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The image has an informational reason. Information occasion

Information occasion (newsbreak,inject, news feed) is an event that serves to form and provide information support to the community, to form a different view, to correct the view on the subject of the news story.

Subject of informational occasion (news item) from a marketing point of view - a product, service and (or) the company producing them, which are of interest, to one degree or another, to the community - the target audience of this item.

Purpose of the information occasion– introducing into the information environment information, attitudes, expert opinions, etc., which should form public opinion, influence public opinion previously formed towards the object of promotion.

At the heart of the news story there is a clearly understood, unambiguously interpreted benefit (material or non-material), for example, the announcement of information about any significant event that is interesting to the target audience should attract representatives of the media and the target audience, which means this should contribute to the goal of popularization and promotion of the object of the information occasion .

Large and small events have an informational reason, in this case, it forms either large or small communities of those who are interested in the subject of the news feed. A good news story creates a larger community, interests more representatives of the target audience and more media - conductors of information between the creator of the story and the target audience.

Advertising or creating news events. In marketing, in order to popularize, promote goods, services and their manufacturer, it is possible to pay for advertising and information campaign () or create information occasions that are covered by the media independently and at their own expense, in which the subject of the occasion is the object being popularized.

Properties of information occasion. The practical significance and marketing benefit of an informational occasion (whether the occasion serves promotion) largely depends on the following characteristics of the informational occasion:

  • the scale of the news feed– a large number of representatives of the target audience are involved in the event or the event is interesting. The larger the scale of the news event, the more interesting the event is to the media;
  • brightness of the event (significance of the event) – the more an informational occasion stands out from the series of ordinary events, the more attention the media and the target audience will pay to it, as a result;
  • unambiguity of assessments (interpretation of the news story) – predictability of the reaction to the event and the expected result. Few people will spend time searching for the “hidden” meaning in a message,
  • expressed positivity of the event– positive emotional coloring. Positive events convince of the need to continue the usual way of life, further development of the situation to which the target audience has adapted to exist. Negative events convince of the need to change the situation, change the order of things familiar to the audience and the attitude towards what is happening. It is worth considering that negatively colored events attract more attention than positive ones, but they are not always beneficial from the point of view of promoting the subject of the news story.
  • relevance of the occasion- an assessment of one’s involvement in an information issue that is clearly interpreted by the audience. To successfully rebroadcast an event in the media, it is necessary that it does not fall out of the current agenda and is interesting (useful) for the target audience.

If any of the characteristics of an informational occasion is absent or has an insignificant value, then in order to create a high-quality informational occasion, a large load falls on the remaining characteristics. For example, if an event is not usually on the agenda, then it should have the greatest salience compared to other messages on the agenda.

Duration and scale of information occasion. A newspaper article about an event creates a short-lived community. The main task of marketers– to prolong interest in the object of promotion, which means it is necessary to form the involvement of the object of promotion to something of greater significance or to some other long-term and large-scale informational occasion. A good informational occasion may be a message to the target audience that the object of promotion (product, service, company that created them) is related to the informational occasions of the community and contributes to a qualitative change in the current situation in the community.


What is Information Guide

With the development of technology, the speed of information dissemination has increased hundreds and thousands of times compared to the era of the printed press and telegraph.

Events that happened a few hours or even minutes ago on the other side of the world are already widely discussed on the Internet. The more significant the news, the greater the resonance it will bring to the information world, gaining hundreds, thousands and millions of comments, likes and shares.

What is INFORMATION BREAKDOWN - definition, meaning in simple words.

Infopovod (Information occasion) is an event that caused a strong reaction among the public and was widely reported in the media.

Example of news story No. 1 (Natural news story):

Informational occasion:

“In his speech, the President mentioned the possibility of closing the border to citizens traveling abroad.”

Reaction to news feed:

In the media and the Internet ( and at home in the kitchen) discussions begin on the topic:

  • What did the president mean anyway?
  • Is an Iron Curtain possible?
  • What consequences will the closure of borders have?

As a result, the president’s words provoked a violent reaction in society.

In this example, a variant of the natural ( unplanned) informational occasion. I think this is all clear.

There are also quite motivated news feeds. Which have the goal of obtaining a certain financial or other benefit. Cunning marketers and PR specialists quickly realized that very good benefits can be derived from well-planned hype.

This technique is used quite often and everything looks natural, but the theme itself already contains the necessary vectors for the development of events. This is aimed at selling a product or diverting attention from a more important event that does not need publicity. Politics is generally a huge generator and specialist in targeted information feeds.

Example of news event No. 2 (Planned news story):

The government has raised utility prices. It goes without saying that the news is not the most pleasant, and the consequences will hit the pockets of citizens. Unrest may arise among the masses. People need something to distract them.

What government technologists do:

Some supposedly important information is launched, like “ Our country will launch a spacecraft to Alpha Centauri in 3 years" Pocket media and crowds of trolls begin to promote this topic wherever possible, diverting attention from truly important and “selfish” information about tariffs. This is how it works.

  • buy liner
  • briefing
  • interview
  • case history
  • press kit
  • press conference
  • Press release
  • fact sheet

I. Documents (written informational reasons).
1. back ground– current event information presented by the media. 1 page of text, sent regularly by (e-mail). Such information is not published, but simply creates an information background so that specialists know this subject.
2. Press release– one of the main documents of PR practice. This is a message containing important news about the company; publication of this information is desirable. 1-3 pages, letterhead, details. Construction principles:
- a headline that attracts attention.
- 1 s – 2-3 phrases, the most important.
- 1st paragraph, the essence of the news, highlighted font.
- further down the paragraph in descending order of importance of the information.
- newspaper style.
Very important, extraordinary information that does not matter to the audience.
The news is significant and meaningful to the audience.
3. press kit (media kit)– a folder of several materials useful for a journalist, which will allow him to write an article. The press has no obligation to publish this news. Mentioning a news-maker (famous person) increases the chances of publication.
4. fact sheet– a short document that compactly reflects the profile of an event, organization, person. Brief information.
5. addition to the fact sheet - question - answer, which lists obviously unambiguous short answers.
6. biographical reference book– a directory of factual information about people working in the company and associated with it (background for working with the press).
7. statement– explanation of positions on any issue. It is possible to pay for publication in full. Used to prevent negative information.
8. letter to the editor. They are published for the same reasons as the statement, but in a more democratic form. Sent to the editor-in-chief/deputy editor. A kind of response to “offense.” But on the other hand, bad news is also news, and in refuting it, you have to remind about this negative event, i.e. extend its “life”.
9. case history– a story about a favorable resolution of a problem situation. Not for general printing, but for special editions. publications Often used for “bench-marketing” - sharing “best practices”, talking about experience, others can compare their situation with the one described.
Case formula:
- presentation of the problem.
- how the problem was viewed by the company.
- explanation of the solution found.
- display, presentation of the results of using the solution.
- detail.
As a rule, it is prepared by company employees.
10. entertaining article– prepared by the company’s employees or a journalist with their help, according to the formula: description – explanation – assessment. But in an entertaining way.
11. buy liner– an opinion article, an article signed by a prominent employee of the company, expressing a corporate view of the problem; maintains the reputation of the company and management. Has a chance to be published if it is interesting.
12. review article– an article integrating the experience of several companies. They are published more readily. Particularly interested are small firms that do not have a chance (to be published).
13. problematic article- an article written by an expert in a specific industry, mentioning the desired company.
II. Dialogues with the press.
1. interview– “meeting” of journalists and PR subject in question-answer mode. "Meeting" is optional. Written or oral interview. You have a better chance of getting a written interview.
2. interview statement- used in international practice. relations when the situation requires an official response, but the protocol does not allow these statements. Then the correspondent asks a specific question to confirm/refute this information. The classic option is a conversation between ????????? and the interviewer.
A. Depending on need:
- an offer to give an interview is sent.
- an offer for an interview is sent.
- topic, duration, etc.
b. Interview:
- free (rarely, the range of issues is not specified);
- usually the range of issues is specified (if the newspaper is interested in the person);
There is a category of scandalous journalists.
It is signed by the interviewee before going to print.
3. press conference– group interview with the president. He answers questions from many journalists at once. Costly event.
Taken in 3 cases:
- the need to explain to the public about an event.
- attract maximum attention to any event.
- regular press conference.
Preparing a press conference:
A. guest list.
B. press conference time
- cannot be scheduled for Monday, because main assignments in publishing houses are distributed for a week; or on Friday, because Cultural news is published on Saturday.
- not prescribed before 12 noon. Journalists sleep after 15.00, because... won't make it on the evening news.
It is advisable to rent press rooms.
IN. Scenario plan of all events that should take place at the press conference:
- introduction of participants (presenter);
- a short statement on the topic (person) no more than 10 minutes;
- clarifying speech;
- answers to questions (20 -60 min.);
- demonstration (films, documents, etc.);
- unofficial part: coffee-brake (establishing contacts...)
G. Carrying out:
- registration
- handouts (often press kits)
- a very important role is played by the presenter, who regulates the flow of questions.
The right to ask a question: to famous, friendly, opposition, others...
4. briefing– an instructive meeting with the press to provide one-sided information, no questions asked. Additional information and questions – during the coffee-brake.
5. press reception– inviting journalists to “visit”. If the reception is carried out regularly at a certain time (day) - zhurfix.
6. site visits- excursions. When something is rare, never seen before or new. When it is necessary to dispel rumors. If there is a trip ahead, the exact number of journalists is calculated.
III. Special events.
1. presentation– is not intended for the press (only for coverage - the press), but for the public that is important for the company (the most respected clients, counterparties, representatives of public organizations). The presentation marks the end/beginning of an important stage of work (opening of a store, new car model).
Presentation script:
- for entertainment – ​​light scenes.
- speech of the first person;
- clarifying speeches;
- demonstration;
- cultural program (shows, etc.)
2. trip around the country– a very complex event, prepared as an important operation.
3. Exhibitions, demonstration of capabilities in specially organized places.

The purpose of press breakfasts is a confidential or behind-the-scenes discussion, face to face, of complex problems of modern business or to probe, during confidential communication, the opinions of the journalistic community on sensitive corporate issues. Press breakfasts are especially convenient in cases where it is necessary to prepare a journalistic opinion for ambiguous or difficult to understand steps taken by the management of a business structure. 5 Interview– a very popular form of interaction with journalists of target media, most actively used in individual work with particularly significant media. There are the following most common types of interviews: face-to-face (in person), correspondence (usually in writing and more extended over time) and virtual (i.e. on the Internet). 6 Press club and press pool– a special form of interaction with journalists from specialized, professional or industry publications.

Typically, the press club consists of carefully selected professional journalists specializing in any specific area of ​​industry, business, social and political life. The goals are to establish personal friendly relationships with reputable professional journalists who set the tone in covering key issues whose opinions are listened to by target audiences or general media. 7 Meeting with journalists without ties(especially popular among large Russian banks and investment companies) is a PR event close to press clubs in format and essence, but it is held less regularly, the topics of the meetings are not so detailed and structured. The main emphasis is on informal communication, say, between bank managers and employees and journalists. The purpose of such events is to provide unofficial information to the target media at the right time and try to probe a possible response from the journalistic corps. 8 Meetings with media editors-in-chief(they were once regularly organized in Moscow by the International Club of PR Managers “PRofessional”) are held for heads of corporate PR departments and PR agencies in order to identify the specifics of publications or their editorial policies, get acquainted with the promising creative portfolio of the editorial office or present new media. 10. Competition among journalists for the best material about a business structure or its products is widely used by corporate PR services for additional stimulation and deeper coverage of the necessary issues. Joint conferences and seminars with the media became widespread in the second half of the 90s. last century. They are usually organized by a specialized PR agency together with an influential print media interested in covering a major issue on an exclusive basis.

The agency, with the financial support of one of its clients, covers all organizational costs: inviting newsmakers, providing a presenter, renting premises, technical support, paying for a buffet table and printing, etc. The media outlet, in turn, guarantees wide coverage of the PR event on the pages of its publication. Information sponsorship is one of the effective tools of modern PR, since it guarantees positive and widespread coverage of significant PR events in the target media. The art of a PR specialist is to competently select for each event one or even several target media that would be interested in it for various reasons: high social significance of the topic, participation of the general public, uniqueness, presence of public opinion leaders, professional interest readers, etc. Thematic educational seminar– a popular PR event in working with the media.

It is most actively used in the case where the commercial structure involves the introduction to the market of a new, little-known product or service (for example, in the field of high technology), requiring qualified media coverage and an appropriately prepared target audience. Video conferencing and teleconference we gained popularity and public recognition in the second half of the 80s. XX century They made it possible for the public of various countries to establish a bilateral (teleconference) or even multilateral (videoconference) dialogue with target audiences in order to discuss global problems of our time.

Edition: Press release: rules for drafting. Ready-made marketing solutions

Part 1


How it works
press release

1.1.General requirements for a press release

·A press release contains news - that is, either a message about an event that happened yesterday, is happening today or will happen in the near future, or previously unpublished figures or facts.

·The press release reveals one news item.

·The size of the press release does not exceed an A4 page, i.e. 3 thousand characters (with spaces).

·The press release is dated and contains the exact name of the organization that issues it.

·The press release must have a title. At the same time, the title of the press release contains the informational topic that the press release is dedicated to.

·The press release does not contain abbreviations or abbreviations (except for generally accepted ones). If the use of an abbreviation or abbreviation cannot be avoided, they are given in parentheses after the first use of the full name and are subsequently used as necessary.

·First names, patronymics and surnames of persons, names of organizations discussed in the press release are given in full at least once. Foreign names and titles are given not only in the original spelling, but also in Russian transcription. At the same time, in Russian transcription it is advisable to present them at least once in the nominative singular case.

·The press release should not be overloaded with numbers. If we are talking about any quantitative indicators, a maximum of two or three indicators are described, preferably in comparison with some other reporting period.

·Press release contains background. At the same time, a background on the enterprise is a mandatory element of the enterprise’s press release.

·The composition of a press release allows you to shorten it, if necessary, by removing any number of sentences from the end. At the same time, the text of the press release should not lack completeness.

·The press release includes information about where you can clarify the information contained in it - contact numbers, postal and email addresses, names and surnames of contact persons.

· The above recommendations may not comply - in terms of volume, number of information occasions and figures - certificates and reports performing the functions of a press release for any reporting period or on any issue, if they are distributed through the media in completely without changes.

·A press release on an upcoming event is sent to the media no later than one day before the event.

·A press release dedicated to the event is sent to the media immediately after the event, in exceptional cases - the next day after the event.

1.2.Press release structure

1. Title and requirements for it:

· the headline of the press release answers the questions “What happened?”, “Where did it happen?” and “When did it happen?”, and contains no more than 250 characters (with spaces);

· the headline contains news - that is, either a message about an event that happened yesterday, is happening today or will happen in the near future, or previously unpublished figures or facts that became available for publication today (yesterday);

· the title should not be emotionally charged through the use of question or exclamation marks, as well as “loud” epithets (for example, “unique”, “atypical”, “famous”);

The title sets the general perception of the text of the message. Although the company’s press release entitled “ As a result of the explosion in the synthesis workshop of JSC Farmakon, 14 people were hospitalized,” and a press release entitled “Despite the accident in the synthesis workshop, Farmakon OJSC operates as usual”, report the same fact, the difference between them is striking.

2. Main text and requirements for it:

· the text is constructed according to the “inverted pyramid” principle, when the description of the informational occasion to which the press release is devoted is concentrated in the first paragraph, and the details clarifying the informational occasion are arranged sequentially in separate paragraphs (one detail in one paragraph) in descending order of importance;

Each paragraph of text contains no more than two or three sentences. Sentences are constructed in such a way as to minimize possible discrepancies, even if this results in repetitions of words or formulations;

· the text of the press release contains the exact date of the event in question;

· the first sentence (paragraph) of the text repeats the title, while possibly expanding and clarifying it; for example, specifying the place and time of the event. Heading " The Almaz shipbuilding company will present new developments at the international naval exhibition in Greece» specified by the first sentence: “ The Almaz shipbuilding company will present new developments at the international naval exhibition, “Defendory International 2004”, which will be held from October 5 to 10 in Athens at the exhibition complex located in the port of Piraeus»;

· the text of the press release must contain a direct quote from one of the top officials of the organization that issued the press release, or a direct quote from an expert. This quote is placed in the second paragraph and confirms or specifies the title of the press release, i.e. the news story. For example, header: “Eurosib won the tender to transport 103 trucks for Surgutneftegaz” confirmed by the quote: “A distinctive feature of equipment transportation for Surgutneftengaz is that the client sends them for operation directly from the platform. In order for this to be possible, complete coordination of the actions of all participants in a single supply chain is necessary. “For three years, Eurosib has managed to confirm that it copes with this task perfectly,” said Mikhail Sverdlov, Deputy General Director for Public Relations of the Eurosib Group.” This quote explains why Eurosib won the tender;

· the text of the press release should not be emotionally charged due to punctuation marks (question marks, exclamation marks) or “loud” epithets. If it is impossible to avoid “loud” epithets in the text, then it is preferable to illustrate such an epithet with a fact (for example, when we are talking about a development that has no analogues in the world, you can, in particular, indicate the production and price parameters of a product that performed similar functions before the introduction of this development) . Question or exclamation marks, as well as “loud” epithets are acceptable in a direct quotation;

· the text of the press release uses a unified approach to the given quantitative indicators: if the indicator is given in absolute figures, then it must be compared with the absolute indicator. When comparing indicators, a combination of relative and absolute values ​​is unacceptable: “Customs officers of the North-West transferred 30 billion rubles to the federal budget over the three months of 2004, while during the same period last year the fulfillment of the customs task was only 99%.” It is desirable that different quantitative indicators in the text of one press release are given in both relative and absolute values;

· in the text of a press release, it is advisable to present absolute quantitative indicators in the same units of measurement: it is difficult for a non-specialist to understand why the quantity of one type of product (for example, cable) is given in kilometers, and another, similar one (wire), in tons;

· the text of the press release must contain information about what or who will be affected by the consequences of the event discussed in the press release.

3. Background and requirements for it:

· a certificate of organization should not contain a complete list of products or a detailed history since its founding. It is enough to include in it the date of foundation of the organization, the main areas of activity and current market position, as well as the rare or most socially significant types of products or research. At the same time, this information may be slightly modified depending on the informational occasion to which the press release is dedicated. For example, in a press release dedicated to presenting an organization with a prize for its contribution to the development of military-technical cooperation, it is appropriate to supplement the standard certificate with the specific contribution to the development of military-technical cooperation made, and in a press release dedicated to the personnel problem - with the number of employees;

· product information contains information about its main technical characteristics, areas of application, and main consumers. For domestic products, foreign consumers may be especially important. A special case of such a certificate may be a certificate about an item that is not related to the product, but is mentioned in a press release (for example, an organization has purchased a painting and is donating it to a museum). Such a certificate contains the date of creation of the item, its brief description, information about why it is significant, an excursion into the history of the item, if it is of interest;

· information about the event contains the date and place of the first event and, if possible, the subsequent one (if the event is repeated), the number of participants in the event and a mention of several of the most famous;

· a certificate about a person contains biographical data - date of birth (death), information about education, main periods of work, achievements at the last place of work (if we are talking about personnel movements or awards), information about the presence of special titles and academic degrees in the person described , as well as printed works (total number and names of some of the most famous or significant).

about informational occasions

2.1. The importance of the information occasion

The significance of the information occasion is related to the circle of individuals, organizations, social structures (for example, authorities, health care systems, education, etc.) and social groups (for example, the business community, consumer groups, “beneficiaries”, the population of the subject of the federation), on which are influenced by the event being described.

Significance criteria:

· the event significantly affects the life of the locality, region or state where the organization is located;

· the event is international in nature;

·the event has no global or regional analogues;

· the event is in the nature of an emergency or resulted in human casualties;

· the event occurs periodically, but is characterized by pronounced positive dynamics - an increase in the number of conference participants by several times, a significant increase in the enterprise’s profit for the reporting period, etc.;

· the event occurs periodically, but is characterized by pronounced negative dynamics (it is undesirable as an information source for an organization’s press release, but it is possible);

· the event involves a significant economic or social effect - the creation of new jobs, an increase in average wages, bringing the area of ​​activity to the level of profitability;

The event has been expected for a long time;

·a VIP person participates in the event - federal or regional;

· the event itself is insignificant, but within its framework there are interesting facts or atypical participants are announced - a junior high school student takes part in an Olympiad or competition for students, the general director of the enterprise won the track and field race dedicated to the anniversary of the plant;

· the event itself is insignificant, but contrary to the usual course of things - “the egg laid the chicken.”

2.2.Typical informational occasions

List of typical information occasions:

1. New technologies, devices (or other objects of activity):

Beginning of development of new technology, device;

Stages of development - subject to significant social or state significance of this object;

Launch into production;

Stages of production, subject to the significant significance of this object: for example, for a shipbuilding enterprise - launching, mooring, sea and other tests, transfer of the ship to the customer.

2. Conducting on the basis of organizing conferences and seminars:

Event announcement;

Interim messages - details of individual reports, individual events within the framework of the stated: round table review, presentation of products, services;

final message.

3. Participation of the organization in specialized exhibitions, conferences, etc.:

Announcement of the organization’s participation in the event;

Interim communications - holding any promotions during the event, presentation of the organization’s products or services at the event, a report from a representative of the organization (provided that he is not highly specialized), signing protocols of intent, concluding contracts and agreements that do not represent a trade secret;

final message.

4. Significant dates (anniversaries of the organization, the head of the organization, internal structures) and events in the life of the organization, especially if they are supported by any event - a conference or seminar:


Interim messages (if the date is confirmed by the event);

Final message (if the date is supported by the event);

Awarding the organization or its leader with state, departmental awards, signs of public recognition;

Giving the name of an organization or leader to something.

5.Structural changes in the organization:

Merger, restructuring, opening or formation of new structures, production facilities, workshops, complete or partial re-profiling.

6. Personnel situation in the organization:

Change of senior management;

Introduction of new leadership positions, especially those atypical for this field of activity;

assistance to employees.

7. Economic activities of the organization:

Results for the reporting period;

Receiving orders and concluding contracts;

Obtaining and issuing loans;

Participation in tenders.

8.Production activities:

Obtaining international licenses or certificates;

Reconstruction of equipment and production;

Purchase of equipment that has no Russian analogues;

Fulfilling atypical or unique orders;

Release of anniversary (in a row) products.

9. Public, sponsorship and charitable activities of the organization:

Participation in specialized public organizations, professional associations;

Participation in cultural, sports and social events at least on a city scale;

Support for cultural, sports and social events at least on a city scale;

Patronage activities over non-core educational institutions and children's institutions, as well as over divisions or combat units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

Participation in any auction for the purpose of purchasing art objects for museums;

Support for social institutions, other charitable activities;

Allocation of funds to help victims of natural disasters or terrorist attacks.

10. Relations with specialized universities:

Participation in the scientific activities of universities, in training and employment programs for young specialists;

scholarship programs.

11.Visits to the organization of VIPs and foreign delegations.

12.Emergencies in the organization:

Information about the emergency;

Chronicle of the incident or liquidation of its consequences;

final summary.

2.3. Disclosure of informational occasion

Aspects of the event that allow you to reveal the informational occasion:

1.Description of the event:

When, how and under what circumstances the event occurred, description of the ceremony.

Which significant persons took part in it.

Feedback about the event given by significant persons.

2. Subject of the event (the thing around which the event occurs):

Characteristics of the subject of the event. For material items - their description, value, physical and technical characteristics, and other details. For events - information about the topics and subsections of the event, as well as about promotions held as part of the event.

Changes in the characteristics of the event subject in comparison with analogues.

3.Quantitative characteristics of the event:

What kind of event was this?

Where and when the previous such event occurred, where and when the next one will occur.

Did the event have analogues, what were the differences between the event and them.

4.Event participants:

Number of event participants. Provided that the event is periodically repeated, has there been more of them?

Geography of event participants. Provided that the event is periodically repeated, has it become wider?

Status of event participants. Are there any participants among them who could be called atypical (in terms of age, professional status, official position), etc.

5.Financial characteristics of the event:

How much was spent on the preparation and implementation of the event? Provided that the event is periodically repeated, has it increased or decreased.

What economic impact the event will have or has had on the organization or region in which it occurred.

How do the financial characteristics of the event differ from the financial characteristics of its analogues?

6. Social characteristics of the event:

What social impact does the event have?

Which specific social group is affected by the event?

How does the social impact of an event differ from the social impact of its counterparts?

2.4.Weak information reasons

Any news item, including those that were proposed as typical, can be weak, that is, having a low chance of coverage in the media (except for a corporate website or newspaper), - most often it depends on the content of the news.

However, weak causes will almost always be both events in the organization that entail consequences only for its employees, and comments from management about such events.

Weak information reasons include:

· change in the number of jobs in the organization (if this is not an increase in the number of jobs at times or a 100% reduction);

· changes in wages or the schedule of their payment (unless wages become the highest in the city (region, etc.) or, for example, do not begin to be paid at the end of each working day);

· measures aimed at improving the skills of employees (if this is not the creation of a new training center of city/industry significance on the basis of the organization);

·anniversaries, awards or achievements of the organization’s employees (unless these are events related to VIP representatives of management, or industry-record achievements);

· sporting and cultural events (if they do not set any record achievements);

· fulfillment or failure to fulfill planned targets by the organization or its structural divisions (if these are not record achievements for the industry or are not associated with a complete shutdown of the enterprise);

· results of activities, results of competitions of structural divisions of the organization (if these are not record achievements for the industry);

·inventive and rationalization activities (if the invention or rationalization proposal does not entail an economic or other effect that is significant on an industry scale);

·organization of highly specialized conferences or seminars on a district, city and even regional scale or participation in such events.

You can try to turn a weak reason into a full-fledged news feed for a press release, increasing its significance.

As a rule, to strengthen the reasons listed above, the most effective method would be to search within its framework for atypical participants or interesting facts. Thus, the significance of a rationalization proposal for a better scheme for storing finished products can be at least partially increased if this rationalization proposal is made by the general director of the enterprise (the first person of the enterprise) or, for example, by an advertising manager (the rationalizer makes a proposal in a non-core area of ​​activity) .

2.5. Features of disclosing a weak news story

The lack of demand for press releases prepared in compliance with accepted media standards is usually explained by the fact that the informational reason underlying the press release is weak - insignificant, entailing consequences only for the organization itself.

To increase the chance of such a press release being published, you can try to modify the news story - that is, modify it in such a way that the circle of people affected by the described event expands.

Thus, the very introduction by a bank of a new software product for servicing clients is significant only for the bank itself, while the consequences of the introduction of this product - for example, a reduction in the time of servicing each client and, accordingly, an increase in the “throughput” of the bank, turn out to be more significant for clients who spend less time receiving services. And it is precisely this detail that most likely should be paid attention to by a correspondent for a publication on “general social” topics.

For economic publications, the financial component of this action may be more important - the costs of developing and implementing the product, the economic effect that is planned to be obtained from its implementation, etc.

Thus, to modify the information occasion it is necessary:

· determine the task that the press release should solve - to bring information about the event to the attention of the public, attract new clients, partners, investors;

· determine the consequences that the described event entails;

· determine the circle of people affected by each of the consequences;

· in accordance with the previously defined task, select an address group;

·reformulate the informational occasion in such a way that the emphasis is on the consequences for the target group.

In addition, to modify the informational occasion, you can use the techniques used to restore the informational occasion (Chapter 9) or strengthen the risky informational occasion (Chapter 5).

The examples below show how the informational occasions on which press releases of insurance and management companies are based can be modified into publications with a “general social” focus.

Exercise 1

Russians are interested in personal insurance

This is evidenced by the results of a study conducted by Rosgosstrakh in the 13 largest Russian cities with a population of over a million. During the study, 2,653 people were interviewed using a representative sample.

According to the study, what Russians fear most are road accidents, terrorist attacks and street criminals. As the survey shows, almost 47% of citizens are afraid of getting into an accident, 43% are afraid of becoming a victim of a terrorist attack, and 31% are afraid of criminals. About 30% are afraid of injuries, 27% - infectious diseases, more than 18% - poisoning at home.

The study showed that with regard to personal insurance, Russians most often use voluntary health insurance at the expense of the company (almost 22%), as well as accident insurance at the expense of the company (4.8%). Today, about 3% of respondents have accident insurance contracts at the expense of the policyholder. Voluntary health insurance contracts were concluded at the expense of the policyholder by 2.2% of citizens, insurance contracts when traveling abroad - by 1.1%.

“The dangers that await Russians and their fear of these dangers make personal insurance (VHI and accident insurance) a very popular type of insurance,” said Alexey Zubets, head of the Center for Strategic Research, Information and Analysis of Rosgosstrakh. “The results of our research suggest that in the near future, due to rising incomes of citizens, personal insurance products will enjoy significant success among a large part of the population, although today the demand for them is still small.” According to a survey by Rosgosstrakh, in the coming year the increase in the number of people insured under personal insurance contracts may amount to more than 500 thousand people in large Russian cities.

Comments on the task:

1. The wording of the press release title is too general - without addressing the organization’s client and without taking into account the interests and fears of the potential client.

2. A quote from a representative of Rosgosstrakh, confirming the title and the given indicators, is separated from them by a paragraph in which indicators characterizing another fact are given.

3. The indicators given in the third paragraph may become the reason for another press release or - in abbreviated form - be included in a quote from a representative of Rosgosstrakh as confirmation of the insignificant interest of consumers in personal insurance.

4. It would also be possible to explain in more detail why the number of clients is expected to increase.


Russians are equally afraid of getting into an accident and becoming a victim of a terrorist attack - survey

Russians are equally afraid of getting into a traffic accident and becoming a victim of a terrorist attack. This is evidenced by the results of a study conducted by Rosgosstrakh in the 13 largest Russian cities with a population of over a million. During the study, 2,653 people were interviewed using a representative sample.

According to the study, Russians are most afraid of road accidents, terrorist attacks and street criminals: almost 47% of citizens are afraid of getting into an accident, 43% are afraid of becoming a victim of a terrorist attack, and 31% are afraid of criminals. About 30% are afraid of injuries, 27% - infectious diseases, more than 18% - poisoning at home.

“The dangers that await Russians and their fear of these dangers make personal insurance (VHI and accident insurance) a very popular type of insurance,” said Alexey Zubets, head of the Center for Strategic Research, Information and Analysis of Rosgosstrakh. - The results of our research suggest that in the near future, due to the growth of citizens’ incomes, personal insurance products will enjoy significant success among a large part of the population, although today the demand for them is still small. Thus, only 7.8% of respondents are insured against accidents: 4.8% - at the expense of the enterprise, and about 3% - at the expense of the policyholder.”

According to a survey by Rosgosstrakh, in the coming year the increase in the number of people insured under personal insurance contracts may amount to more than 500 thousand people in large Russian cities.

The Rosgosstrakh group of companies is a vertically integrated holding. It consists of OJSC Rosgosstrakh, three large regional and seven interregional insurance companies, uniting 76 republican, regional and regional branches, 2,300 agencies and insurance departments. The total number of employees of the Rosgosstrakh system exceeds 60 thousand people, including more than 40 thousand agents. The group is managed, strategy and methodology are developed by the holding company Rosgosstrakh.

Task 2

Press release

A new management company - Management Company "INCOME" - begins the formation of open mutual funds. In addition to professional managers, a robot - an automated investment portfolio management system - will work with shareholders' funds.

On September 1, 2004, the limited liability company “Management Company “INCOME”” begins the formation of mutual investment funds.

Open-end mutual investment bond fund "INCOME - Bond Fund".

In accordance with the investment declaration of the fund, the funds of shareholders are planned to be invested primarily in debt obligations of the state, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and leading Russian companies.

Open-end mutual investment fund of shares "INCOME - Share Fund".

The Fund's assets will be invested primarily in shares of oil industry enterprises, as well as in securities of companies in the gas, telecommunications and electric power industries.

Open-end mutual investment fund of mixed investments "INCOME - Balanced Fund".

The fund's investment portfolio will be a combination of shares of leading Russian enterprises, government and corporate bonds, and bank deposits.

To fundamentally improve the efficiency of working with investment portfolios of funds, Management Company "INCOME" plans to use a unique product - an automated investment portfolio management system (APMS), developed by specialists from the investment company "NevaInvest".

This is the result of many years of research on forecasting the state of the securities market, based on the principles of neural networks. Precise mathematical calculations and the latest computer technologies made it possible to create a robot capable of solving an optimization problem - obtaining maximum income with minimal risk. At the same time, the system not only issues recommendations for working with securities, but also implements them at a speed that significantly exceeds the speed of a trader, which is extremely important for the stock market. The new product was tested at NevaInvest Investment Company and showed decent results. “The robot will cope with the task assigned to it clearly and impartially,” said Margarita Vitalievna Borodatova, General Director of Management Company “Dokhod”.

In addition to managing funds of mutual funds and individual trust management, Management Company "INCOME" plans to work in the markets for pension funds, as well as in the emerging market for mortgage securities.


LLC "UK DOKHOD" was created by the founders of OJSC "IC "NevaInvest" - one of the leading investment companies in St. Petersburg, operating stably on the stock market since 1993. The authorized capital of LLC "UK "DOKHOD" is 30 million rubles.

License of the Federal Commission for Securities No. 21–000–100148 dated December 19, 2003 to carry out activities related to the management of investment funds and non-state pension funds.

License of the Federal Commission for Securities No. 078–07238–001000 dated December 16, 2003 to carry out securities management activities.