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Characteristics of a weak elementary school student. Sample characteristics for an underachieving student

Characteristics for a school student are one of the most important psychological and pedagogical documents, the preparation of which is relevant: both when changing places of study, and for submission as a recommendation to various authorities.

An example of a positive characteristic for a boy student

Alexander Ivanov has been studying at the State Institution “Secondary School No. 19” in Sverdlovsk since the first grade. The student has good physical and mental development. Responsible and hardworking. Possesses independent work skills. Able to compare, analyze, and clearly express his thoughts.

In the 8th year of study, Alexander moved to the mathematics class. He prefers humanities subjects and is interested in history and law.

Alexander complies with the school regime and established rules of behavior. Doesn't miss classes for no reason.

Main character traits: calm, balanced, avoids conflicts.

Performs any assignments unconditionally and responsibly. Actively participates in school events.

There are no bad habits.

He is hardworking, possesses the necessary work skills, and is careful and precise in his work. Self-confident, accurately assesses his own capabilities, strives for success, primacy, decisive, persistent.

He is distinguished by good manners and modesty. Tactful, friendly. He is friends with his classmates. Very obliging, worries about the outcome of the assignment. Enjoys authority.

Parents are interested in the success of their child. Constantly communicate with the class teacher. Provide all possible assistance in matters of class functioning.

Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office for a positive student

Igor Shishkin has been studying at the State Institution of the Russian Federation “PSOSH No. 17” in Pskov since the 1st grade. During all years of study at school, he follows the internal rules and does not violate discipline in lessons. He studies mainly for a grade of “4”. Has a mathematical mind.

Intellectually developed, well-read, has a rich vocabulary. Able to organize material in a logical sequence, analyze and draw conclusions.

Constantly improves, uses additional literature when preparing for lessons, expanding his own knowledge beyond the school curriculum.

He is efficient and takes a responsible approach to completing the assigned task. He is distinguished by his ingenuity, is erudite, does not succumb to the influence of others, and is independent.

He has the makings of a leader, is an example for his classmates, and never refuses to help them. Sociable, tactful in communication. Adequate to criticism.

Has a good level of physical fitness. Participant in many school and extra-school sports competitions. There are no bad habits.

Igor lives with his father, mother and older brother. The positive microclimate of the family has a beneficial effect on the boy. Parents are not indifferent to Igor’s fate; they are constantly interested in his successes.

The characteristics are given for presentation to the military registration and enlistment office.

Sample positive reference for a girl school student

Bokova Victoria has been studying at the State Institution “RSh No. 18” in Ryazan since the 1st grade. Over the years of study, she has proven herself to be an active, sociable student, possessing a high intellectual level and coping with all academic disciplines. Shows interest in exact sciences and physical development lessons. Outside of school, he studies English and enjoys drawing.

Victoria has a broad outlook and loves to read. Able to express his own opinion and clearly formulate his thoughts. Always focused on the activity at hand, but can easily switch to solving another task. The high speed of mastering the curriculum and the ease with which the girl reproduces the acquired knowledge were noted.

She follows all the rules of the school schedule and does not miss lessons for no reason. He holds the post of assistant to the school president, is a member of the student Parliament and the School Council. Dreams of becoming an investigator.

Throughout the entire period of study, she actively participated in class and school-wide events.

Victoria is proactive and often acts as an organizer. Responsive, hardworking, sociable, rarely in a bad mood. She is honest, knows how to defend her beliefs, and always achieves a positive result. She is friendly and has leadership qualities, which allows her to take leading roles in the student body.

She is an active athlete in a dance group. The presence of bad habits was not noticed.

Parents approach raising their daughter with all responsibility. Come to school as soon as required.

Ready-made characteristics for a student with average abilities

Vladislav Ryabchikov has been studying at the State Institution “Secondary School No. 5” in Oryol since the 7th grade. Average abilities were noted in mastering the curriculum.

Inactive in lessons. Does not show proper interest in learning, reveals his skills only under constant supervision from teachers.

Completes homework assignments periodically. Preference is given to studying history. Science and mathematics subjects are difficult for me. He reads little and therefore has an insufficient vocabulary. Often distracted, unable to concentrate on the task assigned to him.

Possesses basic work skills, but is inactive and therefore rarely uses them. He practically does not take part in cultural events, citing his busy schedule.

Not always honest. Does not enjoy trust among peers and adults. It might let you down.

Vladislav's physical development is good. He goes in for cycling. Became a bronze medalist at the Regional Championship. He is interested in football.

In dialogue with classmates and teachers, Vladislav is reserved and polite. During an argument, he can be impulsive, emotional and stubborn. Tends to be independent.

He is a friendly boy, and therefore maintains friendly relations with most of his classmates.

Vladislav’s parents actively raise their child and promote his development, trying to change the situation with their son’s academic performance. They always make contact with the class leader and visit school.

For a student with a low level of knowledge and performance

Nikita Kornilovsky has been studying at the State Institution “KSOSH No. 2” in Kirov since the 1st grade. Throughout his time at school, he showed such qualities as laziness and indifference to the educational process. Does not show due attention to the proposed educational material, is distracted by extraneous activities and ignores teacher comments. He is more interested in communicating with his classmates. Passive behavior in the classroom leads to poor academic results. Doesn't complete homework assignments, but is a master at copying.

Doesn't miss classes for no reason.

Shows a certain interest in humanitarian subjects, loves poetry and history.

Has the necessary work skills, but is not proactive enough to apply them. Gives greater priority to participation in class and school social events.

Loves attention from the outside, demands respect for himself and his opinion. In a conversation he may use obscene words, considering this the norm of behavior.

He has a significant level of athletic training and goes to the gym. Does not accept bad habits.

Lives with his father, mother and younger brother, whom he cares for very much. Parents regularly appear at school and communicate with the class teacher. They are actively trying to improve Nikita’s knowledge level.

Characteristics of a student from a disadvantaged family with bad behavior

Ilya Klyuchevsky has been studying at the State Institution “LSOSH No. 4” in Lipetsk since the 1st grade. The educational process does not arouse interest in the boy, but it is worth noting his absolute attendance. Capable of mastering educational material in large volumes, but general passivity during learning leads to a low level of knowledge.

Not demanding of himself. Memory can be characterized as random mixed. If you manage to interest him, then he shows himself best in the exact sciences. The stability of results is hampered by the lack of hard work and diligence. Indifferent to what is happening in the class, inactive. Doesn't do homework. Speech is developed.

Has all the necessary work skills, but tries to avoid personal assignments and social events.

Has good physical shape. At the amateur level he plays football and tennis.

During contacts with classmates and teachers, he may show aggressiveness and stubbornness, often his actions are impulsive and too emotional. Not disciplined, prone to independence, able to defend his personal point of view. Honest.

He systematically violates the rules of conduct, is registered with a social teacher, and has had numerous conversations with the school psychologist.

Does not have due respect from classmates. He is friends with younger students and is a leader among them.

Caught smoking.

Lives with his mother and sister. The mother is not involved in raising children, citing work. He does not attend school and avoids communicating with the class teacher.

Characteristics of a difficult teenager to the police from the class teacher

Andrey Grigoriev has been studying in the 10th grade of the State Institution “Secondary School No. 13” in Arkhangelsk since September 2018. During an incomplete semester of study, he established himself as a habitual truant. Periodically appears in classes, but treats the study itself with complete indifference. Doesn't do homework.

In a group, the teenager communicates little, has difficulty communicating with classmates, and is friendly towards younger children. Due to the lack of initiative and leadership ambitions, he does not try to improve his position.

Andrey is neat and takes care of his appearance. When expressing his own opinion, he is quite modest, but stubborn. Convincing a boy of anything is quite difficult. However, the student has a low level of self-esteem, which allows the class leaders to lead him.

Andrey is actively involved in extracurricular activities that interest him (classes, gym). Participates exclusively in the sports life of the school, showing no interest in other social events. He may refuse the assignment given to him or not complete the job. There is no labor initiative on his part.

Caught smoking.

Since October 1, 2018, he has been registered with a social teacher and psychologist at school.Examples of positive characteristics (samples from the workplace)

student from an educational organization

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, born ______, student of the 7th grade of MBOU Secondary School No. 7, lives at the address ______, arrived from MBOU Secondary School No. __ at the beginning of the 2014-2015 academic year in the 5th grade. I did not stay for a second year of study.

He was brought up in a single-parent family, relationships in the family are complex. Ivan is provided with everything he needs.

Living conditions are satisfactory.

Knowledge about the environment is formed at the everyday level, knows information about himself, orients himself in the phenomena and objects of the surrounding life.

Overall performance: Ivan is focused on cognitive activity, but does poorly in basic subjects. The level of training is low, so the prevailing grades are threes. Reasons: impaired attention, low level of concentration and distribution.

There are absences from classes without a valid reason.

Development of educational skills in mathematics. Practically does not work in lessons: he does not know the multiplication table well, has the ability to perform arithmetic operations for addition and subtraction with integers, multiplication and division causes difficulties, and he has difficulty performing operations with fractional numbers. When solving equations, he does not know the rules for finding the components of the equation. The ability to solve word problems is low, poorly oriented in the terms of the problem and finding a solution. It is necessary to additionally repeat, explain, and prompt when completing the task. Having difficulty doing homework. The material on the main sections of mathematics in grades 5 and 6 has not been mastered.

Proficiency in written language: Experiences difficulties in mastering program material, reveals insufficiently developed basic educational skills in the Russian language. Graphically confuses the spelling of some letters (for example, E-E), writes proper names with a small letter. When copying, he makes mistakes in words written on the board. Omits letters, sometimes entire syllables in words. Makes a large number of errors in the spelling of an unstressed vowel, checked by stress. When writing essays, the text itself often does not correspond to the topic, and grammatical and speech errors are made. The handwriting is illegible. Ivan finds it difficult to work independently; he cannot find his way around and solve the problem. The teacher's constant assistance is required in the form of leading questions and tips based on visual material. Cannot find and correct errors in his work. He tries to learn the rules, but cannot independently apply the learned material in class. Writing speed is not up to standard. When writing, he makes spelling mistakes. Calligraphy skills are poorly developed. The pace of work is low. Quite often he does not complete his homework in Russian.

Ivan has difficulty retelling literature because he doesn’t read attentively at home.

The student’s speech development level does not correspond to the age norm. The student answers the questions in monosyllables based on the text he listened to. He rarely learns poems by heart; more often he talks about his unpreparedness for the lesson. He does not submit written works on literature.

During lessons, Ivan constantly tries to attract the attention of the teacher and students in the class. Frequent lateness to lessons, shouting from the seat, giggling and games at the desk distract from the educational process. When difficulties arise, he quickly gives up and therefore needs additional help and support from the teacher.

Ivan emotionally balanced. Good-natured, ready to help a friend. Self-esteem is adequate, tries to comply with accepted rules and regulations. Relationships with classmates are generally friendly. Shows respect towards adults. Always responds to requests.

Head of educational organization /E.G. Kondrashkina/

Teacher's signature /L.A. Badakwa _____/


third grade student

Smirnova Ivana

Ivan Smirnov has been studying in the 3rd grade since September 16, 2011 at the School of Russia. In the third grade, the boy does not master the program material. All subjects are difficult.

In Russian, Vanya learned to copy well from printed text. When copying, he makes very few mistakes. But he cannot find and correct errors in his work. When writing from dictation, he makes many spelling mistakes and writes very slowly, dictating each letter. Does not respect the beginning and end of sentences, writes proper names with a small letter. Vanya cannot write short summaries and essays at all. Cannot distinguish spelling patterns, parts of speech, and parts of sentences.

In mathematics, he knows the composition of the first ten numbers, knows a table for adding numbers without going through place value, knows how to compare single-digit and double-digit numbers, names the next and previous number. He can count up to 20, but sometimes uses his fingers to count. Addition and subtraction within 100 are performed only in columns and often with errors. Doesn't know the multiplication table, hasn't mastered extra-table multiplication and division, and can't compare quantities. It is difficult to solve complex problems with the help of a teacher. Doesn't know geometric shapes. Solves simple problems orally, but experiences great difficulty in recording the problem in a notebook (does not see the parts and the whole of the problem, writes down only by copying). In mathematics, he did not learn: the names of the components of actions, does not understand the solution of equations, cannot solve compound problems, problems in indirect form, cannot translate units of measurement. Cannot complete mathematical dictations and tests independently.

Vanya reads poorly, 29 words per minute in syllables, does not follow intonation, reading is not emotionally charged. The boy conveys the content of what he read with difficulty and with the help of leading questions. He also cannot identify the main idea of ​​the story. Poor vocabulary. Can't memorize poetry.

The boy does not have enough knowledge about the world around him. Knows little information about himself. Educational and cognitive motivation is poorly developed. In class, attention is low, he switches quickly, and gets tired. He understands educational instructions, but cannot work on them independently; he has to repeat the instructions several times. Self-service skills are poorly developed: school things are constantly scattered, I haven’t learned how to clean my work area after classes, my briefcase is a mess. The appearance is untidy. He takes careless notes in notebooks.

During lessons, the student is often distracted. Attention scattered, unstable. During lessons he may engage in extraneous activities, for example, drawing, tearing and crumpling paper. Poorly assimilates everything new, only a certain part and then after repeated repetition. During the lesson he participates little, cannot answer the questions asked, remains silent or looks down. If he answers, it is most often inappropriate. The ability to exert volition is reduced, and often does not complete what is started. Memorizing educational material is difficult for him. Memory is weak, but at the same time, Vanya’s visual memory is well developed.

The attitude towards your successes or failures is not indifferent. Loves praise and encouragement very much. Often shows irritability when faced with failures. He is quick-tempered and often has strong emotional outbursts over minor issues.

The boy has some success, but it is insignificant. He began to write a little more competently and is a little active in class. But he shows no initiative in anything.

In the class, the boy does not enjoy the attention and authority of his classmates, but he himself is drawn to them, willingly accepts the invitation to participate in the game and is responsive to requests for help. There are no close friends in the class. Sometimes Vanya comes into conflict with the guys, showing short temper, foul language, and aggression.

Classroom teacher ________________

per student of ___ grade

Municipal educational institution “Secondary school No. ___”, _________


The year of birth

The student has been studying at school No.__ since ___ year.

During his studies, he showed weak abilities in many disciplines of the school curriculum, due to the fact that the teenager has absolutely no desire to learn. The student does not prepare homework; he works in class only when it is necessary to urgently correct unsatisfactory grades, and then only with repeated reminders from the teacher. It is almost impossible to convince a teenager of the need for systematic work, since he does not respond to all the teacher’s comments. He is systematically late for classes, citing poor health, and leaves classes whenever he pleases. He doesn’t carry school supplies, explaining that he’s forgetful. The teenager's health is unsatisfactory and he is often sick.

Repeated conversations with the student, with the student’s mother, and discussions of behavior at crime prevention councils and meetings with the director do not give positive results. The teenager is registered with the school due to absenteeism without a valid reason.

Emotionally labile, tense, anxious, exhausted, rigid, irritable. The student had multiple conversations with the school psychologist. Relationships with peers are superficial. Good-natured, ready to help a friend. Self-esteem is inadequate, does not notice the ridicule of classmates, and uncritically assesses one’s status in the team. He is indifferent to the social life of the class. Participation in school and class events is mediocre. He spends his free time from classes with friends, despite repeated conversations and offers to organize employment after classes.

The student is brought up in a single-parent family, his parents are divorced. Mother is a candidate of sciences and works as a teacher at a university. The relationship with the mother is conflictual. The mother regularly visits school when called by the class teacher and the principal. The family was visited at home, where they have everything necessary for successful education and upbringing.

per student of ___ grade

Municipal educational institution “Secondary school No. __”, _____


The year of birth

The student has been studying at school No.___ since the first grade.

During his studies, he showed weak abilities in many disciplines of the school curriculum, due to the fact that the teenager has absolutely no desire to learn. The student does not prepare homework; he works in class only when it is necessary to urgently correct unsatisfactory grades, and then only with repeated reminders from the teacher. Misses school without a good reason. He doesn’t carry school supplies, explaining that he’s forgetful. The state of health is satisfactory.

Repeated conversations with the student, with the student’s mother, and discussions of behavior at crime prevention councils and meetings with the director do not give positive results. The teenager is registered with the school.

At school the Student does not show aggression, there are no conflicts with teachers, and he is on friendly terms with his classmates. The student had multiple conversations with the school psychologist. He is indifferent to the social life of the class. Participation in school and class events is mediocre. He spends his free time from classes with friends, despite repeated conversations and offers to organize employment after classes.

The student is brought up in a complete family. The mother regularly visits school when called by the class teacher and administration. The family was visited at home, where they have everything necessary for successful education and upbringing.

(The student’s first and last name are fictitious. This student does not study and did not study at our school. All matches are random)
for a 7th grade student of the branch

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 3 of Gusev
"Secondary school in the village of Mikhailovo"

Ivanova Victoria Nikolaevna
Ivanova Victoria was born on January 25, 1995 in the city of Kyzyl, Republic of Tyva. Lives in Gusevsky district, Mayskoye village, st. Tsentralnaya, 6. Studied at the branch of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 3 “Secondary School in the village of Mikhailovo” since September 1, 2009. Arrived from Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 3 in Chernyakhovsk, Kaliningrad Region. During my studies I changed 7 educational institutions. In the 7th grade she was left for repeated training. She had annual unsatisfactory grades in algebra, geometry, history of the Fatherland, and a foreign language.
He is brought up in a single-parent large family by his mother, Svetlana Igorevna Ivanova. Victoria has two younger sisters. Victoria smokes.
Moves quickly from joy to sadness for no apparent reason; there is an inappropriate change in mood.
Victoria, probably due to frequent changes of schools, frequent absences from classes, and insufficient home preparation, has large gaps in knowledge in many subjects. Motivation to study is weak. Attention in class is unstable, often forgets notebooks and pens. As a rule, does not show interest in acquiring new knowledge. Slow and has difficulty concentrating in class. Makes many careless mistakes and does not notice them when checking. Not organized. Doesn't know how to distribute his work over time, wastes time.
Victoria often does not do her homework, is distracted in class, violates discipline, interferes with other students’ work in class, and hides her diary. Does not respond properly to teachers’ comments or responds with rudeness and abuse. Very often misses classes without good reason.
Does not show initiative in social activities. He often refuses to participate in public affairs and tries to avoid any work. Often does not fulfill his self-care responsibilities (school duty, class duty, participation in labor cleanup days) or performs them very carelessly after repeated reminders.
By nature, the girl is reserved, stubborn, and prone to lies. Victoria has poor control over her feelings and easily falls into a state of confusion and depression. Has increased emotional excitability, prone to violent emotional manifestations. He almost always acts rashly and does not control himself carefully enough. Often cannot suppress unwanted emotions, and cases of foul language have been observed. Always harsh, uncontrolled both in communication with peers and with elders. In a quarrel, he insults other students, is rude, and uses physical force.
Rejects any criticism. Refuses to admit his obvious mistakes and does nothing to correct them. Violates the school charter. Refuses to comply with teachers' demands. Has a negative influence on classmates.

Although Victoria was a difficult teenager and was registered with the police in Chernyakhovsk, her mother, despite repeated invitations, refused to attend school. Communication with Victoria's mother takes place over the phone. Victoria's mother blames the school for everything and can no longer influence her daughter.

Branch Manager:
Classroom teacher:

http://mihailovoschool. ucoz. ru / index / karta _ skhema _ psikhologo _ pedagogicheskoj _ kharakteristiki _ uchenika /0-281

Map - diagram of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student
Section 1. General information about the child
1.1. Personal data.
1. Date and place of birth

2. Home address
3. Information about the parent

1.2. Health information
1. Does he get sick often (often, moderately, rarely);
2. Chronic diseases (what);
3. Features of the functioning of the nervous system:
gets tired quickly; gets tired after prolonged exercise; tireless;
quickly moves from joy to sadness for no apparent reason; inappropriate mood swings;
stable in the manifestation of mood;
excitement prevails;
excitation and inhibition are balanced;
inhibition predominates.
1.3. Academic performance (excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory)
1.4. Extracurricular activities (systematic)
1. Engagement in socially useful work (what kind)
2. Amateur artistic activities (what kind);
3. Classes in circles, clubs, headquarters, brigades (which ones);
4. Sports (what kind); _
5. Engaging in organizational work (what kind).

Section 2. Manifestation of the child’s personal qualities

2.1. Focus of interests:
1. for educational activities.
2. for work activity.
3. for artistic and aesthetic activities.
4. for achievements in sports and tourism.
5. on relationships between people.
2.2. Attitude to assigned work:
1.Social activity
Actively participates in all public affairs, regardless of his own time.
Takes an active part in public affairs, but tries not to waste his time on it
own time.
He is not active in public life, but carries out assignments.
Rarely takes part in public affairs.
Refuses to participate in public affairs.
2. Hard work
The student always does any work willingly, looks for the work himself and tries to do it well.
As a rule, he willingly takes on work, trying to do it well. Cases of dishonest or poor quality work are rare.
Rarely takes on work willingly.
Most often he tries to avoid any work.
Always avoids doing any task
3. Responsibility
He always completes any task assigned to him well and on time.
In most cases, he performs the work assigned to him well and on time.
Often does not complete the work assigned to him on time (or does it poorly).
He very rarely does the work assigned to him.
He never completes the tasks assigned to him.
4. Initiative
He is the initiator of many things, without seeking to receive any recognition for it.
Quite often he is the initiator of a new business.
He rarely starts a new business on his own.
He almost never starts a new business on his own.
He never initiates any business.
5. Organized
Always correctly distributes his work over time and completes it according to plan.
In most cases, he distributes his work correctly and completes his work on time.
He knows how to distribute correctly and completes his work on time only if he must report for each stage.
More often than not, he does not know how to properly distribute his work over time.
Doesn't know how to distribute his work over time, wastes time.
6. Curiosity
Constantly actively learns something new in different fields of science and culture.
In most cases, he is interested in acquiring new knowledge from different fields of science
and culture.
Rarely strives to learn something new; as a rule, is interested in one limited area of ​​​​knowledge.
As a rule, does not show interest in acquiring new knowledge.
Indifferent to any kind of new knowledge.
7. Accuracy
Always keeps his things in perfect order. Always dressed neatly and smartly - both at the desk and at the blackboard. He takes care of public property and always tries to put it in order.
Keeps his own and those lent to him in proper order (books, notes). Helps to put public property in order (desks, equipment, etc.) rather out of duty.
Does not show much desire to maintain order around him. Sometimes he comes to school unkempt and sloppily dressed. Indifferent to those who damage public property.
Often he does not care about his appearance, the condition of his books, things, does not take care of public property, even spoils it.
Doesn't care at all about keeping his things in proper order, always
untidy, sloppy. On occasion, without hesitation, he damages public property.
2.3. Attitude towards people
8. Collectivism
Always shows concern for people he knows and doesn’t know, and tries to help anyone
provide help and support.
He is inclined to show concern for strangers if this does not interfere with his personal plans and affairs.
He often shows indifference to other people's affairs and concerns if it does not affect him personally.
As a rule, he is indifferent to the concerns of others and does not help them on his own initiative.
Considers it unnecessary to show concern for unfamiliar members of society, lives by the motto
"Mind your own business"
9. Honesty, truthfulness
Always truthful towards your parents, teachers, and comrades. He speaks the truth even then,
when it is “unprofitable” for him.
Almost always truthful in relation to his parents, teachers, and comrades.
Often tells lies for his own benefit.
He almost always tells lies if it benefits him.
Always inclined to tell lies.
10. Justice
Actively fights what he considers unfair.
He does not always fight what he considers unfair.
Rarely opposes what he considers unfair.
Doesn't seek justice.
Completely indifferent to manifestations of injustice.
11. Selflessness
In his actions he is always guided by considerations of the benefit of the cause or other people, and not by his own benefit.
Almost always guided by considerations of the benefit of the cause or other people.
He is rarely guided in his actions by considerations of the benefit of the cause, and not by his own benefit.
His actions are often guided by considerations of his own benefit.
His actions are always guided by considerations of his own benefit.
12. Sociability
Always willing to come into contact with people, loves to work and relax with others.
As a rule, he enjoys communicating with people.
Seeks to communicate with a limited circle of people.
Prefers individual forms of work and rest.
Closed, uncommunicative.
13. Feeling of camaraderie
He always helps his comrades in difficult work and in difficult moments of life.
As a rule, he helps his comrades.
Helps his comrades when asked.
He very rarely helps his comrades: if asked, he may refuse to help.
He never helps his comrades at work or in difficult moments of life.
14. Responsiveness
He always sympathizes with others, his comrades often share their concerns with him.
Genuinely sympathizes with others, if not too absorbed in his own affairs.
He is so absorbed in his own feelings that it prevents him from sharing the feelings of other people.
Almost does not know how to sympathize with others.
He does not know how to sympathize with others at all; his comrades do not like to “borrow” from him.
15. Politeness, tactfulness
All his actions and words demonstrate respect for other people.
Almost always shows due respect for other people.
He is often impolite and tactless.
He is often unacceptably harsh, rude, and often starts quarrels.
Always harsh, uncontrolled both in communication with peers* and with elders. In a quarrel, he insults others and is rude.
2.4. Attitude towards yourself
16. Modesty
He never flaunts his merits or merits.
Sometimes, at the request of his comrades, he talks about his actual achievements and merits.
He talks about his merits and achievements.
He often brags about things he hasn’t done yet or about things in which he takes very little part or has little to do with.
He boasts about even minor achievements and exaggerated merits.
17. Self-confidence
Never consults with others, does not seek help even when it should be done.
Completes all tasks without the help of others. Ask for help only if
real necessity.
Sometimes, when performing a difficult task, he asks for help, although he could handle it himself.
Often, when completing tasks or assignments, he asks for help and support from others, even if he himself
can handle it.
Constantly, even in simple matters, asks for help and support.
18. Self-criticism
He always listens attentively to fair criticism and is persistent in correcting his own shortcomings.
In most cases, he reacts correctly to fair criticism and listens to good advice.
Sometimes he listens to fair comments and tries to take them into account.
Doesn't take critical comments or advice seriously and doesn't try to correct shortcomings.
Rejects any criticism. Refuses to admit his obvious mistakes and does nothing to correct them.
19. Ability to calculate one’s strengths
He always soberly assesses his own strengths, choosing tasks and tasks “that are within his capabilities” - not too easy and not too difficult.
As a rule, he correctly balances his strength with the difficulty of the task.
Sometimes there are cases when a student poorly balances his strengths and the difficulties of the assigned task.
In most cases, he does not know how to balance his strengths and the difficulties of the case.
Almost never knows how to correctly balance his strengths and the difficulties of a task or task.
20. Striving for success, championship
He always strives to be the first in everything (in studies, sports, etc.), and persistently achieves this.
Strives to be among the first in many areas, but pays special attention to achievements in any one area.
He strives to achieve recognition and success in one thing, especially one that interests him.
Very rarely strives for success in any activity; he is easily content with the position of “middle peasant”.
He never strives to be the first in anything and gets satisfaction from the activity itself.
21. Self-control
Always carefully weighs his words and actions.
Does not always carefully control his words and actions.
For the most part, he acts rashly and counts on “luck.”
He almost always acts rashly and does not control himself carefully enough.
Constantly acts thoughtlessly, counting on “luck.”
2.5. Volitional personality traits
22. Courage
Always enters into a fight, even if the opponent is stronger than himself.
In most cases, he enters into a fight, even if the enemy is stronger than himself.
He cannot always bring himself to fight an opponent stronger than himself.
In most cases, he retreats before force.
He always retreats before force, he is a coward.
23. Determination
Always independently, without hesitation, makes responsible decisions.
In most cases, he makes a responsible decision without hesitation.
Sometimes he hesitates before making a responsible decision.
Rarely decides to make any responsible decision.
Unable to make any responsible decision on his own.
24. Persistence
Always achieves what is planned, even if long efforts are required,
does not back down in the face of difficulties.
As a rule, he tries to accomplish what is planned, even if difficulties are encountered.
Opposite cases are rare.
Completes his plans only if the difficulties of its implementation are insignificant
or require short-term effort.
He very rarely completes his plans, even if he encounters minor difficulties.
When faced with difficulties, he immediately gives up trying to accomplish what he has planned.
25. Self-control
Always knows how to suppress unwanted emotional manifestations.
As a rule, he knows how to cope with his emotions. Cases of the opposite nature are rare.
Sometimes he doesn’t know how to cope with his emotions.
Often cannot suppress unwanted emotions.
Poor control of his feelings, easily falls into a state of confusion, depression, etc.
2.6. The situation of the child in schools
26. Authority in the class
He enjoys unconditional authority among almost all his classmates: he is respected, his opinion is taken into account, and he is trusted with responsible matters.
Enjoys authority among most of his classmates.
Enjoys authority only among some classmates, among some group, only among boys, or among girls, etc.
Doesn't enjoy authority in class.
27. Sympathy
He is the favorite of the class and some shortcomings are forgiven.
In the class, the guys treat him with sympathy.
He is liked only by some of his classmates.
He is liked by some guys.
The class doesn't like him.
28. Authority in extracurricular associations
Is an unconditionally recognized authority in any extracurricular association (sports school, music school, club, yard company, etc.).
Enjoys authority among the majority of children in any extracurricular association (sports school, music school, club, yard company, etc.).
Enjoys authority among individual members of extracurricular associations.
Is a member of any extracurricular association, but does not enjoy authority there
(sports school, club, etc.).
Not a member of any extracurricular association.
Section 3. Features of mental problems and emotionality
Always easily and quickly focuses his attention on the teacher's explanation. He is never distracted in class and does not make careless mistakes in class.
Listens attentively enough to the teacher's explanation, is rarely distracted, and sometimes makes mistakes due to inattention.
Doesn't always listen carefully to the teacher's explanation. Periodically distracted, often makes mistakes due to inattention, but corrects them when checking.
He listens attentively enough only when he is interested. Often distracted. Constantly makes mistakes due to inattention, and does not always correct them when checking.
As a rule, he is slow and has difficulty concentrating his attention on the lesson, and learns little from the teacher’s explanations due to constant distractions. Makes many careless mistakes and does not notice them when checking.
30. Memory
When memorizing, he always understands the structure and meaning of the material. But even material that requires mechanical memorization is easily remembered by him.
When memorizing, he can only remember what he previously understood and understood. Material that requires rote learning is difficult to learn.
Material that requires rote learning is absorbed very easily; it is enough to watch it 1-2 times.
Has a habit of not understanding the structure and meaning of the material being learned.
When memorizing, he understands the material for a long time. When presenting, he makes mistakes in form, but conveys the meaning accurately.
To memorize the material, he mechanically repeats it many times, without analysis or comprehension, and makes semantic errors.
31. Thinking
He quickly grasps the essence of the material, is always among the first to solve problems, and often offers his own original solutions.
He understands the material quickly enough, solves problems faster than many, and sometimes offers his own original solutions.
understands the material satisfactorily after the teacher’s explanation, solves problems at an average pace,
usually does not offer its own original solutions.
Among the latter, it captures the essence of the teacher’s explanations and is characterized by a slow pace
thinking and solving problems.
He understands the material only after additional lessons, solves problems extremely slowly, and blindly uses known “patterns” when solving problems.

He always reacts emotionally and vividly to any life phenomena; he can feel deeply, to the point of tears.
excite a story, a film.
Usually he reacts emotionally vividly to life events, but it is rare that he can be deeply agitated.
Rarely shows a lively emotional reaction to events.
There is practically no live emotional reaction.
33.General emotional tone
He is constantly animated, very active in all areas of school life, intervenes in everything, takes on all matters.
He is lively and moderately active in all areas of school life.
Lively, active only in some areas of school life.
Compared to his comrades, he is less active and lively.
Almost always lethargic and apathetic in all areas of school life, despite the fact that he is healthy.
34.Emotional balance
He is always calm and does not have strong emotional outbursts.
Usually calm, emotional outbursts are very rare.
Emotionally balanced.
Increased emotional excitability, prone to violent emotional manifestations
Hot-tempered: frequent strong emotional outbursts over minor issues.
Note: the purpose of this map - diagram - is to help the teacher, class teacher, most accurately and clearly imagine the individual characteristics of the student, in order to ultimately identify in each child those positive aspects on which the educational process should be built.
Filling out this map-scheme is mainly based on the principle of “underline what is necessary”, that is, in each of the points containing a scale of possible manifestations of a particular quality, the teacher must select the degree of expression of this quality inherent in the student. It is possible to draw up characteristics according to this scheme by parents or the student himself. In this case, in the template, along the ruler, highlight what you need with colored lines. For example: the student underlines in blue, the parents in green, the teacher in red.