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Autumn matinees in kindergarten, senior group. “Gifts of Autumn”: Autumn matinee for the senior group of preschool educational institutions

GBOU OOSH of the village of Bolshaya Ryazan

SPDS "Solnyshko"

Teachers: Grosu S.V.

Date: 10/23/2015


Good afternoon and bow to you, dear guests!

We have been waiting for you for a long time - we are waiting:

Here, for you, dear guests,

There will be a big holiday -

Happy holiday!

According to the ancient custom,

Called Osenins.

Let's start the holiday

We'll sing and dance,

Let's rejoice together

Have fun and play!

Children's performance “Leaf - leaf fall” (with leaves)


1. Everything around is so fabulously beautiful,

And the leaves fly off in a crowd.

Autumn has arrived in Russia -

The golden leaves rustled!

2. Autumn has come to our house with bread:

The bins are full of ripe grain.

And in the orchards there are countless juicy apples,

It will be that we have something to eat in winter!

3. Autumn washed the bushes with rain,

Mushrooms were scattered throughout the forests,

And I spread cranberries over the hummocks,

So that there is enough food for everyone!

4. The guest gifted autumn with fruit harvests,

Drizzling rains, a basket of forest mushrooms

So let's praise with song, dance and games.

The meetings will be joyful.

Autumn, this is your holiday!


Since ancient times, the holiday of autumn has been celebrated in Rus', and the holiday was called “Oseniny”. At the beginning of autumn, they harvested crops from fields and gardens, made preparations for the winter, put bread in bins, and only then held a celebration. And what would a holiday be without guests?

Song "Guests have come to us"


People used to say, “Oseniny” - autumn name day.

And for the beautiful autumn to come to the holiday, you need to call her.

Children: Autumn, autumn! We invite you to visit!

Autumn enters with a basket

Autumn: Hello guys!

I come to you every year

I always find you funny.

I am preparing my outfits for you,

Are you happy about my arrival?

Children: We're glad!

Presenter: Dear autumn, you delight us with your gifts, your colors, your unique beauty. You are always different (what is autumn like?).

Guys, what autumn months do you know?

Did people call these months differently?

September: frowning, howler.

October: winter, deciduous, muddy.

November: semi-winter season, chestnut.


So Autumn has come to us.

The leaves on the paths are falling rustlingly.

Thin aspen trees look into the puddles.

Raindrops hang like beads on the branches.

Swans lazily splash in the pond.

Quiet and beautiful in the garden in autumn.

Presenter: Autumn, the guys are glad that you came to the holiday, and they want to please you with their song.

Song "Autumn is good"

Presenter: And now, guys, it's time for a riddle.

Listen carefully and answer diligently.

To pluck this vegetable,

Grandfather didn't have enough strength.

But they came to his aid

Everyone he asked (Turnip).

Presenter: That's how good my grandfather's turnips are. Well, ours is even better. Get ready kids, the game is about to begin.

Game "Turnip"

Presenter: Guys, do you want to go to the autumn forest to pick mushrooms in the fall?

(Children follow Autumn like a snake to the music, mushrooms come out one by one).
Fly agaric:
Look at me,
To my bright outfit!
And who will choose me
He will definitely be happy!
Tell me how it’s useful.
Prove that you are the best!
Fly agaric:
I feed flies to the sea, I feed moose -
I'm telling the truth, I'm telling the truth!

We know, we know that it’s beautiful,
You're not fit for a basket! (the fly agaric leaves, the children move on)
Honey fungus

I am a honey fungus!

Tell me how it’s useful.
Prove that you are the best!
Honey fungus:
I am both summer and autumn,
Meat is even healthier for me.
They boil me, salt me, fry me.
And at any dinner they praise.

We know - we know what is good:
you’ll fall into our basket (the child gets up with the children, they move on)
And I am a pale toadstool!

Tell me how it’s useful.
Prove that you are better!
I'm thin, slender, dressed,
I'm full of poison at the same time.
I'm not used to being liked
Whoever eats me will be poisoned.
What, I'm not right for you? (No!)
I'm going to the fly agaric! (the toadstool leaves, the children move on).
I am a porcini mushroom, I am a boletus mushroom!


Tell me how it’s useful.
Prove that you are the best!
I am Boletus mushroom!
I am both beautiful and great!
In a thick hat on one side,
I'm not too lazy to collect.


We know - we know that it’s good: you’ll fall into our basket (the child gets up with the children, the children take mushrooms).

Game "Mushroom Picking"

Leading: Guys, we had such a good time, picked mushrooms and even ended up somewhere. Look - there is a mansion, it is neither low nor high. Let's ask who lives in it.

Children: Who, who lives in the little house? Who, who lives in low places?

Grandmother: Hello fellows and red girls! Hello, autumn.

I am Grandma Zabavushka, I am glad to have you as guests.

Well, dear guests, tell me, how are you living?

Children: Like this! (thumbs up)

Grandmother: How are you going?

Children: Like this! (walk in place)

Grandmother: How do you run?

Children: Like this! (run)

Grandmother: How do you sleep?

Children: Like this! (squat, palms under cheeks)

Grandmother: How do you help adults?

Children: And now we will show you!

Grandmother: Oh guys!

I was going to cook some potatoes

She called Antoshka to help,

But Antoshka didn’t go -

That's not good.

You guys don't yawn

And collect the potatoes.

Game "Collect potatoes"

(Children sit on chairs)

Grandmother: Well done, the guys collected all the potatoes! And for this I will treat you to a pouring apple. Well, catch the apple and answer my question.

Game "Question and answer"

Presenter: Grandma Zabavushka, our guys not only help harvest the crops in the fall, they also sing songs about autumn well.

Song "Autumn"

Grandmother: Well, dear guests, here’s my treat for you – apple jam for tea. Don't forget me, come and visit me. Goodbye (leaves).

Leading: How many gifts autumn brings to people for their labors: fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms, and the most important harvest is, of course, bread.

Presenter: The people have composed many proverbs and sayings about bread and work. Let's remember them.
Game “Say the Word”

1. Praise be to the hands that smell of bread.
2. Whatever comes in handy in the summer will come in handy in the winter.
3. The piece of the pie is not big, but it costs a lot of work.
4. And lunch is not lunch, if there is no bread.
5. Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye bread is our dear father.
Presenter: Only conscientious labor earns bread.

And who gets it (children list professions).

Presenter: They sowed the field with grain.

A sprout is rising, there will soon be a spikelet.

The field will become a generous cornfield, strong, tall, and golden-maned.
Children come out - “Grains”

(children hold spikelets in their hands behind their backs and kneel in three columns)

Dance "Spikelets"(“Waltz” by E.Dog)


The bread was ripe, but it didn’t come to our table straight from the field.
It’s too early to leave the field even for bread stores,
He got into the car and hurries to the elevator.
Attraction “Who will take the grain to the elevator faster?”

(children are divided into two teams, line up one after another in two columns). While listening to cheerful music, one at a time they take one bag of sand from the common hoop, put it in the back of the truck and roll it into their hoop opposite. They unload it and run back with the car. Pass the baton to the next one. Which team will cope faster and transport more bags “to the elevator”.
Presenter: Our combine operators, tractor drivers, and truck drivers did a great job; they removed every last grain from the field, thanking autumn for the harvest.


1. Autumn is hospitable.

Cover the feasts!

Polyushko razdolnoe

Brought gifts.

2.Today there is plenty of bread,

The bread is tall

I bow to Porlyusica,

The spikelet bends.

3. How they ripen in the sun

Spikelets - rays,

The millstone will sweep away the grains -

They put the bread in the oven.

4.The crust turns brown

Lush loaf.

Autumn is famous for its bread, try the harvest!

Children perform “Song about Bread”

Leading: As the people say, “time for business, time for fun.”

Our guys love to work, but they also don’t forget about rest.

Let's encourage our dancers

Let them dance faster.

Dance "with musical instruments"


Well, you danced cheerfully and cheerfully.

And now autumn invites all the children into the circle and begins a game with a magic handkerchief.

Game "Magic Handkerchief"

Autumn: One two Three! Who was hiding inside?

Don't yawn, don't yawn! Guess it quickly!

(Children call the name; while playing for the last time, autumn says the words, the children guess).

Presenter: No, it’s autumn, all the kids are here! Who was hiding under the handkerchief then?

Autumn: We pick up the handkerchief, which we now recognize underneath. What is this?

Children: Basket!

Autumn: This is a basket of apples - a treat for the kids!

Children in chorus: Thank you!

Presenter: Dear, autumn, the guys really don’t want to say goodbye to you and that’s why they invite you to the senior group. And we will go there along the autumn path.

Stand next to each other, hold hands tightly. (Children go to the group)

Grosu Svetlana Vladimrovna

Natalya Galieva

The presenter and 1 child enter the hall.

1. Presenter:

Hello, dear guests!

Have fun and joy!

We have been waiting for you for a long time!

And your holiday We're starting autumn.

Forget about worries

Take a break from work

Have fun, don't be shy

And smile with us!

2. Child:

Brings us autumn sad violin,

So that the sad tune sounds over the fields

But we always We greet autumn with a smile


And we invite everyone to our festive hall!

Children enter the hall to cheerful music, one after another, in a chain with maple leaves. (arms extended down, slightly to the sides) and stand in rows in their places.

Poems tell:

1. Look guys, our hall is so elegant

We invited guests here, what kind of celebration is there in our hall?

TOGETHER: This autumn she came to us and brought gifts for everyone.

2. Fruits, vegetables, flowers - unprecedented beauty!

3. And nuts, and honey, and rowan, and fungus!

4. Gave me leaf fall -

TOGETHER: the leaves are burning with gold!


After the dance, hide the leaves behind your back and hold your hands like that while the children read poetry.

Children read poetry:

1. It’s raining over the river

A colorful rainbow rises

Look at this miracle

Who could paint it?

2. All paths and paths

As if in motley shreds.

This Autumn unnoticed

He walks around with paint in his hands.

3. Rowan red paint

Decorated in the gardens,

Splashes of scarlet viburnum

Scattered it on the bushes.

4. Decorate it yellow Autumn

Poplars, alders, birches.

The rain is pouring like gray paint,

The sun laughs goldenly.

Lowered it Autumn brushes

And looks around.

Bright, kind, colorful

TOGETHER: She gave us a holiday!

Song being performed "What's happened?"

There is the sound of thunder, then the sound of rain. Children groan (together) and cover the head with leaves on top.

Then they run backwards and sit on their knees, continuing to hold the leaves on top.

Rain runs out to the cheerful music (in a blue and white outfit, with droplets and a cloud on his clothes, holding rain in his hands, arms bent at the elbows, waving above his head. He makes a circle around the hall (in front of the children, runs up to the children, standing to the side of them:


Wait, wait, wait!

I won't tell you to sing anymore.

The invitation was not sent

You autumn rain!

I'll be here with you, I'll cry,

I'll clear up the puddle and slush,

Now I’m going to wet everyone and of course I’m going to upset everyone.

The sound of rain sounds. The children run away and sit down in their places.

At this time, the rain is jumping around in a circle accompanied by cheerful music.

The second teacher collects the leaves.


Rain, rain, stay

Have fun with us.

The rain is very friendly with us,

After all, everyone knows -

TOGETHER: We need rain!

Leading: And now, my friends, let's sing a song about rain for our guests.

A song is being performed "Rain"

(children take bells from under the chairs and stand in their places as if dancing with leaves)


Autumn touches the leaves,

sprinkles handfuls of acorns,

In a moment he will come from a gray cloud,

flooding everything with rain,

Summer has come and gone

time autumn has come.

Whoever autumn said?

Come to our bright hall.

TOGETHER: Come visit us autumn, we ask you all very much.

Presenter: Moms, dads, don't sit! With us autumn call! TOGETHER! FRIENDLY!

TOGETHER WITH PARENTS: Come visit us autumn, we ask you all very much.

It turns out Autumn in the center of the hall, spins in place and begins to sing, standing on the right side of the hall, addressing children and adults.


1. The yellow leaf is spinning, (children repeat while sitting on chairs)

Slowly flies (children repeat)

The rain is restless, (children repeat)

It drips and knocks. (children repeat)

Autumn is golden, (children repeat)

I came to visit YOU, (came to visit us)

Ended suddenly (children repeat)

Summer time. (children repeat)

On a losing streak Autumn tells parents:

Very simple! Now YOU help us, okay?

Let's listen carefully!

2. Autumn has come - repeat

The flowers have dried up - repeat,

We watched before - repeat,

How they bloomed - repeat.

The sky is now frowning - repeat,

There are no bright colors - repeat,

Golden autumn - repeat,

Sends us his greetings - repeat.


How beautiful it is in your hall,

A world of comfort and warmth,

You called me poems,

Finally, I came to you.

With your magic brush

I'm repainting

All autumn nature,

And trees and fields.

(sit on a chair, puts a magic brush next to it)

Children read poetry Autumn:

1. Autumn We're so glad to see you.

Variegated leaves are falling.

Leaves near the trees

They lie like a golden carpet.

2. Autumn decorates the parks

Multi-colored foliage

Autumn feeds with harvest

Birds, animals and you and me.

3. And in the gardens and vegetable gardens

Both in the forest and near the water.

Prepared by nature

All kinds of fruits.

4. The fields are being cleaned.

People are collecting bread.

A mouse drags grains into a hole.

To have lunch in the winter.

5. Dried squirrel roots.

Bees store honey.

Grandma makes jam

Apples are placed in the cellar.

6. Who worked hard,

who hasn't been lazy all summer,

He will be full all winter

Children (in unison):Autumn will generously reward.


And now, kids, an interesting game awaits you!


Two teams of 6 children each participate. This is grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair sits a “turnip” - a child wearing a hat with a picture of a turnip. Grandfather starts the game. At a signal, he runs to the “turnip”, runs around it and returns, clinging to it (takes him by the waist) grandmother, and they continue running together, go around the “turnip” again and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, she clings to the mouse "turnip". The team that pulled it out faster wins. "turnip".

Bye autumn plays with children, "unnoticed" Baba Yaga enters, steals the magic brush and runs away to her hut (model of a hut in the corner of the hall).

Autumn(notices the missing magic brush):

Oh, what a problem! I don’t know what to do

I have no idea where

The gold brush is missing.

Magic brush

Which I repaint

All autumn nature,

And trees and fields!

Baba Yaga (paints his hut with a magic brush, sings):

1. Near the forest on the edge

Yaga lived in a hut,

Completely skewed

A little house from ancient times.

And it’s very convenient

I found a brush

I'll repaint the hut,

So that it would be a tower.

2. Gold ceiling

And the window

Even the door behind the wall -

Like the sun.

I'll paint the path in front of the house,

I won’t forget you, chicken legs!


Autumn, look, so that’s who took your magic brush!

(Addressing Yaga): Come on, Baba Yaga, give us the brush!

Baba Yaga: Well, I do not! What I got was lost!

Presenter: But you have this brush Autumn stole, what about now Autumn Can you create beauty without a magic brush? Look how beautiful it is in our hall, it’s Autumn dressed up so much. And also Autumn It is necessary to give golden outfits to the trees, to cover the ground with a multi-colored carpet.

Baba Yaga: Oh, you are so cunning! They themselves will bring beauty, but what, will you order me to live out my entire life in such a lopsided, shabby hut? No, now I’ll make myself beautiful and live happily ever after. And I won’t let anyone in! (goes to his house)

Presenter: What to do? How can we lure Baba Yaga's magic brush for Autumn? I came up with it (approaches the hut and knocks)

Baba Yaga: Who's there?

Presenter: This is us, your guests.

Baba Yaga: What other guests are there? I won't let you in!

Presenter: Well, since you don’t want to let guests in, then take us as your employees.

Baba Yaga:

You? To workers? And what, pray tell, can you do, workers?

Presenter: Well, for example, we can work as accountants. We will count your finances, and your cups and bowls, and your ladle, and your jet mortars, and your chicken legs.

Baba Yaga: Oh, so tiny - and count! What kind of accountants are you? I’ve been making money on my property for three hundred years and three years, and you’ll send me around the world in three days.

Presenter: We won't let you in! And we will rewrite your goodness.

Baba Yaga: Oh, let's rewrite it! Now the hut will fall apart from laughter. Do you know the letters?

Presenter: Our kids know letters and numbers, and they can also sing.

Baba Yaga: Yah? I love songs! Sing, I'll listen.

A song is being performed “Leaves are falling!”

Baba Yaga: Oh, what a soulful, touching song!

Presenter: Baba Yaga, and our kids can dance too!

Baba Yaga: Oh, I'll be happy to watch.

Performed "Dance with Umbrellas"

Presenter: Well, Baba Yaga, did you like our guys?

Baba Yaga: Oh, great guys, you know how to have fun. But I'm bored alone.

Presenter: This is Baba Yaga, you are the only one bored because you have no friends.

Baba Yaga: Friends? Yes, it's boring without friends. Who will be my friend?

Presenter: Here you go guys, do you want to make friends with them?

Baba Yaga: Really want to! (approaches the children, shakes their hands, "says hello" with them, hugs).

Or maybe you can play with me?

Presenter: Let's guys play with Baba Yaga?

Game - attraction "Gather the Harvest"

There are 2 trucks near the central wall, and closer to the spectators they are scattered in hoops - "beds" vegetables. Two players, when given a signal, pull trucks by a rope to the beds and collect vegetables in the back. Having collected the vegetables, they take the harvest to its original place. The one who collected and brought it first wins.

Baba Yaga: (Gives the brush Autumn) . I see your holiday is in full swing here. You are all so beautiful and elegant!

Presenter: Yes, Baba Yaga, we have a holiday today, and you need to dress up - so say, change the image.

Baba Yaga: Image? That's right, I'll go and change into something festive! (goes off to dress up)


I don’t know how to thank you

I will do so many miracles

I'll go and gild the whole forest.

I will give red beads to mountain ash,

Birch trees have yellow scarves.

Lay the carpet on the ground,

I'll insulate the hedgehog's hole.

And the wind - how happy he will be,

When the leaves fall!

And to you from Hello autumn-

Autumn holiday bouquet.

The music is playing Autumn gives the Host a bouquet of autumn leaves and leaves.

Leading: And now, guys, while our Baba Yaga is being transformed, I suggest you perform a funny song for our guests "Dance of the Fly Agaric"

Performed "Dance of the Fly Agaric"

The soundtrack of the song is playing “And I’m walking like this all...”, a fashionably dressed Baba Yaga enters, humming a song.


Wow! Guys, you won’t even recognize Baba Yaga. How beautiful and fashionable she has become!

Baba Yaga: Oh guys, that's right! It's like I'm younger. I got my second wind. Thank you guys very much for your friendship and understanding. It turns out that at three hundred years old life is just beginning!

Presenter: Baba Yaga, since you’re younger, maybe you’ll dance with us?

We invite you and our mothers to a common dance!


Baba Yaga: Oh, what friendly people you are! And now I want to treat you, my friends! Do you like hotels? (children answer)

Baba Yaga treats children with apples. The holiday ends.

Scenario for an autumn matinee in the senior group “Where are you wandering, autumn?”

(Children enter the hall and stand at the chairs)

Leading: There is no better position in the world than distributing gifts!

Autumn is a nice artist, she loves to draw!

Autumn is kind and wise, and it doesn’t care about rain.

The clear sun emerges, sitting astride a cloud,

Autumn colors a gloomy field with a bright ray of sunshine!

Leading: So we take Autumn as an example! No matter what the weather, we give you a gift - this is our holiday for you!

Arina T.: Lately, from morning to morning,

All you can hear is that autumn has come.

A yellow piece of paper burst into our room -

Anya Timofeeva: A drop of rain sparkles on the palm -

Dad said: “Autumn sheds tears.”

The rowan tree in the garden under the window turned red,

And grandma: “Autumn is beautiful. I put on the beads.”

Nastya Yu.: So autumn is knocking on our windows

A gloomy cloud, cold rain.

And it will never come back

Summer with a sunny, warm ray.

Danya A.: Autumn walks along the path,

Got my feet wet in puddles.

It's raining and there's no light,

Summer is lost somewhere.

Sofa F.: On a bush-bush -

yellow leaves,

A cloud hangs in the blue, -

So, it's time for autumn.

Leading: Maybe he really is wandering through the forest

All dressed up like a princess

In gold, scarlet satin, turquoise...

Want to take a look at this beauty?

Children: YES.

Leading: All you can hear from morning to morning:

"Autumn has come, autumn has come."

Let's look for her! Let's ask everyone:

“Has anyone seen where autumn is hiding?”

Misha: I walk and feel sad alone:

Autumn is nearby somewhere

A yellow leaf in the river

Summer has drowned.

I throw him a circle -

Your last wreath.

Only summer cannot be saved,

If the day is autumn.

Alina: Spun around me

The rain of leaves is mischievous.

How good he is!

Where else can you find something like this?

Without end and without beginning?

I began to dance under it,

We danced like friends -

Glory: Autumn!

It's frosty in the morning,

Yellow leaves are falling in the groves!

Leaves near the birch

They lie like a golden carpet.

The ice in the puddles is transparent blue,

There is white frost on the leaves!

Irina: Autumn gathers birds in flocks

And they fly south, they fly.

You are a beautiful golden autumn,

How beautiful is your farewell outfit.

Yana: Summer flew away quickly

A migratory bird into the distance,

Autumn has spread wonderfully

A fading shawl!

Julia D.: Along forest paths, along forest paths

Autumn is walking and wandering somewhere, invisible.

Let's sing an Autumn song and get into the forest!

Song about Autumn

Game "Hello Forest"

Leading: Hello forest, autumn forest! We want your miracles!

Shall we listen to the sounds of the forest?

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

Leading: Will there be hands to help us?

Children: Sometimes.

Leading: Will our feet help us?

Children: Top-top-top.

Leading: That we walked along the road.

Children: Slap-slap-slap.

Leading: An owl screams from a tree...

Children: Wow! Wow! Wow!

Leading: The cones fell from the Christmas tree...

Children: Bang-bang-bang.

Leading: A branch crunches under your feet...

Children: Click-click-click.

Leading: He goes to his lair...

Children: Wolf, wolf, wolf.

Leading: A bird flew from a tree...

Children: Chip-tweet.

Leading: The hedgehog rustles in the leaves...

Children: Chic, chic, chic.

Leading: And here the leaves are spinning in a waltz, they have a ball.

It’s like there’s a carnival in the autumn forest!

Leaf girls run out

Arina Zakharova: I am a butterfly!

Arina Trandenok: I am an unusual flower!

Lisa Bolotnikova: I will fold my leaf like a boat!

Lisa Yusupova: Let's make a golden waterfall from heaven!

Leading: Look, admire - the leaves are falling!

Dance with leaves

Leading: Leaflets, wait, we’ll ask you...

Tell me, leaves, where is Autumn hiding?

In chorus: Where is Autumn hiding? Of course in the foliage!

Look carefully - that's where she is!

(Run to the place)

Leading: You've seen? You've seen? I haven’t seen it... What about you?

The sheets laughed at us and joked.

I think I hear. Like someone singing.

Perhaps Autumn is giving us a sign!

The howl of the wind is heard, the wind boys run out

Seryozha Zubov: We are the autumn winds, we flew everywhere.

They played with the leaves and bent the branches,

The leaves rustled, the ears rang

And the chimneys of the stoves in the houses hummed.

Dance of the Winds

Leading: Winds, wait! We will ask you...

Tell us, winds, where is Autumn hiding?

Artem K.: Where is Autumn hiding? Yes, here she is, with us!

Then play with us, winds!

Game "Move the Leaves"

Arina Zakharova: A drop of rain fell on the rowan clusters, A maple leaf circles above the foliage. Ah, Autumn, again you took us by surprise, You again put on a golden outfit.

Leading: The rain fell. The rain fell.

Rain-tear. Do you remember? A teardrop.

The sound of rain is heard, Rain comes out

Lisa Yusupova: It's a little rain, they'll come up with the same thing!

We look like a ball, like beads, like mercury.

Let's sparkle, play, shine!

We want to turn into a silver ray!

Leading: Rain, rain, and we’ll ask you...

Tell us, Dozhdinka, where is Autumn hiding?

Lisa Yusupova: Where is he hiding? Here she is - in a drop of rain!

Look, look, don’t believe me? In vain1

Hurry up and stand in a circle, let's play the game of rain.

Game "Cloud and Rain"

Leading: Look, guys, where the drops fell,

The mushrooms lost their caps.

Seryozha Lakatosh: Gifted by the guest - Autumn

Fruit harvests,

drizzling rains,

A body of forest mushrooms!

Serezha Dolbiev: The raindrops are flying, flying,

You won't get out of the gate.

Along the wet path

A damp fog is creeping in.

At the sad pines

And fiery rowan trees

Autumn comes and sows

Fragrant mushrooms!

Mushroom dance

Leading: Wait, mushrooms, we’ll ask you...

Tell me, mushrooms, where is Autumn hiding?

Glory: Where is he hiding? If you go with a basket,

You will find it in mushroom caps! (run away)

Leading: In vain they tell us from morning to morning,

That Autumn has come, that Autumn has come!

Song "Autumn Months"

Music sounds, Autumn enters.

Autumn: Eh, you! Tired?

And all this time I was with you.

I am in these leaves and in the raindrops.

I am in mushroom caps and yellow blades of grass.

I dressed the forests in a golden outfit!

I am filled with fruit in every garden,

And in the field I ripen with wheat grains.

Tell everyone who asks you.

Now you know where to find autumn!

Aksinya: Autumn gives miracles, and what miracles!

The forests are decked out in golden hats.

Red honey mushrooms sit in a crowd on a stump,

And the spider is such a trickster! –

The network is pulling somewhere.

Rain and withered grass, in the sleepy thicket at night,

Incomprehensible words are muttered until the morning.

Alyosha: A flock of birds flies away,

The clouds are rushing, sobbing.

Like a thin blade of grass

The aspen tree trembles in the wind.

I tell her:

Calm down,

Don't be afraid of the white winter.

Lisa Bolotnikova: Autumn loves the color yellow: dawn with yellow rain, yellowed grass and fallen leaves,

Yellow pages of leaves, When the birds fly away. He loves to be sad in the morning, Autumn is the yellow season.

Anya Novikova: Birds quietly say goodbye to summer,

They don’t fly frolicking into the skies.

Only sparrows and tits scurry about,

Autumn: I brought you some vegetables

For salads and cabbage soup, fruit for jelly,

Will we play the game?

Children: Yes!

Nadia: Autumn is walking, autumn is wandering,

The wind knocked the leaves off the maple tree.

There's a new rug under your feet,

Yellow-pink, maple.

Nikita: Autumn is coming in our park,

Autumn gives gifts to everyone:

Red beads - rowan,

Pink apron - aspen,

Yellow umbrella - poplars,

Autumn gives us fruits.

Game "Sort vegetables and fruits"

Leading: We'll sing an Autumn song and start a round dance.

Round dance "Ogorodnaya"

Autumn: I want to be remembered for a long time.

Accept the gifts and come to the group,

And you will find me in every gift.

Dear guests! Moms, dads! Attention! Please hold your breath. We start the performance for the kids in surprise. So as not to distract the guys, you need to put the phone away. We really, really ask you to turn it off now. Let your worries wait, you won’t have time for them here. It’s better to have fun with us, it’s better to go back to your childhood, clap and sing along, celebrate the holiday of autumn.
To the music, children run into the hall and stand in a semicircle.

That's an artist, that's an artist
All the forests were gilded.
Even the heaviest rain
I didn't wash this paint off.
We ask you to guess the riddle:
Who is this artist?
Children: Autumn.

Guys, look how many leaves have flown to us. Both yellow and red are very beautiful, right? Do you know who decorated everything so beautifully? Yes, the sorceress Autumn tried.
Guys, do you want Autumn to appear here? (We want!)
So let's call her together.
Children: Autumn, Autumn, appear,
Dance with us!

Presenter: Autumn doesn’t hear us. Guys, let's call her a song?!

Song “Autumn, we ask for a visit (folder) Children play along on instruments.

Autumn enters to the music.

Autumn: I am golden autumn and have been here for a long time.
They always call me magical, golden.
We didn’t see each other for a whole year, and after summer it was my turn again.
I worked so hard, painted, decorated everything with bright colors.
My dear friends, tell me about me.

1Child: What a beautiful autumn,
What a golden carpet
And guys are visiting today,
The autumn holiday has come to us.

2Child: You are so beautiful autumn,
In a golden outfit,
Leaf red, yellow,
Says goodbye with warmth.

3Child: Yellow leaves in the garden
The wind sweeps
It's only once a year
It happens in the fall.

4Child: Autumn, autumn outside the window,
The rain is falling like peas.
The leaves are falling, rustling.

Together: How beautiful you are, autumn.

Thank you, Autumn, for now
You are with us
We love you, Autumn,
We praise with songs and poems!
Song “Autumn, dear, rustle”

Children sit down (While the children sit down, a dance carpet is laid out on the floor)
The leaf girls remain.

Guys, I invite you to my autumn forest. Well... do you agree to go on this journey with me? And my assistants, the forest fairies, will show us the way.
Dance with canvas and leaves
At the end, the children come out, cling to the canvas and all run in a circle together.
They stop.

Look how beautiful it is in the autumn forest. I, Autumn, am the mistress of the forest. I take care of its beauty and purity. Quiet in my forest. You can only hear the breeze rustling and the leaves rustling.

Breathing exercise “Autumn leaves”

A playful breeze flew into the forest -

Quietly, quietly, he sang a song to the branches:

A strong wind also flew into our little forest -

He sang a song loudly to the branches -

The winds took turns singing songs.
Sometimes quiet, sometimes loud,
Sometimes quiet, sometimes loud,
And then they started spinning...
And they flew away.
(They fly off to the chairs)

Phonogram of thunder, thunderstorm.
What is it, what happened, everything in the forest has changed.
An autumn cloud flew to us and wanted to ruin our holiday.
A cloud enters to the music.
I am an evil, thundercloud,
I don't like to have fun
I'll flood everyone with cold rain.
Why are you playing with Autumn?
Or don’t you know my rules?

Everyone is bored, afraid of me,
And don't sing and don't laugh!
I take away the golden autumn from you,
And I leave the autumn rain to you.

The cloud grabs Autumn’s hand, and she breaks free.
Autumn: No, no!
We don't want rain or clouds,
You better not torment me,
And let me go to the guys -
We don't need rain on the holiday!
The pouring rain is not scary,
After all, you and I have an umbrella.
We'll have fun walking
Splash and jump through puddles.
Children stand in a circle. (The cloud runs away at this time)
5Child: (takes an umbrella and goes to the center of the circle)
If it's pouring rain
I take an umbrella with me
Very bright and big
Red, yellow, blue.

Let's play with an umbrella.
"Umbrella Game"

Children are formed into two teams. The first players are given umbrellas. The teams lay out puddles along the way. A child with an umbrella jumps over puddles, runs around a landmark, returns to the team and passes the umbrella to the next player. Whose team is faster?

Our guys are not afraid of rain
They sing and have fun in the warm rain.
Children line up in a semicircle.

Song "Drip, drip, knock. knock, knock...."

(Thunder is heard, children cover themselves with their hands)
Presenter: I hear thunder again, maybe we can hide, friends!
(children run to the chairs)
A cloud flies into the hall again.
Presenter: Oh, guys, let's drive away the evil cloud.
Cloud, cloud, fly away and don’t scare the kids.
Cloud: (angrily)
Oh, you, so, then I’ll definitely take Autumn,
And I leave the cold rain for you.
The cloud takes Autumn away.
Guys, what should we do now? What would a holiday be without Golden Autumn? Look, Autumn left us her magic pipe. She will help us find her.
As soon as you play the pipe, you can easily find your way to the mushroom meadow. (plays the pipe)

Fly agaric mushrooms run out (girls and boys)

Fungus: Hey, wake up, mushroom people!
Do you hear the music calling?
One two three four five,
Form up, my mushroom squad!

"Dance of the Fly Agaric Mushrooms"

Tell us mushrooms, have you ever seen Autumn?

Fungus: "No, no, no" -
The answer comes from forest mushrooms.
Well, let's continue to look for Autumn.
Then play the pipe, guess who will come to us.
(The pipe plays, the Rowan girls come out)
On the edge of the forest, as if in a picture,
Girlfriends gathered - bright Rowans.
Our girls dressed up too,
They all looked like Ryabinok.
Dance-song "Rowanki".
You are beautiful, Ryabinki!
Give us a quick answer -
Where can we look for our Autumn?
Do you know or not?
Rowan: No, no, no, the answer is from the rowan.
(run to the chairs) Presenter:
The pipe is playing again
Calls drops from the sky.
The game “Crying Clouds” Magazine “Musical Director” No. 5 2013 with 42

All children participate in the game. They form three circles, in each circle there is a cloud (a girl holding a cloud in her hands).
Children sing to the music “In the garden or in the vegetable garden”
Clouds walked across the sky
They caught the red sun. (Move in a circle at a pace)
And we will catch up with the sun,
And we will catch the sun! (switches to a stomping step)
The sun was hidden
And they themselves began to cry: drip-drip-drip! (They squat and tap their fingers on the floor)
Droplets scattered, raindrops,
They run along the paths, along the roofs, along the blades of grass.....(They scatter in all directions)
And now one, two, three-
Find the cloud's mother! (Children are looking for their mother cloud, who is faster)

You played so much fun and were not at all tired.
Give us an answer as soon as possible where to look for our Autumn.
Do you know or not?
Clouds: No, no, no, the answer comes from droplets! (The clouds answer and go to their places)
What should we do guys, no one has met our Autumn, no one has seen her. Maybe we'll never find her. We need to come up with something else.

I thought and thought and came up with an idea. Let’s sing a song about the rain, when the cloud hears this song, it will immediately come to us for the holiday and bring golden Autumn with it.
Song “Autumn has come, the leaves are falling…”

The children sit down.

Let's guys see if the cloud heard us or not. Will she come to us? How do you think? Let's wait.
Let's meet our cloud!

Cloud and Autumn come out to the music.

Tuchka: Thank you, friends, I heard the song. After all, without clouds and without rain there is no autumn.
Autumn: Just like in autumn, there are no sunny days.
Presenter: Since you came to us for a holiday to make friends, you should. that's right, guys.
Children: Yes!
Presenter: For the sake of our friendship, let's dance merrily.

Dance “Handkerchiefs and Balalaikas”
(children sit down)
So the cloud disappeared and the rain stopped. But look what a big puddle remains.
The presenter approaches the puddle, lifts the cloth, and there are gifts.
Together with the cloud, I prepared gifts for our children.
You guys are wonderful!!! I'll tell you honestly.
It was very interesting to have fun with you!!!
But it’s time for us to say goodbye, see you soon, kids!!!
Autumn is leaving.
We are finishing the autumn holiday, and we wish all the guests,
Let the autumn days be fun and easy!!! Goodbye, see you again!

Children are given refreshments and leave the hall.

Autumn holiday "Hello, autumn!" in the senior group 2017

Entrance dance “Sad oak drops acorns”

Presenter: Autumn again, birds again
They are in a hurry to fly to a warm region.
And again an autumn holiday
Comes to our kindergarten!

1 child: The leaves began to spin quietly,
Yellow, crimson.
And the river does not flow fast,
Hiding behind the fogs.

2nd child: We said goodbye to the warm summer,
Autumn has already come to us.
Golden - red
She colored everything.

3rd child: So let's sing with your song
Let's invite autumn to come.
Everything around will become more wonderful,
Autumn, we are waiting for you!

Song "Autumn, autumn, autumn has come to us again"

4 child : Autumn wanders slowly outside the window,
Leaves rustle along the paths.
Thin aspen trees look into the puddles,
Raindrops hang like beads on the branches.

5th child: Beautiful autumn, look:
And a yellow leaf and a red one.
Forests and groves and bushes
They put on different outfits.

6th child: It's autumn time, it's your turn!
Everywhere in autumn we feel the breath.
And leaf fall and bird flight,
Both the forest and the garden are full of charm!

Song "Autumn, autumn, one, two, three"
(children sit on chairs)

Presenter: I hear the music playing
Someone is in a hurry to visit us!

Bunny runs out to the music.

Bunny : It's getting colder every day,
It's very chilly in the rain!
I would like a house, but a drier one,
I would warm my paws and ears there.

A girl comes out and opens an umbrella.

Presenter: It came out very handy here
Our Dasha has an umbrella in her hands.

Dasha :(to the bunny): Get under the umbrella, baby,
If you warm your paws, you'll run away! (The bunny hides under an umbrella)

Foxy runs in.

Chanterelle: Your umbrella is so wonderful
It won't be crowded for the three of us!

Dasha (To the Fox): Hurry up to us, Fox,
Dry your fluffy tail! (The fox is hiding in an umbrella pose)

The Bear enters.

Bear: Good afternoon to you!

All animals : Hello, Mishka!

Bear: I treat you all to a cone!

All: Thank you!

Bear: Can I get under the umbrella?
Warm your nose and ears?

Fox : (horrified): Oh-oh-oh! Your height is very great!
Do you remember my bushy tail!

Dasha: Enough space under the umbrella
The four of us are not crowded! (Calls Mishka.)

Joyful music sounds .

Dasha : The rain has stopped! (Closes the umbrella.)

Bunny : Well, then I galloped! (Runs away.)

Fox: Goodbye, I have to go
There, in the forest, is my hole! (Runs away.)

Bear: Well, it's time for me to hit the road,
I'll go to my den to sleep! (Leaves.)

Dasha : Goodbye, animals! I'll run too!
I’ll bring everyone mushrooms from the autumn forest!

Dasha runs away and brings a basket of mushrooms.

Dasha: I brought mushrooms for you!

Presenter: Thank you, Dasha! Let's play with them!

Game "Snake" (with mushrooms) – 2 teams
The “Snake” attraction is held - mushrooms are placed in two rows, children stand in front of the mushrooms in groups of three and put their hands on each other’s shoulders. You need to run around each fungus like a snake, without knocking it down. Having reached the central wall, return in the same way. The winner is the team that reaches the finish line first and does not knock down a single mushroom.

Presenter : Guys, let's invite you to our Autumn holiday!
Let's say: “Autumn, Autumn!” We invite you to visit! (Children repeat)

To the music "Autumn" Autumn enters the hall .

Autumn: Well, hello! Did you call me?
And I came to your holiday,
Although things didn’t go away,
But I still found time.

Presenter: And now, guys, invite us to the Autumn circle,
Let your round dance begin!”

Round dance “Autumn has come knocking on us with golden rain”
(children sit on chairs)

Autumn: The rain doesn't stop!
He says goodbye to summer!
Open your umbrella quickly
Protect yourself from the rain!

Dance with umbrellas to music from the movie “Toy”
(girls dancing)

The Scarecrow comes out to the music of “The Garden Scarecrow.”

Presenter: So this Scarecrow came to us!

Scarecrow: I live in the garden
And although it seems harmless,
I put on rags, rags,
I'm scaring everyone with my scary look!

Presenter: Oh, Garden Scarecrow, shame on you! You drove away all the birds in the dachas, in the gardens! Why did you come to us? Who are you planning to scare?

Scarecrow: In the hot summer I work,
And I’m proud of my work!
When I see a flock of birds -
So I'm waving my rags! (Waves his arms)

Presenter: I don't wave, I wave!
Please speak Russian!
And why not go to work now?
Did you come to our holiday?

Scarecrow: The harvest has already been harvested, the birds have fled to Africa.
The sky is dripping, the winds are blowing, I can smell winter with my nose!
I would like to be closer to society, I see you having fun here!

Presenter: Yes, today is our Autumn holiday! We glorify the beautiful Autumn with songs, dances, and poems!

Scarecrow: And I also want to have fun with you!

Autumn: Dear Scarecrow, then play with our guys!

Scarecrow: I'll be very happy to play!

Game "Mushroom picker"
Parents - trees stand in a circle, children - mushrooms "hide" behind them. Scarecrow walks in the center and reads:

Scarecrow : I went to the forest to pick mushrooms,
But I didn’t find any mushrooms there.
Where did they hide?
Under the trees? Or under the stumps?

Mushrooms: Here we are!
Try us together!
1, 2, 3! Run!
The mushrooms are running away. The scarecrow catches them.

Game "Guess the taste"
Vegetables and fruits are placed together on a common tray. Children need to try and determine what they have been given with their eyes closed. The scarecrow takes part in the game - distributing vegetables and fruits to the children.

Presenter : Well done, Scarecrow! You came up with some good games for the guys!

Autumn : Well done boys! You and Scarecrow had a lot of fun!
I'm glad that you children respect me!
We welcome you with dances, poems, and songs!
And for the common table - a treat from me!

Scarecrow: There are no tastier ones in the world!
Eat your vitamins, kids!

Fruit distribution .

Scarecrow: We had a lot of fun, we loved all the guys!

Autumn: But it's time for us to say goodbye! Goodbye, kids!

Autumn and Scarecrow leave the hall to the music .

Presenter: We sang, played, and greeted guests.
It's not common for us to be bored.
Business before pleasure!
We thank all the guests who came to us for the holiday and say to you: See you again!

The children leave the hall to the music.