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Air - the role of air in the life of humans, plants and animals. Clean air is the key to health Topic: Clean air is the key to health

Municipal budgetary educational institution
Svetlorechnaya secondary school
Zernogradsky district
« Fresh air- the key to health."
Teacher primary classes:
Kovalenko A.I.
Topic: Clean air is the key to health
Objectives: To study the mechanisms of interaction of natural objects with air.
Objectives: to give an idea of ​​why air is necessary for life on earth, its importance for life; develop research skills, the ability to observe, compare, draw conclusions, develop thinking, cognitive interest in the world around them; develop communication skills, cooperate in a small group, listen to comrades, cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.
Equipment: presentation, for experience: matches, flask, 2 candles, presentations, film “Air Pollution” - 3.45 minutes, cards with tasks. Course of the lesson.
I. Psychological attitude
Breathing exercises.
1. Take a deep breath, exhale in portions.
2. Take a deep breath, exhale with a hiss.
3. Take a deep breath - arms up through your sides, rise to your toes, exhale - lower your arms down.
- Why did we start the lesson with a breathing warm-up? (oxygen enters the blood through the lungs and improves brain function)
II. Updating knowledge
- We received an unusual telegram marked “ECOLOGY”.
- What is ecology? (on the table at each group is a definition from Ozhegov’s dictionary. Ecology is a science that studies how plants and animals are connected to air, water, earth, and humans, how humans depend on nature and how they influence it through their actions.
- Based on the concept of ECOLOGY, who do you think could have sent this telegram? Anyone who depends on clean air (plants, water, animals, humans).
What does the phrase “CLEAN AIR” mean? Is there DIRTY air?
The problem is air pollution
Hypothesis: people pollute the air.
Target. Find ways to solve the problem (how to save air).
- What people are called. Which ones solve such problems? (ecologists)
- Ozhegov’s dictionary says that ecologists are people who deal with ecology and protect nature. They explain to everyone how to live and run a household so as not to destroy nature and themselves.
– do a little research.
Students read the points of the plan:
1. Repetition. Properties and composition of clean air.
2. Study of air pollution factors.
3. Study of natural factors that purify the air.
4. Studying methods of air purification.
Properties and composition of clean air.
Game "Carousel"
The teacher reads out the question. What is air?
How much does air weigh
Where is the air
What is atmosphere
What does the atmosphere protect against?
What is the thickness of the atmosphere
Name the properties of air
What is air made of?
What gas does a person need?
How long can a person live without air?
How much oxygen does a person need per day?
Which planet has an atmosphere but no life?
1. What is air?
A) gas
B) special liquid
B) mixture of gases
2. What substances make up air?
a) hydrogen, copper, zinc;
b) oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide;
c) chlorine, fluorine, iodine.
3. What air gas is needed for breathing?
a) nitrogen;
b) oxygen;
c) carbon dioxide.
4. What properties does air have?
a) blue, like the sky, conducts sounds, transmits sun rays, has no odor.
b) transparent, colorless, odorless, expands when heated and contracts when cooled, conducts heat poorly.
c) dust blows through the air with the wind, the smell depends on surrounding objects, and with a sharp change in the boundary of heat and cold, winds are formed.
5. What happens to air when heated?
a) boils
b) turns into water
c) expands
III. Research project.
3. Study of air pollution factors
answer the questions:
- What pollutes the atmosphere?
- How does air pollution affect human health?
- How does air pollution affect plants?
- Look at the photographs and name the main sources of air pollution.
Guys, people and animals, factories and machines - everyone needs air.
Why isn’t there less of it on earth? (discussion and answers)
Because there are green plants on Earth. A person breathes oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide. And plants, as it were, breathe carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, which is necessary for people and animals. That's why it's so easy to breathe in the forest.
Where do you think the air is cleaner: outdoors or indoors? (group discussion and children’s answers)
The room is 10 times dirtier.
-Where does dust come from? (Particles of human and animal skin, villi of various fabrics and carpets, and they contain a lot of bacteria and
microbes that infect the respiratory tract and cause various
forms of allergies.)
- How to protect indoor air: at home, in the classroom?
Health rules:
1. Try to stay near the road less, and if necessary,
try not to breathe deeply, breathe only through your nose.
2. It is better to walk in parks away from roads.
3. The air in apartments is very dirty due to the accumulation of dust, so
rooms must be constantly ventilated with good drafts; people should be in another room at this time.
4. Residents of the first floors should not open the windows when there are a lot of working machines under the windows, especially in the mornings, when
drivers warm up their engines. Guys, what can cause air pollution?
Many factories are being built in cities. From their chimneys smoke rises into the air, containing a lot of dust and toxic substances harmful to the health of all living beings. Car exhaust fumes also pollute the air.
Human activities sometimes cause enormous harm to the planet.
Waste from factories and factories Slide “Smoke from factories and factories”
Forest fires Slide “Fires”
Urban pollution Slide “City smog”
Many cars Slide “Machines”, Slide “Deforestation”
- Experience “Burning a Candle”
Problem: Do you think fire pollutes the air?
What happens if you hold a metal spoon over the flame of an ordinary candle?
Proposing hypotheses: those who wish express their opinions.
(We repeat the rules for handling fire and hot objects)
Conducting the experiment:
Hold a metal spoon over the candle flame. We show the resulting soot, cool it and offer to touch it with your finger. What did your finger look like?
Conclusion: the same dirt gets into the air along with smoke, and then we breathe it.
Which gas is the most important in the air? (Oxygen - we all breathe oxygen.)
We inhale air that contains oxygen, and we exhale air without oxygen. This gas is called carbon dioxide, it is unsuitable for breathing. We need oxygen for breathing, just like plants. Only during the day they produce oxygen, and at night, on the contrary, they release carbon dioxide, so you can’t keep a lot of flowers in the room where you sleep.
Is the air on our planet clean?
What do people do to keep the air clean? (answers)
Factories operate installations that capture dust and toxic gases. Scientists are developing new cars that will not pollute the air.
And in the city, poplar and sunflower are the best at purifying the air from pollution. The poplar tree alone produces as much oxygen as 3 linden trees, 7 spruce trees, and 4 aspen trees.
Physical exercise.
Game “What pollutes the air?” (clap hands)
Forest, fire, plastic bottles, birds, car exhaust, cigarettes, animals, factory smoke, grass, plowed land, insects.4. Watching the film “Atmospheric Pollution” - 3 min. 45 sec
What can we do to maintain clean air? (students' answers)
On whom does the cleanliness of our planet depend?
IV. “Clean air is the key to health”
We are talking about the fact that the whole Earth is our common home - Our good home, a spacious house, We have all lived in it since birth. We are also talking about that, That we must take care of our home. Let's prove that it is not in vain The Earth hopes for us. Let's take care of the planet, There is no other like it in the world. Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it, We won't let anyone offend it!
V. Reflection.
Draw a picture on A-4 format “How to make a village clean.”

Topic: Clean air is the key to health

Goals:Study the mechanisms of interaction of natural objects with air.

Tasks: give an idea of ​​whyairnecessary for life on earth, about its significance for life; develop research skills, the ability to observe, compare, draw conclusions, develop thinking, cognitive interest in the world around them; develop communication skills, cooperate in a small group, listen to comrades, cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Lesson type. Combined lesson.

Lesson type . Research project.

Equipment: presentation, for experience: matches, flask, 2 candles, presentations, film “Air Pollution” - 3.45 minutes, task cards.

During the classes.

I. Psychological attitude

Breathing exercises.

1. Take a deep breath, exhale in portions.

2. Take a deep breath, exhale with a hiss.

3. Take a deep breath - arms up through your sides, rise to your toes, exhale - lower your arms down.

Why did we start the lesson with a breathing warm-up? (oxygen enters the blood through the lungs and improves brain function)

II. Updating knowledge and goal setting

We received an unusual telegram marked “ECOLOGY”.

What is ecology? (on the table at each group is a definition from Ozhegov’s dictionary

Ecology is a science that studies how plants and animals are connected to air, water, earth, and humans, how humans depend on nature and how they influence it through their actions.

Based on the concept of ECOLOGY, who do you think could have sent this telegram? Anyone who depends on clean air (plants, water, animals, humans).

What does the phrase “CLEAN AIR” mean? Is there DIRTY air?

The problem is air pollution

Hypothesis –airpeople pollute.

Target. Find ways to solve the problem (how to save air).

What people are called. Which ones solve such problems? (ecologists)

Ozhegov’s dictionary says thatecologists – these are people who are engaged in ecology and protect nature. They explain to everyone how to live and run a household so as not to destroy nature and themselves.

To realize the purpose of the lesson, I propose to work according to the following plan and do a little research.

Students read the points of the plan :


2. Study of air pollution factors.

3. Study of natural factors that purify the air.

4. Studying methods of air purification.

1. Repetition. Properties and composition of clean air.


Name the basic concepts that relate to the topic “Air” (from each group in turn)

    Work in pairs. Reception of the Association. Fill in the empty squares with key concepts on the topic “Air”


    Carousel game (dialogue learning – low order questions)

The box contains questions with numbers from 1-12 on the topic “Air”. The speaker takes out the question number, the teacher reads the question, and the group answers (3 questions for each group).

    What is air

    How much does air weigh

    Where is the air

    What is atmosphere

    What does the atmosphere protect against?

    What is the thickness of the atmosphere

    Name the properties of air

    What is air made of?

    What gas does a person need?

    How long can a person live without air?

    How much oxygen does a person need per day?

    Which planet has an atmosphere but no life?

    Mini-test “Air and its properties” (one group does the test on the computer, the rest on pieces of paper)

peer review in pairs.

Evaluation criteria:

“5” - all answers are correct

“4” - four correct answers

“3” - three correct answers

lower than three – did not finish studying (textbook page 66 -67)

1. What is air?

A) gas

B) special liquid

B) mixture of gases

2. What substances make up air?

a) hydrogen, copper, zinc;

b) oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide;

c) chlorine, fluorine, iodine.

3. What air gas is needed for breathing?

a) nitrogen;

b) oxygen;

c) carbon dioxide.

4. What properties does air have?

a) blue, like the sky, conducts sounds, transmits sun rays, has no odor.

b) transparent, colorless, odorless, expands when heated and contracts when cooled, conducts heat poorly.

c) dust blows through the air with the wind, the smell depends on surrounding objects, and with a sharp change in the boundary of heat and cold, winds are formed.

5. What happens to air when heated?

a) boils

b) turns into water

c) expands

III. Research project.

3. Study of air pollution factors (work in groups with the textbook text from 68-69)

Study the text and answer the questions:

What pollutes the atmosphere? (1 group)

How does air pollution affect human health? (2nd group)

How does air pollution affect plants? (3 group)

Look at the photographs and name the main sources of air pollution.(4 group )

Guys, people and animals, factories and machines - everyone needs air.

    Why isn’t there less of it on earth? (discussion and answers)

Because there are green plants on Earth. A person breathes oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide. And plants, as it were, breathe carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, which is necessary for people and animals. That's why it's so easy to breathe in the forest.

    Where do you think the air is cleaner: outdoors or indoors? ( group discussion and children's answers)

The room is 10 times dirtier.

Where does dust come from? (Particles of human and animal skin,

villi of various fabrics and carpets, and they contain a lot of bacteria and

microbes that infect the respiratory tract and cause various

forms of allergies.)

How to protect indoor air: at home, in the classroom?

Health rules:

1. Try to stay near the road less, and if necessary,

try not to breathe deeply, breathe only through your nose.

3. The air in apartments is very dirty due to the accumulation of dust, so

rooms must be constantly ventilated with good drafts; people should be in another room at this time.

4. Residents of the first floors should not open the windows when there are a lot of working machines under the windows, especially in the mornings, when

drivers warm up their engines.

    Guys, what can cause air pollution? ?

    Many factories are being built in cities. From their chimneys smoke rises into the air, containing a lot of dust and toxic substances harmful to the health of all living beings. Car exhaust fumes also pollute the air.

Human activities sometimes cause enormous harm to the planet.

Waste from plants and factories Slide “Smoke of factories and factories”

Forest fires Slide “Fires”

Urban pollution Slide " Smog of cities"

Lots of cars Slide “Cars”, Slide “Deforestation”

- "Candle Burning" Experience

Problem: Do you think fire pollutes the air?

What happens if you hold a metal spoon over the flame of an ordinary candle?

Proposing hypotheses: Those who want to express their opinions.

(We repeat the rules for handling fire and hot objects)

Conducting the experiment:

Hold a metal spoon over the candle flame. We show the resulting soot, cool it and offer to touch it with your finger. What did your finger look like?

Conclusion : the same dirt gets into the air along with the smoke, and then we breathe it.

Which gas is the most important in the air? (Oxygen - we all breathe oxygen.)

We inhale air that contains oxygen, and we exhale air without oxygen. This gas is called carbon dioxide and is unsuitable for breathing.
We need oxygen to breathe, just like plants. Only during the day they produce oxygen, and at night, on the contrary, they release carbon dioxide, so you can’t keep a lot of flowers in the room where you sleep.

    Is the air on our planet clean?

    What do people do to keep the air clean? (answers)

    Factories operate installations that capture dust and toxic gases. Scientists are developing new cars that will not pollute the air.

And in the city, poplar and sunflower are the best at purifying the air from pollution. The poplar tree alone produces as much oxygen as 3 linden trees, 7 spruce trees, and 4 aspen trees.

Physical exercise.

Game “What pollutes the air?” (clap hands)

Forest, fire, plastic bottles, birds, car exhaust, cigarettes, animals, factory smoke, grass, plowed land, insects.

4. Solving environmental problems (work in groups).

Solve the problem:

1 group . One large tree produces as much oxygen per day as is needed for one person. In the city, due to the release of exhaust gases into the atmosphere, the release of oxygen is reduced by 10 times.How many trees should there be? to provide oxygen to the city of Rudny, home to 100,000 people?(1,000,000 large trees)

2nd group . A small coniferous forest filters out 35 tons of dust per year, and the same deciduous forest filters out 70 tons.How many times Does a coniferous forest filter out less dust per year than a deciduous forest? What trees are best to plant in the city?(2 times. It is better to plant deciduous trees)

3 group . The oak grove releases 830 kg per year. oxygen, and the same pine grove - 540 kg.How much more does an oak grove produce more oxygen than a pine grove?(290kg more)

4 group . Of the 250,000 plant species on Earth, 1/10 are endangered.How many plant species on Earth are on the verge of extinction? (25,000 species)

5 group. Each inhabitant of the Earth spends the amount of paper per year that is obtained from three coniferous trees. How many coniferous trees per year are required foryours family?(5 people=15 coniferous trees)

Based on the results of the tasks, draw a conclusion on the third point of our plan.

Unfortunately, with green spaces Cities often have problems: they choose the wrong tree species that are required for the city.

5. Watching the film “Atmospheric Pollution” - 3 min. 45 sec

What can we do to maintain clean air? (students' answers)

On whom does the cleanliness of our planet depend?

6. Individual work. Show with arrows what pollutes the air.

IV. Poster “Clean air is the key to health”

Children bring illustrations in advance, material from newspapers, magazines, and in a group they makeposteron this topic.

We are talking about
That the whole Earth is our common home -
Our good home, spacious home,
We all live in it from birth.
We are also talking about this,
That we must take care of our home.
Let's prove that it's not in vain
The Earth hopes for us.
Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world.
Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it,
We won’t let anyone offend her!

V. Reflection.

    Individual score sheet


I'm in class

Bottom line

1. interesting

1. worked

1. understood the material

2. boring

2. rested

2. learned more than I knew

3.don't care

2. My mood at the end of the lesson

Mark with “+” sign, rate yourself


Not good


1. I have learned this topic

2. I worked during the lesson

    On the deskreception "Traffic light"

(children use a sticker to show how they have mastered the material)




V. Homework: Work on the “Clean City” project:

Draw a picture on A-4 format, write at least 5 rules: “How to make the city clean.”

Throughout its existence, humanity has influenced environment, and this influence was not always positive. At first, the negative impact of man on nature was not particularly noticeable, but with the growth of civilization and the development of technological progress, the role of anthropogenic factor environmental pollution began to increase rapidly.

Today, industrial enterprises, cars, and smoking waste dumps emit large amounts of toxic substances into the atmosphere. The number of these harmful emissions is constantly increasing, so the problem of maintaining clean air is becoming more acute.

The first serious step towards improving the environmental situation on a global scale was the Kyoto Protocol, which provides for greater restrictions on harmful emissions into the atmosphere on a global scale. This protocol has currently been signed by 192 countries, including Russia.

The Kyoto Protocol has annex B, countries that sign this annex undertake not to exceed certain limits on emissions of toxic and greenhouse gases. If any Annex B country does not fully utilize the quotas allocated to it, it has the right to sell them as unused quotas. This protocol also provides for a reduction in the use of hydrocarbon raw materials with its gradual replacement with biofuels. This is a very timely agreement; environmentalists’ forecasts indicate that excessive combustion of hydrocarbons can lead to the fact that in 50-70 years there will be no practically healthy people left on earth.

Clean air is the key to longevity; the main condition for increasing people's life expectancy is solving the problem of pollution atmospheric air. Hong Kong scientists, based on statistical data, have proven that in the 12 years since the requirements to reduce the content of sulfur oxides in car exhausts have been tightened, average duration life increased by 2 years.

Forests play a particularly important role in preserving clean atmospheric air; it is not for nothing that they are called the lungs of the planet. They are the main source of oxygen, so it is necessary to combat uncontrolled deforestation and protect them from destruction. Today, tropical forests are in great danger. Every minute, the area of ​​equatorial rainforests is reduced by 23 hectares.

Burning landfills of household and construction waste make a big contribution to air pollution; when burned, they release toxic substances that are hazardous to health. For example, when particle boards burn, phenol, formaldehyde and other harmful components are released. To limit this source of pollution as much as possible, it is necessary to combat unauthorized landfills, a ban on burning household waste within the city is also necessary, and a ban on burning fallen autumn leaves would not be out of place. One of the main ways to solve this problem is the construction of modern waste processing plants.

One third of total air pollution comes from road transport. The number of cars is constantly increasing, they burn huge amounts of fuel, and many harmful substances enter the environment with exhaust gases. Currently, many experimental models of electric vehicles and solar-powered cars are being developed, but most of these models are still far from perfect and cannot yet play a significant role in solving the problem of air pollution. At this stage, a more effective method is to switch to new fuel standards with fewer harmful substances in the exhaust.

Another significant step in solving the problem of reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere is the modernization of production using a closed cycle and the introduction of the principle of waste-free production, and where this is impossible for some reason, the construction of a new type of treatment facilities.

Preserving clean air is one of the priorities of our time; if we manage to do this now, our descendants will be grateful to us.

  • Work in pairs. Reception of the Association. Fill in the empty squares with key concepts on the topic “Air”

Carousel game (dialogue learning - low order questions)

  1. What is air
  2. How much does air weigh
  3. Where is the air
  4. What is atmosphere
  5. What does the atmosphere protect against?
  6. What is the thickness of the atmosphere
  7. Name the properties of air
  8. What is air made of?
  9. What gas does a person need?
  • Mini-test “Air and its properties” (one group does the test on the computer, the rest on pieces of paper)

peer review in pairs.

Evaluation criteria:

“5” - all answers are correct

“3” - three correct answers

lower than three - did not finish studying (textbook page 66 -67)

1. What is air?

B) special liquid

B) mixture of gases

a) hydrogen, copper, zinc;

c) chlorine, fluorine, iodine.

b) oxygen;

c) carbon dioxide.

5. What happens to air when heated?

b) turns into water

c) expands

What pollutes the atmosphere? ( 1 group)

2nd group)

3 group)

(4 group)

  • (discussion and answers)

The room is 10 times dirtier.

forms of allergies.)

Health rules:

drivers warm up their engines.

Waste from plants and factories Slide “Smoke of factories and factories”

Forest fires Slide “Fires”

Urban pollution Slide " Smog of cities"

Lots of cars Slide “Cars”, Slide “Deforestation”

- "Candle Burning" Experience


Proposing hypotheses:

Conducting the experiment:

Conclusion :

Which gas is the most important in the air? (Oxygen - we all breathe oxygen.)

We need oxygen to breathe, just like plants. Only during the day they produce oxygen, and at night, on the contrary, they release carbon dioxide, so you can’t keep a lot of flowers in the room where you sleep.

Physical exercise.

Solve the problem:

1 group . How many trees should there be? (1,000,000 large trees)

2nd group . A small coniferous forest filters out 35 tons of dust per year, and the same deciduous forest filters out 70 tons. How many times

3 group . How much more (290kg more)

4 group. How many plant species on Earth are on the verge of extinction? (25,000 species)

5 group. yours family?

(students' answers)

On whom does the cleanliness of our planet depend?

IV. Poster “Clean air is the key to health”

Children bring illustrations in advance, material from newspapers, magazines, and in a group they makeposteron this topic.

We are talking about
That the whole Earth is our common home -
Our good home, spacious home,
We all live in it from birth.
We are also talking about this,
That we must take care of our home.
Let's prove that it's not in vain
The Earth hopes for us.
Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world.
Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it,
We won’t let anyone offend her!

V. Reflection.

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“Lesson summary “Clean air is the key to health””

Topic: Clean air is the key to health

Goals: Study the mechanisms of interaction of natural objects with air.

Tasks: give an idea of ​​why air necessary for life on earth, about its significance for life; develop research skills, the ability to observe, compare, draw conclusions, develop thinking, cognitive interest in the world around them; develop communication skills, cooperate in a small group, listen to comrades, cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Lesson type. Combined lesson.

Lesson type. Research project.

Equipment: presentation, for experience: matches, flask, 2 candles, presentations, film “Air Pollution” - 3.45 minutes, task cards.

During the classes.

I. Psychological attitude

Breathing exercises.

1. Take a deep breath, exhale in portions.

2. Take a deep breath, exhale with a hiss.

3. Take a deep breath - arms up through your sides, rise to your toes, exhale - lower your arms down.

Why did we start the lesson with a breathing warm-up? (oxygen enters the blood through the lungs and improves brain function)

II. Updating knowledge and goal setting

We received an unusual telegram marked “ECOLOGY”.

What is ecology? (on the table at each group is a definition from Ozhegov’s dictionary

Ecology is a science that studies how plants and animals are connected to air, water, earth, and humans, how humans depend on nature and how they influence it through their actions.

Based on the concept of ECOLOGY, who do you think could have sent this telegram? Anyone who depends on clean air (plants, water, animals, humans).

What does the phrase “CLEAN AIR” mean? Is there DIRTY air?

The problem is air pollution

Hypothesis – air people pollute.

What people are called. Which ones solve such problems? (ecologists)

Ozhegov’s dictionary says that ecologists– these are people who are engaged in ecology and protect nature. They explain to everyone how to live and run a household so as not to destroy nature and themselves.

– To realize the purpose of the lesson, I propose to work according to the following plan and conduct a little research.

Students read the points of the plan:


1. Repetition. Properties and composition of clean air.

2. Study of air pollution factors.

3. Study of natural factors that purify the air.

4. Studying methods of air purification.

1. Repetition. Properties and composition of clean air.


Name the basic concepts that relate to the topic “Air” (from each group in turn)

    Work in pairs. Reception of the Association. Fill in the empty squares with key concepts on the topic “Air”


    Carousel game (dialogue learning – low order questions)

The box contains questions with numbers from 1-12 on the topic “Air”. The speaker takes out the question number, the teacher reads the question, and the group answers (3 questions for each group).

    What is air

    How much does air weigh

    Where is the air

    What is atmosphere

    What does the atmosphere protect against?

    What is the thickness of the atmosphere

    Name the properties of air

    What is air made of?

    What gas does a person need?

    How long can a person live without air?

    How much oxygen does a person need per day?

    Which planet has an atmosphere but no life?

    Mini-test “Air and its properties” (one group does the test on the computer, the rest on pieces of paper)

peer review in pairs.

Evaluation criteria:

“5” - all answers are correct

“4” - four correct answers

“3” - three correct answers

lower than three – did not finish studying (textbook page 66 -67)

1. What is air?

B) special liquid

B) mixture of gases

2. What substances make up air?

a) hydrogen, copper, zinc;

b) oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide;

c) chlorine, fluorine, iodine.

3. What air gas is needed for breathing?

b) oxygen;

c) carbon dioxide.

4. What properties does air have?

a) blue, like the sky, conducts sounds, transmits sun rays, has no odor.

b) transparent, colorless, odorless, expands when heated and contracts when cooled, conducts heat poorly.

c) dust blows through the air with the wind, the smell depends on surrounding objects, and with a sharp change in the boundary of heat and cold, winds are formed.

5. What happens to air when heated?

b) turns into water

c) expands

III. Research project.

3. Study of air pollution factors (work in groups with the textbook text from 68-69)

Study the text and answer the questions:

What pollutes the atmosphere? ( 1 group)

How does air pollution affect human health? ( 2nd group)

How does air pollution affect plants? ( 3 group)

Look at the photographs and name the main sources of air pollution. (4 group)

Guys, people and animals, factories and machines - everyone needs air.

    Why isn’t there less of it on earth?(discussion and answers)

Because there are green plants on Earth. A person breathes oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide. And plants, as it were, breathe carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, which is necessary for people and animals. That's why it's so easy to breathe in the forest.

    Where do you think the air is cleaner: outdoors or indoors? (group discussion and children's answers)

The room is 10 times dirtier.

Where does dust come from? (Particles of human and animal skin,

villi of various fabrics and carpets, and they contain a lot of bacteria and

microbes that infect the respiratory tract and cause various

forms of allergies.)

How to protect indoor air: at home, in the classroom?

Health rules:

1. Try to stay near the road less, and if necessary,

try not to breathe deeply, breathe only through your nose.

3. The air in apartments is very dirty due to the accumulation of dust, so

rooms must be constantly ventilated with good drafts; people should be in another room at this time.

4. Residents of the first floors should not open the windows when there are a lot of working machines under the windows, especially in the mornings, when

drivers warm up their engines.

    Guys, what can cause air pollution??

    Many factories are being built in cities. From their chimneys smoke rises into the air, containing a lot of dust and toxic substances harmful to the health of all living beings. Car exhaust fumes also pollute the air.

Human activities sometimes cause enormous harm to the planet.

Waste from plants and factories Slide “Smoke of factories and factories”

Forest fires Slide “Fires”

Urban pollution Slide " Smog of cities"

Lots of cars Slide “Cars”, Slide “Deforestation”

- "Candle Burning" Experience

Problem: Do you think fire pollutes the air?

What happens if you hold a metal spoon over the flame of an ordinary candle?

Proposing hypotheses: Those who want to express their opinions.

(We repeat the rules for handling fire and hot objects)

Conducting the experiment:

Hold a metal spoon over the candle flame. We show the resulting soot, cool it and offer to touch it with your finger. What did your finger look like?

Conclusion : the same dirt gets into the air along with the smoke, and then we breathe it.

Which gas is the most important in the air? (Oxygen - we all breathe oxygen.)

We inhale air that contains oxygen, and we exhale air without oxygen. This gas is called carbon dioxide and is unsuitable for breathing.
We need oxygen to breathe, just like plants. Only during the day they produce oxygen, and at night, on the contrary, they release carbon dioxide, so you can’t keep a lot of flowers in the room where you sleep.

    Is the air on our planet clean?

    What do people do to keep the air clean? (answers)

    Factories operate installations that capture dust and toxic gases. Scientists are developing new cars that will not pollute the air.

And in the city, poplar and sunflower are the best at purifying the air from pollution. The poplar tree alone produces as much oxygen as 3 linden trees, 7 spruce trees, and 4 aspen trees.

Physical exercise.

Game “What pollutes the air?” (clap hands)

Forest, fire, plastic bottles, birds, car exhaust, cigarettes, animals, factory smoke, grass, plowed land, insects.

4. Solving environmental problems (work in groups).

Solve the problem:

1 group . One large tree produces as much oxygen per day as is needed for one person. In the city, due to the release of exhaust gases into the atmosphere, the release of oxygen is reduced by 10 times. How many trees should there be? to provide oxygen to the city of Rudny, home to 100,000 people? (1,000,000 large trees)

2nd group . A small coniferous forest filters out 35 tons of dust per year, and the same deciduous forest filters out 70 tons. How many times Does a coniferous forest filter out less dust per year than a deciduous forest? What trees are best to plant in the city? (2 times. It is better to plant deciduous trees)

3 group . The oak grove releases 830 kg per year. oxygen, and the same pine grove - 540 kg. How much more does an oak grove produce more oxygen than a pine grove? (290kg more)

4 group . Of the 250,000 plant species on Earth, 1/10 are endangered. How many plant species on Earth are on the verge of extinction?(25,000 species)

5 group. Each inhabitant of the Earth spends the amount of paper per year that is obtained from three coniferous trees. How many coniferous trees per year are required for yours family? (5 people=15 coniferous trees)

Based on the results of the tasks, draw a conclusion on the third point of our plan.

Unfortunately, there are often problems with the green spaces of the city: the wrong tree species are chosen that are required for the city.

5. Watching the film “Atmospheric Pollution” - 3 min. 45 sec

What can we do to maintain clean air? (students' answers)

On whom does the cleanliness of our planet depend?

6. Individual work. Show with arrows what pollutes the air.

IV. Poster “Clean air is the key to health”

Children bring illustrations in advance, material from newspapers, magazines, and in a group they make poster on this topic.

We are talking about
That the whole Earth is our common home -
Our good home, spacious home,
We all live in it from birth.
We are also talking about this,
That we must take care of our home.
Let's prove that it's not in vain
The Earth hopes for us.
Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world.
Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it,
We won’t let anyone offend her!

V. Reflection.

    Individual score sheet


I'm in class

Bottom line

1. interesting

1. worked

1. understood the material

2. rested

2. learned more than I knew

3.don't care

3.helped others

3. didn’t understand

Mark with the “+” sign, rate your mood

1. My mood at the beginning of the lesson

2. My mood at the end of the lesson

Mark with “+” sign, rate yourself

1. I have learned this topic

2. I worked during the lesson

    On the deskreception "Traffic light"

(children use a sticker to show how they have mastered the material)




V. Homework: Work on the “Clean City” project:

Draw a picture on A-4 format, write at least 5 rules: “How to make the city clean.”