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You are not in sight. Meaning in neither eye in a large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

And now we decided to collect them into one list. Let us immediately note: if you have serious deprivation, chronic fatigue or insomnia, then you should definitely go to the doctor! And our list will help you independently identify non-obvious factors that negatively affect sleep and eliminate them.

Evening workouts. Physical activity is good for health, but our body perceives active sports (cardio) as stress and releases large amounts of cortisol to cope with it. As a result, the heart rate and body temperature increase, and the nervous system is excited. Such conditions are not conducive to good sleep. It is better to train in the morning or at lunch, but no later than three hours before going to bed. If this is not possible, then in the evenings give preference to not too active activities: light stretching or relaxing yoga.

Alcoholic drinks. A glass of red at dinner, of course, won't hurt, but heavy libations and strong drinks won't do any good. Alcohol disrupts the REM phase of sleep, so the overall duration and quality of night's rest decreases. You sleep lightly, wake up from every rustle and lack energy. And getting up at night to go to the toilet does not contribute to healthy sleep.

Room temperature. It is best to sleep in a cool place - 18-20 degrees Celsius is considered optimal. However, maintaining constant temperature conditions is not an easy task, especially in the Russian winter. Ventilate the room every time before going to bed; make sure there are extra blankets next to the bed just in case; If possible, leave the window open. And remember the golden mean: you won’t be able to sleep in a room that’s too cold either.

Stress. The most common cause of insomnia among residents of large cities. During the day, many events happen to us that evoke vivid emotions. The more active the pace of your life, the less chance your brain has to process your impressions properly. Therefore, he does this in moments of peace - before going to bed. In such a situation, a diary helps - write down your thoughts and feelings, leave them behind and go to bed with a light heart. A short daily meditation before bed also helps. If you just can’t get rid of the swarm of thoughts while you’re already in bed, then get up and go to another room or to the kitchen. Don't turn on the light, sit down and think about the subject of your concern. This way you will relax much faster than tossing and turning in bed. Then go to bed.

Abuse of coffee or other caffeinated drinks. Caffeine is eliminated from the body within 3-5 hours, and then only by half. That is, it continues to have a stimulating effect on your nervous system for a long time. Therefore, a cup of coffee with lunch or early dinner significantly affects the quality of your sleep. The degree of impact depends on your age, your body’s sensitivity and the volume of the drink, but it’s better not to risk it: no more than 400 mg of caffeine per day and only in the morning. For reference, one serving of espresso (35 ml) contains 68 mg of caffeine.

Co-sleeping. Despite the proven benefits of bedsharing for couples, having a bedmate can sometimes be unbearable. Random shocks in sleep, “holes” in sleep, snoring, shameless theft of a blanket - the list is endless. General recommendations are as follows: play a “white noise” recording or buy earplugs to block out snoring; buy an extra blanket and purchase one that compensates for the weight of a heavy partner. Also consider a larger bed.

Too much light. Gadgets and TV screens emit blue light, which seriously disrupts your body's sleep preparation. Put all devices aside an hour before bed, turn off all devices with indicator lights and close the curtains. It is better to sleep in complete darkness. In this case, a sleep mask will also help.

Eating before bed. Eating too much fat and too much food shortly before bed will cause your stomach to work harder, as will your heart. Such activity will not let you relax. The other extreme - going to bed with an empty stomach - will also negatively affect your rest. You would rather listen to the hungry sounds of whales in your own belly than dream. Have a snack an hour and a half before bedtime, something light and protein-rich or “long-term carbohydrates”

Not in one eye

adj., number of synonyms: 8

Cheerful (39)

Like a piece of glass (10)

Not in either eye (8)

Durable (49)

Solid (10)

Sober (33)

Trezvyak (13)

at least in one eye (6)

  • - who, what Do the same thing, do not move forward in solving something. Problems...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - See. Not in one eye...
  • - DREAM, sleep...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - not a predicate in any eye. decomposition About someone whose appearance does not reflect anything negative...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - not in one eye...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - no traces are visible...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - Simple. A nuisance, something annoying with its presence. Trofim jerked his head up. - What about me? What am I, an eyesore? A century in one brigade, and now I’m in someone else’s... ...
  • - Simple. Express Regardless of the amount of alcoholic drinks you drink, stay sober...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - Simple. Express Same as in neither eye. - I’ll tell you, he was the devil about wine! The decanter will blow out this very Marsala three, or even four times a day, and even in one eye! ...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - Simple. A hindrance, something annoying with its presence. F 1, 20...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - 1. Unlock Not at all, not at all drunk, not tired, etc. FSRY, 107; ZS 1996, 240, 318. 2. Volg. About insomnia. Glukhov 1988, 108...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - who. Sib. About a calm, cool reaction to something. FSS, 81...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - 1. Arch. From my experience, based on my observations. AOS 9, 79. 2. Psk. Alone, without strangers. POS 6, 171. 3. . Sib. About a man who was jinxed. SFS, 164...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 3 got on my nerves, unnerved, irritated...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 8 as cheerful as a piece of glass in either eye persistent solid sober sober in at least one eye...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 2 awake don’t feel like sleeping at all...

    Synonym dictionary

"not in one eye" in books

Foreign objects in the eye

author Baranov Anatoly

Foreign objects in the eye

From the book The Health of Your Dog author Baranov Anatoly

Foreign objects in the eye When a speck gets into the eye, it causes discomfort in the dog. A foreign object sticks to the mucous membrane of the eye and irritates it. The eye waters, turns red, the dog rubs it with its paws, trying to remove the foreign object (see also


From the book The Kremlin Conspiracy author Stepankov Valentin Georgievich

EYE TO EYE We did not neglect the opportunities to get to know our, to use professional language, persons involved better. And therefore, they never refused their desire to talk with us, as they say, without protocol. Naturally, these conversations took place face to face

From stye on the eye

author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From barley on the eye Wet your thumb and touch the barley with it. Barley, barley, you are not my godfather, you are not my matchmaker, you, barley, are not my son or brother. Barley, barley, good health for me, but a fig for you. For this little fig, you can buy yourself whatever you want. Buy yourself a toad, the toad will die, and I have

From an eyesore

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

For eyesores Read by the water (lake, river, etc.), looking into the water: Water mirror, God's water, give back what you took. Reflect the thorn in the mirror, God's light, return to your eyes. With spring keys I unlock myself from trouble, I lock the thorn with locks. Just as sand is washed and purified in water, so

For eye pain

From the book Miracle Healing in a Whisper author Mother Stefania

For eye pain Moisten your index finger with saliva and anoint the sore eye, whispering three times: Lord, bless! The sun is set to the west, the day is about to end, the speck in your eye is about to disappear, it will disappear as your brow turns black. Key and lock according to

62 Camera in the eye

From the book How to Understand the Complex Laws of Physics. 100 simple and fun experiments for children and their parents author Dmitriev Alexander Stanislavovich

62 Camera in the eye For the experiment we will need: an ordinary mirror and a table lamp. Those who do not know the camera's structure can look into the lens. Almost every camera has a special mechanism called an aperture. These are several "petals" that

If there is sleep - in neither eye

From the author's book

If there is no sleep in either eye For several months now, every night has been a complete nightmare for me. After I lie down, it takes at least an hour, and sometimes more, before I fall asleep. Does this have something to do with menopause? Insomnia is not nearly as harmless as it may be

On a blue eye

From the book Great Scientific Curiosities. 100 stories about funny incidents in science author Zernes Svetlana Pavlovna

On a blue eye

In a personal meeting

From the book Image - the path to success by Vem Alexander

Face to face Yes, you can put a fake smile on your mouth. On the eyes - dark glasses. By the way, talking to acquaintances and strangers while wearing sunglasses is considered indecent. Remember the classic: “Never talk to strangers!” I’ll add on my own: those


From the book The Canon of Medical Science author Ibn Sina Abu Ali

Eyesore Know that one type of eyesore is a subtle one that occurs on the outer surface and is called a “cloud.” And the other type is dense and is simply called a thorn. Both types are formed from scarring of an ulcer or pustule when it opens and

Eye pain

From the book Analyzes and Diagnoses. How is this to be understood? author Zvonkov Andrey Leonidovich

Pain in the eye Most likely, it is caused by either foreign bodies: dust, sand, eyelashes, or inflammation of the cornea (conjunctivitis), or inflammation of the hair follicle of the eyelid (hordeolum). An equally likely cause of pain in the eye and around it is contact with an opponent’s fist .

In a personal meeting

From the book The Art of Getting Your Way author Stepanov Sergey Sergeevich

Face to face When the eyes say one thing and the tongue says another, an experienced person believes the former more. R. Emerson Over 80% of information about the world around us is perceived by a person through the organs of vision - the eyes. And it is not surprising that problems of visual perception were of interest to

In a personal meeting

From the book Psychological tips for every day author Stepanov Sergey Sergeevich

Eye to eye Observations by psychologists have shown that eye movements are associated with the type of thinking of a given person, with what type of memory predominates in him. For example, ask your interlocutor to remember what phone number he had in his previous apartment. He either

In a personal meeting

From the book The Language of Appearance [Gestures, facial expressions, facial features, handwriting and clothing] author Stepanov Sergey Sergeevich

Face to face When the eyes say one thing and the tongue says another, an experienced person believes the former more. R.

0 Any alcoholic drink allows us to experience indescribable feelings, among which we can note an uplifting mood and an optimistic attitude. In general, it is difficult to imagine that in order to feel " king"You need to drink two hundred grams Vodka or Cognac. Fortunately, not everyone knows that alcohol is the excrement of bacteria that eat sugar and shit in closed containers, releasing it " divine“substance. Okay, enough of the lyrics, today we’ll talk about another saying that not everyone understands. As you already figured out, we’ll talk about the phrase “ Not in one eye", which means you can read a little lower. I strongly recommend adding our resource site, which is useful from all sides, to your bookmarks so that you can periodically check us out.
However, before I continue, I would like to point you to a couple more interesting publications on the topic of catchphrases and phraseological units. For example, what does Behind Seven Locks mean? how to understand On a blue eye; the meaning of the expression Fooled by four fists; which means Husband and wife are one Satan, etc.
So let's continue Not in one eye, meaning? This phrase has several meanings, but we will analyze only the most popular of them.

Not in one eye- they usually say this when a person, regardless of the amount of alcohol he drinks, remains sober, or at least stays on his feet.

Synonym of Not in one eye: at least in one eye; sober, sober, like a piece of glass, like a cucumber, not in one eye.


Think about it, Tolyan, yesterday at the wedding my ex was in a white dress, happy and contented, and believe me, no matter how much I drink, I can’t see a single thing.

Come on Max, why are you sending me home right away, I’m like a cucumber, in no way in my eyes.

Comrade policeman, why did you detain me, I’m not drunk, I’m not drunk in either eye.

No sleep in either eye- means that you don’t want to sleep at all, despite the fact that, in theory, you should be knocked off your feet.

Synonym of Not in one eye: insomnia.


That night I kept tossing and turning, all sorts of thoughts came into my head, I tried to fall asleep, but there was no sleep in either eye, and I lay there until the morning like a fool.

I understood that I needed to rest, but since dramatic changes were expected tomorrow, there was no sleep in either eye.

I see, dear, that you have no sleep in either eye, let me go and give you a sleeping pill, otherwise I’m all nervous because of work.

This phrase appeared when people noticed that while drinking alcohol, something strange began to happen to their eyes. An incomprehensible ripple appears, vision " blurred", and the pupils sometimes begin to rotate in their eye sockets of their own free will. Therefore, if a person’s vision is normal, nothing is double, then our ancestors rendered a verdict - " not in one eye". This meant that the individual had not yet reached his norm, and he could still " pour down the collar".
In addition, this phrase is used to show that you do not want to sleep. This expression appeared only because when a person wants to sleep, his eyes begin to close involuntarily. Those who stayed awake all day long will understand me. We conclude that when they say " not in one eye", imply that the person is not yet sleepy.

After reading this informative article, you finally figured out what Not in One Eye means and where this catchphrase came from. Now you can explain its meaning and origin to your acquaintances and friends.

Simple Express Regardless of the amount of alcoholic drinks you drink, stay sober. At the wedding, the guests did not yawn, it was still far from evening, and many were already completely sleepy and began to chatter unknown speeches. Some were drinking and kissing, others were talking to each other suddenly, others were just sniffling. But there were also those that, as they say, were not in one eye - they were in their own form(A. Pogossky. Soldier's beer).

  • - who, what Do the same thing, do not move forward in solving something. Problems...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - See. Not in one eye...
  • - DREAM, sleep...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - not a predicate in any eye. decomposition About someone whose appearance does not reflect anything negative...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - not in one eye...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - no traces are visible...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - Simple. A nuisance, something annoying with its presence. Trofim jerked his head up. - What about me? What am I, an eyesore? A century in one brigade, and now I’m in someone else’s... ...
  • - Simple. Express Regardless of the amount of alcoholic drinks you drink, stay sober...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - Simple. Express Same as in neither eye. - I’ll tell you, he was the devil about wine! The decanter will blow out this very Marsala three, or even four times a day, and even in one eye! ...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - Simple. A hindrance, something annoying with its presence. F 1, 20...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - 1. Unlock Not at all, not at all drunk, not tired, etc. FSRY, 107; ZS 1996, 240, 318. 2. Volg. About insomnia. Glukhov 1988, 108...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - who. Sib. About a calm, cool reaction to something. FSS, 81...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - 1. Arch. From my experience, based on my observations. AOS 9, 79. 2. Psk. Alone, without strangers. POS 6, 171. 3. . Sib. About a man who was jinxed. SFS, 164...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 3 got on my nerves, unnerved, irritated...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 8 as cheerful as a piece of glass in either eye persistent solid sober sober in at least one eye...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 2 awake don’t feel like sleeping at all...

    Synonym dictionary

"Not in one eye" in books

Foreign objects in the eye

author Baranov Anatoly

Foreign objects in the eye

From the book The Health of Your Dog author Baranov Anatoly

Foreign objects in the eye When a speck gets into the eye, it causes discomfort in the dog. A foreign object sticks to the mucous membrane of the eye and irritates it. The eye waters, turns red, the dog rubs it with its paws, trying to remove the foreign object (see also


From the book The Kremlin Conspiracy author Stepankov Valentin Georgievich

EYE TO EYE We did not neglect the opportunities to get to know our, to use professional language, persons involved better. And therefore, they never refused their desire to talk with us, as they say, without protocol. Naturally, these conversations took place face to face

From stye on the eye

author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From barley on the eye Wet your thumb and touch the barley with it. Barley, barley, you are not my godfather, you are not my matchmaker, you, barley, are not my son or brother. Barley, barley, good health for me, but a fig for you. For this little fig, you can buy yourself whatever you want. Buy yourself a toad, the toad will die, and I have

From an eyesore

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

For eyesores Read by the water (lake, river, etc.), looking into the water: Water mirror, God's water, give back what you took. Reflect the thorn in the mirror, God's light, return to your eyes. With spring keys I unlock myself from trouble, I lock the thorn with locks. Just as sand is washed and purified in water, so

For eye pain

From the book Miracle Healing in a Whisper author Mother Stefania

For eye pain Moisten your index finger with saliva and anoint the sore eye, whispering three times: Lord, bless! The sun is set to the west, the day is about to end, the speck in your eye is about to disappear, it will disappear as your brow turns black. Key and lock according to

62 Camera in the eye

From the book How to Understand the Complex Laws of Physics. 100 simple and fun experiments for children and their parents author Dmitriev Alexander Stanislavovich

62 Camera in the eye For the experiment we will need: an ordinary mirror and a table lamp. Those who do not know the camera's structure can look into the lens. Almost every camera has a special mechanism called an aperture. These are several "petals" that

If there is sleep - in neither eye

From the author's book

If there is no sleep in either eye For several months now, every night has been a complete nightmare for me. After I lie down, it takes at least an hour, and sometimes more, before I fall asleep. Does this have something to do with menopause? Insomnia is not nearly as harmless as it may be

On a blue eye

From the book Great Scientific Curiosities. 100 stories about funny incidents in science author Zernes Svetlana Pavlovna

On a blue eye

In a personal meeting

From the book Image - the path to success by Vem Alexander

Face to face Yes, you can put a fake smile on your mouth. On the eyes - dark glasses. By the way, talking to acquaintances and strangers while wearing sunglasses is considered indecent. Remember the classic: “Never talk to strangers!” I’ll add on my own: those


From the book The Canon of Medical Science author Ibn Sina Abu Ali

Eyesore Know that one type of eyesore is a subtle one that occurs on the outer surface and is called a “cloud.” And the other type is dense and is simply called a thorn. Both types are formed from scarring of an ulcer or pustule when it opens and

Eye pain

From the book Analyzes and Diagnoses. How is this to be understood? author Zvonkov Andrey Leonidovich

Pain in the eye Most likely, it is caused by either foreign bodies: dust, sand, eyelashes, or inflammation of the cornea (conjunctivitis), or inflammation of the hair follicle of the eyelid (hordeolum). An equally likely cause of pain in the eye and around it is contact with an opponent’s fist .

In a personal meeting

From the book The Art of Getting Your Way author Stepanov Sergey Sergeevich

Face to face When the eyes say one thing and the tongue says another, an experienced person believes the former more. R. Emerson Over 80% of information about the world around us is perceived by a person through the organs of vision - the eyes. And it is not surprising that problems of visual perception were of interest to

In a personal meeting

From the book Psychological tips for every day author Stepanov Sergey Sergeevich

Eye to eye Observations by psychologists have shown that eye movements are associated with the type of thinking of a given person, with what type of memory predominates in him. For example, ask your interlocutor to remember what phone number he had in his previous apartment. He either

In a personal meeting

From the book The Language of Appearance [Gestures, facial expressions, facial features, handwriting and clothing] author Stepanov Sergey Sergeevich

Face to face When the eyes say one thing and the tongue says another, an experienced person believes the former more. R.

Not in one eye Prost. Express Regardless of the amount of alcoholic drinks you drink, stay sober. At the wedding, the guests did not yawn, it was still far from evening, and many were already completely sleepy and began to chatter unknown speeches. Some were drinking and kissing, others were talking to each other suddenly, others were just sniffling. But there were also those that, as they say, were not in one eye - they were in their own form(A. Pogossky. Soldier's beer).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.


See what “Not in one eye” is in other dictionaries:

    not in one eye- adj., number of synonyms: 8 cheerful (39) like a piece of glass (10) not in one eye (8) ... Synonym dictionary

    not in one eye- predic. decomposition About someone whose appearance does not reflect anything negative (usually a drunken state). Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    not in one eye- not in one / m eye / (not at all drunk), colloquially ... Together. Apart. Hyphenated.

    not in one eye- not in one eye... Russian spelling dictionary

    at least in one eye- solid, sober, sober, not in one eye, not in one eye, like a piece of glass Dictionary of Russian synonyms. at least in one eye adj., number of synonyms: 6 like a piece of glass (10) ... Synonym dictionary

    not in any eye(s)- (foreign language) no traces are noticeable; completely sober Wed. He took the books and, without paying a single penny, and best of all, after this stingy trick, he shook my hand in a friendly manner and did not even show any awkwardness in his eyes! Druzhinin... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Simple Express Same as in neither eye. I’ll tell you, he was the devil about wine too! The decanter will blow out this very Marsala three, or even four times a day, and even in one eye! (Stanyukovich. Sailor lynching) ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    There is no sleep in either eye- DREAM, sleep, m. Ozhegov’s Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    no sleep in either eye- adj., number of synonyms: 2 awake (8) don’t want to sleep at all (1) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin... Synonym dictionary

    At least in one eye- See in neither eye... Large dictionary of Russian sayings


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