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Elective course in biology. The work program of the elective course in biology "living organism" What is an elective course in biology

This paper describes the elective courses of pre-profile and specialized biological education for students in grades 9-11. The author's program of the course "PHYTODESIGN" for students in grades 2 - 9 is given.



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"Elective courses in biology and ecology"

Elective courses in biology and ecology:

types, subjects, programs.

Today, in general educational institutions, profile education provides an opportunity for each student to study according to an individual curriculum, which is based on the basic one and includes the following main blocks:

    Basic general education subjects– are compulsory for all students in all study profiles.

    Profile general education subjects- subjects of an increased level of complexity, which determine the direction of each specific profile of education, mandatory for students who have chosen this profile.

    Elective courses- compulsory courses at the choice of students, determined by the profile of education.

Elective courses in biology and ecology for specialized education can be divided into the following types:

    Subject-oriented (trial).

Courses of this type involve an in-depth study of individual topics of the biology course. The optimal duration of one course can be 16 - 34 hours (a quarter or half a year). This will allow the student to master 2-4 courses in different subjects in a year and will help the graduate of the basic school to make an informed choice of profile.

Target: deepening and expanding the content of the specialized general education course in biology.


To enable the student to realize his interest in the chosen subject;

To clarify the ability and readiness of the student to master the chosen subject at an advanced level;

Create conditions for preparing for elective exams, that is, in the most likely subjects of the future profile.

Subject-oriented courses are designed to help the student realize his interest in the subject, clarify his readiness to study the subject at an advanced level. The topics of such courses may be as follows:

Biology: forms and levels of life.

Plant ecology of the JAO.

Fundamentals of microbiology.

In a healthy body healthy mind.

Solution of genetic problems.

Anatomy and morphology of plants.

Human anatomy.

    Interdisciplinary (orientation) courses - should become the basis for the orientation of the student in the world of modern professions. These training courses should introduce students to complex issues that go beyond traditional academic subjects. Courses of this type are introductory, short-term and frequently changed. The optimal duration of one course is 8-16 hours (one quarter).

Target: integration of students' knowledge about nature and society.


- to create an information base for the orientation of students in modern professions;

- to acquaint schoolchildren in practice with the specifics of typical activities;

To develop and maintain the student's interest in some chosen field of activity;

Provide conditions for students to reflect on their educational needs and relating them to their capabilities.

The topics of such courses may be as follows:

Human ecology.

Influence of environmental factors on the human body.

Protected islands of the Jewish Autonomous Region and the Russian Federation.

Human genetics and ecology.

Modern trends in medicine.

Secrets of wildlife.

Experiment in natural sciences.

    Elective courses in subjects not included in the basic curriculum. This group contributes to the socialization, professional direction of students. Topics: "The World of Professions", "Effective Behavior in Conflict", "Information Culture and Network Etiquette" and others.

When selecting and designing courses, consider the following:

    The set of courses offered should be of a variable nature, their number should be “excessive”, i.e. the student should have a real choice, the names of the courses should be attractive to the student.

    In order to generate interest and positive motivation for a particular profile, the content of pre-profile training courses may include original material that goes beyond school curriculum.

In the process of implementing elective courses in ecology, one can use lectures, lessons, group, project and research practice, game technologies, the development of individual curricula and other teaching methods that develop students' independence and creative initiative.

Elective courses for profile and pre-profile biological education of students

The nature of the courses

Name of courses

Grade 9

Name of courses

Grade 10

Name of courses

Grade 11

Expand the scope of the current specialized biology course

Human ecology.

Anatomy and morphology of plants.

Questions of plant physiology.

Solving problems of increased complexity in biology.

Solving problems of increased complexity in biology.

Plant systematics.

Social ecology.

Deepen the current profile course in biology

Physiology of animals.

General ecology.

Solution of genetic problems.

Development organic world on the ground.

Patterns of the microevolutionary process.

Have a practical focus

Fundamentals of medical knowledge.

Experiments in animal physiology.

Fundamentals of biotechnology.

Fundamentals of bionics.

Are integrated

Plant ecology of the JAO.

Questions of plant physiology.

Influence of environmental factors on human health.

Fundamentals of biological chemistry.

Biogeography of animals and plants.

Basic scientific concepts of the origin of life on Earth.

Have a professional orientation

Biology of domestic animals.

nature and ecological problems EAO.


Fundamentals of microbiology.

Protection of Nature.

Selected questions of psychology.

The program of the elective course "PHYTODESIGN"

professional orientation

for students in grades 2-9

OGAOU "Education Center "Steps"


Explanatory note

The plant world, as a component of the socio-natural environment, has the richest opportunities for optimizing influence, both on the external environment and on the inner world of a person. Using ornamental plants, it is possible to contribute to the creation of favorable conditions for air, humidity, microbiological regimes inside the school premises and on its territory, stimulate the formation of positive emotions and contribute to an increase in the overall level of health of all participants. educational process. Properly organized interaction with living plants and living soil directly affects the formation of modern ecological culture of students.

Target: consider the possibilities of phytodesign in a school environment.


    To acquaint students with the ecological basics of using phytodesign as a means of optimizing the living environment of a modern person.

    Show the experience of the world practice of phytodesign and the possibility of its use in the conditions of the Jewish Autonomous Region.

    Introduce the main areas of activity in phytodesign.

    To form a complex of practical skills and abilities for caring for ornamental plants, planning and creating environmentally and aesthetically sound elements of phytodesign of their living environment.

Important circumstances in the organization of teaching phytodesign are the involvement of the entire contingent of students and the creation of conditions for gradual and continuous education in this direction. Therefore, this course "Phytodesign" (230 hours) has the status of a special course, which covers students in grades 2-9. In order to form solid knowledge and stable practical skills in phytodesign, the course consists of five consecutive sections in the curriculum:

Section name

Number of hours


Indoor plants and their care

Basic flower arrangements

Interior (room) design

Decorative landscaping of the school territory (garden)

This sequence is based on the possibility of gradually involving elements of the social and natural environment in the educational process, the transition from using traditional means and methods of organizing the phytoenvironment to mastering the achievements of world practice in this direction. In addition, this sequence is based on taking into account the age characteristics of students.

For elementary school, frequent change of activity, reliance on subject-figurative thinking is assumed, and for the middle level, the program offers forms that require significant concentration of attention. Much of the teaching of phytodesign relies on self-reliance in the work shown by students.

Optimal Shapes organization of training:



Project activities (short-term, long-term projects);

Laboratory (practical) work.

The main form of education is the lesson.


Lessons of assimilation of new educational information;

Lessons in the formation of practical skills and abilities of students;

Lessons of improvement and knowledge, skills and abilities;

Lessons of generalization and systematization of knowledge, skills and abilities;

    laboratory works.

Education under this program provides for games, quizzes, practical work on landscaping the school building, the school yard. The psychological advantages of teamwork are obvious in that the team has a beneficial effect on the individual, qualitatively and quantitatively expanding horizons, improving observation and enriching judgments, eliminating one-sidedness. The program provides for independent creativity of students in the implementation of projects. All tasks are aimed at developing the creative potential of the individual.


The role of ornamental plants in creating a favorable human environment. The concept of phytodesign and its main directions - flower arrangement, interior gardening, ornamental gardening.

Section 1. Houseplants and their care (Grade 2)

The concept of indoor plants and their origin. Features of the structure of plants. Plant organs and their decorative qualities.

Propagation of indoor plants. Ways of vegetative propagation: stem, tubers, bulbs.

Aphids and spider mites - pests of indoor plants and safe measures to combat them (spraying, "bath", using a soap and garlic solution).


1 "Journey with houseplants » (presentation of one of the indoor plants at the choice of a student or a group of students, accompanied by a story, photographs, drawings according to the algorithm).

2 "Growing houseplants"

When studying this section, students in grade 2

- must know : methods of vegetative propagation of plants, the simplest and safest methods of pest control in indoor conditions;

    should be able to: grow a plant from a cutting and form it correctly.

Section 1. Houseplants and their care (Grades 3 - 4)

The concept of the life form of plants as an adaptation to existence in certain conditions. Common life forms of ornamental plants: woody. Herbaceous, bulbous, tuberous, ampelous, succulent plants.

Rules and techniques for placing plants in rooms, taking into account lighting, temperature, air humidity. Protection of plants from the adverse effects of the environment.

Compilation of compositions from indoor plants. Rules for the use of flower combinations, contrast of forms, proportionality in plant groups.

Accounting for environmental requirements different types plants when grown together.

Project task: make a composition of pre-grown plants for decorating the room, justifying your choice.

When studying this section, students in grades 3-4

- must know: life forms of plants, rules for environmental compatibility in co-cultivation, rules and techniques for placing plants indoors;

  • should be able to: compose compositions of their potted plants, taking into account their origin and relationship to the conditions of detention.

Section 2. Variety of indoor plants (grade 5)

Diversity of plants according to their geographical origin. Plants of the tropics, subtropics, deserts. Characteristics of the conditions of their natural growth.

Characteristics of the most common types of humid tropical areas: ficuses, begonias, monstera, balsams. Features of their content in the rooms.

Plants of subtropical origin: asparagus, pelargoniums and their indoor cultivation.

Growing at room conditions common plants from desert areas: spurge, aloe, crassula.

Influence of indoor plants on the state of indoor air. Phytoncidity of plants. Plants are biofilters.

The influence of plants on human health.

Project task: issue a passport for three indoor plants of different types and different origins.

Section 3. Fundamentals of flower arrangement (Grade 6)

A brief history of the development of flower arrangement. The use of flower arrangements in antiquity, the Middle Ages and the present.

Basic rules and patterns of creating flower arrangements. The use of color. Color harmony, nuance, contrast, color wheel. Shape and proportions. Focus and scale. lines in the composition.

Types of flower arrangements. Bouquet, wreath, boutonniere, garland. The use of flowers in the design of halls, shop windows, tables, gifts.

Rules of flower etiquette in different countries and peoples.

Project task: to make a boutonniere from living, dry, artificial or combined material with its presentation

When studying this section, students in grade 6

- must know: the history of the development of flower arranging, the main elements of creating flower arrangements and how to place flowers in a composition;

    should be able to; make a flower arrangement, make a bouquet, boutonniere.

Section 3. Fundamentals of flower arrangement (Grade 7)

Collection, drying and storage techniques for dry compositions. Features of drying the material in air, cotton wool, sand. Fixation in glycerin solution.

Processing of plant material; bleaching, dyeing, etc. How to extend the life of cut flowers.

Vases, their shapes and combinations with plant material. Production of substitutes for vases.

Auxiliary means and arrangement materials.

Ways of fixing the material and composition: dry bouquet, New Year's compositions, fantasy flowers and flowers.

Project task: to make a composition according to the task (dry or fantasy bouquet) of a certain shape (rounded, triangular).

When studying this section, students in grade 7

- must know: basic rules for processing flower material, techniques for fixing plant material;

- should be able to: fix plant and flower material, make seasonal bouquets, prepare live plant and flower material for work.

Section 4. Interior (room) phytodesign (grade 8)

Plants in the house in the past and present.

Ecological and aesthetic role of phytodesign.

Types of premises - residential, office and industrial. Possibilities of keeping plants in them. The main environment-forming factors and their distribution in the premises.

Residential building and its functional premises: entrance hall, kitchen, hall, bedroom.

Plant cultivation methods. Pot and container cultures.

Elements of phytodesign in the house. Green window, green chandelier, green island, micro garden. Technique for creating phytodesign elements and their care.

Project No. 3 "Pharmacy on the windowsill"

Students need to grow medicinal plants on the window using elements of interior phytodesign and taking into account the biological characteristics of plants and the type of room.

When studying this section, students in grade 8

- must know: the role of plants in the interior, the main elements of interior phytodesign, the rules and patterns of creating interior compositions from indoor plants;

  • should be able to: make interior compositions taking into account the biological characteristics of plants and the type of premises.

(school area). (grade 9)

Rural courtyard and country estates in the Jewish Autonomous Region and their structure. Examples of estates in other regions of Russia. Functional areas of the estate: residential, economic, recreational, decorative; basic principles of zone design.

Woody plants on the plot, the main species and their biological properties. Features of planting, growing and propagating woody plants.

Creation of decorative elements from woody plants: green hedge, decorative tree and shrub groups. Rules for the creation and placement of decorative tree groups on a personal plot.

Herbaceous plants and their biological diversity: annuals, biennials, perennials, bulbous, tuberous, rhizomatous, ground cover.

The main crops of ornamental herbaceous plants of the JAO and their cultivation (summer - marigolds, etc., non-wintering perennials - gladioli, dahlias, etc., wintering perennials - delphiniums, etc.).

Technologies for growing herbaceous plants.

Promising plants of natural flora and their cultivation (aster, catchment area, iris, etc.).

Elements of floral design of the suburban area: lawn, flower bed, rabatka, mixborder. Rules and technologies for creating decorative plant elements.

Small architectural forms: arch, pergola, trellis, gazebo.

Garden furniture. Paths and rooms, retaining walls. Types and technologies of creation. Fundamentals of designing the decorative design of a personal plot.

ProjectNo. 4 "Yard of my dreams"

The project is aimed at creating a design for a personal plot: students draw up planning schemes, a description of the decorative elements of phytodesign, determine the need for planting material and the cost of work. Computer programs are used during the project implementation.

Approximate thematic plan

(Grade 2 - 26 hours)





The structure of ornamental plants

Features of keeping plants indoors

houseplant care

The main methods of propagation of indoor plants

Plant protection from pests

Protecting plants from diseases

Preventive inspection of indoor plants in the office

Working on a project task


Section 1. Houseplants and their care

(3rd - 4th grades - 34 hours)



Practical work (laboratory)


Life forms of indoor plants

Placement and selection of flower plants

Placement of plants in the room

Arrangement (composition)


Section 2. Variety of houseplants

(5th grade - 34 hours)



Practical work (laboratory)


Characteristics of natural conditions of places of natural growth of plants.

Variety of indoor plants

Preventive inspection and care of plants in the interior of the biology room, school.

Working on project assignments


(6th grade - 34 hours)



Practical work (laboratory)


The history of the development of flower arrangement

Basic rules for creating flower arrangements

Types of flower arrangement and their use

Rules of flower etiquette

Preventive inspection of plants at school

Working on project assignments


Section 3. Fundamentals of flower arranging

(Grade 7 - 34 hours)



Practical work (laboratory)


Techniques for fixing plant material

Basic rules for the processing and storage of plant material

Vases and their substitutes.

Ways to arrange flowers in compositions

Seasonal bouquets and arrangements

Working on project assignments


Section 4. Interior (room) phytodesign

(8th grade - 34 hours)



Practical work (laboratory)


Environmental factors of keeping plants at home

The apartment is like an ecosystem

Phytodesign elements

Working on project assignments


(school area)

(9th grade - 34 hours)



Practical work (laboratory)


Rural courtyard and country estates in the Jewish Autonomous Region, their zoning.

Woody plants on the plot, the main species and their biological properties.

Herbaceous plants and their biodiversity

Major flower crops.

Elements of plant design of the suburban area

Fundamentals of designing a summer cottage

Preventive inspection of plants at school, in the school yard.

Working on a project task



1. Avdeeva E.N. Russian landscape design. Edited by N.P. Titova - M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2000.

2. Klinkovskaya N.I., Pasechnik V.V. Indoor plants at school.-M.: Education, 1986.

3.Ming V.K. Dried flowers.-M., 1998.

4. Tavlinova G.K. Flowers in the room and on the balcony.-L .: Agropromizdat, 1985.

5. Hession D.G. All about indoor plants.-M.:Kladez, 1996.

6. Hession D.G. All about the garden, which is easy to care for.-M.:Kladez, 1999.

7. Hession D.G. All about flower arranging.-M.:Kladez, 1997.


Modernization concept Russian education provides for the introduction of specialized education at the senior level of the school. The purpose of profile education is to create conditions for the education of high school students, taking into account their inclinations and abilities, for their education in accordance with their profile interests and intentions in relation to continuing education. Currently, the following main profiles are distinguished: natural-mathematical, humanitarian, technological, socio-economic.

It is known that an integral part of profile education is the organization and conduct of elective courses in subjects.

Elective courses are elective courses that are mandatory for high school students to attend, the goals of which are to develop, supplement, deepen the content of basic and specialized biology courses, satisfy the cognitive interests of schoolchildren, develop various aspects of biological thinking, educate worldview and personal qualities by means of in-depth study of biology. When developing the content, choosing the forms and methods of working with students of various profiles in the classroom of an elective course, psychological and pedagogical features, types of thinking, inclinations and abilities of schoolchildren should be taken into account.

The analysis of educational and methodological literature carried out during the study, the study of the experience of biology teachers, experimental teaching showed that the problem of developing and organizing elective courses in biology has not been fully resolved - there is not enough clarity in the selection of content for various profiles, there is little experience in conducting such classes, not enough educational and methodical literature. The current situation makes it possible to search and

experimental verification of new content, new teaching methods, as well as varying the volume and complexity of the material being studied.

Thus, the topic of our study is very relevant.

The object of the study is the process of teaching biology at the senior level of a specialized school.

The subject of the research is the organization of elective courses in biology in specialized school.

The purpose of the study is to investigate the role and place of elective courses in specialized education and, on the basis of this, formulate guidelines for the preparation and conduct of elective courses in biology.


Conducting elective courses in biology at a specialized school will be more effective if:

The selection of content will be carried out in accordance with the goals that are set in the study of biology in each specific profile, in accordance with the professional interests, inclinations and abilities of students.

The psychological and pedagogical features of students of different profiles are taken into account.

Methods, forms and means of teaching in elective courses will correspond to the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students.

To achieve the set goals and test the proposed hypothesis, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Analyze the literature on this issue.

2. Consider the main provisions on profile education.

3. Determine the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students of various profiles.

4. Conduct a survey of teachers.

5. Develop an elective course in biology.

6. Implement experiential teaching.

7. Analyze the results and draw conclusions.

To achieve our goals, we used the following research methods:

The study of biological, educational and methodological and psychological and pedagogical literature.

Analysis of normative documents on education.

Analysis of textbooks and school curriculum in biology.

Experienced teaching.

Observation of students during the elective course.

The thesis consists of an introduction, the main part, consisting of 3 chapters; conclusions, conclusions, bibliography and applications.

The work is presented on .. pages, contains .. tables and ..figures, the list of references contains .. sources of domestic and .. foreign authors.

ChapterI . Elective biology courses for specialized education.

§1. The relevance of profile education

Profile education has a century-long history, but even now it has not lost its relevance, since:

The profiling of education in high school corresponds to the structure of the educational and life attitudes of most high school students ( sociological research show that more than 70% of schoolchildren prefer to know the basics of the main subjects, and to know in depth only those that are chosen to specialize in them).

By the age of 15–16, most students develop an orientation towards the sphere of the future professional activity(social survey: in the 8th grade, schoolchildren know for sure that they will go to vocational schools, technical schools, colleges or will enter a university, in the 9th grade, 70-75% of schoolchildren have definitely made their choice).

IN high school a firm opinion has been formed about the need for additional specialized training of high school students for passing entrance examinations and further education at the university.

Most students believe that the current general education does not provide opportunities for successful study at a university and building a further professional career (less than 12% of high school students consider it acceptable - data from the All-Russian Center for the Study of General Opinion).

An analysis of foreign experience shows that general education at the senior level in all developed countries is specialized.

Thus, in order for students to master the subjects they need in depth, as well as successfully pass exams at the university and not experience great difficulties in studying in it, a transition to a profile school is necessary, that is, profile education is currently relevant.

§2. Goals and objectives of profile education

In our time, one of the most important areas of modernization of the education system in Russia remains the transition to a senior specialized school. The need for the transition of the senior level to specialized education is determined by the Government of Russia in the "Concept for the modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010".

In accordance with this concept, the task is to create a system of specialized training (professional education) in the upper grades of general education schools, focused on the individualization of education and the socialization of the student, including taking into account the real needs of the labor market, working out a flexible system of profiles and cooperation of the senior school with institutions primary, secondary and higher vocational education.

It should be noted the differences between the concepts of profile education and profile school.

The specialized school is an institutional form for the implementation of this task.

Profile education is a means of differentiation and individualization of education, which, due to changes in the structure, content and organization of the educational process, more accurately takes into account the interests, inclinations, abilities of the student, creates conditions for teaching high school students in accordance with their

profile interests and intentions regarding the continuation of education. Profile training is aimed at the implementation of a student-oriented educational process. At the same time, the possibilities for the student to build his own, individual educational trajectory. Thus, the transition to profile education pursues the following main goals:

provide in-depth study of individual disciplines of the program of complete general education;

create conditions for a significant differentiation of the content of teaching high school students, with wide and flexible opportunities for building individual educational programs by schoolchildren;

promote the establishment of equal access to a full-fledged education for different categories of students in accordance with their individual inclinations and needs;

expand opportunities for socialization of students, ensure continuity between general and vocational education, including more effective preparation of school graduates for the development of higher professional education programs.

So, profile education is aimed at achieving the individual needs of the student.

§ 3 . The structure of the profile school

The most important issue of profile education is the definition of a model for the organization of profile education. At the same time, one should take into account, on the one hand, the desire to most fully take into account the individual interests, abilities, inclinations of all high school students, on the other hand, a number of factors that constrain

processes of such largely spontaneous differentiation of education. Among them, first of all, should be called the Unified State Examination, the introduction of an educational standard at the profile level, the need to stabilize the federal list of textbooks, the provision of specialized education with appropriate teaching staff, etc.

Any form of learning profiling will require a reduction in the invariant component. Unlike the usual models of schools with in-depth study of individual subjects, when one or two subjects are studied more widely and in depth than it is provided for by the programs of general education schools, and the remaining subjects are studied at the traditional level, the implementation of specialized education is possible only if there is a relative reduction educational material non-core subjects studied in order to complete the basic general education of students.

Model secondary school with specialized education at the senior level provides for the possibility of a variety of options for combinations of training courses, which should provide a flexible system of specialized education. This system should include the following types of training courses:

Basic general education courses are courses that are mandatory for all students in all study profiles. The following set of compulsory general education courses is offered: mathematics, history, Russian and foreign languages, physical education, as well as integrated social science courses for natural-mathematical, technological profiles, natural science for humanitarian, socio-economic profiles.

Profile courses - advanced courses (actually

advanced high school courses), which determine the focus of each specific profile of education. For example, physics, chemistry, biology - specialized courses in the natural science profile; history, law, economics, etc. - in the socio-economic profile, etc.

Unified state examinations are held for basic general education and basic specialized courses.

Elective Courses are compulsory courses of students' choice, which are part of the curriculum at the senior level of the school. Elective courses are implemented at the expense of the school component of the curriculum and perform two functions. Some of them can "support" the study of the main profile courses at the level set by the profile standard. For example, the elective course "Combinatorics and Probability Theory" supports the study of a profile course in economics. Other elective courses serve for intraprofile specialization of education and for building individual educational trajectories. For example, the course "Information business" in the social and humanitarian profile.

The approximate ratio of the volumes of basic general education, specialized general education subjects and elective courses is determined by the proportion of 50: 30: 20. Unlike electives, elective courses in specialized education are mandatory. There is no USE for elective courses.

The following types of elective courses in biology and ecology for specialized education can be distinguished.

1. Subject courses, the purpose of which is to deepen and expand the content of the specialized general education course in biology.

1.1. Courses of an increased level of complexity, aimed at an in-depth study of the subject "Biology" and consistent with the main program both thematically and in time. The choice of such an elective course will allow studying biology not at the profile, but at an in-depth level. In this case, all sections of the course are deepened more or less evenly.

1.2. Special courses in which individual sections of the profile course of biology are studied in depth, which are included in the compulsory program of this subject (for example, "Genetics", "Cells and Tissues", "Ecology", "Biophysics").

1.3. Special courses in which individual sections of the main course that are not included in the mandatory program are studied in depth ("Biotechnology", "Selection", "Theory of Evolution", "Viruses and Viral Diseases").

1.4. Applied elective courses, the purpose of which is to introduce students to the most important ways and methods of applying knowledge in practice, to develop students' interest in modern technology and production (“Biology in agriculture”, “Environmental workshop”, “Solving environmental problems and sustainable development”).

1.5. Elective courses devoted to the study of biological methods of nature cognition ("Methods and techniques of biological experiment", "How discoveries are made", "Mathematical methods and models in biology and ecology", "Ecology in experiments").

1.6. Elective courses on the history of biology and ecology ("Modern Problems of Biology", "History of Ecology", "Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine").

1.7. Elective courses devoted to compiling and solving problems in biology (“Solving Olympiad problems in biology”, “Experimental problems in biology and ecology”, “Problems in biology with practical content”).

2. Interdisciplinary elective courses, the purpose of which is to integrate students' knowledge about nature and society ("Evolution and creationism as a phenomenon of culture", "Sustainable development", "Environmental chemistry", "Biology and health", "Socio-economic factors in solving environmental problems", "Natural science picture peace").

3. A separate group is elective courses in subjects not included in the basic curriculum that promote socialization, professional self-determination of students ("World of Professions", "Effective Behavior in Conflict", "Information Culture and Network Etiquette").

The number of elective courses offered as part of the profile must be in excess of the number of courses the student is required to take. When developing the content and methodological system of an elective course, it is important to show what place it ranks among general education and basic specialized subjects, what interdisciplinary connections are realized when studying an elective course, what general educational, specialized and special (biological, environmental) skills and abilities are developed, how conditions are created for enhancing the cognitive interest of students, professional self-determination.

Goals and objectives it is desirable to formulate the course in terms that are understandable to both the teacher and the students: why the course is being studied, what educational needs it satisfies. In accordance with the goals, the tasks of studying the course are formulated: what is necessary to achieve the goals; what specifically the teacher and students have to work on when studying the course.

When selecting content course it is necessary to answer the following questions: what facts, concepts, ideas, ideas, principles, values ​​are offered for assimilation; what skills and abilities will be formed; for which biological and environmental professions (areas of applied biology and ecology) the formed skills and abilities are useful; which sections and from which school courses (not only biology, but also, for example, mathematics, physics, chemistry, foreign language) must be mastered (both by students and the teacher) before starting the study of the elective course; in what materials the content of the course is implemented (textbook, workbook for students, methodological guide for teachers, reader, electronic/multimedia manuals, Internet resources, etc.).

Methods and forms of education should be determined by the requirements of profiling education, taking into account the individual characteristics of students, development and self-development of the individual. The leading place in teaching should be given to problematic, practical and research methods that stimulate cognitive activity. The proportion of independent work with various sources of educational information should be significant. When determining forms of organization of training sessions should be based primarily on the objectives of the course. Since, in principle, the study of an elective course by even one student is not excluded, it is necessary to provide options for both collective and individual-group study of the course material. At the same time, if the content of the course can only be mastered in group or collective forms(learning projects, business games), then the minimum size of the study group should be specified. It is important to provide for the use of such methods and forms of education that would give students an idea of ​​​​a possible future professional activity corresponding to the chosen profile of education. This can be a biological experiment, environmental modeling, experimental work on a school site, business games to solve local environmental problems, translation of foreign scientific publications, etc.

Thematic plan includes the main content of all sections / topics of the course, indicating the time required for their study. Separately, practical and laboratory work, excursions (to nature, to research organizations, agricultural and industrial enterprises, environmental control laboratories, environmental management bodies), educational projects, etc. are singled out. Additional teaching materials: literature for teachers and students (basic and additional), electronic publications (CDs, educational computer programs), Internet resources.

An important element of the methodological system of the elective course is the definition of the expected results of the study of the course, as well as methods for diagnosing and evaluating them. Expected outcome of the course is the answer to the question: what knowledge, skills, experience, necessary for building an individual educational trajectory at school and a successful professional career upon graduation, will be obtained, what types of activities will be mastered, what values ​​will be offered for assimilation? The results should be significant, first of all, for the students themselves, which is necessary to ensure the attractiveness of the course at the stage of initial acquaintance with it and its choice by students. Learning outcomes can be formulated both in terms of “the student should know (have an idea, give examples)”, “be able”, “have experience”, and in terms of competencies. It is equally important to consider a system for monitoring the level of student achievement and evaluation criteria.

It is necessary to develop both forms of intermediate control and the format of the final test work for the course. The assessment can be set both in the form of "passed/failed", and on a point scale. In order to increase the attractiveness of the course for students and increase the chances of its promotion in the market of educational services, it is desirable that the forms and content of monitoring the level of students' achievements within the framework of the elective course are consistent with the requirements of the USE control and measuring materials in biology.

To conduct the final certification based on the results of studying the course, you can use both a special test work (exam, test) and a student's portfolio, i.e. a set of independently performed works (schemes, drawings, layouts, abstracts, research reports, essays) and documented achievements (diplomas, diplomas). The final grade can be cumulative, when the results of all the proposed tasks are evaluated in points, which are summed up at the end of the course. At the same time, ratings can also be used when specific limits on the number of points for obtaining a particular assessment are not set in advance, and the assessment is determined upon completion of the course, depending on the level of students' preparation.

In order to present the most important features of the elective course to its developers, it is desirable to make a short abstract. The abstract should include the title, main content, and explain who the course is for. It is important that the abstract be brief and at the same time give a fairly complete picture of the course, revealing its attractiveness. These requirements for elective courses should be reflected in the system teaching materials for teachers and students - educational and methodological kit (EMC). As the main elements, the teaching materials may include at least a program and a textbook (textbook) for students, as well as, as additional elements, a workbook for students, a teaching aid for a teacher, an reader, Internet resources, etc.

The course program should include: annotation; the place of the course in the educational process; goals and objectives of the course; main components of the course content; methods and forms of education; course results; forms of monitoring the level of students' achievements and evaluation criteria; thematic plan; additional learning materials.

Textbook for students. The main content of the course can be presented both in the form of a traditional textbook and in other forms (video course, interactive computer program, Internet resources, etc.). The presentation of the educational material should not orient the teacher to lectures, its main function is to provide the student with information for classes in the classroom (texts, instructions for laboratory experiments and research work, materials for discussion, questions for discussion), independent work, for the implementation of home buildings, the preparation of educational projects.

Annotated bibliography. It should be prepared if the recommended literature is available. It is necessary to indicate in the study of which topics one or another source should be used.

The proposed system does not limit the school in organizing one or another profile of education (or several profiles at the same time), but the student in choosing different sets of basic general education, profile and elective courses, which together will make up his individual educational trajectory. In many cases, this will require the implementation of non-traditional forms of education, the creation of new models school education.

On the basis of three types of courses: basic general education, profile and electives, it is possible to build the educational process in such a way that combinations of general education and profile courses will give the most various forms profiling - for the school as a whole, for

individual classes in it, for a group of students.

Obviously, profile education faces a number of problems that have not been solved to this day:

Methodological support of specialized education (release of new textbooks, etc.);

Development of a model for the implementation of specialized education in rural areas;

Retraining and training of teachers:

Studying and understanding the theoretical provisions and methodological foundations of specialized education, regulatory documents;

Acquaintance with possible variants of profile training models;

Formation of skills to select content for specialized training, for elective courses;

Formation of skills to develop programs of elective courses and evaluate their quality;

Mastering by teachers innovative methods training and technologies, methods of conducting training sessions and forms of organization of educational activities of students (research methods, project method, methods of conducting seminars, methods of collective cooperation, modular technology, problem-based learning).

Carrying out the final certification after the 9th grade;

Serious study of economic issues related to the introduction of specialized education.

Instability of teenagers' preferences.

Thus, the structure of a specialized school is a set of such courses as: basic general education, specialized and elective courses. Also, profile education faces a number of problems, as it requires retraining of teachers, accumulation methodological experience and etc.

§4. Psychological and pedagogical features of teaching biology in the classes of the main profiles

When organizing the learning process in specialized classes, one should take into account the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students of a particular profile. These features are most pronounced in classes with a natural science bias.

Students of biological classes are distinguished by the nature of the perception of the biological picture of the world, the great mobility of thought processes, the variety of aspects in the approach to solving problems, easy and free switching from one mental operation to another, from direct to reverse thought; striving for clarity, simplicity, rationality, cost-effectiveness of the solution.

The goals of studying biology in this profile are the mastery of the necessary amount of specific biological knowledge by students and the formation of an intellectual culture of the individual in this process.

The selection of content on a topic should be carried out in accordance with the goals that are set when studying biology in a biological profile. And also, when studying the material, it is advisable to use methods of work in the lesson that correspond to this profile: heuristic, problem presentation, research. Most attractive to students individual work. For more

For a complete consideration of any issues, you can use various teaching aids, including tutorials, didactic materials, tables, screen tools, devices, models and tools.

General characteristics of high school students.

Age-related psychological characteristics are determined specifically by the historical conditions in which a person develops, heredity and, to some extent, the nature of upbringing, the characteristics of the activity and communication of the individual, which affect the time periods for the transition from one age to another.

The interaction of external and internal factors generates typical psychological characteristics common to people of the same age.

Senior school age or the age of early adolescence - the period of a person's life from 15 to 17 years, which falls on grades 10-11 high school. During this period, that degree of mental, ideological and civic maturity is acquired, which allows a person to a certain extent be capable of independent working life and activity and serves as a reliable basis for his further development. Speaking about students of this age, N.S. Leites notes: “In their psychological appearance, the activity of analyzing thoughts, a tendency to reasoning and special emotionality, impressionability are most often combined. Such a combination of features of the “thinking” type characterizes the unique originality of age and, apparently, is a guarantee of multilateral development in the future.

Psychologists who studied this age period (L.S. Vygotsky, L.I. Bozhovich, V.A. Krutetsky, N.S. Leitis, A.V. Mudrik, E.A. Shumilin, A.V. Zakharova, etc. ), emphasize the growth of the student's intellectual powers. Their mental activity is characterized more and more high level generalization and abstraction, an increasing tendency towards a causal explanation of phenomena, the ability to argue to prove a position, to draw reasonable conclusions, to link the studied phenomena and facts into a system. Intellectual advancement allows high school students to carry out a deep analysis of the material, reveal patterns, identify broad analogues, and learn ways of understanding the general laws of nature and society.

High school students develop the ability to use a variety of logical memorization techniques. Significant changes are observed in the style of their mental activity, which is becoming more active, independent, and creative.

High school students, in comparison with teenagers, have a markedly increased interest in school and learning. Teaching acquires a direct life meaning, so schoolchildren are clearly aware that the necessary condition for worthy participation in their future working life is the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. Therefore, the need for self-acquisition of knowledge is one of the characteristic features modern high school student.

Reading interests develop, closely related to the direction of cognitive interests, which in turn become broad, stable and effective. The selectivity of interests among high school students, as a rule, is associated with life plans.

Self-consciousness at this age acquires a qualitatively specific character, determined by the need to assess the abilities of one's personality, taking into account specific life aspirations. There is a stabilization of self-esteem, an increase in the productivity of mental processes, and an improvement in the mechanisms of self-regulation. On this basis, the need for self-education develops, aimed not only at overcoming certain shortcomings and acquiring individual positive traits and properties, but at shaping the personality as a whole.

It can be noted that in the 11th grade, compared with the previous years of study, there is an intensive development and improvement of mental activity, logical memorization techniques, all intellectual phenomena and skills.

Attention is drawn to the increased maturity of cognitive needs and more meaningful forms of its satisfaction in comparison with students of previous classes.

Thus, the analysis of literature data indicates that profile education has a long history: for the first time, differentiation of education was introduced in 1864, and its modernization continues to this day. The main goal of specialized education is to achieve the individual needs of the student. Modern system education provides for the introduction of specialized education at the senior level of school. There are various models of profile differentiation, each model presents possible forms of organization of profile education and psychological features of teaching biology.

Chapter II. Methodology for conducting elective courses in biology at a specialized school

§1. Goals of organizing elective courses in biology

The fundamental position of the organization of school biological education at present is the differentiation of teaching biology - level differentiation and profile differentiation in the upper grades of secondary school.

The biology program for a secondary general education school, working according to the basic curriculum, involves the formation of schoolchildren's ideas about biology as part of a universal culture, as a certain method of understanding the world. But on this moment the content of the school biology course does not meet the requirements that have arisen in modern conditions. The amount of knowledge needed by a person is increasing dramatically, while the number of hours allocated for studies is decreasing. Biology as a school discipline leaves students at the turn of the past centuries and introduces extremely little to modern scientific achievements.

One of the means of implementing the requirements of the program and resolving the existing problems is the transition of the school to specialized education and the introduction of elective courses in biology.

Elective courses are optional elective courses for high school students, which are implemented at the expense of the school component.

The adjective "elective" (Electus - Latin, L. Krysin " Dictionary foreign words”, “Russian language”, M., 1998.) translated from Latin means chosen, selected. It follows that any course called "elective" in the curriculum must be chosen.

Elective courses play an important role in the system of specialized education at the senior school level.

In accordance with the “Concept of profile education at the senior level of general education” approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia, differentiation of the content of education in senior classes is carried out on the basis of various combinations of three types of courses: basic, profile, elective (p. 12).

Elective courses are connected, first of all, with the satisfaction of individual educational interests, needs and inclinations of each student. It is they, in essence, that are the most important means of building individual educational programs, since they are most connected with the choice of the content of education by each student, depending on his interests, abilities, future life plans.

Elective courses “compensate” in many respects for the rather limited possibilities of basic and specialized courses in meeting the various educational needs of high school students. This role of elective courses in the system of specialized education determines a wide range of their functions and tasks.

At the same time, it is assumed that elective courses should contribute to the intra-profile specialization of education, as well as for students to develop their own educational profile route, since one of the main tasks facing the education system is reorientation to the training of a person who independently chooses an individual development trajectory in accordance with with their abilities and capabilities, making responsible decisions and acting effectively in today's changing world.

Independence as a responsible, proactive, independent behavior is the main vector of young people growing up.

Elective courses should be meaningfully and actively related to a specific profile, modeling typical learning situations and problems.

Elective courses are compulsory elective courses for high school students, which are implemented at the expense of the school component and have the following goals:

The development of the content of the basic course of biology, the study of which in this school is carried out at a minimum general educational level, which allows you to maintain at the profile level or receive additional training for passing the exam in biology;

Supplementing the content of the profile course in biology, they act as its superstructure, which allows the profile course to be fully in-depth;

Satisfying the various cognitive interests of schoolchildren that go beyond the scope of their chosen profile in various spheres of human activity;

The development of biological thinking, the education of a worldview and a number of personal qualities, by means of an in-depth study of biology.

Elective courses play big role in improving school education. They allow you to search for and experimentally test new content, new teaching methods, as well as vary the volume and complexity of the material being studied.

This means that elective courses make it possible to support the study of biology as a profile subject at a given profile level or serve for intra-profile specialization of education and building individual educational trajectories for schoolchildren.

§2. Requirements for elective course programs

One of the most important components of pre-profile training is the organization of elective courses for ninth-graders.
To begin with, we will separate the concepts of "elective course" and "elective course". Basically, this one to the same. however, in 9th grade their called courses by choice within pre-profile preparation, and in grades 10-11 - elective ( lat . electus - elected). However, even in regulatory documents they are often called elective courses in both cases.
There are no educational standards for elective courses. The variability of elective courses implies the following: as part of pre-profile training, a 9th grade student focused on a particular profile (or, conversely, still hesitating in his choice) should try his hand at mastering different courses. Availability a large number courses that differ from each other in content, form of organization and technology, is one of the important pedagogical conditions effective training, while the courses should be short-term.
The situation is different in the 10th and 11th grades. Elective courses in high school, when students have already begun to study in a particular profile, should be more systematic (once or twice a week), longer-term (at least 36 hours) and, most importantly, set very different goals than this. was in the 9th grade as part of pre-profile training. In grades 10-11, the purpose of the elective course is to expand, deepen knowledge, develop specific skills and abilities, and get acquainted with new areas of science within the chosen profile. We will talk about elective courses in high school, now we will focus on elective courses in the 9th grade.
According to most authors, elective courses
V within the framework of pre-profile training are divided into three main types: subject, inter-subject and orientation courses.
Subject courses by choice, they are propaedeutic in relation to future core subjects. The content and form of organization of these courses should be aimed at expanding the knowledge and horizons of the student. In the process of implementing elective subject courses, the following tasks are solved:
¾ realization by the student of interest in the chosen subject;
¾ clarification of readiness and ability to master the subject at an advanced level;
¾ creating conditions to prepare for elective exams, i.e. the most likely subjects of future profiling.
Interdisciplinary courses predp provide a way beyond traditional academic subjects. They introduce students to complex problems and tasks that require the synthesis of knowledge in a number of subjects, and ways to solve them in various professional fields. The objectives of these courses are:
¾ maintaining the student's motivation to study subjects of a particular profile;
¾ development of inclinations, abilities and interests of the student;
- formation of an integrative picture of the world.
Orientation courses are classes that contribute to the student's self-determination regarding the profile of education in high school, and ultimately - the profession. The objectives of these courses are:
¾ creating a base for orienting students in the world of modern professions;
- familiarization in practice with the specifics of typical activities corresponding to the most common professions.
Elective courses in the 9th grade are designed for a small number of hours (from
8 up to 32), which allows schoolchildren to try themselves in various types activities in accordance with the profiles offered by a particular school, resource center, system, municipal and regional education.
The implementation of elective courses in pre-profile training involves: independent study basic and additional educational literature, as well as other sources of information; a combination of review and orientation lectures with laboratory work, seminars, discussions, creative meetings; informational support of the student's educational activities with the help of educational videos, electronic texts, telecommunications; holding creative competitions, public defenses of projects, heuristic tests; inclusion in educational activities of excursions to enterprises and specialized exhibitions, social and pre-professional practices in the workplace; volunteering, etc.
Elective courses can be very diverse and are set based on specific conditions.
(P training of teachers and lecturers, material and technical base, students' demands and regional specifics of the labor market and the market of educational services). In table. 1 lists the names of elective elective courses that biology teachers can implement.
Let's dwell on some organizational moments.
1. The set of offered courses should be of a variable nature, their number should be “excessive”, i.e. The student must have a real choice. In order for the student to have the opportunity to attend several courses during the academic year, they should not be long. Optimal course duration
¾ 8-32 hours. It is desirable to determine the set of courses at the end of the 8th grade on the basis of surveys, questionnaires, interviews, etc.
2. The main characteristics of elective courses are their short duration, alternating nature and free mode of conduct. Students can study an elective course in the mode that is most appropriate for successful completion of the program. It can be many hours of training sessions for one week or studying the material in sessions throughout the school year with breaks for students to complete the project. Elective courses in the 9th grade can also be implemented during the holidays, for example excursions to enterprises or to nature. Such an organization of the educational process allows the wide use of various practice-oriented methods:
CSR, project method, modular technology, research methods, etc.
3. Practical orientation of elective courses. The content of pre-profile training courses should include not only information that expands information on academic subjects, but also acquaint students with the methods of activity necessary for the successful development of a program of a particular profile (Table 1).

In the process of implementing the courses, various approaches to the organization of classes are used: lectures, conversations (they should be minimal amount), project and research activities, practices, trainings, gaming technologies, etc. Projects and research carried out in the course of training in the courses can replenish the portfolio of individual achievements - the portfolio.
4. In order to generate interest and positive motivation for a particular profile of bites, their content may include original material that goes beyond the scope of the school curriculum, and the name of the courses should be attractive to the student.
As educational literature for elective courses, separate sections of textbooks used in institutions of professional (primary, secondary, higher) education, textbooks for optional courses, manuals for circle work, as well as popular science literature, reference books, etc.
As for the review of programs, we refer to the information letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 14-51-277 / 13 of November 13, 2003, where it says: “Creating elective courses is a critical part of ensuring the introduction of specialized education. Therefore, their development and implementation should become part of regional programs for the transition to specialized education.
The experience of a number of regions participating in the experiment on specialized training shows that in the institutes for advanced training of pedagogical universities, schools locally create their own versions of elective courses. Many of them are of interest and deserve support. In this regard, it is possible to recommend regional and municipal education authorities to create data banks on elective courses, organize information support and exchange experience in introducing elective courses.
The educational institution makes a decision and is responsible for the content and conduct of elective courses in the manner determined by the founder.
Thus, the procedure for reviewing and approving the programs of elective courses in the 9th grade and elective courses in the 10th-11th grades can be multi-level:
Stage I - internal. The course programs are considered by the methodological association of subject teachers (scientific and methodological council). At this stage, a decision is made on the compliance of the curriculum and program with existing requirements and the charter of the general educational institution the feasibility of introducing them into the curriculum (school committee) or submitting them for external review.
Stage II - external. Programs allocated at the stage of internal reviews as controversial or in case of disagreement of the author with the results of the first stage, can be transferred to an external review, which is carried out by specialists in vocational education.
After reviewing, the program of the elective course is approved by the pedagogical council or the director of the educational institution.
Today, a lot of methodological literature is published with ready-made elective course programs. However, in our deep conviction, a practicing teacher should implement his own elective course program. There are three reasons for this: firstly, the program should be focused on the profile (exactly the one that is adopted in a particular school); the program should be focused on specific students (who, if not a teacher, knows his students, their interests, abilities and inclinations); any program is compiled according to their own interests and horizons (table 2).

1. Programs of elective courses are developed based on the interests of students, the direction of profiling, material and technical didactic support.
2. The goals of the new program are expressed in terms that are unambiguous for understanding and take into account:
¾ goals development processes abilities, inclinations, interests of the student;
- the tasks of the educational activity of students, determined by the current plans, programs, the charter of the educational institution;
- knowledge acquired by students earlier;
¾ the corresponding profile of training and its concepts - information and methodological possibilities of the branch of knowledge.
3. The program must reflect the requirements of the Law "On Education", regulations, recommendations, concepts that exist in the region and
Russian Federation, and provide solutions to the problems of pre-profile training of students.
4. The program should aim at:
- development of curiosity as the basis of cognitive activity;
- development of abilities, inclinations, interests of the child;
¾ the formation of creative imagination;
¾ formation and development of general educational and special research skills of students.
5. The program must provide:
- the optimal load on the child, take into account the age and individual capabilities of students;

¾ emotional and psychological well-being of the student;
- applied orientation of knowledge, skills;
¾ continuity and development of previously studied general education programs;
- sufficiency and
compliance with the requirements of universities in the region and the country;
- implementation of the main requirements of the regional component.
6. The program should include the optimal combination of individual and joint activities (student-student; student-group; student-teacher; teacher-group; teacher-class).
7. The program should allow:
- duplication of the content of the basic subject course;
- Contradictions to the programs operating in a general education school and the requirements of the state standard.

3.2. Algorithm for developing an elective course program

1. Determination of the general goals of pre-profile training.
2. Determining the learning outcomes of the program, corresponding to the goals of pre-profile training and the level of development of knowledge in science and practice.
3. Development of the content of knowledge and skills necessary for the implementation of learning objectives.
4. Determining the sequence of studying the material corresponding to the stated learning objectives.
5. Grouping the content of educational material into sections and topics.
6. Determination of methods for disclosing educational material that correspond to the learning objectives.
7. Determining the time required to study individual sections, topics and the entire program as a whole.
8. Development of an educational and thematic plan for studying the material.
Basic questions for the compiler of the program.

Before proceeding with the preparation of programs for a pre-profile course of choice, it is useful for the teacher to answer the following questions.
° On what content and through what forms of work will I be able to most fully realize the tasks of pre-profile training: to help the student navigate the choice of profile, activities, to enable the student to express themselves and succeed?
° How will the content of the course qualitatively differ from the basic course (it is not presented at all in the basic courses; it is presented "in passing"; it is presented one-sidedly, other points of view are not reflected, etc.)?
° What teaching and support materials are provided for this course?
° What kind of activities ( profile and professionally oriented) possible in working with this content?
° What types of work can students perform to confirm their success in future profile education?
° What criteria, clear to the teacher and the student, will allow assessing progress in the study of this course?
° How will the dynamics of interest in the course, in the future profile, be fixed in the process of work?
° How can the course study (final lesson) be completed for the student, what should be the form of reporting?
By answering these questions, the teacher will actually prepare for the preparation of an explanatory note to the program.

3.3. Requirements for the design of elective course programs

To the best extent, the general requirements for the design of written works (more precisely, their text part reflect GOST 29.115.-88 "Original copyright and text publishing", GOST 2.106-96 "Text documents", GOST 2.105-95 "General requirements for text documents" ( introduction date - 07/01/1996).

The program of elective courses may include the following structural elements.
1. Title page.
The title page of the program includes:

1.1. The name of the educational institution implementing the program.
1.2. Position and full name responsible employee of the educational institution that approved the program.
1.3. Program approval date.
1.4. The name of the program.
1.5. The age category of children for whom the program is designed.
1.6. The duration of the program.
1.7. Full name, position of the author (authors) of the program.
1.8. City name, locality.
1.9. Year of the program.
2. Explanatory note - reveals the general concept, intent of the program
2.1. Program novelty. A program is considered to meet the criterion of novelty in two (mutually exclusive) cases: if it has at least one meaningful feature that is not found in any of the analogue programs, and this feature, together with its other features, makes it possible to obtain a new educational positive effect; or if it, being a new combination of known features, allows you to get a new positive educational effect, which is not the positive effects included in the combination of components, but is a new quality that is not inherent in any of the components that make up the combination.
2.2. The pedagogical value of the program. Criteria pedagogical value programs are: compliance of the program with modern trends (paradigms) in the development of education; demand for the program in the education system.

2.3. Goals and objectives. The goal is a kind of concentrated description of the planned result. The difference between goals and tasks is that goals are formulated in the language of quality, and tasks in the language of action. The basis for constructing the general educational process is the anticipated image of the student, which is established at each stage of his education in the aggregate of the student's mastering of all basic educational areas. This image is concretized by target guidelines, which, on the one hand, have a universal general subject (general educational) content, and on the other hand, reflect the specifics of studying a particular educational field or subject. Given the goals, the teacher-author sets certain tasks. Tasks are the stages through which the teacher passes in his innovative activity. As a rule, tasks can be divided into developing and learning tasks.
In our case, the goals and objectives of the elective course program should be adequate to the goals and objectives of pre-profile training.
2.4. Program targeting(for whom it is intended).

2.5. The level of education(standard, advanced), how many hours the program is designed for.
2.6. Place of the program in the structure of the curriculum at the educational institution.
3. The content of education envisaged by the program.
The content of the author's curriculum should be grouped around fundamental educational objects that concentrate the main material in themselves, and provide primary knowledge of reality by the student by the methods of the studied sciences, as well as the subsequent comparison of the results obtained by him with general cultural analogues (knowledge). As a result, the student has the opportunity to create his own educational product and an individual trajectory for mastering both reality and knowledge about it.
The program should allow for the possibility of adjusting and modifying the thematic content in the learning process in order to provide each student with the opportunity for an individual educational trajectory. One of the sources of the personal content of education is the elements of creativity in the classroom, the topics of creative work, and other educational results planned by the teacher and students.
3.1. Educational and thematic plan programs include:
3.1.1. List of sections, topics.
3.1.2. The number of hours for each topic, broken down into theoretical and practical classes.

3.1.3. Forms of classes planned for each topic (lesson, game, conversation, discussion, hike, excursion, competition, etc.).
3.1.4. Summing up forms for each topic.
If the program is designed for several years of study, then each year is described separately. It is advisable to combine the topics of the lessons into blocks. Be sure to indicate how many teaching hours are allotted for each topic.

3.2. Program content revealed through:
- a brief description of the topics or sections, indicating the number of hours for each topic;
- a description of the methodological support of each topic (techniques and methods for organizing the educational process, didactic material, technical equipment for classes).
4. Guidelines.
4.1. A brief description of the teaching methodology (verbal method, observations, etc.).
4.2. Recommended forms of conducting classes (with a list of practical, laboratory work, excursions, etc.).
4.3. Requirements for the level of preparedness of students (knowledge, skills, competencies obtained as a result of mastering the course).
4.4. Organization of the educational environment. Educational environment - part sociocultural space, where various educational systems, processes interact
And phenomena, subjects and objects for the purpose of development and creation of conditions for self-development, personality.
4.5. Technical equipment.
5. Information support of the program includes:
¾ list of references (bibliography);
- list
Internet-resources ( URL-address WEB-pages);
¾ list of video and audio products (CDs, video cassettes, audio cassettes).
Bibliography must be divided into recommended for students and used when writing the author's curriculum.
The main regulatory documents governing the compilation of a bibliographic record are:
¾ GOST 7.1-84 “Bibliographic description of the document. General requirements and rules for drafting”;
- Amendment No. 1 to it (put into effect in 2000);

¾ GOST 7.80-2000 “Bibliographic record. Title. General requirements and rules for drafting”;
¾ GOST 7.82-2001 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources.

The author of the program provides information about the printed publication in the sequence, volume and in accordance with the basic rules of bibliographic description established by GOST 7.2.-84.
Currently, GOST 7.1-84 “Bibliographic description of the document. General requirements and rules for drafting ”are amended, which are associated with the need to follow international rules.
6. Applications
It is advisable to complete the program with applications in which you can present the development of seminars, games, debates, as well as copies of didactic material (instructive cards, assignments, project or essay topics, tests, diagnostics, etc.).
Thus, the mandatory components of the program include:
- title page;
¾ explanatory note;
¾ thematic planning;
- the content of the program;
¾ Information Support.
Optional components include: methodological recommendations, lesson planning, applications, etc.

Chapter III. Experimental work

§1. Questionnaire

Questioning of teachers of biology MOU secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects No. 14 and MOU secondary school No. 183 named after R. Alekseev.

We were interested in the question: “How correctly do teachers understand the concept of an elective course and do they conduct them?”. In this regard, we considered it necessary to study this problem. The research method we used was a survey.

Questionnaires were conducted for biology teachers of MOU secondary school No. 14 and MOU secondary school No. 183 named after R. Alekseev of the city of Nizhny Novgorod, 5 biology teachers took part in the survey. These schools are schools with in-depth study of individual subjects.

The content of the questionnaire.


1. Does your school have specialized classes with a major subject "biology"?

2. What types of profiles exist in your school with a major subject "biology"?

3. As you know, elective courses are an integral part of specialized education.

What is an elective course?

What is its main difference from the optional course?

4. Do you conduct elective courses?

5. Do you conduct elective courses in classes such as humanities or economics?

If so, which ones?

6. Where do you find the information you need for your elective or elective courses?

Of all the teachers surveyed, no one correctly formulated the concept of an elective course, but if we put together all the answers, then the definition of an elective course will turn out. The most common answers are: “questions outside the curriculum”, “this is not an extension of the school curriculum, but the addition of new topics”, “topics of interest to the student”, etc. among the teachers there were also those who had not yet formed the concept of an elective course.

41.6% of the answers are “topics that go beyond the scope of the program”;

25% of answers - "intersubject communications";

16.6% of answers - "topics of interest to students";

8.3% of answers - "tasks with practical content", "elective course", "cognitive course".

The main difference between the elective course and the optional course was formulated by only two teachers: “the optional course is provided for by the program of the Ministry of Education”.

It also turned out that not all teachers conduct elective courses, only two out of five, which is 40% of the total number of teachers. These are the courses:

Grade 9 "Historical monuments and ecological problems of our city".

Grade 10. "Solution of genetic problems".

It turned out that none of the teachers conducts elective courses in profiles other than biology.

Where do teachers find the information they need? The survey showed that in textbooks for in-depth study of biology, in additional literature, in advanced training courses, in methodological literature, develop their own methods, on the Internet, etc.

So, until now among teachers there is no complete clarity on the issue we are studying. This is due to the transition to specialized education, the reorganization of curricula and schools, as well as the lack of educational and methodological literature in which information on this issue can be found. This proves once again that our study is relevant.

State budgetary educational institution

of the city of Moscow "School No. 1602"

Working programm

elective course

"Human Genetics and Ecology"

10 "A, B" classes

2017/2018 academic year

Number of hours per week: 1 hour

Number of hours per year: 34 hours


Explanatory note

Biology as a subject is an integral part of natural science education at all levels of education. As one of the important components of the educational field "Natural Science", biology makes a significant contribution to the achievement of the goals of general education, ensuring that students master the basics of academic disciplines, develop intellectual and creative abilities, form a scientific worldview and value orientations.

The work program has been drawn up based exemplary program of secondary (general) education in biology basic level.

This elective subject is intended for students in grades 10-11 who study biology at a basic level,

but interested in biology, who have chosen this subject to pass the state final certification and plan to enter medical, agricultural, veterinary and other professional institutions of biological and environmental profile.

This course is an addition to the program of the subject "Biology" in grades 10, 11, helps to generalize and systematize knowledge and skills for the course of the secondary (full) school, better prepare students for passing the state final certification and training in educational institutions of vocational education of the corresponding direction.The content of the course is determined by the Federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education.

Relevance of the program.

The problem of preparing students for the exam in the form of the Unified State Examination, entering educational institutions related to biology, is very relevant. Graduates need to repeat and systematize the material on biology for the entire school course. In the classroom, it's difficult. This elective course is designed for students in grades 10-11 and is designed for 34 hours (1 hour per week).

The course includes basic information on general biology.

The program was compiled in accordance with the biology program for applicants to universities and the new State standards of biological education of the Russian Federation.

It is designed to consolidate and systematize knowledge.

The program of this elective course provides for a more in-depth study of the science of genetics, where special attention is paid to the issues of solving genetic problems of varying degrees of complexity. This course is an additional material for preparing for exams, allows you to reveal some medical aspects, and also helps in choosing a future profession - a doctor, geneticist, ecologist, etc.

The educational material of this elective course contains interdisciplinary connections with ecology, OLS, which are implemented by the biology teacher independently, based on the knowledge of students.

In the course of mastering the educational material, schoolchildren should form an idea of ​​heredity as one of the leading factors in evolution.

Goals and objectives to be solved during the implementation of the work program

Purpose of the course - to deepen, expand and systematize the basic knowledge of students about living organisms, biological processes and phenomena. The priority in selecting the content of the course is the need for the formation of schoolchildren's ways of activity: mastering the conceptual apparatus of the biology course; mastering methodological skills; application of knowledge in explanation biological processes phenomena, as well as solving quantitative and qualitative biological problems.

In addition, the course is aimed at developing various general educational skills and methods of action: use biological terminology; recognize wildlife objects by description and drawings; explain biological processes and phenomena using various ways of presenting information (table, graph, diagram); establish causal relationships; carry out analysis, synthesis; formulate conclusions; solve qualitative and quantitative biological problems; use theoretical knowledge in practice and Everyday life.

Course objectives:

  1. To form knowledge about the meaning of anthropogenetics, about methods for studying human genetics, about the genetics of human populations. about the inheritance of certain traits in humans, about chromosomal diseases and immunogenetics. about the role of medical genetic counseling
  2. To develop ideas about the responsibility of everyone for their life and health, for the future of their species and the biosphere
  1. To educate the basics of a healthy lifestyle, a culture of relationships
  2. Improve and develop cognitive activity, creative attitude to work.
  3. Eliminate gaps in the ability to apply biological knowledge to solve problems in cytology and genetics.

Regulatory legal documents

  • the federal law from 29.12.2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation";
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 29, 2013 No. No. 1015 “On Approval of the Procedure for Organization and Implementation of Educational Activities in Basic General educational programs- educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education” (as amended on July 17, 2015);
  • Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 28, 2015 No. 08-1786 “On the work programs of educational subjects”;
  • Exemplary programs created on the basis of the federal component of the state educational standard;
  • Educational standard of secondary (complete) general education in biology (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On approval of the federal component of state educational standards for primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education" dated 05.03.2004 No. 1089)
  • Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 189 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in general education institutions” (as amended),
  • Requirements for equipping the educational process in accordance with the content of educational subjects of the federal component of the state educational standard.
  • Local regulations of the educational institution.

The place of the subject in the curriculum

The elective course refers to the component of the educational institution of the school curriculum and is subject-based, aimed at deepening, expanding the knowledge of the subject included in the basic curriculum. The course is designed for 35 hours during the academic year in grade 10 (1 hour per week).

Teaching and control methods used in this elective subject:

Lecture lessons, seminar lessons, independent work of students with educational and popular science literature and electronic sources of information, work with search engines, mini-research, laboratory work.

When implementing the practical part of the course, in addition to traditional school equipment, it is used, performed using the software and methodological complex "Developing educational environment AFS™, which allows you to conduct educational experiments not only in the laboratory, but also in nature.

The use of modern teaching aids helps to attract students' attention to the use of information technologies in the experiment, and also makes it possible to carry out well-known educational work at a qualitatively new level, corresponding to the demands of modern scientific research. This allows students to expand the possibilities of a biological experiment when studying their own body, which is especially important for achieving the modern goals of school biological education.

The course contains new opportunities that were not previously implemented within the framework of the school curriculum, which can significantly increase the effectiveness of teaching biology, make the perception of theoretical material more active, emotional, creative, and form the research competence of students.

The use of enlarged didactic units - matrices, work schemes, which are not offered in finished form, but are compiled in the course of the joint activities of the teacher and students, will make it possible to identify the relationship of knowledge elements and organize their assimilation more productively.

The course includes traditional lessons, which provide a more detailed consideration of theoretical issues, seminars, which provide a detailed analysis of problem solving and subsequent training, as well as lessons for monitoring the assimilation of knowledge.

Learning Technologies

  • Information and communication
  • Design
  • Developmental learning

Mechanisms for the formation of key competencies of students

The system of lessons is focused not so much on the transfer of “ready knowledge”, but on the formation of an active personality, motivated for self-education, with sufficient skills and psychological attitudes to independently search, select, analyze and use information.Particular attention is paid to the cognitive activity of students, their motivation for independent educational work.

The content of the elective course and its volume are determined on the basis of the codifier of content elements in biology for the preparation of control measuring materials (CMM) of the unified state exam in 2018, the standard of basic general education in biology and the analysis of the content of control and measuring materials for the Unified State Examination in biology for previous years.

Forms and types of control

Control is carried out in the form of test works.

Current control is carried out through testing, test papers, reports on laboratory work and mini-studies.

For systematic and multi-level control and self-control of the knowledge and skills of students obtained during the course, as well as for preparing for the exam, a textbook is used:Lerner G.I. Biology. Preparation for the exam. Control and independent work / G.I. Lerner. – M.: Eksmo, 2014-2016.The manual offers tasks for lesson and thematic control of students' knowledge in the school biology course. All tasks in typology and form correspond to the certification USE materials and materials entrance exams to universities.

Questions, tests and assignments are arranged according to the options in accordance with the structure and content of both linear and concentric programs, providing the Mandatory minimum of the content of education in biology.

Planned level of training of graduates

The elective course contributes to the conscious assimilation, generalization, systematization, as well as the deepening of knowledge, educational material in biology.

When studying the course, interdisciplinary connections are made with such disciplines as chemistry, physics, mathematics.

The selection of content was carried out taking into account a culturally appropriate approach, according to which students must master the basic knowledge and skills that are important for the formation of a common culture, the preservation of the environment and their own health, which are in demand in everyday life and practical activities.

The result of teaching biology to schoolchildren in accordance with the state educational standard is represented by the requirements for the level of training of graduates of the corresponding level of education.

Educational - thematic planning of an elective course


number of hours


genealogical method. cytogenetic method. twin method. ontogenetic method. population method.

Genetics of human populations.Hardy-Weidberg law.

Types of human populations. Elementary evolutionary factors.

Inheritance of the properties of human blood.

Monogenic inheritance. Immunogenetics. Hereditary blood diseases.

Inheritance of autosomal recessive traits.

Gene and chromosomal mutations.

heteroploidy by sex chromosomes.

Heteroploidy in autosomes.

Workshop on problem solving.

Modern environmental problems and ways to solve them

Conference "The role of anthropogenetics for public health".


No. pp

Section name

Number of hours


Anthropogenetics- human genetics. Man as an object of genetic research. Medical aspect of anthropogenetics.

Methods for studying human genetics

genealogical method.

Proband, pedigree analysis. Inheritance of a dominant autosomal trait: freckles, eye cataracts, bone fragility.

Inheritance of traits determined by recessive genes (inherited discontinuously, as they do not appear in a heterozygote): albinism, red hair, susceptibility to polio.

Sex-linked traits (hemophilia, a trait localized on the X chromosome; hairy ears, a trait localized on the Y chromosome, is transmitted only from father to son). Family marriages.

cytogenetic method.

Human karyotype. Meiosis. Ontogenesis. Ideogram. Autosomes and sex chromosomes. Violation in the karyotype. Amniocentosis.

biochemical method.

Identical and fraternal twins. Concordance and discordance. The role of the environment in the phenotypic manifestations of traits.

Physical and mental signs of hereditary and non-hereditary disease in OB and RB.

ontogenetic method.

The manifestation of hereditary diseases in homozygotes and heterozygotes.

population method.

demographic statistics. The frequency of consanguineous marriages in isolates.

Genetics of human populations

Mechanisms of gene balance in a population. Hardy-Weidberg law. Problem solving.

Types of human populations (isolates, demes, panmictic populations). Basic indicators for characterizing human populations. The system of marriages in human populations.

Elementary evolutionary factors in human populations that disturb the balance of genes in a population: mutation process, population waves (genetic drift and migration), isolation, natural selection.

Genetic polymorphism

DNA polymorphism - the presence of hypervariable regions along the length of the DNA molecule;

gene - the presence of two or more alleles of one gene;

chromosomal - chromosomal aberrations; quantitative variations of heterochromatin in the chromosome;

genomic - a violation of the number of chromosomes.

Problem solving.

Inheritance of the properties of human blood .

Monogenic inheritance - the Rh factor system. Immunogenetics. Hereditary blood diseases: sickle cell anemia, thalassemia. Solving problems on the inheritance of blood groups.

Inheritance of autosomal dominant traits.

Phenotypic variability in autosomal dominant inheritance of anomalies.

Problem solving

Inheritance of autosomal recessive traits in humans .

Manifestation of two heterozygotes during marriage.

Problem solving.

Sex-linked inheritance in humans.

Homologous and non-homologous regions of X and Y chromosomes.

Problem solving.

deletion. Syndrome "cat's cry". Translocations are balanced and unbalanced. Genomic mutations.

Heteroploidy on the sex chromosomes.

Monosomy. Polysomy. Shershevsky-Turner syndrome. Trisomy. Kleifelter syndrome. Mosaicism. Hermaphroditism.

Heteroploidy in autosomes.

Workshop on problem solving. Down Syndrome. Patau syndrome. Edwards Syndrome.

Workshop on problem solving.

Modern environmental problems and ways to solve them.

Cycles of matter and energy flows in the biosphere. biological cycle. Biosphere as a global biosystem and ecosystem. Mechanisms of stability of the biosphere. Man as an inhabitant of the biosphere. Global changes in the biosphere caused by human activities. The problem of sustainable development of the biosphere. The role of the relationship between man and nature in the development of the biosphere.

Project activities on the topic "Human Genetics and Ecology"

  1. « Actual problems of medical genetics”.
  2. "Medical-genetic consultations and family planning offices".
  3. "Royal Disease"

Criteria and norms for assessing the knowledge and skills of students

To describe the achievements of students, the following levels are established:

  • low level achievements, rating "bad" (mark "1");
  • reduced levelachievements, rating "unsatisfactory" (mark "2");
  • a basic level of achievements, grade "satisfactory" (mark "3", mark "passed");
  • elevated levelachievements, rating "good" (mark"4");
  • high level achievements, grade "excellent" (mark "5").

The approach described above is applied during various assessment procedures: current, intermediate and final.

Evaluation of the performance of test work in biology:




90 %

100 %

71 %

89 %

51 %

70 %

Educational-methodical and material-technical

ensuring the educational process

  1. Educational and training materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam 2016. Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
  2. Journal "Biology at school" 2010-2017
  3. Biology tests for university applicants. Shalapenok E. , Kamluk L.
  4. USE Biology 2016 -2017-Moscow "Enlightenment" 2017
  5. A wide range of electronic aids is presented in a single collection of digital educational resources:
  6. Digital library. Education. Multimedia textbook M Education MEDIA 200310. 3.Eidos Center distance education WWW. km. en /education
  7. Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius (electronic educational edition), 2009.81.
  8. Training course of the Unified State Examination (electronic educational edition), 2015-2017

MULTIMEDIA - course support

  • Laboratory practice. Biology grade 6-11(educational electronic edition), Republican Multimedia Center, 2004
  • Open Biology 2.6. - Publishing house "New disc", 2005.
  • 1C: Tutor. Biology. - CJSC "1 C", 1998-2002. Authors - Ph.D. A.G. Dmitrieva, Ph.D. ON THE. Ryabchikov
  • Virtual School of Cyril and Methodius. Biology Media Library. – “Cyril and Methodius”, 1999–2003 The authors are academician of RNAI V.B. Zakharov, Ph.D. T.V. Ivanova, Ph.D. A.V. Matalin, Ph.D. I.Yu. Baklushinskaya, T.V. Anfimov.

Requirements for the level of training of students.

As a result of studying the elective course "Human Genetics and Ecology", the student must:


Methods scientific knowledge, the contribution of outstanding scientists to the development of biological science;

The main provisions of biological theories, teachings, laws, patterns, rules, hypotheses;

The structure and features of biological objects: cells; genes, chromosomes, gametes;

The essence of biological processes and phenomena;

Modern biological terminology and symbolismon cytology, genetics, breeding, biotechnology, ontogenesis, taxonomy, ecology, evolution;

be able to:


the role of biological theories, laws, principles, hypotheses in the formation of the modern natural-science picture of the world; unity of animate and inanimate nature, kinship, common origin of living organisms, evolution of plants and animals, using biological theories, laws and rules;

the negative impact of alcohol, nicotine, drugs on human health; the effect of mutagens on the human body;

causes of hereditary and non-hereditary changes, hereditary diseases, gene and chromosomal mutations;

dependence of human health on the state of the environment; manifestation of hereditary diseases, immunity in humans;

Solve problems of varying complexity in cytology, genetics (draw up crossbreeding schemes);

Recognize and describe plant and animal cells; biological objects according to their image;

Identify the distinguishing features of individual organisms; sources of mutagens in environment(indirectly);

Compare and draw conclusions based on the comparison:

processes and phenomena (metabolism in plants, animals, humans, plastic and energy metabolism);

Determine the belonging of biological objects to a certain systematic group (classification);

Analyze the impact of risk factors on human health; results of biological experiments, observations according to their description;

Use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to substantiate the rules of behavior in the environment; measures to prevent the spread of diseases caused by plants, animals, bacteria, fungi and viruses; traumatism, stress, HIV infection, bad habits (smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction);

Conduct an independent search (including using information technology) of biological information.

Calendar - thematic planning of the course "Human Genetics and Ecology"

lesson number



Lesson topic

Qty. hours

Form of activity





Anthropogenetics - human genetics. Man as an object of genetic research. Medical aspect of genetics.


Methods for studying human genetics.

genealogical method.

Conversation. Problem solving

cytogenetic method.

twin method.

ontogenetic method.

population method.

Mechanisms of gene balance in a population. Hardy-Weidberg law.

Conversation. Problem solving

Elementary evolutionary factors in human populations.

Genetic polymorphism

Inheritance of the properties of human blood Monogenic inheritance - the Rh factor system. Immunogenetics.

Work in pairs with source. information abstract.

Solving tasks in the USE format

Hereditary blood diseases: sickle cell anemia, thalassemia.

Solving problems on the inheritance of blood groups.

Inheritance of autosomal dominant traits.

Solving tasks in the USE format

Problem solving

Inheritance of autosomal recessive traits in humans.

Solving tasks in the USE format

Problem solving

Sex-linked inheritance in humans .

Work in pairs with source. information abstract.

Solving tasks in the USE format

Sex determination in humans. Intersex.

Problem solving

Gene and chromosomal mutations in humans.

deletion. Syndrome "cat's cry". Translocations

Work in pairs with source. information abstract.

Genomic mutations.

Monosomy. Polysomy. Shershevsky-Turner syndrome. Trisomy.

Solving tasks in the USE format

Heteroploidy in autosomes.

Workshop on problem solving.


Workshop on problem solving.

Solving tasks in the USE format

Cycles of matter and energy flows in the biosphere. biological cycle.

Man as an inhabitant of the biosphere. Global changes in the biosphere caused by human activities. The problem of sustainable development of the biosphere.

Conversation, filling in the table, work in pairs.

Conference "The role of anthropogenetics for public health".

Speaking with messages

Final lesson


methodical association

teachers naturally

mathematical cycle

Protocol No. ____

From "____" ____________ 2013

Head of MO

____________/ Grechikhina T.M./


Deputy Director

for educational work

___________ / Mazurova S.V. /

pedagogical council

MKOU "Pogrebskaya secondary

comprehensive school"

Protocol #__

from "__" __________2013

Chairman of the pedagogical council

___________/ Mazurova S.V./


Elective course in biology

"Man and his health"

10 Class


Order No.___

from "____" ___________ 2013

School principal ______________ / Kuzmin V.V.

Teacher: Kuzmina Z.D.

With. Cellars


The elective course is designed in accordance with the concept of specialized education and is aimed at in-depth study of subjects (biology, chemistry, ethics and psychology of family life). It introduces students and broadens their horizons in the field of human health, the characteristics of hereditary diseases, prepares students for entry into adulthood, drawing a line between childhood and adolescence, provides a detailed, gradual formation of a person as a person, helps in simple, life situations.

Purpose of the course consists in creating conditions for the formation and development of students' intellectual and practical skills in the field of anatomy and general biology.

Purpose of the course tasks: 1. Master the basic terms and concepts used in human genetics, in general biology, human anatomy, learn how to correctly apply them.2. Show the priority of environmental values ​​(preservation of the diversity of the organic world, the state of one's health, family) over material ones.

Explanatory note The proposed program of the elective course in biology "Man and his health" is intended for students in grades 10-11 of the main general education school, as well as for specialized education. The material of the 11th grade course continues the similar course of the 10th grade. 34 hours are allotted for studying the material in the 11th grade, at the rate of 1 academic hour per week.
The elective course is designed in accordance with the concept of specialized education and is aimed at in-depth study of subjects (biology, chemistry, ethics and psychology of family life). It introduces students and broadens their horizons in the field of human health, the characteristics of hereditary diseases, prepares students for entry into adulthood, drawing a line between childhood and adolescence, provides a detailed, gradual formation of a person as a person, helps in simple, life situations.
This course examines the biological characteristics of the human body, mental characteristics and emotional-volitional, features of the nervous system, something that goes beyond the school curriculum in biology. Its content and recommended forms and methods of teaching contribute to the satisfaction of cognitive interests, increase information and communicative competence, revealing professional interests. The program involves a more detailed study of individual topics of the course "General Biology", such as "Patterns of heredity and variability", "Genetics and human health". It is desirable to conduct classes in parallel with the lessons of general biology. The program allows you to focus on the interests of students and therefore helps to solve important educational problems, systematizing, deepening and expanding biological knowledge. Purpose of the course consists in creating conditions for the formation and development of students' intellectual and practical skills in the field of anatomy and general biology. The achievement of these goals is planned through the solution of the following tasks: 1. Master the basic terms and concepts used in human genetics, in general biology, human anatomy, learn how to correctly apply them.2. Show the priority of environmental values ​​(preservation of the diversity of the organic world, the state of one's health, family) over material ones.3. To acquaint with human hereditary diseases and their causes.4. Students should realize their individuality, learn to take care of their health and the health of others.5. Generate interest in your pedigree, pedigrees famous people in the history of mankind. As a result of studying the elective course, students should acquire new knowledge and skills.

Requirements for the level of training of students

As a result of studying the course, students should know;

  1. Features of a person as an object of genetic, biological and psychological research and about the main methods of studying human genetics;
  2. mechanisms of inheritance of traits in humans, hereditary diseases and mental characteristics of development;
  3. causes of biological individuality at different levels;
  4. the significance of the genotype and environmental conditions in the formation of the phenotype;
  5. the importance of mutations in genetics, public health and environmental safety of the population;

students must acquire skills :1. Apply the laws of Mendel and Morgan to human genetics and solve genetic problems; 2. explain the mechanism of inheritance of human genetic diseases; 3. compile family trees and analyze the nature of the inheritance of a particular trait in a number of generations; 4. apply aspects of ethics and psychology of family life in life; 5. recognize the mental characteristics of a person's personality; 6. independently search, analyze and select the necessary information, apply knowledge in practical life. Basic forms and methods course studies are lectures, seminars, abstracts defense, workshops on solving genetic and psychological problems, oral reports of students with subsequent discussion. An individual form of work is also envisaged. All these techniques are aimed at stimulating the cognitive interest of students and the formation of their creative skills. Thus, the study of the elective course "Man and his health" in grades 10-11 not only provides students with knowledge in one of the most relevant areas of modern general biological science, but also contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world and understanding of their position in it, understanding the role and purpose of modern man.


Chapter 1. Introduction. (1h) Introduction. General introduction to the course "Man and his health". Subject and objectives of the course. The role of physiology in the development of science. Communication of physiology with other sciences. Systems approach to human health. Chapter 2 general review organism. (2h) The organ system in the body. levels of organization of the body. Nervous and humoral regulation. Problems of correlation of mental and somatic components of health. Chapter 3 "Motors of our body" (2h) The role of movement in our life. Arsenal of our motor capabilities. Chemistry and energetics of the working muscle. What is fatigue? Muscle strength and endurance. Lab #1 The structure and function of muscles. Analysis of muscle movements. Chapter 4 "Performers of the Symphony of Life" (3 hours) Blood as the internal environment of the body. Humoral and nervous regulation of body functions. Endocrine glands. Hormones and their properties. The role of the nervous system in the perception, processing and transmission of information. Reflex as the basis of nervous activity. Lab #2 " Self-observation. Blinking, knee-jerk reflexes, jerking of the hand when pricked, touching hot. Development of conditioned reflexes to verbal reinforcement. Chapter 5. Immunity (2 hours) Children's infectious diseases and measures to combat them. The history of the formation of immunology as a science (L. Pasteur, E. Jenner, I. I. Mechnikov, P. Erlich, R. Koch). Ways to solve the problem of immunoprophylaxis. The spread of infectious diseases and priority areas for their reduction. HIV infection: ways of infection, methods of prevention, history of the discovery of the disease. The structure and life cycle of the virus. Disease prevention. Vaccine development. Chapter 6 Importance of nutrients for the body. Features of metabolism at different ages. Balanced diet. Diet. The danger of overeating, satiety disease. Dystrophy and diseases of hunger. Medical fasting. Diet food for patients. Acquaintance with the features of the professional activity of a dietitian. Lab #3"Compilation of the daily diet." Chapter 7 The structure and functions of the skin. Skin derivatives. Methods of body treatment (acupuncture, electrophoresis, phototherapy, cryotherapy). Viral skin diseases (warts and herpes). Scabies and fungal diseases of the skin (mycosis, lichen, scab). Skin transplantation. The role of the skin in the thermoregulation of the body. Metabolism and constant body temperature. thermoregulation mechanism. Causes of fever in diseases. Violation of thermoregulation (burns and frostbite). Techniques for applying bandages to a conditionally damaged place. Hardening of the body and environmental factors. Forms and conditions of hardening. Hygienic requirements for clothing and footwear. Cosmetics and their rational use. Acquaintance with the features of the professional activity of a cosmetologist. Home cosmetics. Chapter 8. Human Reproductive System (6 hours) The project "Why do children look like parents." Characteristic features of male and female. Features of the structure of the male and female reproductive system. The biological essence of fertilization. The influence of the environment on the development of the embryo. Family planning. The physical maturity of those entering into marriage. The essence of social readiness for marriage. Ethical and psychological readiness. Hygiene of a pregnant woman; early pregnancy and its consequences. Age processes and features: newborn and infant, adolescent, mature, elderly and senile age. "Is it good to be immortal?" (cloning problem). Chapter 9 Wonderful strands of DNA. Man and woman. Human genetic diseases. Inheritance of the Rh factor and blood groups. Genetic sex determination. Methods for studying human genetics. Chromosomal abnormalities. Immunogenetics, genetic aspects of oncology. Solving problems for monohybrid and dihybrid crosses. Patterns of inheritance, sex-linked inheritance. Lab #4 " Determination of sex chromatin (Barr bodies) in humans. Lab #5"Building a pedigree, determining hereditary diseases" Chapter 10 Biotechnology, its tasks and methods. Chemical synthesis of genes. Enzymatic synthesis of genes. Transfer of genes and chromosomes. Artificial transplantation of nuclei into eggs and somatic cells. Application of genetic engineering in breeding and medicine. Cloning.

Thematic planning

Number of hours

Number of works




General overview of the body

Engines of our body

Performers of the symphony of life


Energy Providers and the Digestive System on Guard for Health

"My light, mirror, tell me..."

The human reproductive system

"Our duty to the future"

"Science of the Future"

Calendar - thematic planning

Number of hours

Practical, laboratory work

the date of the


Introduction. General introduction to the course "Man and his health". Subject and objectives of the course. The role of physiology in the development of science. Communication of physiology with other sciences. A systematic approach to human health.

General overview of the body

The organ system in the body. levels of organization of the body.

Nervous and humoral regulation. Problems of correlation of mental and somatic components of health.

"Motors of our body"

The role of movement in our life. Arsenal of our motor capabilities. Chemistry and energetics of the working muscle.

№1 The structure and function of muscles. Analysis of muscle movements.

"Performers of the Symphony of Life"

Blood as the internal environment of the body. Humoral and nervous regulation of body functions

Endocrine glands. Hormones and their properties.

The role of the nervous system in the perception, processing and transmission of information. Reflex as the basis of nervous activity.

No. 2 "Self-observation. Blinking, knee-jerk reflexes, jerking of the hand when pricked, touching hot. Development of conditioned reflexes to verbal reinforcement.


Children's infectious diseases and measures to combat them. The history of the formation of immunology as a science (L. Pasteur, E. Jenner, I. I. Mechnikov, P. Erlich, R. Koch). Ways to solve the problem of immunoprophylaxis. Spread of infectious diseases and priority directions for their reduction.

HIV infection: ways of infection, methods of prevention, history of the discovery of the disease. The structure and life cycle of the virus. Disease prevention. Vaccine development.

"Energy Suppliers and the Digestive System on Guard for Health"

Importance of nutrients for the body. Features of metabolism at different ages. Balanced diet. Diet.

№3 "Compilation of the daily diet."

The danger of overeating, satiety disease. Dystrophy and diseases of hunger. Medical fasting.

Acquaintance with the features of the professional activity of a dietitian.

"My light, mirror, tell me..."

The structure and functions of the skin. Skin derivatives. Methods of body treatment (acupuncture, electrophoresis, phototherapy, cryotherapy).

Viral skin diseases (warts and herpes). Scabies and fungal diseases of the skin (mycosis, lichen, scab). Skin transplant.

The role of the skin in thermoregulation of the body. Metabolism and constant body temperature. thermoregulation mechanism.

Causes of fever in diseases. Violation of thermoregulation (burns and frostbite). Techniques for applying bandages to a conditionally damaged area.

Hardening of the body and environmental factors. Forms and conditions of hardening. Hygienic requirements for clothing and footwear.

Cosmetics and their rational use. Acquaintance with the features of the professional activity of a cosmetologist. Home cosmetics.

The human reproductive system

The project "Why do children look like parents." Characteristic features of male and female. Features of the structure of the male and female reproductive system.

The biological essence of fertilization. The influence of the environment on the development of the embryo.

Family planning. The physical maturity of those entering into marriage. The essence of social readiness for marriage. Ethical and psychological readiness.

Hygiene of a pregnant woman; early hygiene of a pregnant woman; early pregnancy and its consequences. pregnancy and its consequences.

Age processes and features: newborn and infant, adolescent, mature, elderly and senile age

"Is it good to be immortal?" (cloning problem).

"Our duty to the future"

Wonderful strands of DNA. Man and woman.

Human genetic diseases. Inheritance of the Rh factor and blood groups.

No. 4 "Determination of sex chromatin (Barr bodies) in humans"

Genetic sex determination.

No. 5 "Building a pedigree, determining hereditary diseases"

Methods for studying human genetics.

Chromosomal abnormalities. Immunogenetics, genetic aspects of oncology.

Solving problems for monohybrid and dihybrid crosses.

Patterns of inheritance, sex-linked inheritance.

"Science of the Future"

Biotechnology, its tasks and methods. Chemical synthesis of genes. Enzymatic synthesis of genes. Transfer of genes and chromosomes.

Artificial transplantation of nuclei into eggs and somatic cells. Application of genetic engineering in breeding and medicine. Cloning.

Educational and methodological support

1. V. Golubev V. Workshop on the basics of pediatrics and hygiene of preschool children

age. _ M.. 2000

  1. Khairdinova Yu., Yadeshko V., Golubev V. The disease is easier to prevent. - M .. 1997.
  1. Belousova O. S. Bad habits - no! Ed. 2004
  2. Veselova O.V. Drugs: life or death. Ed. 2005
  3. Zverev M. D. Education of students in the process of teaching biology.
  4. Enlightenment 1984
  5. Grebennikov I.V. Fundamentals of family life: a textbook for students of pedagogical institutes. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991
  1. Ponomarenko L.P., Belousova R.V. Fundamentals of psychology for high school students: A guide for a teacher: At 2 hours - M .: Humanit.izd. Center VLADOS, 2003.
  2. Family Code of the Russian Federation - M .: Publishing House ELITE, 2005.

(34 hours)


The proposed course is intended for students of specialized classes (grades 10–11) of secondary schools with a chemical and biological profile. This course complements the content of the profile course of general biology in the profile class, and is based on the knowledge gained in the study of biological and chemical disciplines in secondary school classes in special and general education programs.

Course objectives:

 - expansion and deepening of theoretical knowledge of biology at the molecular-genetic and cellular levels of life organization, which are the basis for the functioning of living systems, the establishment of a morphofunctional relationship between cell structures and their functions; identification of the unity of the organization of the cell and its vital activity;
 - deepening and concretization of knowledge of structural biochemistry as the basis for understanding the intracellular flows of matter, energy and information;
 - development of analytical abilities and research skills of students,
 - development of the ability to carry out information search and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice;
 - formation of a holistic scientific picture of the world and the concept of biology as an actively developing science among students.

The structure of the course consists of four logically interconnected chapters. The contents of the chapters correspond current state general biological sciences, and touches on some of the most important issues for the formation of a biological worldview.
The sequential deployment of the course material provides a link between previously acquired and newly acquired knowledge, and also allows you to establish close interdisciplinary links with disciplines such as chemistry and physics.
The study of the course begins with an acquaintance with the concept of life as a special natural phenomenon, which is especially important for the formation of a scientific picture of the world. A deep acquaintance with the system of the organic world and the history of taxonomy gives an idea of ​​the phylogenetic relationships of all living forms of life. In addition, the time allotted for studying the content of the first chapter is necessary so that students have the opportunity to prepare for the perception of the next chapter, the study of which requires theoretical knowledge of organic chemistry.
The central place in the course is occupied by chapter II "The cell is the elementary unit of the living". Traditionally, acquaintance with a cell begins with the study of its chemical composition. The novelty lies in the depth of information presentation, an important place is given to the study of the structure of organic molecules, the relationship of structure and properties, as well as the relationship of the structure with the biological role of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and nucleic acids.
The importance of studying the topic of enzymes as biological catalysts should be pointed out. When studying this topic, special attention should be paid to the laboratory workshop, to understand the functioning of enzymes, and to reinforce theoretical knowledge with practical ones.
When studying cell organization, it is important to pay attention to identifying the morphofunctional relationship between cell structures and their functions, as well as intracellular connections between structures, since this is important for studying the next chapter.
The novelty in the study of cellular metabolism and its function is represented by familiarity with chemistry critical processes biosynthesis, respiration and processes of realization of hereditary information. A detailed study of the organization of genetic material in cells and types of cell division is necessary as the basis for studying individual sections: "Genetics" and "Evolution" in grade 11.
To increase the level of motivation for learning, as well as to acquire practical skills, the program provides for the implementation of a number of laboratory work, which are carried out after detailed instruction and familiarization of students with the established safety rules. It should be noted that some of the laboratory work provided for by the program requires special equipment available in the chemical laboratory.
This course provides for work with additional literature, lectures, seminars and discussions, as well as project activities. Project activities play an important role, since it is this activity that increases the interest of students in mastering new knowledge, allows them to develop communication skills,
A phased implementation of knowledge control by various methods and in various forms is envisaged: test papers, abstracts defense, summarizing seminars, preparation of oral reports, production of models and visual aids, and others. The results of the laboratory work are presented in the form of reports with drawings, diagrams, tables, graphs and conclusions.
The final conference on the topic: "Manifestation of the unity of the organization of the cell and its vital activity" can become a form of summing up.
Expected results.
As the main educational effect, an increase in cognitive interest and the disclosure of creative potential, as well as the socialization of students, their integration into the specialized educational field is expected.
The effectiveness of the implementation of the elective course is diagnosed at all stages by the following methods: monitoring the level of motivation, the pace of development of analytical abilities and research skills and the process of forming a general scientific and biological picture of the world among students, as well as comparing data obtained during observations; selective survey of parents of students about the attitude of students to this course, analysis of the success of graduates in the universities of biological and medical profile.



Total number of hours - 34 hours

Chapter I. Life as a special natural phenomenon (5 hours).
Topic 1. General characteristics of life (2 hours).
Introduction: goals and objectives of the course, a brief description of content and practice, forms feedback.
The concept of life: vitalistic, mechanistic, metabolic, organizational, informational and evolutionary interpretations. Life properties. Hierarchical system. levels of organization of life. The concept of an elementary unit and an elementary phenomenon of levels of life organization. Manifestation of the main properties of life at different levels of its organization.
Methodological support: demonstrations of schemes reflecting the multi-level organization of the living; portraits or images of scientists (Aristotle, Mr. Treviranus, A. Lavoisier, I.P. Pavlov, F. Engels, A.I. Oparin, V.I. Vernadsky, etc.).
Discussion session "The world of the most complex - life?"
Seminar with elements research activities"Manifestation of the main properties of life at different levels of its organization".

Topic 2. Wildlife system (1 hour).
Systematics, its tasks, sections: taxonomy, nomenclature. Modern principles of classification. The main taxonomic units used in the system of plants and animals. A brief history of the development of systematic views on living nature. Modern trends in the development of systematics: cladistic systematics, numerical systematics, karyosystematics, chemosystematics, genosystematics.
Methodological support: demonstration of the scheme of wildlife by Aristotle, K., Linnaeus. Ch. Bonet, J.-B. Lamarck, A.L. Takhtajyan, portraits of scientists.

Preparation of Oral Communications: "A Brief History of the Development of Systematic Views on wildlife", "Modern trends in the development of systematics: cladistic systematics, numerical systematics, karyosystematics, chemosystematics, genosystematics"

Topic 3. Modern macrosystematics (2 hours).
Examples of systems of living organisms A.L. Takhtadzhyan and L. Margelis. The concept of empires. The systematic position of viruses. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes, the fundamental differences between their organization. The concept of the kingdoms of organisms of the cellular structure.
Methodological support: handouts: natural objects, herbarium, indoor plants, stuffed animals and models of animals and mushrooms, photographs and tables of organisms.
Demonstration of schemes reflecting the phylogenetic relationships of the main groups of living organisms; diagrams and tables characterizing the structure, species diversity and distribution of living organisms in the biosphere.
Practical work. "Compilation of characteristics of the kingdoms of wildlife, the production of summary tables by kingdoms"
Excursion to the zoological museum or botanical garden.

Chapter II. The cell is the elementary unit of the living (15 hours).

Topic 4. Chemical components of the cell (5 hours)
Elements contained in living cells. Water, structure and properties. The biological significance of water. The value of inorganic salts in the cell.
organic matter in the cell.
Carbohydrates, structure properties, and biological role. Monosaccharides: aldoses and ketoses; optical isomerism. Disaccharides. Polysaccharides: starch, glycogen, cellulose, callose, inulin. Compounds close to polysaccharides: chitin, glycoproteins and glycolipids.
Lipids, structure properties, and biological role. Waxes, phospholipids, steroids and terpenes, lipoproteins and glycolipids.
Squirrels. Structure and classification of amino acids. properties of amino acids. The bonds of amino acids in protein molecules: peptide, ionic, disulfide, hydrogen. Formation of simple peptides. Levels of organization of a protein molecule: primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure. The concept of α-helix and β-structure (folded layer). Classification of proteins according to composition, structure and functions. Physicochemical characteristics proteins. Denaturation and renaturation. Complex proteins and their biological significance.
Nucleic acids. DNA structure of Watson and Crick. Functions of DNA. The structure and functions of RNA of different types. ATP.
Methodological support: reagents and equipment for laboratory work, demonstration of tables, "Content of chemical elements in a living cell", "Content of chemical elements in the human body", "D.I. Mendeleev”, “Content of chemical elements in the earth's crust”, demonstration of three-dimensional models of organic molecules; didactic cards with individual tasks.
Laboratory work: "Detection of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids in biological objects"
Isolation of deoxynucleoprotein from liver tissue. Qualitative reaction on DNA"
"Determination of the dynamics of water absorption by the lichen thallus".

Topic 5. Enzymes - biological catalysts (4 hours).
Catalysis and energy. The structure and properties of enzymes. Active center. Mechanism of action of enzymes: Fisher's hypothesis, Koshland's hypothesis. enzyme cofactors. The rate of enzymatic reactions and its dependence on conditions: enzyme concentration, substrate concentration, temperature, pH. Enzyme inhibition: reversible and irreversible. Classification of enzymes. Importance of enzymes and enzymology in biology and medicine.
Methodological support: reagents and equipment for laboratory work, demonstration of schemes illustrating various hypotheses of the active center, classification of enzymes, enzyme inhibition, graphs of the dependence of the rate of enzymatic reactions and enzyme activity on various factors.
Laboratory work: "Hydrolysis of starch under the action of saliva amylase"; "Decomposition of urea in the presence of soy urease"; "Distribution of catalase in soaked pea seeds and the effect of temperature on the activity of this enzyme"; "Dependence of enzyme activity on pH, on the example of salivary amylase".
Generalizing seminar: “The language of modern biology is the language of enzymes”.

Topic 6. Types of cellular organization (6 hours).
Prokaryotic, eukaryotic plant and animal cells according to electron microscopy. Surface cell apparatus and cytoskeleton: plasma membrane, cytoskeleton, supramembrane structures. Connection of the structure of the surface apparatus with the functions performed: reception, transport, cell contacts.
Colloidal system of protoplasm. Membrane organization of cell organelles. The principle of compartmentalization.
The metabolic apparatus of the cytoplasm, the relationship of ultrastructure and function: EPS, mitochondria, plastids, ribosomes, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes. Interaction of membrane structures in the cell.
Nuclear apparatus: nuclear membrane, pore complexes and a dense plate (lamina), karyoplasm, chromatin. Structural organization of chromatin: nucleosomal filament, chromatin fibril, interphase chromonema, metaphase chromosome. Features of the spatial organization of genetic material in a prokaryotic cell.
Methodological support: reagents and equipment for laboratory and practical work, demonstrations: electron micrographs; tables, illustrations, diagrams and photographs of various types of cells; movie "The Cell".
Practical work "Recognition of cellular structures of plant and animal cells on electron micrographs"
Laboratory work: "The effect of temperature on the permeability cell membranes for betacyanins,
"Observation of the movement of the cytoplasm in a plant cell",
"Studying Morphology and Chromosome Counts on Transient Preparations from Broad Bean Roots".
Project activity "Creation of models: prokaryotic, eukaryotic plant, animal or fungal cell"; creation of a dynamic model "Interaction of cell membrane structures".

Chapter III. Cellular metabolism and its functions (10 hours).

Topic 7. Intracellular flow of matter and energy (5 hours).
Photosynthesis. General scheme of the process, summary equation. Photosynthetic pigments: chlorophylls, carotenoids, phycobilins - structure, spectra, absorption value. The concept of photosystems. Biochemistry of photosynthesis. light phase: cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation, photolysis of water. dark phase. Calvin cycle.
The value of photosynthesis in the biosphere.
Chemosynthesis and its importance in the biosphere.
biological oxidation. General characteristics of anaerobic and aerobic respiration. Carbohydrates, proteins and lipids as a respiratory substrate.
Oxygen-free stage of respiration - glycolysis: localization in the cell, chemistry, end products, energy yield, significance. The use of various types of fermentation in industry and human life.
Oxygen stage of respiration: formation of acetyl-coenzyme A. Importance of acetyl-CoA in metabolism. Krebs cycle: localization in the cell, chemistry, end products, meaning. Respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation. Synthesis of ATP on the mitochondrial membrane. The total energy effect of the aerobic stage.
Methodological support: reagents and equipment for laboratory work, demonstration of the structure of chlorophyll and other pigments, absorption spectrum of various types of chlorophyll, schemes for the transformation of substances in the cell and in the biosphere, schemes for the interaction of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the human body.
Laboratory work: "Isolation of plant pigments and their study";
"Revealing the products of photosynthesis and studying the conditions necessary for their formation";
"Qualitative reactions to some respiratory enzymes in a potato tuber"
Project activity creation of a dynamic model "The flow of matter and energy in a eukaryotic cell".

Topic 8. Intracellular information flow (4 hours).
DNA replication. principles of replication. Replication fork. replication enzymes. Stages of DNA biosynthesis. DNA repair.
Synthesis of mRNA on a DNA template. Genetic code. Transcription. transcription apparatus. transcription steps. eukaryotic mRNA processing.
Broadcast. Protein synthesizing system. transport RNA. Ribosomes. AC activation. Stages of protein biosynthesis. Post-translational transformations of proteins.
Methodological support: reagents and equipment for laboratory work, demonstration of the presentation "Protein Biosynthesis".
Laboratory work: "Giant chromosomes in the salivary glands of the larvae of the Chironomus mosquito (bloodworm)".
Project activity: creation of a dynamic model "Information flow in a eukaryotic cell"

Chapter IV. Patterns of cell existence in time (3 hours).
Topic 9. Methods of cell division (3 hours).
The life cycle of a cell. Interphase, its periods and significance. Mitosis. Centrioles and spindle formation. Phases of mitosis: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase. Cytokinesis. Mitosis in plant and animal cells. The significance of mitosis: genetic stability, growth (hyperplasia), asexual reproduction, cell regeneration and replacement under physiological and pathological conditions. Features of prokaryotic cell division.
Meiosis. The significance of meiosis for the process of sexual reproduction and genetic variability. Phases of meiosis: prophase I (leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene and diakinesis), metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I, interkinesis, prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, telophase II. Similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis.
Methodological support: reagents and equipment for laboratory work, demonstration of figures of mitotic cell division in an onion root and diagrams; patterns of tissue regeneration in plants and animals; schemes of development of normal and tumor cells; schemes of meiotic division, tables "Similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis".
Laboratory work: "Mitosis in onion root cells",
"A Study of Meiosis in the Anthers of Flowering Plants".

Final conference (2 hours): "Manifestation of the unity of the organization of the cell and its vital activity".
Methodological support. Sample speech topics:
1) "The role of biological membranes in the metabolic processes of the cell"
2) “The significance of cellular respiration. The relationship of the structure of mitochondria with the processes of cellular respiration "
3) “The relationship of photosynthesis with certain cellular structures. The role of photosynthesis for all living things
4) “The flow of information. The role of the core. The value of DNA in the storage and implementation of genetic information"
5) “The flow of information. The role of ribosomes in the implementation of hereditary information"
6) "Homeostasis is a prerequisite for the existence of open biological systems"
7) "Integrity and discreteness of systems of living nature, on the example of a eukaryotic cell"


1. Berezov T.T., Korovin B.F. Biological chemistry. - M.: Medicine, 1990.
2. Biology. In 2 books. Book 1: Textbook / V.N. Yarygina, V.I. Vasilyeva, N.I. Volkov, V.V. Sinelshchikov; Under. ed. V.N. Yarygin. - M.: Higher. school, 1999.
3. Green N., Stout W., Taylor D. Biology: In 3 vols. T 1 and 2 .: Per. from English / Ed. R. Sopera. - M.: Mir, 1990.
4. Pugovkin A. Workshop on General Biology: A guide for students 10-11 cells. general education institutions. - M. Education, 2002.

1. Atabekova A.I., Ustinova E.I. plant cytology. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1987 (textbook for students of higher educational institutions)
2. Berezin I.V., Yatsimirsky A.K. Biotechnology and its prospects. Moscow: Knowledge, 1986.
3. Bukrinskaya A.G. Zhdanov V.M. Virus stories. - M.: Knowledge, 1986.
4. Galaktionov K.V. The modern diversity of the living and the ways of its formation. ― St. Petersburg: SPbGUPM, 2002.
5. Grobstein K. Strategy of life, ed. A.A. Neifakh, Moscow: Mir, 1968.
6. De Duve K. Journey into the world of a living cell. - M.: Knowledge, 1987.
7. Zavarzin A.A., Kharazova A.D., Molitvin M.N. Cell Biology: General Cytology: Textbook. ―SPb.: Publishing House of St. Petersburg University, 1992.
8. Zakharov V.B. General biology: tests, questions, assignments. ―M.: Enlightenment, 2003.
9. Ivanova T. V. Collection of tasks in general biology. - M.: Enlightenment, 2002.
10. Koblyakov V.A. Biochemistry of the tumor cell. - M.: Knowledge, 1989.
11. Course of zoology / B.A. Kuznetsov, A.Z. Chernov, L.N. Kapitonov. ― 4th edition, revised. and additional - M.: Agropromizdat, 1989.
12. Small workshop on plant physiology: Proc. allowance. ― / Ed. A.T. Mokronosov. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1994.
13. Mamontov S.G. Biology. For high school students and university students: Textbook. ― M.: Bustard, 2004
14. Mamontov S.G. etc. Fundamentals of biology. Course for self-education / S.G. Mamontov, B.V. Zakharov, T.A., Kozlova. - M.: Enlightenment, 1992.
15. Molecular biology of the cell. In 3 vols. T 1, 2 / B. Alberts, D. Bray, J. Lewis et al. - M .: Mir, 1990.
16. Petrosova R.A. and etc. Didactic material in General Biology, ed. A.I. Nikishov. - M. "RAUB - Citadel". Mn.: OOO "Belfarpost", 1997.
17. Pekhov A.P.. Biology and general genetics: Textbook. - I. Publishing House of RUDN University, 1994.
18. Biology manual for applicants to universities / N.A. Lemeza, M.S. Morozik, E.I. Mo-rozov and others; Ed. ON THE. Lemezy. - Minsk: Universitetskoe, 1993.
19. Workshop on plant physiology. Ed. prof. I. I. Gunara. ― M.: Kolos, 1972.
20. Fig. E., Sternberg M. From Cells to Atoms: An Illustrated Introduction to Molecular Biology. - M.: Mir, 1988.
21. Stroev E. A. Biological chemistry. - M.: Higher. school, 1986.
22. Tetyurev V.A. Experimental technique in plant physiology. - M.: Enlightenment, 1980.
23. Watson J. Double helix. Moscow: Nauka, 1969.
24. Frolov I.T., Yudin B.G. Ethical aspects of biology. - M.: Knowledge, 1986.
25. Hadorn E., Vener R. General zoology: Per. with him. - M.: Mir, 1989.
26. Khrzhanovsky V.G., Ponomarenko S.F. Botany. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1988.
27. Khrzhanovsky V.G., Ponomarenko S.F. Workshop on the course of general botany. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1989.
28. Shapiro Ya.S. Microorganisms: viruses, bacteria, fungi: Proc. allowance. ― St. Petersburg: ELSBI-SPB, 2003.
29. Yusufov A.G. Functional evolution of plants. - M.: Knowledge, 1986.
30. Yablokov A.V., Yusufov A.G. Evolutionary doctrine (Darwinism): Proc. for biol. specialist. universities. - M.: Higher. school, 1989.
31. Yakovlev G.P., Chelombitko V.A. Botany: Proc. for pharmaceutical institutes and pharmaceuticals. fak. honey. universities / Ed. I.V. Grushvitsky. - M.: Higher. school, 1990.


The proposed course is intended for students of specialized classes (grades 10–11) of secondary schools with a chemical and biological profile. This course complements the content of the general biology course in the profile class.
The main goal of the course is to create conditions for the specialized training of senior students in the chemical and biological profile, the development of their creative potential, and preparation for entering universities of this profile. The program allows students to realize their needs and find out the correct choice of specialization.
The leading place in the content of the course is given to a deeper study of the fundamentals of biological chemistry, molecular genetic and cellular levels of life organization. Thus, the course type can be defined as interdisciplinary.
The structure of the course consists of four logically interconnected chapters. The content of the chapters corresponds to the current state of general biological sciences, and touches on some of the most important issues of biology, which allows not only to expand and deepen the basic knowledge of students, but also contributes to the formation of a biological worldview.
As part of the creation of specialized training, much attention is paid to the independent and practical activities of students. It is important not only to know a lot, but also to be able to apply your knowledge in practice. Extensive laboratory practice (16 labs and several practical exercises) allows students to acquire the skills to work in a laboratory with real research equipment. The content of the planned work lies far beyond the scope of the school curriculum and is very interesting. It should be noted that laboratory work is carried out only after detailed instruction and familiarization of students with the established safety rules.
This course provides for work with additional literature and other sources of information, lectures, seminars and discussions, as well as project activities. Design and search activity an important role is assigned, since it is these types of activities that increase the interest of students in mastering new knowledge, and allow developing communication skills.
Knowledge control is not the ultimate goal of this course, but is an integral part of it. It provides for a phased implementation of knowledge control by various methods, taking into account the individual needs and characteristics of students: test papers, defense of abstracts, preparation of oral reports, making models and visual aids, and others. The results of the laboratory work are presented in the form of reports with drawings, diagrams, tables, graphs and conclusions.
Thus, as the end result of training, we hope to educate a literate, enthusiastic, thinking modern, tuned in to gain new knowledge, mastering the methods of scientific research, a graduate prepared to continue education in the chosen profile.