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Military Institute of Special Forces GRU. Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School: specialties




candidate entering

to the Novosibirsk Higher Military

command school

Ministry of Defense

Russian Federation

(specialty: “Application of units

military intelligence")

Novosibirsk – 2007

1. Introduction

This manual is intended for young people who decide to enter the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School of the Russian Defense Ministry with a specialty in “Use of Military Intelligence Units.”

2. Historical information about NVVKU

Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School was founded in 1967 as a higher military-political combined arms school (NVVPOU). The first intake of cadets was carried out at the training center of the Omsk Higher Combined Arms Command School in Omsk.

The only building that housed the entire school was the building of the physics and mathematics school (now educational building No. 1). Since July 1, 1992, NVVPOU has been repurposed as a higher combined arms command school (HVOKU). He was entrusted with the task of training platoon commanders of motorized rifle troops and military reconnaissance, and since 1994, with the transfer of a special reconnaissance battalion from the Ryazan VVDKU - officers for special reconnaissance units. In 1998, NVOKU was renamed the Novosibirsk Military Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in connection with the ongoing reform of military education in the Armed Forces. In 2004, the NVI of the RF Ministry of Defense was renamed the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School (military institute) of the RF Ministry of Defense.

The formation of military knowledge and practical skills among cadets begins from the first day of entering the institute, during field trips and classes. Firing with small arms and driving combat vehicles are carried out at the institute’s training center, firing with BMP weapons is carried out at a military training ground, and parachute jumping is carried out at the base of a special forces brigade.

A mandatory form of training is military internship, during which senior students test their knowledge and skills in practice.

Graduates of the institute can manage units in any type of combat, shoot all types of small arms, drive combat and transport vehicles, train and educate subordinates, and organize the daily activities of units.

The educational process requires maximum effort from cadets. Based on the results of reviews of NVVKU graduates in recent years, more than half of them took or are taking part in hostilities in Chechnya, Tajikistan, as part of peacekeeping forces in Yugoslavia and in other hot spots, most of them were awarded orders and medals.

For more than 35 years, our university has been producing comprehensively developed, cultural, physically strong officers capable of performing any tasks both during military service and in civilian life. Over these years, 22 graduates of NVVKU were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Russia, every fourth graduate was awarded state awards.

To be a cadet today, and then an officer - a graduate of the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School - is hard man's work and a great honor, which obliges a young man to a lot. Therefore, before entering a military school, think: will you be able to cope, will you be worthy of the high rank of a Russian officer.

3. Areas of training for NVVKU cadets

4. Admission conditions

Males are admitted to the institute :

- citizens who have not completed military service, aged 16 to 22 years at the time of admission;

- citizens who have served or are undergoing military service at the time of admission, including under a contract after the expiration of half the period specified in the first contract - under the age of 24 years.

Submit a report on command until

April 1st

admissions (graduates of SVU and KK MO RF before May 15 of the year preceding the year of graduation)

Submit an application to the military registration and enlistment office of the district at the place of residence before April 20, and to the Faculty of Special Intelligence before April 1 of the year of admission

Documents prepared by the candidate :

- autobiography; - a copy of the document on secondary education; - copy of the passport; - characteristics; - service card; - card of professional psychological selection; - three photographs (without headdress, size 4.5x6); - medical examination card; - medical book; - for those serving under a contract - a personal matter; - autobiography; - a copy of the birth certificate; - copy of the passport; - a copy of the document on secondary education (for students - a certificate of current academic performance indicating the foreign language being studied); - characteristics from the place of study (work); - three photographs (without headdress, size 4.5x6); - certificates from the district department of internal affairs; - card of professional psychological selection; - medical examination card and medical book.



By July 1, and graduates of SVU and KK - by July 10

The selection committee makes a decision on admitting the candidate to professional selection, or refuses him with reason until June 20 of the year of admission. Upon arrival at the school, candidates present a passport, military ID or registration certificate, and the original document on education (academic certificate of those who have completed the 1st and subsequent courses of higher educational institutions with state accreditation).

Features of checking general education

candidate training

Written exams. All written work, both in finished and draft versions, is performed only on insert sheets. To write an essay, 4 astronomical hours are allotted from the moment you finish recording the names of all topics on the blackboard, without a break; for writing a dictation - 1 astronomical hour. When writing a dictation, the examiner reads the entire text aloud, then dictates it sentence by sentence and reads the entire text again to check what the candidates themselves have written. Candidates are not given additional time to independently check the dictation.

Interview is carried out with persons who have graduated with medals (gold or silver) from state accredited educational institutions of secondary (full) general or primary vocational education, as well as those who have graduated with honors from educational institutions of secondary vocational education. Candidates are interviewed in areas corresponding to the subjects included in the entrance exams. Applicants are not given time to prepare for the interview. The interview is conducted in the form of an oral survey. When conducting it, the survey in each area lasts, as a rule, 20 minutes, including the time for preparing answers to the examiners’ questions. A candidate is considered to have passed the interview if he has generally given clear, confident and correct answers in all areas.

5.Typical entrance exam options

to Novosibirsk VVKU

Specializing in “Use of Military Intelligence Units.”

Features of passing exams

in general education training.

Those entering the specialty training for commanders of military reconnaissance units take exams in mathematics - in writing, Russian - in writing (in the form of a dictation), physics - in writing. The materials below can be used to prepare for the exams on your own.

Historical reference:
The Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School was founded on June 1, 1967 as a higher military-political combined arms school (NVVPOU) for training company-level political officers. The first intake of cadets was carried out on the basis of the training center of the Omsk Higher Combined Arms Command School. The school was located in a picturesque place in Novosibirsk - Academgorodok, known in our country and throughout the world as the center of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The only building that housed the entire school was the building of the physics and mathematics school (now educational building No. 1). Since July 1, 1992, NVVPOU has been repurposed as a higher combined arms command school (HVOKU). He was entrusted with the task of training platoon commanders of motorized rifle troops and military reconnaissance, and since 1994, with the transfer of a special reconnaissance battalion from the Ryazan VVDKU - officers for special reconnaissance units. In 1998, NVOKU was renamed into NVI, and in 2005 - into the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in connection with the ongoing reform of military education in the Armed Forces. The Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School is currently the only educational institution in the Ground Forces that trains specialists in four diverse profiles: officers of special intelligence units, commanders of reconnaissance platoons, commanders of motorized rifle platoons (the last intake was made in 2001) and, since 2002 - deputy company commanders for educational work. Today, the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School occupies one of the leading places among the universities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Academic buildings and departments are equipped with modern equipment, computers, and simulators. The formation of military knowledge and practical skills among cadets begins from the first day of entering the institute, during field trips and classes. Shooting with small arms and driving combat vehicles are carried out in the training center of the school, shooting with BMP weapons is carried out at a military training ground, and parachute jumping is carried out at the base of a special forces brigade. Cadets are also taught humanitarian, socio-economic, natural science and general technical disciplines, including the history of the Fatherland, cultural studies, philosophy, political science, jurisprudence, economics, sociology, psychology and pedagogy, higher mathematics and computer technology, and foreign languages.
A mandatory form of training is military internship, during which senior students test their knowledge and skills in practice. Graduates of the school can manage units in any type of combat, shoot all types of small arms, drive combat and transport vehicles, train and educate subordinates, and organize the daily activities of units. The educational process requires maximum effort from cadets. Based on the results of reviews of NVVKU graduates in recent years, more than half of them took or are taking part in hostilities in Chechnya, Tajikistan, as part of peacekeeping forces in Yugoslavia and in other hot spots, most of them were awarded orders and medals. For about 40 years, the university has been producing comprehensively developed, cultural, physically strong officers capable of performing any tasks both during military service and in civilian life. Over these years, 22 graduates of the school were awarded the titles of Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Russia, every fourth graduate was awarded state awards. To be a cadet today, and then an officer - a graduate of the Novosibirsk Military School - is hard man's work and a great honor, which obliges a young man to a lot.

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NOVOSIBIRSK, November 5 – RIA Novosti, Grigory Kronich. On the eve of Military Intelligence Day, RIA Novosti correspondents visited the only military university in Russia where they teach this profession. Teachers and cadets explained who is taken into reconnaissance and why they are taught to conquer Elbrus, parachute underwater and eat snakes.

Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School was founded on June 1, 1967. Since October 2009, by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the school has been renamed into the Federal State Treasury Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces" Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation "(branch, Novosibirsk).

Running between buildings

On the spacious territory of the military university at 10.00 in the morning we were greeted by absolute silence; classes had been going on in the classrooms for a long time. The routine at the university is close to that of the army, explains Ivan Poshekhonov, a teacher at the military intelligence department. Wake up at 6.00, then exercise and breakfast. Classes start at 8.30 and last for six hours. At 15.00 - lunch, and then another three hours of classes. Lights out at 22.00.

The officer and I go to the building of the Faculty of Military Intelligence, and along the way we run ahead of a platoon of cadets.

“The break between classes is ten minutes, and the walk between some buildings is about 15 minutes, so you have to run,” explains the officer. “I myself once studied here, it was the same - a tradition. We even walked without overcoats in winter - so that time "Don't waste time on undressing. The first year sometimes comes late - it's hard for them to get used to it after civilian life."

Where the cadets ran, a lost pen and eraser remained on the asphalt. That's right - the freshmen were running!

Who will go on reconnaissance

Military intelligence is one of the elite army professions; it is very popular, but the selection for this faculty is the strictest.

“We have someone to choose from, usually the competition is about ten people per place,” says Viktor Ozherelyev, professor of the intelligence department. “We are also given the right to recruit 10% more cadets, so that if necessary, we can weed out unsuitable people.”

The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs wants to develop a special reconnaissance vehicle for 112 million rublesAccording to the design documentation, the product is intended, in particular, to search and identify ground-based stationary and moving targets around the clock and in all weathers, solve navigation problems, transmit intelligence data to the control center, solve problems of hitting detected targets, ensuring mobility and protecting the crew.

Based on the results of consideration of the submitted documents, the number of applicants is reduced to three people per place. Unlike a regular university, there are higher requirements for the health and physical fitness of applicants. To get the highest score, you need to do 25 pull-ups, run the 100-meter dash in 12.1 seconds, and cover three kilometers in 11 minutes.

“Our cadets have the first health group, with this you can become a pilot, paratrooper - anyone. To make decisions in a military situation, a reconnaissance officer needs self-confidence, psychological stability, and, finally, he must be able to think quickly and well, so the third the component of a scout is intelligence,” says the professor.

“But the most important thing is the desire to become an intelligence officer, therefore, if a cadet gets here against his desire, nothing will come of him. Cadets do not leave the faculty on their own initiative; it happens that teachers do not want to teach a person further,” the interlocutor continues.

Every year, a different number of cadets are recruited to the Faculty of Military Intelligence, depending on the order of the Ministry of Defense. From the course they form a training company, which is divided into platoons. And the entire faculty is united into a training battalion.

Upon graduation, the cadet receives two specialties - “personnel management” and “military intelligence”. Graduates are not left without work - they are in demand not only in military intelligence units, but also in other branches of the military and special services.


Until 1991, military intelligence officers were trained in Kyiv; after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992, training was moved to Novosibirsk.

“Why?” Ozherelyev wonders. “Perhaps they were counting on the endurance and unpretentiousness of Siberians? It is known that about half of the students at the university usually come from the region where it is located.”

Now cadets from various regions study here, although there are many Siberians.

“It doesn’t matter how far from home you study,” says fourth-year cadet Mikhail Startsev, who came from the Volgograd region, “it’s important that it’s interesting to study, and here it’s very interesting.”

Mikhail joined the army behind his older brother, an officer. And I chose intelligence because it is an elite education, an elite service in the future.

“Recently, a lot of guys have been coming from the south of Russia,” says Poshekhonov. “They are distinguished by their particular meticulousness, I would say. If a local guy can miss something without understanding, then the southerners will ask until they understand everything. They are a pleasure to work with."

Four dark guys in civilian clothes suddenly come out to meet us. “I wish you good health!” they say in unison, Poshekhonov answers the greeting and, noticing a surprised look, explains: “We went to the mosque for Friday prayers. It’s a normal thing - these are Arabs, they study with us to become intelligence officers on an exchange between countries.” .

Military intelligence officers do not engage in hazing, Poshekhonov notes.

“What kind of hazing can there be if you are going to intelligence with this person tomorrow?” he says. “We don’t have ‘soldiership’ at all; in this respect we are different. Officers usually address themselves by their first name and patronymic, and not by rank. I served in troops, but there was no case of calling a soldier some kind of “monkey.”

I will address the soldier, the cadet, by his first name and patronymic: “Ivan Ivanovich, come here, you scoundrel! I will punish him for his misconduct, but he will remember that he is not a “monkey,” but Ivan Ivanovich is a respected person.”

Commander's language

During their studies, cadets master skills in several areas. They even learn the basics of mountaineering. They are undergoing internship in Altai. Every year the university team participates in the Elbrusiad - a competition where you need to climb Elbrus in a certain time.

Reconnaissance and clearing of populated areas: special forces competitions in SiberiaReconnaissance and Siberian special forces platoons compete in the Novosibirsk region. Over the course of four days, fighters must demonstrate theoretical knowledge and skills in eight disciplines - from physical and fire training to the ability to provide medical assistance.

The cadets learn to handle special equipment, and also undergo airborne training - they make day and night parachute jumps, on water, long jumps, with cargo and special equipment in a wetsuit. During their studies, everyone must make at least 50 jumps. They have been jumping since the first year.

Freshman Semyon Groo has only been studying for a couple of months, but has already completed four jumps.

“I’m from the city of Lesosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, I graduated from the cadet corps there, because I always dreamed of becoming an officer. We have already started classes in the management class, where we practice commander skills,” he says laconically in a military manner.

We went into the management class. Here, according to senior lecturer of the intelligence department Sergei Zhukov, cadets develop a command language.

The training areas are separated by partitions, the cadets in headsets, with a map and compass, outline the route, as if from a combat vehicle. In front of them is a model of a training ground, on which military units - their own and others' - are marked with lights. The cadets command their scouts and carry out a training mission.

Professional language should be concise and understandable to subordinates. “Brevity is the sister of talent, but here - taking into account military terms,” says Zhukov. “As the task is set, so it will be completed.”

A set of equipment created at the department helps future commanders develop their skills. It allows you to track and manage scouts operating at the training ground right from here. Video and photographic images are transmitted from the drones to two monitors, and the commander at the computer controls the situation “in the field.” This development is the department’s know-how.

“But the fact is that when the war starts, all these systems will turn off,” says Ozherelyev, “and then the intelligence officers will have to rely on themselves, a map, a compass and personal weapons.”

Weeks in the fields

Cadets are taught to survive in any conditions. They must be able not only to make fire without matches, but also to feed themselves, no matter where - in the taiga or desert. Therefore, scouts know, for example, how to handle snakes and how to eat them.

But scouts are strictly prohibited from using captured food and drink (as opposed to weapons) - they can be specially poisoned.

Second-year cadet Denis Grishaev admits that he has not tried snakes yet. “We are not taught to eat snakes (in practice), we are trained so that if the need arises, we can do it,” he says.

And to the question: “What else are they preparing for?”, he answers simply: “To defend the homeland.”

In the Grishaev family, three generations of men are military men, so the example was always before their eyes. He chose the Novosibirsk university because his uncle, a military intelligence officer, said that both in his service in Afghanistan and later in civilian life, he benefited from the knowledge and character that he developed at the military school.

Denis is already feeling this upbringing. “I like studying, you discover something about yourself that you would never have known about yourself. Combat training means constant field trips, night parachute jumps, daytime jumps, long jumps. When you live in the fields for a week, willpower is hardened here, the core inherent in the military appears ".

Whom does the Novosibirsk VVKU train?

At NVVKU they study in two specialties: “Use of military reconnaissance units” and “Use of motorized rifle units”

What is the specialty after graduating from NVVKU?

Personnel management (Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and equivalent bodies of the Russian Federation)

This specialty is relevant only for law enforcement agencies and differs from the civilian specialty “Human Resources Management”.

The cadets have the skills to maintain combat readiness and manage units. Organization of comprehensive support for the activities of departments. They learn to manage a unit in battle, shoot all types of small arms and drive military equipment.

Reconnaissance cadets undergo airborne training, mountain training, parachute jumps, and master the techniques of silent combat on land and under water.

Each graduate has the skills to survive and perform a combat mission in any climatic conditions.

Training period

Duration of training is 4 years.

What will graduates be like after graduating from NVVKU?

After graduating from NVVKU, graduates are awarded the military rank of “Lieutenant” and they begin service in the army in the positions of “Reconnaissance Platoon Commander”, “Motorized Rifle Platoon Commander”, respectively.

Graduates are distributed throughout Russia.

Admission Requirements

Citizens of the Russian Federation can enroll in NVVKU male those with secondary education (graduated from 11 grades of school, technical school, vocational lyceum (if it provides secondary education), cadet corps, etc.) it is possible to enter after the 2nd and 3rd year of a technical school (college) if during this time the candidate has received secondary education and can confirm it with a document.

Citizens with higher education do not have the right to enter a military school (Article 5, Clause 3 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”).

Age of applicants:

  • from 16 to 22 years of age did not serve in the RF Armed Forces or other law enforcement agencies;
  • under 24 years of age discharged from the RF Armed Forces or other law enforcement agencies;
  • under 27 years of age serving under a contract in the RF Armed Forces or other law enforcement agencies.

Entrance exams

Russian language, Social studies, Mathematics (profile level) - Unified State Exam results.

Graduates of technical schools, colleges, and vocational lyceums have the right to take the above exams not in the form of the Unified State Exam.

Passing score

Based on the results of admission to NVVKU in 2018 for the specialty “Use of Military Intelligence Units”, the last enrollee had 245 points (Russian language -65, mathematics - 56, social studies - 55, physical education - 69), the last enrollee for the specialty “Use of Motorized Rifle Units” had - 263 points (Russian language -55, mathematics - 50, social studies - 58, physical education - 100).

The competition in 2017 consisted of 4 people for a place in all specialties.

Average Unified State Examination score in general education subjects - 55 points per item.

Minimum points

Features of passing physical training

At NVVKU, physical training is taken in the following types: pull-ups on the horizontal bar, 100-meter run, 3000-meter run (around the stadium). All three types are taken immediately from the beginning of the pull-up, then the 100-meter run, and after 3 km. The results are converted into a 100-point system and summed up to the Unified State Examination results in subjects.

Approximate standards: pull-ups at least 15 times (70 points), 100 meters in about 13.2 seconds (70 points), 3 km in about 11.18 minutes. (70 points) The total is 210 points, which is converted to a 100-point scale according to the additional table, it will be exactly 100 points. You can do more pull-ups and run faster.

Medical commission

Upon admission, all candidates undergo a final medical examination. The requirements for applicants to the specialty “Use of Military Intelligence Units” are more stringent, since candidates must be fit for airborne training and diving training (height no less than 170 cm, weight no more than 90 kg, etc.) there are a lot of requirements and fitness category “A” at the military commissariat does not guarantee successful completion of the medical examination at the school.

Mandatory documents for a medical examination: a medical examination card (issued at the military registration and enlistment office or military unit), an outpatient child development card (for those who have not served or have served in the RF Armed Forces), a medical record from the moment of conscription (for military personnel).

Features of passing professional psychological selection

Candidates complete several specific psychological tests. Testing proceeds at an intense pace, strictly according to time standards, lasts about 3 hours and is carried out in the first half of the day.

At the end of testing, each candidate is interviewed by specialists from the professional selection group. The interview takes place in the afternoon after testing.

How to prepare documents

All documents for civilian candidates are processed through the military commissariat at the place of residence. To do this, you need to come to the military registration and enlistment office and report that you want to enroll in the NVVKU. There you will write an application and receive instructions on what documents to submit. There you will undergo a medical examination. All your documents will be registered in the candidate’s personal file and sent in the prescribed manner to the school.

List of required documents:

Military personnel

Persons who have and have not undergone military service

  • autobiography;
  • a copy of the document on secondary education;
  • copy of the passport;
  • characteristic;
  • service card;
  • medical book;
  • autobiography;
  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • copy of the passport
  • a copy of the document on secondary education (for students - a certificate of current academic performance, indicating the foreign language being studied);
  • characteristics from the place of study (work);
  • three photographs (without headdress, size 4.5x6);
  • certificates from the district department of internal affairs;
  • professional psychological selection card;
  • medical examination card;
  • outpatient child development chart.

Accounting for individual achievements

When applying, NVVKU takes into account the following individual achievements that affect the category of professional suitability:

a) the status of champion and medalist of the Olympic Games, world champion, European champion, winner of the world championship, European championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, the presence of a silver and (or) gold badge received for the results of passing the standards of the physical education complex “Ready” to labor and defense" - upon admission to training in specialties and areas of training not related to specialties and areas of training in the field of physical culture and sports;

b) availability of a certificate of secondary general education with honors;

c) carrying out volunteer (volunteer) activities (if no more than four years have passed from the date of completion of the period of implementation of the specified activity to the date of completion of acceptance of documents and entrance examinations);

d) participation and (or) results of participation of applicants in olympiads (not used to obtain special rights and (or) advantages upon admission to study for a specific set of admission conditions) and other intellectual and (or) creative competitions, physical education events and sports events, conducted in order to identify and support individuals who have demonstrated outstanding abilities;

e) the grade assigned by the higher education organization for the final essay in the final classes of organizations implementing educational programs of secondary general education (if the applicant submits the specified essay).