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Fundamentals of the formation of a student’s individual educational trajectory in multi-level variative education. On the issue of organizing individual educational trajectories in the process of studying at a university Individual trajectory of education at a university

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1 “Magister Dixit” - scientific and pedagogical journal of Eastern Siberia 1 (03). March 2013 (BBK UDC A.A. Moiseenko Irkutsk, Russia THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL FOUNDATIONS OF FORMING AN INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL TRAJECTORY OF A STUDENT IN MULTI-LEVEL VARIABLE EDUCATION This article is devoted to the technology of designing an individual educational trajectory of students based on the material of a practical lesson on text linguistics. The author briefly examines the theoretical and practical aspects of individual educational activities students of universities and shows experimental work on the implementation of technology for designing individual educational trajectories of students on relevant topics. Keywords: individual educational trajectory; multi-level variable education; theoretical and practical foundations. A.A. Moiseenko Irkutsk, Russia THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL BASIS FOR THE INDIVIDUAL STUDENT S EDUCATIONAL TRAJECTORY FORMATION IN MULTILEVEL VARIABLE EDUCATION The article is devoted to the theoretical and practical basis for the individual student s educational trajectory formation in multilevel variable education. Key words: individual educational trajectory; multilevel variable education; theoretical and practical basis. Moiseenko A.A., 2013

2 Currently, pedagogical science is faced with the problem of improving methods and forms of university training. New pedagogical technologies should be aimed at implementing a person-centered approach to teaching, the essence of which is humanization pedagogical process, respectful attitude towards the student’s personality, creating conditions for identifying and developing individual capabilities and abilities. The student must act as an active and responsible subject educational process. Modern trends in the development of the educational process, both at school and at university, involve the development of student-oriented technologies and teaching methods, while ensuring the cooperation of all subjects of the educational process. It seems to us that the problem of pedagogical design is relevant within the framework of the tasks of humanization of education. educational activities students when studying specific academic disciplines taking into account their individual characteristics. One of the ways to individualize learning is to organize the advancement of students along their individual educational routes. A university student should have the opportunity to make an individual choice of his educational path while preparing for professional activity. Such organization of training requires special methods and technology. The research of N.A. is devoted to the peculiarities of designing individual educational trajectories of students. Labunskoy, V.V. Lorenz, M.L. Sokolova and others [Labunskaya, 1999; Lorenz, 2001; Sokolova, 2001]. In our research, when solving the problem of organizing student learning along individual educational trajectories designed jointly with teachers, we will be based on data from complex psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, which will help identify the real state of affairs, namely: the level of formation of professional skills and the degree of development of personality traits of students of higher education establishments. The need to create new, personality-oriented conditions for students to study one of the theoretical and practical aspects of the discipline

3 “Fundamentals of Linguistics” determined the choice of the research topic: “Theoretical and practical foundations for the formation of an individual educational trajectory of a student in multi-level variative education.” Purpose of the study: to develop a technology for designing a student’s individual educational trajectory in text linguistics as one of the aspects of the discipline “Fundamentals of Linguistics”, to identify and justify a set of conditions that ensure its implementation. To achieve this goal, we have identified the following tasks: 1) on the basis of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of personal and professional qualities student to create a preliminary information base of the discipline; 2) develop a set of tasks for the discipline, taking into account the multi-level specifics of the individual educational qualities of the contingent (four levels: 1st level strong (advanced students), 2nd level students on an individual schedule, 3rd level the main contingent with possible problem areas, 4- th level weak contingent); 3) develop a number of testing activities in the discipline according to the gradation of students’ knowledge level presented above; 4) formulate pedagogical conditions professional and personal development of the student. The implementation of theoretical tasks facing the course “Fundamentals of Linguistics” at a linguistic university is closely related to the implementation of practical tasks, since theoretical information about the language system, especially about its syntactic system, cannot be acquired by memorizing grammar and isolated vocables alone. They should be acquired, in our opinion, in the process of practical activity, in particular working with language material. Since any language itself is a means of communication, which distinguishes it in terms of methodology from all other academic disciplines, its practical study involves learning communicative activities in a given language. In relation to foreign languages, due to objective

4 conditions for their existence in the form of oral and writing, this is training in technologies for the perception and implementation of text and text categories, which is considered not only as an object, but also as the most important means training necessary for mastering vocabulary, semantics, grammar and theoretical information about the language system. The following criteria can serve as the information base of the course: the target orientation of studying the discipline, the thematic component of the discipline, educational and methodological support of the discipline, types of general and individual work, learning effectiveness, criteria for assessing learning outcomes, a system of self-monitoring of student work results. The discipline “Fundamentals of Linguistics” contains basic information about language, its functions, and the history of its study. The main attention is paid to the problems of internal linguistics, synchronic, diachronic and comparative. Lectures and seminars are divided into topics that contain introductory information about historical and modern problems language and theoretical directions linguistic science. For each topic, a set of theoretical and practical tasks, control and measurement materials will be presented, providing for multi-level specifics of individual educational and personality-oriented qualities of students. A seminar on text linguistics is aimed at a detailed study of the concept of text, text categories, the disciplinary structure of the science of text, its semasiological (communicative activity of the listener) and onomasiological (communicative activity of the speaker) component. Upon completion of the seminar lesson, the student must learn the following information: synthetic and analytical aspects of semasiological linguistics of the text, factors of text formation, formal content specificity of coherence and cohesion of the text, main types of nominations in the text.

5 Based on the differential characteristics of the individual educational qualities of the contingent, it is proposed to distribute the tasks of the seminar lesson into the following levels: The first level is strong (advanced students). 1. Terminology in text linguistics (terminological dictation): text linguistics, text, discourse, context, speech act, illocution (illocutionary act), perlocution (perlocutionary act), referent, reference, presupposition. 2. Questions for discussion at the seminar session: 2.1. Give the name of the science of text in the history of linguistics? 2.2. Using a specific example, show the absence of a sharp boundary between language units of different lengths. What disciplines did Wolfgang Dressler divide text linguistics into? 2.4. Determine the main category of synthetic linguistics of the text. Characterize the three types of communication in the text. What is SSC and what is its relationship with the paragraph? 2.7. What types of nominations did N.D. Arutyunova single out in her theory of text? 3. Questions for self-control: 3.1. What sections is text linguistics divided into? 3.2. Define the text. What aspects is the semasiological linguistics of the text divided into? 3.4. Define the chain type of connection and illustrate your answer with specific examples from the target language (three sentences) Define the parallel type of connection and illustrate your answer with specific examples from the target language (three sentences) Define the connecting type of connection and illustrate your answer with specific examples from the target language (three sentences) Name and define the main components of analytical text linguistics.

6 3.8. How is the onomasiological aspect of text linguistics determined? 3.9. What sections do the content factors of text formation consist of? Name and define the intratextual factors of text formation. Name and define the extratextual factors of text formation. What is the stylistic-genre type of text? Show the introductive type of nomination using specific examples from the language you are learning. Show the identifying type of nomination using specific examples from the language you are learning. Show the attributive type of nomination using specific examples from the language you are learning. 4. Materials testing the level of knowledge of students: The object of control in test 1 is a brief history of the formation of the disciplinary structure of text linguistics, features of the social and philosophical origin of the text, text units and text categories, theoretical and practical data that determine the formal content specificity of the text. The purpose of the control is to establish the level of students’ knowledge on the above aspects, to determine the degree of formation of phonetic, grammatical and semantic skills in the onomasiological and semasiological areas of linguistics. Test execution time is 40 minutes. Criteria and rating system: correct answers are “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”. Second level students on an individual schedule. A distinctive feature in teaching second-level students is that most of the material is intended for self-study. Students are offered topics for writing essays, control tasks and questions for self-control. These materials are not presented in the article.

7 flax due to their fairly large volume. The purpose of working on essays is to teach students to work independently and understand complex issues text formation, modern theories of text and discourse. Writing essays allows students to develop the following skills and abilities: - the ability to select basic information, take notes on educational materials; - the ability to correctly structure selected material, present answers to questions posed in a thematic and logical manner; - find relevant examples to illustrate theoretical points; - be able to competently present your speech, message, report on the proposed problem. Control is carried out regularly at a time convenient for the teacher and student, as well as with the help of written (test) works, abstracts and other forms of representation of the material. Independent work on abstracts is calculated in accordance with the curriculum for this discipline and is regulated by the SRS schedule. Evaluation criteria written work(Test 2) see above, and the criteria for evaluating the essay are presented by us in Table 1. Table 1 Criteria for evaluating the essay parameter “5” “4” “3” “2” Knowledge of the fundamentals of the discipline and the ability to correctly format the work Excellent knowledge of this discipline, errors No. The technical design fully complies with the requirements. Minimum errors are allowed. The topic is 70% covered. The technical design fully complies with the requirements. Minimum errors are allowed. The topic is 65% covered. The technical design does not fully meet the requirements. A significant number of errors are allowed. The topic is 50% covered. The technical design does not meet the requirements.

8 The third level is the main contingent with possible problem areas. Students at this level are offered the same questions for discussion and tasks for self-control as students at the first level. The reduction in the level of complexity lies in the fact that the student is not required to complete abstract work, or can complete it according to at will. The basic form of testing the level of knowledge is test 3 (test of reduced complexity). See test evaluation criteria above. The fourth level is a weak contingent. The content of the work provided for at this level includes writing a terminological dictation, discussing questions on the topic of the seminar lesson, and performing test 4 (the test of the lowest complexity) with students of this level. See test evaluation criteria above. Based on the studied theoretical material and prepared practical assignments on the topic of the seminar lesson on text linguistics, the following pedagogical conditions for the professional and personal development of a student can be formulated: - the presence of subject-subject relationships between the student and the teacher in the process of designing and implementing an individual educational trajectory; - awareness by the future specialist of the need for professional and personal self-development; - the use of reflective and creative forms of work in order to take into account the individual characteristics of students and the development of their professionally significant and personal qualities, the formation of their subject-subject relationship skills; - mastering the stages and content of designing individual educational trajectories;

9 - tracking the dynamics of the formation of personal qualities of students based on comprehensive psychological and pedagogical diagnostics. In the future, a series of tasks and test materials will be developed on other aspects of the discipline “Fundamentals of Linguistics”. Bibliography 1. Labunskaya, N. A. Pedagogical research modern student[Text]: textbook. allowance / N. A. Labunskaya. St. Petersburg : Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen, p. 2. Lorenz, V.V. Design of an individual educational route as a condition for preparing a future teacher for professional activity [Text]: dis. Ph.D. ped. Sciences / V.V. Lorenz. - Omsk, p. 3. Sokolova, M. L. Designing individual educational routes for students at a university [Text]: dis. Ph.D. ped. Sciences / M. L. Sokolova. - Arkhangelsk, p.

UDC 378.147 BBK 74.58 “Magister Dixit” - scientific and pedagogical journal of Eastern Siberia 1 (13). April 2014 ( T.A. Zhdanko, T.V. Zhivokortseva, O.F. Chuprova DESIGNING INDIVIDUAL


140 Zhdanko Tatyana Aleksandrovna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Development of Education of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "IGLU", Irkutsk, Russia Zhivokortseva Tatyana Vladilenovna Candidate of Pedagogical

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UDC 378.14 L.S.Gavrilenko Lesosibirsky pedagogical institute branch of the Siberian federal university Lesosibirsk, Russia DISCIPLINE “PEDAGOGICAL INNOVATION” AS A CONDITION FOR FORMING READINESS

Abstract The discipline “Introduction to Linguistics” is included in the basic part of block 1 (“Disciplines (modules)”) of the training program in the direction 48.03.01 “Theology” (bachelor’s level). The purpose of mastering the discipline

Appendix 2 Annotations of the disciplines of the main educational program in the direction of training 45.06.01 “Linguistics and Literary Studies” profile “Germanic languages” History and philosophy of science Discipline

L.V. Medvedeva Volgograd State University PROFESSIONALLY ORIENTED FOREIGN LANGUAGE TRAINING FOR FUTURE LAWYERS Volgograd, Russia The article considers the problem of professional

COMPETENCY MAP COMPETENCE: OK-1 is able to use the fundamentals of philosophical and socio-humanitarian knowledge to form a scientific worldview (44.03.01 “Pedagogical education (profile “Music”)

2 Contents 1. Explanatory note... 3 2. Thematic plan... 3 3. Contents of educational material... 3 4. Requirements for the knowledge and skills of students... 5 5. Literature... 5 3 1. Explanatory a note

Work program on the subject " Native language(Russian)" Personal, meta-subject and subject results of studying the subject "Native language (Russian)" Goals and educational results are presented on several

As a manuscript

GRINKO Margarita Artyomovna



dissertations for an academic degree

candidate of pedagogical sciences

Krasnodar - 2011

The work was carried out at the Department of Theory, History of Pedagogy and

educational practice

Scientific adviser:

FBGOU VPO "Armavir State Pedagogical Academy"

Official opponents:

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Leading organization: Voronezh State Pedagogical University

The defense will take place on January 27, 2012 at 15-00 at the meeting

dissertation council D 212.101.06 at the Kuban State

university 49.

The dissertation can be found in the Kubansky library

State University.

Higher education" href="/text/category/visshee_obrazovanie/" rel="bookmark">higher education and updated the search for approaches to developing a strategy for professional training of teachers, taking into account world experience and traditions of domestic academic culture.

In the higher education system of Russia and developed foreign countries, there has been a tendency to consider the individualization of education as a condition for successful professional self-development, self-determination, independence, readiness for choice and decision-making. Such conditions can be created by organizing individual trajectories and routes of vocational education. Understanding the accumulated theoretical knowledge on the issues of training future teachers in pedagogical universities allows us to assert that individualization can bring professional training into line with new social realities, with international standards, and make the student a real subject of his education. This is evidenced by both the advanced pedagogical experience of domestic schools and the practice of economically developed foreign countries, where the special role of individualization in the organization of higher education is recognized. In the opinion, it is individualization that distinguishes a university from a special school.

The relevance of the problem of individualization is confirmed in Russian government documents. In the “National Doctrine of Education of the Russian Federation”, the federal target program for the development of education for the years, the draft Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (2011), the individualization of the educational process, ensured by the diversity of educational programs, types and forms of student education, is called the expected result of implementation doctrine and law.

The idea of ​​individualization is reflected in the philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical concepts of many researchers. Methodological basis scientific understanding of individualization is laid down in the works of philosophers (, etc.). The theoretical aspects of the problem are analyzed in the works of psychologists (Slavskaya, etc.) and teachers (, etc.). Particularly noteworthy is the work that substantiated the theory of individualization of students’ educational activities, and characterized it as a necessary factor in the realization of learning goals and the formation of students’ individuality. Thanks to research, etc., a significant contribution was made to the development of the problem of individualization of education in higher education. Dissertation research, etc. reflects various

aspects of individualization of professional training of students. The experimental level of solving the problem of individualization is represented by various types of educational institutions that have the opportunity to work according to their own curricula, introduce training profiles and elective courses.

Various aspects of teaching a foreign language in higher education educational institutions, the organization of an individual approach to its study were considered in the works, etc.

In the context of our research, scientific works are of interest that reveal the principles of pedagogical design of individual educational trajectories and routes for students (B. S. Bezrukova, Beck, etc.) and students (, etc.).

IN pedagogical science design experience has been accumulated educational technologies(, etc.) to solve the problems of individualizing student learning. However, the process of designing individual trajectories of foreign language learning for students at a university has not been the subject of special study.

An analysis of the pedagogical theory and practice of organizing foreign language teaching to students indicates the presence of the following contradictions:

Between the tendency towards individualization of education that has developed in pedagogical theory and practice and the predominantly mass-reproductive nature of education in Russian universities;

Between the requirements imposed by the State Standard for the training of future teachers in a foreign language and the insufficient scientific justification for the process of individualization of foreign language teaching in a pedagogical university;

Between high level scientific research in the field of pedagogical design and poor development of theoretical and methodological foundations designing the process of individualization of teaching students a foreign language;

Between the existing potential opportunities for individualization in teaching students a foreign language based on the organization of individual trajectories and the lack of scientific developments in this area.

Problem The research consists in determining the essence and content of the process of designing individual trajectories of foreign language learning for students of pedagogical universities, identifying the specifics, effective means and organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of design activities in the process of professional training of teachers.

Object of study: individualization of foreign language teaching for students of pedagogical universities.

Subject of study: the process of designing individual trajectories of foreign language learning for students of pedagogical universities.

Purpose of the study: theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the process of designing individual trajectories of foreign language learning for students of pedagogical universities.

Research hypothesis: the process of designing individual trajectories of foreign language learning for students of pedagogical universities will provide more high level their professional training if:

The design of individual trajectories of learning a foreign language is built taking into account the principles of variability, support for the development of individuality, and the formation of the student’s subjective position;

An individual trajectory of learning a foreign language is implemented on the basis of technological support, which includes a model, technology and monitoring of the educational process;

Strategies of subject-subject interaction between participants in the educational process are purposefully implemented.

Research objectives:

To reveal the essence of the problem of designing individual trajectories of foreign language learning for students of pedagogical universities;

To identify and test organizational and pedagogical conditions for designing individual trajectories of foreign language learning for students of pedagogical universities;

To scientifically substantiate and experimentally test the effectiveness of the model and technology for designing individual trajectories of foreign language learning for students of pedagogical universities;

To develop and test a methodology for monitoring the effectiveness of the implementation of individual trajectories of students’ foreign language learning.

Methodological basis of the study determined by philosophical provisions on the dialectical relationship between the general, the particular, the individual, the interconnection and interdependence of phenomena; fundamental ideas of the philosophy of education, cultural and sociological research in the field of education and upbringing (, etc.); ideas of activity (, etc.), systemic (, and others), subject (-Slavskaya, etc.), holistic (, V.V. Serikov, etc.), competence (, N.N. Selezneva, etc. ) approaches.

Theoretical basis of the studyamounted to:

Concepts of personality development, individuality, individual style of activity (, etc.);

Concepts of teacher training (Novakova, etc.);

Research of pedagogical interaction (, etc.);

Ideas of variability and approaches to its implementation in education (, etc.).

To solve the research problems we used methods: theoretical (modeling, comparative, scientific forecasting and design); diagnostic (questioning, testing, survey, analysis of documents and products of creative activity, generalization of independent characteristics, expert assessments); praximetric (study and generalization of teaching experience, study and analysis of scientific reports); statistical; experimental work.

Research base faculties of the Armavir State Pedagogical University (faculties of mathematics, physics and computer science, psychological and pedagogical faculty, philological faculty) came; gymnasiums and secondary schools Armavir. The experience of training future teachers at the Armavir Linguistic University, Stavropol State University, and Moscow Pedagogical State University was studied. The experimental work was carried out over six years. 517 students and 44 teachers took part in it.

Logic and stages of research. The study was carried out in several interrelated stages.

At the first stage(years) the initial theoretical and methodological approaches, the categorical apparatus were clarified, the experience of training future teachers in pedagogical universities was generalized; the level of individualization of education in pedagogical universities was studied; a research concept and a program for its experimental testing were developed.

At the second stage(2nd year) an analysis and theoretical understanding of the concept of individualization of foreign language teaching for students of pedagogical universities was carried out, patterns and principles of individualization of teaching a foreign language to students at a university were identified, a model and technology for designing individual trajectories of learning a foreign language for students of pedagogical universities was developed; experimental work was carried out, diagnostic and analytical materials were accumulated, research results were summarized, and conclusions were formulated; The research materials were discussed at scientific and scientific-practical conferences and in the press.

At the third stage(2011) systematized the obtained qualitative and quantitative data, analyzed the effectiveness of experimental work, adjusted the developed model and technology for designing individual trajectories of foreign language learning for students of pedagogical universities; extensive testing of the main components of the technology was carried out and the main research results were introduced into practice, conclusions were drawn up, recommendations were prepared and directions for further work were determined.

Scientific novelty of the research:

The specificity of individualization of teaching a foreign language to students in interdisciplinary and pedagogical aspects is revealed, the essence and content of the concepts “individual trajectory of teaching students a foreign language” and “individual route of teaching students a foreign language” are clarified;

The concept of individualization of teaching a foreign language to students has been developed, the principles of designing individual trajectories of learning a foreign language for students of pedagogical universities have been determined;

The conceptual model of individualization of teaching a foreign language to students of pedagogical universities has been scientifically substantiated and tested, its structure, content, components, and functions have been determined;

A technology for constructing individual trajectories for teaching foreign languages ​​to pedagogical university students has been designed and implemented;

A methodology has been developed for monitoring the effectiveness of the implementation of individual trajectories of foreign language learning for students of pedagogical universities;

The organizational and pedagogical conditions for designing individual trajectories of foreign language learning for students of pedagogical universities have been identified and experimentally confirmed, and tools have been developed to ensure the implementation of these conditions.

Theoretical significance of the study is as follows:

The concept of individualization of teaching a foreign language to students contributes to the further development of the theory of individualization, methods of professional training of future teachers and methods of teaching a foreign language to students of pedagogical universities;

The identified principles and conditions for the individualization of teaching a foreign language to students expand the possibilities of a systematic study of pedagogical phenomena and determine ways to improve the educational process in pedagogical universities;

The conceptual and terminological apparatus of the theory has been expanded university education, developing scientific ideas about the individualization of student learning;

Systematization and generalization of methodological approaches made it possible to clarify and deepen scientific ideas about the trends in the development of the individualization process, which stimulates further development and extrapolation to other conditions and learning situations.

Practical significance of the study. An experimentally tested pedagogical approach can be used in designing individual educational trajectories of students mastering a variety of educational programs. The implementation of the author’s concept contributes to increasing the professional level of training of graduates of pedagogical universities, their high-quality mastery of educational programs, creates the need - the necessary conditions to form an individual positive position for the future pedagogical activity.

Reliability and validity of research results is ensured by: the use of a set of complementary methodological approaches that allow for an interdisciplinary, multidimensional analysis of the subject under study, their consistency; is confirmed by the use of a complex of theoretical and empirical methods, the variety of sources for studying this phenomenon, the consistency of the conclusions and provisions of theoretical and experimental research; adequacy of the tasks to the chosen logic of the study; representativeness of the sample at all stages of the study, its duration, the stable nature of the identified connections and patterns, the stable repeatability of the main results, the use of developed teaching materials, recommendations and tutorials. Verification of the results is confirmed by their scientific testing at Russian and regional conferences, meetings and seminars.

Author's personal contribution to the study consists in the theoretical development of the conceptual foundations of the theory of individualization, the implementation of the author's educational program, model and technology; monitoring techniques; in the direct implementation of long-term experimental work with students of the Armavir State Pedagogical University, teachers and students of the city of Armavir.

Approbation of research results was carried out through the publication of articles, abstracts of reports of all-Russian and regional conferences, through speeches at the international scientific and practical conference (Armavir, 2006), seminars within the framework of the conference (Armavir, gg.).

Main provisions submitted for defense:

1. One of the promising areas of individualization of student professional training at a university is the design of individual learning trajectories, which is a personally oriented organization of educational activities and involves the construction of the educational process in the context of the realization of individual aspirations, the development of life strategies, the formation of the foundations for individual creative and professional development of the individual. student.

2. An individual educational trajectory includes the following structural components: meaningful(explaining approaches to the design of variable curricula and educational programs that determine the essential characteristics of an individual educational route); project-activity(revealing ways of constructing and implementing teaching models and technologies); organizational(reflecting the structure and specifics of the organization of the learning process).

3. The conceptual model of individualization of teaching a foreign language to students at a pedagogical university has a hierarchical organization and reproduces the essence and interconnection of such components of the modeled process as its subjects, goals, objectives, content, methods, forms, results, as well as factors, principles and functions. The model includes the following blocks: theoretical and methodological; organizational and technological; subject interactions; productive. The central element of the model is educational technology, the effectiveness of which is ensured by the content and procedural characteristics of each block.

4. The technology for designing individual trajectories for teaching a foreign language to pedagogical university students, built taking into account the determining factors and conditions for organizing this process, includes a set of algorithms, steps and stages that reveal the content and sequence of operations, allowing to develop, objectively evaluate the results of its implementation and make the necessary correction . The core of the technology is an algorithm for managing the educational process.

5. The success of designing individual trajectories for students’ learning a foreign language is determined by the following organizational and pedagogical conditions:

Ensuring subject-subject interaction in the joint design of individual learning trajectories;

Ensuring the readiness of teachers to design and the readiness of students to self-design individual learning trajectories foreign language.

Dissertation structure includes an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, and appendices. The list of references includes 163 sources, 9 of them in a foreign language.

In the introduction the relevance of the topic, the degree of its study are substantiated, the goal, objectives, object, subject of research are determined, a hypothesis is formulated, the methodological and theoretical basis of the research, its methods and stages, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance, testing and implementation of the research results are characterized, the main provisions are given submitted for defense.

In the first chapter“Theoretical prerequisites for designing individual trajectories of foreign language learning for students of pedagogical universities” examines the process of formation and development of individualization in domestic and foreign pedagogy. The essence and content of modern approaches to pedagogical design are revealed, and the organizational and pedagogical bases for designing individual student learning trajectories at a university are revealed.

In the second chapter“Design and implementation of individual trajectories of learning a foreign language for students of pedagogical universities” examines the stages of organizing experimental work, substantiates the specifics of design activities to build individual trajectories of learning a foreign language for students of pedagogical universities. The chapter presents the results of monitoring the main indicators of individualization of teaching students a foreign language, analyzes the results of experimental work, and formulates conclusions.

In custody The results of the study are summarized, its main conclusions are formulated, and promising directions for further research into the process of individualizing student learning are outlined.

In applications Diagnostic research tools, programs and methodological materials are presented.


Conducted analysis of philosophical and psychological-pedagogical literature, regulations, domestic and foreign experience high school shows that in the Russian higher education system the prerequisites have been created for the implementation of an individual approach to student learning. This approach involves a more in-depth study of the individual characteristics of students and the need to develop software (individual educational programs, individual self-education programs of different levels, focus and flexibility of their structure) aimed at individual students or their groups.

Such aspects of the modernization process, such as the transition to a multi-level education system, the development of mobile educational programs and standards (European Qualifications System), and the achievement of academic mobility, presuppose the presence of alternatives in the educational sphere and guide students to make choices based on their own capabilities and the needs of the labor market. Therefore, the choice of an individual trajectory and route of study will ultimately allow each student to develop those personality qualities and competencies that are required by a professional.

Based on a study of various definitions of the concept “ individual educational trajectory"(B.C. Merlin, etc.) the author formulated his own definition of this concept. is a personally oriented way of organizing a student’s educational activities at a university and involves the construction of the educational process in the context of the realization of individual aspirations, the development of life strategies, and the formation of the foundations for the individual, creative and professional development of the student’s personality. An individual learning path has the following structural components: meaningful(variable curricula and educational programs that determine an individual educational route); active(special pedagogical technologies); procedural(organizational aspect).

Under it is necessary to understand the student’s mastery of the curriculum taking into account his educational experience, the level of individual needs and capabilities that provide a solution to his educational problems.

The development of individual educational trajectories is a complex multifaceted process designed to ensure the development of independence and initiative of the individual, the possibility of its fullest implementation creative potential for successful activities in the professional field. In it, pedagogical interaction is presented in the form of cooperation during which the teacher acts as a tutor: helps the student in understanding his professional prospects; advises on issues arising in the process of forming an individual educational trajectory, accompanies him in the implementation of his educational trajectory. The student, as an active participant in the formation of his individual educational trajectory, is motivated in its implementation. His activity in mastering his curriculum contributes to the formation of a style of self-education based on the realization of individual abilities in cognition and practical activity, which gradually transform into a style of individual professional activity.

Analysis of the factors influencing the individualization of foreign language teaching made it possible to formulate a concept, comprehend new approaches and trends in this process, and identify the pedagogical conditions that determine its effectiveness in teaching students of pedagogical universities. The orientation of the educational process towards the selected pedagogical conditions makes it possible to more effectively manage it and develop a methodology for designing the individualization of teaching a foreign language.

The experimental work was based on the results obtained in the process of theoretical research, on the basis of which a model and technology for individualizing foreign language teaching for pedagogical university students was developed. The purpose of the experimental work was to test the model and technology for designing individual trajectories of foreign language learning for students of pedagogical universities and identify their influence on the quality of knowledge, motivation and interest in self-knowledge and self-development, as well as on the effectiveness independent work students.

The study was conducted according to a specially designed experimental program. It included three stages: analytical-diagnostic, design, evaluation and correction.

The basis of the study was the faculties of Armavir State Pedagogical University (mathematics, physics and computer science, psychological-pedagogical and philological); gymnasiums and secondary schools in Armavir. The experience of training future teachers at the Armavir Linguistic University, Stavropol State University, and Moscow Pedagogical State University was studied. The experimental work was carried out over six years. 517 students and 44 teachers took part in it.

A practical solution to the problem of individualization of teaching a foreign language to students of a pedagogical university was carried out through the implementation of the ideas of the theory of pedagogical design. The content of the design activity was the development of a model, pedagogical technology, design of educational content and other procedures.

Based on the considered approaches to modeling, we have developed a model for individualizing the teaching of foreign languages ​​to pedagogical university students (Fig. 1). The model has a hierarchical structural organization, each of the components in the block is subordinate, determines and justifies the content of the next one. A block can be considered as an independent system, where elements are in certain relationships and connections with each other.

Since modeling is one of the stages of pedagogical design, we considered it appropriate to include the following blocks in the structure of the developed model: theoretical and methodological; organizational and technological; subject interactions; productive.

The developed conceptual model is a means of understanding the essence of individualization of learning and allows us to solve the general and specific problems that we have identified. It reproduces such components of the modeled process as its subjects, goals, objectives, content, methods, forms, results, as well as factors, principles and functions. As we assume, the use of the model in the educational process of a pedagogical university will improve the psychological, pedagogical and subject training of teaching staff in this area; will create conditions for resolving communicative difficulties of students and teachers; will enrich the content of the “foreign language” subject with new personality-oriented material, etc. The central element of the model is the technology of designing individual trajectories for teaching foreign language students at a pedagogical university.

The author's technology for designing individual trajectories for teaching a foreign language to pedagogical university students was built taking into account certain basic determining factors and conditions for organizing the learning process. The core of the technology being developed is an algorithm for managing the educational process, which includes two interrelated processes: the organization of the student’s activities and the teacher’s control of these activities. Generalized description of the structure of the construction technology individual routes teaching a foreign language to students of a pedagogical university is given in Table 1. It presents the stages and stages that reveal the content and sequence of operations that allow us to develop, evaluate the results of its implementation and make the necessary correction

Rice. 1. Conceptual model of individualization of teaching students a foreign language

Table 1

Technology for constructing individual routes for teaching foreign languages ​​to pedagogical university students

Contents and sequence of operations

Analysis educational environment and features of educational activities

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and distribution of students into groups and routes

Determining the goals, objectives and content of foreign language teaching for students of each route

Assessment of student workload

Development of a project for motivational support of the learning process

Construction of an algorithm for the functioning of educational actions

Determination of types and development of lesson structure

Designing training content

Justification of ways to organize and manage extracurricular activities

Development of scientific and methodological support for educational technology

Assessing the quality of learning material (stages, pedagogical sections, adequacy of assessment)

Correction of educational activities and technology

Pedagogical forecast

The content component of the technology has proven its effectiveness, including an educational and methodological complex (EMC), compiled on the basis of the ideas and theoretical views of the author, techniques, specific forms, methods and means of organizing the pedagogical process and content of education. The leading idea was the comprehensive study of a foreign language and the culture of the country of the language being studied in a pedagogical context. Therefore, modern personal and professionally oriented approaches to teaching a foreign language were implemented in the educational and methodological complex.

An integrated approach to analysis, assessment, diagnosis, selection of parameters and criteria; methods for carrying out continuous monitoring and its frequency were implemented by monitoring the state of the process of individualization of teaching foreign language to teacher training university students.

The data obtained during the monitoring made it possible to divide the students participating in the experiment into groups and determine individual trajectories and routes for learning a foreign language for each of them.

As a result, the following were identified trajectories individualization teaching a foreign language to students: for general cultural development, for communicative development, for professional and creative development.

Trajectory communicative development the purpose of which is to master everyday and professional communication skills.

Trajectory of general cultural development aimed at acquiring the skills to use foreign language tools to improve the general culture of the individual; implementation of individual requests and needs in learning a foreign language.

Trajectory of professional creative development provided assistance to the professionalization of the individual based on the inclusion in the content of education of material that initiates the development of a specialist’s creative abilities.

The trajectories listed above included individual routes that differed in goals, schedule for studying the discipline, content and volume of homework and extracurricular assignments, level of difficulty of studying the discipline, pace of completion, etc.

First route (normative) is implemented by studying a basic foreign language course based on the Federal State Educational Standard by students with an average and high level of knowledge. Students in this group have a high level of motives for learning a foreign language and a base has been formed, but they do not have such an opportunity due to the limited number of hours provided for by the State Standard and the program for learning a foreign language.

The purpose of this route is to master a foreign language at an increased level of complexity and stimulate self-education. The main tasks of the teacher when students took this route were to provide pedagogical and motivational support to students in learning a foreign language, stimulating them to improve it.

Second route (correctional) is addressed to students who have low level knowledge of a foreign language, the purpose of the correction course is to fill gaps in knowledge. The main tasks of the teacher when students took this route were to provide pedagogical assistance in case of difficulties and motivational support for students in learning a foreign language.

All considered operations of teaching technology are implemented by teachers and are regulated by instructions on the organization and content of the work of foreign language departments of higher educational institutions.

Monitoring of the process of individualization of foreign language teaching for students in the experimental and control groups was carried out in accordance with the designated stages of the experiment.

To assess the effectiveness of pedagogical influences in the process of conducting ascertaining and formative experiments, the identified criteria and levels individualization of foreign language teaching.

Communication criterion allows you to assess the development of skills in solving educational problems and organizing effective communicative interaction using a foreign language, which forms the basis of the communicative competence of the future specialist.

Individual creative criterion reveals the features of students' development of creativity in educational and pedagogical activities as the basis for successful personal growth and self-realization.

General cultural criterion provides an assessment of the formation of general cultural knowledge that determines the success of the formation of a student’s personality as a person of culture.

Based on these criteria, we have developed three levels (low, medium, high) that allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of the process of individualization of teaching students a foreign language. The generalized (total) level was defined as the average indicator of the individual level of formation of its structural components for each student and group.

The following were used as additional indicators to assess the individualization process: the attitude of students and teachers to the individualization of the educational process; level of competence development; motivation to learn a foreign language; interest in self-knowledge and self-development; students’ comfort during the learning process; efficiency of students’ independent work; readiness of teachers and students for joint design.

The dynamic characteristics of mastering a foreign language when moving along individual educational trajectories are reflected in summary table 2.

Monitoring the dynamics of the changes that occurred in the experimental and control groups indicates the effectiveness of the proposed author’s approach to the individualization of foreign language teaching for future teachers. Positive results were obtained as a result of the creation of a linguistic professional environment aimed at developing the individuality of students. The use of authentic materials and teaching aids in the content of pedagogical technology, an increase in the volume of independent creative work that stimulates students’ self-education, and the targeted development of intellectual and cognitive skills contributed to the formation of productive pedagogical interaction in the process of learning a foreign language and successful advancement along individual educational trajectories and routes.

During the formative stage of the experiment, the positive dynamics of the student learning process was monitored, as a result of which a number of trends were recorded in the achievements of students who studied a foreign language along individual educational trajectories.

The analysis of these trends, as well as the results of the design and implementation of individual educational trajectories (see Table 3) determined our research tasks at the analytical and generalizing stage of the experimental work.

table 2

Main indicators of the success of students' advancement along individual educational trajectories during the learning process (in points on a five-point scale)



Training courses

For general cultural


For communicative development…..………….

For professional and creative development......

Conventional abbreviations:“a” - activity in educational activities; “c” - the degree of student involvement in the group’s activities; “z” - dynamics of knowledge growth; “m” - stability of motivation to learn; “a” - activity in educational activities; “t” is the pace of progress along the route; “y” - satisfaction with the learning process.

Note: The numerator represents the results at the beginning of the course, and the denominator represents the results at the end.

Table 3

Dynamics of development of indicators of individualization of student learning

control and experimental groups foreign language (in points)

Criteria and indicators



Communication criterion

Ability to establish interaction in a foreign language….

Ability to solve communication problems…………..

Communication skills in a foreign language…………….

Ability to defend your point of view in dialogue.....


Professionally-creative criterion

Implementation of the individual professional program


Solving problematic professional and communication problems


Ability to creatively solve professional problems using foreign language tools……………….…

Co-creation in solving professional problems………….

Efficiency of independent work……………………

Demonstration of creative abilities in solving communication problems……………………………………………………………………

The ability to self-design individual educational trajectories of learning a foreign language……….

Experience of creative application of accumulated foreign language knowledge...


General cultural criterion

Level of foreign language professional knowledge......................

Level of linguistic and regional knowledge………………………

Knowledge of the elements of the linguistic culture of the people………………...

Ability to use regional knowledge in communication.....

Level of development of oral and written speech…………………

Cognitive activity in learning a foreign language...


Note: the numerator shows data before, and the denominator shows data after the experiment.

As can be seen from the results of Table 3, the development of indicators of readiness of students in experimental groups to individualize learning is more pronounced in comparison with the data of students in control groups for almost all criteria. This is evidenced by more significant increases in the communicative criterion of + 1.98 in the experimental group and + 0.43 in the control group. According to the professionally creative criterion, + 2.16 in the experimental group and + 0.42 in the control group. According to the general cultural criterion, + 1.71 in the experimental and + 0.91 in the control groups.

The most significant changes occurred in indicators of cognitive activity in learning a foreign language - by 1.8 points, the effectiveness of independent work - by 2.3 points, individual and professional self-development skills - by 2.7 points, etc.

The stability and consistency of individual development of students in experimental groups is evidenced by changes in personal qualities that determine creative activity. The most significant changes among students occurred: a) in the development of the ability to creatively solve professional problems using foreign language tools (from 1.6 - the beginning of the experiment, to 3.6 - at the end; increase - 2.0 points) b) co-creation in solving professional tasks (from 1.7 to 3.5; increase – 1.8 points); c) experience in the creative use of accumulated foreign language knowledge (from 1.6 to 3.4; increase - 1.8 points).

Evidence of the success of the experiment on introducing the author’s approach into the process of professional training of students is manifested both in the formal result in the form of grades and in the identified personal indicators of students’ achievements. Students in the experimental groups experienced a 1.5-fold increase in their level of academic performance in the field of a foreign language. The results of the final tests (exam in a foreign language) also demonstrate the greater success of students in the experimental groups, who have 23.4% more “excellent” grades and 19.2% more “good” grades (2010 data).

The dynamics of the involvement of students in experimental groups in the process of completing individual creative tasks, the manifestation of creativity is reflected in the results of projects (in the experimental group there are 23.6% more “excellent” grades, 16.4% more “good” grades - 2010 data) .

The generalization of the obtained indicators of the development of individualization of teaching students a foreign language was carried out on the basis of the Cramer-Welch statistical criterion. By communicative criterion the following values ​​were obtained: before the experiment Temp. = 0.91< 1,96 = Ткр. при α = 0,05, то есть уровни знаний студентов контрольной и экспериментальной групп до начала эксперимента отличаются незначительно, что свидетельствует о корректности набора групп для организации эксперимента. После эксперимента: Тэмп. = 4,27 >1.96 = Tcr. at α = 0.05, that is, the levels of communicative criterion indicators among students in the control and experimental groups after the experiment differ significantly, which confirms the positive dynamics of the formation of communicative skills among students in the experimental group.

By indicators professional and creative criterion the following values ​​were obtained (2010 data). Before the experiment: Temp. = 0.95< 1,96 = Ткр. (α = 0,05) - уровни отличаются незначительно; после эксперимента: Тэмп. = 4,88 >

Analysis of indicators general cultural criterion demonstrated the following values ​​(2010 data). Before the experiment: Temp. = 0.93< 1,96 = Ткр. (α = 0,05) - уровни отличаются незначительно; после эксперимента: Тэмп. = 4,55 >1.96 = Tcr. (α = 0.05) - the levels differ significantly, which confirms the effectiveness of the experimental work.

Thus, the growth of the main criteria for the development of individualization of teaching students a foreign language indicates the positive dynamics of this process.

The defining characteristic of the individualization of teaching students a foreign language when students go through educational trajectories is purposefulness, therefore, the skills of goal setting and goal achievement among students in the experimental groups were significant in the study. The generalization of the obtained data was carried out on the basis of the T. Wilcoxon statistical test. The following values ​​were obtained: Tcr. = 73 > 31.5 = Temp. (α = 0.05), that is, the positive dynamics of the formation of goal-setting skills among the students who took part in the experiment are clearly visible.

Students in the experimental groups demonstrated a high level of development of gnostic, design, constructive, communicative and organizational skills.

An additional indicator of the development of individualization of teaching students a foreign language in our study was such a characteristic as the advancement of students to higher levels of achievement, indicating the formation of the value and technological components of the basis of the individual-professional style of teaching activity of future teachers.

The study has proven that the implementation of the provisions of the author's approach allows for the transition of students in experimental groups to higher levels of educational achievements (high level - the beginning of the experiment - 3.8%, after the experiment - 34.6%; average level - the beginning of the experiment - 47.9% , after the experiment - 52.7%; low level - from 48.3% to 12.7). In the control groups, level movements were less significant. The results obtained make it possible to judge the effectiveness of individualization of professional training both in general and for each student separately.

This allows us to conclude that the implementation of the author’s approach to the individualization of foreign language teaching has improved not only the quality and quantitative characteristics this process, but also the level of professional training of the future specialist.

Generalization of the research results allows us to formulate the main conclusions:

1. In the Russian higher education system, the prerequisites have been created for the implementation of an individual approach to student learning. This approach involves a more in-depth study of the individual characteristics of students and the development of personality-oriented learning content (individual educational trajectories, individual routes and self-education programs of different levels and orientations and flexibility of their structure), aimed at individual students or their groups.

2. One of the promising ways to individualize the educational process of a university is to include students in the design and implementation of individual educational trajectories and routes. Individual learning path represents a personally oriented organization of a student’s educational activities at a university and involves the construction educational process in the context of realizing individual aspirations, developing life strategies, forming the foundations for the individual, creative and professional development of the student’s personality. Under individual educational route it is necessary to understand the student's mastery curriculum taking into account his educational experience, the level of individual needs and capabilities that provide a solution to his educational problems.

3. The effectiveness of pedagogical design is determined by the implementation of two main operations: the construction of a model of the process of individualization of foreign language teaching and the development of pedagogical technology for designing individual trajectories of foreign language learning for students of a pedagogical university.

The conceptual model of individualization of foreign language teaching has a hierarchical structural organization and subordination of components. The model includes the following blocks: theoretical and methodological; organizational and technological; subject interactions; productive. The central element of the model is pedagogical technology, the effectiveness of which is ensured by the content and interrelation of the procedural characteristics and mechanisms of each block.

The technology for designing individual trajectories for teaching a foreign language to pedagogical university students, built taking into account the determining factors and conditions for organizing this process, includes steps and stages that reveal the content and sequence of operations that allow us to develop, evaluate the results of its implementation and make the necessary correction. The core of the technology is an algorithm for managing the educational process.

4. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for designing individual trajectories for students’ learning a foreign language were identified and tested:

Maintaining discrete individualization throughout the student’s education at the university;

Providing freedom of choice of educational path to every student;

Organization of pedagogical support for the implementation of individual student learning trajectories;

Ensuring subject-subject interaction between participants in the educational process;

Stimulating student creativity in educational activities;

Monitoring the effectiveness of students’ individual learning paths;

Ensuring the readiness of teachers to design individual trajectories of teaching students a foreign language and students to self-design this process.

5. The results of experimental work confirm the effectiveness of using individual trajectories for teaching students a foreign language in the system of their professional training.

The research carried out basically confirmed the validity of the hypothesis put forward. It reflects the pedagogical aspect of solving such a complex interdisciplinary problem, which is the design of individual trajectories for teaching students a foreign language.

Prospects for further research are related to the development of psychological and pedagogical aspects of individualization of foreign language teaching, ensuring the productivity of professional self-development and self-improvement of the personality of the future teacher in the system of higher and postgraduate education.

Scientific articles in publications listed by the Higher Attestation Commission

1. Grinko individual trajectories of foreign language learning for students of pedagogical universities // “Bulletin of the Adygea State University”. – Maykop: ASU, publishing house of ASU. – Vol. 3(84) – 2011. - pp. 18-23.

2. Grinko for future teachers to design individual educational routes for teaching high school students // “Bulletin of the Adygea State University”. – Maykop: ASU publishing house. – Vol. 3(47) – 2009. - pp. 27-32.

Scientific articles in magazines and collections

3. Lebedev of authentic materials on the process of improving reading skills // Science Week of ASPU. – Armavir: ASPU., No. 3S.124-125.

4. Lebedeva formation of the communicative culture of students in the process of professional training at a university // Development of Young Scientists: collection. articles and theses. – Vol. 4. – Armavir, 2006. – P. 213-217.

5. Lebedeva individualization of student learning // Young scientists: collection. articles and theses. – Vol. 3. – Armavir, 2006. pp. 218-224.

6. Lebedev and the development of European levels of foreign language proficiency. // Collection of scientific and methodological works of the teaching staff, graduate students, applicants, students of ALU. – Armavir: ALU, 2006. - P.156-160.

7. Grinko language as a means of teaching methods of activity // International scientific-practical conference“Concepts of teaching and research of foreign languages, literatures and cultures.” - Armavir: ALU., No. 4S.240-241.

8. Grinko’s motivation for learning a foreign language among students of pedagogical universities // Science Week of ASPU. – Armavir: ASPU., No. 4S.158-159.

9. Grinko designing educational routes for university students (deposited manuscript). - Moscow: ITIP RAO, 2008. - No. 22-p.

10. Grinko individual educational routes for teaching students of humanitarian universities as a factor in improving the quality of professional training // Collection scientific works, art. Leningradskaya, 2009.- P.201-206.

11. Grinko individual educational route as a modern way of individualization of the educational process // International scientific and practical conference " Actual problems studying national cultures: theory and practice." - Armavir: ASPA 2010. - pp. 206-207.

Our world does not stand still. The development of the nation, in principle, is proceeding in rapid leaps with the advent of new technologies, the introduction of which into absolutely all spheres of human life has made a significant contribution to changing the usual foundations of not only the professional, medical, transport system, but also in the education system. Acceleration of the pace of socio-economic development of the information society, expansion of the scale of socio-professional mobility, dynamic development of the economy, which is characterized by a large degree of uncertainty, competitiveness, and structural changes in people's employment. These changes have an impact on the requirements for the quality of vocational education, the demand for one or another specialist qualification, his readiness to master a new one. innovative technology labor. “The professional community responded to this socio-economic trend - this is the need for an individual educational trajectory.”

For example, in the United States, the organization of training using an individual educational trajectory (IET) has long been actively used: Americans actively use IET in higher educational institutions. The student has the right to independently choose the subjects that, in his opinion, are most interesting to him from the list provided by his university (department). They are also widely used in teaching information Technology in university libraries: university library websites as library service portals, online interlibrary loans and electronic document delivery, e-mail reference services, etc. Universities have created online public access catalogs, databases and electronic journals (including student attendance and progress records), digital projects of university libraries, and electronic reserve collections. Online learning has become popular.

IN Federal Law“On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 also states that “education should be improved, its quality should be improved, including the need for individualization of education.” One of the pressing issues of improving and modifying education in modern society is to design and institutionally support the student’s individual educational trajectory using modern information technologies.

It all started with the advent of the Bologna education system or the Bologna process on July 19, 1999, when the 29th European states The Bologna Declaration, which affirmed the need for Europe of education and educational cooperation in the formation and consolidation of a stable, peaceful and democratic society.

In Russia, the active development of the Bologna system began in September 2003, when the Russian Federation joined the Bologna process at a meeting of ministers of education European countries in Berlin.

Based on this system, since 2011, an educational trajectory began to take shape in Russian universities. Higher education institutions began to switch to two-level training, including:

1. Bachelor's degree - 4 years of study at a higher educational institution - the first level of higher education;

2. Master's degree - 2 years of study at a higher educational institution - the second level of higher education.

Despite the acquired popularity of the new education system, four years of education - a bachelor's degree - as a level of professional training of potential employees, both students and employers did not properly appreciate it.

IOT is a plan and program for a student’s formation of his abilities, including the realization of potential opportunities in order to raise the level of competitiveness and develop his personality.” The essence of an individual educational trajectory is the student’s conscious and responsible choice of “target orientation for the implementation of his professional and educational potential, based on his existing values, attitudes and meaning of life.” The preference for one or another educational trajectory depends on the socio-professional orientation of the student, his value and semantic guidelines, the presence of an alternative educational program, and the capabilities of the university.

Experts highlight several options for building IOT :

First option– the choice of training is strictly within the framework of a bachelor’s degree, that is, training takes place over four years, the student is given basic knowledge in the chosen specialty, which is subsequently confirmed by a corresponding diploma. Based on this program, the student chooses the profile of his education.

Second option– choice of preparation for a bachelor’s degree program, including training in accordance with the program professional retraining, which subsequently gives the student the right to conduct new professional activities. In accordance with the classical standards of higher education, this program is somewhat reminiscent of a specialty, operating in the vast majority of universities in our country, since the training lasts five years. Based on the completion of the second option of this educational trajectory, the graduate will receive two diplomas - this program is approximately similar to the specialties that have become a thing of the past.

Third option– mastering such levels of education as bachelor’s and master’s degrees. In the future, this guarantees the receipt of two diplomas and a master's degree. Experts believe that the future lies in such a system of higher education, although it takes the student six years.

Note that the correct choosing an IOT allows the applicant further:

  • Decide on the vector of the student’s professional development;
  • Select the topic of your research work: coursework and diploma projects;
  • Establish a list of elective courses that the student will study as part of a bachelor’s degree;
  • Determine the potential base of practice;
  • Upon completion of training, obtain two diplomas;
  • Acquire competence in several areas of knowledge, thus increasing your competitiveness in employment.

Experts highlight external and internal factors, influencing the design of educational trajectories :

  • External factors include the mission of a higher educational institution, its institutional structure, as well as the socio-economic needs of the region, and the qualifications of the teaching staff.
  • Internal factors for constructing individual educational trajectories include the goal orientation of students, their motives for improving their educational level, cognitive activity, the need for self-development, self-attitude and orientation to the future (determining future prospects).

Let's consider how it is currently, and Which universities in the country use IOT? .

1. Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia (MGIMO (U) MFA of Russia) Address: Russia, Moscow, Vernadsky Prospekt, 76. Website:, http: //;

2. St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and social work(SPbGIPSR). Address: Russia, St. Petersburg, V.O., line 12-ya, 13a. Website:

3. Siberian State Automobile and Highway Academy (SibADI); Address: Russia, Omsk, Mira Ave., 5. Website: http:// ;

4. St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Professor M.A. Bonch-Bruevich (SPbSUT); Address: St. Petersburg, prosp. Bolshevikov, 22, building 1. Website:

5. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Nizhnevartovsk State University" (FGB OUVPO NSU). Address: Russia, Khanty-Russia, Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Nizhnevartovsk, st. Lenina, 56. Website: http://www.

Near Abroad :

1. Kazakhstan Automobile and Highway Academy named after. L.B. Goncharov (KADA named after L.B. Goncharov); Address: Kazakhstan, Almaty, ave. Raiymbeka, 417a. Website:: http://;

2. Belarusian State Pedagogical University (BSUP); Address: Belarus, Minsk, st. Sovetskaya, Web site:

Far abroad :

1. University of Bath. Address: UK, Claverton Down Rd, Bath, North East Somerset BA2 7AY. Website: ;

2. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Address: Germany, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin,. Website: ;

3. Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi. Address: Italy, Università Bocconi - Via Sarfatti, 25 Milano. Website: ;

4. California Institute of Technology, Address: United States of America, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125. Website:;

5. Libre Institute Samadeva. Address: France, 34 rue du Wittertalhof 67140 Le Hohwald. Website:

Almost all of the universities listed above use modern information technologies and digital devices for reproducing and transmitting educational material. Media content is widely used in education, which helps to increase students’ interest in receiving education.

Discussion is closed.

The trend of individual learning is reflected in the regulatory document - the basic college curriculum, which provides for the allocation of separate hours for the student component.

The “student component” is not limited to individual work with the student. But this term allows us to bring the understanding of not only scientists, but also administrators and teachers to recognize the role of teaching in their own education. We are talking not only about the selection of individual educational content, but also about the possibility for a student to choose his own learning style, his ideological foundations, optimal tempo and rhythm, diagnostics and evaluation of results.

Taking into account individual characteristics and the nature of learning is necessary already in primary school. Each student is given the opportunity to create his own educational trajectory for mastering all academic disciplines. The simultaneous implementation of personal models of education is one of the goals of college education. The task of training is to provide an individual zone for the student’s creative development, allowing him to create educational products at each stage, relying on his individual qualities and abilities.

Individual educational trajectory- this is the result of implementation personal potential student in education through the implementation of relevant activities. The organization of student-centered education aims to realize the following rights and opportunities:

The right to choose or identify individual meaning and goals in each course of study;

The right to personal interpretations and understanding of fundamental concepts and categories;

The right to draw up individual educational programs;

The right to choose an individual pace of learning, forms and methods of solving educational problems, methods of control, reflection and self-assessment of one’s activities;

Individual selection of subjects studied, creative laboratories and other types of classes from those that are in accordance with the basic curriculum;

Exceeding (advancing or deepening) the mastered content of training courses; individual choice of additional topics and creative works in subjects;

The right to an individual picture of the world and individual substantiated positions in each educational field.

The main elements of a student’s individual educational activity are the meaning of the activity (why am I doing this); setting a personal goal (anticipating the result); activity plan; implementation of the plan; reflection (awareness of one’s own activities); grade; adjusting or redefining goals.

The condition for achieving the goals and objectives of student-centered learning is the preservation of the individual characteristics of students, their uniqueness, multi-level and diversity. The following methods are used for this:

a) individual assignments for students in the classroom;

b) organization of pair and group work;

c) inviting students to draw up a lesson plan for themselves, choose the content of their homework, topic creative work, an individual educational program in the subject for the foreseeable period of time.

The main task of student-centered learning is for each student to build an individual trajectory of their education that would correlate with the generally accepted achievements of humanity. A student's education is not limited only to the achievement of his personal goals. After demonstrating the student’s educational products, they are compared with cultural and historical analogues. This stage can give rise to a new learning cycle with appropriate goal setting. During the reflective-evaluative stage of learning, the student’s educational products are identified, related both to the individual results of his activities and to the studied general cultural achievements, including educational standards.

Organizing training along an individual trajectory requires a special methodology and technology. In modern didactics, it is usually proposed to solve this problem in two opposite ways, each of which is called an individual approach.

The first method is differentiation of learning, according to which it is proposed to approach each student individually, differentiating the material he studies according to the degree of complexity and focus. For this purpose, students are usually divided into groups according to type: capable, average, lagging behind; levels A, B, C.

The second method assumes that each student’s own educational path is built in relation to each educational field he or she studies. In other words, each student is given the opportunity to create his own educational trajectory for mastering all academic disciplines.

The task of teaching is to provide an individual zone of creative development for each student. Based on individual qualities and abilities, the student builds his educational path. The simultaneous implementation of personal models of education is one of the goals of student-centered education.

An individual educational trajectory is a personal path to realizing the personal potential of each student in education.

Student's personal potential- the totality of his abilities: organizational, cognitive, creative, communicative and others. The process of identifying, implementing and developing these abilities of students occurs during the educational movement of students along individual trajectories.

It follows from this that if we single out specific personal abilities of students as guidelines for their educational activities for each academic subject, then the path to mastering these subjects will be determined not so much by the logic of these subjects, but by the totality of the personal abilities of each student. The main role among these abilities will belong to those thanks to which the student creates new educational products, that is, creative abilities.

In student-centered learning, the following point is fundamental: any student is able to find, create or propose his own solution to any problem related to his own learning. A student will be able to advance along an individual trajectory in all educational areas if he is given the following opportunities: to determine the individual meaning of studying academic disciplines; set your own goals in studying a specific topic or section; choose the optimal forms and pace of training; apply those teaching methods that best suit his individual characteristics; reflexively understand the results obtained, evaluate and adjust your activities.

The possibility of an individual trajectory of a student’s education assumes that a student, when studying a topic, can, for example, choose one of the following approaches: figurative or logical cognition, in-depth or encyclopedic study, introductory, selective or expanded assimilation of the topic. Preservation of the logic of the subject, its structure and substantive foundations will be achieved with the help of a fixed volume of fundamental educational objects and related problems, which, along with an individual learning trajectory, will ensure that students achieve a normative educational level.

To organize the learning process “in different ways for everyone,” it is necessary to have a unified methodological and organizational framework. Students’ individual path to mastering educational topics and sections presupposes the presence of reference points.

Reference points- points around which everyone’s learning trajectory will be built. These points will make it possible to compare and contrast the personal content of the education of different students and to assess the individual nature of their activities.

Structural and logical diagrams, algorithmic instructions, and generalized activity plans can be used as universal foundations for individual education. Algorithmic plans can be reviewed and compiled by students.

Let's consider the stages of a student's educational activity organized by a teacher, allowing him to ensure his individual trajectory in a specific educational field, section or topic.

1st stage. Diagnosis by the teacher of the level of development and degree of expression of students’ personal qualities necessary to carry out those types of activities that are characteristic of a given educational field or part of it. The initial volume and content of the students’ subject education is recorded, that is, the quantity and quality of ideas, knowledge, information, skills and abilities available to each of them on the upcoming subject topic. The teacher establishes and classifies the motives of students’ activities in relation to the educational field, preferred types of activities, forms and methods of classes.

2nd stage. Fixation by each student, and then by the teacher, of fundamental educational objects in the educational field or its topic in order to indicate the subject of further knowledge. Each student draws up an initial concept of the topic that he will have to master.

3rd stage. Building a system of the student’s personal relationship with the educational field or topic to be mastered. The educational field appears before the student in the form of a system of fundamental educational objects, problems, and issues.

Each student develops a personal attitude towards the educational field, self-determines in relation to the formulated problems and fundamental educational objects, establishes what they mean to him, what role they can play in his life, how his activities influence or will influence this sphere of reality. The student (and teacher) fix the priority areas of their attention in the upcoming activity, clarify the forms and methods of this activity.

4th stage. Programming by each student of individual educational activities in relation to “their own” and general fundamental educational objects. At this stage, students create individual training programs for a designated period. These programs are an educational product of an organizational type, since they stimulate and direct the realization of the student’s personal educational potential. When assessing students' organizational activity products, the same methods of diagnosis, control and evaluation are used as for subject-type products.

5th stage. Activities for the simultaneous implementation of individual educational programs for students and a general collective educational program. The student carries out the main elements of individual educational activity: goals - plan - activity - reflection - comparison of received products with goals - self-assessment.

6th stage. Demonstration of students’ personal educational products and their collective discussion. Introduction by the teacher of cultural analogues to student educational products, that is, ideal constructs belonging to the experience and knowledge of mankind: concepts, laws, theories and other products of knowledge. Students are organized to enter the surrounding society in order to identify in it the same issues, problems and products, elements of which were received by students in their own activities.

7th stage. Reflective-evaluative. Individual and general educational products of activity are identified (in the form of diagrams, concepts, material objects), the types and methods of activity used (reproductively acquired or creatively created) are recorded and classified. The results obtained are compared with the goals of individual and general collective training programs.

The achievements of each student are correlated with the identified common set of means of cognition and types of activities as a collective product of learning, which gives him the opportunity not only to understand the collective results, but also to assess the degree of his own progress in mastering these methods of activity and realizing personal qualities.

Based on a reflexive understanding of individual and collective activities, as well as with the help of control tools, the activities of each student and everyone together, including the teacher, are assessed and self-assessed. The completeness of achieving goals and the quality of products are assessed, and conclusions are drawn.

Thus, the range of opportunities provided to a student in his movement along an individual educational trajectory is quite wide: from individualized cognition of fundamental educational objects and personal interpretation of the concepts being studied to the construction of an individual picture of the world and personal lifestyle.

Individual educational trajectory as an element of motivation and improving the quality of education (Ponomarev M.A.)

Date of article posting: 09.12.2012

This article is devoted to the problem of increasing the motivation and quality of future specialists through the transition and application in Russian universities of individual educational trajectories (IET), provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education of the 3rd generation. The author examined the essence, positive and negative aspects of organizing the educational process using IOT, and the issues of remuneration for teachers in this case. The Russian experience of applying the subject-based method of organizing the educational process, which was used in Russian universities at the beginning of the 20th century, is presented.

Individual educational trajectories (IET): the essence of the issue

In September 2003, Russia joined the European initiative for the harmonization of education systems, launched by the Bologna Declaration of 1999. Let us recall that the Bologna Declaration includes four main provisions (principles): multi-level education (bachelor, master), the introduction of credits, mobility, quality control of education .
Let's focus on the principle of "mobility". According to this principle, an individual:
firstly, he has a chance to receive the highest quality education in another country, that is, to choose the most suitable university for his studies, if he does not have such an opportunity in his country of residence. Moreover, an individual should have the opportunity to start studying at one university and finish at another. This is academic mobility;
secondly, he can find a job abroad if he does not have the opportunity to fully realize his labor potential and receive decent remuneration at home. This is professional mobility.
One of the tools promoting academic mobility is the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). According to this system, to obtain a diploma higher education You must earn a certain number of credit points. In accordance with the instructional letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, one credit is equal to 36 academic hours. This credit transfer system was specifically designed to ensure student academic mobility, that is, the ability of a student to move from one country to another.
At the same time, the purpose of ECTS is not only to ensure the academic mobility of students (measuring the labor intensity of the courses studied), but first of all it is intended for the design of educational programs, the formation of their IOT by students. The choice of the order of study and the list of disciplines in the curriculum helps to increase students' motivation for the educational process. This principle of constructing the educational process, according to a number of scientists, is fundamentally new for the Russian education system and involves the introduction of an asynchronous system for organizing the educational process, when the student has the opportunity to independently select the subjects he wants to study.
IETs are developed precisely in order to provide high-quality individual training for an individual graduate who is competent in the field of his professional activity.

University experience Russian Empire on the use of the subject method of organizing the educational process

The statement that the use of IOT in the educational process is fundamentally new for the Russian education system is not entirely correct. Some experience in using IOT (a subject-based method of organizing the educational process) existed in a number of Russian universities at the beginning of the 20th century. I would like to dwell in more detail on the prerequisites for its implementation and experience of use.
Essentially, some prerequisites for using the subject-based method of organizing the educational process, which is in many ways similar to organizing the educational process with the help of IOT, were laid down in the University Charter of 1884. Along with other principles of management and functioning of Russian state universities, it (the Charter) was the first in domestic university practice consolidated the development of educational technology.
In fact, a norm appears in the practice of Russian universities that consolidates the Russian interpretation of the phenomenon known in Western universities as academic freedom. We are talking about the provision of preparation by faculties of several curricula, provided for the free choice of the student, and also giving the student the right to listen to lectures of interest to him at other faculties.
Also according to Art. 73 of the University Charter of 1884, the student had the right to choose a teacher in the subject (if the subject is taught by several teachers) to attend his lectures and practical classes.
According to a number of scientists, this was, in fact, an independent reform. The essence of the new stage of the reform was to, following the best practices of Western European universities, free the educational process from the most rigid forms that hinder its free development. The transformation of higher education was based on the rejection of the student's course assignment, which condemns him to follow the stages of study along with the entire course, and the transition to a freer system of individual recording of his successes in connection with the number of courses attended and exams passed.
One of the scientists who spoke in support of the subject-based method of organizing the educational process was V.N. Ivanovsky. To illustrate it, the author refers to Professor P.G. Vinogradova: “Instead of general plans for faculties or at least departments, plans for compulsory courses should be group plans, on a less broad but solid foundation. For example, at the Faculty of History and Philology, the following combinations of subjects could be allowed, except for logic and psychology, which should be listened to by everyone: 1) ancient languages ​​(and literature), comparative linguistics, history of ancient philosophy, ancient history; 2) Slavic dialects, Slavic studies, comparative linguistics, history of general literature; 3) Russian language, history of Russian literature, history of philosophy, Russian history; 4) Germanic (or Romance) languages, comparative linguistics, history of general literature, history of philosophy, general history; 5) general and Russian history, history of philosophy and ancient languages; 6) philosophy, history of universal literature, general history, ancient languages; 7) history of art, history of philosophy, general history, history of universal literature, ancient languages."
The main task of technical universities when introducing a new method of organizing the educational process was to increase the personal motivation of students and responsibility for the progress of their studies, and the best organization of their independent work.
One of the first universities to begin introducing the subject-based method of organizing the educational process was the Moscow Higher Technical School (currently MSTU named after N.E. Bauman). The transformation of the educational process consisted of a number of interrelated elements:
- polytechnicization of higher technical education by changing the composition of compulsory disciplines in senior years;
- transition in the teaching of science to a subject system and the development of a method for monitoring student learning in a timely manner;
- development experimental method training students, creating new and expanding old laboratories;
- restructuring the system of practical education and training of students in accordance with the requirements of a rapidly developing industry.
The process of transition of the school to the new system included the following sequential activities:
1) introduction of free attendance of classes, with the exception of work in laboratories and training workshops;
2) establishing the dates for examination sessions: May, September and December;
3) division of all disciplines of the curriculum into three groups:
a) general compulsory: mathematics, physics, theoretical mechanics, chemistry and some others;
b) specially compulsory subjects: disciplines that form an engineer in the chosen field of technology. Studying these disciplines, performing laboratory work and design, including a diploma project, excursions to industrial enterprises and industrial practice - all this deepened and expanded knowledge, and, consequently, the quality of training of the future specialist;
c) optional disciplines are disciplines of the socio-economic cycle or disciplines from the second category related to other specialties. For example, students who chose the specialty “Heat Engines” did not have to study disciplines related to electrical engineering specialties;
4) at first, the order of study and the duration of the discipline were chosen by the student (with free attendance at classes). Subsequently, the training committee itself established the order of courses, based on their logical sequence.
Of course, a positive experience that contributed to improving the quality and consistency of the educational process was the holding of mandatory consultations in the most difficult disciplines (mathematics, theoretical mechanics, etc.) with ongoing testing of knowledge (rehearsals). For all rehearsals passed, their grade was counted as an exam grade. Thus, students were given the opportunity to take the exam in parts.
Later, a number of other universities switched to subject-based organization of the educational process, for example, the Mining Institute named after Empress Catherine the Great. All subjects taught at the institute were divided into four groups: Group I - basic subjects, Group II - general subjects, Group III - special subjects and Group IV - additional subjects.
The division into courses with the introduction of this project was canceled starting from the previous second course. The first course was an exception; the subject system did not apply to him, since he had the so-called “long courses” that formed the basis of further studies, and it was advisable for a student who had just left school to look around and get used to the nature of university studies. All subjects studied and practical exercises performed by students were distributed by semesters and in the order of their sequence and interdependence in such a way that the full course could be completed within 5 years, divided into the first junior year (1 - 2 semesters), the second general course (3 - 6 semesters) and the third special course (7 - 10 semesters). Taking courses, passing exams, and completing individual assignments were limited to specific semester dates; At the same time, students were given the opportunity to independently choose both the period for taking exams and the deadlines for completing work.
Due to a number of circumstances, including such as the first Russian revolution, and then the First World War with the ensuing consequences, as well as the change of the Minister of Public Education, the reform, so thoroughly prepared and actively launched, did not receive proper completion.
Of course, the domestic experience accumulated during this period should be taken into account during the transition of the Russian education system to the use of students’ IOT in the educational process.

Individual educational trajectories: positive and negative aspects

Based on rich foreign and significantly less Russian experience, it can be stated that the transition to teaching students in IOT entails, according to a number of scientists, both positive aspects and a number of objective difficulties. It would be worth considering them in more detail.
The positive points include:
a) providing greater opportunities for international student mobility, which was already mentioned at the beginning of this article. Currently, for example, in one of the leading economic universities in Russia, REU im. G.V. Plekhanov, which has more than 80 foreign partner universities, like most Russian universities, records the labor intensity of the educational process in academic hours, and the transition to a credit system for recording workload has just begun. As a result, very great difficulties arise when transferring disciplines studied abroad after students return from partner universities. Namely, the disciplines studied by students during a semester or year-long foreign internship are not taken into account in the Russian diploma. The introduction of ECTS or a similar system (according to the 3rd generation Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education, which provides for the use of IOT in the educational process) will both remove the problem identified above and simplify the implementation of joint (with foreign universities) double degree programs;
b) standard curricula, drawn up with the participation of a tutor and the department, will help guide students either to continue their studies in a master’s program or to practical activities. Moreover, the student always has the right to choose: to adhere or not to adhere to the tutor’s recommendations, of course, with the exception of mandatory courses;
c) the teacher’s salary will depend, among other things, on the number of students enrolled in his courses. This is more a positive than a negative point: although this will entail competition between teachers, it will also improve the quality of the educational process, since the teacher will be motivated to use modern methods training (interactive forms, trainings, etc.) and systematic improvement of one’s professional qualifications;
d) a significant increase in elective disciplines (disciplines of choice) in comparison with the curricula of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education of the 2nd generation will bring to the fore teachers leading real research work. This will also help increase students’ motivation to learn and increase the quality of the scientific and educational process at the university. One of the directions for the development of the research process among students may be their preparation coursework not in a separate discipline, as is the case in most domestic universities, or in a block of disciplines (this innovative experience is being implemented, for example, at the G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics), but within research project specific leader (teacher). Such experience exists at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia: several students of different courses usually work with each teacher - they see each other's achievements and can communicate; the basis for creating a research group (team) appears.
Among the objective difficulties (negative aspects) of the transition and use of IOT we can highlight:
1) due to the fact that one student can choose several courses, the labor intensity of the educational department will increase in terms of clear and prompt planning of the schedule so that there is no overlap of disciplines in time;
2) preparation required:
- qualified tutors;
- teachers in the field of methods of teaching students in IOT;
- a significant amount of educational and methodological materials;
3) a number of teachers, most of whose courses will not be in demand by students, will have to be dismissed from the university after the expiration of the contract;
4) the use of IOT will not increase motivation to learn in 100% of students. There are now and will definitely remain a number of students who choose disciplines based on the ease of passing them. They will study according to a standard curriculum and will complete their university studies after receiving a bachelor's degree.


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