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Synopsis of a speech therapy subgroup lesson on the development of phonetic-phonemic processes Lesson topic: Sounds “N”, “Нь” and the letter N. Speech therapy lesson for children with parents on the topic “Sound and letter N” (senior correctional and developmental group) Synopsis

Olga Loginova
Speech therapy lesson in a preparatory school group on the development of the phonetic side of speech “Sounds [n]-[n’]. Letter N"

Structure subgroup speech therapy session on literacy in preparatory school group, development of the phonetic side of speech on the topic: « Sounds N-N. Letter N» .

Target classes: Dating with sound and letter N.


Correctional - educational:

1. Learn to clearly articulate and pronounce sound [N-N],give a description and articulatory structure of this sound; learn to distinguish letter sound;

2. Continue correction work phonemic processes. Highlight sound[Н-Нь] from the middle and end of a word;

3. Learn to differentiate sounds.

4. Get to know letter N;

5. Practice forming complex words;

Learn to do sound-letter analysis of words.

Correctively - developing:

1. Improve development articulatory motor skills and fine

motor skills of fingers;

2. Activate lexicon on sound

3. Continue to teach the ability to answer a given question completely, not in monosyllables.

4. Development logical thinking, attention, memory;

Correctional and educational:

1. Form a positive attitude and interest in classes.

2. Build positive self-esteem.

3. Cultivate responsiveness.


Subject pictures on N-N sounds;

Notebooks, pencils, cut alphabet books,

Kits for making word diagrams;

Demo card with letter N and picture symbol sound.

1. Organizational moment.

Log.: Guys, guess puzzles:

I'm knocking my hooves, knocking,

I'm jumping, jumping.

The mane curls in the wind.

(horse) There is a lot of power in him,

He is almost as tall as a house.

He has a huge nose

As if the nose was growing a thousand times. (elephant)

What words with sound N or N have we encountered in riddles? – What is the general there is sound in these words? (N – Ny)

Today we are with you on during the lesson we will talk about sounds N – N and let’s get acquainted with letter N.

Where did he hide? sound N in the word ELEPHANT? - At the end of the word.

Where did he hide? sound N in the word HORSE? - In the middle of a word

2. Work on a new topic.

a) Acoustic-articulatory image sounds.

Pronunciation sounds N, In chorus, individually. Characteristic sounds:

Sound N - consonant, sonorous, hard

Sound Нь – consonant, sonorous, soft

3. Articulation gymnastics.




Delicious jam


4. Development of phonemic hearing

A game "Repeat"

Na - nya, us - no, well - nu, us - yum, whine - thread, nose - carried, ton - Tonya

Pronunciation of pure phrases.

Na-na-na- There is a pine tree on the hill. Now-now-now- There is no moon in the sky

But-but-but It's dark outside. He-he-he - Light the fire.

Connection sounds and letters

Letter N, you can tell everyone,

It looks a lot like a bed.

5. Finger game "Dwarf Laundresses":

We lived in a house (children clench and unclench their fists)

Little gnomes:

Toki, Peaks, Faces, Chiki, Miki.

One two three four five, (extend fingers, starting with little fingers)

The gnomes began to wash: (rubbing fists together)

Toki shirts, (bend fingers, starting with thumbs)



Chicky socks.

Miki was smart

He brought water to everyone.

6. Composing from a split alphabet syllables and their reading:


7. Game "The Fourth Wheel".

Tomato, LEMON, turnip, cucumber.

CANDY, apple, pear, apricot.

jacket, jacket, shorts, SOCKS.

LEMONNN, CONNNNFETTA, NNNOSKI – pictures with which we chose the sound? – So sound N.

SKATES, sneakers, slippers.

Bear, HORSE, fox, hare.

DEER, turkey, duck, chicken.

Choose an extra picture and explain.

KONNNKI, KONNN, DEER – pictures with what we chose the sound? – So sound Ny.

Alternate utterance sounds N and N by a speech therapist, children, choir, individually, loudly, quietly. Characteristic sounds, comparison sounds.

8. Work on the proposal

Make sentences from words based on supporting words:

Nadya - songs Nina - dream Natasha - skates

Nikita - sled Marina - umbrella Alena - juice

9. Exercise with split alphabet.



(repetition of the rule for writing big letters in proper names).

10. Physical exercise.

Here comes Moidodyr, (walking in place)

I have only peace with him. (clasp one palm with the other)

Clean shirt hanging (raise your arms forward and lower them down)

And the T-shirt in front is sewn. (bend the right arm at the elbow and imitate sewing with a needle)

He doesn't wag his finger anymore (they shake a finger, turn their heads sides)

That the coat doesn't hang in place. (hands raised up and down)

Shorts, trousers and robe (bend fingers one by one)

They hang on a hanger in the closet. (raise their hands and lower them down)

Sundress, suit, vest - (bend fingers one by one)

There is no cleaner wardrobe. (the head is raised up, the head is turned in sides)

11. Consolidation:

a) Outlining and printing letters

Guys, circle the outline letter and type it. (First we draw a line from top to bottom, then, leaving a little space, we draw a second line from top to bottom, then we connect two sticks in the middle).

b) Sound - analysis of the word Nina,elephant

Laying out sound pattern of a word. Composing words from previously composed ones syllables.

14. Summary classes.

From what let's get acquainted?

Which sounds this letter represents?

Give a description sound N, sound N How are they similar and how are they different?

What other consonants sounds you remember?

Topic “Sound and letter N”

Compiled by speech therapist: Denisova Oksana Vladimirovna

Moscow GBOU school No. 1285 SP “Treasure Island”

Target: Introduce the letter and sound “N”.



  • Teach children to answer questions accurately and completely;
  • Form vocabulary - grammatical structure;
  • Improve the grammatical structure of speech;
  • Clarify the articulation of the sound “N”
  • To consolidate the formation of the concepts of “consonant, hard, voiced sound”;
  • Exercise children in sound-letter and sound-syllable analysis and synthesis of words;
  • Automate the sound “N” in syllables, words, sentences;
  • Teach reading and writing;

Correctional and developmental;

  • Development of phonemic hearing and phonemic perception;
  • Develop auditory and visual attention, memory, logical thinking;
  • Improve articulatory motor skills;
  • Develop the ability to understand and follow simple and complex (two-step) instructions;
  • Develop large and fine motor skills, coordination of movements;
  • Develop graphic skills;


  • Form positive attitudes towards participation in classes;
  • Formation of the ability to listen to peers and speech therapist;
  • Cultivate responsiveness, a caring attitude towards others (careful attitude towards objects);
  • To develop communication skills, friendliness, sociability, and a culture of behavior in social and life situations;
  • Foster initiative and independence
  • Cultivate perseverance

Methods and techniques:

  • Verbal: conversation, questions, explanations, instructions, encouragement.
  • Visual: subject pictures whose names contain the sound “N”

Equipment: subject pictures: gosling; little fox; pencil; ladder; rhinoceros; nose; socks; notes; suitcase; sofa; elephant; record player. Magnetic board, colored crayons, counting sticks, lined pieces of paper, pens of three colors, pencils three colors

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment:

Hello guys. Today we will play such a game.

I name a sound, syllable or word. The one who correctly determines what it is sits down. (N; NA; NATASHA; BUT; N; NIGHT; NU; NA; NOTES; NOS; N; SOCKS; NE)

2. Main part:

  • Introducing the sound and letter “N”

Who guessed what sound we'll talk about today? "N"

Look how to pronounce the sound “N” correctly: The lips are open, the teeth are at a short distance, the neck is ringing. Air jet aimed at the tip of the tongue, it meets an obstacle in the mouth. When spoken solid sound(H) The tongue is located behind the upper teeth. Give it a try.

What is the sound “N” (consonant, hard, voiced)

Why do you think so? (we write in blue, the air meets an obstacle, the neck rings)

I’m talking about the letter EN On the letter EN I’m like on a ladder,
Suddenly a song came up: I’m sitting and singing songs
N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n – (I draw upwards)
It turned out to be a ladder. E. Tarlapan

You have counting sticks on your tables. Take them and lay out the letter "EN". Well done. Put away the chopsticks.

  • Development of fine motor skills.

Now we will take some pieces of paper and write one line of the letter “EN” according to the model (large-small). Don't forget to space between pairs of letters. What color will we use to write the letter “EN”? (sample on the board + display of writing)

  • Exercise “New sound”

I brought you pictures. Do you need to hear where the sound “N” is located, at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word?

The child determines the position of the sound in the word and takes the picture for himself.

  • Exercise “Make a sentence”

Now that you all have pictures, come up with sentences based on them. I'll start: The little gosling loves to swim in the pond. Now you. One by one.

  • Physical education lesson “Repeat, don’t make a mistake”

The speech therapist speaks syllables with the sound “N” and makes various movements. Children must repeat.

Exercise on interhemispheric interaction: “Pancakes”; "Water"

  • Exercise: “Make a syllable”

Guys, what do you think will happen if you combine 2 sounds “A” and “N” --- AN O__N - OH; U___N – UN; I____N –IN; Y____N – EUN; E ____N – EN. (Writing on the board)

The same with open syllables. ON THE; BUT; NY; NE; WELL.

  • Sound-syllable analysis of words

They took their leaves. We draw a sound-syllable diagram of the first word (note). One child works on the board. The same words: son; window.

Well done. They put everything on the edge of the table.

3. Final part:

Lesson summary:

And now my guys, guess the riddles:

They walk their whole lives, but cannot overtake each other. (legs)

Sniffles, snorts, sits on his face. (nose)

What sound does the word begin with?

Why did I ask such riddles? (today we talked about the sound “N”)

Smart girls. You did great today. Give yourself a clap. Pat yourself on the back and say, “We did great!” The lesson is over.


  1. T.Yu. Bardysheva, E.N. Monosova Speech therapy classes in kindergarten. Preparatory group for school.

Moscow, publishing house "Scriptorium 2003", 2011.

  1. T.Yu. Bardysheva, E.N. Monosova Notebook of speech therapy tasks. Preparatory group for school.

Moscow, publishing house "Scriptorium 2003", 2012.

  1. O.I. Krupenchuk Speech therapist lessons. We learn letters for children 5-6 years old. St. Petersburg, Litera Publishing House, 2008.
  2. N.V. Nishcheva Notes of subgroup speech therapy sessions in senior group kindergarten for children with OHP.

St. Petersburg, publishing house "Childhood-Press", 2007.

  1. V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko Frontal speech therapy classes in preparatory group for children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment (II period).

Moscow, Gnom i D publishing house, 2001.

Topic: “Sounds N - НН”. Letter N.

Goal: to clarify the pronunciation of the sounds N - N, to become familiar with the letter N.

Corrective tasks:

Strengthen the skill of pronouncing sounds in syllables, words, sentences.

Improve the skill of differentiating consonants by hardness and softness in syllables and words.

Develop sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

Acquaintance with the letter N, development of visual perception.

Improving the skill of reading syllables and words based on a syllabic table (syllable synthesis).

Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, enriching the vocabulary by selecting words with opposite meanings, working on sentences.

Developmental tasks: development of attention, thinking, spatial orientation, consolidation of knowledge geometric shapes, development of imagination.

Educational tasks: education of self-control and self-esteem skills.

Equipment: presentation , Handout , subject pictures, workbooks.

Progress of the lesson

Org. moment. Visual gymnastics “Hedgehog”

II. Work on the topic

1.- Select the indicated sound in the name of the pictures, make up a word .

Target: formation of sound analysis, synthesis .

Clothes - Ring - Sofa - Gun - WINDOW

3 1 3 5

Beetle - Vegetables - Binoculars - Flags - HORSES

- Name the third sound in the resulting words.

2. Articulation, characteristics of the sound Н-Нь, work with mirrors.

N - lips in a smile, the tip of the tongue rests on the alveoli, the teeth are not closed,

NH - lips in a smile , the front part of the tongue rests on the alveoli, the teeth are not closed,

N- consonant, voiced, hard

NH- consonant, voiced, soft

3. Isolation of sounds Н - Нь from syllables. Working with signals.

Target: development of auditory attention. Phonemic awareness.




4. Isolating the sounds Н - Нь from the story.

Target: development of memory, phonemic awareness .

N And n and went to the zoo. The girl cooked for the guests n tsy for animals. Monkeys n ke-ba n A n, n osorogu - a n A n as, a slo n y-ko n feta

Put aside as many circles as there are words with the sounds N - N' you will hear in the story

Who remembers the words and can repeat them?

In which words did you hear more than one N sound? (Nina, banana, pineapple)

Which word had a hard and soft N sound? (Nina)

- Nina will complete all subsequent tasks with you.

5. Formation of sound analysis

Target: development of thinking, sound analysis, phonemic perception .

Nina gives each of you two pictures, choose the one with the sound - Н-Нь, set the appropriate signal, determine the place of the sound Н-Нь in the word using a digital ruler .

- Nina will check how you completed the tasks.

(Individual approach)



6. Physical exercise

Goal: development of auditory attention, movement coordination, movement switchability.

- “Listen, don’t yawn, repeat after me!”

We clap our hands - And when I say “Get up”

Let your feet dance. Don't help them with your hand.

Legs will run, legs together, legs apart,

On a flat path. Legs straight, legs askew,

Legs crossed - go down Legs here and legs there,

And wait for the command. What is this noise, what is this commotion?

- The one who says the opposite word will sit down. Ball game "Say the opposite."

Left - right take off - put on short - long

Top - bottom cheerful - sad high - low

Dry - wet old - new lower - raise

- What sound was repeated in all your words?

7. Introducing the letter N. Write printed and written letters N.

A) There are two even columns

And they hold hands.

They always have fun together

They don't know boredom.

B) Find out the letter by the dotted line N and circle it. (Work in notebooks ).

IN) Count the quantity N in a letter row. (On the desk)

N G n i B n m A Yu p N M n i T P AND w K (Bow)

Make a word from letters of the same width. Find the sound pattern of this word.

D) Work on the syllabic table.

- Make a word from syllables of the same color. Banana, glass, books, moon, sock

(Individual approach)

Write in your notebook a word that means: (individual task for each student)

- item for sewing

- subject for reading

- southern fruit

- night celestial body

- name of the dish

- short golf course

D) - Which word matches the subject? given word sign?

Full………(moon) New………(book)

Empty ……. (glass) Blue……….(sock)

Thin…… (threads) Delicious…….(banana)

E) Make up sentences of 4 - 5 words with the resulting phrases. Choose a diagram of your proposal and draw it in your notebook. (Sentence diagrams are drawn on the board).

(Individual approach)

The full moon shines at night.

An empty glass is on the table.

Thin threads were bought at the store.

Katya has a new book.

Grandma knitted a blue sock.

The children ate a delicious banana.

AND) - Nina carefully watched how you worked in class and prepared an envelope for you with a surprise. Open it and see what's in there. (Geometric figures).

Make a face out of geometric shapes that will tell us what mood you and our guest are in.

Count how many colors you used and find out what grade you got.

III. Summary of the lesson.

Sections: Speech therapy

Lesson objectives:

  1. Introduce children to the sound and letter “N”.
  2. Teach parents basic techniques for working with children on sound analysis and teaching reading.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Teach children to hear and identify the sound “N”, determine the place of the sound in a word.
  2. Introduce children to the letter “N”, practice the skill of reading reverse syllables with the letter “N”.
  3. Develop children's skills in sound analysis and phonemic perception.
  4. Train memory, attention, and the skill of understanding two-step instructions.
  5. Activate generalizing words in children’s independent speech.
  6. Reinforce the concepts of “sound”, “letter”, “word”, “sentence”.
  7. Develop fine motor skills and general coordination of movements.
  8. To develop interaction skills in children and parents in educational activities.

Equipment: subject pictures for vowel sounds (stork, album, antenna, watercolor, needle, turkey, toys, fishing rod, street, student, iron, donkey, lake, island, etc.); pictures with the sound “N” at the beginning, middle and end of a word; syllable tables for reading: “AN”, “ON”, “UN”, “IN” for each child, sets of counting sticks.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Parents and children stand in a circle and, passing the ball to each other, greet each other. In this case, it is advisable to use various greeting words: hello, good afternoon, good mood, glad to see you, etc.

2. Exercises to develop fine motor skills and coordination of movements

. Performed in a circle.

– “Fist – rib”:
Once - one hand is clenched into a fist, the other is straightened in the palm, edge down.
Two - change the position of your hands.
– “Ears – horns – beetle”:
Once - place the index and middle fingers of both hands in the shape of ears.
Two - place the index finger and little finger of both hands in the shape of horns.
Three – set thumb and the little finger of both hands in the shape of a beetle.

3. Children sit at tables according to the instructions of the speech therapist


“Whose name begins with the sound “M” will sit at the table where the picture “stork” lies. Whose name begins with the sound “I” will sit at the table where there is a picture of “toys”, etc. Pictures beginning with the vowel sounds “A”, “U”, “I”, “O” are laid out on the tables. Then we invite parents to sit next to their child.

4. Repetition of the material covered

“Vowel sounds.”

Game “Find out by articulation”. The speech therapist consistently silently demonstrates the articulation of the vowel sounds “A”, “U”, “I”, “O”. Children and parents guess the sounds and name them.

Game “Cryptographers”. Mothers turn their backs to the child, children write the letter “A”, “U”, “I” or “O” with their finger on the mother’s back. Moms guess the letter. Then they change roles: mothers write, children guess.

Game “Guess whose picture it is.” The speech therapist silently demonstrates the articulation of the vowel sounds “A”, “U”, “I”, “O”. Children and parents select and show a picture that starts with this sound (the pictures are on the tables).

Game “Recognize the sound, think of a word.” The speech therapist silently demonstrates the articulation of the vowel sounds “A”, “U”, “I”, “O”. Children and parents come up with words that begin with this vowel sound.

5. Setting the goal of the lesson


Speech therapist:“Today we will learn a new sound. What sound is this, guess the riddles and determine the first sound in the guess words”:

The instrument is experienced - not big, not small.
He has a lot of worries: he cuts and shears. ( Scissors).

All my life I've been racing,
But they cannot overtake each other. ( Legs).

On a piece of paper, on a page -
Either dots or birds.
Everyone sits on the ladder and chirps songs. ( Notes).

I began to approach the house -
The sun was stolen from the sky. ( Night).

Speech therapist:“Who guessed what sound we will learn today? Right. Sound "N".

6. Sound “N”. Features of articulation.

The concept of “consonant sound”. Phonetic characteristics of sound.

7. Introducing the letter “N”


Speech therapist:“Guess who will bring us the letter “N”?” Children and mothers come up with words that begin with the sound “N”. The speech therapist turns over the picture of “scissors” with the letter “N”. We put the picture with the letter on the board.

8. Game “Hide and Seek”- determine the place of the sound in the word.

There are upside-down pictures in front of the board, one of the mothers goes to the board, takes any picture and shows it to her baby. The child determines where the sound “N” is in a word - at the beginning, middle or end. The picture is put on the board. Then the next mother comes out. And so all the pictures with the sound “N” are put on the board.

9. Practicing general concepts


“Name the tools, flowers, animals, fish (from the pictures on the board).”

10. Work on the proposal


“Come up with a sentence with any word (based on pictures with the sound “N” on the board).”

11. Competition game

“Who remembered more words.”

The child goes to the board, turns his back to the pictures and names the pictures from memory. Mom counts how many words he remembers. After the game the winner is determined.

12. Phys. just a minute


Exercises to activate interhemispheric interaction: “Cross steps”, “Lazy eights”, balance exercise.

13. Remember the letter “N”


“Look at the letter “N” and think of what it looks like?” Children and mothers come up with associative images: a fence, a gate, a road map, a swing, etc.

Speech therapist:“The letter “N” is very similar to a stretcher. Let's learn a rhyme about the letter."

"N" looks like a stretcher
There's a board in the middle.
We held hands together
We carry trash wherever we need it.

14. Game “One, two, three - collect the letter”.

Children assemble a letter from counting sticks and determine how many sticks are needed. Then the speech therapist divides the children into groups of 3 and the children lie down on the mat to form the letters “H”. Then everyone returns to their places.

15. Practicing reading skills


Children read the syllabic paths on the cards: “AN”, “ON”, “UN”, “IN”. Then mothers name the syllables, the children find a card on which this syllable is written.

16. Lesson summary


What sound and letter did we learn today?

What tasks and exercises did we do today?

The speech therapist asks the children if they enjoyed studying with their mothers.


  1. A collection of riddles. Compiled by M. T. Karpenko. – M.: “Enlightenment”, 1988.
  2. Galkina G.G. I am learning sounds and letters! – M.: “Publishing house GNOM and D”, 2009.

Goal: to consolidate the skill of pronouncing the sounds “N, Нъ”; develop phonemic awareness; introduce the letter.
Educational - teach how to identify the sounds “Н” and “Нь” in a word by ear; teach
determine the place of the sounds Н-Нь in words.
Correctional and developmental - develop phonemic hearing, expand your vocabulary, continue to teach sound analysis of syllables; articulate correctly and clearly.
Educational - develop interest in the lesson, teach attentiveness to the word

Lesson type: combined

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual, practical

Equipment: Dunno doll, three models of village houses with multi-colored roofs (red, blue, green), printed letters, subject pictures (socks, scissors, threads, knife, orange, books, banana, telephone, glass, strawberry, etc.).

Lesson plan:

Introductory part
- Organizing time
- Repetition of learned sounds and letters
Main part
- Transition to new material
- Articulation and characteristics of sounds
- Independent sound selection
- Dynamic pause
- Introduction to the letter “N” pattern and its analysis
- Forming letters from counting sticks
- Sound analysis syllables
Lesson summary

During the classes:

Introductory part

1 Organizational moment
Guys, today Dunno came to our village from three houses.

2 Repetition of learned sounds and letters.
Let us tell Dunno about these unusual houses with roofs of different colors in our village of sounds.
What sounds live in a house with a red roof? (Children answer: A, O, U, E, I, Y) The teacher places the letters in the house.
What sounds live in a house with a blue roof? (Hard consonants: M, P, T, K) Letters are set.
What sounds live in a house with a green roof? (Soft consonant sounds: Мь, Пь, Ть, Кь)

Main part
1 Transition to new material
Dunno brought many gifts to our village of sounds. The teacher displays pictures and names objects, emphasizing the sound “Н and Нь” in an exaggerated manner.

Socks, scissors, thread, knife, orange, books, banana, telephone, glass, strawberry.

What sounds are most often heard in these words? (Children: N and NH)

2 Characteristics of sounds and articulation
The teacher shows how sounds are pronounced and explains the place and method of formation of sounds.
Children make their own sounds
Characteristics are given:
“N” is a consonant sound, hard, voiced
"Нь" consonant, soft, voiced

3 Independent sound selection
Guys, help Dunno deliver gifts home.
Which house will Dunno take the picture gifts to, with a green roof or a blue one?
Each of you will take one picture, name the object and guess what sound is in this word “N” or “NH” and take it to the desired house.
Pictures are offered: scissors, threads, skates, knife, telephone, socks, lemon, glass, book, loaf, banana, peony, ruler.
(Each child takes two pictures and puts them in the right house)

4 Dynamic pause

Let's clap our hands -
Let your feet dance.
Let your feet dance
On a flat path.
Legs together, legs apart,
Legs straight, legs askew,
Legs here and legs there,
What is this noise and what is this commotion?

5 D/I “Find a place for sound”
Dunno was very neat and wanted everyone to be not only in their own house, but also in their own place, in their own window.
Let's help our friend. If the sound Н or Нь is at the beginning of the word, we will place the picture in the first window, i.e. at the beginning; if in the middle, then into the second window, i.e. in the middle; if the sound is at the end, then in the third window, i.e. In the end.
The same pictures are placed in the desired window.

5 Introduction to the letter “N” sample and its analysis.
Teacher: Guys, the sound “N” is indicated by the letter N. (Shows on the card.)
Look and think about what the letter N looks like. (If you find it difficult, suggest your own options)

N looks like a roost.
There is somewhere for the chickens to sit.

N looks like a stretcher
There's a board in the middle.
We held hands together -
We carry trash wherever we need it.

What elements does a letter consist of?
(Children explain: two long and one short)

6 Forming a letter from counting sticks

7 “Make syllables out of sounds”
Dunno brought us sound pencil cases so we could play the game.
I pronounce the syllables, and you lay out these syllables from sound chips and repeat what you got.
The speech therapist suggests: AN, ON, UN, NI, EUN, NY.
(At the next lesson, you can offer sound-letter analysis)

8 Summary
The speech therapist asks a question:
Guys, what sound does the name Dunno begin with? (Нь)
So, which house will our guest stay in? (In a house with a green roof)
Where is the sound Нъ in the word Dunno? (At first)
So, from which window will Dunno say goodbye to us? (From the first)
That's right guys, you were all good helpers to Dunno today!

I would like to note that the classes where story line and fairy-tale heroes justify their goals, since children complete tasks with pleasure, and this technique allows them to concentrate for more time. Thanks to this technique and visuals, children became familiar with, learned, and remembered the sound and letter N and learned to differentiate the sounds N-НН by hardness and softness. The tasks I set were completed, but inertia in completing tasks due to the primary diagnosis
children, unfortunately, the lesson time increased.