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“Topic: “Compiling a descriptive story about dishes. Porcelain and plastic crowns They can go stand hurry lag beat

Goal: learn to write a short descriptive story about dishes using an algorithm (model)
- Clarify, expand, systematize and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Utensils”.
- To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of utensils.
- Learn to classify dishes according to how they are used in everyday life.
- Develop monologue speech, memory, attention.
- Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: plates (deep and shallow, fork, spoons (tea and table, wooden, metal, plastic, glasses, two plastic toys, a ball; pictures with images of tableware.
Progress of educational activities:
The teacher reads an excerpt from S. Kaputikyan’s poem “Masha is having lunch”:
There is no refusal for anyone
Lunch was served to everyone.
For the dog - in a bowl,
In a saucer - pussy,
Chicken - laying hen -
Millet in a shell,
And Mashenka is on a plate.
In the deep, not in the shallow.
Educator: Guys, what is this poem talking about? (children's answers)
What do you serve your dog's lunch in? (in a bowl) and pussy? (in a saucer) and the chicken? (in the skull). What does Mashenka eat from for lunch? (from a plate). How can you call a bowl, saucer, plate in one word? What is this? (dishes).
(The teacher places all objects on the table except plastic toys and a plastic spoon.)
-Guys, look and name what you see on the table. (children call) what can these objects be called in one word?
Children: dishes.
Educator: Now compare these two plates (deep and shallow). How are they similar?
Children: They eat from them, both plates are white with ornaments.
Educator: How do they differ from each other? (invites children to the table, offers to take objects in their hands).
Children: one plate is deep and the other is shallow.
Educator: What is a deep plate for (children answer) And what is a shallow plate for (children answers). What is shallow and deep?
How do you understand the expressions: deep river (has great depth), deep feeling (strong), shallow river (has small depth), fine rain (not heavy), fine sand (small).
Educator: now let’s take a little rest and remember the physical education lesson called “Utensils”:
Here is a large glass teapot
(“inflate” the stomach, one hand is on the belt, the other is curved like a nose)
Very important, like a boss,
Here are the porcelain cups
Very fragile poor things
(squat, one hand on the belt)
Here are the porcelain saucers,
Only knocks will break
(spin around, drawing a circle with your hands)
Here are the silver spoons
(stretch, clasp hands above head)
Here is a plastic tray-
He brought us the dishes.
(make a big circle)
Educator: And when you sit down to dinner, what kind of dishes do you need?
Children: Plates - deep and shallow, fork, spoon.
Educator: Now let's compare a fork and a spoon. What are they made of?
Children: Made of metal.
Educator: So, how can I say in one word what they are like?
Children: Metal.
Educator: (picks up a metal teaspoon and tablespoons). How are these two items similar? The children answer.
Educator: That's right, they are made of the same material, metal, they are metal. Now think and tell me how they differ?
Children: One is big, the other is small. One is a dining room, and the other is a tea room.
Educator: What other glass objects do you see on the table?
Children: Glasses.
Educator: How are these glasses similar? What is the difference? What are they for (children answer).
Educator: now I will show you the dishes and tell you what they are, and you must choose the opposite word: this plate is deep, and this one is shallow. This spoon is a tablespoon, and this one is a teaspoon. One glass is high and the other (low).
Educator: Now we will play tableware store (put pictures of dishes on the board). Guys, look at what beautiful dishes we have in our store. You can buy it, but you need to correctly tell what kind of dishes it is, what it is, what it is needed for? A hint for you - a model for describing dishes

Listen to my story (sample of a descriptive story): This is a saucepan. It is kept in the kitchen. The pan is green, cylindrical, large in size, metal. The pan has a bottom, walls, edges; her handles are black and made of plastic; metal cover. In a saucepan you can cook delicious soup, porridge, cook pasta, cook compote.

The teacher invites the child to the board to look at the pictures. In case of difficulty, the teacher prompts the child to start the phrase. The teacher asks other children to guess what the narrator meant and find the described object on the board. The description of the next item is given by the one who correctly guessed the previous one.
Lesson summary:
Educator: And now, guys, we will play a game called “Answer quickly.” You all stand in a circle, and I will be in the center of the circle and throw the ball. For example, I will throw the ball to Ole and say the word glass, and she should throw the ball back to me and say at the same time what can be glass, what is made from glass (in this game, the teacher reveals children’s ideas about the following qualities of objects: glass, metal, plastic , wooden, etc.).

Marina Shurkhovetskaya
Abstract of the educational activity “Introduction to tableware”

Abstract of GCD

« Introduction to tableware»

for preschool children with limited physical and intellectual capabilities.

Program content:

Target: expand children's knowledge about dishes.


- Introduce tableware; correct name dishes; know its contents, purpose, what it is made of dishes(porcelain, glass, wood); who is doing dishes(potter); who draws up dishes(artist).

Correctional educational tasks:

Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about dishes, its types and purpose.

Learn to answer a question in a complete sentence, building it in accordance with the order of words in the question.

Correctional and developmental tasks:

Develop phonemic perception, auditory memory, attention, logical thinking.

Develop self-control over the implementation of pronunciation skills.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards dishes, respect for the work of the people who make it.

Children, remember from what you were introduced to the dishes?

From the tea room.

Why utensils are called tea utensils?

Because they drink tea from it.

Which teahouse? you know the dishes?

Mug, saucer, sugar bowl, etc.

Today we let's get acquainted with the dishes, which is served for lunch and dinner. Look how beautiful dishes are on the table.

I give the children the opportunity to look at it.

Children, dishes vary, the plate can be deep, shallow, dessert, salad bowl, bread bowl, etc. It can be made from different material: earthenware, porcelain, glass, plastic, wood.

Showing a deep plate:

What is this? - Plate. - Is this a deep plate or a shallow one?

What do they eat from a deep plate? (soup, borscht).

What is the plate made of? (porcelain).

I give you the opportunity to touch the plate.

Who makes the plates? (potter).

Look how beautifully it is designed.

Who makes the patterns dishes? (artist).

How is this plate decorated? (border).

What color is the border? (golden).

I show you another plate, which is decorated with flowers.

Artists designed them differently.

I show you a small plate, a dessert plate. I explain that the second course is served in a small plate, and fruits and berries in the dessert plate. I also draw the children’s attention to the design of these plates.

Showing a salad bowl from glass:

What is this? (salad bowl).

What is served in a salad bowl? (salad).

What is this salad bowl made of? (from glass).

How did you know what was made of glass? (glass transparent).

Showing a wooden one bread box:

Children, who knows what this is? (bread box).

Bread is stored in it.

What material is it made of? (tree).

Draw the children's attention to the design of the bread box; there are special patterns on it. way: the artist painted it with a brush.

We look at spoons and forks, which are made of metal, with the children, and find out what they are needed for.

I draw children's attention to diversity dishes, the materials from which they are made.

Didactic game: "Find a Pair".

Watching a cartoon: "Fedorino grief"

Children, we are with you today got acquainted with different dishes, found out why it was needed, who worked on it. These craftsmen did their work with love. So let's respect their work. We will treat with care dishes made by human hands.

Porcelain and plastic crowns are used to restore the color and anatomical shape of the front teeth and premolars. It became possible to restore the natural color of teeth as a result of the development of technology for artificial porcelain crowns.

The fragility and other physical properties of porcelain and plastic make it necessary to grind off a significant layer of hard tooth tissue. For this reason, these crowns can be used to restore teeth with preserved pulp only in patients over 35 years of age. In young people, a wide tooth cavity and thin walls do not allow prosthetics with these crowns. Sharply narrowed

There are indications for porcelain and plastic crowns with deep overlap and deep bite, vertical position of the front teeth.

Preparation of teeth for porcelain crowns is carried out after anesthesia using turbine drills. There are two known methods of preparing teeth - with a ledge and without a ledge. The choice of method depends on the specific clinical picture, the degree of tooth destruction and the location of the defect, the height of the crown and its shape.

Preparation begins with separation of the contact surfaces using a disk or a thin needle-shaped diamond head. After surgery, a ledge should form in the cervical area of ​​the contact surfaces.

After this, grind the cutting edge or chewing surface to 1.5 - 2.0 mm. Then the layer of enamel and dentin is removed from the buccal or palatal (lingual) side by 0.5 - 1.0 mm so that a ledge is formed at the level of the gingival margin. It is connected to the ledge on the contact surfaces. Thus, a support platform is created around the circumference of the tooth neck.

For better orientation of the thickness of the tissue layer being removed, it is useful to first apply a groove with a separation disc with a limiter, the depth of which is equal to the thickness of the tissue being removed. Preparation is carried out while maintaining the overall shape of the tooth. The location of the ledge depends on the structure and condition of the marginal periodontium, which are determined by the age of the patient. Young patients have a shallow gingival groove. In adult patients, a gum pocket is often found.

On the vestibular side, for aesthetic purposes, it is advisable to immerse the ledge under the gum. On the palatal and lingual surfaces, the ledge can be located at the level of the gum. The width of the ledge should ensure the strength of the porcelain crown and varies from 0.6 to 1.5 mm. The shape of the ledge can be different (Fig. 49).

a B C D E F

Rice. 49. Methods of preparing the gingival part of the tooth for a porcelain crown: a - with a straight ledge; b - without a ledge; c - ledge with a notch; g - straight ledge with a beveled edge; d - ledge with a peak; e - beveled ledge.

First, a ledge is created using cylindrical or cone-shaped diamond heads at gum level. Using a carbide end bur using low-speed drills, the ledge is immersed below the free edge of the gum, eliminating damage to the gum and periodontal junction.

As a result of preparation, the tooth stump has a cone-shaped shape (Fig. 50). Preparation for a plastic crown is carried out according to the described method.

Rice. 50. Central upper incisor prepared for a porcelain crown.

To make porcelain or plastic crowns, a double working impression and an auxiliary impression are taken from the opposite jaw. The porcelain crown technology is as follows:

2) production of a platinum cap;

3) applying a base layer of porcelain mass to the cap;

4) application of dentin and enamel mass and firing;

5) fitting the crowns to the model after firing and checking them in the clinic;

6) removing platinum foil from the crowns. Application of dyes, glazing;

7) checking the crown in the clinic and fixing it with cement. The plastic crown technology is as follows:

1) obtaining a model;

2) wax modeling of the crown;

3) plaster casting into a ditch of a model, including the modeled tooth along with its neighbors;

4) replacing wax with plastic;

5) finishing, polishing the crown;

6) fixation of the crown with cement on the stump.

Prosthetics with metal-ceramic and metal-plastic crowns

Metal-ceramic crowns are a prosthesis consisting of a cast metal frame and a ceramic cladding layer. Recently, special solutions have been developed for the facing layer.

cial plastics (sinma-M, isosite). Therefore, artificial crowns are called metal-plastic. New plastic facing materials are approaching porcelain in their aesthetic qualities. Unlike porcelain, they have greater viscosity and less fragility.

Metal-ceramic and metal-plastic crowns are used for the same indications as porcelain ones. In addition, they are used as a support for bridges and for deep incisal overjet.

Positive long-term results of prosthetics with these crowns depend on the properties and technical characteristics of two main materials: metal alloy and porcelain mass. The requirements for the alloy are as follows: general medical - not to be toxic, not to cause allergic reactions, not to irritate the oral mucosa, not to be subject to corrosion in the oral cavity; special requirements - to have high physical and mechanical properties, the coefficient of thermal expansion of the alloy should not differ from that of the porcelain mass, and be well combined with the porcelain mass.

The porcelain mass, meeting general medical requirements, must combine well with metal, have good aesthetic qualities, and be durable.

In Russia, MK porcelain mass is used in combination with the KHS alloy, "Rainbow-Russia". Imported alloys (Ultratec, Viron, Degudent) and porcelain masses (Vita, Vivodent) are also used.

The bond between metal and porcelain is carried out due to van der Waals forces (the interaction force of molecular electric dipoles), mechanical adhesion due to the geometry of the surface, compression forces arising during sintering of porcelain with metal, and chemical bonding of ceramic and metal oxides.

The preparation of anterior teeth for metal-ceramic crowns does not differ from the previously described method of preparation for porcelain crowns. When replacing premolars and molars with metal-ceramic crowns, preparation of the lingual and palatal surfaces is carried out only to place a metal cap.

The technology of metal-ceramic crowns consists of the following stages:

1) production of a collapsible model;

3) after checking the frame in the clinic and its processing, firing of various layers (base or ground, dentin and transparent) of the ceramic mass follows.

The technology of the metal-plastic crown is as follows:

1) production of a collapsible model;

2) modeling and casting of a metal frame;

3) after checking the frame, layer-by-layer polymerization of the plastic is carried out in a special apparatus.

Prosthetics with full metal crowns

Full stamped metal crowns are used to restore the anatomical shape of posterior teeth. Due to its technology (stamping), this type of crown has a number of disadvantages compared to cast crowns. The most significant drawback is the inaccurate fit of the crowns to the neck of the tooth. In addition, they increase the diameter of the tooth neck, disrupting the ratio of the elements of the marginal periodontium. Metal stamped crowns have thin walls and cannot be used if the tooth crown is significantly damaged. Knowing the disadvantages of stamped crowns, preference should be given to full metal cast crowns.

Preparation for a full stamped metal crown can begin by separating the contact surfaces of the crown with a metal disk. In this case, parallelism of the contact surfaces of the tooth is achieved. A layer of tissue equal to the thickness of the crown (0.25 - 0.3 mm) is removed from the chewing surface. When grinding the chewing surface, the anatomical shape of the tooth should be preserved. The degree of separation of the prepared tooth from the antagonists is checked using carbon paper or a strip of heated wax. The preparation is completed by grinding the equator of the buccal and palatal (lingual) surfaces of the tooth. Sharp angles between the buccal and contact surfaces are smoothed. Particular attention is paid to grinding off the gingival ridge, which can make it difficult to apply a crown.

As a result of preparation, the tooth takes on a shape in which the diameter of the crown becomes equal to the diameter of the neck of the tooth with parallel surfaces. This ensures the application of an artificial crown and its tight fit to the neck of the tooth.

After preparation, impressions are taken from both dentitions. To improve the accuracy of an artificial crown, a working impression can be obtained using the double impression technique. Full metal crown technology is described in manuals on denture technology.

After the crown is made, it is tested in the mouth. If it meets the requirements for artificial crowns, it is ground and polished, and then fixed with cement.

Half crowns (three-quarter crowns)

To fix bridges, half-crowns can be used, which are a permanent prosthesis covering the contact and palatal (lingual) surfaces of the tooth. The use of half-crowns for fixation of bridges has an aesthetic purpose. They leave the buccal and labial surfaces of the tooth free.

Crowns of this design, used on premolars, are called three-quarter crowns. They cover the contact, chewing and palatal (lingual) surfaces of the tooth. Half-crowns combined together are used as a splinting prosthesis for generalized periodontitis. To use half-crowns, certain conditions are required, namely: 1) high clinical crowns with a well-defined dental cusp;

sufficient area of ​​contact surfaces of supporting teeth; 3) resistance of teeth to caries.

Rice. 51. Preparing a tooth for a half-crown: a, b, c - preparing the grooves and the finished half-crown; d, e, f - preparing the tooth for a semi-crown with a pin and the finished crown on the tooth.

The preparation of teeth for half-crowns begins with the separation of contact surfaces, which must be parallel. The palatal or lingual surface from the dental tubercle to the gingival margin should be vertical. Therefore, the equator of the tooth is removed in this zone using a cylindrical head. The occlusal surface is ground to the thickness of the metal (0.2-0.4 mm). The dental cusps should retain their shape. The cutting edge is ground beveled towards the oral side. Parallel grooves are created on the contact surfaces using a fissure bur. On the canines, these grooves are connected on the palatal (lingual) surface by a transverse groove. If the dental tubercle is well defined, you can drill a channel 0.3 mm deep to improve the fixation of the half-crown (Fig. 51).

After preparing the tooth, a double impression is taken, and the half-crown is cast on a fire-resistant model along with the frame of the bridge.

Telescopic and equatorial crowns

To fix removable dentures of various designs, telescopic crowns are used, which are a system of double crowns - external and internal (Fig. 52). The internal crown has a cylindrical shape and is fixed to the tooth. The outer crown covering it is connected to a removable denture and has an anatomical shape. Telescopic crowns can be cast or stamped. A special feature of the preparation is the grinding of the layer of hard tooth tissue, taking into account the thickness of the two crowns.

Rice. 52. Telescopic crowns: a - the tooth is prepared for a crown; b - internal crown; d - outer crown.

Equatorial crowns are used to fix bridges and splint teeth in cases of generalized periodontitis. They cover the teeth up to the equator. Preparation is carried out from all surfaces of the tooth to the thickness of the crown to the equator.

Prosthetics in the absence of a tooth crown

Pathologies of different origins (caries, increased abrasion of dental tissues, trauma) often lead to complete destruction of the crown part of the tooth while preserving its root. Orthopedic treatment of teeth with damaged crowns makes it possible to restore the continuity of the dentition, restore their lost unity and at the same time make full use of the remaining periodontium. The root can be used both as a support for a bridge and for fixing removable dentures.

Restoration of the tooth crown in its absence is carried out using a pin tooth. A large number of designs of these prostheses have been proposed, but their obligatory parts are a pin included in the root canal and an artificial crown (Fig. 53). The indication for prosthetics with pinned teeth is the absence of a tooth crown, if the root serving as a support meets the following requirements:


Rice. 53. Pin teeth: a - diagram of Richmond pin tooth; b - With tab; V -

made of plastic.

1) the root canal must be well passable over a length equal to the length of the pin;

2) the peri-apical part of the root canal should be well sealed and the apical periodontium should be free of signs of chronic inflammation (granuloma, cystogranuloma, cyst).

In the presence of periapical changes, if they are not extensive, in the absence of fistulas and good filling of the root apex, prosthetics with a pin tooth is permissible. In case of significant periodontal damage to the root apex, prosthetics with a pin tooth can be carried out after resection of the root apex, if sufficient root length remains;

3) the root must have a length greater than the height of the future crown;

4) the walls of the root must be of sufficient thickness to withstand the chewing pressure transmitted through the pin, and the protruding part must be solid, not affected by caries;

5) the root stump should be open. If it is covered by the gum,

then a gingivectomy is performed;

6) the root must be stable. Taking into account the anatomy of the roots, it should be said that the most suitable pin structures for prosthetics are canines, upper central and lateral incisors. However, in practice, the palatal root of the upper premolars and the distal root of the lower molars are used. Before prosthetics, an X-ray examination is carried out.

Currently, two designs of pin teeth are used: " ") pin tooth with an outer ring and 2) core crowns.

Pin tooth with outer ring (Richmond tooth)

A pin tooth with an outer ring was proposed by Richmond, which is why it bears his name (Fig. 53a). This design is most appropriate for thin root walls. Its peculiarity is the outer cap covering the root stump, soldered to a pin located in the 6th channel. In the original design of this tooth, the cap was made of soldered gold. The cap is currently being stamped. Its edges should extend as far as possible into the gum pocket, and especially in the anterior section, in order to hide the strip of metal. To ensure that the ring takes up as little space as possible and does not irritate the marginal periodontium, it is necessary to remove the remaining enamel located under the gingival margin. A hole is made in the cap cover for a pin, which secures the pin tooth.

The pin must be flexurally strong to withstand lateral pressure. The material for it can be 750-carat gold alloys, stainless steel, KHS. The fastening of the pin in the root canal depends on many factors: its surface area, shape, angle of convergence (convergence), the size of the gap between the pin and the canal walls, as well as the nature of the surface of both the pin itself and the canal walls. The dimensions of the pin are not chosen arbitrarily, but in accordance with the diameter of the root canal.

After fitting the cap and pin into the tooth canal, the doctor takes an impression from which the model is cast. On the model, the pin is soldered to the cap. After this, the pin is checked in the oral cavity, the tightness of the fit of the walls of the cap to the surface of the root and the relationship of the edges of the cap to the gingival pocket are specified. An impression of the dentition and an impression of the opposite jaw are taken again. Models are cast, where the pin and cap go. The crown of the described pin tooth is made of a combination: on the labial side there is a lining made of porcelain or plastic, on the palatal side there is a metal fastener. Depending on what material is chosen for cladding, the And technical methods for manufacturing this tooth, but in both cases a facet bed is modeled, which is cast from metal and soldered to a cap. After this, a porcelain lining or plastics.

The finished pin tooth is checked in the oral cavity. At the same time, attention is again paid to the position of the edges of the cap in relation to the gum pocket, the anatomical shape of the tooth, the color of the veneer, the relationship of the tooth to neighboring teeth and antagonists. Particular attention should be paid to the latter circumstance, since even a slight increase in the interalveolar height will loosen the pin tooth, especially with jaw movements.

The final stage of prosthetics is strengthening the tooth. For this purpose, the root canal, its stump, pin and cap are dried and secured with cement. A little cement is injected into the root canal, and the rest is used to coat the post. The pin is inserted into the canal.

The advantage of the Richmond tooth is the presence of a cap, which enhances its fixation and strengthens the tooth root. It also protects the cementum in the root canal from the action of saliva. The penetration of saliva into the root canal leads to the resorption of cement, weakening of the fixation of the pin and destruction of the root. However, the presence of a ring is accompanied by a number of negative phenomena. To prevent the ring from being visible, it must be advanced deeply into the gingival pocket in front, which leads to damage to the marginal periodontium.

Prosthetics with core crowns

In case of significant destruction or complete absence of the crown, the anatomical shape of the tooth can be restored with an artificial stump with a pin, and then covered with a crown (Fig. 54).

Crowns on an artificial stump have an advantage over other post teeth designs. They are as follows: 1) an artificial crown covering the stump can be easily removed and replaced if necessary (discoloration, crown defects): 2) it is possible to use roots, the surface of which is often covered by gums without prior gingivotomy; 3) when removing an adjacent tooth, the outer crown can be removed and the stump can be used again, but to support the bridge

Rice. 54. Various methods of preparing the root for a stump crown.

prosthesis; 4) prosthetics with bridges supported on the roots of the teeth is facilitated, since the stumps compensate for the non-parallelism of the root canals.

Root preparation depends on the degree of destruction of the tooth crown. When preserving part of the natural tooth crown, two options are possible

root preparation. The first involves complete grinding of the destroyed crown; the second is more gentle, designed to preserve the strong walls of the destroyed crown. In this case, the fragile, thinned and softened walls of the tooth crown are ground down to strong structures. Preparing the canal for the post is greatly facilitated if only the apical third of the root is filled. When the root canal is filled along its entire length, it is carefully opened with spherical burs of small diameter. The diameter of the bur is selected in such a way as to remove only the filling material, being careful not to change the diameter of the root canal. Then the walls of the root canal are expanded with cylindrical fissure and diamond burs or drills to the required diameter.

The expansion of the canal is carried out taking into account the anatomical structure of the root and the thickness of its walls. To prevent rotation of the pin, the mouth of the canal should be formed into an oval shape. In the anterior teeth, it is necessary to avoid thinning of the labial wall in the gingival third of the root, and in the lower teeth, on the contrary, the lingual wall, which is under significant pressure when the teeth are closed.

The thicker and longer the pin, the greater its surface area, and consequently, the greater the adhesion between the pin and the root through cement. The dimensions of the pin are not chosen arbitrarily, but in accordance with the diameter of the root canal. The latter could be expanded, but even here there is an obstacle in the form of the danger of thinning the root wall. Its thickness of 1.5 mm is the limit that should not be crossed, as there is a danger of splitting the root. An exception is allowed for the lower incisors and second premolars, in which the chewing pressure, due to their position, almost coincides with the longitudinal axis of the tooth.

To increase the thickness of the pin and to prevent its rotation, the mouth of the canal is expanded, taking into account both the shape of the canal itself and the direction of the forces that act on the tooth during central and other occlusions. For flattened roots, the mouth can be expanded in the vestibular direction with the formation of an additional cavity at the mouth of the canal, but with a depth of no more than 2 mm.

The angle of toe (convergence) also matters for the stability of the pin. Cylindrical pins have the best properties in this regard, but for this purpose the canal should be calibrated with a special tool and standard pins should be used accordingly. Despite the convenience of the shape just described, conical pins continue to be widely used, since they correspond to the shape of the root canals and are easy to insert into it are introduced. The quality of cement is of great importance for fixing the pins. To resist lateral

pressure, the thickness of the pin should not be less than 1.0 - 1.2 mm, and at the entrance to the canal - 2 mm. It will be quite stable if its length is equal to the length of the crown or slightly longer than it. To prevent rotation of the tooth, it is better to make the pin oval or triangular in shape, gradually tapering towards the apical foramen. The pin is better fixed if it has notches. The end of the pin should protrude 5 - 6 mm above the level of the cap.

After preparing the root, they begin to manufacture an artificial stump with a pin. In the manufacture of a cast metal stump with a pin, the most common method is the direct method. It consists of the following: the root prepared under the stump is isolated from saliva with a cotton swab. The cavity for the pin is cleared of sawdust with a stream of air, then its walls are moistened with wrung-out cotton wool. A stick of modeling wax, heated to a plastic state, is given a cone-shaped shape and pressed against the surface of the root so that the wax fills the prepared root canal and gives a good imprint of its surface. Through the wax covering the root surface, a pre-fitted metal pin with a diameter of 1.0 - 1.5 mm made of elastic steel wire, heated over the flame of an alcohol lamp to the melting temperature of the wax, is inserted into the canal.

Then an artificial stump is modeled, the shape of which depends on the future crown. A wax reproduction of the stump is removed from the free end of the pin and cast from metal (chromium-nickel steel, chromium-cobalt alloy, gold alloys, silver-palladium alloys).

The resulting stump with a pin is fitted and fixed in the root canal with cement. Subsequently, impressions are taken and an artificial crown is made.

Another technique for making a cast artificial stump with a pin involves taking an impression from the surface of the root and root canal. To do this, a double impression is obtained. A preliminary impression is taken, a low-viscosity silicone impression material is injected into the root canal from a syringe, and a plastic pin is inserted into it. Then the final impression is taken, from which the fire-resistant model is cast. An artificial stump is prepared on a wax model, and then it is cast from metal.

Prosthetics with a plastic pin tooth with and without a root protective plate

Such designs of pin teeth have become widespread due to the ease of manufacturing the crown part from plastic. The root is prepared as usual. Expand the channel and accommodate

pin. Then a supra-root protective plate is modeled from wax. The latter not only makes the structure of the prosthesis more durable, but also reduces the pressure on the pin, thereby unloading the root canal. The pin is installed so that its outer end protrudes above the protective plate. This part of the pin subsequently serves as a fastener for the plastic tooth. After casting, the accuracy of fit of the protective plate to the tooth root is checked. Then impressions of the upper and lower jaws are taken, models are cast and the tooth is modeled from wax, subsequently replacing the wax with plastic. To better hold the plastic tooth, notches are made on the pin. This method does not provide good fastening of the plastic, so you can do it a little differently.

After casting the pin and the root protective plate, the pin is fitted to the root. Impressions are taken and models are cast. Select the desired plastic tooth, fit it to the tooth stump and model a wax bed for attaching the plastic veneer. A metal casting is made from the wax model and a wax model of the future plastic cladding is created on it. This design of the crown part of the pin tooth ensures reliable fastening and a good aesthetic result.

With a large tooth root stump, it can be ground down so that it looks like a roof with two slopes - vestibular and oral. With strong roots, you can create a cone-shaped groove running in the mediodistal direction. This shape of the stump makes it possible to distribute the pressure of the pin tooth so that the force falling on the tooth is reduced due to the transfer of stress to the walls. This method is less convenient, since a wedge-shaped tab can split the root if it is not supplemented with a ring.

The simplified design of a pin plastic tooth consists of a standard pin without root protection. Prosthetics in this case is carried out as follows. An appropriate pin is selected and inserted into the canal so that its end protrudes from the canal. This part of the pin serves as a fastener for the plastic tooth. Impressions are taken, models are cast, and a wax tooth is modeled on the protruding part of the pin. The wax is then replaced with plastic and the post tooth is finished. Despite the captivating simplicity of manufacture, this design of the pin tooth is not entirely convenient, since the fastening of the plastic is unreliable, and the lack of isolation of the root canal from saliva leads to the loss of the pin tooth and further destruction of the root. Therefore, this design is used as a temporary one. Such a prosthesis can be made directly in the oral cavity by selecting a suitable factory-made plastic tooth from a set for removable structures.


Subject: Repetition on the topic “Lexicology”.

Class: 5

Teacher of Russian language and literature: Zhiradkova Elena Gennadievna

Lesson Objectives :

General education:

Repeat and summarize material on such sections of the Russian language as vocabulary, phraseology; work to consolidate concepts: lexical meaning of a word, synonyms, antonyms, paronyms, homonyms, phraseological units, catchwords;

Spelling O, E after sibilants, alternation of vowels at the root of the word, prefixes ending in Z-, S-


Develop students’ creative abilities, communicative competence, and ability to work in a group.


To foster independence, the ability to empathize for a friend, to develop the ability to practically apply acquired knowledge, to cultivate love and respect for the Russian language.

Lesson type: repetition and generalization of the material covered.

Lesson type: lesson-game.

Technology: gaming

Forms of student work : individual, group

Used textbooks and teaching aids: Textbook “Russian language. 5th grade" edited by L. M. Rybchenkova. Part 1.-M.: "Enlightenment", 2011. Workbook on the Russian language. 5th grade edited by L. M. Rybchenkova, T. N. Rogovik. Part 1. .-M.: “Enlightenment”, 2016 (Textbook for educational organizations.); Russian language. Multi-level assignments. 5th grade / Compiled by L.N. Fedoseeva. - 3rd ed. - VAKO, 2016. - 80 p. - (Didactic materials).

. Equipment: epigraph; Handout; computer with projector; cards with phraseological units; children's drawings depicting phraseological units.

During the classes

Epigraph for the lesson:

Words are different There are all kinds of words The words are clear Hard and soft Words are bold Stubborn, harsh, But it certainly matters Behind every word. S. Baruzdin

I. Organizational moment.

Hello, dear guys! Our lesson today will be unusual. What does unusual mean? What do you guys think? (students' answers).

I would like to start the lesson with a poem by Vadim She fner "Oral speech":

Oral literature fades away,
Conversational beauty
Retreating into the unknown
Russian miracle speeches.
Hundreds of native and apt words,
Drooping, losing my voice,
Locked up like birds in cages,
They doze in thick dictionaries.
Let them out of there
Return to everyday life,
So that speech - a human miracle -
Not poor these days.

Today we will conduct an unusual lesson, and the lesson is a game-competition

3 teams play (the class is pre-divided);

Choose the name of the teams “Interpreters”, “Phraseologists”, “Lexicologists” draw out tablets (the names correspond to the topic of the lesson).

A captain is elected, who at the end of the lesson must evaluate everyone’s work.

The teacher asks questions to the teams: the one who knows the correct answer raises his hand.

For a correct answer, the team earns 1 point.

At the end, all points are tallied.

All students receive marks (whose team scored more points receives “5”, those with less receives “4”)

II. Goal setting and motivation. Setting lesson objectives.

And the first thing we will do is, replacing numbers with letters, name the topic of our lesson

a - 1, b - 2, c - 3, d - 4, d - 5, f - 6, f - 7, g - 8, h - 9, i - 10, j - 11, j - 12, l - 13, m - 14, n - 15, o - 16, p - 17, r - 18, s - 19, t - 20, y - 21, f - 22, x - 23, c - 24, h - 25, w - 26, w - 27, b - 28, s - 29, b - 30, e - 31, y - 32, i - 33.

Make words from numbers: 17,16,3,20,16,18,6,15,10,6/20,6,14,29/13, 6, 12, 19, 10, 12, 16, 13,16 , 4, 10, 33.

(slide 1) Lesson topic “Repetition of the topic “Lexicology”

Now set goals for yourself that you will have to implement during the lesson.

III. Repetition of learned material. Game "Did you know?" (slide 2)

Task 1. Brainstorming.

What is the name of the science that studies the vocabulary of a language? (lexicology).

What are the names of words that came into the Russian language from other languages? (borrowed or foreign language).

Words with opposite meanings (antonyms).

Words that are similar in sound and spelling, but have their own lexical meaning (homonyms)

Language vocabulary (lexis).

6.Which group of words belongs to the words water and water (paronyms)

Task 2. Think and say how you can guess what words are intended. Come up with sentences with these words and write them down.

1) It can be deep, shallow, porcelain, plastic.

2) They can walk, stand, rush, lag behind, hit.

3) These could be cucumbers, mushrooms, herring, sea.

Task 3. Fill in the table with words(slide 3):

Rasch..ska, kryzh..vnik, sh..gol, sh..colad, sh..mpol, hard..hard, ch..lick, f..shud, sh..rokh, sh..l, seamless, shield, hood..n.

Task 3. Translate these words into literary language (orally), (slide 4):
Sidekick, bro - friend, buddy.
Cool - good.

Homework - homework.

Chat - talk

To flee is to run away.

Try to talk.

To nap (sleep, rest).

Task 4. Define the word based on its lexical meaning:

Lemon color. (Citric. )

A puzzle consisting of an interlacing of rows of cells that are filled with words according to given values. (Crossword.)

Mentally imagine something. (Imagine .)

A clash of opinions and positions, during which each side argues for its understanding of the issues under discussion. (Dispute)

Task 5.

Working with the textbook P.35, page 122 Terms to remember. Give definitions to these concepts.

Single-valued and polysemantic words, thematic group, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, paronyms, phraseological units, catchwords.

Task 6. Replace native Russian borrowing words (orally), (slide 5):

Monster (monster)

Ornament (pattern)

presentation (performance)

space (Universe)

dialogue (conversation)

spelling (spelling)

Physical education minute

Stand on one leg

It's like you're a steadfast soldier,

Left leg to the chest,

Look, don't fall.

Now stand on the left,

It's like you're a brave soldier. -

Two claps overhead

Two claps in front of you,

Let's hide two hands behind our back

And let's jump on two legs.

Task 7. Captains competition. “Give me the answer to a riddle.”

1. It can be brewed either way. it takes a long time to sort out (the mess)

2. They hang him, there is something under him and they lead him around. (Nose .)

3. It wanders around in your head, is in your pocket, they advise you to look for it in the field (Wind .)

4. It can take you to Kyiv, you can bite it, something spins on it, you can hang it. (Language .)

5.They write on it with a pitchfork, they come out of it dry, they look into it (water)

6.They can be grinned and also placed on a shelf (teeth)

Task 8. Name the phraseological units shown in the pictures and explain their meaning

Shedding crocodile tears (false, fake)

White Crow (not like everyone else)

Good riddance (send on a long journey)

He hung his ears (allowed himself to be deceived)

Out of place (feeling awkward)

Like a cat and a dog (in constant quarrel)

Sleevelessly (casually, somehow)

Like a chicken paw (careless handwriting)

The sea is knee-deep (nothing scary)

Like water off a duck's back (it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter)

Nose to nose (close encounter)

Put your teeth on the shelf (starve)

The devil pulled his tongue (to say something wrong)

Don't spill the water (together)

Task 9.

Working with the textbook. P.35, page 122.Task 1.Write down pairs of words in groups:

1) synonyms; 2) antonyms; 3) words included in the same thematic group.

Shallow-deep, wooden-aluminum, eat-gobble, chair-chair, beginning-end, teacher-teacher, mother-grandmother, here-here, here-there.

Make up phrases with these words to “clarify” their meaning.

Task 2.

Answer the questions in the textbook.

Task 10 . Competition "Acting Skills".

2 participants from teams take turns using gestures to depict what is written on the card. Tasks on cards:

Lead by the nose. Bite your tongue, bite your tongue

Circle around your finger Lather your neck. The cat cried.

Task 11. Reinforcing the material (slides 13 to 15)

1. In which series are not all words antonyms?

A) high-low, far-close, good-bad.

B) walk-stand, be silent-scream, cry-sad.

C) thin-fat, sick-healthy, smart-stupid.

D) day-night, first-last, lazy-work.

2. Find a sentence with a phraseological turn.

A) Ivan did not work well in class.

B) During the lesson, Ivan worked carelessly.

B) Ivan did not complete the task.

D) Ivan was idle throughout the lesson.

3. In which sentence can the phraseological unit “from cover to cover” be used?

A) Olya feels good at the skating rink.

B) The student read the book to the end.

C) The death of Koshchei the immortal was at the end of a needle.

D) Ira blushed greatly.

4. In which row in all words is the letter a written in place of the gap?

A) Collect..paradise for a berry - collect..cut the box.

B) She told the kids to lock themselves up and not open the doors to anyone.

C) Man proposes, but God disposes.

D) Freeze from fright, die from delight.

5. Indicate the section of linguistics that studies vocabulary.

A) lexicology

B) syntax

B) phonetics

D) phraseology

Mutual verification.(slide 21)

VI. Summarizing.

What sections of the Russian language were discussed today?About vocabulary and phraseology.

What concepts from lexicology did we talk about today?

Guys, after our game lesson, why do you think we need to study Russian vocabulary?In order to enrich the vocabulary of the language, improve the grammatical structure of speech, in order to speak beautifully and correctly.

And our lesson will end with a poem by the wonderful poet Nikolai Ryle ncova:

Words burn like heat

Or they freeze like stones -


What did you give them?

How to approach them at the right time

I touched it with my hands.

And how much did I give them?

Warmth of soul.

VI. Grading.

D./z p. 35. terms that need to be remembered; p. 123, task 2 (test), task 3 create a phraseological unit by choosing the right word.