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Report "mnemonics as an innovative technology used in correctional and pedagogical work for children with severe speech impairments." Using mnemonic techniques in speech therapy classes Using elements of mnemonics

To increase memory capacity, facilitate memorization and assimilation of information, a technique called “mnemonics” is used, which translated from ancient Greek means “the art of memorization.”

Mnemonics allows you to gain total control over the assimilation of material, using only natural memory.

The history of mnemonics began as an inseparable part of oratory and rhetoric. This technique was used to memorize long monologues delivered by speakers.

Nowadays, mnemonics are very actively used by speech therapists during classes with children.

The technique of uniting images into a common associative series is one of the fundamental ones in mnemonics. By finding associations, random and unrelated information is combined into a whole associative image created through images formed in the head. To reproduce any part of the material, it is enough just to build a certain image in your head and provoke a chain reaction for recalling the remaining images, united in an associative set. Some speech therapists use mnemonics cards for work in classes, or cheat sheets for the development of auditory, visual, speech and motor memory.

A powerful method is the association technique in audio automation. Sometimes it is very difficult to motivate a child to repeatedly pronounce the same words. From the very beginning, you should practice paired pronunciation of words by showing the child two images with an automated sound and asking him to remember them. To complete the task, the child must form an associative image in his head; for this he must compose sentences with these words. The child must independently find the association in his head. An interesting detail: the most ridiculous associations are remembered much better, as they cause laughter and positive emotions.

When the child sees all pairs of images, you need to show one picture from each pair so that he remembers the one in this moment not shown. The number of photographs shown depends on the child’s developmental level. At the first stage of using the mnemonic technique, it is worth using up to four pairs of images, subsequently increasing to fifteen.

After this, you can begin to teach your child to memorize a whole chain of words.

from work experience
Vereshchagina E.V. speech therapist teacher
first qualification category
MDOU "Kindergarten No. 18"
combined type" Buzuluka
Orenburg region

In our kindergarten, speech therapists use innovative technologies in correctional work with children. One of the techniques of the latest technology is mnemonics.

MnemonicsThis is a set of rules and techniques that facilitate the process of memorizing information.

Mnemonics helps in the development of:

connected speech;
associative thinking;
visual and auditory memory;
visual and auditory attention;
accelerating the process of automation and differentiation of delivered sounds.

We are starting to use mnemonic techniques in classes with children. early age. In order to develop certain skills and abilities in children, we introduce mnemonic tables of nursery rhymes into the learning process.

Learning to dress using a mnemonic table

The essence of mnemonic schemes is as follows: for each word or small phrase, a picture (image) is created; thus, the entire text is sketched schematically. Looking at these diagrams - drawings, the child easily reproduces textual information.

Kolobok ((l), (l,))

Two hands ((r),(r,))

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The preschool educational institution has correctional and speech therapy groups. Children with speech pathology have the following problems: poor vocabulary, inability to coordinate words in a sentence, and problems with sound pronunciation. Most children have impaired attention, imperfect logical thinking. It is necessary to teach children to express their thoughts coherently, consistently, grammatically correctly, to talk about various events from the surrounding life, to automate and differentiate the sounds given. It is especially important to develop visual-figurative thinking.

Ushinsky K.D. wrote: “Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but connect twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn them on the fly.” Since visual material is better absorbed by preschoolers, the use of mnemonic tables in classes on the development of coherent speech allows children to more effectively perceive and process visual information. The use of mnemonic diagrams helps the child enrich a coherent statement.

To teach children how to write descriptive stories in the work of speech therapists kindergarten The computer program “Learning to speak correctly” is used using mnemonic diagrams. The use of program material facilitates the perception of visual images, which are a tool for memorizing and reproducing text. Application computer program concentrates attention, captivates children, turns the lesson into a game.

On individual speech therapy classes on automation and differentiation of sounds, in work with children it is noted that for the exact repetition of a poetic text, tongue twisters, a schematic representation of individual parts is sufficient. As practice shows, the use of a mnemonic system allows you to speed up the process of automation and differentiation of delivered sounds, making it easier to memorize and subsequently reproduce a complete image in rhymed form.

Based on the results of speech therapy monitoring of our kindergarten groups, children showed positive dynamics in mastering correct sound pronunciation and accelerating the timing of sound automation. The volume of visual and verbal memory has noticeably increased, the distribution and stability of attention has improved, and mental activity has intensified.

Speech development is becoming more and more actual problem in our society. It is the most important condition the child's success in school. Speech development is becoming an increasingly pressing problem in our society. It is the most important condition for a child’s success in school. Only with well-developed coherent speech can a student give detailed answers to difficult questions school curriculum, consistently and completely, reasonedly and logically express your own opinions, reproduce the content of texts from textbooks, works fiction and oral folk art, finally, an indispensable condition for writing programmatic statements and essays is sufficient high level development of coherent speech. Only with well-developed coherent speech can a student give detailed answers to complex questions in the school curriculum, consistently and completely, cogently and logically express his own opinions, reproduce the content of texts from textbooks, works of fiction and oral folk art, and finally, an indispensable condition for writing program presentations and essays is a fairly high level of development of coherent speech.

IN speech therapy work with children in correctional school VIII the formation of coherent speech takes on the form special meaning due to the structure of the defect and becomes the main ultimate goal of everything correction process. In speech therapy work with children in correctional school VIII type, the formation of coherent speech acquires special significance due to the structure of the defect and becomes the main final goal of the entire correction process. Children with disabilities experience serious difficulties in independently planning a plot, in creating a coherent context, in independently operating with lexical and grammatical categories, in grammatical formatting speech material. Children with disabilities experience serious difficulties in independently planning a plot, in creating a coherent context, in independently operating with lexical and grammatical categories, and in grammatically formatting speech material. Therefore, along with the development of thinking, memory, which is expressed through coherent speech, should also be developed. Therefore, along with the development of thinking, memory, which is expressed through coherent speech, should also be developed.

The task of this stage is to teach children to be coherent and consistent, logically harmonious and complete, accurate in the use of vocabulary and content, correct in grammatical format, independently and freely present the material, and construct statements. The task of this stage is to teach children to be coherent and consistent, logically harmonious and complete, accurate in the use of vocabulary and content, correct in grammatical format, independently and freely present the material, and construct statements.

When teaching how to compose coherent text using reference pictures and mnemonic tables, the following techniques are used: When teaching how to compose coherent text using reference pictures and mnemonic tables, the following techniques are used: 1.Looking at pictures and illustrations; 2. Arranging a series of plot pictures to the text in a logical sequence; 3. Inventing additional and missing (“missing”) pictures for individual text fragments; 4. Isolating phrases for each picture from the text; 5. Isolation and pronunciation, selective reading, memorization of individual fragments, expressive means(epithets, metaphors, comparisons, repetitions, openings, direct speech of heroes and characters); 6. Lexical and grammatical exercises on the text: isolating features and actions of objects from the text; selection of new characteristic features and actions in accordance with the content of the text; replacing words with synonyms; word formation related words, nouns with a diminutive meaning; relative and possessive adjectives; dissemination and transformation of proposals; 7. Discussion of the proposals compiled and selection of the most successful ones. Composing a coherent text.

Mnemonics is translated from Greek as “the art of memorization.” Memorization and recall techniques increase memory capacity by forming additional associations. Mnemonics is translated from Greek as “the art of memorization.” Memorization and recall techniques increase memory capacity by forming additional associations. Using mnemonic tables, i.e. schemes in which certain information is embedded aims to: consolidate various methods of memorization, expand vocabulary, develop figurative perception, oral speech, the ability of students to speak coherently and tell stories. Using mnemonic tables, i.e. schemes in which certain information is embedded aims to: consolidate various methods of memorization, expand vocabulary, develop figurative perception, oral speech, and the ability to speak coherently and tell stories in students. When working with mnemonic tables, symbols and pictures are introduced: When working with mnemonic tables, symbols and pictures are introduced: The bright warm sun began to shine. The bright warm sun began to shine. The spring drops have begun. Cheerful streams ran. Cheerful streams ran. Children love launching boats.

Mnemonic table SPRING Spring Warm spring has come. The bright sun is shining. Cheerful streams gurgle. The first snowdrops bloomed. Green grass appeared. Sticky buds swelled on the trees. Migratory birds have returned from the south. In the spring, children love to launch paper boats.

Creative story “SPRING” Spring Warm spring has come. The radiant sun is shining brightly. Cheerful streams gurgle. Blue snowdrops bloomed. Green grass appeared. Sticky buds swelled on the trees. Willow hung fluffy earrings. Birds sing loudly and build nests. The kids love to walk outside and launch boats in puddles. In the spring, Mother's Day is celebrated. I love my mother very much. Therefore, on this day I give her a bouquet of mimosa and my drawings.

1. object (who is this?, what is this?) - apple 2. sign of the object (which?, which?, which?) - red, round, sweet 3. action of the object (what does it do?, what will it do?) - grows, pours, falls 4. composing a sentence – A ripe apple hangs on a branch. Apple An apple grows on an apple tree. It is red and round. In autumn the apples ripen. Apple jam is made from them. I love eating juicy apples. Compilation a short story according to the subject picture

A lot of work is done when drawing up a plan for the text (Story by K.D. Ushinsky “Morning Rays”). A lot of work is done when drawing up a plan for the text (Story by K.D. Ushinsky “Morning Rays”). An effective form is a retelling according to a plan with visual support or a mnemonic table. An effective form is a retelling according to a plan with visual support or a mnemonic table. A technique for developing students’ planning skills speech statements, as well as visual modeling of compiled stories, has proven itself well in the practice of teaching children in a correctional school of the VIII type. The technique of developing students’ skills in planning their speech utterances, as well as visually modeling the stories they are composing, has proven itself well in the practice of teaching children in Type VIII correctional schools.

Techniques for using visual modeling of compiled stories based on reference pictures and mnemonic tables in correctional speech therapy classes give positive results. Techniques for using visual modeling of compiled stories based on reference pictures and mnemonic tables in correctional speech therapy classes give positive results. The advantage of the proposed methods is that they have a strong theoretical basis. Based on the idea of ​​the complex and active nature of memorization processes, which in humans rely on a number of jointly working apparatuses of the cerebral cortex, each of which makes its own specific contribution to the organization of these processes, they open up wide opportunities for the correction of deviations in speech and mental development caused by insufficient brain activity. The advantage of the proposed methods is that they have a strong theoretical basis. Based on the idea of ​​the complex and active nature of memory processes, which in humans rely on a number of jointly working apparatuses of the cerebral cortex, each of which makes its own specific contribution to the organization of these processes, they open up wide opportunities for the correction of deviations in speech and mental development caused by insufficiency of brain activity. Optimal teaching methods often exceed the role of “ natural features" Optimal learning methods often surpass the role of “natural features” in their importance.

Mnemonics - a speech therapist's assistant in correctional work

with preschoolers general underdevelopment speeches (from work experience).

T.Yu. Mironova,

SP GBOU Secondary School No. 4 Chapaevsk - d/s No. 20,

teacher speech therapist.

It is known that the defective speech activity children with ODD leaves an imprint on the formation of their sensory, intellectual and affective-volitional spheres. They have insufficient attention span, limited opportunities its distribution. With relatively intact semantics, logical memory Children with ODD have reduced verbal memory and memory productivity suffers. They forget complex instructions, elements and sequences of tasks.

Mnemonics(from the Greek mnemonikon - the art of memorization) - a technique that facilitates memorization and increases memory capacity by forming artificial associations. Pictures that seem unrelated to each other at first glance are combined into a plot, and signal schematic images help to activate mental and mnestic processes, allowing the child to remember and even recite a short poem in a few minutes. The peculiarity of mnemonics is the use of symbols rather than images of objects. Symbolism is characteristic of children's drawing at preschool age and does not cause difficulties in perceiving mnemonic tables.

Mnemotables serve didactic material in the following types of work on speech development:

    automation of sounds in tongue twisters, tongue twisters and poems;

    enriching the vocabulary, developing practical word formation skills;

    development grammatical structure speech.

Mnemonic tables for sound automation

The process of teaching preschoolers with speech disorders requires a long time and takes a lot of effort, both from the child and from the speech therapist. Gradually, the child loses interest in classes and loses the motivation to speak “beautifully and correctly.” The problem of motivation is one of the central ones in speech therapy work. To interest, captivate and achieve results is the dream of every teacher. Using traditional methods speech correction, I always remember that preschool age is the age of figurative forms of consciousness, and the main means that a child masters at this age are figurative means: sensory standards, various symbols, signs, visual models.

I agree with the author of the article in the Speech Therapist magazine, E.L. Barsukova, that mnemonics can be effectively used at the stage of sound automation. The author of this article uses mnemonics of pure sayings and poems in his work. Proposed by E.L. Barsukova mnemonic tracks of poetry, I successfully use on individual and subgroup classes on sound automation.

I will give an example of automating the sound “sh” using mnemonic tracks.

Pure talk

SHA-SHA-SHA - our Dasha is good,
SHI-SHI-SHI - Misha and Masha - kids,
SHE-SHE-SHE - mice in a hut,
SHO-SHO-SHO - I say good!

ASH-ASH-ASH - Natasha has a pencil,
OSH-OSH-OSH - Antoshka has a knife,
USH-USH-USH - the baby goes to the shower,
YSH-YSH-YSH - there is a mouse in the reeds.


Cat in the window
Sews a pillow
Mouse in boots
Sweeps the hut.


A hat and a fur coat, here he is our Mishutka.

Mnemotables for enrichment vocabulary and development of word formation skills

Mnemonics techniques are also effective in correcting the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech. During normal operation speech development a preschooler spontaneously assimilates many word-formation models that simultaneously exist in the language and work within a certain lexical topic. Children with general speech underdevelopment require special training, and then long-term training exercises on mastering word formation skills. Mnemonic tables will help to facilitate this process, diversify it and make it more interesting for the child. Mnemonic tables involve the formation of skills to analyze language material and synthesize linguistic units in accordance with the laws and norms of the language. They allow the child to realize the sound of the word and practice using grammatical forms, they also contribute to the expansion of vocabulary and the formation of a sense of language.

To organize correctional work in this area, I use various didactic games and benefits.

Formation of related words

Such mnemonic tables help children with general speech underdevelopment to understand and analyze various methods of word formation. Working with them, children begin to complete similar tasks on their own much faster.

Game "Word Family"

Goal: strengthening the skills of forming related words.

Contents: A house in which words “live” is posted on the board. The windows in this house are made of transparent film and behind each one hides one of the symbols (a big word (big mountain) - for example, fish; a small, affectionate word (small hill), for example, fish; a sign word (wave), for example, fish ; action word (two horizontal stripes), for example, fish; a word that is said when there is a lot of someone or something (three rectangles), for example, fish; word - person (little man), for example, fisherman, angler) . Children receive pictures depicting, for example, a big fish, a small fish, fish soup, a fishing rod, several fish, a fisherman, and place them in the right apartments, forming related words.

Mnemonic tables for the development of grammatical structure of speech

Noun and numeral agreement

Agreement in gender, number and case

I see someone


I sing about whom

(about what)?

I'll give it to someone


I'm friends with someone

(with what)?

Around these pictograms any subject pictures are placed. The speech therapist asks the children to create a word combination based on a pictogram and an object picture (for example: I see a butterfly; I sing about a butterfly, I will give a gift to a butterfly, I am friends with a butterfly).

Lotto "Prepositions"

Goal: to consolidate the ability to use prepositions in speech.

Game "Carousel"

Target : changing past tense verbs by gender, agreeing words in a sentence, consolidating the structure of a simple sentence.

Content : two circles (one smaller than the other) are connected in the center so that the small circle can be rotated. Symbols of actions are drawn on the large circle, and people, animals, and man-made objects are drawn on the small circle. The speech therapist calls the action, the children rotate a small circle, choosing who or what they will make a sentence about, and make sentences like: The boy drew a tree. Etc.

The use of mnemonic techniques in speech therapy work gives a positive result. In preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment, the feeling of interest and responsibility increases, satisfaction with the results of their work appears, and mental processes such as memory, attention, and thinking improve, which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of correctional work.


    Barsukova E.L. Automation of sounds using mnemonic tracks. //Speech therapist No. 5, 2009.

    Omelchenko L.V. The use of mnemonic techniques in the development of coherent speech. // Speech therapist 2008, No. 4, p. 102-115.

    Polyanskaya T.B. Using the mnemonics method in teaching children to tell stories preschool age. St. Petersburg, 2009.

    Rastorgueva N.I. Using pictograms to develop word formation skills in children with general speech underdevelopment. // Speech therapist. 2002, No. 2, p. 50-53.

    Site materials http :// festival .1 September . ru (Authors: Ivanova O.V., Lakomykh S.M., Emelyanova N.I.)