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Material for studying the Serbian language. About Serbian language courses in Novi Sad, my experience Typical mistakes of Russians in learning Serbian

How to choose Serbian language courses? Is it possible to learn a language using a tutorial? Is it true that Serbian is similar to Russian? Is it true that many Serbs speak Russian? Is it difficult for children to learn a language? How did I learn the language?

When moving, many people rely on the fact that the Serbian language is similar to Russian. Is it so?

Russian and Serbian languages ​​are related, they belong to the same family and group of languages, but they belong to different subgroups (hello, my philology diploma).

What does this mean in practice? That it is easier for us Russian speakers to learn the Serbian language than Hungarian, English, Spanish, Chinese and a lot of other languages ​​that are to varying degrees more difficult to learn.

But, as my beloved Yoji Berra says, “In theory there is no difference between theory and practice, but in practice there is.”

And if we talk about practice, then the similarity with the Russian language, which many rely on when moving, is a very exaggerated myth.

I would say that right away the Serbian language is not particularly understandable to Russians, unless it is something completely basic, not simple inscriptions (such as “pekara”, “praise”, “good given”), but normal speech.

Many Serbs speak Russian

Sometimes you can hear stories that many Serbs know Russian, learned Russian at school, etc. Again, this is a myth that is not particularly confirmed by practice.

There are such people. But there are few good speakers. As well as the chances that when solving some of your everyday issues you will encounter exactly them.

There is a much greater chance of reaching an agreement in English; many Serbs easily switch to it. Therefore, if you know English, it will help a lot.

As for government agencies, with a 99% probability they will only speak Serbian to you.

Children learn language on their own

In theory this is true. But again, theory and practice are very different. Firstly, all children are very different. There are those who are more sociable (those can agree without language), and there are others who are less sociable.

When entering a different language environment, the child still experiences a certain amount of stress. We had an example with Sofia: she speaks excellent Russian, she’s used to the fact that she can explain anything, and then, on the first day of kindergarten, she couldn’t explain that she was very hungry.

It’s true that there is no need to make some kind of terrible problem out of language. Judging by people's experience, children get used to the language within about a month, and gradually begin to speak like Serbs, even without any accent. And for the first days of school or kindergarten, you can write a small dictionary for the child (for the kindergarten - for the teacher).

Whatever I do, I wouldn’t try to somehow isolate the child from the language by sending him to Russian schools or kindergartens. Unless we are talking about the fact that you are obviously in the country for a limited period - a year or two.

If you plan to live in the country, the faster the child adapts to normal life and full command of the language, the better.

About Serbian language courses - what are the differences and what are they?

Those looking for Serbian courses are divided into two groups. Some people just need language. For some, courses are a basis for obtaining a residence permit in the country.

Courses for obtaining a residence permit

In many countries, learning a language is a fairly popular way to obtain a long-term visa or residence permit in the country. But not in Serbia.

In Serbia, this path gives little. As a rule, we are talking about a residence permit for a short time (up to 3 months) and without the right to extend the bovac.

The courses must be licensed, as a result they are more expensive than usual. You can talk about a more or less serious period for a residence permit only if you plan to study Serbian at the university.

Two years ago I was interested in this opportunity. I’m not sure that I remember exactly, but, in my opinion, it was about a tuition fee of 2000 euros per year (for foreigners).

We didn’t need a residence permit for this reason, but for studying at a university (if it’s relevant to someone), borawak is usually given for a period of up to six months. Then they extend it for the same period.

In general, courses to study Serbian to obtain a residence permit in the country are a rather expensive, inconvenient and unpopular way.

Courses for learning a language, not for a residence permit

Everything is simpler here and the possibilities are more varied.

There are simply a huge number of language schools in Novi Sad. Conditions are similar in many places. Often the duration is about 10 months, the price is 3000-5000 dinars per month, for two lessons per week.

In a situation where the language is not urgently needed, 10 months does not seem to be very much. But when you need it today and every day, 10 months is a disaster.

There are intensive courses, with their own methods and shorter language learning periods of 3-4 months.

The cost per month is a little more expensive than usual, the total for the course is the same, but the language appears in your life much faster. In my opinion, these are the best when moving.

My experience of learning Serbian language

Pros and cons of my courses

In the summer of 2015, I went to an intensive course for 4 months (3 months for the main course, 1 month for advanced students). Classes lasted 1.5 hours 3 times a week.


What was good? A good teacher is moderately tough, focused, who works every minute, keeps a high pace in class, explains well and gives a lot of material. And naturally, a good teacher is 90% of the success in learning a language.

I also liked the technique. Immersion in the language was quick; we learned how to speak in the present tense already in the first lessons.

By the way, not everyone in our group learned Serbian from scratch. I really started from scratch, but in our group there were also those who had previously learned or tried to learn the language. No one was bored. But for those who studied from scratch, there were no problems.


In fact, there was one minus, but a very important one. Our group studied via the Internet, although the same school also offered in-person courses, but not everyone in our group was from Novi Sad.

What was wrong? The connection speed was different for everyone in the group. But in the end, even those who had good communications suffered. Something was hanging, we waited.

And despite the fact that we had good Internet speed at home, sometimes it was quite hard to hear - it seems to me that 10-15% of the material flew past me.

Despite the fact that we worked through Hangouts, which, compared to Skype, provides much better sound and picture quality.

Are there enough courses?

The intensive course usually lasts 4 months. During this time, you can actually learn all the grammar, learn how to construct phrases, and learn to better understand speech.

If the language is needed only for everyday use, then this may be enough. But it is important to remember that if the language is not actively used, then knowledge quickly disappears. And it’s quite easy to slip back to the level of “good is given, praise is given.”

There are actually a lot of possibilities to support and develop the language. Serbs are sociable. You can chat at least a little every day with your neighbors. If you have children, parents often communicate on playgrounds.

You can watch TV and listen to the radio, but newspapers will not help. Newspapers here are printed with a huge number of errors; I don’t know if the newspapers here have editors and proofreaders. But, in general, everything is like that.

If desired, the language can be further developed purposefully by studying systematically. After some break, I resumed repeating and studying, but individually with the teacher, since my task is more complex: not only everyday, but also professional language.

I work and, in addition, I want to enroll in a master's degree at the Faculty of Law in Novi Sad. This means lectures, diploma work at the same level as Serbian students.

My conclusions about learning Serbian

Serbian language - difficult or not? For Russian speakers it is easier than many other languages, but in reality it is a real foreign language that needs to be learned.

It will be faster than with English or German, but you will have to learn. Both grammar and vocabulary - all this is different here than in Russian.

How to quickly learn Serbian? Here are my rules on this matter:

  • Intensive is better (4 months, no more).
  • Need a good teacher.
  • It's better in person rather than online.
  • Practice, practice and practice again, otherwise the knowledge will disappear.

What is the best way to teach - individually with a teacher or in a group? It seems to me that it’s quite possible to teach in a group if we’re talking about an intensive course. It’s cheaper, plus you see your progress and that of other students - there’s something in that too.

Individual lessons have their advantages. Everything is more flexible here; you don’t have to wait for the group to gather. But most often it costs more, since a lesson from a qualified teacher costs 10 euros.

How to choose a Serbian language tutor? I think that Serbian should be taught by a native speaker, a philologist, that is, a qualified person.

The fact that in Serbia it must be a native speaker may seem obvious to many, but in general emigrants also try to teach the language here. Sometimes for as little as 100 dinars per hour (a little less than a euro). Need I say that a normal teacher will not work for that kind of money?

Is it possible to learn Serbian on your own? To be honest, I'm skeptical about this idea. This way you can learn it at the level of individual phrases, but not as a full-fledged language. Although there are some Serbian textbooks.

What are the disadvantages of self-study? The fact is that it is easy to learn something wrong. I tried to learn different “children’s” vocabulary from Sofia’s children’s books.

As a result, I learned some words with the wrong accent. And this became clear after I started studying with the teacher again. I would have said so, because the polite Serbs did not correct me.

Another problem is related to the fact that Serbian has sounds that are unusual for the Russian ear. For example, hard and soft “H”. Therefore, it is better to practice pronunciation under the supervision of a teacher.

If you study with a teacher or take a course, the teacher chooses the textbook.

If you study the Serbian language on your own, you will have to choose the textbook. You must like this textbook, otherwise it is better to choose another one. First, evaluate whether you have enough motivation to study regularly, otherwise the training will end faster than you have mastered the first third of the textbook. If motivation is not enough, it is better to listen to educational audios and expand your vocabulary.

In my opinion, perfect textbook For self-study of the Serbian language you must have 3 things:

  1. stresses in words (it is desirable to have stresses in the dictionary, which is at the end of the textbook),
  2. audio materials for the textbook (you need to listen to the correct speech),
  3. exercises with answers for self-test.

Let's see which Serbian language textbooks available for downloading here are best suited for self-study.

  • the best Serbian tutorial in Russian - Serbian language. Initial course (Trofimkina’s textbook; 2011),
  • the best Serbian textbook in English - Self-instruction manual Teach Yourself Serbian (2003),
  • The best Croatian textbook in Russian is “Croatian language. Basic course" according to the Berlitz method (2005).

Detailed analysis textbooks available for download:

  • accents are not everywhere, but there is a dictionary with accents,
  • There is an audio for the textbook, but I couldn’t find it on the Internet,
  • no answers to exercises.

Conclusion: not suitable as a textbook.

  • there is audio,
  • no accents
  • There are exercises with answers.

Conclusion: the tutorial is suitable for independent study. But there is nothing there in Russian, everything is in English.

The best Croatian language textbook

As for the Croatian language textbook, with a small selection, “Croatian Language” wins. Basic course » Kalinin (2005) - an intensive conversational course of the Croatian language for self-study using the Berlitz method. The method of complete immersion in the language environment is used:

  • no accents
  • the audio is good, but initially at a fast pace,
  • few exercises, but with answers.

Conclusion: suitable as a self-teaching textbook for the Croatian language.

There are other Croatian language textbooks that I have not come across. Kalinin's tutorial does not have audio, so it is not very suitable for learning the Croatian language from scratch.

You throw your suitcase onto the baggage carousel, plop down on the plane, make an obscene gesture to the clouds outside the window and smile. A couple of weeks of vacation in the Balkans are ahead, and maybe a long life in this sun-kissed region.

You crawl out of the arrival hall on numb legs and understand: the locals communicate much more willingly with those who know at least something about the culture and language. And then you type in the search engine: . After all, having mastered it, you can talk with residents of several countries at once: Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

All of them, in fact, speak the same language - Serbo-Croatian, for political reasons, each state is called differently. The differences are only in pronunciation and some specific words.

In addition, Slovenian, Bulgarian and Macedonian are relatives of Serbo-Croatian, which means you can understand the people of these countries as well. Well, or think that you understand.

There will be no abstruse linguistic terms in this article, only simple practical tips for beginners: how to learn Serbian from scratch, what textbooks and applications to use, how to make learning the Serbian language easy and interesting, what to pay attention to. The information will be useful for beginners and those continuing to study.

1. Down with perfectionism

First of all, determine what for you personally means “learn Serbian”.

I met different people in the Balkans: someone has lived here for decades, talks as well as the locals, but claims that it is impossible to fully know the language. And that no one should utter the phrase: “I learned Serbian,” because this is great linguistic blasphemy, and it will be punished by the gods of perfectionism.

On the contrary, there are those who, barely remembering “hello-bye-liter of beer please,” loudly boast that they speak learned.

Both are extremes, but life is still more difficult for perfectionists (we don’t take into account translators and language teachers, the requirements for them are different).

It's better to be a persuasionist than a perfectionist

Honestly admit it to yourself, For what you need to learn Serbian on your own. And if there are no plans for a philology department, you will need the language to solve banal everyday issues.

Be able to find the museum by asking locals. Masterfully quarrel with the Balkan mother-in-law. Have insightful conversations about politics with market sellers. . Submit documents for a visa. Compare grown zucchini with a village neighbor. Just understand Do you even need this Serbian language?, in the end.

Of course, no one will stop you from improving further once you reach the desired level. But it’s worth starting without listening to the pernicious singing of the choir of perfectionists:

  • it is impossible to learn a language completely, tru-ly-lyu;
  • this is a huge complex system that is comprehended throughout life, param-pam-pam;
  • You definitely need to take thick reference books and learn everything from cover to cover, memorize the alphabet in the correct order, memorize 4 types of Serbian accent, la-la-la;
  • mistakes are terrible. If you make a mistake, it means you have no abilities, and you don’t need to learn languages, but work as a laborer in a factory. Poo-poo-doo. Poo!

Choir of perfectionists

We call these songs advice. After listening to them, you will most likely run up to your textbooks a couple of times, and then run away like a timid doe - it’s hard to start and continue if it is “impossible”, scary and difficult.

If you be calm about inevitable mistakes and you will understand that learning the Serbian language can be easy and interesting; your nascent sympathy for it will develop into a long, passionate romance.

And perfectionists, when they get lost in the forest, will be eaten by evil wolves (after all, asking someone about the road without first memorizing all the grammar is a shame). Wolves are deeply indifferent to stress types in the Serbian language.

2. Time to study

“You can learn a language by studying 10 minutes a day.” Are you familiar with this type of advice? So, get them out of your head.

Recent research in cognitive science has shown that by starting something, a person the first half hour only switches for this type of activity, “enters” the topic and concentrates.

Therefore, alas, ten minutes a day is not enough. Advice "totally immerse" into the language - the most correct advice (I myself starved out Serbian). If you valiantly nerd without sparing convolutions, surrounding yourself with language, listening, reading, communicating in it, the result will sooner or later emerge.

But let's be realistic: we all have jobs, relatives, hobbies and countless responsibilities that consume time and energy. And I also want to just lie on the sofa, decorating the ceiling with spittle.

So soberly assess your capabilities. Agree with yourself that you will, for example, 2 times a week for 1 hour, thoughtfully, consciously and enthusiastically study the Serbian language. And on other days, quickly repeat what you have learned for 10-15 minutes.

3. Repeat what you have learned correctly

How to learn Serbian on your own? – Don’t chase quick results and pause to repeat.

It just seems that the memorized table of cases will remain in your head forever. Within an hour it will begin to melt, like a popsicle on a summer day. And in a few days he will disappear forever and will not write letters, and is unlikely to call.

Therefore, it is necessary to regularly stop and repeat what you have learned, and according to a certain system. Back in the 19th century, German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus presented the forgetting of material as a curve.

Ebbinghaus found that most information is forgotten within hours of learning. Then the process of forgetting slows down, but without repetition, almost 80% of what has been learned will disappear from memory within a week. Sadness.

There is salvation from this scourge - spaced repetition. Having learned the material, refer to it as often as possible at first, and then gradually increase the intervals between repetitions. For example, like this:

- first repetition - immediately after learning;
- second repetition - after 2 hours;
- third repetition - the next day;
- fourth repetition - a week later;
- fifth repetition - a month later;
- sixth repetition - six months later, etc.

And keep in mind: when learning the Serbian language, repeating does not mean “passively re-reading without straining your brain.” Necessary independently recall information from memory without looking anywhere. This is not easy, the convolutions can creak and kick.

But thanks to this method of repetition, the learned material will forever settle in your head, arrange your things there, hang curtains and require registration.

4. Use a computer

They say that computers will soon become very smart, rebel and enslave humanity. Until artificial intelligence becomes completely insolent, use it in both tail and mane.

Drinking your morning coffee, standing in line, bored on the subway - turn it on applications on your phone or tablet. In the “manuals” section I will show that there are interesting programs even for learning Serbian.

Switching Facebook to Serbian

Social network- a joy for those who want to pull their knowledge of the language out of the passive swamp. Look for pen pals, join various communities of interests and start arguing there and communicate constructively there. Basically, Serbs are found on Facebook and will only be happy to chat with a Russian who amusingly distorts their language.

And if you change the language to Serbian in your profile settings, the process will go even faster. Bonus - at least for the first time you will go to the social network much less often, since “everything has gone somewhere”, it looks unusual, and you need to wiggle your brains just to understand that Ivan Odnopyatochkin “liked” Sveta Pyatipalchikova.

5. Don't use a computer

Absorbing knowledge flowing from the screen can be a very enjoyable and rewarding experience. However, researchers claim that the human brain, despite all the technological progress around it, is still better perceives information the old fashioned way - from a sheet of paper.

Here we turn on the tablet; Before us is a bare, faceless text. You can open different files - textbooks, collections of recipes, biographies of celebrities, hoodlit - for the brain they will all be the same: rows of black squiggles on the dead surface of the gadget. The mind skims fruitlessly over them, and such “pure” information quickly disappears from memory.

But take a book, notes, printout. The color and texture of the paper, the smell of printing ink, the tight spring of the cover, the pleasant heaviness of the volume in your hands, the illustrations in the textbook, your underlining and crazy scribbles in the margins - all this clues, which the brain will happily grab onto.

The intoxicating aroma of Serbian grammar

Studying from a paper book, we consciously or unconsciously compose mental map of knowledge, and they settle in the head firmly and for a long time. This is also facilitated by other clues - where we were while we were reading the material, what we were doing, etc. So anyone who is interested in how to learn the Serbian language on their own should use regular textbooks more often and study from them not only at home.

For example, you bought a Serbian language tutorial, sat down in a cafe and started skimming through the pages. You spilled cocoa on one and found a funny word next to the stain bubashwaba(cockroach), selected it and drew a cockroach in a tailcoat.

Closed. Forgot? - Yes and no. Lined up in your mind chain of associations: cafe-rain-cocoa-cockroach-bubashwaba. And you will remember this word for a long time. It may happen that when you walk into a cafe, watch the rain or drink cocoa, you will sometimes even be haunted by unexpected flashbacks in the form of cheerful cockroaches in formal clothes.

Simple Serbian cockroach Zivolub

6. Write and speak

While learning the Serbian language on their own, many at some stage end up in trap. The first lessons have been completed, the person already reads well, understands news by ear, clicks through exercises without errors... But he cannot even put two words together in a conversation or correspondence.

No wonder - while the brain is working to receive and process information (input, “entrance”), it doesn’t really strain itself, because passive perception the easiest. But in order to select the right words, correctly compose and pronounce phrases, that is, actively to gush with “outgoing” information, you have to try and spend a lot of effort.

And the cunning brain gradually persuades its owner not to waste valuable energy, but to read and listen to the news, and keep it simple. And then the person lives in Serbia for years, and is afraid to communicate with the local residents until his ears get goosebumps.

Don't listen to your economical brain, make it work. If you can't talk, write, and you will have enough time to think about the suggestions. This way you will gradually learn to compose phrases and move on to normal oral speech.

There are dozens of textbooks for learning even such a not very popular language as Serbian. Don't spread yourself thin and try to cover them all.

There can be as many additional materials (audio, applications, books) as you like, but tutorial, which consistently, according to the system, will nurture and nurture the germs of your knowledge, there must be one.

Otherwise, you will rush from one textbook to another, confuse the rules, get angry with yourself and, in the end, give up on the language.

How to choose a Serbian tutorial? From a good benefit don't tear yourself away; its author does not sprinkle in linguistic terms, but tries to present the material as simply and interestingly as possible.

In addition, it is important publication design: pleasant, non-eye-catching colors, readable font size and type, good print quality. The Serbian language can use two scripts - Cyrillic and Latin; Russian speakers usually find it easier to understand the first one.

I have compiled a small list of manuals that I consider the most suitable for learning the Serbian language on your own.

1) Serbian language. Self-instruction manual. Publishing house "Living Language" Charsky V.V.

Perhaps the best Serbian language tutorial for beginners. I have two more manuals from the same series on my shelf (in other languages ​​and by different authors), but they do not have even a fifth of the “liveness” put into this particular textbook.

The lessons in the tutorial are interconnected by a plot. The main characters are Russians traveling through Serbia and Montenegro. They communicate with locals, get to know the Balkans, resolve emerging issues, and all with the help of modern spoken Serbian.

No outdated dinosaur words, no forced dialogue or unnatural situations. Only relevant, necessary topics and unobtrusive subtle humor. The textbook is read avidly, like a novel. Ideal for learning Serbian.


— Latin instead of Cyrillic;
- indigestible small font of a strange rusty color;
- no audio.

2) Serbian “from scratch”. AST: East, Prosvirina O.A.

Another tutorial for those who don’t want to dive into linguistics without figuring out whether they need the Serbian language at all. A small manual with an audio attachment, the material is organized in an accessible and simple manner. Almost the entire tutorial is in Cyrillic, the font is large and readable.


— the textbook is very modest and gives only the very basics. However, for some this will be enough.

3) Let’s teach the case: tamed for Srpski Jezik. Publisher: Photo Futura, Belgrade. Vesna Krajishnik

If you intend to learn the Serbian language on your own, do not be intimidated by textbooks not written in Russian. When the first euphoria from the deceptive simplicity of Serbian subsides, you will probably hit the rock of cases.

To prevent them from making a hole in your readiness to learn, be sure to find this wonderful manual in Cyrillic. Serbian cases are broken down piece by piece and served on a plate, and after the theory there is a rich dessert of practice exercises.

4) Serbian language. Beginner course. Publishing house "KARO", Trofimkina O.I., Drakulich-Priima D.

A widely known publication in narrow Serbophile circles. A large volume of material, scrupulously presented grammar, varied vocabulary, good large font and Cyrillic alphabet, audio application.

A distinctive feature of the tutorial is an unusual principle for learning cases. In all other textbooks, one chapter is usually devoted to one case, where its use by gender is discussed.

Here the authors go from gender to cases: in one chapter they take, for example, neuter nouns, and present a whole table with all the case endings for such nouns. If you're not used to it, it can be difficult to remember.

I also stumbled several times over quite serious typos in this textbook, because of which I babbled incorrectly for a long time (but in full confidence that I was an excellent student).

If you are going to learn the Serbian language on your own, combining it with already mastered English, pay attention to this small guide. It is intended for tourists, and the vocabulary is limited to airport-hotel-restaurant.

However, the material in the tutorial is organized quite well; both the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet are used. I recommend from May Hart.

2. Audio

Smiling gurus on the Internet assure that you can learn any language without any effort. Just turn on audio files in the evening, fall asleep, and they will whisper vodka poison, beer disgusting grammar and vocabulary into your ears. In the morning, cheerful and clear-eyed, you will write an epic in Serbian.

Alas, the tempting magic pill will bring nothing but insomnia. You need to listen to audio consciously, delving into every word.

From the “classic” records for learning the Serbian language, I would recommend two courses for beginners:

1) 53 Serbian language lessons using the Zamyatkin method

High-quality audio, recorded according to the principle “from simple to complex.” Zamyatkin calls for listening to 1 lesson for 3 weeks, 3 hours a day - for ideal assimilation and digestion.

At one time I decided that Serbian would not be needed in a mental hospital, and limited myself to one hour for one lesson - on the way to work and back. It was useful and quite enough.

2) Serbian language course from Book2

Free conversation course; one post = one topic. I liked it even more than Zamyatkin’s course, because you choose how and what to listen to: there is slow and ordinary pronunciation, with and without Russian translation.

You can study according to the same principle, one lesson a day. The main thing is not to forget: in order to learn the Serbian language on your own, the audio should only be an addition to the main tutorial.

3. Applications

To my great chagrin, the best program for learning languages, Rosetta Stone, has not yet been adapted for Serbo-Croatian. However, you can scrape together something useful in the digital space:

1) Memrise

In all respects, a wonderful program for a smartphone, tablet or PC. Memrise is essentially a collection of various courses. Some of them were created by the “parents” of the application themselves, while the rest were created by ordinary users.

All language classes are built on the same principles:

— the course is divided into convenient short lessons, and you can eat the elephant piece by piece;
- words and expressions for memorization are reinforced with memes - pictures that make it easier to remember;
- the program forces you to repeat what you have learned exactly according to the Ebbinghaus scheme - at the necessary intervals.

For learning common languages, Memrise has a whole bunch of excellently designed courses; with Serbo-Croatian, of course, it is more difficult, and there are not enough sensible options. However, for those who are learning the Serbian language from scratch, it is worth installing the application, fortunately, it is free and takes up little space.

2) Learn Serbian - 50 languages

A simple application for a smartphone.

A regular phrasebook made up of 100 lessons broken down by topic. Good voice acting (not machine-made). Suitable for not getting bored in line.

4. Dictionaries

1) Any thematic dictionary

With a thematic dictionary it is very convenient to master vocabulary; She fits herself along the convolutions, as if on shelves. There are two options here for now:

Serbian language. Thematic dictionary. Publishing house "Living Language". Tsvetkova S.
A miniature book containing 5,000 words and expressions grouped into 100 topics. Compact and convenient.

Russian-Serbian thematic dictionary 3000, 5000, 7000 or 9000 words. T&P Books Publishing
The heaviest nine-thousand-word version contains 257 topics! A feast of spirit, memory and systematization.

2) Bilingual thematic dictionary in pictures. Dvojezični slikovni rečnik. Publishing house Vulkan, Belgrade. Translation from German – Dubravka Trisic

An excellent visual dictionary, translated from German, for visual learners like me. There are only 15 topics, but they are covered very deeply - I didn’t know some words in Russian (spare parts for a boiler, car design, etc.).

3) Any “alphabetic” pocket dictionary

A topical dictionary is good, but a regular one is necessary, because that’s what you’ll reach for when you discover that not all Serbian words can be understood intuitively.

For beginners, a small dictionary of five to ten thousand words (necessarily with accents!), for example, by Gudkov and Ivanovich, will be enough.

5. “Extracurricular” reading and listening

Finally, in addition to the main program, read, listen and watch materials that are interesting to you. Only what really captivates, will help you learn Serbian on your own.

Who killed Loreta Palmich? Will Skorosava Oharich and Ratko Butleric get together? How to stop the creepy Franjo Krugich, who comes in dreams? – By devouring detective stories, romance novels, horror films - anything that dances along the strings of your interest, you seem to remember new words and expressions in between times.

And don’t forget about fun free videos on YouTube, blogs, posts on social networks, news, films in Serbian.

Plump volumes certainly deserve respect and attention, but not at the beginning of your Great Serbian Path. It’s very easy to discourage interest in the language - just force yourself to read what you’ll be “finishing off” for many months. That's why choose shorter works.

I won’t impose my tastes on you and will give only one recommendation – Momo Kapor’s essays about Belgrade and the Serbs. They are perfect for beginners - short, funny, uncomplicated and very true.

Is it difficult to learn Serbian language

As you can see, there are enough materials, the main thing is to start and not give up. Is it difficult to learn Serbian? This is a controversial question without a clear answer.

In my subjective opinion, Russian speaking It's easier to learn Serbian from scratch than, for example, French and German (not to mention Chinese or Japanese). And that's why:

– Serbian and Russian – Slavic languages. Despite all the differences, they have some common fundamentals;

— in the Serbian language there are no terrible, chthonic rules of Russian spelling. While Russian schoolchildren are painfully figuring out how to correctly write phrases from dictation like “shikarnaya zhyzn intelligentnava vinigreta,” Serbs follow the main principle of their language: as it is heard, so it is written;

Cyrillic! Although it is losing ground, it is still used quite widely in Serbia, and Russians seem very familiar and comfortable.

Typical mistakes of Russians in learning Serbian

However, no matter how close the Serbian language is to us, most Russians, when studying it, run into the same pitfalls:

1. What a funny Serbian. Diarrhea– pride (where has this been seen!), disgrace– theater (are you serious?), rotten with a cowlick- flew by with a whirlwind (“Gone with the Wind”). Just try not to confuse the meaning of such words and not cackle in the faces of the Serbs when they tell you about high things.

2. What a Serbian lung. Pharmacy, kiga, buy, bread, sister, village - it’s all clear!

– What an easy Serbian language! Even with our Russian letters and just like in Russian... Kosta Poltanoi... Dear Iovanoi... Petko Petkovich... - she pronounced what she had read. - They have letters that we don’t have. and “n” with “erik” at the right stick,” Glafira Semyonovna examined the letters on the signs.

1897, Leikin N.A., “A humorous description of the journey of the Ivanov spouses through the Slavic lands to Constantinople”

The first few lessons of Serbian are usually pleasing, filled with optimism and tenderness for the brotherly language. Further studies lead to the belief that the brothers once turned in the wrong direction, and that the language is not as simple as it seems.

It seems that almost everything is the same as ours - Ivan Gave Birth to a Girl, Ordered to Drag the Diaper + seventh, vocative case. But then it turns out that the endings of the cases are different, and they are often used differently.

So, you won’t go out for coffee with Dash. to her, and with some muddy Dash ohm. You will hold the cup in your hand ama and walk the streets after drinking coffee ama. Get used to it.

4. Yoda the master loves the Serbian language. Word order in Serbian is not as free as in Russian.

I came home. I came home. I came home. I came home. I came home. I came home.– Such juggling is impossible in Serbian, but beginners often, out of inertia, handle parts of a sentence too freely.

In addition, remember our reflexive verbs: bathe, hug, bite, wash, etc. Among the Serbs, the analogue of this “sya” is the prodigal particle "se". Not only is it not written together with the verb, but it also travels back and forth throughout the sentence, and the more words there are, the more difficult it is for a Russian to determine where to insert this “se”.

Where do you bathe Xia? - Where se kupash?

5. The Serbian language is “harder” than Russian. If you try to depict ordinary Russian pronunciation on paper, it will look as if the letters in the words have grown a soft, cozy belly. While in Serbian speech most letters and combinations have abs of steel, they are pronounced very firmly.

Repair - rEmont, milk - mlEko, tezhak - tEzhak

*Small note: this pronunciation is not typical for all Balkans, and we are now talking only about the “Central Serbian” language norm.

And also the Serbs, and some of our emigrants, have been unable to repeat this for years.

Additional reading

Have you been discouraged by the peculiarities of the Serbian language, and it seems that learning it is a useless and difficult task? Then I advise you to read at your leisure these wonderful, motivating and useful works that give out magical kicks:

1) Think like a mathematician. How to solve any problem faster and more efficiently. Barbara Oakley. + her video course "Learning how to learn" on the website (there are Russian subtitles).

A real manual for using the brain. The author (a translator from the Russian language by first education, and an engineer by the second) explains how our thinking and memory work.

In the book you will find techniques for understanding and memorizing absolutely any material (learning in portions, sleep-reboot), learn how to deal with procrastination, what “interleaving” is, and many other useful things.

2) How I learn languages. Kato Lomb

A life-affirming book by the legend of polyglotism - the Hungarian translator Kato Lomb. The writer not only sets out in detail her method of learning languages ​​(and she knew 16 of them!), but also zealously convinces the reader: you don’t have to be a genius to become a polyglot.

3) Two books by D.B. Nikulicheva from the series “Linguistic and psychological strategies of polyglots”:

— How to find your way to foreign languages;
- We talk, read, write.

If the books by Oakley and Lomb are suitable for a wide range of readers, then Nikulicheva’s manuals are more “scientific” than “pop”, and are intended for those who have seriously taken up languages. These are solid multi-page publications with a huge, systematized selection of learning strategies and exercises.

4) Perfectionist: the path to perfection under pressure. Suddenly, not a book, but an article by psychologist Anton Nesvitsky.

The ability to be satisfied with yourself and not strive to be perfect, to appreciate your achievements (even small ones), and not to be killed by mistakes is very important for all students of the Serbian language.

The author of the article tells how perfectionism arises in a person, and why it is destructive for everything living and creative that exists in the psyche. Simple steps will help you relax and get rid of excessive demands on yourself, which means you can move on, achieving more (no matter how paradoxical it may sound).

Well, that's it. I hope you find this article on how to learn Serbian on your own useful. For your studies, and thank you for the light of your mind!

Is it difficult? learning Serbian language?

If you are already familiar with Slavic vocabulary or, moreover, are a native speaker of another Slavic language, then there should not be any special problems, since many words can be understood even without studying the language.

You will even soon understand how pleasant and interesting it is to learn a language that is similar on the one hand, and so dissimilar, on the other hand, to your native language

Learning Serbian language

The first difficulties will be with declensions, or rather with endings. The same difficulties will arise with cases, although the cases themselves and the way they are used are, in general, the same as in Russian or any other Slavic language.
But there are also “pitfalls” of such similarity - the same word can be read the same in several languages, but at the same time it can have a different meaning. Here is an example from everyday life - if a Serb comes up to you, smiles sweetly and says “wife” (assuming you are female), this does not mean that he offers you his hand and heart. It’s just that “wife” is translated from Serbian as “woman”. But, you see, these words are similar and have a common root “wives” for all Slavs.
Serbian letters

Serbian also has very unique letters - hybrids created by merging two separate letters. For example – “њ” and “љ”. But, if you turn on logic for a second, you can easily understand the essence of these letters. If you cross two letters of the Russian alphabet “l” and “b”, you get љ.

The same with “n” and “b”. As you can see, it is quite possible to understand the Serbs. But for Russian-speaking beginners there are still more problems than for speakers of other Slavic languages. This is due to the fact that the Russian language has changed a lot during its existence and has lost many original Slavic elements, but has taken on a lot of borrowed vocabulary. The word is even more interesting for Russian-speaking beginners, since all the words seem to be similar, but they sound different and the whole learning process turns into an entertaining puzzle.

However, you need to warn us right away - this does not mean that, having heard Serbian language You will understand everything, on the contrary, many words, grammatical structure differs in many ways from the Russian language.
For example, Serbian words such as hand(hand), leg(leg) or water(water) you will definitely understand without translation

However, the Serbian language can play a cruel joke on you if you do not check the correctness of the translation, since, for example, a seemingly familiar word in Serbian letter, does not mean a letter, but "word", and the Serbian word speech- means “word” in translation, and if the Serbs tell you “right”, then you don’t need to go to the right, since this word is translated as “straight”

Serbian words

Words, similar to Russian ones, are easy to remember: hand - “hand”, leg - “leg”, sky - “sky”, water - “water” and the like. But don't let your guard down!

Many of these words do not coincide in meaning, or coincide only partially, for example: speech - “word”, word - “letter”, praise - “thank you”, right - “directly”.

There are many words in the Serbian language that cause false associations for Russian-speaking students.


The Serbian language has many other features. And we will slowly consider them in more detail.

The most interesting letter, or rather sign, in Serbian language is an apostrophe.
It is often used in the same way as in Russian (separation of syllables and letters), but in Serbian it has acquired a special meaning. An apostrophe often replaces some letters or even syllables. For example, the word “љeb” is translated as “bread” and the apostrophe replaces the letter x.
But, for example, the word “mo’sh”. It is undoubtedly familiar to all Slavs, but it is sometimes difficult to recognize it in the Serbian language. “Mo’sh” is translated into Russian as the word “you can”, and, by the way, it is read the same way. The apostrophe is generally a unique phenomenon for Serbian language– he is perhaps his most characteristic feature.

Another feature is love Serbs to abbreviate words, which are then very difficult to recognize. Syllables are replaced not only with an apostrophe, but also with soft and hard signs. Serbs also love to invent new letters by combining old ones, like the same symbiosis of “l” and “b” in the letter “i”.


In Serbian it is used Cyrillic, going back to the Russian alphabet and the Latin alphabet, and on equal terms in Serbia and Montenegro.

Cyrillic is the traditional script, and Latin is predominantly used in business.

Spelling in Serbian based on the phonetic principle, that is, words are written as they are pronounced (with some exceptions).

Voiced final consonants, for example B, V, D, G, Z, Zh, are not devoiced at the end of a word. This means that the Serbian words tooth, blood, friend, hail, knife are pronounced [zub], [krov], [friend], [grad], [knife], and not [zup], [krof], [druk], [grat], [nosh].

Learning Serbian language

In the exemplary Serbian language there is a musical-force accent. This means that the stressed syllable is distinguished not only by greater tension, but also by a rise or fall in the tone of the voice. Both stressed and unstressed (overstressed) syllables in Serbian can be long or short.

Basics of the Serbian language

Let's our Serbian language course Let's start with the basics - in my opinion, this basic is the most important verb, probably in any language - this is the verb “to be”

In the Serbian language, the verb “to be” is never omitted, unlike the Russian language

Have you studied English? or maybe French? Remember the verb to be? Etre?

To say the sentence “He is a student” (which in Russian consists of two words) in Serbian (as in English and French), you must say three words “He is a student” (literally: He is a student)

If you have ever learned English, German or other European languages, it will be absolutely easy for you to follow this rule

Verb to be - beat

This main verb in Serbian has two forms: Brief and complete
There's nothing wrong with that! The short form is most often used (as in the example: He is a student)
The full form is most often used at the beginning of a sentence and with logical stress

Let's take a closer look at the short form:

1 person Ja himself ( I am) Mi smo ( we are)
2nd person Ti si ( you are) Vi ste ( you are)
3rd person He is ( he is) They su ( they are)

Now let's look at the full form:

1 person Ja jesam Mi jesmo
2nd person Ti jesi Vi jeste
3rd person He eats They eat

This Serbian verb need to learn by heart! Very very good! Since you will always and everywhere encounter it, we will form different tenses and forms from it, and much more.

Serbian vowels

Serbian has five vowel sounds .
In Serbian There is a difference from the Russian language, in it all vowel sounds are pronounced equally clearly both under stress and in an unstressed position. Akanye, inherent in the Russian literary language, is absent in the Serbian language.

Vowels i, e.

Serbianthe vowel [and] is more open than the corresponding Russian vowel, that is, it is pronounced with a slightly smaller rise in the tongue: i, uv, Ȕgor.

Serbian The vowel [e] is close in pronunciation to the Russian [e] at the beginning of a word (this, era, echo), but somewhat more closed: èmo “here”, èra, èkho.

Vowel [s] in Serbian absent.

Instead, in words similar to Russian, we find [and]: sûn “son”, rȕba “fish”, mû “we”.

In this regard, it should be remembered that, unlike the Russian language, after prefixes, prepositions with a consonant and the conjunction and, standing after a word with a consonant, it is pronounced [and], not [s]: bȅzidējnū “unprincipled”, bezumen “nameless”, friend and brother.

Vowels a, o, u.

Each of them, as well as syllabic r, can be short and long in stressed and unstressed syllables.

The vowels a, o, u are practically no different in pronunciation from the corresponding vowels of the Russian language.

Serbian[o] is a slightly less coarsened sound and more closed than Russian [o]: the back of the back when pronouncing Serbian [o] is more raised towards the soft palate than when pronouncing Russian [o].

When pronouncing the Serbian vowel [y], the lips are slightly less protruded and rounded than when pronouncing the corresponding Russian vowel. Thus, [u] in Serbian is a less coarsened sound than in Russian. In addition, compared to Russian, it is also more open: the back of the back of the tongue rises to the soft palate to a lesser extent.


In Serbian twenty-five consonants. Many of them are pronounced as the corresponding hard sounds of the Russian language.
These are the consonants 6, v, g, d, z, k, m, n, j, r, s, w, f.

IN Serbian language there is no devoicing of final voiced consonants. If we say in Russian, oak (pronounced “p” at the end) - there is no such thing in the Serbian language

Unlike the Russian language, the voiced final consonants b, v, g, d, zh, z, as well as ħ and u in the Serbian language are not deafened: tooth, rog, knife, voz, hail.

Consonants zh, sh, ts.

Serbian consonants [zh], [sh], [ts], compared to the corresponding Russian consonants, are acoustically perceived as softer; during their formation, the middle part of the tongue does not drop, as during the formation of solid Russians [zh], [sh], [ts]. Examples: toad , "frog", seam "the seam", shê cm "six", wife "wife, woman" zŷm "yellow", shỳma "forest", Price mark".

It should be remembered that in the Serbian language after zh, sh, ts the vowel is pronounced [i] (and not [s], as in Russian): cf. Serbian words zhȕmo, shulo, circus, number and Russians zhito, awl, circus, figure

Consonant x.

Serbianmiddle lingual sonorant consonant j - one of the five soft consonants. In an isolated position, it corresponds in pronunciation to the Russian non-syllabic [and]

In the position before the stressed vowel Serbianj pronounced weaker than Russian; the language is less tense than when pronouncing Russian consonant: ja - I ( j Arlo – bright).

Consonant l.

SerbianThe consonant [l] is pronounced differently than in Russian. When pronouncing it, the tip of the tongue should rest against the alveoli, and the back of the back of the tongue should not be pulled back, the middle part of the tongue should not be bent, as in the formation of a hard Russian [l], but occupies a higher position. The Serbian sound [l) is perceived by Russians as more soft than the corresponding Russian hard [l]: l , l ŷ To "onion, varnish"varnish" l û To "image", just "summer".

The consonant r is syllabic.

Serbian language

Serbian syllabary [r] in its articulation, in general, does not differ from the non-syllabic consonant [r], which is pronounced approximately the same as Russian [r].

The only difference Serbian syllabic [p] from non-syllabic is that when pronouncing syllabic [p], the surface of contact of the tongue with the alveoli is wider; Serbian syllabic [r] is characterized by slightly longer duration and tension

Being a syllable-forming [p], it can be the bearer of all four types of stress.

Sound R is syllabic at the beginning of a word before a consonant (except j ), as well as in the middle of a word between consonants.


The Russian language is characterized by quantitative-dynamic stress, in which a stressed syllable is more emphasized than an unstressed one, with greater tension in articulation, especially the vowel sound.

The phonetic means of identifying a stressed syllable in the Russian language is its longer duration compared to an unstressed one. In the Serbian language, the stress is musical and forceful. A stressed syllable is usually distinguished not only by intensification, but also by a change in the pitch of the vocal tone (increasing or decreasing).

Accent Part 1

Stress in Serbian is movable . It can be on any syllable in a word except the last.

In words that have a common origin and the same spelling in Serbian and Russian, the stress in Serbian is usually one syllable closer to the beginning of the word, compared to Russian, and it is always ascending (either long or short): hand, foot, water, speak.

Stress on consonants Part 2

Serbian grammar

Long falling accent︵ characterized by a significant decrease in tone and increased impact sound: ūrᾶvda, dᾶn, sound, zŷb.

A short descending stress \\ is called strong, since the intensification of the percussive sound is clearly noticeable, while the decrease in tone is almost inaudible: ūȁrk, ūko, weak, healthy. This stress resembles the Russian stress in a closed syllable: sleep, cancer .

Serbian language: stress on consonants

A long rising stress / is characterized by a significant increase in the tone of the stressed vowel and an intensification of the stressed sound: hand, ore, shorba, vaga.

A short rising stress \ is characterized by a slight increase in tone and an intensification of the percussive sound. This stress is therefore called weak: leg, water, òna, dànas, where .

4 types of stress

If in a Russian word the stress falls on the first syllable, then in Serbian it is on the first syllable, and, as a rule, it is descending (long or short): ūrᾶvda, ūȁdashi, drŷg, zᾶūad.

In addition to the four types of stress in the Serbian language, there are also post-stress longitudes, found in some words and word forms (walking"I write", rᾶhome"I am working").

Features of stress in the Serbian language:

1 . Emphasis in Serbian language plays a semantic role.

2. When a word changes (during shaping and word formation), the place of stress and its quality often change .

3. Monosyllabic words have only descending stresses: rôg, snêg, brᾶsh. In polysyllabic words, descending stress can only be on the initial syllable:jZero, smooth.

4. Rising stress can be on any syllable except the last: wife, ūlanùna “mountain”, delegation

5. Russian stress on the first syllable of full vowel combinations - oro-, - olo-, - ere-, - barely - in Serbian corresponds to a long falling stress e : grᾶd - city, hunger - hunger, brêg"Hill" - shore

6. Russian stress on the second syllable of full vowel combinations corresponds to a short descending stress: mrz - frost, blumo - swamp.

7. Russian stress located after full-vowel combinations corresponds to a long ascending stress: vràbats - sparrow, dlèmo - chisel.

Where to put the emphasis?

If you saw something new Serbian word– where to put the emphasis?

There are four types of stress in Serbian , differing in longitude and tone: long descending, short descending, long descending, short ascending.

Usually in books, newspapers and other texts the place and quality of emphasis is not noted.

Special signs indicating the nature of the stress are used in dictionaries. However, the dictionary data reflects the ideal situation, but in reality, many Serbs and Montenegrins do not know the classical system of musical stresses, and the post-accented longitudes are practically lost.


Serbian languageIt happens complete and short forms of adjectives.
Qualitative adjectives in the Serbian language have two forms: full (definite) and short (indefinite).

Uncertain the form is used as a nominal part of a nominal compound predicate.

Certain form is used as a definition of a given previously known object. The indefinite form can also be used as a definition if the specified item has not been mentioned before


Nouns play, of course, a very significant role in learning a language - after all, you and I use them all the time, and there are probably practically no sentences where nouns are not used

In the Serbian language, all nouns, as in our native Russian language, are distinguished by gender: feminine, masculine and neuter

Masculine nouns most often end in a consonant
Example: Prozor (window)
Stan (apartment)
Tata (father)

Exceptions: words like hundred (table) or for example dad, uncle, etc. (like in Russian, they end in a vowel, but still belong to the masculine gender)

2) Genetiv when? what? - this is the genitive case

3) Dative coma? what? - this is the dative case

4) Acoustic when? shma? - this is the accusative case

5) Vocative is the vocative case

6) Instrumental kim? chim(e)? - this is the instrumental case

7) Locative (about) coma? (about) what? - this is the prepositional case


Nominative case singular, plural of nouns of all three genders.

In Serbian masculine nouns in the nominative plural have the ending -And,
feminine nouns - -e (less often -And),

neuter nouns - -A.



Neuter gender

smỳdenm - smỳdenm

sister - sister

village - village

ūrȍfesor - ūrȍfesori

mᾶ j ka - mᾶ j ke

sea ​​- sea a

First, let's start with personal pronouns
Personal pronouns are I, you, she, her, it, we, you and they

I'm Ja
You T
He He
She She
We are Mi
You V
They have 3 options: she, they, one

There is one peculiarity here!
It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in Serbian the personal pronoun they has different plural forms
In Russian we say “they”, no matter who we are talking about, but in Serbian it is a little different
If “they” are feminine, then you need to use One

If neuter, then She
If masculine, then They

If we are talking about persons or objects called nouns of various genders, then the pronoun they is used: (as for the masculine gender)

Possessive pronouns in Serbian

My my
My moja
My mine
My my, my, my

Your yours
Yours yours
Yours yours
Yours, yours, yours

His - (there are several options) jegov, jegov, jegovo, jegov, jegov, jegov
Hers - (there are also several here) Jen, Jena, Jeno, Jeni, Jene, Jena

Our our
Our our
Our our
Our ours, ours, ours

Your yours
Your yours
Yours yours
Your yours, yours, yours

They are (there are several options here) Vikhov, Vikhova, Vikhov, Vikhov, Vikhov, Vikhova

Of course, the conversation about pronouns does not end there; in the Serbian language there are also demonstrative, relative and other various pronouns, we will talk about them a little later

Personal pronouns

What are personal pronouns?

For those who have forgotten and have been in school for a long time, we remind you that personal pronouns are I, you, he, she and it, as well as we, you and they

Let's learn today pronouns in Serbian!

Personal pronouns

And now in the plural

In Serbian There are full forms of personal pronouns that have independent stress, and short unstressed forms (enclitics), for example: mene - me "me", you - those "you", mini - mi "me", you - ti "you".

The Russian verb “to have” (I have, you have...) is bookish in nature, therefore, when translating the Serbian verb imati, the construction “who has” is usually used, for example:
Do you have a breed? "Do you have a family?" - Yes, the imam is a breed. "Yes I have a family".

Interrogative sentences with question words.

In Serbian , as in Russian, interrogative words stand at the beginning of interrogative sentences and carry phrasal stress.

Interrogative sentences with interrogative particles (general question).

Common question in Serbian language It has the following structure: the verb comes first, the interrogative particle comes second whether. If it is a verb that has a full and short form ( jHimself -himself), then the general question is formed using the full form, with the exception of the third person singular:JAre there any students? - Jesu li òni Jagreements? -JIs it mômвòja svȅska?

Serbian numbers

1 one jedan
2 two dva
3tri tri
4 four četiri
5 five pet
6 six šest
7 seven sedam
8 eight osam
9 nine devet
10 ten deset

11 eleven jedanaest
12 twelve dvanaest
13 thirteen trinaest
14 fourteen četrnaest
15 fifteen petnaest
16 sixteen šesnaest
17 seventeen sedamnaest
18 eighteen osamnast
19 nineteen dvetnaest
20 twenty dvadeset

21 twenty one dvadeset jedan
22 twenty two dvadeset dva

30 thirty trideset
31 thirty one trideset jedan

40 forty četrdeset
50 fifty pedeset
60 sixty šezdeset
70 seventy sedamdeset
80 eighty osamdeset
90 ninety devedeset
100 hundred sto (stotinu)

Features of the Serbian language

In Serbian missing vowel[s]. In words of common origin, Russian [ы] in the Serbian language corresponds to [and], we can compare: ti - you, vi - you, sin - son, riba - fish.

The vowel [e] is pronounced like Russian [e]: era - era, economy - economy. In Russian, the letter “e” can be read as [ye], for example: Europe [yevropa]. In the Serbian language this does not happen, for comparison: Europa [evropa], but: jezh “hedgehog”, jesti “eat, eat”.

I wonder what Serbian hard consonants are not softened in position before vowels [i], [e].
Unlike our native Russian language, in Serbian in the third person plural there are the pronouns they - “they” of the masculine gender, one - “they” of the feminine gender and she - “they” of the neuter gender.
Another one peculiarity of the Serbian language– names of nationalities are written with a capital letter: Rus, Ruskiњya, Rusi - “Russian, Russian, Russians”; by analogy - Nemats, Nemitsa, Nemtsi; Englez, Engleskiya, Englezi; American, American, American.

When looking up a word in the dictionary, you need to remember that the dictionary form of an adjective is the short form of the masculine singular. In this form there is often a “runaway” A; adjectives lose this letter if they are used in the plural. Therefore, to find a translation of pamenti, you need to search for pametAn.

Serbian lessons: My family

Let's start our themed Serbian language lessons and today our first topic is dedicated to the most important part in the life of every person - Family

In this lesson you will find useful words and expressions for communicating about family in Serbian

Surprisingly, the Serbian word for family is breed
Mom in Serbian as in Russian mother, father Tata Grandmother tank

Grandfather grandfather's children kid
daughter ker
son syn

relative rohak
uncle stri or uјak
aunt - well, that’s not quite ethical in Russian aunt
Brother Brother
sister sister cousin roak or relative nephew, niece nope, nope
grandson, granddaughter unuk, unuka
wife wife husband husband daughter-in-law bride
son-in-law z
mother-in-law tashta
father-in-law TAST

Your family is big? - Is your breed great?

You can answer this question:

family consists of…. breed se satoi od

se satoi – means consists
od - from

For example:
Our family consists of five people --- Our breed is a very good person
Great! Let's try - answer the question: is your breed great?
Tell me how many people your family consists of and list everyone on Serbian language


Although the rules for placing a dot are similar to the rules in Russian, you should remember that the dot is placed after ordinal numbers written in Arabic numerals (but not Roman): Tȏ ej was on March 3, 1967. “It was March 3, 1967.”
A period is added in the case of generally accepted abbreviations: year. (year), month (month), no. (for example).
However, after the abbreviated names of units of measurement, a dot is not placed, as in Russian, and these names themselves are written either in Cyrillic (m, kg) or in Latin letters: m, kg.

When placing a comma in a subordinate clause Serbian The sentence should follow the logical principle of punctuation:
If the main and subordinate clauses are logically a single whole, and the main clause precedes the subordinate clause, then a comma is not placed between them: Jâ vvolūm yes zúma bÿdē ūrāva. “I like winter to be real winter”; We see it's like a quiche. "I see it's raining outside"
A comma is required if the subordinate clause is before the main clause: Iako ÿvek zhŷrū, she nȕkada nè stizhȅ na vrèm. “Although she is always in a hurry, she is never on time.”
In complex sentences, it is necessary to place a comma before the adversative conjunctions a “a”, ali “but”, veɦ “a”. For example: He is not much good, he is always happy. “he doesn’t talk, but gets down to business”
A comma is placed between homogeneous members of the sentence: Ana chita, write and speak Srpski. "Anna reads, writes and speaks Serbian."

The Russian word “what” is translated into Serbian language differently.

If you are interested in quality, color, etc., then you need to ask: What is it like? How is she? How is it? How are they? How is she?

If you mean “which of, which,” you should use the words: koji, koja, koje; koji, koje, koja.
Unlike Russian formal punctuation in Serbian logical and semantic punctuation.

In particular, a comma is placed only in cases where one or another element of the sentence is perceived by the author as additional, not the main one from the point of view of the completeness of the statement.

Before the union Yes The comma is usually omitted, for example: Igor jeli yes mu buy a loaf. “Igor wants someone to buy him a ball.”


The rules for capitalizing words in Serbian are basically the same as the rules for writing words in Russian.

However, there is a significant difference: the names of peoples are written with a capital letter. Nations, their individual representatives, residents of populated areas:

Rÿs, Chchkh, Jugosloven, Englz, Moskovyanin, Beograanin.

Possessive adjectives formed from given names and surnames are written with a capital letter: Dràgan - Dràganov, Mùlan - Mùlanov.

Attention! It is very interesting

Ebiga- is not literally translated (it would mean “e.. him”), means - "I'm sorry, I sympathize."
Don't be serial - don't deceive!
Sraje - lies, slander

Punch your mother- added to almost all emotional phrases. But ONLY for the emotional tone of speech. Simply adding this phrase sounds very rude.
Never trust Serbian words that sound like Russian ones! They don't always mean the same thing.
Right is not a direction, but a truth. imash right, mozhe beati yes nemash right isto. It means you are right or wrong.
Harmful- an interesting word. When they tell you - na harmful si! It means - you are so hardworking! "Harm" - in Serbian this is benefit :-)
We will work well, we will be more harmful to the girl :-)
"Umoran" is not a dead person, but a tired one.
And “get tired” is not to get tired, but to get up.
Odmor is “rest”, not starvation

Mill- this is not a figure (like Yesenin’s “Bend over with your beautiful figure”), but apartment
Become this- this is not to stop, but rent an apartment, settle in.
Tea is not our understanding of tea, but a decoction of chamomile. Be careful when talking to Serbs about tea. They don't know black tea. No matter how crazy it may sound. Tell the Serb that you had tea today. He will ask, “What happened?” Offer to come visit for a cup of tea. The answer will be “But I’m not sick! I don’t need tea! Do you drink tea? Oh, so you’re sick.”
What? - this is not “what?”, but “why?” or "why?"
But "shta?" - what's this?"

Serbian lessons. Seasons.

Let's dedicate it to the seasons. By- Serbian spring - proleje, which literally means “prologue to summer”, but reads “proleche”. The rest of the Serbian names of the seasons are also quite clear : summer, summer, winter. All these words are pronounced with the stress on the first syllable, and the consonants before e in them are a little harder than in similar Russian combinations.
In spring, nature comes to life, and the most tender and kind feelings awaken in the human soul. It is no coincidence that spring falls Easter - in Serbian Vaskr (or Uskrs). Just like all Orthodox Christians, Serbs and Montenegrins celebrate Easter with Easter cakes and colored eggs and when they meet they say to their friends and relatives: “Christ is Risen!” - and they answer: “Indeed, He is Risen!”
Our readers have already noticed that the traditional Serbian graphics, in which we present Serbian words, are Cyrillic letters, to which one Latin (j) and several new icons (љ, њ, ћ, ц, ђ) are added, which serve to indicate writing specific sounds of the Serbian language. Letters that coincide with Russian ones convey approximately the same sounds in the Serbian language, and always denote only a vowel. The letter j conveys the sound pronounced at the beginning of the Russian words spruce, hedgehog, south or yak. The letters љ and њ stand for soft sounds [l"] and [n"]; they represent l and n, connected by a soft sign (convenient, right?).
The basic rule for writing Serbian words is “write as you speak.” This rule also implies that Serbian words must be read literally, without changing the quality of vowel and consonant sounds. Thus, the word ford (which means “ship”) should be read “ford”, without deafening the last consonant, and the name of the month Oktobar (“October”) should be read with okan, i.e. “octobar”.
Try to correctly read the names of the remaining months of the year: January, February, March, April, May, June, August, Septembar, Novembar, Decembar.

Serbian lessons. Similar words

Many words of the Serbian language are very similar to Russian. And this is no coincidence - after all, our languages ​​are related, going back to the common Slavic ancestor language. However, not all so simple. When starting to study the Serbian language, a Russian person is faced with an interesting fact: many Serbian words, which are very similar to words in the Russian language, turn out to have a different meaning.

For example, speech in Serbian - This not Russian “speech” or “talk” at all, but "word". Word in Serbian it is a “letter”, A letter- this is a “beech tree”. There are many similar examples in the parallel between the Russian and Serbian languages.

Words with deceptive external similarity can have two meanings. Some of them reflect similar concepts - for example, Serbian. љubiti (“kiss”) and Russian. be in love; Serb. braid (“hair”) and Russian. braid; secular (“worldwide”) and Russian. secular; Serb. soon (“recently”) and Russian. soon. Other similar words turn out to be very distant in meaning. For example: Serbian. tobacco (“master of leather”) and Russian. tobacco; Serb. zhuriti (hurry) and rus. scold; Serb. harmful, harmful (“diligent, diligent”) and Russian. harmful, harmful.

Among Serbian words there are many that seem funny to a Russian speaker because of the specific associations they evoke. For example, the upper part of the cheek, cheekbone in Serbian is called jagodica, house - kuћa, native language - mother jezik, key - dirka, woman's breast - dojka, come - dolaziti, life - belly, decorate with embroidery - lime, lock handle - kvaka, deficit – makak.

From the post Irina Antanasevich in LiveJournal about how Serbs perceive some Russian words today:

Russian way / ruski nacin – harsh or difficult way.
Russian winter / Ruska zima – very cold.
Russian fairy tales / Ruske bajke – something very pleasant, idyll.
Russian volunteer / Ruski dobrovoljac – one who is where it is dangerous or does brave things: Sa kim da se upoznam? sa...onom tamo?! Pa nisam ja ruski dobrovoljac!" / Who does he meet?.. that one over there?.. no, I’m not a Russian volunteer!
Russian film / ruski film – tragedy.
Russian gas / ruski gas - any Russian help, which is not cheap, but still: Bolje da ti rusi iskljuce gas, nego da ti švabe puste / It’s better when the Russians turn off your gas than the Germans let you in.
An idiot is a person who would play Russian roulette with an automatic pistol.
Russian tractor / ruski traktor - something that never breaks. From the joke: Sta prvo crkne na ruskom traktoru? – Vozac... / What is the first thing that breaks down in a Russian tractor? - Driver...
Russian car / rusko vozilo – a person who spends excessively on something like Russian car gasoline: Trosis novac ko rusko vozilo! / you spend money like a Russian car.

Dear Sirs,
To help immigrants, we publish material for Serbian language classes.

Grad je lep.
Ruža je lepa.
More je lepo.
Šta je ovo?
Ovo je grad.
What about?
To je ruža.
Šta je ono?
Ono je more.
Ovo, to, ono, šta.
Lep, lepa, lepo.

Beautiful city.
Beautiful rose.
Beautiful sea.
What is this?
This city.
What is this?
This is a rose.
What's that there?
This is the Sea.
This is what.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful (beautiful).

Note. The pronoun ovo indicates a person or object located close to the speaker; to – to a more distant object or person. The ono form indicates persons or
objects that are very distant or out of sight.

Vi uvek radite?
Yes, svaki čovek radi.
Vi tako mislite ali grešite, vaš brat ne radi i vaša sestra ne radi.
Ja uvek radim ali ne učim ništa.
Ko zna where je vaš brat?
Ja znam where je on, ovde je.
On ništa ne radii ništa ne uči.
Ja znam.
On, ona know.
Vi know.
Ja ne znam.
On, ona ne zna.
Vi ne know.
Svaki, tako, gde, ovde, i.
Vaš brat, vaša sestra. Ništa.
Vi ne radite uvek.
Ja ne mislim.
Ko zna where je moja majka.
Svaki čovek misli.
Moj brat uči ruski.
Ja sam ovde.
Šta mislite? Ništa.

Are you always working?
Yes, every person works.
You think so, but you are wrong - your brother does not work and your sister does not work.
I'm always working, but I'm not learning anything.
Who knows where your brother is?
I know where he is - he is here.
He does nothing and learns nothing.
I know.
He, she knows.
You know.
I don't know.
He, she doesn't know.
You do not know.
Every (everyone), so, where, here, and.
Your brother, your sister. Nothing (nothing).
You don't work all the time.
I don't think.
Who knows where my mother is?
Every person thinks.
My brother is learning Russian.
I'm here.
What are you thinking about? Nothing.

— Izvinite, vi govorite francuski?
- Ne, nažalost, zašto pitate?
- Eto, ja sam Franciz, izgubljen sam ovde, ja ne govorim dobro.
— Šta želite?
— Molim, where is the hotel?
— Hotel je tamo desno ali još daleko.
— Where is the restaurant?
— Restaurant je odmah levo.
- A! Razumem, hvala. Doviđenja.

Ja želim, on, ona želi, vi želite. Doviđenja. This.
Ja pitam, on, ona pita, vi pitate. Odmah.
Izgubljen sam. Desno. Levo. Nažalost. Hvala.
Izvinite, šta je ovo?
Nažalost ne znam.
Grad je još daleko.
More je tamo desno.
Ja ništa ne želim.

- Excuse me, do you speak French?
- Unfortunately no. Why did you ask?
- I'm French. I'm lost and speak bad (Serbian).
- How can I help?
— Tell me, please, where is the hotel?
— The hotel is on the right, but it’s still a long way to go.
-Where is the restaurant?
— The restaurant is immediately to the left.
- A! Understood thanks. Goodbye.

I want, he wants, she wants, you want. Goodbye. Here.
I ask, he asks, she asks, you ask. Immediately (immediately).
I'm lost. To the right (to the right). To the left (to the left). Unfortunately. Thank you.
Sorry, what is this?
Unfortunately, I do not know.
The city is still far away.
The sea is there on the right.
I do not need anything.

- Dobar dan, kako ste?
- Good sam, hvala, a kako ste vi?
- Ja nicam dobro, danas sam malo umoran.
- Why not do it?
- Zato što mnogo radim.
- Razumem vas, ali zašto mnogo radite, život nije samo rad!
— Stravno, ali znate, ne radim svaki dan. Moj rad je dosta težak pa sam zato umoran.

Ja nisam, on, ona nije, vi niste.
Dobar dan. What? Zašto, zato što. Pa.
Little, dosta, much. Razumem vas. Zato.
Ja nisam umoran ali ne radim mnogo.
Vi niste danas ovde? Ne, nisam.
On mnogo radi pa je zato umoran.

- Good afternoon. How are you doing?
- OK, thank you. And how are you doing?
— Not very much, I’m a little tired today.
- Why not very good?
- Because I work a lot.
- I understand you, but why work so hard? Life is not only about work.
“That’s great, but you know, I don’t work every day.” My job is quite hard and that's why I'm tired.

Nisam, nije, niste. Negative form of the verb "to be".
Good afternoon. How are you doing? Why because. AND.
Little, enough (quite), a lot. I understand you. Because (therefore).
I wasn't tired because I worked a little.
Are you not here today? No.
He worked hard and that's why he was tired.

— Izgleda neko kuca na vrata.
- Yes, stravno, ko je to?
- Poštar, pismo za vas!
— Ali ja ne čekam pismo.
— Vi ste gospodin Ivan Kostić?
- Yes, yes.
- Onda je pismo za vas.
— Gospođa Kostić ima takođe pismo.

Ja čekam, on, ona čeka, vi čekate.
Ko je to? Za vas. Neko. Gospodin, gospođa.
Ja kucam na vrata. Ja imam, on, ona ima, vi imate.
Ovo je pismo za vas.
Vi ste poštar.
Ja takođe čekam pismo.
Ko kuca na vrata?
On svaki dan čeka pismo.
Šta čekate? Ničta ne čekam.
Poštar je dobar čovek.
Ovo je lekcija za vas.

— It seems like someone is knocking on the door.
- Yes indeed. Who is this?
- Postman, there is a letter for you.
- But I'm not expecting a letter.
— Are you Mr. Ivan Kostic?
- Yes Yes.
“Then this is your letter.”
— There is also a letter for Mrs. Kostic.

I'm waiting, he's waiting, she's waiting, you're waiting.
Who is this? For you. Someone (someone, anyone). Mister, madam.
I knock on the door. I have, he has, she has, you have.
This letter is for you.
You are a postman.
I'm also waiting for a letter.
Who's knocking on the door?
He waits for a letter every day.
What are you waiting for? I'm not expecting anything.
The postman is a good person.
This lecture is for you.

— Šta radite večeras?
— Ništa naročito. Why?
— Zato šta sam danas slobodan, i večeras ima ovde dobar film.
— Kakav film?
- To je francuski film, vlo lep.
- Ja više volim pozorište.
— Šteta jer film je vrlo dobar.
- Ja vas vrlo dobro razumem, ali ja samo volim pozorište.
- Good, onda idem sam.

Ja volim, on, ona voli, vi volite.
Ja idem, on, ona ide, vi idete.
Ja više volim. Večeras. Naročito.
Ja vas razumem. Šteta. Ima.
On je večeras slobodan.
Ona will pozorište.
Ovo nije francuski film.
Poštar ima pismo za vas.
Ona vas ne willi.
Večeras sam naročito umoran.

— What are you doing in the evening?
- Nothing special. And what?
— I have a free day today and there will be a good movie here in the evening.
- What film?
— A very good French film.
— I prefer the theater.
— It’s a pity, because the film is very good.
“I understand you perfectly, but I’m the only one who loves the theater.”
- Okay, then I'll go alone.

I love, he loves, she loves, you love.
I'm going, he's going, she's going, you're going.
I prefer. In the evening. Especially.
I understand you. It's a pity. It has.
He is free in the evening.
She loves the theater.
This is not a French film.
The postman has a letter for you.
She doesn't love you.
In the evening I am especially tired.

Ovaj čovek je visok a ova žena nije visoka.
Ovo dete takođe nije visoko.
Ovaj hotel je vrlo lep i njegova plaža je lepa.
Onaj Englez je visok, a njegova žena nije visoka ali je lepa.
Taj grad je veliki. Ta plaža je velika.
Ta ruža je lepa.
To dete nije visoko ali je lepo.
Ovaj, ova, ovo. Onaj.
Visok, visoka, visoko.
Taj, ta, to.
Veliki, velika, valiko.
Moja majka nije visoka.
Moj brat nije visok.
Ja sam visok (a).
Ovo je moje dete.
Pariz je veliki grad.
Beograd je takođe veliki grad.
Jadransko more je lepo.
Ovaj grad nije lep.
Ova žena je vrlo lepa.

This man is tall, but this woman is not tall.
This child is not tall either.
This hotel is very beautiful and its beach is beautiful.
That Englishman is tall, and his wife is not tall, but beautiful.
That city is big. That beach is big.
That rose is beautiful.
That child is short, but handsome.
This one, this one, this one. That.
High, high, high.
That, that, that. Big, big, big.
My mother is not tall.
My brother is not tall.
I'm tall.
This is my child.
Paris is a big city.
Belgrade is also a big city.
The Adriatic Sea is beautiful.
This city is not beautiful.
This woman is very beautiful.

— Ko je ovaj čovek?
— Why to pitate?
— Zato što ne znam ko je on.
- Ne znam, prvi put ga vidim.
— Priča se da nije odavde.
- Mislim da je oženjen, da ima jedno dete, i da nije dugo ovde.
— On je inženjer. Pozdravlja me uvek kad ga vidim.
— Ništa više ne znam.

Prvi put. Priča se. Ja vidim, on, ona vidi, vi vidite.
Nije odavde. On mi izgleda. Mislim yes...
Pozdravlja me, pozdravlja ga, pozdravlja vas.
Ja pozdravljam, on, ona pozdravlja, vi pozdravljate.
Ovaj čovek je moj brat.
Ja nisam odavde, ja sam stranac.
Izvinite, ja vas ne razumem.
Pozdravljam vas svaki put kad vas vidim.
Vi ništa više ne znate.
Ovaj inženjer nije oženjen

- Who is this man?
- Why are you asking about this?
- Because I don’t know who he is.
- I don’t know, I’m seeing him for the first time.
“They say he’s not local.”
“I think he’s married, has one child, and won’t be here long.”
- He is an engineer. He greets me every time I see him.
- I don’t know anything else.

First time. They tell (chatter). I see, he sees, she sees, you see.
Not from here (not local). I think. I guess, that…
Greets (says hello).
I greet, he greets, she greets, you greet.
This man is my brother.
I'm not local, I'm a foreigner.
Sorry I dont understand you.
I say hello to you every time I see you.
You don't know anything else.
This engineer is not married.

— Molim te da ovaj rad završiš danas.
- Good, u koliko sati ideš?
- Mislim da idem odavde u osam sati, jer imam voz u devet sati.
- Da li je kofer već gotov?
- Yes, gotov je.
— Nosiš li kišobran?
- Yes, nosim ga. Time je danas promenljivo.
— Sutra imam važan sastanak u Beogradu.

Molim te, molim vas. U koliko sati.
Ja završim, ti završiš, on, ona završi, vi završite, završiti.
Ja imam, ti imaš, on, ona ima, vi imate, imati.
Da li? Imaš li? Nosiš li? Beograd, u Beogradu.
U koliko sati vam je voz za Beograd?
Mislim da je u devet sati.
Time danas nije lepo.
Imate li kišobran? Imam.
Da li je vaš sastanak važan? Yes, važan je.
Kad završim ovaj rad, idem.
Where do you go? Sutra.
Ja radim u Beogadu.
Ti si umaran.
Ti nisi u Beogradu.

- Please finish your work for today.
- Okay, what time are you leaving?
“I’m thinking of leaving here at eight o’clock, since my train is at nine.”
—Have you already prepared your suitcase?
- Yes, I prepared it.
— Do you carry an umbrella?
- Yes. Today the weather is changeable.
— Tomorrow I have an important meeting in Belgrade.

I beg you, I beg you. At what time?
I finish, you finish, he, she finishes, you finish, finish.
I have, you have, he, she has, you have, have.
Yes? Do you have? You wear? Belgrade, in Belgrade.
What time is your train to Belgrade?
At nine o'clock.
The weather today is bad.
Do you have an umbrella? Yes, I have.
Do you have a really important meeting? Yes.
When you finish this work, let's go.
When will you go (go)? Tomorrow.
I work in Belgrade.
Are you tired.
You are not in Belgrade.

- Good night. Dajte mi, molim vas jelovnik.
- Evo odmah, izvolite. Šta želite?
— Dajte mi prvo jednu šljivovicu i jednu bečku šniclu.
- Zatim, dajte mi jedno pivo i jednu kafu.
— Koje pivo želite?
— Svejedo mi je.
— Onda “Jagodinsko“ beer. What do you think?
- Ništa više, hvala.

Good time. Dajte mi jednu šljivovicu. Nešto.
Zatim. What do you think? Svejedno mi je.
What do you think?
Ne, hvala, ja ne volim šljivovicu, više volim kafu.
Moj kofer je vrlo težak.
Ova šljivovica nije dobra.
Dajte mi ovaj kofer, molim vas.
Je li Beograd daleko odavde?
Yes, dosta.
Ja ništa više ne želim.

- Good evening. Give me the menu, please.
- One moment, please.
- What do you want?
— For starters, one plum brandy and a Wiener schnitzel.
— Serve beer and coffee later.
— What kind of beer would you like?
- I don't care.
- In that case, “Yagodinskoe beer.” Something else?
- Thank you, nothing more.

Good evening. Serve one plum brandy. Anything (anything).
Then (later). Would you like anything else? Doesn't matter.
Would you like slivovitz?
No thanks, I don't like slivovitz, I prefer coffee.
My suitcase is very heavy.
This plum brandy is not good.
Give me this suitcase, please.
How far is it to Belgrade?
Yes, quite far.
I don't need anything else.

— Izvinite, know li where ima dobar hotel u gradu?
— Imate ovde jedan vrlo dobar hotel, hotel “Balkan”.
- Dobro, a pošto je soba tamo?
- Evo samo da vidi...
— Soba staje tri hiljade dinara za jednu noć. Da li vam odgovara?
— Odlično, samo molim vas, dajte mi adresu jer ne znam gde je taj hotel.
- Imam kartu da vam dam, izvolite. Znate li where je ova ulica?
- Don't know.
- Onda da vam objasnim?
- Ne treba, imam dobar plan. Hvala na obaveštenju.

Do you know? Pošto je? Odlično.
Ovo staje... Da vam objasnim? Obavaštenje.
No need. Treba da mi objasnite. Objasniti.
Ova soba nije lepa, ne odgovara mi.
Šta vam trebba? Ništa mi ne treba.
Moj kofer je u hotelu.
Koliko staje (pošto je) soba za jednu noć?
Treba da mi objasnite where je ova ulica jer ne znam.
Ova ulica nije daleko odavde.

— Excuse me, do you know a good hotel in this city?
— There is a wonderful hotel here - the Balkans Hotel.
- Fine. How much does a room cost there?
- Judge for yourself…
— The room costs three thousand dinars per night. Fits?
- Great, just please tell me the address, because I don’t know where this hotel is.
- I have a map, I will give it to you. Please. Do you know where this street is?
- Don't know.
- Explain to you?
- No need, I have a good plan. Thanks for the info.

You know? How much? Great.
Is it worth... explaining to you? Information (message).
No need. I need an explanation. Explain.
This room is not good, it doesn't suit me.
What you need? I do not need anything.
My suitcase is at the hotel.
How much does a room cost per night?
I need to explain where this street is because I don't know.
This street is not far from here.

Ivan pita Branku:
— What is it?
— Ja više volim da večeram u restoranu, danas sam umorna i ne želim da kuvam.
- Razumem, umorna si. Onda znaš li where ima dobar restoran?
— Znam ovde blizu jedan dobar restoran, where nije skupo.
- Eh da, to je dobra ideja, znam ga. Odličan je taj restoran.
— Čist je i miran. Tamo je muzika odlična.

Ja idem, ti ideš, on, ona ide, vi idete, ići.
Odličan restoran, odlična muzika, odlično obaveštenje.
Umoran čovek, umorna žena, umorno dete.
Čist, čista, čisto. Miran, mirna, mirno. Blizu.
Ovaj hotel nije skup.
Hrana je skupa danas.
Pivo je skupo.
Srpska muzika je vrlo lepa.
Koje pivo želite?
Branka je lepa žena.
Ivan je lep čovek.
Vaša ideja nije dobra.
Ova soba nije čista.
Ti nisi umorna.

Ivan asks Branka:
— Do you want to go somewhere for dinner, or we’ll have dinner here.
— I would prefer to have dinner at a restaurant, I’m tired today and don’t want to cook.
- I understand that you are tired. Then tell me if you know a good restaurant.
— I know a good inexpensive restaurant nearby.
- Yes, that's a great idea. The restaurant is excellent.
— It is clean and calm. And the music there is wonderful.

I'm going, you're going, he's going, she's going, you're going, go (go).
Great restaurant, great music, great information (message).
Tired man, tired woman, tired child.
Clean. Peaceful (calm). Near (not far).
This is an inexpensive hotel.
Expensive food today.
Expensive beer.
Serbian music is very beautiful.
What kind of beer would you like?
Branka is a beautiful woman.
Ivan is a handsome man.
You have a bad idea.
Dirty room (not clean).
You're not tired.

— Svetlana, why not?
- Idem da se šetam. Time je danas vrlo lepo.
- Yes, danas ne pada kiša kao juče.
- Ja volim snow.
- Ja ne volim zimu jer mi je uvek hladno, volim leto i proleće.
- Jesen je takođe lepa.
- Svako doba je lepo.
- Da li mogu i ja da idem da se šetam?
- Yes, to je odlična ideja.

Šetam se, šetaš se, šeta se, šetate se. Setati se.
Šta radiš? Pada kiša. Hladan čovek, hladna zima, hladno leto.
Cool mi je. Ja mogu, ti možeš, on, ona može, vi možete. Moći.
Ja ne volim sneg ali volim kišu.
Volite li da se šetate?
Da li vam nije cool?
Hladno je kad pada sneg.
Ne mogu danas da se šetam.
Ova žena je umorna.
Možete li da idete sutra? Yes, I can.

— Svetlana, what are you doing today?
- I'll go for a walk. Today is beautiful weather.
- Yes, today it is not raining like yesterday.
- I love snow.
— I don’t like winter because I’m constantly freezing. I love summer and spring.
— It’s beautiful in autumn too.
- Any time of the year is beautiful.
- Can I go for a walk too?
- Yes, that's a great idea.

Walking, walking, walking, walking. Walk (walk).
What are you doing? It is raining). Cold man, cold winter, cold summer.
I'm cold. I can, you can, he, she can, you can. Be able.
I don't like snow, but I like rain.
Do you want to take a walk?
Aren't you cold?
It's cold when it snows.
I can't go for a walk today.
This woman is tired.
You can go tomorrow. Yes I can.

Ovaj grad je mali ali vrlo lep.
Crkva, škola, pošta, skoro svaka kuća je mala, bela i ima crveni krov.
Takav je svaki mali grad u Srbiji.
- Koje je ovo drvo?
- Ovo je lipa, njen cvet je lep, a ono drvo je bagrem.
- Tamo desno je mala reka, see whether most?
- Yes, where is je železnička stanica?
- Treba da pređete most i stanica je odmah levo.

Mali grad, mala reka, malo drvo.
Svaki grad, svaka kuća, svako drvo.
Pređem, pređeš, pređe, pređete. Preći.
Srbija, u Srbiji. Pošta, u pošti.
Svaki mali grad je lep u Srbiji.
Šta vam trebba? Ništa mi naročito ne treba.
Takav je život.
Ja sam skoro svaki dan umoran a ne znam zašto.
Izvinite ali treba da idem odmah.
Pošta danas ne radi.

This city is small but very beautiful.
Church, school, post office, almost every house is small and white with red
In Serbia, all small towns are like this.
- What kind of tree is this?
- This is a linden tree, it has beautiful flowers, and that tree over there is an acacia.
— There’s a small river on the right, do you see the bridge?
- Yes, where is the railway station?
— Immediately on the left, you just need to cross the bridge.

Small town, small river, small tree.
Every city, every house, every tree.
I'm crossing, crossing, crossing, crossing. Go (move).
Serbia, in Serbia. Mail, at the post office.
Any small town in Serbia is beautiful.
What you need? Nothing special.
That is life.
I get tired almost every day, but I don’t know why.
Sorry, but we need to go now.
The post office is not working today.

Neko zvoni, otvaram vrata.
— Zdravo Svetlana, drago mi je da te vidim.
- Ti nisi sama?
- Ne, ovde je i moj muž.
- Izvolite unutra, sedite.
- Ko ovde puši? Imam “Nišku moravu” i “Nišku drinu”, izaberite!
— Imaš li “Sarajevsku Moravu”?
— Nažalost nemam.
- Da skuvam kafu?
- Yes, to je odlična ideja.
— Tvoj muž je iz Maribora, da li i on voli tursku kafu?
- Kako da ne!
— Mi vrlo retko pijemo čaj.
— Volite li muziku?
- Yes, mnogo volimo muziku, narodnu, klasičnu i džez.
— Ko želi voćni sok?
- Ja! A moj muž više voli rakiju.

Otvaram vrata. Hello!
Drago mi je. Sedite. Izaberite. Kako da ne!
Ja nemam, ti nemaš, on, ona nema, mi nemamo, vi nemate.
Ja ovde ništa nemam.
Moj brat ne voli čaj.
Ja ne pušim a i moj muž ne puši.
Dajte mi „Nišku Drinu“.
Nemamo nažalost.
What do you think?
Dajte mi jedan voćni sok.
Ovaj čovek ne puši.
Koliko staje jedan voćni sok?
Voćni sok nije skup.

Someone is calling, we open the door.
— Hello Svetlana, glad to see you.
- You are not alone?
- No, I'm with my husband.
- Come on in, have a seat!
- Who smokes? I have “Niška morava” and “Niška drina”, take your pick.
— Do you have “Sarajevska Morava”?
- No Unfortunately.
- Can I make some coffee?
- Yes, that's a wonderful idea.
— Your husband is from Maribor, does he also like Turkish coffee?
- Still would!
— We very rarely drink tea.
— Do you like music?
— Yes, we love music very much: folk, classical and jazz.
- Anyone want some juice?
- I! But my husband prefers rakia.

I open the door. Hello.
I'm glad (very pleased). Have a seat. Choose. Of course (of course)!
To not have something (someone).
I have nothing here.
My brother doesn't like tea.
I don't smoke and my husband doesn't smoke.
Give me "Nišku Drinu".
Out of stock, unfortunately.
Do you want anything else?
Serve fruit juice.
This man (person) does not smoke.
How much does one fruit juice cost?
The juice is inexpensive.

— Dobro jutro Radmila, kako si?
- Hvala na pitanju, dobro sam, ali se žurim, idem na posao.
-Where are you sad?
- U kancelariji, u nekoj ulici kod Slavije.
- Ja sam već mesec dana tamo, ali izvini moram da idem da ne zakasnim.

What? Hvala na pitanju. Pitanje.
Let's go. Kancelarija. Radim u kanselariji.
Neka ulica. U nekoj ulici.
Slavija. Kod Slavije. Moram da idem.
Sutra moram da idem na posao.
Da li vam je posao daleko odavde? Da dosta ali ne žurim se.
Koliko dugo radite tamo? Već mesec dana.
Ako radite ne treba da zakasnite.
Vaš posao je vrlo interesantan.
Vi niste uvek u kanselariji.
Ako si umoran ne moraš da radiš.

— Good morning, Radmila. How are you doing?
- Thanks for the question, it’s fine. I'm rushing to work.
- Where are you currently working?
— In the office, on one of the streets near Slavia.
“I’ve been there for a month already, but I’m sorry, I have to go so as not to be late.”

How are you? Thanks for the question. Question.
Going to work. Office (office). I work in the office.
Some street. At (at) Slavia. Have to go.
Tomorrow I have to go to work.
Is your work far from here? Yes, quite far, but I'm in no hurry.
How long have you been working there?
It's been a month now.
If you are working, you don’t need to be late.
You have a very interesting job.
You are not always (to be) in the office.
If you're tired, you shouldn't work.

— Idem i ja do Slavije da malo pričamo.
- Ako želiš, inače izlazim iz kancelarije u dva.
- Onda da se vidimo u dva, toliko dugo te nisam video.
- I ja te dugo nisam videla, jer sam radila u Nišu.
- Evo, tu mi je kancelarija.
— Onda da te čekam tu u dva?
- Yes, baš ovde na izlazu. Doviđenija.

Videti, ja sam video, ja sam videla, ti si video, ti si videla.
Raditi, ja sam radio, ja sam radila, ti si radio, ti si radila, on je radio, ona je radila.
Zašto se toliko žurite?
Da ne zakasnim, imam voz u sedam sati.
Zašto vas juče nisam video?
Zato što sam radio.
Ovaj čovek je čekao to pismo mesec dana.
Toliko brzo govorite da vas nisam razumeo.

“I’ll also walk to Slavia and chat a little.”
- If you want (to talk), I leave the office at two.
“Then I’ll see you at two, I haven’t seen you for so long.”
- And I haven’t seen you for a long time, because I worked in Nisha.
- Well, here's my office.
“In that case, I’ll meet you here at two?”
- Yes, right at the exit. Goodbye.

See (see).
Work (do).
Why are you in such a hurry?
In order not to be late, I have a train at seven o'clock.
Why didn't I see you yesterday?
Because I was working.
This man has been waiting for that letter for a month.
You speak so quickly that I don't understand you.

- Vi ste hulja!
- Ja? Why?
— Juče sam vas video, vi ste se sa mojom ženom vozili u automobilu.
- To je laž!
- What? Laž? Ali ja sam vas video!
- Yes, ali to nije bio juče nego prekjuče.
Ponosna majka:
— Znate, moj sin govori engleski kao profesor, italjanski kao da mu je to maternji jezik, a
španski kao Španac.
— Govori li i esperanto?
- Kako da ne, kao rođeni esperantista!

Vaš brat je hulja, ništa ne radi!
Ja mu pričam nešto.
Zaboravio sam nešto u automobilu.
Milan ide u London sa mojom setrom.
Zašto je ovaj čovek toliko ponosan?
Ovo dete je bilo na ulici.
Moj maternji jezik je francuski.

- You are a scoundrel!
- I? Why did it happen?
“I myself saw you and my wife leaving in a car yesterday.”
- It is not true!
- How is it not true? But I saw you myself!
- Yes, only it was not yesterday, but the day before yesterday.
Proud mother:
— You know, my son speaks English like a professor. In Italian it's like this
as if it were his native language, and in Spanish, like a Spaniard.
— Does he speak Esperanto?
- Well, of course, as a born Esperan!

Your brother is a scoundrel, he does nothing.
I'll tell him something.
I forgot something in the car.
Milan is going with my sister to London.
Why is this man so proud?
This child was on the street.
French is my native language.

— Zdravo Nado, šta tu nosiš u torbi? Jao, pa to je mačka!
- Yes, baš sam je sad dobila od mog suseda, pa je nosim kući.
- Ala je lepa!
- Yes, vrlo je lepa. Izgleda da je to angorska mačka.
— Stravno, ima dugačke sive dlake. What do you think?
- Ne znam, još joj nisam izabrala ime.
— Zašto je ne zoveš Pepeljuga, to joj baš odgovara.
- Yes, baš joj odgovara, imaš pravo Verice.
- Nado, idem sa tobom do tvoje kuće.
— Dođi ako hoćeš danas sam slobodna.

Nada nosi mačku u torbi.
What do you mean?
Nisam kupeo ovaj automobil, to je automobil mog suseda.
Prvo idem kući pa posle idem na posao.
Moja mačka ima dugačak rep.
Ne mogu da idem sa tobom u grad, idem sam.
What do you think?
Zovem se Verica.
Kako si Verice?
Vi ništa niste izabrali?
Ona se šeta sa mojom ženom.

- Hello Nada, what is this in your bag? Wow, it's a cat!
- Yes, I just took it from my neighbor, and now I’m taking it home.
- How beautiful she is!
- Yes, very beautiful. It seems to be an Angora cat.
- Indeed, she has long gray fur. What is her name?
— I don’t know, I haven’t chosen a name yet.
“Why don’t you call her Cinderella, it will suit her very well.”
- Yes, it’s very suitable, you’re right Veritsa.
“Nada, I’ll walk with you to your house.”
- Go if you want. I'm not busy today.

Nada carries a cat in her bag.
Nada, how are you?
I didn't buy this car, it's my neighbor's car.
First I go home and then to work.
My cat has a long tail.
I can’t go to the city with you, I’m going alone.
What is your name?
Veritsa, how are you doing?
Have you chosen anything?
She's walking with my wife.

- Dobar dan Gospodine, možete li da mi popravite sat?
- Za kad vam treba?
- Za sutra ako je moguće.
- Dajte mi ga, molim vas, da vidim šta mu je.
(Časovničar otvara sat)
- Vidim, feder je polomljen. Ako imam drugi isti, onda mogu da vam ga zamenim
odmah, inače dođete sutra.
— Koliko staje zamena federa?
- Hiljadu dinara.
- Dobro, u redu, onda sutra. Doviđenja.

Lord! Zaboravili ste torbu.
Časovničar treba da mi popravi sat.
Da li je to moguće.
Ovaj časovničar mi nije dobro popravio sat.
Da li možete da mi zamenite ovaj sat?
Kad ste ga kupili?
Juče, kod vas.
Onda mogu da vam ga zamenim.

- Good afternoon, Mr. Can you repair the watch?
- What time will suit you?
— By tomorrow, if possible.
- Give them to me, please, I’ll see what’s wrong with them.
(The watchmaker opens the watch)
— I see that the spring is broken. I have one if you want I can replace it
right now. Or, wait until tomorrow.
— How much does it cost to replace a spring?
- A thousand dinars.
- Okay, everything is fine, tomorrow then. Goodbye.

Mister! You forgot your briefcase.
I need a watchmaker to repair my watch.
Is this possible?
This watchmaker did a poor job repairing the watch.
Can you replace this watch?
When did you buy them?
Yesterday, at your place.
Then I can replace them for you.

- Izvinite, koliko je sati?
- Sad je sedam sati i deset minuta.
- Izvinite, ali mislim da vaš sat kasni, vidim na onom satu da je tačno sedam i četvrt.
— Strvarno, moj sat možda kasni jer sam juče zaboravio da ga navijem.

Sad je već sedam i dvadeset, a kroz deset minuta biće sedam i po.
Deset minuta posle sedam i po biće dvadeset do osam.
Pet minuta posle dvadeset do osam, biće petnaest do osam or sedam i tri četvrt.
Kad je podne u Beogradu ili u Parizu, već je trinaest sati u Bukureštu ili u Sofiji.
U ponoć ljudi spavaju.
Moј sat niјe tachan, kasni deset minute svaki dan.
Sad It’s just six sati, moram and let’s go to the posao.
How much is it sati? The garden is not yet open.
Croz two sata biћi ponoћ.
Chekam Yosh pet minute na let's go.
It’s below, let’s go and go.
Cart for Paris climb from Beograd devetnaest sati.
Moј sat јe tachan.
Vremya se meri satom.
We see on the ov satu and је sedam.
Bukurest is the main city of Rumunia.
Vi ste from Bucuresti?
Mi smo u Bucurestu.

- Excuse me, what time is it?
- It's seven ten now.
- Sorry, but I think your watch is slow. I see that it's seven o'clock on that clock
a quarter.
— I don’t argue, my watch can lag if I forget to wind it in the evening.

Now it’s already seven twenty, and in ten minutes it will be seven thirty (seven and
half an hour).
Ten minutes after seven thirty and it will be twenty to eight.
Five minutes after twenty minutes to eight will be, fifteen minutes to eight or seven and three quarters.
When it is noon in Belgrade or Paris, it is already thirteen o'clock in Bucharest or Sofia.
At midnight people sleep.
My watch is not accurate, it is ten minutes late every day.
It's exactly six o'clock, I have to go to work.
What time is it now? It's five minutes to seven now.
In two hours it will be midnight.
I wait another five minutes and go.
It's already noon, I'm going to have lunch.
The train to Paris leaves Belgrade in nineteen hours.
I have an accurate watch.
Time is measured by clocks.
I see seven on this clock.
Bucharest is the capital of Romania.
Are you from Bucharest?
We are in Bucharest.

Dragan Džadžić je po zanimanju mehaničar.
Živi u Despotovcu u Srbiji.
Oženjen je i ima dve ćerke i dva sina.
Njegova žena je krojačica.
Jedna ćerka se zove Dragana a druga Ljiljana.
Jedan sin se zove Aleksandar a druge Đorđe.
Otac, Dragan Džadžić ide u radionicu svaki dan u sedam sati.
Majka, Danica Džadžić radi kod kuće jer mora da se bavi sa decom.
Dragana je još mala, ima dve godine.
Ljiljana ide u osnovnu školu a Aleksandar u gimnaziju, u junu polaže maturu.
Đorđe je već student, studira filozofiju u Ljubljani.
Za vreme leta, oni uvek idu zajedno na more.
We need to go and fix the mechanic's code and fix the car.
My daughter is going to the gymnasium.
Goodness for the little one's sake.
My son is called Aleksandar and my son is called Veritsa.
Let's go to the radio operator.
We're on the radio station.
Dobra maјka se uvek bavi sa detsem.
Where are you studying? For the French students Jezik.
Where is your mother? Wu Yunwu.

Dragan Djadzic is a mechanic by profession.
He lives in Despotovac in Serbia.
He is married and has two daughters and two sons.
His wife is a dressmaker.
One daughter's name is Dragana, and the other is Liljana.
One son is named Alexander, and the other is George.
Father, Dragan Djadzic, goes to the workshop every day at seven o'clock.
The mother, Danica Djadzic, works at home because she has to take care of the child.
Dragana is still small, she is two years old.
Lilyana goes to high school, and Alexander goes to high school. They take exams in June.
Đorže is already a student, studying philosophy in Ljubljana.
In the summer they always go to the sea together.
I need to go to a mechanic so he can repair my car.
My daughter still goes to high school.
This dressmaker does a good job.
My son's name is Alexander, and my daughter's name is Veritsa.
I'm going to the workshop.
I work in a workshop.
A good mother always works with her child.
What are you teaching? I'm learning French.
When does your daughter take her exams? In June.

— What do you think?
— Hoću jer ih još ne znam.
- Onda da vam kažem, sedmica ima sedam dana.
- To je sasvim logično kad se zove sedmica.
- Dobro ali ne prekidajte me kad treba da vam nešto objasnim.
- Dakle, danas je ponedeljak, ljudi ponovo idu na posao.
- U redu, razumeo sam.
- Sutra je utorak, drugi dan sedmice, a prekosutra biće sreda, dan koji se tako zove zato što je u sredini sedmice.
— Sasvim razumljivo i logočno.
— Posle srede dolazi četvrtak, četvrti dan sedmice.
- Onda imamo još petak koji je peti dan sedmice, subotu, koja se tako zove po jevrejskom prazniku, i najzad nedelju, dan odmora.
— What do you want?
— Hoću: ponedeljak, utorak, sreda, četvrtak, petak, subota, i nedelja.

Well, let's go to the disgrace.
Did you give it a week? I know them.
Nothing is logical.
We beg you, do not stop while we speak.
On Monday, let's go to the city and buy something.
I want to go and go with my wife.
Dan, week, middle, Jewish holiday, Odmor.
Dan is dugachak.
Uchimo dana.
Monday is the first week of the week.
We don’t care about Monday until Wednesday.

— Do you want us to learn the days of the week?
- I want to, because I don’t know them yet.
- In that case, I will tell you that there are seven days in a week.
- This is completely logical, since it is called a week.
- Okay, but don't interrupt me when I need to explain something to you.
— Next, today is Monday, people go to work again.
- OK I understood.
- Tomorrow is Tuesday, the second day of the week, and the day after tomorrow will be Wednesday. This day is so called because it is in the middle of the week.
— It’s completely clear and logical.
— After Wednesday comes Thursday, the fourth day of the week.
- Then we also have Friday, which is the fifth day of the week, Saturday, named after the Jewish holiday and, at the end of the week, a day off.
— Do you want to repeat them?
— I want: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

I want to go to the theater.
Do you know the days of the week? I know.
This is not logical.
Please don't interrupt me when I'm speaking.
On Monday I have to go into town and buy something.
On Sunday I want to go for a walk with my wife.
Day, week, middle, Jewish holiday, rest (break).
A long day.
We study days (weeks).
Monday is the first day of the week.
I don't work from Monday to Wednesday.

Svetlana i Nadica su na pijaci.
Prodavač voća i povrća kaže:
- Izvolite gospođo, kruške, jabuke, dunje, šljive, izaberite!
- Neću voće, hoću povrće. Šta imate?
- Eto: krompir, paprike, paradajz!
- Pošto su paprike?
— Pet dinara komad.
- Onda, dajte mi deset komada.
— Želite li krompir, paradajz or nešto drugo?
- Hvala, ne treba mi ništa više...
— Dajte mi, ipak, još jedan kilogram jabuka i pola kilograma šljiva.
— Sad ništa više neću, hoćeš li ti Nadice nešto?
- Ja neću danas ništa da kupim.

Where is Svetlana and Nadica?
One su na pijaci.
Ja takođe idem na pijacu, treba da kupim voće.
Pošto su dunje?
One hundred kilograms.
Zašto nećete kruške?
Zato što ih ne volim. Više volim dunje.
Gde je prodavač, hoću da kupim nešto.

Svetlana and Naditsa at the market.
The fruit and vegetable seller says:
- Madam, please choose: pears, apples, quince, plums!
“I don’t need fruits, I need vegetables.” What do you have?
- Here: potatoes, peppers, tomatoes!
— How much does pepper cost?
- Five dinars apiece.
- Then give me ten grand.
— Do you want potatoes, tomatoes or something else?
- Thank you, I don’t need anything else...
- However, give me another kilogram of apples and half a kilogram of plums.
“Right now I don’t want anything else.” Naditsa, do you want something?
— I don’t want to buy anything today.

Where are Svetlana and Naditsa?
They are on the market.
I’m also going to the market, I need to buy fruit.
How much is quince?
One hundred dinars per kilogram.
Why don't you want pears?
Because I don't like them. I prefer quince.
Where is the seller, I want to buy something.

— Prošli put smo naučili imena dana, danas treba da naučimo imena meseci.
- To je sasvim jednostavno pošto su imena meseci skoro ista na svim jezicima.
- Imamo, dakle: januar, februar, mart, april, maj, juni, juli, avgust, septembar, oktobar, novembar i decembar.
— Kao što vidite, nije teško zapamtiti ih.
— Obično, proleće traje od dvadeset prvog marta do dvadesetog juna, leto od dvadeset prvog juna do dvadesetog septembra, jesen od dvadeset prvog septembra do dvadesetog decembra, a zima od dvadeset prvog decembra do dvadesetog marta.
— Jedna godina ima dvanaest meseci.

Shta smo danas taught?
We taught smo the names of the mesetsi.
Was it true?
No, it was just as simple as that.
I myself have forgotten the names of the month.
How long is last summer?
Summer lasts for three months.
We usually don’t visit in August.
In August we are going to Dubrovnik.
Ime, dan, mesec.
Jedan mesec, dva meseca, pet meseci.
Jedno ime, dva imena.
Danas je petnaesti septembar.
Od petnaestog septembra idem na more.

— Last time we learned the names of the days, today we need to learn the names of the months.
— It’s quite simple, because the names of the months in all languages ​​sound almost the same.
- So, we have: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.
- As you can see, they are not difficult (easy) to remember.
— Usually, spring lasts from the twenty-first of March to the twentieth of June, summer from the twenty-first of June to the twentieth of September, autumn from the twenty-first of September to the twentieth of December, and winter from the twenty-first of December to the twentieth of March.
— There are twelve months in a year.

What have we learned today?
We learned the names of the months.
That was hard?
No, it was quite simple.
I remember the names of the months.
How many months does summer last?
Summer lasts three months.
I usually don't work in August.
In August (I) am going to Dubrovnik.
Name (title), day, month.
One month, two months, three months.
One name, two names.
Today is the fifteenth of September.
Since September fifteenth I have been going to the sea.

Jedan đak se igrao ispred velike kuće.
Dolazi poštar i upita ga:
- Mali da li ti je mama kod kuće?
- Yes, odgovori dečak i nastavi da se igra.
Poštar dugo zvoni na kapiji, ali niko ne otvara.
- Hej, mali nevaljalče, zašto si me slagao da ti je mama kod kuće? upita ga poštar.
— Nisam slagao, to nije moja kuća.

Hej, mali, zašto se igraš kad treba da učiš?
Igram se još malo pa posle idem da učim.
Zašto nisi nastavio da se igraš?
Zato što je trebalo da idem da učim.
Ja sam ispred kuće.
Zašto niste odgovorili kad sam vas pitao da li vam je brat kod kuće?
Zašto ne otvarate kapiju kad neko zvoni?
Zato što neću.
Zvonim već pola sata a niko ne otvara.
Zašto ste me slagali.
Ova žena me nikad nije slagala.

One teenager is playing near a large house.
The postman came up and asked him:
- Kid, is your mother home?
“Yes,” the child answers and continues the game.
The postman rings the gate for a long time, but no one opens it.
“Hey, little naughty boy, why did you lie to me that your mom is home?” - asked him

I didn't lie, this is not my home.
Hey kid, why are you playing when you should be studying?
I'll play a little more and then go study.
Why don't you keep playing?
Because you need to go study.
I'm in front of the house.
Why, when I asked you, did you not tell me if your brother was at home?
Why didn't you open the gate when someone called?
Because I do not want.
I've been calling for half an hour and no one answers.
Why did you deceive me?
This woman has never deceived me.

Danas učimo buduće vreme, jer nam je ono sad neophodno.
Vrlo je jednostavno, u principu, posle osnove glagola (infinitiv bez "TI"), treba da
dodate sledeće nastavke: ću, ćeš, će, ćemo, ćete, će.
Nije uvek tako jer ima izuzetaka.
Naučićete izuzetke vežbanjem i videćete da buduće vreme nije teško.
Na primer, buduće vreme glagola znati je:

Kao što vidite, menjanje glagola nije teško.
Izuzeci nisu teški.
Danas smo naučili nastavke budućeg vremena.
Koji su nastavci budućeg vremena?
Vežbanje je neophodno.
Where do you go for London? Ne znam, videću, možda sutra.
Treba da učim menjanje glagola.
Danas nemam vremena da idem u pozorište.
Ne znam gde je železnička stanica.
Pitaću ovog čoveka, možda zna.

Today we will study the future tense, since we need it now. In principle, everything is simple. After the verb root (present tense without “TI”) you need to add the following endings:
ću, ćeš, će, ćemo, ćete, će. But this is not always the case, because there are exceptions. Study these exceptions and you will see that the future tense of verbs is easy. For example, the future tense of the verb know:
Znaću, znaćeš, znaće, znaćemo, znaćete, znaće.

As you can see, verbs are easy to conjugate. The exceptions are not difficult. Today we learned verb endings in the future tense. What are the endings for verbs in the future tense?
Exercise is necessary. When are you going to London? I don't know, we'll see, maybe tomorrow. You need to learn the verb conjugation. Today I don't have time to go to the theater.
I don't know where the train station is. I'll ask this person, maybe he knows.

Kad hoćete da pošaljete pismo, paket ili novac, idete u poštu.
U svakoj pošti ima više šaltera.
Ponekad mora da se čeka red ispred šaltera.
Jedan šalter je za prodaju maraka i međunarodnih kupona, jedan za uputnice i
preporučene pošiljke, jedan za pakete, hitna pisma i avionska pisma.
Na ulazu se nalaze poštanski sandučići.
Za preporučena pisma, povratnice i telegrame treba da ispunite jedan formular.
Za obaveštenja idete na šalter za obaveštenja, a za važne reklamacije idete kod

— Molim vas, hoću da pošaljem preporučeno pismo za Francusku. Koliko staje?
— What do you mean by pošaljete avionom?
- Yes.
— Onda četiri sto dinara.
— What do you think?
- Ne, ne treba.
- Dajte mi dva međunarodna kupona.
— Za međunarodne kupone treba da idete na šalter broj tri.
— Veliki je red na ovom šalteru, ne mogu da čekam.
— Dajte mi još, molim vas, jednu marku od pedeset dinara i jednu od sto dinara.
- Evo, please.
— Hvala.

When you want to send a letter, parcel or money, you go to the post office.
Each post office has several windows.
Sometimes you have to wait your turn in front of the window.
One window is intended for trading stamps and coupons, one for
sending and receiving parcels, one for parcels and letters.
There are mailboxes at the entrance.
In order to send registered letters and telegrams, fill out a form.
For information, go to the information window on important issues
contact the manager.

— Sorry, I want to send a registered letter to France. How much will it be
— Do you want to send it by airmail?
- Yes.
- In that case, four hundred dinars.
— Do you want to send with a notification?
- No, this is not necessary.
— Give me two international coupons.
— For international coupons you need to go to the third window.
— There’s a long line at this window, I can’t wait.
- Please give me one more mark of fifty dinars and one mark of one hundred.
- Please.
- Thank you.

- Good evening. Jelly bih yes we know yes imate slobodnih soba?
- How much is the person?
- For two persons.
- Do you want two shrimp?
- Yes, and sa kupatilom ako je moguje.
- Imamo I’ll go on the third sprat. How much do you have left?
- I’ll just eat it.
“We beg you to give up on two more people, let us lead you to our place.”

Idemo y wanted.
I wanted to kill you and let you go.
For koliko persona je ova soba?
For eating a person.
Koji je broje moje sobe?
Broj pet.
Do you want to take me home?
Tezhak je ovaј coffeer, do you want to tell me?
Is it je ova soba with kupatil or without kupatil?
Is it je trideset pet dinar per soba or per individual?
Jeleo bih da uzmem ovu sobu ali stingy mi je.

- Good evening. I want to know if you have any available rooms?
- How many people?
- For two.
— Do you want a room with two beds?
— Yes, and with a bathroom, if possible.
— We have one room on the third floor. How long are you staying?
- Only for the night.
— Then please fill out two registration cards. Now you will be shown to your room.

We're going to the hotel.
At the hotel you must always fill out a registration card.
How many people is this number for?
For one.
What is my room number?
Number five.
Would you like to walk me to my room?
This suitcase is heavy, do you want us to carry it?
Is this room with or without bathroom?
Thirty-five dinars per room or per person?
I would like to take this number, but it is expensive for me.

We travel by elevator on the sprat track.
Desno y hodnik je soba broј pet.
Soba je dosta great. Croz has a wide view of the sea.
Ovde ima two shrimp a por svakog shrimp po јedan noћni otochћ.
On the floor, put on warm clothes in folk style.
U sobi ima Yosh јedan hundred sa fiokom, two capitals, јedna foteљa and јedan orman sa ogledalom.
Odmah left od ulaza ima edna veil iz koje ce nalazi bathed.
Kupatilo je malo ali convenient: kada, umivaonik, slavina for toplu and slavina for cold water, utikach for elektrichni brijach.
Nothing is missing.
Kakav je ovo wanted, the elevator is not for the sake of a soba mi je on the seventh sprat!
She is not at all comfortable, she is dumb.
Kupatilu has no utikacha for brijach.
Slavina for heating water and giving cold water and Slavina for cold water giving heating water.
I didn’t want it like that!
Odmah, let's go there!
This is not what anyone wanted from the city.

We take the elevator to the third floor.
To the right along the corridor is room number five.
The room is big enough. Through the wide window you can see the sea.
There are two beds, and in front of each bed there is a night table.
There is a folk style carpet on the floor.
The room also has a table with a drawer, two chairs, an armchair and a wardrobe with a mirror.
Immediately to the left of the entrance, behind a curtain, is the bathroom.
The bathroom is small but comfortable: bath, sink, hot water tap
cold water, socket for razor.
Just enough.
Well, what a hotel. The elevator doesn't work and my room is on the seventh floor!
The room is uncomfortable, there is no closet.
There is no socket for a razor in the bathroom.
Cold water flows from a hot water tap, and hot water flows from a cold water tap.
I don't need this kind of hotel!
I'll leave here right now!
This is not the only hotel in the city.

Let's get together and go and let's go to the restaurant and find a nice hotel on the Sava River.
We don’t understand everything that was written to the steward, but let’s keep it simple and admit to the waiter that we don’t know.
Somehow, the bracer was damaged.
Let's give "srpski pasuљ" sa salad od kiselog kupusa iako don't know shta je to.
Kelner will bring you the cereal, the cherry and the knife.
Until then, let me bring you the tavern, the cup, the salveta and the bread.
Elo je odlychno, srpski pasu je little љut or svakako fights and bites od pasu je
kuvanog in French beginning.
Ovde su љudi main svuda toliko љubazni i hospitљivi yes moramo yes im
Let's forgive Vikhovu sporost.
Have you been separated?
Odluchio himself let’s not push it higher.
Ovaj kelner je vrlo simpatane.
Is Shelovnik written in Latin?
Let's keep it all unknown.
Have you handed over to the staff?
Yosh nishta.
Replace, we pray you, your broom, your broom is clean.
Srpska kuhiњa je dosta љuta.
Why are je ova people so much?

I decided to go have lunch at a restaurant and found a very nice restaurant on the banks of the Sava.
I still don’t understand everything that’s written on the menu, but I’m ashamed to admit to the waiter that I don’t know.
Well, let me make an order, and come what may.
I don’t know what it is, but I order bean soup and sauerkraut salad.
First the waiter brought me a spoon, fork and knife.
Later he returned to me with a plate, glass, napkins and bread.
The food was excellent, the soup was mildly spicy and the French-cooked beans were very tasty.
The people here are generally so kind and hospitable that we have to forgive them for their slowness.
What have you decided?
I decided not to smoke anymore.
This waiter is very nice.
Do you have a menu written in Latin?
I'm ashamed of my ignorance.
What did you order?
Nothing yet.
Please change this plug, it's dirty.
Serbian cuisine is quite spicy.
Why is this man so angry?

Sold by a person, cad naђe јedan Tsiganin.
Man, let's be naughty, in my words:
“Ah, bre, Tsigo, ako me odmah brzo sweet, let you eat.”
- Shta ће mi two diње, we pray, gazda, get mi je јedna! - Convince Tsiganin.
- I'll eat it myself and kazao.
- By the gods, kazao si mi da esh mi dati two!
- Lajes, Tsigo!
- Yes, let's say, let's give it to both of us for screwing up! - Tsiganin said and said the same thing.
(People's story)
Why sous diie?
Two dinars per kilo.
You're welcome, you're welcome, you've got a lot of fun.
Buy a pack of two.
I can’t give it to both of you anyway.
Be on the lookout until the morning, so it’s best for you.
Matchmakers have their own proverb.
Do you know any srpska or hrvatska proverb?
I know two or three.

A man was selling melons when a gypsy approached him.
The man decided to joke and said to him:
“Cigo, if you quickly deceive me now, I’ll give you one melon.”
- Well, what are you, master, I don’t want two melons, one is enough for me! - the gypsy answers.
- So I’m telling you about one.
- God bless you, you said you wanted to give me two melons!
- You're lying, Tsigo!
“Well, since I’m lying, then give me that melon that you promised for the lie,” says the gypsy and takes the melon away.
(Folk folklore)
How much do melons cost?
Two dinars kilogram.
You're lying, friend, yesterday they were much cheaper.
I'll buy a couple of melons after all.
I can’t promise you this today because I’m not sure.
Wait until tomorrow, I want to speak with confidence.
Every nation has its own proverbs.
You know, some Serbian or Croatian proverb.
I know two or three.

Danas je vrlo toplo. Moja friend of Evlina, Frantsuski, and I’m so excited and let’s go to the beach.
Why did I spoil my bath with bones I wanted, and why did I want to take advantage of my own?
Plaza y Ultsiњu je is sandy, large and stucco.
There is no buzz, just a few bathers and children are playing in the sand.
Mi smo doshle da ce kumomo.
We don’t want to drink or adore, but we lie on the human soul and let’s do it.
“Equally, on the Hadran Sea, talasi nisu tako great kao on the English Channel or on the Atlantic Ocean, there is no plyme nor oseke or je ovo sea of ​​heat and Jehovah’s floating battle is too intense,” Evlin’s speech.
(Nastava ce.)
Where is the beach?
Plaza je na izlazu grad.
Where do I know and drink?
We will and lie on the melted sand.
I ruined my own bones.
There is no ovde yes ce kupam yer nema talasa.
I love the sea and pesak.
Do you want us to catch the hum of your souls?
Detsa has a lot of will pesak.
Usually, there is no small pestilence, neither plyme nor oseke.

Today it's very hot. My friend Evlina, a French woman, and I decided to go for a swim.
Since she forgot her swimsuit at the hotel, I lent her one of mine.
The beach in Ulcinj is sandy, large and beautiful.
There are no crowds, just a few swimmers and children playing around.
We came to swim.
I don't like swimming, but I love lying on an air mattress and letting the waves rock me...
— Of course, on the Adriatic the waves are not as big as on the English Channel, or on
Atlantic Ocean, there are no ebbs or flows, but this sea is warm and
so blue,” said Evlina.

Where is the beach?
Beach at the exit of the city.
Which of you can swim?
I love lying on the hot sand.
I lost my swimsuit.
I don't want to swim here because there are no waves.
I adore the sea and sand.
Could you lend me an air mattress?
Children love sand very much.
Usually, in small seas there is no ebb or flow.

“Hmm...” joj agreed. Zar not mislish and varash your Azurna obala with Hadran?
“Varaje!.. That’s it for the summer,” she said playfully.
She got rid of the cream from her bag for sunchae, and from her bag for sunce.
She doesn't drink a lot of shit and die.
Our tank su wore suntsobrane and ce sakriyu od suntsa.
What can we do for the sake of our unuke?!
I ruined myself for the sun and water.
We don’t wear sheshir, but let’s potsrnim.
You will never lose your breath when you visit the pariskog sun.
Don't worry, don't waste your money!
Suncham ce veћ deset dana a јosh nisam potsrneo.
That's ce doga svaki dan.
Ko je sipao pesak y moј sheshir?!
That je vrlo losha shala.
Chovek not for the sake of nikad nishta uzalud.

“Hmm...” I answered. Don't you think you're cheating on your Azure
the coast with the Adriatic?
“Betrayal!.. This only happens in the summer,” she answered jokingly.
She took sunblock and sunglasses from her bag.
She doesn't bathe much because she wants to tan.
Our grandmothers carried umbrellas to hide from the sun.
What will our granddaughters do?!
I lost my sunglasses in the water.
I don't wear a hat because I want to tan.
It's impossible to tan under the Parisian sun!
Changing is not beautiful, aren’t you ashamed!
I've been sunbathing for ten days now, but I can't get a tan.
This happens every day.
Who poured sand into my hat?!
This is a very bad joke.
A person never does anything for nothing.

(Zvizhduk). Policeman naredi da ce kola zaustave.
- Friend, they have committed a disaster!
- How is it finished?
- Stopped the line!
- We give you a speech and nisam!
- What the hell! My colleague and I saw you!
“We saw the good stuff, we know what we’re carrying.”
- Feel it, my friend, don’t wash it like that. We are tired of dumb people and we are discussing with you, let’s
I will allow you your bag and I will give you permission!
— Feel, mozhda nisam dobro video, neki ogroman kamyon mi je zaklonio vida, tako
yes upshte nisam noteio punu line.
-To tell you, or the code didn’t fall for me, let’s find out our own information, give us your advice
papir, otherwise you will be judged for violation!
- Welcome, this is your right and your bag of permission.
— Uredu stvar, treasury je hiљada dinar, uniformly deset new dinars.
— You seem to have deliberately crossed the line, or the law is the law.
- Give it back to you, and follow the path and pave the way.
Hey, my friend, why did they force you to tell me what to do with you?

Sorry, I didn't see you on time.
Shta sam uchinio?
They did nothing, we just want to see your papir.
Evo to you, if you please.
Welcome, you can do so.
Are you on your way to Dubrovnik?
Yes, just that Dubrovnik is two hundred kilometers away.
Let's discuss it ourselves.
Be silent and stop the line.

(Whistle). The policeman ordered to stop the car.
- Comrade, you have committed a violation!
- What violation?
- You crossed a solid line!
- I give you my word that no!
- Why not! Me and my colleague saw it!
- Most likely, you could not see it. I know how I drove.
- Do you hear, my friend, why do this? However, there is no need for me to discuss with you,
give me your license and registration certificate for the car!
- You see, perhaps I was mistaken, some huge truck interfered with me
make out the line, and I didn’t see it at all.
-That’s what everyone says, but it won’t work for me, I know my job and papers well.
come here immediately, otherwise you will end up in court with the prosecutor!
- Okay, here's your license and registration certificate.
- Okay, the fine is one thousand dinars, i.e. ten new dinars.
“You may not have crossed the line on purpose, as you said, but there is a law.”
- Here's the receipt, but next time be careful.

Hey, comrade, why didn't you stop when I ordered you?
Sorry, I didn't notice you right away.
What have I done?
Nothing, I just want to see your papers.
Here they are, please.
Okay, you can continue on your way.
Am I going to Dubrovnik correctly?
Yes, but you need to drive another two hundred kilometers to Dubrovnik.
I don't want to discuss with you.
Don't cross the solid line.

CALL ON MARITSI (1371 years).
After a long time, the Srpska’s foot army reached the Maritsa River and captured the one
Chernomera, yes prenoki.
Unfortunately, the Turks beat the bash in the vicinity so that Srbi Nisa did not know.
Why did they kill you, Srbi su slept soundly.
Chuck Su was seized and guards were installed.
Turkey attacked Srbe early.
Savivi and iznenaђeni Srbi nisa mislili nor yes ce brane.
Scratch and run, or the Turks beat them down, killed them, beat them, flogged them
Shataganima and gazili kojima.
Many ce Srbi udavishe y reci...
The Maritsa River flowed muddy and bloody.
This is why we need to explore the Balkans.
The troops reach the Maritsa River.
Whenever the army reaches the river, it’s all the same.
We fell asleep smo vrlo kasno.
And he himself knew yes su Turkey y the vicinity, he je flowed after saznao.
Doc will enjoy the evening and go ahead with your lecture.
Turkey perpetuated the attack.
Many people find it impossible to live with their own people.
He je perishes in his own way.
Help! we press on.
Јadan chovek, udavio ce.

After a long march on foot, the Serbian troops approached the river
Maritsa and decided to spend the night here, not far from the village of Chernomera.
Unfortunately, there were Turks nearby, but the Serbs did not know this.
Since they were very tired, the Serbs fell fast asleep.
They even forgot to post a guard.
The Turks suddenly attacked the Serbs in the morning.
Sleepy and unprepared for battle, the Serbs hardly defended themselves.
They began to retreat, but the Turks caught up with them and killed them with spears and maces,
they cut them with scimitars, stepped on them, trampled them with horses.
Many Serbs drowned in the river...
The waters of the Maritsa River became muddy and bloody.
Thus began the seizure of the Balkan Peninsula.
The troops reached the Maritsa River.
When the troops approach the river, it will be too late.
We fell asleep at a late hour.
I felt that the Turks were not far away, but I found out about this later.
While you are preparing dinner, I will do my homework.
The Turks always attack suddenly.
Many people die in road accidents.
He died in a traffic accident.
For help! I am drowninig.
Unhappy man. Drowned in the river.

Fema - Will you be Jean?
Jovan. - Pan? Sad me rule Tsiganin!
F. - Ludo, ludo! To svi French imado.
J. “Sta French, isn’t it disgusting that I’m eating a toad?”
F. -To je noble, Jean.
J. - Zar bi jeli?
F. - Johan, you don’t osseћash shta je to nobles. Into year je y modi, then je lepo.
J. - God to you, master, zar bi vi wore chiisme c mamuzama kad bi to beat y
F. - Dakako, then ce call nobles.
J. - And the trousers?
F. - Zar ti nisi video yes madame nose tailcoat?
J. - Heh, heh! Tako bih naјposle ја morao obuћi sukњu kad bih ce na fashion dao.
Jovan Sterija Popoviě “Tikvah Constructed.” Disgrace the team.
Fashion is in the middle of nowhere.
Shta je sad y modi?
Sad je mini-suki y modi.
I couldn’t help but wear a tailcoat.
We need to teach you how to go and let's go.
Do the French themselves eat a toad?
The tailcoat is higher than fashionable.
Zar me rule the budal?
We don’t want to disgrace our teams.
Kad bih imao times, ishao bih da se shetam.

Fema - Do you want to be Jean?
Jovan - Can? Now you are making me a gypsy!
F. - Crazy, crazy! All French people do this.
J. - What about the French? The rabble that eats frogs?
F. – It’s beautiful, Jean.
J. – Would you eat this?
F. - Johan, you don’t yet feel that this is wonderful. Everything that is fashionable is beautiful.
J. - God be with you, mistress, would you really wear boots with spurs if it were
was it fashionable?
F. - Of course, it is considered beautiful.
J. - And trousers?
F. – Didn’t you see that Madame wears a tailcoat?
J. - Heh, heh! It's good that it's not fashionable to wear a skirt now, otherwise I would have to wear one
put on.
Jovan Steria Popović “The Pumpkin That Thinks Itself is a Cup” play.
Fashion changes every year.
What's fashionable now?
Miniskirts are in fashion now.
I could never wear a tailcoat.
I have to get dressed and leave.
Do only the French eat frogs?
Tailcoat is no longer in fashion.
Do you think I'm stupid?
I don't like this play.
If I had time, I would go for a walk.

Because of this earth, we will experience some great hailstorms.
On the expanse of the city, the people of the city are redeemed, and the deed is terrible.
Damn, I’ll deafen the man’s ears.
Odsednem y ednu ​​hotel bas prema pјatsi i upitam mehanџiјu shto ce
little bit of light?
— Mi smo be peaceful and vajani љudi - why did he begin - return smo and obey
your mark.
— Zar je code will mark you in the old age? — let’s stop and eat.
— The code is governed by us and it is in the old days: after the yega panduri.
Yes, I laughed.
- Why are you laughing...? Zar ti nisi znao...? A okle city...?
It’s amazing how I came from the distant land of Srbije.
- I listen to myself about that strange land! - she patted behind herself, and looked at me
respect, and then say to me loudly:
- This is the code for us - blow it out. Kmet manage your pandurim.

Rado Domanović “Danga” (greetings).
Veћ two sata kako lutam a nisam naishao ni јedan restaurant.
Beograd, Zagreb and Jubiana su mnogoudni gradovi.
To je chuveni chovek.
Where you got lost, you didn’t need to go far.
Why do you dare, what have you got to do with it?
Ovaj man je naјstariјi y grad, ima preko a hundred years.
I listen to myself about him or I don’t know where he is.
Why did they buy ste ce bash danas?
Listen to me je pas, for the sake of everything we say.
I'm drowning myself in the game.
Read your lecture loudly.

While wandering around this country, I found myself in a big city.
In the spacious bazaar of this city, darkness and darkness of people gathered, there was noise and din, deafening the person.
I went into one tavern, opposite the bazaar, and asked the visitor why so many people had gathered?
“We are quiet and decent people,” he began to tell me, “we are faithful and obedient to our village elder.”
- Do you have a village headman? – I interrupted him by asking a question.
“We are ruled by the village headman and he is the eldest: after him there is a guard.
I smiled.
- Why are you smiling? Didn't you know that...? Where are you from...?
I told him how I had lost my way, that I was from a distant country - Serbia.
- I heard about this famous country! – he whispered to himself and looked at me with respect and said loudly:
“These are our rules,” he continued. The village chief rules with his guards.
Radoje Domanović “Danga” (story).
I've been wandering the streets for two hours now and haven't found a single cafe yet.
Belgrade, Zagreb and Ljubljana are crowded cities.
This is a famous person.
How lost you are, you shouldn’t have gone that far.
Why are you laughing? What I'm talking about is very serious.
This man is the oldest in the city, he is more than a hundred years old.
I heard about him, but I didn't know who he was...
Why did you just gather today?
My dog ​​obeys and does everything I tell him.
I was deaf from this noise.
Read your lessons out loud.

Imamo puno lepih obicha.
And that’s not the way it goes.
Kad y srpsku kuћu doђe traveler, ma and country, odmah ga ponude da sedne i da ce odmori.
Pitayu ga odakle je and where are you going, when I’m at home and kakva je letina y jegovom krayu.
Doc ce so talk at home or koјi old ones od ukukana, down to the ground immediately for the whole day and ce gost partly.
Sin je kad ce traveler ne prima y kuћu.
“Take ga nek ce odmori pa mu, give makar a cup of cold water and a bark of dry bread, or ga mute!”
It's like our people.
Jovanov Jovanovic Zmaј.
Gostoљubie je vrlo lep obicha.
Do you want a cup of water?
We don’t want suvi bread.
Haјde da sednemo pa da ce odmorimo.
I'm dumb, sir, I'm the ambassador.
Where je homein ove kuћe?
What do we give it to you right away?
Ја bih poјeo two schnitzel only the gladan itself.
We pray to you, could you accept this man’s love?
You're dumb and you'll kill me.
How do you deal with your land?

We have many good customs.
And hospitality is one of them.
When a guest comes to a Serbian home, even if it is a foreigner, he is immediately invited to sit down and rest.
They ask him where he comes from and where he is going, who is waiting for him at home, and what is the harvest in his region.
And while the owner or one of the elders in the house is talking to him, the young people are preparing food to treat the visitor.
Not accepting a traveler into your home is a sin.
“Take him, let him rest, offer him at least a glass of cold water and a crust of dry bread, just don’t refuse him!”
This is what our people say.
Jovan Jovanovic-Snake.
Hospitality is a very beautiful custom.
Could you give me a glass of water?
I don't like dry bread.
Let's sit and relax.
Don't sit down, we still have a lot of work to do.
Where is the owner of this house?
What are we going to cook for lunch today?
I was so hungry that I could have eaten two cutlets.
Please, can you accept this person?
Don't refuse him.
What are the people like in your country?

Song of Zmaј Jova bio je neko vremya na Cetiњu.
Tom, Prince Nikola, called his friend and said to him:
- Listen, go and bring Zma to the yard!
Perhanik je mislio yes je y pita u zmaј from the folk tale, but ce good outside, u ђе y јednu hotel and drink gasda:
- Is it really that bad?
- Eat, eno ga y sobi!
Perhanik ceased to turn back to himself, with the light of Vasily and the other light and ye, who howled:
- Is it really that bad?
- I myself will convince Zmajov.
So, stop the panic and add:
- Oh, God's faith, and ja sam mislio da si ti pravi zmaј, nego haјde odmah, call te hospodar!
Jovanov Jovanovic Zmaј je bio cognition srpski songik.
Zmaј je jegov nadimak.
Soon we will name the odgovar јedan nadimak.
Nadimak od names Jovan je Yova.
Nadimak od names Spiridon je Spira.
We use nadimak ka ce obraћam no one of our breed, our others, welcome and kind to ourselves.
Many people don’t talk about snakes.
Detsa pravo zmaјeve od papira.
This and that are the three meanings of everyday speech.

The poet Serpent-Yova stayed for some time in the city of Cetinje.
At this time, Prince Nikola invited his bodyguard and told him:
- Do you hear, go and bring the Serpent to the palace!
The bodyguard thought that we were talking about a snake from a folk tale, armed himself well, went into a certain tavern and asked the owner:
- Is there a snake here?
- Yes, here he is, in the room.
The bodyguard crossed himself at the entrance to the room, remembered Saint Basil and other saints and entered the room, shouting:
- Is there a snake here?
“It’s me,” answered the Serpent Job.
- Oh, God's faith, and I thought that you were a real snake, come on, let's go immediately, the sovereign invited!
Jovan Jovanovic - The Serpent was a famous Serbian poet.
Snake was his nickname.
Almost every name has some kind of nickname.
The nickname from the name Jovan is Yova.
Nickname from the name Spiridon - Spira.
We use nicknames when addressing someone in our family, our comrades, friends, or those who are younger than ourselves.
Many folk stories mention snakes.
Children make kites out of paper.
Now, these are three meanings of the same word.

We are telling you about Loven, about the beautiful Crnogorsk coast.
Just as the traveler is standing before the eyes of the traveler, then je he;
prvu tsrnogorsk speech koјu chŘe, then je jegovo imem;
prva foot Črnogorsk zemje na koź stan, then je kamen od Lovjena.
Wherever you go this year, you see.
By Him I know the shape of the tribute and the storm.
0 Yega is a crowbar of thunder and ool, but he stands forever.
This is the time when the blow will strike, and he will not know anything.
Tsrnogorats, ka lazi y tuђ, distant light, the last stones that you saw od svoga zavicha, then su vrhovi Lovjena.
He bends his cap and says with his bridle:
“By God, Lovene! By God, where is mine!”
From “Putopis”, Žubomir Nenadoviě.
Haјde yes ce popnemo na vrkh brega.
Get out of the way by hearing the speech.
Ova kuћa je od kamena.
ňuche je ovde beat јaka oluјa.
Talasi hits the ball.
Moj priјateљ Josip je vechito zauzet.
We sense something new.
The voice from my neighbor died away.
We have known this for a long time.
I know you too.
Udario himself is the head o zid.

I want to tell you about Lovcen - a beautiful Montenegrin mountain.
The first thing that catches a traveler's eye is she; the first Montenegrin word you hear is the word Lovcen.
The first stone you stepped on on Montenegrin soil is the Lovcen stone.
Wherever you wander, you see him.
It predicts good weather and storms.
Lightning and strong winds strike it, but it stands forever.
For thousands of years the waves of the blue sea have been beating against it, but this has not changed it at all.
Leaving for a strange, distant world, the last thing a Montenegrin sees in his homeland is the Lovcen stone.
He will take off his headdress and, taking a deep breath, will say:
“Farewell, Lovcen! Farewell, my home!
From “Travel Notes”, Lubomir Nenadovich.
Come on, let's climb the mountain.
This is the first time I hear this word.
This house is made of stone.
Yesterday there was a very strong wind here.
Waves crash on the shore.
My friend Josip is constantly busy.
I hear everything they say.
I listen to the voice from the next room.
We have known each other for a long time.
I didn't recognize you.
I hit my head against the wall.

- What do you say, what do you mean...
- Stanko.
- Ja, ja... Stanko! Pa velish, glad si yes budesh haјduk?
- To mi je zheya! - Stanko's speech.
— Do you know the shta je haјduk?
- One day the child listened to himself as he sings the gusle - talk to Stanko freely and decisively.
- Of course, sing... or it’s je tormented belly...
You see, you teach and ruchash, yes vecher, yes odspavash, and haјduk then nјe dat…
You won’t get a lot of puta, you won’t get enough of it, and you won’t eat it!
- Yes, I can! - Stanko’s speech was insulted and restrained.
It’s the truth, but it’s never been the same, or it’s been destroyed, and it’s been the same!
(Nastava ce.)
Ime ovog scribe je Janko.
Jegovo prezime je Veselinoviě.
Janko Veselinović wrote the novel “Hajduk Stanko”.
What is your name?
Moje ime je Aleksandar.
What is your name?
We call you Aleksandar Tomik.
Nourish for His name.
Allow me to introduce you.
Do you have smoothies?
It’s not enough to handle and prepare for the war itself, it’s necessary to handle.

- How did you say your name...?
- Stanko.
- Yes, yes... Stanko! So, you say that you want to be a guide?
“This is my wish,” answered Stanko.
- Do you know what a haiduk is?
“From early childhood, I heard people sing about them with the harp,” Stanko said freely and decisively.
- Indeed, they sing, but it’s a hard life...
You see, you are used to having lunch, dinner, and sleep, but the haiduk is not given this... He often does not finish eating, and also often does not get enough sleep, and don’t ask!
“I can do all this,” Stanko said seriously and confidently.
True, I have never starved, but if necessary, I will starve better than anyone else!

This writer's name is Yanko.
His last name is Veselinovic.
Janko Veselinović wrote the novel “Haiduk Stanko”.
What is your name?
My name is Alexander.
What is your name?
My name is Aleksandar Tomic.
Ask him for his name.
Let me introduce myself.
Are you hungry?
It’s not enough just to have lunch and dinner, you also need to have breakfast.

Harambashi ce dopade ovo self-restraint.
- Ali hajduk hajduka mora chuvati and scold.
If my friend is wounded, I don’t dare leave the head of the slaughter and the bird’s place to my enemy:
Mora on our shoulders from the battle of death!
- You’re young, you’re equipped!.. So don’t beat me!
“Ali hajduk is superior to his breed.” Jegova su braћa ovde.
He does not dare to think about his greenery, nor about ashiku sa tsuritsama
I’ll wave my head at Stanko.
- Toga sam ce morao odreћi... Sve mile and dear ostavio sam, pa doђoh amo yes
Let's defeat the brotherhoods and љubavi! - he said.
(Nastava ce.)
Ova kigga mi ce ne dopada.
I feel like I belong to myself.
I can’t but we scold this situation.
Leave me alone, we beg you.
We don’t want to, but let’s go.
Let’s not forget about it and finish it up.
Finish ovamo.
He learns music on his own.
Why do you wave your head and don’t believe in me?
Pesme o hajdutsima su vrlo lepe.

Ataman liked this self-confidence.
- But the haiduk must guard and protect the haiduk.
If a comrade is wounded, he cannot be left so that the enemy will cut off his head and the birds will peck at his meat.
He must carry him out of the battle on his shoulders!
“I’m young, I’m strong!.. It won’t be difficult for me.”
- But the haiduk no longer has a family. His brothers are here.
He can no longer dream of his green fields, of courting peasant girls.
Stanko shook his head.
- I had to give up everything... I left everything sweet and dear and came
come here to look for brotherhood and love! - he said.

I don't like this book.
I save my money for myself.
I won't be able to defend myself in such a situation.
Please leave me.
I don't like to eat meat.
I don't have the strength to finish this work.
Come here.
He makes music with love.
Why are you shaking your head, don't you trust me?
The songs about haiduks are very beautiful.

- Check, check!
- What a trembling!
- And you will give your guard and attack...
- I’d rather die but let Avaz go with me!..
The Khadutsi Su listened to the conversation between Izmey Stanka and Harambash.
Everything is fine.
- Is it possible to jump off? upita ga harambasha.
- Can! - he spoke in a controlled manner.
Harambash display јedan temple nearby.
- Dede! - speech. .
- From somewhere? - Pita Stanko.
- Ok, out of the morning.
Stanko ce zakasa. Whenever you get to the bottom, kao, let’s get the krill...
From the novel “Hajduk Stanko” by Janko Veselinović.
Ribari grabs the fish.
The police grabbed a shovel.
The nobility requires trembling in the stomach.
Don't wash me and torment me.
Flour mi je od ovih cigarette.
We agree clearly and decisively.
Would you like to show us what's new to the state?
Versaј ce is located near Paris.
Let the guy go.
Don't listen to the same conversation.
Kao ste ste was seen from the ovog fragment, it was not easy to post the hajduk.
Chovek koјi je hteo da bude haјduk je trebao prvo da bude nazhan, da zna da trpi
It’s your belly, and don’t think anything worse about your breed.
Odlaskom Turak haјdutsi su nestali, ali ce Yosh i sad pricha i peva o њima.

- Wait, wait!.. They will catch the haiduk and subject him to various tortures.
- I will endure!
- And they will demand that he hand over his comrades and accomplices...
“I would rather die than make a sound!”
The Haiduks heard a conversation between Stanko and the chieftain.
They liked all this.
“Oh, can you jump?” the chieftain asked him.
- Can! – he said confidently.
The chieftain pointed to a tall stump that stood nearby.
- Let's! - he ordered.
- From place? – asked Stanko.
- No, I’ll run away.
Stanko took off running as if he had flown on wings...
From the novel “Haiduk Stanko” by Janko Veselinovic.
Fishermen catch fish.
The police caught one thief.
In life you need to learn to be patient.
Don't torture me.
These cigarettes make me sick.
Answer clearly and decisively.
Could you show me what newspapers you have?
Versailles is located near Paris.
Let this person go.
Don't listen to other people's conversations.
From this passage it is clear how difficult it was to become a guide.
A person who wanted to become a guide must be strong, know and endure
a difficult life and no longer think about your family.
With the departure of the Turks, the haiduks disappeared, but people still talk about them and sing about them.

Lani se vratio iz Afrike čuveni putnik i putopisac, doctor Emil Holub.
Kako je ovo prvi Slaven, koji je putovao po Africi, i koji je svojim radom sebi stekao ime, među najslavnijim putnicima, zato ga evo danas prikazujemo našim čitaocima u slici.
Holub je svojim putovanjem po centralnoj Africi i svojim književnim radom znatno privrijedio nauci, čemu najbolje svijedoči svečani doček njegov u Londonu, jer koga Englezi svečano dočekuju, tome ne treba drugih diploma i svedočaba , toga će priznati i sav ostali svijet.
"Slovinac", 1880.

- Our marriage is on earth, my dear!
- Yes, ali morash da mi kupiš malo vishe garte nego je Adam Evi.
And Dam and Eva lived in the Zemsky paradise.
I've got Tsigana in central Europe.
Lepo su caught us.
They finished off the su ga haјdutsi and killed the ga on the spot.
I don’t think it’s good, I’m not saying anything to my heart.

Last year, the famous traveler and travel writer, Dr. Emil Golub, returned from Africa.
Since he is the first Slav to travel across Africa, and who through his labor acquired a name among the most famous travelers, we now present him to our readers in this essay.
Golub, with his travels in central Africa and his literary works, made a significant contribution to science, as best evidenced by his solemn meeting in London, for whoever the British give a solemn meeting does not need other diplomas and certificates, he will become known throughout world.
Newspaper "Slovinac", 1880

“Our marriage resembles an earthly paradise, my soul!”
- Yes, but you have to buy me more clothes than Adam bought Eve.
Adam and Eve lived in an earthly paradise.
There are quite a few gypsies in central Europe.
They greeted us well.
He was caught by the Haiduks and killed on the spot.
I feel bad, something is wrong with my heart.

- Come on! Pokloni tim ljudem slobodu i život, da ne poginu ludo, jer imaju žene i djecu, a za uzdarje odat ću ti gdje se sakrio Mateja Gubec, začetnik, glavar bune.
- Da ćeš mi izdati kralja seljačkoga! — kliknu radosno, Gašo.
Neka ti bude! Neka im bude sloboda i milost, čim mi predaš Gupca!
- Zakuni se krvlju Spasitelja!
- Kunem se krvlju Spasitelja - dignu Alapić tri prsta.
- Evo me, uzmi me - reče vojvoda, mirno baciv pušku jer Gubec sam ja.
- Ti? - probljedi namjesnik banov.
- Yes, ja začetnik bune, glavar vojske, ja branitelj slobode.
— Do you know anything? - zapita ga Alapić.
- Znam - potvrdi Gubec.

Iz romana "Seljačka buna". August Senoa.
Poklonio mi je husband novo hainu.
We don’t will it and we think it.
Evo ha, sacrio ce under the shrimp.
I need to submit a letter to the director.
Nemam snage ni da vichem.
Ovaj man je without mercy.
Kunem ce da nisam to uradio.
Grab it!
Where are you going for help?
Usually milk, bread and sandwich.
Danas nishta neћu yes we will understand.

- Do you hear me! Give these people freedom and life, so they don’t just die, they have wives and children. And in exchange, I’ll tell you where Matija Gubec, the instigator and leader of the uprising, hid.
- You will betray the peasant king! - Gacho exclaimed joyfully.
Let it be so! I will give them freedom and peace as soon as you tell me where Gubtsa is hiding.
- Swear by the blood of the Savior!
“I swear by the blood of the Savior,” Alapich said, raising three fingers.
“Here I am, take me,” the Duke said calmly, throwing his gun, I am Gubetc.
- You? – the governor turned pale.
- Yes, I am the instigator of the uprising, the leader of the army, the defender of freedom.
“Do you know what awaits you?” asked Alapich.
“I know,” Gubets confirmed.

From the novel "Peasant Revolt". Augusta Shenoa
My husband gave me a new dress.
I don't like to hide my thoughts.
There he is, hiding under the bed.
I need to give this letter to the director.
I don't have the strength not to scream.
This is not a condescending person.
I swear I didn't do this.
What do you want for breakfast?
Plain milk, bread and butter.
I won't take anything today.

-Have you ever seen an onog with a leg?
- Where are you going with your legs?
- Ta onoga without leg!
- Who is without a leg?
- Ta onoga sa shtakom!
- What's the matter?
- That's it! Onoga that the doctors cut off my leg.
- Why was your bag cut off?
- Pa, I say, khteo je yes die od wound into je dobio na Јavoru, pa su mu onda odsekli
leg, walking in the garden without a leg...
- Zarvi don’t know about the leg?
“I don’t know,” the captain said, “nisam ha video.”
- Ask for it in front of the church!
- Hm!
- Wow, God - Good in the stress - ovakav badrak itself!

Boje bi mu beat a hundred puta yes je die!
And he’s good, he’s alive! Let's push!
Nishta, mu, it seems, not bad.
(Nastava ce.)
They metalled gold and silver.
Remember the following:
The sat is gilded, the handguard is gilded, the kashika is silvered, the knife is silvered.
Plant a garden on an ove izraz:
Zlatan sat je sat od zlata. Silver knife and silver kashika su od silver.
Man koјi ask je prosјak.
Duvan shkodi choveku.

-Did you see the one with the leg?
- Who's with the leg?
- The one without a leg!
- Who's missing a leg?
- Yes, the one with the crutch!
-Who's with the crutch?
- With a crutch! The one whose leg was cut off by doctors.
- Why did they cut it off?
- Well, they say that he wanted to die from a wound received on Mount Yavor, after which
they cut off his leg and now he walks without a leg...
“Don’t you know the one without the leg?”
“I don’t know,” said the captain, I didn’t see him.
- After all, he begs for alms in front of the church!
- Hm!
- Oh, God - I shuddered - what a stump!

It would be better if he died a hundred times!
But he’s not there, he’s alive! He also smokes!
Nothing, he says, is harmful to him!
(To be continued).
Gold and silver are noble metals.
Remember the following expressions:
Gold plated watch, gold plated bracelet, silver spoon, silver knife.
Pay attention to the following expressions:
A gold watch is a watch made of gold. A silver knife and a silver spoon are made of silver.
A person asking for money is a beggar.
Tobacco is harmful to humans.

- Pa dabogme!
- It’s just that you didn’t ask for anything.
- Pa mora da jede!
- I know, ali ka je he y ratu izgubio leg treba yes mu ce pay!
Lepo yes mu I say: on you brother!
Praise be to you for doing the right thing for us, and so do it...
Man je y no hand, then ce see - what are we saying? - I ruined my leg, go to headquarters!
He needs a garden, food and drink.
Hoћe bogme i lulu duvana... Chovek je!
Kapetan from Ossetia was called to explain the situation of the disabled person in Kazan:
- That je lepo shto je he is for his land osakatio se.
Ali, but he cannot spend the garden, but he will be a counselor.
You see: she is a matchmaker and je prolio krv for her land is required and ce rachuna y sreћne,
Let's take care of your own life, your own land.
(Nastava ce.)
They took you away and pay!
Wow, sorry, along the way, I’m a zaboravio myself.
No way, I smell something like that!
Let's not go to the headquarters.
Osseam has been called and we will show you that.
You see how I put it myself!
Sreћan je chovek koјi live for something.
We wish you a Happy New Year!
You can’t and waste your creatures like that.

- Of course!
“But I don’t like that he also smokes!”
- After all, he must eat!
“I know, since he lost his leg in the war, he needs to file for it!”
You should tell him: okay - here you go, brother!
Thank you for shedding your blood for us, and so on.
A man somehow lost his leg and now walks on crutches!
Now he needs to eat and drink.
But he also wants a pipe of tobacco!
The captain felt that he had to explain to the boilermaker how hard it was for disabled people:
“It’s good that he suffered for his country and became crippled.”
But now he will not beg for alms, but will be a consultant.
Look: any person who shed blood for his homeland should consider himself
happy because he repaid his debt to his mother, his homeland.

You forgot to pay!
Oh, sorry, I completely forgot!
I don't want to hear about such things!
I wouldn't like to walk on crutches.
I feel like I have to say this.
Look at the situation I'm in!
A happy person who lives for something!
Happy New Year!
You can't demand that.

Svaki je duzhan svoјoј zemљi, zemљa nјјnogo nishta…
- Yes, we know your philosophy too!
We know that “you are from the earth, you are from the earth”!
Ali yes, brother, long ago your mouth is alive!
You see, it’s not clean... How can we pretend?.. It’s scary to look at it!
A man's desire for bread has been cut off! - Pa za zar da ask?
Mora! I can’t do it, I can’t do it, I can’t do it!
Yes, you can beat me weakly and ask for anything.
Bre, yes je me power, ja bih know shta bih radio!
Ja bih lepo from kuћe y kuћu.
We eat inside - sit down and eat pitu od orakha:
- Oh, are you going to drink?
- Let's go.
— Is it true that Yeftiniya is on the same page? A kamo onome onde with the leg?
- A shta ce me he tiche...
- Ha ne tiche te ce, je li? Yes, doctor!
Eaten, two, pet - how many of them are required! Dede, seti!
Secure my leg! Ok, ok, we don’t eat, but whether we need it or not:
seci ti samo! Taco! Sad vidi kako je onome onde! Ha, cinko!
From the slogan “Glorify the people” by Laza Lazarević.
Ova koshuљa niјe clean, prљava je.
Nemate has pure respect.
It's scary to beat yourself.
Seљak ope and dig the ground.
We either drink lightly or push a lot.
We drink it ourselves one day at a time.
Man je weak ka nem prјatea.

Everyone owes their land, the land owes nothing to anyone...
- Eh, I know these philosophies of yours!
I know what you want to say, “you came to earth, to earth you will go”!
But, brother, give me something to chew!
Look, everything is clean... What do you say?.. It’s even scary to look at!
Until now it has been cut off, but the man wants bread! - Will he really have to become a beggar?
Have to! He can’t plow, he can’t dig!
Yes, there is not always enough, so he collects alms.
Eh, if it were in my power, I would know what to do!
I would go from house to house.
I go into the hut and the owner is sitting and eating pie with nuts:
- Oh, are you eating pie?
- Eat.
- What, blood is cheaper than food? What should he do there, without a leg?
- What do I have to do with it, it doesn’t concern me...
- Oh, doesn't it concern you? Come here, doctors!
One, two, five - how many are needed! Well, come on, cut it!
Cut off his leg here! No, no, I'm not asking whether this is necessary or not:
cut and that's it! Like this! Now do you see what it's like for him? Eh, son!
From the story “He will not be lost for the people” by Laza Lazarevich.
This shirt is not clean, it is dirty.
Your conscience is not clear.
It's scary to be alone.
The peasant plows and cultivates the land.
I drink little, but smoke a lot.
I only drink occasionally.
A person is weak if he has no friends.

Eno neke mase, add a Muggle.
That's a whole lot of the Brdsk bateria; lie down, ruined, dumb, despised...
The eye is broken sandutsi, y ima ce bleshte nove chaura.
Before Him was Lesheva, who shook her hand...
Iz te gomile neshto zhivo miche ce, gmizhe...
Little four-legged climb up to us... Let's speak odes of horror!
- Some people left the ravenik! - Speech captain.
We feel the voice of Judas, make us climb out of the indestructible club and muza:
- Is it Tuka B’lgarite?.. Tuka, Tuka, Tuka?
And halfway across the earth, the rainforest was unlighted.
Ivo Lipiko, “On Kaimakchalana”.
Imali smo muggle on the whole puta.
Doctors are so weak against cancer.
He je potpuno poludeo.
Mucao je od fear.
He's just a gentleman.
Wear the pajamas of the rajenik.
I'm going to the stomach of the quadruped.
Snake gmizhu.
She informed her of fear.
Toliko mi je coldly yes I can’t but we speak.

Everything is in the fog, nothing is visible.
The entire battery on the mountain pass lies in ruins, helpless, broken...
Around her are broken boxes with shiny new shells.
In front of her is a pile of corpses, with twisted arms.
In this heap, something living is moving, crawling...
It crawls towards us on all fours... I was frozen with horror!
- Someone is still wounded! - Said the captain.
I hear a human voice, it seems that it comes from distant and unknown depths and mutters:
- Is it Tuka B’lgarite?.. Tuka, Tuka, Tuka? (Are there Bulgarians here? Here, here, here?)
And the crazy wounded man fainted, stretched out on the ground.
Ivo Chipiko, “On Kaymakchalan.”
There was fog all along the road.
Doctors are still helpless in the face of cancer.
He went completely crazy.
He muttered in fear.
He is seriously injured.
Carry the wounded person carefully.
Animals move on four legs.
Snakes are crawling.
She fainted from fear.
I'm so cold that I can't speak.

For four it was given, going little by little, an hour of crozies on the lako approaching planine, an hour of crazes in the valley and the level of the desert, or deserted, the eye of Nisha, the last of Tursk Varosha, is ready on the very border of Srbia; bio itself is a little izmakao, on which, јedno sex sata ispred kapavana; sunce je zheglo.
Otprilik on јednu miљu od Varosha, on the coals of a certain wide white kulu which ce from the middle ground, which gleamed like paroski marble; staza me je k њој drove; ja joj came closer and, having given svog koњa da ga pridrizhi to the Edny Tursky child, je me je patelo, sadoh y cold od cool and let’s put away a little.
Just now, he himself, looking up at the spemnik y chiјem himself cool bio, saw and su Jehovah Zidov, for which mi ce did and su sagraeni od marble or od white stone, starting from the correct layers of Judas foreheads.
(Nastava ce.)
Place two layers on top of the base.
It was done by me and something very special.
Hold on to us, we pray, the gates of the gate to the bottle of decoctions.
Yegeyskaya obala is not very attackable.
The river prolazi kroz vrlo plodne valley.
Ova kula je otprilice deset metara visoka.
We'll be driving for an hour or two.
Where do you go?
Drive the hail.

Over the course of four days, gradually moving through easily accessible mountains, then through valleys and plains that were unusually fertile but deserted, I found myself in a field near the city of Nis, the last Turkish town, almost on the very border of Serbia. I was riding a horse and was ahead of the caravan by about half an hour.
The sun burned mercilessly.
About a mile from the city, I saw some kind of wide white tower that rose above the plain and sparkled with Parian marble. The path led me to the tower. I came closer and, giving the horse to one of the Turkish boys accompanying me, sat down in the shadow of the tower to rest a little.
As soon as I sat down and looked up at the monument in the shadow of which I was, I noticed that its walls, which seemed to me to be marble or white stone, were in fact composed of even rows of human skulls.

Paint this wall in two coats.
I heard something.
Please hold my bag while I open the door.
The Aegean coast is not very accessible.
A river flows among fertile valleys.
This tower is approximately ten meters high.
I have lunch at noon or around two o'clock.
Where does this road go?
Goes to the city.

Those foreheads and those human faces, stripped and whitened by the intestines and the sun, covered with little malter, formed a supotuno slavoluk which me je slaughtered by the sun.
Could them je biti petnaest until twenty years ago.
Ha nekima je Yosh beat zaostala braid and leprshala ce kao lishaј or flywheel in the wind; planinski povetarats duvao je zhivakhan and fresh and, wiping the multi-armored head, face and forehead, izazivao y ima shushtae, tight and pitiful.
Nisam nikoga imao yes mi obјasni taј diviachki spomenik; a child who trembled two cats by the reins played ce with a blue otpatsima forehead that su ce fell apart at the bottom of the pile.
(Nastava ce.)
Don't wash and drink papir on the floor.
Throw them at the edge behind the blade.
Do you have a hundred dinars?
We do not wish milk to the ashes.
Why do you regret that you won’t get any good?
That's just not possible.
Everyone is completely normal.
We see on your face that you were asleep.
I took it myself and put a stamp on the carpet.
The CE brand stuck on the cover.

Those skulls and those human faces, bare and white from the rain and sun, were fastened together with cement masonry and formed a kind of triumphal arch, shielding me from the sun.
It is possible that there are fifteen or twenty thousand of them here. Some still had hair, and they fluttered in the wind like patches of moss. The mountain breeze, fast and fresh, penetrated through numerous holes in the heads, faces and skulls, creating a rustling sound, sad and sad.
No one was there to explain to me what this wild monument was: a boy holding two horses by the reins was playing with small fragments of skulls, which gradually turned to powder at the foot of the tower.

Don't throw paper on the floor.
Throw it in the trash bin.
Don't you have a hundred dinars in change?
I don't like powdered milk.
Why are you complaining, is it bad for you here?
This is absolutely impossible.
This man is completely crazy.
I see from your face that you haven't slept...
I forgot to put a stamp on the envelope.
The stamp has peeled off the envelope...

And the bio itself is so full of humor, of ruin and of drowsiness, and it itself is layered on the head of the uz and the cut-off head; Having awakened, Nasha himself was surrounded by a caravan and a great army of Turkic warriors, who came from Niš and carried us away to the city with our help; rekoshe mi da su to glav petnaest hijada Srba koje je pasha poubijao y posledј Srpskoj pobunya.
Ova equal je beat the death of these tribal comrades, and ova spomenik Ikhova tomb; Let us congratulate with our eyes and hearts the remnant of these young people, whose heads have been cut off on the border stones of independence in Kikhova Otabina.
Srbija, y koјu ћеmo da stumo, je sada slobodna, and Planinski vetar izaziva pesmu sloboda and slava u kuli Srba koјi su died for their land! Soon Niš himself will beat Vikhov; some sachuvava ova spomenik!
He will teach their child how much harm there is, the independence of one people, showing them at what price they bought their eyes.
Alphonse de Lamartine, "The Path to the Source".
The independence of one people harms the world.
Do not harm the couple.
Would you like to make contact?
That's why I want to talk to you.
I beg you for a long time.
Feel your newness, don’t require anything.
Then do no harm.

I was so tired from the heat that I dozed off and fell asleep with my head against this wall of severed heads, and woke up to find myself surrounded by a caravan and many Turkish horsemen who had come from the city of Nis to accompany us as we entered the city.
I was told that these were the heads of fifteen thousand Serbs whom the Turkish Pasha executed during the last Serbian uprising.
This plain turned out to be the field of battle and death of these noble rebels, and this monument was their tomb. I greeted with my eyes and soul the remains of these heroic people, whose severed heads became the border stone of the independence of their homeland.
Serbia, which we are entering, is now free, and the mountain wind sings a song of freedom and glory in the tower of the Serbs who died for their homeland! Soon Niš itself will become Serbian and may this monument be preserved!
He will tell their children about the price of independence of one people, show them at what cost their fathers received it.
Alphonse de Lamartine, Journey to the East.
The independence of one people is worth the most.
This man is not worth a penny.
Don't you want us to meet?
This is the last time I talk to you.
I would accompany you home, but I don’t have time.
Leave your money, I don't need anything.
It doesn't cost anything.