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Engineering graphics (textbook). Descriptive geometry Guidelines for studying the course

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research development

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" research and development "

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# study


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bromine ~1

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Proximity criterion

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" research development "~2

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The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values is a positive real number.

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To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education


Institute of Transport

Department of Applied Mechanics


Task options for independent work at the rate

"Descriptive geometry. Engineering graphics"

on the topic "Images"

for students of all directions and forms of study

Compiled by: N.G. Tuktarova,

A.N. Bogdanova,

I.A. Venediktova

Methodological instructions: options for assignments for independent work in the course “Descriptive Geometry. Engineering graphics" on the topic "Images" for students of all directions and forms of study / compiled by: N.G. Tuktarova, A.N. Bogdanova, I.A. Venediktova; Tyumen State Oil and Gas University. - 2nd ed., rev. - Tyumen: Publishing center BIK Tyumen State Oil and Gas University 2012. - 31 p.

meeting of the Department of Applied Mechanics

"____" _________ 2012, protocol No. ____


Guidelines for independent work in the course “Descriptive Geometry. Engineering Graphics" are intended for students of all directions and forms of study.

Options for individual graphic tasks and samples of completed work on the topic “Images” are provided.


These guidelines provide options for individual graphic tasks on the topic “Images” performed by students in the course “Descriptive Geometry. Engineering graphics". On the topic “Images”, drawings “Sections, sections”, “Sections” and an axonometric drawing are made.

On pages 4…11 there are variants of the task “Sections, sections”, and on pages 13…27 – “Sections”.

Before completing each drawing, it is necessary to study the guidelines and follow the recommendations given in them.

Task “Sections, section”

On a scale of 1:1 on A3 Whatman paper, draw front and top views of the object according to your version, providing space for drawing dimensions, construct a view on the left. In place of the front view, make a frontal section or combine part of the front view with part of the frontal section for symmetrical images. In place of the view on the left, draw a profile section or combine part of the view on the left with part of the profile section if the images have a plane of symmetry. On the free field of the drawing, make a section of the object using the indicated plane Σ(Σ 2). Apply dimensions in accordance with GOST 2.307-68, the necessary symbols and inscriptions.

Task "Cuts"

On A3 format of Whatman paper at a scale of 1:2, draw two specified types of products. Unspecified dimensions of part elements are obtained by measuring them and determining the true value in proportion to the image distortion. In place of the front view, make a complex stepped cut. In place of the view on the left, draw a profile section or combine part of the view on the left with part of the profile section for symmetrical images. Give designations. Apply the dimensions specified in the job options, adding the dimensions necessary for the manufacture and control of the product.

Assignment to complete an axonometric drawing

On a scale of 1:2 on A3 Whatman paper, draw a rectangular isometry with a cutout of ≈ ¼ of the object according to the “Sections” option.

Draw up the drawings in accordance with the samples given in the guidelines in Figures 1…3.


    ESKD standards as of now.

    Gordon V.O., Sementsov-Ogievsky M.A. Descriptive geometry course. – M.: Higher school, 2009. – 272 p.

    Ivanov G.S. Descriptive geometry. – M.: Mashinostroenie, 1995. – 224 p.

    Levitsky V.S. Mechanical engineering drawing and automation of drawings: Proc. for universities / V.S. Levitsky. – 6th ed., revised. and additional – M.: Higher. school, 2004. – 435 p.: ill.

    Chekmarev A.A., Osipov V.K. Handbook of mechanical engineering drawing. – 2nd ed., revised. - M.: Higher. school; Ed. Center "Academy", 2009. - 493 pp.: ill.

    Nauk P.E., Bogdanova A.N. Descriptive geometry: Textbook. – Tyumen: TyumGNGU, 2009. – 128 p.

    Bogdanova A.N., Nauk P.E. Engineering graphics: Textbook. – Tyumen: TyumGNGU, 2009. – 140 p.

    Bogdanova A.N., Venediktova I.A., Tuktarova N.G. Intersection of surfaces: Guidelines. – Tyumen: TyumGNGU, 2012. – 12 p.

    Bogdanova A.N., Venediktova I.A., Tuktarova N.G. Images: Guidelines. – Tyumen: TyumGNGU, 2012. – 23 p.

    Venediktova I.A., Tuktarova N.G., Bogdanova A.N. Axonometric drawing: Guidelines. – Tyumen: TyumGNGU, 2012. – 16 p.


Options for the task “Sections, section” .................................................... .......

Sample task “Sections, section” …………………………..…..…

Options for the task “Cuts”……….……....................................... ….

Sample task “Cuts” ....................................................…….……….… ..

Sample assignment on the topic “Axonometric drawing”..……….…..


Educational edition


Options for tasks for independent work

Compiled by:

TUKTAROVA Nuria Gazisovna,

BOGDANOVA Alevtina Nikolaevna,

VENEDIKTOVA Irina Aleksandrovna

Signed for printing. Format 60x90 1/16. Conditional oven l. 1.9.

Circulation 30 copies. Order no.

Library and Publishing Complex

federal state budgetary educational

institutions of higher professional education

"Tyumen State Oil and Gas University".

625000, Tyumen, st. Volodarsky, 38.

Printing house of the library and publishing complex.

625039, Tyumen, st. Kyiv, 52.

P. E. Nauk, A. N. Bogdanova











Tyumen 2009

Sciences, P.E. Bogdanova A.N. Descriptive geometry: tutorial. – 2nd ed./ P.E. Nauk, A.N. Bogdanov. – Tyumen: TyumGNGU, 2009. - 128 p.

The textbook is intended for teaching students in the section “Descriptive Geometry” in the program of the discipline “Descriptive Geometry. Engineering graphics". Educational material consists of six educational modules, which are compiled in accordance with state educational standards for specialties.

Every educational module includes didactic goals and objectives, theoretical material, questions for self-control and tasks for individual work With detailed analysis one standard task on the topic under consideration, tests for modular control of the student’s knowledge. Depending on the chosen specialty, it is possible to vary the set of educational modules.

The manual widely uses explanatory three-dimensional graphic models to intensify learning by increasing the degree of visualization of educational and practical material.

By analogy with standard tests for modular control of students' knowledge, an application with tests for the final control of students' knowledge has been developed separately from the manual.

Certification of the level of education of each student in the section “Descriptive Geometry” is carried out on the basis of final control tests. Testing time is 20 minutes. Students who have completed all tasks for individual work presented on the relevant topics are allowed to take the final test.

For the convenience of working with the manual, a glossary of terms and a description of symbols are provided.

For all students whose curriculum includes this discipline.

Reviewers: Yu.I. Nekrasov, candidate technical sciences, professor of Tyumen State Oil and Gas University;

E.V. Varnakova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Tyumen law institute Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

ISBN 978-5-9961-0062-0

GOU VPO "Tyumen State

Oil and Gas University", 2009

P R i n a t i o n m e n t s

1. The points are indicated in capital letters Latin alphabet: A, B, C, D, . . .

or Arabic numerals: 1, 2, 3, . . . ; The center of projection is indicated by the letter S.

2. Straight and curved lines, arbitrarily located relative to the projection planes, are denoted by lowercase letters of the Latin alphabet: a, b, c, d, . . .

Lines occupying a special position are designated: h – horizontal line of the level (horizontal);

f – front line of level (front); p – level profile line;

x – abscissa axis; y – ordinate axis; z – applicate axis;

s – direction of parallel projection.

The following designations are also used for lines: AB – straight line defined by points A and B; [AB] – a straight line segment bounded by points A and B; | AB | – natural size of the segment [AB];

ех, еу, еz or е with ех = еу = еz are unit (scale) segments.

3. Surfaces are designated by capital letters of the Greek alphabet: G – gamma,

– delta, – theta, – lambda, – xi, – pi, – sigma, F – phi, – psi, – omega.

To specify how to define the surface next to them letter designations the designations of the elements defining them are written in parentheses: G(A, B, C); (a, M);

Projection planes are designated by the letter P with the addition of a lower or superscript:

P1 – horizontal projection plane; P2 – frontal plane of projections; P3 – profile projection plane;

Pa – axonometric projection plane.

4. Angles are designated by lowercase letters of the Greek alphabet: The following designations are also used:

ABC – angle with vertex at point B;

a, G – angle between straight line a and plane G.

5. Projections of points, lines, degenerate projections of planes and cylindrical surfaces are denoted by the same letters or numbers as the points, lines and

A1, B1, . . . ; a1, b1, . . . ; G1, F1, . . . – horizontal projections; A2, B2, . . . ; a2, b2, . . . ; G2, F2, . . . – frontal projections;

A3, B3, . . . ; a3 , b3 , . . . ; G3, F3, . . . – profile projections;

Aa, Ba, . . . ; aa, ba, . . . ; Ga, Fa, . . . – axonometric projections. 6. The following symbols are also used:

– belonging of a point (set element) to a geometric figure (set): А m, В Ф;

– belonging (inclusion) of a geometric figure (subset) to a given figure (set): m Г; t ;

– union of sets: [AB] [BC] – broken ABC; – intersection of sets: a Г, Ф;

= – coincidence, result of operation, assignment: A1 = B1, A = m Г;

– congruence: [AB] [CD];

– similarity: ABC

| | – parallelism: a | | m, m | | G;

– perpendicularity: m k, t Г;

– – designation of crossing lines: a – b;

– display, transformation: a a1, a1 a1;

– logical consequence: m | | n

m1 | | n1, m2 | | n2 ;

Right angle (90°).

If the symbols are crossed out with a slash, this means the presence of a particle

A l – point A does not belong to straight line l; a/|| b - straight lines a, b are not parallel.

Brief Glossary of Terms

Identity is a relationship between objects considered as “one and the same”; "limit" case of equality relation.

Cyclic surfaces- surfaces formed by the movement of a circle of constant or variable radius.

Concentric spheres- spheres of different radii drawn from the same center. Positional tasks- tasks in which it is necessary to establish mutual position

and mutual belonging of the geometric images under consideration.

Metric problems- tasks to determine line lengths, sizes, angles, areas, volumes, etc.

Educational module 1

Topic 1. Graphic display of technical forms

Purpose: Studying the method of graphically transmitting technical information. Objectives: – To study the method of image formation in technology.

– Master the techniques of obtaining reversible images – drawings.

1.1. Subject “Engineering Graphics”, history of origin and development

The world around us is infinitely diverse and limitless. It is known that reality in the human mind is formed in the form of mental images. These images can be manipulated in the imagination, transformed into new, more complex or simple ones; images and their elements can be reproduced through music, plastic arts, or using images on a sheet of paper, canvas, on a computer screen, etc.

Images created by man surround us everywhere: at work, at home, on vacation, in public places. If we consider them as materialized mental images, then they are an excellent means of communication between people. Therefore, a person’s mastery of the technology of creation, recognition and applied use of images is very important for the development of the individual and the disclosure of his potential.

Most often, people use graphic images made on a display screen or on paper to convey information.

“Graphics” is a general term indicating a visual representation, an image of reality, most often through contour lines, strokes, dots without the use of paints. The term “Graphics” comes from the Greek word “grafikos”, which has an older etymological root “gerph”, which means “to engrave, scratch”. Graphics are inherent in many areas of human activity. On the one hand, this is artistic creativity(engraving, lithography, easel graphics, illustrative graphics, etc.), on the other hand - technical creativity(engineering graphics, cartography, computer graphics, etc.). Connecting areas of knowledge that are based on the use of graphics are architecture, design, technical aesthetics, etc.

Various types of graphics are united by a commonality of functional processes, such as the mandatory abstraction of the considered real or artificial spatial relationships and forms, their self-construction into a mental geometric image and its visualization.

Thus, graphics is a multifunctional system of human activity, which includes:

1. Perception of spatial relationships and forms (real or artificial).

2. Abstraction and self-construction of mental geometric images.

3. Communicative, cognitive visualization of the holistic structure (gestalt) of a mental image.

The theoretical foundation of graphics is geometry, human physiology and psychology, and other sciences.

The most studied function is communicative, cognitive visualization - the technique of making a drawing, drawing, engraving, sketch, etc.

Based on the homology of known types of graphics, the following classification is possible:

1. According to the affiliation of the formed mental geometric image to a specific field of activity: engineering graphics, cartography, illustrative graphics, presentation graphics, construction graphics, business graphics, etc.

2. According to the degree of formalization of the mental geometric image: analog (drawing, photograph, etc.), analog-sign-symbolic, sign-symbolic.

3. By belonging to a specific technology of communicative, cognitive visualization: easel graphics, engraving, computer graphics, drawing, etc.

Engineering graphics is a complex academic discipline that forms the basis engineering education and including three main sections: “Descriptive Geometry”, “Technical Drawing”, “Computer Graphics”.

The study of engineering graphics ensures the development of spatial-figurative engineering thinking and the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities in the execution and reading of technical drawings and design documentation.

In the “Descriptive Geometry” section, methods for obtaining graphical models of space and algorithms for solving spatial problems are studied.

In the section “Technical drawing” we study general rules execution and reading of graphic information in accordance with existing standards.

The “Computer Graphics” section discusses methods for automating graphic work.

Appearance graphic images closely connected with the history of mankind. The oldest known images are cave paintings engraved on stone more than 20,000 years ago during the Stone Age. Man in those days believed in magic, believing that with the help of images one could influence the world. It was believed, for example, that it was necessary to hit a drawn animal with an arrow or spear to ensure the success of the upcoming hunt.

The Bronze Age period (about 4,000 BC) is characterized by the appearance of patterns in the form of wavy lines and other geometric shapes.

The first graphic characters - cuneiform - were invented by the inhabitants of Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq). Mathematical cuneiform texts on clay tablets date back to the 2nd millennium BC. The inhabitants of Mesopotamia also succeeded in the construction business. The gigantic temple of the god Marduk in Babylon (6th century BC) could not have been erected without advances in construction graphics (plan images

above). An integral part of the temple was ziggurat - a quadrangular plan and a tapering stepped tower. This ziggurat is one of the seven wonders of the world.

Stylized (simplified) forms were used to decorate the walls of buildings. The ancient Egyptians invented their own figurative signs for graphic communication - hieroglyphs, denoting entire concepts. For example, movement was represented by a pair of legs. Simplified, cursive form of hierographic notation

hieratic writing.

Walls and columns of buildings Ancient Egypt(flourished in the 14th century BC) were decorated with reliefs and paintings, which are easily recognized by the peculiar techniques of depicting a person. Each part of the figure is presented in its own rotation so that it is visible as fully as possible: the person’s feet are in profile, and the eyes and shoulders are in frontal view.

Since ancient times, geometry and graphics cannot exist without each other. The axioms and theorems of geometry help to abstract reality, and graphics artificially materialize idealistic images of the surrounding reality. The history of graphics is also the history of the development of geometry. The first manuals on geometry that have come down to us are the mathematical papyri created by the Egyptian priest Ahmes (circa 2000 BC).

The most famous are the Rhind papyrus (British Museum) and Moscow papyrus(Pushkin Museum in Moscow), which describe the solution to problems of determining the area of ​​a triangle, rectangle, trapezoid and circle, as well as the volume of a parallelepiped and cylinder.

Significant achievements in the development of geometry and graphics relate to ancient period(6th-16th century BC).

Thales of Miletus (625-547 BC) is assumed to have been the founder of geometry as a science. Pythagoras (570-500 BC) created the first geometric school, the doctrine of similarity and methods for constructing polyhedra. Aristotle (384-322 BC) introduced a description of the indefinite concept -

axioms and assertions-theorems. Archimedes (287-212 BC) developed methods for finding the areas, surfaces and volumes of various figures and bodies. Hipparchus (180-125 BC) introduced a coordinate system to determine the position of a point on the earth's surface.

Summing up the development of geometry and its deductive construction was carried out by Euclid. His main job“Start” contains the provisions of planimetry and stereometry.

In the teachings of Plato (428-348 BC), descriptions of polyhedra played an important role. The tetrahedron symbolized fire, the cube-earth, the octahedron-air, the icosahedron-water, and the dodecahedron-the universe.

IN Greek period Simon of Cleonia introduced profile drawing using perspective. Based on the work of Simon, Agatharchus wrote a book about his graphic techniques, which helped Anaxagoras (500-428 BC) and Democritus (460-370 BC) develop a theory of geometric constructions in perspective . The new method of drawing was used by Apollodorus in architectural projects. Many modern computer graphics techniques have their roots in ancient Greek graphic works.

IN famous scientist from the Roman eraPappus (250 BC), who discovered a general theorem on the volume of bodies of revolution. The achievements of the Romans in the field of engineering structures (bridges, roads, multi-story buildings, etc.) are significant.

The next stage in the development of geometry and graphics is associated with the opening of universities and the growth of European cities. At this time, graphics received significant attention in university teaching of painting and engineering. In 1450 printing with movable type was invented.

IN 15-16 centuries, the advancement of public knowledge about graphic images was facilitated byLeonardo da Vinci(1452-1519), recognized artist and engineer. In 1525 he published a book about geometric constructions. Leonardo coined the term “golden ratio”.

Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528), a German artist and mathematician, laid the foundations for orthogonal design and developed mathematical rules for perspective constructions.

IN 17th century French scientists P. Fermat and R. Descartes laid the foundations of analytical geometry,

and J. Desargues and B. Pascal developed the principles of projective geometry.

The most important prerequisite for understanding the world around us were the works of the Italian scientist G. Galileo (1564-1642), the German scientist I. Kepler (1571-1630) and the Polish astronomer N. Copernicus

IN 1569 great cartographer G. Mercator published a map of the world on 18 sheets, where a cylindrical projection and drawings were used for the first time to solve navigation problems.

The English mathematician and artist B. Taylor (1685-1731) published the work “ Principles of Linear Perspective”.

During the period 1754-69. The origins of descriptive geometry were influenced by the work of the French engineer Frezier, who used orthogonal projections onto mutually perpendicular planes.

The missing link to the system of graphic representation was added by the French engineer G. Monge (1746-1818), when he complexly connected two orthogonal projections of a three-dimensional body on one plane.

Being an outstanding geometer and an excellent graphic artist, G. Monge created a classic work on descriptive geometry “Geometriе descriptive”.

Since 1795 descriptive geometry became an academic discipline in France, and then within 50 years it spread to the following countries: Russia - 1811, USA - 1817, Spain - 1819, Germany - 1828, Italy - 1838, Belgium - 1840, Sweden - 1842, Egypt - 1845, Norway - 1845, Britain - 1851.

On the territory of Russia, since ancient times, graphic images have been used in construction, in the production of handwritten and printed books etc.

In 1570, “ Drawing” of Moscow Rus'. Cartographic and drawing work was successfully continued by Semyon Remizov. Issued in 1707 “Drawing book of cities and lands of Siberia.”

Drawing became widespread under Peter I. The Moscow Drawing School was created. A manual on drawing is published “Techniques of compasses and ruler” (1725).

In the second half of the 18th century, economic development contributed to the cultural and technical rise of the country. The study of drawings and projects completed during this period allowed us to assert that design methods and techniques for producing graphic images had reached in Russia high level. I.I. Polzunov (1728-1766) created a drawing of the world's first factory steam engine. In the drawing of a steam power plant (1763), the author uses sections to reveal the features of his invention. Drawings of the bridge made by the Russian inventor I.P. Kulibin (1735-1818) have been preserved.

Russian architects skillfully mastered projection methods: V.I. Bazhenov (1737-1799),

A.N. Voronikhin (1760-1814), M.F. Kazakov (1738-1812). Monuments of classical Russian architecture were created according to their designs: “Pashkov House”, Kazan Cathedral, Petrovsky Palace.

The history of descriptive geometry in Russia is inextricably linked with the activities of the Institute of the Corps of Railway Engineers, founded in St. Petersburg in 1809. The first professor of descriptive geometry was the French engineer K. Pothier. The Institute has trained quite a lot of qualified teachers, of whom, first of all, noted Yakov Aleksandrovich Sevastyanov(1796-1846). In 1821 Sevastyanov Y.A. publishes the first Russian textbook “ Foundations of descriptive geometry”.

IN 1855 The works of a professor at the Institute of the Corps of Railway Engineers are published A.H. Reder, dedicated to the method of projections with numerical marks and axonometric projections.

Professors N.I. Makarov (1824-1904) and V.I. Kurdyumov (1853-1904) had a significant influence on the development of methods of teaching descriptive geometry in Russia. While giving lectures, V.I. Kurdyumov pointed out that “if drawing is the language of technology, equally understandable to all peoples, then descriptive geometry serves as the grammar of this language, since it teaches us to correctly read other people’s

And express our own thoughts, using only lines and dots as words, as elements of any image.”

IN academician's works E.S. Fedorova “New geometry as the basis of drawing” (1907), “Simple and

accurate representation of points - a space of four dimensions on a plane using vectors ” (1909) showed the possibilities of using the designed properties of figures in crystallography and developed methods for flat images of four-dimensional systems.

Professor A.K. Vlasov (1868-1922) initiated the application of projective geometry to the theory of axonometry and nomography.

Kurdyumov's student, Professor N.A. Rynin (1877-1942), successfully found applications graphic constructions to solving engineering problems in construction, aviation, mechanics, shipbuilding, and film perspective.

Professor N.I. Mertsalov (1866-1948), the founder of the theory of spatial mechanisms, used the projection method to study spatial gearing.

The theory of perspective and the theory of shadows as applied to architectural and construction design was developed by Professor A.I. Dobryakov (1865-1947).

Moscow University professor N.A. Glagolev (1888-1945) wrote the first course of descriptive geometry entirely on a projective basis. In 1924, he made a theoretical substantiation of the main theorem on axonometry. N.A. Glagolev used projective methods in constructing nomograms that are used in various fields of technology.

The improvement of the teaching of descriptive geometry in universities was facilitated by scientific and methodological work Professor N.F. Chetverukhin (1881-1974) and his students. Chetverukhin's works are known in the theory of positional and metric completeness of images, in the development of parametric methods for constructing projection drawings.

The activities of Professor I.I. Kotov (1909-1976) were aimed at creating algorithms and geometric models of design processes, including models of frame surfaces, problems of reproducing surfaces and their images using a computer.

1.2. Display objects

And main content of graphic information

All objects of space surrounding a person are characterized by such general features as shape, color, size, position. Each object can be represented as a set of points, each of which has no size, but occupies a certain place in space. Fix a point, i.e. its position in space can be determined, for example, using the x, y, z coordinate system.

A point is the simplest of figures, which has no magnitude, no shape, but only a position; it is a 0-dimensional object.

A line is the trajectory of a moving point; it has a length, shape (straight, curve) and position relative to the selected coordinate system. A line is a 1-dimensional display object (has a length).

More complex are display objects in the form flat and volumetric figures. Thus, for a flat figure, graphic information contains a characteristic of the shape - rectangular, round or other; two main dimensions - length and width and position relative to the selected coordinate system. That's why flat figure- 2-dimensional display object. A volumetric figure (body) has three dimensions - length, width, height- 3-dimensional space object.

That. four types of space objects are considered (Fig. 1.1 - 1.4): point, lines, flat and volumetric figures, through the graphic display of which information is transmitted about the shape, size (except for the point) and position relative to the selected coordinate system.

1.3. Projection method. Projection apparatus

IN The basis for constructing images of a space object on a plane is the method of projections. Projection is the construction of an image of an object on a plane (Fig. 1.5) using projecting rays emanating from one point (center).




T.A. Ilyina, N.A. Storchak.


(basics of descriptive geometry and drawing)


RPK "Polytechnic"

Volgograd 2008


Branch of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow Energy Institute (Technical University)" in Volzhsky, Associate Professor of the Department of Materials Science and Mechanics, Ph.D. tech. Sciences E.A. Malikov.

Volzhsky Institute and Technologies (branch) of Volgograd Architectural - construction university, professor of the department of ÛPSDMiO Ü, candidate. tech. Sciences V.I. Bogdanov.

Ilyina T.A., Storchak A.A.

Engineering graphics: basics of descriptive geometry and engineering graphics: textbook / T. A. Ilyina, N.A. Storchak; VPI (branch) VolgSTU. – Volgograd, 2008 – 80 p.

ISBN –978-5-9948-0053-9

Contains the program, test options, rules and examples of their implementation for the course of the academic discipline “Engineering Graphics”.

Intended for students of technical universities of all directions and specialties of correspondence courses.

Il.81. Table 11. Bibliography: 8 titles

Published by decision of the editorial and publishing council of Volgograd State Technical University.


1. Introduction

One of the methods of understanding nature, the laws of its development, studying phenomena and processes occurring in nature is modeling, in which a person creates a physical or abstract model of the process or object being studied. In engineering graphics, we often encounter geometric models in the form of drawings. Drawings are a means of communication between people in their production activities. Engineering graphics are academic discipline, which includes elements of both descriptive geometry and technical drawing and computer graphics.

The knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the Engineering Graphics course are necessary for the study of general engineering and special technical disciplines, as well as in subsequent engineering activities. Mastering a drawing as a means of expressing technical ideas and as a production document occurs throughout the entire process of studying at a university.

Guidelines for studying the course

" Engineering graphics "

When studying the course, you need to familiarize yourself with the program, purchase the necessary literature and draw up a calendar work plan for independent work. Along with studying the theory, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the solution to typical problems of each topic of the course and complete test papers, adhering to all the rules of drawing art and, above all, ESKD.

Properly structured independent lessons in descriptive geometry will resolve difficulties in studying this discipline and teach the student to think logically and imagine all sorts of combinations of geometric shapes in space. Descriptive geometry promotes the development of spatial imagination, the ability to “read” drawings and, with the help of a drawing, convey one’s thoughts and correctly understand the thoughts of another, which is extremely necessary for an engineer.

1. Descriptive geometry must be studied strictly consistently and systematically.

2. Assimilate theoretical basis constructing images of points, straight lines, planes, certain types of spatial lines and surfaces on a plane.

3. Familiarize yourself with solving problems on the mutual belonging and mutual intersections of geometric shapes and the combination of geometric shapes in space.

4. Study the methods of constructing images (types, sections and sections and the conventions related to them - see the standard “ one system design documentation" (ESKD)).

5. Be able to determine the geometric shapes of simple parts from their images and set the parameters (dimensions) of the shape (for example, cylinder, cone).

6. Be able to make drawings of an assembly unit and be able to correctly read drawings of technical devices.