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Profanity as a social phenomenon (analysis of a survey of residents of a provincial Russian city). Drug addiction as a social phenomenon Drug addiction as a social phenomenon

Almost three-quarters of our fellow citizens (73%) believe that obscene language is unacceptable “under any circumstances.” Women especially often declare adherence to this norm (82% - compared to 62% among men), elderly Russians (82% among those over 60), holders of university diplomas (78%), and Muscovites (78%). However, they have to constantly deal with her neglect (which is obvious even without any questioning), and not only during contacts with “strangers”. More than half of the respondents who consider foul language to be categorically unacceptable (53%) say that majority their friends use obscene expressions in their speech. The opposite answer is given by 44% of this group of respondents, which, however, does not indicate the absence of people in their circle who use obscene language, but only that the latter do not predominate in it.

Almost two-thirds of respondents admit that they sometimes use obscene language, and 15% admit that they do it often. And only a third (33%) - never. As you might guess, the most likely people to say that they do not use such vocabulary are older citizens (54%), women (47%), Muscovites (47%), and citizens with higher education (41%). Meanwhile, the distribution of answers according to one socio-demographic parameter is not so predictable: it turns out that profanity is used especially widely by relatively wealthy citizens. Among those whose monthly income, according to them, exceeds 20 thousand rubles per month, 80% use it (23% - often, another 57% - rarely), while for the sample as a whole - 65% (three groups with less incomes allocated on the basis of a survey, in this regard, almost do not differ from each other -

Xia). It's hard to say what causes this. But it is unlikely that material well-being in itself contributes to a tendency to use profanity. Rather, we can assume a reverse cause-and-effect relationship: this tendency is more often characteristic of assertive, aggressive people - that is, bearers of qualities that increase the chances of success in our society.

One way or another, one cannot help but pay attention to the fact that an impressive majority of respondents use obscene language, while an even more impressive, overwhelming majority consider this unacceptable “under any circumstances.” Let's take a closer look at this contradiction (Table 1).

Table 1

data in %


Using obscene language

Do you think it is acceptable to use obscene expressions in speech or is it unacceptable under any circumstances?



I find it difficult to answer

As we can see, people who use foul language “rarely” are definitely inclined to believe that profanity is unacceptable - in a ratio of 3:1. And among those who use such language “often,” the shares of those who consider it acceptable and unacceptable are almost equal.

Let us note in passing that in this case the survey participant’s idea of ​​“often” and “rarely” undoubtedly very much depends on the environment to which he belongs. And if in the social environment of the respondent they do not swear, as they say, but talk, then he may sincerely believe that he uses profanity “rarely,” if only because he is able to express himself without it from time to time. So the difference between representatives of the two groups is not so much in the number of corresponding terms per unit of time, but in whether they stand out in this regard, according to their own feelings, from those around them. But, one way or another, it is obvious that among those who use obscene language the prevailing opinion is that it is inadmissible.

Meanwhile, it is difficult to imagine that swearers who condemn foul language are en masse tormented by their moral imperfection. It must be assumed that in the mass consciousness there is a certain system of justifications that conceals, “removes” the contradiction between the recognized norm and the practice that violates it - such collisions can never do without it. And the first, most obvious justification is a reference to various kinds of stress: half of Russians, judging by the survey data, use profanity exclusively under the influence of “strong emotions” (and only 12% allow themselves to do so without them). Moreover, among those who use obscene expressions “rarely,” 84% do so, according to them, solely under the influence of such emotions (among those who “often” - 59%). Needless to say, the reasons for “strong emotions” can be very different - from the sudden fall of a meteorite or the exchange rate of the national currency to the sluggishness of a store clerk or the disobedience of one’s own children. But the principle itself is important: using obscene expressions, of course, is not good, but if in the heat of the moment, then, perhaps, it is excusable.

As can be seen from the table below (Table 2), it is customary for us to express negative emotions through obscene speech to a much greater extent than to swear with delight.

Table 2

data in %

General population

The use of obscene expressions in speech is considered



Which emotions do you most often express using obscene expressions - positive or negative? Or positive and negative in equal measure?


Positive and negative in equal measure


I find it difficult to answer

The question was not asked (they never use obscene language or find it difficult to say whether they do)

And here’s what’s interesting: respondents who consider the use of profanity to be categorically unacceptable almost as often say that they use it when they have negative emotions as people who do not see anything reprehensible in it (46 and 40% of these groups, respectively). Meanwhile, opponents of such vocabulary are three times less likely than defenders to say that they use it primarily to express positive emotions, and also that they are equally willing to use this vocabulary to express positive and negative emotions. In other words, although the majority of our fellow citizens believe that “ under no circumstances“You cannot use obscene expressions; in fact, emotional distress, anger, and disappointment are very significant mitigating circumstances for them - in contrast to admiration for the beauty of nature or the joy of meeting a friend.

You can get a more or less complete picture of the mechanism of legitimation of profanity from the answers to an open question, in In what situations is it acceptable to use obscene language?. This question was asked, of course, only to those respondents (21% of all respondents) who, in principle, consider it acceptable to use them. But it would be a very big simplification to consider that the argumentation of defenders of obscene vocabulary is completely alien to its opponents: most likely, many of them would also agree to recognize the arguments given in support of this vocabulary, albeit not so strong as to render a not guilty verdict. So what are these arguments?

Most often, as you might guess, people say that it is acceptable to use obscene language when it is necessary to express strong emotions (4% of all respondents): “to release negative energy”; “when the nerves can’t stand it”; “to relieve stress”; "in the heat of the moment"; “adrenaline release”; “when there are no more words, but only emotions”; “a hammer on the finger”; “simple words cannot describe emotions”, as well as in conflict situations (3%): “when brought to the boiling point”; “when controversial issues”; "in a fit of anger"; "in conflicts"

Quite often, the use of profanity is interpreted as an extreme communication strategy, a way to achieve understanding (3%): “makes it easier to understand”; “when they don’t understand Russian speech”; “this is part of communication, sometimes a person does not understand differently”; “such a society. For clarity"; "to increase the power of persuasion".

Some (3%) believe that profanity is acceptable under any circumstances ( "in any"; "almost all"), since it is an integral part of our culture - “in our country there is no other way”; “we were born and raised with this”; “this is Russian speech”; “It’s impossible without this”; “The whole of Russia is built on obscene expressions.” Moreover, it is curious that sometimes respondents appeal to foundations and traditions, proclaiming, not without pathos: “it wasn’t our idea and it’s not ours to clean up”; “after all, our grandfathers also used it”. But they also present, either jokingly or seriously, a completely “liberal” argument: "We live in a free country."

Respondents often say that it is possible to use obscene language at home, with family and friends (2%): “in your social circle”; “within a circle of close friends”; “with friends”; “with my people”; “at home, when I swear at my grandfather”; “with my husband, in response to him”; "in a closed family circle."

In addition, some Russians believe that profanity is acceptable “to connect words” (1%), at work - especially "when work doesn't go well" (1 %), "between men"; "in the absence of women and children"(1%). Another motive is heard periodically - the hardships of Russian life force (1%): “Under our state it doesn’t work out any other way”; “In our lifetime there is deception all around”; “tired of our state, of the struggle for existence; I want to curse at all this”; “With such a life, everything is permissible.”

This is not to say that the repertoire of justifications is very diverse and sophisticated, but it seems to be quite sufficient - both for those who consider profanity acceptable, and for those who, despite disagreeing with them, still resort to it in everyday life.

When it comes to public space, our fellow citizens tend not only to demonstrate intolerance towards such language, but also to justify bans and sanctions - especially when it comes to the media.

65% of Russians are in favor of banning works of art containing obscene language (among women and senior citizens - 70% each). 23% object. Let us note that Muscovites are the most tolerant here: in the capital, 52% of respondents are in favor of the ban, and 37% are against it. 84% of respondents are already ready to support fines for the use of such expressions in the media (in Moscow - 69 versus 15%). Moreover, even those who consider the use of appropriate vocabulary in everyday speech acceptable are inclined here to the side of its opponents: 46% of defenders of “everyday” profanity are in favor of banning works of art with obscene inclusions (against 40% of this group); fines in cases of such inclusions in the media - 70% versus 16%.

At the same time, 74% of respondents say that obscene language in the media personally irritates them (19% say that it does not irritate them). This, naturally, is somewhat less than the share of those who consider it necessary to fine the media for foul language, since some are ready to support sanctions, worrying about raising children, sparing the feelings of people more “sensitive” than themselves, believing that the media should maintain and broadcast certain norms of speech behavior, etc. But even among those who, according to their own assessment, abuse strong words, almost every second (49%) gets irritated when they hear such words on television or radio or read in the press. By the way, this irritation is most likely one of the “strong emotions” and is expressed using the same terminology.

At the same time, it can be assumed that in reality a significant part of our fellow citizens are inclined to apply to works of art and, to a lesser extent, to the media the same double standards that they apply to themselves. If in a work of fiction a character experiences strong emotions or relaxes with close friends, then he will probably be forgiven for strong expression. However, this is just a guess.

As for everyday foul language, we can apparently conclude that the severity of the moral norm that condemns it is compensated by the optionality of following this norm - just as the severity of Russian laws, according to a well-known expression, is compensated by the optionality of their implementation. And this is a very stable mental construct.

Weekly survey February 9-10, 2013, 43 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 100 settlements, 1500 respondents © Public Opinion Foundation

ID articles on the magazine website: 6191

Kienko T. S. Profanity as a social phenomenon (analysis of a survey of residents of a provincial Russian city) // Sociological Research. 2016. No. 5. P. 124-133


The phenomenon of profanity is analyzed using materials from a sociological study. Typical social contexts and types of users are described. The role of profanity in communication is considered. The content, emotional, socio-demographic, functional features of the use and attitude towards the use of profanity in the social space of a provincial city are described; The peculiarities of the functioning of profanity are noted.


profanity; obscene vocabulary; obscene language; social context; social control; functions of profanity


VTsIOM. Press release No. 953. Russian language: is it necessary to fight for it? URL: php?id=268&uid=10129 (date of access: 04/02/2013).

Davletova A.I., Fedorenko L.P. The crazy world of normative reality // Sociological studies. 2012. No. 10. P. 88-92.

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Kozhemyakina V.A., Kolesnik N.G., Kryuchkova T.B. Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms M.: Institute of Foreign Languages ​​RAS, 2006.

Kudasheva T. Why profanity is dangerous // Education of schoolchildren. 2009. No. 1. URL: (access date: 04/02/2013).

Mokienko V.M. Russian swear words: censored and obscene // Russian Studies. Berlin, 1994. No. 1/2. pp. 50-73.

Mokienko V.M. Images of Russian speech: Historical, etymological and ethnolinguistic essays on phraseology. L.: Publishing house Leningr. University, 1986.

News from the Research Center of the recruiting portal 2012. URL: http://www. (date of access: 04/02/2013).

Concepts of honor and dignity, insult and obscenity in legal texts and the media / Bazylev V.N., Belchikov Yu.A., Leontyev A.A., Sorokin Yu.A.; resp. ed.: A.K. Simonov; scientific ed.: A.R. Ratinov. M.: Human Rights, 1997.

Semiotics: Anthology / Comp. Yu.S. Stepanov. M.: Academic Project; Ekaterinburg: Business book, 2001.

Sinitsina M.A. Study of the mechanisms of argumentation in modern media to optimize the methodology for conducting linguistic examination. Author's abstract. ... in the specialty 10.02.12 “Language Theory”. M., 2013.

>Code: C25/2016/5

Sociological research: monthly scientific and social-political magazine/Rus. acad. Sci. - M.: Nauka, 1974 - . - ISSN 0132-1625. - Published monthly
2016 N 5
Trubitsyn, D. V. Sociological keys to the secrets of the resource curse/ D. V. Trubitsyn. - P.3-12.
Lapin, N. I. Humanistic choice of the population of Russia and the centers of attention of Russian sociology/ N. I. Lapin. - P.23-34.
Shestopal, E. B. Elites and society as political actors in post-Soviet Russia/ E. B. Shestopal. - P.35-43.
Sanina, A. G. Patriotism and patriotic education in modern Russia/ A. G. Sanina. - P.44-53.
Harutyunyan, A. S. Lobbying: how to turn evil into good?/ A. S. Harutyunyan. - P.54-61.
Nisnevich, Yu. A. Corruption: instrumental conceptualization/ Yu. A. Nisnevich. - P.61-68.
Mukomel, V. I. Problems of integration of intra-Russian migrants of other ethnic origins/ V.I. Mukomel. - P.69-79.
Karabchuk, T. S. Objective and subjective well-being: experience of comparative analysis of the countries of Central Asia, Russia and Belarus / T. S. Karabchuk, D. V. Salnikova. - P.96-109.
Zlotnikova, T. S. Features of mass culture of the Russian province/ T. S. Zlotnikova [and others]. - P.110-114.
Other authors: Kiyashchenko L.P., Letina N.N., Erokhina T.I.
Zagidullina, M. V. Teenagers: reading and the Internet in everyday life/ M. V. Zagidullina. - P.115-123.
Kienko, T. S. Profanity as a social phenomenon/ T. S. Kienko. - P.124-133.
Simonyan, R. Kh. Russian reformers of the 1990s: experience of biographical research/ R. Kh. Simonyan, T. M. Kochegarova. - P.146-155.
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Available: CHZSEL (1)

Test assignment for correspondence students in the discipline “Sociology of Deviant Behavior”

General task:

Make notes, answer the following questions: methods of collecting information on the problem, place of research, object of research, subject of research, research results, your conclusions:

Journal "Sociological Research"

1. Spasennikov B. A., Smirnov A. M. Social and legal characteristics of convicted men serving sentences in correctional colonies // Sociological Research. 2015. No. 9. P. 120-124

2.Kotelnikova Z.V. The relationship between alcohol consumption practices and the social structure of modern Russia // Sociological Research. 2015. No. 4. P. 105-112

3. Kienko T. S. Profanity as a social phenomenon (analysis of a survey of residents of a provincial Russian city) // Sociological Research. 2016. No. 5. P. 124-133

4. Smirnov A. M. Lynchings among teenagers and youth // Sociological studies. 2017. No. 6. P. 108-116

5. Bogdanov S. V., Ostapyuk V. G. Facets of betrayal (collaborators in the Kursk region 1941-1943) // Sociological studies. 2017. No. 3. P. 115-122

6. Dadaeva T. M., Spiridonova K. M. On the margins of life: the phenomenon of the marginalized in the urban environment // Sociological Research. 2017. No. 8. P. 118-123

7. Shlyakov A. V. Vagrancy as a social phenomenon // Sociological studies. 2017. No. 8. P. 124-135

8. Stevenson S.A. “Street children and shadow communities” [GUMER library, electronic resource]

Literature on term papers and abstracts can be studied in email. Libraries:

Gumer, eLIBRARY, portal of applied Russian sociology SocioLogos, scientific electronic library “CyberLeninka”

When writing papers, you should definitely use normative

documents GOST 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliographic reference”, GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record”.

Scientific information posted:

Website of the Humanitarian Internet University

Website of the information and analytical system Medialogy (

Websites of the “Simpleforms” companies, (,

“Surveymonkey” (, “MAXQDA” (,

1) Study the Federal Laws “On Gambling”, “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances”.

2) Compile a dictionary of terms:

Questions to prepare for the test

1 Sociology of deviant behavior as a special sociological theory.

2 Social norm and deviation as a product of historical development.

5 Relativity of deviant behavior.

6 Types of deviant behavior.

7 The mechanism of deviant behavior (situation - conflict resolution through behavior).

8 Deviation as a process.

9 The relationship between social and individual factors in the process of deviation.

10 Characteristics of situations leading to the formation and maintenance of deviant behavior.

11 The role of right and left ideologies in the theoretical understanding of deviant behavior.

12 The role of punishment and reward in the prevention of deviant behavior in adolescents.

13 Characteristics of the deviant’s personality, her life situations, values, career in the deviant subculture.

14 Marxism and neo-Marxism about deviant behavior.

15 Sociological theories about the causes of deviant behavior.

16 Socio-psychological theories and their role in the prevention of deviant behavior.

17 Deviance and delinquency of adolescents, their causes, means of prevention.

18 The role of social services in the prevention of deviant behavior of minors.

19 Legal basis for protective measures for social prevention of juvenile delinquency.

20 The system of social control over the behavior of individuals and groups, its institutions and their functions.

21 Sociological approach and sociological methods for studying deviant behavior.


Topics of reports:

Drug addiction as a social phenomenon.


1 - 58% emphasized the importance of independently acquiring new knowledge and skills; - 49% - presence of discipline and ability to quickly switch to a new job. The importance of theoretical knowledge on the part of employers was indicated by 26% of those who currently combine study with work. These views are more consistent with the requirements of employers than the views of those who do not have any experience in production. Consequently, the problem of finding optimal options for combining educational and work activities in the training of young specialists remains. UDC: 374.3:81"276.2 ABNORMATIVE VOCABULARY AS A SOCIO-CULTURAL PROBLEM OF MODERN YOUTH Moskvina Natalya Robertovna Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor Tyumen State University, Tyumen NOT STANDARD VOCABULARY HOW SOCIOCULTURAL PROBLEM OF MODERN YOUNG PEOPLE Nataliay Moskvina Candi date of Sciences in Sociology; associate professor, Tyumen State University, Tyumen ABSTRACT The article examines the problem of the crisis of Russian speech, its contamination with invectives and vulgarisms. The results of a survey of students on the topic of attitudes towards profanity and the reasons for introducing it, as well as observation data on the behavior of students in the educational environment and on Internet networks are presented. Conclusions are drawn about possible causes and ways to overcome this problem. ABSTRACT In the article is presented the problem of crisis of Russian speeches, its clogging than invectives and vulgarisms. Make the results of the survey of young people on the topic of relationships to not standard vocabulary. and the reasons for initiation to it, and the same material of observations for behavior of students in Educational society and in the Internet. Made findings about possible reasons and ways of overcoming this problem. Key words: profanity, youth, slang, invective, obscene expressions, crisis of Russian speech. Key words: not standard vocabulary, young people, slang, invectives, obscene expressions, crisis of Russian speeches. Speech culture is an integral part of a person’s general culture, the ability to accurately convey one’s thoughts. It presupposes not only knowledge of the norms of the literary language, its expressive capabilities and national characteristics, but also the correct attitude towards what is called profanity. No matter how strange such a statement may seem, profanity is also part of our culture, if by culture we mean all human activity with its results that distinguish man from nature. The current Russian speech is in a state of deep crisis. Clear evidence of this phenomenon is the increasing use of obscene language, slang, invective, and the emergence of new words, the spelling of which is not officially approved. Profanity has become firmly established in our speech: even among educated people there is a widespread belief that swearing is natural for humans, as it serves as a kind of lightning rod and plays a positive regulatory role. In his article “Obscene Dictionary as a Phenomenon of Russian Culture,” A. Plutser Sarno points to the pro- 306

2 the problem of the emergence of a huge number of “Russian obscenities dictionaries”: “Their quality suggests that this area of ​​the language still remains outside the field of view of professional lexicographers. They were made completely illiterately by amateurs and amateurs in order to satisfy the completely natural need to print “unprintable”, to use “obscene”. So, more than a hundred years ago, in one English medical journal it was written: “The one who was the first in the world to curse his fellow tribesman instead of, without saying a bad word, crushing his skull, thereby laid the foundations of civilization.” And many of our contemporaries still think the same. In fact, a person who resorts to insults does not save, but most often “finishes off” his communication partner, showing him his disdain and complete lack of respect. The purpose of abuse is, first of all, to lower the social status of the opponent by the speaker, because the main moral values ​​for a person - home, mother, family, mental and religious beliefs - are insulted. In our article, we will consider swearing as a weapon of the weak, as a kind of compensation for one’s emotional balance, as the inability to respond to the offender with more tangible means. Permissiveness of speech turns into a disease of the intellect, a distortion of human consciousness. Often a person who regularly uses swear words, when entering polite society, tries to remain silent for fear of revealing his true linguistic origin. If you turn to the Holy Scriptures regarding this issue, you can find in the letter of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians the commandment: “Let no corrupt word come out of your mouth, but only what is good for edification in the faith, so that it may bring grace to those who hear.” No less important is the fact that swearing directly affects the health of a person, both those who pronounce these words and those who listen. Proof of this is the study of P. P. Goryaev, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the Institute of Quantum Genetics, on the effect of swearing on human health. Using a device he created that translates words into electromagnetic vibrations, the scientist proved that these vibrations affect the molecules of heredity. It turned out that some words can be worse than mines: they “explode” in the human genetic apparatus, distorting his hereditary programs, causing mutations, ultimately leading to degeneration. During selective warfare, chromosomes are distorted and torn. That is, words cause mutations similar to the effects of radiation. Rude, evil words can not only undermine health, cause illness, but also, in the end, kill a person. Profanity has a detrimental effect on the genetic code of the foul-mouthed person, is fixed in it and determines poor heredity. In people who do not use “strong” words, the general condition of the body is, as a rule, 5, 10, and sometimes 15 years younger than their official age. Another recorded fact is associated with vulgar speech. In those countries whose national languages ​​do not contain curse words indicating the reproductive organs, Down's disease and cerebral palsy have not been detected, while in Russia they exist and are progressing every year. I would even dare to suggest that the popularization of profanity in Russia is one of the strategies of the information war launched by the Americans against the Russian population at the end of the twentieth century. After all, it’s no secret that many American films containing scenes of violence and open obscene language are prohibited from showing in America itself and are filmed specifically for export to Russia. Of course, what has become firmly established in the vocabulary of the mature and elderly population of our country is difficult to eradicate today. However, the problem we are raising is penetrating deeper and deeper into the youth environment, including the culture of youth Internet communities. The purpose of our study was to identify the level of use of profanity among students in the city of Tyumen. As objects of observation, we selected students from Tyumen State University, Tyumen Oil and Gas University, Tyumen Agricultural Academy, Tyumen Institute of Culture and Arts, Tyumen State Medical Academy, as well as Polytechnic 307

3 scientific college at Tyumen State Oil and Gas University. The research methods were observation, express survey of students, as well as analysis of student Internet pages. 100 students took part in the express survey. The results of the study turned out to be very revealing. Thus, 17% of surveyed students have repeatedly heard profanity from teachers and 53% regularly hear abusive language from parents, brothers, sisters and close social circles. It turns out that 70% of students are in a disadvantaged linguistic environment and, in medical terms, are “carriers” of profanity. At the same time, 86% of them do not want their future children to hear and use obscene words, however, 40% themselves use swearing to release their emotions or relieve stress. An analysis of the Internet pages of student youth also revealed the popularity of invective and vulgarism among young people. About 70% of the students whose pages were analyzed by us do not themselves formulate obscene speech on their pages in contact, but quote and repost on the “wall” someone else’s formulated obscene expression. This fact clearly demonstrates the popularity of “colorful swearing” in youth online communities and in contact. Most often, young men use profanity, as indicated by both survey data (63%) and observation results (53%). There is a version that in ancient times, warriors, gathering on the battlefield, shouted swear words as a battle cry, which is where it came from that swearing has become the prerogative of men. However, if in ancient times this type of behavior was justified by the necessity of wartime, today such words look like a manifestation of ignorance and a low level of culture of young people. Mikhailin V. Yu., Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Philological Sciences, theoretically proved that Russian swearing is identical to Indo-European verbal spell formulas used in ancient secret male unions. Members of military men's societies, young warriors, underwent initiation, at the moment of which the young man was possessed by an animal spirit, evoked by the power of magic spells - obscene language. The initiation of youth into warriors consisted in the young men’s assimilation of typical wolf traits, wolf behavior, wolf language, and swearing. Knowing the history of the origin of swearing, we must understand that it awakens the animal spirit and destroys the mental and spiritual essence of modern man. The scientist argued that a person who habitually and often uses profanity has deviations in the field of psychological health and the process of his further degradation continues. It was not for nothing that in the old days in Rus' they said: “Rotten words come from a rotten heart.” However, today girls do not hesitate to use invective in their speech: 47% of the observed cases of the use of profanity relate specifically to them. Perhaps this is the result of the emancipation of women, the desire not to yield to the “stronger sex” in anything. At the same time, modesty is a necessary condition for a respectful attitude, first of all, towards oneself. Vulgar perception of things can change the meaning of words. The ineffectiveness of thinking processes, reflected in obscene expressions, indicates a decrease in the adaptive capabilities of the body, primitivization of personality, an increased likelihood of making erroneous decisions, and the use of not the best behavioral models. Young people who use obscene expressions are more often prone to deviant forms of behavior due to the blurring of the boundaries of what is permitted. You can often hear swear words from the lips of girls and boys smoking expensive cigarettes together near the university building. What was also interesting for us was the fact that if earlier (in Soviet times) students of vocational schools and evening schools most often used profanity in the process of communication, due to the low level of culture and education, today the observation results show almost the same level of use of invective as in both among university students and among polytechnic college students, with a gap of literally 1%. A certain gap is observed only among students of the Tyumen Institute of Culture and Arts, which is most likely due to the selection of a more creative contingent - 308

4 students. At the same time, among the students of the Medical Academy, none of the students surveyed noted that they did not use swear words at least occasionally. If in pre-revolutionary Russia a doctor approached a patient with prayer and reverence, understanding the full responsibility of the action he was performing before God and man, today the future doctor is unlikely to realize the seriousness of the mission entrusted to him. In addition, if previously it was a common assertion that swearing and obscene language are a by-product of poverty, since people from the lower classes are more dissatisfied with life in general. Our research showed that obscene language among young people is evenly distributed across all strata. The main reason, in our opinion, is the lack of internal control and permissiveness, a feeling of impunity, primarily from public opinion. The spread of profanity among students is, on the one hand, already a common phenomenon, but, on the other hand, very paradoxical, because students are the future intelligentsia. Can a poorly educated intelligentsia preach high matters in society and lead the country to high ideals? Certainly not. But perhaps they expect from us such self-destruction, self-humiliation, to which lack of culture inevitably leads? The next point of interest to us in the research process was the age of the students using obscene expressions. The largest percentage among them are young people aged 17 to 19 years. There were 39% of them. These are first- and second-year students, yesterday’s students of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums. This is probably the part of students who are trying to assert themselves in the new team. Our initial assumption that swearing is a means of building relationships and overcoming shyness among young people was confirmed. But these data also confirm another equally important assumption that the vocabulary of modern youth is very meager and clogged with invective and vulgarism. Being cultured and well-mannered today is unfashionable, and not knowing the vocabulary of Internet slang means completely “falling out” of the youth environment. I immediately remember films and TV series about American student youth, which massively penetrated the Russian screen in the mid-90s of the twentieth century. For students of the 90s, these were just funny comedies that ridiculed the vices of Western youth, since they did not fit into the value structure of the Russian students of the cream of society. However, for children who grew up watching these films, they became a guide to action, a kind of norm of relationships. The least number of people using obscene language (26%) were among adult students in the age category. This is the age at which young people establish more than friendly relationships, namely relationships of sympathy and love. And here, of course, the archaic mechanism of restraint, embarrassment, and the desire to please the communication partner comes into play. Rudeness here is already a manifestation of a person’s low cultural level and open disregard for universal human values. But it also has a place in the student environment, in addition, like a disease, it spreads to others, because the human soul is a subtle and complex organism and requires sensitive, and not rude, treatment of itself. There is only one conclusion: it is necessary to raise the level of culture of the population, to educate young people into intolerance towards vulgarity and verbal promiscuity from childhood. In this case, it is right to recall the classic of the theory of deviation - E. Durkheim, who believed that deviant behavior is an indicator of a healthy society, and it is perceived as a deviation from the norm as long as undesirable behavior is perceived in society as “not the norm.” Perhaps, for Russian citizens, profanity is still a kind of norm of relationships and even a kind of colorful addition to Russian speech. And as long as we react with irony or indifference, and not with condemnation, to a given color, we will hear it more and more often. 309

5 Penalties for the use of obscene language are only deterrent, but not eradicating measures to combat profanity (40% of the students we surveyed know about the imposition of a fine for obscene language, but do not consider this an obstacle to the use of vulgar words). However, in my opinion, it is necessary to fine those media channels, including Internet sites and those printed publications that popularize swearing and verbal promiscuity; impose stereotypes of vulgar behavior. And, of course, a high responsibility lies with parents and teachers who, acting as agents of the child’s primary socialization, largely shape his worldview and his speech culture. And if a child hears swear words from the mouth of a parent or teacher who is a model of culture, then there will no longer be any internal barriers for him to use obscene words. Another famous lexicographer Vladimir Dal wrote: “You cannot joke with language, the human word, with speech with impunity; a person’s verbal speech is a visible, tangible connection, a union between body and spirit.” References: 1. Borozdina G.V. Psychology and ethics of business communication: a textbook for bachelors / G.V. Borozdina, N.A. Kormnova; under general ed. G.V. Borozdina. M.: Yurayt Publishing House, p. 2. Mikhailin V. Path of animal words: Spatially oriented cultural codes in the Indo-European tradition. - M.: UFO, p. 3. Nesterova Irina. The harm of foul language. Is it worth swearing? (date of application). 4. Plutser-Sarno A. Swear dictionary as a phenomenon of Russian culture. //New Russian book WITH UDC IDENTITY AS A PROBLEM OF SOCIAL INTERACTION Mochalova Nadezhda Yuryevna Candidate of Philosophy, Head. department, associate professor Nizhny Tagil State Social Pedagogical Institute (branch) RSEPU, Nizhny Tagil IDENTITY AS A PROBLEM OF SOCIAL INTERACTION Mochalova Hope Y. cand. filos.n., Head of the Department, associate professor, Nizhny Tagil State Social and Pedagogical Institute (branch) RGPPU, Nizhny Tagil ABSTRACT The article is devoted to the study of the interdisciplinary problem of identity at the personological level of analysis, where self-identity appears as a subjective structure of the organization of processes, phenomena, events , their interpretation, awareness, and the internal form of integration of various facets of personality into a single personal whole without loss of unique originality within the boundaries of intersubjectivity. The concept of personal identity is considered as a theory of narrative (one’s own interpretative activity), therefore hermeneutics becomes the methodological space chosen for research. ABSTRACT The article is devoted to interdisciplinary problems of identity personological level of analysis, where the self-identity appears subjective structure of the organization processes, phenomena, events, interpretation, understanding, and internal form of integration of the dif- 310

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