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The structure and methodology of morning exercises in all age groups of dows. Consultation for teachers “organizing and conducting morning exercises in kindergarten” Morning hygienic exercises in kindergarten

Morning exercises- a set of specially selected exercises aimed at setting up, “charging” a person for the whole coming day. Its health benefits lie in its effect on the body, taking into account the anatomical, physiological and mental characteristics of children.

B is important not as a means of awakening, but as an organized communication of children in the process of motor activity. At the same time, emotional tone increases, being the result of “muscular” joy from movements in a group of peers, psychological stress from parting with parents is relieved, attention is collected, and behavior is disciplined.

During morning exercises the following are decided tasks:

1) Wellness:

"wake up the body";

Set it up for work;

Activate the activity of all important systems of the body;

Encourage everyone to work internal organs, promote hardening, formation of correct posture, and prevent the occurrence of flat feet.

2) Educational:

Consolidation of motor skills and abilities ;

Development of physical qualities .

3) Educational:

Development of organization, discipline, independence, "muscle joy" from movements in a group of peers.

The following options exist.

Traditional (with switching on outdoor switchgear)

Game character. It is built on educational programs of varying intensity with different educational objectives. In the introductory part - mp\i, a game of medium mobility; the main part is a high mobility game aimed at improving various basic movements; in the final part - mp\i, round dances, exercises to restore breathing.

Using an obstacle course.

Including health jogging.

Rhythmic gymnastics. The complex includes drill exercises, outdoor switchgear, dance movements, running, and jumping. The uniqueness of the rhythmic gymnastics consists in a faster pace, intensity of movements, in the work of all muscles and joints at the same time. Cheerful, rhythmic music creates positive emotions. Most often this happens in senior and preparatory groups.

Gymnastics using task cards. The pictures show a schematic diagram of the exercise. The teacher shows the card, the child completes it independently. Used in older preschool age.

In progress morning exercises it is necessary to ensure the correct physical, mental and emotional stress.

Physical activity increases gradually: having reached its highest value during jumping and running, it decreases towards the end morning exercises. Motor density, therefore, minimal time is allocated for explaining and demonstrating exercises, distributing physical education equipment and changing lanes. Physical activity increases by increasing the number of repetitions of each movement, the pace of their execution and reducing the interval between exercises. It also depends on the total duration morning exercises.

Duration morning exercises.

Mlad gr. – 4 - 6 min

Avg. gr. – 6 - 8 min

Star. gr. – 8 - 10 min

Under. gr. – 10 - 12 min

Morning exercises consists of three parts, each with its own task.

I. Introductory part. Organizes children's attention, teaches coordinated actions, prepares the body to perform more complex exercises, develops correct posture and prevents flat feet. into her include: formations (column, line, circle, drill exercises (half-turns, turns, formations, closing and opening, different types walking, running, jumping.

At the beginning of the year, children of the first junior group are not are building: they walk and run in a flock, scattered. Further morning exercises and in this group it begins by lining up in a column one at a time or in one line. Turns to the right, left, and around are more often used in older groups.

Suitable at the beginning and at the end morning exercises to prevent flat feet, give different types of walking in the following combination: normal walking, on toes, heels, edges of feet, etc.

At carrying out "horses", "herons", and etc.).

It is necessary to ensure that children do not shuffle their feet or sway when walking, keep their heads straight, swing their arms rhythmically, and breathe through their nose. The teacher prevents mistakes with appropriate instructions, and if they do occur, corrects them without stopping walking.

Running on morning exercises in younger groups first carried out by a flock, scattered, and then in a column one at a time, both in place and with advancement in different directions.

Before general developmental exercises, running is performed at an average pace and alternates with walking. Duration of running without a break.

Young gr. - 10-15sec

Avg. gr. -15-20sec

Star. gr. - up to 30sec

Under. gr. -30-40sec.

The running of the introductory part after performing different types of walking is given at a slow or medium pace, alternating with walking.

II. Main part. Strengthening the main muscle groups of the body, forming correct posture. Includes outdoor switchgear for the muscles of the neck, arms and shoulder girdle; trunk muscles, abdominal muscles, leg muscles and strengthening the arch of the foot (jumping, running). It is imperative that outdoor switchgear be made from different and. P. (standing, sitting, lying down). Can be performed in pairs, triplets, or links at the same time.

To perform general developmental exercises for children younger age they build in a circle, scattered, and from the middle group they usually rebuild into a column of two (through the links, by the end of the year through the center in pairs. From the older group they usually rebuild into a column of three, four . With this structure, it is easier for the teacher to monitor the quality of general developmental exercises performed by all children and to pay attention to correct posture.

General developmental exercises for morning exercises are selected in the next sequences:

1) exercises are given for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle,

2) exercises that strengthen the muscles of the torso and legs.

Number of outdoor switchgear in the complex

Young gr. – 3 - 4

Avg. gr. – 4 - 5

Star. gr. – 5 – 6

Under. gr. – 6 – 8

Exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle are performed by younger children from the starting position - narrow leg stand apart, and for older children - the main stance, closed stoic position.

Exercises for the trunk muscles at a young age are carried out from the starting position, narrow leg stand apart, leg stand apart, and in the senior position, leg stand apart, wide leg stand apart.

In leg exercises at a younger age, a narrow stance with legs apart is used, while at an older age, the main stance is used.

At carrying out For general developmental exercises with objects, you need to think through the order of their distribution and collection, and provide for the formation of the group so that the children do not interfere with each other.

At an older age, general developmental exercises occupy a larger volume without items.

In younger groups, the teacher performs general developmental exercises with the children.

In the middle group, he first names the exercise, briefly explains it (if necessary, shows it, and then gives a command for the starting position and execution. When explaining, the children’s attention is fixed on the most difficult elements of the exercise. If errors do arise, then instructions for correcting them are given during the exercise. Instructions should be aimed at clarifying the understanding of the elements of the exercise and promoting their correct implementation. This is helped by combining the count with words denoting elements of the technique, or even replacing the count with specific words (for example, instead of "once" teacher speaks: “Sit down, back straight”).

The teacher must think about when he will use counting when repeating an exercise, and when he will replace it with words that clarify the idea of ​​​​this element of technique. Appropriate alternation of counting, words (instructions) and other signals (hand movement down "sit down", up "straightened up" in the exercise "squat") helps children perform movements more correctly and with greater interest.

At an older age, children can perform an exercise by name, but sometimes senior group The teacher does the exercise with the children. This reduces the reminder time and increases physical stress on the body. Following the teacher’s actions, children clarify their understanding of movement technique and try to correct mistakes. But such a joint exercise is only advisable if the teacher sees the whole group and can observe the actions of the children and their behavior . Sometimes a child who does the exercises correctly is placed at the front of the group.

During morning exercises The teacher carefully monitors each child and, if necessary, provides physical assistance to individual children, gives instructions, encourages .

When performing general developmental exercises, imitation is used in all age groups.

"birds", "butterflies", "watch", "aircraft" and etc.). Instructions are given to children according to the chosen image (for example, "The sparrows have flown"). In the second younger group, children imitate different images in one complex.

In the middle group, imitation is used only when performing some exercises, in the senior group to perform individual elements of the exercise.

In the process, each exercise ends with a good straightening of the torso, which helps strengthen the muscles that support the straight position of the body, as well as strengthening the skill of correct posture.

When performing exercises, the teacher reinforces the children's correct breathing skills.

Musical music helps children simultaneously start and finish an exercise in a timely manner, determines the tempo of individual elements of movement, evokes positive emotions and creates a cheerful mood. Children learn to listen to music and coordinate movements with its character, perform exercises clearly, expressively, smoothly.

IN morning exercises different types are included jumping:

Jumping on one and two legs in place and with advancement in different directions ;

Jumping over objects (sticks, hoops, cubes).

"bunnies", "balls").

Dosage of jumping (total quantity per morning exercises) .

Young gr. - 5-10

Avg. gr. -10-15

Star. gr. - 15-20

Under. gr. - up to 30

Open switchgear alternates without objects and with objects. For example, week I without items, II with objects, III flexibility, IV week obstacle course.

Junior groups - flags, rattles, cubes.

Middle age - flags, balls, cubes, ribbons, strings.

Senior preschool age - hoops, sticks, balls, jump ropes.

III. Final part. Restore heart and respiratory rhythm, calm the body after physical activity. Includes different types of walking, mp\i, round dances, breathing exercises.

Methods physical exercise training.


Repeating exercises without changes;

With changes;

Game-based learning;

In a competitive manner.


Name of the exercise;

Its description;

An explanation of how to perform it correctly;

Directions, orders, commands;

Questions for children;

Story, conversation.


Use of visual aids;


Sound signals;

Visual landmarks.

Essential Preparation Elements morning exercises.

Compliance with hygiene conditions and time carrying out.

Availability of three parts morning exercises.

Correspondence of the outdoor switchgear to the age of the children.

Duration morning exercises.

Use of physical education equipment.

Dosage of exercises.

Techniques for regulating breathing.

Improving outdoor switchgear in the second week of children mastering the complex.

Using music escort.

Children's well-being and their mood.

Requirements for a teacher.

Gymnastics is carried out each teacher in his group and requires certain preparation. Therefore, it is necessary to first study the exercises that are shown to children; know the purpose of each exercise, at what pace and how many times it can be repeated; be able to perform exercises correctly, accurately and beautifully; see them off cheerfully, lively, interesting; see all children and monitor the quality of exercises.



Methodology for morning exercises in kindergarten.

Morning exercises- a set of specially selected exercises aimed at setting up, “charging” a person for the whole coming day. Its health benefits lie in its effect on the body, taking into account the anatomical, physiological and mental characteristics of children.

IN kindergarten morning exercisesIt is important not as a means of awakening, but as an organized communication of children in the process of motor activity. At the same time, emotional tone increases, being the result of “muscular” joy from movements in a group of peers, psychological stress from parting with parents is relieved, attention is collected, and behavior is disciplined.

During morning exercisesthe following are decided tasks :

1) Wellness:

"wake up the body";

Set it up for work;

Activate the activity of all important systems of the body;

Encourage everyone to workinternal organs, promote hardening, formation of correct posture, and prevent the occurrence of flat feet.

2) Educational:

Consolidation of motor skills and abilities(walking, jumping, climbing, etc.);

Development of physical qualities(speed, agility, strength, flexibility, coordination, etc.).

3) Educational:

Development of organization, discipline, independence,"muscle joy"from movements in a group of peers.

The following options are availableconducting morning exercises.

Traditional (with switching on outdoor switchgear)

Game character. It is built on educational programs of varying intensity with different educational objectives. In the introductory part - mp\i, a game of medium mobility; the main part is a high mobility game aimed at improving various basic movements; in the final part - mp\i, round dances, exercises to restore breathing.

Using an obstacle course.

Including health jogging.

Rhythmic gymnastics . The complex includes drill exercises, outdoor switchgear, dance movements, running, and jumping. The uniqueness of the rhythmic gymnastics consists in a faster pace, intensity of movements, in the work of all muscles and joints at the same time. Cheerful, rhythmic music creates positive emotions. Most often thismorning exercises are carried outin senior and preparatory groups.

Gymnastics using task cards. The pictures show a schematic diagram of the exercise. The teacher shows the card, the child completes it independently. Used in older preschool age.

In progress morning exercisesit is necessary to ensure the correct physical, mental and emotional stress.

gradually : having reached its highest value during jumping and running, it decreases towards the endmorning exercises. Motor densitymorning exercises should be highTherefore, minimal time is allocated for explanations and demonstration of exercises, distribution of physical education equipment and restructuring. Physical activity increases by increasing the number of repetitions of each movement, the pace of their execution and reducing the interval between exercises. It also depends on the total durationmorning exercises.

Duration morning exercises.

Mlad gr. – 4 - 6 min

Avg. gr. – 6 - 8 min

Star. gr. – 8 - 10 min

Under. gr. – 10 - 12 min

Morning exercisesconsists of three parts, each with its own task.

I. Introductory part. Organizes children's attention, teaches coordinated actions, prepares the body to perform more complex exercises, develops correct posture and prevents flat feet. into her include : formations (column, line, circle, drill exercises (half-turns, turns, formations, closing and opening, different types of walking, running, jumping.

At the beginning of the year, children of the first junior group are not are building : they walk and run in a flock, scattered. Furthermorning exercisesand in this group it begins by lining up in a column one at a time or in one line. Turns to the right, left, and around are more often used in older groups.

Suitable at the beginning and at the endmorning exercisesto prevent flat feet, give different types of walking in the following combination : normal walking, on toes, heels, edges of feet, etc.

When conducting walking with high knees is simulated (“horses”, “herons”, etc.).

It is necessary to ensure that children do not shuffle their feet or sway when walking, keep their heads straight, swing their arms rhythmically, and breathe through their nose. The teacher prevents mistakes with appropriate instructions, and if they do occur, corrects them without stopping walking.

Running on morning exercisesin younger groups firstcarried out by a flock, scattered, and then in a column one at a time, both in place and with advancement in different directions.

Before general developmental exercises, running is performed at an average pace and alternates with walking. Duration of running without a break.

Young gr. - 10-15sec

Avg. gr. -15-20sec

Star. gr. - up to 30sec

Under. gr. -30-40sec.

The running of the introductory part after performing different types of walking is given at a slow or medium pace, alternating with walking.

II. Main part. Strengthening the main muscle groups of the body, forming correct posture. Includes outdoor switchgear for the muscles of the neck, arms and shoulder girdle; trunk muscles, abdominal muscles, leg muscles and strengthening the arch of the foot(jumping, running) . It is imperative that outdoor switchgear be made from different and. P.(standing, sitting, lying down). Can be performed in pairs, triplets, or links at the same time.

To perform general developmental exercises, young children are lined up in a circle, scattered, and from the middle group they are usually rebuilt into a column of two (through the links, by the end of the year through the center in pairs. From the older group they are usually rebuilt into a column of three, four(through the middle in threes, pairs). With this structure, it is easier for the teacher to monitor the quality of general developmental exercises performed by all children and to pay attention to correct posture.

General developmental exercises formorning exercisesare selected in the nextsequences:

1) exercises are given for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle,

2) exercises that strengthen the muscles of the torso and legs.

Number of outdoor switchgear in the complex

Young gr. – 3 - 4

Avg. gr. – 4 - 5

Star. gr. – 5 – 6

Under. gr. – 6 – 8

Exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle are performed by younger children from the starting position - narrow leg stand apart, and for older children - the main stance, closed stoic position.

Exercises for the trunk muscles at a young age are carried out from the starting position, narrow leg stand apart, leg stand apart, and in the senior position, leg stand apart, wide leg stand apart.

In leg exercises at a younger age, a narrow stance with legs apart is used, while at an older age, the main stance is used.

When conducting For general developmental exercises with objects, you need to think through the order of their distribution and collection, and provide for the formation of the group so that the children do not interfere with each other.

At an older age, general developmental exercises occupy a larger volume without items.

In younger groups, the teacher performs general developmental exercises with the children.

In the middle group, he first names the exercise, briefly explains it (if necessary, shows it, and then gives a command for the starting position and execution. When explaining, the children’s attention is fixed on the most difficult elements of the exercise. If errors do arise, then instructions for correcting them are given during the exercise. Instructions should be aimed at clarifying the understanding of the elements of the exercise and promoting their correct implementation. This is helped by combining the count with words denoting elements of the technique, or even replacing the count with specific words (for example, instead of“once” the teacher says: “Sit down, back straight”).

The teacher must think about when he will use counting when repeating an exercise, and when he will replace it with words that clarify the idea of ​​​​this element of technique. Appropriate alternation of counting, words(instructions) and other signals (hand movement down“squatted down”, “straightened up” in the “squat” exercise ) helps children perform movements more correctly and with greater interest.

At an older age, children can do the exercise by name, but sometimes in the older group the teacher does the exercise together with the children. This reduces the reminder time and increases physical stress on the body. Following the teacher’s actions, children clarify their understanding of movement technique and try to correct mistakes. But such a joint exercise is only advisable if the teacher sees the whole group and can observe the actions of the children and their behavior(when bending to the sides, when squatting, etc.). Sometimes a child who does the exercises correctly is placed at the front of the group.

During morning exercisesThe teacher carefully monitors each child and, if necessary, provides physical assistance to individual children, gives instructions, encourages(especially younger children).

When performing general developmental exercises, imitation is used in all age groups.

For young children, the complexes are built in a plot form and based on one image (“birds”, “butterflies”, “watches”, “planes” and etc.). Instructions are given to children according to the chosen image (for example,"The sparrows have flown"). In the second younger group, children imitate different images in one complex.

In the middle group, imitation is used only when performing some exercises, in the senior group to perform individual elements of the exercise.

In progress morning exercises, the teacher supervisesso that each exercise ends with a good straightening of the torso, which helps strengthen the muscles that support the straight position of the body, as well as strengthen the skill of correct posture.

When performing exercises, the teacher reinforces the children's correct breathing skills.

Musical accompaniment during morning exerciseshelps children simultaneously start and finish an exercise in a timely manner, determines the tempo of individual elements of movement, evokes positive emotions and creates a cheerful mood. Children learn to listen to music and coordinate movements with its character, perform exercises clearly, expressively, smoothly.

IN morning exercisesdifferent types are included jumps:

Jumping on one and two legs in place and with advancement in different directions(forward, backward, sideways, etc.);

Jumping over objects(sticks, hoops, cubes).

In younger groups, imitation is used when jumping ("bunnies", "balls").

Dosage of jumping(total quantity permorning exercises) .

Young gr. - 5-10

Avg. gr. -10-15

Star. gr. - 15-20

Under. gr. - up to 30

Open switchgear alternates withoutobjects and with objects. For example, week I without items , II with objects, III flexibility, IV week obstacle course.

Junior groups - flags, rattles, cubes.

Middle age - flags, balls, cubes, ribbons, strings.

Senior preschool age - hoops, sticks, balls, jump ropes.

III. Final part. Restore heart and respiratory rhythm, calm the body after physical activity. Includes different types of walking, mp\i, round dances, breathing exercises.

Methods physical exercise training.


Repeating exercises without changes;

With changes;

Game-based learning;

In a competitive manner.


Name of the exercise;

Its description;

An explanation of how to perform it correctly;

Directions, orders, commands;

Questions for children;

Story, conversation.



Use of visual aids;


Sound signals;

Visual landmarks.

Essential Preparation Elementsmorning exercises.

Compliance with hygiene conditions and time conducting

Availability of three partsmorning exercises.

Correspondence of the outdoor switchgear to the age of the children.

Durationmorning exercises.

Use of physical education equipment.

Dosage of exercises.

Techniques for regulating breathing.

Improving outdoor switchgear in the second week of children mastering the complex.

Using music escort

Children's well-being and their mood.

Requirements for a teacher.

Gymnastics is carried outeach teacher in his group and requires certain preparation. Therefore, it is necessary to first study the exercises that are shown to children; know the purpose of each exercise, at what pace and how many times it can be repeated; be able to perform exercises correctly, accurately and beautifully;see them off cheerfully, lively, interesting; see all children and monitor the quality of exercises.

Methodology for morning exercises in preschool institutions


1. The meaning of morning exercises, its tasks

2. Structure and content of morning exercises

2.1 Selection of exercises, compilation of complexes

2.2 Options for morning exercises

2.3 Conditions for morning exercises

3. Methodology for conducting morning exercises with children of different age groups

3.1 Morning exercises with children of the third year of life (group “Toddlers”)

3.2 Morning exercises with children of the fourth year of life (group “Pochemuki”)

3.3 Morning exercises with children of the fifth year of life (group “Pochemuchki”)

3.4 Morning exercises with children of the sixth year of life (group “Fantasers”)

3.5 Features of the methodology for conducting morning exercises in the air and in a mixed age group

3.6 Teacher training. Teacher's assessment of morning exercises

4. Use of musical accompaniment during morning exercises


List of sources used



A collection of various forms physical education in preschool institutions creates a certain motor regime necessary for the full physical development and strengthening of children’s health.

One of these forms is physical education and health activities, including morning exercises, physical education minutes and hardening procedures.

The purpose of this course work is to study the methodology for conducting morning exercises in a preschool institution.

When writing the course work, the following tasks were set: to reveal the importance of morning exercises for preschool children; consider the structure and content of morning exercises; analyze the methodology for conducting morning exercises with preschool children.

Regular exercise in the fresh air helps to harden the child’s body and develop resistance to various adverse influences. environment. The introduction of corrective exercises into complexes contributes to the formation of the arch of the foot and correct posture. Thus, morning exercises are a multifaceted physical education and health process that systematically improves the health of the child’s body.

In addition to its health benefits, morning exercises also have great educational value. Its systematic implementation instills in children the habit of doing physical exercise every day, teaches them to start their work day in an organized manner, act in a coordinated manner in a team, be purposeful, attentive, self-controlled, and also evokes positive emotions and a joyful feeling.

In addition, daily performance of certain sets of physical exercises helps improve motor abilities in children, develops physical qualities (strength, agility, flexibility), improves the functioning of coordination mechanisms, and contributes to the acquisition of knowledge in the field of physical education.

Practical significance course work is that these materials can be used by heads of physical education in preschool institutions, as well as by students of the Faculty of Physical Education in preparation for classes.

1. The meaning of morning exercises, its tasks

Morning exercises are a valuable means of improving the health and education of children. Those who systematically engage in morning exercises lose their drowsiness, feel cheerful, experience an emotional upsurge, and improve their performance. The need to get out of bed immediately after waking up and start doing exercises requires a certain volitional effort, develops perseverance, and disciplines children.

Thus, morning exercises face very special tasks, namely: to “wake up” the child’s body, set it up in an effective way, diversify but moderately influence the muscular system, activate the activity of the cardiac, respiratory and other functions of the body, stimulate the work of internal organs and sensory organs, promote the formation of correct posture, good gait, and prevent the occurrence of flat feet.

Morning exercises are also valuable because children develop the habit and need to do physical exercise every day in the morning. This good habit remains with a person for life.

Morning exercises allow you to start the day in an organized manner in kindergarten and promote strict adherence to the daily routine.

Morning hygienic exercises, or exercises as they are called, should be performed immediately after sleep. But this can only be done in kindergartens with night groups. In preschool institutions with daytime children, morning exercises according to the daily routine are carried out before breakfast after the children have already been quite active, varied activities. In these conditions, gymnastics also pursues the goals of organizing a children's team, switching children's attention from free, individual games and activities to joint activities.

Due to the simultaneous joint moderate motor activity, more excited children, who have already run and jumped, calm down, while less active children become more active. All this creates an even, cheerful mood in all children, preparing them for subsequent classes. Thus, the educational value of morning exercises, when carried out not immediately after sleep, but after some time, expands. It becomes an integral organizing moment in the daily routine, teaching children to a certain discipline and order.

At the same time, the enormous health value of morning exercises remains. Daily physical exercise has a beneficial effect on the physical development and functional state of the child’s body. The content of gymnastics consists of exercises for various muscle groups (shoulder girdle, torso, legs, etc.). Their systematic repetition strengthens the child’s motor system. Exercises are widely included to prevent poor posture and prevent flat feet. Running and jumping further enhance breathing and circulation, cardiac activity and other physiological functions. All this contributes to the normal functioning of the body and increases its performance. .

2 Structure and content of morning exercises

Any physical activity, including morning exercises, begins with a warm-up and ends with recovery exercises. Since morning exercises are not long (5 - 12 minutes) and the physical activity involved is not great, this requirement is observed as a general principle.

In daytime kindergarten groups, morning exercises as an obligatory part of the daily routine are carried out every day before breakfast. In round-the-clock groups, in order to disinhibit the nervous system and quickly transition children to their subsequent activities, it is performed immediately after sleep.

From spring to late autumn, morning exercises are carried out outdoors on the playground, and in rainy weather - on the terrace. To harden older children, in warm weather they practice in tracksuits (panties, T-shirt, slippers), in cool weather - in sweaters, light jackets that do not restrict movement. Young children do gymnastics in casual clothes.

In winter, a gym or group room is used for morning exercises, the air temperature of which should not exceed 16 degrees C. Before classes, the room is well ventilated and wet cleaned.

Morning exercises are conventionally divided into three parts: introductory, main and final. Each part has its own tasks and content. In the first, introductory part, they organize the attention of children, teach them coordinated actions, develop correct posture and prepare the body for performing more complex exercises. For this purpose, they include: formations (in a column, in a line); drill exercises (turns and half-turns to the left, right, around); rebuilding from one column into two, from two columns into four, into a circle, several circles, closing and opening with side steps; short walking, alternating with exercises that help strengthen the musculoskeletal system and develop posture (walking on toes, with different position hands, walking with high knees, on heels, cross step); running one after another and scattered or in combination with jumping. The duration of the introductory part lasts on average from 1 to 2 minutes.

In the second, main part, the tasks are set to strengthen the main muscle groups and form correct posture. To solve this problem, perform general developmental exercises in a certain sequence. First, exercises to strengthen the shoulder girdle and arms, which promote expansion of the chest, good straightening of the spine, and development of the respiratory muscles. Then exercises for the trunk muscles. This is followed by exercises to develop the leg muscles and strengthen the arch of the foot. After heavy-load exercises, you should repeat the first exercise or a similar one. The number of repetitions of each exercise depends on the age of the children and their physical fitness.

After completing all general developmental exercises, young children perform jumping or running, which turns into a final walk. Older children perform jumping combined with running, then a final walk with various tasks. The final part of the gymnastics involves walking or sedentary play to restore pulse and breathing.

2.1 Selection of exercises, compilation of complexes

The content of morning exercises, as a rule, includes exercises previously learned with children in class, or simple exercises that do not require lengthy learning. During morning exercises, children practice movements. But in order for the exercises to have the desired effect on the child, it is important to achieve clarity, precision of the movements performed, and their sufficient intensity.

The combination of physical exercises, selected in a certain order, makes up the so-called complex. The same complex is repeated for two weeks. If individual exercises of the complex do not lead to the desired results, are too simple, uninteresting or boring for children, they can, at the discretion of the teacher, be replaced with others of the same type or become more complicated by introducing new starting points. Changing the tempo and increasing the number of repetitions of exercises within the complex is also acceptable. The implementation of complexes must be alternated with and without benefits. Children of the first and second junior groups are given exercises with flags, rattles, and cubes. In the middle group - with flags, cubes, ribbons, small hoops, sticks, and a circular rope. Older children should be able to do exercises with different aids: with hoops, gymnastic sticks, balls of different sizes, jump ropes, circular rope, ribbons.

Performing exercises with aids increases children's interest in activities, improves the quality of their performance, teaches them to master objects, and promotes the formation of correct posture.

Including exercises to shape children's posture and strengthen the feet is mandatory. Typically, a set of general developmental exercises for morning exercises is taken from physical education classes; the exercises are selected from those recommended by the program and methodological manuals. The duration, nature, content of morning exercises, and dosage of exercises are different for children of different age groups.

Thus, when selecting general developmental exercises, it is necessary to be guided by the following requirements: exercises must be for all muscle groups, from different starting positions, of different intensity, tempo; with various aids, rhythmic and musical accompaniment, in various formations and always interesting for children. .

2.2 Options for morning exercises

Are used various shapes conducting morning exercises:

– traditional form using general developmental exercises;

- playing out some plot: “On a walk”, “We went to the meadow”, “Sparrows”, etc.;

– gaming nature (from 3-4 outdoor games);

– using elements of rhythmic gymnastics, dance movements, round dances;

– recreational running (carried out on a site for 3-5 minutes with a gradual increase in distance, intensity, time);

– using an obstacle course (you can create different obstacle courses using a variety of modules);

– using the simplest exercise equipment (children's expander, gymnastic roller, etc.) and complex exercise equipment (Bicycle, Rowing, Treadmill, Trampoline, etc.)

2.3 Conditions for morning exercises

Morning exercises can be carried out outdoors (in the kindergarten area, on the sports ground) or in a well-ventilated room (physical education, music halls, group rooms). It is necessary to comply with hygienic requirements for clothing, shoes, venue, and equipment. For rhythmic accompaniment, a tambourine, counting, clapping, sound recording, and musical accompaniment (piano, button accordion, accordion) are used.

Since morning exercises in kindergarten are considered as an important element of the motor regime, a means for raising the emotional tone of children, its organizational significance is also great. And yet there should be no forced gymnastics. If one of the children does not want to study today, there is no need to force him, but the reason for this behavior should be understood. Here are some tips for doing morning exercises with children:

1. No overorganization, strict rules or discipline requirements! It is necessary to ensure complete relaxation in behavior, an elevated emotional state and real joy of movement.

2. Remember that gymnastics is not only and not so much a physical education event, but a specially provided regime moment, where a whole range of influences on the diverse development of children is concentrated (movement, music, rhythms, aesthetics of the environment, benefits, communication, play).

3. Use different forms of gymnastics.

3. Methodology for conducting morning exercises with children of different age groups

To carry out health and educational tasks morning exercises should be carried out at exactly the time specified by the regime and correspond to the content of the program. The first requirement for it is the need to provide the correct physical, mental and emotional stress.

3.1 Morning exercises with children of the third year of life (group “Toddlers”)

Directions to the organization. For the first time, morning exercises are included in the daily routine in the first junior group. It is carried out every day at the beginning of the year with all the pupils of the group at the same time. Its duration is up to 5 minutes.

Morning exercises at this age, in addition to the main task, provide an organized start to the day in kindergarten and make it possible to switch children’s attention to joint forms of activity.

Considering that many children of the third year of life do not immediately join in the activities organized by the teacher and lag behind in completing tasks, the teacher should take a very subtle and differentiated approach to individual children, and not insist on the indispensable participation of everyone in morning exercises.

Content. The content of gymnastics is 3-4 general developmental exercises, walking, running and jumping. Gymnastics begins with short walking, alternating with slow running for 20 - 30 seconds, and forming a group. Forming in a circle is most convenient at this age. At the beginning of the year, it is better to use a scattered formation, since children are still poorly oriented and it takes too much time to organize a formation into a certain form.

The introductory and final walking can be done in a group in a certain direction or in pairs, holding hands, scattered or behind each other. Walking should be calm and leisurely. Having lined up, children begin to perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms, legs, back, abdomen and entire torso.

General developmental exercises are selected from those recommended for classes. Almost all of them are imitative in nature and are carried out in a playful way. During morning exercises, sitting, lying on your back and on your stomach positions are widely used. In the second half of the year, small objects can be used for general developmental exercises: rattles, flags, cubes.

The number of repetitions of each exercise is 4–5 times, it depends on the nature of the movements, their complexity and the preparedness of the children.

Then running, a fun outdoor game or jumping on the spot (2 times for 15 - 20 seconds with a short pause for rest) are carried out. Morning exercises end with calm walking in place or moving forward to reduce the general excitement of the body.

A complex is made up of the exercises in the above sequence, which is performed without significant changes for 2 weeks in a row.

Each new complex is usually performed somewhat slower at first, since children do not immediately remember the exercises and the teacher has to spend a lot of time explaining and demonstrating them. Therefore, at first you can repeat some exercises only 3–4 times, and at a slower pace. Once children have mastered all the exercises, they should be done at a good, energetic pace. After some time (2 - 3 months), it is advisable to return to repeating the same complex or take it as a basis for creating a complex for exercises with objects.

Leadership techniques. It is important that during morning exercises children engage in collective physical activity with desire and interest and get joy from it. Repeating the exercises multiple times every day leads to the fact that the movements acquire a measured, rhythmic character, and the specified direction of movement is observed (forward, backward, sideways, upward, etc.).

The teacher makes certain demands on the quality of children's movements. Makes sure that the child, if possible, occupies the required starting position, and ensures that the children’s movements are at least basically similar to the model.

When performing morning exercises, children of this age are characterized by dynamism and the presence of an extremely small number of completed, fixed positions. Almost all movements are performed sequentially. This determines the features of explaining and demonstrating exercises to educators, who is a participant in the unfolding game plot.

For example, the methodology for conducting the morning exercise complex “Cockerel and Hen” will be as follows: pictures depicting a cockerel and a hen are first examined, and the teacher talks about them. Then, when performing the complex, the teacher portrays a cockerel, the children - hens. During morning exercises, the teacher makes sure that the children do not hold their breath.

Game performance complex makes children want to participate in it. It is fun and promotes the development of independence, coordination and rhythm of movements. To avoid getting bored with the plot of the complex, the teacher shows ingenuity, creativity, and introduces new images (“Birds”, “Butterflies”, etc.). The actions remain the same. Mastering a movement, accompanied by the freedom and ease of its reproduction, gives a small child great pleasure.

3.2 Morning exercises for children of the fourth year of life (group “Pochemuchki”)

Directions to the organization. The organization of morning exercises in the second junior group is essentially no different from its organization in the first junior group. If at the beginning of the year it is possible to allow some of the children not to take part in morning exercises, then after 1.5 - 2 months everyone should do it. It is necessary to gradually accustom children to join in it without unnecessary reminders from the teacher. The duration of morning exercises increases (5 - 6 minutes).

At the beginning of morning exercises, short-term walking is given in different ways (with a change of direction, on tiptoes, etc.). Walking can be done in any formation: one after another, scattered, in pairs without holding hands. It alternates with running.

Then the children stand in a circle or sit in a free formation to perform general developmental exercises. In the first half of the year, mainly exercises learned by children last year are used. This contributes to their repetition and consolidation, and gives the opportunity for children newly admitted to the group to catch up to the general level. Exercises are also used to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, arms, and legs. Back, abdomen and entire torso recommended in the exercise section. These exercises are most often based on figurative imitation. General developmental exercises with cubes, flags, rings, and medium-sized balls are common. The sequence of exercises is the same. The most common starting positions are standing, sitting, lying on your back and on your stomach. Repeat exercises in this age group 5 – 6 times. It depends on the complexity and nature of the exercises, the preparedness and emotional state of the children. In conclusion, there should be running, jumping on the spot (2 times in 10-15 seconds with a short rest) or an outdoor game, well known to children, with very simple rules and content.

The complex of morning exercises without any special changes is repeated for 1 - 2 weeks in a row.

Leadership techniques. When performing morning exercises, it is important to monitor the quality of children’s movements and the clarity of the recorded poses. Achieving similarity of movement with the sample in general outline, the teacher ensures that it is carried out in the specified way. As in the previous group, exercises in morning gymnastics complexes are based on the actions of characters known to children (“Bees”, “Bear Cubs”, etc.). Throughout the gymnastics, the teacher acts together with the children, showing and explaining the exercises and the correct ways of movement. However, the teacher does not complete the exercises with the children. Having done it 2-3 times and setting the pace of execution, he continues to conduct the exercise verbally, while simultaneously observing the actions of the children, making the necessary instructions along the way.

By the middle and especially by the end of the year, it becomes possible to use exercises that are not tied to a coherent plot.

While doing the exercises, the teacher reminds the children when it is more appropriate to inhale and exhale, and makes sure that the children do not hold their breath while walking and running.

3.3 Morning exercises with children of the fifth year of life (group “Pochemuchki”)

Directions to the organization. When conducting morning exercises indoors, it is recommended to organize it not in a group room, but in a hall. Children of the fifth year of life are more independent in preparing for and participating in morning exercises. Its duration is 6 – 8 minutes.

Content. The content of morning exercises includes exercises in walking, running, jumping in place and 4 - 5 exercises to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms, neck, legs, abdomen and back. The structure of morning exercises is the same as in the previous group. Morning exercises begin with a short walk, which should not be monotonous and boring. It is performed in any formation: one after another, in pairs, scattered, etc. Gradually, walking turns into easy running (1.5 - 2 laps around the hall). And running again turns into calm walking, during which a changeover takes place.

To perform general developmental exercises at the beginning of the year, children most often stand in a circle. In the second half of the year, formation in links is also used. The arrangement of general developmental exercises in the morning exercises complex is the same as in the previous groups: first, exercises for the shoulder girdle and arms, then for the legs and torso. The content of the complexes consists of exercises familiar to children. All kinds of general starting positions are used (standing, sitting, lying, kneeling) and different starting positions of the hands (to the sides, forward, etc.).

In addition to small objects, medium-sized cubes, skittles, and balls are used for exercises. Number of repetitions 4 – 6 times. After general developmental exercises, jumping jacks are performed on the spot. They become more diverse: legs apart - legs together; with turns around; jumping back and forth over a tape lying on the floor; moving forward around the pins. Dosage 15 – 20 jumps (1-2 times). They can be replaced by running in place or around the hall, turning into calm walking. Emotional play can be used.

Each complex of morning exercises is repeated for 1 – 2 weeks. Some exercises may vary. Leadership techniques. In the middle group, the importance of morning exercises remains to attract the attention of children to collective forms of activity and for an organized start to the day in kindergarten. At the same time, its role in activating the functional activity of the child’s body is increasing. With children aged five years, morning exercises are carried out at a good, vigorous pace, without long pauses between exercises.

The peculiarity of the explanation of the exercises is brevity and clarity. The teacher only reminds you of the diagram of the exercise, the sequence of its parts, for example: “put your legs wider, hands on your waist, bend forward. Let's start! One, two, three, straighten up.” And then, as the exercise progresses, without losing the rhythm of the movement, he continues the explanations, putting forward requirements for the correctness of the movement: “Lower, bend lower, look at me, straighten up. Let’s repeat it again,” says the teacher, leaving the group for a moment: he noticed that most of the children bend their legs while bending over. – Keep your legs straight. One, two, three, lower, straighten up.”

Thus, the teacher’s instructions accompany the exercise. In some cases, the teacher may resort to imitations. The teacher’s explanations most often merge with the demonstration, and the importance of the quality of the teacher’s demonstration increases. Clear starting positions and fixed intermediate positions are required (sitting - legs pulled up, knees together, closer to the chest, straightened, legs together, toes pulled back). The teacher gradually accustoms the children to act at the same time, in general, at a pace for everyone, and more persistently accustoms the children to the correct position of the body during exercises.

It is necessary to remind and show children when it is convenient to inhale and exhale during exercises, and make sure that they do not hold their breath while running and jumping.

Running and jumping are mandatory integral part all complexes of morning exercises. It is these exercises that place the greatest functional and emotional stress on the child’s body. Performed daily in large doses, they lead to a positive training effect. At the beginning of morning exercises, fast running with wide strides is not used. On the contrary, running is done at a moderate pace, in small steps, with the feet planted on the toes, arms freely bent, body straight, looking forward. At the end of morning exercises, running should be active and energetic. During the jumps, the teacher sets a certain pace - approximately 12 - 15 jumps in 10 seconds. High tempo This is explained by the fact that children of the fifth year of life do not jump very high in place, only slightly lifting their socks off the floor.

If children are very excited after running and jumping, you need to let them calm down. For this purpose, calm walking in place or some breathing exercises are good (arms to the sides - inhale, lower your arms - exhale; arms down - back - inhale, lower your arms - exhale, the same, rising on your toes, etc.)

The same exercises are sometimes used at the end of morning exercises. But they should not be viewed as mandatory. They are offered by the teacher if necessary. A slight increase in breathing is a reaction to intense movements, there is no need to be afraid of this, the breathing rate quickly returns to normal without additional measures.

3.4 Morning exercises with children of the sixth year of life (group “Fantasers”)

Directions to the organization. Morning exercises are becoming a familiar form of daily physical culture. In preparing for it, children provide great assistance to the teacher: they gather their peers for morning exercises, prepare the necessary equipment, and vacate the room. The teacher makes sure that the children quickly change clothes and carefully fold their clothes, and do not detain each other with conversations. Morning exercises last 8–10 minutes.

Content. Walking exercises should be varied. Walking with a change of pace, direction, on the toes, heels, outer sides of the foot, raising the knees high, “goose” step, stepping over obstacles, etc., and attention exercises are widely used. For example, the teacher raises a yellow flag - everyone goes, green - they run, red - they stop; when they clap, they turn around; When the whistle blows, they quickly sit on the floor, and then continue moving, etc.

All these exercises are carried out in different formations. They do not last long and turn into easy running (2 – 3 laps around the hall). Running again turns into calm walking. And a rebuild is taking place.

The complex uses 5–6 general developmental exercises. To perform them, it is most convenient to build in links. In the links, the children open up so as not to interfere with each other. A checkerboard formation is used, when the links take a step forward after one another. For the convenience of performing exercises while sitting and lying down, it is advisable to turn all children half a turn to the right or left.

Among the various starting positions in the second half of the year, the main stance (heels together, toes apart) is also used during morning exercises. As before, the starting positions for the hands are very different.

During morning exercises in the senior group, the volume of general developmental exercises without objects increases slightly. Exercises with gymnastic sticks, hoops, and jump ropes are included. Each exercise is repeated 5–6 times. Jumping in place with different combinations of movements of the arms and legs, moving forward and backward, jumping over high objects, etc. are repeated 20 - 30 times (1 or 2 times with a short break).

As in other groups, one set of morning exercises is carried out for 1 – 2 weeks. At his own discretion, the teacher can make clarifications and changes to it. Leadership techniques. The main feature of morning exercises in older groups is the responsible attitude of children to its implementation. For them, it is not necessary that it be entertaining and figurative. The teacher explains to the children the purpose of morning exercises, reveals its role in physical development, the acquisition of strength, agility, the formation of a good physique, a beautiful gait, etc.

During morning exercises, the teacher requires accuracy in the positions and directions of movement of body parts, and the ability to perform the exercise in accordance with the count or tempo of the musical accompaniment.

The quality of general developmental exercises is quite high. The teacher begins to teach children to stretch their legs, arms, fingers, pull their toes, stand, sit or lie in a given relaxed, but at the same time somewhat tense and taut pose. Children like to perform movements well and beautifully.

Since morning exercises use exercises known to children, their explanation has some specificity - it should be very clear and concise, in fact only reminding children of the starting position, the type of movement (bending, squatting, etc.), and the requirements for its quality.

Explanations of the exercise are combined with demonstration only in the first days of mastering the complex. Moreover, the teacher widely involves children who have good command of movement in the demonstration.

Children of senior preschool age quickly remember the sequence of exercises in complexes. They successfully do them without the accompanying example of a teacher. As a last resort, they focus on the children in front or nearby. This allows the teacher not to be in front of the group all the time, but to walk between the rows of children, carefully observe each person’s exercise, and provide individual assistance. It is important not to lose track of the pace and rhythm of the counting that regulates the children’s joint actions.

Throughout the morning exercises, the teacher repeatedly draws attention to the children’s posture, reminding them of the need not to hold their breath, to breathe deeply, to coordinate inhalation and exhalation with the most appropriate phases of movement (arms to the sides - inhale, arms down - exhale, etc. ). Some exercises involve slight natural straining. At the moment of such straining, there is a short breath holding while inhaling, then successive inhalation and exhalation.

The instructions for running and jumping are the same as in the middle group.

3.5 Features of the methodology for conducting morning exercises in the air and in a mixed age group

In spring and summer, as a rule, morning exercises are carried out with children in all age groups on the site. The teacher regulates physical activity depending on the weather: when the temperature drops, it increases it, changing the pace of the exercise; when the temperature rises, it decreases to avoid overheating of the body. In summer, children play in shorts and barefoot.

In late autumn and winter, morning exercises can be carried out on the site, but only with children of the sixth year of life, and with the most physically prepared and seasoned children. A prerequisite is medical supervision. The lesson is carried out in a lightweight form (for example, in ski suits). Exercises are selected taking into account clothing and performed at a more energetic pace. Particular care must be taken to ensure that children do not get too cold.

The method of conducting morning exercises in a mixed group has its own characteristics. The main requirement is accounting age characteristics children in subgroups. In this regard, morning exercises are selected separately for each subgroup in accordance with the program and the capabilities of the children. The sequence of gymnastics with each subgroup is determined by the regime as a whole. It is unacceptable to unite children of different ages to perform exercises common to all: in such cases, younger children perform back-breaking exercises designed for older ones and get tired, and older children, performing exercises for younger ones, lose interest and do not receive the physical activity they need. All of the above violates the goals of healing the body and increasing vitality inherent in morning exercises.

Thus, in a mixed group, the teacher first conducts morning exercises with the younger children, then with the older ones. If you have to work with all the children at the same time, then for the younger subgroup the exercises are simplified, their number and the number of exercises are reduced.

3.6 Teacher training. Teacher's assessment of morning exercises.

In order to achieve an effective effect of morning exercises on the child’s body, you need to draw up a plan, determine the sequence of exercises, think it over and write it down correctly. guidelines. At the same time, the teacher must remember about the ways of organizing children, the dosage and pace of exercises, methods of conducting them, the nature of the demonstration, explanations and instructions, as well as methods for implementing moral, mental, aesthetic and labor education. He makes sure that children know how to perform all the exercises correctly and are familiar with the images included in the morning exercises complex.

It is very important to create hygienic conditions in the room and on the playground (site), take care of appropriate clothing and shoes for children, and prepare physical education aids.

To give a correct assessment of your actions during morning exercises, you need to systematically monitor the quality of the exercises, the well-being of the children, and their behavior. Analyzing these behaviors, the teacher notes positive sides, identifies shortcomings and draws appropriate conclusions, and then makes changes to the complex of morning exercises, clarifies the methodology for its implementation. (See Appendix 1)

4 The use of musical accompaniment during morning exercises

Performing exercises to music helps to create correct ideas about the nature of movements, their tempo and rhythm. Children perceive the shades of a piece of music well and change the nature of their movements in accordance with the music. When the sound of cheerful music or marching sounds, they pull themselves up, walk briskly and cheerfully, raising their heads and straightening their backs. Walking becomes attractive and emotionally charged for them. Smooth, quiet music encourages you to walk calmly, with long strides. Fast, loud music encourages children to run, jump, a sudden end of music or an expressive chord serves as signals to stop or change movement, etc.

Musical accompaniment increases the expressiveness of motor actions, helps coordinate the movements of the team, increases the amplitude and plasticity of movements. Music disciplines students, increases their attention and performance. Positive emotions that arise during exercise to music enhance their physiological effect. The sound of music is most desirable at those moments in class when all the children are performing the same actions together at the same tempo and rhythm.

First of all, such basic movements as walking, running, jumping in place and moving forward begin to the music. Under the influence of music they become clearer, rhythmic, and coordinated. With the help of music, you can change the pace, types of walking or running, alternate walking with running, change direction, etc. Simple exercises in throwing and catching a ball, passing a ball in a circle, etc. are also performed to the music.

Some basic movements, such as balance exercises, throwing away and at a target, long and high jumps, climbing, should not be accompanied by music: they require an individual tempo of execution, great attention and concentration. In such exercises, music does not help improve the quality of movements, but distracts attention from movements and limits them.

Carrying out basic movements to music is possible in all age groups of kindergarten.

General developmental exercises with musical accompaniment are carried out mainly in older age groups. Musical accompaniment of general developmental exercises is advisable if they are quite simple, well mastered by children and are performed by them freely and naturally. The child finds it difficult to act in accordance with the music. If he has poor movement skills. Therefore, any movement must first be learned with children without musical accompaniment. Of the general developmental exercises, the most convenient ones to perform while listening to music are arm movements, squats, bends, and turns.

A number of exercises from a sitting position, lying on the back, on the stomach, the successful implementation of which depends on significant strength efforts and the individual capabilities of each child (bending, raising and lowering the legs, etc.), are most often performed without musical accompaniment and even without counting.

Some outdoor games with walking, running (“Bear and Children”, “Horses”), jumping (“Goats and the Wolf”, “Birds and the Car”, etc.) are sometimes played to music.

Games with singing, round dance games (“Kalina”, “Teremok”, “Zainka”), dance elements and dance steps (polka step, gallop, side steps with squats, jumps with forward movement, various types of circles, half-squat, etc.) are also widely used. rope, etc.) more often than other movements need musical accompaniment.

During morning exercises, the sound of music organizes the entire set of exercises; its selection depends on their content. In a physical education lesson, an introductory part, general developmental exercises, rhythmic dance movements and some games in the main part of the lesson, a final walk, and a song are performed to music.

To choose the right musical accompaniment, you need to have a good idea of ​​each exercise, understand its meaning and purpose. The selection of music is carried out by the music worker together with the teacher. This takes into account the nature of the movements and the age of the children. In the middle group, musical accompaniment should have a particularly pronounced size of musical phrases, be carried out at a slower pace and with a sharper change of melodies than in the older group. When choosing musical works and musical-rhythmic movements, continuity between musical and physical education classes is ensured. It is necessary to constantly ensure that the music in form, content, and tempo of performance is convenient for performing the exercise. This type of music contributes to the formation of correct movement skills and their improvement. The melody of a musical work must not be allowed to be distorted in order to make it more convenient to accompany a particular movement. Preserving the musical integrity of a work is a prerequisite when using music in classes to develop children’s movements.

Music helps to better organize classes and increase their density. Freeing the teacher from regulating the pace and rhythm of exercises and from counting, it allows him to concentrate on pedagogical process, explanations, individual instructions and assistance, correction of errors during the exercises. Musical accompaniment makes it possible to achieve not only high clarity and accuracy, but also plasticity and expressiveness of movements. This is largely facilitated by children’s motor improvisations on various topics in accordance with the rhythm and nature of the music.


Morning exercises in a preschool institution are an important component of the motor regime. It provides a good mood and increases vitality. Morning exercises involve the child’s entire body in an active state, deepen breathing, increase blood circulation, promote metabolism, raise emotional tone, cultivate attention, determination, evoke positive emotions and joyful sensations, increase the vital activity of the body, and provide a high healing effect. Children who systematically engage in morning exercises lose their drowsiness, feel more alert, and improve their performance.

Daily morning exercises at a certain time in a hygienic environment, properly selected sets of physical exercises, disinhibit the nervous system of children after sleep, activate the activity of all internal organs and systems, increase physiological metabolic processes, increase the excitability of the cerebral cortex, as well as the reactivity of the entire central nervous system . The flow of impulses going to the brain from all receptors - visual, auditory, musculoskeletal, skin - increases the vital activity of the body as a whole.

In addition to its health benefits, morning exercises also have great educational value. Its systematic implementation instills in children the habit of doing physical exercise every day, teaches them to start their work day in an organized manner, act in a coordinated manner in a team, be purposeful, attentive, self-controlled, and also evokes positive emotions and a joyful feeling. In addition, daily performance of certain sets of physical exercises helps improve motor abilities in children, develops physical qualities (strength, agility, flexibility), improves the functioning of coordination mechanisms, and contributes to the acquisition of knowledge in the field of physical education.

Thus, morning exercises are an integral organizing moment in the daily routine of a preschool institution and an important component of physical education and health work with preschoolers.

List of sources used

1. Ermakova Z.I. Get ready, kids! – 2nd ed., revised. – Mn., “Nar. Asveta", 1981. P. 3 – 57.

2. Kozhukhova N.N., Ryzhkova L.A., Samodurova M.M. Physical education teacher in preschool institutions. – M: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2002. – P.91 – 94.

3. Keneman A.V., Khukhlaeva D.V. Theory and methods of physical education of preschool children - M., “Prosveshchenie”, 1972. P. 203 – 208.

4. Mashchenko M.V., Shishkina V.A. What kind of physical education does a preschooler need? – Mozyr: LLC Publishing House “White Wind”, 2005. – P.63 – 64.

5. Narskin G.I. Physical rehabilitation and health promotion of preschool children: A manual for preschool teachers. Institutions / G.I. Narskin, M.V. Konyakhin, O.A. Kovaleva and others; Under. Ed. G.I. Narskina. – Mn.: “Polymya”, 2002. – P. 17 – 18, 122 – 131.

6. Osokina T.I. Physical education in kindergarten: a manual for kindergarten teachers. garden – M., “Enlightenment”, 1986. P. 47 – 49, 53 – 55, 62 – 65, 96 – 99, 130 – 133, 171 – 173

7. Tarasova Z.I. Physical education classes in a multi-age group of kindergarten: a manual for preschool teachers. – Mn., 2000. P. 25.

8. Khukhlaeva D.V. Theory and methods of physical education of preschool children. Ed. 2nd, revised and additional – M., “Enlightenment”, 1976. P.189 – 192.

9. Shebeko V.N., Ovsyankin V.A., Karmanova L.V., Fizkult - hurray! – Mn.: Ed. V.M. Skakun, 1997. – P.64.

10. Shebeko V.N., Ermak N.N., Shishkina V.A. Physical education of preschool children - M: Publishing center "Academy", 2000. - P.120 - 122.

11. Yurko G.P. Conducting outdoor physical education classes with children aged 5–7 years in preschool institutions. – M., 1984. P.84 – 86.

Annex 1


FULL NAME. teacher _____________________________________

Education ___________________________________________

Group _________________________ Number of children____________

Criteria for evaluation



1. Preparedness of the teacher:

Availability of outline plan

Correctness and thoroughness of its development

2. Preparation of the place and physical education equipment

Ventilation, wet cleaning

Rational distribution of inventory

3. Preparing children

Uniform, shoes

4. Organization of morning exercises

Timely start and finish

Ways to organize children for physical exercise

Rational use of premises

Distribution and collection of equipment

5. Correspondence of exercises, their combination

6. Sequence of execution

7. Fulfillment of the main purpose of gymnastics:

Wellness tasks

Compliance with children's age, health status, levels of physical development and physical fitness

8. Duration

9. Dosage, pace of exercises

10. Techniques for regulating breathing

11. Assessment of general and motor density

12. Solving educational problems:

Quality of exercises

Prevention techniques and error correction

13. Use of musical accompaniment

14. Well-being, behavior and mood of children

15. Level pedagogical excellence:

Quality of exercise display

Explanation, commands, orders, directions

The ability to see all children

Ability to monitor well-being

Ability to control behavior and mood

Communication with children

16. The nature of the teacher’s morning exercises:



Teacher's mood

Appendix 2


1. I'm a hunchbacked beast, but the guys like me.


Get on all fours and place two soft objects on your back: small stuffed balls or pillows, simulating humps. Walk slowly in this position.


Jump to the grains

Don't be shy, peck.

Who is this?


Bend your knees slightly, tilt your torso forward, place your hands on your knees, and raise your head. Without changing your position, just placing your straight arms behind your back, imagining that these are wings, make 6-8 small jumps forward and to the sides.

The tail is fluffy,

Golden fur, lives in the forest,

He steals chickens from the village.

Squat down, resting your palms and toes on the floor. Bend your torso slightly forward. The gaze is directed to the floor in front of you. Bend your body forward and place your hands on the floor so that your elbows rest on your knees. Now imagine that a cunning fox is trying to get under the fence. Slide your arms slowly if the surface allows, or slowly move your arms and torso forward. Bend over, straightening your arms (legs slightly bent at the knees), and lifting your body as high as you can off the floor. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times. You're already doing well!

People live under water

Walks backwards.

Get on all fours, lower your head down. Take six steps forward, then six steps back.

Made a hole

I dug a hole.

The sun is shining

But he doesn't know.

Spread your legs slightly and lean forward. Use your hands to perform movements similar to those a mole makes when digging a hole and throwing the earth back (6-8 times).

Stone shell - shirt,

And in a shirt


Sit on the floor, bend your knees. Place your feet flat on your feet and place your hands on the floor at shoulder level. Please note: your fingers should be pointing forward. Now raise your body as high as possible. Straight arms and legs support the body. Try to keep them vertical. Try taking 3 small steps forward, backward, and to the sides. Do the exercise very slowly, because turtles are such pushers!

He sleeps in a den in winter

Under a huge pine tree.

And when spring comes,

Waking up from sleep


Get on all fours, as if going down on all fours. Straighten your legs, rest your palms and feet on the floor. Move slowly in this position, like a real bear: take a step with your left hand, then with your left foot, then with your right hand and right foot (4-8 steps in total). Try not to bend your knees.

A "log" floats down the river

Oh, how furious it is!

To those who fell into the river,

He immediately bit off his nose.


Lie on the floor, arms along your body. Alternately lift your right and left legs, while extending your toes and freezing in this position for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise at a slow or medium pace 3-4 times with each leg.

The little animal is jumping,

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Will fall into a trap

Both a mosquito and a fly.


Place your feet at the width of your feet, sit in a half-squat, place your hands on your knees. Jump in this position 6-7 times. Don't forget to croak cheerfully.

Wool fluffs on the barrels,

The eyes are "hidden in the glasses"

Rides on his back.

What is the name of?

(Panda, or bamboo bear)

Sit on the mat, pull your legs to your chest and clasp them with your arms. Lean back slowly, trying to maintain your balance. As soon as you feel that your back is about to touch the floor, return to the starting position in one fell swoop. Don't take your hands off your knees. If you are not tired, then do the exercise again, leaning to the right, then to the left, trying not to touch the floor.

10. Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Long ear - white side.

Jump on your right and left legs alternately (6-8 times).

11. Jumps and jumps from branch to branch.

If he falls, he won't cry.


Now let's play for real! Take clean, bright handkerchiefs or ribbons. These are your "tails". Tuck them into tights or into the collar of a T-shirt. So you have turned into little funny monkeys. Your goal is to take the “tail” from another monkey, but not with your hands, but with your mouth. If you touch the handkerchief or ribbon with your hands, exit the game. So, get on all fours (you can go down on your knees). The game begins!

Here is another song-game but for children from one year old.

Grandma, grandma

We'll buy a chicken -

Chicken by the grain -

Top, top, top

(well, of course, the steps are in place, and we wave, we wave our hands)

Grandma, grandma

We'll buy a duckling -

Duck –

Quack - quack, quack - quack.

(Hands raised at the elbows, we twist our butt in a half-squat - we emulate the tail movements of a duck)

Grandma, grandma,

We'll buy a turkey -

turkey poult
trucks, trucks.

(Arms bent at the elbows, palms forward at shoulder level, and the whole body, left, right, well done!)

Grandma, grandma,

Let's buy a kitten

And the kitten:

(We emit claws with our fingers and wave, one by one, forward, while sitting down)

Grandma, grandma,

Let's buy a dog

Little dog:

(We jump up and with every wow, wow, we turn our heads left and right (when you turn your heads, you don’t need to jump, in children the vestibular apparatus is not yet so developed)).

Grandma, grandma,

Let's buy a pig,


Grunts, grunts.

(Twist your hand near your nose (hint at the snout), while slightly leaning forward).

Grandma, grandma,

We'll buy a kid

And the kid:

Meki, meki.

(Hands are horns, and we turn around an axis)

You need to sing like this: a verse, the last two lines of the previous verses - in a row, so that the descriptive introduction of the new one gives a short respite after the complex. It's a catchy song, you and your child will love it!


3. Structure and content of traditional morning exercises in preschool educational institutions

Any physical activity, including morning exercises, begins with a warm-up and ends with recovery exercises. Since morning exercises are not long (5 - 12 minutes) and the physical activity involved is not great, this requirement is observed as a general principle.

In daytime kindergarten groups, morning exercises as an obligatory part of the daily routine are carried out every day before breakfast. In round-the-clock groups, in order to disinhibit the nervous system and quickly transition children to their subsequent activities, it is performed immediately after sleep.

From spring to late autumn, morning exercises are carried out outdoors on the playground, and in rainy weather - on the terrace. To harden older children, in warm weather they practice in tracksuits (panties, T-shirt, slippers), in cool weather - in sweaters, light jackets that do not restrict movement. Young children do gymnastics in casual clothes.

In winter, a gym or group room is used for morning exercises, the air temperature of which should not exceed 16 degrees C. Before classes, the room is well ventilated and wet cleaned.

Morning exercises are conventionally divided into three parts: introductory, main and final. Each part has its own tasks and content. In the first, introductory part, they organize the attention of children, teach them coordinated actions, develop correct posture and prepare the body for performing more complex exercises. For this purpose, they include: formations (in a column, in a line); drill exercises (turns and half-turns to the left, right, around); rebuilding from one column into two, from two columns into four, into a circle, several circles, closing and opening with side steps; short walking, alternating with exercises that help strengthen the musculoskeletal system and the formation of posture (walking on toes, with different positions of the arms, walking with high knees, on the heels, in a cross step); running one after another and scattered or in combination with jumping. The duration of the introductory part lasts on average from 1 to 2 minutes.

In the second, main part, the tasks are set to strengthen the main muscle groups and form correct posture. To solve this problem, perform general developmental exercises in a certain sequence. First, exercises to strengthen the shoulder girdle and arms, which promote expansion of the chest, good straightening of the spine, and development of the respiratory muscles. Then exercises for the trunk muscles. This is followed by exercises to develop the leg muscles and strengthen the arch of the foot. After heavy-load exercises, you should repeat the first exercise or a similar one. The number of repetitions of each exercise depends on the age of the children and their physical fitness.

After completing all general developmental exercises, young children perform jumping or running, which turns into a final walk. Older children perform jumping combined with running, then a final walk with various tasks. The final part of the gymnastics involves walking or sedentary play to restore pulse and breathing.

Active longevity

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“Morning exercises in kindergarten”

Morning exercises are a set of specially selected exercises aimed at setting up and “charging” a person for the whole coming day. Its health benefits lie in its effect on the body, taking into account the anatomical, physiological and mental characteristics of children. During morning exercises, the tasks of physical, mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education are solved, the necessary motor skills are formed, the beauty and accuracy of movements are developed, speed, agility, strength, endurance, flexibility are developed, and health is strengthened.

Morning exercises in kindergarten are important not as a means of awakening, but as organized communication between children in the process of motor activity. At the same time, emotional tone increases, being the result of “muscular joy” from movements in a group of peers, psychological stress from parting with parents is relieved, attention is collected, and behavior is disciplined.

Options for morning exercises.

Traditional gymnastics with outdoor switchgear.

Gymnastics of a gaming nature.

Using an obstacle course.

Using simple simulators.

Including health jogging.

Rhythmic gymnastics.

The structure of morning exercises.

Introductory part:


Two or three types of walking;

One type of running.

In conclusion, normal walking, formation to perform outdoor switchgear.

Main part:

Breathing exercises and exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle;

Muscles of the trunk;

Abdominals and legs.

Final part:

Walking, round dances, etc.

Planning morning exercises.

It is closely related to the planning of all material on the development of movements in physical education classes. Complexes of morning exercises are compiled taking into account the requirements of the “Education Program in Kindergarten”, the level of physical development and preparedness of each child, as well as taking into account the location (indoor or on site), seasonality, availability of physical education aids and equipment.

It is better to start a new complex on Monday. In respect of educational work it is described in detail:

Names of exercises;

Starting points;

The number of repetitions of each exercise, words and sound combinations used to regulate breathing when performing the exercise.

Sets of exercises for morning exercises without aids alternate with complexes using small physical education aids (flags, cubes, hoops, balls, sticks, etc.). Their use makes the lesson interesting and improves the quality of the exercises.

The complexes are made up of exercises that children have mastered in physical education classes, since already familiar exercises are performed correctly, and this increases the effectiveness of their influence on the child’s body and reduces the time for explanation and demonstration.

More complex complexes can be used during sports events and entertainment evenings.

Conditions for morning exercises.

Morning exercises are carried out in the hall, group room. In spring and summer - on the site (with children of all age groups). The teacher, depending on the weather, selects exercises and regulates the physical activity: in cool weather, increases it (changes the pace, number of repetitions, etc.), in warm weather, reduces it to avoid overheating of the body.

Methodology for morning exercises.

The methodology includes:

Organizing children (arranging them to do exercises);

Preparation, distribution of benefits;

Methods and techniques for teaching movements.

Arranging, distributing, collecting items.

All this should not take much time. The following methods of distributing items are used in preschool educational institutions:

The teacher himself approaches the child and gives him an object (before or after construction), standing in a circle, he throws or rolls the ball to each student;

The teacher or attendant places objects (cubes, etc.) on the floor, the children line up around them;

The teacher puts out baskets, boxes with balls, cubes and other objects, the children take them apart at a signal;

Children take objects laid out on chairs or benches;

The attendants or column guides distribute items to the children of their column;

Children independently take them out of the rack (baskets, stands, racks, nets);

Objects are disassembled while walking in a column one at a time.

These techniques can also be used when collecting objects after completing exercises.

The choice of methods for distributing and collecting objects depends on the age and preparedness of the children.

Methods of teaching physical exercises.


Repeating exercises without changes;

With changes;

Game-based learning;

In a competitive manner.


Name of the exercise;

Its description;

An explanation of how to perform it correctly;

Directions, orders, commands;

Questions for children;

Story, conversation.


Use of visual aids;


Sound signals;

Visual landmarks.

Requirements for physical education equipment.

Pedagogical, aesthetic and hygienic requirements are imposed on physical education equipment.

Equipment is selected in accordance with the program objectives of comprehensive education of children. The amount of equipment is determined by the number of children involved, its size and weight - according to the age of preschoolers. When designing places for physical exercise, it is necessary to take into account the combination of individual equipment in shape, color, and size.

To store physical education equipment in group rooms and the hall, built-in or sectional furniture with drawers and trolleys for small supplies is used. They do not violate the aesthetics of the interior and are convenient for use when working with children. The most important requirement is the safety of physical education equipment. The quality of the equipment, stability, and strength are checked by the teacher before class.

Exercise areas must be kept clean. For this purpose, regular cleaning of premises and areas and cleaning of equipment is carried out.

During morning exercises, it is necessary to ensure the correct physical, mental and emotional stress.

Physical load should increase gradually (by increasing the number of repetitions of each movement, the pace of their execution and decreasing the interval between them, the total duration of gymnastics), reaching its highest value during jumping and running, it decreases towards the end of the lesson.

It is important to ensure high motor density, therefore, minimal time is allocated for explaining and demonstrating exercises, distributing physical education equipment and changing lanes.

Motor density during morning exercises is achieved:

Special selection of exercises;

Their repetition, dosage;

Using outdoor games, running;

Physical education benefits;

Proper organization of children;

Venue (outdoors);

Musical accompaniment.


The head nurse monitors the condition of places for physical exercise on the site, indoors (damp cleaning, ventilation), physical education equipment, cleanliness of suits and shoes. During morning exercises, she measures the pulse, monitors the children’s posture, breathing, and well-being, identifies signs of fatigue or insufficient exercise, and if necessary, insures the pupils.

The reaction to physical activity can be determined by external signs:

Facial skin color (redness, paleness, blueness);

Sweating (face, forehead);

Breathing (through the mouth, shortness of breath);

Heart function (increased heartbeat);

Behavior (decreased attention and interest in activities, absent-mindedness, indiscipline, restlessness, excessive mobility, excessive activity, lethargy);

Deterioration in the quality of exercises performed (impaired coordination of movements, loss of rhythm, decreased speed);

Observable signs

Severity of fatigue



Facial skin color

Slight redness

Significant redness

Facial expression



Sweating on the face



Somewhat faster

Sharply rapid


Cheerful, tasks are completed accurately

Uncertain, unclear, additional movements appear. Excitement or lethargy.


Good, no complaints

Complaints of fatigue, refusal to complete tasks

The most important elements of preparing for morning exercises.

Compliance with hygienic conditions and timing.

The presence of three parts of morning exercises.

Correspondence of the outdoor switchgear to the age of the children.

Duration of morning exercises.

Use of physical education equipment.

Dosage of exercises.

Techniques for regulating breathing.

Use of musical accompaniment.

Children's well-being and their mood.

Working with parents.

Morning exercises should become a necessity not only for every kindergarten student, but for every member of the preschooler’s family. As a rule, children in preschool educational institutions willingly do exercises because working out together is fun and interesting. Of course, it is more difficult to create such conditions at home, but you definitely need to find an approach to the baby, set him up for the fact that gymnastics needs to be done every day.

The teaching staff should work with parents, explain the importance of morning exercises, and advise on how to organize it at home. This can happen at parent-teacher meetings, “demonstration performances” of children, consultations with the teacher, and in individual conversations.

Teachers can set up special “Parents Corners”, where they post articles about doing morning exercises at home, and sets of exercises that are currently being carried out in this group.

From early childhood, it is necessary to form the habit of doing morning exercises every day. AND personal example Parents are a great force in raising children. Therefore, in those families where adults do morning exercises, a child with early years gets used to the correct daily routine.

The joint efforts of preschool employees and parents, the unity of requirements for organizing and conducting morning exercises will contribute to the development of children’s physical activity and strengthening their health.

Fun exercises

for preschoolers.

Exercises that reduce motor and psycho-emotional stress.

Such exercises are a kind of bridge, a transition from one type of activity or activity to another. They improve the ability of the central nervous system to rebuild, adapt, adjust to new conditions and rhythm of activity, and also weaken negative emotions, especially in hyperactive children.

Each exercise is performed 3-4 times.

"Circus Performers"

"Good cat"

"Angry Cat"

"Hold your shoulders"

"Chop wood"

"Scattering the clouds"


Exercises that activate and unite the motor and speech centers of the brain.

These exercises are a kind of exercise for the nervous system, helping to relieve tension. In addition, they are a good means of preventing diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Each exercise is performed 3-4 times.

"Merry Locomotive"





Exercises to help prevent muscle weakness.

The introduction of exercises with elements of acrobatics into the structure of physical education classes is of a playful, plot-based nature. They are performed with a positive emotional component and proper strength load after physical training, when the muscles are already warmed up. When performing exercises, the teacher assesses each child’s level of development of certain muscle groups, thereby individualizing the amplitude and number of repetitions.

Each exercise is performed for two weeks with gradual complication 3-4 times.


Strength exercise

Refers to the power part of the load, improves the structural characteristics of the muscles of the back and front surfaces of the body.


Exercise for the back and abdominal muscles.

Activates the volitional motor qualities of the body.


To strengthen the function of the flexor-extensor muscles.

Increases their endurance.

"Get the Cloud"

For coordination of movements and to strengthen leg muscles.

Improves the elasticity of blood vessels and normalizes muscle tone.


To strengthen the muscles of the arms, legs, back; on flexibility and coordination of movements.

Improves the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.


For the muscles of the back, abdomen, legs.

Increases blood flow to the chest, stimulates the motor system.

"Smart hedgehog"

To strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back and abdomen.

"Good Elephant"

For the muscles of the back, legs, buttocks.

Improves the functioning of the intestines and pelvic organs.


Lie on your back, without lifting your shoulders and feet from the floor, raise your torso for 3 - 4 seconds.

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the hip joint.

Helps strengthen the muscles of the hip joint, popliteal ligaments, muscles of the ankle joint, strengthens the skeletal muscles of the back with a change in the functions of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.


To correct posture.

"Cheerful bear cubs"

For leg muscles.

Strengthens the leg muscles and improves coordination of movements with the transfer of body weight to one supporting leg.


Relaxation exercises.

Most The best way relieve any tension (fatigue) - physical, nervous, mental and remove the irritation factor - relax, regardless of the presence or absence of special conditions, guided only by one's own desire When moving into one or another fairy-tale mini-plot, use only auditory analyzers. The ability to relax the muscles of the body, starting with the muscles of the face, is one of the areas of rehabilitation therapy.

The proposed exercises allow you to relax, restore strength, improve mental functions, activate memory, imagination, attention, and imaginative thinking. Musical accompaniment helps create complex images of imaginary reality. The text is read calmly, in a fairly loud voice, at a measured pace, with pauses.

"Kitten's Dream"

"The lazy and lazy badger"

"Walk in the Woods"



- We are going for a walk in the autumn forest. Today

unusually good morning. The sun is shining brightly, its rays warm us. We enter the forest along a narrow path and find ourselves in the forest kingdom. We walk through the fallen leaves and listen to the rustling of the leaves. We lie down on the magic blanket. It smells like leaves and mushrooms. We enjoy these scents and feel happy. Somewhere in the heights, birds are singing, cranes are crowing. We lie on a soft carpet of leaves and listen to the sounds of the forest.

And now we slowly get up, open our eyes and see that the world around us is as kind and beautiful as the morning forest.

Lie on the floor, close your eyes, breathe easily, slowly.

"Dream on the Seashore"

"Quiet Lake"

"Swimming in the clouds"



- Today is an unusually good day. You lie down and look up at the clouds - big, white, fluffy clouds in a beautiful blue sky. Breathe freely. As you inhale, you begin to gently rise above the ground towards a large fluffy cloud. You rise even higher to its very top and gently drown in it. Your arms and legs are spread freely to the sides, and you are floating on the largest and softest cloud that you can currently see in the sky. Then your cloud floats smoothly down, sinks lower and lower until it reaches the ground. Finally, you stretched out safely on the ground, and your cloud returned to the sky. It smiles at you and you smile at it. Flying on a cloud was so good!

It is comfortable to lie on the floor, stretch out, relax, close your eyes.