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The purpose of a photo competition is different. Regulations on the photo competition

Agreed Approved

Chairman of the MPFCiS Committee, Director of the MBU "Youth"

Tchaikovsky administration information and resource

municipal district center"

_______________________ _______________________

S.V. Poletaeva M.V. Fominykh

"___"_____________2013 "___"_____________2013


About the Youth Photo Contest


(as part of Youth Days)

Due to the fact that 2013 has been declared the Year of Protection environment, the theme of this year’s Youth Photo Contest is ecology. Traditionally providing an opportunity for the manifestation of creative individuality, this year the competition gives young people the opportunity to leave their mark on the life of the city, drawing the attention of residents to the need to improve the urban environment.

Ecology and our care for it can be a real art. It is photography that allows you to capture the environment in static, allows you to take a deeper and more meaningful look at the world and the people in it, ask yourself pressing questions and try to give answers to them.

Photography is a medium that can move people's minds to think about where and how we live, and what each of us may need to do to make a positive impact on the situation. The “Habitat” photo competition is a unique opportunity not only to express your thoughts and lifestyle to others, but also to conduct amazing time Alone with nature.

General provisions.

1.1. The youth photo competition “Habitat” (hereinafter referred to as the Photo Competition) is a creative competition aimed at promoting amateur and professional photography, creating conditions for stimulating the creative activity of youth, awakening young people’s interest in their hometown, and introducing participants to an interesting and meaningful pastime.

1.2. Anyone between the ages of 14 and 30 can take part in the photo competition, regardless of citizenship, race, place of residence and other factors.

1.3. The photo competition is held on the territory of the Chaikovsky municipal district.

Goals and objectives of the Photo Competition.

Development of aesthetic perception of young citizens,

Attracting the attention of young people to environmental issues,

Developing a responsible and positive attitude towards life in young people.

2.2. Tasks:

To popularize photography among young people as an accessible way of self-expression, to stimulate the creative growth and activity of young photographers;

Encourage photographers who take pictures on environmental topics and express their views through positive photography;

To attract the attention of young people to the sights and history of the Chaikovsky municipal district;

Contribute to the prevention of socially dangerous phenomena by attracting attention to creative, active and meaningful forms of leisure.






In accordance with Federal law No. 131-FZ dated October 6, 2003 “On general principles local government organizations in Russian Federation", Charter municipality“Sukkozersky rural settlement” of the Muezersky municipal district, administration of Sukkozersky rural settlement decides:

1. Approve the Regulations for the photo competition “In the Lens - I love you Sukkozero”.

2. Publish (promulgate) this Resolution by hanging it on a notice board on the street and posting it on the official website of the Muezersky municipal district with the access address -

Head of the Sukkozersky rural settlement A. M. Safonenko.


Regulations on the photo competition

“In the lens - I love you Sukkozero”

1. General provisions

The photo competition “In the lens - I love you Sukkozero” (hereinafter referred to as the Photo Competition) is dedicated to the celebration of the Day of the village of Sukkozero.

The organizer of the Photo Contest is the Administration of the Sukkozersky rural settlement (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer).

The purpose of the Photo Contest is to popularize the village.

Objectives of the Photo Contest:

Revealing interesting and attractive aspects of the village through photography;

Development creativity and aesthetic taste of amateur photographers, popularization of creative activity.

2. Conditions for the photo competition

Professional and non-professional photographers can participate in the Photo Contest:

– Residents and guests of the village of Sukkozero

The photo competition is held in the following categories:

Favorite yard;

My favorite four-legged friend;

Landmark of the village.

Photos must be printed on A4 photo paper

In each nomination, no more than 5 (five) works will be accepted from a participant.

There is no fee for participation in the competition, works are not reviewed and remain at the disposal of the Organizer , with the right of non-commercial use.

3. Rights and obligations of Participants and Organizer.

3.1. Participation in the competition implies full familiarization and agreement of the Participants with these Regulations.

ü undertakes to assist in resolving claims of third parties in the event of such claims being made against the Competition Organizer in connection with the publication of a photograph and to fully compensate for all losses in the event of a violation of copyright;

ü undertakes to act in court as a third party on the side of the defendant in the event that third parties bring a claim against the Competition Organizer related to the use of a published photograph.

3.3. The organizer has the right not to allow photographs that do not meet the requirements to participate in the competition without providing additional explanations.

3.4. The organizer has the right to refuse to provide a prize to the winner of the competition if he has violated the Regulations on the competition, untimely or incorrectly provided the necessary information about himself.

Participation in the Photo Contest means the author’s consent to further possible publication of these works on a royalty-free basis. At the same time, the authors retain copyright, as well as the right to publish and exhibit photographic works. An exhibition of selected works will be organized on the day of the Sukkozero village on July 1, 2018. It is possible to organize an exhibition of winning works in the Organizer’s official groups on social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, indicating the last and first name of the author of the work.

Photos submitted to the Photo Contest may be rejected from participation in the Photo Contest in the following cases:

The photographs do not correspond to the theme of the competition;

Low artistic or technical quality of photographs;

Photographs that have an erotic component, as well as photographs in which one can recognize elements of violence, racial or religious intolerance, propaganda of drugs, alcohol, tobacco;

Photos are not signed.

Procedure for holding a photo competition

06/25/2018 - 06/29/2018 – submission of applications, registration of participants;

07/01/2018 – viewing of works, summing up, determining the winners;

07/01/2018 – announcement of the results of the Photo Contest.

4. Application Procedure

To participate in the Photo Competition, you must send an application to the organizing committee at the address: Sukkozero, st. Goristaya, 3 (indicating PHOTO COMPETITION, Last name, initials in the subject of the message) photographic works in printed form, A4 size. For each photograph entered into the competition, the author and title must be indicated. Contents of the statement You must provide the contact details of the Photo Contest participant:

· telephone number and address,

· in which category does each work take part?

Photos are attached to the application.

Evaluation procedure

An expert assessment of the works submitted to the Photo Contest is carried out by residents of the village of Sukkozero on the day of the village celebration on July 1, 2018.

Residents and guests of the village review the submitted works and determine the winners in each category through a single vote. The awards are carried out by the Organizers of the Photo Contest.

For a uniform comparison of competitive works, the following evaluation criteria were selected:

Compliance with the theme of the competition;

General perception;

Technique and quality of workmanship.

5. Results of the Photo Competition and awards for participants

Based on the results of the Photo Contest, the winner in each category is determined in accordance with the number of votes received. The winners of the Photo Competition who took 1st, 2nd and 3rd places will be awarded diplomas.


About the photo competition

"The City We Live In"

1. General Provisions

1.1. The regulations were developed for the purpose of holding an open photo competition “The City We Live In” (hereinafter referred to as the Photo Competition), defines the goals and objectives, timing of organization and conduct, composition of the competition commission, competition participants, the procedure for submitting applications for participation, the procedure for competitive selection and awarding of winners Photo competition.

Goals and objectives of the Photo Contest

2.1 Goals of the Photo Contest:

Popularization of the historical and cultural heritage of the city of Vichuga;

Fostering civic and patriotic feelings among city residents;

Development of the aesthetic taste of city residents.

2.2.Objectives of the Photo Contest:

Drawing attention to Vichuga as a tourist city;

Formation of a positive image of the city of Vichuga;

Attracting the attention of city residents to the cultural and historical heritage of the city;

3. Organizer of the Photo Contest

3.1. The organizer of the Photo Competition is the administration of the Vichuga city district.

3.2. The Photo Competition Organizer provides:

Formation of competition documentation (regulations on the Photo Competition, application form for participation);

Reception and registration of applications from applicants for participation in the Photo Competition;

Preparation of documentation and competition works for submission to members of the competition committee;

Coordination of the work of the competition commission;

Organization of the award ceremony;

Storage of all competition works, applications, materials selected for participation in the Photo Competition.

4. Conditions for the Photo Contest

4.1. The photo competition is open to amateur and professional photographers.

4.2. Participants in the photo competition can be residents of the city of Vichuga aged 14-35 years.

4.3. No more than 5 works in each nomination will be accepted from each participant.

4.4. The works of the winners of the Photo Contest are exhibited at a photo exhibition.

4.5. Nominations of the Photo Contest:

- “City Sketches” - panoramas of the city at different times of the year;

- “Eternal Values” - historical, architectural, sculptural, natural monuments of the city;

- “Smiles of Vichuzhans” - a photographic portrait, in addition to the external individual appearance, conveys the character of a person, his spiritual world, reflecting the era in which he lives;

- “Audience Award” (nomination, the winner of which is determined by open voting in social network- "In contact with").

1. General Provisions

1.1 The organizers of the photo competition are:

MKU "Slobodskaya City Library named after. A. Green"

Photographer: Grebenkina Irina Vitalievna

1.2 Any resident of the city of Slobodskoye can take part in the Competition. The age of participants is not limited.

1.3 Photos showing the relationship between a person and a book can be submitted to the Competition.

1.4 Following the results of the Competition, an exhibition of photographs will be held in the library “I am in the world of books”.

2. The main goals and objectives of the photo competition.

2.1 Increasing the prestige of reading among the population of Slobodsky.

2.2 Development of initiative and independence in children based on creative activity.

2.3 Promoting disclosure creative potential participants.

2.4 Attracting interest in literature.

2.5 Nurturing the culture and traditions of reading.

2.6 Identification and encouragement of talented children.

3. Organization of the competition

3.1 To organize, conduct and sum up the results of the competition, a jury is created, consisting of leading specialists of the city library named after. A. Green, photographer Irina Vitalievna Grebenkina, as well as other invited persons (by agreement).

3.3 Competition works are accepted until August 31, 2018 at the address: Slobodskaya city, Sovetskaya street, 64. MKU “Slobodskaya City Library named after. A. Green"

3.4 From 05/17/2018 to 08/31/2018, a photo album “Photo Contest 2018” will be created on the social network VKontakte in the group “Library named after Alexander Green in Slobodskaya”, where each participant can submit competition works for audience voting to determine the audience award.

Comments on photos will be disabled;

Anyone can put “Like” (like) under any number of photos.

3.5 The results of the photo competition are posted on the library website, on the social network VKontakte in the group “Library named after Alexander Green in Slobodskaya”.

3.6 Nominations:

  • “We are friends with books as a family”;
  • “Growing the Reader”;
  • "Unexpected perspective";
  • “With a book in the lens”;
  • Flat Lay – product photography (layout).

3.7 Work evaluation criteria:

  • compliance with the theme of the competition;
  • originality of the plot, creative approach;
  • artistic level of work.

3.8 Requirements for competition works:

  • the photo must be submitted in printed form;
  • printed photo format no less than 10*15 cm, color or black and white;
  • The competition accepts works with labels measuring 3x4 cm indicating the title of the work, the name of the nomination, the surname, first name and age of the author;
  • the number of works submitted to the photo competition by one participant cannot exceed 3 photographs.

Attention! Collective works and works that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted.

4.1. Only photographs taken by the participants themselves, subject to copyright, are allowed to participate in the photo competition. The use of other people's photographs is not allowed. The participant is responsible for observing the copyrights of the competition slave.

4.2. Exclusive rights to use images participating in the competition are transferred to the MKU “Slobodskaya City Library named after. A. Green." By sending works, the participant automatically transfers the rights to use all photographs submitted to the photo competition to the organizers for use of the sent material (posting on the Internet, demonstration at events), including after the end of the Photo Competition, with mandatory attribution.

4.3. The participant in the photo competition agrees to the processing of personal data: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, phone number, other personal data.

4.4. The competition organizers guarantee the protection of personal data from access by third parties.

5. Summing up and awarding the winners of the competition

5.1 In each nomination, I, II, III places and an audience award are awarded based on the results of voting on the social network VKontakte in the group “Library named after Alexander Green in Slobodskaya”. Additional, special and incentive prizes from project partners may be determined. Participants of the competition who did not win prizes will receive a certificate of participation.

5.2 The winners will be awarded at official opening photo exhibition on June 1, 2018 in the city library named after. A. Green. Exact time the event will be announced later.