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Kuprin. "Emerald": main characters

Main character story, a young officer who loves Shurochka. He has been serving in the regiment for two years now and still cannot come to terms with the rough morals of regimental life. By nature, Romashov is very romantic, kind and a little shy. It organically combines weakness of spirit and willpower. Shurochka often reproaches him for weakness and cowardice. For her, a “big” name and an advantageous position in society come first, which is why Romashov considers himself just a “grain of sand.”

Alexandra Petrovna Nikolaeva, one of the main characters of the story, the wife of Vladimir Efimych Nikolaev, Romashov’s beloved. The story contains many female characters associated with officer life. This is the vulgar Raisa Alexandrovna - the wife of officer Peterson, and Sofya Pavlovna - the wife of Captain Talman, and other characters. The image of Shurochka clearly stands out against the background of these vulgar and insignificant seductresses. She is endowed with intelligence, charm, and wit.

One of the characters in the story, Shurochka’s husband and Romashov’s murderer, is a mediocre lieutenant with dull eyes and bullish stubbornness. This is the third time he has taken the exam for the academy, and fails each time. His wife, Alexandra Petrovna, aka Shurochka, is trying in every possible way to help him with his admission, as she dreams of breaking out of the provincial garrison to the capital. She herself mastered the exam program a long time ago, but Volodya just can’t do it.

One of the bright secondary characters of the story, an officer-philosopher who boldly expresses his thoughts about life. Despite his kindness and decency, this hero does not find use for his strengths and talents. Basically, the author describes his thoughts about the structure of the army, about good and evil, about the highest justice. He often abuses alcohol, which is why Shurochka rejected him at one time.

The most cruel character in the story, the company commander who openly admires bloody wars. There is something of a predatory beast in the appearance of this man. He is so cruel to his soldiers that every year there is at least one suicide in his company.

Peterson, Raisa Alexandrovna

A minor character, an insidious woman who loved to seduce young officers, and when they left her, she took cruel revenge on them. Romashov also fell into her network, and when he left her, she began writing anonymous letters to Nikolaev, slandering the connection between Romashov and Shurochka.

Vetkin, Pavel Pavlych

A minor character, lieutenant, company commander, practically Romashov’s only friend. He was about thirty-three years old, bald and mustachioed. He liked to drink, play cards, and also chat and sing songs. He was Romashov's second in his duel with Nikolaev.


A minor character, lieutenant, battalion adjutant, Caucasian. He was a dashing rider and skillfully handled a saber. Once he almost killed a woman in a brothel. Romashov saved him from this step, after which Bek began to treat him with respect. He was Romashov's second in his duel with Nikolaev.


Minor character, company commander, captain. He was of the old school with drill and beating of soldiers. I have never read a single book or newspaper in my life.


A minor character, a pitiful and downtrodden man who accidentally became a soldier. As a boy, he tore his stomach, because of this his growth practically stopped. He was short and very weak. In the company they often beat him and took all his money. Once he even ran away and wanted to either commit suicide or simply run away. Romashov met him by chance and returned him to the company, becoming his patron.


A minor character, Romashov's orderly, is a very devoted person to him. He was a Cheremis, an idolater by faith.


Minor character, colonel, regimental commander. He was tall, plump, and had a beard. He had a fat wife and no children. In his own way, he loved the soldiers and officers in his regiment.


Minor character, ensign. He always smiled and knew all the jokes in the world. He was a good gymnast.


Minor character, battalion adjutant. He was tall, but thin. Age - "young old man". He had a nickname - Count Olizar.


A minor character, the staff captain, is a constantly sad person. He was forty-five years old, he never drank or played cards in the regiment. Despite this, he was always present at drinking parties or games.


Minor character, lieutenant. Everyone considered him a card sharper, but they didn’t want to get involved with him, since he was quite tall and strong. One day, he beat his orderly so hard that there was even blood on the ceiling. He was also known as a wit.

Minor character, staff captain, Protestant. He was a self-confident guy who was transferred from another regiment because of some dark history. He played cards well and won a lot. Everyone didn't like him, but they were afraid of him. According to rumors, he was Talman’s lover, and also with the young wife of a decrepit brigade commander. He was Nikolaev's second in his duel with Romashov.


Minor character, captain, husband of Raisa Alexandrovna. He was thin and bald, and loved his wife very much. He knew about her novels, but he treated her lovers well. As soon as the next gentleman abandoned Raisa, he began to do all sorts of tricks against him in the service.


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“The Lilac Bush” is a work about the eternal theme of art, about love. Kuprin chose the direction of realism for the text. And this is quite logical. Every person strives to find a soul mate in life. A person with whom no troubles or trials are scary. But very few people, unfortunately, succeed in this. No one knows for sure how and why people choose their mate in life. Love is an incredibly capricious and sometimes incomprehensible feeling. Sometimes a very beautiful woman can fall in love with a man who is completely unremarkable to the rest of society. The luckiest people are precisely those people who not only received the greatest gift of fate - love, but were able to feel mutual love. When two people, connected by a real sincere feeling, holding hands, set off together along the thorny path of life, when the feelings and souls of lovers are intertwined together, then people are truly invincible. There is no force that could resist the power of true mutual Love.

Alexander Kuprin, despite the fact that he became famous as a stern military man, bowed to the power of love. The writer believed that there is nothing more important in life than the sincere and mutual love of spouses. The story “The Lilac Bush” fully reveals Kuprin’s beliefs regarding the invincibility of true feelings and the power that these feelings can bestow on lovers. Especially great value in marriage, Kuprin gave it to his wife. Loving woman, according to the writer, should be ready to become a support and support for her husband in any situation. The main task of a woman is to create coziness and comfort in the house, even under not very favorable conditions of material support.

“Lilac Bush”: artistic “passport” of the work

Alexander Ivanovich wrote the story in 1894. In fact, Kuprin was always interested eternal themes. One of these themes is love, relationships, the complexities and joys of marriage and romantic interaction between a man and a woman. Marriage for Kuprin is a relationship where self-sacrifice, trust, mutual love, respect and support come to the fore. To demonstrate the key ideas of the work, the writer chose a composition that includes three parts. In the first part, a frustrated Nikolai returns home after failing a practical project. The hero shares his experiences with his wife, Vera. In the second part, Vera Almazova actively intervenes in the course of the narrative. The girl comes up with a great plan to fix the situation with the project. Finally, the final part is the finale, which ends with a happy denouement: the professor accepts Nikolai’s project, and he begins his studies. The story was published in the year it was written, 1894. “The Lilac Bush” appeared on the pages of “Life and Art”.

Dear readers! We invite you to familiarize yourself with Alexandra Kuprin - in the table.

In the center is the image of lilac, whose flowers have always been associated with romantic relationships. Therefore, the lilac bush certainly carries a semantic load. In addition, lilac blooms with the arrival of spring warmth, and spring is also a symbol of impending love. After the Almazov couple manages to carry out a small night adventure, planting lilacs - part of Vera’s plan to correct a mistake in her husband’s practical work, Nikolai falls in love with lilacs forever. Kuprin, perhaps, did not choose this particular plant by chance. If you read about the symbolism of lilacs, you will notice that these bushes are associated with spring, with warmth (not only weather, but also human). According to Scandinavian legend, spring painted nature with colors, but when it came to northern nature, Mother Spring only had purple colors on her palette, which turned into lilac bushes.

About the events of Kuprin’s story and the main characters of “The Lilac Bush”

At the center of the story is a story about a family who solve a problem together. Of course, Kuprin pays attention to human relationships, the specifics of love in the family and in marriage. Love is not an empty feeling, it is constant support without expectation of reward for it.

Images of the main characters of “The Lilac Bush”

So, Kuprin’s story assumes the classic division of characters into central and secondary figures. Let's first look at the key players.

Image of Almazov Nikolai Evgrafovich

Nikolai recently became an officer and now seeks to continue his studies at the academy. I managed to pass the exams in the third year, but Nikolai still ruined the final project. The man tried to cover up the stain (literally) he had made on his work, but the professor who took the exam knew the landscape too well to not notice the mistake. As a result, with the help of his wife, Nikolai manages to pass the project and prove to the professor that he is right. The teacher apologized to the young officer, and Nikolai entered the academy to study. Almazov was distinguished by his hard work, stubbornness, perseverance, and diligence, but he won in tandem with the support of his wife.

The image of Nikolai's wife, Vera Almazova

Nikolai was lucky in marriage and love: the man managed to get a beautiful girl, Vera, as his wife. Almazova sincerely loves her husband, supporting and helping Nikolai in all his endeavors. Preparation for exams, drawings, projects - all this is on Verochka’s shoulders. The girl, without hesitation, spends money and family resources on the implementation of Nikolai’s plans and plans. Intelligence, kindness, wisdom, selflessness are the key qualities of Faith. Almazova’s resourcefulness, as a result, saves Nikolai’s project.

Professor's image

The German teacher who takes exams for the academy is different high level professionalism. The professor is characterized by honesty and integrity. Therefore, the hero notices an error on Nikolai’s project, pointing out the mistake. Almazov believes that the professor is simply a pedant, a terrible, monstrous person. However, the teacher is simply fair. Supporting characters include an appraiser at a pawn shop and a gardener.

Image of the appraiser

Working in a pawnshop, the appraiser sells the valuables that the Almazovs bring to the pawnshop. Vera collects the last of her jewelry at home (a bracelet and a ring), which she takes to the appraiser to help raise money for planting bushes. Here the main values ​​for a girl are revealed - these are not things at all, not material objects, but spiritual. This is affection and love for your spouse, as well as Nikolai’s career and endeavors.

Gardener image

At first, the stubborn man refuses to help the Almazovs. The gardener does not understand the need for planting bushes at night. As a result, Vera tells the gardener about the real motive for this adventure. After this, the man agrees to plant lilacs at night. The gardener liked Vera’s idea; it seemed sweet and worthy of respect.

Events of Kuprin's story

The Almazov spouses in the story are endowed, one might say, with opposite qualities. Nikolai Evgrafovich Almazov, a young and poor officer. The man is not endowed, it would seem, with absolutely no positive qualities. Not very smart, since he managed to enter the Academy General Staff only on the third attempt, and even then solely thanks to the help of his wife.

For two years in a row, Almazov triumphantly failed, and only on the third year did he overcome all obstacles through hard work. If it weren’t for his wife, he, perhaps, not finding enough energy in himself, would have given up on everything...

Dear readers! We invite you to familiarize yourself with Alexander Kuprin, based on real events.

The study itself was given to Almazov with great difficulty. Again the hero could not do without the support of his wife. And now, at the last stage of passing the exams, in Almazov’s opinion, a completely irreparable situation occurred, which nullified all the man’s efforts. Doing the last practical work(instrumental survey of the area), Almazov, through negligence, managed to put a green spot on the already completed work. Since he had neither the strength nor the time to redo the task again, Almazov used his ingenuity and turned the spot into a bush. However, the overly pedantic professor noticed this extra bush and made a comment about the whole work:

If you say so, he says that there are bushes on this saddle, then please go there with me on horseback tomorrow... I will prove to you that you either worked carelessly, or drew directly from the three-verst map...

The fatality of mistakes and the contrast of characters

This rather unpleasant situation completely destabilized Almazov's mind. The man has completely lost the ability to think sensibly. Instead of looking for a way out, even from such a rather difficult situation, Almazov chose to simply panic and surrender to the mercy of fate. For a man, especially an officer, behavior, frankly speaking, does not deserve respect.

Kuprin portrays Almazov’s wife, Verochka, in a completely different way. The girl is completely opposite in character to her husband. Finding a way out of a difficult situation was a completely normal activity for Verochka. The heroine is not used to crying and complaining. Kuprin even chose a suitable name for the girl - Vera, as in the belief that, if desired, one can cope with any misfortune. Almazova easily compensated for her husband’s weak character, and under no circumstances did she reproach her husband for this:

But Verochka did not let him lose heart and constantly kept him cheerful... She learned to meet every failure with a clear, almost cheerful face. She denied herself everything necessary in order to create comfort for her husband, although cheap, but still necessary for a person busy with heavy work. She was, as needed, his copyist, draftsman, reader, tutor and memory book...

Verochka's conjugal love

Nikolay Almazov is a real lucky guy. The hero’s wife not only has many advantages, but most importantly, Verochka sincerely and with all her heart loves her husband. The support and help of a loved one in difficult times is extremely important for both strong-willed people and weak representatives of the human race. Verochka is endowed with a lively mind and knows how to quickly make original, completely surprising decisions. To save her husband’s honor and Almazov’s exam paper, Vera offers to go and plant a bush in the right place on her own before morning. The solution is very bold and non-standard, but quite feasible. There is no time to think, the situation needs to be saved, and Almazov himself is not ready to offer at least some way out of the difficult situation that he himself provoked.

A loving woman is always ready for self-sacrifice. Let it seem from the outside that Verochka’s husband, Nikolai, is unworthy of the love of such an intelligent, kind, beautiful, resourceful and cheerful woman. However, Vera loves her husband for who he is, so she is ready to support Almazov in any situation. Without hesitating for a second, the girl collects all the jewelry in the house to implement her daring plan to plant bushes.

Having saved some money from a pawn shop, the Almazovs go to the gardener so that he can send workers to the right place to plant bushes. But it’s already dark outside, the gardener doesn’t understand why it’s necessary to plant bushes at night, so he refuses to help. And again Verochka takes matters into her own hands. Almazova finds the right words and convinces the gardener to take immediate part in the implementation of the bold plan of the heroine of Kuprin’s story. At this time, the gardener only has a lilac bush. It is probably not at all by chance that Kuprin chooses lilacs. This fragrant and spring flower is a symbol eternal love and loyalty. Such tender and strong love as the Almazovs. Thanks to their joint support and devotion, the Almazovs successfully bring their wonderful plan to completion. Lilac bushes have been planted. The examination work, and with it the honor of Nikolai himself, was saved.

Moral of the Lilac Bush: Key Takeaways

With the joint efforts of two loving hearts, you can not only solve a difficult everyday problem, but even create a real miracle. Kuprin seems to be a little jealous of his main character. With such a wife you can achieve great heights in any business. The Almazovs love each other, so they do not pay attention to shortcomings, but simply live happily. The spouses feel joy and happiness just from the fact that they are together. This night adventure will bring the kindred spirits of the story's main characters even closer together. And now there will be a lilac bush an eternal monument pure and selfless love.

The topic is very close to Kuprin human relations, happiness, love. The story of a separate family, where they are used to solving problems together, pushed the author to the idea of ​​the work. In Kuprin’s story “The Lilac Bush,” the characters are faced with a serious problem, which is solved thanks to the wisdom and love of Verochka, the protagonist’s wife. Description main character, her quick, informed decisions, desire to achieve an ideal result, dedication - the most important scenes in the story, they reveal the secret of a happy relationship. The author does not directly characterize Verochka; her actions very clearly reveal the inner world and spiritual qualities of a woman.

Characteristics of the characters “Lilac Bush”

Main characters

Almazov Nikolay Evgrafovich

For two years in a row, a young officer has been trying to enter the academy. In the third year, having passed all the exams, he failed the last project. The professor turned out to be a good expert on the landscape, and Nikolai’s tricks did not help correct the mistake. Thanks to his wife, the day after the failure he proves to the professor the presence of bushes. He apologizes, and Almazov is accepted into the academy. A hardworking, persistent, diligent young man wins thanks to his wife’s faith in him and her wisdom and resourcefulness.

His wife, Vera

His wife Verochka is Nikolai’s true friend and assistant. She believes in him, helps in preparing for exams, makes drawings, spends family funds based on the needs of her husband. Smart, kind, selfless woman. Her wisdom helps her husband out when his latest project fails. She offers to plant bushes where he indicated them on the drawing (due to a stain of green ink, Nikolai depicted bushes, but the professor argued with him that there was no vegetation in that area). A wise wife sells her last expensive things to a pawnshop, the couple buys lilac bushes from the gardener and plants them that same night.


German, excellent specialist, excellent teacher, principled, honest person. Almazov calls him a monstrous pedant. The professor apologizes to the young officer, citing his age. He tastes a lilac leaf, wondering how he didn’t notice the bushes before. Lilac becomes a symbol of a young family, the favorite flower of Nikolai’s wife.

Minor characters


The main characters of “The Lilac Bush” are united by a common goal, but morally and intellectually the woman prevails. She is spiritually stronger, calmer, wiser than her husband. She is the guardian angel of the family, its foundation. It is noteworthy that the man himself is to blame for the problem with the delivery of the project. His wife helped him with the theory and drawings, but he made a “blot” with green ink and tried to erase it, which completely ruined the work. At this moment one can feel the irresponsibility and immaturity of the young officer’s action: such an attitude towards final work– unacceptable. Nikolai is exhausted by exams, nervous tension, backbreaking study load. Only his wife’s faith and perseverance saves him from breakdown; he cannot betray her hopes. Kuprin writes about true, sacrificial love, capable of devoting oneself to another person and dissolving in him. Such a family is doomed to be happy, because the idea of ​​the story was taken by the writer from personal experience.

Line UMK ed. V.V. Agenosov, A.N. Arkhangelsky. Literature (10-11) (in-depth)

Line UMK ed. V.V. Agenosov, A.N. Arkhangelsky. Literature (10-11) (basic)

Line UMK M. M. Razumovskaya. Russian language (5-9)


“The Wonderful Doctor”: key thoughts, images and characters of the story by A.I. Kuprina

Let's analyze the main thoughts of A.I. Kuprin's Christmas story, consider the main characters, their actions and life position. We will share methodological tips that will be useful for a literature teacher to complete a cycle of classes on a work.

Reproduction of Luke Fields's painting "The Doctor", 1891.

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Meaning of the name

At the very beginning of the story, the author hastens to assure us that his story is completely true. The title of the story contains some idea of ​​fiction - we are used to seeing everything wonderful, like miracles in general, in fairy tales. There is always a place for goodness, justice, and peace in them. IN real life These benefits have a hard time - they find themselves in a struggle with indifference, heartlessness, and evil. As many believe, among this struggle there is simply not enough room for something (or someone) wonderful. However, A.I. Kuprin makes us believe in our cohabitation with a miracle. It is not for nothing that he gives his story this title. The wonderful doctor - one of the main characters - looks like a wizard from a fairy tale. But the miraculousness of his words and deeds is not connected with magic. The reason is human sensitivity, kindness and the desire to help others. All this can create a real miracle. This means that every person can become a wonderful doctor - one who can heal another from the disease of despair.

Artistic images

The story presents two realities that contrast each other. The first is urban reality with its wealth of colors: lights on Christmas trees, reflections in the glass of a grocery store, the gold of tangerines, the ruddy faces of cheerful passers-by. The city is contrasted with the dilapidated house of the Mertsalovs, representing gray, gloomy, icy poverty. However, among these dark colors, even despite them, the light of the will to live and faith in the best flickers. In this sense, the surname of the main characters can be called telling. The Mertsalovs' dungeon is a prison into which those who were rejected by urban luxury ended up. The festive winter bustle should exude an atmosphere of joy and philanthropy, but it becomes an excuse for city residents not to notice the sorrows of others, to isolate themselves from the unfortunate. City residents are a homogeneous mass of people indifferent to grief. For example, a gentleman in a raccoon fur coat, who met Mertsalov, considers it his duty to give him instructions and reprimand him for his poverty. This is a demonstration of how the urban intelligentsia looks down on the poor.

The twentieth century for Russia was marked by two world wars, three revolutions, Civil War, a number of victories that influenced world history, and almost more tragedies that brought untold suffering to the people. Today, in the very beginning of XXI century, one can already clearly discern those basic phenomena of Russian culture that have played, are playing and will play a special role in the preservation and development of the spiritual image of Russians and, moreover, have and will have an influence on world culture, demonstrating the moral strength of Russia. It is these phenomena in literature that the authors of the book you are holding in your hands are going to talk about.

Key characters

Let's take a closer look at the main characters of the story:

    Mertsalov is a father, the head of a family, who finds himself in a difficult situation. He sees the powerlessness of his wife and the exhaustion of his children. His existence is a slow death. Realizing his uselessness in helping his family, Mertsalov thinks about death: “I wish I could lie down and fall asleep,” he thought, “and forget about my wife, about the hungry children, about the sick Mashutka.”

    Elizaveta Ivanovna tries to take care of the children. Having already experienced the death of one child, she is fighting for the life of her dying daughter. The author describes her as follows: “a tall, thin woman, with a gaunt, tired face, as if blackened by grief...” However, despite all the sorrows, hope does not leave her - she remains steadfast in the fight for the lives of family members.

    The Mertsalov children, of course, are deprived of a carefree time. Volodya and Grisha, as elders, are fully involved in saving little Mashutka. Fulfilling their mother's instructions, they find themselves in the city, marveling at its customs and beauty. The living conditions of the Mertsalovs either harden their children for a further harsh life or try to break them, as happened with Mashutka.

    Professor Pirogov becomes the savior of the Mertsalovs. This is a man of humane views, making him a kind savior of his family from the terrible hardships of life. As you know, the prototype of this hero is a real scientist. This fills the story told by A.I. Kuprin with realism.

Main idea

The main problem in the story is the relationship between people. In our world, indifference and indifference coexist with human mercy. The victory of the latter may mean for some people a loss of faith in the best. One of the main ideas of “The Miracle Doctor” is that people should not be indifferent to the misfortune of those around them, because each of us can do a miracle - save us from despair. The doctor healed the Mertsalov family. Human responsiveness - that's it the most important means"According to Professor Pirogov's recipe." Also in the story there is the idea that one should not lose hope. Mertsalov the father was crushed by external circumstances and admitted his helplessness in front of them. But miracles also happen in life - there will always be someone who will lend a helping hand, as Pirogov says, “... the main thing is to never lose heart.”

The textbook, which continues the completed line of educational and methodological sets in the Russian language for grades 5-9, is written according to the original author’s methodology, implementing the idea of ​​synthesis speech development schoolchildren with special linguistic training.

Before talking about the work of A.I. Kuprin, about his story specifically, the best solution would be to introduce the children to the biography of the writer. In this regard, the textbook is good (pp. 172-188), since it also analyzes the chronology of creativity and talks about many other works of the writer.

After reading and discussing “The Wonderful Doctor,” we recommend offering schoolchildren creative task- write an essay on one of the following topics (you can remind the children about the features of the genre, p. 154):

  • - What is a miracle? Is there a place for miracles in our lives?
  • - How to maintain hope for the best and not lose heart?
  • - Is being a wonderful doctor a profession or human nature?
When writing an essay, you should give examples, arguments from the text read by A. I. Kuprin and, of course, use own thoughts and reasoning.

"Emerald" is a sad story. It is written in the third person, but everything around it - people, nature, food, events - is told from the perspective of the horse Emerald. The author of the story managed to look at the world through the eyes of a horse.

The main characters of Kuprin’s story “Emerald”:

Emerald- a beautiful stallion four years old. The tall, silver-steel horse was intended for racing. He really liked it. The legs and body were impeccably beautifully shaped. The horse understood this and was proud of himself. At the racetrack he was in his element. Emerald liked the main rider. When he sat on the horse's croup, Emerald and the rider became one. Emerald liked to be doused with water, liked to participate in races, and be the center of attention. He won the races, but these races were his last. There was a black filly in the stable, to which he was partial. Because of her, Emerald had conflicts with another horse - Onegin, who was older than Emerald, and with temper.

Vasily- a young groom. Working with horses, he clearly didn't like them. He came to the stable drunk, treated the animals roughly, and smoked in the stable. The horses paid him the same dislike, but were not afraid of him

Nazar- an elderly groom. He treats his charges with love and speaks to them in a soft, unhurried voice. He always smells of delicious rye bread and a little wine.

Englishman. In the story he - main character and chief rider. Tall, thin, always neatly shaven, he wore gold-rimmed glasses. He understood and felt horses so much that it seemed to Emerald as if this man himself was a horse. When he sits in the American one, how joyful, proud and pleasantly scary it is to obey every hint of his strong, smart, all-understanding fingers. Only he alone knows how to bring Emerald to that happy harmonious state when all the forces of the body are strained in the speed of running, and it is so fun and so easy.” Both the horses and the grooms working in the stable were afraid of the main rider. However, Emerald respected the Englishman, He liked it when this man controlled him.

Another groom. He served in the stable where Emerald was hidden. He was a big-headed man with small eyes and a black mustache. He walked around forever sleepy and was indifferent to horses. But Emerald intuitively felt horror in front of this man. And I was not mistaken. It was this man who killed Emerald by giving him poisoned oats.

A story about a special horse who managed to win a race. He turned out to be different from everyone else, did not meet some horse standards, and people ruined him. You can consider the story as a biography of a horse, or you can dig deeper and come to the conclusion that people are cruel even to their own kind only because someone is taller, smarter, better and more self-sufficient than them. If someone managed to achieve more, this causes envy and misunderstanding.