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home  /  Our children/ Use of adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and particles in speech. Summary of a lesson in the Russian language on the topic, the stylistic role of auxiliary parts of speech, (7th grade, Federal State Educational Standards) Pronunciation and use of conjunctions of prepositions of particles

Use of adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and particles in speech. Summary of a lesson in the Russian language on the topic, the stylistic role of auxiliary parts of speech, (7th grade, Federal State Educational Standards) Pronunciation and use of conjunctions of prepositions of particles

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 40 in Voronezh

Lesson notes on the Russian language in 7th grade

"Using Prepositions"


teacher of Russian language and literature Chernyshova Larisa Sergeevna



Lesson objectives:

    form Students have the ability to correctly use prepositions in speech.

    upbringing love and respect for the Russian language; a conscious attitude towards language as a means of communication and gaining knowledge in various spheres of human activity;

    development speech and mental activity; communication skills that ensure fluency in the Russian literary language in different areas and communication situations; readiness and ability for verbal interaction and mutual understanding;

    mastering knowledge about the Russian language, the basic norms of the Russian literary language and speech etiquette; enriching vocabulary and expanding the range of grammatical means used;

    formation of skills identify, analyze, classify linguistic facts, evaluate them from the point of view of normativity, compliance with the sphere and situation of communication;

    application acquired knowledge and skills in one’s own speech practice.

Lesson objectives:

    developing skills in the use of prepositions in speech;

    incidental repetition of the syntax of a simple sentence, participial phrases and punctuation marks with them.


    Presentation “Preposition. The use of prepositions."

    Cards for independent work.


During the classes

    Org moment.

    Checking homework. Repetition.

At home, you composed a scientific style text about the features of auxiliary parts of speech ( ex. 289). Let's listen to some of the compiled texts and answer the question whether they correspond to the task. (2 students read texts composed at home, the class analyzes whether they correspond to the style ( scientific), what is the content side.)


Let's remember the spelling of adverbs.

    Work using cards on pieces of paper (3 lessons).

Card No. 1

Set off on the road (in) the same direction, yearn (for) the real thing, (really) relax, perceive (in) your own way, walk (on) tiptoe, depict (in) memory, disappear (in) a little, divide (evenly), walk (through) the autumn forest, (through) gloomy autumn days, catch (on) the fly, wipe (until) dry.

    Working from cards at the board.

Card No. 2


Card No. 3


    Vocabulary dictation(work with vocabulary words at the board).

R e residence, p e period, from O br A zit, age A life, time A life

Word residence borrowed in the Petrine era from the Polish language, where it meant "residence".

In its r e h And denzi And V WITH eyes pr e h And dent R Russia accepted the e l e gats And u youth And.

Find prepositions in the sentence. Name phrases with the word residence, indicate the main word ((whose?)in its residences , V residences (Which?)in Sochi) .

    Collect work on card No. 1.

    Checking your work using cards at the board.

From- behind the hills, covered he rnaya mass oh forests 1 , quiet 3 rose which-That 2 whitish regionA ka. 4 (V. G. Korolenko.)

Quiet - adverb .

I. We rose(How?) quiet; sign of action .

II. Unism.

III. We rose How? quiet.

    Lesson topic: “Using prepositions.”

In the last lesson we talked about prepositions as parts of speech. Let's remember:

      Frontal survey.

      What groups are all parts of speech divided into? ( independent, official and special part of speech interjection)

      How do auxiliary parts of speech differ from independent ones? ( do not name objects, characteristics, actions, or quantities and are not members of sentences).

      What functional parts of speech do you know? ( preposition, conjunction, particle)

      What groups are prepositions divided into? ( simple and compound, derivative and non-derivative).

    Let's see which of you is the smartest. Reply tojoke questions :

    What's an excuse to play a musical instrument or sing? ( before )

    What two prepositions determine the position of the body? ( pose )

    Which two prepositions can be used to create a literary (not poetic) work? ( prose ).

    What two prepositions help determine the right amount of medicine? ( dose )

    Working with the presentation.

In russian language about 200 prepositions. All of them are used with certain cases:

With R.p. - approximately 115 prepositions

etc.. – 24 pretext

V.p.20 prepositions

D.p.. – 19 prepositions

P.p.7 prepositions

Multiple prepositions(their 8 ) are used not with one case: 6 - with two, 2 - with three cases.

We will read about the use of prepositions in § 49 on page 134.

When used in speech, prepositions are often confused V And on . How do you choose which preposition to use? By value! Pretext V used when denoting limited space, and the preposition on – if such a value absent. The table in the work materials for the lesson explains the use of these prepositions in more detail.

    Working with the textbook. Let's do the exercise. 290 (commented letter). Open the brackets, putting the nouns in the correct case, use prepositions V or on(only with the first verbs, with the second - at home). Test yourself using the table (see “Lesson Materials”).

Work in a factory, plant, hospital, library, store, stock exchange, workshop; study at school, at a technical school, at courses, at a lyceum, at an institute, at the history department; live in Siberia, in the Arctic, in the Urals, in Altai, in Moscow.

    Prepositions With And By used with three cases. With which? Let's read the material in the second frame on p. 135 :

When? then? upon completion, upon arrival


By (= after) + P.p.

Let’s read in the “Lesson Materials” and remember which cases the preposition is combined with By with verbs expressing emotional experiences ( to be bored, to grieve, to cry, to miss, to grieve, to grieve and etc.):

    with nouns in D.p..

    with personal pronouns 1st, 2nd person in P.p..

    • 3 persons units. numbers in D.p., P.p..

      3 persons pl. numbers in D.p.

  • Training exercises.Work in a notebook (handouts).

    Exercise: Make up phrases by putting the nouns in the correct case. The first group is to create a complex sentence with any of the phrases.

    Absent for a valid reason, enroll after finishing school, absent due to illness, misses her, meet on arrival, discuss on return, misses you.

    Self-test on the presentation. Reading composed sentences.

    • Editing text(according to presentation).

    Exercise: correct the mistakes.

    1. The schoolchildren returned from Moscow lively, full of new impressions. 2. Letters from Crimea arrived regularly. 3. Mom brought bread and milk from the store. 4. Today I came home early from school.


    1. Schoolchildren are back from Moscow is lively, full of new impressions. 2. Letters from Crimea came regularly. 3. From Mom brought bread and milk from the store. 4. Today I came from school home early.

      Questions for the curious.

    Let's check which of you knows more about prepositions.

      With which part of speech are prepositions never used? ( with verb )

      What prepositions cannot be prefixes? ( for, except )

      Which case is most used for prepositions? (With R. p .)

      How many prepositions are used with two cases? ( 6: in, on – V, P.p.; for, under – V., T.p.; oh (oh, oh) – V., P.p.; between (between) – R., etc.) With three? ( 2: With - R., V., etc. , By - D., V., P.p.)

  • Control of skills and abilities.

    Let's check how we learned to use prepositions.

    Independent work(on pieces of paper). Exercise: choose the desired preposition, put the noun in the correct case, insert the missing letters.

    Enter (to, to) school, (to, to) courses, (to, to) institute. Work (in, at) a factory, (in, at) a factory, (in, at) a library. Miss (mom)___________, (he) ________, (they) ________, (we) ________. Meet upon arrival..., be absent for good... reasons..., come in after finishing..., make a mistake due to absent-mindedness... .

    Work is due and grades will be announced at the next lesson.

    1. Homework : § 49, ex. 290 (finish), 294.

      Student message.

    Prepositions are a service part of speech, but their role in the text is very important. Listen to the message and answer the question: “What new have you learned about prepositions?”

    The famous linguist Valery Petrovich Abramov in his book “Constellations of Words” wrote about the use of prepositions.

    The outstanding Soviet philologist Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov said that words are connected with each other, and thus form entire “constellations”.

    In such constellations there are words that actively words are used rarely used. You can find out how often a particular word appears in the text or which parts of speech are more common in the texts in frequency dictionaries.

    “Frequency Dictionary of the Russian Language,” ed. Zasorina (1977) found that the most frequently used words are: V, and, no, on, I, be, what, he, With, A. Functional words came first. Prepositions are the first, fourth, ninth words out of ten. As we can see, although they represent a small class of words, they play a large role in the design of the text.

    Function words are the main formatters of the text. Significant ones are the main compilers of the text (they fill the text with information). This means that there are no “main” and “minor” words in the language. All words are important. And the correct use of each word shows your culture of language proficiency.

    What new have you learned about prepositions?

    What prepositions are the most common words? ( V - 1 place, on – 4th place, With – 9th place)

      Lesson grades.

      Conclusions from the lesson:

      remembered vocabulary words while doing independent work;

      repeated the spelling of adverbs; syntactic, phonetic, morphological analysis, word analysis by composition;

      practiced using prepositions correctly in, on, by with nouns and pronouns;

      worked with the text, correcting errors in the use of prepositions.

    Card No. 2

    Exercise: copy down the sentence, insert the missing letters to indicate spelling, place punctuation marks. Perform parsing. Tell us about punctuation marks for participial phrases.

    From (behind) the hills covered with black forests, some whitish clouds quietly rose. 4 (V. G. Korolenko.)

    List of used literature

      Abramov V.P. Constellations of words. – M.: 1989

      Arsiriy A.T. To the Land of Knowledge - with Grandfather the Omniscient. Entertaining materials on the Russian language. – M.: 2004.

      Ivchenkov P.F. Control and training work in Russian language lessons. – M.: 1987.

      Kostyaeva T.A. Tests, tests and examinations in the Russian language: 7th grade. – M.: 2001.

      Svetlysheva V.N., Davydova O.A. Collection of dictations on spelling and punctuation. – M.: 1999

      I explore the world: Det. Encyclopedia: Russian language / Author. V.V. Volina. – M.: 1997.

    Open lesson on the Russian language in 7th grade on the topic “Prepositions. Unions. Particles"

    General didactic goal: Formation of a holistic system of leading knowledge and methods of action for students.

    Lesson type: Lesson on systematization and generalization of the material studied.

    Educational aspects of the lesson:

    Forms of work: individual, pair, collective.

    Teaching methods: verbal (informational - developmental, visual), practical.

    The lesson is conducted at: a constructive level.

    Technologies used: technology of personality-oriented developmental training, ICT.

    Equipment: cards, interactive whiteboard, tables, reproduction of a painting, computer.

    During the classes

    Org. moment: Teacher's opening speech.

    Today, guys, you have an unusual lesson. There are many guests present. Turn around and smile at them. Well done! I think that your smiles and a beautiful spring morning will bring you high spirits, and you will be active and emotional for 45 minutes. And let the motto of our lesson be the words: “You are all capable and talented.” Before our lesson begins, which will consist of three “micro-lessons,” I want to remind you that today is the final lesson on the topic “Prepositions. Unions. Particles."

    What do you guys think is the purpose of our lesson?

    /students formulate a goal, the teacher once again emphasizes the learning goal/.

    Let me introduce the types of work you will be working on in class.


    Are you satisfied with this type of work?

    Would you like to add or change anything?

    /teacher listens to students' suggestions/

    Well, we will try to implement your suggestions during the lesson.

    We will start with the stage of a comprehensive knowledge test. First work “Vocabulary dictation”. Today it will take place in the form of a “spelling duel”. Let's find out whether you have mastered the spelling of words and phrases while studying the topic. Pay attention to the board, write on a line separated by a semicolon.

    /slide/ Self-test. We checked and gave ourselves grades.

    Well done! And now we move on to the “microlessons”, the structure of which will consist of two blocks - theoretical and practical.

    The first topic is “Preposition”. /slide/

    To test your knowledge of the theory, I suggest you complete the sentence.

    You have part of a sentence in front of you, it needs to be completed.

    How do we highlight prepositions graphically?

    Well good, well done! Let's move on topractical block. “Free work” awaits you. On the board you see tables; they can be used when working on a task from a “box”, “envelope”, while working on a “travelling” dictation, or at the computer. Let's get started?

    /students independently choose the type of work, work, moving freely around the classroom/. – Don’t forget to highlight the prepositions graphically.

    Dictation from the “box” and “walking” dictation.

    For several hours you can sit still and look at the sea. Up close it is transparent, greenish in color, and in the distance it lies as a dark blue stripe, slightly covered with haze. The sea is beautiful at dawn, when a fireball emerges from the horizon.

    Dictation from the "envelope".

    (B)for many years; (c) continuation of lessons; (c) as a result of bad weather; walked (along) the path; (not) looking at your feet; found out (in) consequence (e, and); (despite) the heat; (c) due to illness; Have this in mind.

    Working at the computer.

    /Instead of gaps, insert suitable prepositions or prefixes/

    1. He was apparently tired, sat down at the end of the bench and took a nap. _____ the end everyone gathered _____at the table and _____talking.
    2. Yes, we _____ all talked about it, but we knocked _____ all the doors.
    3. Do not rely on _____ strength, but _____ knowledge. _____ he achieved ______ meaning ______ duty.

    /self-test – those who performed the dictation from the “box”, “on the go”; mutual verification - those who took the task from the “envelope”; The teacher, together with the class, checks the work of the student working on the computer.

    What grades did you give yourself for this “microlesson”?

    /slide/ - The next topic is “Unions”.

    Theoretical block. Prove whether the statement is true?

    /slide/ Students prove the truth of the statement given on the board.

    How do we highlight unions graphically? Let's move onto the practical block.

    /slide/ /Task on the board/

    What do you guys think, what task can be proposed for this form of work?

    That's right, find matches, synonymous pairs. For example, in the same way - in the same way. We work in pairs.

    ... - Were you the only ones who encountered alliances in this task?

    /slide/ Check.

    Today is a wonderful morning. Please stand up and look outside the window. The spring sun is shining brightly, the birds are chirping loudly. Okay, right?

    Compare your impressions with the image of nature...

    Try to make a sentence using one of the conjunctions from the previous task.

    /Students name sentences, choose the best, write them down on the board and in notebooks, and do a complete parsing of the sentence/.

    What grades did you give yourself for this lesson?

    /slide/. - Let’s move on to the topic “Particles”.

    Let's check theoretical knowledge using mutual questioning.

    /students question each other, give grades/

    What grades did you receive? /We find out the results of the survey/.

    How do we highlight particles graphically?

    Let's move on to the practical part.

    /slide/ - Now let’s play the game “Third Wheel”. Select from each row and write down the extra spelling.

    Okay, well done!

    And now I suggest you work on a type of work called “digital dictation.” Its goal is to be able to distinguish between prepositions, conjunctions, and particles.

    1. How merrily the birds chirp! 2. Aren't you interested? 3. After winter there is always spring. 4. Would you like to relax? 5. Let the music of spring flow! 6. The frozen pond shines like a mirror. 7. They made a bench near the house. 8. My brother explained that I must keep my promise.

    /slide/ Check.

    Our lesson is coming to an end. I would like you guys to share all your knowledge gained from studying the topic “Prepositions. Unions. Particles” were able to be realized in the next creative work, an essay – a miniature. Compose texts on the topic “The Coming of Spring”, prepositions, conjunctions, graphically indicate particles.

    /Students do work to the music, the weakest student receives a card, then the work of several students is listened to/.

    Give yourself grades for this “micro-lesson.”

    Now give yourself grades for the entire lesson. – What is the result of the lesson?

    Homework/slide/ Level D/Z

    Reflection “The Heart of Communication”

    Self-analysis of the lesson.

    The type of my training session is systematization and generalization of educational material. In order to attract children's attention to the topic of the lesson, I slightly changed its structure, offering them three “micro-lessons” in one lesson. I believe that any non-traditional element (in my case, the structure of the lesson, vocabulary work in the form of a spelling duel, creative work) increases cognitive interest in learning. All the children were happy to get involved in the work, since the majority of students in this class have an emotional and abstract type of perception, while the rest have a concrete one.

    According to this type of training session, I set the following goals:

    1. Create conditions in the lesson for systematizing and generalizing students’ knowledge about prepositions, conjunctions, and particles.
    2. Strengthen students’ skills in distinguishing, writing correctly, using function words in speech, and exercising self-control.
    3. Foster a sense of emotional activity in the classroom; the ability to adequately evaluate the work of classmates.

    The implementation of these goals was carried out through the use of various forms of work in the lesson: individual, pair, collective. The choice of precisely these forms was facilitated by the technology of personality-oriented developmental education I used in the lesson, the goal of which is the development of the child’s personality, that is, from a passive listener he turns into an active figure. In this form, as “free work”, the children worked at an individual pace and rhythm, choosing the type of activity themselves, according to their level of development. If something is not clear, they ask each other, and only when they cannot cope on their own, do they turn to me. In this situation, I'm just a consultant. Today no one contacted me, which means they managed it without my help. I see the value of such work in the fact that children write independently, while their attention is concentrated, visual memory develops, self-control and mutual control are exercised.

    In my work, I also try to use a research approach to teaching. Testing the students’ knowledge of theory in each of the “microlessons”, I saw that the students had mastered the material. The children were able to formulate the goals of the lesson, continued sentences, proved statements, and questioned each other. In this, I believe, the research approach was carried out, aimed at implementing the technique of comparison, proof, and generalization. The creative task also had a research character, because I just helped the students see the harmonious connections between disparate phenomena and facts, present a picture of nature, and the result was essays - miniatures of the students.

    I believe that the nature of the activity contributed to the type of educational lesson, the methods I chose (informational - developmental, visual, practical, ICT) and forms allowed me to find out the degree of formation of students’ knowledge on the topic “Prepositions. Unions. Particles." A warm, friendly, calm atmosphere of communication was created during the lesson. Time was used efficiently through written and oral work. The goals set during the lesson were achieved and implemented.

    The lesson was conducted at a constructive level. In addition to tasks of increased and medium difficulty, a task was provided for low-performing students. Students showed the ability to evaluate not only their own knowledge, but also evaluate their classmates. The number of positive assessments, emotions and impressions that children shared during the “heart of communication” reflection indicates that the lesson was interesting and fruitful for the children.


    Textbook “Russian language” Textbook for the 7th grade of general education institutions / M. M. Razumovskaya. LLC "Drofa" M.: 2004

    Grade: seventh

    Quarter: fourth


    1. Shkatova L.A. Think and answer. M.: 1999
    2. Burmako V. M. Russian language in drawings.-M.: 1991
    3. Russian language lessons in 7th grade M. M., Razumovskaya / Volgograd: Teacher, 2006.
    4. G. A. Bogdanova. Russian language lessons: from work experience. - M.: Education, 1996.

    Pronunciation of prepositions, conjunctions, particles Objectives: 1. Educational: to develop the ability to correctly pronounce prepositions, conjunctions, particles. 2. Developmental: strengthen the skills of writing and using prepositions, conjunctions, particles in speech, preparation for the test. 3. Educational: instilling responsibility for one’s behavior, learning, and work. LESSON PROGRESS 1. Organizational moment. The teacher greets the class. Writing in notebooks: number and class work. 2. Activation of motivation. Teacher. - Guys, name in one word the parts of speech that we have been studying for several lessons. (Service) - What service parts of speech have we already studied? (Prepositions, conjunctions, particles) A ​​pre-prepared scene with a dialogue is played out in front of the students, in which speech errors are deliberately made. There is a knock on the door and a late student appears in the classroom. Student 1: - Hello, sorry for being late. Student 2: - Why are you always late?! Teacher: - Why are you shouting from your seat? Student 1: - I was late because I was sprayed by a car, and as a consequence I had to return home. Teacher: - Guys, what a horror. How ugly you say. Sit down and don't be late again. The teacher addresses the class. - Did you hear what mistakes the boys made? (They mispronounced the words what, because and inappropriately used the word due) 3. Formulation of the topic and objectives of the lesson. - Let's see what parts of speech these words belong to. Write them down in your notebook and identify the part of speech, commenting on your choice. (What is a particle, because is a conjunction, as a result is a preposition) - What mistake did the boys make when using these words? (They were pronounced incorrectly and inappropriately) - Formulate the topic of the lesson. (Pronunciation of particles, conjunctions, prepositions). Slide 1 - Tell me, if the boys had not made speech errors, would this situation have been acceptable during the lesson? (No) - Which of the guys was wrong? (Both) - Why can’t you be late for class and shout out from your seat? (Children's answers) - Please note that today's lesson topic concerns not only the last part of speech studied, but also the other two. - Will it be easy for us to immediately start learning new material? (No) - What do we need to do? (Repeat the material covered) - Formulate the tasks for today's lesson. (1. Repeat the studied material. 2. Learn how to correctly pronounce prepositions, conjunctions, particles) Slide 1 4. Repeat the studied material. - We need to repeat a fairly large amount of information, so we will work in rows to spend less time. - Each row will work with one of the parts of speech we recorded. -What type of work shows (morphological analysis) all our knowledge about the part of speech? - The result of your group work should be a morphological analysis of the part of speech that you will analyze. 1st row - conjunction (because) 2nd row - preposition (due to) 3rd row - particle (that) Each row is given a piece with the image of a tree. - Guys, you need to write on the branches of your tree all the signs of the part of speech with which you are working, and which you will need to compile a morphological analysis. One student from each group draws up the analysis on the board, the rest defend their clusters. - So, guys, which of the tasks set at the beginning of the lesson did we cope with? - Can we move on to the next task? 5. Explanation of new material. - Look at the blackboard. Slide 2 first line: From the window, kind and cheerful, you can’t hear - Write it down and place emphasis. - What functional parts of speech are recorded here? What position are they in? Draw a conclusion (Prepositions, conjunctions, particles can be in a weak position) Slide 2 second line: Through the glass, near the house - Write it down and place emphasis. - What is the position of the auxiliary parts of speech here? Draw a conclusion (Prepositions, conjunctions, particles can be in a neutral position) Slide 2 third line: Without a trace, to no avail - Write it down and place emphasis. - What is the position of the auxiliary parts of speech here? Draw a conclusion (Prepositions, conjunctions, particles can be in a strong position) - Draw a general conclusion (Prepositions, conjunctions, particles can be in a weak, neutral and strong position). Oral execution of exercise. 477 - In colloquial speech, do we often make auxiliary parts of speech stressed? (No) - Why do poets often put them in a strong position? (To get rhyme and rhythm) - Pay attention to the third combination of words in the first line (inaudible) - Say other combinations with the particle NOT. -What do you hear in their place? (Nor) - How to understand when to write NOT, and when to write NOT, we already know. - But there are cases in the Russian language when the particles NOT and NI are in a strong position and “attract” stress. Such cases must be remembered. Introduction to theoretical material on p. 225. Reading with commentary. Guys, have we completed the second task posed at the beginning of the lesson? (Yes) 6. Consolidation of what has been learned. Working with ex. 479. We analyze the first line together, one student works at the board. Writes down a line, places emphasis with commentary, underlines the unnecessary. The guys work on the second and third lines independently. After completion, an oral check, always with commentary. 7. Lesson summary. - In what position can prepositions, conjunctions, particles be found in a sentence? - In what cases does a particle NOT “attract” stress to itself? - When is the NI particle in a strong position? Lesson grades. 8. Homework. Slide 3. § 39 - teach everyone. Selective task: 1. Ex. 480 2. Compose tasks for § 39 (example exercise 479) 9. Reflection. - Before you leave. I'll ask you guys. Rate today's lesson. The teacher attaches four pieces of paper to the board: 1. 2. 3. 4. I liked the lesson, I understood everything. I liked the lesson, but didn’t understand anything. I didn’t like the lesson, but I understood everything. I didn’t like the lesson, I didn’t understand anything. Students leave the class with a magnet under the statement that applies to them.

    Pronunciation of prepositions, conjunctions, particles


      Educational: to develop the ability to correctly pronounce prepositions, conjunctions, particles.

      Developmental: strengthen the skills of writing and using prepositions, conjunctions, particles in speech, preparation for the test.

      Educational: instilling responsibility for one’s behavior, learning, and work.


      Organizing time.

    The teacher greets the class. Writing in notebooks: number and class work.

      Activation of motivation.

    Guys, name in one word the parts of speech that we have been studying for several lessons. (Service)

    What functional parts of speech have we already studied? (Prepositions, conjunctions, particles)

    A pre-prepared scene with a dialogue is played out in front of the students, in which speech errors are deliberately made.

    There is a knock on the door and a late student appears in the classroom.

    Hello, sorry for being late.

    WHY are you always late?!

    Why are you shouting from your seat?

    I was late because a car sprayed me, and as a consequence I had to return home.

    Guys, what a horror. How ugly you say. Sit down and don't be late again.

    The teacher addresses the class.

    Did you hear what mistakes the boys made? (Mispronounced words what, because and used the word inappropriately due to)

      Formulation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

    Let's see what parts of speech these words belong to. Write them down in your notebook and identify the part of speech, commenting on your choice.

    (What is a particle, because is a conjunction, as a result is a preposition)

    What mistake did the boys make in using these words? (They were pronounced incorrectly and inappropriately)

    Formulate the topic of the lesson. (Pronunciation of particles, conjunctions, prepositions). Slide 1

    Tell me, if the boys had not made speech errors, would this situation have been acceptable during the lesson? (No)

    Which of the guys was wrong? (Both)

    Why can’t you be late for class and shout out from your seat? (Children's answers)

    Please note that today's lesson topic concerns not only the last part of speech learned, but also the other two.

    Will it be easy for us to start learning new material right away? (No)

    What do we need to do? (Repeat the material covered)

    Formulate the tasks for today's lesson. (1. Repeat the material studied. 2. Find out how to correctly pronounce prepositions, conjunctions, particles)

    Slide 1

      Repetition of learned material.

    We need to repeat a fairly large amount of information, so we will work in rows to spend less time.

    Each row will work with one of the parts of speech we recorded.

    What type of work shows all our knowledge about parts of speech? (morphological analysis)

    The result of your group work should be a morphological analysis of the part of speech that you will analyze.

    1st row - union ( because)

    Row 2 – preposition ( due to)

    3rd row – particle ( What)

    Each row is given a ingot with an image of a tree.

    Guys, you need to write on the branches of your tree all the signs of the part of speech with which you are working, and which you will need to compile a morphological analysis.

    One student from each group draws up the analysis on the board, the rest defend their clusters.

    So, guys, which of the tasks posed at the beginning of the lesson did we cope with?

    Can I move on to the next task?

      Explanation of new material.

    Look at the blackboard.

    Slide 2 first line:From the window, kind and cheerful, you can’t hear

    What functional parts of speech are recorded here? What position are they in? Draw a conclusion (Prepositions, conjunctions, particles can be in a weak position)

    Slide 2 second line:Through the glass, near the house

    Write down and place emphasis.

    What is the position of the auxiliary parts of speech here? Draw a conclusion (Prepositions, conjunctions, particles can be in a neutral position)

    Slide 2 third line:Without a trace, to no avail

    Write down and place emphasis.

    What is the position of the auxiliary parts of speech here? Draw a conclusion (Prepositions, conjunctions, particles can be in a strong position)

    Make a general conclusion (Prepositions, conjunctions, particles can be in a weak, neutral and strong position).

    Oral execution of exercise. 477

    In colloquial speech, do we often make auxiliary parts of speech stressed? (No)

    Why do poets often put them in a strong position? (To get rhyme and rhythm)

    Pay attention to the third combination of words in the first line ( Can not hear)

    Say other combinations with the particle NOT.

    What do you hear in their place? (Nor)

    How to understand when to write NOT, and when NOT, we already know.

    But there are cases in the Russian language when the particles NOT and NI are in a strong position and “attract” stress. Such cases must be remembered.

    Introduction to theoretical material on p. 225. Reading with commentary.

    Guys, have we completed the second task posed at the beginning of the lesson? (Yes)

      Consolidation of what has been learned.

    Working with ex. 479.

    We analyze the first line together, one student works at the board. Writes down a line, places emphasis with commentary, underlines the unnecessary.

    The guys work on the second and third lines independently. After completion, an oral check, always with commentary.

      Lesson summary.

    In what position can prepositions, conjunctions, particles be found in a sentence?

    In what cases does a particle NOT “attract” an accent to itself?

    When is a NI particle in a strong position?

    Lesson grades.


    Slide 3.§ 39 – teach to everyone.

    Task to choose from:

    1. Compose tasks for § 39 (example exercise 479)

    9. Reflection.

    Before you go. I'll ask you guys. Rate today's lesson.

    The teacher attaches four pieces of paper to the board:

      I liked the lesson, I understood everything.

      I liked the lesson, but didn’t understand anything.

      I didn’t like the lesson, but I understood everything.

      I didn’t like the lesson, I didn’t understand anything.

    Students leave the class with a magnet under the statement that applies to them.