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Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search taking into account morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthetical expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one is found.
Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For an approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

  • Kibanov A.Ya. Organizational personnel management (Document)
  • Course project - Shaping consumer behavior using merchandising tools (Coursework)
  • Smirnov S.V., Murashova E.P. Organizational behavior - managing human behavior in an organization (Document)
  • Bulavkina O.V. Organizational behavior. Course of lectures and practical exercises (Document)
  • Dushkina M.R. Psychology of influence (Document)
  • Kovalchuk M. A Kuznetsova I. V Raising a difficult child. Children with deviant behavior (Document)
  • Porshnev A.G. Organization management (Document)
  • n1.doc


    Dubna, Publishing center "Phoenix", 1997
    1. Communication structure

    Communication is the interaction carried out by sign means between

    The PC approach to communication is based on the irreversibility of time. If only I could

    It was possible to go back in time and repeat a specific situation about

    Scheniya (initial), changing during repetition at some point only one manifestation

    The laziness of one of the partners, then the further course after the change is repeated

    The new situation would no longer resemble the corresponding part of the original one.

    Parts of the situation would remain identical before the change was made; and without outside

    If changes were made, the original situation would be duplicated completely.

    In communication, its participants appear as systems that continuously carry out

    Influencing the reception, processing, transmission of information, configuration and adjustment

    To each other and to other stimuli.

    In psycho-cybernetics, the starting point is taken to be the complete absence

    Manifestations of man. Any manifestation is considered significant and can be


    Communication is the unity of communication, interaction and transfer

    Communication - specific - exchange of information between communicating


    Signs used to convey information can be verbal

    (expressed words), explicit, and non-verbal (facial expressions, pantomimes, ha-

    etc.), hidden.

    A complete unit communication cycle consists of four alternating

    Moves of partners: move-response-confirmation of receipt of the answer - certified

    The problem is getting an answer.

    Sometimes the unit of contact is considered to be a transaction: the inducing move of one

    Partner - an additional move (response) of the other partner. Any

    Dialogue can be thought of as a series of transactions.

    The form of a move can be a statement, a question or an incentive.

    According to the communicator activity parameter (in the direction of its increase),

    Such moves as communication, persuasion and suggestion are used. Communication

    Assumes feedback and understanding, and responsibility for rights

    The correct understanding of the message lies with the sender.

    Vertical communication (or one-way) is also distinguished when

    The flow of signals goes in one direction (for example, from the TV to us, when

    We watch TV), and horizontal, when information is exchanged

    Formation (for example, when we discuss a TV show among ourselves. semi-

    Chenna from the TV).

    Interaction - organization of interaction between people (behavioral

    These types of interactions are distinguished (spectrum from positive to negative -

    Nym, from competition to cooperation, through the entire list):
    area of ​​negative emotions - demonstration of antagonism;

    Creating tension:

    area of ​​proolem setting - request for indication:

    Please give your opinion;

    Request for information;
    problem solving area - orientation of others;

    Suggestion, instruction;
    area of ​​positive emotions - agreement (maintaining equal


    Relieving tension;


    Spectrum of conversation: confrontation - dispute - polemic - psychological conflict

    Tact - dialogue - cooperation.

    Perception is the process of perception and mutual understanding of each other

    Rami on communication. Has the following features:

    The perceived person seeks to transform ideas about

    yourself in a direction favorable for your goals (hence the conclusion: observe, in

    Which side does the partner seek to transform ideas about himself);

    The perceiver's attention is focused primarily on semantic and

    Evaluative (including causal) interpretations of the object;

    Greater dependence of perception on motivational and semantic activity

    Nosti and its connection with affects.
    The following contact phases are distinguished:

    1) beginning - the partners’ focus on each other, readiness to enter-

    Drink in contact;

    2) mutual reflection - recognition-reaction, thinking;

    3) mutual information. Communication takes place in alternating turns

    Research of this and the previous phase.

    In this case, partners go through the following stages:

    Determining the line of your further behavior in relation to each other

    Transition to psychological contact (due to minor, semi-

    ritual exchanges). -Here the parameters of the conversation are determined: pace, rhythm,

    Level of tension. basic states and main arguments of the interlocutor

    Actually communication;

    4) mutual disconnection - end of contact,

    The following levels of contact are also distinguished:

    Dynamics - tempo, rhythm, level of tension - interaction of themes -


    Argumentation - usually depends on age, specialty, intelligence

    Lecture, life experience of partners;

    Socio-psychological relationships - related to role positions


    From the perspective of relations between the participants in the contact, the following are distinguished:

    Business relations - at this level, the exchange of signs is carried out according to court

    The essence of the matter; content-informative component of communication;

    Social relations - both between carriers of certain social

    New roles, social functions;

    Personal (positional) relationships based on sympathy

    And antipathies, attraction and repulsion, etc. As a rule, this level

    Ven, not business, determines the outcome of communication, agreement or disagreement.

    A person’s personal attitude towards another determines the corresponding predisposition.

    Propensity for mental processing of information received from him.

    Instant situational reactions of partners to each other illustrate

    The dynamics of interaction between these two trends.

    According to the criterion of the purpose of communication, the following are distinguished:

    Actual - establishing contact as a state of mutual

    Noah readiness to receive and transmit messages;

    Informational - transmission and receipt of information, exchange of opinions and

    Incentive - directing the partner’s activity to fulfill those tasks

    Or other actions;

    Coordination - mutual orientation and coordination of actions;

    Understanding - adequate perception and understanding by partners of the meaning

    Messages and each other;

    Emotive - changing one’s own experiences and states from time to time

    By the power of a partner;

    Establishing a relationship, asserting one’s place in the system of connections


    Exerting influence.

    Influence - change in state, behavior, personal and semantic images

    Vanya of the partner, including his intentions, attitudes, expectations, goals, opinions

    Niy, decisions, readiness, mood, ideas, needs, actions

    Tweets, activity, experiences, ratings, etc.

    The influence comes down to the following processes:

    Analysis of the partner’s relationship to the elements of reality; team analysis,

    From which speech and behavior are synthesized;

    Adapting your behavior to your partner’s behavior;

    Organization of the partner’s mental state;

    Reducing opposition;

    Formation of dispositions (required motivation, internal motivations)

    In PC language, influence is achieved by connecting existing

    Partner of models (teams), their relinking, revaluation, weakening or

    Strengthening, as well as recording into the partner’s memory new models and the same opera-

    Tsiy with them, including linking them to existing ones. Influence is built on

    Model strength parameters based on the partner’s individual database -

    The result of influence, as well as the grounds for it, must be determined by

    The partner’s actions are significant, weighty facts.
    2. Setting mechanisms
    Attribution (causal) - a person’s explanation of the reasons and motives of behavior

    Understanding one’s own and other people, their personal qualities and the causes of events.

    If there is a lack of objective information about these factors, a person will

    He washes them based on his experience, and this significantly influences their behavior.

    Conclusion: you need to have enough information about your partner and provide him with the appropriate

    Valid information about yourself.

    Identification is the identification of something, someone, the process of comparison

    Niya, comparison of one object with another based on some characteristic

    Or properties, as a result of which their similarity is established or


    Reflection is the process of self-knowledge by the subject of internal mental

    Acts and states, and finding out how others know and understand it

    Personality characteristics, emotional reactions and related to cognition


    Developed reflection makes it possible to predict the reactions of a partner in a contest.

    Tact and find more adequate solutions.

    Stereotyping - perception, classification and evaluation of people and events

    Tiy based on stable and simplified images that arise as a result

    Generalizations of personal experience and ideas accepted in society (attribution

    To a social group).

    Stereotypes can be national, ethnic, role, gender

    Mi, age, professional, status, etc. Stereotyping and

    Identification allows some information to be obtained in finished form from pa-

    Empathy - comprehension of the emotional state, penetration-feelings-

    Interaction with another person's experiences.

    There are types of empathy:

    Emotional, based on the mechanisms of projection and imitation of movements

    negative and affective reactions of another person;

    Cognitive, based on intellectual processes (compared

    Nie, analogy, etc.);

    Predicative - the ability to predict the affective reactions of others

    Gogo in affective situations.

    Forms of empathy:

    Empathy is the experience of the same emotional states as


    Empathy is the experience of one’s own emotional states through

    About your partner's feelings.

    With empathy, a decrease in reflection is observed.

    Transfer - the influence of a previously formed action (skill) on mastery

    Not with a new action. This mastery occurs easier and faster.

    Transference is the basis of development, learning, creativity and intuition

    (coupled with combinatorial abilities).
    3. Effects

    The following effects have been noted on people’s perception of each other:

    Primacy - about a new person, the first one in the order of succession is more important

    Blunt information. If we first imagine the positive aspects of the

    Lovek, and then negative, then the attitude towards him will be more favorable.

    Clearer than if the information is presented in reverse order;

    Novelties - about a familiar person, the last one turns out to be more significant,

    More new information about it;

    Halo - distribution in conditions of lack of information about a person

    The general evaluative impression of him on the perception of his actions and personal

    Nostal qualities. So, if the first impression of a person is favorable,

    Then his further actions, as well as personality traits, are overestimated in

    Favorable side. At the first unfavorable impression - on the contrary,

    Roth, i.e. even good qualities and actions are underestimated, and attention

    The evaluator is focused on the shortcomings. General extends and

    For unknown qualities;

    Stereotyping - arises regarding a person’s belonging to

    Social group or layer. Associated with the spread in society (circle

    Communication, reference group) certain relationships to social groups

    (layers) - representatives of other nations, professions, authorities, etc.;

    Edges - information is better remembered at the beginning and at the end of an emotional

    But a uniform series of incentives,

    These effects can be used when introducing someone (yourself) to another

    Gimme to people and take into account when perceiving others.
    4. Barriers to communication

    Communication barriers - differences in homogeneous personal characteristics

    Those of the contact participants that prevent full communication between them.

    The following barriers can be identified:

    Semantic - one and the same phenomenon (word, phrase, event) has different

    New meaning for different people. For example, war as a tragedy for the people and

    As a means of expressing political ambitions. This barrier also manifests itself

    It lies in the inability to take into account the true motives of seemingly identical actions;

    Moral - differences between people in the social norms they have internalized

    And restrictions. This also includes decent for unfavorable

    Prominent actions, and the phenomenon that a very good person loses in

    Attractiveness, if he has no weaknesses;

    Motivational - when the goals (needs) of interacting people are not

    They also coincide when the motivation is not related to the needs of the motivation

    Intellectual - differences in the level of intelligence, depths.

    Niya and understanding of situations and needs, as well as mysticism, mythological

    Nobility of consciousness or dominant reflexivity of the psyche against rationality

    Rigid - lack of flexibility in interpersonal attitudes, difficulty

    Necessity of restructuring perception, system of motives, emotional responses

    In a changing environment. Inertia, rigidity of habitual patterns;

    Emotional - differences in emotional states, lack of emotion

    Pathies, as well as the inaccessibility of logical arguments to reason due to the fact that

    Emotions always turn off thinking (in direct proportion to their strength);

    Aesthetic - requirements for form: the appearance of objects (people,

    Kumentov, etc.), ritual behavior, etiquette. Such an effect as ir-

    Radiation of beauty or ugliness: a person who has a beautiful thing sometimes

    And he himself seems worthy.

    The task of the communicator is to not carry barriers in

    yourself and help others overcome their barriers by overcoming, using,

    Removing or obscuring differences between people.
    5. Other problems

    People derive pleasure from relationships when there is similarity or similarity.

    Complementing each other, problems arise from differences.

    Inertia of involvement: previous and current life circumstances,

    Forecasts and other factors associated with already connected models may

    Prevent contact, since they cause selectivity of perception

    Yatiya and partial predetermination of response.

    Signals: plans and forecasts for a conversation may be violated by models,

    Connected in the communicator with real manifestations of the partner and himself

    His appearance.

    Diagnostic deficiencies may also be related to the ratio

    Figure-ground when fixing attention, for example:

    Pulling out signs (manifestations) confirming the forecast;

    Considering what is characteristic of the communicator and ignoring

    Something that is alien to him;

    Ignoring a partner's obvious facial expression due to habitual

    Inertia or psychological defense, etc.
    A number of problems are associated with the costs of operating tuning mechanisms.

    Ki. Thus, when identified, an unworthy person can be positively assessed.

    Nen due to the external coincidence of his features with positive characters from

    past experience of the communicator, or vice versa, to the worthy there will be a non-

    Understandable negative attitude. The problem may be exacerbated by

    That the communicator will semi-consciously place the person he evaluates in

    These are the real conditions to confirm this forecast.

    When stereotyping, the specificity of an object is crossed out by generalized

    Ideas, which also leads to prejudiced attitudes.

    Weak reflection leads to the fact that a person ceases to adequately

    Evaluate his actions, and as a result, makes mistakes.

    Very strong reflection, which is undoubtedly a positive quality, in

    Combination with other factors can lead to constant soul-searching

    Even in those cases when it is a hindrance and results in indecisiveness.

    Naughtiness, suspiciousness, etc.

    Weak empathy leads to emotional callousness and straightforwardness

    In a relationship, strong can mean high susceptibility to infection and,

    As a result, increased suggestibility.

    In the process of causal attribution, a person can believe a plausible

    Noah lie or, conversely, attribute negative reasons to really good

    Mu urge.

    It's not a matter of deficiencies in the tuning mechanisms, but of proper management.

    Knowing them (or being aware of how they act).

    The following factors also influence:

    High speed of mental activity - it has been established that a person

    The century thinks on average four times faster than it speaks, as a result

    When listening, the head may be occupied with other things;

    Instability of attention - it has been established that the duration of the

    A person’s persistent perception of visual and auditory information without dis-

    The amount of attention spent on average does not exceed a few minutes;

    Autocommunication - a person admires the sound of his voice,

    Ravka, clothes, cracking fingers -;

    Antipathy to other people's thoughts and, especially, negative assessments,
    The following are barriers to communication:

    Personality traits: spitefulness, aggressiveness, touchiness, egocentrism,

    Closedness, tendency to manipulative behavior;

    Primitive reactions: ambition, indifference, pride, rudeness,

    Arrogance, envy, schadenfreude, contempt, appropriation.
    Some errors in perception are noted separately:

    The feelings and thoughts of the evaluator are attributed to the person being evaluated.

    Transferring the progress of the person being assessed in one area to another

    An area of ​​activity in which he may not achieve success;

    That the first impression is always correct

    It is erroneous because it is based on the subconscious expectations of the evaluator,

    And not for the moment;

    Subconsciously attributing traits and ways to a partner

    Things that the evaluator noticed in another person that resembles

    The following features also hinder productive interaction:

    Twii, and some of them lead to
    turns out to be the opposite of what was expected.

    Message Features:

    Inconsistency between the form of presentation and the content of the message;

    The message is critical and attacks beliefs;

    It imposes actions, assessments, attitudes, teaches;

    Causes fear, aggression, other negative states or associations

    Rushes with them;

    Excessive psychological pressure, power of persuasion;

    Its presentation does not correspond to the tempo-rhythm (temperament) of the recipient;

    The construction of speech is formal.
    Recipient Features:

    Is simply inclined to argue, or hostile, aggressive;

    Is in a negative mood (for example, downhearted);

    Does not perceive what is said due to absent-mindedness, interruption, distraction

    Respect for his attention or real misunderstanding:

    Doesn’t want to understand for personal or corporate reasons, because

    Anxiety or fear of making a mistake;

    Considers the reasons for the communicator’s behavior to be negative;

    Perceives correctly, but is not convinced or interested, not

    Inquires about principles or facts, does not agree, has no need to

    Our skills and abilities to understand the essence of the problem;

    The recipient lacks information, or he simply forgot it and does not want to

    Even to look ignorant;

    When an important motive is touched upon, he is ashamed to admit it and gives


    Even their complete refutation by the communicator can lead to strengthening

    Niyu of the previous point of view (reduction of dissonance through increasing conso-

    Nantes knowledge).
    Sender-receiver relationships:

    Trust in the source of information has been undermined, insincerity sent

    The sender is disliked;

    The sender's assessment of the recipient is lower than the recipient expects;

    Too obvious desire of the sender to influence the recipient;

    When the sender has formed positive expectations in the recipient, and

    If he fails, he can blame the sender for the failure.
    Sender-message relationships:

    The essence of his speech;

    There is no correspondence between the image of the information source and the content


    When the source of information and the message are associated with negative

    Relationship message - recipient:

    The message contradicts strongly held views, beliefs and habits;

    The sender arguments are not (sufficient) arguments in the

    Recipient's nimania;

    When lowering demands as an expression of trust is perceived

    Appears as low significance of the task;

    An insincere compliment within the bounds of decency is perceived as mockery.

    Ka or hypocrisy;

    The message violates the intimate sphere of the recipient;

    When the recipient considers the main features of a message to be those that

    The sender considers them to be secondary (and they are more in line with expectations)

    Yam recipient);

    The recipient with low self-esteem perceives stimulating reinforcement

    takes negative();

    If a person receives additional rewards for an activity he willingly performs,

    Corporeal reward, then begins to doubt. which does it one by one

    Noah only to his own will;

    When resisting suggestion, negative phrases (using)

    Can cause the opposite effect (-;1 person falls).
    Relationship message - circumstances:

    Monotonous information no longer corresponds to the changed

    When there is ambiguity in the message or in a situation where a more appropriate

    The target covers the less decent one, becoming noticeable.
    Circumstances - poor choice of place, time, lack of time.
    6. Conflict
    Conflict is a collision of opposing goals, interests

    Owls, positions, opinions or views of opponents or subjects of interaction

    Tvia. Conflict is an expression of the law of unity and struggle against opposition.

    Falsities in this sense should be considered as a means of development.

    The social role, by analogy with the workplace, is a certain aggregate

    The presence of functions and means sufficient to perform these functions. Function

    tions are reflected in duties and responsibilities, means - in rights and

    Authorities. Functions, duties and responsibilities, on the one hand, and

    Means, rights and power, on the other hand, must be balanced, then

    The implementation of functions occurs smoothly and clearly, like a well-regulated

    Polished mechanism. Otherwise, a basis for conflict arises. Any re-

    The distribution of functions and means occurs according to the type of conflict.
    The conflict occurs:

    From the contradictory positions of the parties on any issue;

    If there is a discrepancy between interests, desires, and inclinations;

    When the goals or means of achieving them are opposite in the data

    Circumstances, etc.
    When studying a conflict, the following elements are analyzed:

    Opponents are participants in the conflict opposing each other (people

    Groups, organizations);

    Opponent's rank - the conditional opponent in the conflict, determines

    Possibility of his victory:

    A zero-rank opponent is a person who makes his decision in

    Dispute with yourself;

    First-rank opponent - a person speaking on his own behalf and

    Pursuing one's own interests;

    Opponent of the second rank - a group pursuing some group

    Opponent of the third rank - a structure more than an opponent

    You are of second rank and have influence on them (for the team-shop, for the workshop-for-

    Waters) etc;

    Opponent of the highest rank - universal human values, law,


    The higher the opponent's rank, the more in conflict he has. From-

    By changing the rank, both the functions and the means of performing them change. Human,

    Speaking on behalf of the group, he is an opponent of the second rank, the law -

    Highest rank;

    Object - functions (responsibility, duties) and (or) means

    (rights, power) causing a conflict situation. Necessary condition -

    Indivisibility of the object, physical (for example, if the object is a position) or

    Psychological (the reluctance of one of the opponents to share the object);

    Conflict situation (the basis of the conflict) - the presence of opponents and volumes

    Ekta of conflict. Conflict situations can arise (create) as

    To achieve certain goals, and without a goal (albeit intentionally);

    How objectively (depending on the circumstances, and not on the will of the opponent)

    Tov), and subjectively (generated by the subject of the conflict, the opponent).

    Subjective (emotional) conflicts occur due to psychological

    Reasons - personal qualities, psychological incompatibility, misunderstanding

    Niya, etc. Business (objective) conflicts tend to turn into

    Emotional (subjective:), which is aggravating

    Factor. People can become personal enemies only in emotional conflict.

    The following types of conflicts are distinguished:

    Constructive when partners do not go beyond business or

    correct arguments and relationships and often find a mutually acceptable solution

    Unconstructive when techniques such as

    Like insults, discrediting and humiliation of a partner in the eyes of others.

    In such a conflict, interpersonal relationships are disrupted, the solution to the problem is

    Impossible or very difficult.
    The following stages of conflict are distinguished:

    Beginning - incident (actions of opponents to take possession of an object, you

    Indicative of the desire to manipulate him individually), revealing the pro-

    Tivorce, after which negative emotions, feelings, or

    One side begins to infringe on the interests of the other;

    Increasing - the formation of conflict relations, gradual intensification

    Laziness of the participants, increasing their conflict readiness, increasing the number

    Honoring problematic situations and deepening the primary problem situation,

    Intensifying conflict, increasing tension;

    Apogee - an open clash of conflicting parties;

    Final - resolution of the contradictions that have arisen, change from

    Wearing to a problematic situation and conflict in general.

    The conflict, if not, tends to expand with

    Treatment of new opponents and objects; relations between opponents have become

    They become increasingly hostile and emotionally hostile.
    The conflict performs the following functions:

    1) diagnostics of individual parts of the system and connections between them (determining

    Leasing of places in group relations, selection and placement of personnel,

    Organizational structure, technological chain).

    2) balancing, clarification of social roles (jobs);

    3) management - destruction of unwanted relationships, groups, creation

    New relationships, social roles (jobs), groups;

    4) selection of behavior models and partners;

    5) protection of the individual, group, intra-group norms;

    6) separation of systems of norms of one group from systems of other groups;

    7) stimulating adherence to group norms (by indicating do-

    Allowable limits of variation in behavior);

    8) identifying and recording the functions of individual elements of the system.
    Constructive attitude and rational way of behavior in conflict

    Tach presuppose a differentiated attitude towards them and may consist

    Logical analysis of the positions of each opponent and their motivation;

    Finding out the trends that have come into conflict, the extent to which these trends

    Dentions are vitally important and their hierarchies;

    Clarification and understanding of cause-and-effect relationships in the formation

    And the development of the conflict;

    Consideration of options for the development of the conflict and the behavior of the parties;

    Determining the goals and means of conflict interaction. Will lead

    Does conflict lead to a final solution to problems, will it contribute to this,

    Or it is part of the game, and can be repeated repeatedly;

    Building an interaction strategy, in particular, determining what

    Go, whether there is a change or replacement of the object or opponents, determines

    We know the moment of such replacement and whether irreparable changes occur in


    Determining the role of business and personal (emotional, subjective)

    New) components of the conflict;

    Comparing the mental costs of participating in a conflict with winning

    As a result of its resolution;

    Controlling the progress of stages (or the emergence of new conflicts)

    situations and incidents) to prevent, extinguish conflict, give

    On the easternmost border of the Moscow region, closer to the city of Ryazan than to Moscow, stands the city of Zaraysk.

    Getting to Zaraysk is easy. Comfortable buses No. 330 run from the Vykhinsky bus station in Moscow several times a day all the way to Zaraysk. If suddenly the bus doesn’t work out, you can go from Vykhino by train, for example to Golutvin. But from there you will still have to take a bus; the railway does not reach Zaraysk (to be precise, a narrow-gauge railway does not reach Zaraysk). It’s much easier for motorists - we drive along the Novoryazanskoe highway and drive, drive, drive... The route to the city can be seen on the map. But the drive is long - 3 hours or even more - especially if you get stuck in a traffic jam.

    The bus station in Zaraysk is located right next to the Kremlin. So it’s very difficult to get confused - where to go))) From the bus station you can see the Trinity Gate, so named because the Holy Trinity icon is located above it.

    The Kremlin was built in 1528-1531 at the behest of the Great Moscow Prince Vasily III. At that time, he performed an important function, protecting the borders of the Moscow Principality from the attacks of the Crimean Tatars.

    The construction of the Kremlin was carried out under the leadership of the Italian engineer-architect Aleviz Fryazin. The Kremlin has a strict rectangular shape. 7 towers of which 3 are travel towers. It’s true that the gates in 2 of these 3 towers are closed.

    The Kremlin began to fulfill its function a couple of years after its construction, in 1533. The Crimean Tatars tried to capture the city more than once, but they never managed to capture the Kremlin. Before the construction of the Kremlin, enemies sometimes ravaged and burned the city and surrounding areas.

    The border situation and the fight against enemies could not but find a response in art. As this memorial plaque says: “Here in the Church of St. Nicholas, the chronicler Eustathius and his descendants created an outstanding literary monument of ancient Rus', “The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan by Batu.” "... O earth, oh earth! O oak groves! Weep with me! How will I call that day, how will I describe it...". There was then a lot of melancholy and sorrow, and tears, and sighs, and fear, and trembling from all those evil ones who attacked us.”

    In general, the official history of Zaraysk begins in 1146, with the first mention in the chronicle of a place on the Sturgeon River. It was reported that this place was visited by the Grand Duke of Novgorod and Chernigov Svyatoslav Olgovich.

    However, archaeological excavations carried out near the Kremlin territory found ancient sites of Stone Age people, which means that people lived here even 21 thousand years BC.

    The name of the place changed more than once: the Village of Krasnoye, the city on Osetra, the City of Nikola Zarazsky, Zarazsk, Zarask, and only at the end of the 17th century the name Zaraysk was finally assigned to the city.

    And it was after the construction of the Kremlin that the city began to grow and began to be mentioned more and more often in literary sources.

    The oldest cathedral in Zaraysk is the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, built by decree of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich in 1681 to replace the old cathedral that was damaged by fire.

    Summer cathedral. Services are held there only in the warm season. We were greeted by bars - either at the beginning of May the cathedral had not yet warmed up, or it was simply locked.

    Through the bars one could see the interior of the cathedral.

    The architectural center on the territory of the Zaraisk Kremlin is the Cathedral of the Beheading of John the Baptist.

    The cathedral was built according to the design of the architect K. M. Bykovsky in 1901-1904 at the expense of the merchants Bakhrushin brothers.

    St. John the Baptist Cathedral is perhaps the most fully restored building in the Kremlin.

    Unlike the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Cathedral of John the Baptist can be visited.

    The paintings on the walls of the Cathedral of John the Baptist have been resumed. However, they do not give the impression of being historical.

    Many of the frescoes on the walls are copies of famous paintings, such as the Appearance of Christ to the People.

    Near the cathedral there is a monument over the princely graves.

    In one of the corners of the Kremlin there is a Sunday school building with the baptismal church of St. Seraphim of Sarov. From the outside of the building you can’t tell that there is a temple inside...

    But in front of the building there is a rather nice building that looks very much like a well.

    It doesn't seem like anything special. Just a wooden cross... But for some reason the impression remains...

    And the silhouette against the background of golden crosses is very graphic.

    At the site of the old Church of John the Baptist there is now a bell tower. It is much smaller than the old foundation...

    But it still performs its function.

    There are also remains of an ancient cemetery on the territory of the Zaraisk Kremlin. You can see stones with patterns carved on them...

    It’s nice to walk around the Kremlin territory, but the territory is quite small.

    And the toilet doesn't work

    However, a wide-angle lens and a small number of buildings make it possible to imagine the Kremlin as relatively large)))

    The central entrance to the Zaraisk Kremlin passes through the Nikolskaya Tower.

    And the entrance to the Kremlin is closed by a simple grille.

    There are two memorial plaques hanging near the tower. One is dedicated to Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky, who was the governor of Zaraysk and won one of the first victories over the Polish invaders here.

    The other is to the seventh assault engineer brigade, which was formed in the Zaraisk Kremlin in May 1943.

    Getting around the Kremlin is no less interesting than walking through its territory. The 7 towers of the Kremlin are certainly not in the best condition, but they are quite powerful. The Nikolskaya Tower, as I already wrote, now serves as one of the entrances to the Kremlin.

    A site of Stone Age people was found right next to the Nikolskaya Tower.

    The walls of the Zaraisk Kremlin are two-colored - a white stone bottom and a brick top.

    Walking from the Nikolskaya Tower along the wall towards the river we will see the Guard Tower.

    Part of the roof, like on other towers, collapsed....

    The guard tower is followed by the Yegoryevskaya and Tainitskaya towers.

    The Yegoryevskaya Tower was a travel pass. The road through it leads towards the Sturgeon River, but now the gate is closed.

    The corner Taynitskaya tower is very similar to the Karaulnaya tower.

    From the corner from the Taynitskaya Tower you get a wonderful panorama. The Spasskaya and Naugolnaya towers are visible.

    Spasskaya Tower.

    Corner Tower

    Near the State Tower is a small Soviet-era cemetery. What can I say - it’s an honor to be buried near the Kremlin wall...

    To take a look at the beautiful panorama of the city, you can walk from the Kremlin along 25th Anniversary of Victory Street to the bridge over the Osetra

    Along the road you can see the walls of the Kremlin through the fences

    Some houses around the Kremlin look as if they are as old as the Kremlin.

    Unfortunately, many houses look far from new.

    On the bridge over Osetra we see a continuation of the Moscow tradition with padlocks)))

    And from the bridge there is a wonderful view of the city...

    Kremlin cathedrals...

    and a group of kayakers who came)))

    You can return back by walking along the river and going up Museum Street

    The most famous Zaraisk legend is associated with the icon of St. Nicholas of Zaraisk. According to legend, on July 29, 1225, here the appanage prince Fyodor Yuryevich accepted the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker brought from Korsun. At the meeting place of the icon, there is a source - the White Well... You can’t help but visit it when arriving in Zaraysk.

    It's not very far to walk from the Kremlin to the White Well. About a kilometer and a half. First you need to walk along Pervomaiskaya Street to the gas station and turn left and go down the highway. You can turn a little and walk along the trail... Or you can go along the highway - to the parking lot at the White Well.

    We are walking along the path. In the spring, grass is burned in the fields around Zaraysk and the grass burns along the path...

    From the hill along which the trail runs you can see the hill on which the Kremlin stands

    And now you can see the cross installed at the descent to the source

    A ladder leads from the cross to the spring and the bathhouse.

    There is a chapel above the source...

    And on the way down, a reminder of how to live correctly...

    There are several icons of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker near the chapel and on the font

    When we arrived at the font, there was no line. The water is cool, it would only come from a source... But when we took a dip, a whole bus of excursionists arrived...

    The source is located on the banks of the Sturgeon River

    From the White Well we headed to see the city, fortunately there was still time before the bus departed.

    There is a monument to Kirov there

    and an old water tower built in the early 20th century.

    The tower has not been operational for a long time, the stairs have collapsed long ago, but from the outside it looks quite gothic.

    Krasnoarmeyskaya street leading from the water tower is passable, but the traffic is so rare that we calmly walked in the middle of the street

    and photographed the houses on the street... And beautiful...

    And burnt...

    And even houses of exemplary maintenance

    This house really looks exemplary. Linen, cars, grandmothers and grandson on a bicycle)))

    At the intersection of Krasnoarmeyskaya and Leninskaya streets stands the Church of Elijah the Prophet, built in 1819-1835.

    After the fire of 1860, the church dome and bell tower were rebuilt.

    After the revolution in the 1930s, the church was closed and converted into a workshop... Only in 1996 was the church reopened as a temple.

    Krasnoarmeyskaya Street ends at a monument dedicated to the victorious soldiers in the Great Patriotic War

    No one is forgotten. nothing is forgotten.

    Opposite the monument is the Zaraisk Museum

    The museum is located in the building of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity

    Trinity Church was built in 1776-1788... In the 1930s it was closed and a museum was made within its walls...

    The Trinity Church has a small chapel built in the second half of the 19th century...

    By the way, we didn’t go to the museum - we preferred to spend the remaining time before the bus walking around the city

    A little lower, across the intersection, there is a monument to Dmitry Pozharsky, because in this city he was a military commander and it was from here that he began his liberation movement against the Polish invaders.

    There is also a monument to Lenin in Zaraysk. Where would we be without him?

    The sign to Sovetskaya Street combines in a very unique way with the house in the background.

    The Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary escaped the fate of the previous ones described. It was not closed during Soviet times.

    Even though it is located on Komsomolskaya Street.

    There were previously many more churches in Zaraysk... But in Soviet times, some of them were demolished...

    This cross was installed on the site of the Ascension Church destroyed in 1938.

    In general, Zaraysk was a large shopping center, as it was located on the road from Ryazan to Moscow

    They say there were more than 30 drinking establishments here, where quite considerable sums were left.

    And trade was brisk. And the city grew.

    And when the Moscow-Ryazan railway was built, the city gradually began to fade away, because the railway passed by Zaraysk

    It is difficult to engage in trade while being away from trade routes

    And here we see what we see...

    For some reason, the animals in this city look with very sad eyes...

    However, there are also bright butterflies)))

    And on the way back from Zaraysk to Moscow, a stunning sunset was waiting for us from the window...

    Special thanks to Valentin Mochalov, who initiated the trip and opened this town to us.

    Zaraisk- a city in Russia, the administrative center of the Zaraisky district of the Moscow region. Population 24,232 inhabitants (2006). Located 162 km southeast of Moscow, on the right bank of the Sturgeon River (tributary of the Oka).
    History of Zaraysk

    Zaraysk was first mentioned in the Nikon (as the city of Osetra) and Ipatiev (under the name Osetra) chronicles in 1146. Subsequently, it was apparently burned by nomads. The next mention of the newly rebuilt city dates back to 1225: in the “Tale of the Bringing of the Icon of St. Nicholas of Zarazsky from Korsun,” the future Zaraysk is called Red. This year, the miraculous image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Korsunsky) was transferred from Korsun (Chersonese) to Krasny. Soon a wooden temple was built in honor of this saint. Later, in this temple, the cycle “Tales of Nikola Zarazsky” was created, which includes, in particular, the Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan by Batu. The first known appanage prince of the city was Fedor Yuryevich, the son of the Ryazan prince Yuri Igorevich. Under him, a wooden-earthen Ostrog was erected in the city, surrounded by ramparts and ditches with water. In 1237, Krasny was burned by Batu, who was advancing on Rus'. According to the cycle of “Tales of Nikola Zarazsky,” Prince Fyodor Yuryevich was killed by Batu on the Voronezh River, and the prince’s wife, Princess Eupraxia, not wanting to be in Tatar captivity, together with her young son Ivan, jumped out of her mansion and “got infected” (hit) to of death. After this, the icon of Nikola Korsunsky began to be called the icon of Nikola Zarazsky. During this period, Zaraysk was called the city of St. Nicholas of Korsun and Zarazsk. Then, until the 14th century, Zaraysk was not mentioned in historical sources. The city that re-emerged in the 14th century began to bear the name Nogorodok-on-Osetra.

    In 1521, together with the Ryazan Principality, the city was annexed to the Moscow Principality. In 1528-1531, by order of Vasily III, a stone Kremlin was built inside Ostrog. The construction was led by the Italian engineer-architect Aleviz Fryazin. The city became an important defense point on the southern approaches to Moscow as part of the Great Zasechnaya Line that was being created. Already in 1533, the Kremlin was subjected to the first attack by the Crimean Tatars under the leadership of Islam I Giray and Safa Giray. At the same time as the Kremlin, in 1528, instead of the wooden St. Nicholas Church, a stone one was founded. During this period, the city bore the names Nikolo-Zarazskaya-on-Osetra, Nikola-on-Osetra. In 1541, the city was besieged by the Khan of Crimea Sahib I Giray, who was unable to take the Kremlin and was defeated by the governor N. Glebov. Crimean attacks on the city were also carried out in 1542, 1570, 1573, 1591. In March 1533, the city was visited by the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily III, and in 1550, 1555, 1556 and 1571 by his son, Ivan IV the Terrible. In 1550, by his order, the Church of St. John the Baptist was erected in the Kremlin. In 1551, Prince Andrei Kurbsky performed military service in Zaraysk.

    In February-March 1607, in the vicinity of Zaraysk, skirmishes took place between the troops of Ivan Bolotnikov and the troops of Vasily Shuisky. On March 30, 1608, the detachments of False Dmitry II (namely, the Poles of Colonel Alexander Lisovsky) defeated the Ryazan-Arzamas militia in Zaraysk and occupied the city. The city was liberated on June 1, 1609 by detachments of the Ryazan militia under the leadership of Prokopiy Lyapunov. In 1610-1611, the Zaraysk governor was Prince D. M. Pozharsky. Pozharsky suppressed the rebellion of supporters of False Dmitry II in the city, expelled the “thieves’ detachment of the Ryazan governor Isaac Sumbulov, who went over to serve the Poles, who captured the city in December 1610, and at the beginning of 1611, having joined the First Militia, Pozharsky set out with his Zaraisk detachment to Moscow.

    In the 17th century, the name Zaraysk was finally assigned to the city. In 1669, the first Russian warship "Eagle" was launched in the Zaraisk village of Dedinovo. In 1673, the last attack of the Crimean Tatars on Zaraysk took place, and from the end of the 17th century the city lost its defensive significance and became a significant center of crafts and trade on the Astrakhan Highway. In 1681, Zaraysk experienced a devastating fire. In the same year, by decree of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, a brick St. Nicholas Church was built instead of a dilapidated stone one. In the 18th century, stone and wooden construction began in the city.

    In 1778, by decree of Catherine II, Zaraysk received the status of a district city of the Ryazan governorate (since 1796 - the Ryazan province). A year later, the coat of arms was approved, and then the regular city plan with a rectangular grid of blocks.

    State Historical, Architectural, Art and Archaeological Museum "Zaraisky Kremlin".
    branches of the Zaraisky Kremlin museum: the House of the sculptor A. S. Golubkina and the Dostoevsky estate in the village of Darovoye.

    Sights of Zaraysk

    Architectural monuments of the Kremlin:

    • The stone Kremlin, built in 1528-1531, occupies an area of ​​125 x 185 m, rectangular in plan, the length of the wall along the long side is about 500 m. The Kremlin has 7 towers (Nikolskaya, Kazennaya, Kabatskaya, Spasskaya, Tainitskaya, Bogoyavlenskaya and Karaulnaya), three of which are pass-through, the Nikolskaya Tower also has a branch archway. In 1789, a gate called Trinity was broken into the eastern wall. On the territory of the Kremlin there are:
    • St. Nicholas Cathedral (1681).
    • Cathedral of John the Baptist (1901-1904, architect K. M. Bykovsky), in the neoclassical style, the modern paintings of the temple are largely a mediocre remake.
    • Office building. Con. XVIII century - (today it houses a Sunday school and the baptismal church of St. Seraphim of Sarov)
    • The building of the former Zaraisk Theological School.

    The main architectural monuments of the city:

    • Trinity Church (1776-1788).
    • Church of the Annunciation (1777-1795). Bell tower (1825).
    • Gostiny Dvor (late 18th century, restored in 1977).
    • Ivanov's house (late 18th century).
    • Yartsev's house (late 18th century).
    • Church of Elijah the Prophet (1819). Bell tower (1835).
    • Loktev House (beginning of the 19th century)
    • City magistrate (beginning of the 19th century).
    • Tipitsyn's house (beginning of the 19th century).
    • Zemstvo building (1910) in Art Nouveau style.
    • Water tower (1914).

    To the northeast of the Kremlin there are numerous two-story mansions from the 19th century. in the classicism style, and to the south - mainly wooden houses of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

    Sculptural and military monuments:

    • Monument to Marshal K. A. Meretskov.
    • Monument to Zarayans soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War
    • Monument-bust to D. M. Pozharsky
    • Stela to D. Blagoev.
    • Stele to the poet A.I. Polezhaev.
    • Mass grave of soldiers of the Moscow-Arzamas militia who died during the defense of the city in 1608

    Archeological monument: "Zaraisk site"

    Zarayskaya site of the Upper Paleolithic era. This is the most ancient of the currently discovered human settlements on the territory of the modern Moscow region. Opened in 1980. Regular excavations are carried out by the Zaraisk Upper Paleolithic Expedition of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The parking lot is a historical, archeological and cultural monument of federal significance.

    Work in Zaraysk

    There are 163 enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership registered in the city. 7.6 thousand people or 32.0% of the city’s total population work in various sectors of the economy. According to expert estimates, more than 7 thousand Zarayans constantly work in Moscow and the near Moscow region. This is an economically active and competitive labor force, among which there are many qualified specialists who make up a good reserve for new Zaraisk enterprises.

    The industry of the city of Zaraysk is represented by large and medium-sized enterprises specializing in metallurgical production and the production of finished metal products, machinery and equipment, non-metallic mineral products, leather goods, footwear, food products, chemical, textile and clothing production. A total of 15 large and medium-sized enterprises are registered.

    The products of the oldest shoe company in the city, OP ZAO "RALF-RINGER", which specializes in the production of leather shoes, are well known in Russia. In 2006, the factory was acquired by Belka Trade House (owner of the Ralf Ringer brand).

    Light industry enterprises in the city of Zaraysk include:

    • DARGEZ-ZARAYSK LLC, producing consumer goods (blankets, pillows, mattresses),
    • Promtek 2S LLC, which produces textile products (except clothing),
    • OP LLC "RAMKO PLUS", engaged in the production of leather goods.
    • LLC "ZARAYSKY METAL STRUCTURES PLANT" is engaged in the manufacture and installation of metal structures;
    • METKOM Group CJSC recycles batteries and produces lead and lead alloys.
    • Zaraisky Automobile Repair Plant (a branch of the State Unitary Enterprise MO Mostransavto) repairs cars and buses.
    • OJSC Zaraisky Construction Materials Plant (OJSC ZZSM) produces ceramic bricks.
    • The branch "ZARAYSKY OFSET" of OJSC "PRINTING RESOURCES" is engaged in the production of bimetallic offset plates, the manufacture of non-standardized equipment and consumer goods that are in demand.
    • Elastomet LLC produces fasteners and springs.
    • MTSS-COLOR LLC processes and coats metals.
    • PC "CIA" is engaged in cutting, processing and finishing of stone for monuments.
    • The Russian Ingredients LLC enterprise produces technological food additives.

    Food industry enterprises:

    • LLC "ZARAI BAKERY FACTORY" (production of bread and bakery products),
    • LLC "Zaraiskhleboproduct" (grain storage),
    • LLC "Zaraisky Dairy Plant" (production of milk and dairy products),
    • LLC NPO "Slavich" (production of soft drinks).

    Business in Zaraysk:

    In the territory of Zaraysk, a number of small businesses operate in the field of industry, construction, and trade, playing an increasingly prominent role in the economy of the city and region and in the social life of the population.

    The volume of gross output of all types of products, goods and services in 2010 amounted to 756.7 million rubles.

    Zaraysk has all modern types of communications and a developed network of roads. Passenger transportation is carried out by MAP No. 2, Motorcade No. 1417, Kolomna (branch of the State Unitary Enterprise MO Mostransavto).

    The city's population is served by about 300 retail outlets. The total retail area of ​​the stores is 25.9 thousand square meters. m, there are 4 catering establishments. New stores are opening. Household services have expanded due to the newly opened 2 hairdressers, 3 ateliers, a workshop for individual tailoring and shoe repair, a beauty salon, photo services and travel services are provided.

    Municipal enterprises implement targeted programs for the repair and operation of housing stock, heat supply, water supply and resource conservation, improvement, and ecology.

    Zaraysk is a modern educational and cultural center of the Zaraysk region. On the territory of the city there are two secondary specialized educational institutions (teaching and construction colleges), two vocational schools that satisfy the region’s need for qualified specialists. The secondary education system includes 6 municipal educational institutions (schools, gymnasium, lyceum). The total capacity of general education institutions is 3,670 places; today more than 2.2 thousand schoolchildren study there.

    The city lives a diverse cultural life: there are exhibition halls, museums, libraries, cinema, art school, including art and music departments, ballroom dancing school, choir, crafts.

    The base for the development of physical education and sports includes 15 sports federations, a multidisciplinary Olympic reserve school, a children's and youth sports school, a modern sports club, 1 stadium and a country health camp. Taekwondo masters, football players, weightlifters, track and field athletes, boxers, and skiers from Zaraysk perform successfully in international, republican and regional competitions. With the start of operation of the magnificent Sports Palace, a new sport for Zaraysk is developing - swimming.

    The master plan is task No. 1 in the activities of city local governments. The development of the city is aimed at preserving the historical and cultural heritage and creating a comfortable environment for the life of the population. The construction of residential buildings is underway, small retail trade facilities are being reconstructed, and historical and cultural monuments are being restored. In 2010, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the procedure for agreeing with the federal body for the protection of cultural heritage sites of draft master plans for settlements and urban districts, draft documentation on territory planning developed for historical settlements, as well as urban planning regulations established within the territories of cultural heritage sites and their protection zones . In the list of historical settlements in Russia (there are 41) approved by the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, Zaraysk took its rightful place.

    Zaraisk television

    The Zaraska television channel broadcasts a reflection of all significant events and news from the social, political, scientific, economic, spiritual, cultural and sports life of the city of Zaraska. The TV channel is developing dynamically, expanding its broadcasting area, implementing new projects, creating cycles of programs of its own production. The most modern technical base, a professional team, a clearly formulated concept (exclusive, timely, reliable news from the capital region) are competitive advantages in the media market. Zaraske TV is positive, relevant and socially oriented television.