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About the aliens who stood on the Kremlin. The aliens took the side of the Russians: alien technologies in the service of the Kremlin and the Middle Kingdom

The aliens side with the Kremlin and provide the Russians with advanced technology from space. This conclusion can be reached by reading the materials of other foreign experts.

Alien saucers near planet Earth

China and Russia will defeat the West: after all, “they are helped by aliens,” writes John Austin in the British newspaper.

The Chinese and Russians will “usurp the Western powers” ​​thanks to the “technology” that the “aliens” will provide them, the material notes.

Eastern superpower China is working with aliens on Earth. The aliens are helping the Chinese develop a technological advantage over the US and the rest of the Western world.

This hypothesis was expressed by the editor of the international magazine “Nexus Magazine”. The editor's name is Duncan Roads. Its publication is an “alternative news source.”

A new force is emerging in the east, says Mr. Rhodes. China has already demonstrated superiority over Western leaders. The Chinese just have to consolidate their success. And this is “happening now.”

According to a conspiracy theory, aliens are "secretly living" on Earth. They have been living for many years and working with world governments. However, the aliens are hiding “from the public”: it is difficult to imagine what will happen to religion and the rule of law if they are revealed.

Mr. Rhodes believes that aliens working with Chinese leaders have passed on far more "technological improvements" to them than to the West. He also said that the West knows that its time has passed. Now America is “desperately trying” to save its “petrodollar.”

An alternative news expert claims humans are a "hybrid breed" created by aliens who visited the planet thousands of years ago. Humans are simply “cattle” who serve the purposes of their alien creators.

In today's world, there are many incestuous or inbreeding families that own "intelligence, banking, weapons and media empires." These families "manage and control the international votes and military activities of the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Japan and South Korea." As for China, it "acts as a bulwark for dissatisfied countries, which likely includes Russia, Malaysia and a number of other Asian, South American and African states."

However, the expert denies the bright future of Russia and China: these states still will not rule the world. The "Creators" intend to "do one more thing," which Rhodes hopes will lead to world peace as so-called humanity is "modernized" by those who gave birth to it.

Let us remind you that supporters of the conspiracy theory, which grows with hypotheses like mushrooms after rain on alternative news sites or in paper magazines of “secrets and mysteries,” do not have a single piece of evidence in favor of the creation and improvement of the “breed” of earthlings by any aliens.

It's good to know that the aforementioned Mr. Rhodes still has hope for a bright future. In the finale, the “creators” will build a society on Earth that “will speak with one voice and recognize the sovereignty of its neighbors in space, as well as in other dimensions.”

Aliens are “acting on the side of the Kremlin” and “providing Russia and China with advanced technologies” from deep space, Duncan Rhodes is convinced. His point of view is described in detail by journalist John Austin in the British newspaper Express.

Duncan Rhodes claims that due to his duty he knows absolutely everything about an alternative view of the world, because he edits Nexus Magazine. The expert explains with the help of aliens that “the Chinese and Russians are usurping the Western powers.”

Rhodes considers the conspiracy theory that aliens from outer space live on Earth among us and collaborate with world governments to be sufficient justification for his strange views. The expert believes that guests from outer space supposedly trust Western civilization to a lesser extent, so all unique technologies end up in Russia and China, the expert continued his reasoning.

Rhodes became so carried away that he began to claim that people appeared on Earth when aliens came here a long time ago. The editor of “alternative news” is convinced that it was the guests from outer space who became the ancestors of humanity.

Despite his original view of reality, Duncan Rhodes sincerely believes in world peace. Summing up his emotional speech, he said that friendly aliens will help earthlings build a society that “speaks with one voice and recognizes the sovereignty of its neighbors in space, as well as in other dimensions.”

Nexus Magazine, edited by Duncan Rhodes, is published twice a week in Australia and is a colorful publication with good paper. Judging by the mentions of the magazine on social networks, there are many creative people among its regular readers and authors. These are directors, researchers. For example, a scientist from India boasted on Twitter that his material about a mysterious temple appeared on the pages of Nexus Magazine.

Recently, more and more interesting statements from space researchers have appeared in the news, talking about new sensations. According to

The aliens side with the Kremlin and provide the Russians with advanced technology from space. This conclusion can be reached by reading the materials of other foreign experts.

Alien saucers near planet Earth

China and Russia will defeat the West: after all, “they are helped by aliens,” writes John Austin in the British newspaper Express.

The Chinese and Russians will “usurp the Western powers” ​​thanks to the “technology” that the “aliens” will provide them, the material notes.
Eastern superpower China is working with aliens on Earth. The aliens are helping the Chinese develop a technological advantage over the US and the rest of the Western world.

This hypothesis was expressed by the editor of the international magazine “Nexus Magazine”. The editor's name is Duncan Roads. Its publication is an “alternative news source.”
A new force is emerging in the east, says Mr. Rhodes. China has already demonstrated superiority over Western leaders. The Chinese just have to consolidate their success. And this is “happening now.”

According to a conspiracy theory, aliens are "secretly living" on Earth. They have been living for many years and working with world governments. However, the aliens are hiding “from the public”: it is difficult to imagine what will happen to religion and the rule of law if they are revealed.

Mr. Rhodes believes that aliens working with Chinese leaders have passed on far more "technological improvements" to them than to the West. He also said that the West knows that its time has passed. Now America is “desperately trying” to save its “petrodollar.”
An alternative news expert claims humans are a "hybrid breed" created by aliens who visited the planet thousands of years ago. Humans are simply “cattle” who serve the purposes of their alien creators.

In today's world, there are many incestuous or inbreeding families that own "intelligence, banking, weapons and media empires." These families "manage and control the international votes and military activities of the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Japan and South Korea." As for China, it “acts as a bulwark for dissatisfied countries, which likely includes Russia, Malaysia and a number of other Asian, South American and African states.”

However, the expert denies the bright future of Russia and China: these states still will not rule the world. The "Creators" intend to "do one more thing," which Rhodes hopes will lead to world peace as so-called humanity is "modernized" by those who gave birth to it.
Let us remind you that supporters of the conspiracy theory, which grows with hypotheses like mushrooms after rain on alternative news sites or in paper magazines of “secrets and mysteries,” do not have a single piece of evidence in favor of the creation and improvement of the “breed” of earthlings by any aliens.

It's good to know that the aforementioned Mr. Rhodes still has hope for a bright future. In the finale, the “creators” will build a society on Earth that “will speak with one voice and recognize the sovereignty of its neighbors in space, as well as in other dimensions.”

Alien technologies in the service of the Kremlin and the Middle Kingdom

The aliens side with the Kremlin and provide the Russians with advanced technology from space. This conclusion can be reached by reading the materials of other foreign experts.

Alien saucers near planet Earth

China and Russia will defeat the West: after all, “they are helped by aliens,” writes John Austin in the British newspaper Express.

The Chinese and Russians will “usurp the Western powers” ​​thanks to the “technology” that the “aliens” will provide them, the material notes.

Eastern superpower China is working with aliens on Earth. The aliens are helping the Chinese develop a technological advantage over the US and the rest of the Western world.

This hypothesis was expressed by the editor of the international magazine “Nexus Magazine”. The editor's name is Duncan Roads. Its publication is an “alternative news source.”

A new force is emerging in the east, says Mr. Rhodes. China has already demonstrated superiority over Western leaders. The Chinese just have to consolidate their success. And this is “happening now.”

According to a conspiracy theory, aliens are "secretly living" on Earth. They have been living for many years and working with world governments. However, the aliens are hiding “from the public”: it is difficult to imagine what will happen to religion and the rule of law if they are revealed.

Mr. Rhodes believes that aliens working with Chinese leaders have passed on far more "technological improvements" to them than to the West. He also said that the West knows that its time has passed. Now America is “desperately trying” to save its “petrodollar.”

An alternative news expert claims humans are a "hybrid breed" created by aliens who visited the planet thousands of years ago. Humans are simply “cattle” who serve the purposes of their alien creators.

In today's world, there are many incestuous or inbreeding families that own "intelligence, banking, weapons and media empires." These families "manage and control the international votes and military activities of the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Japan and South Korea." As for China, it "acts as a bulwark for dissatisfied countries, which likely includes Russia, Malaysia and a number of other Asian, South American and African states."

However, the expert denies the bright future of Russia and China: these states still will not rule the world. The "Creators" intend to "do one more thing," which Rhodes hopes will lead to world peace as so-called humanity is "modernized" by those who gave birth to it.

Let us remind you that supporters of the conspiracy theory, which grows with hypotheses like mushrooms after rain on alternative news sites or in paper magazines of “secrets and mysteries,” do not have a single piece of evidence in favor of the creation and improvement of the “breed” of earthlings by any aliens.

It's good to know that the aforementioned Mr. Rhodes still has hope for a bright future. In the finale, the “creators” will build a society on Earth that “will speak with one voice and recognize the sovereignty of its neighbors in space, as well as in other dimensions.”

Oleg Chuvakin

Military Secret correspondents have made a selection of the most delusional assumptions about the nature of the success of Russian politics.

Correspondents for the “Military Secret” program carefully analyzed the statements of Western speakers that explain the growing influence of Russia.

Thus, a member of the British Labor Party, Simon Parkes, confidently states that certain mysterious creatures fly to the Kremlin every day and personally advise the President of the Russian Federation:

“A group of aliens is collaborating with Putin, that’s why he manages to be more agile than the Americans. Because Putin has been given exotic technology. That’s why the Americans can’t “pin him to the wall”... And this is what we see in Ukraine - a confrontation between two alien groups. "The reptilian aliens support the Americans, and the more advanced aliens support Putin. Putin is not the bad guy in this situation. He just got caught up in the Illuminati game, like the rest of Russia." - The politician assures.

This is surprising, but the theory about alien consultants who help Russia fits well into the modern information policy of the West.

Not only British but also American journalists write that there is something wrong with Russia, and that it has technologies inaccessible to the rest of humanity.

This winter in the United States is setting climate records for precipitation. From November to February, bad weather incredibly often caused mass accidents and even deaths of local residents. Americans do not believe in the whims of nature. They suspect Moscow of climate sabotage against the United States of America.

Professor Alan Rothbock from New Jersey, in an interview on this topic, said that the CIA approached him with the question, can other countries control the weather? Alan Rothbock replied that there is nothing complicated about this, for example, you can cause rain using special salts by spraying them from an airplane, and more advanced technologies could cause a snowstorm. This means that the bad weather in America could be the work of the mysterious Russians.

The famous American writer Clifford Gaddy also tried to explain the “phenomenon” of Russia. On the air of one of the most influential national television channels in the United States - MCNBC - Gaddy explained the current global crisis by the lack of proper admiration for America by the modern President of the Russian Federation:

"Other Russian leaders demonstrated their admiration for the United States and the American way of life. They were adversaries, yet (and this is generally accepted) they still demonstrated their interest and admiration. Putin showed nothing of the kind."

Thus, it becomes obvious that Western journalists and politicians have to show extraordinary imagination in order to support anti-Russian hysteria in all possible ways.

Ivan Vinnik, a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, recently stated that, in fact, the Russian language is not Russian at all:

“Perhaps I will say something unexpected for someone, but I want to focus on the fact that the Russian language does not exist. There is a northern dialect of the Ukrainian language. The fact is that in the 15th century there was no language in Russia at all, there was a Mongolian language , German and then imported Ukrainians who wrote the first book in Russia."