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home  /  Our children/ Hype - what it is in simple words, what it means to hype or hype in youth slang, as well as differences from the Hyip project. Hype - what is it in simple words, what does it mean to hype or hype in youth slang, as well as differences from the Hyip-project HYIP

Hype - what it is in simple words, what it means to hype or hype in youth slang, as well as differences from the Hyip project. Hype - what is it in simple words, what does it mean to hype or hype in youth slang, as well as differences from the Hyip-project HYIP

May refer to: *Hype (album), 1981 album by Robert Calvert *Hype (TV series), American comedy television series *Hype!, documentary about the popularity of grunge rock in the early to mid 1990 *, a 1999 PC RPG by Playmobil *Hype! (soundtrack),… …Wikipedia

Hype- bezeichnet: Hype: The Time Quest, von Ubisoft entwickeltes Adventure Computerspiel Marc Hype (* 1973), deutscher DJ und Musikproduzent DJ Hype, britischer Drum'n'Bass DJ und Musikproduzent Hype (Film), Musik Dokumentarfilm Hype Zyklus, stellt die … German Wikipedia

Hype!- Título Hype! Ficha técnica Dirección Doug Pray Producción Steven Helvey Fotografía Charles Peters … Wikipedia Español

Hype- 〈 m. od. n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s; Pl. selten; umg.〉 1. künstliche Aufwertung bzw. übertriebene Präsentation einer Sache od. eines Ereignisses in der Werbung, z. B. eines Modetrends; das war nichts als ein großer Hype 2. bewusst inszenierte… … Lexicalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

Hype- der; s, s aus gleichbed. engl. (Jargon) hype: 1. Werbung. 2. Trick, Betrug ... Das große Fremdwörterbuch

hype- (n.) excessive or misleading publicity or advertising, 1967, Amer.Eng. (the verb is attested from 1937), probably in part a back formation of HYPERBOLE (Cf. hyperbole), but also from underworld slang sense swindle by overcharging or short… … Etymology dictionary

hype- [n] extensive publicity advertising, buildup*, plugging*, promotion; concepts 292,324 Ant. secret…new thesaurus

Hype- , der; s, s englisch (aggressive Werbung; Welle oberflächlicher Begeisterung) … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung

hype- informal NOUN 1) extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion. 2) a deception or hoax. VERB ▪ promote or publicize intensively or extravagantly. ORIGIN originally in the sense “short change, cheat”: of unknown origin ... English terms dictionary

hype- ☆ hype1 n. Slang 1. short for HYPODERMIC 2. a drug addict vt. hyped, hyping Slang to stimulate or enliven by or as by the injection of a drug: usually in pp. with up hype2 …English World dictionary

hype- ▪ I. hype hype 1 noun disapproving MARKETING when advertisers try to make the public interested in someone or something through advertisement that make people talk about them a lot on television and radio: Their status has … Financial and business terms


  • No-Hype Options Trading. Myths, Realities, and Strategies That Really Work , Kerry Given W.. A straightforward guide to successfully trading options Options provide traders and investors with a wide range of strategies to lock in profits, reduce risk, generate income, or speculate on… Buy for 4261.06 RUR eBook
  • Taming The Big Data Tidal Wave. Finding Opportunities in Huge Data Streams with Advanced Analytics, Bill Franks. You receive an e-mail. It contains an offer for a complete personal computer system. It seems like the retailer read your mind since you were exploring computers on their website just a few…

More meanings of the word and translation of HYPE from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
What is the translation of HYPE from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for HYPE in dictionaries.

  • HYPE — I. noun Etymology: by shortening & alteration from hypodermic Date: 1924 a narcotics addict, hypodermic, II. transitive verb (~d; ...
    Dictionary in English-Merriam Webster
  • HYPE - I. ˈhīp noun (-s) Etymology: short for hypodermic 1. slang: hypodermic 2. slang: a narcotics addict …
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • HYPE — () A throw in which the wrestler lifts his opponent from the ground, swings him to one side, knocks up…
    English dictionary Webster
  • HYPE - hype 1 /huyp/, v. , hyped, hyping, n. Informal. v.t. 1. to stimulate, excite, or agitate (usually fol. ...
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • HYPE — I. ˈhīp noun Etymology: by shortening & alteration from hypodermic Date: 1924 1. slang: a narcotics addict 2. slang …
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • HYPE - n (1924) 1 slang: a narcotics addict 2. slang: hypodermic hype vt hyped; hyping...
    Merriam-Webster English vocab
  • HYPE — hype BrE AmE haɪp ▷ hyped haɪpt ▷ hypes haɪps ▷ hyping ˈhaɪp ɪŋ ˌ hyped ˈ up BrE …
    Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary
  • HYPE – /haɪp; NAmE / noun, verb ■ noun [U] (informal, disapproving) advertisements and discussion ...
    Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • HYPE - I. hype 1 /haɪp/ BrE AmE noun [Date: 1900-2000; Origin: hype "deceiving, lies" (1900-2000) , perhaps from …
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • HYPE - (hypes, hyping, hyped) 1. Hype is the use of a lot of publicity and advertising to make people interested ...
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • HYPE — (~s, hyping, ~d) 1. Hype is the use of a lot of publicity and advertising to make people interested in …
    Collins COBUILD - An English Dictionary for Language Learners
  • HYPE — I. noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES hyped up media hype (= when the media give something too much attention and …
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • HYPE — [U] - a way of making something or someone sound very important or exciting by attracting a lot …
    Cambridge English vocab
  • HYPE - adj 1. neat, good, etc.; COOL. (“That car is hype!”) Submitted by Lesley, Ashburn, VA, USA, 11/30/2001.
    Slang English vocab
  • HYPE - noun (informal) ADJECTIVE ▪ media ▪ marketing ▪ pre-fight, pre-game (esp. AmE), pre-match (esp. …
    Oxford Collocations English Dictionary
  • HYPE - v. (informal) 25B6; noun her work relies on hype and headlines: PUBLICITY, advertising, promotion, marketing, propaganda, exposure; informal plugging, …
    Concise Oxford Thesaurus English vocabulary
  • HYPE - 1. haıp n 1. = hypo3 I 2. amer. sl. (artificial) stimulation; spurring, reinforcement; revival of 3. amer. sl. 1> deception, ...
    English-Russian-English dictionary general vocabulary- Collection of the best dictionaries
  • HYPE - 1. noun; unapproved active advertising, throwing dust in the eyes; fraud 2. Ch.; advertise loudly; extol, praise - hype up
    English-Russian dictionary Tiger
  • HYPE - 1. haıp n 1. = hypo3 I 2. amer. sl. (artificial) stimulation; spurring, reinforcement; revival of 3. amer. sl. 1> deception, ...
    Large new English-Russian dictionary
  • HYPE - I haɪp 1. noun. ; disapproved active advertising, showing off dust; Fraud 2. Ch. ; disapproved hype; extol...
    English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary
  • HYPE - I [ІµЎЈ] 1. noun; disapproved active advertising, showing off dust; fraud 2. Ch.; disapproved hype; extol, praise - hype up II adj.; American; sl. cool...
    English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary
  • HYPE - 1. _n. _disapproved active advertising, showing off dust; fraud 2. _v. _disapproved hype; to praise, extol - hype up
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - 24th edition
  • HYPE - 1.n. disapproved active advertising, showing off dust; fraud 2. v. disapproved hype; to praise, extol - hype up
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - editor bed
  • HYPE - to inject, deceive, deceive, loudly advertise, loudly praise deception, deception, shameless advertising of a syringe for injecting drugs, drug addict on the hype - “on the needle”; in a narcotic...
    English-Russian additional dictionary
  • HYPE
    New English-Russian Dictionary of Modern Colloquial Vocabulary - Glazunov
  • HYPE
    New English-Russian Dictionary of Modern Colloquial Vocabulary
  • HYPE
    English-Russian new dictionary modern informal English
  • HYPE
    New English-Russian Dictionary of Modern Informal English
  • HYPE - I noun. 1) general deception, fraud, throwing dust in the eyes 2) advertising, slang intrusive (aggressive) advertising hype artist - creator (developer) of aggressive advertising 3) advertising, ...
    New English-Russian Dictionary Marketing and Trade
  • HYPE - 1. noun; neod. active advertising, showing off dust; fraud 2. Ch.; neod. hype; extol, praise hype up (colloquial) ...
    New large English-Russian dictionary
  • HYPE - n. exaggeration, embellishment; marketing message that exaggerates its description of the facts and embellishes the truth; ballyhoo; dishonest scheme
  • HYPE - v. excite, stimulate; publicize, create a hoopla; swing, trick; use exaggerated claims to strengthen an advertising campaign, create publicity stunts
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Editorial bed
  • HYPE - add. ·- a throw in which the wrestler lifts his opponent from the ground, swings him to one side, knocks …
    Webster English vocab
  • HYPE - n. Function: adjective Date: 1989 slang: EXCELLENT, COOL
  • HYPE - n. Function: noun Date: 1955 1: DECEPTION , PUT-ON 2: PUBLICITY especially: promotional publicity of an extravagant …
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary
  • HYPE - n. Function: transitive verb Inflected Form: hyped ; hyp·ing Etymology: origin unknown Date: circa 1931 1: PUT …
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary
  • HYPE - n. Function: transitive verb Inflected Form: hyped ; hyping Date: 1938 1: STIMULATE , ENLIVEN ― usually used with …
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary
  • HYPE - n. Pronunciation: " h ī p Function: noun Etymology: by shortening & alteration from hypodermic Date: 1924 1 slang: …
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary
  • HYPE — ~ 1 informal ■ noun extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion. ↘a deception or hoax. ■ verb promote or publicize ...
    Concise Oxford English vocab
  • HYPE - n. sl. 1 a drug addict. 2 a hypodermic needle or injection. øhyped up stimulated by or as if by …
  • HYPE - n. & v. sl. --n. 1 extravagant or intensive publicity promotion. 2 cheating; a trick. 1 promote (a product) …
    English Basic Spoken Dictionary
  • HYPE - n. sl. 1 a drug addict. 2 a hypodermic needle or injection. hyped up stimulated by or as if by …
  • HYPE - n. & v. sl. n. 1 extravagant or intensive publicity promotion. 2 cheating; a trick. 1 promote (a product) …
    Concise Oxford English Dictionary
  • HYPE - 1.n. & v. sl. --n. 1. extravagant or intensive publicity promotion. 2 cheating; a trick. 1.promote (a...
    Oxford English vocab
  • HYPE — Synonyms and related words: LSD user, acidhead, acknowledgment, addict, advocate, alcoholic, appreciation, back, blurb, boost, buildup, chain smoker, cocaine …
    Moby Thesaurus English vocabulary
  • HYPE – Shortchange artist
    Slang English vocab
  • HYPE - n. Function: verb Synonyms: PUBLICIZE, advertise, build up, cry, press-agent, puff
  • HYPE - n. Function: noun Synonyms: PUBLICITY, advertising, buildup, press-agentry, promotion, puffery
    Collegiate Thesaurus English vocab

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. It’s probably not worth trying to understand all the words that the “next” generation uses when communicating, but some of them are becoming so popular that they go beyond the environment where they were born. A little earlier we already discussed similar slang words in publications on the topic, and much more.

Today I want to talk about another very often used word - hype. What is it, what does it mean, in what cases is it used and what variations of its meaning exist (it must be said that they are very different - from “hype” to a financial pyramid).

This word itself has already become so firmly established in youth slang and not only in it that a bunch of words derived from it have appeared (hype, hype, hype, etc.), which we will also talk about. But first things first.

Hype is a word from youth slang

As I mentioned above, the word “hype” has two different meanings and they are not very closely related to each other. The thing is that two different English words with different spellings in Russian are most often pronounced the same way.

  1. HYIP- this is not even a word, but an abbreviation for High Yield Investment Program - a highly profitable and high-risk supposed investment project.
  2. Hype- hype, hype, loud advertising, including deception, excitement (emotional), etc. Oh, how great and powerful the Russian language is, that one English word it contains dozens of different analogues! Yes, and it’s also important that hype is created around something or someone fashionable in this moment.

Despite the fact that I personally began to associate hype with HYIP (financial pyramids) much earlier, it is the second option that is now the most popular.

Well, who is interested in knowing about high-risk ways to make money? Units. But anyone could hear this word from famous bloggers or even read it in a note on a news site, and a logical question arises - “what is it?” Therefore, let’s start with the meaning of the word “hype”, which relates to youth slang, and for those who are interested in HYIP, I will devote a whole chapter below.

Hype- the closest word to this in Russian (in my opinion) is hubbub(make noise or scream, yell), but it in itself is probably not understandable to everyone, so I gave explanations in parentheses. The expression “inflate the hype” is very close in meaning to “raise a hubbub.” What is meant here is information noise most often in a positive direction (admiration sometimes reaching hysteria).

The word hype is most often used in relation to some media events covered in the media or on the Internet (usually applied to something or someone fashionable At the moment). Does it mean excitement or hype, which is inflated (raised) around some event or person.

Hysterics often arise unjustifiably (out of nowhere - around an unremarkable object) and it is precisely this situation that the expression is intended to characterize - “inexplicable, but hype”.

Remember the hype (hullabaloo, information noise, excitement) that was once raised around the game Pokemon Go (at that time a fashionable hobby for young and old). You can also give an example of hysterics about some newfangled gadget (such as an application, game or some popular personality). And any other fashion trends can develop into hype (for example, the Internet meme Zhdun).

What does it mean to hype and hype in simple words?

Hype- PR, actively advertise, promote, increase the popularity of something or someone, promote, inflate, make noise around something (conduct viral marketing). Hype- this means to become famous in something and somewhere (to make a splash).

Sometimes this word is used as a synonym for “hang out”, have fun, rock out (light up), be in trend (follow the current ones), ride the fashion wave. It already turns out that we hype ourselves in this way, i.e. we make it fashionable (cool), we force people to talk about us, admire us, like us, etc. In this case, we apply the term, which is discussed in a separate note given at the link.

The video of a popular video blogger called “Hypan a little bit” gained 13 million views in three months (it turned out to be quite a blast):

Hype- this word just develops the second hypostasis of the verb “hype” (hyipanut) and means fashionable, “on topic” (if applied to a person, not a thing), popular, adored.

For example, the common expression "hype gear" means fashionable (cool) things (clothes) that should be in the wardrobe of any hype (following the current youth fashion) teenager. For example, Gosha Rubchinsky was once a hype man, but now this word is used to mark other brands and styles that have ascended to the Olympus of youth fashion.

HYIP is a financial project doomed to failure

So we get to the second meaning of the word hype, based on the abbreviation HYIP. It stands for High Yield Investment Program, which in translation means highly profitable investment project.

Let's just say that no investments are made in such projects (in any case, ultra-high income is in no way connected with these investments). Although high incomes themselves are possible and a small part of the project participants manage to receive them, but only by robbing the rest of the participants, who are ultimately left with nothing.

Can you imagine an investment area where it would be possible to pay money borrowers (project participants) from 1%(and this is already about three, four thousand percent per annum) up to 50% of income daily depending on the type and lifespan of the hype. Maybe just invest in bottled water, but that’s beyond good and evil :)

Almost all HYIP projects are based on the so-called Ponzi scheme. This genius organized the world's first financial pyramid in 1920, which successfully collapsed that same year, and its author went to jail. The essence of a Ponzi scheme is quite simple.

A company (project) is opened that accepts money from investors at a very high interest rate. The main thing in such a scheme create a stir - raise hype(here we mean the first meaning of this word) and get a vote of confidence by paying interest to the first investors using money received from those who invested in the pyramid later.

HYIP project is closed when the influx of money from new investors no longer covers the cost of paying interest to those who invested in the pyramid earlier. Although, at the request of the organizer, the scheme can be closed earlier in order to hit the jackpot and hide in the bushes in time. Therefore, the average lifespan of a HYIP mainly depends on the amount of income that the project promises its investors. The higher the income, the sooner the collapse will come.

Examples of hype projects - who makes money from it all and how

Based on their lifespan, there are three types of HYIP projects:

  1. Fast - the income offered is crazy (up to 50% daily with daily payments), but this miracle can die very quickly. The probability of going broke is higher than at roulette, but the prospect of winning a huge jackpot throws many into this bottomless pool of deception.
  2. Medium duration - income in such a hype is more moderate (up to 3% daily), but such a project can live much longer (six months, less often a year). Investments here are less risky, but also less profitable. Although you can easily lose everything if you get caught when the bubble collapses.
  3. Long-lasting - in order to last a long time, such a HYIP project must offer lower interest rates and increase the payment period from daily to weekly. In this case, according to the pyramid law, it can exist much longer (years) if external forces do not intervene.

With the development of the Internet, HYIP projects are experiencing a second youth. In the offline world, few people will fall for it now, because the scams from MMM, Khoper-Invest, Char and other hypes of the 90s of the last century (in Russia) are still fresh in everyone’s memory. But on the Internet, HYIPs successfully flourish masquerading as cryptocurrencies (), as various financial games, as PAMMs, or as very original schemes.

For example, several years ago in Russia they implemented a very original HYIP for iPhone delivery from abroad. They offered to get this hype gadget at a price significantly lower than the market price. Those who did not believe were dissuaded by the happy owners of the latest devices (), bought for ridiculous money.

Naturally, the difference in price was covered by the money of those who ordered an iPhone later. The scheme lasted until the release of the next version of the iPhone, and when a ton of money was collected for their purchase (some ordered dozens in hopes of making money on resale), everything suddenly ended. The hype closed (burst), taking with it the money of thousands of the “most cunning” residents of the RuNet.

As you understand, do not be in HYIP projects Opportunities to earn money (a lot and immediately), there wouldn’t be so many people willing to take part in them. There are people who, knowing in advance about the nature of hype (essentially), are trying to profit from it by investing in the early stages in order to jump out in time and take the money (throwing away the rest of the losers along with the organizers).

For such “players,” there are even special online services that track the status of the currently most popular hype projects so that they can jump off the train heading into the abyss in time. Another question is that no one guarantees the real usefulness of such services, but they exist and are used by online “gentlemen” of luck.

If the topic of high-risk (but also high-yield) investments interests you, then look towards the blog - it explains quite clearly what beginners need to know about this kind of investment projects and the risks associated with them. IMHO.

Withdrawing money from HYIP usually carries out through systems like this, and, of course, others like it (fortunately now). The choice is explained by the possibility of anonymous work with these systems, and by the fact that others simply try not to deal with HYIPs. I wish the same for you.

How not to get into HYIP

You can, of course, generally refuse any type of investment in any online or offline companies. Then we certainly won’t be threatened by hype, although the given example with iPhones at a bargain price does not in any way resemble an investment project—an ordinary household item. Therefore, even with this approach there can be no guarantees.

However, HYIP projects have a number of distinctive features, which can give them away as a scam. Let me just list them:

Well, to top it off, I want to show you a video where they compare signs of real investment project and hype masquerading as him:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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hype-type advertising — loud advertising
hype a story with facts — support the message with facts
hype up — advertise through fraud; to propagate sth; praise
on the hype — “addicted” to drugs
hype man — backing vocalist in rap music; concert backing vocalist; backing vocalist
be on the needle / hype

How's the movie? - It's hype, yo.

Did you like the film? - Yes, great.

Despite the media hype, I found the film very disappointing.

Despite the hype in the press, I think the film is very disappointing.

A lot of marketing gimmickry and hype

Lots of marketing and hype

The director is just using the controversy to hype his movie.

The director is only using the dispute to make his movie deception.

Despite the hype, there was nothing in the book to astonish readers.

Despite the hype, there was nothing in the book that surprised readers.

Some experts are concerned that the new drug won't live up to all the hype.

Some experts fear that the new drug won't live up to all the hype.

A great deal of media hype surrounded the release of the group's latest CD.

A lot of media hype surrounded the release of the band's latest album.

May refer to: *Hype (album), 1981 album by Robert Calvert *Hype (TV series), American comedy television series *Hype!, documentary about the popularity of grunge rock in the early to mid 1990 *, a 1999 PC RPG by Playmobil *Hype! (soundtrack),… …Wikipedia

Hype- bezeichnet: Hype: The Time Quest, von Ubisoft entwickeltes Adventure Computerspiel Marc Hype (* 1973), deutscher DJ und Musikproduzent DJ Hype, britischer Drum'n'Bass DJ und Musikproduzent Hype (Film), Musik Dokumentarfilm Hype Zyklus, stellt die … German Wikipedia

Hype!- Título Hype! Ficha técnica Dirección Doug Pray Producción Steven Helvey Fotografía Charles Peters … Wikipedia Español

Hype- 〈 m. od. n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s; Pl. selten; umg.〉 1. künstliche Aufwertung bzw. übertriebene Präsentation einer Sache od. eines Ereignisses in der Werbung, z. B. eines Modetrends; das war nichts als ein großer Hype 2. bewusst inszenierte… … Lexicalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

Hype- der; s, s aus gleichbed. engl. (Jargon) hype: 1. Werbung. 2. Trick, Betrug ... Das große Fremdwörterbuch

hype- (n.) excessive or misleading publicity or advertising, 1967, Amer.Eng. (the verb is attested from 1937), probably in part a back formation of HYPERBOLE (Cf. hyperbole), but also from underworld slang sense swindle by overcharging or short… … Etymology dictionary

hype- [n] extensive publicity advertising, buildup*, plugging*, promotion; concepts 292,324 Ant. secret…new thesaurus

Hype- , der; s, s englisch (aggressive Werbung; Welle oberflächlicher Begeisterung) … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung

hype- informal NOUN 1) extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion. 2) a deception or hoax. VERB ▪ promote or publicize intensively or extravagantly. ORIGIN originally in the sense “short change, cheat”: of unknown origin ... English terms dictionary

hype- ☆ hype1 n. Slang 1. short for HYPODERMIC 2. a drug addict vt. hyped, hyping Slang to stimulate or enliven by or as by the injection of a drug: usually in pp. with up hype2 …English World dictionary

hype- ▪ I. hype hype 1 noun disapproving MARKETING when advertisers try to make the public interested in someone or something through advertisement that make people talk about them a lot on television and radio: Their status has … Financial and business terms


  • No-Hype Options Trading. Myths, Realities, and Strategies That Really Work , Kerry Given W.. A straightforward guide to successfully trading options Options provide traders and investors with a wide range of strategies to lock in profits, reduce risk, generate income, or speculate on… Buy for 4261.06 RUR eBook
  • Taming The Big Data Tidal Wave. Finding Opportunities in Huge Data Streams with Advanced Analytics, Bill Franks. You receive an e-mail. It contains an offer for a complete personal computer system. It seems like the retailer read your mind since you were exploring computers on their website just a few…