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How is the case of a noun determined? How to determine the case of a noun? Determine gender, number, case of nouns

135. Read it.

      Birds singing in the groves,
      And there is silence in the class.
      We are going through declination,
      “Spring” is bowing.
      We bow out loud: “Spring, spring...
      Spring, spring, spring, oh spring..."
      "Spring came,
      Wait until spring...
      Hello spring,
      Meet you...
      Spring, spring, spring, spring,
      In spring, oh spring..."
      (Ya. Akim)

  • What does the expression mean? Is “spring” leaning? What part is in the word spring does it change with declination?
  • Write down the last sentence. Determine the case of the noun spring for questions.

Remember! Changing nouns by case is called declination. There are 6 cases in Russian. Each case has its own name, its own questions, its own prepositions and plays its own role in the sentence and phrase.

136. Read the names of cases, auxiliary words, case questions.

  • Why does each case have two case questions and not one? Explain your answer.

Note! Initial form the noun is the nominative singular form.
All cases except the nominative are called indirect cases.
Nouns are declined not only in the singular, but also in the plural.

137. Orally inflect nouns together with auxiliary words fox, window, hedgehogs. Write down the declension of these nouns without auxiliary words.

I. p. (who?) fox, (what?) window, (who?) hedgehogs

R. p. (who?) foxes, (what?) windows, (who?) hedgehogs

D. p. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  • Highlight the endings of nouns.

Note! Case forms of nouns are formed using endings. Each case form has its own ending:

fox A, fox s, fox e, fox at, fox Ouch, (o) fox e.

Signs of case forms of nouns



and semantic

Role in

Who? What?


without, at, from, to, from, for, about, near, with, around, after, between

whom? what?

Minor member

to whom? what?
Where? Where?

Minor member

through, about, in, into, on, for, under, through, by

whom? What?

Minor member

above, behind, under, before, with, with, between,

by whom? how?
Where? Where?

Minor member

about, about, in, on, at

about whom? about what?

Minor member

138. Read the table “Signs of case forms of nouns.”

  • Read the signs by which you can determine each case form of a noun (prepositions, questions, which member of the sentence it is).
  • Pay attention to the highlighted prepositions - they are used with only one case.
  • What are the similarities and differences in the signs of case forms of nouns?

Remember! IN nominative case the noun is in the sentence subject to.
To determine the case of other nouns, you need to:
a) find the word on which the noun depends and pose a question from this word;
b) determine the case based on the case question and preposition.

139. Read it. Match the riddles and answers.

1. The horse is running, Earth trembling. 2. A lanky man walked, in land stuck 3. From land I grow up and dress the whole world. 4. Under earth The bird made a nest and laid eggs. 5. Red, juicy, fragrant, grows low, to earth close. 6. Scarlet boot in earth burns.

Guess: rain, thunder, flax, strawberries, potatoes, beets.

  • Be prepared to explain how to determine the case of a noun Earth in every sentence.
  • Write down any three riddles. Specify the case of the noun Earth in every sentence.

140. Read it.

Streets on south swallows, starlings, finches. One... but sits.. on a b.. tree branch d..horns bigger and quieter bird. This is rubbish., not very elegant, this bird remained faithful to his.. forest. Together with the forest, it steadfastly endures winter frosts and frosts.

(V. Medvedev)

  • Write by inserting the missing letters. Determine the case of the highlighted nouns.

Note! Case form nominative case is most often used to name, name an object, and the case form accusative case - to name the object to which the action is directed.

141. Read it. What is the theme of these poetic lines?

      Drops forest your crimson dress,
      Silver freezing faded field,
      The day will appear as if against its will
      And will hide behind edge surrounding mountains
      (A. Pushkin)

  • Prove that this is a complex sentence. Write it off.
  • Indicate the case of the highlighted nouns. Underline the main clauses in each simple sentence.
  • How to distinguish between inanimate nouns in the nominative and accusative cases if they answer a question What?

142. Make up sentences using any of these nouns, first in the nominative case, then in the accusative case. Write down the sentences. Indicate the case of nouns.

Speak correctly!

      carpenter - carpenter (R. p.; V. p.)
      locksmith - locksmith
      bullfinch - bullfinch
      wolf - wolf
      scarf - scarf (R. p.)
      cake - cake
      coat of arms - coat of arms
      umbrella - umbrella

143. Read it. Make up proverbs from the words.

1. Patience, no, without, learning. 2. There are mice around the bread. 3. From, business, in, boredom, hands, take. 4. Food tastes better after work. 5. Laziness, to, brings, good, not. 6. There is no end, no ring.

  • Write down the proverbs. Underline the nouns in the genitive case. By what signs did you recognize them?
  • Parse the fifth sentence by member.

144. Read it.

1. Friend Seek, and if you find, take care. 2. There are many friends, but real ones friend No. 3. Bears wolf not visiting. 4. From wolf ran, yes to bear attacked 5. For bear winter - one night. 6. Without cat a place for mice. 7. There is lard, but not about it cat.

  • What are the similarities and differences between the case forms of the same nouns? By what criteria can you determine the case of highlighted nouns?

145. Read it. Make up phrases using nouns in the dative case. Where necessary, use prepositions to connect words in a phrase. Write it down.

  • What do the words mean? telephone, telephone operator?
  • By what criteria can we identify nouns in the dative case?
  • Choose other nouns whose first part is part television: TV tower, ... .

Note! The case form of the dative case can indicate the object to which some action is addressed.

body background body broadcast

146. Read it. Name the fairy tales.

1. Zhenya went along forest look for one like this clearing where the strawberries themselves are eyes climbs and asks to be in the jug.

2. The girl ran to clearing, bent over earth, squatted down, looked under leaves and began to vomit berries.

(V. Kataev)

  • Explain the meaning of phrases get in your way, squat down.
  • Determine the case of the highlighted nouns. Which ones answer the question? Where? By what signs did you distinguish these cases?

147. Read it. Come up with a title for the poem.

      Will chill Linden outside the window,
      Frost fell in the morning.
      Waving small palm
      Yellow leaf in the wind.
      Before by myself in winter
      He says goodbye with me.
      (V. Orlov)

  • Write down the highlighted phrases, raising the question from the main word to the dependent one. Determine the case of nouns in these phrases.
  • Find personifications in sentences - words that help to imagine inanimate objects in the image of a living being.

Note! One of the meanings of the instrumental case is the meaning of the instrument of action: I paint with a brush, I write with a pen.

148. Read it. Write it off.

Reward behind courage, live behind city, pie With blueberries, arrived With factory, put under pillow, grown under birch.

  • How to determine the cases of nouns that have the same prepositions?
  • Compose a sentence with any phrase in which the noun is used in the instrumental case.

149. Read it.

      The willow is rustling on the mountain,
      A bee is ringing on a willow tree,
      Striped like a zebra...
      In the grove there are maples and oak groves,
      And under them there are mushrooms,
      Each mushroom is like an umbrella.
      (Yu. Moritz)

  • Write it off. Explain how you can recognize nouns in the prepositional case.
  • Find comparisons in the sentences.
  • Remember why the prepositional case is called that way.

150. Read it.

1. Children sing a song about the Motherland. 2. Oh shore The river splashes quietly. 3. On a stalk The dragonfly sat down in the sedge. 4. Outside a blizzard is raging. 5. From the mountain to the valley a stream runs. 6. In the alley The park is quiet and cool. 7. In the sky the song of the lark was heard.

  • Explain how to distinguish the cases of nouns that have the same prepositions.
  • Write down phrases with each highlighted noun. Indicate the case of nouns.

Sample. They sing about the Motherland (P.p.).

A alley

Page for the curious

The use of cases in speech

Scientists have calculated which cases in the Russian literary language are the most frequent, that is, most often used in speech.

IN writing The most frequently used case is the nominative case, then the genitive, then the accusative.

IN oral speech The nominative case remains the most frequent, followed by the accusative, then the genitive.

151. Read it.

      I am myself in coat dressed
      And he touched his nose with his sleeve.
      Decided coat i punish
      And without coat went for a walk.
      (O. Grigoriev)

  • Why do lines make you smile? When a verb is used in speech dressed, and when - allotment?
  • What signs can be used to determine the case of a noun coat?

Remember! In the Russian language there is a small group of nouns that have the same form in all cases: hear on the radio(D.p.), to listen to the radio(V.p.), no radio(R. p.).
These are indeclinable nouns: coat, highway, cinema, taxi, coffee, cafe. In this case, case is determined by the question.

152. Read it. Write down by filling in the missing words metro And radio. Indicate the case of unchangeable words.

Live near _____. Listen _____. Go to _____. Perform on _____. Enter _____.

The Russian language is a synthetic language: in them, word change occurs through the addition or change of inflections - in other words, endings - which convey several meanings. A distinctive feature of this paradigm is the combination of several meanings within one morpheme.

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In analytical languages ​​(for example, Romance languages: Spanish, French), word order and prepositions fulfill the same purpose for which cases of nouns and adjectives are needed in Russian, that is, they establish the grammatical meaning of the word form and its syntactic connection with other members of the sentence.

The concept of declension: declension in Russian

The inflectional nature of the Russian language is manifested in the fact that nominal parts of speech are attached to endings that convey the categories of the year, number and case. This process is called declination. In the Russian language, according to the traditional classification, a noun has three declensions, although there are other approaches. For example, Andrei Anatolyevich Zaliznyak proposes to define the “school” paradigms of the first and second declension as variations of a common substantive type.

The diversity of concepts is not limited to this area. From school textbooks it is known that nouns and adjectives Russian languages ​​change according to six cases, but linguistics disputes this statement. This is because in some cases the noun takes an ending that is not part of the traditional declension paradigm (for example, drink some tea Yu , instead of drink some tea I ; don't know the truth s instead of don't know the truth at ). Fortunately, it is not at all necessary to know these additional cases, examples of which are given.

However, most people are far from scientific research and debate and still operate only six cases, remembering them using mnemonic rules. Unfortunately, there are no such endings for memorizing case endings and you have to memorize them. But even the most literate people sometimes fall into a stupor, wondering what ending will be correct in this case. If you have any difficulties, it is best to contact table:

Case name Question Prepositions Endings 1st declension Endings 2nd declension 3rd declension endings Plural endings
Nominative Who? What? -and I -o, -e -s, -i, -a, -i
Genitive whom? what? whose? whose? whose? without, at, before, from, with, about, from, near, after, for, around -s, -i -and I -And -, -ov, -ev, -ey
Dative to whom? what? to, by -e, -i -u, -yu -And -am, -yam
Accusative whom? What? in, for, on, about, through -u, -yu -o, -e = I.p. -, -s, -i, -a, -i, -ey
Instrumental by whom? how? for, above, under, before, with -oh (-oh), -ey (-her) -om, -eat -Yu -ami, -yami
Prepositional about whom? about what? in, on, about, about, about, at -e, -i -e, -i -And -ah, -yah

As can be seen from the table, in many cases the forms of the noun in the accusative and nominative cases are the same. This is due to their grammatical and syntactic meaning: a noun in the nominative case denotes the subject of the action and is the subject of the sentence, while the accusative introduces the object of the action and is an object.

In ancient Greece, grammarians, under the strong influence of natural philosophy, assumed that the nominative is a kind of perfection, "correct" form of the word, and all the rest are a deviation from the ideal. Actually, the very term “declension” conveys the logic of ancient scientists. The opposition they created still exists today, although for different reasons. So, cases are divided into:

  • direct (nominative) - do not depend on other members of the sentence and are not controlled by verbs;
  • indirect (all others) - introduced by prepositions and act as an addition.

Meanings of oblique cases

Cases of the Russian language have specific functions in the formation of connections between members of a sentence. For example, the genitive conveys the meaning of belonging and inclusion in something ( son's notebook, wooden house), and the dative introduces the addressee of speech or process ( call mom, tell a friend). The modern instrumental case includes several meanings at once, among which we can distinguish the instrument of action ( hammer) and path trajectory ( walk along a forest path). The prepositional case, as the name suggests, uses prepositions to convey many different meanings, of which, as an example, we can highlight location in space ( room in the house).

Isolation of these meanings and the ability to determine them is the basis for compliance with spelling standards. Errors in case endings are quite common. To avoid them, it is necessary to at least correctly determine the case.

Determining the case of a noun

Simple table endings are not enough for the correct spelling of a word. As a rule, the problem is determining the required case. As an example of such a difficulty, one can name the orthoepically similar forms of the genitive and dative cases of the 1st declension singular ( grandmothersgrandmother). However, there is a simple way to determine the ending required in a particular case. To do this you need:

The operations described above are very simple and effective. But there are other tools that do not require memorizing case questions and types of declensions. With the development of high technologies and Internet communications, it has become possible to create special programs and services that can decline the required noun online in a split second. This method is suitable for both schoolchildren and adults.

What is case, how many cases are there in the Russian language and how to correctly determine case in nouns? You will find answers to these and many other questions in the article. We will tell you about the features of declension of nouns by case, give illustrative examples, and teach you how to determine the case form not only in indeclinable, but also in indeclinable forms of words.

What is case of nouns?

Case of nouns in Russian is a morphological feature that denotes the grammatical relationship of nouns to other words in phrases and sentences. Case is expressed by a system of rows of forms of nouns opposed to each other and is an inflectional feature.

Declension of nouns by case is studied in 4th grade.

Declension of nouns by case

There are six cases in Russian– one direct (nominative) and five indirect. Changing nouns by case is carried out using a system of case endings (inflections).

Examples of noun cases in the table:

TOP 5 articleswho are reading along with this

Case Questions for cases Examples of nouns
Unit number Mn. number
Nominative Who? What? Buddy b, branch A, lakes O Buddy And, branch And, lakes A
Genitive Whom? What? Buddy I, branch And, lakes A Buddy to her, branches, lakes
Dative To whom? Why? Buddy Yu, branch e, lakes at Buddy yam, branch am, lakes am
Accusative Whom? What? Buddy I, branch at, lakes O Buddy to her, branch And, lakes A
Instrumental By whom? How? Buddy eat, branch Ouch, lakes ohm Buddy yami, branch ami, lakes ami
Prepositional About whom? About what? Oh buddy e oh branch e, about the lakes e Oh buddy I oh branch Oh, about the lakes Oh

Indeclinable nouns do not have case forms. In such words, case affiliation is expressed not grammatically (through endings), but syntactically (through words with which they agree).

Examples: new coat(I.p), dream about coat(P.p), sew a button to coat(D.p.).

How to determine the case of a noun?

There are several ways to determine the case of a noun.

There are only six cases in Russian:

  • Nominative;
  • Genitive;
  • Dative;
  • Accusative;
  • Instrumental;
  • Prepositional.

Why is it necessary to know how to determine case? Determining the case helps to indicate the correct ending of the word, therefore, avoiding grammatical errors. How to determine the case of a noun, pronoun, adjective or numeral quickly and accurately?

There are special case questions, with their help they determine whether parts of speech belong to a particular case.

Case questions

Nominative: who?, what? (fish, barrel);

Genitive: whom?, what? (fish, barrels);

Dative: to whom?, to what? (fish, barrel);

Accusative: whom?, what? (fish, barrel);

Creative: by whom?, with what? (fish, barrel);

Prepositional: about whom?, about what? (about fish, about a barrel).

To correctly determine the case, you should remember the above questions, two for each case. But there is a little trick: instead of twelve, you can remember only six simple words, which will help not only determine case, but also remember case questions.

Determining case for different words

How to correctly determine case using auxiliary words?

There is a fish (who, what) - nominative;

There is no fish (who, what) - genitive;

I'll give it to the fish (to whom, what) - dative;

I see fish (who, what) - accusative;

Satisfied with the fish (who, what) - instrumental;

I think about fish (about whom, about what) - prepositional.

For example, consider the sentence: “The fish didn’t fit into the barrel.” There are two nouns in this sentence: fish, barrel. We substitute auxiliary words: there is (who, what) fish - nominative case; I see (who, what) a barrel - accusative case.

By substituting the right question for the word, you can determine the case of the pronouns. Examples: she was not given a ticket. To her (to whom, to what) - dative case. I think about him all the time. About him (about whom, about what) - prepositional case.

If difficulties arise, you can replace the pronoun with a suitable noun: I think about my son all the time. About the son (about whom) - prepositional case.

When it is already clear how to determine the case of pronouns and nouns, you can consider numerals and adjectives.

How to determine the case of an adjective and numeral? Adjectives and numerals have the same case as the nouns they refer to.

For example:

A big fish is swimming. Big fish (who, what) - nominative case.

I'm going to my first meeting. The first meeting (of whom, what) - accusative case.

If a noun is omitted in a sentence, then the case can be determined by substituting a word that makes sense:

The most beautiful one is coming. Beautiful (girl) - who, what - nominative case.

After ten, everything will be closed. The tenth (number) - whom, what - genitive case.

If you thoroughly understand the above material, then the question of how to determine the case of a numeral, adjective, pronoun or noun will no longer arise.

All world languages ​​can be conditionally divided into inflected and non-inflected. This means that the words that are part of the languages ​​of the first group have endings, but the lexical units belonging to the second group of languages ​​do not have them. Russian language belongs to the first type of languages. This is explained by the fact that words in the native language in sentences and phrases are connected in meaning and grammatically, that is, with the help of endings.

The endings of nominal parts of speech indicate in which case the desired part of speech is used. In general, the category of name in the Russian language has such a grammatical feature as case. It is this that allows you to link lexemes into phrases, and phrases into sentences, that is, larger units of expression of thought.

Case is usually used to refer to one of the morphological features of nominal parts of speech. It is intended to enable grammatically correct determination of the relationships between the constituent phrases or

The case category of a noun is defined as a feature included in the group of morphologically unstable ones. When a part of speech changes, its case also changes. In general, there are six cases in the Russian language. They are also included in the subjects studied as part of the school curriculum.

  • Nominative is a case in which the noun is in singular form. For comparison: lilac(What?), child(Who?). The noun in this I. p. is never used in speech with a preposition. For this reason, I. p. is direct.
  • Genitive. Indirect. It is always used with prepositions. You can use the auxiliary word “no” to check. For example: (no one?) Misha.
  • Dative. The auxiliary word is “dam”. Indirect, its use is possible without and with a preposition. Example: (will I give it to whom?) Nikita.
  • Accusative. The word “see” helps to correctly define it. Indirect. Nouns in V. p. are complements in a sentence. Based on the above characteristics, it cannot be confused with a nominative. For example: through (what?) time,(see what?) banner.
  • Instrumental. For him, the auxiliary word would be “satisfied.” Indirect. It is used with . Example: (happy with whom?) daughter, (happy with what?) result.
  • Prepositional. Indirect. Its name directly indicates that it is always used with a preposition. The auxiliary word is “think”. For example: (thinking about whom?) about my beloved; (think about what?) about defending a dissertation.

Table of cases of the Russian language with questions:

Case system

It turns out that the case system of our native language is represented by fifteen cases. Six of them are studied in the course. And the rest will be discussed further.

  • Vocative. It was part of the case system of the Old Church Slavonic language. Now its form can be considered the word God. Today, similar forms in the language are formed by cutting off inflection. The results are not quite “full-fledged” in the grammatical sense of the word: mom, grandma, dad and similar forms.
  • Local. It's easy to guess by prepositions in, on, at and on the question where?: (where?) with the regiment, (Where?) on the wardrobe, (Where?) in the nose.
  • Dividing. It is a derived form of the genitive. Determined in context. Eg: drink tea, there will be no light, it’s blazing hot.
  • Counting. An exponent is a word that denotes a number or amount in context: two hours, two steps.
  • Negative. It is used with the preposition from. What matters is the start of the movement. Eg: from home and so on.
  • Depriving. It's easy to recognize by context. Always used with the particle not. For example: cannot have a child.
  • Waiting. It looks like an accusative. It can only be determined in context. Eg: wait for weather from the sea.
  • Convertive or inclusive. It is also recognizable in context. For example: I'll take you as a wife, she's fit to be a daughter and so on.

How to determine

Students should be able to determine grammatical categories, for example, cases of nouns and their endings, both orally and in writing.

First, let's look at the algorithm by which you can verbally determine the case:

  1. In a sentence, it is necessary to highlight such a phrase so that the noun in it is a dependent word.
  2. Ask a question to a noun.
  3. at the noun.

For example: I hear my dad calling. Call(whom?) dads(R.p.)

Now let’s describe the scheme for determining the case of a noun in writing:

  1. In a sentence, the signs // indicate the boundaries of the phrase.
  2. The main word in the phrase is X.
  3. Draw an arrow from the main word to the dependent word.
  4. Write a question above the arrow.
  5. Determine case.
  6. Write the case above the noun.

Case endings

Indirect cases in the Russian language and their endings require careful study by schoolchildren as part of the general education program.

Despite the fact that most often it is not difficult for native speakers to correctly write the endings in nouns, there are also special cases that require the ability to determine cases and correctly write endings in words.

Endings in Russian cases:

1 cl.NameSingular endingsPlural endings
Nominative-and I-s, -i
Genitive-s, -i-, -to her
Dative-e, -i-am, -yam
Accusative-u, -yu-s,-and,-ey
Instrumental-oh, -hey-ami, -yami
Prepositional-e,-i-ah, -yah
2nd declensionNominative-o, -e (s.r.)-a, -i, -s, -and
Genitive-and I-, -ov, -ev, -ey
Dative-y, -y-am, -yam
Accusative-o, -e (s.r.)-a, -i, -s, -and
Instrumental-om, -eat-ami, -yami
Prepositional-e,-i-ah, -yah
3rd declensionNominative- -And
Genitive-And-to her
Dative-And-am, -yam
Accusative- -And
Instrumental-Yu-ami, -yami
Prepositional-And-ah, -yah

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Let's sum it up

When we mean change by case, we are actually talking about declension. By the way, there are three types of them in the Russian language system. Case is formally expressed through endings (inflections) of words. Thus, in the course of reflection, we came to the conclusion that the case category in the Russian language performs the function of changing words. It is needed so that words are combined into phrases and form a sentence. Moreover, this sentence must be logically complete and grammatically correct.

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