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We provide graduates of the department with high demand and competitiveness. Competitiveness of graduates of higher educational institutions in the labor market: methodological approaches

As already noted, the competitiveness of a university largely depends on the competitiveness of its graduates, who are sellers of knowledge and professional skills in the labor market.

In recent years, the dynamics of demand in the labor market for specialists of a certain profile and qualifications has come into conflict with their traditionally established training, which forces universities to take into account the requirements imposed on them by employers who believe that university training lags behind business demands.

In the opinion of employers acting as customers of educational services, the main problems of universities that train graduates of economic specialties are outdated programs and isolation from practice. However, these are not the only problems. Comparative analysis of the responses of the interviewed employers in the period 2000–2010. showed an increase in their requirements for graduates of economic universities (Table 5.7).

Table 5.7. Requirements of employers for graduates of economic universities

Employers' requirements

Ability to understand the mission of the company

Fluency in a foreign language

Possession of computer and information technology

Ability to adapt to the business culture of the company

Willingness to work in a team

Work experience

System Thinking Ability

The ability to process a large amount of information and isolate the main

The ability to apply in practice the knowledge gained at the university

Career focus

From table. 5.7 it follows that the list of requirements for university graduates has expanded significantly over ten years. This is largely due to the development of new trends in the content and structure of jobs. Employers strive to provide more flexibility in wage labor through job rotation, skill diversity, increased adaptability, lifelong learning, flexible working hours, and more.

A modern graduate should have a so-called project-based type of thinking, which is based not on the desire for a stable and gradual career within one organizational structure, but on an interest in a specific project and the achievement of recognition from professional colleagues.

The changing requirements of employers are taking place not only in the professional sphere of work, but also in the socio-psychological and socio-cultural planes. If the main moral and psychological qualities of an employee used to be: discipline, knowledge of one's place in the organizational hierarchy and the technological chain, diligence, then the new imperatives focus on greater initiative and independence, the ability to work in temporary working groups (teams), and high motivation for retraining.

Western experts argue that an educational service is provided with high quality only if the university knows its consumer and the employer's requirements.

Recently, Russian employers have shown interest in establishing contacts with higher educational institutions in order to determine the requirements for future specialists. Below are the results of a study conducted by the independent rating agency "ReytOR".


The results of the study showed a weak consideration of the real problems of the industry in organizing the educational process and the lack of skills of solving specific production problems among graduates (3.1%), an insufficient level of modern knowledge and skills in relation to the industry (2.9%), a low level of self-education of graduates, search for the necessary information (2.8%).

Negative factors were also identified that affect the retention of young specialists in enterprises, among which there are insufficient salaries, lack of the ability to independently analyze and solve emerging problems, as well as inability to apply the knowledge gained. When applying for a job, the most important criteria for employers are the reputation of the university, whether the graduate has a relevant specialty, and the average grade of the diploma. The reasons for the need for additional training of young specialists, which enterprises are forced to conduct, were also identified. The most important of these are the lack of practical skills and abilities, lack of experience in teamwork. These facts indicate that business has become more serious about education, since its development requires the involvement of an increasing number of qualified specialists.

The competitiveness of graduates depends on their relevance in the labor market, which is determined by the level of knowledge gained as a result of mastering the educational program, abilities and personal qualities.

According to employers, the competitiveness of graduates is characterized by the following factors: knowledge of modern technologies, the ability to conduct negotiations and business meetings, the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, the ability to generate new ideas, motivation for career growth, life optimism, etc.

In the educational literature, various models are proposed that characterize the competitiveness of a specialist. The model presented in table. 5.8 is associated with success in both professional and personal spheres.

Table 5.8. Specialist competitiveness model

Graduate competencies and abilities


General scientific

Ability to conduct research activities

Ability to structure knowledge and conduct experiments

Ability to evaluate research results.

Ability to apply economic laws and theories, to determine economic indicators

Ability to analyze, model and develop strategies

Self-preparation ability

Ability to participate in the development of innovative methods, tools and technologies in the field of professional activity, etc.

General technical and humanitarian

Knowledge in the field:




information technologies;

foreign languages, etc.

Economic and organizational and managerial

Knowledge in the field:




innovation management.

Ability to develop a business plan

Ability to organize the work of the team


Knowledge, skills and abilities in a specific field of activity

Broad outlook in a specific field of activity





To continuous professional growth

To continuous self-development


Personal qualities

A responsibility

Good faith


The assessment was carried out on a 5-point scale.


The analysis of the structure of the competitiveness of graduates of a modern university is carried out, the substantive elements of their competitiveness in conjunction with the process of employment are considered. The study of the competitiveness of graduates was carried out at various levels: at the personal level, at the level of an educational institution, at the level of society. The results of sociological surveys of graduate students presented in the article reflect the content of competitiveness at the indicated levels. Based on the results of the study, a number of provisions and recommendations were formulated related to the organization of the educational process at the university, contributing to the formation of a competitive young specialist. In particular, the importance of ensuring the process of psychological and pedagogical support of students, combining study at a university and the work of students in their specialty, assistance with employment by expanding cooperation with employers is noted. The potential of the university in the development of professional readiness of students is shown, which consists in the development of the practice of post-educational activities aimed at preparing for successful employment.


university graduates

graduate School


1. Baranovsky A.I. The competitiveness of the university in the field of innovative education // Modern scientific research: theory, methodology, practice. - 2011. - T. 1. - No. 1. - S. 4-9.

2. Gontmakher E.Sh., Maleva T.M. Social problems of Russia and alternative ways of their solution // Problems of Economics. - 2008. - No. 2. - C. 61-72.

3. Danakin N.S., Deeva N.N., Dubinin A.N., Konev I.V., Reutov N.N. Improving the employment management of young professionals in the region: sociological analysis: monograph. - Belgorod: Publishing house of BSTU im. V.G. Shukhova, 2011 .-- 202 p.

4. Kosmynin A.V., Chernobay S.P. Competitiveness of graduates in the labor market // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. - 2012. - No. 8. - S. 157-158.

5. Minzaripov R.G., Ivshina G.V. Humanitarian environment of a classical university and the formation of a competitive personality // Higher education in Russia. - 2009. - No. 5. - S. 42-50.

6. Sadovnichy V. Higher education in Russia. Availability. Quality. Competitiveness // Higher education in Russia. - 2006. - No. 7. - S. 7-15.

7. Shutenko A.I., Shutenko E.N. Higher school as a space for personal self-realization. - Belgorod: Publishing house of BSTU, 2008 .-- 145 p.

In modern scientific research, competitiveness is considered in economic, social, organizational and psychological and pedagogical aspects. An appeal to the existing scientific, theoretical and practical experience in the study of the phenomenon of competitiveness shows that it is reasonable to consider the latter as an integrative quality that manifests itself at various levels: at the personal level, at the level of an educational institution, at the level of society. The results of sociological surveys presented below reflect the content of the competitiveness of university graduates at the indicated levels.

Analysis of the state of competitiveness of university graduates and ways to improve it was carried out on the basis of sociological survey methods, empirical generalization, comparative data analysis.

The study was carried out among students of the main universities in Belgorod; various aspects of their achievement of professional competitiveness were identified.

In the structure of the competitiveness of graduates of a modern university, it is advisable to distinguish three levels: 1) the personal level; 2) the level of the educational institution; 3) the level of society.

Personal level of competitiveness... This level seems to be the starting point in understanding the genesis and psychological mechanisms of achieving competitiveness. According to the results of a sociological survey, a third of the students surveyed (33.4%) noted that they do nothing in order to increase their competitiveness. They rely on chance or luck. It is surprising that such an effective way of increasing competitiveness as obtaining a second higher education was chosen by only 9.4% of the respondents. These data may indicate that graduate students do not yet think about their level of competitiveness.

Self-education is the most popular way to increase one's competitiveness. This was stated by 34.8% of respondents. For this purpose, 12.7% chose to combine work in their specialty with studies. This is also a fairly effective way that gives you the opportunity not only to gain practical skills in your profession, but also to check the correctness of your professional choice. Unfortunately, as we can see, the percentage of such respondents is not very high. More than a third of the respondents (36.1%) work part-time, but not in their specialty, which does not increase their competitiveness in their specialty, but at the same time they develop certain labor skills and develop experience in the labor sphere. And half of the respondents (51.2%) do not combine work and study, which, at least, gives reason to assert that their ideas about work in general and in their specialty in particular are abstract and theoretical.

It should also be noted that 29% of the surveyed students consider it necessary to have an additional specialty for employment. This is not surprising, since mastering the second specialty significantly increases the competitiveness of young specialists.

It should be noted that the respondents consider, first of all, their own efforts with the assistance of other persons as a guarantor of the implementation of their life plans - 55%; then - only their own strengths and efforts - 41%, favorable circumstances, luck - 39% of the respondents, but only a third of graduates count on the assistance of state bodies and institutions. Based on this, we can conclude that university graduates are more focused on an independent job search. Their answers to the question "How do you plan to look for a job?" were distributed as follows: an equal number of respondents (34% each) stated that they would personally apply to organizations or look for work through advertisements; about a third will seek help from relatives and friends. Employment and employment centers at the university (direct appeal, job fairs, presentations) received only 16% of elections, the employment service of the city's population - 1%.

Competitiveness at the educational institution level... Practice shows that the amount of knowledge, skills and practical experience of a future graduate, according to modern standards, is not enough to fully perform labor functions in accordance with the qualification awarded.

What should be the set of professional knowledge and skills, personality traits and professional qualities designed to ensure the readiness of a university graduate to realize himself in a market economy?

Today, the competitiveness of a graduate is determined by his professional competence, in which special knowledge must be combined with communication skills, the basics of personal growth, self-diagnosis and other properties. The main goal of vocational education is the formation of a graduate's constant desire for self-improvement and, as a result, the development of the qualities of a highly educated person.

This, in turn, sharply raises the problem of organizing teaching and educational activities on the basis of a systematic, integrated approach to training future specialists. It is necessary to create conditions for the student's creative attitude to the development of such necessary professional skills as the ability to enter into a dialogue with colleagues, the ability to publicly and reasonably prove their point of view, arousing interest in their position, the ability to respect and understand the point of view of the interlocutor, the ability to be critical of expressed judgments, the ability to manage their emotions, the ability to work with a scientific text, highlighting the main thing from the presented material. According to the scientific director of the Center for Social Research and Innovation V. Gontmakher, openness to the world, tolerance, the ability to attract and inspire confidence, benevolence, the ability to enter into the position of another and understand him are important touches to the portrait of a specialist who wants to be successful in modern labor market.

In the course of a sociological study among the students of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, respondents noted that the university contributed to the development of important qualities and character traits in them. Priorities were given to the next group of qualities - "independence, independence of thought" (58%), "diligence, discipline" (54%), "desire to learn" (50%), "creative approach" (40%). All these qualities to one degree or another help a young specialist to enter the modern labor market.

The respondents also note that the university provided the greatest assistance in their training as a future specialist in the field of professional training (82%). At the same time, such important elements of training a young specialist as organizational, psychological and managerial training (43%, 29%, 28%, respectively) are not sufficiently taken into account in the educational process, which can negatively affect the integrity of the harmonious image of a professional. It can be concluded that the university, forming a professional from a student, at the same time contributes to the development of such qualities that will facilitate the process of professional development.

Of interest is the fact that the main goal that the respondents set for themselves when entering a university is to acquire a profession (82%), and only 51% of respondents intend to work in a specialty. This discrepancy can be explained by the fact that in the course of training students have changed their primary attitude towards the chosen specialty. Consequently, the organization of educational, methodological, scientific and educational processes in a university affects the consolidation of an initially positive attitude towards the chosen profession and, ultimately, the quality of professional training of a graduate.

The results of the study made it possible to formulate a number of provisions related to the organization of the educational process at the university, contributing to the formation of a competitive young specialist.

First, when organizing the competitive development process in a university, special attention should be paid to the content of psychological and pedagogical support of students as an organizational and methodological basis for the development of competitive-defining personal qualities of graduate students. At the initial stages, if the simultaneous development of all determinants is impossible or inexpedient, the main attention should be paid to the determinants of invariant significance, and later move on to the development of other groups of competitiveness determinants.

Secondly, in the process of professional training, it is necessary to promote the development of students' desire to combine study at a university with work in their specialty, and, if possible, help with employment. When students undergo industrial and other practices, offer them the fulfillment of tasks of pedagogical, scientific-pedagogical and managerial content, aimed at mastering the relevant professional functions. All this will contribute to the accumulation of the necessary professional experience by students.

Thirdly, to effectively prepare students for participation in real social interaction and professional activity, use contextual (focused on the subject content of the activity, corresponding roles and functions) business and role-playing games, situational problem tasks in the educational process, as well as introduce students in more depth. - senior students with the real state of the labor market.

Fourth, the requirement to provide high-quality training for a specialist who has a set of competencies that allows him to actively, reasonably and competently engage in relations developing in the labor market implies a change in the approach to the vocational training process itself and an understanding that the product of an educational institution is its graduates. One of the main goals of education is to achieve a certain level of personal and professional self-awareness of the student, which allows him to become a subject of educational and professional activities, interested in self-improvement, building his own activity, changing and developing it.

Fifth, in order to become competitive, a graduate of a vocational educational institution, first of all, must possess a certain set of universal skills and abilities, as well as activity-important qualities that ensure the success of any type of activity and the search for new knowledge in the mode of self-education. The “International Standard for the Classification of Professions” describes 9333 professions, the Russian “Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory” includes about 7 thousand professions and specialties. During the training of a specialist, the situation on the labor market can change significantly, so it is rather difficult to determine exactly which specialists and in what quantity will be in demand.

Sixth, close cooperation with the employer itself should be established, for which future personnel are being trained. In this aspect, communication should be carried out in all directions:

  • work carried out at the appointed time: conversations, disputes, conferences, forums;
  • work carried out after school hours, aimed at acquainting students with the specifics of the chosen profession.

The results of the survey on this level of competitiveness of graduates show the latent resource of the university in ensuring the professional and personal readiness of the future specialist. This resource consists in increasing the efficiency of not only the educational activities of the university, but also in enhancing its post-educational activities, which go beyond the obligatory educational standards and is aimed at expanding students' opportunities in the field of real practical activity in the emerging labor market.

Competitiveness at the social level. The realities of the current stage of the socio-economic and political development of the Russian Federation require that when young people enter an independent life, to a certain extent, support from society and the state is guaranteed.

In this regard, we will consider the main tasks, the solution of which, from our point of view, contributes to an increase in the competitiveness of a young person as a subject of the labor market.

First, strengthening the family as a basic social institution, where a person first learns social norms and values. This largely determines what social role and behavior (active or passive) a young person will choose in life.

Secondly, increasing the role of the entire education system (primary, secondary general, secondary and higher professional) in the process of socialization of the individual. Education should become such a social institution, in which a young person is not only supplied with numerous knowledge, but also taught to navigate in the changing conditions of life, form the makings of initiative, enterprise and search activity, ensure the development of scientific creativity, which largely predetermines his behavior in the labor market.

Thirdly, the implementation of a unified social policy (state and regional) in relation to youth, which would include not only their employment and retraining, but also support for the process of identifying and purposefully developing the intellectual potential, professional and personal abilities and business initiatives of all youth - children, pupils, students, working youth.

Consequently, the state is the main subject of the development and implementation of youth policy, and federal programs are one of the main means of its implementation. Regional localization of the labor market presupposes the peculiarities of the formation, distribution and use of labor resources, which predetermines the obligation to supplement federal programs to promote employment of the population (and youth as its component) with regional (republican and regional), as well as local programs that take into account the specifics of demographic and socio-economic development of territories.

Employment of graduates as a manifestation of their competitiveness.The results of sociological research carried out in the universities of the Belgorod region indicate that about a quarter of students make mistakes with their choice of profession (specialty). As the main reasons for disappointment in the chosen profession, they most often point to the overcrowding of the labor market and the emerging interest in obtaining another specialty.

Unjustified choice of a specialty and disappointment in it lead to the fact that a significant part of students do not express a desire to work in their chosen specialty or experience difficulties with professional and labor self-determination. More than 40% of graduates of Belgorod universities declare that they intend to work in their specialty, 4.9% answered categorically “no”, 7.8% - “I don’t know yet”, and almost half (46.4%) indicated that that "it depends on the circumstances." More than half of the students in technical schools (58%) and a third of students in vocational schools (lyceums) intend to continue their studies; respectively 20% and 32% intend to work in their specialty; 21% and 26% expect that “life will show”.

Every fourth to fifth student of Belgorod universities has a superficial idea of \u200b\u200bthe requirements for their future work. Working Conditions Awareness scores range from 0.20 to 0.46 (with a maximum value of 1). More than a third of graduate students of Belgorod universities and technical schools indicate their lack of awareness of enterprises that need specialists in their profile. Sources of information are ranked in decreasing order of importance as follows: 1) friends, acquaintances; 2) parents, relatives; 3) teachers; 4) special advertising and information materials; 5) mass media.

As evidenced by the data, graduates are more focused on independent job search. Employment promotion centers at universities received only 16% of the elections, and the city employment service - only 1%. In the life orientations of students, subjective models of achieving life success prevail. The most effective ways to increase competitiveness at the personal level are: self-education, combining study with work in a specialty, mastering an additional specialty.

A successful solution to the problem of employment largely depends on the strategy of graduates' behavior in the labor market. The study identified three such strategies: pragmatic, indifferent-conformist, and professional-labor. Judging by the empirical results, graduates with a pragmatic strategy of behavior in the labor market are the most successful in solving the problem of employment. Graduates with a vocational and labor strategy are distinguished by the highest level of professional training, but they are more in need of assistance from the university and employment centers. Most young professionals expect informational, advisory support, as well as the provision of internships with subsequent compulsory employment.

Conclusions.Thus, the results obtained allow us to formulate a number of recommendations: it is necessary to pay more attention to the content of psychological and pedagogical support of students, it is necessary to promote the development of their desire to combine studies at a university with work in their specialty, to help with employment, if possible, close cooperation with the employer should be established.

In general, the results of the study of the structure of the competitiveness of graduates and the process of employment showed the need to increase their professional readiness by expanding the practice of post-educational activities in a modern university, aimed at preparing future specialists for successful employment.

The article was prepared as part of the implementation of the Strategic Development Program of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov for 2012-2016 (Agreement No. A-6/14 dated 04/10/2014).


Sitarov V.A., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher School of ANO VPO "Moscow Humanitarian University", Moscow;

Bakharev V.V., Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor of the Department of Sociology and Management of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov ", Belgorod.

Bibliographic reference

Danakin N.S., Shutenko A.I. COMPETITIVENESS OF GRADUATES AS AN INDICATOR OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF A MODERN UNIVERSITY // Modern problems of science and education. - 2014. - No. 6 .;
URL:\u003d15869 (date of access: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"
Directions of training Innovatics, Systems Analysis and Management
Address First building, right wing, room 1301
Phone, e-mail 8 (831) 436-73-74, [email protected]
Mailing address 603950, N. Novgorod, st. Minina, d. 24, department "Management of in-noy activities", room 1301
Head of the Department doctor of Economics, Professor, Lapaev Dmitry Nikolaevich

Mission of the department

Training of highly qualified management personnel for the innovative economy of Russia, comprehensive solution of scientific and practical problems of managing the innovative development of the economy of regions and industries.


  1. Ensuring the development of science in the field of innovative management of the real sector of the economy.
  2. Formation of the advanced level of higher management professional education.
  3. Expansion of partnerships.

Targets and goals

    Increasing the intellectual and creative potential of graduates.

    Ensuring a high level of demand and competitiveness of graduates in the labor market.

    Improving the effectiveness of the department in the educational services market in accordance with modern trends.

    Assistance in the implementation of innovation and investment projects based on scientific and technical developments of NSTU in order to increase the economic, social and innovative development of regions and industries.

    Improvement of educational and methodological support of educational activities.

    Providing high qualifications of the teaching staff of the department.

    Promoting the growth of innovative activity of the department staff.

Teaching staff of the department

  • 7 professors, doctors of science
  • 7 associate professors, candidates of sciences
  • 4 senior teachers

Directions of training

The department releases:

1. Bachelors in areas of training:

03/27/05 "Innovatika"

Training profile: "Innovation Management"

Forms of training:
- full-time education (4 years);
- extramural form (5 years);

03/27/03 "System Analysis and Management"

Training profile: "System analysis and management of scientific and technical developments"

Form of study:
- full-time education (4 years);
- extramural (5 years).

2. Masters in the field of training:

04/27/05 "Innovatika"

Focus: "Management of innovation processes"

Form of study:
- full-time form (2 years);
- correspondence course (2.3 years).

By order of the director of the State Institute of Art, T. Tyurkin P.A. (No. 203 of 06/07/35) the department "Organization and planning of production" was formed, which was headed by a graduate of NMMI (now NSTU) in 1930. Yastrebov N.E... engineer of the Krasnoye Sormovo plant. The staff of the department read for GII students only three disciplines "Organization and planning of production", "Technical regulation" and "Labor protection and fire safety".

Since 1940, the department began to be called "Economics and Organization of Production" and gradually increased the number of subjects taught, which were focused on specific industries.

In 1976, from among the teachers of the department, a new department was formed "Occupational Health and Safety" (currently "Engineering Ecology and Occupational Safety"), and in 1985 the department "Economics and Organization of Instrumentation and Energy" ( currently "Economics and Entrepreneurship").

In 1985, the department was renamed into the Department of Economics and Organization of Mechanical Engineering (EOM). In order to optimize the distribution of the teaching load between the departments of the socio-economic faculty, the department began to carry out training in the specialty 060800 - "Economics and management at the enterprise (by industry)" in various forms of education.

In 2005, the department opened a new specialty "Management of innovations" and was renamed into the department "Management of innovative activities". The department has 27 faculty members.

Currently head chair is Lapaev Dmitry Nikolaevich,, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in the section on problems of macroeconomics and social market economy, as well as the Academy of Engineering Sciences. A.M. Prokhorov in the section of engineering economics.

The department has strong ties with the leading universities of the Russian Federation, including the State University of Management (Moscow), St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University and the Samara State Economic Academy.

Heads of the department

Yashin Sergey Nikolaevich

Fedorov Oleg Vasilievich

Durandin Mikhail Matveevich

Nikolai Tretnikov

Momin Georgy Mikhailovich

Bobrynin Boris Nikolaevich

Seltsburg Lev Moiseevich

Yastrebov Nikolay Erofeevich

Direction of training "System Analysis and Management"

Educational undergraduate program is aimed at training professionals in the field of research, analysis, development, design and implementation of modern complex systems and technologies, as well as intelligent control systems.

Graduates master the methods and techniques of modeling, analysis, synthesis, production and operation of systems for various purposes. These are system analysts - specialists in resolving information, organizational, technical and managerial problems.

Graduates are in demand in IT companies, in research and industry institutes, banks, state and municipal authorities, in industrial enterprises and other organizations: city administrations. N. Novgorod, districts of the Nizhny Novgorod region, JSC Russian Railways, JSC Gazprombank, JSC VTB Bank 24, etc.

Direction of training "Innovatika"

Educational program training bachelors is aimed at staffing innovative transformations of the national economy. A feature of this area is the interdisciplinary interaction of disciplines in the fields of engineering, technology, economics and management.

In the course of training, students acquire knowledge and skills in managing the processes of innovative transformations and innovative activities, as well as skills in information, technological and financial support of the enterprise.

Graduates are in demand in the following areas: state authorities and administrations, organizations and enterprises of the innovation sphere, academic and research organizations, institutions of professional education: Territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Nizhny Novgorod Region, the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation for the Nizhny Novgorod Region, JSC " Gazprombank ", Volgovyatkiy Bank OJSC Sberbank of Russia," 1C-Rarus ", Company Mera NN, Enterprises of the GAZ group, Federal Tax Service, OJSC Russian Railways, LLC LUKOIL-Volganefteproduct, OJSC NIAEP, as well as in structural subdivisions of NSTU.

Master Program is intended for the growth of the professional qualifications of a student who has shown a penchant for scientific work.

In the process of training, undergraduates acquire skills in modeling an innovative project; development of tools that provide support and activation of the project manager at all stages of the life cycle of the innovation process.

Graduates are in demand in the following areas: public authorities and administrations, organizations and enterprises of the innovative sphere, academic and research organizations, institutions of professional education: Territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Nizhny Novgorod Region, the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation for the Nizhny Novgorod Region, JSC " Gazprombank ", Volgovyatkiy Bank OJSC Sberbank of Russia," 1C-Rarus ", Company Mera NN, Enterprises of the GAZ group, Federal Tax Service, OJSC Russian Railways, LLC LUKOIL-Volganefteprodukt, OJSC NIAEP, as well as structural subdivisions of NSTU. A number of graduates continue their postgraduate studies in the specialty 08.00.05. - Economy and management of the national economy.

Head of the Department Lapaev Dmitry Nikolaevich

Position, at high degree, academic title:

Head of the Department of Innovation Management, Deputy Director of INEU for Research, Chairman of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Branch of the VEO of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Alenkova Irina Vladimirovna


Deputy Head of the Department for Academic Affairs, Senior Lecturer

Saksina Elena Valerievna


Deputy Head of the Department for Scientific Work

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

Murashova Natalia Alexandrovna


Deputy Director of INEU for General Issues

Academic degree, academic title:

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Glebova Olga Vladimirovna

Academic degree, academic title:

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Dmitry A. Kornilov

Academic degree, academic title:

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Mityakova Olga Igorevna

Academic degree, academic title:

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Morozova Galina Alekseevna


The article outlines the problem of increasing the competitiveness of university graduates in the labor market. The competitiveness of a graduate is defined as a system of abilities focused on society, a complex integral personality trait, the ability to maximize one's own capabilities, high quality of the results of its activities. The factors influencing the possibilities of realization and development of knowledge, skills and abilities accumulated by young specialists in the process of professional education are analyzed. The factors that have a primary impact on increasing the competitiveness of university graduates in modern conditions are identified.


competition, competitiveness, graduate, higher education, education, university, personality, training system.

First of all, a person is a biosocial being. Each of us, already from birth, is endowed with certain qualities, it is customary to call them innate, and we can include, for example, temperament, mental makeup of the personality, gender, sex and age characteristics and others. But it is not enough for a person to possess only this set of qualities. Now it is very important to differ from other people not by innate features, but by acquired ones, for example, by the amount of accumulated knowledge and skills, the level of education, which, in fact, makes our existence unique and different from others.

For the purposes of our research, it is important to determine what should be understood by the competitiveness of an individual. We agree with the position of T.G. Kuteitsyna, explaining the competitiveness of an individual as a system of abilities, focused on society, including the properties and qualities of an individual, which characterize the maximum expansion of their own capabilities, high quality of the results of their activities, determine the appropriate individual behavior and provide inner harmony and confidence in yourself.

It is important to understand that the concept of "competitiveness" comes from the word "competition". It is complex, multifunctional, systemic, interdisciplinary and multi-level. Scientists from a variety of scientific fields have worked on education and its relationship to economics.

Significant components of national wealth, in current conditions, are the level of education and the intellectual potential of society, and the basis of progress, security and stability of the country is the level of education, professional training of a person, his ability to solve non-standard tasks and the desire for creativity ^^. 67].

Humanity is going through a change of centuries and millennia, which inevitably entails global changes in the social sphere: an industrial society has been replaced by a post-industrial society, the main difference of which is a change in attitudes towards a person. If in an industrial society a person is an object and a means, then in a post-industrial society he is the subject and the main goal of development.

Today, the relevance of the problem of competitiveness of students and graduates of universities is very acute. Indeed, it is not uncommon for cases when during the period of student life there is absolutely no time for searching, and even more so for the process of working in an organization. Therefore, as soon as a student leaves the university, he immediately faces the high demands of employers, especially those related to work experience.

In Russia, people began to talk about the competitiveness of the individual not so long ago. During the Soviet era, this concept was prejudiced, because they believed that competition is an antagonistic struggle for more favorable conditions for the production and sale of goods between private producers; under capitalism - it was considered a struggle for the highest profit between the capitalists; in socialist society, it was believed that there was no competition.

Of course, during the years of the USSR, it was much easier for a university graduate to integrate into the social structure of society, despite the fact that he possessed high-quality knowledge and participated in public life. Therefore, a young specialist could achieve a more highly paid and interesting job, which means that he was highly competitive. At that time, a student or graduate could have minimal knowledge and skills and not be unemployed. Indeed, in the Soviet Union, the planning system allowed training only as many specialists as was required to maintain the proper level of the economy, which is why university graduates did not face difficulties in finding employment. Now, modern Russia is faced with the onset of a time for a comprehensive assessment of a competitive personality in all spheres of public life.

At present, in Russia it is very important to provide young people with fundamental and constantly improving knowledge that would contribute to the formation of the need for self-development. Such independent development is important for the individual both for creating a professional career in the present and for ensuring a stable political and social position in the future. Now the main mission of education has become the development and upbringing of a highly educated, free and spiritual person who is capable of self-education in a constantly changing world.

An obligatory quality for a highly educated person is professional, educational, social, cultural, spiritual, informational and communicative competence. To form these competencies in a graduate, it is very important to make the transition in educational institutions from the traditional knowledge-oriented educational process to the competence-based one. This will provide an opportunity to ensure the competitiveness of university graduates who, thanks to this approach, will be able to perform social functions in society, participate in the development of an innovative economy and realize their personal and professional potential.

The question of the formation of the competitiveness of graduates is now one of the most pressing problems facing universities. The concept of competitiveness can be defined not only by such indicators as the demand for a profession in the labor market, the level of qualifications, mobility, but also take into account that life goals, principles, attitudes and self-awareness of a future specialist are also laid down here.

The following components can be distinguished in the competitiveness of a graduate: qualification, personal, business and motivational:

  • - the qualification component is assigned a central place among the rest, since it directly relates to professional labor activity and in one way or another affects other components of competitiveness;
  • - the personal component plays a huge role in the attitude and behavior of the graduate towards the employer;
  • - the business component implies the competitive advantages of a young specialist and influences the formation of a strategy of behavior in interaction with the employer, as well as building career growth;
  • - motivational is a system-forming component, since it determines the necessary qualities and abilities for development, it is also connected with the system of values \u200b\u200band goals of the graduate, which in one way or another are related to their work.

When considering the components of competitiveness, it is not enough to take into account only the potential of the graduate, since, in addition to this, there are also objective features, for example, the intermediate position of the graduate, since in the learning process the university had some kind of impact (compliance of the graduate with the requirements of this educational institution), the graduate is also influenced by the requirements of the employer and labor market. An important factor here are the conditions that have already developed in the labor market, the degree adapted to them by the graduate himself and the ability to effectively interact with the employer.

In the modern period, higher education is undergoing significant changes and certain trends appear in its development, for example: the introduction of information technologies into the educational sphere, an increase in the importance of stable interaction between the educational, scientific and industrial spheres, an increase in the role of standardization of educational processes, an increase in competition among educational institutions, which allows you to increase the quality of work of each of them, etc.

Undoubtedly, the ability of a young specialist to adapt to constantly changing conditions in the economy and technology is acquiring special significance now. And the task of higher education in this case should be to form his abilities to independently and continuously acquire knowledge throughout his life. Indeed, in the vastness of the modern economy, a person, with his abilities, potential, abilities, skills and knowledge, becomes the most important resource. Therefore, the main priority in the socio-economic development of the country is the system of personal self-improvement through a qualitative transformation of the entire education system.

Modern requirements of the economy lead to the creation of multipurpose education, which provides training for competitive personnel. For example, the goals of such education can be distinguished: the formation of a modern, social personality, the formation of the proper competencies of a specialist, the training of qualified personnel.

Undoubtedly, the most competitive graduates are graduates of educational institutions, which occupy a leading position in the educational services market. In this case, competition appears as rivalry between educational institutions to attract talented applicants. An important factor is participation in innovation and investment activities and the works of the teaching staff.

One of the main criteria for the effectiveness of universities is the competitiveness of their graduates. In a broad sense, the competitiveness of a specialist implies the degree of usefulness of the qualities of the workforce to a potential buyer - employer, and in a narrow sense - the possession of such a profession and such qualities that give the employee an advantage in the fight against competitors for a vacant job. The level of competitiveness of a young specialist largely depends on the degree of his compliance with professional knowledge and personal qualities of the requirements of the profession.

The competence of a graduate is another essential factor contributing to the increase of his competitiveness. It manifests itself, as a rule, in professional activity and contains the abilities, knowledge, skills and abilities that are necessary for the implementation of the creative activity of the individual.

In Japan, for example, special attention is paid to the development of holistic thinking, which is ensured by the joint efforts of organizations and universities. In the USA, the competitiveness of a team is formed by the effectiveness of their activities.

The most common systems for training specialists are: German (in priority - chemistry, mathematics, physics, biology, that is, the natural scientific system) and American (philosophy, sociology, history, psychology, that is, the humanities). In connection with the transition of Russia to market relations, the American system of personnel training has developed, which has shown itself in economic education. However, this approach mainly gives information about the past, rather than about the prospects for the future, since the complexity of training is not high. And besides answering the questions, who? when? what are the results? specialists need to answer questions such as: why? how to work with it? and what can this lead to in the future? Indeed, when answering the last questions, the complexity of training can significantly increase. So, humanitarian training is not able to create an education system that would meet modern requirements. Thus, there is a need to use systemic training in economic theory, marketing, management, enterprise economics, etc. in curricula, thereby increasing the competitiveness of graduates.

Thus, the success of a young specialist, namely his competitiveness in the labor market, largely depends not only on the quality of the education provided, but also on personal characteristics. In order for universities to "grow" a competent and capable graduate, it is necessary to motivate students to work independently, to develop their creative abilities in the course of training sessions and in extracurricular activities, and also not to ignore the interaction of theoretical and practical training.

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Kolobova Tatiana Viktorovna

master's student at the Faculty of Economics, Management and Finance. ANO VO "Russian New University"