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Approximate program for 12 computer science and ICT. Work program in computer science for high school

Municipal state educational institution

Novokhopersky municipal district

Voronezh region

"Krasnyanskaya secondary school"

Protocol No. 206 of August 28, 2015


Order No. 27-4 dated 31.08. 2015

Director of MKOU "Krasnyanskaya Secondary School"

_____________/Kapanadze V.M./

Full name


academic subject"Computer science"

level basic general education

Compiled by: Kulikov Alexey Ivanovich,

With. Red


  1. Explanatory note

The work program of the academic subject “Informatics” is compiled on the basis of:

1. Federal State Educational Standard LLC (Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1887 dated December 17, 2010).

2. OOP LLC (Basic educational program of basic general education) MKOU "Krasnyanskaya Secondary School"

3. Curriculum of MKOU "Krasnyanskaya Secondary School".

5. Materials from the blog of the Department of ITO VIRO.

The program is aimed at the formation of personal, meta-subject and subject results, the implementation of a system-activity approach in the organization of educational activities as a reflection of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. It maintains continuity with the federal state educational standard for primary general education; the age and psychological characteristics of schoolchildren studying at the level of basic general education are taken into account, and interdisciplinary connections are taken into account.

Goals of basic general education, taking into account the specifics of the academic subject"Computer science":

Development of algorithmic thinking necessary for professional activities in modern society; development of skills to compose and record an algorithm for a specific performer; formation of knowledge about algorithmic structures, logical values ​​and operations; familiarity with one of the programming languages ​​and basic algorithmic structures - linear, conditional and cyclic;

Formation of skills in formalizing and structuring information, the ability to choose a method of presenting data in accordance with the task at hand - tables, diagrams, graphs, charts, using appropriate data processing software;

The role of the training course and subject in students achieving the planned results of mastering the main educational program of the school.

The methodological basis of federal state educational standards is a system-activity approach, within which modern teaching strategies are implemented, involving the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the process of studying all subjects, in extracurricular and extracurricular activities throughout the entire period of schooling. The organization of the teaching and educational process in a modern information and educational environment is a necessary condition for the formation of the information culture of a modern schoolchild, and for him to achieve a number of educational results directly related to the need to use information and communication technologies.

ICT tools not only provide education using the same technology that students use for communication and entertainment outside of school (which is important in itself from the point of view of socialization of students in the modern information society), but also create conditions for individualizing the educational process and increasing its effectiveness and effectiveness. Throughout the entire period of existence of the school computer science course, the teaching of this subject was closely connected with the informatization of school education: it was within the computer science course that schoolchildren became acquainted with the theoretical foundations of information technology, mastered practical skills in using ICT tools, which could potentially be used in the study of other school subjects and in Everyday life.

Thus, the study of computer science makes a significant contribution to students’ achievement of the planned results of mastering the main educational program of the school, contributing to

in grades 5-6:

    development of general educational skills and abilities based on the tools and methods of computer science, including mastering the ability to work with various types of information, independently plan and carry out individual and collective information activities, present and evaluate its results;

    purposeful formation of such general educational concepts as “object”, “system”, “model”, “algorithm”, etc.;

    fostering a responsible and selective attitude to information; development of cognitive, intellectual and creative abilities of students;

in grades 7-9:

    the formation of a holistic worldview that corresponds to the modern level of development of science and social practice through the development of ideas about information as the most important strategic resource for the development of the individual, state, and society; understanding the role of information processes in the modern world;

    improving general educational and general cultural skills in working with information in the process of systematizing and summarizing existing knowledge and acquiring new knowledge, skills and methods of activity in the field of computer science; development of skills in independent educational activities of schoolchildren (instructional design, modeling, research activities, etc.);

    fostering a responsible and selective attitude towards information, taking into account the legal and ethical aspects of its dissemination, fostering a desire to continue education and creative activities using ICT tools.

Methods, forms and means of teaching, applied pedagogical technologies

The form of organization of the educational process is a lesson in which the teacher applies various techniques and methods of organizing activities based on the structure of studying the material, uses various forms of organizing the activities of students.

To acquire practical skills and improve the level of knowledge, the work program includes laboratory and practical work.

The system of lessons is focused not so much on the transfer of “ready-made knowledge”, but on the formation of an active personality, motivated to self-education, possessing sufficient skills and psychological attitudes for independent search, selection, analysis and use of information.

Particular attention is paid to the cognitive activity of students, their motivation for independent educational work. In this regard, when organizing educational and cognitive activities, it is proposed to work with a workbook. The notebook includes questions and assignments. Including in the form of laboratory work, diagrams, silent drawings. Working with silent drawings will allow you to diagnose the development of the ability to recognize biological objects, as well as their organs and other structural components.

When training students according to this working curriculum, the following are used: general forms of education:

    individual (consultations);

    group (students work in groups created on various bases: according to the pace of learning - when studying new material, according to the level of educational achievements - in lessons summarizing the topic);

    frontal (the teacher works with the whole class at once at the same pace with common tasks);

    pair room (interaction between two students for the purpose of mutual control).

This program is implemented through a combination of various types and methods of teaching: types of training: explanatory-reproductive, problematic, developmental, algorithmic;

m teaching methods: verbal, visual, practical and special.

Private ones apply methods of the following pedtechnologies:

    person-centered learning, aimed at transferring learning to a subjective basis with a focus on personal self-development;

    developmental education, which is based on a teaching method aimed at including the internal mechanisms of personal development of schoolchildren;

    explanatory and illustrative teaching, the essence of which is to inform, educate students and organize their reproductive activities in order to develop both general educational and special (subject) knowledge;

    formation of educational activities of schoolchildren, which is aimed at acquiring knowledge by solving educational problems. At the beginning of the lesson, the class is offered learning tasks that are solved during the lesson; at the end of the lesson, according to these tasks, a diagnostic check of learning results is carried out using tests;

    project activities, where schoolchildren learn to assess and predict positive and negative changes in natural objects under human influence;

    differentiated education, where students in a class are divided into conditional groups, taking into account the typological characteristics of schoolchildren. When forming groups, the personal attitude of schoolchildren to studies, the degree of training, learning ability, interest in studying the subject, and the personality of the teacher are taken into account;

    educational and gaming activity, which gives a positive result provided that it is seriously prepared, when both the student and the teacher are active. Of particular importance is a well-developed game scenario, where educational tasks and each position of the game are clearly defined, possible methodological methods for solving a difficult situation are indicated, and methods for assessing results are planned;

    problem approach technology. Also, when implementing the program, traditional technologies were used, such as the technology of forming methods of educational work, set out in the form of rules, algorithms, samples, plans for descriptions and characteristics of objects;

    activity approach. Students in the learning process learn to use the acquired knowledge in the process of performing specific tasks related to the everyday experience of the student and other people. Solving problematic creative problems is the main way to study a subject. Students should understand the topic material, preparing to use this text to find answers to problems. At the same time, the most important and necessary knowledge for human life is memorized not by learning it, but by repeatedly using it to solve problems using this knowledge.

The work program is implemented at the entire level of basic general education.

  1. General characteristics of the academic subject “Informatics”

Informatics is the science of the patterns of information processes in systems of various natures, as well as methods and means of their automation.

Many provisions developed by computer science are considered as the basis for the creation and use of information and communication technologies - one of the most significant technological achievements of modern civilization. Together with mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, the computer science course lays the foundations of a natural science worldview.

Computer science has a large and growing number of interdisciplinary connections, both at the level of the conceptual apparatus and at the level of tools. Many subject knowledge and methods of activity (including the use of ICT tools), mastered by students on the basis of computer science, are used both within the educational process when studying other subject areas, and in other life situations, and become significant for the formation of personal qualities, i.e. focused on the formation of meta-subject and personal results. Throughout the entire period of the formation of school informatics, it has accumulated experience in the formation of educational results, which are now commonly called modern educational results.

One of the main features of our time is the ever-increasing variability of the world around us. In these conditions, the role of fundamental education is great, ensuring a person’s professional mobility and his readiness to master new technologies, including information technologies. The need to prepare an individual for the rapidly approaching changes in society requires the development of various forms of thinking, the formation in students of the skills of organizing their own educational activities, and their orientation towards an active life position.

    Place of the subject “Informatics” in the curriculum

The academic subject "Informatics" belongs to the compulsory part of OOP and is included in the subject area "Mathematics and Informatics"». According to the curriculum of the MKOU "Krasnyanskaya Secondary School", 156.5 hours are allocated for the study of the academic subject "Informatics" for the entire level of education.


Number of hours per week

Number of weeks

Number of lessons per year



Level of study


    Personal, meta-subject and subject-specific results of mastery

academic subject "Informatics"

Personal results:

The presence of ideas about information as the most important strategic resource for the development of the individual, state, and society;

Understanding the role of information processes in the modern world;

Possession of primary skills in analysis and critical assessment of received information;

Responsible attitude towards information, taking into account the legal and ethical aspects of its dissemination;

Developing a sense of personal responsibility for the quality of the surrounding information environment;

The ability to link educational content with one’s own life experience, to understand the importance of training in the field of computer science and ICT in the context of the development of the information society;

Willingness to improve one’s educational level and continue learning using the tools and methods of computer science and ICT;

The ability and readiness to communicate and cooperate with peers and adults in the process of educational, socially useful, teaching, research, and creative activities;

The ability and readiness to adopt the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle through knowledge of the basic hygienic, ergonomic and technical conditions for the safe operation of ICT equipment.

Meta-subject results:

Knowledge of general subject concepts “object”, “system”, “model”, “algorithm”, “performer”, etc.;

Possession of information and logical skills: define concepts, create generalizations, establish analogies, classify, independently select grounds and criteria for classification, establish cause-and-effect relationships, build logical reasoning, inference (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and draw conclusions;

Possession of the ability to independently plan ways to achieve goals; correlate your actions with the planned results, monitor your activities, determine methods of action within the framework of the proposed conditions, adjust your actions in accordance with the changing situation; evaluate the correctness of the learning task;

Possession of the basics of self-control, self-esteem, decision-making and making informed choices in educational and cognitive activities;

Possession of basic universal skills of an information nature: setting and formulating a problem; search and selection of necessary information, application of information retrieval methods; structuring and visualization of information; choosing the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions; independent creation of activity algorithms when solving problems of a creative and search nature;

Mastery of information modeling as the main method of acquiring knowledge: the ability to transform an object from a sensory form into a spatial-graphic or sign-symbolic model; the ability to build a variety of information structures to describe objects; the ability to “read” tables, graphs, diagrams, diagrams, etc., independently recode information from one sign system to another; the ability to choose the form of information presentation depending on the task at hand, to check the adequacy of the model to the object and the purpose of modeling;

ICT competence - a wide range of abilities and skills in using information and communication technologies to collect, store, transform and transmit various types of information, skills in creating a personal information space (handling ICT devices; capturing images and sounds; creating written messages; creating graphic objects ; creation of musical and sound messages; creation, perception and use of hypermedia messages; communication and social interaction; search and organization of information storage; information analysis).

Subject results:

Formation of information and algorithmic culture; developing an idea of ​​a computer as a universal information processing device; development of basic skills and abilities to use computer devices;

Formation of an idea about the main concepts being studied: information, algorithm, model - and their properties;

Development of algorithmic thinking necessary for professional activities in modern society; development of skills to compose and record an algorithm for a specific performer; formation of knowledge about algorithmic structures, logical values ​​and operations; familiarity with one of the programming languages ​​and basic algorithmic structures - linear, conditional and cyclic;

Formation of skills in formalizing and structuring information, the ability to choose a method of presenting data in accordance with the task - tables, charts, graphs, diagrams, using appropriate data processing software;

Formation of skills and abilities of safe and appropriate behavior when working with computer programs and on the Internet, the ability to comply with the norms of information ethics and law.


Information and information processes

Information is one of the main general concepts of modern science.

Different aspects of the word “information”: information as data that can be processed by an automated system, and information as information intended for human perception.

Examples of data: texts, numbers. Data discreteness. Data analysis. The ability to describe continuous objects and processes using discrete data.

Information processes are processes associated with the storage, transformation and transmission of data.

Computer is a universal data processing device

Computer architecture: processor, RAM, external non-volatile memory, input/output devices; their quantitative characteristics.

Computers built into technical devices and production complexes. Robotic production, additive technologies (3D -printers).

Computer software.

Storage media used in ICT. History and development prospects. An idea of ​​the data volumes and access speeds characteristic of various types of media. Information carriers in living nature.

History and trends in the development of computers, improving the characteristics of computers. Supercomputers.

Physical restrictions on the values ​​of computer characteristics.

Parallel computing.

Safety precautions and rules for working on a computer.

Texts and coding

Symbol. An alphabet is a finite set of symbols. Text is a finite sequence of characters in a given alphabet. The number of different texts of a given length in a given alphabet.

Variety of languages ​​and alphabets. Natural and formal languages. Alphabet of texts in Russian.

Encoding characters of one alphabet using code words in another alphabet; code table, decoding.

Binary alphabet. Representation of data in a computer as texts in the binary alphabet.

Binary codes with a fixed codeword length. Code width is the length of the code word. Examples of binary codes with 8, 16, 32 bits.

Units for measuring the length of binary texts: bits, bytes, kilobytes, etc. The amount of information contained in the message.

A.N.’s approach Kolmogorov to determine the amount of information.

Dependence of the number of code combinations on the code bit depth. ASCII code. Cyrillic encodings. Examples of coding letters of national alphabets. Understanding the Unicode Standard . Encoding tables with alphabet other than binary.

Distortion of information during transmission. Error correction codes. Possibility of unambiguous decoding for codes with different codeword lengths.


Measurement and sampling. A general understanding of the digital representation of audiovisual and other continuous data.

Color coding. Color models . RGB and CMYK models. HSB and CMY models. Encoding depth. Introduction to raster and vector graphics.

Audio coding . Bit depth and recording frequency. Number of recording channels.

Evaluation of quantitative parameters associated with the presentation and storage of images and audio files.

Number systems

Positional and non-positional number systems. Examples of representing numbers in positional number systems.

Radix. Alphabet (many numbers) of the number system. The number of digits used in a number system with a given base. Short and long forms of writing numbers in positional number systems.

Binary number system, writing integers ranging from 0 to 1024. Converting natural numbers from the decimal number system to binary and from binary to decimal.

Octal and hexadecimal number systems. Converting natural numbers from the decimal number system to octal, hexadecimal and vice versa.

Converting natural numbers from binary to octal and hexadecimal and vice versa.

Arithmetic operations in number systems.

Elements of combinatorics, set theory and mathematical logic

Calculation of the number of options: formulas for multiplying and adding the number of options. The number of texts of a given length in a given alphabet.

A bunch of. Determining the number of elements in sets obtained from two or three base sets using the operations of union, intersection, and addition.

Statements. Simple and complex statements. Euler-Venn diagrams. Logical meanings of statements. Logical expressions. Logical operations: “and” (conjunction, logical multiplication), “or” (disjunction, logical addition), “not” (logical negation). Rules for writing logical expressions. Priorities of logical operations.

Truth tables. Construction of truth tables for logical expressions.

Logical operations of implication (implication) and equivalence (equivalence). Properties of logical operations. Laws of algebra logic. Using truth tables to prove the laws of algebra of logic. Logical elements. Circuits of logical elements and their physical (electronic) implementation. Introduction to the logical fundamentals of a computer.

Lists, graphs, trees

List. First element, last element, previous element, next element. Inserting, deleting and replacing an element.

Graph. Top, edge, path. Directed and undirected graphs. The starting vertex (source) and the ending vertex (sink) in a directed graph. Length (weight) of edge and path. The concept of a minimum path. Graph adjacency matrix (with edge lengths).

Tree. Root, leaf, vertex (node). Previous peak, subsequent peaks. Under the tree. Tree height. Binary tree. Family tree.

Performers and algorithms. Performer management

Performers. States, possible situations and system of commands of the performer; commands-orders and commands-requests; refusal of the performer. The need for a formal description of the performer. Manual control by the performer.

Algorithm as a plan for managing the performer(s). Algorithmic language (programming language) is a formal language for writing algorithms. A program is a recording of an algorithm in a specific algorithmic language. A computer is an automatic device capable of controlling executors carrying out commands according to a pre-compiled program. Software control of the performer. Software control of a self-propelled robot.

Verbal description of algorithms. Description of the algorithm using block diagrams. The difference between a verbal description of an algorithm and a description in a formal algorithmic language.

Programming systems. Tools for creating and executing programs.

The concept of the stages of program development and techniques for debugging programs.

Control. Signal. Feedback. Examples: a computer and a performer controlled by it (including a robot); a computer that receives signals from digital sensors during observations and experiments, and controls real (including moving) devices.

Algorithmic designs

"follow" construction. Linear algorithm. Limitations of linear algorithms: the inability to provide for the dependence of the sequence of actions performed on the initial data.

Branching design. Conditional operator: full and incomplete forms.

Fulfillment and non-fulfillment of a condition (truth and falsity of a statement). Simple and compound conditions. Recording compound conditions.

“Repetition” construction: loops with a given number of repetitions, with an execution condition, with a loop variable. Checking the loop execution conditions before the loop body starts executing and after the loop body is executed: postcondition and precondition of the loop. Loop invariant.

Writing algorithmic structures in the selected programming language.

Examples of writing branching and repeating commands and other constructions in various algorithmic languages.

Development of algorithms and programs

Assignment operator. Introduction to data structures.

Constants and variables. Variable: name and value. Types of variables: integer, real, character, string, logical. Tabular values ​​(arrays). One-dimensional arrays. Two-dimensional arrays.

Examples of data processing tasks:

    finding the minimum and maximum number fromtwo, three,four datanumbers;

    finding all the roots of a given quadratic equation;

    filling a numeric array according to a formula or by entering numbers;

    finding the sum of the elements of a given finite numerical sequence or array;

    finding the minimum (maximum) element of the array.

Introduction to algorithms for solving these problems. Implementation of these algorithms in the selected programming environment.

Drawing up algorithms and programs for managing performers Robot, Turtle, Draftsman, etc.

Familiarity with the formulation of more complex data processing problems and algorithms for solving them: sorting an array, performing element-by-element operations with arrays; processing of integers represented by records in decimal and binary number systems, finding the greatest common divisor (Euclidean algorithm).

The concept of the stages of program development: drawing up requirements for a program, choosing an algorithm and its implementation in the form of a program in the selected algorithmic language, debugging the program using the selected programming system, testing.

The simplest techniques for interactive program debugging (selecting a breakpoint, step-by-step execution, viewing value values, debugging output).

Introduction to documenting programs. Drawing up a description of the program according to the model.

Algorithm Analysis

Computation complexity: number of operations performed, size of memory used; their dependence on the size of the source data. Examples of short programs that perform many steps to process a small amount of data; examples of short programs that process large amounts of data.

Determination of possible results of the algorithm given a given set of input data; determination of possible input data leading to a given result. Examples of describing objects and processes using a set of numerical characteristics, as well as dependencies between these characteristics, expressed using formulas.


Robotics is the science of the development and use of automated technical systems. Autonomous robots and automated complexes. Microcontroller. Signal. Feedback: receiving signals from digital sensors (touch, distance, light, sound, etc.

Examples of robotic systems (motion control system in a transport system, welding line at a car factory, automated heating control at home, autonomous vehicle control system, etc.).

Autonomous moving robots. Actuators, sensors. Robot command system. Robot construction. Simulation of a robot as a pair: a command executor and a control device. Manual and software control of robots.

An example of a learning environment for developing programs for controlling moving robots. Algorithms for controlling moving robots. Implementation of the algorithms “moving to an obstacle”, “following a line”, etc.

Analysis of robot action algorithms. Testing the robot mechanism, debugging the robot control program. The influence of measurement and calculation errors on the execution of robot control algorithms.

Math modeling

The concept of a mathematical model. Problems solved using mathematical (computer) modeling. The difference between a mathematical model and a full-scale model and from a verbal (literary) description of an object. Using computers when working with mathematical models.

Computer experiments.

Examples of the use of mathematical (computer) models in solving scientific and technical problems. An idea of ​​the modeling cycle: building a mathematical model, its software implementation, testing using simple examples (testing), conducting a computer experiment, analyzing its results, refining the model.

File system

Principles of building file systems. Catalog (directory). Basic operations when working with files: creating, editing, copying, moving, deleting. File types.

Characteristic sizes of files of various types (a page of printed text, the full text of the novel “Eugene Onegin”, a minute video clip, an hour and a half film, a file of space observation data, a file of intermediate data for mathematical modeling of complex physical processes, etc.).

Archiving and unarchiving.

File manager.

Search in the file system.

Preparation of texts and demonstration materials

Text documents and their structural elements (page, paragraph, line, word, symbol).

A word processor is a tool for creating, editing and formatting texts. Properties of page, paragraph, character. Style formatting.

Including lists, tables, and graphic objects in a text document. Including diagrams, formulas, page numbers, headers and footers, links, etc. in a text document. History of changes.

Spell checking, dictionaries.

Text input tools using a scanner, recognition programs, and speech transcription. Computer translation.

The concept of a system of standards for information, library and publishing. Business correspondence, educational publication, team work. Abstract and annotation.

Preparation of computer presentations. Inclusion of audiovisual objects in the presentation.

Introduction to graphic editors. Operations for editing graphic objects: resizing, image compression; cropping, rotation, reflection, working with areas (selection, copying, color filling), color correction, brightness and contrast. Introduction to photo processing. Geometric and style transformations.

Capture images using various digital devices (digital cameras and microscopes, video cameras, scanners, etc.).

Computer aided design tools. Drawings and working with them. Basic operations: selection, merging, geometric transformations of fragments and components. Diagrams, plans, maps.

Electronic (dynamic) tables

Electronic (dynamic) tables. Formulas using absolute, relative and mixed addressing; conversion of formulas when copying. Selecting a table range and arranging (sorting) its elements; constructing graphs and diagrams.

Database. Search for information

Database. Table as a representation of a relationship. Searching for data in a ready-made database. Relationships between tables.

Searching for information on the Internet. Tools and methods for searching for information. Building queries; browsers. Computer encyclopedias and dictionaries. Computer maps and other reference systems. Search engines.

Working in the information space. Information and communication technologies

Computer networks. Internet. Addressing on the Internet. Domain name system. Website. Network data storage. Big data in nature and technology (genomic data, results of physical experiments, Internet data, in particular, social network data). Technologies for their processing and storage.

Types of activities on the Internet. Internet services: postal service; Help services (maps, schedules, etc.), search services, software update services, etc.

Computer viruses and other malicious programs; protection from them.

Techniques that increase the security of working on the Internet. The problem of the authenticity of the information received. Electronic signature, certified sites and documents. Methods for individual and collective posting of new information on the Internet. Interaction based on computer networks: email, chat, forum, teleconference, etc.

Hygienic, ergonomic and technical operating conditions for ICT equipment. Economic, legal and ethical aspects of their use. Personal information, means of protecting it. Organization of personal information space.

Main stages and trends in ICT development. Standards in the field of computer science and ICT. Standardization and standards in the field of computer science and ICT of the pre-computer era (recording numbers, alphabets of national languages, etc.) and the computer era (programming languages, addressing on the Internet, etc.).

6. Thematic planning

5th grade

1. Information around us

6 hours

Analytical activities:

give examples of the transmission, storage and processing of information in human activity, in wildlife, society, technology;

give examples of information media;

classify information according to the ways it is perceived by a person, according to the forms of presentation on material media;

develop an action plan to solve problems with crossings, transfusions, etc.;

determine whether a message is informative or not, if the ability of a particular subject to perceive it is known.

Practical activities:

encode and decode messages using simple codes;

work with email (register a mailbox and forward messages);

search for information on the Internet using simple queries (based on one criterion);

save information objects and links to them found on the Internet for individual use;

systematize (organize) files and folders;

calculate the values ​​of arithmetic expressions using the Calculator program;

transform information according to given rules and through reasoning;

solve problems involving transfusions, crossings, etc. in appropriate software environments

2. Computer

3 hours

Analytical activities:

determine the technical means by which information (text, sound, image) can be entered into a computer.

Practical activities:

work with basic elements of the user interface: use menus, get help, work with windows (resize and move windows, respond to dialog boxes);

enter information into a computer using a keyboard (techniques of skilled keyboard writing), a mouse and other technical means;

4 hours

Analytical activities:

correlate the stages (input, editing, formatting) of creating a text document and the capabilities of the test processor to implement them;

Define text editor tools to perform basic operations for creating text documents.

Practical activities:

create simple text documents in native and foreign languages; select, move and delete text fragments; create texts with repeating fragments;

carry out spelling control in a text document using word processor tools;

format the text in accordance with the specified requirements for the font, its style, size and color, and text alignment;

create and format lists;

create, format and populate tables with data

4. Computer graphics

2 hours

Analytical activities:

identify simple ones (graphic primitives) in complex graphic objects;

identify graphics editor tools to perform basic image creation operations;

Practical activities:

use a simple (raster and/or vector) graphics editor to create and edit images;

create graphic objects with repeating and/or transformed fragments

5.Creation of multimedia objects

1 hour

Analytical activities:

Practical activities:

use a presentation editor or other

a software tool for creating animation based on an existing plot.

6. Information models

1,5 hour

Analytical activities:

differentiate between bar and pie charts; give examples of using diagrams in life.

Practical activities:

create tables for solving logical problems;

solve logic problems

create bar and pie charts;

Topics and quantity

Main types of educational activities

1. Information around us

2 hours

Analytical activities:

determine the types of sensory and logical knowledge;

have an idea of ​​logical techniques for forming concepts

Practical activities:

use techniques of analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction and generalization to solve certain problems;

create a defined concept using a generic concept and specific distinction.

2. Computer

2 hours

Analytical activities:

separate hardware and software

computer provision;

determine the file type by its extension and the appearance of the icon.

Practical activities:

select and launch the desired program;

create, rename, move, copy and delete files;

comply with the requirements for organizing a computer workplace, safety and hygiene requirements when working with ICT tools

3. Preparing texts on a computer

2 hours

Analytical activities:

define text editor tools to perform basic operations for creating text documents;

define drawing toolbars in a text editor

plan work on constructing complex graphic objects from simple ones;

Practical activities:

create simple text documents in native and foreign languages;

create simple and complex images using text editor tools.

4. Computer graphics – 2 hours

Analytical activities:

plan work on constructing complex graphic objects from simple ones.

Practical activities:

create complex graphic objects with repeated and/or transformed fragments

5. Creating multimedia objects

2 hours

Analytical activities:

plan a sequence of events on a given topic;

select illustrative material that matches the design of the multimedia object being created.

Practical activities:

create a multimedia presentation on a given topic with hyperlinks, the slides of which contain texts, sounds, and graphic images

6. Objects and systems

5 o'clock

Analytical activities:

analyze the objects of the surrounding reality, indicating their characteristics - properties, actions, behavior, states;

identify relationships connecting a given object with other objects;

divide a given set of objects into classes according to a given or independently selected characteristic - the basis of classification;

give examples of tangible, intangible and mixed systems.

Practical activities :

change desktop properties: theme, background image, screensaver;

change taskbar properties;

recognize the properties of computer objects (devices, folders, files) and possible actions with them;

organize information in a personal folder.

7. Information models

10 hours

Analytical activities:

distinguish between natural and information models studied at school and encountered in life;

give examples of the use of tables, diagrams, diagrams, graphs, etc. when describing objects in the surrounding world.

Practical activities:

create verbal models (descriptions);

create multi-level lists;

create tabular models;

create simple calculation tables, enter information into them and carry out simple calculations;

create charts and graphs;

create diagrams, graphs, trees;

create graphic models

8. Algorithmics 8 hours

Analytical activities:

give examples of formal and informal performers;

come up with tasks for managing educational performers;

highlight examples of situations that can be described using linear algorithms, algorithms with branches and loops.

Practical activities:

create linear algorithms for controlling the training executor;

create auxiliary algorithms for controlling the training executor;

create cyclic algorithms for managing the training executor

Characteristics of student activity

Topic 1. Information and information processes

9 o'clock

Analytical activities:

    evaluate information from the perspective of its properties (relevance, reliability, completeness, etc.);

    give examples of coding using various alphabets that occur in life;

    classify information processes according to the accepted basis;

    highlight the information component of processes in biological, technical and social systems;

    analyze relationships in living nature, technical and social (school, family, etc.) systems from a management perspective.

Practical activities:

    encode and decode messages according to known encoding rules;

    determine the number of different characters that can be encoded using a fixed-length binary code;

    determine the bit depth of the binary code necessary to encode all the characters of the alphabet of a given power;

    operate with units of measurement of the amount of information (bit, byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte);

    evaluate the numerical parameters of information processes (the amount of memory required to store information; the speed of information transfer, the bandwidth of the selected channel, etc.).

Topic 2. Computer as a universal information processing device. 7 o'clock

Analytical activities:

    analyze a computer from the point of view of the unity of software and hardware;

    analyze computer devices from the point of view of organizing procedures for input, storage, processing, output and transmission of information;

    determine the software and hardware necessary to implement information processes when solving problems;

    analyze information (readiness and malfunction signals) when turning on the computer;

    determine the main characteristics of the operating system;

Practical activities:

    obtain information about computer characteristics;

    evaluate the numerical parameters of information processes (the amount of memory required to store information; the speed of information transfer, the bandwidth of the selected channel, etc.);

    perform basic operations with files and folders;

    operate computer information objects in a visual graphic form;

    estimate the size of files prepared using various information input devices at a given time interval (keyboard, scanner, microphone, camera, video camera);

    use archiving programs;

    protect information from computer viruses using anti-virus programs.

Topic 3. Processing of graphic information

4 hours

Analytical activities:

Practical activities :

    determine the color code in the RGB palette in a graphics editor;

    create and edit images using raster graphics editor tools;

    create and edit images using vector graphics editor tools.

Topic 4. Processing of text information

9 o'clock

Analytical activities:

Practical activities :

    create small text documents through skilled keyboard writing using basic text editor tools;

    format text documents (setting document page parameters; formatting characters and paragraphs; inserting headers and footers and page numbers).

    insert formulas, tables, lists, images into the document;

    perform collective creation of a text document;

    create hypertext documents;

    perform encoding and decoding of text information using code tables (Unicode, KOI-8R, Windows 1251);

Topic 5. Multimedia

4 hours

Analytical activities:

    analyze the user interface of the software used;

    determine the conditions and possibilities for using the software to solve typical problems;

    identify commonalities and differences in different software products designed to solve one class of problems.

Practical activities :

    create presentations using ready-made templates;

    record audio files with different sound quality (encoding depth and sampling frequency).

Main types of educational activities

Information and information processes

Analytical activities:

    Give examples of receiving, transmitting and processing information in human activity, wildlife, society and technology.

    Explain the principles of information coding.

    Solve problems to determine the amount of information.

Practical activities:

    Convert units of measurement of the amount of information using a calculator.

Enter information using the keyboard.

Computer as a universal information processing device.

Analytical activities:

    Give examples of basic computer devices

    Classify software

    Determine ways to protect information

Practical activities:

    Work with files

    Format disks

    Set date and time

    Detect mouse resolution

Protect and treat against viruses

Communication technologies 19 hours

Analytical activities:

    Have a concept information resource.

    Provide the basic principles of working on the World Wide Web

    Have a concept interactive communication

    Follow the rules of behavior in collective interaction: forum, teleconference, chat.

    Follow the Rules of Correspondence and attachments to letters.

    Follow the Rules for searching for information in various sources.

    Have concepts about file archives, hypertext, languageHTML

    Comply with information security rules.

Practical activities:

    Provide disk access

    Connect to the Internet

    Travel on the web

    Work with email

    Search for information on the Internet

    Upload files

Develop websites

Main types of educational activities

Coding and processing of graphic and multimedia information


    analyze the user interface of the software used;

    determine the conditions and possibilities for using the software to solve typical problems;

    identify commonalities and differences in different software products designed to solve one class of problems.


    determine the color code in the RGB palette in a graphics editor;

    create and edit images using raster graphics editor tools;

    create and edit images using vector graphics editor tools.

Coding and processing of text information

Analytical activities:

    analyze the user interface of the software used;

    determine the conditions and possibilities for using the software to solve typical problems;

    identify commonalities and differences in different software products designed to solve one class of problems.

Practical activities:

    create small text documents through skilled keyboard writing using basic text editor tools;

    format text documents (setting document page parameters; formatting characters and paragraphs; inserting headers and footers and page numbers).

    insert formulas, tables, lists, images into the document;

    perform collective creation of a text document;

    create hypertext documents;

    perform encoding and decoding of text information using code tables (Unicode, KOI-8R, Windows);

Coding and processing of numerical information

Analytical activities:

    analyze the user interface of the software used;

    determine the conditions and possibilities for using the software to solve typical problems;

    identify commonalities and differences in different software products designed to solve one class of problems.

Practical activities:

    Convert numbers from one number system to another

    Use relative, absolute, and mixed references in spreadsheets.

    Create tables of function values

    Sort and search data

    create spreadsheets and perform calculations using built-in and user-entered formulas;

    build charts and graphs in spreadsheets

Modeling and formalization

Analytical activities:

    carry out a system analysis of the object, highlight among its properties the essential properties from the point of view of modeling purposes;

    assess the adequacy of the model to the simulated object and modeling goals;

    determine the type of information model depending on the task at hand;

    analyze the user interface of the software used;

    determine the conditions and possibilities for using the software to solve typical problems;

    identify commonalities and differences in different software products designed to solve one class of problems.

Practical activities:

    build and interpret various information models (tables, diagrams, graphs, diagrams, flowcharts of algorithms);

    transform an object from one form of information representation to another with minimal loss in the completeness of information;

    explore objects using information models in accordance with the task;

    work with ready-made computer models;

    create single-table databases;

    search for records in a ready-made database;

sort records in a ready-made database.

Basics of algorithmization and object-oriented programming

Analytical activities:

    highlight the stages of solving a problem on a computer;

    divide the original task into subtasks;

    compare different algorithms for solving one problem.

Practical activities:

    execute ready-made algorithms for specific source data;

    develop programs containing a subroutine;

    develop programs for processing a one-dimensional array:

    • (finding the minimum (maximum) value in a given array;

      counting the number of array elements that satisfy a certain condition;

      finding the sum of all array elements;

      finding the number and sum of all even elements in an array;

sorting array elements, etc.).

Information society

Analytical activities:

    Give examples of the information society

    Master information culture

    Educational, methodological and logistical support for educational activities

7.1. Educational and methodological support of educational activities

    Bosova L. L. Bosova A. Yu. Computer science: textbook for grade 5 (FSES).

    Bosova L. L. Bosova A. Yu. Computer science: textbook for 6th grade (FSES).

    Bosova L. L. Bosova A. Yu. Computer science: textbook for 7th grade (FSES).

    Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. Electronic supplement to the textbook “Informatics. 5th grade"

    Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. Electronic supplement to the textbook “Informatics. 6th grade"

    Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. Electronic supplement to the textbook “Informatics. 7th grade"

    Computer science: textbook for 8th grade.

    Semakin I. G., Zalogova L. A., Rusakov S. V., Shestakova L. V. Informatics: textbook for grade 9

    Tsvetkova M. S., Bogomolova O. B. Informatics. Educational and training complex for the basis of the school: grades 7 – 9 (Federal State Educational Standard). Methodological manual for teachers

    Borodin M. N. Informatics. Educational and training complex for primary school: grades 5 - 6, 7 - 9 (Federal State Educational Standard). Methodological manual for teachers.

7.2. Material and technical support of educational activities

acoustic speakers as part of the teacher’s workplace;

a set of equipment for connecting to the Internet.

Robotics kits

The computer hardware uses the Windows operating system. All software installed on computers in computer science classrooms is licensed for use on the required number of workstations.

To master the basic content of the academic subject “Informatics”, the following software is available:

    operating system;

    file manager (as part of the operating system or others);

    mail client (as part of operating systems or others);

    browser (as part of operating systems or others);

    multimedia player (as part of the operating system or others);

    antivirus program;

    archiver program;

    optical text recognition system;

    keyboard trainer;

    integrated office application, including a text editor, presentation development program, database management system, spreadsheets;

    raster and vector graphic editors;

    sound editor;

    programming system;

    geographic information system;

    Web page editor.

7.3.Electronic educational content

    Bosova L.L. A set of digital educational resources. Computer science

    Federal Center for Educational Resources

8. Planned results of studying the academic subject “Informatics”

The graduate will learn:
distinguish the content of the basic concepts of the subject: computer science, information, information process, information system, information model, etc.;

    distinguish between types of information by the way it is perceived by a person and by the way it is presented on material media;

    reveal general patterns of information processes in systems of various natures;

    give examples of information processes - processes related to the storage, transformation and transmission of data - in living nature and technology;

    classify ICT tools in accordance with the range of tasks performed;

    learns about the purpose of the main components of a computer (processor, RAM, external non-volatile memory, input/output devices), the characteristics of these devices;

    determine the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of computer components;

    learns about the history and trends in computer development; about how you can improve the performance of computers;

    learns about what problems can be solved with the help of supercomputers.

    consciously approach the choice of ICT tools for your educational and other purposes;

    Learn about the physical limitations on computer performance values.

Mathematical foundations of computer science

The graduate will learn:

    describe the size of binary texts using the terms “bit”, “byte” and their derivatives; use terms that describe data transfer speed, estimate data transfer time;

    encode and decode texts according to a given code table;

    operate with concepts related to data transfer (data source and receiver: communication channel, data transmission speed over the communication channel, communication channel capacity);

    determine the minimum length of the code word based on the specified alphabet of the encoded text and the code alphabet (for a code alphabet of 2, 3 or 4 characters);

    determine the length of the code sequence based on the length of the source text and the uniform code table;

    write integers from 0 to 1024 in the binary system; convert a given natural number from decimal to binary and from binary to decimal; compare numbers in binary notation; add and subtract numbers written in the binary number system;

    write down logical expressions composed using the operations “and”, “or”, “not” and parentheses, determine the truth of such a compound statement if the truth values ​​of the elementary statements included in it are known;

    determine the number of elements in sets obtained from two or three basic sets using the operations of union, intersection and addition;

    use terminology related to graphs (vertex, edge, path, edge and path length), trees (root, leaf, tree height) and lists (first element, last element, previous element, next element; inserting, deleting and replacing an element) ;

    describe the graph using an adjacency matrix indicating the lengths of the edges (knowledge of the term “adjacency matrix” is not necessary);

    get acquainted with binary text coding and the most commonly used modern codes;

    use basic methods of graphical representation of numerical information (graphs, diagrams).

The graduate will have the opportunity to:

    get acquainted with examples of mathematical models and the use of computers in their analysis; understand the similarities and differences between a mathematical model of an object and its natural model, between a mathematical model of an object/phenomenon and a verbal description;

    learn that any discrete data can be described using an alphabet containing only two characters, for example, 0 and 1;

    get acquainted with how information (data) is represented in modern computers and robotic systems;

    get acquainted with examples of the use of graphs, trees and lists when describing real objects and processes;

    become familiar with the influence of measurement and calculation errors on the execution of control algorithms for real objects (using the example of educational autonomous robots);

    find out about the availability of codes that correct distortion errors that occur during the transmission of information.

Algorithms and programming elements

The graduate will learn:

    create algorithms for solving educational problems of various types;

    express the algorithm for solving a problem in various ways (verbal, graphic, including in the form of a flowchart, using formal languages, etc.);

    determine the most optimal way to express an algorithm for solving specific problems (verbal, graphic, using formal languages);

    determine the result of executing a given algorithm or its fragment;

    use the terms “performer”, “algorithm”, “program”, and also understand the difference between the use of these terms in everyday speech and in computer science;

    perform, without using a computer (“manually”), simple algorithms for controlling executors and analyzing numerical and text data, written in a specific programming language using the basic control constructs of sequential programming (linear program, branching, repetition, auxiliary algorithms);

    compose simple algorithms for controlling executors and analyzing numerical and text data using the basic control constructs of sequential programming and write them in the form of programs in the selected programming language; run these programs on a computer;

    use values ​​(variables) of various types, tabular values ​​(arrays), as well as expressions made up of these values; use the assignment operator;

    analyze the proposed algorithm, for example, determine what results are possible given a given set of initial values;

    use logical values, operations and expressions with them;

    write arithmetic and logical expressions in the selected programming language and calculate their values.

The graduate will have the opportunity to:

    become familiar with the use of string values ​​in programs and operations with string values;

    create programs to solve problems that arise during and outside of study;

    get acquainted with data processing problems and algorithms for solving them;

    get acquainted with the concept of “control”, with examples of how a computer controls various systems (robots, aircraft and spacecraft, machine tools, irrigation systems, moving models, etc.);

    get acquainted with the educational environment for creating control programs for autonomous robots and analyze examples of control algorithms developed in this environment.

Use of software systems and services

The graduate will learn:

    classify files by type and other parameters;

    perform basic operations with files (create, save, edit, delete, archive, “unpack” archive files);

    understand the hierarchical structure of the file system;

    search for files using the operating system;

    use dynamic (electronic) tables, including formulas using absolute, relative and mixed addressing, selecting a table range and arranging (sorting) its elements; constructing charts (pie and column);

    use tabular (relational) databases, select table rows that satisfy a certain condition;

    analyze computer domain names and Internet document addresses;

    search for information on the Internet using queries using logical operations.

The graduate will master (as a result of the use of software systems and Internet services in this course and in the entire educational process):

    computer skills; knowledge, skills and abilities sufficient to work with various types of software systems and Internet services (file managers, text editors, spreadsheets, browsers, search engines, dictionaries, electronic encyclopedias); the ability to describe the operation of these systems and services using appropriate terminology;

    various forms of data presentation (tables, charts, graphs, etc.);

    techniques for safely organizing your personal data space using individual data storage devices, Internet services, etc.;

    the basics of compliance with information ethics and law;

    get acquainted with software tools for working withaudiovisualdata and corresponding conceptualapparatus;

    learns about discrete representationaudiovisual data.

The graduate will have the opportunity (in this course and other educational activities):

    learn about data from sensors, such as robotic device sensors;

    practice using basic types of application software (text editors, spreadsheets, browsers, etc.);

    get acquainted with examples of the use of mathematical modeling in the modern world;

    get acquainted with the principles of the functioning of the Internet and network interaction between computers, with methods of searching the Internet;

    get acquainted with the formulation of the question of how reliable the information received is, whether it is supported by evidence of authenticity (example: the presence of an electronic signature); get acquainted with possible approaches to assessing the reliability of information (example: comparison of data from different sources);

    learn that there are international and national standards in the field of computer science and ICT;

    learn about the structure of modern computers and the purpose of their elements;

    get an idea of ​​the history and development trends ICT;

    get acquainted with examples of the use of ICT in the modern world;

    gain an understanding of robotic devices and their use in production and research.

Educational and methodological complex (UMK)
- this is a set of documents and materials that determine the level of provision of the discipline with educational, methodological, reference, bibliographic and other literature, information resources, control and measurement materials and other sources, ensuring the effective work of the teacher in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard and curriculum.

The minimum list of official documents that every teacher needs to know is:

  • standard;
  • sample programs;
  • Federal list of recommended (approved) textbooks on the subject.

Based on these documents, taking into account the textbooks and logistics available in a particular school, the teacher developsworking programm Andcalendar and thematic planning on the subject being taught.

  • If the work program developed by the teacher contains small adjustments (up to 10%), then it should be indicated that the teacher works in accordance with approximate program recommended by the ministry.
    If there were more adjustments (up to 20%), then the same is indicated, but the program must be agreed upon with the municipal methodological service.
  • The teacher can also work according to proprietary programs in the subject. This programs for textbook authors certified by the ministry.
    Since these textbooks were examined by the Federal Expert Council, their content corresponds to the educational standard in the subject. It is possible to coordinate programs in the methodological service at the request of the administration of the educational institution, but it is not mandatory.
  • Own author's program For the course taught, the teacher is obliged to submit for examination in the prescribed manner; without this, it cannot be used in an educational institution of general education.

Educational standards

Federal State Educational Standards (FSES)- this is a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of basic educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (full) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education by educational institutions that have state accreditation.

Federal state educational standards provide:

  • unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation;
  • continuity of the main educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher professional education.

Every standard includes 3 types of requirements:

  1. requirements for the structure of the main educational programs, including requirements for the ratio of parts of the main educational program and their volume, as well as the ratio of the mandatory part of the main educational program and the part formed by participants in the educational process;
  2. requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs, including personnel, financial, material, technical and other conditions;
  3. requirements for the results of mastering basic educational programs.

first generation (2004) in computer science and information technology


Federal State Educational Standard second generation (2010)

  • Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education (grades 1 - 4): Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 373 of 10/06/2009
  • Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education (grades 5 - 9): Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1897 of December 17, 2010
  • Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary General Education (grades 10 - 11): Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 413 of May 17, 2012
  • Orders of the Ministry of Education of Russia and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia regulating the Federal List of Textbooks are published on the website
    • Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated December 28, 2018 No. 345 “On the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of educational programs of primary general, basic general, and secondary general education that have state accreditation”
    • Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated May 8, 2019 No. 233 “On amendments to the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of educational programs of primary general, basic general, and secondary general education that have state accreditation, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2018. No. 345"
  • Extract fromfederal list of textbooks recommended for use (document saved date: 05/28/2019)
    • Recommended textbooks in Computer Science from 2019

List of organizations publishing textbooks

  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2009 No. 729"About approval list of organizations publishing textbooks, which are allowed for use in the educational process in educational institutions that have state accreditation and implement educational programs of general education" (Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 15, 2010 No. 15987).
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2011 No. 2"ABOUT making changes to the list of organizations that publish textbooks that are allowed for use in the educational process in educational institutions that have state accreditation and implement educational programs of general education" (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 02/08/2011 No. 19739).
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 16, 2012 No. 16"ABOUT making changes to the list of organizations that publish textbooks that are allowed for use in the educational process in educational institutions that have state accreditation and implement educational programs of general education" (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 17, 2012 No. 23251).
  • Minutes of the meeting of the Scientific and Methodological Council for Textbooks of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. HF-19/08 dated 03/03/2016 (list of organizations publishing textbooks)

The procedure for creating a federal list of textbooks

  • The procedure for developing work programs for academic subjects, making changes and adjusting them is determined local regulatory act of a general education institution.

    Elements of the Work Program structure (is of an approximate advisory nature):

    1. title page;
    2. explanatory note;
    3. requirements for the level of training of students;
    4. calendar and thematic planning;
    5. content of the training course program;
    6. control and measuring materials;
    7. educational and methodological tools for teaching the subject and a list of recommended literature (basic and additional) for teachers and students.


    Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012 (ed. 2019)

    Computer Science Programs



    Publishing house


    Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G. 2 - 4 grades Sample work program (buy)
    Goryachev A.V., Volkova T.O., Suvorova N.I. 2 - 4 grades LLC "Balass"
    Matveeva N.V., Tsvetkova M. S. 2 - 4 grades 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Mogilev A.V., Mogileva V.N., Tsvetkova M.S. 3 - 4 grades LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Natelauri N.K. 2 - 4 grades Publishing house "Akademkniga/Textbook" 2013 course program
    (download pdf: website
    Averkin Yu. A., Pavlov D.I. 2 - 4 grades LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Plaksin M.A. and etc. 2 - 4 grades LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" Sample work program
    (download doc: website
    (download pdf: website
    Rudchenko T.A., Semenov A.L. 1 - 4 grades Collection of programs
    (download pdf: website

    Extracurricular activities for elementary school students

    WORK PROGRAM FOR EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education “I AM LEARNING TO RESEARCH”



    Publishing house


    Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. 5 - 6 grades LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Semenov A.L., Rudchenko T.A. 5 - 6 grades JSC Publishing House Prosveshcheniye
    Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. 7 - 9 grades LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Polyakov K.Yu., Eremin E.A. 7 - 9 grades LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Semakin I.G., Tsvetkova M.S.
    7 - 9 grades LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website

    Extracurricular activities of primary school students

    Extracurricular activities program for the course “Digital Hygiene” (grades 7-9)


    In accordance with the “Concept of specialized training at the senior level of general education” approved by the Ministry of Education, differentiation of the content of training in senior classes is carried out on the basis of various combinations of courses of three types: basic, advanced, elective. Each of these three types of courses makes its own contribution to solving the problems of specialized training. However, it is possible to identify a range of tasks that are priorities for courses of each type.

    Basic general education courses reflect the invariant part of education that is obligatory for all schoolchildren and are aimed at completing the general education training of students.



    Publishing house


    Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. 10 - 11 grades

    base level

    LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Polyakov K.Yu., Eremin E.A. 10 - 11 grades

    basic and advanced levels

    LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Semakin I.G.
    10 - 11 grades

    base level

    LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Gein A.G., Gein A.A., Yunerman N.A.
    10 - 11 grades

    basic and advanced levels

    JSC Publishing House Prosveshcheniye Work programs
    (download from
    Ed. Makarova N.V.
    10 - 11 grades

    base level

    LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Ugrinovich N.D., Tsvetkova M.S., Khlobystova I.Yu.
    10 - 11 grades

    base level

    LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Kalinin I.A., Samylkina N.N.
    10 - 11 grades

    in-depth level

    LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Semakin I.G.
    10 - 11 grades

    in-depth level

    LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website

    courses are primarily related to satisfying the individual educational interests, needs and inclinations of each student.

      • Elective courses posted on . In this section, community members can publish their own elective courses in computer science.
      • Elective courses in specialized training. Educational field "Informatics". Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. National Personnel Training Foundation - M. Vita Press, 2004. Download (634045 bytes)
      • Semakin I.G., Henner E.K. "Information systems and models" grades 10 - 11 (elective course) BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory Download (168448 bytes)
      • Ugrinovich N.D. "Information Model Research" in High School

    Several options for possible profiles are offered. But these options approximate and are advisory in nature.They should not be perceived as the only ones possible for use in practice. By choosing various combinations of basic and specialized educational subjects and taking into account the study time standards established by the current sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations, each educational institution has the right to formulate its own curriculum. This approach provides an educational institution with ample opportunities to organize one or more profiles, and students with a choice of specialized academic subjects and elective courses, which together will make up their individual educational trajectory.

    The school independently decides on the choice of profile. This may be one or more profiles for the option of interschool profiling, or work on individual curricula within an educational institution or in the network interaction of several institutions.

    A basic level of studying the subject “Informatics and ICT” can be implemented when choosing any profile , if necessary.

    Examples of possible hours distribution for teaching the subject “Informatics and ICT” within various profiles.

    For physico-mathematical and information technology profiles the subject “Informatics and ICT” is presented as a specialized general education subject 4 hours per week annually, therefore, is studied at the appropriate (profile) level. The number of hours per subject can be increased up to 2 hours per week annually. It is also possible to expand due to elective courses from 1 to 5 hours per week annually. Such training in computer science and ICT is aimed at developing specialized ICT competencies as the main element of the future professional activity chosen by students.

      • "Artificial intelligence";
      • "Database";
      • “Serial and parallel algorithms”;
      • “Windows Application Programming”;
      • "Programming in Lisp";
      • “Fundamentals of computer-aided design (Avtocad. “Compass”)”;
      • "Data protection".
      • "Computer Mathematics";
      • "Theory of Algorithms";
      • “Automated workstation for mathematicians”;
      • “Workshop on OOP”;
      • “Construction of geometric figures on a computer screen”;
      • “Using software to solve problems in physics and mathematics”;
      • “Algebra, analysis and computer technologies”;
      • "Probabilistic Modeling";
      • “Website creation technology”;
      • “Methods of mathematical processing of experimental data (development of programs for various fields of scientific research)”;
      • “Fundamentals of computer-aided design (Avtocad, “Compass”)”;
      • “Representation of graphs and study of algorithms for working with them”;
      • “Ensuring information security on a personal computer when working on the network.”
      • "Artificial intelligence";
      • “Computer maintenance”;
      • “Computer networks and telecommunications”;
      • "Logic programming";
      • “Computer failures: diagnosis, prevention, treatment”;
      • "Database";
      • “Information systems design”;
      • "Network technologies";
      • “Standardization of software and information technologies”;
      • “Development of software for creating test shells. “Basics of developing graphic applications (3D graphics applications based on the Open GL library)”;
      • “Development of interactive models based on the DirectX interface”;
      • “Development of interactive portable applications based on Macromedia Flash”;
      • “Digital Image Processing”;
      • “Packaging/compression algorithms (archivers).”
      • “Logic in computer science”;
      • “Research of information models using object-oriented programming systems”;
      • "Computer Mathematics";
      • "Computer graphics";
      • "Theory of Algorithms";
      • “Game theory and computer games”;
      • “Website creation technology”;
      • “Basics of Web Design”;
      • "Artificial intelligence";
      • “Ensuring information security on a personal computer when working on the network”;
      • “Development of Web applications using scripting languages ​​(DSC, Jscript, PHP. ASP)”;
      • “Development of applications based on client-service databases”;

    IN socio-economic, industrial and technological profiles and “Informatics and ICT” is included in universal education as a basic general education subject, therefore, it is studied at a basic level 1 hour per week annually. Studying a subject can be expanded due to the regional component up to 2 hours per week annually and elective courses from 1 to 4 hours per week annually. Such a study of computer science and ICT, supported by elective courses in specialized subjects based on the use of ICT, will allow students to develop information activity in the use of ICT as an integral part of further education and professional growth.

      • “Technologies for processing economic information in the Excel spreadsheet processor”;
      • “Methods and means of computer processing of statistical data”;
      • “Information technologies in business”;
      • “Research of information models using object-oriented programming systems and spreadsheets”;
      • “Fundamentals of algorithmization and programming”;
      • “Tools for developing WEB resources”;
      • “Peripheral devices of computer technology”;
      • “Computer technology and programming”;
      • "Artificial intelligence";
      • “Basics of Netiquette”;
      • “Website creation technology”;
      • "Software development for creating test shells."
      • "Information business";
      • “Communication technologies in commerce”;
      • “Database Design and Environmental Systems”;
      • “Geoinformation systems for solving economic problems”;
      • “Information support for marketing”;
      • “Telecommunication systems for organizing everyday business activities (payment systems, teleshopping, delivery services, searching for information about goods and services)”;
      • "Fundamentals of economic forecasting."

    IN industrial and technological profile we can recommend a fairly wide range of elective courses in computer science, deepening the profile subject:

    • “Computer in the national economy”;
    • “Fundamentals of Microelectronics”;
    • "Computer Architecture";
    • “Technical means of computer science”;
    • “Computer maintenance”;
    • "Artificial intelligence";
    • “Production management models”;
    • “Use of information technology in management”;
    • "Fundamentals of Cybernetics";
    • "Engineering graphics";
    • "Robotics";
    • “Computer modeling: areas and boundaries of application.”
    • “Change management using computer technologies”;
    • “Game theory and computer games”;
    • “Database design and transport systems”;
    • “Learning to design on a computer”;
    • “Website creation technology”;
    • "Computer graphics";
    • “Organization and conduct of video and audio broadcasts using telecommunication networks”;
    • “Ensuring information security on a personal computer when working on the network”;
    • “Ensuring information security on a personal computer when working on the network”;
    • “Tools and fundamentals of architectural modeling 9+”;
    • “Fundamentals of computer-aided design (Avtocad, “Compass”).”

    For physical-chemical, chemical-biological, biological-geographical, agricultural-technological profiles “Informatics and ICT” can be studied through elective courses based on the subject curriculum at a basic level from 1 hour per week annually or at the expense of the regional component up to 2 hours per week annually. In this way, stable ICT is formed - students’ competencies in computer science and ICT in application to specialized knowledge and skills, as the basis of the modern information culture of school graduates.

    • “Computer modeling: areas and boundaries of application”;
    • "Expert systems"; “Information processes in living nature systems”;
    • “Simulation modeling tools”;
    • “Programming in Delphi”;
    • “Methods of mathematical processing of experimental data (development of programs for various fields of scientific research)”;
    • “Modeling in the Visual FoxPro DBMS environment”;
    • “Modeling and system analysis using a computer”;
    • "Information security and information protection."
    • “Measurement of physical quantities and their processing on a computer”;
    • “Physical experiment and computer”;
    • “Physics: observation, computer modeling”;
    • “Models of chemical production management”;
    • “Chemical experiment and computer”;
    • “Organization of collection and analysis of experimental data”;
    • "Information Systems".
    • “Managed and self-managed systems”;
    • “Technical means of computer science”;
    • “Preparation for passing the unified state exam in computer science”;
    • “Research of biological models using object-oriented programming systems and spreadsheets”;
    • "Biological processor - on the way to a biocomputer."
    • “Animation as modeling of dynamic systems”;
    • “Modeling of information processes in biological systems”;
    • “Organization and conduct of video and audio broadcasts to telecommunications networks”;
    • “Development of Web applications using scripting languages ​​(DSC, Jscript, PHP. ASP)”;
    • "Biology and Cybernetics";
    • “Informatics, biology and the Chinese “Book of Changes””;
    • "Data protection".
    • “The Game of Life” as a tool for modeling biological processes;
    • “Fundamentals of modeling and interpretation of chemical models”;
    • “Database design in medicine”;
    • “Bionics (information processes in biological systems)”;
    • “Computer modeling of nonequilibrium reactions (Zhabotinsky reaction, etc.)”;
    • "How DNA stores information."
    • “Fundamentals of modeling and interpretation of models”;
    • “Information culture and netiquette”;
    • “Information systems and models”;
    • “Tools for creating Web resources”;
    • “Technical means of computer science”;
    • “Social consequences of informatization”;
    • "Automated Information Systems".

    IN biological-geographical profile cognitive interests schoolchildren:

    • “Creation and use of databases”;
    • “Programming in the VisualBasic language”;
    • “Tools for processing tabular information”;
    • “Means for processing graphic information”;
    • “Software for computer networks and WEB servers”;
    • “Organization and conduct of video and audio broadcasts using telecommunication networks”;
    • “Development of Web applications using scripting languages ​​(DSC, Jscript, PHP. ASP)”;
    • “Animation as modeling of dynamic systems”;
    • “Computer encyclopedias: creation and use”;
    • “Computer visualization (package “Statistica”).”
    • "Geographic information systems";
    • “Tools for geographic information systems”;
    • “Map Creation Tools”;
    • “Fundamentals of modeling processes in biological and ecological systems”;
    • "Organization of collection and analysis of experimental data."
    • "Tools for modeling biological processes"

    IN social-humanitarian, philological and psychological-pedagogical, artistic and aesthetic profiles individual thematic blocks of the “Informatics and ICT” course can be studied as elective courses from 1 to 4 hours per week through elective courses annually. Such a study of relevant sections of computer science contributes to the formation of applied aspects of students’ information activities in their future profession.

    • "Hypertext technologies";
    • "Logic programming";
    • “Database management systems”;
    • “Fundamentals of object-oriented programming”;
    • "Social consequences of informatization."

    IN social and humanitarian profile we can recommend the following list of elective courses in computer science aimed at satisfying cognitive interests schoolchildren:

    • “Tools and fundamentals of architectural modeling”;
    • “Preparation of images (illustrations) using digital modeling of art materials (tablet, CorelPainter)”;
    • “Digital video editing using AdobePremiere”;
    • “Use of three-dimensional graphics for the preparation of animated films”;
    • “Organization and conduct of video and audio broadcasts using telecommunication networks”;
    • “Ensuring information security on a personal computer when working on the network”;
    • “Personal organizer and collective work”;
    • "Software Development".
    • “Electronic encyclopedias: creation and use”;
    • “Fundamentals of information security”;
    • “Information and legal systems”;
    • “Principles of constructing worldview models”;
    • "Cognitive informatics";
    • “Cognitive psychology and programming”;
    • “Use of computer in psychological testing”;
    • “Modeling in history and interpretation of models”;
    • “Technology for working with library and network resources”;
    • "Data protection".

    IN philological profile The following elective courses in computer science may be presented, deepening the basic subject:

    • “Information culture and netiquette”;
    • “Corporate automated library and information systems”;
    • "Information retrieval systems";
    • "Information Security";
    • “Preparation for passing the unified state exam in computer science.”
    • "Internet search engines."
    • “Programming in the VisualBasic language”;
    • “Tools for processing tabular information”;
    • “Means for processing graphic information”;
    • “Creation and use of databases”;
    • “Website creation technology”;
    • “Ensuring information security on a personal computer when working on the network”;
    • “Personal organizer and collective work”;
    • "Computer encyclopedias: their creation and use."
    • "Hypertext technologies";
    • “Fundamentals of machine translation of foreign language texts”;
    • “Text information processing tools”;
    • "Publishing systems";
    • “Technology for working with library and network resources”;
    • "Techniques and methods of computer layout."
    • “Accounting automation systems in agriculture”;
    • “Information technologies in animal husbandry” (within the framework of this course it is advisable to introduce students to application software used in animal husbandry: accounting of animals and feed, calculation of feed rations, accounting of technological operations, etc.);
    • “Information technologies in crop production” (when studying this course, schoolchildren become familiar with the functional content, purpose, features of operation, directions for improving application software used in crop production: design of soil and seed preparation processes, design of individual technological processes for cultivating crops).


An approximate program in computer science for a basic school is compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education, Requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education. The need to develop a new program is due, on the one hand, to a revision of the content of general education as a whole, and on the other hand, to the need for the development of information and communication technologies (ICT) and the related need to pay more attention to issues of algorithmization and programming in computer science courses. This takes into account the important role that algorithmic thinking plays in the formation of personality.

Today, human activity in technological terms is changing very quickly; existing technologies and their specific technical embodiments are quickly being replaced by new ones, which specialists have to master anew. In these conditions, the role of fundamental education is great, ensuring a person’s professional mobility and his readiness to master new technologies, including information technologies. Therefore, in the content of a basic school computer science course, it is advisable to focus on studying the fundamental principles of computer science, developing algorithmization skills, and fully realizing the general educational potential of this course. The basic school computer science course is part of a continuous computer science course, which also includes a propaedeutic course in primary school and specialized computer science training in high school.

Computer science has a very large and growing number of interdisciplinary connections, both at the level of the conceptual apparatus and at the level of tools. Many provisions developed by computer science are considered as the basis for the creation and use of information and communication technologies (ICT) - one of the most significant technological achievements of modern civilization. Together with mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology, the computer science course lays the foundations of a natural scientific worldview. The goals towards which the study of computer science in school is aimed are determined based on the goals of general education formulated in the concept of the Federal State Standard of General Education. They take into account the need for the comprehensive development of students’ personality, mastering knowledge, mastering the necessary skills, developing cognitive interests and creative abilities, nurturing personality traits that are valuable for each person and society as a whole.

This sample program takes into account that today, in accordance with the new Federal State Educational Standard for Primary Education, by the end of primary school, students acquire ICT competence sufficient for further education. Further, in basic school, starting from the 5th grade, they consolidate the acquired technical skills and develop them as part of their application in the study of all subjects. The computer science course that completes basic school is based on the experience of constant use of ICT that students already have, and provides theoretical understanding, interpretation and generalization of this experience.

Goals of studying computer science in primary school

    formation of information and algorithmic culture; developing an idea of ​​a computer as a universal information processing device; development of basic skills and abilities to use computer devices;

    formation of an idea about the main concepts being studied: information, algorithm, model - and their properties;

    development of algorithmic thinking necessary for professional activities in modern society; development of skills to compose and record an algorithm for a specific performer; formation of knowledge about algorithmic structures, logical values ​​and operations; familiarity with one of the programming languages ​​and basic algorithmic structures - linear, conditional and cyclic;

    formation of skills in formalizing and structuring information, the ability to choose a method of presenting data in accordance with the task - tables, charts, graphs, charts, using appropriate data processing software.

    formation of skills and abilities of safe and appropriate behavior when working with computer programs and on the Internet, the ability to comply with the norms of information ethics and law.

Place of the subject in the curriculum

Computer science is studied in grades 7-9 of basic school for one hour a week. A total of 105 hours. 78 hours of teaching time are allocated for the invariant part, the remaining 27 hours are used by the teacher at his own discretion.

Requirements for course completion

The formulated goals are realized through the achievement of educational results. These results are structured according to the key objectives of general education, reflecting individual, social and state needs, and include subject, meta-subject and personal results. The peculiarity of computer science is that many subject knowledge and methods of activity (including the use of ICT tools) are significant for other subject areas and are formed during their study. Educational results are formulated in an activity-based form; this serves as the basis for the development of control measurement materials for basic general education in computer science.

Personal results:

    the formation of a responsible attitude towards learning, the readiness and ability of students for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and knowledge;

    the formation of a holistic worldview that corresponds to the modern level of development of science and social practice;

    development of a conscious and responsible attitude towards one’s own actions;

    formation of communicative competence in the process of educational, training, research, creative and other types of activities.

Meta-subject results:

    the ability to independently determine the goals of one’s learning, set and formulate new tasks for oneself in learning and cognitive activity, develop the motives and interests of one’s cognitive activity;

    mastery of the basics of self-control, self-esteem, decision-making and making informed choices in educational and cognitive activities;

    the ability to define concepts, create generalizations, establish analogies, classify, independently select grounds and criteria for classification, establish cause-and-effect relationships, build logical reasoning, inference (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and draw conclusions;

    the ability to create, apply and transform signs and symbols, models and diagrams to solve educational and cognitive problems;

    semantic reading;

    the ability to consciously use verbal means in accordance with the communication task; mastery of oral and written language;

    formation and development of competence in the field of use of information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT competences).

Subject results:

    ability to use the terms “information”, “message”, “data”, “coding”, “algorithm”, “program”; understanding the differences between the use of these terms in everyday speech and in computer science;

    the ability to describe the size of binary texts using the terms “bit”, “byte” and their derivatives; use terms that describe data transfer speed; write integers from 0 to 256 in binary;

    ability to encode and decode texts using a known code table;

    the ability to compose non-branching (linear) algorithms for managing performers and write them in the selected algorithmic language (programming language);

    ability to use logical values, operations and expressions with them;

    the ability to formally execute algorithms described using branching (conditional statements) and repetition (cycles) constructs, auxiliary algorithms, simple and tabular values;

    ability to create and execute programs to solve simple algorithmic problems in the chosen programming environment;

    ability to use ready-made application computer programs and services in the chosen specialization, ability to work with descriptions of programs and services;

    skills in choosing a method for presenting data depending on the task at hand.



Document status

The sample program in computer science and information technology is compiled on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of basic general education.

The approximate program specifies the content of the subject topics of the educational standard, gives an approximate distribution of training hours by sections of the course and a possible sequence of studying sections and topics of the academic subject, taking into account interdisciplinary and intrasubject connections, the logic of the educational process of a particular educational institution, the age characteristics of students, determines the minimum set of practical works, necessary for the formation of information and communication competence of students.

The sample program is a guideline for compiling original curricula and textbooks, and can also be used by a teacher for thematic planning of a course. Authors of textbooks and teaching aids, computer science teachers can offer their own approach in terms of structuring educational material, determining the sequence of studying this material, as well as ways to form a system of knowledge, skills and methods of activity, development and socialization of students. Thus, the sample program helps maintain a unified educational space, without hindering the creative initiative of teachers, and provides ample opportunities for implementing different approaches to building a curriculum.

Document structure

The sample program includes three sections: an explanatory note; main content with an approximate distribution of training hours by sections of the course and the recommended sequence of studying sections and topics; requirements for the level of training of graduates.

General characteristics of the subject

Informatics is the science of the patterns of information processes in systems of various natures, of methods, means and technologies for automating information processes. It contributes to the formation of a modern scientific worldview, the development of intellectual abilities and cognitive interests of schoolchildren; mastering information technologies based on this science that are necessary for schoolchildren, both in the educational process itself and in their everyday and future lives.

The priority objects of study in the basic school computer science course are information processes and information technologies. The theoretical part of the course is built on the basis of revealing the content of information technology for solving a problem, through such generalizing concepts as: information process, information model and information fundamentals of management.

The practical part of the course is aimed at students mastering the skills of using information technology tools, which is significant not only for the formation of functional literacy, the socialization of schoolchildren, and the subsequent activities of graduates, but also for increasing the efficiency of mastering other academic subjects. In this regard, as well as to increase motivation and efficiency of the entire educational process, the sequence of study and structuring of the material are designed in such a way as to begin using the widest possible range of information technologies to solve problems that are significant for schoolchildren as early as possible.

A number of important concepts and activities of the course are formed regardless of the means of information technology, some - in a combination of “machineless” and “electronic” environments. For example, the concept of “information” is initially introduced without regard to the technological environment, but immediately receives reinforcement in the practical work of recording images and sound. This is followed by practical issues of processing information on a computer, and students’ understanding of various types of information objects (texts, graphics, etc.) is enriched.

After getting acquainted with information technologies for processing text and graphic information in an explicit form, another important concept of computer science arises - discretization. By this point, students are already sufficiently prepared to master the general idea of ​​discrete representation of information and description (modeling) of the world around us. Dynamic tables and databases, as computer tools that require a relatively high level of training to begin working with them, are discussed in the second part of the course.

One of the most important concepts in the basic school computer science and information technology course is the concept of an algorithm. Formal languages ​​of flowcharts and structured programming are used to write algorithms. From the very beginning, work with algorithms is supported by a computer.

The important concept of an information model is considered in the context of computer modeling and is used in the analysis of various objects and processes.

The concepts of control and feedback are introduced in the context of computer work, but are transferred to the broader context of social, technological and biological systems.

In the last sections of the course, telecommunication technologies and technologies for collective project activities using ICT are studied.

The course is aimed at developing the ability to record information about the world around us; search, analyze, critically evaluate, select information; organize information; give information; design objects and processes, plan your actions; create, implement and adjust plans.

The program involves short practical work (20-25 minutes) aimed at developing individual technological techniques, and workshops - integrated practical work aimed at obtaining a holistic, meaningful result that is meaningful and interesting for students. The content of the theoretical and practical components of a basic school computer science course should be in a 50x50 ratio. When performing the work of the workshop, it is expected to use relevant content material and tasks from other subject areas. As a rule, such work is designed for several classroom hours. Part of the practical work (primarily the preparatory stage, which does not require the use of information and communication technologies) can be included in students’ homework and project activities; the work can be broken down into parts and carried out over several weeks. The amount of work can be increased through the use of a school component and integration with other subjects.

In the absence of the proper technical base for the implementation of individual work of the workshop, it is recommended to use the resulting time reserve for a more in-depth study of the “Algorithmization” section, or for practicing user skills with existing basic ICT tools.


The study of computer science and information technology in basic school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

    mastering knowledge, which form the basis of scientific ideas about information, information processes, systems, technologies and models;

    mastery of skills work with various types of information using a computer and other means of information and communication technologies (ICT), organize their own information activities and plan their results;

    development cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities using ICT tools;

    upbringing responsible attitude towards information, taking into account the legal and ethical aspects of its dissemination; selective attitude to the information received;

    skill development the use of ICT tools in everyday life, when carrying out individual and collective projects, in educational activities, and in the further development of professions in demand in the labor market.

Place of the subject in the curriculum

The federal basic curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation allocates 105 hours for the compulsory study of computer science and information technology at the level of basic general education. Including in grade VIII - 35 teaching hours at the rate of 1 teaching hour per week and in grade IX - 70 teaching hours at the rate of 2 teaching hours per week. The approximate program provides for a reserve of free study time of 11 hours (10.5%) for the implementation of original approaches, the use of various forms of organizing the educational process, the introduction of modern teaching methods and pedagogical technologies, and taking into account regional conditions.

The distribution of content by year of study can be variable; moreover, it can be partially mastered already in primary school through the use of the educational institution component and the regional components of the curriculum (students’ initial acquaintance with information technology should take place in the courses “The World Around You” and “Technology” elementary school). The content of the educational field “Informatics and information and communication technologies” is mastered both within the framework of a separate school subject with the same name, and in interdisciplinary project activities. It is not allowed to divide the subject into two (“Computer Science” and “Information Technology”) when filling out journals and certification documents.

General educational abilities, skills and methods of activity

The sample program provides for the development of general educational skills and abilities in students, universal methods of activity and key competencies. In this direction, the priorities for the academic subject “Computer Science and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)” at the stage of basic general education are: determining adequate ways to solve an educational problem based on given algorithms; combining known activity algorithms in situations that do not require the standard use of one of them; using various sources of information to solve cognitive and communication problems, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, Internet resources and databases; possession of the skills of joint activities (coordination and coordination of activities with other participants; objective assessment of one’s contribution to solving common problems of the team; taking into account the characteristics of various role behavior).

Learning outcomes

The mandatory results of studying the course “Informatics and Information Technologies” are given in the section “Requirements for the level of graduate training”, which fully complies with the standard. The requirements are aimed at the implementation of activity-based and personality-oriented approaches; students' mastery of intellectual and practical activities; mastering the knowledge and skills necessary in everyday life.

The “Know/Understand” section includes requirements for educational material that is learned and reproduced by students. Graduates must understand the meaning of the concepts, principles and patterns being studied.

The “Be able to” section includes requirements based on more complex types of activities, including creative ones: create information objects, operate with them, evaluate the numerical parameters of information objects and processes, give examples of the practical use of acquired knowledge, and independently search for educational information. Apply information technology tools to solve problems.

The heading “Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life” presents requirements that go beyond the scope of a specific academic subject and are aimed at solving various life problems.

The main learning outcome is the achievement of basic information and communication competence of the student.

Main content (105 hours)

Information and information processes (4 hours)

Information. Information objects of various types.

Basic information processes: storage, transmission and processing of information.

Perception, memorization and transformation of signals by living organisms.

The role of information in people's lives.

The concept of quantity of information: different approaches. Units for measuring the amount of information.

Practical work:

    Recording audio and video information, observations, measurements related to objects and events of the surrounding world, using digital cameras and sound recording devices for this.

Computer as a universal information processing device (4 hours)

The main components of a computer and their functions (processor, input and output devices, RAM and long-term memory).

Hygienic, ergonomic and technical conditions for the safe operation of a computer.

The software principle of computer operation. Software, its structure. Operating systems, their functions. Booting the computer.

Data and programs. Files and file system.

Team interaction between the user and the computer, graphical user interface (desktop, windows, dialog panels, menus).

Practical work:

    Connecting computer blocks and devices, connecting external devices, turning on understanding readiness and malfunction signals, obtaining information about the characteristics of the computer, turning off the computer.

    Operating computer information objects in a visual graphic form (studying the interface elements of the graphical operating system used).

    Planning your own information space, creating folders in accordance with the plan, creating, naming, saving, transferring, deleting objects, organizing their families, saving information objects on external media.

Text information processing (14 hours)

Creation and simple editing of documents (inserting, deleting and replacing characters, working with text fragments). Page numbering and orientation. Page dimensions, margins. Headers and footers.

Spell check.

Creation of documents using wizards and templates (business card, report, abstract).

Font options, paragraph options.

Including lists, tables, charts, formulas, and graphical objects in a text document.

Development and use of style: paragraphs, headings.

Hypertext. Create bookmarks and links.

Recording and highlighting changes.

Text recognising.

Computer dictionaries and text translation systems.

Saving a document in various text formats. Print the document.

Practical work:

    Acquaintance with the techniques of skilled keyboard writing, the “blind” ten-finger keyboard writing method and techniques for mastering it.

    Creation of small text documents through skilled keyboard writing using basic text editor tools.

    Formatting text documents (setting document page parameters; formatting characters and paragraphs; inserting headers and footers and page numbers).

    Inserting formulas into a document.

    Creating and formatting lists.

    Inserting a table into a document, formatting it and filling it with data.

    Creation of a hypertext document.

    Translation of text using a machine translation system.

    Scanning and recognition of a “paper” text document.

Workshop: workI

Processing of graphic information (4 hours)

Raster and vector graphics.

Interface of graphic editors.

Drawings and photographs.

Graphic file formats.

Practical work:

    Creating an image using raster graphics editor tools. Using primitives and templates. Geometric transformations.

    Creating an image using vector graphics editor tools. Using primitives and templates. Design of graphic objects: selection, combination. Geometric transformations.

    Inputting images using the graphic panel and scanner, using ready-made graphic objects.

    Scanning graphic images.

Workshop: workII

Multimedia technologies (8 hours)

Computer presentations. Presentation design and slide layouts.

Sounds and video images. Composition and editing.

Techniques for recording audio and video information.

Using simple animated graphic objects.

Practical work:

    Creating a presentation using ready-made templates, selecting illustrative material, creating slide text.

    Presentation demonstration. Using a microphone and projector.

Workshop: workIII , JobIV

Processing of numerical information (6 hours)

Tabular calculations and spreadsheets (columns, rows, cells).

Data types: numbers, formulas, text.

Built-in functions.

Practical work:

    Entering data into a prepared table, changing data.

    Creation and processing of tables.

    Entering mathematical formulas and calculating them. Creating tables of function values ​​in spreadsheets.

    Constructing charts and graphs.

Workshop: workV

Presentation of information (6 hours)

Language as a way of representing information: natural and formal languages. Discrete form of information presentation.

Computer representation of text information.

Coding of graphic information (pixel, raster, color coding, video memory).

Coding of audio information.

Representation of numerical information in various number systems. Computer representation of numerical information.

Practical work:

    Converting numbers from one number system to another and arithmetic calculations in different number systems using a software calculator.

    Coding of text information. Determining numeric character codes and converting Russian-language text in a text editor.

    Coding of graphic information. Setting colors in the RGB palette in a graphics editor.

    Coding of audio information. Record audio files with different sound quality (encoding depth and sampling frequency).

Algorithms and performers (19 hours)

Algorithm. Properties of the algorithm. Methods for writing algorithms; flowcharts. Possibility of automation of human activities.

Executors of algorithms (purpose, environment, operating mode, command system). Computer as a formal executor of algorithms (programs).

Algorithmic constructions: following, branching, repetition. Dividing a problem into subtasks, an auxiliary algorithm.

Algorithms for working with quantities: data types, data input and output.

Programming languages, their classification.

Rules for presenting data.

Rules for writing basic operators: input, output, assignment, branching, loop. Rules for recording a program.

Stages of program development: algorithmization – coding – debugging – testing.

Processed objects: strings of characters, numbers, lists, trees, graphs.

Practical work:

    Development of a linear algorithm (program) using mathematical functions when writing an arithmetic expression.

    Development of an algorithm (program) containing a branch operator.

    Development of an algorithm (program) containing a loop operator.

    Development of an algorithm (program) containing a subroutine.

    Development of an algorithm (program) for processing a one-dimensional array.

    Development of an algorithm (program) that requires the use of logical operations to solve a given problem.

Workshop: workVI

Formalization and modeling (8 hours)

Formalization of the description of real objects and processes, examples of modeling objects and processes, including computer modeling. Computer controlled models.

Types of information models. Blueprints. Two-dimensional and 3D graphics. Diagrams, plans, maps.

Table as a modeling tool.

Cybernetic control model: control, feedback.

Practical work:

    Setting up and conducting an experiment in a virtual computer laboratory.

    Building a family tree.

    Creation of diagrams and drawings in a computer-aided design system.

    Construction and research of a computer model that implements the analysis of measurement and observation results using a programming system.

    Construction and research of a computer model that implements the analysis of measurement and observation results using dynamic tables.

    Construction and research of a geographic information model in spreadsheets or a specialized geographic information system.

Workshop: workVII

Information storage (4 hours)

Tabular databases: basic concepts, data types, database management systems and principles of working with them.

Entering and editing records.

Information search conditions; logical values, operations, expressions.

Search, delete and sort data.

Practical work:

    Search for records in a ready-made database.

    Sorting records in a ready-made database.

Workshop: workVIII

Communication technologies (12 hours)

Information transmission process, information source and receiver, signal, encoding and decoding, distortion of information during transmission, information transfer speed. Local and global computer networks.

Information resources and services of computer networks: World Wide Web, file archives, interactive communication.

E-mail as a means of communication, rules of correspondence, attachments to letters.

Search for information. Computer encyclopedias and reference books; information in computer networks, non-computer sources of information. Computer and non-computer catalogs; search engines; requests. Archiving and unarchiving.

Practical work:

    Registering an email mailbox, creating and sending a message.

    Traveling on the World Wide Web.

    Participation in collective interaction: forum, teleconference, chat.

    Creating an archive of files and opening the archive using an archiver program.

    Search for a document using the directory system and by entering keywords.

    Preservation for individual use of information objects from global computer networks (Internet) and links to them.

    Creation of a complex information object in the form of a web page, including graphic objects using templates.

Workshop: workIX

Information technologies in society (4 hours)

Organization of information in an environment of collective use of information resources. Organizing group work on a document.

Information resources of society, educational information resources.

Ethics and law in the creation and use of information.

Information Security.

Legal protection of information resources.

The main stages of development of information technology tools.

Practical work:

    Assessment of the speed of transmission and processing of information objects, the cost of information products and communication services.

    Protecting information from computer viruses.

    Installation of a licensed, shareware and freely distributed program.

Workshop: workX

Free study time reserve (11 hours)


    Creation and processing of a complex information object in the form of an educational publication (work report, paper, essay, school newspaper).

Planning the text, creating a table of contents.

Searching for the necessary information in a school-wide database (school information system, subject area databases), on external media (CDs), in a library of paper and non-digital media. Searching for information on the Internet.

Entering text, formatting text using a specified style, including tables, graphs, and images in the document.

Use of quotations and links (hypertext).

Use of text translation systems and dictionaries.

Using a scanner and printed text recognition programs, students decipher recorded oral speech.

computer science and information technology, philology, history, social science, natural sciences, art.

    Creating a graphic object

Creation of a graphic object using ready-made fragments in digital form.

Creating images using graphic editor tools (raster and vector).

Creating images using the graphics panel.

Inputting images using a scanner, digital camera,

Subjects and educational areas in the study of which it is advisable to implement this section of the workshop: computer science and information technology, mathematics, science, art.

    Creation and processing of a complex information object in the form of a presentation withusing templates.

Planning your presentation and slides.

Creating a presentation; inserting images.

Setting up animation.

Oral presentation followed by presentation on a projection screen.

Subjects and educational areas in the study of which it is advisable to implement this section of the workshop: computer science and information

    Video recording and processing

Recording images and sound using various devices (digital cameras and microscopes, video cameras, scanners, tape recorders).

Recording music (including using a musical keyboard).

Processing of material, installation of information object.

Subjects and educational areas in the study of which it is advisable to implement this section of the workshop: computer science and information technology, art, philology, social studies.

    Creation and processing of tables with measurement results (including using sensors attached to a computer) and surveys.

Changing data, entering data into a ready-made table, moving to a graphical representation of information (building charts).

Filling a dynamic table prepared on the basis of a template with data obtained as a result of observations and surveys, finding the largest and smallest values, the average value using ready-made templates.

Creation and processing of tables with measurement results (including using sensors attached to a computer) and surveys. Entering mathematical formulas and calculating them, presenting the formula dependence on a graph.

Subjects and educational areas in the study of which it is advisable to implement this section of the workshop: computer science and information technology, mathematics, natural sciences, social studies.

    Creation of an algorithm (program) that solves a given problem

Development of an algorithm that solves the problem using mathematical functions to write arithmetic expressions, branch and loop operators.

Development of an algorithm to solve the problem using auxiliary algorithms, including processing of a one-dimensional array.

Subjects and educational areas in the study of which this section of the workshop is implemented: computer science and information technology, mathematics, natural science.

    Working with the training database.

Finding the necessary information.

Entering information.

Query Processing.

Subjects and educational areas in the study of which it is advisable to implement this section of the workshop: computer science and information technology, mathematics, natural sciences, social studies, philology.

    Working with Models

The use of models and simulation programs in the field of natural science, social studies, and mathematics.

Using the simplest capabilities of a computer-aided design system to create drawings, diagrams, diagrams.

Subjects and educational areas in the study of which it is advisable to implement this section of the workshop: computer science and information technology, mathematics, drawing, technology, natural science.

    Creation and processing of a complex information object in the form of a web page (website) using templates.

Planning a web page (website).

Finding the necessary information.

Entering text, formatting text, including tables, graphs, and images in a document.

Use of links (hypertext).

Subjects and educational areas in the study of which it is advisable to implement this section of the workshop: computer science and information technology, philology, social science, natural sciences, art.

    Organization of a group information space to solve a collective problem.

Work planning.

Organization of collective work on a document, use of e-mail.

Preservation for individual and collective use of information objects from global computer networks and links to them.

Protecting information from computer viruses, working with an anti-virus program.

Using access restriction rules to provide protection against computer viruses.

Subjects and educational areas in the study of which it is advisable to implement this section of the workshop: computer science and information technology, social science, natural science.


As a result of studying computer science and information technology, the student must


    types of information processes; examples of sources and receivers of information;

    units of measurement of the quantity and speed of information transfer; the principle of discrete (digital) representation of information;

    basic properties of the algorithm, types of algorithmic constructions: following, branching, loop; the concept of an auxiliary algorithm;

    software principle of computer operation;

    purpose and functions of information and communication technologies used;

be able to

    perform basic operations on objects: strings of characters, numbers, lists, trees; check the properties of these objects; execute and build simple algorithms;

    operate information objects using a graphical interface: open, name, save objects, archive and unarchive information, use menus and windows, help system; take anti-virus security measures;

    evaluate the numerical parameters of information objects and processes: the amount of memory required to store information; information transfer speed;

    create information objects, including:

Structure the text using page numbering, lists, links, tables of contents; check spelling; use tables and images in the text;

Create and use various forms of information presentation: formulas, graphs, diagrams, tables (including dynamic, electronic, in particular in practical tasks), move from one data presentation to another;

Create drawings, drawings, graphic representations of a real object, in particular, during the design process using the basic operations of graphic editors, educational computer-aided design systems; carry out simple digital image processing;

Create records in the database;

Create presentations based on templates;

    search for information using search rules (building queries) in databases, computer networks, non-computer sources of information (reference books and dictionaries, catalogues, libraries) when completing assignments and projects in various academic disciplines;

    use a personal computer and its peripheral equipment (printer, scanner, modem, multimedia projector, digital camera, digital sensor); follow the requirements of safety, hygiene, ergonomics and resource conservation when working with information and communication technologies;

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life For:

    creating the simplest models of objects and processes in the form of images and drawings, dynamic (electronic) tables, programs (including in the form of flowcharts);

    conducting computer experiments using ready-made models of objects and processes;

    creation of information objects, including for recording the results of educational work;

    organizing an individual information space, creating personal collections of information objects;

    transmitting information via telecommunication channels in educational and personal correspondence, using information resources of society in compliance with relevant legal and ethical standards.

List of ICT tools required for program implementation


    Computer– universal information processing device; The basic configuration of a modern computer provides the student with multimedia capabilities: video images, high-quality stereo sound in headphones, speech input from a microphone, etc.

    Projector, connected to a computer, VCR, microscope, etc.; the technological element of new literacy - radically increases: the level of visibility in the teacher’s work, the opportunity for students to present the results of their work to the whole class, the effectiveness of organizational and administrative performances.

    Printer– allows you to record on paper information found and created by students or the teacher. For many school applications, a color printer is necessary or desirable. In some situations, it is very desirable to use large format paper and images.

    Telecommunications unit, devices providing connection to the network– gives access to Russian and world information resources, allows you to correspond with other schools.

    Audio output devices– headphones for individual work with audio information, loudspeakers with a final amplifier for voicing the entire class.

    Devices for manually entering text information and manipulating screen objects – keyboard and mouse (and various devices for similar purposes). Special modifications of these devices play a special role for students with motor problems, for example, with cerebral palsy.

    Devices for creating graphic information(graphics tablet) – used to create and edit graphic objects, enter handwritten text and convert it into text format.

    Devices for creating musical information(musical keyboards, along with appropriate software) - allow students to create musical melodies, arrange them with any composition of instruments, hear them performed, and edit them.

    Devices for recording (inputting) visual and audio information: scanner; camera; camcorder; digital microscope; audio and video tape recorder - make it possible to directly include information images of the surrounding world into the educational process. Headphones often include a personal microphone for capturing student speech.

    Sensors ( distance, illumination, temperature, strength, humidity, etc.) allow you to measure and enter information about the surrounding world into a computer.

    Computer controlled devices– enable students to master the simplest principles and technologies of automatic control (feedback, etc.), simultaneously with other basic concepts of computer science.


    Operating system.

    File manager (as part of the operating system or others).

    Antivirus program.

    Archiver program.

    Keyboard trainer.

    Integrated office application that includes a text editor, raster and vector graphics editors, presentation software and spreadsheets.

    Sound editor.

    A simple database management system.

    A simple geographic information system.

    Computer-aided design system.

    Virtual computer laboratories.

    Translator program.

    Optical text recognition system.

    Multimedia player (included in operating systems, etc.).

    Programming system.

    Mail client (included in operating systems, etc.).

    Browser (included in operating systems or others).

    Interactive communication program

    Simple web page editor

M.: 20 1 5. - 576 p. M.: 201 0. - 584 p.

This collection presents computer science programs for all levels of general education. A vertical continuous course in computer science has been built with access to an in-depth or basic level of study of the subject in all educational profiles. For computer science teachers, methodologists, administration of educational organizations and students of higher educational institutions.

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Format: pdf (2010 , 584 pp.)

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Introduction 3
1. Models of continuous information education at school 8
2. Conditions for the implementation of continuous information education 10
2.1. Regulatory conditions 10
2.2. Resource support 14
2.3. Staffing 22
2.4. Educational and methodological support 24
3. Implementation of computer science teaching models at school 29
3.1. Model 1 (Information and mathematics trajectory) 30
3.2. Model 2 (Information and technology trajectory) 38
3.3. Model 3 (Metasubject applied trajectory) 42
4. Program for the educational complex of N.V. Matveeva, E.N. Chelak, N.K. Konopatova, L.P. Pankratova, N.A. Nurova. 2-4 grades 48
4.1. Goals of studying computer science in elementary school 48
4.2. General characteristics of the academic subject “Informatics” in primary school 49
4.3. Description of value guidelines for the content of computer science 52
4.4. Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering computer science 54
4.5. Description of the place of computer science in the curriculum 60
4.6. Contents of the computer science course in primary school (grades 2-4) 67
4.7. Thematic planning with identification of the main types of educational activities of students 69
4.8. Lesson planning 73
4.9. Material and technical support of the educational process in primary school 77
5. Program for the educational complex of A. V. Mogileva, V. N. Mogileva, M. S. Tsvetkova. 3-4 grades 81
5.1. Goals of studying a computer science course in elementary school 81
5.2. General characteristics of the academic subject “Informatics” in primary school 82
5.3. Description of value guidelines for the content of computer science 83
5.4. Description of the place of computer science in the curriculum 85
5.5. Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering computer science in primary school 87
5.6. Contents of computer science in primary school 90
5.7. Thematic planning with identification of the main types of educational activities 90
5.8. Description of material and technical support of the educational process 101
6. Program for the educational complex of M. A. Plaksina, N. G. Ivanova, O. L. Rusakova. 3-4 grades 113
6.1. Explanatory note 113
6.2. Compliance of the training course with personal, meta-subject and subject educational results 124
6.3. Subject learning outcomes for the computer science course 132
6.4. Option for lesson-thematic planning 136
6.5. Recommendations for material and technical support of the educational subject 147
6.6. Educational and methodological support for course 147
7. Program for teaching materials by L. L. Bosova, A. Yu. Bosova. 5-6, 7-9 grades 151
7.1. Explanatory note 151
7.2. Contribution of an academic subject to achieving the goals of basic general education 151
7.3. General characteristics of the subject 153
7.4. Place of the subject in the curriculum 155
7.5. Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering computer science 155
7.6. Contents of the subject 159
7.7. Thematic planning with identification of the main types of educational activities 164
7.8. Recommended lesson planning 183
7.9. Material, technical, educational and methodological support of the educational process 194
7.10. Author's educational and methodological set for the computer science course for primary school 197
7.11. Planned results of studying computer science 201
8. Program for the educational complex of I. G. Semakina, L. A. Zalogova, S. V. Rusakova, L. V. Shestakova. 7-9 grades 206
8.1. Explanatory note 206
8.2. Description of the place of an academic subject, course in the curriculum 210
8.3. Personal and meta-subject results of mastering an academic subject 210
8.4. Thematic planning, main types of educational activities and planned results of studying the academic subject 217
8.5. Sample lesson planning 228
8.6. Subject results formed when studying the “Informatics” course in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, and compliance with KIM GIA 254
8.7. Author's workshop of I. G. Semakin on the website of the methodological service of the publishing house “BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 268
9. Program for the teaching and learning complex of N. D. Ugrinovich. 7-9 grades 270
9.1. Goals of studying a computer science course in primary school 2 70
9.2. General characteristics of the subject being studied and its place in the curriculum 272
9.3. Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering computer science 274
9.4. Contents of the subject 279
9.5. Thematic planning of teaching materials of N. D. Ugrinovich “Informatics” for grades 7-9 282
9.6. Lesson planning 297
9.7. Description of educational and methodological support of the educational process 314
9.8. Planned results of studying computer science 316
10. Program for the teaching materials of I. G. Semakina, E. K. Henner, T. Yu. Sheinoy for grades 10-11. Basic level 320
10.1. Explanatory note. General characteristics and goals of studying computer science 320
10.2. Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering an academic subject 323
10.3. Description of the place of the subject in the curriculum 333
10.4. Content and planned learning outcomes, thematic planning 333
10.5. Description of educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process. 351
11. Program for the teaching materials of I. G. Semakina, E. K. Henner, T. Yu. Sheina, L. V. Shestakova for grades 10-11. Advanced level 355
11.1. Explanatory note. Goals for studying advanced computer science course 355
11.2. General characteristics of the subject 357
11.3. Place of the subject being studied in the curriculum 359
11.4. Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the academic subject 360
11.5. Training course content 370
11.6. Description of educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process 387
12. Program for teaching materials by I. A. Kalinin, N. N. Samylkina for grades 10-11. Advanced level 392
12.1. Goals for studying computer science in high school 392
12.2. General characteristics of the subject 393
12.3. Description of the place of the subject in the curriculum 394
12.4. Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering computer science 395
12.5. Contents of computer science at an advanced level. 406
12.6. Thematic planning with determination of the main types of educational activities of students 416
12.7. Educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process 438
13. Program for teaching materials by K. Yu. Polyakova, E. A. Eremina for grades 10-11. Advanced level 441
13.1. Goals of studying advanced computer science course 441
13.2. General characteristics of the subject being studied 444
13.3. Place of the subject being studied in the curriculum 445
13.4. Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the subject 446
13.5. Contents of the subject 449
13.6. Thematic planning for textbooks “Informatics. Advanced level" for grades 10 and 11 by K. Yu. Polyakov and E. A. Eremina 452
13.7. Lesson planning for textbooks “Informatics. Advanced level" for grades 10 and 11 by K. Yu. Polyakov and E. A. Eremina. Option 1 (276 hours) 455
13.8. Lesson planning for textbooks “Informatics. Advanced level" for grades 10 and 11 by K. Yu. Polyakov and E. A. Eremina. Option 2 (138 hours) 491
13.9. Description of educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process.510
Introduction. How to decide on elective courses? 514
14. Elective course program “First step into robotics” by D. G. Kolosov. 5-6 grades 520
14.1. Course Learning Objectives 520
14.2. General characteristics of course 520
14.3. Description of place in the curriculum 523
14.4. Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the training course 523
14.5. Contents of the training course and description of educational and methodological support of the educational process 524
14.6. Thematic planning 525
14.7. Planned results of studying the training course 532
15. Program of the elective course “Creative tasks in the Scratch environment” by Yu. V. Pashkovskaya. 5-6 grades 534
15.1. Course learning objectives 534
15.2. General characteristics of the course 534
15.3. Description of place in the curriculum 536
15.4. Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering a specific educational course 536
15.5. Contents of the training course with a description of educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process 538
15.6. Recommended lesson planning for course 538
15.7. Planned results of studying the training course 541
16. Elective course program “Graphics processing technologies” 543
16.1. Course learning objectives 543
16.2. General characteristics of the course 543
16.3. Personal, subject and meta-subject results of mastering the course 544
16.4. Elective course content 545
16.5. Thematic planning indicating the types of activities of students 546
16.6. Educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process 546
17. Elective course program “Simulation Modeling in Any Logic” 548
17.1. Course learning objectives 548
17.2. General characteristics of the course 548
17.3. Personal, subject and meta-subject results of mastering the course 549
17.4. Elective course content 550
17.5. Thematic planning indicating the types of activities of students 553
17.6. Educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process 554
18. Elective course program “Regular Expressions” 556
18.1. Course learning objectives 556
18.2. General characteristics of the course 556
18.3. Personal, subject and meta-subject results of mastering the course 557
18.4. Elective course content 558
18.5. Thematic planning indicating the types of activities of students 559
18.6. Educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process 559
19. Elective course program “Fundamentals of Sound Engineering” 561
19.1. Course learning objectives 561
19.2. General characteristics of the course 561
19.3. Personal, subject and meta-subject results of mastering the course 562
19.4. Elective course content 563
19.5. Thematic planning indicating the types of activities of students 563
19.6. Educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process 563
20. Elective course program “Information systems” 565
20.1. Course Learning Objectives 565
20.2. General characteristics of the course 565
20.3. Personal, subject and meta-subject results of mastering the course 566
20.4. Elective course content 567
20.5. Thematic planning 567
20.6. Educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process 568