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The world around us is a test of knowledge. Presentation on the topic "tests on the world around us"

Test with answers on the world around us (grade 3)

Noskova Natalya Yurievna
Position and place of work: teacher primary classes MBOU – Verkh-Tulinskaya secondary school No. 14, Novosibirsk region
Description: I bring to your attention a test on the world around us. It will give the primary school teacher the opportunity to test students’ knowledge on the topics covered. These questions are intended for 3rd grade students.
Purpose: material to help primary school teachers.
Target: testing students' knowledge of the world around them.
Tasks:- test and deepen students’ knowledge on covered topics
- develop memory and thinking
- develop interest in the subject
- develop independence in performing work (Choose the correct answer, mark it with a V)

1.What does the science of biology study?
a) inanimate nature
b) living nature
c) our planet
2. A magnifying device is...
a) thermometer
b) microscope
c) compass
3. What does the science of psychology study?
A) external structure person
b) the internal structure of a person
c) a person’s mental life
4. The head of state, who is elected by the people...
a) president
b) king
c) queen
5. What does the science of ecology study?
a) living nature
b) connections between living beings and their environment...
c) a person’s mental life
6. Passenger pigeon, sea cow is...
a) rare
b) disappeared due to the fault of people
c) saved by man
7. What is a reserve?
(Choose the most correct answer.)
a) an area where hunting is prohibited
b) a piece of land where all nature is under strict protection
c) a plot of land where it is prohibited to pick berries and mushrooms
8. Substances consist...
a) from pieces
b) from tiny particles invisible to the eye
c) from grains
9. The largest gaps between particles...
a) in solids
b) in liquids
c) in gases
10. What does the science of chemistry study?
a) natural bodies
b) artificial bodies
c) substances
11. How to determine whether a particular product contains starch?
a) by smell
b) to taste
c) using iodine tincture
12. What substances can be very caustic?
a) mineral salts
b) starch
c) acids
13. Air is
a) emptiness
b) substance
c) a mixture of gases
14. What living creatures make the air cleaner?
a) plants
b) animals
15. If you lower an object into water, it can be clearly seen. This suggests that water...
a) transparent
b) colorless
c) has no smell
16. To purify muddy water, you need...
a) pour into another container
b) pass through a funnel
c) pass through a filter
17. When water turns into ice...
a) shrinks
b) expands
18. Water vapor is...
a) transparent colorless gas
b) white fog
c) small droplets of water
19. To protect water bodies from pollution, they build...
a) treatment facilities
b) channels
c) reservoirs
20. The top fertile layer of the earth is...
a) clay
b) sand
c) soil
21. The main property of soil...
a) looseness
b) fertility
c) dark color
22. What is botany?
a) animal science
b) plant science
c) tree science
23. Coniferous plants include...
a) poppy
b) birch
c) larch
24. Flowering plants include...
a) seaweed
b) juniper
c) fern
d) clover
25. What is necessary for seed germination...
a) soil
b) heat, water, air
c) light
26. Fern, shepherd’s purse, yarrow are plants...
a) rare
b) medicinal
c) disappeared due to the fault of people
27. What is zoology?
a) science of living nature
b) plant science
c) animal science
d) science of animals
28. Insects include...
a) spider
b) shrimp
c) snail
d) fly
29. Frog, toad, newt – this is...
a) reptiles
b) amphibians
c) fish
30. Mammals include...
a) sea urchin
b) crocodile
c) squirrel
31. The cubs are fed with milk...
a) fish
b) reptiles
c) birds
d) animals
32. Food chains begin...
a) from plants
b) from herbivorous animals
c) from insectivorous or carnivorous animals
33. Caterpillars are...
a) worms
b) a special group of insects
c) butterfly larvae
d) beetle larvae
34. Fry can be...
a) in frogs
b) in insects
c) in fish
d) in birds
35. Beaver, sable are animals...
a) disappeared due to the fault of people
b) saved by man
36. Edible mushrooms include...
a) fly agaric
b) champignon
c) pale grebe
37. Inedible mushrooms include...
a) autumn honey fungus
b) champignon
c) gall fungus
38. Science studies the human structure...
a) anatomy
b) physiology
39. What serves as the organ of smell?
a) language
b) skin
c) eyes
d) ears
d) nose
40. What serves as the organ of touch?
a) eyes
b) nose
c) skin
d) ears
e) language
41. Protection of the internal parts of the human body from damage, from cold and heat, from pathogenic bacteria- this is work...
a) skeleton
b) muscles
c) skin
42. The skeleton consists of...
a) bones
b) muscles
c) brain and spinal cord
43. Basic building material serve for the human body...
a) fats
b) vitamins
c) proteins
d) carbohydrates
44. In the lungs, blood is taken from the air...
a) oxygen
b) carbon dioxide
c) nitrogen
45. The respiratory organs do not include...
a) lungs
b) trachea
c) bronchi
d) blood vessels
46. ​​Influenza viruses are transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person...
a) through dirty hands
b) through various objects
c) with droplets of saliva when talking, sneezing, coughing
47. Nicotine is a dangerous poison that is contained...
a) in alcoholic drinks
b) in tobacco smoke
c) in polluted water

Answers to test questions:

Dear colleagues, I will be glad if the test finds application in your work.

Tests on the subject " The world around us". 4th grade. At 2 o'clock to school. Pleshakova A.A. - Tikhomirova E.M.

14th ed., revised. and additional - M.: 2016. - Part 1 - 96 p., Part 2 - 96 p.

This manual fully complies with the federal state educational standard (second generation) for primary school. The proposed manual contains tests on all topics of the A.A. training set. Pleshakova, E.A. Kryuchkova "The world around us. 4th grade." This material can also be used by teachers working with other textbooks.

Part 1.

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Part 2.

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Size: 12.6 MB


Part 1.
Preface 5
Test 1. The world through the eyes of an astronomer 7
Test 2. Planets solar system 10
Test 3. Starry sky - Great book Nature 13
Test 4. The world through the eyes of a geographer 16
Test 5. The world through the eyes of a historian 19
Test 6. When and where? 22
Test 7. The world through the eyes of an ecologist 25
Test 8. Treasures of the Earth under the protection of humanity 28
Test 9. Plains and mountains of Russia 31
Test 10. Seas, lakes and rivers of Russia 34
Test 11. Natural areas Russia 37
Test 12. Arctic desert zone 40
Test 13. Tundra 43
Test 14. Forests of Russia 46
Test 15. Forest and man 49
Test 16. Steppe zone 52
Test 17. Deserts 55
Test 18. Near the Black Sea 58
Test 19. Our land. The surface of our region 61
Test 20. Water resources of our region 64
Test 21. Our underground wealth 67
Test 22. Earth-nurse 70
Test 23. Forest life 73
Test 24. Life of the meadow 77
Test 25. Life in fresh waters 80
Test 26. Crop production in our region 84
Test 27. Livestock farming in our region 87
Answers 91

Part 2.
Preface 5
Test 1. The beginning of human history 7
Test 2. The world of antiquity: near and far 10
Test 3. The Middle Ages: the time of knights and castles 13
Test 4. Modern times: meeting of Europe and America 16
Test 5. Modern times: the story continues today 19
Test 6. Life of the ancient Slavs 22
Test 7 During times Ancient Rus' 25
Test 8. Country of cities 27
Test 9. From the book treasury of Ancient Rus' 30
Test 10. Hard times on Russian soil 33
Test 11. Rus' spreads its wings 36
Test 12. Battle of Kulikovo 39
Test 13. Ivan the Third 42
Test 14. Masters of printing 45
Test 15. Patriots of Russia 48
Test 16. Peter the Great 51
Test 17. Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov 54
Test 18. Catherine the Great 57
Test 19. Patriotic War of 1812 60
Test 20. Pages of 19th century history 63
Test 21. Russia enters the 20th century 66
Test 22. Pages of history of the 1920-1930s 69
Test 23. The Great Patriotic War and Great Victory 72
Test 24. The country that opened the way to space 75
Test 25. Basic Law of Russia and human rights 78
Test 26. We are citizens of Russia 81
Test 27. Glorious symbols of Russia 84
Test 28. Such different holidays 87
Test 29. Traveling around Russia 90
Replies 93

In the learning process, it is important to take into account the knowledge, skills and abilities of schoolchildren. The teacher monitors the children’s progress every day and controls the level of mastery of the material covered. Tests can make the teacher’s work easier in this direction.
Tests are tasks that require choosing the correct answer from the given options. Their use presupposes the presence of junior schoolchildren a certain amount of information, so tests are most often used at the stages of repetition or consolidation of knowledge. Test tasks help the teacher save time on testing knowledge, identify the individual level of knowledge of students and adjust the educational process.
But it should be remembered that tests cannot be used as the only form of repetition and reinforcement of the studied material.
This manual offers tests compiled on all topics of the course by A. A. Pleshakova, E. A. Kryuchkova “The World Around us” for 4th grade. But they can also be used when working on other courses.

Final test for academic year

Option 1

A1. Name the objects inanimate nature?

1) pine 3) chamomile

2) air 4) sparrow

A2. What are natural phenomena?

1) reading a newspaper 3) snowfall

2) building a house 4) meeting a friend

A3. What phenomenon is related to precipitation?

1) thunder 3) rainbow

2) rain 4) wind

A4. What group of animals do frogs belong to?

1) to amphibians 3) to insects

2) to animals 4) to fish

A5. What produces light industry?

1) machines 3) wool

2) clothes 4) cinema

A6. What type of transport is a helicopter?

1) to water 3) to air

2) to above ground 4) to underground

A7. What functions do the lungs perform?

1) respiratory organ 3) control the functioning of the body

2) digestive organ 4) drive blood throughout the body

A8. What phone number can you call an ambulance?

1) 01 3) 03

2) 02 4) 04

A9. What is it called earth's surface that we see around us?

1) horizon 3) Earth

2) horizon line 4) open area

A10. What are the depressions with steep slopes on the plains called?

1) mountains 3) ravines

2) hills 4) beams

B1. What grows in ponds?

1) lily of the valley 3) buttercup

2) water lily 4) raven eye

B2. What to do if the traffic light turns red and you don’t have time to cross the road?

1) quickly run across

2) stand on a special white island in the middle of the road

3) go back

4) carefully walk between the cars

B3. How can you help your parents around the house?

1) fix the socket 3) poison the insects

2) repair 4) go buy bread

Q4. How should you behave on the bus?

1) laugh out loud

2) push passengers if there is not enough space

3) give up seats to older people

4) ride on the lower step

C1. Name Russian cities?

1) Paris 3) Novgorod

2) Moscow 4) St. Petersburg

C2. What rules must be followed to protect yourself from sunstroke?

1) go outside as little as possible in the summer

2) hide from sunlight

3) wear a Panama hat in sunny weather

4) sunbathe in moderation

C3. Which statements are true?

1) Moscow is the capital of Russia

2) The Hermitage is located in Moscow

3) Founder of Moscow - Yuri Dolgoruky

4) The Russian fleet was created by Peter I in Moscow

Final test for the academic year

Option 2

A1. What about living nature?

1) Sun 3) fly agaric

2) air 4) boat

A2. Name it natural phenomenon, not related to the change in season?

1) strong wind 3) leaf fall

2) melting of ice 4) appearance of buds on trees

A3. Name a weather phenomenon?

1) river flow 3) sunrise

2) snowfall 4) arrival of birds

A4. Name the group of animals to which the butterfly belongs?

1) insects 3) birds

2) amphibians 4) animals

A5. What is not included in agricultural work?

1) harvesting 3) grazing

2) tailoring 4) sowing work

A6. Specify a special type of transport?

1) metro 3) emergency gas service

2) plane 4) bus

A7. What is the function of the stomach?

1) the respiratory organ 3) the brain is located there

2) carries blood throughout the body 4) digestive organ

A8. What phone number should you call if a stranger tries to open the door?

1) 01 3) 03

2) 02 4) 04

A9. Where should the blue end of the compass needle point?

1) to the south 3) to the west

2) to the north 4) anyway

A10. What is a river that flows into another river called?

1) source 3) inflow

2) mouth 4) sleeve

B1. What will you take with you to the theater for a performance?

1) binoculars 3) sandwich

2) dog 4) cell phone

B2. What does this sign mean?

1) underground pedestrian crossing

2) ground pedestrian crossing

3) entry or exit

4) pedestrian crossing

B3. Which continent is divided into two parts of the world?

1) Australia 3) North America

2) Eurasia 4) Africa

Q4. How will you behave when visiting?

1) talk loudly

2) take any things if I want to look at them

3) play calmly with your friend

4) sit with an offended face

C1. What can you do at school?

1) fight with classmates

2) go to the library

3) learn lessons

4) listen to the teacher

C2. What attractions are there in the capital of Russia?

1) Louvre 3) Tretyakov Gallery

2) Winter Palace 4) Cathedral of Christ the Savior

C3. What cities are not in Russia?

1) London 3) Ryazan

2) New York 4) Paris

The world around us. Tests for 4th grade

We offer you tests

2. Tests for the section “Nature of Russia”

3. Tests for the section " Native land- part of the native country"

6. Tests for the section “Modern Russia”

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of the tests. If you like them, you can download them, there is a button at the end of the article "Download tests"



1. What is the name of earth science? Circle the desired letter.

a) astronomy;

b) geography;

c) history;

d) ecology.

2. What is a globe? Circle the correct letter.

a) model of the Sun;

b) model of the Earth;

c) model of a ball.

3. What did Martin Beheim call his model of the first globe? Circle the correct letter.

a) “earth apple”;

b) “blue ball”;

c) “globe”.

4. Complete the sentence.

The vertical lines connecting the poles are called _________________.

a) shows the distance on the ground between objects;

c) shows what distance on the ground corresponds to each centimeter on the map.

6. What do a globe and a map of the hemispheres have in common? Circle the letters of the correct answers.

a) have common places;

b) have the same shape;

c) continents and oceans are indicated equally;

d) have an equator, parallels and meridians;

d) identically indicated North Pole and the South Pole.

Tests for the section “Earth and humanity”

TEST No. 2



LAST NAME, FIRST NAME ________________________________

1. Who studies and describes our planet Earth? Circle the correct letter.

a) astronomers;

b) biologists;

c) geographers;

d) ecologists.

2. What is a hemisphere map? Circle the correct letter.

a) a map showing an image of a territory;

b) a map showing the two halves of the globe;

c) a map showing the entire Earth.

3. What shape did the first one have? geographical map peace? Circle the correct letter.

a) the shape of a circle;

b) triangle shape;

c) square shape.

4. Complete the sentence.

Horizontal lines located on the globe parallel to each other are called __________________________.

5. What does the scale show? Circle the correct letter.

a) shows what distance on the ground corresponds to each centimeter on the map;

b) shows the number of objects on the ground;

c) shows the distance on the ground between objects.

6. What is the difference between a globe and a map of the hemispheres? Circle the letters of the correct answers.

a) have different colors;

b) have different designations;

c) have different scales;

d) have different shapes;

e) a globe is a whole ball, and on a map there are two halves.

Tests for the section “Earth and humanity”

TEST No. 3



LAST NAME, FIRST NAME ________________________________

1. What is the name of the science about people’s past? Circle the correct letter.

a) geography;

b) history;

c) astronomy;

d) ecology.

2. What is a historical source? Circle the correct letter.

a) a document whose validity has long expired;

b) a source, a spring in which water has come to the surface since ancient times;

c) something that can tell us about people’s past.

3. What could be historical source? Cross out the excess.

Ancient manuscript, coins, modern products, legends, proverbs and sayings, rules of behavior in the subway, monuments, buildings.

4. Complete the sentences.

People who excavate ancient settlements are called ______________________________.

The science that learns about the past by studying ancient objects and structures is called __________________________________.

5. In which city was the first museum in Russia opened - the Kunstkamera? Circle the correct letter.

a) in St. Petersburg;

b) in Moscow;

c) in Suzdal.

Tests for the section “Earth and humanity”

TEST No. 3



LAST NAME, FIRST NAME ________________________________

1. Who studies the past of human society? Circle the correct letter.

a) ecologists;

b) geographers;

c) astronomers;

d) historians.

2. What is an archive? Circle the correct letter.

a) storage of antiques;

b) document storage;

c) ancient records of past events.

3. What could be a historical source? Cross out the extra ones.

Ancient buildings, books, coins, modern clothing, tales and legends, flowers, names of cities, rules for crossing streets.

4. Complete the sentences.

People who keep records of the events of their time are called ___________________________________.

One of the sciences that helps history is _________________________.

5. Who opened the first museum in Russia - the Kunstkamera? Circle the correct letter.

a) Peter the Great;

b) Ivan the Terrible;

c) Catherine the Second.

Tests for the section “Pages of World History”

TEST No. 12


LAST NAME, FIRST NAME ________________________________

Amsterdam, Berlin, Athens, Copenhagen.

2. Where did Buddhism originate in the Middle Ages? Circle the correct letter.

a) in Europe;

b) in India;

c) in the Middle East.

3. Complete the sentence.

Muslim prayer buildings are called ______________________.

4. What was the name of a warrior on a horse, clad in armor, wearing a helmet, with a sword and shield? Circle the correct letter.

a) knight;

b) knight;

c) squire.

5. Where were castles built? Circle the letters of the correct answers.

a) on a high hill;

b) in a deep forest;

c) on a steep cliff;

d) on an island in the middle of the river;

d) in an open field.

6. When was printing invented? Circle the correct letter.

a) in 1554;

b) in 1005;

c) in 1445.

Tests for the section “Pages of World History”

TEST No. 12



LAST NAME, FIRST NAME ________________________________

1. What cities arose in the Middle Ages? Cross out the excess.

Moscow, Rome, Berlin, Copenhagen.

2. Where did Islam originate in the Middle Ages? Circle the correct letter.

a) in Europe;

b) in India;

c) in the Middle East.

3. Complete the sentence.

Buildings for prayer among Christians are called ______________________.

4. Where did the knights live? Circle the correct letter.

a) in castles;

b) in caves;

d) in palaces.

5. What did the knights do? Circle the letters of the correct answers.

a) hunting;

b) receiving guests;

c) handicrafts;

d) organized tournaments;

d) agriculture.

6. What were the metal letters called in the collapsible type proposed by Guttenberg? Circle the correct letter.

a) letters;

b) timpani;

Tests for the section “Pages of the History of the Fatherland”

TEST No. 15


LAST NAME, FIRST NAME ________________________________

With the Mongol-Tatars, the French, the Swedes, the Germans.

2. Who led the Mongol-Tatars’ campaign against Rus'? Circle the correct letter.

a) Genghis Khan;

c) Temujin.

3. Which city was the first on the way of the Mongol-Tatars? Circle the correct letter.

a) Ryazan;

b) Vladimir;

c) Novgorod.

4. Which city resisted the Mongol-Tatars for a long time? Circle the correct letter.

a) Novgorod;

b) Ryazan;

c) Kozelsk.

5. Complete the sentences.

Rus' paid the Golden Horde ________________________.

The princes had to go to ___________________________________________________ for permission to own the principalities.

6. Why did the Mongol-Tatars manage to conquer Rus'? Circle the letters of the correct answers.

a) the Mongol-Tatar army was 3-4 times larger than the Russian army;

b) the Mongols were specially preparing for war, and the Russians were engaged in peaceful labor;

c) the Mongols wanted to live together with the Russians;

d) in Rus' there were many independent principalities and lands; the princes did not act together against external enemies.

Tests for the section “Pages of the History of the Fatherland”

TEST No. 16



LAST NAME, FIRST NAME ________________________________

1. What foreign invaders did Rus' have to fight in the 13th (13th) century? Cross out what is incorrect.

With the Germans, Spaniards, Mongols - Tatars, Swedes.

2. Who struck the first blow in 1240 on the northwestern border of Rus'? Circle the correct letter.

a) Mongols;

c) knights-crusaders.

3. What was the name of the prince who defeated the Swedes on the Neva River? Circle the correct letter.

a) Alexander;

b) Yaroslav;

c) Vladimir.

4. What nickname did the Novgorod prince receive for his victory over the Swedes? Circle the correct letter.

a) Wise;

b) Nevsky;

5. Complete the sentences.

In history, the battle on the ice of Lake Peipus remained under the name _______________________________________.

The Battle of Lake Peipus took place in ________________.

6. Why did the Russians defeat the Swedish and German knights (warriors) in the 13th (13th) century? Circle the letters of the correct answers.

a) in battles with the enemy they showed courage, bravery, strength;

b) they were helped by various accidents;

c) skillfully positioned troops on the battlefield;

d) successfully chose the place for the battle.

Tests for the section “Pages of the History of the Fatherland”

TEST No. 16


LAST NAME, FIRST NAME ________________________________

1. Who came to power in France in the 18th (18th) century? Circle the correct letter.

a) Bagration;

b) Napoleon;

c) de Tolly.

2. When did the French army invade Russia? Circle the correct letter.

a) in 1821;

b) in 1818;

c) in 1812.

3. What battle took place near the village of Borodina, 110 km from Moscow? Circle the correct letter.

a) Battle of Kulikovo;

b) Battle of Borodino;

c) Battle on the ice.

4. Why did M.I. Kutuzov decide to leave Moscow to the enemy? Circle the correct letter.

a) wanted to lure the French army into a trap;

b) admitted defeat;

c) decided to save and strengthen the Russian army.

M. I. Kutuzov, P. I. Bagration, _________________________________

6. What was built in Moscow in honor of the victory over Napoleon? Circle the correct letter.

a) Peter and Paul Cathedral;

b) Cathedral of Christ the Savior;

c) Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral.

Tests for the section “Pages of the History of the Fatherland”

TEST No. 16



LAST NAME, FIRST NAME ________________________________

1. Who was appointed commander-in-chief of the Russian troops? Circle the correct letter.

a) M. I. Kutuzov;

b) A. V. Suvorov;

c) F. F. Ushakov.

2. When did the Battle of Borodino take place? Circle the correct letter.

3. What decision did Kutuzov make after the Battle of Borodino? Circle the correct letter.

a) give another battle under the walls of Moscow;

b) leave Moscow;

c) recognize Napoleon as the winner.

4. Why did the war of 1812 become a domestic war for Russia? Circle the correct letter.

a) the entire Russian people rose up to fight the enemy;

b) the main battle took place near Moscow;

c) Napoleon's invasion brought enormous disasters to Russia.

5. Continue the list of heroes Patriotic War 1812.

M. I. Kutuzov, P. I. Bagration, _________________________________

6. What monument was built in Moscow on Red Square after the end of the Patriotic War of 1812? Circle the correct letter.

a) Minin and Pozharsky;

b) Bronze Horseman;

c) Catherine II.

Tests for the section “Pages of the History of the Fatherland”

TEST No. 17


LAST NAME, FIRST NAME ________________________________

1. When did the Great Patriotic War begin? Circle the correct letter.

2. Who attacked our country? Circle the correct letter.

a) German fascists;

b) Spanish conquerors;

c) Arab mercenaries.

3. Which city withstood the 900-day blockade of the Nazis, but did not surrender to the enemy? Circle the correct letter.

a) Moscow;

b) Leningrad;


5. What battle was the beginning of the liberation of our country from the Nazis? Circle the correct letter.

a) Rostov;

b) Kursk;

c) Stalingrad.

6. When the territory Soviet Union was completely liberated from the invaders? Circle the correct letter.

a) in the fall of 1943;

b) in the fall of 1944;

c) in the autumn of 1945

Tests for the section “Pages of the History of the Fatherland”

TEST No. 17



LAST NAME, FIRST NAME ________________________________

1. When did the Second One begin? world war? Circle the correct letter.

b) in 1939;

2. Why did our army fail in the first months of the war? Circle the correct letter.

a) our army was lagging behind Hitler’s in numbers;

b) the attack of Hitler’s army was sudden;

c) our military leaders deliberately lured the enemy into the interior of the country.

3. How many days did the siege of Leningrad last? Circle the correct letter.

a) 300 days;

b) 600 days;

c) 900 days.

4. Which cities received the high title of “Hero City”? Continue the list.


5. What battle turned out to be a turning point during the Great Patriotic War? Circle the correct letter.

a) the battle of Moscow;

b) the battle of Tula;

c) the battle of Stalingrad.

6. Which day became Victory Day in the war with Nazi Germany? Circle the correct letter.

Tests for the section “Modern Russia”

TEST No. 18



LAST NAME, FIRST NAME ________________________________

1. What is another name for Russia? Circle the correct letter.

a) Federation Council;

b) Russian Federation;

c) Russian delegation.

2. What peoples live on the territory of Russia? Continue the list.

Russians, Tatars, _____________________________________________

3. Complete the sentence.

The basic law of our country is _________________________________.

Rules mandatory for all residents of the country are __________________

4. What is the name of the main document that protects human rights? Circle the correct letter.

a) Universal Declaration of Human Rights;

b) Red Book;

c) The Constitution of Russia.

5. Where was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted? Circle the correct letter.

a) at a general meeting of citizens;

b) at the general meeting of the UN;

c) at the general meeting of the Council of Ministers.

6. What rights does every person have? Circle the letters of the correct answers.

a) the right to freedom;

b) the right to education;

c) the right to free travel on public transport;

d) rights to a decent life;

Shipilova Tatyana Nikolaevna, primary school teacher, 1st qualification category, MBOU Vyazovskaya primary school-kindergarten Bugulminsky municipal district Republic of Tatarstan.

UMK "Perspective" - ​​The world around us - A.A. Pleshakov, M.Yu. Novitskaya

Test on the surrounding world 1st grade. Final

1. Which city is the capital of Russia?

a) St. Petersburg

b) Moscow

c) Novgorod

2. What animal is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia?

a) eagle

b) bear

c) lion

3. What does not apply to living nature?

a) mushroom

b) sun

c) dog

4. What should a person do in nature?

a) destroy birds' nests

b) burn the grass

c) treat wounded animals

5. At what time of year can you observe leaf fall?

a) in autumn

b) in spring

c) in summer

6. Which group includes plants in which one woody stem-trunk extends from the root?

a) trees

b) bushes

c) herbs

7. How many legs do insects have?

a) 4 legs

b) 6 legs

c) 8 legs

9. Find the insect.

a) dragonfly

b) spider

c) bat

10. How do animals differ from other animals?

a) they are big

b) they are covered with wool

c) they can run well

10. What tree is this leaf from?

a) maple

b) oak

c) birch

11. What plant is shown in the picture?

a) gladiolus

b) hyacinth

c) sansevieria

12. What are the names of plants that no one planted and that no one cares for?

a) street

b) wild

c) wild

13. What are the names of the animals that people breed and use on the farm?

a) indoor

b) homemade

c) cultural

14. What tree is this cone from?

a) ate

b) pine trees

c) larches

15. Who is not a beast?

a) frog

b) deer

c) wolf

16. What kind of injury can be caused by an iron, kettle, or pan?

a) cut

b) injection

c) burn

17. What can visitors do at the zoo?

a) feed the animals

b) make noise

c) look at the animals

18. Find a natural phenomenon that only happens in winter?

a) rain

b) thunderstorm

c) snowfall

19. What color are the forests shown on the map?

a) green

b) yellow

c) brown

20. What bird winters?

a) stork

b) swift

c) nuthatch

21. Where can you cross the street?

a) where there are no cars

b) where other people cross

c) where the zebra is drawn

22. What season comes after winter?

a) autumn

b) summer

c) spring

23. What should you not do before bed?

a) brush your teeth

b) ventilate the room

c) have a big dinner

24. What part of the plant is underground? a) root b) stem c) flower

25. Select a coniferous plant.

a) birch

b) pine

c) bird cherry

26. Which organ helps determine the taste of food?

a) nose

b) skin

c) language

27. Where should most indoor plants be placed?

a) in the shade

b) closer to the light

c) in dark places

28. What does snow turn into when it’s warm?

a) in the fog

b) into the water

c) in steam

29. What is the name of a book that contains information about rare, endangered plants and animals?

a) Encyclopedia b) Red Book c) Textbook “The world around us” 30. What large animal, massive and heavy in build, whose life is connected with the forest, is listed in the Red Book? a) lion b) bison c) brown bear 31. Find an insect that is listed in the Red Book. a) dragonfly b) ladybug c) relic woodcutter