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The Occult Third Reich: How did the Nazis use supernatural powers? (10 photos). Hitler and the occult: the black Jesuit and the secrets of the Third Reich The Beast from the Abyss

"Undoubtedly, every National Socialist must sooner or later come to terms with the so-called 'occult' facts." Newspaper "Reichswart", August 30, 1937. The worst thing in the fight against such an enemy as Nazism is not the answers to the questions. The worst thing is when they pretend that no questions exist at all.

When you start reading about the Nazi space project Aldebaran, it's hard to help think that it's all just science fiction. But as soon as you come across information about the same project in the name of Wernher von Braun, you become a little uneasy. For SS Standartenführer Wernher von Braun, many years after the Second World War, was not just anyone, but one of the key figures in the American project to fly to the moon. It is, of course, much closer to the Moon than to the planet Aldebaran. But, as we know, the flight to the Moon took place.

So there are questions, and there are many of them. It's all about who will answer them and how.

Here are just a few.

What was the SS expedition looking for, which took place under the auspices of the occult and mystical organization Ahnenerbe, in distant Tibet in 1938? And why were the SS men allowed to go where the Europeans were not allowed to go?

What goals did another SS expedition pursue – not just anywhere, but to Antarctica?

Why, in the last years of the war, did the Fuhrer throw the main finances of the Reich not into tanks and planes, but into mysterious and rather illusory projects of the same Ahnenerbe? Does this mean that the projects were already on the verge of implementation?

Why was the interrogation of SS Standartenführer Wolfram Sievers, the Ahnenerbe Secretary General, so abruptly interrupted at the Nuremberg trials as soon as he began to name names? And why was a simple SS colonel so hastily shot among the most important war criminals of the Third Reich?

Why exactly did Dr. Cameron, who was present in Nuremberg as part of the American delegation and studied the activities of Ahnenerbe, then head the CIA Blue Bird project, within the framework of which developments were carried out on psychoprogramming and psychotronics?

Why does the American military intelligence report, dated 1945, say in the preamble that all Ahnenerbe activities were pseudoscientific in nature, while the report itself records, for example, such a “pseudoscientific” achievement as the successful fight against a cancer cell?

What is this strange story about the discovery of the corpses of Tibetan monks in SS uniforms in Hitler's bunker at the end of the war?

Why did Ahnenerbe urgently seize the documentation of scientific laboratories and any secret societies, along with the archives of special services in each of the countries that had just been captured by the Wehrmacht?

Early nineteenth century. The daughter of a Russified German, Helena Blavatsky, between Europe and America. On the way, she visits Egypt and Tibet. Blavatsky is a great adventurer, she knows that the key to her success is constant movement. Where she lingers for even a few months, a trail of scandals and revelations is immediately created behind her, like a comet, including the revelation of the very earthly mechanisms of her “clairvoyance” and “summoning spirits.” Blavatsky quickly became fashionable. Europe was waiting for something like this, and it appeared.

To begin with, Blavatsky told the world that she had observed flying Buddhist monks in Tibet. There, in Tibet, some secret knowledge was allegedly revealed to her. Madame Blavatsky tried to present them in the book “The Secret Doctrine,” combining in it all possible information about Eastern occultism and Hinduism with the latest news of science. It turned out unusual and attractive to contemporaries who were expecting either the end of the world or the second coming.

It was Blavatsky who dictated the dangerous fashion of linking practical science, Eastern occultism and traditional European mysticism. If her ideas had not gone beyond the boundaries of European secular salons, the disaster, perhaps, would not have happened. But the recipe for the explosive mixture also came to Germany.

Historians are absolutely right when in school textbooks they explain the prerequisites for Hitler’s rise to power by the difficult socio-economic conditions of Germany at that time, the geopolitical consequences of defeat in the First World War, the disappointment and resentment of the army, and revanchist sentiments in society. But the main thing that united all this was national humiliation.

A nervous young man who wanted to become an artist stood for hours in front of a “magic spear” exhibited in a Vienna museum. It was believed that whoever owned this spear could rule the world. And this former soldier really wanted to rule the world, because he lived in poverty, and his artistic talents were not recognized as talents. Who could be more dangerous than such a young man? And into whose other head can the darkest magical formulas and mystical ideas be implanted so easily?

In any case, when army counterintelligence informant Adolf Schicklgruber attended meetings of the secret society "Hermanenorden", his psyche was already sensitive to unusual spells and ritual rites. In turn, key figures of secret societies very quickly noticed a suitable candidate for the post of future leader of the nation. The network of these secret societies actually developed the mechanism of the fascist regime.

As you know, Hitler wrote “Mein Kampf” in a Munich prison after the failed Nazi putsch. He was in prison with Rudolf Hess. And Professor Haushofer, one of the most influential people in the Thule society, visited them there. The professor liked Hitler, after which the leadership of Thule set his political career in motion. And while still in prison, Dr. Haushofer began to read some mysterious lectures to future leaders, which prompted Hitler to engage in literary work.

And here another question arises in addition to the above list - extremely important in order to understand what happened in the “Third Reich”. Was the belief of the highest SS hierarchs in everything mystical and otherworldly sincere?

It seems like both yes and no. On the one hand, the leaders of National Socialism understood perfectly well what a strong effect, from the point of view of managing people, all these medieval visions with the Holy Grail, flaming torches and so on could give. And here they exploited typical German romanticism with typical German pragmatism.

On the other hand, the daily performance of occult rituals and complete immersion in mysticism could hardly pass without leaving a mark on their own psyche.

And finally, third. Throughout their years in power, the Nazis experienced an unaccountable fear of future retribution. Wasn't the fascination with mysticism the drug that helped to drown out this fear, at least for a moment?

The world of mystical hobbies of the future Fuhrer was most likely wretched and painful. But the very makeup of his psyche fully corresponded to the demands that the people who put forward him had. Just like Himmler’s mentality. Despite all the doubts that the SS chief was able to master the rather complicated and heavy presentations of Madame Blavatsky, he could have heard about her ideas at least from his party comrades. But there is no doubt that the Reichsfuehrer appreciated them. Moreover, this provincial schoolteacher sincerely considered himself the Prussian King Henry in a new reincarnation (he was captured at the end of the Second World War, when Himmler made his way to the grave of his ancient namesake). According to the testimony of some of his associates, including the commander of the Belgian SS division de Grel, there was no other leader in the Reich who so sincerely and passionately wanted to eradicate Christianity in the world.

Whether the Fuhrers sincerely believed in the occult or not, in any case, these people, apparently, were eager to engage in practical black magic in the national, and then preferably worldwide.

Researchers who are trying to grasp some kind of system in the mystical ideas of the hierarchs of the “Third Reich” and explain a huge number of strange mysteries - the history of secret orders and societies like “Hermanenorden” and “Thule”, the development of nuclear and psychotronic weapons, difficult-to-explain expeditions under the auspices of the SS, say, to Tibet - these researchers make one serious mistake. Analyzing the events and comparing them, they proceed from the fact that the leaders of the Reich were people who had learned a certain secret, were initiated into something serious, and had mastered - at least partially - Tibetan secret knowledge. But the Fuhrers were not like that! And this concerns, first of all, Hitler himself, who, solely on the basis of his “clairvoyance,” forbade the continuation of the development of the FAU project at the very moment when success was already looming on the horizon. Yes, the Wehrmacht generals and scientists were close to suicide when they heard about this “epiphany” and the leader’s order!

Finding out which of the researchers is right - those looking for a secret meaning or insisting on a purely materialistic explanation of what happened - is a thankless task, because the truth does not belong to either one or the other. The future leaders of the “Third Reich” were simply faced with things and matters that they were unable to understand, much less manage, due to their lack of any serious educational base. Namely, it serves as a kind of protective barrier for any person interested in the otherworldly and mystical. With illiterate and insufficiently educated people, the “other world” is capable of playing too cruel jokes, completely subordinating their consciousness and paralyzing their will.

It seems that something similar happened with the not very literate leaders of the Reich. They became blind prisoners of their own hallucinoid ideas about the world of the mystical and unknown. And using their example, the so-called subtle world very clearly demonstrated that it is not worth experimenting with it without special preparation.

What happened in the Reich is very reminiscent of one of the Strugatsky novels, where on a distant planet a society in the early stages of development suddenly encounters modern technology. And the slaves there are busy sitting in the machines and turning all the knobs in a row until the right lever is blindly found.

Now let’s remember the Nazi concentration camps with pseudo-medical experiments on people that were incomprehensible neither in their meaning nor in their cruelty. Meanwhile, everything is not very complicated: these are theorists from the Ahnenerbe - one of the most mysterious mystical organizations, either existing under the control of the SS, or even managing the SS itself - trying to squeeze out some kind of secret knowledge of Eastern occultism and European mystics practically applicable theories. For example, they were very interested in the so-called “blood magic”. And in the concentration camps, doctors subordinate to the SS - and, therefore, to all the crazy ideas that were born in the depths of this organization - were already trying to put the same blood magic into practice.

More often than not, nothing worked. But they had a mass of human material, which could be experimented with without any restrictions. And as often happens in experimental sciences, it is not possible to achieve the initially set goal, but instead the conveyor belt of endless experiments leads to other - unexpected - side results.

Perhaps the alchemists in the black SS uniform (and all the employees of the same Ahnenerbe were members of the SS and had the corresponding ranks) worked blindly, and therefore any practical results they achieved can be considered accidental. But the question is not whether it was an accident or not. The question is that, in many ways, there were results. We just almost don’t know what...

Aggressive materialists simply try to ignore obvious mysteries. You can believe in mysticism, you can not believe in it. And if we were talking about fruitless spiritualistic sessions of ecstatic aunts, it is unlikely that Soviet and American intelligence would have spent enormous effort and risked their agents to find out what was happening at these sessions. But according to the recollections of veterans of Soviet military intelligence, its leadership was very interested in any approaches to Ahnenerbe.

Meanwhile, getting close to Ahnenerbe was an extremely difficult operational task: after all, all the people of this organization and their contacts with the outside world were under the constant control of the security service - SD, which in itself speaks volumes. So today it is not possible to get an answer to the question whether we or the Americans had their own Stirlitz inside Ahnenerbe. But if you ask why, you'll run into another strange mystery. Despite the fact that the vast majority of intelligence operations during the Second World War are now declassified (with the exception of those that subsequently led to the work of active agents in the post-war years), everything related to developments on Ahnenerbe is still surrounded by secrecy.

But there is, for example, evidence from the already mentioned Miguel Serrano, one of the theorists of national mysticism, a member of the Thule secret society, whose meetings Hitler attended. In one of his books, he claims that the information received by the Ahnenerbe in Tibet significantly advanced the development of atomic weapons in the Reich. According to his version, Nazi scientists even created some prototypes of a combat atomic charge, and the Allies discovered them at the end of the war. The source of the information, Miguel Serrano, is interesting if only because for several years he represented his homeland Chile in one of the UN commissions on nuclear energy.

And secondly, immediately in the post-war years, the USSR and the USA, having seized a significant part of the secret archives of the “Third Reich,” made almost parallel breakthroughs in time in the field of rocket science, the creation of atomic and nuclear weapons, and in space research. And they begin to actively develop qualitatively new types of weapons. Also, immediately after the war, the two superpowers were particularly active in research in the field of psychotronic weapons.

So comments that claim that the Ahnenerbe archives, by definition, could not contain anything serious do not stand up to criticism. And in order to understand this, you don’t even need to study them. It is enough to get acquainted with what was the responsibility of the Ahnenerbe organization by its president Heinrich Himmler. And this, by the way, is a total search of all archives and documents of national special services, scientific laboratories, Masonic secret societies and occult sects, preferably all over the world. A special Ahnenerbe expedition was immediately sent to each newly occupied country by the Wehrmacht. Sometimes they didn’t even expect occupation. In special cases, the tasks assigned to this organization were carried out by SS special forces. And it turns out that the Ahnenerbe archive is not at all theoretical research by German mystics, but a multilingual collection of a wide variety of documents captured in many states and related to very specific organizations.

Part of this archive was discovered in Moscow several years ago. This is the so-called Lower Silesian archive “Ahnenerbe”, taken by Soviet troops during the assault on Altan Castle. But this is a small part of all Ahnenerbe archives. Some military historians believe that much of it fell into American hands. This is probably true: if you look at the location of Ahnenerbe departments, most of them were located in the western part of Germany.

Our part has not yet been seriously studied by anyone; there is not even a detailed inventory of documentation. The word “Ahnenerbe” itself is known to few people today. But the evil genie, who was released from the bottle by the black magicians of the SS and Ahnenerbe, did not die along with the Third Reich, but remained on our planet.

edited news olqa.weles - 25-02-2012, 08:06

Occultism in the Third Reich is a very popular topic. However, it is not limited to the “spear of destiny”, expeditions to Shambhala, secret rituals of the SS men at Wewelsburg Castle and the use of occult techniques to seize world domination. Ban, imprison, release and place in military organizations - tried to understand the ups and downs of the relationship between the Nazis and occultists.

Magic and politics

Scientists speculated about the closeness of Nazism and esotericism already in the 1940s, but for a long time the tone of the discussion was set by opponents of the regime. Trying to understand how Hitler managed to “stupefy” the German people, they chose a fairly simple explanation. Germany's very fascination with magic and otherworldly forces (even under Wilhelm and the Weimar Republic) paved the way for the Nazis to power. Hitler only satisfied a national longing for an irrational world order, argued influential Frankfurt School sociologists Siegfried Kracauer and Theodor Adorno.

“Hitler is a true mystic, a demigod who was able to manipulate the subconscious of 78 million Germans,” echoed the great psychologist Carl Jung. In a more academic form, this paradigm is presented in Goodrick-Clark’s monograph “The Occult Roots of Nazism,” translated into Russian.

But after the end of the Cold War and the re-evaluation of the "black" interpretations of the Third Reich, historians of the occult, most notably Corinna Treitel, disputed the fact of a special connection between the Nazis and the occult sciences. Data were raised about numerous reprisals by the Third Reich against magicians, astrologers and telepaths, whom the Nazi state also considered suspicious. In addition, Treitel and her supporters urged not to look down on esotericism, as “dope” and false knowledge: parapsychology, spiritualism, astrology and other “border sciences” (Grenzwissenschaft) were no less important for Europeans than ordinary science, a means of finding meaning in the Godless reality of modernity.

Now historians are moving away from both extremes. It is impossible to say that the Nazis had a good or bad attitude towards the occult: policy on any issue changed for internal and external reasons, and sometimes turned 180 degrees. Historians emphasize that Nazi Germany was not mythically “totalitarian,” but polycratic state: dozens of diverse organizations and centers of power, competing with each other, with overlapping functions and powers (as an example, we can recall the rivalry between the Abwehr, SD and Foreign Ministry intelligence), pursued their own policies, trying to prove that it was their methods and decisions realize the ideals of National Socialism.

Pragmatic attitude

After coming to power in 1933, the Nazis took control of astrologers, clairvoyants, and fortune-tellers in the same way as the other liberal professions of the Weimar Republic. Do you want to make money in private practice and publish magazines? Register with the Imperial Chamber of Literature, the Ministry of Health, the Gestapo and the SD. Nazi officials were not concerned about the anti-scientific nature of occult teachings, but about defrauding people of money (for example, by fortune telling by hand).

Moreover, many state leaders (starting with Hitler, Himmler and Goebbels) themselves were fond of esoteric practices (from astrology to pendulum divination). This explains why repressions against occultists never reached the level of brutality with which the Reich dealt with communists, homosexuals, the mentally ill, not to mention Jews.

Dozens of adherents of esoteric teachings continued their activities, taking advantage of the legal distinction introduced during the republic between “charlatanism” and “scientific occultism” - studies of unusual phenomena for which science cannot yet provide explanations. The SD and the Gestapo ordered dozens of analytical notes, demanding to find a clear criterion for distinguishing quackery from promising “frontier sciences” - which, of course, should not attract the attention of the general public, but work in closed “sharashkas” for the benefit of law enforcement agencies.

“As you know, I do not consider astrology to be a pure scam, but I believe that there is something behind it... We need to limit charlatans more and allow only special research groups in this field,” Himmler wrote to Heydrich in 1939.

Against prejudice and Jews

But this does not mean that esotericism felt comfortable in the Third Reich. Fighters against obscurantism and pseudoscience did not sleep, trying to encourage the authorities to fight the “vampire of prejudices.” It is curious that the most active among them came not from among independent scientists, but from the circle of Mathilde Ludendorff, the second wife of the famous German general, a former ally of Hitler. For them, “magicians” were on a par with Jews, Christians and Freemasons - forces that were destroying the healthy body of the German people, and only vigilant enlightenment could save them from them.

Fighters against obscurantism, the most famous of whom were police commissioner Karl Peltz and professional esotericist debunker Albert Stadhagen, understood that they needed influential patrons to succeed. And they found them in the person of Reinhard Heydrich and the head of the Ministry of Health, Bernhard Hermann, who trashed the occult in the pages of his magazine, as well as in the SS newspaper. Hermann’s main achievement was Peltz’s show, where he exposed the tricks of magicians, parapsychologists and clairvoyants. Pelz performed in front of Wehrmacht soldiers alone 105 times in the 1937-1940s.

But the scythe struck a stone: the subsection of magicians of the Imperial Union of Artists in 1940 obtained from the Gestapo and personally from Hitler a ban on the activities of Peltz, as well as Stadhagen. He could not hide his indignation: for 20 years he had been fighting “occult swindlers, Jews and Jesuits,” exposing “prejudices - a way of thinking for the intellectually inferior, unworthy of the Third Reich,” and here a gang of magicians, using their influence in high circles, puts him spokes in the wheels of the fight against obscurantism.

Pelz and Stadhagen tried to get through to Hitler and sent Rosenberg, who was favorable to them, to the Reich Chancellery, but the Fuhrer refused to lift the ban. True, a crowbar was soon found suitable for use against this crowbar. Back in 1937, Peltz, on his personal initiative, sent his police leadership a detailed report about the occultists continuing their activities with all their “appearances and passwords.” The denunciation attracted the attention of Heydrich himself (who, unlike Himmler, did not favor esotericism), but was shelved - waiting for an opportune moment.

Bormann the educator

This moment came unexpectedly for everyone, including Hitler: on May 10, 1941, one of the Fuhrer’s closest associates, Rudolf Hess, flew to England to negotiate a separate peace. Hess was declared crazy because of astrology, and opponents of the occult (including Martin Bormann) did not fail to organize a large-scale police operation on this occasion against “astrologers, spiritualists, fortune-tellers, healers, anthroposophists, theosophists, ariosophists and supporters of Christian Science” - according to a denunciation "enlightener" Peltz.

Supporters of the concept of “occultism” of the Nazi regime and clear boundaries between science and anti-science will be interested in familiarizing themselves with the circular that Bormann sent out to party workers in the same 1941.

“Occult circles are trying to sow confusion and doubt among the people by deliberately spreading stories of miracles, prophecies, astrological predictions of the future (...). Clairvoyants and fortune tellers take advantage of the difficult situation [war] (...). The ideology of National Socialism is based on scientific knowledge of the laws of race, society and nature (...). It is your responsibility to ensure that party members, especially in rural areas, do not engage in the propagation of political fortune-telling, belief in miracles, superstitions or occult miracle-working.”

The enlightener Bormann emphasized that police measures alone are not enough; a “policy of education” is needed to prevent wide sections of society from becoming carried away by occult teachings - which is especially important during war.

However, the unsuccessful course of hostilities for the Nazis undermined the positions of “rationalists” like Bormann and Heydrich: Hitler, Goebbels and Himmler allocated more and more funds to “their” occult sciences. The Fuhrer himself admitted in 1942 that “without magic and superstition, the people cannot explain unforeseen events that cannot be foreseen and which cannot be dealt with.” Books confiscated by the police were not burned, but were sent to SS libraries. “Scientific astrologer” Karl Krafft in 1942 went straight from prison, like Korolev, to the Pendulum Institute created by the Navy to search for allied ships using pendulums (now this is delicately called dowsing). In the search for Mussolini, who was arrested in 1943 after the anti-fascist coup, Himmler was helped by a large group of astrologers and so on.

How Himmler was afraid of science

It is interesting to compare the fate of “alternative” sciences in the Third Reich and the USSR. Of course, under Stalin there could be no talk of legalizing the occult - but there was Lysenkoism, when an openly pseudoscientific trend, taking advantage of the leader’s favor, achieved official recognition - and immediately began to “shut up” and repress its opponents, normal scientists.

In science, Hitler's Germany never outlived Weimar pluralism. For example, there was such a doctrine of eternal ice, proposed by the Austrian engineer Hans Herbiger. According to his concept, the solar system was formed as a result of the interaction of the supersun (fire sphere) and cosmic ice. There was no ideological background here, but the Nazis saw in this doctrine a long-awaited cosmological alternative to “Jewish” physics (the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics). Herbiger was compared to Hitler - the same self-taught man from the people, creating a revolution.

Image: Technisches Museum Wien

Supporters of the doctrine of eternal ice settled in Ahnenerbe and tried, with the support of Hitler, to enter official science. First, they decided to introduce a special protocol (on agreement with their “theory”) so that geologists and meteorologists who refused to sign it would lose funding. Did not work out.

In 1937, through the efforts of the Ahnenerbe, an article about “Copernicus of the 20th century” was published in a general German popular publication. The editors immediately received hundreds of indignant letters from scientists and engineers. It is impossible to discredit German science “with such tales - especially when young conscripts have extremely poor knowledge of physics and mathematics,” military engineer Peter Lautner was indignant. Some were not too lazy to write denunciations to the Reich Ministry, demanding that the supporters of “eternal ice” be held accountable.

In 1938, the leading scientific publication “Journal of the German Geological Society” published an article that not only exposed the doctrine of eternal ice, but implicitly criticized the German bourgeoisie’s penchant for irrational ideas (in this one could even see a hint of the popularity of Hitler and the NSDAP). And the author-geologist did not suffer in any way for this. Moreover, Himmler officially recommended that theorists of eternal ice “keep their heads down” and not engage in controversy in scientific journals, so as not to expose themselves. However, the Ahnenerbe increased funding for the world ice theory, inviting its supporters to predict the weather for the Luftwaffe: in other words, instead of publicly fighting scientists, the Nazis preferred to create their own pocket structures with the craziest employees, hoping that a “miracle” would prove the correctness of their occult theories .

One day I came across some rather strange information; if I had come across it earlier, I would have simply thrown it aside, considering it an absurd fairy tale. But in my current situation I didn’t have much choice.

I'm talking about Professor Wilfried Thalmann's book “Hitler and the Devil.” As a matter of fact, this work was never published. Professor Thalmann was a specialist in modern history and worked at the University of Cologne in the 1920s. When the Nazis came to power, he fled to Switzerland, where he was granted citizenship without any problems, because the professor was a recognized world figure in historical science. If he did not have Jewish roots, the Nazis would have carried him in their arms.

So, Talman was considered a serious researcher until 1944. Then, as you know, he went crazy. After the professor gave a lecture to the amazed students about the active interference of otherworldly forces in world history, he suffered a severe nervous attack. The scientist was taken to the hospital, but was quickly sent home, because he was a completely harmless old man and did not rush at passers-by on the street. However, he was fired from the university. Over the next five years, Thalman traveled around Europe, collecting material for his book, and even found several students. But literally before handing over the manuscript to the publishing house, which agreed to publish it, the professor and his work disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Some passages were left with the students, and I managed to get them through a roundabout route.

The fact that Talman was officially declared crazy did not bother me. A madman is considered to be one who talks about incomprehensible things. About 200 years ago, anyone who started talking about the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics would have been put in a mental hospital. So I was only interested in the content of the surviving excerpts from the book...

So, until the very last days of the war, he believed that an iron will could change objective reality, as his teachers Haushofer and Eckart bequeathed. Hitler knew that he had this will, and probably knew that he also had the strength. However, such a push also required the highest concentration of all forces. But it was absolutely impossible to concentrate - especially in the light of reports from the fronts, which were conveyed to the Fuhrer by advisers who already believed that battles were decided by the military, and not by magical power. In those days there was an impression that Hitler had completely fallen into despair. And when this happened, he did what black magicians do in the most hopeless situation - he tried to conclude an agreement with the most powerful, darkest forces. As you know, a contract is a very ancient form of magic. Its essence lies in the fact that for an appropriate reward, the fiends of the abyss will be able to intervene in the course of real events on the side of the magician who signed the agreement.

The historian of magic Arthur Edward Waite, who studies the times when only the most uneducated fool did not practice magic, wrote in one of his books:

The contract is a concession to the sorcerer's poverty. , as in some other processes, the needy must be prepared to sacrifice, and the sorcerer who is not sufficiently equipped may end up paying too great a price.

Thus, the key to the contract is sacrifice. The magician must be ready to bring it, and the more he demands, the greater the sacrifice must be; and the forces of darkness demand destruction, chaos and death.

“Losses are never too great! They are the ones who will sow the seeds of future greatness!” - the Fuhrer said in those days, probably convinced that even greater losses - like sacrifices - could correct the balance of power in his favor.

Historian Hugh Trevor-Roper wrote about Hitler's last days:

Then the Fuhrer seemed to resemble a certain cannibal god, rejoicing in the destruction of his own temples. Almost all the orders he gave were a sentence: the prisoners must be destroyed, his old surgeon must be killed, his own brother-in-law must be killed, all traitors, without any proceedings, must be killed. Like the ancient heroes, the Fuhrer wanted to send as many human victims as possible to his grave.

And since, as it is said in all books on black magic, there is no better victim for Satan than a close friend or relative, then we see: brother-in-law, Hitler’s old doctor... the Fuhrer has clearly decided on an agreement! He decided to ask for help from the dark forces in which he believed, he decided to ask for a miracle of such power that in an incredible way could help change the true reality and restore Germany’s previous positions.

The current situation was no longer critical, it was already absolutely decided - and not in favor of the Nazis - and the price of such a miracle should be incredibly high. The Fuhrer is ready to pay any bloody price and, in addition to his brother-in-law and surgeon, orders the Berlin subway to be flooded. In the underground passages, death overtook more than 200,000 civilians who took refuge there from the bombing. However, the monstrous sacrifice was in vain: either the dark forces did not hear Hitler, or Satan, the father of lies and vices, disappeared and did not pay what he owed.

It was April 20, 1945, the Fuhrer's birthday. Hitler planned to hold it in the Alps, but the situation became more difficult every hour. The Fuhrer hesitated, and this was not the best time to hesitate. Russian troops encircled Berlin. A letter from one of Hitler's adjutants said:

In just a few hours the city will turn into one big trap from which not even a mouse can escape. And the Fuhrer, instead of thinking about escape, suddenly declares: “The Russians who are at the gates of the city will certainly be repulsed and go home!”

Nobody believes Hitler, and that night the bulk of the top members of the Third Reich fled Berlin. But Hitler is completely calm, he seems to listen to other voices. On the afternoon of April 22, the Fuhrer was informed of the Russian breakthrough after a failed counterattack in the southern suburbs of Berlin, which took place under the leadership of SS General Felix Steiner. All combat-ready units were transferred to that direction, but this did not help either. Then the Fuhrer announced that he would remain to “defend Berlin” - nothing destroyed his blind faith in the dark forces he served.

1945, April 29, morning - Hitler married Eva Braun. On the same day, he drew up a political will, which, in particular, said:

After six years of war, which, despite all the setbacks, will one day fade into history, like most of the glorious and valiant manifestations of the vital aspirations of a nation, I cannot leave the city that is the capital of the Reich. Since there remain too few forces to offer further resistance to the enemy advance in this place, and our resistance is gradually weakening, since the soldiers, misled by the enemy, lack initiative, I would like, by remaining in this city, to share my fate with those millions of others people who of their own free will decided to do the same.

It is unknown whether Hitler received the news that Mussolini had been captured, killed and hanged by the heels for public humiliation in Milan, but it was then that he decided to spare himself and Eva Braun from a similar fate:

My wife and I chose death to avoid the shame of defeat and surrender. According to our will, our bodies will be immediately burned in the place where I mainly worked during the 12 years I served my people.

And after that there is a pause. The Allies are approaching Berlin from all sides, and Hitler is waiting for something, as if he is stalling for time out of fear. But this is not so: there was no fear in those days. Of all the possible days and hours left to him, Hitler chose a very specific, most suitable one and is waiting for him, even at the risk of ending up in the hands of the enemy. 1945, April 30 - after listening to the reports of the remaining officers and warmly saying goodbye to everyone, even the secretaries, the Fuhrer, accompanied by Eva Braun, returned to his room. There they took poison, and Hitler put a bullet in his head, remaining true to himself until the very end. His suicide also became a ritual sacrifice, because April 30 is the oldest holiday of the Satanists, the most important date in their calendar: the eve of Walpurgis Night.

When this picture took shape in my head, I was shocked by its obvious simplicity and at the same time mystery and power. Sacrifice yourself and the woman you love? But to whom? For what? I didn’t have clear answers to these questions...

The occultism of the Third Reich rose to unprecedented heights during the Nazis' rise to power in Germany. Among the high-ranking officials of the party, there were many adherents of occult beliefs.

Occultism(from the word occultus - hidden or secret) - this is the doctrine of the secrets of nature. This term includes the study of all areas of the psychological, physiological, spiritual and cosmic realms.

This includes various mystical teachings, ancient “secret knowledge” about the supernatural. Occultism rose to unprecedented heights during his rise to power in Germany Nazis. Among the high-ranking officials of the party, there were many adherents occult beliefs.

Cover of a book by the Thule Society, which included Hitler and other Nazi leaders.

From childhood, Hitler was fond of reading books on mythology and occultism and with his coming to power, hundreds of soothsayers, astrologers and clairvoyants flocked to the city.

Among Hitler's superstitious associates were also Adolf Rosenberg, the ideologist of Nazism;

Rudolf Hess - whose fix idea was the revival of ancient pagan beliefs; Heinrich Himmler - dreaming of the revival of the German nation.

Not far from the town of Externstein in the Teutoburg Forest in 1934, Heinrich Himmler rented an ancient castle, its restoration was carried out by prisoners of a concentration camp located nearby.

This castle housed an archaeological museum and a library occultism, Institute of Ancient History and "Nordic Academy" SS. Himmler made it his residence, where in the North Tower, the most majestic, a “sanctuary” was built Nazi“new religion” created within the SS, which was a symbiosis of ancient Germanic paganism, early Christianity and modern occultism.

A crypt was built at the base of the tower - “Temple to the glory of the deceased SS leaders”, twelve pedestal bases were built along its edges, where it was planned to install urns with the ashes of the great SS generals who would die in future battles. Directly above the crypt was the Hall of SS Leaders, where Himmler intended to meet with the twelve senior officers of his service.

Thus, a parallel was drawn with the Celtic legends about the Knights of the Round Table during the time of King Arthur. Himmler, creating the SS according to the type of the Teutonic Order of the 13th century (you can read more about the Templar Order), dreamed of creating a new German aristocracy superhumans, which, like the mentioned knights, will exterminate and enslave the peoples of the lands they conquered; by the way, in the enslaved lands, SS officers were promised feudal allotments with working, and in reality slave, force.

The Nazis saw the source of esoteric power as the Mysterious Cup of the Holy Grail, in which, according to ancient sources, the blood of the Savior was collected. It was believed that by possessing this Christian artifact, which promised prosperity, well-being and power, Third Reich will ensure an easy victory in the war.

According to archaeologist Otto Rahn, who was Himmler's adviser on this matter, the Chalice was hidden in one of the caves in the south of France in ancient times. By order of Himmler, expeditions were sent, including to the Montsegur fortress, where the remains of the once powerful Albigensian fortress were preserved.

It was a heretical sect destroyed in the 13th century due to accusations of devil worship. According to legend, three warriors managed to leave the fortress on the eve of the defeat, take with them something extremely valuable and hide it in one of the many caves. It is believed that this was the Holy Grail.

From the stories of the expedition members, it is known that a small detachment went into the depths of the mountain caves along an underground passage known only to Ran. Tired people returned, confirming that they had discovered two walled caves, where only swords and armor, corroded by rust, were found. But Ran was pleased - these finds corresponded to some of his assumptions. The next day, Ran went into the caves alone and was absent for two days.

Otto Rahn during archaeological excavations

Upon his return, he did not tell anyone anything, but a happy smile shone on his face. The next day the camp was removed and Otto Rahn lost all interest in it. No one ever found out what he found or didn’t find... The archaeologist in 1938 wrote a report on his dismissal from the ranks of the SS and he (an unprecedented case!!) was released.

Ahnenerbe Society

In 1939, Otto Rahn was found dead in the Austrian Alps under unknown circumstances. It is believed that it was on Himmler’s orders that the archaeologist was liquidated, since the search for the Holy Grail was unsuccessful, or vice versa, having found the Chalice for Nazis they no longer needed him...

One of the most mysterious organizations Third Reich, shrouded in secrets and speculation was " Ahnenerbe”, which translated from German literally meant “Heritage of the Ancestors”. It was her task to apply the secret knowledge of European mystics and Eastern occultists to exalt Third Reich both spiritually and practically.

The origins of " Ahnenerbe" are served by the societies "Hermanenorden", "Thule" and "Vril". It was these mystical organizations that became the “three pillars” of the ideology of National Socialism, supporting the idea of ​​the existence in prehistoric times of a certain state, whose powerful civilization knew almost all the secrets of the universe and which died after a grandiose catastrophe. Miraculously saving some of the people, mixing with the Aryans, and gave rise to the appearance of a race of superhumans - the ancestors of the Germans.

For people interested in history Nazi Germany superficially, the title " Ahnenerbe"will say little. But the very fact that the president of this society was Heinrich Himmler and he charged his subordinates with a total search of all archives and documents of national special services, scientific laboratories, Masonic secret societies and occult sects, preferably around the world, speaks of the importance given to the work of this society.

A special expedition was immediately sent to each newly occupied country by the Wehrmacht. Ahnenerbe" The main areas of research were studying the properties of various poisons, the effects of high and low temperatures, and human pain thresholds. In addition, there was great interest in mass psychological and psychotropic effects, and work was underway to create superweapons. For scientific research " Ahnenerbe"attracted famous world-famous scientists.

« Ahnenerbe“in German, he meticulously clearly delineated the work in the following areas: the creation of a superman, medicine, the development of new non-standard types of weapons of mass destruction, including atomic weapons, as well as the possibility of using religious and mystical practices.

For research " Ahnenerbe» Nazi Germany spent huge amounts of money. Some sources claim that even more than the United States to create the first atomic bomb. The so-called Nordic theory was one of the main areas of activity " Ahnenerbe"since its creation. Many Germans sincerely believed that they were the descendants of the ancient Aryans, or Aryans, who moved to the southern lands from the legendary Hyperborea-Thule, mentioned by Herodotus.

And that it is they, with the help of the so-called Vrile forces (for the first time about psychokinetic energy - Vril was written in 1871 by the British novelist Edward Bulwer-Lytton in the book “The Coming Race”) will be able to become a race of supermen and rule the world. It was assumed that “dormant” parapsychological abilities could be awakened in the heirs of the Aryans and used in the service of Greater Germany.

Scientists from the SS had to study runic writings, the history of the Aryans and much more in order to substantiate the superiority of the Aryan race and its right to world domination and, accordingly, find evidence of the inferiority of other peoples, primarily Jewish and Slavic. Ethnographers and archaeologists, historians and philologists in the service of the Ahnenerbe wrote educational programs for the SS and made “scientific propaganda” films.

Members of the SS were required to be taught rune reading. The society created new civil ceremonies for weddings, funerals, the blessing of newborn babies and, of course, the initiation ceremony and the presentation of weapons to recruits.

Nazi the elite believed that as soon as evidence of their ancient and almost divine origin was found, they would easily be able to recreate superhumans through selection. The SS units became the breeding pool, where the strongest, physically healthy and most beautiful young men, certainly tall, blue-eyed blonds, were selected. They also had to be of impeccable Aryan origin and well educated. The purity of the family was supposed to be monitored since 1750.

Members of the SS, regardless of their marital status, were charged with “producing” as many offspring as possible. In 1935, Himmler formulated the Levensborn program (translated from German as Source of Life), its task was to encourage the birth and livelihood of truly Aryan children. The doctrine, in particular, provided for and encouraged in every possible way that girls could and should have relations with the SS men.

Children born in such relationships were not considered dishonorable at all if the mother and father met the standard of true Aryans. Between 1935 and 1945, 11 thousand such children were born. Babies were the property of the state and it took care of them, transferring them to special boarding schools or to the families of SS members. Children with Aryan appearance were also taken from occupied countries and placed in “” orphanages in Germany.

Ruling elite Nazi Reich was obsessed occultism and racial theories of superiority and actively imposed the ideas of a super race on the entire German people. Adolf Hitler and his associates regularly held loud, carefully planned speeches by the Fuhrer, theatrically staged with parades, torchlight processions and other spectacles.

« Ahnenerbe» and Tibet

Scientists from the SS identified the birthplace of the Aryan civilization as Central Asia, the region of the Gobi Desert, the Pamirs and the mountains of Tibet, where, starting in the 30s, they began to equip numerous expeditions in order to search, firstly, for mythical relics that would contribute to the exaltation Nazi Germany, and also, secondly, the search for the mythical cities of Shambhala and Agartha (these hidden underground cities were believed to be located under the Himalayas), and restore contact with the Aryan ancestors located there.

The expeditions sent had to ask for help, and, of course, receive it from local initiates who allegedly owned secret occult forces, such as the previously mentioned Vril force, possessed secret knowledge that could become the key to absolute power over the world by the Aryan master race. Some researchers still believe that the information obtained during expeditions to Tibet significantly advanced the development of a certain prototype of a combat atomic charge and that the Americans allegedly discovered them at the end of the war.

« Ahnenerbe"organized an expedition to Tibet in 1938-1939 under the leadership of Ernst Schaeffer. The expedition members were able to visit not only the city of Lhasa, which is closed to strangers, but also visited the sacred site of Yarling. Having worked in this region for three months, the expedition brought home hundreds of meters of film, on which various mystical and religious rituals were filmed, and many manuscripts for careful study.

The result of the analysis of the results of the expedition was a report presented to Hitler personally, after reading which he was extremely excited and the thought of superweapons, as well as the idea of ​​interstellar flights, no longer left him. Radio communication was established between Berlin and Lhasa, and a large group of Tibetan representatives arrived on a secret mission.

The corpses of these Tibetans, for some reason in SS uniform, were subsequently found in Hitler's personal bunker and in the premises of the Reich Chancellery. They voluntarily took all their secrets with them to the grave.

Special teams of German researchers visited not only in search of mystical knowledge and documents. In the laboratory " Ahnenerbe“Dozens of manuscripts were delivered in both Sanskrit and ancient Chinese.

Wernher von Braun, who was at the origins of the creation of the first rocket aircraft V-1 and V-2, said that scientists found a lot of interesting things for themselves in these documents. Recently, incredible evidence has emerged that the Nazis received knowledge on the development of space technology and non-standard weapons from a certain alien civilization, contact with which took place (in detail about the paleocontact theory) at a top-secret base located in Antarctica.

In 1946, under the leadership of Richard Evelyn Brown, the Americans sent a search expedition to Antarctica. It consisted of a submarine, an aircraft carrier and fourteen ships. Many years later, Byrd admitted that he was indeed at the base " Ahnenerbe"and saw there extraordinary disc-shaped flying machines, capable of covering enormous distances almost instantly.

In the laboratories "" they worked actively on the creation of atomic weapons. Sometimes there are publications that supposedly the Germans took the wrong path in research and would never have been able to obtain positive results. But this is not true, there is evidence that in 1944 the bomb Third Reich was! Several tests were carried out - in the Baltic Sea on the island of Rügen and in Thuringia. The experimental “material” in these tests were prisoners of war who died during the explosion.

Their bodies burned without a trace or were severely damaged by radiation and high temperature exposure. Both Stalin and Truman learned about the German tests literally a few days later. It must be emphasized that the German bomb was rather not atomic, in the physical sense, but thermonuclear.

In January 1945, the German Minister of Armaments said that “there is enough explosives the size of a matchbox to destroy the whole of New York.” Analysts claim that Ahnenerbe scientists did not have time, one year was not enough for them to create weapons of mass destruction. The intelligence services of the USSR and their allies were very interested in the activities of the organization, but the constant control of the German security services thwarted all efforts to penetrate this society.

Despite the fact that most of the intelligence operations carried out during the Second World War have long been declassified, most of the secrets of the work " Ahnenerbe» has not been disclosed by anyone. After the defeat of Nazi Germany, the USA and the USSR made truly titanic efforts to search for archives " Ahnenerbe", all kinds of materials and developments, as well as his employees. Everything that was found was taken out in complete secrecy. The scientists continued their work in new, again secret, laboratories of the victorious countries.

It was not for nothing that at the Nuremberg trials the interrogation of SS Standartenführer Wolfram Sievers, the General Secretary, was abruptly interrupted “and why a simple SS colonel was so hastily shot among the most important war criminals.” Third Reich"? And Dr. Cameron, who later headed the CIA’s “Blue Bird” project for the development and application of psychoprogramming and psychotronics, may not have been in vain in Nuremberg as part of the American delegation and studied the activities of “ Ahnenerbe».

And significant breakthroughs that occurred almost simultaneously in the field of rocketry, space research, and the creation of atomic and nuclear weapons in the post-war years of the USSR and the USA suggest that secret archives were captured “ Third Reich". Also, immediately after the war, the two superpowers were particularly active in research in the field of psychotropic weapons. Before this, the Nazis successfully carried out death camps.

The Nuremberg Tribunal declared Ahnenerbe a criminal organization. But comments claiming that the Ahnenerbe archives did not contain anything serious and concrete clearly do not stand up to criticism. Belief in astrology and prophecy did a disservice to the top of the Nazi Reich.

The famous German astrologer Wilhem Wulff, who was under arrest, compiled a horoscope for Adolf Hitler and predicted his death in May 1945. And so it happened. Hitler and his wife Eva Braun committed suicide in the Führer's personal bunker on April 30, 1945. Goebbels shot himself and his wife, after poisoning his six young children.

Himmler, disguised as a private, tried to escape, but was captured on May 23, 1945, and while detained by an English patrol, he chewed a cyanide capsule. While in Nuremberg prison accepted Hermann Goering poison capsule. In November 1945, the survivors appeared before the military tribunal of the victorious countries in Nuremberg. Nazi leaders.

Rudolf Hess was sentenced to life imprisonment and died in prison at the age of 93. Alfred Rosenberg, ideologist Nazism and the philosopher of racism was found guilty of crimes against humanity and hanged in October 1946. Lasted only 12 years Third Reich, and not the millennium expected by its creators.

History has pronounced its verdict - the fate of almost 50 million dead was shared by representatives of Hitler’s “superior race,” which was supposed to lead to future generations of Aryan supermen.

The Nazis had a secret weapon that they believed would help them win World War II. They turned to magical power. Surely you have heard about the Nazis involved in the occult, the creation of armies of zombie demons and other myths. However, the Germans did have a program of using psychic powers and astrology to influence the course of military events.

In January 1933, shortly before he received the post of Chancellor of Germany, Adolf Hitler visited a clairvoyant named Erik Jan Hanussen. The Fuhrer wanted to get a prediction and find out his future.

Hanussen had attracted the dictator's attention a year earlier when he published a newspaper article in which he predicted that Hitler would become chancellor of Germany. Apparently, Adolf Hitler was pleased with the meeting, because he visited the fortuneteller about 10 times.

It is known that during the sessions Hanussen said that great achievements awaited Hitler in the future, but there would be many difficulties on his way. The clairvoyant promised to use magic to ensure the success of his plans. A ritual was even performed - Hanussen and his client buried a mandrake root in the city where Hitler was born on the night of the full moon.

However, the future dictator did not know that Hanussen was Jewish. Predict himself also hid his nationality.

Magic was supposed to help find Jews

After the end of World War I, Hitler became friends with Dr. Wilhelm Hutberlet. This man had the appearance of a gentle and kind person. However, at night he used the occult to try to locate the Jews. Gutberlet constantly boasted that he could sense the presence of Jews anywhere.

Hutberlet was part of the early Nazi movement. He was considered one of the first followers of Hitler and Joseph Goebbels (he was the one who ran the Nazi propaganda machine). They are associated with Hitler by irreconcilable anti-Semitism. It is believed that Hutberlet was looking for Jews for the Reich until the defeat of fascism.

A few days before the assassination attempt on Hitler in Munich, Swiss astrologer Karl Ernst Kraft wanted to warn him of the danger. In early November 1939, Kraft wrote a letter to Heinrich Fesel, who knew Himmler. In the message, he warned that between November 8 and 10 Hitler was in danger, and recommended the cancellation of all public appearances scheduled for this period. The letter was not taken seriously until the assassination attempt occurred. Then Kraft was offered to work for the Reich.

When the British found out that an astrologer was working for the Germans, they hired their own specialist who was supposed to confront the enemy.

Hitler - the German Messiah

Dietrich Eckart was a close friend of Hitler. The dictator called him his mentor, erected several monuments and even dedicated Mein Kampf. And all because it was Eckart who called Hitler the messiah.

Dietrich, like almost all Nazis, was a member of the Thule Society, which specialized in the occult. He believed that an Aryan messiah was to be born in Germany, who would lead his nation to heaven on earth. He considered Hitler such a messiah.

It was Eckart who informed Hitler that great harm could be done to the Germans by Jews who would try to profit from their misfortune.

The Nazis thought they knew how the universe began. It was like this - two huge stars collided, causing a huge amount of ice to scatter around them. This guess was called the World Ice Theory. It was created by Hans Horbiger, who claimed that he saw his theory in a dream. The prerequisite for such an assumption was the Moon, which, according to the scientist, consists of ice.

The theory was very well received by the Germans. Hitler even ordered the opening of a special museum telling a new story of the origin of the Universe. And Himmler sent archaeologists around the world to look for evidence of this. The theory was so successful not because anyone took it seriously, but because it contradicted official science, which was considered “Jewish.”

There was a secret office in Berlin with the word “SM” written on the door. The inscription was deciphered as “Sidereal pendulum”. Behind this door sat occult specialists who, using magical pendulums, searched for enemy ships.

The Nazis took up this project only because they were sure that the British already had their own psychics searching for German military equipment. However, the British secret was different - they managed to hack Enigma, which made it possible to listen to encoded reports of the fascist army.

Strange things began when a man named Ludwig Staniak used a pendulum to find an attacked German battleship. Of course, this greatly encouraged the Nazis.

If you believe Himmler’s personal astrologer Wilhelm Wulff, Himmler not only looked for people with magical abilities, but also considered himself one of them. In particular, he claimed that he could predict the future. Himmler said that he made all decisions only after looking at a star chart and finding out the positions of the stars and the Moon. He even exercised command of the Nazi army in this way.

Soon it was Himmler who banned astrology in Germany. He said that this was too much power and should not be available to everyone.

Karl Wiligut, Brigadier Fuhrer of the SS, believed that the roots of German culture go back to the 228th century BC, when three suns shone in the sky and dwarfs and giants roamed the Earth. Jesus, in his opinion, was also a German, and his real name was Christ.

He considered himself a descendant of the ancient god of royal blood. Few people believed Wiligut's stories. And if Himmler had not bought them, then, probably, the name of the alternative historian would have remained unknown.

On May 10, 1941, Rudolf Hess, Deputy Fuhrer, went on a diplomatic mission to Scotland, where he planned to meet with representatives of the British government and the Duke of Hamilton. This was a real betrayal and betrayal of the German government.

The reason that pushed Hess to take this action turned out to be simple - the astrologer told him to do it. Card Haushofer, a friend of Rudolf, told him that he had a dream in which Hess managed to make peace between Germany and Great Britain. This was supposed to happen when six planets were in Taurus and the Moon was full. That day turned out to be May 10th. That is why Hess went to Scotland, confident in the correctness of his action.

However, the British government was not aware of the visitor's plans. Therefore, Hess was captured and imprisoned, where he spent the rest of the war. After this incident, Hitler issued a decree banning occultists, healers and astrologers in Germany.

Even after Hitler's ban, Himmler continued to use the services of people with supernatural powers. For example, to find Mussolini, he found several occultists and put them in prison, promising to release them only after they found the right person.

One of the prisoners reported that Mussolini was located west of Naples on an island. It is believed that this information turned out to be false. And it was possible to find Mussolini only thanks to the interception of enemy communications. However, Himmler kept his own team of psychics a secret from everyone throughout World War II.