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Main types of animals. Types of animals: classification

More than 2 million animals live on Earth, and this list is constantly growing.

The science that studies the structure, behavior, and vital functions of animals is called zoology.

The sizes of animals range from a few microns to 30 m. Some of them are visible only through a microscope, such as amoeba and ciliates, while others are giants. These are whales, elephants, giraffes. The habitat of animals is very diverse: water, land, soil and even living organisms.

Having common features With other representatives of eukaryotes, animals also have significant differences. Animal cells lack membranes and plastids. They eat ready-made organic substances. A significant part of animals actively move and have special organs of movement.

animal kingdom divided into two sub-kingdoms: unicellular (protozoa) And multicellular.

Rice. 77. Protozoa: 1 - amoeba; 2 - green euglena; 3 - foraminifera (shells); 4 - ciliate-slipper ( 1 - large core; 2 - small core; 3 - cell mouth; 4 - cell pharynx; 5 - digestive vacuole; 6 - powder; 7 - contractile vacuoles; 8 - eyelashes)

Protozoa are divided into several types, the most widespread and significant of which are Sarcodaceae, Flagellates, Sporozoans and Ciliates.

Sarcodaceae (Rhizopods). A typical representative of Sarcodaceae is the amoeba. Amoeba is a freshwater, free-living animal that does not have a constant body shape. When an amoeba cell moves, it forms pseudopodia, or pseudopods, which also serve to capture food. In the cell, the nucleus and digestive vacuoles are clearly visible, which are formed at the site where the amoeba captures food. In addition, there is also contractile vacuole, through which excess water and liquid metabolic products are removed. Amoeba reproduces simple division. Respiration occurs across the entire surface of the cell. Amoeba has irritability: a positive reaction to light and food, a negative reaction to salt.

Testate amoebas - foraminifera have an external skeleton - a shell. It consists of an organic layer impregnated with limestone. The shell has numerous openings - holes through which pseudopodia protrude. The size of the shells is usually small, but in some species it can reach 2-3 cm. The shells of dead foraminifera form on seabed sediments - limestones. Other shell amoebas also live there - radiolarians (rays). Unlike foraminifera, they have an internal skeleton, which is located in the cytoplasm and forms needles - rays, often of an openwork design. In addition to organic matter, the skeleton contains strontium salts - this is the only case in nature. These needles form the mineral celestine.

Flagellates. These microscopic animals have a constant body shape and move with the help of flagella (one or more). Euglena green - single cell organism living in water. Its cell is spindle-shaped and has one flagellum at its end. At the base of the flagellum there is a contractile vacuole and a light-sensitive eye (stigma). In addition, the cell contains chromatophores containing chlorophyll. Therefore, euglena photosynthesizes in the light and feeds on ready-made organic substances in the dark.

After several asexual generations, cells appear in erythrocytes from which gametes develop. For further development they must enter the intestines of the Anopheles mosquito. When a mosquito bites a person with malaria, the gametes are carried through the blood into the digestive tract, where sexual reproduction and the formation of sporozoites occur.

Ciliates- the most complex representatives of protozoa, there are more than 7 thousand species. One of the most famous representatives - ciliate-slipper. This is a fairly large single-celled animal that lives in fresh water bodies. Its body is shaped like the footprint of a shoe and is covered with a dense shell with cilia, the synchronous movement of which ensures the movement of the ciliate. It has a cellular mouth surrounded by cilia. With their help, the ciliate creates a flow of water, with which bacteria and other small organisms on which it feeds enter the “mouth”. A digestive vacuole is formed in the body of the ciliate, which can move throughout the cell. Undigested food remains are thrown out through a special place - powder. Ciliates have two nuclei - large and small. The small nucleus takes part in the sexual process, and the large one controls protein synthesis and cell growth. The slipper reproduces both sexually and asexually. Asexual reproduction after several generations is replaced by sexual reproduction. Next (§ 58-65) multicellular organisms of the Animal Kingdom are considered.

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§ 56. Seed plants§ 58. Animal Kingdom. Multicellular organisms: sponges and coelenterates

Animals- are eukaryotic heterotrophic organisms. More than 2.0 million species have been described. Animals inhabited all habitats: water (fish, whales, crayfish, jellyfish), ground-air (beetles, butterflies, birds, animals), soil (earthworms, moles). For many of them, other animals, plants and humans serve as their place of living.

Modern zoology- whole animal science system . Some sciences study the structure, development of animals, their way of life, distribution on Earth, others study individual groups of animals.

Animals are diverse in size, body shape, integument, locomotion, internal structure, behavior and other characteristics. The Animal Kingdom is inherent a number of distinctive features:

  1. Heterotrophic type of nutrition. Most have holozoic, some have osmotrophic, phago- and pinocytosis. Some mixotrophs (green euglena).
  2. Specific features in the organization animal cell: has no cell wall (so can take different shape), the vacuole system is not developed, there are centrioles, many cells are equipped with cilia or flagella, the main storage substance is glycogen.
  3. Four types of tissues: epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous.
  4. They lead a mainly active lifestyle, which is associated with the development of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems.
  5. There are excretory organs and nitrogen-containing waste products (ammonia, urea, uric acid, etc.) are released.
  6. Higher ones are characterized by complex behavioral reactions. Highly organized forms are capable of carrying out processes of higher nervous activity.
  7. Most have nervous and humoral regulation systems (in plants only humoral).
  8. There is a protective (immune) system.
  9. Growth is diffuse (that is, growth of the entire surface, and not due to certain growth points) and limited.
  10. Life cycles are simpler than those of plants. The haploid stage is represented only by gametes (with the exception of sporozoans and foraminifera). Reduction division occurs directly during the process of gametogenesis.

Animal taxonomy

Animal taxonomy is a science that deals with the distribution of animals into groups: phylum, class, order, family, genus, species. The Animal Kingdom is divided into two subkingdoms: Unicellular (protozoa) and Multicellular.

Animal classification

Representatives of the Animal kingdom are very diverse. They differ from each other in environmental features, individual development, morphology and physiology. Depending on one or another characteristic, animals are divided into different groups.

Habitat. Water- live on the surface, in the water column or at the bottom of fresh and marine reservoirs (unicellular organisms, coelenterates, crustaceans, fish, cetaceans). Land- live on the surface of the land, on trees, in grass, under stones, etc. (arachnids, insects, some mollusks, reptiles, birds, mammals). Soil- live in the soil, in the forest floor, in burrows, etc. (unicellular organisms, mites, insects, worms, moles, rodents). Flying- adapted for flight, have wings (insects, birds, bats).

Type of food. Heterotrophic- use ready-made organic substances obtained from food (most animals). Mixotrophic- depending on environmental conditions, they synthesize organic substances from inorganic ones in the light or feed on ready-made organic substances (green euglena, dewdrop).

The ability to move in space. Attached- attached to the substrate (coral and hydroid irrigation). Free-moving- move independently: actively or passively, thanks to the flow of water, wind.

Organization level. Unicellular- the body consists of one cell, functionally corresponding to the whole organism (sarcodes, flagellates, ciliates, sporozoans). Multicellular- the body is formed by many cells, which in most cases are specialized in the function they perform and form tissues (coelenterates, worms, mollusks, arthropods, chordates).

Number of germ layers. Double layer develop from two layers of cells: the outer - ectoderm, and the inner - endoderm (coelenterates). Three-layer- develop from three germ layers: the outer - ectoderm, the middle - mesoderm, and the inner - endoderm (most multicellular).

Body symmetry. Radially symmetrical(radiate) - several planes of symmetry can be drawn through the body (coelenterates, echinoderms). Bilaterally symmetrical(bilaterally symmetrical) only one plane of symmetry can be drawn through the body, which divides the body into right and left halves (most animals). Asymmetrical- it is impossible to draw a single plane of symmetry through the body (gastropods).

Type of body cavity. Cavityless- there is no body cavity, the spaces between the organs are filled with parenchyma (flatworms). Primocavity- the body cavity (pseudocoel) does not have its own epithelial lining and is limited by the skin-muscle sac and the walls of the internal organs (roundworms). Secondocavity- the body cavity (coelom) is limited by a single-layer epithelium lining the body from the inside and covering the hollow internal organs externally (annelids, molluscs and chordates). Having mixed cavity- the body cavity (mixocoel) is formed as a result of the fusion of sections of the primary and secondary cavity (arthropods).

Presence of a spine. Invertebrates- there is no internal axial skeleton (coelenterates, worms, mollusks, arthropods). Vertebrates- the internal axial skeleton is represented by the spine (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals).

Development of the oral opening. Protostomes- the mouth is formed at the site of the blastopore (annelids, mollusks and arthropods). Deuterostomes- the blastopore is transformed into the anus, the mouth is formed at the opposite end of the embryo (echinoderms, chordates).

Intensity of metabolic processes. Cold-blooded- body temperature is not constant and depends on temperature environment, the intensity of metabolic processes is low (invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles). Warm-blooded- the internal body temperature is constant and relatively independent of the ambient temperature, the intensity of metabolic processes is high (birds, mammals).

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Features of representatives of the kingdom Animals - heterotrophic mode of nutrition; – mobility, - activity in search of food; – changeable shape body and cells (no cell wall); – growth is limited; – the cells lack a cell wall, plastids, vacuoles with cell sap; – storage substance – glycogen

Taxonomic categories of animals What unites the Kingdom 2 subkingdoms - unicellular (protozoa) and multicellular Type classes close in origin Class related orders Order related families Family related genera Genus species close in origin Species a group of individuals similar in external and internal structure, occupying a certain area and producing fertile offspring from crossing

Structural features: The cell contains components and organelles of eukaryotes; which provide all functions (digestive vacuoles, contractile vacuoles) There are specific structures: a light-sensitive spot - the eye, cell mouth, cell pharynx, powder, etc.) The cytoplasm is divided into two layers - the outer (ectoplasm) and the inner - endoplasm (it contains organelles and core). Many have a compacted layer of cytoplasm on the outside - pellicle (provides protection). Some form a protective capsule from organic (in testate amoebae - from pseudochitin) or inorganic (in rayfish and sea sunfishes - from calcium, silicon, strontium, etc.) substances. They have one haploid or diploid (macronucleus of ciliates) nucleus; there are multinucleate (some types of plasmodia and ciliates).

Diversity 1. Type of sarcomastigophores – sarcodaceae – flagellates 2. Type of sporozoans 3. Type of ciliates – ciliated – sucking

Type of protozoa Class Examples Sarcod mastigophores Amoeba proteus (common), dysenteric amoeba, radiolaria Flagellates Euglena green, Trypanosoma africanus, Trichomonas, Giardia Sporozoans Coccidiaeformes Malarial plasmodium ciliates Ciliate Ciliates-balantidium, ciliates ciliates-tru Bach Sucking Trichophriasis

Type Coelenterates are multicellular animals with radial symmetry of the body, development is at the gastrula stage. 10 thousand species Habitat - marine and fresh water bodies Radial symmetry Body - a two-layer bag of two cell layers - outer (ectoderm) and inner (endoderm). Between the layers there is mesoglea. They do not have clearly defined tissues and organs. They do not have blood. Morphological types are polyps and jellyfish.

The main aromorphoses in coelenterates: the emergence of multicellularity as a result of specialization and association of interacting cells, the emergence of a two-layer structure, the emergence of cavity digestion, the appearance of body parts differentiated by function, the appearance of radial (radial) symmetry

Process Characteristics Digestion Intracellular and cavity (digestion of food occurs in the intestinal cavity - this is where the name of the type comes from). Blood circulation Absent Respiration Absorption of oxygen by the entire surface of the body Excretion There are no specialized excretory organs. Excretion through the outer layer of cells into water, through the outer layer into the intestinal cavity, then into water. Reproduction There are two ways - asexual and sexual. Asexual (budding) is characteristic only of polyps. Reproductive - with the help of the genital organs - gonads. Fertilization is external. Formation of planktonic or crawling larvae. Nervous Reticular type. There are reflexes. Sense organs. Everyone has tactile sensitivity; jellyfish have light-perceiving “eyes” and balance organs. Life cycle Metagenesis is a natural alternation of asexual and sexual generations. Regeneration Due to intermediate cells

Class Examples Hydroids Freshwater hydras Scyphoid Cornerotae, aurelia, cyanea, etc. Coral Sea anemones, gorgonians, black corals,

Class Tape Class Ciliated Class Examples Ciliated Planaria (white, black...) etc. Flukes Liver fluke, liver fluke, cat fluke Tape Bovine tapeworm, pork tapeworm, broad tapeworm, echinococcus,

Class Organs of attachment Integuments Digestive system Sense organs Type of development Ciliated No Do not have Cuticles developed Have eyes and organs of balance Without changing hosts, direct Flukes Have suckers Have cuticles Poorly developed No With changing hosts, indirect Tape Have suckers and hooks Have cuticle Absent No With changing hosts, indirect

plants.G. Animals.A.2 Autotrophic organisms are: A. Viruses.B. Pisces.V. Animals.G. Plants containing chlorophyll.A.3 bacterial cell: A. Neuron.B. Axon.V. Dendrite.G. Vibrio cholerae.A.4 Distinctive feature plant cells is the presence of: A. Cores. B. Cytoplasm.V. Membrane.G. Cell wall made of cellulose.A.5 As a result of mitosis, the following occurs: A. Isolation.B. Regeneration of tissues and organs of the body..V. Digestion.G. Breathing.A.6 Specify one of the positions cell theory: A. One drop of pure nicotine (0.05 g) is enough to kill a person. B. All new cells are formed by division of the original cells.B. Viruses and bacteriophages are representatives of the animal kingdom.G. Viruses and bacteriophages are representatives of the Subkingdom Multicellular. A.7 Reproduction is: A. Obtaining nutrients from the environment. B. Release of unnecessary substances.B. Reproduction of one's own kind.G. The entry of oxygen into the body.A.8 The process of formation of female reproductive gametes is called: A. OogenesisB. SpermatogenesisB. CrushingG. DivisionA.9 Internal fertilization occurs in: A. Shark.B. Pike.V.Obezyan.G. Frogs.A.10 For a developing human embryo, the following is harmful: A. Walking in the fresh air.B. Compliance expectant mother power mode.B. Drug addiction of a woman.G. Compliance by the expectant mother with the work and rest regime. A.11 Indirect type of development - in: A. Homo sapiens. B. Apes.V. Narrow-nosed monkeys.G. Cabbage butterflies.A.12 Genopite is the totality of all: A. Signs of the organism.B. Genes of organisms.V. Bad habits.G. Useful habits.A.13 In dihybrid crossing, the inheritance of: A. Many characters is studied.B. Three signs.B. Two signs.G. One trait. TASK B. Short answer tasks B.1 Find a match..1. A dominant trait in a person. A. Gray eyes.2. A recessive trait in humans. B. Brown eyes. B. Blonde hair.G. Black hair.1 2B. 2 Compare the characteristics of asexual and sexual reproduction. Enter the answer number in the correct column.Sexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction1. One individual participates in the reproduction process.2. The process of reproduction involves two individuals of different sexes.3. The beginning of a new organism is given by the zygote, which arises as a result of the fusion of male and female reproductive cells.4. The beginning of a new organism (organisms) is given by a somatic cell.5. Dysentery bacillus.6. Male and female pond frog.Q.3 Choose the correct answer. Write down the numbers of the correct statements. No.___________1. Spermatozoon is the female reproductive gamete.2. Sperm is the male reproductive gamete3. The egg is the male reproductive gamete4. The egg is the female reproductive gamete5. Oogenesis is the process of development of the eggs.6. Oogenesis is the process of sperm development.7. Spermatogenesis is the process of egg development.8. Spermatogenesis is the process of sperm development9. Fertilization is the process of fusion of sex gametes: two spermatozoa.10. Fertilization is the process of fusion of sex gametes: two eggs.11. Fertilization is the process of fusion of sex gametes: sperm and egg. Q.4 Establish the correct sequence of complication of organisms according to plan: non-cellular life forms - prokaryotes - eukaryotes. 1. Influenza virus H7N92. Freshwater amoeba.3. Vibrio cholerae.B.5 A heterozygous (Aa) black rabbit is crossed with a heterozygous (Aa) black rabbit. 1. What kind of phenotypic cleavage should be expected with such a crossing? A. 3:1; B. 1:1; Q. 1:2:12. What percentage is the probability of having white rabbits (homozygous for two recessive genes - aa)? Answer:_________________B.6 Read the text carefully, think and answer the question: “The study of the internal structure of the cell forced scientists to remember the possible evolutionary role of symbiosis - in the middle of the last century, after the advent of the electron microscope, discoveries in this area fell one after another. It turned out, in particular, that not only plant chloroplasts, but also mitochondria - the “energy plants” of any real cells - are actually similar to bacteria, and not only in appearance: they have their own DNA and they reproduce independently of the host cell."( Based on materials from the magazine "Around the World"). Which organelles have their own DNA?