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Mile, is it possible to heal yourself? Ganya revushka

Have you ever had deep emotional experiences in your life that left a mark? Memories which are still alive and make you relive those unpleasant sensations every time someone steps on this “sore spot”? What to do about it?

How help to yourself? What to do if conversations and discussions with friends have not helped for a long time? Neither psychologists nor completed trainings help?

And it seems that many years have passed and a lot of things have been re-conscious, but nevertheless, something remains that causes pain, sensations in the body remain, as if stuck for years...

What if there is some kind of “trail” left? And the callus has long turned into a dry and rough one, but when touching it, a dull grinding sound is heard and something is touched deep under the skin?

Is it possible to be healed remembering the events that happened? What does it have to do with it reincarnation And reincarnation therapy? How does it help in solving such difficult problems as long-term emotional injury, a situation that left a deep emotional trail?

What is a traumatic situation?

Let's start with the understanding itself - what kind of experience is this? What kind of situation is this and the psychological associated with it? injury?

Defining a traumatic situation already provides some clues to its successful resolution.

So, traumatic situation- this is a situation that a person could not cope with for one reason or another.

Perhaps at that moment he lacked something: support, willpower, experience, emotional strength, patience, help, knowledge, fortitude, etc.

As a result of this, the situation was not only recorded in the subconscious as a situation of “failure”, but also left a deep emotional trace - anger, resentment, anxiety, fear, restlessness, irritation, anger, a feeling of defenselessness, danger, disappointment, mistrust, rejection, etc. P. - everyone has their own.

In addition, such situations involve not only the mental and emotional bodies, but also the physical, reflecting in it as a clamp, block, physical pain, outbreak, neurosis, illness, etc.

People often say about such situations, “I wish I could go back and do it differently.” And working with their memories.

Why is regression needed?

Often, when remembering such traumatic situations, it becomes clear that the reaction to the situation occurs as something already formed, as if it had arisen earlier. Moreover, in this life such a situation occurred for the first time. Where then should we look for its reasons?

What if these situations happened to you for the first time, not even in this life, and now some consequences of the actions taken in those times are manifesting themselves? For example, in past life the soul did not “learn” its lesson planned for that life, and in the current life it learns again. So to speak, a repeater.

And it happens that a lesson has to be taught over several lives, not two or three, but, for example, five or more. Having failed to complete a task once, and a second time, the soul can break the task into stages and go through them one by one in different incarnations.

Incarnating in different bodies, at different times, with different tasks, the soul gains enormous experience, at the same time, this experience is comprehended, as a rule, through trial and error.

And their consequences are, just the same, painful sensations in the body that appear out of the blue, inadequate reactions to everyday situations, pain that arises out of the blue, strange relationships, repeating events in a circle and much more..

In this case, gaining understanding, finding answers to the questions of why this happens and how to break out of the vicious circle, how to resolve the current situation and get rid of trauma will help trip down memory lane of your Soul.

Regression(from Latin regressio) – reverse movement, return. This is a polysemantic term that has applications in various areas Sciences.

In mathematics, regression analysis is statistical method relationship research variables. The same in real life events are closely intertwined with each other in a cause-and-effect relationship.

Regression(in psychology) - a defense mechanism, which is a form of psychological adaptation in a situation of conflict or anxiety, when a person unconsciously resorts to earlier, less mature and less adequate patterns of behavior that seem to him to guarantee protection and safety.

Everyone is familiar with the widespread idiom “we are all disabled children.” This phrase suggests that the reasons for what is happening to you today lie in a long-lived childhood, namely in situations experienced at a conscious and unconscious age, and even while a person was in the womb.

All decisions made in those situations, all reactions, thoughts have a direct impact on current life. It is this approach - connections with the past, the consequences of childhood traumas - that is used in modern psychology and by most psychotherapists to heal traumas.

However, some psychotherapists also argue that in most cases, the causes of problems in the current life are traumatic memories from the previous one. These memories, as a rule, do not manifest themselves in specific pictures, images, they are stored in the subconscious and make themselves felt during specific situations, expressed by strange behavior, reactions, feelings, sensations, thoughts, beliefs, etc.

For example, fear of water, depth. In this life you did not drown, and even if there were unpleasant situations with water, they in no way reflect that feeling when you suddenly find yourself where the bottom is not visible, and the water is dark, dark, or the shores are not visible. And here something frightening appears, leading to panic and fainting.

How to remember an event from a past life?

Work with memory allows you to find the traumatic event, work with a specific situation, re-experience it in the body (both emotionally, mentally and physically) and see the painful situation itself, which a person, as a rule, does not realize and does not see.

How can you extract such an event from your memory? This is not life lived here and now. It seems that recall the situation from present life is simpler than from the past. Is it so? Let's look again at the definitions of words.

Memory -
retrieving from long-term memory images of the past, mentally localized in time and space. Memory can be voluntary (remembering) and involuntary, when images spontaneously arise in consciousness.

When voluntarily remembering an event, the attitude towards it is consciously restored, which may be accompanied by the emotions accompanying this episode.

Memory- this is a mental property of a person, the ability to accumulate, (memorize) store, and reproduce experience and information. Another definition says: memory is the ability to remember individual experiences from the past, realizing not only the experience itself, but its place in the history of our life, its placement in time and space.

Based on the duration of storage of material, there are 3 types of memory: operational, short-term and long-term.

Long-term memory- memory capable of storing information for an unlimited period. This memory does not begin to function immediately after the material has been memorized, but after some time. A person must switch from one process to another: from memorization to reproduction.

Interestingly, the more often information is reproduced, the more firmly it is fixed in memory. In other words, a person can recall information at any necessary moment through an effort of will.

Thus, from all of the above it follows that it is equally easy to retrieve any memories from your memory that will shed light on current events.

Regression dives using Reincarnation can help you find memories from past lives. The Reincarnation method is based on working with any memories Souls in all times and spaces by viewing them, visualizing them, reliving them, receiving answers to questions and understandings obtained during viewing.

How do memories heal?

As a result of working with memories through living the situation, looking at it from different sides, communicating with the participants in the situation, looking at it through the eyes of the Soul, overwhelming emotions and with them clamps and physical blocks go away, “stuck” resources are released, and understandings gained and a new look the situation gives knowledge of how to act in such situations and/or how not to get into them.

Such a recapitulation gives a feeling of relief and returns the former joy of life, changes the worldview, expands boundaries, changes relationships with people, the world, and life.

The technique works for everyone who decides to trust their omnipotent subconscious, which stores information about everything in the world. This method is available to everyone, regardless of race and religion, worldview and picture of the world. And even if you don't believe in past lives.

In addition, it is not always necessary to turn to the experience of past lives; sometimes it is enough to recapitulate events from the current life, which also makes it possible to separate the trauma from emotional experiences, sensations in the body, to gain awareness and a new perception of the situation.

The Power of Visualization

The basis of the method of viewing memories is visualization, which allows you to penetrate into your own subconscious, where you no longer distinguish what is happening in reality from what you vividly imagine.

The fact that visualized images can evoke almost the same psychological and even physiological changes, as real experience, is a scientifically proven fact, as evidenced by studies conducted at the University of Chicago.

A group of college students was divided into three subgroups. Each student's basketball ability was tested and recorded. During the experiment, they had to learn how to hit the ball into a basketball basket from a certain distance.

The students in the first subgroup did not practice throwing at all, and by the end of the experiment their performance remained the same.

Students in the second subgroup practiced throwing every day, and by the end of the term their performance improved by 24 percent.

Students in the third subgroup spent the same thirty days training to throw a ball into a basket only in their imagination, and at the end of the experiment they showed an amazing result - their performance improved by 23 percent.

This phenomenon can be fully used in regression therapy. Visualizing trip to a past life and successfully resolving past situations, your brain subconsciously perceives this inner journey as happening in reality, and the imaginary solution to any situation as real.

Share, what traumatic situation do you remember? How did you deal with it and were you able to do it?

P.S.: For those who want to deal with a traumatic situation, understand where it came from and why it was needed and are ready once and for all.

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Have you ever had deep emotional experiences in your life that left a mark? Memories, which are still alive and make you relive those unpleasant sensations every time someone steps on this “sore spot”? What to do about it?

How help to yourself? What to do if conversations and discussions with friends have not helped for a long time? Neither psychologists nor completed trainings help?

And it seems that many years have passed and a lot of things have been re-conscious, but nevertheless there remains something that causes pain, there are still sensations in the body, as if stuck for years...

What if there is some kind of “trail” left? And the callus has long turned into a dry and rough one, but when you touch it, a dull grinding sound is heard, and something is touched deep under the skin?

Is it possible to be healed? remembering the events that happened? What does it have to do with it reincarnation And reincarnation therapy? How does it help in solving such difficult problems as long-term emotional injury, a situation that left a deep emotional trail?

What is a traumatic situation?

Let's start with the very understanding - what kind of experience is this? What kind of situation is this and the psychological associated with it? injury?

Defining a traumatic situation already provides some keys to its successful resolution.

So, traumatic situation- this is a situation that a person could not cope with for one reason or another.

Perhaps at that moment he lacked something: support, willpower, experience, emotional strength, patience, help, knowledge, fortitude, etc.

As a result of what was experienced, the situation was not only recorded in the subconscious as a situation of “failure”, but also left a deep emotional trace - anger, resentment, anxiety, fear, restlessness, irritation, anger, a feeling of defenselessness, danger, disappointment, mistrust, rejection, etc. . - everyone has their own.

In addition, such situations involve not only the mental and emotional bodies, but also the physical, reflecting in it as a clamp, block, physical pain, outbreak, neurosis, illness, etc.

People often say about such situations - " I would go back and do it differently". And working with their memories.

Why is regression needed?

Often, when remembering such traumatic situations, it becomes clear that the reaction to the situation occurs as something already formed, as if it had arisen earlier. Moreover, in this life such a situation occurred for the first time. Where then should we look for its reasons?

What if these situations happened to you for the first time, not even in this life, and now some consequences of the actions taken in those times are manifesting themselves? For example, in a past life the soul did not “learn” its lesson planned for that life, and in the current life it learns again. So to speak, a repeater.

And it happens that a lesson has to be taught over several lives, not two or three, but, for example, five or more. Having failed to complete the task once, the second time the soul can break the task into stages and go through them one by one in different incarnations.

Incarnating in different bodies, at different times, with different tasks, the soul gains enormous experience, however, this experience is comprehended, as a rule, through trial and error.

And their consequences are precisely painful sensations in the body that appear out of the blue, inadequate reactions to everyday situations, pain that arises out of the blue, strange relationships, repeating events in a circle and much more...

In this case, it will help to gain understanding, find answers to questions about why this happens, and how to break out of the vicious circle, how to resolve the current situation and get rid of trauma. trip down memory lane of your Soul.

Regression(from lat. regressio) - reverse movement, return. This is a polysemantic term that has applications in various fields of science.

In mathematics, regression analysis is a statistical technique relationship research variables. Likewise, in real life, events are closely intertwined with each other, being in a cause-and-effect relationship.

Regression(in psychology) - a defense mechanism, which is a form of psychological adaptation in a situation of conflict or anxiety, when a person unconsciously resorts to earlier, less mature and less adequate patterns of behavior that seem to him to guarantee protection and safety.

Everyone is familiar with the widespread idiom - " we are all disabled children". This phrase suggests that the reasons for what is happening to you today lie in a long-lived childhood, namely in situations experienced at a conscious and unconscious age, and even while a person was in the womb.

All decisions made in those situations, all reactions, thoughts have a direct impact on current life. It is this approach - connections with the past, the consequences of childhood traumas - that is used in modern psychology and by most psychotherapists to heal traumas.

However, some psychotherapists also argue that in most cases, the causes of problems in the current life are traumatic memories from the previous one. These memories, as a rule, do not manifest themselves in specific pictures, images, they are stored in the subconscious and make themselves felt during specific situations, expressed by strange behavior, reactions, feelings, sensations, thoughts, beliefs, etc.

For example, fear of water, depth. In this life you did not drown, and even if there were unpleasant situations with water, they in no way reflect the feeling when you suddenly find yourself where the bottom is not visible, and the water is dark, dark, or the shores are not visible. And here something frightening appears, leading to panic and fainting.

How to remember an event from a past life?

Work with memory allows you to find the traumatic event, work with a specific situation, re-experience it in the body (emotionally, mentally, and physically) and see the painful situation itself, which a person, as a rule, does not realize and does not see.

How can you extract such an event from your memory? This is not life lived here and now. It seems that recall the situation from present life is simpler than from the past. Is it so? Let's look again at the definitions of words.

Memory - retrieving from long-term memory images of the past, mentally localized in time and space. Memory can be voluntary (remembering) and involuntary, when images spontaneously arise in consciousness.

When voluntarily remembering an event, the attitude towards it is consciously restored, which may be accompanied by the emotions accompanying this episode.

Memory is a mental property of a person, the ability to accumulate (memorize), store and reproduce experience and information. Another definition says: memory is the ability to remember individual experiences from the past, being aware not only of the experience itself, but of its place in the history of our life, its placement in time and space.

Based on the duration of storage of material, there are 3 types of memory: operational, short-term and long-term.

Long-term memory- memory capable of storing information for an unlimited period. This memory does not begin to function immediately after the material has been memorized, but after some time. A person must switch from one process to another: from memorization to reproduction.

Interestingly, the more often information is reproduced, the more firmly it is fixed in memory. In other words, a person can recall information at any necessary moment through an effort of will.

Thus, from all of the above it follows that it is equally easy to retrieve any memories from your memory that will shed light on current events.

Regression dives using Reincarnation can help you find memories from past lives. The Reincarnation method is based on working with any memories Souls in all times and spaces by viewing them, visualizing them, reliving them, receiving answers to questions and understandings obtained during viewing.

How do memories heal?

As a result of working with memories through living the situation, looking at it from different sides, communicating with the participants in the situation, looking at it through the eyes of the Soul, overwhelming emotions and with them clamps and physical blocks go away, “stuck” resources are released, and understandings gained and a new look at the situation is given by knowledge of how to act in such situations, and/or how not to get into them.

Such a recapitulation gives a feeling of relief and returns the former joy of life, changes the worldview, expands boundaries, changes relationships with people, the world, and life.

The technique works for everyone who decides to trust their omnipotent subconscious, which stores information about everything in the world. This method is available to everyone, regardless of race and religion, worldview and picture of the world. And even if you don't believe in past lives.

In addition, it is not always necessary to turn to the experience of past lives; sometimes it is enough to recapitulate events from the current life, which also makes it possible to separate the trauma from emotional experiences, sensations in the body, to gain awareness and a new perception of the situation.

The answer to the question posed in the title of the article is YES! In this issue I will share my experience on the issue of healing karmic relationships. First of all, let’s clarify what this means – “karmic” relationships.”

Throughout life, every person goes through the experience of establishing or building relationships with different people, including your closest ones - parents, brothers, sisters, children, as well as friends, colleagues or just acquaintances. And all these relationships develop differently, mentally go through a number of your close people and evaluate the degree of sincerity/openness with each of them to make sure of this. And it cannot be otherwise, all people are different, unique, and with each there is a special contact, unlike others. Man is born to go through his life path with your trials, challenges and their overcomings and solutions. Those relationships that cause tension, disagreement, condemnation and discontent in us are most likely karmic. They contribute to the fact that we show a lot of emotions when contacting these people (during or after). What emotions these are, negative or otherwise, how they respond in us, with anger, irritation or joy and love - it depends on what the task of the soul is. If the task is to go through deception, resentment and learn to forgive, then we encounter such a person who provokes condemnation, anger, resentment and aggression in response to deception. These can be healed by acceptance and forgiveness. How? Of course, it’s not easy, but if a person consciously perceives himself in certain life situations, then it is easier for him to go through such “lessons” and cope with them. But if the lesson is still not completed, and the person in the relationship with the partner feels tension, resentment, internal conflict, then you can help here too.

There are different practices, but there is a very effective and efficient practice for healing karmic relationships. Its essence lies in releasing accumulated emotions towards a partner and returning one’s energy spent during conflict situations with him. The practice is carried out with a guide, according to a certain algorithm with the participation of the client, and upon completion it will be clear whether healing has occurred.

Most often, karmic relationships develop with parents, husbands/wives, and children. This is normal, we are simply immediately (from childhood or adolescence) given the opportunity to go through our lessons and solve the tasks planned by the soul for this incarnation. It also happens that karmic relationships with a partner (husband/wife) develop more and more harshly. In this case, the person clearly does not realize what is happening and why these tests are being given to him (he asks the question “for what?”, and not “for what?”). He does not understand the reasons for the negative attitude towards himself, provocations and deception/betrayal, and this state can last for years/decades. And when, finally, his “cup of patience” is full, he will be able to look at his situation from the outside and make a decision for himself to change what he does not like. Here it is important to clearly understand the desire and even the need to change the situation in order to restore your inner freedom from grievances, fill yourself with the energy of love and joy. This practice of healing karmic relationships will help with this. The experience of its implementation confirms this result. This is what I propose to carry out for you. And everything will work out, there will be peace and harmony in the soul.

If you decide, I provide consultations and conduct healing practices.

my Skype: nata_nadiojkina,

email: [email protected]

Many women ask themselves this question. As a woman who radically changed her life, I will share something with you. Let me give you my three answers to this question. Three answers that I did not read in books, did not borrow. These three answers were born in the course of life itself.

Option one.

Question: “Is it possible to heal a woman’s destiny?” Answer: "NO"

This answer will resonate with you if your worldview contains beliefs that give fate complete and unconditional power over you and your life. Fate is predetermined or uncontrollable. Dot.

If these are your beliefs, if they are unconditional, if they are valuable to you, gained through personal experience, if you do not want to revise your beliefs about fate, then the discussion of the topic at this stage can be completed, since the answer to the question asked above unambiguous! In this case, the principle is realized for you: “Fate cannot be changed, I am a victim of this uncontrollable force.” Within these beliefs, the best thing is to live with acceptance.

I respect this choice, as, in principle, any other! Why? Because I lived it! I was an atheist, and then I believed that fate was given by the will of God, and that you need to accept it and do everything in your power to move on with your life! Despite my rapid professional and material success, tragedies and problems burst into my life, one more terrible than the other, and I tried to do everything possible, bearing my “cross.” At that time I had neither knowledge nor thoughts that You can create your destiny consciously!

I lived through the early death of my parents, I was only 14 years old, when I was left alone and took care of two younger sisters and relatives. Alcoholism and drug addiction in my family tormented my life every day. Against the background of this eternal struggle with addictions, which could take people dear to me from the lives, misfortune was added: my sister falls from a 4th floor window. My sister’s disability, which she received from “fate” when she was only 27 years old and her two children were 9 years and 7 months old, seemed to simply make me unhappy forever. But even this was not enough for fate. I went through my first divorce, after which I was left on the street with my little daughter in my arms, without registration, etc., etc.

I think I can stop, although the list of tests of fate did not end with what is listed. There were serious illnesses in the family - cancer and asthma. There was a time when there was nothing to eat, and we joked that “a mouse hanged itself in the refrigerator!” There were moments of women's grief, experiences of betrayal, betrayal, persecution of criminal structures and other tests of fate with which the lives of people in my family were full.

I just think that these facts are already quite enough to explain how powerful my conviction was that fate must be accepted without complaint, it is necessary... necessary.. necessary.... But at some point I was endlessly tired of being a victim of this insanely cruel fate. I literally blew up all my old beliefs and became a person who studies psychology, mysticism, esotericism, quantum physics and other sciences. I read hundreds of books, I absorbed knowledge like a hungry man and applied practices that help a person free himself from the position of a victim. I studied with the best self-development coaches in the world and, in the end, I moved to another group of people. My definition of fate has changed to the opposite.

Option two.

Question: “Is it possible to heal a woman’s destiny?” Answer: "YES"

Quantum physics describes this principle as follows: “Reality, i.e. the observable universe is created only by the Observer, and if there is no Observer or act of observation, then there is no reality.” Such a worldview returns to a person the right to create, change, heal his life as a reward for accepting new beliefs about himself, the world order, the power of thought and other knowledge. Of course, along with the right to create your own life, you have to take away from fate the responsibility for the kind of life you lived, are living and will live.

I took responsibility for everything I lived. I was ready to do this just to get 100% right to create my future differently, not the same as my past.

Yes, with this version of the world picture, a woman forever says goodbye to the role of a victim of fate. A person also says goodbye to the possibility of being a victim of people, the economy, communities, war, etc., because all responsibility for the life he lives with such a worldview falls on the person. A question may arise. Why do we need such complete responsibility? Who would want to accept it? The one who wants to have freedom of action, who is tired of being a victim. Accepting this responsibility is essentially the price of becoming the creator of your own destiny. But at the same time, we have the opportunity to create for ourselves and from ourselves everything we can.

How has my life changed since I made this choice?

After about 2-3 years, my life and I changed categorically. I cannot describe all the changes here, because a lot has changed - the meaning of life, goals, profession, place of residence, spouse, financial situation, books, values, clothes, food, tastes, friends, etc. But, to put it briefly and simply, I became conscious, and I became happy!

I will only tell you some points that may be important to other people. Relatives' addictions ended. Can you imagine? I made the choice of a new picture of the world, I also changed my thinking, and drugs, alcohol, and unemployment disappeared from the lives of my relatives. The fact that it’s all gone from them forever is already proven by life, because more than 15 years have passed, and there has been no return to addiction.

My sister, despite the fact that she could only move in a wheelchair, married the guy she loved in school, her first love. She lived with her beloved man until her death. Yes, she died in 2008, but she managed to marry her eldest daughter, become a grandmother, and see her youngest daughter in her last year of school.

During this time, I changed my profession, got married again, gave birth to a beautiful son and left for Canada. Instead of being alone on the street, with a basket full of difficulties and problems, I created my woman’s dream - a family, a beautiful 3-story house overlooking the forest, two children, my favorite creativity, passive income, traveling around different countries, meetings with interesting people and much more. At the same time, life remained real, full of different colors and experiences. I was still alive, real, and not a heroine from a book I had invented.

At some point, I felt the “ceiling” of this comfortable space and again decided to change my picture of the world... Why? Because I discovered from my own experience that my beliefs still limit reality, which I began to realize with my heart wider and deeper.

At that time, I was already fully aware that a person’s model of views determines the limits of his capabilities and therefore I have not tried to change the world for a long time. Instead, I changed my vision again, and the world began to adapt to it.

Third option.

Question: “Is it possible to heal a woman’s destiny?” Answer: “YES,

but taking into account the wishes of the Soul, and not just the earthly part. And this is wonderful, because the Soul wants not only earthly happiness, it leads a person beyond the limits of Time and Space to Eternity, to true bliss.”

Happy Femininity: a quantum leap into the Space of Love

If you want to change your life, but do not live in Moscow, then I offer you an online version of this training. Read more about this on the website

Today, Alla Revenko’s transformation training is offered in the form of a self-instruction manual or with the support of a trainer at the most affordable price.

Self-sufficient 44 training modules are equipped with audio lectures, exercises, tasks, rituals, practices, and visualizations. Everything is written, illustrated, explained.

If you have a real need and desire to change yourself and your life, if you are ready to become happy, then all you need is to make a quantum leap in your consciousness, using the variety and depth of techniques that an experienced and professional trainer offers in this training Alla Revenko. No matter how long you have suffered, in just one year you can change your life forever. Guaranteed!

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Even in 1000 articles I will not be able to convey my state of Love, which has become the reality of my life. I will not be able to tell what I will be able to convey during our personal communication, heart to heart, when the Energy of Love flowing from my Heart can fill your heart and become a catalyst for true changes in you.
I am waiting for you at my training if my answer No. 2 or answer No. 3 resonates with yours. Even if today you are still living in the scenario described in answer #1, you may want to change it! I invite you to the Space of Love! I will show you how you can leave the space of Drama.

Initiation can only be done by one who himself has become what he teaches. I'll do everything I can. But besides this, it is necessary to perform practices, exercises, and gain knowledge. You will need to go through your personal path to mastering the skills of healing and consciously creating your happy feminine destiny. No one can ever do this for you.

See you at the training!

Almost every novice psychic or magician knows a little how to heal. At least he was interested in how to apply his knowledge to help others. There are self-confident “healers” who specifically study this area.
I would like to warn those who want to treat others against ill-considered actions.
Let's go in order:

The disease does not come suddenly. It is a natural result of our lifestyle, habits and actions. Some health problems stem from past lives, some are inherited from parents. Further, poor ecology, nutrition, and negative thoughts add their own touch to our well-being. We are not only a body with bones, muscles and organs. We have thoughts, energy, emotions. Everything is connected and together allows a person to live and be healthy. How can you influence the body without putting the energy in order or working with energy without paying attention to emotions and thoughts?

1. To heal people, you yourself need to be not just healthy, but also with a strong psyche, powerful energy and pure thoughts.

2. Illness is a pointer to a person about his violations and mistakes. Helping someone who has not realized their mistakes to recover can improve their condition now, but ruin them later. Few people check the consequences, and who cares about someone else’s life when the money is already in their pocket.

3. You can be sincerely mistaken about your abilities as a healer. Giving away your energy, thinking that it is given from above. Let me explain in more detail. When you heal with your energy, you need to have it in reserve. Be able to collect, give and use correctly. If you practice meditation on the chakras, qigong and other energy practices for a week, you can feel the seething energy in yourself. The palms of your hands become hot and you just want to give this energy away. However, after this, usually the next day there is a loss of strength and with the help of the usual exercises it is not possible to quickly restore strength. If a person becomes a conductor of energy from above, he will not get tired, but he will not be able to heal everyone. They help those who really need help and who have realized their mistakes. I just want to say sins.

4. In addition to the energy structure, there is also an information structure. To a greater extent, these are actions taking place in our heads. Our desires, envy, anger, resentment. After all, in our thoughts we do a lot of things with our ill-wishers. This information changes the structure of our energy field. First it changes, and then it begins to change the body, rewarding it with diseases. It is useless to treat the body if the information field is not restored. To restore the information field, you need to be able to read it and diagnose it.

In order to heal people you must know how it is done. Having basic medical knowledge is necessary when it comes to the activities of a healer. This includes knowledge about man in general, and about the relationships of subtle bodies.

Knowledge is not a problem nowadays, but managing your abilities requires special practice.
If there is no teacher and you trust only your intuitive feelings. This means you are conducting experiments on your patients. To gain sufficient experience, you need many test subjects. All responsibility in this matter falls on you. If for you the money taken for treatment serves as a measure in this life, then get ready to spend it on treatment for yourself in the future.
To help and heal people, you must first learn to heal yourself.

Have you seen doctors who suffer from the same diseases they are treating? It’s somehow strange to help others while being sick yourself. I've seen healers with a lot of health problems. If you want to join them, you are welcome!