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English letters in words - circle them on the dotted lines. English alphabet in words English capital letters in words printable

The first thing anyone who wants to master English needs to learn is, of course, the English alphabet. Let's talk about him. Since there is a lot of information, I divided it into sections.

Letters of the English alphabet.

The modern English alphabet has 26 letters (in English, letters are called letters or characters - chars for short). Each letter can be uppercase (uppercase / large) or lowercase (lowercase / small). The basis for the English alphabet was letters.

The exact shape of printed letters depends on the font.

Inscription of letters of the English alphabet.

I highlighted the vowels in red and the consonants in blue.

The sound of the letters of the English alphabet differs in different versions. So the last letter is Z in English version The pronunciation sounds [zed] /, and in American it sounds [zi] /. The British pronounce “zed” because the letter is derived from the Greek letter “Zeta”, which passed into Old French as “zede”, from where it migrated into the English alphabet in the 15th century as “zed”.

Americans pronounce the letter “z” by analogy with the names of other letters: B, C, D, etc. The first American pronunciation of the letter “z” was recorded in Lye's New Spelling Book in 1677. This decision was long disputed, but was completely accepted in 1827 after Webster's publications.

Today, most of those who study the English alphabet also call this letter. Most likely, this trend is explained by the fact that in most songs about the alphabet it is sung, since it is easier to choose a rhyme for this pronunciation option.

  • — Now I know my A-B-Cs

  • — Next time won’t you sing with me?

But the British are not lagging behind, and today the ending of the song is also widespread

  • - Sugar on your bread. Eat it all up before you are dead.

English humor, isn't it?

English alphabet capital letters.

Pay attention to the new trend of writing the capital letter A. Today it is customary to write it the same way as the small letter, although previously it was written similar to the Russian capital A. Here is a variant of the old spelling.

It is worth saying that among those studying the English alphabet in other countries, few people use capital letters. This trend is also emerging in countries where English is their native language. Look at the two handwritten texts. In the first version, ordinary letters are used for writing, connected in a letter in a way that is convenient for the writer. In the second option we used capital letters the English alphabet, of course, with the peculiarities of handwriting.

And this is what a calligraphically verified version of handwritten English looks like. The written English alphabet looks exquisite.

And this is what English doctors write. Reminds me of something, doesn’t it?

Copybooks of the English alphabet.

I offer you a set of copybooks of the English alphabet. Click to enlarge.

English alphabet in words.

English alphabet with transcription and pronunciation

Vowels of the English alphabet.

There are 6 vowels in the English alphabet. Do not accept saying “vowel letters of the English alphabet”. A letter is an outline of a sound. A vowel or consonant, as well as voiced, hard, soft, hissing, etc., can only be sound. OK, let's move on to the letters of the English alphabet that convey the vowel sound. These are A, E, I, O, Y, U - a total of 6. Each letter can express several sounds.

  • [ı:] – long and;
  • [ı] – short and;
  • [ɜ:] – wide e;
  • [ıə] – ie;
  • [α:] – long
  • [e] - short E
  • [əυ] – eu;
  • [ɒ] – short o;
  • - long y;
  • [ʌ] – short a;
  • [ᴐ:] – long o.
  • – yu;
  • [ʌ] – short a;
  • [u] – short u.

This is how the vowels of the English alphabet are read. Let's move on to consonants.

Consonants of the English alphabet.

There are 20 consonants in the English alphabet.

[s] / [c] before vowels i, e, y

/ [j] before e, i, y

[h] / [x] simple exhalation

[ŋ] / [nasal / velar n] before g and sometimes before k

/ [kv] combined qu

[r] is a sound, something between r and a very hard Russian z; pronounced without vibration. Often not pronounced at all

[z] / [з] at the end of a word after a vowel or voiced consonant, sometimes in the middle of a word between 2 vowels

[w] - sound similar to [uv]

/ [гз] before a stressed vowel

[z] / [з] – sometimes at the beginning of a word

History of the English alphabet.

The evolution of the English alphabet is evident over the last 1500 years. Although the modern English alphabet contains 26 letters, there used to be more.

After the 6th century, when Christian monks began transliterating Anglo-Saxon using Latin characters, they encountered some difficulties. Anglo-Saxon contained several sounds that could not be written in Latin. Therefore, the monks borrowed three old runes: ð (interdental voiced з), þ (interdental voiceless s), and Ƿ (uinn, analogous to the modern W). The presence of these runes, ligatures (connections of letters) æ and œ, as well as the absence of J and Y is one of characteristic features Anglo-Saxon alphabet. Look at the Beowulf manuscript.

Under the influence of the Norman script, the runic character of the English alphabet gradually faded away and the letters ð, þ and Ƿ soon disappeared. Instead of Ƿ, they began to use double V -> VV, which gradually became an independent letter W as a result of the use of printing presses.

How did Y and J join the English alphabet? Y and U are derived from V, as a result of the differentiation of consonants and vowels. J came from I.

With his characteristic ingenuity, Benjamin Franklin tried to improve the English alphabet. He suggested removing c, j, q, w, x, and y, since they could be replaced by other letters. He also suggested adding six letters of his own invention. But Franklin's alphabet did not catch on.

Today, the most common letters in the English alphabet are e, t, a, o. The rarest ones are x, q, z.

Has your child started learning English? For him by early learning professionals foreign languages interesting copybooks have been created. The notebook contains directly the copybook letters of the English alphabet, as well as exercises and games. Gradually doing the exercises and game tasks, the child begins his acquaintance with the English language. The tasks will help him quickly learn the English alphabet and write all the letters correctly.

Suggestions for using the workbook.
Daily classes for 10-15 minutes.
Before classes, check the readiness of your workplace. Make sure everything is ready for work (enough lighting, writing utensils at hand).
It is important to pay attention to how the child sits during class, whether he is holding a pencil correctly in his hand.
If the child did not cope with the exercise, try to explain the task again, practice with the child, help him.
Conduct classes only in a good mood and when the child is feeling well!

By buttons above and below “Buy a paper book” and using the “Buy” link you can buy this book with delivery throughout Russia and similar books at the best price in paper form on the websites of the official online stores Labyrinth, Ozon, Bookvoed, Read-Gorod, Litres, My-shop, Book24, Books. ru.

Click the “Buy and download” button e-book"You can buy this book in electronic form in the official liters online store, and then download it on the liters website.

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On the buttons above and below you can buy the book in official online stores Labirint, Ozon and others. Also you can search related and similar materials on other sites.

Publication date: 02/24/2018 15:11 UTC

  • English language, Workbook, grade 10, Textbook for general education organizations, Advanced level, Baranova K.M., Dooley D., Kopylova V.V., Milrud R.P., Evans V., 2019
  • English language, Workbook, grade 4, Textbook for general education organizations and schools with in-depth study of the English language, Part 2, Baranova K.M., Dooley D., Kopylova V.V., Milrud R.P., Evans V. , 2019
  • English language, Workbook, grade 4, Textbook for general education organizations and schools with in-depth study of the English language, Part 1, Baranova K.M., Dooley D., Kopylova V.V., Milrud R.P., Evans V. , 2019
  • English language, Workbook, grade 8, Textbook for general education organizations and schools with in-depth study of the English language, Baranova K.M., Dooley D., Kopylova V.V., Milrud R.P., Evans V., 2019

The following textbooks and books:

Based on Latin letters, it has an interesting and long history. Over time, the alphabet has undergone significant changes. English now presents a clearly defined system. There are printed and capital English alphabet, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Letters of the English alphabet

The English alphabet contains 26 letters, of which:

  • 6 transmit ;
  • 21 transmits.

The name of the last letter – “Z” – is written and pronounced in two ways:

  • in the British version as “zed” (read);
  • in American as “zee” (read ).

English alphabet table

Table of uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as:

capital letter Lowercase letter How to pronounce the name
A a
B b
C c
D d
E e
F f
I i
J j
K k
L l
M m
N n [ɛn]
O o [əʊ]
P p
Q q
R r [ɑː,ar]
S s
T t
U u
V v
W w [‘dʌbljuː]
X x
Y y
Z z

Pros and cons of capital letters of the English alphabet

pros Minuses
They perfectly develop motor skills, so they are used when teaching children. It takes time to learn to write beautifully.
They increase writing speed because the letters in a word are connected to each other. Sometimes it is difficult to make out what is written.
When your handwriting is neat, text in capital letters looks neater. They are used less and less.
There are no strict writing rules, so you can add your own.
Having mastered this type of writing, it is easier to understand handwritten sources.
Develop accuracy.

Capital letters of the English alphabet

It is impossible to imagine the alphabet of this language without capital letters. Uppercase alphabet– a comfortable and fast way of writing. In addition, capitalization does not imply complete copying of samples. You can create your own writing style, as long as the letters are legible.

Please note that previously the capital letter “A” was written in English in the same way as in Russian. Now the letter appears as a lowercase “a”, only in an increased size.

Calligraphy Considered a decorative style, it requires a lot of time, creativity and precision. It cannot be said that this cannot be learned when a person has bad handwriting. Anyone can master calligraphy. It will take time, but it will be beneficial.

Since calligraphy is becoming popular, they conduct convenient master classes and lessons on mastering it. You can learn without leaving home.

All you need is:

  • paper;
  • necessary supplies (pen, feather, ink);
  • patience and desire.

Copybooks of the English alphabet

A few copybooks that you can download and print:

English copybooks. We play and write letters. Markova D.

St. Petersburg: 2015. - 6 4 p.

Has your child started learning English? For him, professionals in the field of early teaching of foreign languages ​​have created interesting copybooks. The notebook contains directly the copybook letters of the English alphabet, as well as exercises and games. Gradually completing exercises and game tasks, the child begins his acquaintance with the English language. The tasks will help him quickly learn the English alphabet and write all the letters correctly.

Format: pdf

Size: 24.9 MB


Here is a workbook called “English Copybooks”. With its help, children will not only learn the English alphabet, but also learn to write printed letters and also learn new English words. Funny pictures and tasks will help them with this. Workbook contains various exercises and games (shading a picture, drawing patterns, coloring, tracing an outline, and others). These tasks will help prepare the child’s hand for writing letters and numbers, and by drawing by dots, the child learns to hold a pencil correctly and confidently draw various lines, draw patterns and geometric shapes. Also, the child will get acquainted with flowers, their names in English, and will be able to color various funny pictures directly on the pages of the notebook. Coloring books combine both entertaining and certain educational functions: development fine motor skills hands, writing and drawing skills, imagination, attention, the child learns to distinguish colors. The child will get acquainted with the English alphabet, learn to write letters and perform various game tasks to consolidate the material covered. The workbook is intended for preschoolers and students primary school starting to study in English.