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In less than a day. Deadlines and their calculation


Election legislation operates with its own rules for calculating deadlines, which differ markedly from the generally accepted ones.

Article 11.1. The procedure for calculating the deadlines established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on elections and referendums

1. If any action can (must) be carried out from the date of the occurrence of any event, then the first day on which this action can (must) be carried out is the calendar date of the occurrence of the corresponding event, but not earlier than the time of occurrence of this event.

2. If any action can (must) be carried out no later than a certain number of days or a certain number of days before the day of the occurrence of any event, then, accordingly, the last day or day on which this action can (must) be carried out is the day after which the number of days specified in this Federal Law remains until the day of the occurrence of the relevant event.

3. If any action can (must) be carried out no earlier than a certain number of days before the day of the occurrence of any event, then the first day on which this action can (must) be carried out is the day after which remains specified in this Federal Law the number of days before the date of the corresponding event.

4. If any action can (must) be carried out no later than a certain number of days after the day of the occurrence of any event, then this action can (must) be carried out within the number of days specified in this Federal Law. In this case, the first day is considered to be the day following the calendar date of the occurrence of this event, and the last is the day following the day on which the specified number of days expires.

Thus, the words " no later (no earlier) than for X days until voting day"mean that the last (first) day of the corresponding period is ( X−1)th day. For example, the words " 1 day before voting day"correspond to Friday.

The wording of paragraph 4 is extremely sloppy; judicial practice proceeds from the fact that the words “no later than N days after date T” mean a period of (N+1) days starting from the date following the specified date. For example, the period “no later than 1 day after voting day” has a duration of two days: Monday and Tuesday.

In 2014 CEC Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation published Methodological recommendations for the development of calendar plans, where he explained the features of calculating deadlines depending on the formulations used.

For practical purposes, the election deadline calculator will be useful.

Reduced deadlines[  ]

When holding early elections, the law allows for a reduction in the period of electoral actions, but not more than by one third (). The same reduction is possible when calling repeat elections ().

  • Since this reduction is limiting, rounding to a whole number of days should be done towards increasing the period (i.e. towards decreasing the beginning of the time interval or towards increasing its end).
  • The law does not prohibit a disproportionate reduction in the terms of certain actions: for example, the term of some actions can be reduced by a third, while others - only by a quarter or left unchanged.
  • For certain actions, the law may directly establish a special maximum amount for reducing time limits (see, for example,).

Courts about deadlines [  ]

In paragraphs 23−26 of the Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2011 No. 5 “On the practice of courts considering cases on the protection of electoral rights and the right to participate in a referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation” explains what types of deadlines for going to court are preemptive (that is not allowing reinstatement by the court even if there are good reasons for delay).

Judicial practice[  ]

Particular attention should be paid to whether the term is electoral or procedural: electoral terms are calculated according to the rules described at the beginning of the article; procedural deadlines are calculated according to the rules Civil Procedure Code Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, which are more consistent with generally accepted ideas, firstly, and are extended in cases where the end of the period falls on a weekend, secondly.

  • Determination of the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated September 16, 2013 No. 74−APG13−27: The deadline for filing a complaint about canceling the registration of a candidate, established (no later than 8 days before voting day), is calculated according to the rules (i.e. e. ends on Friday).
  • Determination of the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 2012 No. 32−APG12−26: The deadline for filing a claim with the court provided for (within 10 days from the date of adoption of the appealed decision by the election commission) is procedural, therefore, if the day falls (X+10) On weekends the deadline is extended until Monday.
  • Determination of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 2009 No. 5−G09−104: The commission made a decision on the complaint on day T+11 after filing the complaint in accordance with clause 4 of Art. 11.1 FZG Federal Law No. 67-FZ “On the Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation” is timely.

2. At least once every three years.

3. At least once every five years.

Question 4. The planned length of the patrol route for vehicle patrols of PPSP units in a single deployment should not exceed:

Question 5. The planned length of the patrol route for foot patrols of PPSP units in a single deployment should not exceed:

Question 6. How often should joint briefings be held for all units of integrated forces involved in a single deployment plan?

At least once a month.

2. At least once every six months.

3. At least once a quarter.

Question 7. What is the value of the employee demand coefficient used in calculating the mandatory norms for the daily deployment of personnel of the PPSP units on routes (posts) closed for 8 hours a day.

1. 2,39.

Question 8. Can a policeman in civilian uniform perform patrol duty?

1. No, only in the prescribed form.

Maybe when performing special tasks.

Question 9. How often should deputy company commanders check their outfits?

1. At least once a week.


3. At least three times per shift.

Question 10. Can a police officer who has not undergone initial training and not taken the oath be appointed for independent duty and armed?


3. At the discretion of the head of the police department.

Question 11. Does the operational duty officer have the right to remove a patrolman (guard) from the route (post) or change his place of duty?


2. Does not have.

Question 12. Which of the officials of the Department of Internal Affairs approves the routine and work schedule of the PPSP employees?


2. Head of the Department of Internal Affairs.

3. Deputy Chief of Police (Public Order).

Question 13. Giving one long signal with a whistle means:

1. “Delay.”

2. “Help, come to me.”

3. "Attention."

Question 14. Giving two short signals with a whistle means:

1. “Delay.”

2. “Help, come to me.”

3. "Attention."

Question 15. How often are covert inspections carried out in individual PPSP companies?

1. At least 2 times a month.

At least 4 times a month.

3. At least 3 times a month.

Question 16. How often are covert inspections carried out in individual PPSP platoons?

1. At least 2 times a month.

2. At least 4 times a month.

At least 3 times a month.

Question 17. How often are secret inspections carried out in individual departments of the PPSP?

At least 2 times a month.

2. At least 4 times a month.

3. At least 3 times a month.

Question 18. What is the established duration of duty of duty in a car at stopping points?


2. No more than an hour.

3. At least 20 minutes.

Question 19. The duration of the daily briefing of squads before entering service should not exceed:

1. 45 minutes.


3. 60 minutes.

Question 20. Should a patrol officer have an official identification card?

1. No, if he is wearing uniform.

In indecomposable combinations that include expressions that are integral in meaning, a comma is not used.

  1. In indecomposable combinations with subordinating conjunctions and allied words as if nothing had happened, do it as it should, do it anyhow, do it as it should, at any cost, no matter what, do it as it should, come whenever you want, go wherever your eyes take you, say whatever comes to mind, pay God knows how much, scream at the top of your lungs, whatever happens, come what may, spend the night wherever you have to, save yourself who can, live as you know, tell it like it is, a miracle is good, a disaster is bad etc.: Heremained as if nothing had happened where he stood...; I need to sleep for 24 hours straight to get enough sleep.properly (Shol.); Pitching thereno matter what boring(Art.). Such phrases are equivalent to the members of the sentence: He got the job doneproperly (i.e. Fine); Colloquial words began to be usedwhere it is needed and not needed (i.e. everywhere); The table set in the banquet room was a miracleso good (Akun.).

If such a phrase forms a subordinate part of a sentence, then it is separated by a comma: As it should , so he did the job; The proposed task: arrange,where needed , missing punctuation marks(where needed).

  1. In indecomposable combinations with negative and restrictive particles not only that, not that, not that, not otherwise than, just not, only and... that, not so that etc.: I myself know what is out of the questionnot just now You can't kill a bird, and you can't even shoot it(L. T.); Enemy, I didn’t like one phrase, evennot really I didn’t like it, I just caught my attention(Grain); He expressed his thoughtsnothing less than high syllable; Henot that not understood the problem, but simply did not want to solve it;Only and there were conversationsWhat about the writer's arrival. Wed. in the presence of a subordinate clause: All he does is go fishing; He doesn't say what he thinks.
  2. In irreducible combinations with pronominal and adverbial words unknown who, unknown what, unknown which (whose, where, where, from where, when, why), unclear who, unclear what, unclear which, no matter who, no matter what, no matter which, rarely who, rarely what, rarely what, rarely where, who knows who, who knows what, who knows what, who knows whose, who knows who, who knows what, who knows what, few who, few what etc.: They're comingunknown which ones personalities; They grew up near the houseunknown by whom and when planted flowers; Speaksit's not clear what ; The painting showsI don't know what ; Kuzma turned his horse sharply andno one knows why drove her back home(Boon.); My sister was there for meno matter what mother(Grain). Wed. in the presence of a subordinate clause: It is unknown what surprise the weather has in store for us tomorrow; It was unclear which detachment was located on the river bank.
  3. In irreducible combinations (not) more than, (not) less than, (not) better than, (not) worse than, earlier than, later than etc., if they do not involve comparison: He got the job doneno more than per hour(spent less than an hour); He is going to go to collegeno sooner than next year(not earlier than next year); Maslenitsa passed meworse than sad(Ch.). Wed. when comparing: The athlete performed the exercise no worse than his opponent.

    The top of the foreshaft must be at least 1.5 m above the groundwater level to ensure stability of the trench walls.- 6.2. The top of the foreshaft must be at least 1.5 m above the groundwater level to ensure stability of the trench walls. If the groundwater level is high, a special embankment should be poured to construct a foreshaft. 6.3. Besides,… … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

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    Adverb, number of synonyms: 1 never (39) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Dictionary of synonyms

    How did the “financial pyramids” end in Russia?- In 1999-2001, a number of lengthy investigations and trials in the cases of the organizers of the financial pyramids of 1994-1995 were completed. Valentina Solovyova (... ...) was sentenced to various terms of imprisonment (maximum - up to 15 years). Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Nar., used. very often 1. You use the word less to indicate that someone or something has some property or quality to a lesser extent than before. My impressions of the trip were less vivid than I expected. | Society… … Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    LESS, adv. 1. The same as smaller (see small, little). The more persistently he makes excuses, the more I believe him. Knows not many others. 2. In combination with adjectives and adverbs, it denotes comparison. M. is calm. M. interesting. However, the union... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    less- 1. compare. Art. to small and small 1), 2) Another note less/than the first. One tree is smaller than the other. 2. compare. Art. adv. see also... Dictionary of many expressions

    less / less(,) than- words as part of a comparative phrase As a rule, inside a combination a comma is placed before the word “what”. For cases where a comma before the word “than” is not needed, see the article “more than.” The last thought killed me no less than my aunt, and I... ...

    I. compare. Art. to Small and Little (1 2 digits). Another note is the first one. One tree is better than another. II. compare Art. adv. to Little (1 2 digits). I still loved to go for walks. M., than earlier, began to read. ◊ Least of all. Very little, bad. Least of all... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    more/more(,) than- adverbial expression and words in the comparative phrase 1. Adverbial expression (without the particle “not”). The same as “very, very, completely.” There is no punctuation mark between the words “more (more)” and “than”. “Here they are,” thought the dignitary,... ... Dictionary-reference book on punctuation

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