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Riddles on the theme of sea animals. Riddles - sea theme

Riddles about the sea introduce kids to the natural bodies of water on Earth, types of seas and their inhabitants.

There are many seas on the planet - the Black Sea, the Sargasso Sea, the Caribbean Sea and many others. In the modern world, seashores are most often considered as resort areas. And in ancient times, the seas were viewed more as strategic objects; huge fleets were created to protect the seas from attack.

Pirates often operated in the seas and robbed peaceful ships. There were especially many of them in the Caribbean and Mediterranean seas. And in the depths of the seas, in addition to the amazing underwater sea, hidden are countless treasures of sunken ships.

Riddles about the seas develop children's memory, imagination, and create an interest in adventure.

In calm weather
We are nowhere
How the wind blows -
We run on water.

Here - wherever we look -
Water blue expanse.
In it the wave rises like a wall,
White crest above the wave.
And sometimes it’s quiet and quiet here.
Was everyone able to recognize him?

Storm on the sea or fog,
But where is the edge of the earth
Every captain knows.
What is burning in the distance for them?

There is water all around, but drinking is a problem.

I won't lie
- I'm smaller than the ocean,
But I'm big, nevertheless,
It looks like the ocean.
I can be calm
I can make it stormy.
I always have
Salty water.

You can't scoop it out with a spoon,
And don't fall asleep with sand,
You can't make paths on it,
To walk.
It is endless, blue,
And the winds guard him,
And the ships are beautiful,
They walk along the surface of the water.

This is the largest animal
Like a multi-ton liner.
And he eats - believe me! -
Only small things - plankton.
Floats here and there
Across the Arctic seas.

I'm sailing on a ship
Sometimes I lie at the bottom
I keep the ship on a chain,
I look after the ship at sea,
So that the wind doesn't blow away,
I just rocked on the waves.

It walks and walks across the sea,
And when it reaches the shore, it disappears.
(Wave on the sea)

Without end and edge Puddle
She is not afraid of the evil cold.
Ships sail in Luzha,
They are far from the ground.

To the right is water and to the left is water
Ships are sailing here and there
But if you want to get drunk, my friend,
Every sip will be salty.

You already, my friend, of course
Heard something about me:
I'm always five-pointed
And I live at the very bottom.

Breaking thick ice
He goes forward alone
And only then after him
The ships are moving in single file.

White wool is floating somewhere.
(Foam on the sea)

Rumors spread about him:
Eight legs and a head.
To make it more scary for everyone,
He releases ink.

He is the king of the sea,
Ocean sovereign,
He is the keeper of treasures at the bottom
And the ruler of the mermaids.

I explain to the baby
To avoid errors:
I am a beast, I breathe air,
But it looks like large fish.
I'm a dodger in water polo
And I play ball with the children.

Who wears the spacesuit?
And dives to the depths?
Who's wearing lead boots?
Does he walk along the bottom there?

Across the sea-ocean
A miracle giant is swimming.
There is a tap on its back:
A fountain runs out of it.

I am nowhere without the sea,
All my food is in the sea.
I live on the shore myself,
I guard the polar circle.
Paws are something like flippers.
I'm like a walrus, but I don't have fangs.

I need a thread for fishing.
I wanted to ask the seller,
Like, is it on sale here?
I forgot the name of the thread.
My nose was sweating until it shone.
I remembered! This - …
(Fishing line)

A spider crawls into the sea -
Eight legs, a pair of arms.
In the hands of claws,
There is fear in the eyes.

Everyone who has been to the sea
I'm familiar with the bright umbrella.
From water and salt
It consists entirely.
Don't touch him in the water -
Burns like fire.

Neptune is clearly in a quarrel with someone,
If the sea is so stormy!
Waves of various shapes...
What about the sea? In the sea …

This beast is fanged,
Instead of legs - flippers,
The tail drags on the ice,
The beast is not afraid of frost.

I explain to the baby
To avoid errors:
I am a beast, I breathe air,
But it looks like large fish.
I'm a dodger in water polo
And I play ball with the children.

Sitting aground, wiggling his mustache,
And he will walk backwards.

We are shy sometimes
We can be brave too.
Water surrounds us
In it we breathe through gills.
With scales and fins
We float here and there
And we walk in joints
We are along rivers and seas.

A wave is rising
And the coast will close soon.
This is our satellite the Moon
The sea is so attractive.

It created many words
Both "sailor" and "seafarer".
And there is a lot of water in it,
There is a steamer sailing there. (sea)

No matter where you look,
Only water ahead.
And wherever you look,
Water blue expanse. (sea)

Less ocean, but more lake.
It can be calm, sometimes not so much.
The storm drives the waves - it frightens the ships. (sea)

The waves float towards the shore,
They carry white foam.
If you overcome fear,
Then you will see turtles.
They'll give you a ride, I bet?
Well, it’s like being on... (the sea)!

Not the most, but a very large body of water. (sea)

This is Neptune's house
And mermaids live in it.
Thirty-three heroes
They go there to spend the night. (sea)

The story is a mystery
It was summer. Dad watched TV, mom did a crossword puzzle, older brother played computer games. It was very hot outside, so the younger children sat in their room and argued very loudly about something.
The twin brothers shouted in unison (they did everything together, since they were like two peas in a pod):
- We know for sure, it’s black!
The older sister, who was eight years old, answered them no less emotionally:
- Yes, you are still kids! You don't know anything! I read that it is red!
- Nonsense! - the brothers answered even louder. – It’s definitely black!
The eldest brother could not stand it, as their argument prevented him from concentrating on the game.
- Don't argue! You're all right. But, at the same time, they are wrong. It can be red, black, but it is always blue.
What were the children arguing about? What can be different colors, but is always blue? (sea) (Black Sea, Red Sea)

Summer has come
So people will soon
They will collect their things
They will fly to... (sea).

It's a huge blue field
There is a place there to roam freely.
What is this? (sea)

There is a lot of water around.
But you can't get drunk. (sea)

On the sandy shore
I'll find a lot of shells.
I'm making a palace out of sand,
I will give it to the waves.
In the distance the lighthouse blinks,
Where does this happen? (on the sea)

Seagulls fly merrily
And dolphins swim by.
And the boats are coming,
Even stingrays live there. (sea)

White lambs are running across the field,
They run to the edge
And they immediately disappear.
What kind of miracle is this?
Where does it happen? (waves, sea)

They sing songs about him,
And they write poetry.
Pictures are painted and
They say it in fairy tales.
And the best thing to do is go there
And they have fun there. (sea)

I'm glad to cross it
I just need a ship.
You need to be a captain
After all, sometimes it is impassable. (sea)

If you want to rest soon,
The best option is... (sea).

Dolphins live there
Miracle - the fish swim.
Huge stingray at the bottom
I imagined it.
Where does he live?
Who knows the answer? (In the sea)

Other riddles:

Picture Sea

Some interesting children's riddles

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wide in width,
Deeply deep,
Day and night it hits the shore.
You can't drink water from it,
Because it's not tasty -
Both bitter and salty.
There is water all around,
But drinking is a problem.



In the wild sea-ocean
Scary fish live.
She has a big belly
A mouth with terrible teeth.

Don't put your finger in her mouth
Don't fall overboard with her,
After all, in one sitting she
The victim of curiosity will be eaten.


What kind of animals are these anyway?
Among dolphins and whales
Really alike
On bushes of dense flowers.


He was friendly with the sailors,
What is it still famous for?
Which of the sea animals
Is the monument still standing in the world?


This fish is just a miracle!
Very flat, like a dish.
Both eyes on the back
And he lives at the very bottom.
Very strange things.
This is a fish …


Fleeing from strong enemies,
Backing my head back
I disguise myself in ink
A torn robe.

She swims underwater
Always backwards
Constantly running away
Scares everyone with ink.


We are sea animals
For whales - more dangerous than thunderstorms:
Our fins are like this
What is sharper than sharp braids?

Killer whales

Across the sea-ocean
A miracle giant is swimming.
There is a tap on its back:
A fountain runs out of it.

Island with water palm,
Say hello to me!
He puffs resentfully:
"I'm not an island! I'm..."

A spider crawls into the sea -
Eight legs, a pair of arms.
In the hands of claws,
There is fear in the eyes.


This white parachute
The waves carry you to the shore.

For her, a wave is a swing,
And she floats without a goal
From nowhere to nowhere
Everything is as clear as water.


Victory over the starfish
Competing, I won:
In a minute I'm two meters
I ran on pins and needles.

Sea urchin

Captured five sea urchins
I'm in the underwater depths
And, calmly swallowing them,
It flashed brighter at the bottom.

Deep down she is
As if visible in the sky.
But it doesn’t shine and doesn’t warm,
Because he can't.


I love to live in gray seas,
I look for food in dark waters.
Your tail is like a reliable anchor,
I throw where I want.

What a wonderful horse?
Very strange habits:
The horse neither sows nor plows
Dancing underwater with a fish.
Call him buddy:
Fish friend...

Sea Horse

Easily snooping through the water column,
I don't take my eyes off the prey.
A moment - and then I expand
I'm your mouth thirteen times.

Monkfish fish

Let's swim without worrying
Even though there are fishermen nearby.
We can’t close our mouths,
The teeth are too big.


Early, early at dawn
And in the evening quiet hour
Not with a fishing rod, not with a net,
And they catch us with a jug.

Pear with long legs
Settled in the ocean.
As many as eight arms and legs!
This is a miracle...


Sitting aground, wiggling his mustache,
And he will walk backwards.

A shoemaker is not a shoemaker,
A tailor is not a tailor;
Holds a bristle in his mouth,
Scissors in hands.

There is a mouth - I’m not saying
I have eyes - I don’t blink.

I have wings, but I don’t fly,
I have no legs, but I’m walking,
I don't walk on the ground
I don't look at the sky
I don't count stars
I avoid people.

There are wings
I don't fly
No legs
You won't catch up

Under the bridge
Wags his tail.

For parents and children
All clothes are made from coins.


I'm famous in the Black Sea
Because I walk near the bottom
And poisonous with you
I carry a bone dagger.

He swims on the deep bottom,
And sometimes - off the coast.
With his mighty current he
Dispels the darkness of enemies.


Who's at sea?
In a stone shirt?
In a stone shirt
In the sea…


// October 13, 2011 // Views: 39,989

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Summer, hot. What do we most often associate summer with? Most often - with the sun and sea.

Many people dream of spending their summer holidays at sea. The sea is a lot of bright impressions, and our children adore the sea.

Today I invite the children to solve sea riddles. Riddles about the sea will introduce children to sea creatures. Riddles will help develop thinking and imagination. They develop children's interest in adventure and travel.

So, today - sea riddles with answers for children. Riddles about the sea, waves, ship, anchor, and also about sea creatures.

There is water all around,

But drinking is a problem.

Who knows,

Where does it happen (Sea)

Wide in width,

Deeply deep,

Day and night it hits the shore.

You can't drink water from it,

Because it's not tasty -

Both bitter and salty (Sea)

There are cabins, an anchor, a cable.

There is the stern, and this is the bow,

Starboard side and left side...

We arrive at the port tomorrow. (Ship)

This is someone's house. It is beautiful and durable.

Even in bad weather it is very calm.

But today the sea is too wild,

It threw away the house and sped off back. (Sink)

We walk in the ocean.

Like blue hills.

The ocean is our home,

It has a lot of miles.

We go into the storm like a big wall,

We calm down into calm. (Waves)

Stretch out under the sun,

Play ball with friends

And... splash into the water! (Beach)

It walks and walks across the sea,

And if it reaches the shore, it will disappear. (Wave )

I'm sailing on a ship

Sometimes I lie on the bottom.

I keep the ship on a chain,

I look after the ship at sea.

So that the wind doesn't blow away,

I just rocked on the waves. ( Anchor )

The waves met with a dark cloud -

So the mighty wind commanded them.

White foam flies up to the sky.

The waves dream of breaking out of captivity,

In rage they hit the side of the ship,

I would like to be at the helm of it myself. (Storm)

Who wears the spacesuit?

And dives to the depths?

Who's wearing lead boots?

Does he walk along the bottom there? (Diver)

A flock of birds, beautiful, white,

Very noisy, too bold.

They are seeing off our longboat,

Treats are expected from us. (Seagulls)

Like a water umbrella,

Carried away by the wave...

Admire, but don't touch:

The tentacles hide the fire. (Medusa)

She lies at the bottom of the sea,

Moves by crawling.

Apparently it fell from the sky.

It doesn't shine for us. It's a shame! (Starfish)

He wanders along the bottom of the sea,

He finds food there.

In appearance he looks a little like

For a simple spider.

Take a closer look -

Beware of his claw (Crab)

Looks so much like a horse

And he lives in the sea too.

That's a fish! Jump and skok-

The sea horse is jumping... (Horse)

Rumors spread about him:

Eight legs and a head.

To make it more scary for everyone,

He releases ink. (Octopus)

He is smarter than many in the sea.

Now he sleeps among the stones.

During the day you have to hide

And at night he hunts.

Tucked all eight long legs...

You know this... (Octopus)

This fish is like a bird

Rushing over the sea wave.

It flies, it floats,

Lives in warm tropics. (Flying fish )

She is not afraid of any beast:

The shell is worn on the back.

He lives for three hundred years without fear,

Who is this? ( Turtle)

Everyone who has been to the sea

I'm familiar with the bright umbrella.

From water and salt

It consists entirely.

Don't touch him in the water,

Burns like fire. (Jellyfish)

He knows how to get along with us,

Lets himself be petted.

When your hand touches

He seems to be smiling.

Doesn't like being alone at all

Swims with the flock... (Dolphin)

I explain to the baby

To avoid errors:

Beast, I breathe the air,

But it looks like large fish.

In Waterloo I'm a trickster

And I play ball with the children. (Dolphin )

He is huge, he is great...

His fin is bigger than us.

The giant can sing.

Releases a fountain upward. (Whale)

Resting at the bottom, buried in the sand.

It will be protected by electric current

From everyone who disturbs my sleep,

Who disturbs the fish's peace? ( Electric Stingray)

She spends her whole life lying on the bottom,

Her eyes are on one side.

What other sign is there?

Its sides are different colors. (Flounder)

Fast, gluttonous, strong,

It is the most terrible thing for fish.

And we better not meet with her,

When we go swimming. (Shark)

We are shy sometimes

We can be brave too

Water surrounds us

In it we breathe through gills.

With scales and fins...

We swim here and there,

And we walk in joints,

We are along rivers and seas (Pisces)

Today we invited you to read and guess these wonderful sea riddles for children with answers.

Write your comments. Share information with friends.

Best regards, Olga.

He is the storm of the seas

Schooners and ships.

Not a fisherman and not a soldier,

And the most merciless... (Pirate.)

This is not rubbish for you -

All pirates love money.

Divided very often

Voiced... (Piastres.)

This bird of warm countries

The captain loves him very much.

Don't trust him with a secret

Everything will blab... (Parrot.)

White skull on bones

The black background is a pirate flag.

Can frighten everyone

Our cheerful... (Roger.)

He's a pirate, a movie hero

And laughs at fate.

There is no one braver or more cunning -

That's Jack, nicknamed... (Sparrow.)

This island is a turtle

Became a haven for a pirate.

In the Caribbean from the south

Waiting for guests... (Tortuga.)

A pirate dreams every day

Find a chest in which... (Treasury)

Compote, water, and juice, and kvass -

It’s not possible to list everything now.

The pirate is sure of only one thing:

What is the best of all drinks... (Rum.)

The frigate with the loot is surrounded,

He won't be able to leave us.

And here comes our ship

The whole team on... (Boarding.)

There is no need to look for the path by eye.

The north will show us... (Compass.)

Brigs, schooners and frigates -

This is the property of pirates.

Sail away from the ground

Straight into the sea... (Ships.)

The part of land to which you need to swim

Treasures to bury quickly.

Sometimes it's hard to find

In the vast expanses that... (Island.)

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