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Physiognomy determines the character of a person by his face. How to read a person's character by facial features - physiognomy

19.10.2016 13:00

Thousands of faces pass before the eyes of the HR manager, so his experience in recognizing character traits in the eyes, lips and facial expressions is especially interesting. Vladimir Maleshin, who headed the personnel services in companies and banks, shared his discoveries in the field of physiognomy.

- When did you first become interested in physiognomy?

A year like this in 1968, when I read Veresaev's book as a first-year student. In it were following words: “The eyes are the mirror of the soul. What nonsense! Eyes are a deceptive mask, eyes are screens that hide the soul. The mirror of the soul is the lips. If you want to know the soul of a person, look at his lips ... Beware of the eyes! Because of the eyes, people are so often mistaken. Lips are not deceived.

Now, after 47 years of observing people and after 50,000 interviews for hiring, I have developed a classification of lips, behind which there are certain personality traits and behavior patterns. Here are fragments of my Harmonica technique.

The lips can be judged on the softness or rigidity of the character. This is determined by the degree to which the lips cover the teeth. If during a conversation the upper row of teeth is visible, then this is a soft, positive person. If the bottom row is, on the contrary, hard, hard, demanding, “biting”. It is much more difficult to communicate with such people, but they achieve a lot in life. If during a conversation both the upper and lower rows of teeth are visible, both qualities are combined in a person. It can be both hard and soft depending on the situation.

A clear sign of sexuality, both in men and women, is a well-developed groove above the upper lip. The better it is expressed, the stronger the reproductive function of a person. And the lines of the groove indicate the concentration or mobility of the mind.

The dependence of a person's character on the fullness of the lips is clearly manifested. Take the opposites: very thin lips and full, "heart". Thin-lipped people are reasonable, and the owners of full lips are sensual and emotional.

In people with an even and friendly character, the upper and lower lip will be of the same fullness (it should be noted that normally in men the lower one is often fuller than the upper one). The protruding lower lip speaks of the capriciousness and swagger of a person, and the upper one, which is thrown over, speaks of indecision.

The line of closing of the lips also carries information. For calm people, it is even, horizontal, and for overly emotional people, it is wavy. For example, pay attention to this line in Vladimir Zhirinovsky or Grigory Leps. The second bright sign of emotionality is a highly developed nasolabial fold.

In an unemotional person, facial expressions during a conversation remain mild. In turn, in people who are overly emotional, the whole face moves - “walks shaking”.

The contours of the lips - the so-called Cupid's line - also deserve attention. In simple, unsophisticated people, these contours are smooth and calm. A clearly and clearly defined line of the upper lip indicates a sophisticated mind, the ability to generate ideas, and wit. At the same time, a person can be very caustic and harsh. Among the owners of a pronounced Cupid line there are many extraordinary personalities, including those prone to sophisticated revenge, who know how to subtly humiliate.

The corners of the mouth raised up indicate optimism, and the dimples in the corners of the lips and on the cheeks indicate goodwill. For egocentrics and skeptics, the corners of the lips are lowered down.

When a person curls his lips in a conversation, this speaks of his arrogance, aplomb, a sense of superiority over other people. The character is complex.

Remember: people with beautiful lips have a beautiful soul, a good character!

- Are there bright, practice-tested characteristics associated with other facial features?

My main observation is that people with the same faces have similar personalities. They saw someone who resembles your friend - look for the same features. The similarity of the character and behavior of a person will be the stronger, the more you find common external signs: in figure, gait, voice, manner of dressing, handwriting and so on.

The origins of physiognomy are rooted in the distant past. Once upon a time, our ancestors noticed the similarity of human behavior with animals. Like a pig, they had the habits of pigs, a cat - cats, a monkey - monkeys, a donkey - donkeys. And there is some truth in this!

The shape of the head and face reflects the character. The most benevolent people are round-faced. Remember the faces of our wonderful artist Yevgeny Leonov or Yuri Kuklachev. Square-headed, square-chinned people, such as Winston Churchill, tend to be tough, demanding, and strong-willed. The square chin in physiognomy is called Churchill's chin, or "bulldog jaw". Its owners are harsh, uncompromising fighters, capable of enduring great physical exertion. But the triangular shape of the head, a pointed or protruding chin suggests that a person is not inclined to endure heavy physical exertion. But he has a well-developed penchant for rhetoric.

Protruding ears means stubbornness. Pressed auricle - complaisance. A large auricle is a sign of longevity.

The dimple on the chin indicates a very complex character. The deeper it is, the more serious the problems inside a person. In men, the dimple on the chin is more pronounced, but women also have a hint of it.

Another sure sign of a good, cheerful character is crow's feet, the wrinkles in the outer corners of our eyes that form from laughter and frequent smiles.

If the nose with a hump (in the Slavic type of faces) is a manifestation of the choleric temperament. If raised up and the upper lip along with it - this is a sign of absurdity. And if its tip is down? Here you can say "poking your nose into someone else's question." Benevolent, gentle people have a “potato” nose, and those with a complex character are narrow and straight.

Such a quality as cunning can be recognized by four signs. This is a hereditary baldness in men, a “duck nose” - expanding downward from a narrow nose bridge, a “fox ear” - pointed upwards, and also a “Pinocchio mouth” - when, after closing the lips, there is still a cut of two or three millimeters.

Physiognomy is the science of determining a person's character, habits, state of health by facial features.

Despite the fact that the first mention of this term can be attributed to ancient times, on present stage researchers find it difficult to say with accuracy whether this teaching is a science.

Many figures are quite skeptical about physiognomy and the data that can be obtained as a result of the analysis of human facial features.

Every exact science is based on approximation.
Bertrand Russell

Goals of physiognomy

Physiognomy is engaged in determining the type of character, psychological qualities and the level of human health only by the features of his face.

This doctrine originates in ancient times, and received intensive development in the Middle Ages, when schools began to be created for a detailed study of facial features and their connection with the character and fate of a person. However, physiognomy has not been recognized as a science, despite the efforts of some scientists (in particular, Charles Darwin) to prove this.

In any case, knowledge of the basics of physiognomy in our time is very helpful for people of such creative professions as actors, directors, artists, sculptors. Indeed, by the nature of their activities, it is so important for them to trace the connection between facial expressions, emotions, thoughts and character. Psychologists, politicians, detectives, sales managers and many others also use this knowledge.

Many people resort to the study of appearance in order to draw conclusions about the inner world of a person. By observing the behavior of individuals, people gradually accumulated the necessary knowledge, which was passed from one generation to another.

From time immemorial, people on an intuitive level, by mimic facial movements, understood what the true intentions and motives of the interlocutor's behavior were. The human brain is programmed to instantly analyze the received picture, so the attitude towards others is formed almost immediately, even at a subconscious level. Confirmation of this fact can be found not only in scientific treatises, but also in various literary sources.

Information about facial features is used in their practice by fortune-tellers, healers, shamans and other representatives of the occult sciences.

The number of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes indicates the degree of development of a sense of humor, kindness and kindness. Small vaults above the eyes will tell about a perceptive and attentive person.

Scientists have proven that there is a connection between the direction of sight and mental representations of external images, sounds and taste.

Emotional zone of the face

Can talk about the depth of the soul and sensitivity of the individual. This area includes the nose, mouth, cheeks and cheekbones. If you carefully follow the nose of a person in an excited state, you will notice that the wings of the nose are swollen, and in a person experiencing disdain and dislike for something, the nose is wrinkled.

As for the lips, their bend necessarily betrays the current emotion (irritation, anger, sadness, resentment, grin, etc.), no matter how hard a person tries to hide it. Indeed, at the very first moment of the appearance of an emotion, it is reflected on the lips, even if their owner has excellent self-control. If a person bites his lips, then he is in a state of concentration or in a critical situation that requires an immediate solution.

Vital area of ​​the face

Responsible for the satisfaction of instincts. This zone includes the chin, which can indicate the degree of development of a person's volitional qualities. Accordingly, a strong, strong-willed person who often has to defend his opinion and life positions has a developed chin.

Moreover, it is at such moments that the chin moves forward, and the muscles of the lower zone of the face are actively working. A person who has an overdeveloped chin and a square jaw tends to go straight to his goal, without thinking about the consequences and about the people around him. Conversely, a small, weakly pronounced chin indicates that its owner will easily retreat from achieving the goal if he meets the first barrier on the way.

Determination of health status by face

A person's face can tell a lot about others. Specialists in the field of physiognomy can accurately determine, by the condition of the skin and some other features of the face, what diseases and ailments the owner has.

Skin on the face

Tightened, smooth, even-colored skin indicates that there are no abnormalities in the body. And its premature aging is a sign of a violation of metabolic processes, which may be accompanied by a number of diseases: deviations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract or genitourinary system, hormonal imbalance. The reason for premature aging of the skin may also be that a person consumes very little pure drinking water or not receiving enough minerals and vitamins from food.

Skin color also has diagnostic value. A yellowish tint may indicate a malfunction in the gallbladder or liver. Severe pallor - about anemia. If brown spots appear on the face, then it is worth checking the work of the hormonal system, kidneys, gallbladder. But spots on the skin can also be the result of improper care. For example, the abuse of sunbathing, improperly selected cosmetics or cosmetic procedures.

If a network of blood vessels appeared on the face, then it is worth checking the vascular system and checking the pressure. The vascular network on the wings of the nose is an increased likelihood of lung diseases.

Oily facial skin, especially at an older age, indicates hormonal imbalance or stomach problems. Dry skin is most common in those who have digestive disorders. It can also be a sign of a lack of water and vitamins in the body.

A large amount of facial hair in women suggests that you should pay attention to hormones.


Swollen or droopy eyelids can be the result of lack of sleep or the fact that a person is often nervous.

A bluish color of the skin around the eyelids is also evidence of lack of sleep. But also this flaw often indicates that a person is abusing coffee or diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands. It is necessary to check the bladder if the color of the lower eyelid has a brown tint.

Red eyelids, especially with a translucent network of vessels, are a sign of problems with the vascular system, sensitivity to weather changes, and as a result, headaches.

Eyebrows and eyelashes

People with thick eyebrows are considered to have strong immunity. And for women, it is also a sign of the excellent functioning of the gonads. Thinning eyebrows (especially if this has not been observed before) is a sign of an imbalance of sex hormones, as well as poor functioning of the thyroid gland. People with sparse eyelashes should be more attentive to the work of the genitourinary system.


Blueness or pallor in the area of ​​​​the nasolabial triangle or the skin around the lips is a sign of disorders in the cardiovascular system, circulatory problems, lung diseases or anemia. Often occurring cracks in the corners of the lips indicate beriberi (in particular, a lack of B vitamins) or allergies.

If you find any of these signs in yourself, do not panic. After all, this is not a diagnosis, but just a small clue to what you need to pay special attention to in the work of your body.

Dynamics of facial features with human age

Usually, with the help of the sense organs, information from outside world most actively taken by a child under the age of 6 years. Using these organs, the baby tries as much as possible to use the eyes to see the world, the ears to hear, the nose to explore ubiquitous smells, and the mouth to experience new tastes.

But as you get used to the world around you, the sharpness of feelings decreases, they are no longer so necessary for a person. Soon it becomes more and more difficult for him to rebuild his perception in constantly changing situations, and all the emotions he has experienced are reflected on his face, which becomes less and less mobile.

A person, having ceased to be a child, is not so interested in everything that happens around him and eventually closes in on himself. But this time is different for everyone, that is, the dynamics of facial features flows for each individual at different speeds.

How to distinguish an optimist from a pessimist by face?

The face of a pessimist loses its expressiveness and thirst for life. Most often, such people are immersed in reflection, avoid communication and are. Pessimists are largely conservative, very afraid of changes in life. Therefore, the sense organs, as it were, went out, their owner uses them little, is not open to the world, is not interested in anything new. There are cases when a pessimistic person, having got rid of negative thoughts or an oppressive illness, seems to spread his wings, and his eyes light up again, his face comes to life.

You can meet people of age, but this age does not affect the liveliness of their faces. As a rule, these people are optimists and, they have an ardent desire to live and rejoice, they easily perceive the need for some kind of change. Their eyes always shine, and their face seems young.

Hypertonicity and hypotonicity of facial expressions

Show the state and excitability of the nervous system.

If a person has mimic hypertonicity (muscle tension), and even more so - shudders and tics, then this may indicate the presence of fears and problems that bother a person. This may be only a temporary phenomenon, but in general such people are sociable and energetic, they are good leaders.

Hypotension (relaxation of facial muscles), as a rule, indicates a lazy person who has no desire to solve problems, he seems to be deprived of energy. In the eyes of such people, one can often notice apathy, the mouth is slightly open, and the eyes, on the contrary, are slightly closed.

Physiognomy - the queen of nonverbals

The study of scientists once again confirmed the effect of the influence of a person's facial expression on the perception of his environment.

Therefore, it is so important that the facial expression of the interlocutor is interpreted correctly. Otherwise, instead of strengthening contact, aggression and mistrust between the participants in the dialogue may arise. Frowning eyebrows and a wrinkled forehead in an attentively listening interlocutor can be regarded as a lack of interest, and even as dissatisfaction (the face may seem critical) and cause a response: defensive or aggressive.

Knowing about this feature of perception, it is important to always remember this and watch your face. During communication - relax his muscles, open his eyes wider (instead of frowning). Such an expression is interpreted as the interlocutor's interest in what is happening. The jaws should not be closed, it is also better to relax the lips. Tightly pressed lips during a conversation are usually regarded as an attempt at verbal aggression. The tension of the forehead muscles must be relieved constantly, throughout the entire period of communication.

Do not try to look like an interested interlocutor during a conversation. They need to become! To be interested means to be attentive. What and how does the partner say, what gestures does he use? Careful observation during a conversation of the facial expressions and gestures of the speaker will help us better understand him, find out what he really feels and how he relates to certain moments, phenomena.

Given the fact that about 75% of non-verbal information is transmitted through facial expressions, it is necessary to learn not only to read this information correctly, but also to adequately convey emotions ourselves. In order to be understood and better understand others, it is important to maintain your attention and interest in the interlocutor in the process of communication.

Physiognomy: Destroy the myths

Over the centuries-old history of the existence of physiognomy, a lot of unproven facts and exaggerations have accumulated.

The most common misconceptions:

  • It is mistakenly believed that the owners of a perfectly symmetrical face always have a happy fate. Actually this is not true. Studies have shown that there are practically no people in the world with absolutely symmetrical halves of the face. Some physiognomists believe that such people have good health, others call this phenomenon a sign of approaching death.
  • A vertical wrinkle located in the center of the forehead is a sure sign of poverty. This interpretation is not entirely correct, since this mark betrays an intellectually and creatively gifted person.
  • The superciliary arches hanging over the eyes and a strongly protruding lower jaw are typical facial features for a criminal; such a delusion with the light hand of the criminologist Cesare Lombroso lasted for quite a long time. But modern physiognomists have completely refuted it.
  • The assertion that a large skull speaks of a person's giftedness was recognized as erroneous. The researchers came to the conclusion that there is no direct relationship between mental abilities and talent and the size of the skull.


Having carefully and in detail studied the questions of physiognomy, you can learn a lot about a person. All you have to do is look at his face.

We are used to judging a person by the first impression of his appearance, as people say “clothes”, without even thinking that this is not just. The ancient sages said that with an ugly face, but a good heart, the first can be reborn. But if the heart is evil, then even the most beautiful face will be destroyed by it over the years.

Modern research confirm that the relationship between internal psychology and external features definitely exists. There is even a special science that originated in China - physiognomy - which studies the character and abilities according to the shape of the body of their owner. With the help of this article, you will understand exactly how to find out the character of a person by facial features.

Traces on the face - signs of fate?

One old Chinese legend is known, which tells about the meeting of two people of different classes - a policeman and a master in the field of physiognomy. With a fleeting glance at the guardian of order, he made a very strange proposal to the counter - to marry his daughter. Over time, an ordinary village policeman turned into the first emperor of the Han Dynasty.

Maybe we should not consider this story just a beautiful fairy tale, because each of us has noticed more than once the anxieties and worries literally written on the face of our neighbor, as well as sincere joys? Experts in “reading people” are sure that such insignificant individual features as scars and moles, specks and wrinkles, as well as the complexion itself, are nothing more than marks of human destiny, both present and future.

Shape Matters: Facial Geometry

You can also identify specific features by the chin: wide - strong-willed nature, square - obsession with material wealth, sharp - resourcefulness and cunning.

7 main character components that you can "see"

  • confidence- the proportion of the face in length and width. According to psychologists, this quality corresponds to 70% of the width of the face compared to its length.
  • friendliness- the height of the eyes in relation to the distance between the upper part of the eyes and the eyebrows. For example, if a person's eyebrows are higher than usual, then he is probably disposed to limit personal space.
  • tolerance is the horizontal distance between the eyes. A more patient character distinguishes individuals with wide-set eyes.
  • sense of humor- the length of the trough. A long one indicates flat irony and sarcasm, a shorter one indicates an adequate perception of jokes at one's own expense.
  • the shape and size of the lips can be determined generosity of speech. Owners of thin lips in most cases are very restrained.
  • outlook- the size of the fold on the eyelid. A thicker one speaks of the analytical mindset of a person, and a thin one or none at all indicates decisiveness and a habit of being guided by actions.
  • heard this expression magnetic character[b]? So natural magnetism can be recognized by the depth of eye color. The richer and deeper it is, the more charismatic the person is.

And "every dash will be cute": learning to read faces

Forehead: human weaknesses and virtues

According to the shape of the foreheads are divided into two types: narrow and flat demonstrates a rough, hard and adamant person, and high and round reveals a lively mind capable of exact sciences, originality and good imagination. The nature of such a person is unpredictable and quick-tempered. And in Tahiti, for example, it is still believed that the lower and smaller the forehead of a person, the more successful he is in his personal life.

Tell me what your nose is like and I'll tell you...

The nose is one of the main "reference points" of the human face. Such an interesting historical fact, what Russian empress Elizabeth did not allow the masters to paint their portraits in profile, afraid of her own small and slightly upturned nose, which deprived her of her proud and imperious appearance corresponding to high status.

And on one of the islands in the jungle there is an Amazon village, where the tip of each girl's nose is cut in such a way that a scar with a small dimple remains. Local residents believe that such a manipulation will give the future Amazon a strong, dexterous and decisive character. When reminiscing about famous personalities a good example is the writer Gogol, whose nose was very long and narrow, which is considered an undoubted sign of talent.

The ideal shape of the nose is considered to be a rounded tip with harmonious "wings". If the nostrils are too large, it means that the character has certain defects. Bony, tall and skinny is a sign of excessive pride, while full and bulbous speaks of the kindness and cordiality of its owner. The famous owner of a hooked nose is Pushkin. Maybe it was because of this physical feature that he always distinguished himself with courage and courage.

Eyes are windows to the soul

Big eyes speak of sensitivity and courage, an inner desire for superiority, while small eyes are inherent in individuals who are closed, intractable and gloomy. The iris of the eye is in the same connection: if its size is impressive, then a person can be defined without hesitation as soft and calm, and more modest indicators indicate an imbalance in the inner world and, accordingly, regular failures in relations with others.

If we talk about planting the eyes, then a straight horizontal line is considered a favorable sign. The slope to the bottom speaks of male determination and female imprudence, and swollen eyelids - of fatigue from life.

A historical example with large, not too far apart eyes is the famous soothsayer Nostradamus. According to the above features, one can recognize prudence, sensitive and receptive nature.

Mouth and lips: a clue to life

Since over time the shape of the lips changes under the influence of facial expressions, which, in turn, is directly dependent on the mood of a person, a lot can be said from these features. Specialists of physiognomy are sure that the wider the opening of the mouth, the better the character of its owner in general and the ability for a service career in particular.

A modern person does not know himself and his character well, to say nothing about the people around him. But sometimes it’s enough just to look in the mirror and look at the usual features. Self-knowledge is never superfluous.


You can only tell what a person is thinking by looking at their facial expressions. There are exceptions when an individual is able to mask emotions under the mask of indifference. But how to determine by the features with whom you will have to live, work, or who needs to be entrusted with the execution of a responsible task?

The science of physiognomy helps to unravel the secret nuances of character. It is guided by people working in high positions, it is followed by recruiters.

It will also help you to correctly establish the character of the person with whom you decided to share your own future. The method is based on research conducted by scientists in different countries of the world.

Character traits by common characteristics

Research within the framework of a multifaceted doctrine gives correct ideas about the signs of character, qualities and unique abilities. Alan Stevens (psychologist - the founder of the method of determining character by facial features) claims that the muscles in the face, as well as in the body, are able to develop with regular training. The more often a person uses them, the more they are developed.

If a person's eyebrows are located at a greater distance, he prefers to have an individual space. Psychologists attribute this to the development of the muscles used to express surprise.

You will recognize a confident person by the ratio of the length of his face and the width. If the width compared to the length as a percentage is more than 70 units, then the person can be called confident. Those who have a width of the face less than 60% of the length are cautious and not prone to adventures.

Patient and loyal to the mistakes of others, a person with wide-set eyes. If the upper lip is naturally full, he is generous in speech. People with a thin lip line tend to keep their thoughts to themselves. Individuals with a thick crease on the eyelid have an analytical mindset, and those who have it thin or completely absent have decisiveness.

Face shape and character

Rectangular - sensitive, balanced nature with organizational skills. They are able to set goals and overcome them. Even in leadership positions, such people show delicacy and tact. They know when to firmly express an opinion, and when to remain silent.

Square - they are distinguished by a sharp mind, analytical thinking. At the same time, individuals tend to dominate and show aggression.

Triangular - characterized by conflicting character traits. There is cunning, sensitivity and a desire for solitude. Natures are gifted and attracted to self-development in the spiritual sphere.

Trapezoidal - optimists, carrying a sense of happiness and tranquility. They are cheerful and mildly characteristic. These are excellent workers, but not leaders.

Oval - hardworking practitioners. They methodically perform the work, but at the same time they are able to admire their diligence. They are characterized by narcissism, which is why communication with colleagues often does not add up.

Round shape - indicates softness and peacefulness. They are open to learning new things. They are friendly, but do not tolerate encroachment on their own comfort. These are for whom material values ​​are in the main place.

The profile of the face also leaves an imprint on the character of a person.

A convex profile (large nose, wide and thick eyebrows, sloping forehead, full lips) indicates stubbornness and exactingness.
The concave profile, characterized by flat eyebrows, a small snub nose, a protruding forehead and chin, speaks of patience and good nature.
A flat profile is a calm person with a constant character.

What traits influence character?

Saying "facial features", they mean its individual parts: eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows, ears and lips. When determining the character, keep in mind that they can be artificially modified, especially in women.

Forehead and eyebrow lines

A high and wide forehead in volume will indicate indiscipline. High and sloping reveals the practicality of the mind and the activity of a person.

Thick eyebrows made of stiff hairs are evidence of intransigence. They have a trait of stubbornness and a tendency to cruelty. If the eyebrows narrow towards the end into a thin strip, nobility is inherent in the person, if the tip is turned up - cruelty and enterprise.

Hair growth also gives an imprint on the character. Eyebrows that are fused indicate decisiveness, and divorced to the sides - about treachery of character. Short but thick eyebrows - a person is closed. He is susceptible negative emotions and often short-tempered.

Going beyond the eyes, indicate intelligence. If the eyebrows are almost invisible, the person is cunning.

The forehead expanding to the bottom indicates such a character trait as curiosity and a tendency to develop mental abilities. Pronounced folds above the eyebrows speak of an active character.

The forehead, expanding towards the top, indicates talent. But such a person is closed and does not take into account the opinions of others.

Set character by eyes

The expression of the eyes is easy to control, so it is often not possible to establish a character from this trait. But the form is given by nature and it is possible to determine the characteristics of a person by it, knowing what it means:

small eyes - a sign of jealousy, if they have a double lower eyelid - inconstancy;
big eyes - a sign of sensitivity, if the eyelids slightly cover the eyes, the person has an imperious character;
narrow - a sign of stealth;
deep-set eyes - beware of such a person, as he can be treacherous;
raised edges indicate courage and good nature;
corners pointing down - excessive emotionality.

Submission is inherent in people who have the outer corner of the eye pointing down.

Nose length and character

The nose is the most truthful way to tell about the character. The expression of the mouth and eyes is easy to change, but changing the nose is possible only with surgery.

Small, indicates pettiness and jealousy. A thin nose with a small hump characterizes a stubborn person. A long nose indicates conservatism, and if it is still wide, the person has poise and calmness. Too much length is a sign of capriciousness and intelligence.

If bones appear on the back of the nose, it means that a person does not know how to concentrate. The wings are located in proportion to the large and flat back - prudence, coldness.

Pay special attention to the tip of the nose:

round - luck and good luck, the individual gets everything he wants;
convex - self-sacrifice is inherent;
rounded nose, like an eagle - nature is subject to revenge;
drooping tip - supersexuality;
the tip raised up speaks of openness and inability to keep a secret;
a sharp tip is a fickle nature, capable of betraying.

The shape and location of the auricle

If the upper part of the ears is located at the level of the eyebrows, the person is stubborn and often dissatisfied. Is the upper line of the auricle in line with the eyes? A person has a developed intuition.

The proportionality of the auricle is difficult to immediately see, but it is also easy to determine the character of a person from it. Width less than height? A person is characterized by weakness of character and a superficial mind. Vice versa? A strong personality with an imperious character.

Rectangular - a sign of perseverance and the ability to achieve goals. Protruding ears will tell about sexuality, and too close-fitting shells are evidence of conscientiousness and hard work.

Does the person have large earlobes? So fortune is on his side. Ears with short lobes will tell about a complex, unbalanced character.

If the outer line has convex shapes, the person has talents. Ears with a round shape will tell about energy and leadership abilities.

Mouth and lip shape

Self-centered and stubborn people have lips of different sizes: the lower lip is wider than the upper one. Thin lips will tell about cruelty, and thick lips - about sensuality and a sharp mind. If you see a wide mouth on a small face, think that in front of you is a real leader who has been given the ability to manage people from birth.

wide mouth on big face is a sign of closure. Such a person pays attention only to his own affairs. A small mouth is an indicator of weak will.

If the corners of the lips are down, the person is stubborn, up - sensitive. If the corners are not located proportionally, then a person is able to deceive and betray. If a person has a large mouth and at the same time it is slightly open, know that this is a careless person, prone to indecision.

When choosing a girl for a life together, remember that closed lips indicate a desire to climb the career ladder. In this case, family life will be in the background.

Chin and its features

Wide - speaks of the spirit of competition, the unwillingness to lose. Expressed features will tell about stubbornness and endurance. This is a person who has and adheres to a value system. Mild features of the chin in a person with weak will and weak character. He is influenced and lives by the standards of others.

How to learn to recognize the character by the features of the face?

Not everyone can determine the ability of character. To obtain an accurate analysis, you need to have a medical education, as well. Only an excellent psychologist is capable of capturing the shades of mood, contemplating the full picture of character.

After all, the features should be considered in general, taking into account proportions and balance. The length of the nose or ears can only be determined according to other features. Comparing them, you can say: large, small, proportionally or not.

Pay special attention to balance. The more clearly it is expressed, the stronger the character of the personality is manifested. First of all, examine the shape of the eyes, mouth, nose, ears and eyebrows. Then evaluate the forehead and chin, temples and cheekbones.

Based on the records, a more accurate estimate can be made.

An important feature is the eyes. They reveal the essence of a person more than others. Ancient scientists distinguished 39 forms of the eye. Each of them spoke about certain features of the human character. They determined the presence of talent and leadership qualities. In an outstanding, outstanding person, they are proportional and go well with the nose, mouth, ears and other features.

March 22, 2014, 03:40 pm

Facial features and psychology

We determine the character of a person by facial features

It is believed that a person's face reflects the three worlds. The forehead refers to the divine world. The physical world is represented by the nose and eyes, and the material world is represented by the mouth, jaws and chin. You can determine the character of a person by facial features, because the psychology of a person is inside, and facial features and behavior are outside. Our faces are usually asymmetrical. The right side in men indicates happy events, the other - failures. For women, it's the other way around. Now we will figure out what the individual features of the human face are responsible for - lips, brows, eyes, forehead, ears and the chin.

Social facial feature - forehead

The high upper part indicates the ability to lead. But this is only an opportunity, and in order to judge how it will actually be, you need to look at the nose and chin, because without the perseverance and will of the leader it will not work. If the forehead is divided into upper and lower parts, then we can talk about elitism, opposing yourself and your chosen society to other people.

Straight, quadrangular forehead indicates generosity.

The forehead is steep, bulging in the middle, expresses a high, serious mind. However, the forehead is too prominent Rather, it is inherent in nature, narrow-minded, worldly practical.

Sloping with strong brow ridges suggests that the highest authority for such a person is himself. A man with a sloping forehead is a bit of an anarchist, hardly submits to someone else's will. This conclusion is confirmed by the deepening between the forehead and nose. If it is not there, then we can talk about internal discipline. Strong brows indicate a certain laxity. A round forehead indicates complaisance, such people find a common language with everyone.

Forehead shape can be judged on the elements of man. Recall that creativity is associated with fire, practicality with earth, the ability to perceive and communicate with air, and internal plasticity, the world of human feelings with water. Representatives of the air element usually have a round forehead, fiery signs are distinguished by bald patches with a cape in the middle. A square or widening forehead is characteristic of earth signs, while in water signs the forehead is narrowed, and its border with the roots of the hair is uneven. Thus, the element can be recognized not only by the shape of the forehead, but also by its border with the hair. People of fiery signs, especially those with a strong Jupiter and the Sun in the horoscope, are prone to baldness; their hair is usually coarse, wavy, with a red tint. Earth signs have coarse, straight hair. If they are curly and soft, then this is water, representatives of the air element have soft and silky hair.

  1. The forehead is low with a zigzag border of hair - the nature is energetic, cruel.
  2. The forehead, wide and convex in the corners, is a rich imagination, intelligence.
  3. The shape resembles a crescent - narrow-minded, conservative nature.
  4. Narrow, low, leaning back - nature is petty and cunning, deceitful, selfish.
  5. Too convex forehead - mundane, narrow-minded nature.
  6. A straight forehead characterizes a kind, generous person.
  7. The middle of the forehead, nose, chin represent the main features of their world. At the same time, the nose, eyes and ears are in the service of the mind.

Facial Guard - Eyebrows

Brows is a barrier between the land of the brain and the land of the senses. Straight horizontal lines indicate courage and wisdom. However, such features still require a certain independence and criticality in judgments, which is expressed in a clear shape of the edge of the eyebrows from the side of the temples.

Energetic facial feature - nose

Nose. It is used to judge the energy of a person and where he directs it. It's not about size. The nose can be big, and the person can be uninitiated. Conversely, a small nose with a strong and wide base speaks of inner strength, perseverance.

I. K. Lavater, a Swiss writer, preferred noses with a wide base, paying particular attention to their shape. In the hump at the base, he saw a sign of an imperative firm character, while the depression in this place indicates weakness, timidity. A hump is a sign of aggressiveness, a little ill will, unless, of course, other parts of the face contradict this. Noses such as "Roman", "eagle" are inherent in entire peoples, and, for example, history ancient rome provides food for thought on this topic.

However, a small hump in combination with other signs may also indicate the poetry of nature. The left wing of the nose is dedicated to Venus, the right - to Mars, that is, they get along side by side love and hate. Occultists say on this occasion that love and anger flare the nostrils alike.

  1. Large, straight nose - pride, calmness, energy, creativity.
  2. Eagle - ambition, dominance.
  3. Hawk, pointed at the end - endurance.
  4. The continuation of the forehead is vanity.
  5. Long - dishonesty.
  6. Inclined to the mouth - sensuality, irascibility.
  7. Recessed at the base, at the end thin and upturned, like an old woman's Shapoklyak, stubbornness, envy, curiosity, hypocrisy.
  8. Snub-nosed - carelessness, frivolity, willfulness.
  9. A thick and fleshy nose indicates a lover of a feast, and if it is excessive, it also gives out this quality in a purple color.

Beautiful facial feature - eyes

Eyes. The most beautiful human trait. The right eye in men is associated with the Sun, the left - with the Moon. For women, the opposite is true. Their comparison helps to draw conclusions about the feminine and masculine qualities in a person, active and passive.

The eyes reflect the spiritual side of a person; it is not for nothing that they say that this is a mirror of the soul. To look into it, you need to compare the positive eye (men's right, women's left) with the negative. If the positive one is more developed, then the person is capable of altruism, self-giving. Physiognomists prefer lively and transparent eyes, believing that black and shiny ones characterize the cunning and mercenary. This is due to the fact that sometimes Saturn distorts the influence of the Moon, and then the eye is called evil.

Perfect eye shape considered antique - oval, reflecting the harmony of the spirit. Deep-set eyes usually belong to slow in the manifestation of their inner essence, but deep natures. Let's remember Grigory Rasputin, the favorite royal family: deep-set eyes, the lower eyelid is larger than the upper one (i.e., it gave more than it took), a strong nose.

Closely spaced eyes mean that their owner has a blurred line between good and evil, unlike a person with wide-set eyes, for whom such a problem does not exist. But this does not mean that the latter often serve good, but only that they know well what they serve.

The eyes are large, round, somewhat protruding (they say “bulging”), the eyelashes are short, the eyebrow is high above the eye, the hairs are bristling. An irritable, quick-tempered person, but in moments of good mood he is cheerful and sentimental.

The eyelids often narrow, which gives the impression of myopia. The pupil with a sharp look, the eyelashes are short, thick. The eyebrow is raised to the temple. The nature is observant, not stupid, cunning, with great restraint and unlimited egoism.

The eyes are narrow, the upper eyelid is half-drooped, the eyebrow is in a regular arch, the eyelashes are sparse. This characterizes a person who is impassive, but insightful, incorruptible and fair to the point of cruelty.

Sleepy eyes, as if in swollen eyelids, thick and long eyebrows - the nature is soft, rather passive and lazy.

Widely open, an eyebrow with a break in the middle, eyelashes bent upward - the nature is energetic, independent, domineering and truthful to the point.

Small eyes covered with heavy eyelids - nature is petty-cunning and practical, kindness is more prudent than sincere.

Strong facial feature - cheekbones

cheekbones show how the spirit reflected in the eyes expresses itself in life. They are controlled by Mercury, and they are used to judge a person's contact, ability to absorb and transmit information. Therefore, some eastern nations with pronounced cheekbones unite perfectly. Such qualities as cunning, liveliness, opportunism are also associated with the cheekbones. Therefore, ancient treatises recommend avoiding people in whom the corners of the eyes are lowered down, and the cheekbones are strongly pronounced with an undeveloped frontal part. Bulging cheekbones are a sign of selfishness and, often, anger. , you will determine the character of a person, knowing what his facial features say.

Ears and cheeks

Cheeks. Thin and sunken - a sign of spiritual poverty. However, there is also little good in fleshy ones, they give out excessive sensuality.

Ears. In shape, the ear resembles a human embryo, and physiognomists see there is a deep meaning in this face. So, in ancient times, a drooping lobe was considered as an indicator of the freedom of the human spirit. The stronger it adheres to the body, the more it is constrained and dependent. It is believed that those who have no lobes are envious and vengeful. A Buddha statue, for example, has huge earlobes; and in some African tribes they are even specially delayed, seeing in this a magical rite of giving a person stamina and independence.

The upper part of the ear shows the ability to adapt and perceive. If it is strongly attached to the head, then such a person is usually slow-witted, it is not easy for him to learn new things, but if he learns something, then for a long time. The lagging tops of the ears are an indicator of a quick reaction, good perception. Not without reason, Mercury, the god of trade, was usually portrayed as lop-eared. Moreover, the border between deceit and commerce runs ... along the earlobe. If it sags, then the person has enough spirituality, if not, then in financial matters it is better to stay away from him.

A large auricle testifies to "magnetic power" or, as they now say, psychic abilities. In combination with great power, as, for example, in the same Rasputin, this can be an indicator of a strong impact on others. But this does not mean that by making yourself such a facial feature, you will acquire these abilities. But this face help you understand psychology man and look with one eye into his inner world, highlight its character.

But a “good” earlobe on the right (in men) ear, which indicates spirituality, mental abilities, on the left can turn into selfishness and vanity. Such cruel people as, for example, Hitler and Stalin, had well-defined drooping earlobes, but the left ear was comparatively larger than the right. Physiognomists see in this the predominance of negative qualities.

  1. Large ears with well-defined shells indicate the giftedness of their owner, including good musical abilities.
  2. Pointed up - moderation, reason.
  3. Small ones are characteristic of sensual people, fleshy - for gloomy and cruel.
  4. Protruding, large - cunning, stupidity.
  5. Pressed - caution, composure, hypocrisy.

Mouth and lips are sensual features

Mouth associated with eloquence and love and is dedicated to Mercury. If the upper lip protrudes forward, then this is a sign of good nature. Thin lips and a small mouth indicate a love of order and precision. And if the lips are compressed - and about selfishness.

Physiognomists believe that a man's upper lip should be slightly larger than the lower, thereby reflecting his masculinity. If the lips are proportional, equally convex and regular in shape, then they express an honest, firm character, prone to reflection. Thick lips, especially the lower one, speak of gluttony, sensuality, laziness.

“Look at the forehead of a person - you will find out who he will become; look at the mouth - you will understand what it has become, ”says a Chinese proverb.

Properly rounded, plump lips - kindness, cordiality, openness, gaiety.

Subtle - cunning, selfishness, sarcasm, cruelty.

Thick - sensuality, a tendency to base instincts.

"Children's" - gullibility, frankness.

Nose - mouth (Mars - Mercury). This pair is used to judge the distribution of a person's energy, his taste, his ability to love. A nose with a hump in the middle speaks of an energetic, assertive nature, and if we add strong, well-defined nostrils to this, we will get evidence of courage and composure. The strong-willed mouth, harmonious with this character, is elongated in the form of a straight line, and the dimensions of the lips are the same.

A strong, arched nose, prominent cheekbones and wide jaws express ambition, pride, selfishness.

The upper lip indicates sensuality, the presence of taste, as well as higher abilities; the lower one - on the propensity for pleasures, pleasures. Pay attention to the faces of the Roman patricians during the decline of the empire: an impressive nose and drooping lower lip. In other words, extraordinary energy, going to low goals. Here is your confirmation conformity of a person's character by facial features.

The indefatigable Italian Casanova, famous for his love adventures two hundred years ago, also had a “Roman” nose with sharp nostrils, the lower lip was larger than the upper one. Fixed corners of the mouth indicate a desire to insist on your own at any cost. Nuns, on the contrary, often have a small pursed mouth.

Chin - a feature of the inner core

The chin - a symbol of endurance, endurance. He is patronized by Saturn, representing, as it were, the inner foundation of a person, his ability for self-affirmation, solidity. qualities such as resilience, survival in extreme situations, determined by the chin.

A long and wide chin means composure, prudence, and a convex and round one means practicality. Pointed - characteristic of cunning, hidden natures. Both, according to Lavater, are a consequence of weakness, because distrust of others is due to self-doubt. If such a chin protrudes forward, then the person will slowly and stubbornly go towards the goal.

The pit on the chin and its bifurcation is an indicator of stubbornness, conceit, secrecy. A soft fleshy, and even a two-story chin betrays sensual people, but, on the contrary, bony and dry to the face of people withered by the passions of ambition or greed. In those who are too prone to any "fiery passion", sometimes reaching fanaticism, the central part of the chin is marked by a tubercle. If it is slightly shifted to the negative side, then this may indicate an alcoholic, or a person subject to some kind of mania.

The chin is considered harmonious if in profile it is at the level of the lower lip. At good man the chin is round, moderately convex and betrays a practicality that is under the control of the mind.

  1. Protruding chin - energy, willpower, independence, nobility, but also stubbornness, cruelty.
  2. A cut chin is a soft, indecisive nature.
  3. Meaty - mind, sensuality, selfishness.
  4. Long and sharp - penetrating mind, sarcasm.
  5. Forked - inconstancy,.

Nose - chin . This couple ( Mars-Saturn) testifies to the resilience of a person. If the chin is not developed with a strong nose, then the person may be energetic, but the energy will not last long. If, with a strong-willed massive chin, an inexpressive nose, then this can only turn into stubbornness. A cut chin indicates a lack of endurance, and even good energy is only enough for short impulses. In combination with a strong nose, this can turn into a stream of words and a lack of deeds. Let us recall the profile of the ancient Roman emperor Vespasian: a hooked nose and a developed, powerful chin. This man knew what he wanted and knew how to achieve his goal.

  1. Wide jaws express greed, driven by instincts. In combination with a flattened skull and a strong nose, they do not bode well.
  2. We may be reproached that our portrait gallery is dominated by monsters or villains. Where are the normal nice people?
  3. Where everything is harmonious, everything is in moderation. We deliberately focus character traits, we take them to extremes for the sake of clarity.

Having studied facial features and understanding how it is connected with the character and psychology of a person, you will be able to understand people with a greater degree of confidence. Stay on an interesting site useful tips and - http: // site