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Whom we can consider a person worthy of respect. Ten famous people worthy of emulation

Some people, despite their wealth and position, remember that they are no better than others and try to be modest, take care of their neighbors and do good deeds in imitation of the Lord.

We would like to tell you about ten such people - worthy examples for each of us, especially for many powerful Russians.

The actions of these people amaze and inspire respect. Having achieved a lot in life, they did not become slaves to their wealth and position and treat other people with gratitude:

1. Bishop Longinus (Heat)

This hierarch (photo in the title) proved with his life that the image of the bishop circulated in the media as a arrogant fat man in an expensive car, neglecting the flock entrusted to him by God, does not correspond to the truth.

While still a priest, the bishop rebuilt the Holy Ascension Monastery in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine and founded a church boarding school for more than 1,000 orphans and disabled children, more than 400 of whom he adopted.

In addition to his pastoral responsibilities for the revival of Orthodoxy in Ukraine, Bishop Longin has been involved in the upbringing of children taken into his care for many years.

IN last years from also actively opposed the beginning and then the continuation of the Kyiv Nazi regime civil war in the South-East of Ukraine. And this despite regular threats against him from dissenters and neo-Nazis.

His life and work are well described in the film “Outpost,” known to almost all Orthodox Christians in the CIS.

2. Vladislav Tetyukhin

Ural tycoon, engaged in titanium mining as a co-owner of a large metallurgical company.

At 80, he did not buy a villa in warm countries. Instead, Vladislav Tetyukhin sold all his shares and used the proceeds of 3.3 billion rubles to build a medical center for his fellow countrymen in Nizhny Tagil.

In the future, the billionaire plans to build a hotel, new houses for clinic employees with 350 apartments, a dormitory for students, a transport block and a helipad.

Now Tetyukhin holds the post of general director here and, at 82 years old, comes to work strictly on schedule: by 9:00 am 6 days a week.

3. Swedish Princess Madeleine

The princess of the Swedish royal house does not boast about her position.

At royal receptions, Princess Madeleine appears in $130 dresses bought at Stockholm markets and is not shy about picking up her dog's poop while walking.

It is worth noting that this behavior is typical of many representatives of the royal houses of Europe and its financial and managerial elite. Wild kitsch is left to the nouveau riche.

4. Brian Bernie

Bernie can be called the British construction oligarch.

Everything was going great for this millionaire until his wife was diagnosed with cancer. Then Bernie became involved in charity work.

He donated a significant part of his fortune to create a whole convoy of medical machines. These machines traveled through small villages in northern England and provided high-tech medical care to patients. Brian Bernie paid the doctors' salaries out of his own pocket.

With God's help, his wife recovered. To celebrate, Brian Bernie sold most of his property and gave the money to charity.

Now he lives on a small pension in a small apartment and drives a used car.

5. President of Uruguay

Jose Cordano is the president of Uruguay, but locals call him El Pepe. He donates 9/10ths of his presidential salary to charity, making him the poorest (or most generous) president in the world.

Jose earns 263,000 Uruguayan pesos (400,000 rubles) a month, and leaves only 26,300 pesos (40,000 rubles) for himself.

He lives in a rural farmhouse, without debt and without a bank account. José brings water for the household himself from a well in the yard. The largest purchase of his entire life was a 1987 Volkswagen Beetle.

6. Boris Johnson

Boris is Mayor of London. He rides a bicycle to work, does not hesitate to go without a tie, and freely wears a sports jacket, backpack and bicycle helmet.

The official is one of the main and most consistent supporters of the development of cycling in the UK and advocates healthy image life.

7. Olaf Thon

The Norwegian billionaire lives quite modestly. He is married, but has no children. Therefore, he decided to donate all his wealth, calmly parting with $6,000,000,000: “I have a bike and skis, and I don’t eat much. So I think everything will be fine."

Olaf Thon decided to spend all his money on financing medical research so that it would benefit people, saying: “Anyway, I won’t be able to take it with me.”

Michael Bloomberg once served as mayor of New York (USA).

He is very interesting person, even if you don't know that he is the 13th richest person in the world.

At the same time, the businessman does not stop riding the subway. And at his workplace he works in an ascetic environment: on ordinary office furniture there are traditional monitors, papers, charts, some trinkets and... a jar of peanut butter next to the keyboard.

9. Chuck Feeney

The founder of the famous Duty Free chain of stores, Chuck Feeney, lives very modestly.

Over the past 30 years, he has traveled all over the world, carefully getting rid of his acquired capital of $7.5 billion. Feeney spent his business income on charity.

His charitable foundation, The Atlantic Philanthropies, has invested $6.2 billion in education, science, health care and nursing homes around the world. By 2020, Chuck Feeney wants to spend all his capital on helping those in need.

10. Sergey Brin

Sergey is a legend in the computer business, co-founder and president of technology at Google.

A billionaire and one of the richest people in America, Sergei keeps a fairly modest lifestyle - he lives in a three-room apartment in San Francisco and drives a used Toyota Prius with an environmentally friendly hybrid engine.

His hobby is visiting Katya's Russian Tea Room in San Francisco and recommending borscht, pancakes and dumplings to the guests of the establishment.

In contact with



Department of Philosophy


in the discipline "Business Ethics"

on the topic of: “Respect for the individual in the communication of people with each other.”




1. Self-esteem

2. Respect

3. Business communication

4. The need for respect for the individual when communicating




Business communication is a necessary part human life, the most important type relationships with other people. Eternal and one of the main regulators of these relations are ethical norms, which express our ideas about good and evil, justice and injustice, the correctness and incorrectness of people’s actions. And when communicating in business cooperation with their subordinates, boss or colleagues, everyone in one way or another, consciously or spontaneously, relies on these ideas. But depending on how a person understands moral standards. What content he puts into them, to what extent he generally takes them into account in communication, he can both make business communication easier for himself, make it more effective, help in solving assigned tasks and achieving goals, and make this communication difficult or even make it impossible.

To provide high level communication, the manager must be able to use communication technologies based on psychological knowledge. Thus, it is necessary to take into account that in the process of communication between partners, colleagues, tension and even conflict situation, for example, due to disrespect for feelings self-esteem. Or, also, inept use of words can lead to significant information losses and, consequently, to failures in the performance of official duties.


Respect for others gives reason

To self-respect.

Rene Descartes.

A person respects himself for worthy actions performed for people and the common good, as well as for the fact that he has dignity, if, of course, he has such dignity. Dignity contains modesty, which is an unconditional part of it. Modesty is the awareness of one's equality with all people, regardless of any differences.

If pride is considered simply self-respect, then it makes sense, but pride is something more, that is, the measure is lost and the brain may think that one can also be proud of the mind. But this is not so. You just need to have reason and not lose it, then it will remain ideal thinking and an absolute category. Reason is not a part of dignity, it is just a way of thinking that would suit any person. If suddenly someone starts to be proud of the fact that he has reason, he will immediately retreat into logic by this act. Because it may seem logical that a person with ideal thinking is worthy of recognition by society, but we agree that yes, it is logical, but not reasonable. In general, a person needs pride to be recognized by other people, that is, if we expect recognition from someone, it means we are not confident in ourselves. Are we looking for support and support in the eyes of others? Then what is this ideal thinking? When the brain knows the truth, it does not need anyone's support or recognition. The same can be said about the memory of future generations. People erect monuments to their heroes and great minds in their cities, but new generations come and glorify their prophets, they destroy what was created earlier.

If we discuss a person’s pride in the context of communication with other people, then we need to analyze the situation. Parents tell their son who to communicate with. They believe that he should choose people with whom to go through life, and not hang out with just anyone. In their words we see arrogance, a biased attitude towards people, which is the basis of their stereotype. They argue their demands by saying that their son should have pride, that is, respect himself and therefore look for people worthy of himself. Here they have mixed up all the concepts, so their son can grow up to be selfish. A person is one who leads all people. How will we help people if we avoid communicating with them? If someone is mistaken and loses his dignity, the task of the individual is to find ways of persuasion to guide this person to the path of truth.

Another thing is that parents are afraid that their son himself may go astray. true path, this will already be a disadvantage of their upbringing. And here there is nothing to be proud of. The same can be said about the pride of a girl who considers it beneath her dignity to talk to another person on the grounds that he is behaving unworthily. If he behaves unworthily, you need to have a sharp mind and be resourceful, this means, without judging the person, point out his selfish qualities and intentions and call him to reason. It is necessary to awaken in every person the light that he hides behind the veil of rudeness and cynicism, and not to harden his character and mind.

We have indicated the concept of self-esteem here because if a person has a mind, then he is able to understand and evaluate himself and his actions. self-esteem should appear when a person achieves results in the context of his activities. If there are no results, then there is nothing to respect yourself for, just as there is no reason to expect respect from other people. Arrogance, pride and arrogance appear precisely after a person is powerless to do anything reasonable. Feelings of dissatisfaction and irritation towards other people who supposedly do not understand you will become the basis of our arrogance. And then we will only have to be proud of our exclusivity and despise the whole world, which is sliding into the abyss, indifferently seeing it off with our arrogant gaze. A person still does not know why he can respect himself, because he also confuses the concepts of respect - fear and respect - sympathy.

If entrepreneurs decided to respect each other for beautiful trousers and a luxury car, then who should the policeman respect from their point of view? Those people who, for the sake of beautiful trousers, are ready not only to destroy all entrepreneurs, but in general everyone who comes to hand. The scientists decided to be proud of their diplomas. Let them now take it and find out which of the diplomas really reflects the mind, and which reflects the wallet of the parents of applicants for places in science and the corruption of their colleagues.

A person’s self-esteem is the reasonableness of his actions and aspirations, which establish him in society as an individual. But it is impossible to teach another person to respect himself without teaching him to respect other people. Here we say that self-respect is a category of consciousness, and pride is a feeling that requires showing everyone one’s merits and successes. If successes are truly worthy of public viewing, then they will be seen immediately and will cause envy. Therefore, a reasonable, self-respecting person calmly shows others how to achieve mutual understanding and harmony among all peoples; he brings knowledge to other people.


Who is easily inclined to lose

Respect for others comes first

Totally doesn't respect himself.

F.M. Dostoevsky.

What is respect? What is its meaning, and does the respect we have for other people have meaning? We previously considered the concept of self-respect as recognition of one’s personality, now we are talking about what it means to recognize the personality of another person. Before defining these concepts, let’s turn to the basics of thinking, that is, brain operations.

The basic operations of thinking are comparison, analysis, synthesis, contrast, concretization and abstraction. Why these particular operations? They are natural for the brain of any living organism to make choices. The basis of choice is the operation of concretization and opposition. In order to make any choice, we need an analysis of what we are choosing from. That is, here the brain considers the conditions of the proposed environment. The fact that we behave differently is the work of consciousness formed in different conditions. Thus, we also adapt to each other and adapt our consciousness to changing conditions, in accordance with the benefit for the body.

Now let's move on to the concept of respect. Most likely, the concept of respect first appeared from the concept of fear. People were afraid of the stronger and were forced to recognize and submit to his strength and power. But to justify their cowardice they came up with respect. But respect, like self-respect, is recognition of high moral qualities, such as honor, dignity and recognition of a person as an equal person. Thus, respect is the recognition of the equality of all people on earth. When we say equality, we are talking about the unity of consciousness of different people.

Today we strive for equality before the law or try to bring the conditions of each person closer to fair, that is, more or less equal, but all these actions are only justifications for the illusion of justice that we have. In logic it is impossible to achieve either equality or justice. First of all, we are born into different time, therefore, the one who was born earlier has time to organize his life with greater benefit. As soon as a person reaches a more advantageous position, he immediately begins to protect his niche in all possible ways, in particular with sympathy for those who, for some reason, are in a less advantageous position. And this sympathy is passed off as respect. Here, respect is a kind of protection from the irritation of those who are in less favorable conditions. But we humans are confused by logic. After all, because of it, we adapt to the existing reality, but do not even think about the reality that awaits us tomorrow. Therefore, our laws are automatically unjust, since they protect the interests of only a certain circle of citizens, especially those who come up with these laws, that is, the previous generation of egoists. Such laws cannot be accepted as legal and reasonable; they are completely unjust and cannot be considered laws at all, either from a reasonable or logical point of view. Our laws are not respected or even sympathized with by the people, so obeying them and swearing allegiance to them and respecting them is madness and ignorance.

Let's take the example of doctors. They heal our children and save our parents from death. We must respect the people of this profession, and we do this. But how is our respect expressed? We don't make their life worth living. We have condemned them to an unworthy existence, which means we do not recognize them as equal to, say, an entrepreneur, but we are forced to sympathize with them and at the same time recognize them as individuals worthy of respect. What is the difference between empathy and respect? Here we will talk about understanding another person. We don’t understand why doctors continue to do their job, their actions are practically selfless in the current conditions, they are like a miracle for us, and the fear of illness and death forces us to respect doctors. Here there is already a pair of respect and fear. We can also simultaneously admire the skill of the same doctors, but in this case we need to consider the related concepts of respect and pride.

Let's give another situation. Let's think about whether anyone respects a soldier who gives his life defending our country. Perhaps there is some moment of respect in the form of hypocrisy during the holiday, when soldiers dress up and kind words are heard everywhere in their honor, which, by the way, the soldiers do not need, but are needed more by politicians to distract and entertain people.

The concept of "understanding" is the basis of our respect and empathy. But to understand another person means to know why he is like that, why he is not like you. And here you just need to understand a little logical thinking. In the logic of man, conditions are made, so whatever the conditions were, so man became. And to reproach or sympathize with him means to continue to remain a sensual person, or an egoist. You need to learn to respect other people, which means acting for their sake. Respect is understanding in action.

In order for us to respect honor, dignity and personality in another person, it is necessary that these phenomena become his main qualities. That is, a person can be respected for something. And for this it is necessary to educate a person as a person, and not as an egoist. Egoists cannot respect anyone because they think only about themselves, recognize only themselves and, accordingly, show respect only towards themselves. The basis of respect for other people is fear, self-interest, sympathy and even indifference.

When raising children, we must teach them to treat all people on earth equally and recognize everyone as equal. Feelings of sympathy, similarity of character or common interests, which are the basis of respect among children, should be determined in the child's mind as not the most important. Otherwise, a distorted image of people will form a distorted stereotype and narrow-mindedness. It is best for the child to have a lot of acquaintances and friends, so he will quickly learn to understand people. Adults definitely need to discuss their child’s relationships with other children and guide his thoughts and actions in reasonable directions. Attachment to a limited circle of friends will only give you a limited choice of activities and hobbies. In the education system, children are always assigned to a certain group, so they become attached to certain people and experience discomfort and doubt when being in unfamiliar company. This generates sympathy and respect in the form of pride towards some, and antipathy and respect in the form of sympathy or fear towards other people.

Respect appears only in the process of communication and joint activities. Each person strives to be respected in the environment where he lives and the feelings that people of another circle have for him are no longer important to him. The criminal is respected in his circle, which he also respects, and then he is indifferent to the opinion of anyone else. Belonging to a certain group of people creates a narrow consciousness and a distorted stereotype.

A person must consider himself first and foremost among the entire human race. We must respect both in ourselves and in people what is the highest achievement of development - personality and mind. To respect means to protect and store, passing on its meaning from generation to generation. Finally, let's take the context of international politics. Capitalist states all over the world, which opposed socialism, apparently out of a sense of respect for us, for the Russians, claimed that their goods and products were much better than ours. They argued that we Russians also deserve to drive good cars and drink quality wine. If it was about respect, then they could simply teach us to produce quality goods, but here it was pure self-interest, to seize economic space and flood the country with their supposedly high-quality goods. Now, thanks to them, we have a collapsed economy and crowds of unemployed people who are ready to work, but do not have the opportunity, because all the niches are occupied by foreign goods. And from everywhere we can hear voices that truly sympathize with us, and strive to help out of respect, with their loans at favorable interest rates. And when our leaders visit Western countries surprised by the degree of development of that civilization, the thought that they got such development, including at our expense, rarely enters their minds.


Communication is the process of interaction between people, relationships. The parties to such a relationship are people, subjects of communication. Communication is based, first of all, on their relationship to each other.

Business communication is understood as communication that ensures the success of some common cause, creating conditions for cooperation between people in order to achieve goals that are significant to them. Business communication promotes the establishment and development of cooperative relationships and partnerships between work colleagues, managers and subordinates, partners, rivals and rivals. It presupposes such ways of achieving common goals that not only do not exclude, but, on the contrary, also imply the achievement of personally significant goals and the satisfaction of personal interests. Moreover, we are talking about the interests of individuals and legal entities.

Personal knowledge allows you to determine how effective a business relationship with a particular person can be.

The ethics of business communication are based on such rules and norms of behavior of partners, which ultimately contribute to the development of cooperation, i.e. strengthen the essential basis of business relationships. The meaning of these rules and norms is to strengthen mutual trust, constantly inform the partner about one’s intentions and actions, to exclude deception and disorientation of the partner. The practice of business communication has developed many codes of honor for entrepreneurs, professional codes for bankers, etc.

Understanding the processes of information transfer, the patterns that exist in these processes, and developing skills for effective interaction with people are necessary for a manager at any level. Today, an experienced leader spends most of his time not on solving financial, technical or organizational problems, but on solving psychological problems that arise in the process of communicating with subordinates, colleagues and superiors. Knowledge and skills in the field of communication are necessary not only for managers, but also for any of us, because through communication a person organizes and optimizes his production, scientific, commercial, educational and any other activities. Communication allows you to solve not only issues of the organization, but also the problems of its employees.


All the people in modern society have a need for stable, justified and fairly high self-esteem. She always relies on recognition and respect from others. A person feels comfortable only in a social environment that supports his self-esteem and high self-esteem.

Satisfaction of the need for self-esteem causes a feeling of self-confidence, a sense of one’s usefulness, value, strength, recognition of one’s abilities and useful results of activities, a feeling of one’s adequacy to the life situation. Obstacles to the fulfillment of the need for self-esteem lead to feelings of inferiority, weakness and helplessness.

Situations that may arise in this area of ​​human needs were brilliantly described by N.V. Gogol in a humorous form. In his work “The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich,” two old friends became enemies forever because of one single unfortunate phrase, which seemed extremely humiliating to Ivan Ivanovich. The psychological component appears to play a decisive role in satisfying the need for respect. interpersonal communication, and not economic or any other factors. Therefore, a special role in the implementation of this need belongs to the ethics of business communication and competent organization of work in the contact zone.

Only a few types of service activities are directly aimed at realizing the need for respect - for example, organizing anniversaries, honors, celebrations, presenting prizes and awards. However, indirectly, this need must be taken into account in the design of all services without exception. A respectful attitude towards the client and business colleagues always remains a significant reserve for increasing the efficiency of service activities and the attractiveness of the service.

Emphasized respect for colleagues, partners and clients is manifested both in psychologically well-constructed communication and in the thorough, timely, attentive fulfillment of one’s obligations. Respect for clients can sometimes be expressed in rather subtle ways. Thus, hotel service personnel may be required to show emphasized modesty in dress: if a client thinks that the people serving him look more sophisticated than himself, this may be perceived as disrespect. As observations from tourism experts show, many Russian students Those doing internships in hotels consider it humiliating to do such “dirty” work as cleaning rooms. In countries Western Europe cultural traditions are completely different. Thus, in Germany, students from very rich families consider even the most unprestigious, “menial” job in a hotel as component his future profession and perform it like any other. The need for respect in different countries and social layers is implemented in different ways, so its study is absolutely necessary when designing and providing any service for a particular group of clients.

Particular attention should be paid to Golden Rule communication ethics: “Treat others as you would like to be treated.” In its negative form, as formulated by Confucius, it reads: “What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others.” This rule also applies to business communication, but in relation to its individual types “top-down” (manager-subordinate), “bottom-up” (subordinate-manager), “horizontally” (employee-employee) requires specification.

Top-down business communication ethics. In business communication “top-down”, i.e. In relation to a manager towards a subordinate, the golden rule of ethics can be formulated as follows: “Treat a subordinate as you would like to be treated by a manager.” The art and success of business communication are largely determined by the ethical standards and principles that a manager uses in relation to his subordinates. By norms and principles we mean what behavior in the workplace is ethically acceptable and what is not. These norms relate, first of all, to how and on what basis orders are given in the management process, in which the official discipline that determines business communication is expressed. Without observing the ethics of business communication between a manager and a subordinate, most people feel uncomfortable and morally unprotected in the team. The attitude of a manager towards his subordinates influences the entire nature of business communication and largely determines its moral and psychological climate. It is at this level that moral standards and patterns of behavior are primarily formed.

Ethics in business communication from the bottom up. In business communication “bottom-up”, i.e. In relation to a subordinate to his boss, the general ethical rule of behavior can be formulated as follows: “Treat your boss the way you would like to be treated by your subordinates.”

Knowing how you should approach and treat your leader is no less important than what moral requirements you should make of your subordinates. Without this it is difficult to find " mutual language"with the boss and with the subordinates. Using certain ethical standards, you can attract a leader to your side, make him your ally, but you can also turn him against you, make him your ill-wisher.


Each of us is a unique person, each has his own opinion. However, we must respect other people even if we disagree with their point of view. Respect puts people in a good mood and helps them feel important. A person who is able to respect others has a certain dignity because he has something to offer others. A person who does not respect those who respect him has nothing to offer.

If we want other people to respect us, we first have to show respect to them. We may look more attractive and be smarter than, say, one of our friends, but can we be absolutely sure that we are really better?

If we value someone, we spend time and energy preparing to meet that person. We want to sparkle and make a good impression. And when we date, we undoubtedly exude a lot more confidence and self-esteem. We communicate more effectively and our “I” appears in all its glory. But when we do things with half soul and half heart, our shortcomings show. This happens because the attitude is reflected in our appearance, actions, behavior, and as a result of this, the person we are about to meet is unlikely to appreciate us the way we would like.

Respect is an attitude towards a person when we value someone, despite his shortcomings. In other words, respect entails treating a person kindly, despite his mistakes. It is possible to cultivate such respect for people only if we learn to see in any person, first of all, him. positive traits.

However, some people assume that others should live by their principles and are disappointed when this does not happen. However, it seems more appropriate to base your respect on what a person has done rather than on what he has not achieved. If you're angry at someone because they didn't live up to your expectations, why not get angry at yourself for having inflated expectations instead? Perhaps the person lived in accordance with his own requirements for himself. He did the best he could and therefore deserves respect.

When we show respect to those around us, we renew and develop our relationships. When respect fades, problems come. When we no longer respect a person, we tend to notice stains on his clothes, unkempt hair, and feel offended by his behavior. We are easily upset when we meet him on our way, when he takes the chair we were about to sit on or eats the fruit we have prepared for ourselves. When we feel love and respect for him, we simply do not notice anything bad, and those traits that previously caused hostility now not only do not irritate us, but, on the contrary, seem attractive!


1. Vasiliev A. Awakening the mind or how to become an individual.

2. Krasovsky Yu. D. Organizational behavior. - M.: Unity, 1999, 471 p.

3. Lavrinenko V.N. Psychology and ethics of business communication. - M.: Unity, 1997.

4. Razin A.V. Ethics: Textbook for universities. - 3rd ed., revised - M.: Academic Project, 2006. - 624 pp. .-(« Gaudeamus ", "Classical University Textbook") .

5. Philosophy. Textbook for higher educational institutions. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1995.








Vasiliev A. Awakening the mind or how to become an individual.

Lavrinenko V.N. Psychology and ethics of business communication. - M.: Unity, 1997.

Razin A.V. Ethics: Textbook for universities. - 3rd ed., revised - M.: Academic Project, 2006.

Theoretical Lyceum with. Baurchi

Class hour in 8th grade on the topic of:

“I am a person. Each

personality is worthy of respect" .

Class director: Telpiz Svetlana Petrovna

2014-2015 academic year year

Didactic project class hour.

Subject: “I am a person. Every person is worthy of respect.". Common goal: Formation. I am concepts.Key goals: Correlate your qualities to social roles. Identify your main differences from others.Operational Goals: 1. Find out what the word “Personality” means. 2. Understand that each person is a person who differs from another not only in external qualities, but, above all, in his internal content, individuality in behavior, attitude towards people and himself.

3. Understand how important it is to respect the opinions of others and be tolerant of others.Types of educational activities: introspection, conversation on issues, vocabulary work, discussion of situations, parables, independent work students.

Equipment: presentation "I am a person. Every personality is worthy of respect”, blackboard, epigraphs for the lesson, illustrations, dictionary.Epigraphs:


Stringsfrom a poem by Evgeny Yevtushenko“There are no uninteresting people in the world...” Each one has everything special, its own,

Progress of the class hour.

1. Creating an emotional mood.

Hello, guys, I am glad to welcome you to our class hour. I count on your support and help. I am confident that our cooperation will be successful.

They told me an evil word
My soul became sad,
I wanted it, I won’t hide it,
To answer with evil, and already

I started to frown
It's a bad word to choose.
But I thought: love
We need to heal wounds.

And then, so that you don’t sulk,
Didn't fly high
I took it and smiled.
It suddenly became easy...

Pay attention to the board, I have chosen the following statements for our lesson.Epigraphs: If you want to be respected, respect others.Everythe person is special. Remember this!

Stringsfrom the poem by Evgeny Yevtushenko “There are no uninteresting people in the world..." There are no uninteresting people in the world. Their destinies are like the stories of the planets. Each one has everything special, its own, And there are no planets similar to it.

Teacher: Explain the meaning of these lines. (if you want respect from others, respect yourself. Each person is special, they have something of their own, personal.Since you are a person worthy of respect).Conclusion: This poem talks about the uniqueness of each person, the value of the individual, that each person is certainly interesting in some way, unique and therefore deserves respect.

We will talk today about man.In different life situations, the same person plays different social roles in society.

There are sheets of paper in front of you. I suggest you write for one minute, without conferring: what social role you play in different life circumstances. Express your social"I". "Brainstorm" ( 1 min). Son, daughter, student, customer, pedestrian, etc.I am a daughter, a son;
I am brother, sister;
I am a student, student;
I am a neighbor, neighbor;
I am a buyer;
I am a pedestrian, etc.
Discussion of answers.Classroom teacher . We have not named all social roles. Most of us perform in the same social roles. But everyone stands out from the group of people with their uniqueness, their special qualities, each of us is an individual.

2. Announcement of the topic and goals. (1 slide) “I am a person. Every person is worthy of respect." , - this will be the theme of our class hour. Today we have a difficult task ahead of us, we must find out what the word “Personality” means. And let’s talk about who can be considered a person. Understand that each person is a person who differs from another not only in external qualities, but , first of all, by its internal content, individuality in behavior, attitude towards people and oneself.(2 slide)

3. Working with concepts. – I propose to start the lesson with the definition of the word “personality”. This concept is interpreted differently in different sources. -You needed to find the meaning of this word in different sources, except explanatory dictionary. Let's listen to you. (student reads from the dictionary)

Personality – a person as a bearer of some properties . (S.I. Ozhegov “Dictionary of the Russian Language” 1987)

Personality is a person as a subject of relationships and conscious activity, sustainable system socially significant features that characterize an individual as a member of society
(Soviet encyclopedic Dictionary, 1986)
Personality is the result of the social development of an individual through overcoming difficulties and accumulating life experience.. (Textbook “Social studies, 8th grade.” Author Kravchenko A.I. 2009)

(3 slide)

Conclusion: It can be said thata personality is a person who has certain qualities, on the other hand, is inextricably linked with society and, thirdly, has gone a long way in his development. Conclusion:Every person is a personality, possessing some qualities, by overcoming some difficulties and feats.- So, they are not born as a person, they become a person. - What qualities form a person as a person? (perseverance, work, knowledge, work, trials, character...)

4. Work in groups. I suggest working in groups. 1-artists, 2-lyricists, 3-philosophers .

The first group is tasked with drawing your vision personalities . The second group try to collect words according to their meaning to make a statement personality. For the third group, give reasons for how you understand the words from the Bible : “Love your neighbor as yourself”?

(Students argue, explain...) Question to group 1: this is how you see a person as a person. This means that it is more important for you that he be like this... Question 2 to group: do you think that a personality is such a person...Personality – This is a person who is able to control his behavior, activities, and who has his own views.Question to group 3: do you think so... and I can add to what you said.

(4 slide)

Conclusion: If I love myself as a part of the Divine, then I will treat others the same way. Loving yourself means, first of all, respecting your personality, loving and accepting yourself as you are.

Guys, how do you feel about yourself? - To your comrades, classmates?-Are you always kind and sympathetic? - What does it teach us?Bible ? – So you guys yourself explained such a difficult word “PERSONALITY”.

(5 slide)

Personality This is the individual face of a person. A personality is a person who works on himself, cultivates in himself good features character, tries to be useful to society.

Raise your hands who considers himself an individual.

Conclusion. To become a real person you need to work hard on yourself.

5. Creative work. (6 slide)

Teacher : There is a game that even adults play, let's play too. Here is a list of qualities:well-mannered, kind, affectionate, calm, patient. Rate yourself on pieces of paper opposite all these character traits. High score"5".

(Students write).

Teacher: Now exchange sheets of paper with your neighbor and give your neighbor marks for the same qualities.

Look: did the estimates match? Probably not. Why? - How should we treat each other so as not to offend our neighbor? - How should we show ourselves towards others? Be tolerant.

(7 slide)

(To be tolerant means to be patient, to respect others, regardless of differences. To be attentive to others, to understand each other, to treat each other with respect, regardless of nation)

Conclusion : must be patient with strangers, respect his habits, tastes, manners of behavior, listen without interrupting...

6. Problematic situation.Teacher question:

And if a person has not become famous for anything amazing, is not known to the whole world, he deservesrespect?

What kind of personalities are there then? (famous, strong, weak...)

(students’ reasoning).

Pay attention to the board, do you recognize these people? Can we call them personalities? What kind of personalities are these? (successful, strong...). How did they achieve all this in life?

Conclusion: No matter what kind of person a person is, he is worthy of respect.

Teacher: Every day we find ourselves in various situations in which both positive and negative qualities of a person are manifested: he let a girl go ahead, said hello, smiled at others, or pushed someone, insulted, muttered something in response. But there are situations that are more complex.

I suggest you listen to the story of one girl.

“Recently I was with my mother in the same city, we walked through the park. Ahead of us, a seemingly strong young man was moving in a wheelchair. Suddenly the wheel hit a pothole on the asphalt and the stroller overturned. The disabled man fell. People passed by indifferently. My mother and I tried to lift the man. Nothing worked. Then we turned to passers-by for help. There were no people willing to help. The disabled person asked to leave him alone”...

- What would you do if you were the girl and her mother?

- What do you usually do if you see that a person is feeling bad?

(children's statements)

-How do you think this story will end?

(Story continued)

“But we tried to get it up again. Students walked past.

Guys, help us,” we turned to them in despair.

The students sat the fallen man in the stroller. At the exit from the park, I looked back at the disabled person left in the alley.

He cried". - How do you think, Why was the disabled person crying? (children's statements) from grief, pain, shame, happiness. - How did passers-by behave in this situation? -What is indifference?

- Indifference This terrible evil our time. These are callous, embittered, indifferent people, capable of betraying even their neighbors, and life is difficult. But I am sure that there are many more kind and sympathetic people on earth.-What can you say about the students? (statements from students)

-What conclusion can you draw from this situation? Teacher: Now, guys, I invite you to watch the videos. Think and answer:-Why do three personalities behave differently in the same situation? They are different in character. How do you see Georgy Vitsin? (cowardly, funny..), Yuri Nikulin? (funny, joyful..), Evgeniy Morgunov? (indifferent, it doesn’t matter to him..)(8 slide) Conclusion: Three different types personality - three different reactions in the same situation. These are just three types of personality with their own characteristics. (2nd video included) Think and answer:(9 slide) - On whom could you try on “personality as a title”? What type of personality did you see in the different characters here? (indifference to the fate of the student). -How do you see teachers? (aggressive..). Students? Did they do the right thing with the boy? (they are like a flock, they need a shepherd to lead them.

Boy?(he achieved his goals with his perseverance and behavior. He saw himself as a person. -What kind of personality is the boy? (strong).-What does it mean to see a person in a person?(a person is not only his external manifestation, but also a set of personal qualities and characters).Napoleon Bonaparte behaved like a person from childhood. This is no longer just an individual with characteristics, it is the title of a way of life!-What else determines what kind of person a person has become? (On how he shows himself in life). Conclusion: A personality can break, a personality can be broken, and then a person becomes a weak personality...

(10 slide)

7. Questions for discussion: Guys, think and answer the questions

1 group.

Name the qualities of a real personality.

What should a person do to educate himself as a real person?2nd group. What personality traits do you need to develop to achieve success in life? What, from your point of view, is the beauty of a person?

3rd group.

Why does a person need other people?

How would you answer the question: “What is the meaning of life?”

8. Definition of qualities . Every person has both positive and negative qualities, but we should strive to develop positive ones in ourselves and get rid of negative qualities.

Take a pencil and write down what positive qualities you would like to develop in yourself, and what negative qualities you would like to get rid of, and why.

(listening and discussing student responses).

Guys, how do you think we can get rid of negative qualities?

9. The video is a parable. "What we must change." Look and tell me which ones life values we care about what is more important to us.

Exercise “Letter to yourself.”

- I suggest you write a letter to yourself. You have prepared letters on your desks that you need to write.

I,__________________________________________________________________________, understand that:

I like the following traits: ___________________________________________________

I really want to grow and develop.

And I’m very proud of my achievements (write what they are) _________________________________


But I won’t stop and want to move on to new goals (what)




I also recognize that I can choose my friends, my own business, manage my time, I can be alone or with other people - as I want, but always for the benefit of myself and other people.

I respect the following people: __________________________________________________________


They help me live, and I intend to constantly express my gratitude to them for what they are.
I love the following things: ______________________________________________________________

And I intend to pursue them more persistently and fully.

I will be able to cultivate in myself ________________________________________________________________


10. Reflection (10 slide)

What did we talk about today?

What new have you learned?

What conclusions did you draw for yourself?

11.Final speech of the teacher.

One day, the mentor of the Path told his disciples: “Show respect to those who are worthy of it, for there is nothing shameful in this; show respect to those who yearn for it, for there is nothing difficult about it; show respect to those who are not worthy of it, for in everyone there is something worthy of respect.”

The song sounds based on music by M. Minkov, lyrics by Yu. Entin “On the Road of Good”)