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Flower names in English, German and French! Learn French colors quickly and easily! Colors in French with pronunciation.

We consider the names of popular and beautiful flowers: flowers in English, flowers in German and flowers in French. Each culture has left its mark and it will be interesting for us to expand our horizons.

Flowers in English:

English is the language of international communication and in modern conditions its knowledge is necessary for every civilized young person.

Flowers in English sound familiar and often the names of flowers in Russian are identical to English words.

Since most flowers came to us from Europe, we adopted their English or Latin names. Below are the most common flowers in English.

It will be useful for every modern person who wants to see the world to know the English names of flowers.

Flowers in German

German is one of the most popular European languages, characterized by a firm and slightly rough pronunciation. Flowers in German sound a little unusual to our ears, but you can remember them if you want.

For example, a cornflower, lily of the valley or snowdrop flower does not sound so cute, but rather stern and dry. But in general, flowers in German often display Latin names, as in other languages.

Flowers in French

The French language is strongly associated with the unique sound and special pronunciation of the letter “R”. Flowers in French largely repeat their Latin names, but there are also original words.

Flower lily of the valley, poppy, snowdrop, chamomile sounds truly French. It will be a great pleasure to learn how to pronounce them correctly and skillfully insert them into conversations with knowledgeable people.

Flowers in French somehow especially charm and attract attention.

  • We hope that you have discovered something new and will be able to name several flower names in English, German and French, and the knowledge gained will definitely be useful to you!

Popular flowers in English, German or French - this is the knowledge everyone needs.


We wish you to continue self-development and enjoy new knowledge!

Colors are all around us, so we need to know their names if we want to communicate fluently in French. What colors are there in French? First of all, you need to remember the basic French colors:

bleu, bleue – blue

rouge – red

blanc, blanche – white

jaune – yellow

vert, verte – green

noir, noire – black

gris, grise – gray

rose – pink

orange – orange

beige - beige

marron – chestnut, brown

As you can see, in some cases two forms are indicated: for the masculine and for the feminine. If one form is specified, then the word has the same form for both genders. It should also be noted that in the French language there is no such separate concept as the color “blue”; the French use the same word “bleu” for both blue and light blue. Why then does it turn out that the French distinguish fewer colors than we? Actually, no, there are probably even more colors in French. Many colors are formed by combining two words. For example, "vert pomme", "jaune doré", "brou de noix", "bleu ciel", etc. If we want to say “light blue” or “dark red”, that is, to clarify the shade of meaning, very often in French the words “clair” and “foncé” are added: bleu clair, bleu foncé.

Colors are a very interesting topic in French. There are many stable expressions with the names of colors. Let's look at some of them:


l’ heure bleue – the pre-dawn hour

la colère bleue – rage, anger

la peur bleue - terrible fear

le voyage dans le bleu – head in the clouds, dreams

n’y voir que du bleu - don’t understand anything here


le poisson rouge – goldfish

rouge comme un coq (un coquelicot, une pivoine) – red like a poppy, like a lobster

passer au rouge - pass through a red light

être au rouge – to be in a difficult or dangerous situation

le rouge à lèvres – lipstick


les cheveux blancs – gray hair

être blanc – to be pale, to look bad

s’en tirer blanc comme neige – get away with it unscathed

le mariage blanc – a fictitious marriage


rire jaune - to laugh artificially, to laugh through tears


le vin vert – young wine

le temps vert – damp, rainy weather

avoir les doigts verts – to be a skilled gardener

employer le vert et le sec – use all means

se mettre au vert – go out of town for a vacation, into nature

il fait noir comme dans un four - so dark that you could poke out your eyes

l'humeur noire - gloomy mood; black melancholy

faire un tableau noir de qch – to present something in a gloomy light


tout n’est pas rose – unpleasant


il fait gris - cloudy

faire grise mine à qn – to meet someone with a sour face

être gris - tipsy

I think that you have learned a lot of useful information, which you can then apply in learning French or communicating with French-speaking people. See you again!

Colors in French are a topic without which it is impossible to imagine full-fledged communication. Colors surround us everywhere, so you just need to know the names of colors in French in order to be able to describe and characterize the surrounding objects.

Colors in French: easy and simple!

Let's name all the primary colors in French:

  • Rouge – red
  • Bleu – blue
  • Jaune – yellow
  • Vert – green
  • Marron – brown
  • Brun - brown
  • Rose - pink
  • Orange - orange
  • Turquoise – turquoise
  • Violet – purple
  • Bordeau – burgundy
  • Gris – gray
  • Blanc – white
  • Noir – black

Basic colors in French

Now the shades:

  • Bleu ciel – sky blue
  • Bleu marine – sea wave color
  • Fushia – fuchsia
  • Crème – creamy
  • Lilas – lilac
  • Jaune doré – golden
  • Indigo - indigo
  • Noisette – nutty
  • Choco – chocolate
  • Kaki – khaki color
  • Azur – azure
  • Pourpre – purple
  • Saumon – salmon color
  • Corail – coral

If we want to emphasize a dark or light shade of color, then we use the words foncé and clair:

  • Bleu foncé, bleu clair – Dark blue, light blue
  • Rouge foncé, rouge clair – dark red, light red
  • Vert foncé, vert clair – dark green, light green

If we want to say “bluish, reddish”, etc., then we use the name of the color + the suffix -âtre:

  • Bleuâtre
  • Rougeâtre
  • Verdâtre
  • Jaunâtre

Grammatical features of colors

If you use colors in speech, then remember to coordinate them with other parts of speech in gender and number. After all, adjectives denoting color agree in gender and number with the noun they refer to.

To express the feminine gender, the ending -e is added to the color, for the plural -s, for the feminine plural the ending -es is added:

  • Un crayon vert – des crayons verts – green pencil, green pencils
  • une feuille verte - des feuilles vertes – green leaf, green leaves (feuille - feminine)

If adjectives in the masculine gender end in -e, they do not change in the feminine gender:

  • jaune - jaune – yellow

Some adjectives have special feminine forms:

  • violet - violette – violet, violet
  • blanc - blanche – white, white
  • roux - rousse – red, red-haired

But there are also exceptions. For example, if a noun is used to denote color (names of flowers, fruits, vegetables, drinks, precious stones, etc.), then it does not change in gender or number:

  • des chaussures marron - brown boots
  • des vêtements orange - orange clothes

And a few more flowers...

The nouns écarlate, fauve, incarnat, mauve, pourpre, rose, vermeil agree like adjectives:

  • des robes roses - pink dresses

If the color name consists of several words, then none of them changes:

  • des robes bleu foncé - dark blue dresses
  • des yeux bleu mer - sea green eyes

Hyphen between words

A hyphen is placed between words that denote colors if each of these words expresses its own, separate color (and not just one color):

  • le crayon bleu -rouge - blue-red pencil

There are two ways to indicate color in a speech or sentence:

  • An adjective that expresses color is preceded by a masculine definite article: le bleu - blue color.

In this case, the adjective becomes a noun and can change in number, i.e. put in the plural:

  • Lesoranges clairs et les ocres chaleureux rendent cette pièce accueillante. -Light orange and warm ocher tones make this room welcoming.
  • the phrase la couleur + an adjective denoting a color in the feminine gender: la couleur verte - green.

And now, dear readers, pay attention to a small poem that will help you quickly remember the most basic colors of the French language:

Les crayons de couleurs

Le vert pour les pommes et les prairies.

Le jaune pour le soleil et les canaris.

Le Rouge pour les fraises et le feu.

Le noir pour la nuit et les corbeaux.

Le gris pour les ânes et les nuages.

Le bleu pour la mer et le ciel.

Et toutes les couleurs pour colorer le monde.

The French language has its roots in Latin, after which it was transformed with the help of dialects. Influenced the development of the English language and penetrated Russian culture in the 19th century. Today, French is the second language of NATO and the UN, and is considered the official language in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Monaco, Luxembourg and Canada. About 200 million people are native speakers of this language.

Why speak French

The ability to speak French is convenient and useful in travel and career. Knowledge of the basic basics of the language will help in Paris, the Alps, the Cote d'Azur, Seychelles, Canada and even Africa. Using the language, you will experience the mentality, culture, history and traditions of the French. In addition, when applying for employment in large international companies that were founded in France: Danone, LVMH, Auchan, Renault and others, knowledge of the French language is required. French is also considered the language of art and culture; it was spoken by Stendhal and Victor Hugo, Edith Piaf and Yves Saint Laurent.

There are six levels of French, the first two being simple understanding of the language and the ability to carry out simple dialogue. It is at the initial level that basic knowledge is laid down, simple words and expressions are remembered: seasons, days of the week, holidays, numbers, food, professions, sports, shopping and colors.

Colors in French

Knowing colors is very important at the initial stage. It helps enrich speech and makes it easier to describe details. For example:

For everyday simple dialogue, you need to know the basic colors in French, which are presented in the picture.

It is important to note that in French the rules of pronunciation are different from English, so let's look at how the names of colors sound.

rouge rouge red
bleu bleh blue
vert ver green
jaune John yellow
blanc blanc white
noir noir black
gris gris,griz grey
orange orange orange
marron maroon brown
brun Brun brown
rose roses pink
roux RU ginger
blond blend blond
violet violet violet
bleu clair ble claire blue
bleu background ble fons Navy blue

The pronunciation of the color green depends on the following word; if it begins with a vowel, then it is pronounced griz, otherwise - gr.

To practice and memorize, practice pronouncing colors in French every day; for correct pronunciation, watch the video and repeat each color after the speaker.

Grammar of colors

According to the rules of grammar, colors in French are divided into masculine and feminine genders and written after nouns. If after an adjective there is a feminine noun, then add the ending -e (singular), -es (plural). In the masculine singular there are no changes, in the plural - they add -s.

Example of color in French with translation:

Important! The feminine and masculine genders in Russian and French may not be the same.

Also, colors in French ending in -e do not change in the feminine gender (jaune - jaune).

Purple, white and red do not change according to the rules:

To practice colors, describe the objects around you, read simple texts suitable for your level, listen to dialogues about colors in order to perceive these words by ear.

To expand your vocabulary, you can learn more complex adjectives for colors.

In this article we will look at the primary colors, there are 11 of them, without shades and additional colors. Colors are classified as adjectives and have all the grammatical features of adjectives. In particular, colors in French vary according to gender and number and agree in gender and number with the nouns to which they refer.

Names of flowers in French

Feminine colors and shapes chart:

Color Masculine Feminine
Black noir noire
White blanc blanche
Red rouge rouge
Yellow jaune jaune
Green vert verte
Orange orange orange
Blue, light blue bleu blue
Violet violet violette
Pink rose rose
Grey gris grise
Brown marron marron

Grammatical features


  • As a general rule, the feminine gender of adjectives, in particular flowers, in French is formed by adding “e” to the masculine form. For example, noir -noire. In this case, the unpronounceable final sound is influenced by e at the end, becomes pronounced: ver t-vert e– read as “ve” R" - "ve rt».
  • If the masculine form already has the ending “e”, then the feminine form remains unchanged. For example, jaune –jaune.
  • Some colors have a special form in the feminine gender. For example, blancblanche.
  • Marron– brown in French has the same form in the masculine and feminine.


  • As a general rule, the plural of adjectives is formed by adding an ending to the masculine or feminine form (we agree with the noun in both gender and number) « s". For example, rouge – rouge s, vert – vert s(plural masculine), verte – verte s(plural feminine). I will cover the complete rules for forming the plural of adjectives in a separate article. Please note that the plural ending s does not affect pronunciation in any way. For example, vert – vert s– – – wer – wer , verte – verte s– – – vert – vert.
  • If in singular form we have s at the end, then there is no need to add another s. For example – gri s– gri s, but gris e– grise s.
  • Colors orange And marron have an invariable form in both singular and plural, since these flower names come from nouns. Orange - orange, marron - chestnut. For the same reason, these adjectives do not change by gender.

Practice exercise

Translate into French:

Black shirt, white jackets, red flower, yellow sun, green glasses, orange carrots, blue whale, purple scarf, pink shoes, gray cloud, brown tables, white snow, yellow houses, green books, purple socks, brown closet.