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How easy it is to remember numbers. How to quickly memorize numbers

Child development is an interesting and fruitful activity for loving parents. Their mental and mental processes are so mobile, and their thirst to know the world is so great that incredible results can be achieved in teaching preschool children. Knowing how to teach a child to remember numbers is an important task for parents.

Among the common developmental tasks for children preschool age Memorizing numbers should be fun. This requires the right technique. early development, helping to interest kids and make this process effective.

Lots of visual materials and game uniform These are the main components of a child’s productive learning. These should be educational games that convey information about number indicators. In counting, recognizing numbers is initial stage training.

Here are some notes for parents to help them with their child's education:

  1. The earlier you start training, the easier it will be in the future.
  2. Children must remember the number of objects using different receptors: hearing, vision and touch.
  3. Teaching children numbers is no more difficult than helping them learn the letters of the alphabet or the names of animals and plants.
  4. Whatever method is used, the active participation of parents in the games is necessary. To help the child quickly remember numbers, the parent should include joint activities with him.
  5. Our little ones are much more logical than we think.

Conditions for remembering and learning

They are unlimited. These are not only specially prepared lessons, but also training in everyday life. It is worth the parent to show his creativity, and the endless possibilities of the surrounding world for this learning will be revealed.

You can count any surrounding objects while walking on the street or buying groceries in a store. Memorizing numbers will be more successful if you prepare cards with numbers and carry them with you. While waiting in line at the clinic with your baby, you can spend your time usefully: count the people standing in front and behind, checking their number with the cards. It will be even better if you compare the number of children before and after, correlating them with the cards. It will also be fun to compare who has more buttons on their clothes: the mother or the child.

The simplest thing is to count your fingers using a little count with their simultaneous extension: “One, two, three, four, five; The bunny went for a walk. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten; Let’s rejoice together.” You can put a poem to any melody and dance with your fingers. This technique will help the child remember numbers, starting from infancy. In two or three years you will be able to see the result, the baby will remember the digital sequence. Both auditory and visual memory are involved here.

You can teach your little one to distinguish numbers through planned short five-minute sessions, which should be regular. Common activity: cards with numbers on them. You need to quickly show cards with numbers and circles indicating the composition of a given number. This number must be called at the same time. The lesson continues as long as the baby is attentive. Gradually he will understand numbers and their corresponding numbers. Later, you can complicate the lesson by laying out the cards scattered and asking the child to give any of them, according to the name of the number that he hears.

Entertaining numbers

Cards with colored numbers can be hung in prominent places in all rooms. It will be easier to memorize them if you ask your child to bring, for example, as many beans as are shown in the picture hidden on the door, inside the closet or on the ceiling in the bedroom. Unexpected tasks arouse great interest and make it easier to memorize the number and the corresponding composition of the number. Even just hanging multi-colored bright digital signs in different places at their eye level will ensure their memorization.

Fridge magnets– a great help for parents. You can play with magnetic numbers using a lot of imagination.

Can be done from a train set, in the carriages of which there will be numbers indicating the serial number of the carriage. And comic numbers cut out of soft material can dance, enlivening children's perception and memorization. For those who want to improve their child in mathematical terms, reading children's educational books and watching cartoons based on counting will be useful. This is very visual learning.

It is necessary to teach the child that a number “speaks” about the quantity of something. The simplest exercise is to write a number on a separate piece of paper and build a tower of cubes according to it. The number two “says” that the tower needs to be built from two cubes, and five requires five pieces for the tower. After this, the child will have fun dropping this structure.

Various applications, do-it-yourself drawings, modeling from dough or plasticine of different numbers and the elements that make up them will give impetus to creativity and comprehension of the science of numbers and counting.

Can be taught at any age

A 1-3 year old child shows a keen interest in numbers. It is important to support and develop this curiosity by saying them out loud, showing them visually, asking them to repeat after adults. Children from three to five can already recognize numbers and master sequential counting.

In this useful activity, it is important to remember the uniqueness of each child and characteristic features his mental processes. It cannot be compared with other children, but it is necessary to understand what the baby’s leading memory is, auditory or visual, and use this in teaching. Parents should appreciate and encourage his efforts to master numbers. Such an individual approach, consistency and interest of the parents will soon help him remember all the numbers and operate with them in life.

Author of the article: Svetlana Syumakova

Consultation for parents on the topic:

“How to help a child remember graphic image numbers."

It often happens that a child can count from 1 to 10 perfectly well, but cannot independently find the number shown in the picture. The graphic image of a number is difficult for him abstract concept. Development abstract thinking not a simple process. And you can’t do this without the help of adults.

Children often confuse numbers, a little similar friend on each other, for example 6 and 9, 3 and 8, 4 and 7. And this problem should not be missed under any circumstances. Children need help to understand such difficult-to-understand graphic images. It will be much easier for a child to remember a number if he can find its resemblance to some object or animal: 2 - swan, 8 - glasses.

If the teacher is in kindergarten or mom will be able to pick up interesting poems about numbers, then the memorization process will be even easier. The main thing is not to get angry with children if they don’t grasp everything on the fly. For you, adults, everything is easy and simple, but for children who have just begun to master numbers and counting, everything is very difficult. Any teacher or child psychologist will confirm that the most in an effective way memorizing new material for children will serve play activities in mathematics.

Therefore, interesting poems and games about numbers and counting were selected.

Numbers live on various objects:

In calendars and tram tickets,

On watch dials, on houses,

Numbers are hidden in book volumes,

Both in the store and on the phone,

Both by car and by carriage.

Numbers are everywhere, numbers are all around.

We will look for them and find them right away.

Digit 0

A number like the letter O -

This is zero or nothing.

The round zero is so pretty

But it doesn’t mean anything!

Digit 1

And the unit looks like a hook,

On a nail, on a knitting needle.

And maybe a little more

It looks like a candle.

Digit 2

But this is number two.

Admire what it's like:

The deuce arches his neck,

The tail is dragging behind her.

Digit 3

But look at this,

The number three appears.

Three - the third of the icons -

Consists of two hooks.

Digit 4

Look - 4 is a chair,

Which I turned over.

Number 5

And then I went to dance

On paper the number is five.

She extended her hand to the right,

The leg was bent sharply.

Number 6

Number six - door lock:

There is a hook on top, a circle on the bottom

Number 7

Seven is like a sharp scythe.

Mow, scythe, while it's sharp.

There's a flag on the roof, look everyone

After all, it looks like the number seven.

Number 8

Number 8 is so delicious

She is made of two bagels.

Number eight plus hooks –

You get points.

Number 9

Nine, like six, look closely.

Only the tail is not up, but down.

Number 10

Zero rolled down the track

And it didn't mean anything.

A unit stood nearby,

Making 10 of it.

  • We count fingers using various rhymes and nursery rhymes. The method is also good because it can be used from the very beginning. early age, literally from birth, while simultaneously developing fine motor skills. At first we count to 5, after a year you can switch to nursery rhymes with a count of up to 10. As the child grows up, you can count not only his fingers, but the fingers of mom, dad and other family members.
  • We count the steps - go from the most simple ways. When the baby has learned to climb stairs well at least in one direction (for example, he has learned to go down), you can start counting these steps. First you count, the baby goes down and listens, and after a while he will start counting with you.
  • Let's play board games with chips and dice. In such games there is also a score and a visual number of dots on the die.
  • We use "counting books" in which we count to five - ten for various games to determine who will go first.
  • We count everything! You can count pigeons on the street, books on a shelf, favorite dolls or cars, how many spoons mom washed, how much ice cream dad bought, etc.

If you take a close look at your daily activities, you will find many opportunities to give your child new knowledge using ordinary everyday moments.

Draw your child’s attention to numbers wherever this can be done casually: let him dial the intercom code, switch TV channels, let him help you identify the bus with the right number on which you will go to visit your grandmother, press the desired floor button in the elevator etc.

Ask your child to bring you a certain number of spoons when you set the table. Before going to the store, agree with your child that today you will buy him 3 packs of juice, let him independently take the required amount from the shelf, etc.

The main thing is to show your imagination!

Mathematical game "Find the number"

For this game you will need:

Numbers drawn (printed) on paper from 1 to 9

Drawings of objects similar to numbers.

The kid looks at the drawing and then guesses what number is hidden in it. Then the mother shows the number 2 and asks the baby to find a drawing similar to this number.

Mathematical game "Cardboard numbers"

For this game you will need to cut out numbers from cardboard in advance. The baby closes his eyes, takes one cardboard number and guesses by touch what kind of number it is.

Mathematical game "Lost numbers"

Numbers from 1 to 9 are printed on cardboard. Then each of them is cut into two parts. The kid must restore them. If this task is too easy for him, you can make it more difficult by cutting the numbers into 3, 4 or 6 parts.

Game "What's on the back"

The baby lies on his stomach, and the mother draws a number on his back with her finger. The baby must guess what this number is.

Game “What does the number look like”

The mother asks the child what number the glasses look like, and the baby must show the number 8.

Mathematical game “Guess what the number is?”

Mom reads a poem, the child must name the number discussed in the poem, and then find it and show it.

Make numbers from plasticine, make numbers from counting sticks, strings and beans, draw numbers with your finger in the air, on the palm of your hand. Learn each number separately first, and only then mix it with others.

Memorizing numbers is not an easy task for some adults and schoolchildren. But many practicing psychologists have invented several ways to facilitate this process. Locations, associations, Roman rooms, palaces of the mind and Cicero's method - these mysterious words will soon help anyone who wants to improve their memory.

Memory training for memorizing numbers

We usually think about how to learn numbers when a baby is growing up in the house. It is very useful to place a colorful poster on the wall with numbers from 1 to 10, and then from 1 to 20, periodically pointing to one of the numbers to the child, pronouncing its name loudly and clearly. It's good to play with cubes with numbers written on them.

It is easier for a child to remember numbers by association. Draw or buy pictures of one apple with the number 1, two strawberries with the number 2, and so on. When counting the cubes, name the numbers. So gradually you can easily move on to counting to 10 and 20, adding cubes.

An adult can also remember numbers using associations.

For example:

  • visually the zero looks like a donut;
  • one per aspen stake;
  • two resembles a swan;
  • the three looks like a turned mustache;
  • four per chair;
  • five on a fishing hook;
  • six on a padlock;
  • seven on a hay scythe;
  • eight for Vanka-Vstanka;
  • nine on a donut with a string.

There is another type of association.

For example, a number can be named by the first letter of the name:

  • zero, starts with the letter H;
  • unit starting with letter E;
  • two with D;
  • three - T;
  • four - H;
  • five - P;
  • six - Ш;
  • seven - C;
  • eight - B;
  • nine - D.

You can choose the method that is easier for you to master.

There is also a method called Locations. It can also be called the Roman room, the Cicero method, the palace of the mind.

First you need to prepare locations, places that you remember well in your home. This is what Cicero did in his Roman home.

For locations, select those places that are stored in memory.

Locations can start from the hallway and go into the living room:

  1. Entrance door.
  2. A rug with a pair of shoes.
  3. Cassette with the rest of the shoes.
  4. Hanger for outerwear.
  5. Shelf for hats.
  6. Wall lamp.
  7. Chair.
  8. Bed.
  9. Large carpet on the wall.
  10. Pantry.

Assign a specific number to each location. To remember the numbers corresponding to a given location, come up with a funny picture:

  • Kol knocks on the front door.
  • The deuce tries on a pair of dirty shoes that you just came from the street in.
  • The troika, in the form of a mustache, checks the cleanliness of the rest of the shoes in the cassette.
  • The four of them poke all their sticks into their clothes, looking for the right coat or raincoat.
  • Five is crocheting a hat from the top shelf.
  • The wall lamp hisses, burning out too often.
  • The chair bends when the scythe is placed on it.
  • The bed always creaks.
  • The large size carpet on the wall looks like the biggest number.
  • Ten opens the door to the pantry, adding a bagel to the stake.

The funnier the pictures, the better you will remember the numbers. Locations can be added. Moreover, if you counted from bottom to top from a cassette with shoes, do the same with other objects, such as a table and a vase.

Now, in order to remember the desired number, you will imagine the place in your usual interior where you placed it.

Memorizing numbers

Let's look at an exercise for memorizing numbers.

For training, let's take the four-digit number 1672. Let's come up with graphic associations for each number. The unit is like a candle. Let's imagine that Peter the Great is sitting at a table on which a candle is burning and writing another Decree. What does Peter the Great have to do with it? Despite the fact that he was born in 1672.

The six is ​​similar to the profile of an elephant. Let Peter the Great ride on an elephant. Let's imagine this in our minds and draw an elephant. The seven is like a flag. Let's give him a flag in his hands. Two looks like a swan. White swans greet Peter the Great in the pond near the palace. A candle, an elephant, a flag, a swan and Peter 1 - all these symbols will help you remember the date of birth of a historical figure.

In addition, we were helped by a small story that we came up with about the march of the emperor with a flag and an elephant with a swan.

No matter how good you are at drawing, remembering numbers, use those graphic associations that are close to you. It will be easier to remember them if, when training a new method, you come up with their images yourself.

There are also different methods of memorizing multi-digit numbers. One of them is logical sequences. They are ascending and descending, even, odd and complex.

The method of the soldier Schweik is interesting to study. Memory training in this case concerns groups of numbers.

Let's consider a long number for clarity: 2, 718281828459045 (Euler number).

Let's divide the number into three groups:

  • The numbers 27 are the year of the end of conscription age.
  • 1828 is the year of birth of Leo Tolstoy, repeated twice.
  • 459045 can be sketched as isosceles triangle with two angles of 45 and one of 90 degrees.

We remember the year of the end of conscription into the army, the two births of L. Tolstoy and the angles of an isosceles triangle.

Of course, it is not always easy to find an association that is easy to remember. But any new business requires skill and experience, repetition. At first, everything will not be as fast as it seems. But, as they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do. So it is in this matter. If you decide to improve your memory the way we teach, try and practice.

If you need to remember some numbers for a long time, then you can use the following mnemonics:

Association with other familiar numbers. Dale Carnegie advises remembering dates by associating them with significant dates that you know. For example, it is easy to remember that the Battle of Kulikovo took place exactly 600 years before the Summer Olympic Games in Moscow.

Shedd system (Shed system). Small numbers, for example, historical dates or short telephone numbers, can be learned by composing a special phrase, each word in which is in a strictly defined order and has the number of letters corresponding to the memorized number. For example, if you want to remember the number 467, then you need to come up with a phrase in which the first word will consist of 4 letters, the second - of 6, and the third word - of 7 letters. Thus, the number 467 corresponds to the phrase “an elephant gallops” (4, 6 and 7 letters, respectively). A zero in this system often corresponds to a word of 10 or any number of letters.

Rhymes. Often large number It is convenient to memorize numbers by creating rhymes or poems. This method is suitable if you need to remember certain numbers for a long time, having the opportunity to spend some time on it. This way you can easily remember which signs come after the decimal point in the number “Pi”.

Remembering names and faces

Very often we need to remember people we just met. We all tend to be kind to those who remember our name. In order to quickly and accurately remember the names and faces of people, there are the following mnemonics.

Show interest in a person, chat a little, addressing him by name. There are several memorization rules at work here. Firstly, you show interest in the person, and also receive information about him, which can serve as the basis for building associations with him. Secondly, you repeat his name several times, which also improves memorization.

Association with another person well known to you with the same name. For example, many of us will easily remember a person's name if he is your namesake. It is also easy to remember the names of people who coincide with the names of your parents and good friends. But even if you don't know the name of the person you need to remember, try to remember famous personalities with the same names: actors, politicians, musicians.

Selection of other modifications of his name. For example, the name Alexander has several modifications: Sasha, San, Shura. Once the person has introduced himself, try silently naming several modifications of his name.

Writing the name. Think about how a person's name is written - imagine it visually. How many letters are there in this name? What is the first letter? The answers to these questions will further cement the image of the person’s name in your visual perception. If possible, you can even write the person's name on the paper to enhance the perception.

Remembering last names. You can remember last names using mnemonic techniques based on visual associations. You need to start by searching for a mental replacement or modification of the surname. For example, my surname Buyanov can be associated with the island of Buyan from children's fairy tales, as well as with a violent temperament. Then some noticeable feature of the person is selected, for example, a facial feature or character trait (which is more suitable for the Buyanov surname), which needs to be tied to the selected surname association.

Memorizing foreign languages

Language mnemonics will be useful for memorizing words, expressions, grammatical rules, verb forms, etc.

Method of phonetic associations (MPA). This method appeared due to the fact that in all languages ​​of the world there are words or parts of words that sound the same, but have different meaning. Moreover, in different languages There are words that have a common origin. For example, the word look can be remembered by associating it with the similar-sounding Russian word “onion.” And when cutting an onion, we cannot “look” at it, because our eyes water.

Method of interaction of all sensations (MSI). This mnemonic approach is useful for those who want to become fluent in English. foreign language. If words don't come to your mind automatically, you won't be able to speak the language fluently. Therefore, the main thing is not to memorize a foreign word as a translation of a native word, but to immediately associate the foreign word directly with the corresponding concept. To learn the word “cup,” imagine a cup with a handle, and holding the image in your mind, say “cup” several times, trying not to remember the word “cup.”



4-5 year old children do not yet know all the numbers, but name or “recognize” only a few of them. Kids confuse number and number, number and letter, confuse numbers with each other: 2 and 5, 3 and 5, 9 and 6, 1 and 4, 2 and 7, etc. They often break the sequences between adjacent numbers from a series. Certain difficulties arise for some children when the counting result must be indicated by a number or the number must be correlated with the required number of objects. The educational game situations below will help you solve these problems.

“Say the name of the number.”
We consider numbers made from different materials: paper, cardboard, fabric, printed on cards of different sizes and colors, written or printed, etc. It turns out what numbers the child knows and where he saw them.

“Find out the number by touch.”
Figures are offered in the form volumetric figures(“molds”), cards where the contours of the numbers can be convex or, conversely, marked with grooves, rough numbers or smooth signs pasted on rough paper, etc. The preschooler examines and guesses the number by touch.

“Make a number.”
It is proposed to lay out numbers from circles, sticks, cubes, triangles, mosaics, sculpt them from plasticine, clay, and make “tasty numbers.” You can cut out numbers from velvet or plain paper, old newspapers or magazines, fabric and stick them on.

“Color the number.”
An outline image is provided for shading or coloring, or stencils for tracing a number and its subsequent coloring or shading.

“Draw and guess.”
The adult draws a number in the air with his finger, and the child guesses it, then they change roles.

“Turn the number into a funny figure.”
By completing or drawing, the numbers turn into “little men”, “little animals” or other funny figures.

“Find your number.”
Cards with numbers are laid out on the table. The child receives a card with a number. We need to find “our own”.

“Draw the same amount.”
The child draws (colors, sticks) as many objects as the number shows.

“Do the move.”
The adult invites the child to (sit down, jump) as many times as the number indicates.

“Numbers on dice.”
Using a dice, children find the number corresponding to the number of dots on the top edge of the cube that appears.

“Make pairs.”
A numerical figure and (or) a card with objects are matched to a card with a number, or vice versa.

“Is this correct?”
Two cards are shown, the child needs to determine whether the image of the number on one card corresponds to the number of circles, triangles or objects on the other card.

“Find the same one.”
A piece of paper shows numbers that differ in color, size, and shape. We need to find, ignoring unimportant signs, identical numbers.

“Number the items.”
A drawing is proposed in which you need to restore the sequence in the numbering. At first 1-2 digits may “fall out” from the numbering, and then more.

“Define the neighboring one.”
An adult shows the numbers in any order. You need to find them on cards and show them “neighbors”.

“Paste the numbers.”
It is proposed to stick the numbers in order, numbering the floors in a multi-story building, chairs in a row, etc.

“Which number escaped?”
The child looks at cards with numbers and remembers them. The adult changes their places. The kid points out what has changed. If any card is removed, the child guesses which number is missing.

“What’s wrong?”
On the table, cards with numbers are turned upside down or upside down, or are given in a “mirror” reflection. The child must return the number to the correct position.

“Name it and post it.”
The child is asked to name and list his phone number, house and apartment number, etc. from the numbers.

“Describe the number.”
The child is asked to describe the number. For example: this figure consists of a stick, it has a small tail at the top left; this figure looks like a swan, etc.

“Write the numbers.”
Numbers are written with fingers in the air, on foggy glass, with a stick on the ground, with chalk on the asphalt, etc.

“Decorate with numbers.”
It is proposed to paint with numbers the outfit of fairy-tale characters, a piece of fabric, decorate a New Year tree, etc.

“Indicate the order with numbers.”
The pictures must be laid out in a certain sequence and numbered, focusing on semantic, cause-and-effect, temporal and other connections (for example: the beginning of an event, its development, its end; a seed, a sprout, a flowering plant).

“Guess and write the number.”
Looking at objects depicted in pictures or in reality, you need to determine what numbers they resemble and write them (lay them out from sticks, circles). For example, pencils - by one, a hook from a hanger - by two, a donut - by zero, etc.