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How to calculate the salary of a primary school teacher. Latest news about teachers' salary levels Increase in teachers' salaries per year

A teacher is a very responsible profession. In the West, this specialty is considered one of the most prestigious and highly paid. But in Russia the situation was different. IN Russian Federation teachers and teachers are not so valued, their work is not paid according to their merits, so teachers’ salaries in Russia can hardly be called high. They are at an average level.

Real salary of a MSU professor in 2017

Deans of faculties receive an average of 100 thousand rubles monthly. And the salaries of rectors and vice-rectors are simply amazing in their size. Representatives holding such positions can earn from 300 thousand rubles per month.

In St. Petersburg in state university The average salary of a professor is 55 thousand rubles. And an assistant professor at the same higher educational institution will receive a monthly salary of 14 thousand rubles.

Teachers' salaries

The average salary of a preschool teacher is 20 thousand rubles. In Moscow, teachers receive up to approximately 42 thousand rubles, and in small provincial cities the salary in this specialty sometimes does not exceed 10 thousand rubles.

In private preschool institutions, teachers receive higher salaries. On average, their monthly income ranges from 30 thousand to 40 thousand rubles.

Table: salaries of preschool workers in 2019

Name of the subject of the Russian Federation Monthly salary amount
Belgorod region 26 524
Bryansk region 23 527
Vladimir region 27 342
Voronezh region 25 930
Ivanovo region 20 752
Kaluga region 29 314
Kostroma region 21 104
Kursk region 24 444
Lipetsk region 26 869
Moscow region 51 497
Oryol region 22 061
Ryazan region 25 308
Smolensk region 23 214
Tambov region 22 936
Tver region 24 350
Tula region 28 678
Yaroslavl region 27 504
Moscow … 1)
Republic of Karelia 33 533
Komi Republic 36 999
Nenets Aut. district 61 917
Arkhangelsk region without a car. districts 34 594
Vologda region 30 368
Kaliningrad region 29 681
Leningrad region 42 974
Murmansk region 44 602
Novgorod region 26 843
Pskov region 23 410
St. Petersburg 53 746
Republic of Adygea 22 435
Republic of Kalmykia 21 899
Republic of Crimea 25 035
Krasnodar region 28 323
Astrakhan region 25 241
Volgograd region 25 803
Rostov region 23 624
Sevastopol 29 321
Republic of Dagestan 18 156
Republic of Ingushetia 21 832
Kabardino-Balkarian Republic 20 062
Karachay-Cherkess Republic 20 435
Republic of North Ossetia-Alania 20 812
Chechen Republic 20 698
Stavropol region 22 482
Republic of Bashkortostan 28 727
Republic of Mari El 23 369
Republic of Mordovia 21 115
Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan) 28 093
Udmurt Republic 27 003
Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia 23 781
Perm region 27 072
Kirov region 22 972
Nizhny Novgorod region 28 127
Orenburg region 24 474
Penza region 25 820
Samara region 28 409
Saratov region 22 657
Ulyanovsk region 24 454
Kurgan region 22 696
Sverdlovsk region 32 670
Tyumen region
Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region Okrug-Ugra 55 697
Yamalo-Nenets Aut. district 73 922
Tyumen region without cars. districts 40 826
Chelyabinsk region 28 070
Altai Republic 25 062
Republic of Tyva 25 409
Republic of Khakassia 29 107
Altai region 21 693
Krasnoyarsk region 33 579
Irkutsk region 32 552
Kemerovo region 33 202
Novosibirsk region 30 251
Omsk region 25 668
Tomsk region 32 176
Republic of Buryatia 34 143
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 51 570
Transbaikal region 29 015
Kamchatka region 63 629
Primorsky Krai 34 862
Khabarovsk region 37 515
Amur region 35 386
Magadan region 64 855
Sakhalin region 72 968
Jewish Autonomous Region 32 248
Chukotka autonomous region 76 056

A teacher is a noble and necessary profession. The first teacher is remembered, if not by everyone, then by many for sure. In turn, the teacher remembers every student who really got on his nerves. How much does a teacher earn, and how is a teacher’s salary calculated?

Calculation based on base salary

Pay for a teacher's hard work is calculated using three methods: base salary, flat rate, or student-hour wage. Basic salary is a method when bonuses for checking notebooks, conducting electives, the number of students, the number of students who are winners of Olympiads, and others are added to the basic salary.

  • teacher salary;
  • special payments, which include deviations of working conditions from the norm, the presence of supervised classes as class teacher, assigned category, holding meetings with students’ parents, the need to check notebooks, work on educational materials, managing the office;
  • incentive payments (this block includes incentives for achieved results based on the results of participation in regional and regional Olympiads, success in passing the unified state exam and lack of facts deviant behavior among children).

Payroll calculation at a fixed rate

How to calculate a teacher’s salary using the so-called “All Inclusive” method? This methodology is based on the official salary based on 36 hours of work for a teacher, as well as incentive payments. Incentive payments are the same as in the first case. The application of new solutions and approaches in the field of education and the implementation of particularly important management tasks are also taken into account. Work experience is of considerable importance.

Apprentice-hour wage

Accountants in many regions of Russia, including Moscow and the Kaliningrad region, are thinking about how to calculate a teacher’s salary based on hours worked. In this case, the concepts of the basic and stimulating parts remain, based on the ratio of 70% to 30%. The basic part takes into account the workload and the number of students. Conducting research work, participating in conferences and competitions, developing educational and methodological material become the main factors for an accountant who is thinking about the question of how to calculate a teacher’s salary.

Primary school teacher salary

Working with children from 6 to 10 years old is interesting, but nevertheless difficult. At this age, the child first encounters the world of seriousness and responsibility. The teacher’s task is not to harm the child’s curiosity, thirst for knowledge, and to help the child become more diligent, attentive and responsible. How is a teacher’s salary calculated if opportunities to participate in major regional and regional events are reduced to a minimum, and the primary school student’s exams are still far away?

The main variables in the calculation will be the hourly rate approved by the director of the educational institution, the number of hours worked, the number of children for whom the teacher teaches and the percentage of the bonus depending on the category of the teacher.

Foreign language teachers and salaries

Today it is fashionable and even necessary to teach foreign languages, because this is a direct path to success and decent income, as well as the opportunity to travel freely. It’s easy to imagine how a teacher’s salary is calculated and what it consists of. English language.

Provided that, for objective reasons, the school management is not able to give additional workload to the teacher, he is guaranteed a salary at the same level as if he had assumed additional responsibilities. In this case, there is a good opportunity to help the student learn the material in a foreign language and prepare him for participation in English Olympiads.

How are English teachers' salaries calculated? Just like other teachers. Another advantage of teaching English is that the teacher can always earn extra money by tutoring.

Teacher payroll accounting

A teacher's salary is calculated as the product of the base rate per hour (the academic hour is taken), the number of hours worked and the percentage of bonus for the assigned qualification.

A teacher's qualifications include education and work experience, as well as the results of passed certifications. The higher the qualification, the greater the teacher's income.

The recommended charging frequency is once a year, with the exception of curricula, according to which the hourly load is established in six months. Workload volumes are agreed upon at the beginning of the first and second academic semesters. Based on the curricula and developed educational programs The hourly workload of each teacher is calculated and multiplied by the wage rate. Cases when one teacher replaces another are paid additionally. A teacher's remuneration should remain at the same level if his workload has been reduced for reasons beyond his control.

Tariffing must be done at the end academic year before teachers go on vacation. The rules establish that informing employees about tariffs must occur no later than two months before the effective date.

Payroll for teachers

Talk about wages ah budget workers do not stop. From television screens the public always hears only that the next wage increase is planned or has already been put into effect. Despite this, the public sector is constantly looking for workers.

How to calculate a teacher’s salary in order to attract the attention of young people to this profession, which is in demand on the labor market. In order to resolve this issue, new remuneration systems are periodically introduced. Latest changes entered into force in the system on January 1, 2017.

In the case when a teacher starts work in the middle of the year, the calculation average salary occurs according to the following scheme: the established rate per hour is multiplied by the total volume of teacher workload hours and divided by the number full months remaining until the end of the school year. Payroll for partial months is calculated based on hours actually worked.

How is a teacher's salary calculated under the new system?

It assumes the establishment of the basic part of wages at the level of 70% in general structure, the remaining 30% will fall on the compensation and incentive parts. Also, to equalize incomes, it is proposed to abolish the reduction coefficients for teachers without higher education.

The regulations on remuneration of teaching staff, which sets out how a teacher’s salary is calculated, should contain the following main points:

  • definitions of the concept and rates of official salaries of specialists;
  • hourly wage rates;
  • determining the structure of compensation payments;
  • determining the structure of incentive payments;
  • making payments based on tariffs;
  • hourly wages are established;
  • inclusion of substitute hours for other teachers in additional payments.

Salaries of teachers in Moscow and the Moscow region

The salary level in Moscow is significantly higher than regional indicators. Delays are also rare for Moscow teachers, compared to colleagues from the regions. The only negative point for a teacher from Moscow is the delay in indexing.

From the way a teacher’s salary is calculated in Moscow, differences are visible in the calculation of salaries for teachers in the capital and for his colleagues from the Moscow region. For example, an accountant at an educational institution in Moscow will use the “Student-hour” methodology; in the Moscow region, the “Basic salary+” methodology will be used as a basis.

Teacher's Newspaper published statistics on average salaries school teachers in Moscow, the data cited by the publication is based on official figures from the capital’s Department of Education. The department analyzed salaries of 590 educational institutions, and the statistics turned out to be quite interesting.

Despite the fact that the remuneration of teachers in Moscow is decent, if we look at the overall picture, we can see that in some schools the salary differs by 20%.

For example, in school No. 1518, the average monthly salary last year was 115 thousand 289 rubles, and the share of teachers whose earnings exceed 60 thousand was 100% of the entire teaching staff. The picture is approximately similar at school No. 1252, where teachers receive 109 thousand 679 rubles. But not everyone receives a salary above 60 thousand, but only 98% in total number teachers.

The average salary at school No. 2036 is 97 thousand 356 rubles, all teachers receive more than 60 thousand. IN secondary school No. 625 on average, representatives of one of the most respected professions earn 86 thousand 923 rubles, everyone earns more than 60 thousand.

At school No. 1552, teachers earn about 75 thousand rubles; 95% of teachers earn more than 60 thousand.

And finally, the most modest, but nevertheless objectively decent average salary at school No. 1708. There teachers receive 69 thousand 177 rubles, 84% of teachers receive more than 60 thousand.

Head of the Moscow Department of Education Isaac Kalina has repeatedly noted that the approach used in determining the average salary in the capital is one of the most effective and fair in the country.

“It is important that the vector of funding is aimed at the student, something that is embedded in the Moscow education system today. When I hear about the accounting approach to education, there is no soul, then there is no soul, per capita financing, every soul is supported by financing, and without the support of financing the soul is always bad. This is a human, humanitarian approach,” Kalina emphasized.

Currently, in Moscow schools, 50% of the least paid teachers receive wages sufficient to ensure a comfortable standard of living.

According to statistics provided by the territorial authority Federal service According to state statistics for Moscow, the average salary in the capital in the third quarter amounted to 69 thousand 847 rubles. And the head of the department of economic policy and development of Moscow Vladimir Efimov in October he stated that the average salary for 2017 should be 63 thousand rubles.

By the way, the same Moscow City Statistics Service cites the average salary in the education sector in the capital for October, it amounted to 77 thousand 294 rubles, which significantly exceeds the average salary in Moscow.

Wages in the public sector are an important socio-economic indicator, which in one way or another affects the size of salaries in commercial organizations. Therefore, many managers and employees often have a question: what is the proposed salary increase for public sector employees in 2020? After all, based on its size, you can index salaries in your company. Please note: Rosstat published average salaries of public sector employees by industry and region for the first half of 2020.

In 2018, the Government, executing the President’s “May Decrees” on increasing wages for public sector employees (2020), approved the allocation of 14.5 billion rubles to finance an increase in wages for certain categories of employees of public sector institutions. Salary indexation is also planned for 2020. Let's see what these individual categories of workers are. But let's start with the news.

Salary increase from 10/01/2019

  • employees of federal government, budgetary and autonomous institutions;
  • employees of federal government agencies, civilian personnel military units, institutions and divisions of federal executive authorities in which the law provides for military and equivalent service.

Besides, By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 2019 No. 279 “On increasing official salaries of judges in the Russian Federation”, from October 1, 2020, salaries of judges of all ranks will increase: from judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts to justices of the peace of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - by the same 4, 3%.

Who are civil servants and public sector employees?

First, you need to understand who public sector employees are. Obviously, in everyday life this word “hides” all those people who receive salaries from the budget: officials, security officials, employees of government agencies, doctors, teachers, scientists. But combining all state employees into one large category will not be entirely correct. Indeed, from the point of view of legislation, they are divided into different categories:

  • civil servants (persons working in government agencies, in government agencies);
  • public sector workers (teachers, scientists, doctors, kindergarten teachers, employees of cultural institutions and university professors).

The difference lies not only in the name, but also in the approach to material support, subordination and social services. As usual, it is somewhat better for civil servants. And their salaries and bonuses are regulated by separate legislation. Since the salaries of officials and military personnel are subject to specific rules, we will dwell in more detail on what increase in salaries for state employees in 2020 was provided for the so-called “other categories” and what will be the increase in salaries for state employees in 2020 in Russia (latest news).

State employees: doctors, teachers and accountants

According to rough estimates, about 33 million people work in the public sector in Russia. Of all citizens of working age (approximately 83 million people), the share of state employees is more than a third. Of these, approximately half are those who cannot be called civil servants, namely employees:

  • schools;
  • kindergartens;
  • secondary and higher educational institutions;
  • medical institutions;
  • libraries, museums and other cultural institutions;
  • scientific institutes.

They all receive their salaries from the state budget of the Russian Federation: federal or local. Their working conditions are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as regulations developed by the department that manages the activities of the institution. For example, for doctors it is the Ministry of Health, and for cultural workers it is the Ministry of Culture.

It is noteworthy that although all of these legal acts (unlike law enforcement agencies) are open and publicly available, the level of salaries of employees of these structures is difficult to officially understand. After all, the remuneration system involves not only a salary, but also a whole layer of various bonuses, subsidies and bonuses. Therefore, for example, the salary of a leading accountant in a budget organization may be the same, but different employees in different industries will receive completely different amounts.

However, when it comes to average salaries, all additional payments are usually taken into account when calculating them. Thus, according to Rosstat, the average salary in the country was 49,348 rubles (data for June 2020). Since the sample of statistics was made for all regions and cities, for small cities this figure turned out to be overestimated: in practice, doctors and teachers in small municipalities can receive only 12,000-15,000 rubles per month. In general, the picture of average salaries by sector of public sector workers and regions is presented in a table formed on the basis of Rosstat data on average salaries of public sector employees.

On July 23, Rosstat published data on average wages certain categories of workers in the social sphere and science in organizations of state and municipal forms of ownership in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for January-June 2020.

Salaries of public sector employees in the 1st half of 2020, table:

Average salary of employees in organizations of state and municipal forms of ownership by constituent entities of the Russian Federation for January-June 2020

Preschool teachers

Teachers of general education organizations

University teachers

Doctors with higher education

Nursing (pharmaceutical) personnel

Junior medical staff

Social workers

Workers of cultural institutions


Russian Federation

Central Federal District

Belgorod region

Bryansk region

Vladimir region

Voronezh region

Ivanovo region

Kaluga region

Kostroma region

Kursk region

Lipetsk region

Moscow region

Oryol region

Ryazan region

Smolensk region

Tambov region

Tver region

Tula region

Yaroslavl region

Republic of Karelia

Komi Republic

Arkhangelsk region


Nenets Aut. district

Arkhangelsk region without a car. districts

Vologda region

Kaliningrad region

Leningrad region

Murmansk region

Novgorod region

Pskov region

St. Petersburg

Southern Federal District

Republic of Adygea

Republic of Kalmykia

Republic of Crimea

Krasnodar region

Astrakhan region

Volgograd region

Rostov region


Republic of Dagestan

Republic of Ingushetia

Chechen Republic

Stavropol region

Volga Federal District

Republic of Bashkortostan

Republic of Mari El

Republic of Mordovia

Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan)

Udmurt Republic

Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia

Perm region

Kirov region

Nizhny Novgorod region

Orenburg region

Penza region

Samara region

Saratov region

Ulyanovsk region

Ural Federal District

Kurgan region

Sverdlovsk region

Tyumen region


Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region Okrug-Ugra

Yamalo-Nenets Aut. district

Tyumen region without cars. districts

Chelyabinsk region

Siberian Federal District

Altai Republic

Republic of Tyva

Republic of Khakassia

Altai region

Krasnoyarsk region

Irkutsk region

Kemerovo region

Novosibirsk region

Omsk region

Tomsk region

Republic of Buryatia

Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Transbaikal region

Kamchatka region

Primorsky Krai

Khabarovsk region

Amur region

Magadan region

Sakhalin region

Jewish Autonomous Region

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

* Confidential data

For comparison: Rosstat data on salaries of officials at various levels (for 2018).

Average monthly salary of civil (municipal) employees

For reference: average monthly salary of employees of organizations in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

Territorial bodies of federal executive authorities

executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

local government bodies

Russian Federation

Central Federal District

Belgorod region

Bryansk region

Vladimir region

Voronezh region

Ivanovo region

Kaluga region

Kostroma region

Kursk region

Lipetsk region

Moscow region

Oryol region

Ryazan region

Smolensk region

Tambov region

Tver region

Tula region

Yaroslavl region

Northwestern Federal District

Republic of Karelia

Komi Republic

Arkhangelsk region


Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Arkhangelsk Region without Autonomous Okrug

Vologda region

Kaliningrad region

Leningrad region

Murmansk region

Novgorod region

Pskov region

St. Petersburg

Southern Federal District

Republic of Adygea

Republic of Kalmykia

Republic of Crimea

Krasnodar region

Astrakhan region

Volgograd region

Rostov region


North Caucasus Federal District

Republic of Dagestan

Republic of Ingushetia

Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Republic of North Ossetia - Alania

Chechen Republic

Stavropol region

Volga Federal District

Republic of Bashkortostan

Republic of Mari El

Republic of Mordovia

Republic of Tatarstan

Udmurt Republic

Chuvash Republic

Perm region

Kirov region

Nizhny Novgorod region

Orenburg region

Penza region

Samara region

Saratov region

Ulyanovsk region

Ural Federal District

Kurgan region

Sverdlovsk region

Tyumen region


Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Tyumen region without auto districts

Chelyabinsk region

Siberian Federal District

Altai Republic

Republic of Tyva

Republic of Khakassia

Altai region

Krasnoyarsk region

Irkutsk region

Kemerovo region

Novosibirsk region

Omsk region

Tomsk region

Far Eastern Federal District

Republic of Buryatia

Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Transbaikal region

Kamchatka region

Primorsky Krai

Khabarovsk region

Amur region

Magadan region

Sakhalin region

Jewish Autonomous Region

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

Salaries of public sector employees in 2020

Indexation of salaries for public sector employees is part of Vladimir Putin’s 2012 election program. The main document is Presidential Decree No. 597, sometimes called “Presidential Order 597: road map 01/01/2018”. Then, in May, immediately after taking office, the head of state issued 11 decrees that related to increasing the salaries of civil servants and other public sector employees. Then the President promised to increase salaries by 2020, primarily for teachers and doctors.

Salaries are increased primarily for those state employees who are subject to Presidential Decrees:

The salary increase is gradual. In the end:

  • for university teachers and doctors (medical workers with higher education), the salary level should be at least 200% of the average salaries in the region;
  • For middle and junior medical staff and social workers, the salary level should not be lower than the average salary in the region.

Unfortunately, not all categories of public sector employees were subject to the “May decrees.” It is obvious that there are quite a lot of those whose salaries have not been increased. Therefore, officials promised not to ignore them and also to index their salaries. Thus, in accordance with the law “On the federal budget for 2020 and for the planning period of 2020 and 2021,” it is planned to increase the salaries of public sector employees (see the table below for indexation amounts).

Categories of public sector employees whose salaries are indexed in accordance with the “May Decrees” Categories of employees who were not subject to the “May Decrees”

Teachers of kindergartens and general education

Additional education teachers

Teachers and masters of secondary and primary vocational education

University teachers

Middle and junior medical personnel

Social workers

Cultural workers


Educational teachers, medical organizations and organizations providing social services to orphans and those without parental care

HR specialists

Complex rehabilitation specialists

Engineering, technical and support workers who maintain buildings and equipment: technicians, electricians, mechanics, plumbers, office cleaners.

Social psychologists

Accountants and economists





Judges, prosecutors

Military personnel and equivalent

Salary increase
from September 1, 2020 - by 6.0%,
in 2020 - by 5.4%,
in 2021 - by 6.6%
Salary increase
from October 1, 2020 to the forecast inflation rate of 4.3%,
October 1, 2020 - by 3.8%,
October 1, 2021 - by 4%

Increase in salaries of public sector employees from 01/01/2019

It should be noted that some public sector employees will have to increase their salaries regardless of indexation. After all, from January 1, it is planned to increase the minimum wage (increase in the minimum wage), which will affect the salaries of junior and mid-level personnel with secondary education. From January 1, 2019, the minimum wage is 11,280 rubles. This salary increase will affect approximately 1.6 million people in the public sector.

Regional decisions to increase salaries for public sector employees

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2012 No. 2599-r obliges the governments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to adopt orders on their regional “road maps”, which include specific figures for each year for salary increases. Yes, road map Sverdlovsk region on salary increases 2020, it was argued that the average salary of social workers should be at least 100 percent of the average monthly salaries in the Sverdlovsk region. And to increase salaries for public sector employees in 2020 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Government allocated an additional 2.9 billion rubles from the federal treasury, so that regional allowances and the northern coefficient could be taken into account.

At the end of the year, regional authorities traditionally prepare appropriate decisions regarding salary increases for the next year. For example, in the Lipetsk region, deputies decided to increase wages in 2020 for state employees who are not subject to the May decrees by 10%.

In Russia financial systems Education is not at a very high level, so educators and teachers often complain about extremely low salaries, which are unrealistic to live on. The government has long begun to discuss the possibility of increasing teachers’ salaries in the Russian Federation.

The latest news from the press about this is also often mentioned, but Russians still don’t have much reason to rejoice. Russia has not yet emerged from the crisis in which it has been stuck since late 2014. So public sector workers feel it more and more.

Who are the teachers

Nowadays, a teacher is one of the most popular professions in the country, which arose initially as an educational method of training generations for their successful entry into social life. As Confucius, the famous philosopher, said, the task of every teacher is to open new horizons for the thinking of his students.

In other words, such a person must teach the student something, and also give him an impetus so that he strives to obtain knowledge on his own. Of course, not every person can master such a profession. After all, it's quite difficult. If you look at one popular media, a teacher should have the following qualities:

  • be able to communicate in different styles;
  • have the ability to empathize;
  • have creative thinking;
  • be confident and also radiate cheerfulness;
  • have the ability to reflect.

And, if you look at this entire list of qualities, you can draw conclusions that being a teacher is not as easy as it seems at first glance. So this work should be paid accordingly.

The statistics are not encouraging

As the Minister of Education said, there are more than 200 thousand surplus specialists working in the country’s schools. Only, this is not entirely true. In many Russian educational institutions You can see the shortage of workers. And it is very difficult to form a teaching staff. The saddest situation can be called the one where in schools there are 20-30 students per teacher.

It is also difficult to find the person who would want to teach rural children, because no one wants to work for 8-10 thousand rubles. If we talk about the salaries of school employees located in major cities, then the salary here is much higher - 20, 40. In some schools in Yakutia, the salary consists of 50 thousand rubles. Only in such cities life is more expensive.

Should we expect a salary increase in 2017?

In 2017, teachers’ incomes will still increase, because this planned event was fixed by federal presidential decree back in 2012. This text of the bill on salaries suggests that they should increase by 1.5-2 times compared to the level of the 12th year. so that every year there must be an increase.

For this purpose, a special income indexing program was created. According to the system, workers' salaries are multiplied each year by an inflation factor. Such an event was already canceled last year because state budget there were quite a few funds. But in 2017, the indexation of teachers’ salaries will still be as planned – on April 1. In this area, some changes can also be observed, because now the salary is not multiplied by the coefficient that corresponds to inflation, by 12 percent, but only by 5.5 percent.

Teachers' salaries will thus become higher, but the recalculation will not particularly cover the difference between the average statistical income of each person and the high cost of services and goods. However, indexation can make teachers' salaries very high, especially if they work in the outback.