefixes were adopted: kilo, hecto, soundboard, deci, centi And Milli.

The metric system of measures was developed in France during the French Revolution. At the proposal of a commission of major French scientists (J. Borda, J. Condorcet, P. Laplace, G. Monge, etc.), the unit of length - the meter - was adopted as a ten-millionth part of 1/4 of the length of the Parisian geographical meridian. This decision was determined by the desire to base the Metric system of measures on an easily reproducible “natural” unit of length associated with some practically unchanging object of nature. The decree introducing the metric system of measures in France was adopted on April 7, 1795. In 1799, a platinum prototype of the meter was manufactured and approved. The dimensions, names and definitions of other units of the Metric system of measures were chosen so that it was not national in nature and could be adopted by all countries. The metric system of measures acquired a truly international character in 1875, when 17 countries, including Russia, signed metric convention to ensure international unity and improvement of the metric system. The metric system of measures was approved for use in Russia (optional) by the law of June 4, 1899, the draft of which was developed by D. I. Mendeleev, and introduced as mandatory by the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of September 14, 1918, and for the USSR by decree Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated July 21, 1925.

Based on the Metric system of measures, a whole series of particular measures arose, covering only certain sections of physics or branches of technology, systems of units and individual non-system units. The development of science and technology, as well as international relations led to the creation, based on the Metric system of measures, of a unified system of units covering all areas of measurement - International System of Units(SI), which has already been accepted as mandatory or preferred by many countries.

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Metric system (SI International System)

Metric system of measures (SI International System)

For residents of the United States or another country that does not use the metric system, it is sometimes difficult to understand how the rest of the world lives in and navigates it. But in fact, the SI system is much simpler than all traditional national measurement systems.

The principles of the metric system are very simple.

The structure of the international system of SI units

The metric system was developed in France in the 18th century. The new system was intended to replace the chaotic collection of different units of measurement then in use with a single common standard with simple decimal coefficients.

The standard unit of length was defined as one ten-millionth of the distance from the Earth's north pole to the equator. The resulting value was called meter. The definition of meter was later refined several times. The modern and most accurate definition of a meter is: “the distance that light travels in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second.” Standards for the remaining measurements were established in a similar manner.

The metric system or International System of Units (SI) is based on seven basic units for seven basic dimensions, independent of each other. These measurements and units are: length (meter), mass (kilogram), time (second), electric current (ampere), thermodynamic temperature (kelvin), amount of substance (mole) and radiation intensity (candela). All other units are derived from the base ones.

All units of a specific measurement are built on the basis of the base unit by adding universal ones metric prefixes. A table of metric prefixes is shown below.

Metric prefixes

Metric prefixes simple and very convenient. It is not necessary to understand the nature of the unit in order to convert a value from, for example, kilo units to mega units. All metric prefixes are powers of 10. The most commonly used prefixes are highlighted in the table.

By the way, on the Fractions and Percentages page you can easily convert a value from one metric prefix to another.

yottaY10 24 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
zettaZ10 21 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
exaE10 18 1,000,000,000,000,000,000
petaP10 15 1,000,000,000,000,000
teraT10 12 1,000,000,000,000
gigaG10 9 1,000,000,000
megaM10 6 1,000,000
kilok10 3 1,000
hectoh10 2 100
soundboardda10 1 10
decid10 -1 0.1
centic10 -2 0.01
Millim10 -3 0.001
microµ 10 -6 0.000,001
nanon10 -9 0.000,000,001
picop10 -12 0,000,000,000,001
femtof10 -15 0.000,000,000,000,001
attoa10 -18 0.000,000,000,000,000,001
ceptoz10 -21 0.000,000,000,000,000,000,001
yoctoy10 -24 0.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001

Even in countries that use the metric system, most people only know the most common prefixes, such as kilo, milli, mega. These prefixes are highlighted in the table. The remaining prefixes are used mainly in science.