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Difference between me and i. About Everything

"I like" and "I"d like" - "I like" and "I would like."
"What does Ann like?" - “What does Anna like?” "What is Ann like?" - "Tell me about Anna."

1a) " I like coffee" - “I like coffee.” I like grapefruits. I like travelling. Here like - verb, it translates as “to love.”

1b) " What does Ann like?" - "What does Anna like?" Here like - verb, it translates as “to love.” We understand this because in the question auxiliary verb"does".

2) "I"d like some coffee" - "I would like coffee" ("I"d" means "I would", in colloquial speech we always shorten it).
Please note that after " I like"we say verb in -ing" form(I like traveling- I love to travel), and then " I"d like" - first form verb (I"d like to travel around Russia - I would like to travel around Russia.)

3) "What is Ann like?" - "Tell me about Anna" (literally: "what is Anna like?"). Here like - adjective, translated "similar to". We understand this because the verb in the question is "is".

More examples:

  • "I don"t like cooking" - "I don't like cooking" (case 1a)
  • "Why don"t you like hamsters?" - "Why don't you like hamsters?" (case 1b)
  • "I"d like to visit Italy again" - "I would like to go to Italy again" (case 2)
  • “He isn’t like his father” - “He doesn’t look like his father.” (case 3)
  • "I really like white coffee" - "I really like coffee with milk" (case 1a)
  • "Do your parents like living in the country?" - “Do your parents like to live outside the city”? (case 1b)
  • "Would you like some more wine?" - “Would you like some more wine?” (case 2)
  • "Is Berlin really like Boston?" - "Is Berlin really like Boston?" (case 3)

Translate into English:

  1. I wouldn't like coffee right now. I'd like some tea.
  2. What is the island of Tenerife like?
  3. Do your friends like to live in the countryside?
  4. Would you like to watch this film again?
  5. English films don't look like American ones

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In the 21st century, it is impossible to imagine the Internet without websites and blogs. However, what are the important differences between both resources to note? How are they different from each other?

Designations: website, blog

A website is any Internet resource that is initially located on the World Wide Web. Thus, a variety of portals, virtual stores, blogs and news resources fit the definition. It should be noted that the word site appeared thanks to English language, and initially it is translated as “place”, therefore it is possible to count on the fact that the resource will be a special place owned by the webmaster and allowing it to successfully search for site visitors to increase traffic. Taking into account such aspects, it should be noted that a blog is a type of website.

What could be an accurate and complete definition for a blog? First of all, it should be noted that any website is required to convey information to the target audience. However, resource owners usually do not tell personal information and do not share events that they experienced, and do not seek to establish contacts with the target audience. At the same time, bloggers should not only share knowledge on a certain topic, but also talk about their lives. The blog is a kind of virtual diary person, and absolutely every visitor can get acquainted with the information.

However, in order to understand what the main differences and similarities of a blog site are, you need to further consider the topic.

Differences between a website and a blog

  1. Basic Concepts. A website is a place on the Internet. A blog is a virtual diary or journal. Thus, a blog is a type of website that has certain features.
  2. Home page. The main page of a blog can be compared to a news feed, with the latest topic positioned above the others. With the update of the information structure, a gradual movement of materials into chronological order, and only announcements with thumbnail images can be displayed on the main page.
  3. The site is static and permanent. For this reason, new publications may only be appendices to existing sections and categories. Articles must be included in general structure project.
  4. Dynamic categories. The blog has dynamic headings, sections, categories, the scheme of which is always based on the published news.
  5. Author - administrator. The blog should be developed by one person, who will always write only in the first person. Thus, the author of the blog simultaneously turns out to be its administrator, optimizer, manager, webmaster, and not just the owner. However, in lately public blogs appear, so gradually this difference begins to fade into the background, since it does not always manifest itself as clearly as it could.
  6. Comments. Blogs have a unique form of commentary, which is ideal for live communication with representatives of the target audience. Moreover, for communication you can use a special form located under the text of the article. On websites, articles should have a finished appearance; on blogs, they should be subject to active discussion in order to receive comments.
  7. News feed. On traditional sites, subscription is in most cases implemented through a special form, on blogs - using an RSS news feed, which is a mandatory attribute of the resource. At the same time, the RSS feed allows you to receive automatic messages by email about the addition of new notes, comments, and actively monitor any changes.
  8. Static resources involve automatic distribution of messages or news (like RSS). Pre-compiled texts of letters, which are written separately, may contain advertisements and unique offers, which is typical for blogs.
  9. Update frequency. Blogs should be updated more often than websites. Only in this case can a blogger successfully maintain constant contact with the target audience, talking about thoughts and ideas, and various observations. The main goal is to provide personal opinions and up-to-date information. The blog author must have authority and demonstrate his knowledge and skills.

Blogs must present information in a special way to successfully interact with the target audience:

  • It is expected that articles of an interrogative nature will be published.
  • There is a need to describe controversial thoughts for active discussion.
  • Readers must be addressed directly.
  • There is an opportunity to highlight the author's position.

The main task of any blog is to develop live communication under published articles.

Similarities between a website and a blog.

  1. A domain name is required.
  2. Any Internet resource needs hosting.
  3. The site and blog are always publicly accessible.
  4. IN mandatory the content contains text, pictures, videos, links, audio.
  5. A mandatory thematic focus is expected.

So, a blog is a type of website, and it is supposed to be aimed at communicating between the author and the target audience.

Hello, dear subscribers of our blog. Today I will try to explain how the i3 processor differs from the i5. Surely many people are interested in why one Intel Core costs so much more than another, although you won’t immediately understand what the point is. In this article we will look at what kind of stone would be better suited for PC games and work tasks.

The comparison will be multi-stage and contain summary tables. By the way, in the second part we will look at and also advise which one for certain tasks.

Separately, I would like to say that we do not specifically mention mobile processors - everything is much more complicated there, and besides, special attention is paid to labeling rather than numerical value chips and characteristics.

Difference between Coffee Lake and previous generations

The release of the 8th generation of Intel Core literally put the entire computer hardware market on edge. The difference between previous generations is colossal, and is expressed in the following figures:

Characteristic Core i3 (2–7) Core i5 (2–7) Core i3 (8) Core i5 (8)
Number of physical cores 2 4 4 6
Level 3 cache 3 MB 8 MB 6 MB 9 MB
Hyper Threading support + - - -
Turbo Boost support - + - +
Memory support DDR-2400 DDR-2400 DDR-2400 DDR-2666
Unlocked multiplier - + + (8350K) +
Socket 1151 1151 1151v2 1151v2

As you can see, the usual concept has changed radically, as well as technical specifications. This was facilitated by the release of AMD Ryzen, which included 4 computing cores (Ryzen 3 1200) in the minimum configuration.

I'm glad that the built-in video remains, as do most proprietary technologies and instructions. Another thing is that the quality of graphics has not changed compared to Kaby Lake - still the same Intel UHD 630.

Difference between i3 and i5

First, let's look at the classic confrontation between processors, and then switch to the more recent Coffee Lake. The confrontation scheme will include several points.

  • Number of cores

The more physical cores, the more operations the chip performs per clock cycle. For i3 this indicator is 2, for i5 – 4, respectively.

For Coffee Lake the situation is as follows: both chips added 2 physical cores, but i5 is still the leader in this area.

  • Turbo Boost

This technology allows you to significantly increase the CPU frequency in automatic mode only in cases where it is really necessary. In essence, this is a “lazy” version of overclocking by a multiplier, which is limited by the limitations of the platform, heat package and cooling. Only i5 has this mode, when i3 has fixed frequencies.

  • Hyper-Threading

In processors, one physical core usually receives one stream of data, which is processed by this core. This function (i.e. HT) allows you to use 2 threads per core at once.

Many people mistakenly believe that virtual cores are almost identical to physical ones, but in fact the processor performs one operation not with one, but with two hands, to put it as simply and intelligibly as possible.

Second, third, fourth and even seventh generation i3 processors supported this function, but with the advent of Coffee Lake, the number of physical computing units increased from 2 to 4, and the need for the technology disappeared. Core i5s do not support the mode natively.

  • Cache size

Do you know the correct answer? Today is a very important article, especially for beginning electrical designers, since not everyone has studied in their specialty and may not have this information. We are not talking about the letters “I”, “L”, “I” at all, as it might seem at first glance.

When designing automation, and even power supply, it is necessary to develop various control schemes using control contacts. It is in such cases that we use the logical chains “AND” and “OR”. I will show the distinctive features with examples.

The elements connected in series form a logical “AND”, i.e. the event (on/off) will occur when each event in our chain is fulfilled.

The simplest case. Let's take two switches and a light bulb.

When connecting switches in series, the light will light only if both switches are turned on.

I use logical “AND” when connecting fire dampers, i.e. so that the fan does not turn on until the valves open.

Parallel connected elements form a logical “OR”, i.e. the event (on/off) will occur when at least one element from our scheme is executed.

The same example with a light bulb.

Logical "OR"

In this case, the light will light up when any of the switches is activated.

This connection is often used if you need to turn on/off the engine (pump, fan) from different places. Fire hydrant buttons are connected to each other in parallel.

Any parent dreams of his child receiving a quality education, not only becoming successful at school, but also being able to enter a prestigious higher education institution at budgetary basis, get a good position after completing your studies. Let's try to find out how a gymnasium differs from a school, and evaluate the level of teaching in a regular and specialized educational institution.

Common and distinctive features of schools and gymnasiums

When discussing how a gymnasium differs from a school, let us first identify them common features. They refer to general educational institutions, where schoolchildren have the opportunity to receive state-issued certificates. When discussing how a gymnasium differs from a school, we note the difference in the rules for admission to an educational institution.

Quite often, schoolchildren have serious problems with learning educational material due to the fact that the type of educational institution was chosen incorrectly.

Lyceums and gymnasiums: similar characteristics

Between a lyceum and a gymnasium, for example, there are certain similarities. For example, in both educational institutions the learning process is based on federal educational standards. Teachers are invited to such institutions on a competitive basis.

Each lyceum and gymnasium has a specific sponsor who helps the educational institution resolve issues related to logistics. In addition, similar parameters include the study of certain subjects at a specialized (in-depth) level.

Differences between gymnasiums and lyceums

You can get into the state lyceum only after completing seven or eight years of study at a basic school. Most of the lyceums existing in our country have a technical focus. Each lyceum has a specific agreement with a higher education institution on the admission of graduates, and preparation is carried out specifically for a specific university.

Discussing how gymnasiums and lyceums differ from ordinary schools, we note that the lyceum pays special attention to practical activities. A graduate of such an educational institution leaves it not only with a classical certificate of education, but also with a specific specialty.

Leading specialists from those higher educational institutions with which the lyceum has concluded an agreement on fruitful cooperation are involved in conducting classes here.

Particularly successful students have not only the opportunity for priority admission, but also the chance to immediately become second-year students at a university assigned to the lyceum.

Distinctive characteristics of the gymnasium

In order to answer the question of how a gymnasium differs from a secondary school, we will identify the main parameters of this type educational institutions. Any talented child who has graduated from primary school or secondary school can apply for mica.

What is the difference between a gymnasium and high school, in addition to the conditions of admission? Here you can gain strong theoretical knowledge and prepare for successful admission to prestigious higher education institutions.

Unlike the lyceum, which specializes in practical skills, the gymnasium pays close attention to theoretical knowledge; for this purpose, original programs and pedagogical methods are used in the learning process.

Educational activities

How does a gymnasium differ from a regular school in terms of organization? educational process? Students choose their profile in gymnasiums at the senior level. By this moment, the guys have already decided on their area of ​​interest and future professional activity.

Both lyceums and gymnasiums have advantages over municipal budget schools in material and technical equipment, as well as in staffing with teaching staff.

Extracurricular work

How does a gymnasium differ from a school in terms of organization? extracurricular activities? All activities held in gymnasiums are aimed at improving the knowledge and skills of gymnasium students.

For example, for a specialized chemical and biological group, in addition to a special curriculum, as additional activities, excursions related to chemistry and biology are organized. The guys, under the guidance of experienced mentors, create their own educational projects, present the results of their activities at scientific conferences.

Discussing how a gymnasium differs from a school, we also note the existence of scientific, patriotic, and choreographic societies and clubs in gymnasiums.

Not every school, especially if it is located in a rural area, has a modern technical base that allows schoolchildren to conduct research and create school projects.

Teaching staff

In order to work in lyceums and gymnasiums, teachers must have a high qualification category and take part in various competitions pedagogical excellence. When submitting documents to a lyceum or gymnasium, teachers provide the results of their activities, and only on a competitive basis is the teaching staff of the gymnasium and lyceum recruited.

It's no secret that in many secondary schools There is a shortage of teachers, and therefore they hire not only young specialists who have no experience working with children, but also people who have not studied in specialized educational institutions and have neither a category nor a diploma.

Of course, no introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies in such situations there is no question. The main task that the director solves is to staff the school with employees and ensure an uninterrupted educational process.

Not in every educational school pay attention to the development of talented and gifted children, training is focused on the “average” student. A child with a high intellectual level will not be able to self-actualize in such a school.


In order to create optimal conditions for the harmonious development of the younger generation, the formation of not only intellectual abilities, but also citizenship and patriotism, our country offers different types educational institutions.

Thanks to numerous methods for identifying early giftedness, which are used in preschool educational institutions, child psychologists provide parents with real assistance in choosing the right not only the direction of study, but also in selecting a school, gymnasium, or lyceum, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

It is not always possible to understand the basic inclinations of a child by the age of 7-8, so many parents, judging by reviews, prefer to send their children to primary school the usual form, and after its completion they send the child to the gymnasium. With high intellectual development of the student, excellent physical health, the child’s desire to receive a full education, and also simultaneously engage in research and scientific activity It's better to choose a lyceum.

Moreover, modern parents say that after the introduction to Russian educational institutions federal standards of the second generation, the situation with the educational and educational process has changed in better side and in regular schools. More and more attention is being paid to extracurricular activities, the introduction of design and research technologies in schooling, and not only in lyceums and gymnasiums, but also in ordinary educational institutions.