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Ngueu Dormitory. Regulations on the unified student council of the Ngueu dormitory

  1. The NSUEU dormitory is located at: st. Frunze, 16, and is located in close proximity to the academic buildings, is part of the university as a structural unit. On monitoring the provision of residential premises in dormitories
  2. NSUEU dormitory is of block type. Each block has a sanitary unit. The dormitory is also equipped with shower rooms located on the 1st floor, communal kitchens for self-catering on each floor, and a laundry room equipped with washing machines.
  3. Number of living rooms - 236
  4. The dorm rooms are equipped with the necessary furniture for living (beds, tables, cabinets, shelves, cabinets, etc.). All students are given bedding (mattresses, blankets, pillows, bed linen, etc.) upon check-in.
  5. The dormitory has rooms for independent study located in the halls of the floors, a reading room and rooms for sports with exercise equipment.
  6. The hostel is located medical Center to provide first aid.
  7. The NSUEU dormitory has access control.
    Guests can visit the hostel from 10:00 to 20:00 with an identification document.

II. Providing places in a hostel

  1. The university provides students who need living space with basic educational programs secondary professional and higher education(full-time study) residential premises in a dormitory, subject to availability, in the manner established by local regulations.
  2. As a matter of priority, a bed in the dormitory is provided to non-resident students belonging to the preferential category in accordance with PL SMK NSUEU 6.3.0-042.01-2018 Procedure for settling into the dormitory of the FSBEI HE "NSUEU" (approved on June 9, 2018).
    1. First year students, higher education programs(bachelor's and specialist's degrees) a bed in the dormitory is provided primarily for those admitted to budget places, according to the ranked list taking into account Unified State Exam results or internal tests of the university.
    2. First year students, secondary programs vocational education A bed in a dormitory is provided primarily for those admitted to budget places, according to a ranked list based on the average score of the certificate.
    3. Full-time students of 2-5 years of study a bed is provided in the dormitory in accordance with the PL QMS NSUEU 6.3.0-042.01-2018 Procedure for settling into the dormitory of the FSBEI HE "NSUEM" (approved on June 9, 2018), based on the ranked lists formed by the Council of the dormitory and approved by the vice-rector for educational work and social issues.
  3. Those admitted to the 1st year of study regarding the provision of places in the NSUEU dormitory must contact the Department for organizing the admissions campaign.
    Address: Novosibirsk, st. Kamenskaya, 52/1, educational building No. 5, room. 5-210, 5-213.
    Tel. 2–110–500
  4. Full-time students of 2-5 years of study should contact the Social Policy Department with questions about the provision of places in the NSUEU dormitory.
    Address: Novosibirsk, st. Kamenskaya, 52, educational building No. 3, room. 3-112/1.

III. Procedure for students to check into the dormitory

  1. To check into the dormitory, students are required to submit the following documents:
    • passport and a photocopy of the passport (for minors - a photocopy of the passport of the parent or authorized representative);
    • a certificate of health (issued by the NSUEU medical center; for 1st year students, certificate No. 086u is required);
    • certificate of completion of a fluorographic examination;
    • photographs 3x4 in quantity 2 pcs;
    • SNILS (photocopy);
    • copies of documents confirming the benefit (if there is a benefit);
    • payment receipt (with the exception of persons specified in clause 5.3 of the PL QMS NSUEU 6.3.0-042.01-2018 Procedure for checking into the dormitory of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "NSUEU" (approved on June 9, 2018).
  2. Adult students enter into a rental agreement for residential premises independently.
  3. A residential rental agreement with a minor student is concluded in the presence of a parent or authorized representative (with a notarized power of attorney).

For questions regarding check-in, please contact tel. 8 (383) 243-94-59 from Monday to Friday from 12:00 to 13:00

IV. Local regulations for the NSUEU dormitory

  • Internal regulations for students at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "NSUEM"
  • Order No. 63/0 “On the prohibition of the use of electrical appliances for preparing and heating food and water, heating premises in NSUEU dormitory rooms”
  • Introductory training program on labor protection for students at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "NSUEM"
  • Fire safety induction program for students at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "NSUEU"
  • Instruction No. 1 On the procedure for students living in the NSUEU dormitory and dormitory staff in the event of a fire or other natural disaster during the day and night
  • Instruction No. 3 On fire safety measures for students living in the NSUEU dormitory
  • Instruction No. 5 On the use and maintenance of fire extinguishers at NGUEU
  • Electrical safety instructions for students living in a dormitory
  • Instruction No. 27 On the use of electrical appliances in the NSUEU dormitory
  • Instruction No. 53 On labor protection when moving around the territory and premises of the university for employees and students
  • Order on the cost of living in the NSUEU dormitory from 07/01/2019 No. 263/o dated 05/31/2019

V. Payment for accommodation

  1. The amount of payment for accommodation in the NSUEU dormitory from 07/01/2019 per resident is:
    1. For those living in the hostel at the address Novosibirsk, st. Frunze, 16
      • for full-time students, graduate students and undergraduates studying at the expense of an individual and (or) legal entity - 730 rubles per month;
      • for full-time students, graduate students and undergraduates studying at the expense of the federal budget - 370 rubles per month;
      • for full-time students (preferential category of students, except for orphans and children without parental care, disabled people of groups I and II), studying at the expense of the federal budget - 350 rubles per month;
    2. For those living in the hostel at the address Novosibirsk, st. Kamenskaya, 56/2
      • for full-time students, graduate students and undergraduates studying at the expense of an individual and (or) legal entity - 850 rubles per month;
      • for full-time students, graduate students and undergraduates studying at the expense of the federal budget - 450 rubles per month;
      • for full-time students (preferential category of students, except for orphans and children without parental care, disabled people of groups I and II), studying at the expense of the federal budget - 410 rubles per month;
  2. Payment for residential premises is made upon conclusion of the contract in the amount of the annual payment for residential premises.


Novosibirsk, st. Frunze, 16 (transport stop "NIITO")

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The NSUEU dormitory is located at st. Frunze, 16, in close proximity to educational buildings.

NSUEU dormitory is of block type. Each block has a sanitary unit. The dormitory is equipped with shower rooms located on the 1st floor, shared kitchens for self-catering on each floor, and a laundry room equipped with washing machines.

The number of living rooms is 236. The rooms in the dormitory are equipped with the furniture necessary for living (beds, tables, cabinets, shelves, cabinets, etc.). All students are given bedding (mattresses, blankets, pillows, bed linen, etc.) upon check-in.

The dormitory has rooms for independent study located in the halls of the floors, a library, and a medical center.

The NSUEU dormitory has access control. Guests are allowed to visit the hostel from 10.00 to 20.00 with an identification document.

Providing places in a hostel

The University provides students in need of accommodation in basic educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education (full-time education) with living quarters in a dormitory, subject to availability, in the manner established by local regulations.

As a matter of priority, places in the dormitory are provided to nonresident students belonging to preferential categories in accordance with the Procedure for moving into the dormitory of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "NSUEU".

For first-year students of higher education programs (bachelor's and specialist's degrees), the hostel is provided primarily for those admitted to budget places, according to a ranked list taking into account the results of the Unified State Examination or internal tests of the university.

For first-year students of secondary vocational education programs, the hostel is provided primarily for those admitted to budget places, according to a ranked list based on the average score of the certificate.

Applicants to the university who need a dormitory must fill out a special application when submitting documents to Admissions Committee. After receipt and publication of orders for enrollment, according to the list published on the website in the “Applicants” section (site/entrance/hostel.php).

For 2019-2020 academic year 162 places are available for first-year applicants.

Procedure for students to check into the dormitory

To check into the dormitory, students are required to provide the following documents:

  • passports and photocopies of the passport (for minors - a photocopy of the passport of the parent or legal representative);
  • health certificates (issued by the NSUEU medical center);
  • certificates of completion of fluorographic examination;
  • photographs 3x4 in quantity 4 pcs.;
  • SNILS (photocopy);
  • copies of documents confirming benefits (if there are benefits);
  • payment receipts (with the exception of persons specified in clause 5.3 of the Procedure for moving into the dormitory of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "NSUEU").

Payment for accommodation

The amount of payment for accommodation in the NSUEU dormitory from 07/01/2019 per resident is:

  • for full-time students, at the expense of an individual and (or) legal entity730 rubles per month,
  • for full-time students, financed from the federal budget 370 rubles per month,
  • persons specified in part 5 of article 36 Federal Law"On education in Russian Federation", are exempt from paying fees for the use of residential premises (rental fees) in the hostel. The amount of accommodation fees for the categories of persons specified in this paragraph, with the exception of students specified in 3 of this order, students at the expense of the federal budgetestablish in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to this order - 350 rubles per month(in accordance with clause 6, article 39 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”)
The fee for accommodation in the hostel is not charged to students who are orphans and children left without parental care, disabled people of groups I and II.

Regulations on the Unified Student Council of the NSUEU Dormitory

This provision has been developed in accordance with the Model Provision on student dormitory educational institution higher and secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation, approved by the Resolution State Committee RF on higher education dated 01/01/2001 No. 4.

1. Structure of student government bodies

1.1. A Unified Student Council of the hostel (Unified Student Council) is formed in the hostel as a body of student self-government in the hostel, acting on the basis of this regulation.

1.2. The Unified Student Council consists of the chairman, deputy chairman and members of the Unified Student Council of the hostel. Members of the Unified Student Council are representatives of student councils of NSUEM institutes.

2. Rights and obligations of the Unified Student Council

2.1. The Unified Student Council has the right:

· represent the interests of residents of the hostel in relations with the administration of the university and hostel;

· conclude agreements between the collective of residents and the administration of the university and hostel;

· make proposals to the administration of the university and the hostel to change the Rules of residence in the hostel, to the administration of the university proposals to change this provision;

· make proposals to encourage residents who actively participate in public life dormitories;

· convene meetings of student councils of NSUEM institutes;

· together with the administration of the hostel, work with students to prevent violations of the Rules of residence in the hostel;

· organize cultural events for residents of the hostel;

· coordinate the activities of the wardens of floors, wings, blocks, organize work on self-service of the hostel, involve residents in performing social activities useful works in the hostel and in the surrounding area;

· participate in resolving issues of check-in and check-out of students, relocation of residents from one dormitory room to another on the initiative of the university and dormitory administration;

· seek from the administration of the university and the hostel to take into account the opinion of the Unified Student Council on this issue;

· make comments to violators, contact the hostel administration and the dean’s office with proposals for disciplinary action for misbehavior, negligence, and violation of the hostel rules;

· apply measures of social influence in relation to violators of the Rules of residence in the hostel;

· receive all the necessary information about violators of the Rules of residence in the hostel from the administration of the hostel;

· contact the university and dormitory administration with proposals to improve living conditions;

· petition the university administration to expel a student living in a dormitory from the university for serious violations.

2.2. The Unified Student Council is obliged to:

· protect the interests of residents of the hostel in relations with the administration of the university and hostel;

· timely bring to the attention of residents of the dormitory information concerning their interests, rights, responsibilities, etc.;

· assist the hostel administration in organizing control over the safety of material assets assigned to residents;

· take measures to prevent and resolve conflicts that arise between residents of the hostel, between residents and the administration of the hostel;

· monitor compliance with the internal regulations in the hostel and in the surrounding area;

· promptly inform the dormitory administration and the NSUEU security service about violations of the dormitory rules;

· provide a report on the work done at the request of the residents of the hostel, the administration of the hostel and the university.

2.3. Chairman of the Unified Student Council:

· represents the Unified Student Council in public organizations, media, etc., sends appeals and petitions on behalf of the Unified Student Council;

· ensures planning, coordination, control over the activities of the Unified Student Council, convenes meetings and organizes the work of the Unified Student Council;

· bears personal responsibility to the Unified Student Council for the implementation of this provision;

· provides a report on the work of the Unified Student Council to a meeting of students living in the dormitory once a semester.

3. Formation and operating procedure of the Unified Student Council

3.1. The Unified Student Council is formed from representatives of the student councils of NSUEM institutes;

3.2. The Student Council of the NSUEM Institute is formed at a general meeting of NSUEM Institute students living in the dormitory and representatives of the dean's office at the beginning of the academic year (from October 1 to October 15). During the meeting, candidates for the positions of members of the institute's student council are determined: students can nominate themselves or be nominated by representatives of the dean's office. The composition of the institute's student council is approved by a vote of residents of the dormitory. The student council of the institute is formed for a period of one academic year. The number of members of the student council of the institute must be no less than 3 and no more than 7 people. The chairman of the student council of the NSUEU institute is determined by a vote of its members; in the case of an equal number of votes, his candidacy is approved by a representative of the dormitory administration.

3.3. After the elections of student councils of NSUEM institutes, from October 16 to 31, a meeting of student councils of NSUEM institutes is organized to form a Unified Student Council. During the meeting, the candidacy of the chairman of the Unified Student Council is approved by a vote of members of the student councils of NSUEU institutes. Each member of the student council of the NSUEM Institute can be the Chairman of the Unified Student Council. Candidates for the post of chairman of the Unified Student Council must submit their programs 10 days before the elections to the meeting of student councils of NSUEM institutes. The Chairman of the Unified Student Council is elected for a term of one academic year. It is possible to terminate the powers of the chairman at his request or at the request of at least two thirds of the members of the Unified Student Council. In this case, extraordinary elections of the chairman of the Unified Student Council are held.

The Unified Student Council includes one representative from the student councils of NSUEU institutes. The candidacy for the position of deputy chairman is approved by the chairman of the Unified Student Council at his own discretion from among the members of the student councils of NSUEU institutes.

3.4. Meetings of the Unified Student Council are held as needed, but at least twice a month.

3.5. Members of the Unified Student Council have equal rights.

3.6. A meeting of the Unified Student Council is considered valid if it is attended by at least one representative from each student council of the NSUEU institute and the chairman of the Unified Student Council or his deputy.

3.7. The decision of the Unified Student Council is considered valid if more than half of the number of members of the Unified Student Council present at the meeting voted for it. In case of an equal number of votes, the chairman of the Unified Student Council has a casting vote.

3.8. If disagreements arise between student councils of institutes during a meeting when resolving any issue, the issue is resolved by voting, in which each student council of the NSUEM institute has one vote. If necessary, members of the Unified Student Council can involve in the decision controversial issues hostel administration.

3.9. Decisions of the Unified Student Council are binding for all residents of the dormitory, unless they contradict the NSUEM Charter, the Regulations on the NSUEM student dormitory and other legal acts.

3.10. All decisions and meetings of the Unified Student Council are documented by minutes of meetings and signed by the chairman of the Unified Student Council and (or) his deputy.

3.11. Representatives of the university and dormitory administration, as well as residents of the dormitory, may attend meetings of the Unified Student Council at the invitation of members of the Unified Student Council.


Legal department

______________< >_________2006

Vice-Rector for General Affairs

______________< >_________2006

Directors of institutes:

IMiK, ______________< >_________2006

IUEiS, ______________< >_________2006

IMOiP, ______________< >_________2006

FPI, ______________< >_________2006

Assistant to the Rector for Extracurricular Activities

______________< >_________2006

“Every night I woke up to a cockroach running along the wall next to my head. Anyone who has not been a student cannot understand,” previous generations are nostalgic for dorm life. Smoky rooms with peeling wallpaper, creaking beds and kitchens smelling of sauerkraut are a thing of the past – most modern university dormitories are far from the stereotypes.

Almost everywhere there is some kind of renovation, plastic windows and free Wi-Fi. Dormitories are provided to students from remote areas of the region, nonresident and foreign students. Each faculty is assigned its own dormitory building.

As a rule, students live two or three people in a room, but four students in one room is not uncommon. The furnishings in the rooms are simple: beds, a bedside table, a small closet and a computer desk, if you're lucky. Not all dormitories have dining rooms, but kitchens are provided for students on almost every floor, and at NSTU they prepare food right in the rooms.


4 thousand places - this is the campus of the technical university. Seven dormitories for students, one for graduate students and teachers, and a superior dormitory.

NSTU provides 866 places to nonresident applicants this year. For state employees, the cost of living in dorms at Studencheskaya will cost 468 rubles per month, for “paying students” - 728 rubles.

For this little money, the student receives the use of a bed, a bedside table, a chair and a table for preparing food. There are no shared kitchens in the dormitories. The showers are located in the basements, as the administration of NSTU assures, all of them have been renovated to European standards. Mattresses, pillows and blankets are provided, dishes and other household utensils are not.

There are reviews about the conditions in the hostels: “It’s just terrible, cockroaches are absolutely everywhere, it’s impossible to live, I think the street is cleaner than there. It’s better to build a hut in the yard and live there, but if you’re not at all good at it, welcome to the Brazilian slums!” recalls hostel number 6 student Nikita Zuev.

“The right to move into a dormitory is granted to all nonresident students, undergraduates and graduate students of the university. All nonresident first-year students of full-time budget education are provided with a hostel,” reports NSTU.

Priorities for check-in into dormitories: non-resident full-time freshmen and students returning from academic leave are moved in first. Further rooms are provided to nonresident students from the second to fifth year, undergraduates and graduate students.


“All nonresident students studying on a budget or on a paid basis at NSU they get a dormitory. Students living in Berdsk, Iskitim, Krasnoobsk, Koltsovo, as well as in remote areas of Novosibirsk, have the right to move into a dormitory if there are available places,” NSU states.

11 dormitories in Akademgorodok are ready to accept students for 900 rubles per month in a double room. For those who love solitude, NSU offers single rooms for 1,050 rubles per month. Orphans, children without parental care and disabled people can live in Akademgorodok on preferential terms - for 850 rubles per month.

The system for arranging rooms in dormitories is block-based. 1st and 2nd year students of three people live in a large room. 3rd and 4th year students in smaller rooms. Kitchens are on each floor, as are study rooms.

“Whoever lived in a hostel does not laugh at the circus. The dorm is conveniently located - in winter you can run to the university in just shorts, writes a NSU student named Ilya on the Internet. “Almost all the bugs were removed; there were only pitiful islands of resistance in the rooms of the most idiotic ones.”


“As a matter of priority, places in the dormitory are provided to non-resident students belonging to preferential categories. First-year students of higher education programs (bachelor’s and specialist’s degrees) are provided with a hostel, first of all, for those admitted to budget places, according to a ranked list taking into account the results of the Unified State Examination or internal tests of the university,” the university reports. This year, first-year students are allocated 160 places at Frunze, 16. The price for a room in the city center is 525 rubles for full-time students and 620 for graduate and undergraduate students. Beneficiaries pay 485 rubles for the hostel.

In total, the hostel for economists and managers has 236 rooms with simple furnishings - a bed, a table, a cabinet and a closet. A block-type dormitory with one bathroom per block, showers on the ground floor, kitchens on each.


On the NSPU campus there are four dormitories where undergraduate and graduate students live. The total number of places is more than 2 thousand, including 30 rooms for family students. State employees from the day department pay 550 rubles for a place in a room designed for four, 610 rubles for the opportunity to live with three people, a double room costs 950 rubles. For “payers”, living near the Pedagogical University will cost a little more - a four-bed room costs 775 rubles per month, a three-bed room costs 1,000 rubles, and 1,100 will have to be paid for the opportunity to live together. Foreign students also pay a little more - 1000-1100 rubles per month, depending on the number of places in the room.

“First of all, places in dormitories are provided to orphans and the poor; those admitted through the gubernatorial and targeted admissions; those living in remote areas of the NSO; students of budget education. Lists of students in need of housing are reviewed in structural units and approved by order of the rector,” reports NSPU.

Students at the Pedagogical University dormitory complain: “Checking in at the end of August was hell. The whole process took a day, or even two. There are always many free places, but for some reason they are not given to students. Cockroach weed - another story, we had a lot of them (3rd floor), crawling everywhere. One night I wake up to a cockroach falling from the ceiling onto my face.”


“For nonresident students in need of a dormitory, places are provided on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to availability, to full-time University students with a higher GPA and who are actively involved in the life of the university. For the first year, the sum of points scored on the Unified State Exam is considered,” explains SGUPS. In fact, there are not enough places; the university places students in dormitories of not so popular universities.

State employees, contract employees, disabled people, orphans and families with many children are a priority. For those who live in Novosibirsk, Berdsk, Ob and Novosibirsk rural area You can forget about vacant places in the railway workers' dormitory. If you have previously been expelled from the SGUPS dormitory for unacceptable discipline, you will not be able to move in again. The price for a room for four people starts from 800 rubles. For this money, the student gets one shower on four floors. The dean of the Faculty of Personnel Management offered a room for two people for 8 thousand rubles. There is one shower per block and a bunk bed.

SGUPS has four dormitories on Dusi Kovalchuk, in addition, a sports complex and a clinic are located on the campus. Students live either two or three or four people per room. They prepare the food themselves; there are kitchens on the floors, where stoves, cutting tables and sinks are located.