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A blow can be considered instantaneous if it lasts. Combination of accelerations and shock pulse duration

Punching Power - Impulse, Speed, Technique and Explosiveness Exercises for Fighters

Impact force - impulse, speed, technique and exercises explosive force for fighters

The episode was filmed at the Leader-Sport fitness club

The organizer of the punching power tournament, Puncher, master of sports in powerlifting, multiple champion and record holder of St. Petersburg in the bench press, Pavel Badyrov, continues to talk about punching power, punching speed, and also shows explosive strength exercises for fighters.


An impact is a short-term interaction of bodies during which a redistribution of kinetic energy occurs. It is often destructive for interacting bodies. In physics, an impact is understood as a type of interaction between moving bodies in which the interaction time can be neglected.

Physical abstraction

During an impact, the law of conservation of momentum and the law of conservation of angular momentum are satisfied, but usually the law of conservation of mechanical energy is not satisfied. It is assumed that during the impact the action of external forces can be neglected, then the total momentum of the bodies upon impact is preserved, otherwise the impulse of external forces must be taken into account. Part of the energy is usually spent on heating bodies and sound.

The result of a collision between two bodies can be fully calculated if their motion before the impact and the mechanical energy after the impact are known. Usually they consider either absolutely elastic impact, or introduce the energy conservation coefficient k, as the ratio of the kinetic energy after the impact to the kinetic energy before the impact when one body hits a stationary wall made of the material of another body. Thus, k is a characteristic of the material from which the bodies are made, and (presumably) does not depend on the other parameters of the bodies (shape, speed, etc.).

How to understand impact force in kilograms

The momentum of a moving body is p=mV.

When braking against an obstacle, this impulse is “quenched” by the impulse of the resistance force p=Ft (the force is not constant at all, but some average value can be taken).

We find that F = mV / t is the force with which an obstacle slows down a moving body, and (according to Newton’s third law) the moving body acts on the obstacle, i.e. the impact force:
F = mV / t, where t is the impact time.

Kilogram-force is just an old unit of measurement - 1 kgf (or kg) = 9.8 N, i.e. this is the weight of a body weighing 1 kg.
To recalculate, it is enough to divide the force in newtons by the acceleration free fall.


The vast majority of people, even with higher technical education have a vague idea of ​​what impact force is and what it can depend on. Some believe that the force of a blow is determined by impulse or energy, while others believe that it is pressure. Some people confuse strong impacts with impacts that cause injury, while others believe that the force of an impact should be measured in units of pressure. Let's try to clarify this topic.

Impact force, like any other force, is measured in Newtons (N) and kilogram-force (kgf). One Newton is the force due to which a body weighing 1 kg receives an acceleration of 1 m/s2. One kgf is the force that imparts an acceleration of 1 g = 9.81 m/s2 to a body weighing 1 kg (g is the acceleration of gravity). Therefore, 1 kgf = 9.81 N. The weight of a body of mass m is determined by the attractive force P with which it presses on the support: P = mg. If your body mass is 80 kg, then your weight, determined by gravity or attraction, P = 80 kgf. But in common parlance they say “my weight is 80 kg,” and everyone understands everything. Therefore, they often say about the force of an impact that it amounts to some kg, but what is meant is kgf.

The impact force, unlike the force of gravity, is quite short-lived. The shape of the shock pulse (in simple collisions) is bell-shaped and symmetrical. In the case of a person hitting a target, the shape of the pulse is not symmetrical - it increases sharply and falls relatively slowly and wave-like. The total duration of the impulse is determined by the mass embedded in the blow, and the rise time of the impulse is determined by the mass of the striking limb. When we talk about impact force, we always mean not the average, but its maximum value during the collision.

Let's throw the glass not too hard at the wall so that it breaks. If it hits the carpet, it may not break. In order for it to break for sure, you need to increase the force of the throw in order to increase the speed of the glass. In the case of the wall, the blow was stronger, since the wall was harder, and therefore the glass broke. As we can see, the force acting on the glass turned out to depend not only on the force of your throw, but also on the rigidity of the place where the glass hit.

So is the blow of a person. We just throw our hand and the part of the body involved in the strike at the target. As studies have shown (see “Physico-mathematical model of impact”), the part of the body involved in the impact has little effect on the force of the impact produced, since its speed is very low, although this mass is significant (reaches half the body weight). But the force of the impact turned out to be proportional to this mass. The conclusion is simple: the force of the impact depends on the mass involved in the impact only indirectly, since with the help of precisely this mass our striking limb (arm or leg) is accelerated to maximum speeds. Also, do not forget that the impulse and energy imparted to the target upon impact is mainly (50–70%) determined by precisely this mass.

Let's return to the force of impact. The impact force (F) ultimately depends on the mass (m), size (S) and speed (v) of the striking limb, as well as on the mass (M) and stiffness (K) of the target. The basic formula for impact force on an elastic target:

From the formula it is clear that the lighter the target (bag), the less force of impact. For a bag weighing 20 kg compared to a bag of 100 kg, the impact force is reduced by only 10%. But for bags of 6–8 kg, the impact force already drops by 25–30%. It is clear that when we hit a balloon, we will not get any significant value at all.

You will have to basically take the following information on faith.

1. A direct blow is not the most powerful of blows, although it requires good execution technique and especially a sense of distance. Although there are athletes who do not know how to hit with a side kick, as a rule, their direct blow is very strong.

2. The force of a side impact due to the speed of the striking limb is always higher than a direct one. Moreover, with a delivered blow, this difference reaches 30–50%. Therefore, side punches tend to be the most knockout.

3. Backhand strike (such as a backfist with a turn) - the easiest in terms of execution technique and does not require good physical preparation, practically the strongest among hand strikes, especially if the striker is in good physical shape. You just need to understand that its strength is determined by the large contact surface, which is easily achievable on a soft bag, but in real combat for the same reason, when striking on a hard, complex surface, the contact area is greatly reduced, the force of the blow drops sharply, and it turns out to be ineffective. Therefore, in battle it still requires high precision, which is not at all easy to implement.

Let us emphasize once again that the blows were considered from a position of strength, and against a soft and large bag, and not in terms of the amount of damage caused.

Projectile gloves reduce impacts by 3–7%.

Gloves used for competition reduce impacts by 15–25%.

As a guide, the results of measuring the force of the delivered blows should be as follows:

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That's all, like, repost - I wish you success in your training!


Impact force - impulse, speed, technique and explosive strength exercises for fighters from Pavel Badyrov updated: January 6, 2018 by: Boxingguru

Estimate the time of elastic impact of solid bodies, considering the collision of a rod colliding with its end on a stationary, non-deformable wall (Fig.).

Most often in problems it is assumed that the elastic impact of solid bodies occurs instantly, but it is quite obvious that this assumption is an idealization.
The collision of real bodies always takes a finite period of time τ . In fact, if the change in the momentum of a body during a collision occurred instantaneously,
F = mΔv/t →0 → ∞
then the force of interaction between bodies upon impact would be infinitely large, which, naturally, does not happen.
What might determine the duration of the collision? Let us assume that we are considering the reflection of an elastic body from a non-deformable wall. During a collision, the kinetic energy of the body during the first half of the collision is converted into potential energy of elastic deformation of the body. During the second half, the deformation energy is converted back into kinetic energy bouncing body.

This idea was included in the testing task 2005. Solve this problem to understand this moment.
Task. Two absolutely elastic washers with masses m 1 = m 2 = 240 g each slide progressively along a smooth horizontal surface towards each other at speeds whose modules v 1 = 21 m/s And v 2 = 9.0 m/s. Maximum potential energy value E the elastic deformation of the washers during their central collision is equal to ...J.

Therefore, it is obvious that the elastic properties of the body play a certain role during a collision. So, we can expect that the duration of the impact depends on the Young's modulus of the body material E, its density ρ and its geometric dimensions. It is possible that the duration of the impact τ depends on the speed v, with which the body hits an obstacle.
It is easy to see that it will not be possible to estimate the collision time using dimensional considerations alone. Indeed, even if we take a ball as an incident body, the dimensions of which are characterized by only one parameter - the radius R, then from the quantities E, ρ , R And v You can create countless expressions that have the dimension of time:
τ = √(ρ/E) × f(ρv 2 /E), (1)
Where f− arbitrary function of a dimensionless quantity ρv 2 /E. Therefore, to find τ dynamic consideration is necessary.
The easiest way to carry out such an analysis is for a body that has the shape of a long rod.
Let a rod moving with speed v, collides head-on with a stationary wall. When the end section of the rod comes into contact with the wall, the velocities of the particles of the rod lying in this section instantly turn to zero. At the next moment of time, particles located in the adjacent section stop, etc. The section of the rod whose particles are at this moment have already stopped and is in a deformed state. In other words, at this moment in time, that part of the rod that was reached by the elastic deformation wave propagating along the rod from the point of contact with the obstacle is deformed. This deformation wave propagates along the rod at the speed of sound u. If we assume that the rod came into contact with the wall at the moment of time t = 0, then at the moment of time t the length of the compressed part of the rod is equal to ut. This part of the rod in Fig. A shaded.

In the unshaded part of the rod, the velocities of all its particles are still equal v, and in the compressed (shaded) part of the rod all particles are at rest.
The first stage of the process of collision of the rod with the wall will end at the moment when the entire rod turns out to be deformed, and the velocities of all its particles become zero (Fig. b).

At this moment, the kinetic energy of the impacting rod is completely converted into potential energy of elastic deformation. Immediately after this, the second stage of the collision begins, in which the rod returns to its undeformed state. This process begins at the free end of the rod and, spreading along the rod at the speed of sound, gradually approaches the obstacle. In Fig. V

the rod is shown at the moment when the unshaded part is no longer deformed and all its particles have a velocity v, directed to the left. The shaded area is still deformed, and the velocities of all its particles are zero.
The end of the second stage of the collision will occur at the moment when the entire rod turns out to be undeformed, and all particles of the rod acquire speed v, directed opposite to the speed of the rod before the impact. At this moment, the right end of the rod separates from the obstacle: the undeformed rod rebounds from the wall and moves in the opposite side with the same absolute speed (Fig. G).

The energy of elastic deformation of the rod is completely converted back into kinetic energy.
From the above it is clear that the duration of the collision τ is equal to the time of passage of the elastic deformation wave front along the rod back and forth:
τ = 2l/u, (2)
Where l− length of the rod.
The speed of sound in the rod u can be determined as follows. Consider the rod at the moment of time t(rice. A) when the deformation wave propagates to the left. The length of the deformed part of the rod at this moment is equal to ut. In relation to the undeformed state, this part was shortened by the amount vt, equal to the distance traveled by that moment by the still undeformed part of the rod. Therefore, the relative deformation of this part of the rod is equal to v/u. Based on Hooke's law
v/u = (1/E) × F/S, (3)
Where S− cross-sectional area of ​​the rod, F− force acting on the rod from the wall, E− Young's modulus.
Since the relative deformation v/u is the same at all times while the rod is in contact with the obstacle, then, as can be seen from formula (3), the force F is constant. To find this force, we apply the law of conservation of momentum to the stopped part of the rod. Before contact with the obstacle, the part of the rod in question had an impulse ρSut.v, and at the moment of time t its momentum is zero.
That's why
ρSut.v = Ft. (4)
Substituting force from here F into formula (3), we get
u = √(E/ρ). (5)
Now the expression for time τ . The deformation of the collision of the rod with the wall (2) takes the form
τ = 2l√(ρ/E). (6)
Collision time τ can be found another way, using the law of conservation of energy. Before the collision, the rod is undeformed and all its energy is the kinetic energy of translational motion mv 2 /2. After some time τ/2 from the beginning of the collision, the velocities of all its particles, as we have seen, become zero, and the entire rod becomes deformed (Fig. b). The length of the rod decreased by Δl compared to its undeformed state (Fig. d).

At this moment, the entire energy of the rod is the energy of its elastic deformation. This energy can be written in the form
W = k(Δl) 2 /2,
Where k− coefficient of proportionality between force and deformation:
F = kΔl.
Using Hooke's law, this coefficient is expressed in terms of Young's modulus E and rod dimensions:
σ = F/S = (Δl/l)E,
F = SEΔl/l and F = kΔl,
from here
k = ES/l. (7)
Maximum deformation Δl equal to the distance over which the particles of the left end of the rod move during the time τ/2(rice. d). Since these particles moved at a speed v, That
Δl = vτ/2. (8)
We equate the kinetic energy of the rod before the impact and the potential energy of deformation. Considering that the mass of the rod
m = ρSl,
and using relations (7) and (8), we obtain
ρSlv 2 /2 = ES/(2l) × (vτ/2) 2,
where for τ again we obtain formula (6).
This collision time is usually very short. For example, for a steel rod ( E = 2 × 10 11 Pa, ρ = 7.8 × 10 3 kg/m 3) length 28 cm calculation using formula (6) gives τ = 10 −4 s.
Strength F, acting on the wall during an impact, can be found by substituting the speed of sound in the rod (5) into formula (4):
F = Sv√(ρE). (9)
It can be seen that the force acting on the wall is proportional to the speed of the rod before the impact. But for the above solution to be applicable, it is necessary that the mechanical stress of the rod F/S did not exceed the elastic limit of the material from which the rod was made. For example, for steel the elastic limit
(F/S) max = 4 × 10 8 Pa.
Therefore the maximum speed v steel rod, at which its collision with an obstacle can still be considered elastic, turns out, according to formula (9), to be equal to 10 m/s. This corresponds to the speed of free fall of a body from a height of only 5 m.
Let us point out for comparison that the speed of sound in steel u = 5000 m/s, i.e. v<< u .
The time of collision of the rod with a stationary obstacle (as opposed to the force) turned out to be independent of the speed of the rod. This result, however, is not universal, but is associated with the specific shape of the body in question. For example, for an elastic ball, the time of collision with a wall depends on its speed. The dynamic consideration of this case turns out to be more complex. This is due to the fact that both the area of ​​contact between the deformed ball and the wall and the force acting on the ball during the collision do not remain constant.

Impact mechanism. In the mechanics of an absolutely rigid body, an impact is considered as an abrupt process, the duration of which is infinitesimal. During an impact, large but instantly acting forces arise at the point of contact of the colliding bodies, leading to a final change in the amount of motion. In real systems, finite forces always act during a finite time interval, and the collision of two moving bodies is associated with their deformation near the point of contact and the propagation of a compression wave inside these bodies. The duration of the impact depends on many physical factors: the elastic characteristics of the materials of the colliding bodies, their shape and size, the relative speed of approach, etc.

The change in acceleration over time is usually called the shock acceleration pulse or shock impulse, and the law of change in acceleration over time is called the form of the shock impulse. The main parameters of the shock pulse include peak shock acceleration (overload), duration of shock acceleration and pulse shape.

There are three main types of reaction of products to shock loads:

* ballistic (quasi-damping) excitation mode (the period of natural oscillations of the electrical device is longer than the duration of the excitation pulse);

* quasi-resonance excitation mode (the period of natural oscillations of the EM is approximately equal to the duration of the excitation pulse);

* static excitation mode (the period of natural oscillations of the EC is less than the duration of the excitation pulse).

In the ballistic mode, the maximum acceleration value of the EM is always less than the peak acceleration of the impact shock pulse. Quasi-resonant The quasi-resonant excitation mode is the most rigid in terms of the magnitude of the excited accelerations (m more than 1). In the static excitation mode, the response of the EC completely repeats the applied pulse (m=1), the test results do not depend on the shape and duration of the pulse. Tests in the static region are equivalent to tests for linear acceleration, because it can be considered as a blow of infinite duration.

Impact tests are carried out in a quasi-resonant excitation mode. Impact strength is assessed by the integrity of the EC structure (absence of cracks, chips).

Impact tests are carried out after impact tests under electrical load to check the ability of the ECU to perform its functions under mechanical shock conditions.

In addition to mechanical shock stands, electrodynamic and pneumatic shock stands are used. In electrodynamic stands, a current pulse is passed through the excitation coil of the moving system, the amplitude and duration of which determine the parameters of the shock pulse. On pneumatic stands, shock acceleration is obtained when the table collides with a projectile fired from a pneumatic gun.

The characteristics of shock stands vary widely: load capacity, load capacity - from 1 to 500 kg, number of blows per minute (adjustable) - from 5 to 120, maximum acceleration - from 200 to 6000 g, impact duration - from 0.4 to 40 ms.

An impact is a mechanical phenomenon in which a short-term interaction of bodies causes a final change in the velocity vector of all or some points of a material system with a negligible change in the position of the points of the system. The time interval during which the impact occurs is indicated by a letter and is called the impact time.

Impact is a common phenomenon when considering the motion of both macroscopic bodies and microscopic particles, such as gas molecules. Thus, the impact phenomenon plays a significant role in a number of technical and physical problems. The nature of the impact depends significantly on the physical structure of the colliding bodies.

Instant powers

Since the time during which the impact occurs is small, the final change in speed upon impact corresponds to very large accelerations of the points of the system. Therefore, the forces acting during the impact process are many times greater than normal forces.

These forces are called instantaneous forces. Direct measurement of instantaneous forces is very difficult, since the impact time is usually expressed in thousandths or ten-thousandths of a second. In addition, during this extremely short period of time, the instantaneous forces do not remain constant: they increase from zero to a certain maximum, and then decrease again to zero. Due to this, the forces causing the impact have to be characterized using some special concepts.

Impact impulse

Let's consider a point of mass moving under the action of some finite force. Let then at an instant an instantaneous force P be applied to it, the action of which ceases at the instant . Let us denote the speed of the point at moments and, accordingly, applying the momentum theorem to these moments, we obtain:

The first of these integrals represents the impulse of a finite force over time and is therefore a small quantity of the same order as . Consequently, the speed of the point under consideration can receive a finite change only if the impulse of the instantaneous force P is finite, denoting which we have:

where it is called impact, or instantaneous, impulse, it characterizes the action of instantaneous force upon impact.

Basic equation of impact theory

Since the impulse of a finite force is of the order of small magnitude, it can be neglected in comparison with the finite impulse. Therefore, when studying the action of instantaneous forces during an impact, the action of finite forces can be ignored, and the impulse theorem for a point during an impact has the form:

The point velocities corresponding to the beginning and end of the impact are called pre-impact and post-impact speeds. The resulting equality connecting the velocities of a point before and after the impact with the instantaneous impulse is called the basic equation of the theory of impact. In this theory it plays the role of the fundamental law of dynamics.

Displacement of points upon impact

The speed of the point during the impact remains finite, changing from to From here the point will move or it will be a small value of the order of m. Thus, during the impact the point does not have time to move in any noticeable way. Neglecting this negligible movement, we can say that the only consequence of the action of an instantaneous force is a sudden change in the speed of the point. Since the velocity vector can change not only in magnitude, but also in direction, the trajectory of the point at the moment of impact can receive a kink (a corner point is formed on the trajectory) (Fig. 131).

Impact equations of a material system

Let's consider a mechanical system consisting of material points. Let among the external and internal forces acting on the points of the system there be instantaneous forces, which we denote respectively. Then for each point of the system we can write the basic equation of impact:

Let us multiply each of these equalities by r, vectorially, where is the radius vector of the point corresponding to the moment of impact (or an infinitesimal time interval of impact). Then we get the equality:

To exclude internal instantaneous forces acting on the system, we add each group of the indicated equalities term by term. As a result we get:

since it was previously proven that for internal forces

where P is the amount of motion of the system.


where is the shock impulse of the external force acting on a point in the system. Therefore, the first of the resulting equalities can be written as:

Since they will be the amount of motion of the system before and after the impact, we have: the change in the amount of motion of the system during the time of impact is equal to the sum of the instantaneous impulses of all external forces acting on the system.

Pulse - health, life expectancy, aging and immortality.

Pulse is the shock in the blood vessels caused by blowsour heart, and the size and nature of the work,Our whole life depends on them, as on the main pendulum; they determine life expectancy, health, aging and immortality. Pulse rate and heart size give speed of life, its duration and aging. The heart of living organisms, perfect and precisetime mechanisms and meters speed of life.For thousands of years, people have tried to reproduce the unique accuracy and capabilities of the heart in the form of water, hourglass or mechanical watches. Information is encoded and built into genes chromosomes, organisms and populations, on the intensity and level of work on which prosperity depends,life expectancy and their service life.

Z The dependence of the nature of the pulse and the work of the heart on the impulse, stimulus or conditions formed the basispulse diagnostics,determining and managing the state of the body, sports prospects, reproductive properties, depth of tone and possible life expectancy.

Normal pulsea healthy person should be 65-75 beats. per minute, its level for average weight should not change, the rate of aging and life expectancy at 25 and 100 years depend on the optimal and harmonious pulse. The resting heart rate of a person isfrom 30 to 200 beats. per minute and more, changes weight, age, time of day, fitness, habitsand lifestyle. The beating frequency and size of the heart are changed by diseases of the person and the body; a decreased pulse with bradycardia enlarges the heart, and an increased pulse with tachycardia reduces the size.

Heart rate and character show the amount of health, physical condition and size are strength, speed, endurance and weight - the growth characteristics of the body. Birds and animals at home live much longer than their free counterparts in nature, sometimes this difference differs significantly, their level of metabolism changes and decreases and their size increases.

Calibre's pulse in flight For example is 1,200 beats per minute, at rest 500 beats, and in stupor only 50 beats. A crocodile’s pulse is normally 25-40 beats per minute, and in a state of torpor it’s 1-5 beats, depending on its mass.Calibers live 1 - 2 years, some species up to 9 years, crocodiles 5 - 8 years, some species can live up to 100 years, and whales live 30 - 50 years, some species of whales up to 200 years or more.

The biochemistry of the body and the work of organs changes within seconds after exposure, and the pulse changes its work in a fraction of seconds, changingproportions of substances and health, priorities andnature of adaptation,level of aging and futureduration of life or immortality.

By changing the so-called variability, different species can reduce energy expenditure when changing external conditions and environment, showing records of endurance and speed in the struggle for survival. A crocodile can go without food for a year or more, and antelope and gazelle cubs compete in speed with a cheetah within a few days or even hours after birth.

A person, of course, could not go without food for months, much less a year, like a crocodile, but reaction and adaptation can also vary widely, just likepulse fluctuations wherein. So, when cooling, the pulse slows down, and when doing work or illness, it increases sharply. The stronger these fluctuations are, the higher the depth of the body's tone and metabolic level are usually.

Life expectancy depends on the genes of a particular organism, pulse and metabolic rate. The greater the mass of the species of an organism, the higher the life expectancy, it has been noted that the lower the natural temperature of the organism, the higher it is. It is enough to lower the temperature by one and a half to two degrees, from the natural temperature of 36.6 degrees, for a person with optimal weight, this will reduce aging and increase life expectancy by tens of years or more. It is worth mentioning that each type has its own optimal mass. For peopledepending on gender and height,this is from 55 to 85 kilograms, going beyond these limits reduces life expectancy.

Objectively, any excess of 60 kilograms is already a disadvantage, and the difference in average weight, which depends on gender, should not exceed 20 - 25 kg. It has been noticed that people whose weight and height are lower have less background diseases of nerves, cancer, diabetes, and so on, which is associated with better functioning of the immune system and higher quality of tissues and the level of regeneration, which decrease with increasing weight.

High human life expectancy is on average 70 - 80 years, and in other cases up to 100 years or more. The slow rate of aging in comparison with animals is the price to pay for the loss of the metabolic rate. As a result, we suffer from diseases, many of which do not exist in the animal world, and we must put up with a long period of recovery of the functions of organs and the body after illness, injury and work. For example, some insects will restore damage incompatible with life in half an hour, and a plucked flower of a plant can go through a full cycle before producing full-fledged seeds, which is not possible for humans. A person is forced to care for his children until they are 18-20 years old or more until they are fully adapted to independent life; this is the period by which all the main species of animals have already completed their life cycle.

We must understand that the main regulators are located in our brain, these are small sections - the thymus, pineal gland and the most important hypothalamus, on the work of which all our functions, including the pulse, depend. These are the organs on whose work the production of hormones of youth and life depends, especially the important gonadotropic hormone, known as growth hormone.The pineal gland produces melatonin and serotonin. Melotonin sets the pattern of sleep, rest and life expectancy, and serotonin is responsible for physical growth and good mood. The more hormones per unit of mass, the higher the level of health, and a drop in their values ​​leads to illness, worsening the management of organs and tissues. This is a common situation in the occurrence and development of cancer, a decrease in tissue quality, when the health of the body is measured by the weakest or worst organ.

It is known that during the production of hormones, during sleep human body temperature drops,and the heart rate increases during REM sleep, we can conclude that life expectancy depends on the quantity and quality of sleep. By increasing the duration and quality of sleep, you can control the production of hormones, increase life expectancy and other processes and functions of the body.

In nature, animals fall into stupor and long sleep, finding complete safety, stable and comfortable conditions, deep in the ground or on the ceiling of caves andaway from the sun.In extreme cases, due to the shade high on a tree, providing the body with extreme relaxation and the prototype of the necessary biochemistry, reducing the pulse. It turns out that animals turn the worst environmental conditions into their greatest advantage, that is, into the production of hormones, going into torpor or prolonged sleep and losing mass.

The most interesting thing is that sometimes people in some situations also fall into a long sleep and even into torpor, ceasing to grow old; numerous cases of lithargic sleep and even a case of torpor are known. Hamba Lama entered this state in 1927, according to whose will he was pulled out of the grave in 2002, when he was 160 years old and breathing, his heart was beating at a frequency of 2 beats per minute, and his biological age, according to scientists, was 75 years. Now he most likely died due to the fact that there is no one to help bring him out of suspended animation, since for various reasons none of hisstudents and followers.

By giving our body relaxation, comfort and ideal biochemistry, stimulating the production or introducing ready-made hormones, we can obtain an increase in life expectancy by changing the pulse in accordance with external influences in the phase and interests of the body, essentially reproducing the macropulos remedy.

Scientists have noticed that a high IQ is the level of intelligence that guarantees a long life expectancy, so those withIQ - 85 live to 80 years, and withIQ - 115 live more than 100 years, this is explained by the higher stress resistance of people with higher intelligence. But most likely he is tallIQ and high life expectancy are related to genetics, the type of biochemistry, and the characteristics of the heart and pulse.

Statistics show that it is nervous and overexcited people who often get sick and shorten their lives due to the depletion of the reserves of the most valuable components of the body. The favorableness of the external environment is important for the population; the more severe the external conditions, the shorter the period between generations. Thus, with the advent of comfortable conditions, the average life expectancy of people increased threefold.

There has been a clear relationship between performance, productivity, reproduction on the one hand and life expectancy on the other. The higher any component of the first partand the higher the pulse or the lower the body weight,the lower the life expectancy. Reproduction occupies a special place in life expectancy, which may be why the gods, who in myths lived forever, but could not have children.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that each type of living organism, including ours, has its own optimal values ​​of pulse and mass, exceeding which causes various diseases and a reduction in life expectancy. It's no secret that people whose height is above 195 centimeters live 30 - 50 years, that is, significantly less than those whose height is less than 180 centimeters, who live 60 - 100 years, and sometimes more.

One of the deepest desires of any person is to live forever; in connection with these aspirations, great minds, experienced specialists and alchemists have been searching for the elixir or code of immortality for thousands of years. Recently, this search has led to an inconspicuous microscopic subspecies of Turinopsis nutricular jellyfish measuring only 5 millimeters in size. It turned out that they are truly immortal and can live for a thousand years. And the code of immortality or youth is contained in the biochemistry of their body. They are able to restore their youth by injecting some substance after reproduction and reaching a certain limit of biorhythms. From this moment, rejuvenation begins, turning in the opposite direction from the adult state to the larval form, reaching the larval polyp stage, again towards the adult organism. This continues as many times as desired, and in fact forever, unless they are physically destroyed, for example by a predator.

To increase life expectancy and the necessary biochemistry with a pulse of one to two beats per minute, it is more correct to put the body into a trance or torpor instead of freezing it and damaging the cells. Considering that in a limited space you can create virtually any conditions thousands or millions of times different in magnitude from external influences, the nature of sleep or torpor can also be created quite comfortable and harmonious for a particular organism. This is extremely important when flying outside the solar system, where it is necessary to maintain the internal constancy of biochemistry, where the background of calcium and potassium is especially important, but there are also mass restrictions, when cryogenic facilities will turn out to be an unaffordable luxury.

It is only necessary to recreate the conditions to achieve eternal youth and immortality.

Since time immemorial, people have puzzled over what the megalithic dolmens were intended for. And everyone describes their structure in similar terms; these are usually four stones carefully adjusted to each other, one of which has a hole, and is covered with a fifth stone on top. All together, sometimes with a sixth stone intended for the floor, it forms a room with a carefully fitted plug covering the hole.

The conclusion that comes to mind is that a person got inside, and even more so, by closing himself with a plug, he was going to fence himself off from something. From what? In this design, one of the most suitable outputs is from external influences and, first of all, from the sun, as high-precision instruments are placed deep underground to increase their sensitivity.Dalmens most likely -it is a kind of sanctuary for achieving enlightenmentand trance with a pulse of several beats per minute, where everyone, depending on what their brain was sharpened for, could receive their secret.

Cells in monasteries are intended for the same purposes, only 10,000 years ago people approached this more thoroughly and monumentally, taking into account the interactions of nature, living organisms and the laws of physics. In this design, the buildings and Krasnodar dolmens certainly made it possible to increase sensitivity and prepare the brain for entering a trance. For example, to communicate with the spirits of the dead, they connected to the information field, which allowed proscopy and retroscopy - to see the future and the past. Besides that they just turned it off escape from earthly problems and past in order to fully relax and start a new life.

Our ancestors gave dolmens, a method and device for the shortest path, achieving harmony and perfection, and we need to restore the “technique” and “school” ourselves.