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Urgently!! essay on the topic “the society in which I live.” in advance! The idea of ​​miziar, basic concepts

Man and society (based on literary or scientific material) In a man, like in a drop of water, everything is reflected? society: the best qualities and its vices. Today, for the first time, people have the opportunity not only to speak out, but also to speak out. To throw out everything that has accumulated in the soul. And everyone could see how much dirt suddenly appeared. It was not the healing spring that clogged, but the abscess that burst through. Russia has lost Russia in Russia, write? Evgeny Ev?ushenko in the poem "Loss". How relevant are these lines! There is no need to prove that our society is sick, that it is experiencing? spiritual fasting. And the person you are looking for? form of self-expression. Looking for? form of manifestation of one's own "I". At all times, people have strived to know themselves, find their place in life, despite all kinds of social cataclysms. Literature, painting, and music always came to the rescue. When I listen to Tchaikovsky, I forget about everything, standing on the threshold of a majestic spiritual world. I don’t understand how it was possible to express all this wealth, the cosmic depth and height of the soul with seven notes, seven symbols on a sheet of music, and I think about one thing: in this soul what was given from God was fully manifested. But this man’s life was passionate, there were often falls in it, but we don’t remember any of this - we only hear music. The result of this life is the result of colossal efforts, a gigantic struggle. And here is the soul of modern man. Empty, unspiritualized and not comprehending itself. When does it happen? struggle, the desire to show the world one’s “I” - this most often ends in inhumane and cruel actions. Let us remember the words of Voltaire: “He who is good only for himself is good for nothing.” Forgetting these words, we can pass by a person, like our brother, who has become ill on the street and urgently needs help. We remain silent when healthy guys, fully capable of earning a living by honest labor, engage in robbery. Man and society This problem remains topical, pressing throughout all centuries, leaving no one indifferent. And a real citizen writer can’t? fail to respond to the questions of our time. V. Raspuin's story "Fire" is a deep, talented analysis of modern reality. The short work shows a fire in a taiga village, the personal experiences of the main character, and the lack of spirituality of people, which I think is a serious problem for the village. not about saving the people's property, but about personal gain. Are you forcing the story? She calls on us to take a closer look at these phenomena: stop, take a closer look at yourself, are we really alive? ?m? After all, life is given to realize oneself as a person among people: happy, kind, wise. Sun?? Do you understand this? the main character of V. Astafiev's work "The Tsar Fish" at the last minute? And only when he asks in a trembling voice? forgiveness for everything you have done in life, then the king fish? just step away? From him. Scary story that you force? us to think about every step today. Our world is cruel. Look how many suicides there are around! How many of my peers are taking their own lives! Who is to blame: family, school, friends! Sorry, but life is given to you. Life is a gift from God! Imagine disappearing? from the face of the Earth some kind of animal or plant. Ecological catastrophy! But suicide is almost a big catastrophe, although we are talking about??? just about one soul No matter how difficult, disgusting this life may be, we are obliged to fight for it, to save it. A person in whom a good beginning is alive is capable of this. Conscience. And she’s the only one who prompts? person the exact course. And only conscience indicates?: ?y? it would be necessary to consult with a senior, more experienced person. Yes, now we are not able to sort everything out ourselves?? by regiment, in order - not enough strength?, spiritual strength first of all. But you can give examples when their efforts are enough not only to not fall, but to give their whole life the right direction. Is it Pushkin, Yesenin, Shostakovich, who at a very early age realized that talent? do you require? tireless work. The Church could also give examples from its ranks named after??n. Saints Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov already in childhood chose the path of monasticism and priesthood and at the end of their lives they were surrounded by numerous brethren. They had enough patience, obedience, work, and strength - and they reached spiritual heights. I think that's it?? or almost everything?? determined by our upbringing

  • Category: Essays on a free topic

Let's start with the fact that each person has his own worldview. She sees this or that thing in her own, so to speak, light, from her own point of view. And for everyone there is only one single world, but this world is not always the one in which they would like to live.

Every day we are faced with a lot of contradictions, for example, love and hate, evil and good, life and death, as well as the real world and the fictional one. I would like to address the last couple of words. What does the real world mean and what does the unreal mean? Which one is better to live in? And which one do I prefer?...

Having started dreaming about something from childhood, I still cannot leave this unique state of mind. It is probably easier for romantics to imagine their own world, to be able to preserve it, arrange it, and love it for what it is, even if it is unreal. Imagine a world like a fairy tale, where princes and princesses live, where everything breathes with freedom and love, where it is always warm and cozy, where there are many, many friends who understand and support you, where there is not a drop of evil, envy, or betrayal. A world in which you feel happy, and most importantly, needed by someone. This is the kind of world I would like to live in, but this is just the beginning of my imagination... If you go further, my world will become ideal.

So, it is deep and unique. Each of the people there is a personality. In my world there is no grief, everyone is cheerful, no one is bored, and there is never sadness, especially tears. There are also no diseases that bring pain and suffering, killing oneself in a person. Money is strictly excluded. Everyone must work conscientiously, while loving what they do. Also in my world there is no president, no king, and no leader at all. There are never wars, because everyone values ​​each other, everyone is useful in some way, no one wants or has the right to put themselves above another, because in my world justice prevails. There are no lies, there is only truth, truth. Here people pay attention to the soul, to the heart of another person, and not to his appearance or his affiliation. All the people in my world are talented, everyone can write poetry, many can sing and create beautiful music that brings only harmony and tranquility, only pleasure and enjoyment. I would like to live in a world in which there is no monotony, and every event is filled with a lot of emotions, and only positive ones. Every day is new and an unforgettable adventure. This makes life much more interesting.

The world seems colorful when a person is in a great mood, when he walks down the street and a charming smile never leaves his face, and everything around him blooms and smells of the most pleasant smells in the world, and passers-by see it all and rejoice with him. The internal state of the soul always shapes exactly the world that you want to see and how it appears to you. If your soul sings, then life is beautiful, and nothing else is needed, there is only the desire to be happy.

It would be wonderful if people learned to understand each other, to give in on something, learned to forgive and see only the good in everything, and know that everything in this world depends only on you, on your desire, on perseverance to self-improvement. We are all very close to this, but something constantly prevents us from discovering in ourselves those qualities that are hidden too deeply in us, something prevents us in one situation or another from overcoming ourselves and sometimes doing something that others could something to be proud of, something to admire, something to love.

There is a world in each of us that we don’t even suspect about and don’t try to find. We see things that aren't really there, and we create them ourselves without thinking. We destroy all our dreams with our own hands, not realizing the consequences. It is impossible to answer rhetorical questions such as: “What is right and what is wrong, to be or not to be?” But there is always the right to choose, and it is only ours. We are the arbiters of our destinies, which God gave us. We are alive, which means we still have a chance to fix everything, because we have enough time.

As for the topic at hand, about what kind of world I would still like to live in, I will say that in a world in which I am happy, in which I am loved, and in which I love. It doesn't matter what it looks like, it doesn't matter what else is there. I see this world as kind, bright and pure, real, but, alas, unreal. It exists only in my consciousness, in my head. But since I see him, I do not lose hope that all this will one day become real. In my world, only those who are sincere and honest, who are incapable of meanness, even in their thoughts, who do not give in to temptation, and who know how to behave with dignity, live and survive. Such people are strong in spirit, and this is also very important.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I want to live in a world full of love and understanding, a world without fear. A world in which there are only high feelings, which, we mortals, sometimes can only hardly understand...

ShG "Maktaaral"


by self-knowledge

on the topic of:

"The World I Live In"

Completed by: Naumova T.

Teacher: Storonskaya V.V.

Each person lives in his own world, but no two worlds are alike, just as no two people are alike. For some, the world is the inner world, for others, their favorite cities and streets. Any person has the right to create and choose his own way of life, his own world in which he wants to live. A person is almost always tied to life by something, but if there is no such support, i.e. he has no reason to live, there is no goal in life, there is no one whom he could help or for whom he could work, the person feels useless, he is deprived of joy from the results of his activities.There is peace inside me too. These are my thoughts, feelings, dreams and memories. Each person is individual and has his own attitude to existence in the world. We see our city, the streets not as they are, but as we ourselves would like them to be. “Our life is what we think it is,” according to Marcus Aurelius. If a person thinks only about the bad, does not believe in himself, does not rejoice for himself, he will not achieve his goals and objectives, he will withdraw into himself! See the human brain - his own world, capable of transforming Hell into Paradise, or Heaven into the Abyss. Dale Carnegie. For many self-contained people, the world is limited, fenced off from everyone, there is a reluctance to find a common language with people, a fear of communication.I believe that feelings are dying now. Our time is a time of indifference, indifference and calculation to everything that surrounds us. People have become very selfish. Everyone lives only for themselves. No one will help, give advice or set you on the right path. If one crosses the other's path, the first will definitely remember and take revenge. All around is flattery, betrayal, deception. Of course, there are honest, kind people with whom you want to communicate, but, unfortunately, there are few of them left.And our world is also a world of injustice, hatred, greed... We watch TV, just communicate with people, and we hear from everywhere that everything can be bought. And many say this openly. Money is such a good thing, but when you have a lot of it, you no longer experience what is called a feeling of satisfaction, ideals, traditions collapse, life collapses, the way it should be. Hatred... How much grief because of it... Chechnya... Moscow... Hostage taking in “Nord-Ost”... To emphasize their individuality, many are capable of anything. Skinheads who beat Caucasians, blacks, people with narrow eyes, and their slogan “Russia for Russians.” You can’t see this way, if a person has a different skin color than you, or a different eye shape, it doesn’t mean that he’s a bad person. We must be friends and respect people regardless of their nationality. Now people from Tajikistan who come to Moscow are not doing anything wrong, on the contrary, they are working: sweeping yards, building houses, working in cafes, etc. And some Russians have turned into homeless people, drunkards, no one wants to work. So if you make administrative restrictions on the entry of people from other countries, cities that do not have registration, then after a while there will be no one to work! Reading books, interesting conversations, going to museums, theaters, and doing homework were replaced by watching action films and imported cartoons. Although I am also sometimes interested in watching some TV series or cartoon, I understand that this is unnecessary. And how these films can occupy the minds of children! Profanity appeared in cartoons and children's programs. Cartoon and movie characters are very cruel. There is blood, violence, drugs on TV screens, be it news, a movie or a series. The viewer is deprived of positive emotions! Where are the Russian folk tales, where are the old Soviet films? They will show only once a year on New Year’s Eve “Enjoy Your Bath.” When will new films and TV series with positive emotions be shot that you will enjoy? We must not lose our human qualities; we must try to improve the situation of our country, our city, our society.... In recent years, our writers and publicists have tirelessly spoken with alarm about signs of spiritual degradation, spiritual impoverishment, directly related to language losses. The obscenity of swearing is recognized by everyone. However, not everyone understands that this is a strong evil. The language of scum and thieves threatens to become the norm. True love for your country is unthinkable without love for your language! And we sit idly at home and do nothing! Our language requires constant close attention and careful care - especially at the critical stage of social development that it is experiencing. We as a whole must help language discover its original essence of concreteness, definiteness of formulation and transmission of thought. In relations with other languages, it is possible and should, apparently, in some ways reduce the flow of foreign language borrowings in our days, primarily in general literary use and in everyday colloquial speech. Of course, one should not argue against the first words (theater, billiards, minute), but one should not resort to a foreign word when there is an equivalent root word (for example, argument instead of proof and argument, absurdity instead of absurdity, etc.). You can learn to speak or write correctly, but monotonously, colorlessly, sluggishly. Such speech lacks expressiveness. And you see, the Russian language is extremely rich, flexible and picturesque for expressing simple natural concepts... The results of the life of each generation remain in the language. And if the people continue to remain inactive, then what language will be passed on to our descendants? I want the Russian language, the first treasure of my people, to live and develop.You must be honest, selfless, responsible, try to help others, learn to sincerely rejoice for others without any calculations and, most importantly, be compassionate, do not push away, do not reject those with whom you walk next to, but support your friends and family, and then everything will be happy. Now our youth, what are they doing? Doesn’t he sleep when he goes for walks in courtyards, dancing in clubs? Daily empty shuffling of days! And with what pride and unknown dignity, they look with a repulsive gaze at those who are not dressed like them, who do not bear their name and title. And the unfortunate ones imagine that they are even higher than the crowd. And they themselves will get together, get drunk and fight, like wild ones! I want to appeal to my generation: let's save inpure friendship and love, let's keep everything good in ourselves andhumane, let's forget the cruel and immoral and try,despite the difficulties of study and life, do not look for the easy way, butchoose what is more correct and better so that you can pronounce it withwith pride “I” and not sigh when we say “MY TIME!”And for our evil the world pays us with injustice, and nature with horrific catastrophes. But I believe and hope that someday this world will change for the better. See, Gorky is right... a little man, when he wants to work, is an invincible force!

Essay on the topic of the society in which I live!!! THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!!!

  • Man and society (based on literary or scientific material) A person, like a drop of water, reflects the entire society: its best qualities and its vices. Today, for the first time, people have the opportunity not only to speak out, but also to speak out. Throw out everything that has accumulated in your soul. And everyone could see how much dirt suddenly appeared. It was not the healing spring that clogged, but the abscess that burst through. Russia has lost Russia In Russia, writes Evgeniy Evushenko in the poem “Loss”. How relevant are these lines! There is no need to prove that our society is sick, that it is experiencing spiritual starvation. And a person is looking for a form of self-expression. Looking for a form of manifestation of your own “I”. At all times, people have strived to know themselves, to find their place in life, despite all kinds of social cataclysms. Literature, painting, and music always came to the rescue. When I listen to Tchaikovsky, I forget about everything, standing on the threshold of a majestic spiritual world. I don’t understand how it was possible to express all this wealth, the cosmic depth and height of the soul with seven notes, seven symbols on a sheet of music, and I think about one thing: in this soul what was given from God was fully manifested. But this man’s life was passionate, there were often falls in it, but we don’t remember any of this - we only hear music. The result of this life is the result of colossal efforts, a gigantic struggle. And here is the soul of modern man. Empty, unspiritualized and not comprehending itself. When there is a struggle in it, the desire to show the world one’s “I” - this most often ends in inhumane and cruel actions. Let us remember the words of Voltaire: “He who is good only for himself is no good.” Forgetting these words, we can pass by a person, according to our brother, who became ill on the street and urgently needs help. We remain silent when healthy guys, fully capable of earning a living by honest labor, engage in robbery. Man and society This problem remains topical, pressing throughout all centuries, leaving no one indifferent. And a true citizen writer cannot help but respond to the questions of our time. V. Raspuin's story "Fire" is a deep, talented analysis of modern reality. The short work shows a fire in a taiga village, the personal experiences of the main character, and the lack of spirituality of people, who in difficult times for the village think not about saving the people's property, but about personal gain. The story forces us to take a closer look at these phenomena, it calls: stop, look into yourself, are we really alive? After all, life is given to realize oneself as a person among people: happy, kind, wise. The main character of V. Astafiev’s work “The Tsar Fish” understands all this at the last minute. And only when, with a trembling voice, he asks for forgiveness for everything that he has done in life, then the king fish quietly moves away from him. A scary story that makes us think about every step we take today. Our world is cruel. Look how many suicides there are around! How many of my peers are taking their own lives! Who is to blame: family, school, friends! Sorry, but life is yours, given to you. Life is a gift from God! Imagine that some kind of animal or plant will disappear from the face of the Earth. Ecological catastrophy! But suicide is almost a big catastrophe, although we are talking about just one soul. No matter how difficult and disgusting this life may be, we are obliged to fight for it, to save it. A person in whom a good beginning is alive is capable of this. Conscience. And only she tells a person the exact course. And only conscience indicates: it would be necessary to consult with an elder, more experienced one. Yes, now we ourselves are not able to put everything on shelves, in order - we don’t have enough strength, spiritual strength in the first place. But you can give examples when these efforts are enough not only to not fall, but to give your whole life the right direction. These are Pushkin, Yesenin, Shostakovich, who understood at a very early age that talent requires tireless work. The Church could also give examples from its number of names. Saints Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov already in childhood chose the path of monasticism and priesthood and at the end of their lives they were surrounded by numerous brethren. They had enough patience, obedience, work, and strength - and they reached spiritual heights. I think that everything or almost everything is determined by our upbringing.

In today's aggressive environment, it can sometimes be difficult to build any relationships with others. Whether it's finding a life partner or just friendships
We often stumble upon a stumbling block in the form of established forms of deviant behavior and psychosis.
Methodical injections of media and other media products have made a significant contribution to the deformation of the psyche of the majority of representatives of the once invincible people. The attempts of Westerners to digitize us and deprive us of spirituality led to a more disastrous result than expected.

The absence of a unified ideology, which, as we know, is vital in any healthy society, has created a lifeless vacuum within each of us. Instead of democracy, we got anarchy and chaos.
In the daily bustle and pursuit of capital, protecting ourselves from villains and our children from pedophiles, we have doomed ourselves to a miserable existence, which for some reason we stubbornly call life. We have deprived ourselves of the joy of meetings and live communication - drowning ourselves in the abyss of artificially created social networks.
We stopped dreaming, because there was nothing left to dream. And everything we want, it seems, can be bought. And financial well-being becomes the main priority in life.

Do you have a goal? No, not the goal of enriching our bins, solving the housing problem, not the desire to destroy the villains raised by the zombie-box, but something more fundamental, connecting our hearts and souls with a fraying thread. Something we could educate the future generation on.
And if once upon a time we invested our souls in children - instilling in them basic, human qualities, such as intelligence, honor and conscience, now - we only invest money in them, entrusting the rest of their education to gadgets, TV and the Internet. Hence the cruelty and indifference.
Indifference to the grief of others is generated by fears and the roots of modern propaganda firmly embedded in society, so that any strangers on the street are perceived by our consciousness as some kind of foreign outgroup.

The world through the eyes of the indifferent:
- My house is on the edge, I don’t know anything.
— Your own shirt is closer to the body.
- After us - even a flood.
- Our business is the side.
- At least the grass won't grow.
“I don’t delve into anything, this role is hard for me!”
I listen with half an ear. This is indifference.

Do you think that no one around the Surgut water park saw 8-year-old Alvin drowning under their noses? Maybe they didn't see it. Or rather, they saw it, but in a different way. After all, the aleximythia program embedded in us does not provide for such qualities as altruism. It’s just that no one cares for a long time anymore.
- Would you say this is an isolated case?
- Rather the opposite:
The sensational beating of a woman on the streets of Moscow might not have happened if those passing by had at least a little compassion and humanity. There was nothing stopping anyone from interceding or dialing the police number. But everyone passed by.
The tragedy of self-immolation of a Kaliningrad resident at the entrance to the city administration building, which occurred on February 6, could also have been prevented if the witnesses, in front of whom this was happening, had stopped the man in time. They couldn’t stop him, but they took a video on a mobile phone.
And remember the story of the murder of a student by teenagers in the very center of Ryazan, on Teatralnaya Square. Dozens of passersby and car drivers witnessed the tragedy - no one stood up. No one, after that, went out with a picket on the streets of the city, because all this happened with our tacit consent. And we can continue endlessly...

All these and many other cases, like a thermometer, show the health of our society. And judging by the frequency and cynicism of some events, it is at an incurable stage of the disease.

Tomorrow, any of us or our loved ones may find ourselves in a difficult situation and I am sure the reaction of others will be the same. Think about this when raising a new generation.