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Tourist services in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Administrative center : the city of Khanty-Mansiysk, founded in 1582.

District formed: December 10, 1930. According to the charter of the Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is part of the Tyumen region, but at the same time it is an equal subject Russian Federation.

Geographical position

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug borders the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tomsk region, Tyumen region, Sverdlovsk region and the Komi Republic.

The area of ​​the region is 534,801 sq km, the population is 1.6 million people (2016).

Climatic features

The climate of the district is temperate continental, characterized by rapid changes in weather conditions, especially during transition periods - from autumn to winter and from spring to summer. The formation of the climate is significantly influenced by the protection of the territory from the west by the Ural ridge and the openness of the territory from the north, facilitating the penetration of cold Arctic masses, as well as the flat nature of the area with a large number of rivers, lakes and swamps.

The average January temperature in the district ranges from -18-24C. The duration of the period with negative air temperatures can reach 7 months, from October to April. Frosts are not uncommon until mid-June. The warmest month of July is characterized by average temperatures from +15C (in the northwest) to +18.4C (in the southeast). The absolute maximum reaches 36C. The annual duration of sunshine in the district is 1600-1900 hours.

Tourist opportunities

Until 1940, Khanty-Mansiysk was called Ostyako-Vogulsk. Khanty-Mansiysk, like Moscow, stands on seven hills. Now it is, first of all, a mecca for alpine skiing. Professional biathlon competitions are held here, and there are also many tracks for amateur sports. The city has many hotels that can accommodate a number of tourists equal to the city's permanent population.

The city also has many opportunities for cultural tourism. One of the most famous museums that has been actively restored recently is the Museum of Nature and Man, founded in 1930. The museum has accumulated rich collections dedicated to the history of the region, the life and activities of indigenous peoples, nature, the Soviet period of history, the collection contains unique exhibits: animal remains Paleozoic era, manuscripts from the oldest monastery in Siberia. The museum also organizes visiting exhibitions and ethnographic expeditions. Now the museum has exhibitions dedicated to local traditions, as well as the impact of oil production on nature, conservation measures environment. The museum's exposition includes the "Archaeopark", located at the foot of the Samarovo outlier, where ancient rocks of the earth are exposed, and at the top there is a possible residence of Prince Samar. In the “Archaeopark” itself you can see a complex of bronze sculptures of a herd of mammoths, a rhinoceros, a cave bear and other prehistoric animals.

The study of history always involves not just observation, but also some immersion in the era and life. This opportunity is available to tourists who visit the “museum-estate of a rural merchant” in Selirovo. It is located in an artistic and architectural ensemble of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, and now the museum’s collection includes many ethnographic exhibits, as well as installations showing traditional life. The museum hosts master classes on ancient crafts.

The Torum Maa Museum-Reserve, opened in 1987, is also very popular. On the territory of the museum there is a cult place where the Khanty and Mansi, who have preserved the faith of their ancestors, worship their deities.

The Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug also offers tours for hunters, business card of which - pheasant hunting in the hunting grounds on the banks of the Gornaya River.

The Malaya Sosva State Nature Reserve was opened in 1976, and now its area is 225 thousand hectares. The fauna and flora of the reserve are very diverse and include many rare species. There are ecological trails throughout the reserve.


  • Archeopark (Khanty-Mansiysk)
  • Church of the Resurrection of Christ (Khanty-Mansiysk)
  • Museum of Nature and Man (Khanty-Mansiysk)
  • Saimaa Park (Surgut)
  • City Drama Theater (Nizhnevartovsk)
  • Museum of Geology, Oil and Gas (Khanty-Mansiysk)
  • Surgut Museum of Local Lore
  • Museum of the History of Russian Life (Nizhnevartovsk)
  • Surgut Art Museum

For more detailed information about the region, see the authorities’ online resources. state power subject of the Russian Federation.

Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region has significant recreational resources, which are expressed in the presence of various landscapes, from plains to mid-mountain relief (in the Subpolar Urals - with alpine features). The main tourist and recreational zones for the development of ecological tourism in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra are represented by the Western and Northern zones.

There are two state reserves here: “Yugansky” and “Malaya Sosva”, four natural parks: “Sibirskie Uvaly”, “Kondinskie Lakes”, “Samarovsky Chugas”, “Numto”, three reserves of federal significance: Verkhne-Kondinsky, Vaspukholsky, Elizarovsky and four - district significance: Sorumsky, Untorsky, "Vogulka", Berezovsky.

Natural parks have accumulated certain experience in organizing ecological and scientific tourism, equipped with ecological trails, a variety of exciting routes, environmental programs and tours, ecological and ethnographic expeditions that allow a sufficiently complete study of the ecosystem Autonomous Okrug and get acquainted with the sights of historical cultural heritage.

Tourist companies of the Autonomous Okrug, when developing excursion routes, include in their programs the most interesting and educational natural sites of the Autonomous Okrug.

The total number of tourists who visited natural parks in 2009 was 12.5 thousand people, which is 52% less than in 2010 (19.0 thousand people), and 70% less than in 2011. (21.3 thousand people). By creating and improving conditions for the development of ecological tourism in promising territories of the Autonomous Okrug (including the development of new attractive routes and infrastructure), this area of ​​tourism can provide an additional influx of tourists of over 30,000 people per year. To develop ecotourism, it is necessary to create legal and economic conditions for tourism companies to develop tourism infrastructure in natural parks and other specially protected areas. natural areas in Berezovsky, Sovetsky, Kondinsky, Beloyarsky, Khanty-Mansiysk and Nizhnevartovsky regions.

The historical and cultural potential of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra is an important competitive advantage of the tourism industry of the Autonomous Okrug. Travel for cultural and educational purposes accounts for about 19% of the domestic flow. In 2009, 74.6 thousand people visited the Autonomous Okrug for such purposes, which is 3.5% less than in 2010 (72.0 thousand people), and 1.8% more than in 2011 ( 76.0 thousand people)

Museum exhibitions of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra are able to provide a full-fledged attractive excursion program for guests and residents of the Autonomous Okrug.

In total, there are 36 museums and their branches on the territory of the Autonomous Okrug, including 4 state ones: the State Art Museum, the Museum of Geology, Oil and Gas, the Museum of Nature and Man and the Ethnographic Museum under open air"Torum Maa."

The territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra has been inhabited by indigenous peoples of the North (Khanty, Mansi and Nenets) for three millennia. In many ways, it is the original culture of the indigenous peoples of the North, rites and rituals, ethnic musical folklore, traditional trades and crafts that shape prospects for the development of ethnographic tourism in the Autonomous Okrug.

However, the current situation in the field of tourism in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug shows that the implemented set of government measures for the development of tourism infrastructure (providing grants to the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra) does not have a decisive influence on a positive change in the situation.

It is necessary to increase this government support for infrastructure development for various types tourism along with information support for domestic and inbound tourism, as well as improving the quality of services provided.

For the development of ecological tourism in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug there are the necessary recreational resources: more than 2000 rivers, over 800 plant species, 42 fish species, more than 50 mammal species, etc.

With the correct formation, adaptation and functioning of the ecotourism development model in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the following result should be expected:

Sustainable use of natural resources;

Ensuring the conservation of natural and cultural diversity;

Increasing the level of environmental education for visitors;

Saving costs for environmental protection measures;

Supporting the local economy through the tax base to attract businesses;

Participation of the local population in the development of tourism and their receipt of financial and other benefits from these activities.

Due to poorly developed tourism infrastructure, tourism business is hampered. However, with the development of the road network, the accessibility of wild corners of nature will increase, and their appearance will inevitably change. The attractiveness of such places for environmental tours will decrease. This process is well known to countries with developed mass tourism. It is necessary to think in advance about a possible and, most importantly, sufficient network of communications (highways, roads, trails) and service complexes. Preserve as much as possible the wild appearance of nature (including the feeling of inaccessibility of its remote corners), but at the same time give the opportunity to enjoy this wildness.

In 2018, the growth in the volume of tourist flows to Ugra will be 3% compared to 2017. In total, more than 2 million people have visited the district since 2016.

Ugra events are included in the top 200 most interesting events Russia in 2019,” the head of the district, Natalya Komarova, recalled at a meeting of the council under the governor of the autonomous district for the development of local self-government.

Thus, the coordinators of the project “National Calendar of Events”, based on the results of the competitive selection, celebrated the holiday “Reindeer Herder’s Day in the Village of Kazym” and the festival of arts, labor and sports “Samotlor Nights”. In the past year, a new brand project has been developed - the intermunicipal route “Golden Ugra”, which involves visiting tourist sites in 5 municipalities region. Two weeks ago it was presented to members of the committee for the implementation of import substitution programs of the expert council for tourism development under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

This is the result of the joint work of executive authorities, local governments, tour operators, and tourism industry enterprises of the Autonomous Okrug,” Natalya Komarova emphasized.

The head of the region proposed replicating this experience, preparing intermunicipal branded cultural and educational routes, and intensifying joint work to promote Ugra projects at the all-Russian and international levels.

In the concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, tourism is considered as an essential component of the innovative development of our country, the governor added.

Total, on this moment There are 2,203 tourism industry organizations in Ugra, including non-profit organizations. This year, eight new tourism facilities were introduced in the Autonomous Okrug, the press service of the Okrug government reports. Thus, in the village of Mezhdurechensky, Kondinsky district, construction of a ski base began. In the Nefteyugansk region, a roller ski track is being built in the village of Karkateevy. The opening of the facility is scheduled for 2019.

As part of the investment project “Museum and tourist complex “Gateway to Ugra””, a concept and preliminary design of the exhibition complex “Yugra House of Father Frost” was developed. In the village of Laryak, Nizhnevartovsk region, construction is underway on the Znamenskaya Church, which, together with the house-museum of Prokhor Kaidalov, forms an attractive complex for tourists.

Ethnographic, cultural, educational and event tourism, sports and business tourism are actively developing in the district; fishing and hunting tourism is gaining momentum in 5 municipalities. 218 programs are included in the register of tourist routes, tours and excursion programs of the Autonomous Okrug, available on the thematic website “Tourism in Ugra”. These include sightseeing tours, programs offered by museums, natural parks and recreation centers, as well as hikes, weekend tours, and intermunicipal tours.


There are many regions in Russia whose cultural and tourism potential has not yet been fully appreciated and fully developed. One of such regions, of course, is Ugra, or the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is located in the middle part of Russia. It occupies the central part of the West Siberian Plain. In the north, the district borders with the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, in the north-west - with the Komi Republic, in the south-west - with the Sverdlovsk region, in the south - with the Tobolsk and Uvat districts of the Tyumen region, in the south-east and east - with the Tomsk region and Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is known throughout the world, primarily as an oil and gas producing region. However, recently the authorities of Ugra have been making a lot of efforts to break this stereotype and promote themselves as a tourist destination. There are many objective prerequisites for such advancement. The district has huge natural reserves that contribute to the development of sports and health recreation; Ugra is a very interesting region from the point of view of archaeology, anthropology and ethnography, and it can become a true center for the development of ethnographic tourism. This determines the relevance of the work.

The purpose of the work is to study the potential of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug as a territory for the potential development of ethnographic tourism in Russia.

Job objectives:

) present scientific and informational essays about Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug;

) give a description of the tourist ethnographic route “Ugra Land”.

1. Scientific information essay about Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

a) The uniqueness of the district

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (KhMAO) is located in the middle part of Russia. It occupies the central part West Siberian Plain. In the north, the district borders with the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, in the north-west - with the Komi Republic, in the south-west with the Sverdlovsk region, in the south - with the Tobolsk and Uvat districts of the Tyumen region, in the south-east and east - with the Tomsk region and Krasnoyarsk Territory (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Location of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug on the map of Russia

The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is one of the most interesting territories of Russia. The historical name of this territory is Ugra. The area of ​​Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is 534.8 thousand square meters. km.

The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug today is a region with a rapidly growing population. As of January 1, 2005, the permanent population of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra amounted to 1,469.0 thousand people and increased by 12.5 thousand people compared to 2003. Due to the rapid development of the oil and gas industry over the past thirty years, the population of the district has increased by more than 1 million people. 1156.8 thousand people live in 16 cities of the district (78.7% of the total population). Population density - 2.7 people. per 1 sq. km. Urban population(including urban-type settlements) - 1334.9 thousand people.

The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug was formed on December 10, 1930 by a resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee as the Ostyak-Vogulsky National Okrug with its center in the village. Samarovo. It included 6 districts: Berezovsky, Kondinsky, Laryaksky, Samarovsky, Surgutsky, Shuryshkarsky. On January 17, 1934, the district was included in the Ob-Irtysh region, on December 7, 1934 - in the Omsk region. On July 4, 1937, the Shuryshkarsky district was transferred to the Yamalo-Nenets National District. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of October 23, 1940, the Ostyak-Vogul National District was renamed Khanty-Mansiysk. On August 14, 1944, it became part of the newly formed Tyumen region.

In accordance with the Constitution of the USSR, adopted on October 7, 1977, the Khanty-Mansiysk National Okrug received autonomous status and became known as the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993, the district became an equal subject of the Russian Federation. In 2003, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug was renamed the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra.

b) Natural environment

The relief of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is represented by a combination of plains, foothills and mountains. There are elevated plains (150-301 m), low plains (100-150 m), and lowlands (less than 100 m). In the floodplains of the Ob and Irtysh, absolute heights are 10-50 m. The Ural part of the district is characterized by mid-mountain relief. The length of the mountainous region is 450 km with a width of 30-45 km. Maximum altitudes: Narodnaya, 1894 m (Subpolar Urals) and Pedy, 1010 m (Northern Urals).

The climate in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is sharply continental. The average January temperature is from -18 to -24 degrees Celsius, the average July temperature is from +15.7 to +18.4 degrees. The annual rainfall in the district is from 400 to 550 mm. The height of the snow cover is from 50 to 80 cm. In July the maximum precipitation falls, about 15% of the annual amount.

The river network of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is formed by the Ob and Irtysh rivers, 12 of their tributaries (Northern Sosva, Konda, Vakh, Yugan, Kazym, Pim, Tromyegan, Agan, B. Salym, Lyapin, Lyamin, Nazim), as well as many small rivers. Total number There are about 30 thousand rivers in the district.

There are about 290 thousand lakes in the district with an area of ​​more than 1 hectare. The large category (with an area of ​​over 100 sq. km) includes Kondinsky Sor, Leushinsky Tuman, Vandemtor and Tromemtor.

The soil cover is very diverse. In riverine drained areas, a podzolic soil-forming process develops. In watersheds with weak surface and ground flow, semi-hydromorphic soils predominate, which in the central part are usually replaced by swamps. On rocks of heavy mechanical composition, gley soils and gley-podzolic soils are found, on sandy and sandy loam rocks - illuvial-iron, illuvial-iron-humus and illuvial-humus podzols. For the floodplain of the river. The Ob is characterized by a complex combination of alluvial, turf, meadow and swamp soils. In the mountainous part, tundra, coarse humus, fragmentary and mountainous primitive organic-crushed soils are common.

The vegetation is represented by communities of forests, swamps, meadows, reservoirs, and mountain tundra. The forest cover of the district is 52.1%. The middle taiga zone dominates. It is represented by dark-coniferous, light-coniferous, small-leaved and mixed forests. Spruce, cedar, larch, fir, and pine grow in them. Meadow vegetation is confined to the floodplains of rivers and lowlands. All in. In the areas, lichen communities are common and used as reindeer pastures. Forests and swamps are rich in fruit and food species of vegetation: cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries, currants, cloudberries, raspberries, rose hips, bird cherry, rowan.

The fauna of the district consists of fox, arctic fox, squirrel, sable, marten, ermine, weasel, polecat, mink, weasel, otter, hare, mole, chipmunk, wild reindeer, elk, etc. Birds: geese, geese, wood grouse, black grouse, hazel grouse, partridges, ducks, waders. The reservoirs are home to 42 species of fish, including highly valuable commercial fish - sturgeon, sterlet, nelma, muksun, whitefish (schokur), cheese peled), whitefish (pyzhyan), Sosvinskaya herring (tugun).

The main mineral resources are oil and gas. Most large deposits oil and gas - Samotlorskoye, Fedorovskoye, Mamontovskoye, Priobskoye. Placer gold, vein quartz and collection raw materials are mined in the district. Deposits of brown and hard coal have been discovered. Deposits of iron ore, copper, zinc, lead, niobium, tantalum, manifestations of bauxite, etc. have been discovered. Deposits of decorative stone, brick-expanded clay, and construction sand are being prepared for development. Within the Urals, on the territory of the district, rocks with high filtration and sorption properties. These include zeolite-containing rocks, volcanic formations, etc. Among other things, operational reserves of mineral (iodine-bromine) waters have been explored and approved in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

c) Historical path

The first evidence of the Russian conquest of the lands of Ugra dates back to the 12th-13th centuries. In the chronicles, this time is marked by frequent campaigns of Novgorodians to Ugra to collect tribute - the fur of sables, ermines, arctic foxes and squirrels.

The legendary campaigns of Ermak had a huge influence on the process of joining Ugra to the Moscow state. Having defeated Khan Kuchum and occupied the capital of the Siberian Khanate Isker, Ermak at the end of winter 1583 sent a small detachment of Cossacks down the Irtysh. The detachment, led by the Pentecostal Bogdan Bryazga (according to other sources, ataman Nikita Pan), having passed through the lands of the Kondinsko-Pelym Voguls, approached the “walls” of the Samarov town. Caught by a sudden attack by the Cossacks, the Ostyaks retreated. The prince of the Belogorsk principality, Samar, was also killed. A little later, after the death of Ermak, in the fall of 1585, the Cossacks, under the leadership of governor Ivan Mansurov, founded the first Russian fortified settlement - the Ob town - at the mouth of the Irtysh on the right bank of the Ob River. Thus, the Mansi and Khanty lands of Ugra became part of the Russian state.

The Ugra towns that appeared in the Ob North began to serve as places of trade. On the busiest routes, special stations for changing horses - “pits” - appeared. In 1637, two pits were built - Demyansky and Samarovsky. On the basis of the latter, over time, the city of Khanty-Mansiysk grew, which today has become the center of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

d) Uniqueness of culture and art

Today, on the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra state security There are 4,705 cultural heritage sites. All of them are unique, and some are truly unique. These are, in particular, the Kazymsky (Yuilsky) fort, the Emder Settlement and Barsova Gora.

Archaeological-ethnographic complex Kazymsky (Yuilsky) fort(Fig. 2) is located in the lower reaches of the river. Von-Voshyugan left tributary of the river. Kazym, downstream of the river. Kazym from the modern village of Yuilsk.

Rice. 2. Kazymsky (Yuilsky) fort

The existence of a fort on Kazym is evidenced by sources from the 18th century. Thus, in 1748, the Berezovsky voivodeship office reported to the highest authorities about the number of Cossacks stationed “at the maintenance of the forts to protect the Yasash Ostyaks from the thieves’ Samoyed” and noted, in particular, that there were four Cossacks in the Kazymsky fort. Actually, this document allowed historians to establish the authenticity of the existence on Kazym not of an abstract stronghold, but of a very concrete one - a fort.

In 2008 G.P. Vedmid conducted comprehensive topographic and archaeological surveys, during which it became clear that the Kazymsky (Yuilsky) fort is an object consisting of at least three components: a fortified Russian locality- Kazymsky fort fort; ancient Khanty (Nenets) settlement - the Yuilsky town settlement; The Voshn Aki sanctuary, which is in operation today and is especially revered among the local indigenous Khanty population. This allowed scientists to conclude that the monument is valuable both from the point of view of historical, scientific, and from the point of view of its further popularization and use. In particular, graphic and full-scale reconstructions for the purpose of organizing educational tourism.

Another unique historical and architectural monument on the territory of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is Emder settlement, located in the vicinity of the city of Nyagan. At one time, Emder was a real principality, the borders of which adjoined the left bank of the Ob, in particular the basin of the Endyr River and the Endyrskaya channel. From the south and west, Emder bordered on the Principality of Kondin. The Principality of Emder lost its independence to end of XVI century. IN historical sources The principality of Emder is mentioned in connection with the campaigns of the troops of Ermak and the governor Ivan Mansurov. But in addition to written (documentary) sources, there are oral sources - folk legends, tales and epics glorifying the military and love exploits of the brave princes of Emder.

Today, archaeological excavations are being carried out on the territory of the Emder settlement. The surveys already carried out have shown that the settlement is distinguished by skillfully made defensive structures, a developed infrastructure of foundry, blacksmithing, and bone-carving production. This place is especially interesting because here you can see with your own eyes the storage sheds, ovens, sacrificial places of the Khanty and Mansi, take part in the Crow and Bear festivals, admire pagan dances, and try fresh venison. In winter, safaris on reindeer sleds and motor sleighs are held on the territory of the complex. But the most important thing that is available here is an acquaintance with living carriers of the unique cultures of the Khanty and Mansi.

A unique archaeological monument located on the territory of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is also Barsova Gora. This most valuable cultural heritage site is located 8-15 km west of the city of Surgut and is a unique archaeological complex not only in scale Western Siberia, but also the Russian Federation as a whole. In fact, the archaeological sites of Barsovaya Mountain represent a “layer cake” containing diverse information on the settlement of the middle Ob region over seven millennia. The earliest archaeological sites date back to the Neolithic era; traces of all later eras are also clearly visible here, including archaeological sites of the 18th-19th centuries and even ethnographic sites of the early 20th century (settlements, sanctuaries, traces of hunting traps). Currently, a museum-reserve is being created on Barsovaya Mountain.

In addition to these large historical and archeological monuments, there are many others on the territory of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. As researchers note, the heritage of the Ugra land is represented mainly by archaeological and ethnocultural objects; Of the 4,000 objects registered, archaeological monuments make up 94%, memorial sites - 3%, historical monuments - 2%, architectural - 1%. These circumstances determine the specifics of the development of historical, cultural and ethnographic tourism in the district.

A special object of the cultural heritage of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is the original traditional culture of the Khanty and Mansi - semi-sedentary hunters and fishermen who, from time immemorial, were engaged in reindeer herding in the north, and cattle breeding in the south.

e) Features of modern life

The specifics of the district's economy are associated with the discovery of rich oil and gas fields here. In the sectoral structure of industrial production, the oil and gas industry makes up 89.4%, electric power - 5.5%, mechanical engineering and metalworking - 2.4%, gas processing - 1.6%, logging and woodworking - 0.24%, manufacturing building materials- 0.24%, food - 0.17%, oil refining - 0.1%.

The Okrug is the main oil and gas bearing region of Russia and one of the largest oil producing regions in the world, it is one of the donor regions of Russia and is a leader in a number of key economic indicators:

I place - in terms of industrial production volume;

1st place - in oil production;

I place - in electricity production;

2nd place - in gas production;

2nd place - by volume investment in fixed capital.

Natural conditions The districts are not conducive to agricultural development. Therefore, most agricultural and food products are imported from other regions of Russia.

. Description of the tourist route “Ugra Land”

a) Overview map of the area

Main route points - direction of movement

b) Brief information about the route and its points

The tour “Land of Yugorsk” is educational, ethnographic.

Type - internal.

The age of tourists is adults.

Duration - 3 days / 2 nights.

The main points of the route are: Khanty-Mansiysk, Nefteyugansk and Surgut.

1. Khanty-Mansiysk

Khanty-Mansiysk is a city with amazing story. It is believed that he has three dates of birth: the first is 1637 (the formation of Samarovsky Yam), the second is 1931 (the beginning of the construction of the district center of Ostyako-Vogulsk), the third is 1950 (the formation of the city of Khanty-Mansiysk by merging the village of Ostyako-Vogulsk and the village of Samarovo). The official date of birth of the city was recently approved. It was decided: the city's chronology should begin in 1637, from the moment of the founding of the first settlement on the territory of the modern city - Samarovsky Yama.

The architecture of Khanty-Mansiysk is reminiscent of the harsh nature of the North. Many buildings appear to be made of ice. Among them is the Theater and Concert Complex, which gives the impression of a huge ice figure. On the other hand, there are many buildings in a wide variety of architectural styles - from classicism to neoclassicism. The church was restored in the Baroque style of the 18th century.

The Samarovsky Chugas park, which is a dense green area, is scattered throughout the city. In the center of the city lies the park named after B. Losev, or as it is also called Victory Park. It is interesting with a birch grove starting at the main entrance.

In Khanty-Mansiysk there is a house-museum of the People's Artist of the USSR V.A. Igosheva. From the 1950s to the 90s, the main theme of his work was the North in all its diversity. Paintings depicting the life and traditions of the northern peoples, as well as the majestic nature of this region are exhibited here.

Gallery-workshop of the artist G.S. Raisheva takes tourists into the world of modern symbolism. The North in Raishev’s depiction looks simple and tempting. At the same time, the artist conveys all the mystery and originality of the region.

The main objects of display during the sightseeing tour of Khanty-Mansiysk:

1)Memorial in Victory Park dedicated to the district’s soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War. The memorial was opened in Khanty-Mansiysk on the eve of the 55th anniversary. It is located in the very center of Victory Park. Once upon a time, in the distant 30s, the fathers and grandfathers of today’s Khantymansi residents “laid out” a park, planted white-trunked birches and named it a garden. A.S. Pushkin. And in April 1970, the Council of Reserve Officers decided to lay a monument here to fellow countrymen who did not return from the war. The updated memorial, dressed in marble and granite, has become more beautiful and majestic. Busts of Heroes are located along the Walk of Fame Soviet Union. On them are the names of the famous fellow countrymen of the modern residents of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

2)Monument to P.I. Loparev, hero civil war(Kominterna street - Komsomolskaya).

4)Monument to those who died during the years Stalin's repressions(Mira St.).

5)Monument to students and teachers of the pedagogical school who died during the Great Patriotic War (territory of the pedagogical college).

6)Monument to fish factory workers who died during the Great Patriotic War (fish factory territory).

7)The building of the district center of traditional folk culture and leisure activities (K. Marx St., 11).

8)SPTU-43 building (Lenin St., 51).

9)House of P.I. Lopareva (Kirova St., 38).

A visit to Khanty-Mansiysk includes a visit to the ethnographic park-museum “Torum Maa”, which was founded on October 30, 1987 on the initiative of famous Ugric poets and writers Yuvan Shestalov and Eremey Aipin. "Torum Maa" is an open-air museum recreating the estate of the Khanty people. For residential, commercial and religious buildings located on the territory of the museum, it is possible to compile visual representation about all the richness and originality of the spiritual culture and way of life of the Ob-Ugric peoples, who possessed the secrets of harmonious coexistence with the harsh climate and wild nature.

The museum exposition is represented by three thematic complexes:

“Summer camp of the Khanty river. Agana" (summer house, utility and hunting sheds, smokehouse, bread oven, maternity hospital, fire pit),

“Winter settlement of the northern Mansi” (winter house, utility and hunting storage sheds, outbuildings for keeping livestock),

“Sanctuary of the Ob Ugrians” (a consecrated storage shed - hurray, seven sacred idols depicting heroes - Otyrs, created by the artist G.S. Raishev).

Today, the Torum Maa Museum is a center for holding folk festivals: bear games, crow festivals, and performances by folk ensembles.

2. Nefteyugansk

The city of Nefteyugansk is located 250 km east of Khanty-Mansiysk, within the Middle Ob Lowland, on the Ob and its channel Yuganskaya Ob. The city arose from the village of Ust-Balyk, and received its name from its location at the confluence of the river. Balyk in the Yuganskaya Ob channel. The growth of the village began in the 1960s after the discovery and development of the Ust-Balyk oil field in 1961. In 1964 it was transformed into an urban-type settlement, and in 1967 it received the status of a city with the name Nefteyugansk.

Over the past decades, the city has developed as the main oil production base of the Middle Ob region. Today Nefteyugansk is the center of a large oil-producing region with a developed industrial base, a network of transport, utilities, trade and cultural services. The main enterprise that determines the city's economy is OJSC Yuganskneftegaz, whose activities cover the territory of three regions: the cities of Nefteyugansk and Pyt-Yakh, as well as the Nefteyugansk region.

The main objects of display during the sightseeing tour of Nefteyugansk:

1) Well R-62- a monument to the initial years of development of the oil riches of the Yugan land. Well R-62 is the first gush of oil, which opened a new page in the history of the development of this territory. Drilling of the R-62 well was completed in September 1961. The well was built by the team of master Lagutin. No one could say with certainty whether there would be oil or whether the horizons would turn out to be aquifers, but the 22nd Congress of the CPSU was about to begin its work, and everyone wanted to give a real gift for this day - to discover an oil field. On October 10, tests began on the R-62. 24-hour communication was established with the drilling rig. A few hours later a dispatch arrived: “Water with a film of oil was received at the facility...”. Then another message comes: “The well is being purged with a compressor.” A few more minutes later, a message from Ust-Balyk: “The well is gushing with oil, visually the flow rate is 300 tons...”. Thus, a gift to the congress was made.

2) "Piglet" is the name often used in Nefteyugansk for the place in the coastal area of ​​the city where the first landing of geologists and builders landed in 1961. Here, on the high bank of the Yugansk Ob, on a small patch of solid land, surrounded by taiga and swamps, the only place suitable for construction, the assembly of houses began on the first street of the village. In the early 1960s, the residential, administrative and shopping center of the village was located on the “patch”. Today, the territory of “Piglet” has changed a lot. The Ob cultural center and the registry office building are located in this area. On the embankment a place has been allocated for the construction of the historical and architectural complex “Museum of the Ob River”, dedicated to the history of the formation of the city of Nefteyugansk and the development of the oil and gas complex.

3) Stele "Youth" -a sculptural personification of the city’s youth, installed in honor of the fifth anniversary of the city of Nefteyugansk in 1973. The stele represents a granite girl with a cup in her raised hands. Located near the House of Culture "Youth".

4) Stele of the first Ust-Balyk oil- a monument on the right side of the Yuganskaya Ob River. The stela is dedicated to the significant event when the first Ust-Balyk oil was obtained on May 26, 1964. The shape of the stele consists of thin metal pipes directed into the sky, painted white, which at an eight-meter height are divided into three plumes. With its shape, the stele symbolizes an oil fountain.

5) Monument to the "Warrior-Liberator"- a monument erected in the city center in honor of the 40th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

6) Monument to Ermak Timofeevich. It is a marble stele with the inscription: “To the Ataman of Siberia Cossack army Ermak Timofeevich from grateful descendants - Cossacks and Orthodox parishioners of Nefteyugansk." The monument was erected on the territory of the Holy Spiritual Orthodox Church in tribute to the memory of the development and annexation of the Siberian land to the Russian State.

The ethnographic nature of the tour implies walking tour V Yurts Punsi- a complex of traditional economic and residential buildings, fishing and religious objects of the Yugan Khanty group, located near Lake Bolshoye Kayukovo. In the vicinity of the lake today live several families who lead a traditional economy and have preserved the national way of life. There are also several archaeological sites in the lake area. The most interesting of them is Kayukovo 2, a settlement (fortified settlement) of the Neolithic era. The charred remains of wooden structures are well preserved in the cultural layer of the monument, which makes it possible to reconstruct this object with maximum reliability. Today it is almost the only identified Stone Age settlement in Western Siberia. Research of this monument will provide important information on the history of settlement of the Ob North. Currently, work is underway on a project to preserve traditional buildings and create an exposition of the ethnographic settlement of the Yugan Khanty in the vicinity of Lake Bolshoye Kayukovo.

3. Surgut and Surgut region

The Surgut district is the largest in the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug in terms of population and industrial production. Its area is 105 thousand square kilometers. The administrative center of the district is the city of Surgut, one of the first Russian cities in Siberia. Founded in 1594 on the site of the Ostyak fortress. The city received its name from the nearby channel of the Ob, Surguntl-Mukhet, where the word “mukhet” means “channel”, and the first part of the hydronym is the Khanty personal name Surgut. In the 17th-18th centuries. Surgut was one of the centers of Russian colonization of Western Siberia. From the end of the 18th century. became a county town, and later a village. In 1804-1867 faded so much that it lost the status of a city. However, since 1868, the second stage of the development of Surgut begins, it again becomes a city. In 1926, there was an outflow of population from the city, and due to its small population, it was again transformed into a village. With the opening in the 1950-60s. rich oil and gas fields, Surgut once again began to grow rapidly and since 1965 it is again considered a city.

Surgut is the center of the Surgut region of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Found on its territory a large number of archaeological sites; remains of ancient fortresses, settlements, burials. The most famous is the complex of monuments in the Barsova Gora tract, 30 kilometers west of Surgut. Objects of excursion inspection in Surgut:

) Architectural monument - “House of the merchant Klepikov”. The house was built in late XIX century. It is a merchant estate. Restorers returned the house to its historical layout, recreated the door and window openings in their original form, and 70% of the unique wooden carvings. The museum has an exhibition that includes more than 300 household items of the Siberian merchants.

) Monument to the founders of the city of Surgut

) Monument to A.S. Pushkin

) Memorial of Glory

) Small sculptural forms at the Stroitel State Cultural and Cultural Center

) Sculptural composition “Pegasus”

The ethnographic nature of the tour also includes a visit to an archaeological site "Barsova Gora", located near Surgut. Many archaeological monuments have been found here, from the Stone Age to modern times, incl. the remains of 60 ancient settlements, a series of unfortified settlements, about 2000 dwellings, 5 burial grounds, as well as sanctuaries of the ancient Khanty. On the territory of the monument, tourists will be able to get acquainted with the architecture of the northern peoples: the storage shed as a characteristic national element of construction; a stove made of clay and other objects of historical and cultural heritage.

c) Entertaining local history

KHMAO - region with rich history. It is known and glorified by many cultural figures - natives of the district, including, in particular, Yuvan Shestalov and Eremey Aipin.

Yuvan Nikolaevich Shestalov(Fig. 3) - the same age as Mansi writing, one of the most prominent representatives of this amazing people, a famous Mansi poet and prose writer.

Rice. 3. Yu.N. Shestalov

Mansiysk Tourist Autonomous Okrug

Yuvan Shestalov was the first in the history of his people to turn to the richest treasures of ancient Mansi tales, legends, and songs. Before him, none of the writers tried to process them, to introduce them into modern verse. Shestalov set himself the goal of breathing “a living soul” into ancient legends, to make sure that in a modern poem they do not look like frozen museum ethnographic exhibits, so that legends and songs, without losing their ancient, hoary history, sound modern, helping the knowledge of existence, knowledge of moral, philosophical, social problems our time.

Currently, Yu. Shestalov lives in St. Petersburg; since 1991, he has been publishing the magazine “Sterkh”. The vocation of the magazine, as conceived by the creator, is to bring together all the peoples of the Finno-Ugric group, showing the originality of each.

Another no less famous native of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Eremey Danilovich Aipin.(Fig. 4). Born into the family of a Khanty hunter on June 27, 1948 in the village of Variegan, Surgut (Nizhnevartovsk) district of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

Rice. 4. E.D. Aipin

Published in the magazines “October”, “Neva”, “Youth”, “Ural”, “Siberian Lights”; in the newspapers “Literary Russia”, “Moscow News”, etc. Some of his stories have been translated into English, Hungarian, Spanish, and Japanese.

The Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is the historical place of residence of the Mansi people.

Short phrasebook of Mansi:

Os Yomas Ulum! - Goodbye!

Pussyn Yomassyg Vos Oly! - Everything is fine!

Kantlyn Manyl Poiten - Sorry!

A-A - Yes.ti - No.

Yomasyakweg Taepyalen! - Bon appetit!

Pumasipa! - Thank you!

Nan Mansi Latnyl Potyrtegyn? - Do you speak Mansi language?

Encyclopedia of Mansi life:

National Costume:traditional women's clothing Mansi is represented by a dress, a swinging satin or cloth robe, and a fur coat. The national men's costume consists of a shirt, trousers, close-up clothing with a hood made of cloth or deer skins (malitsa, goose).

Kitchen:Traditional Mansi dishes were prepared from dried, dried, fried, frozen fish and meat.

Settlements and dwellings:The Mansi led a semi-sedentary lifestyle, moving from one fishing area to another in different seasons of the year. Settlements were permanent (winter) and seasonal (at fishing grounds). Traditional housing in summer is conical birch bark tents or quadrangular huts made of poles covered with birch bark, in winter - rectangular log houses, among reindeer herders - covered with plague skins. The dwelling was heated and lit by a chuval - an open hearth made of poles coated with clay. To bake bread, clay ovens were built far from homes.

Mansi traditions

Occupations and trades:Mansi's traditional occupation is hunting. On the Ob and in the lower reaches of Northern Syusva, in the upper reaches of Lozva, Lyapin and Northern Sosva, reindeer herding is widespread. It was borrowed from the Nenets in the 13th-14th centuries. Some Mansi groups have developed agriculture and cattle breeding, as well as poultry breeding. The Mansi moved on boats (sometimes with birch bark tops), skis, sleds (in dog and reindeer sleds), and in some areas - on sleighs or special horse-drawn sleds.

Mansi families:families were large (from several married couples) and small (from one couple). The form of marriage was mainly patrilocal, when the wife went to her husband's group. The phenomena of survivalist matrilocality also persisted (for some time the husband could live in his wife’s family).

Mansi holidays and rituals:

The most famous festival among the Mansi, as well as among the Khanty, is the bear festival. Many modern celebrations are dedicated to dates Orthodox calendar. Of the spring holidays, the most significant is Urine Hotel Ekva - Crow Day, celebrated on the Annunciation (April 7). It is believed that on this day the crow brings spring and acts as the patroness of women and children. This holiday is associated with the desire for the reproduction of life, the well-being of the family, primarily children.

At the end of May - beginning of June, the Mansi celebrate the days of fishermen, hold competitions on boats, lighting a fire, sacrifices, shared meals, shamanic rituals in order to find out what time the fish will appear and in what places it is best to catch it.

The Mansi autumn holidays, primarily Pokrov (October 14), are associated with hunting, especially with the beginning of fur hunting. The most revered among reindeer herders is Elijah’s Day (August 2), which coincides with the end of the reindeer’s molt.

Myths and legends of Mansi:

The mythological picture divides the Mansi world into three tiers. On the upper tier is Torum, the personification of heaven, the root cause of good. People live on the middle tier - the earth. Lower tier - underworld dark and evil forces.

Mansi folklore:

The folklore of the Mansi people is very extensive and diverse. A significant part of it consists of legends and traditions. One of them is presented below.

Mansi legend

A long time ago, when deer were not yet friends with people, when the Khanty and Mansi did not travel, did not fly, but walked through forests and swamps, got food for themselves, and wise ancient old people used to say: “If you don’t walk, you won’t chew, if you don’t walk, you won’t eat.” “- at the top of the Naidennaya River there was a camp of the ancient Mansi. Everyone in the camp had children; only one family was not sent children by the spirits. For a long time, the husband and wife asked the spirits to send them a child.

And so, when their life was moving towards old age, like day towards evening, their daughter was born. The parents began to think about what to name her.

“I wish I could choose a name that would bring her happiness,” the mother thought out loud. - Call it a party, or what? However, evening is a time for rest and sleep, lest our daughter grow up lazy and sleepy.

“Don’t be afraid, mother,” said the father. - Morning begins in the evening. Let's call it the Party, maybe my daughter will see the light of dawn in her life in the evening.

“You, father, are into fairy tales,” the mother objected.

“Our fairy tales also begin in the evening around bright fires,” answered the father. - And after fairy tales, you have beautiful dreams, strength increases in your arms and legs, your shoulders become strong, your back bends less towards the ground. Let the Party be for people an evening fairy tale with a hot living fire in the heart, let it warm people's hearts with its warmth.

The mother agreed. She took her baby and carried it to the fire to show it to everyone.

The old wise woman looked at the girl for the longest time, and then said:

My people, this girl is not like the children I have seen. On her face, as in the sky, two dawns converge - evening and morning. She will bring us all a lot of joy.

The Mansi, delighted by the words of the wise woman, perked up and began to sing and dance around the fire. Only Kompolen - the Swamp Spirit got angry and ran through the swamps and forests with a wild scream and squeal. He flew into trees - the trees broke and groaned and fell dead to the ground. The birds got scared and scattered in different directions. The animals ran away to different places,1 and the fish lay down at the bottom of the river.

Kompolen, the Swamp Spirit, scared everyone away: he couldn’t stand it when people were happy.

The fire went out, and the people’s joy also went out. Life became difficult. The Mansi walked from morning to evening through the forests and urmans, looking for animals, but found few. The Party had already grown up and began to go hunting, but the hunt was still poor and unsuccessful.

One day Vecherina was returning from hunting and came across a small, weak fawn in the forest. He lay with his legs stretched out and his head thrown back, like a broken twig in a drought. The party realized that the fawn's mother had died somewhere. The girl took him and carried him home. I walked for a long time, I was very tired. It was hard to walk with a living cargo, but joyful.

He walks and whispers:

Live, baby, live. I'll bring it home, give it some water, and you'll get better.

Ukha replaced milk for the fawn, he began to rise to his feet and eat juicy grass. And when he was completely strong, Vecherina began to take him to the best feeding places. She grazes all day, and in the evening she lights a smoke, sits on a tree stump, and the deer lies down at her feet. The party sings soft lullabies to him. The smoke drives away mosquitoes, the gentle song induces sleep. The fawn closes its eyes. And Vecherina strokes the bumps on his head with a warm palm and sings about it. What her elder mother, the Earth, taught her, and what her younger mother, rocking her, sang:

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,

I sing a quiet song.

Sleep, dear little deer,

Gain strength.

Your legs will be strong

Horns will also grow.

Like pine trees, branchy,

Like the sun, radiant:

Lower your eyelashes -

You will have a dream,

You go through the forest to people -

You carry the sun on your feet.

Let the horns grow

Not from evil, but from good.

The fawn was already fast asleep, and the Party sang and sang. The birches, half asleep, sang along with her, the golden pines quietly played along. Only the restless aspen leaves trembled and quietly whispered to each other:

Oh, the evil Spirit Kompolen would not have heard these songs.

Owl overheard their whispers and groaned loudly:

Boo Boo Boo! Do not be afraid of the villain: the swallows plugged his ears and caulked him with earth.

The deer is sleeping, the earth is sleeping, and the clouds have long since laid down on the dark sides. The wind dozed off in the forest under the trees. Only the breezes fly quietly over the fawn, over the Party - listening to the song. Then the little winds took the quiet song and the smoke from the smoker into their palms and carried it throughout the forests and distributed it to the animals.

And the animals reached out to the smoker and the Party. The deer came first, followed by the moose. The bear came and turned its nose to the smoker.

For many days, the Party hosted animals at the smoker, protected them from mosquitoes and sang songs to them. The deer got stronger, became happier, ran with the fawns and elk, frolicked, butted heads - he tried his hand.

Whether it lasted long or short, only that time passed. The fawn was fed, water was given to him to drink, the rains washed him, the snow was whitened, and the winds taught him courage. He became an adult, strong, handsome. He didn’t walk in a herd, but floated like a white, clean cloud.

Now he not only came to the smoker himself in the evenings, but also brought many friends. And Vecherina spent the whole day collecting dry stumps and tree mushrooms, laying out many smokestacks, and lulled everyone to sleep with a quiet, heartfelt song.

Summer passed, autumn came, white snowflake mosquitoes began to swirl. Evening’s heart became cold. I thought: her deer friends would leave her. Who will she sing lullabies to? The smart White Deer understood her, came up, touched her hands and cheeks with his warm lips, as if he said: “We will be with you, my sister, just call.”

The party was happy, thanked White Deer, then she put on a harness embroidered with patterns, decorated the antlers with bright ribbons, sat down on a light sledge, and took a carved trochee (a long pole used to control deer) in her hands. The White Deer pushed off the ground with its light, strong legs and soared high, high into the sky. And he floated across the sky like a soaring bird, lightly touching the sky with the branches of decorated antlers - the stripes in the sky from the deer antlers swayed. Vecherina extended her hand, touched them - and the stripes came to life, sparkled, flared up with the bright living colors of the northern lights.

An iridescent multicolor of colors embraced the icy Mansi land, penetrated into the huts through small windows covered with frosted Mansi bubbles instead of glass, illuminated the dark corners of the low huts, and illuminated the Mansi faces yearning for the light with joy. It filled their hearts with joy and called them under the colored sky, into the bitter cold.

The Mansi ran out into the street and saw the Party and its White Deer under the rainbow sky. And they slowly swam under the blazing stripes, easily touching them, like the strings of an ancient sankvaltap (string musical instrument), giving birth to colorful music. The music flowed like a flood across the sky, rolled down to the ground and brought joy to the Mansi.

Since those long, long ago, on frosty nights, when the northern sky lights up with a multi-colored glow, the Mansi have a holiday: they go out into the street to dance, and the Party swirls invisibly with them.


1.Barsova Gora: 110 years of archaeological research. Surgut, 2002.

2.Gorshkov S.V., Popov N.N. On the issue of the beginning of the archaeological study of Barsova Gora // Barsova Gora: 110 years of archaeological research / ed. AND I. Trufanova, Yu.P. Chemyakina. Surgut, 2002.

Pearl of the Ob region: Surgut region. Surgut, 1996

Kokosov N.M. Khanty-Mansiysk National District: (Essay on nature and economy). - Sverdlovsk, 1956.

Leonov S. The Heritage of Ugra // Our Heritage. 2007. No. 83-84. pp. 31-33.

Morozov V.V., Shatunov N.V. Archaeological heritage of the Surgut region: to history scientific research// Barsova Gora: 110 years of archaeological research / ed. AND I. Trufanova, Yu.P. Chemyakina. Surgut, 2002.

Peoples of Siberia: Ethnographer. feature article. M.; L., 1956.

Pokazaniev F.Ya. An ancient city, a glorious city. Surgut, 1994.

Polyakov S. A Country Called North // First of September. 2000. No. 10.

Regions of Russia. Main characteristics of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: statistical collection. M.: Goskomstat of Russia, 2003.

The problem of tourism development every year worries the district government more and more, this is evidenced by numerous resolutions

The Tourism Committee of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (KhMAO-Yugra) has developed a regional target program for tourism development for 2007-2012.

The regional target program for the development of tourism in the Autonomous Okrug for 2007-2012 was created with the aim of forming a competitive tourism and recreational industry in Ugra.

The main objectives of the program were: the formation of a modern and effective mechanism for managing the tourism industry of the district, the development of the material base of tourism by attracting Russian and foreign investments for the reconstruction and construction of new vacation spots, the creation of traditional tourist centers in Khanty-Mansiysk, Surgut and the development of new areas in the western and the central part of the region, which have extensive natural, historical and cultural potential.

The main consumer of tourism services in Ugra are the residents of the district - 1.5 million people. And all projects are focused specifically on domestic tourism. The district's territory is large; people living in the east of the district have never been to the west and vice versa. Yes, of course, the tourism business will develop, and the number of foreign tourists will grow. But it is necessary to assess the situation pragmatically and rely on domestic tourists.

The main task is to make the stay of tourists in the area attractive and useful. And this is already being done. Today, people from the south of the Tyumen region are already frequent guests in hospitals, hunting and fishing grounds, as well as at those major cultural and sporting events that are held here.

Business tourism is also developing. This is a very attractive type of tourism for our region and therefore much attention is paid to it. The dynamics here is 25% annually. If it started with a figure of 170 thousand tourists, then last year there were already 500 thousand.

There is another important area - health. In this regard, a whole project “Resorts of Ugra” has been created in the district. Wellness centers are based on natural mineral resources, thermal mineral waters, mud and so on. There is a lot of this in the area and, moreover, of excellent quality.

Next year, the formation of a winter sports center with the most exotic species will be almost completed. So the district will have all the conditions to come here, get healthy and engage in active recreation. It can be concluded that the district government pays great importance development of tourism in the district. This is evidenced by the adopted program/


What should a city have for it to become a tourist center?

Yugorsk is located in the west of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. The city has many advantages for creating a tourist center in it. Firstly convenient location: the city has railway and through it there is a connection with the mainland, the airport is 15 km away. you can get from the city and from Moscow in just 4 hours, this is very convenient for tourists from Western Europe. In 2 years, a highway will be opened and access to the Sverdlovsk region will appear.

The city has several hotels for tourists, and there are rooms in these hotels for every taste. Guests of the city are offered rooms from 500 rubles and above to rooms higher categories. The following hotels operate in the city today: “Kedr”, “Sibirskaya”, “Yugorsk”, “Sportivnaya” and others. Tourists can stay in 1-, 2-, 3-bed rooms.

Meals can also be arranged at top level. Tourists can be offered restaurants, cafes, and canteens. The menu is offered to choose from according to the wishes of each tourist.

The city has everything for various excursions. Tourists are invited to visit the temple, museum, “Amarant”, TV and radio company “NORD”, New building of GAZPROMTRANSGAZYUGORSK, open-air museum “Suevat Paul” and much more.

For recreation there are the necessary sports facilities. There are also enough of them and they are for every age and taste: from sports games to skiing and skating at any time of the year. For hunting lovers, hunting and fishing can be organized on the numerous rivers that exist in the vicinity of our city.

Transport provision is also easy to solve. The city has a transport company with a huge fleet of comfortable buses.

Conclusion: Yugorsk has everything to become a tourist center in the West of the district


The future city began in 1962, when Komsomolsky village was built. It owes its appearance to forests and gas. The city received its current name in July 1992. It comes from the area of ​​Ugra, Yugoria, where the Khanty and Mansi people lived.

In March 1959 divisions railway troops began construction of the Ivdel-Ob road. Almost simultaneously with them, loggers began to develop the taiga, timber industry enterprises were created, and housing was built. It took more than three decades for a compact and fairly comfortable city to grow from the first peg and sign on a pine tree.

On the site of the first wooden buildings there is now the Yugorsk Hotel, the Yubileiny Sports Palace, the city museum of history and ethnography, residential buildings, and the central park of culture and recreation "Attraction".

The relief in the city is flat. There are forests around, where there are a lot of mushrooms and berries. The Ess River flows 5 km from the city.

Representatives of almost all nationalities live in the city former USSR, among 158 residents of the indigenous peoples of the North are the Khanty and Mansi. The predominant nationalities are Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars. More than 2/3 of the city's citizens are over 18 years old. The predominant religion is Christianity (Orthodoxy). An Orthodox church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, as well as a mosque, were built in the city.

The main enterprise of the city, Gazpromtransgazyugorsk, is engaged in gas transportation. The number of employees at the enterprise is more than 30 thousand. More than 6 thousand of them live in Yugorsk. The growth of the village is closely connected with the development of gas fields in Western Siberia. The city has building materials factories, a brick factory, a clothing factory, and a construction organization - the Yugorskremstroygaz trust.

The leading enterprise in the village of Komsomolsky during its formation was the timber industry enterprise - the largest enterprise in its industry, the flagship of the forest industry. It was in the Komsomolsk Timber Industry Enterprise that Hero of Socialist Labor Pavel Vasilyevich Popov worked twice, after whom one of the city streets is named.

There are three banks in the city - branches of commercial banks Gazprombank, Khanty-Mansiysk Bank, and a branch of Sberbank.

The agricultural enterprise "Yugorskoye" operates on the territory of the city. It is multidisciplinary. The enterprise includes a mini-bakery, sausage and dairy shops, and a greenhouse complex for growing vegetables and flowers.

Every year the city grows and becomes more beautiful. In the year of the 39th anniversary, with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus', the region’s largest Temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh began operating here. The monument-chapel, located in the center of the city square, echoes the temple’s unique sculptural design and high idea of ​​spiritual rebirth.

Despite the distance from the capital's centers, people do not feel deprived of cultural values. Young Ugra residents study at the Children's Art School, the Art College, and study in clubs and sections of municipal cultural institutions and the Nord center. Institutions additional education clubs "Prometheus" and "Amarant", sports institutions provide useful leisure time for children.

The local museum of history and ethnography - the pride of all townspeople - offers exhibitions introducing the life and way of life of the indigenous population - the Khanty and Mansi, with a 45-year biography of Yugorsk, with the history of the development of gas fields.

The city also has its own cultural traditions. One of them is the Northern Lights festival, in which talents of all ages from the cities of the district and highway villages take part. Celebrating City Day and Oil and Gas Industry Workers' Day has also become a good tradition for city residents. On the first Saturday of September, residents of Yugorsk - both old and young - take to the streets to admire the carnival procession and take part in a truly national holiday with songs and dances.

Sport has been and remains an important way to develop a healthy mind in healthy body. In the sports and recreation complexes "Yubileiny", "Smena", "Kedr" competitions are held, and fans of active recreation have swimming pools and stadiums at their disposal. The city also has its own champions, who have won high titles at international and European competitions.

The city publishes the newspaper "Yugorsky Vestnik", the founder of which is the city administration, as well as the departmental "Nord" and the large-circulation "Gas Transport". In 1993, Nord television was founded by the Tyumentransgaz enterprise. The programs broadcast by the television company are designed for the widest audience. Currently, all programs are broadcast from the new television center. In 1995, a branch of the radio station "Europe Plus Yugorsk" was formed with round-the-clock broadcasting.

The amazingly beautiful taiga stretches around Yugorsk. In the protected areas of the State Nature Reserve "Verkhnekondinsky", the natural monument "Kondinsky Lakes" and the nature reserve "Malaya Sosva" you can see wild reindeer, wolves, bears and other animals. The flora of the taiga is unusually rich and diverse.

In memory of the defenders of the Fatherland and the pioneers of the Yugra land, a monument was erected - a MiG-25 fighter soaring into the sky. The eternal flame blazing under the winged car is a symbol grateful memory to everyone who created and defended life on our harsh and beautiful land. Conclusion: There are enough places in the city that would be interesting for tourists to see.


15 km. from the city of Yugorsk is the city of Sovetsky. Tourists can be offered a visit to the museum. It is also very popular natural Park"Kondinskie Lakes"

Kondinskie lakes

Established as a district institution on June 22, 1995, the Kondinskie Lakes natural park received district status in November 1998 by decree of the Governor of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug No. 498. When determining the boundaries of the park, the main prerequisite was the need to preserve the water system of the Kondinskie Lakes as much as possible. From the west, the natural park borders on the Verkhne-Kondinsky Federal Nature Reserve, and from the east, license areas of intensively developed oil fields adjoin the park’s territory.

The basis of the territory natural park constitutes a system of lakes located along the left bank of the Konda River, including lakes Arantur,

Pont-Tour, Range-Tour. The relatively large lake area is a distinctive feature of the natural park.

The largest lake is Arantur. Its area is 1165 hectares, with an average depth of only about one and a half meters. Lakes Arantour, Pont Tours,

Lopukhovoe and Krugloye are connected to each other by the Akh channel and form a single lake-river system. The shores of Arantur are mostly low, hard, and sandy. Most of the coastline is occupied by light forests, but in some places there are very picturesque areas of meadow and marsh herbs. It was on the bank of Arantur, in a pine forest, that the scientific and production base of the natural park was built.

The second largest lake, Range-Tur, is the southernmost of the lakes. It has a rounded shape and low, mostly marshy banks. From the north and east, the lake is surrounded by a large tract of raised sphagnum bog, which is very rich in cranberries and attracts many pickers of this berry in the fall. From the west, the river flows from Range-Tur. Zolotaya and the shore of the lake in the floodplain of the river are also swampy. Only from the south and north-west do light pine forests approach its shores. To preserve the unique wetland complex, Lake Range-Tur and the coastal zone 1 km wide from the water's edge in

In 1988 it was declared a natural monument of local importance.

The main representatives of the fauna of the natural park are typical “taiga animals”: ​​sable, elk, ermine, weasel, mountain hare, squirrel. But here you can also find those species of mammals and birds that are characteristic of the northern taiga and tundra (wolverine, taiga subspecies of wild reindeer, ptarmigan, bean goose, etc.). To date, 37 species of mammals have been recorded in the natural park and its surrounding areas. 178 species of birds, 11 species of fish, 3 species of amphibians and 2 species of reptiles. Of these, species listed in the

The Red Book and valuable hunting and commercial species, the numbers of which have been significantly undermined as a result of unreasonable economic development of taiga resources in recent decades.

Since 1995, by decree of the Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, hunting for wild reindeer has been completely prohibited in the territory of the district until its commercial numbers are restored.

In addition, 5 species of birds listed in the Red Book are noted on the territory of the natural park: red-breasted goose, osprey, golden eagle, peregrine falcon and white-tailed eagle. The rare, little-studied and declining birds of the region - black-throated loon, red-throated loon, whooper swan, eagle owl, honey beetle, hen harrier and others - also require special protection.

Besides natural complex, in the Kondinskie Lakes natural park, about 300 identified to date are under protection

archaeological sites that are historical and cultural monuments. The earliest of them belong to the Mesolithic era and date back to VII-VI

thousand BC e. Historical and cultural monuments are represented mainly by earthen structures, among which the most common are settlements (including dwellings, outbuildings, hearths, etc.). In addition, settlements that performed defensive functions, burial grounds, fishing structures (pit traps intended for hunting ungulates), and production sites associated with the process of smelting and processing iron (remains of smelting furnaces) were discovered. It is the abundance, diversity and seriality of archaeological objects, concentration on a limited area and their complementarity that make the territory of the park unique in historical terms.

The territory of the Kondinskie Lakes natural park is traditionally used by the population of the Sovetsky district as a place of recreation. Sandy low banks

Arantura, overgrown with pine forests, its shallow waters and warming up in the summer attract many people for swimming and relaxing on the beaches.

The abundance of mushrooms and berries in the forests and swamps of the park attracts a very large number of mushroom pickers and berry pickers in July-September. And fishermen and amateur hunters willingly use these forests and rivers for their fisheries. The presence of a network of roads makes the territory convenient and accessible for all these purposes.

In addition, since 1996, employees of the natural park have been organizing excursions to the park for schoolchildren in the area under the program of a two-day weekend camp and environmental lessons in nature. And every year in the summer, children of difficult fates rest at the base of the natural park on the bank of Arantur - the summer camp is organized jointly with the youth policy committee of the district administration. Over the summer, these children have time to relax, gain health, and, immersed in an atmosphere of respect, care, and warmth, their souls thaw. The surrounding beautiful nature softens their hearts. In total, over the years of operation of the natural park, 409 children rested in the summer camp, and 2306 went on trips under the environmental excursion program.

There are several interpretations of the word "Arantur". It is possible that this name is translated from Mansi as Deer Lake. And it’s not surprising, because the whole life of the local population was once very closely connected with the deer.

But there are other translation options: Red Lake. Copper Lake and even Singing Lake. They talk about how poetically and reverently the people who lived on its shores treated their lake. They knew how to see and sing of copper-red sunsets and the singing of pine trees in the wind. It is important for us, living in this region today, to understand and preserve the beauty of the amazing necklace of the Kondinsky lakes and the riches of the taiga that we inherited. Conclusion:

Only by seeing with their own eyes the beauty of this harsh region will tourists be able to appreciate the beauty of our places.


You can offer the following program for tourists' stay.

The tour can be designed for 7-8 days; at the request of tourists, it can be extended to 10 days.

Day 1: Meeting tourists. Sightseeing tour of the city of Yugorsk.

Relaxation evening "Let's get to know each other."

Day 2: Excursion to the city museum. Ski trip to the forest. Sports games in the gym.

Day 3: Excursion to the open-air museum “Suevat Paul”. Visit to Amaranth. Ice Palace, ice skating.

4. days: Excursion to choose from Komsomolsk health care facility or the central building of GAZPROMTRANSGAZYUGORSK. Ski trip. Evening of rest.

Day 5-6 “2-day excursion to the Kondinskie Lakes natural park”

Day 7: Excursion to the city of Sovetsky, museum. Ski trip. Evening of rest.

8. day Departure.

What will the cost of the trip be?

Accommodation 1000 x 7=7000

Power 400 x 7=2800

Excursion service 2000


Conclusion: The stay program can be supplemented with other excursions and various cultural events, this will depend on the age of the tourists and their interests. Guided tours can be arranged for small groups. For such groups, you can use small Gazelle cars.


Thus, based on the materials studied, we can conclude:

Yugorsk can become a tourism center in the Western part of our district.

The city has everything necessary for this, and the work proves it. Moreover, the development of tourism can bring good income and replenish the city’s budget. For tourists from Western Europe, Russian language classes can be provided. There are specialists in the city who could conduct such classes.